#cannot cannot CANNOT stress enoguh
the-ace-lesbians · 1 year
Bi lesbian doesn't mean what that answer to that ask says though, that would be bad. Bi lesbian is biromantic homosexual which if homoromantic asexuals exist follows logically. Not saying you have to be comfortable with it, I'm still untangling my feelings on it, but it's important to have information when you're talking about these things. As an ace its weirdly close to the 'if you're asexual you can't be gay because your romantic attraction and sexual attraction have to be the same' argument to be entirely comfortable.
I have a lot of thoughts but tl;dr
The SAM shouldn't be used outside of aspec identities, I respect people who identify as bi lesbians but I'm not gonna be social with them, and I feel like the main difference in 'if you're ace you can't be gay' and 'lesbians can't be bisexual' is that gayness does not require sexual attraction, but lesbianism does require no attraction to men.
I maintain that the split attraction model could and should not be used outside of asexuality. It just doesn't work outside of sexuality because it was made specifically to define an identity including a lack of allosexuality or alloromanticism, where you can lack sexual attraction but have romantic attraction to, say women. The SAM works for aces and aros because asexuality and aromanticism do not contradict with queer identity, but benefits in more correctly defining yourself can be had from a modifier being used such as 'biromantic' or 'homoromantic' instead of simply 'bisexual' or 'homosexual'
Issue is, the foundation of being a lesbian is not including men and loving women. Bisexual and lesbian, while of course we share similar attractions and love and experiences, contradict each other if used together to explain a single identity, because one specifically requires the absence of attraction to men. To me, using the SAM to say you're a biromantic woman but you only like women sexually just feels like internalized comphet to an extreme degree - everything about a lot of it (of course not all and not every definition because it's a nuanced discussion) just feels like comphet to me.
Outside of that, the answer from that ask is absolutely one of the many different meanings to the term 'bi lesbian'. I've never even seen it applied to biromantic homosexuals, only bisexual sapphics who don't want to use the term bisexual sapphic.
I've seen plenty of people say other meanings, but the main one I see is people using it instead of bisexual sapphic or any other term we have specifically to avoid including men in lesbianism. It's a label that has an incredible amount of meanings, and it's definitely different to everyone who uses it or talks about it. There is no defining meaning.
I think, personally, the conversation is still different from the aphobic things people say - Primarily because gay doesn't specify sexual or romantic attraction. Like I said above, asexuality does not contradict anything about a lesbian identity. Lesbianism about loving other sapphics and only other sapphics - a loose definition because gender is so strange and confusing, but we can at least all agree that women.
It was absolutely acephobic and arophobic rhetoric that guided the OG hatred and aphobia we saw in the queer community, and it still is, but the reason that it's wrong to say we can't be gay and ace is because we literally, by definition, can be. Gayness and queer love isn't defined by sex, you know?
I do hear how it can sound too similar, and in the beginning that was a big reason I didn't have any opinion. I think the main difference is that in this, one of the labels used is quite literally defined by the lack one thing that the other has.
Even then, I'm not going to campaign against people identifying with the label bi lesbian, and I'd protect them if they needed help, they're still my queer siblings even if I don't particularly feel comfortable with the way they're labeling themselves because that's genuinely just none of my business, and my feelings don't mean anything about their identity!
And, in turn, their identity and feelings have no effect on my identity because I'm always going to consider lesbianism something devoid of men and attraction to men, that's sort of the whole point of it.
I also feel the need to say that I am actively reading more into this because I do want to know more! I have a lot of thoughts, and my main one tends to be that labels evolve and change with time and old definitions shouldn't be gospel while new definitions deserve to change, but at the same time some definitions sort of just... can't be changed.
Just as well, side note, another reason I dislike the term bi lesbian is because I have also seen it used by TERFs to describe sapphics dating trans women or sapphics who have had relationships with men, and I feel like if your label is used for transphobic and hateful purposes maybe we should all use the regular terms we had to describe this identity like 'sapphic' or 'sapphic bisexual' or literally just 'bisexual' because bisexuals aren't inherently going to date multiple genders and bisexuality is a beautiful word and identity with a beautiful history but idk I am definitely biased because I love bisexuals so much
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dreamcast-official · 8 months
disney's first gay character this disney's first gay character that, shut up we all know disney's first gay character was riku from kingdom hearts (2001)
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txttletale · 2 years
i think its very funny that bionicle published an official web serial in which oen of the protagonists got sent to the Dark Universe where all of the heroes were fascists and he had to team up with a bunch of side characters to, and i cannot stress this enoguh, brutally murder them. then he gets home and defeats the fascist leader by opening a portal and closing it while she's halfway through
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ryuubff · 2 years
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You are always gonna be my love
Even if some day I fall in love with somebody else again,
I’ll remember to love, you taught me how.
- First Love (Hikaru Utada 1999)
Sorry the grip this jdrama has on me is insane because first of all the song is already so fucking good and SECOND OF ALL JUST THE. STORY ITSLF. is still so good i cannot stress enoguh at how amazing it is heeelp sorry like not only is the storyline but the acting and color grading and cinematography in general is top tier .
anyway the whole . first love thing is crazy isnt it. some people never really get over them and thers that thing about how youll most likely end up with someone who isn't your first love and its fucked up but i guess its just!!! life!!!!!!!
it makes me want to write a littel. something diferent for xiao's birthday lol but we'll see it depends at how horrible i feel then but from the looks of it i feel like i'll still be feeling pretty horrible!!!
