5-htagonist · 2 years
funnie storie in tags
#last week when i turned 21 i immediately picked up vodka and thc-o edibles after school#btw thc/adjacent compounds all break down in the stomach into the same substance (delta 11 thc)#and also alcohol potentiates and breaks down cannabanoids (hence why getting crossed is so crazy)#so.#serving size for the eddies? 1. 50mg. in fact on the back it recommended to cut in fourths.#well. instead of dividing by 4 i multiplied by 4#200mg psht thats nothing ive done more than that#which is true#but i was FUCKED UP when i did#and this time i had drank maybe like#a shot of vodka#MAYBE#and like at first i was like ooh yeah this is vibe oh yeah#then um. i realized it wasnt done hitting#and they were doing monthly room checks (dorm) during a 2 day period#one of which was my birthdya#well#i started getting scary high and it was like 8pm mind you theres no way they would come around at that time anyways even if they hadnt#checked already#it literally kept getting worse i kept checking out the peep hole my ass was looking UNDER THE DOOR every time i heard someone#oh my god if i wasnt stoned i wouldve had an anxiety attack (paradoxical bc i wouldnt have been anxious if i wasnt scary high)#eventually i literally could not keep my head up to Check For Danger and i passed out on my glasses#(note: i would NEVER!!!!!!!! SLEEP IN THE SAME SPACE AS MY GLASSES!!!!!!!!!!!! I TAKE CARE OF THEM!!!!!!!!!)#anyway i think i greened out#it was my first time doig that which is impressive because ive probably spent like a year out of the past 3 being super high all the time#and the other 2 were spent being mildly high#and i have definitely eaten more edibles than 200mg at once#but i surpose i havent drank as well#but ya thats my story about turning 21 and greening out for the first time after having an extreme anxiety episode#i was fr about to look through my roommates shit (she isnt here most of the time) for her xans LMAO
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tigerrampage · 2 years
Jounen Kaiki feat. Kagamine Rin & Len - cannabanoid
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chapst1ckmcdyke · 2 years
So the doctors finally figured out what was wrong with me 3 ER trips later and turns out i just smoke too much grass
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j00stkl31n · 2 months
Terpy ass cart save me from this panic attack 🙏🙏
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stonedscully · 1 year
I've got a job interview at a dispensary in an hour and I drank too much coffee so I'm sweaty please send good vibes
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paper-mario-wiki · 9 months
have you ever experienced scary weed? everybody always talks about it but i've never been scared despite trying a mishmash of strains and watching horror movies while high. what weed is scary weed. i want to feel scared too
when people describe getting so high they get scared, it's typically due to the fact that you have a noticeable loss in control over your body, and your mental faculties are also greatly slowed. additionally, cannabanoids bind themselves to the Amygdala, which is the slice of your brain that controls things like awareness and immediate sensory feedback processing. when the Amygdala becomes too overstimulated, it creates a feeling of hyperstimulation (some enjoy this feeling, some cannot stand it) that both feels similar to and comes from the same place as naturally occurring paranoia.
if you were trying to invoke this feeling purposefully, the best thing you could do would be to find something with a higher THC content than you're used to (edibles/extract would probably work best) and consume it quickly, as opposed to slowly over time. i cannot recommend this.
for me, scary weed experiences are more frustrating than outright scary, because what it usually means is "terrific i have taken too much and now will be incapable of doing anything for the next 4 hours. awesome."
this is also called being "couchlocked".
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stoneyjunnie · 8 months
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um, you see it doesnt really matter what i think, but
cannabanoid-p and rin are here with me~~~~ and we look superrr cuteeeee!!!!!!!
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radical-hr · 1 year
If you partake of the devil's lettuce you need to stop while you're looking for a job. That includes CBD, and the Deltas (8, 9, 10). Yes, those are federally legal BUT drug tests can't tell the difference. You will pop for weed.
Cannabanoids are fat soluable. The higher your fat percentage, the longer you'll show as having weed in your system. It doesn't matter if you're smoking, vaping, eating, or drinking it. None will stay for less time than the others.
Depending on the frequency with which you imbibe, the quality of what you're taking, and your body fat percentage, it can show on a urine test for NINETY DAYS. I'm not kidding. I had a test that showed me with weed in my system after 60 days without it.
So what do I, as a pro-weed HR professional, do? As soon as I have to look for work, I put the weed away. I take it for medical reasons, so it's hard to stop knowing I'll be in pain, but I would rather suffer up front than not be able to find a job and suffer long term.
