koolkat9 · 9 months
Rarepair Week 2023 - Day 5
Prompt: Historical || Meet the Family
Rating: T
Pairing: GerCan
Word Count: 900
Read on AO3
Cw: Temporary character death, violence, minor depictions of blood
Matthew had always thrived in the quiet and shadows. Soft steps, never heard until it was too late. For decades it had gotten him into trouble or left him overlooked, but now, in war, it was his time.
He wanted to be a pacifist. He saw the damage war did to his guardians' bodies. Blood still made him squirm, even after years of caretaking. He didn’t want to think of how much of his family’s blood splattered his hands. Some nights, he dreamed it was still there.
But now…Now it didn’t have to be that way.
He crept across No Man’s Land, Arthur and a handful of their men in tow. Approaching the enemy trench, Matthew peeked in, ears perked to the slightest sound. He nodded to the others when he deemed the coast clear.
Without a sound, he jumped into the trench. Always forgotten, always overlooked, and now it would be his advantage. Stalking through the muddy walls, across the duck boards, mindful of how much they made them creak. They’d have company soon, Matthew could tell. He had been on enough raids that he formed an intuition.
“Wer ist da?” the darkness called ahead.
Everyone froze, breath held tight in their throats.
“Ich schieße.”
Matthew reached for his knife.
“Matthew…” Arthur warned, voice low, “Don’t be rash now–” A bullet nicked his shoulder. He took in a sharp breath. “Matthew–”
But Matthew had already bolted into the thrush of darkness.
It was all a blur. Killing often was. Red splattering across his vision, the distant sound of screams. It seemed far away, but natural. Too natural.
Ludwig lay before him in a puddle of his own blood. Matthew’s stomach jumped to his throat and yet…he was grinning. He hated it, yet he just kept staring.
“Matthew…You–” Arthur’s words died in his throat, eyes landing on Ludwig. “Oh Matthew…”
Arthur reached for him, but Matthew jerked away, stepping over the body as if nothing had happened.
— — —
Back and forth. Creak, squeak. Something needed to be oiled, but Matthew was too comfortable against the chest of his lover to care. It may have been sweltering, so much so they had discarded their shirts long ago, but Matthew refused to let it ruin his cuddle time.
Fingers trailed along the scars that sprinkled his lover’s torso and chest. Scars put there by him.
Back then he had been blinded by rage and revenge. Failing to realize the bigger picture. Now, in an era of peace, somehow Matthew had found himself falling for the man he wouldn’t hesitate to turn into Swiss cheese with bullet wounds not even a century ago.
The hot summer day spent curled up together on a porch swing couldn’t have been more different from the wet cold night of a trench raid when every fiber had to be on high alert. When the animalistic desire deep within him battled to be free. When it often won.
Each time his fingertips bumped along the jagged skin, a sick kind of pleasure bubbled from deep within Matthew. He did all that. He couldn’t tell if it was his lingering rage from the world wars or a sense of possessiveness that Ludwig was his. That in a way, those marks made Ludwig his. Regardless, Matthew was disgusted with himself.
Nations were bred for war. For violence. At least that’s what Arthur always said. That it was in their nature to be possessive, to solve their problems with a sword or gun or whatever was the popular weapon of the time. Matthew only saw it as an excuse. He had vowed to never be like Arthur. To never be like Francis. Or any of those empires who practically fed on the blood of their enemies.
But he failed. He was just like the rest of them. A sick, twisted, monster.
Yet…Ludwig lay there with him. Eyes closed in bliss despite the heat and sweaty body against him. Completely defenseless. How they could forgive each other after everything was lost on even Matthew who forgave so easily.
“You’re lost in that head of yours again aren’t you?” Ludwig’s voice broke through the train of thought.
Ludwig’s chest rumbled with a chuckle. Matthew liked it when Ludwig laughed. At least he could say he preferred it over his screams of agony.
“I’m serious though Matt. What’s wrong?”
“It’s not nothing. I–”
Matthew pressed his lips against Ludwigs, lazily rolling them against his lovers. He kept Ludwig in place with a single hand pushing gently against his chest. He licked into Ludwig’s mouth, Ludwig gripped Matthew’s thigh, timid tongue meeting Matthew’s.
