#cannot wait to see this in the show
waltricia · 5 months
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Holy mama!
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dorindameddler · 2 years
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Passages that knock you on your ass the first time you read them
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chthonic-kids · 5 months
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grandma demeter is ready for war
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weregonnabecoolbeans · 2 months
Who else is positively shaking with excitement about Cinderella’s Castle right now despite not having tickets and living so incredibly far away that you couldn’t even have gone if you tried 😌
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kendallsroyco · 20 days
Look at him being a big shot lawyer getting hounded by press 😌
That question they better be asking is "how do you respond to allegations of being hot and sexy as fuck"
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stagefoureddiediaz · 6 months
The way buck and Eddie are in the back ground and shoulder to shoulder until Tommy comes in behind and then they break apart forming a triangle and creating a division between Buck and Eddie - chefs kiss framing and directing
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theinfinitedivides · 7 months
'somebody kiss this man so i don't have to' ykw what we call that in this house. we call those some famous last f*cking words, Eliot Spencer sir
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sketchquill · 1 year
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Wally Darling ❤️💛💙
‘Welcome Home’ belongs to @partycoffin I seriously recommend checking this arg out whenever you get the chance o (^▽^) o
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xofeno · 1 month
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Jesse on set of FBI: International / August 16, 2024
source video: jesseleesoffer instagram story 2024-08-16
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communistcephalopod · 5 months
what a crazy twist, i can't believe that's what falin looks like now! boy am i sure glad it didn't get spoiled 87 times across every online platform that knows i'm watching this show weeks in advance, therefore totally ruining the reveal! that sure would suck, wouldn't it?
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wine-wrtj · 7 months
Save me Karen Wheeler development… Karen Wheeler development save me… Karen Wheeler development…
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jaylillustrates · 1 year
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Take. Me. To. Church.
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difeisheng · 1 month
more zeng shunxi characters like this please and thank you <3
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zeb-z · 11 months
no okay but this whole scuffed interrogation that ultimately just wasted time and resources is actually perfect. like normal bad and foolish antics are in itself usually productive in odd ways, but the witnesses - especially a federation worker witness - help make it look so much more suspicious than it is. everyone there except for agent 18 read the death message in chat, they all know it was cellbit. they effectively wasted a whole day of productivity, while seeming busy and shifting suspicions elsewhere.
while they haven't talked about it, bad and foolish are on the same page - shift the blame entirely onto bad to protect cellbit. bad has a history of being confrontational to workers, they're already wary of him, and he's given foolish the go ahead to frame him however he pleases. and because it's such a normal occurrence between them, this whole cat and mouse kinda dynamic, there's no cause for suspicion due to unusual behavior. of course foolish is focusing his suspicions on bad - it's his MO, and there's actual suspicion this time.
and because bad has a reputation of being such a straight faced liar for no conceivable reason, who constantly shifts blame onto foolish specifically for things that both have and have not happened, when he says foolish's plans outright, it's not believable whatsoever. he says straight up that foolish is clearly making false accusations because he's secretly an infiltrator wanting to take down the federation from the inside - of course nobody believes it. it does more to legitimize foolish if anything.
their ability to work on the same page without no prior discussion will always be impressive - and the fact that they're both looking out for cellbit inside the federation and out covers their bases. foolish can frame bad, bad can act suspicious, and hopefully nobody else will get caught in the crossfire, so long as they pull the right strings.
they put on their little two man act, waste a ton of time, and no one is ever the wiser.
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lokiusly · 3 months
Thor is at the end of time with Loki; he asks about the mortal that changed him.
“How was it, this change of heart?”
Loki, unable to speak, smiles as he holds onto all the growing branches. A tear cascades down his cheek.
“I know you can’t tell me about him—” Thor starts. Loki hums softly.
A small mirage appears next to them. Thor watches as Loki meets Mobius for the first time.
Thor smiles at Loki, only to see the god of stories mesmerized by the TVA analyst in the mirage.
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shima-draws · 1 year
So I finally started watching TOH,
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