In addition to stopping as soon as I decide to look for work, I started upping my Vitamin B dose. I don't know if it helps flush or anything, but high doses of Vitamin B turn your pee NEON yellow. Why does that matter? Because I'm going to CHUG water the day before and day of my drug test. That turns urine clear. Vitamin B helps keep in yellow, which looks less like you tried to dilute your pee to trick the test.
I have a box of at-home urine tests off Amazon that were well reviewed by parents looking to bust their kids. THAT is your target reviewer. Now I test first thing in the morning. That pee is the most concentrated and will have the highest levels of THC. If you can pass the "first piss" test, you'll pass when you go for the real test and have already peed 3-5 times.
Look at me: DO NOT GO TO THE TESTING FACILITY UNTIL YOU HAVE PEED MULTIPLE TIMES. Never let them "first piss" test you. Even if yours come back clean, don't fucking risk it. You need to have peed multiple times that day before your official test.
Do flush kits work? I have never used one, personally, but some of them have really good reviews. You have to make sure you use them exactly as the directions say. If you don't, they don't work. Most only have a window of a few hours where you'll show as clean, so be careful.
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brinnanza · 1 month
the context is the full spectrum of cannabanoids jerking each other off in your blood stream it's not important don't worry about it BUT it did make me wonder about like, gendering your body parts differently than the whole of you like I'm nonbinary but I refer to my tits as the girls and Chris was like yeah my dick is a boy but I think it would be a super fun weird gender fuck thing if you were like, a man with a penis but when you anthropomorphise the penis, it's exclusively she/her like well my tits are def girls and my ass identifies as fabulous but if I did acquire yknow More of a dick through t or whatever how would I refer to it
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mushroomjar · 1 year
not really halloween-related anymore but i managed to track down the other song that was included in the vocahorror poast i mentioned. it was What Can We Do by daijoubuP although it seems to be far more disturbing / gross / unsanitary / trippy (and containing flashing animations) than being like actually horror :/ BUT it's there if you ever feel like attaining more obscure cursed knowledge lol. it's actually so fascinating to me how there's so many ways to use vocal synths than just popularesque music. i want to study some of these producers like bugs
I looked up the song and actually, I love it, I think I might add it to the playlist (might... we'll see). I found a video with Spanish subtitles for it and in the description it included a fun fact about how the worms shown in a section of the MV were raised by daijoubuP and his wife specifically for the video (maybe it was worth it, according to this description, the original video has 1.5 million views? I don't use niconico or piapro (if the og video's there) so I won't fact-check but I found that cool)
I found out about daijoubuP a couple weeks ago actually while searching for songs about cannibalism (obviously) on vocadb and finding one called "Daijoobu!!" It's supposedly a collab between cannabanoid and daijoubuP, and the whole song is about Miku telling daijoubuP she loves him, and at the end he says "Thanks, Miku, I love you too", it also has disturbing sounds/imagery but I find it pretty funny? These are the only two songs I know from this guy but they give me the impression that he just likes to fuck around with his music, so hats off to him
This got a little rambly but thanks for the ask and the song suggestion, I had a lot of fun
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stained-pawsteps · 1 year
okay, mod, so, hemp (the strain of cannabis that feliena are capable of ingesting) is grown in temperate or tropical climates. the temperate and tropical zones on earth cover a good chunk of the planets landmass, meaing hemp can grow in tons of places naturally. they really just need a decent amount of water, sunlight, and a slightly acidic soil. not at all hard to find.
hemp is known to be good for a cats skin, stomach, and fur, and it also relieves stress and helps with pain/inflammation! one of the cannabanoids present in hemp actually can help cats balance out necessary processes in their bodies!
in all reality, the clans would likely use hemp for a variety of things. stomachaches, skin problems, pain, eating disorders, you name it. hell, cannabis can help with nausea and act as an antioxidant.
hemp's major quality is that it lacks am abundance of thc, the most common cannabinoid. thc is actually toxic for cats, which is why im using the hemp strain as an example. thc is also the cannabinoid mostly responsible for the "high" feeling that is so closely associated with cannabis, so if hemp is smoked, you would not het very high, if at all.
as a medicine cat (in training) and a former rogue, tawnypaw would likely know that hemp has these wonderful, probably seen as sent down from starclan, traits, and use it gratefully. he'd know the fumes help with many things, and probably burn it like a twoleg would incense.
TL:DR medicine cat apprentice knows forbidden herbs.