“Don’t…Don’t think you’ve distracted me,” Ludwig panted, eyes glassy, “I will find out what’s wrong–”
Another kiss. Even longer and slower than the last. “Fine…Something’s up but…I just need you and I’ll be fine.”
Ludwig searched Matthew’s eyes. Desire burned deep within, but also cold, pained desperation. He shivered as Matthew’s fingers traveled over an old stab wound, long since scarred. A wound put there by Matthew. Ah. That was it, wasn’t it?
“Okay…” Ludwig agreed, voice careful, “Okay. But let’s take this inside.”
He pulled Matthew up to his feet, arms wrapping around him for a quick embrace. Noses brushing, Ludwig whispered: “I love you.”
A small smile spread across Matthew’s lips, eyes shifting down to his feet. Bashful. Cute. “I love you too.”
Wer ist da = Who’s there?
Ich schieße = I’ll shoot
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spicykat9 · 1 year
Ludwig wearing one of his (thinner) collars under his suit at a meeting.
Be it because he was dared/asked to by his lover or because it's grounding and he's been very stressed lately, you decide.
And his lover smirking all the while because they know Ludwig is wearing it.
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jikimo-world · 2 days
I accidentally (yeahhhh) drew both and now I can't chose between the puppies and their moms
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stromecat · 5 months
very casually been watching WJC and so tired of the complaints about NA rules. it’s by IIHF rules, if you cannot adjust by now (the round is almost over) then that’s a coaching and player problem
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superat626 · 1 year
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Dysae doodles from today
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spiritualdirections · 10 months
"For the first time, an oral contraceptive is going to be available over the counter, without a prescription. On July 13, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced that it has approved the contraceptive pill Opill. Many are praising the FDA’s decision as a significant step toward making contraception more widely available. Perrigo Company, the pill's Dublin-based manufacturer, stated that Opill will most likely be available in grocery and convenience stores, as well as online, in early 2024. Perrigo’s president and CEO Murray Kessler called the FDA’s decision “a new, groundbreaking chapter in reproductive health.”  "It may indeed be groundbreaking—but not for the reason Kessler believes. Contrary to popular myth, increased use of contraception is correlated to an increase in abortions. And despite what proponents claim, hormonal birth control has a damaging effect on both mental and physical health...Opill, like other forms of hormonal birth control, primarily consists of progestin, “a hormone that thickens mucus in the cervix to make it harder for sperm to enter the uterus,” according to the New York Times. Opill is said to be less effective than pills with both progestin and estrogen, yet defenders of the FDA’s decision say that Opill is still highly effective as long as it is taken at the same time every day."
The article makes the point, which everyone who studies this knows, that the pill actually increases nonmarital pregnancies, because the pill requires regular use, and the kind of people who are not disciplined enough to wait until marriage are often also not disciplined enough to take a pill every day. This version of the pill seems to require an extraordinary high level of discipline--it must be taken at the same time every day. "Unintended" pregnancies in the U.S. basically never occur because contraceptives aren't available, but because the couple does not use them properly.
The article also makes the point about the extensively documented link between the pill and depression, which I've blogged about before. It might have mentioned the link between the pill and blood clotting, which might be dangerous if the pill is taken over the counter and the user is not in touch with a doctor.
The article does not make a point that it easily could have, that this is a huge win for Big Pharma. Notice that it is the CEO who calls this "groundbreaking." I'm assuming the Biden administration will get its fair share of donations this cycle.
The article also does not discuss something that I think is relevant. Typical birth control pills are on the list of known carcinogens by the International Agency for Research for Canger (IARC), a project of the World Health Organization. They are in category 1, the same as tobacco. It's likely that the explosion in cases of breast cancer over the last 50 years is caused by increasingly widespread use of the hormones in the pill. The CDC says that using the pill increases a woman's chances of breast and cervical cancers by as much as 60%. As I wrote a few years ago, "It’s safer to smoke 5-8 cigars daily (relative risk of cancer 1.17; see Table 3)–which almost nobody does–than to be on the Pill (relative risk 1.24 for current users)." 