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beihonglin · 5 years
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190602 Bei Honglin | astrofireworks - do not edit or crop logo
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hopeless-lesbian223 · 2 years
My Six headcanons part 2
Jane Seymour
Babysits for the neighbours
Runs a kids band at the church
really neat handwriting
goes overboard with Christmas/birthday decorations
hates sitting down to read. She doesn’t have the energy or time for such activities.
Everybody’s favourite fourth grade teacher
bakes when stressed
Packs lunches for her friends and adds encouraging Post-Its inside. Knows which queen wants the crust of their PB&J (its Cathy. Kat prefers strawberry jam with no crusts).
Volunteers her weekend time for charity/the local soccer club
Neat bedroom with cream-white aesthetic
Handles spice like a pro
first aid license
Bad at drawing but loves it. Will add a little doodle at the bottom of every note she writes.
Buys flowers when stressed.
too many flowers.
the flowers are taking over the house.
Cannot give criticism, even when asked for constructive feedback.
has something personal against chickens.
Mothers the group with tea and biscuits
Brings lollies in for her students but Anne will eat most of them
owns a label maker and goes overboard.
Anna of Cleves
Loves reading
short temper
Owns two terrifying Dobermanns and says they’re really friendly (Millie and Mollie despise Catherine specifically, but love Cathy Parr for whatever reason)
debates whether the plural of Dobermann should be Dobermen
bad at remembering birthdays
encourages others to go to therapy but will never go herself
Working to accept body as it is
Bans Kat from drinking even when she’s old enoguh
Will punch anyone anywhere
feels every emotion really strongly
really likes photography and takes photos in urban areas
graffiti! She loves it (takes photos) and experiments with doing it herself
hyperfocuses on random mythologies. Has tons of reference books about Norse, Greek, Roman, Egyptian, Aztec, Native American, and Indigenous Australian deities/legends. Ask her anything and she will know it.
Activist, goes to marches/riots/protests
likes soft things to cuddle
Writes songs when drunk. With Anne mostly.
doesn’t like skirts
really likes denim jackets
Owns a collection of pin badges and clothing patches that she picks up wherever she goes
Goes wayyyyy too over the top at Christmas. You think Jane was bad? You have not met Anna.
electric drums
surprisingly good at sewing
Owns a Roomba because she thought they were cute. Called it Mopey.
wants to learn every instrument she can.
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tinkonka · 2 years
I cannot stress this enoguh PLEASE BE NORMAL ABOUT ME 
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fatherlyfrog · 3 years
thinkinf about that one Six that retro drew thjat just really reminds me of the lady pointing angrily at that cat with the plate anf.................... ooouh ur art is so rad i cannot stress this enoguh
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wafflesetc · 5 years
Does the coronavirus scare you at all with your job?
Interestingly enough, it doesn’t really. Listen, I get that it’s something people should be worried about, even be aware of it.
My employer has stopped sending flights to some of the region where it is the worst. At least for a few months. Airports are having screenings and things like that. I’m not trying to down play this at all, because again, it’s a big deal and it’s happening, but at the same time, you can’t literally live in a bubble.
Hundreds of people die from the flu and other viral infections every year. The 24 hour news cycle sometimes also does more harm than good.
My best advice is to keep track within the means that makes you aware and up to date but doesn’t stress you out. If you travel, WASH YOUR HANDS. I CANNOT REPEAT THAT ENOGUH WASH YOUR HANDS. Also check the travel advisory warnings if you’re headed to a place where it’s been happening.
And for the love of all that is holy-please wear shoes in the bathroom. And wash your hands.
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the--ghost--town · 5 years
heeeeeeey, i wanna draw you and your lovely anon crew >w> i might need a reference of your current persona. and possibly a link to that post where you named them as well? if you dont mind
Lieutenant Hugs, Sargent Hummingbird and Field Medic Hands
also i cannot stress this enoguh that this isnt my current personas style but i want it to be the ‘General Mercy’ look
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sleepy-bug · 3 years
hahahahaha i want to fucking d word off this planet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and there is no way to end it right. i would either just not work or cripple myslef for life why cant i just exp1re like weird rotting cnned goods?! im also just a cowrd who hates putting effort into anything because i SUCK..................WTF!!!!!! i have a support system but ir efuse to use it because again, and i cannot stress this enoguh, i am a COWARD! A MOTHERFUCKING SPINELESS COWARD! i dont have any good words for myself and i dont want to tell anyone because i SUCK AND I AM STUPID AND AN IDIOT AND CARELESS AND EVIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I AM SO STUPID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! never again with the pills bc ghat woldnt even work, id just get my stomach p4mped for days and be sick and stupid shit.............IM PATHETIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I AM SO EMBARRASSING AND I HATE TAKING UP SPACE!!!!!!!!!! why cant i be a little dust mote.
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tinkonka · 3 years
uh. vent
thereare so many signs that are pointing 2 me being stressed like the headaches the fact that i havent had my period yet. feeling sick but like half the time i dont even feel stressed until one (1) thing makes me feel bad then it all just pours out and i get so fucking angry that i scratch my arm until it bleeds. but then im COMPLETELY fine after and the cycle continues 
it’s really fucking ahhg too because i need to Scratch i need to do something with my hands and i keep taking this frustration out on myself and i dont tell anyone even though i want to so badly  because this is getting like dangerously out of hand 
it’s gotten to the point where idont even wnat help because whats the got damn point? im gonna die. my ffriends will be okay . my parents will be okay. everyne will be okay after a while it’s just a temporary disturbance?
for like a year now i’ve just felt im geting closer and closer to hte ‘end’. like soon enoguh somethings just going to kill me. like my life is just.. temporary i genuinely cannot see myself having a future
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