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hashishkitties · 4 months
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this is part one of an unedited spur of the moment ramble on hashish melt and public understanding, after smoking this hash, drinking some vanilla espresso i got for free from a fancy machine in the lobby of an apartment i followed someone into, before going to get fresh litter for the kitties at the house, i wrote this. posting in the target parking lot. idk why i explained that.
since hash that has been dry sifted is different than hash that has been sieved with water, which are different than rosin and such, they all have different temperature points and smoking methods where they will leave residue on quartz or something, no matter what. that is mainly why rosin is a thing, even though it is just water (a solvent), heat (usually) and pressure, the refinement process is still a lot for the trichome to go through, and it is a pretty thorough and relatively harsh refinement process, even if there may be more harsh processes. since it can be that thorough, but is simple enough and a clean process, it is much easier for someone who is not super skilled or knowledgeable to make decent rosin, that melts the way someone wants a dab to melt. with water hash, matt rize, frenchy, his apprentices, and some other important people who i am uneducated about, have spent a good amount of time testing various processes and finding a more understandable and easier to achieve fullmelt trichome water hash due a more straight-forward process, ease of fragility, live trichomes and such. there are many factors like purity, micron spectrum, properly dried and cured trichomes, genetics, growing factors (light intensity, spectrum, wavelength, nutrient content), terpene profile, cannabanoid ratios, moisture content, maybe temperature it’s grown in, and more. drysifting hash involves more variables from batch to batch due to the nature of how you work with the resin, and the way resin is different from batch to batch, it involves intimate visual detail, processes that are not straight forward (overworking, pushing contaminants through as you grab trichomes, different layers in each static pull, recurring static pulls, going back through contaminated pile material to grab more heads even though you can’t really get it as pure as the first pass (knowing when to stop/not overworking, which differs from just the idea of a second pull on spent material when washing using a machine). the point is, due to the nature of the resin, the dry sifting process, access to starting material, reliance on many slight and intimate details along the way, and more ( i know i say that a lot…it means i don’t know everything and myself as well as other people will always be learning more about this), achieving an end result that resembles water sieved fullmelt trichomes is not always possible, and definitely not straight forward (pressed drysift hash can still act the same as fullmelt water hash though). however, most starting material can be drysifted and refined with static into hash that can fullmelt at a certain temperature range, as long as it is smoked a certain way, getting everything out of the hash as you can at that temperature range. and to bring up the start of this ramble, all things dabable have temperature limits where they will leave residue or stain on the quartz. i feel like the star rating sort of pokes at this, but in a very broad way. having understood (though however, relatively broad) temperature ranges for fullmelt hash or concentrated in their various forms, it at least helps people better understand hash, why it differs from rosin, fullmelt and honey oil, how it can be smoked, enjoyed, thoroughly used and not wasted, stored, made, and (again) such. it this, (along with cheaper, efficient, and more accessible hash pipes) can help people be less reluctant to be open towards seeing what hashish has to offer, and making it more convenient and available for people to enjoy.
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greenieflor · 11 months
Chronic illness vent, tw under the cut for emetophobia
I'm like 95% sure I have cyclic vomiting syndrome and that's what I've been dealing with since June but the gi needs to rule out cannabanoid hyper emesis which is fine ig but my god im praying to every deity I can think of that it isn't che cause I haven't found a pain med that works as well as weed and the amount of advil I have to take to manage my pain with just advil gives me gastritis and I'm also pretty sure it isn't che cause I just haven't been smoking long enough intensely enough for it to develop and next week is when I can start smoking again according to my doc but i want to wait until I have an episode again so I can be certain cause I'm due for an episode at the end of the month and if I start smoking right before I have an episode again they will probably say it's the weed so now I'm just in a weird stasis of being in the prodromal phase and hating it but also wanting to have an episode so I know what it is and I can start smoking and taking advil again and stop hurting so goddamn much. Also I haven't been able to take advil for the past three weeks and thank God im activley in pt so I have some form of management for my pain rn but jesus I just want to be able to take pain meds again. The gi told me I can take Tylenol which like cool thanks babe that does jack shit for me. I had to sit on my heating pad for hours the other day and alternate with a piping hot shower just to be able to move my arm and neck. God and I need to call the rheumatologist again to try to fill my referral with them to figure out what's going on with my hypermobility but the referral says suspected eds which isn't true I don't think I have eds I think I have hypermobility spectrum disorder which is similar but different but they did blood work for eds anyway and I just. I want to know what's happening with my body and be able to use and live in my body without a million questions
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cosmicblame · 1 year
I’ll be okay
Just like the moth fleeing geese in the dragonflies’ garden
I’ll be okay
A child plays my soundtrack on a old saloon piano, a sad butchering of fur Elise reminiscent of House of the Rising Sun
I'll be okay
Carharts, steeped with stray cannabanoid crystals, wishing for a breeze in the entry hallway
I'll be okay
The discoloration of my steering wheel, stitched together by christian country subversions and the communion of sweat I'll be okay ...