(The article does not say more about whether the reduced amount of estrogen is intended to make Opill less carcinogenic, but I can't imagine that we have sufficient data on this particular pill to determine this.)
The argument for having restrictions on tobacco sales is that tobacco causes cancer. The same argument should argue for at least the same restrictions on Opill. Defenders of the pill will point to studies that show the likelihood of cancer drops off once someone stops using the pill (as in the CDC link above); the likelihood of cancer also drops off once someone quits smoking cigarettes. Given these parallels, I would think that states would want to pass laws restricting over the counter sales of either carcinogen to minors.
The more people become aware that playing with the hormones in the body is not that safe, the more people will switch to using fertility awareness methods, which are natural and more in tune with the environment. But these natural methods don't make Big Pharma any money!
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strawberryamanita · 1 year
Despite all my anger I am still just a rat in a canger
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loveofastarvingdog · 1 year
TIM just remembered a spoonerism. hoat canger for coat hanger
something me and my family say (intentional inside joke now) is heat seater in the place of seat heaters in your car
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borobudurnews · 2 years
Empat Pelaku Penipuan Money Changer Ditangkap Polres Salatiga, Diantaranya Warga Magelang
Empat Pelaku Penipuan Money Changer Ditangkap Polres Salatiga, Diantaranya Warga Magelang
BNews–JATENG-– Kasus penipuan dengan modus penukaran uang asing (money canger) dingkap jajaran Polres Salatiga. Empat orang pelaku berhasil diamankan, dan salah satunya warga Kota Magelang. Keempat pelaku ini  mengiming imingi korban dengan keuntungan saat menukar uang asingnya. Kini mereka meringkuk di sel tahanan mapolres Salatiga guna mempertanggung jawabkan perbuatannya. Dan untuk empat…
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spicykat9 · 1 year
Canada and Greece has the kinkiest chemistry.
Honestly fair. They both enjoy sex to I can see them getting along on that level. And they probably have really chill aftercare where they just lay there cuddling with soft blankets.
But I'd argue that GerCan is also up there for kinkiest chemistry. Because we all know Ludwig is into some hard shit. And it would be sweet too because Ludwig doesn't like voicing his limits, but Matt is always keenly aware when things become too much for his partner, because the last thing he wants to do is genuinely hurt his partner. I think it makes for a good pairing as well.
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1discopordia · 2 years
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J.B. De Carvalho #vinil #mpb #vinylkillsmp3industry #vinylcollection #brasil #religious #vinylcommunity #groove #vinilo #african #cratedigging #folk #braziliannuggets #spiritual #macumba #cangere #candomble #recordplanet #utrecht #vinyl #vinylradar (em Lovinyl Records) https://www.instagram.com/p/CYBtbHOOkYj/?utm_medium=tumblr
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yourpalghost · 3 years
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I made a quick simple version of this over on my ask blog(its under a cut so its sorta secret) but i really liked the vibe so I had to make a better version where i actually tried <3
[Germany and Canada in the kitchen sharing a romantic moment. Germany gently holds canadas face and they are looking at eachother affectionately]
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gwnts · 6 years
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cannosoup · 2 years
what's your big three bestie??
assuming you mean zodiac signs here based on context, but my main one whatever is canger, and my ohtre two are gemini and libra. i think cancer is WRONG. it is not me. WORNG. but i think its fun to play around w/ zodiac things anyway even if i think they're innaccurate.
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mr-nauseam · 3 years
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-Ship Game- 1st. The characters that I chose to make it a challenge and not only put the ships of my favorite characters are the members of the G8 that appear in the anime (Germany, Canada, USA, France, Italy, Japan, UK and Russia -yes, that is why I clarify that It is the g8 that appears explicitly in the anime-).
2nd. As it's obvious, I'm still weak and I couldn't help adding Spain and Portugal and China because I adore them, Lovino is also included because he it's Italy at the end of the day, right? -and I like him a lot- :D
3rd. I'm a multishipper so really these ships only represent the ships that I've written about or obsessed with for a while but actually I have a LOT MORE SHIPS, like EngBel!, PruEng, CanGer, etc. I just had to control myself and not put excessively an excess of characters in some hahahaha. So remember we may share the same ship, just ask!
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radroller · 2 years
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