as if reformulating my behavior is as simple as inserting repetitive assurances to forcibly interrupt my bicycle ride like a broom jammed in my spokes terror the egg is a simple single cell the shell has no space for schmaltzy utterances blushing, sub-rosa
"I stop." "I stutter."
she hasn't noticed
even the space in these membranes, chorion, allantois, amnion, i defiantly return to the metaphor can only be-
"Oh." "Right." I'll be okay Moon dust might be soft, Frankie, The friendly outdoor cat makes the final judgement I'll be-
she isn't listening my metaphor i can't access the squishy membrane unless you strip away the calcium completely no defense? and put something there instead? hardly for me nothing will fit the shell won't grow back i said it before
She's there (she was listening?): The idea is not to force Something where it won't fit The idea is to break the egg open and let entropy unscramble the egg for you
... (i swear the big bang sounded like an egg cracking) ...
oh! it was an fertilized egg i guess it had more than a single simple cell its a bloody spot looking at it I guess I'll be okay
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5-htagonist · 2 years
cannabanoids and alchyhol pontiate each other frfr💯
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15 Best Twitter Accounts to Learn About hhc 9r
Facts About What Is Hhc? Revealed
Table of ContentsGetting My Buy Hhc Distillate Usa To WorkWhat Does Comparing Hhc Distillate To Hhcp Distillate Do?The 5-Second Trick For What Is Hhc? Hydrogenated Cannabinoids & ApocalypseWhat Is Hhc? for DummiesThe Definitive Guide to Posts Tagged With Thc Distillate
Quick Hyper-links Following bush success of delta 8 THC as a lawful choice to the much more controlled schedule of delta 9 THC, the marijuana industry has actually looked for various other less-known cannabinoids to contend in the varied cannabis market. Some of the most up-to-date and most promising is hexahydrocannabinol, generally shortened to HHC.
HHC is actually a slight cannabinoid; it occurs typically in cannabis, but in amounts also small to create removal affordable (hhc cannabanoid). Due to the fact that business creation of HHC is simply , it's still certainly not extensively known. A lot of cannabinoids may be transformed to various other cannabinoids by modifying the chemical make up of the particles.
HHC has one significant legal conveniences over delta 8 and delta 10: it isn't phoned THC (cbn hhc). HHC was actually found out in the 1940s through drug store Roger Adams. He made HHC by incorporating hydrogen to the THC molecule and also affecting its own bodily residential properties. The method, called hydrogenation, is 1st described in a 1947 license record.
Go simple on them because, as TR House state, "you * will definitely * experience it". The Professional HHC ink cartridges are filled up along with one m, L of oil that has 900 mg of HHC. Select from 11 well-liked stress along with alternatives in indica, sativa, as well as combination. Professional carts are actually 3rd party lab checked and consist of a few of the purest HHC on the market (cheap hhc).
However, HHC can still be banned through specific conditions. This is most likely if HHC ends up being preferred good enough that it intimidates sales in the legal marijuana market, as our team've viewed accompany delta 8 THC. Reportedly, just one USA manufacturer makes HHC as well as provides it retail. Our company may not be certain that holds true, but it is actually a simple fact that certainly not lots of business are generating it.
Not known Facts About What Is Hhc And How Does It Compare To Thc?
It is its personal group, as well as a distinct higher that you must explore (what is hhc o). HHC has actually rapidly come to be one of one of the most popular cannabinoids in the hemp plant, and also's mentioning something as there are actually lots of cannabinoids that are actually ordering our interest on today's market. It's crystal clear that HHC consistently fulfills its customers, and also if you're trying to find the outright ideal HHC feasible, Binoid is actually the apparent option.
Try these items using the code HIGHTIMES25 for 25% off your order along with rapid as well as complimentary shipping from Binoid. It do without stating that not all HHC products are actually made equally - hhc isolate. As the cannabinoid grows sought after, therefore perform the occasions of low-reputation business releasing subpar items to take advantage of its own attraction.
Binoid's 3rd party lab files are very easy to discover on their internet site, offering customers the affirmation that they require. Thanks to Binoid In such a very competitive field, image is actually every little thing. To truly attract attention, a company has to go above and past to always keep customers completely delighted. That is actually where Binoid really succeeds (does hhc test positive for thc).
Along with over 35,000 complete 5 celebrity assessments, and over 1,000 five star evaluations for HHC itself, Binoid is just one of the most depended on brands in the Hemp room. hhc safe pass. When it pertains to crafting a top quality product, some of the best forgotten facets is actually the ingredients that are combined with the HHC distillate.
Our company love that Binoid aims to provide just vegetarian products, as well as produces their substance lists as easy to locate as achievable to ensure customers may understand that they're receiving only top-tier methods without using chemical components discovered in plenty of hemp items on today's market. Companies ought to always aim to deliver as a lot clarity as possible concerning just how their items are made, coming from "seed to purchase. 9s-hhc." This indicates that they ought to give clients with information that starts along with exactly how they resource their hemp component, right to how it's packaged.
Not known Details About What Is Hhc And How Does It Compare To Thc?
Thanks to Binoid Binoid's HHC products can be found in a selection of alternatives, consisting of various shipping strategies, staminas, tensions, and extra. Allow's have a look at the several HHC products that they offer, each one of which have come to be success amongst any person that seeks out the awesome homes of this uncommon cannabinoid - hhc cannabinoid show up on drug test.
Top of all, you'll have the ability to grab top-shelf HHC vapes and also products at superb rates using the code HIGHTIMES25 for 25% off while being handled to swift shipping to make sure that you may receive accustomed using this interesting cannabinoid quickly flat - 9r-hhc.
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August 13, 2022 Over 100 cannabinoids exist, and the HHCP and HHC are actually just two of all of them. Due to the fact that it is similar to THC, these are the best famous natural and unique cannabinoids discovered in 1940. Also though HHCP as well as HHC are found in tiny amounts in marijuana, however they are actually the vegetation's all-natural elements (hhc molecule).
Hexahydrocannabinol, on the other palm, straddles free throw line in between naturally happening in hemp vegetations as well as being manufactured by changing THC. For those interested, below is your opportunity to read more concerning HHCP. They made use of modern chemical make up to integrate CBD in the onset of HHCP creation. That a result, its own oils are actually produced utilizing the very same hydrogenation technique as marg. ehat is hhc. is helped make making use of veggie oils.
A stimulant like platinum eagle or even palladium could be used to incorporate hydrogen to the molecular framework of THC considering that the quantity in it is so tiny. hhc compared to delta 8. Through this, hydrogen changes the material's dual connections, creating the body even more insusceptible to oxidation. The improvement guarantees that the HHCP will stay steady and, as an outcome, will certainly not deteriorate or drop its effectiveness.
Get The Best Hhc Distillate Wholesale Or Bulk From Eagle Fundamentals Explained
An active and a less active mix of HHCP particles is traditional when making the lab extract. Energetic as well as non-active cannabinoid receptors are the 2 primary styles found in the human body. As a result, it is challenging to find out the HHCP distillate's true effectiveness since of the HHCP compound's energetic vs. hhc isolat. passive particle proportion.
Because of this, the office manufacture of HHC distillate by hydrogenation became feasible. Recognized for its own resilience to UV radiations and heat, HHC THC is actually looked at the absolute most secure form of THC. what is hhco. A little bit of more shelf-life than THC, as an end result Hydrogenation, the technique utilized to harden grease in to margarine, is utilized to produce HHC.
However, THC is actually filled along with hydrogen atoms in the visibility of high tension and a driver since the amount of HHC in all-natural hemp is actually weak. hhc vs delta 8. THC's binding alikeness is enhanced, and the molecular design is actually even more dependable because of this modification. Since HHC is actually therefore challenging, it carries out not tooth decay or even shed its own effectiveness and also is actually very resistant to uv radiation and also heat energy.
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By developing an account on this web site, you confirm that you are 21 years of ages or older. Your private information will definitely be utilized to back your expertise throughout this web site, to deal with accessibility to your account, and for various other objectives explained in our personal privacy policy. hhc synthetic.
In addition to its own lengthy shelf-life, another crucial selling point made through HHC users is actually that a regular 12-panel medicine examination won't find it. This is eye-catching to lots of people because various other THC choices, like delta 8 and also delta 10 THC, will certainly appear on urine or even blood stream examinations for THC if eaten in adequate quantities.
The smart Trick of What Is Hhc? And More Faqs That Nobody is Talking About
This isn't validated, so make use of HHC at your personal threat if you'll need to take these tests. The main concern is actually that HHC is actually so brand-new, there isn't a conventional screening procedure for it however meaning that also the companies that do check their items are actually improbable to offer accurate outcomes.
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