#cant draw shoes </3
asherasgayagenda · 1 year
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my take on @solaaresque‘s lovecore shuffle unit!
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opikiquu · 1 month
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cryoshad · 7 months
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some shadz
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poepill · 11 months
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happy belated valentines day quodo upon thee! originally posted on ao3 for the quodo minifest, this was my valentines for @chacusha, who organized the event! i had a ton of fun drawing them and im definitely looking forward to next year <333
+ bonus art based on the comic by Kate Beaton, Javert is in Slash Fiction:
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sasoxichomoshi · 3 months
when i heard about the tuvan throat singing i had to
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hunter inspired by mongolian clothing style (or at least from what i could find about on the internet)
close up cause i love my brush
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catominor · 4 months
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post no longer cancelled though actually. take my hand. look at their littwle shoesies with me :')
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tunabesimpin · 2 years
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Otter + Kalim!!! Happy fellas!!!
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cognitosclowns · 2 years
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yeah I drew more horny AB shit >) I think I was possessed while I drew this MSNDSMNDMN go check it out. Your hint is Half n’ Half
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the-woild-is-y-erster · 9 months
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im. going insane over them. actually bonkers. theyre so in love. theyre stupidly inlove and i cant stop thinking about it. shoe and eel my beloveds. im crazy. im insane. i
spent time that i was s'posed to be doing homework doing this instead is what i did.
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herecomethefuzzz · 9 months
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uh oh hes too tall
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springlock-suits · 1 year
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Trying to figure out designs for funtime William!
What I want and what SL design conventions allow are two very different things bdksndks
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I'm having a funtime with it though
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kn1ghtc0r3 · 1 year
about time that I finally made some refs that include some info about my ocs.
like I mentioned b4, I probably won't make the other refs soon so here's his :)
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matznothere · 5 months
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omg guys mire it’s luzu
i need to do my hw
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riinchu · 1 month
Hey everyone sorry for not posting is been too long!! ANYWAYS here’s all of the Gabriel + v1 drawings i have drawn while being gone! ✨
I’ll be more active from now on i SWEAR! (I have drawn a lot more but i cant fit it within this post so ill make a part 2)
They are in order from the oldest to newest!
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Someone posted this very cool bloody weeding outfits so i had to draw these two in them!
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I had to draw this dress because it looks very similar to a dress we all know super well :3
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Made this drawing because of the shoes believe it or not. But obviously that not what people focused on lol
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I absolutely love the way this drawing came out. Tbh i think it’s my best outfit i have drawn him in!!
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Heres Gabriel in a night gown talking with his boyfriend :3
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And here’s the latest drawing i have made so far! I know hes not wearing a dress but i mean come on he looks gorgeous :3
Thank you for looking at my hyper fixation and i hope you will enjoy my future stuff ❤️
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coeurify · 6 months
idk if you’re comfortable with writing this (it’s okay if not no worries!) but gunplay w abby who forces you to suck the barrel and threatens to fuck you/shoot you with it if you don’t do a good enough job 🫣
- 🐾
okkk so i changed it a bit but its still pistol sucking hehe!
warnings 18+ , dom/sub dynamic, the use of “dumb” and calling reader stupid, pistol sucking, i guess you could say fear play. reader is into how dangerous it is basically.
<3__ <3 __ <3 __ <3 __ <3 __ <3
The very first sensation you could pick out behind the black of your tightly closed eyes was something cool against your cheek. Something that pressed into the plush skin, drawing a sharp intake of air from your shaking lips. A disapproving tsk came next, escaping into the stuffy air of the room above you.
She was always above you.
As you shifted your knees, the flesh burned against the ragged carpet, the scratchy green material itching over your raw, bruised knees. The familiarity of being beneath her was unsurprising in this moment, even comforting.
What was surprising was the cool feeling, a chill sweeping through your body. Your eyes squeezed even further, bursts of color confined behind you shut lids as you tried to figure out what the shape was.
Round maybe? A frigid, rounded tip delicately traced beneath your chin, coaxing it upward.
“Open your eyes baby,” the voice gently commanded. It sent a warm rush through your spine, insides liquidly at the croon of Abby’s voice. Her voice that was always syrupy sweet to your pliant, submission-tinted brain– no matter how fucked up the situatuon may be. A moth to a fucking flame, your eyes blinked open, vision blurry as your face tolted more, the unmistakable shape of the blonde coming to view as your pupils adjusted to the light.
You knew why you were here. Why you had been shoved to your knees the moment you and Abby stumbled upon this rundown hotel. No resistance surfaced as her firm grip shoved you through the door, her voice, your siren song, falling silent only after demanding you to close your eyes.
You cant pinpoint how long you stayed like that, palms damp against your knees, eyelashes delicately grazing your undereyes, keeping them shut obediently.
“Do you know what’s under your chin?” Abby hummed, crouching down to your level, one strand of soft blonde hair falling in front of her face, her shoes squeaking softly as they bent to conform to her position.
One hand, the hand holding whatever object was pressing painfully under your chin, twisting as a tongue poked its way out from her lips, cerulean eyes blown out as her gaze falls downward.
“N-no,” you exhaled, fingers digging into the denim of your jeans, ignoring the heat that grew between your legs as Abby stared at you, eyebrows narrowed, tension etched on her face.
You’d really fucked up.
“Use your eyes, you're smart enough to do that, arent you?” the blonde taunted, casually flicking her wrist to press the object against you again.
You knew you deserved this, hell– you wanted this.
Hesitating, you shifted your head away from it’s position, chin dipping down in sync with your eyes, blinking rapidly as Abby’s pistol came into view. Of course.
“It’s your gun, abs,” you reply a moment later, lowering your voice to be as soft as possible, looking up through your eyelashes, acting on your best behavior, desperate to weaken Abby’s resolve.
But Abby was a stubborn girl, one who stook to her word, her decisions. Her punishments.
“Maybe she does have a brain up there after all,” Abby mocks, the pistol's barrel tracing the line of your neck as you swallow audibly. “Why do you think i’m holding my pistol, doll?”
“Dunno,” you mutter, a tiny knot forming in your tummy as Abby’s eyes flit to yours again, darkened under the dwindling light filtering through the boarded windows.
“You dunno?” the blonde repeats, licking over her lips again as an exasperated scoff falls from them. You only answer with a small shake of your head.
But you did know. You had made a dumb decision with that gun. Put yourself in danger, put Abby in danger.
It was a moment of misplaced confidence, when your body was squished against your girlfriend in a tight hallway in the city, her ragged breaths pressing into your ear as she gripped you close, waiting for the clicker to pass as silently as she could. The building was packed, a basement door opened sometime the night before likely– spilling a horde of new infected into a building that was usually deemed clear on patrols.
You just wanted to prove something. That was why you swiped the pistol from Abby’s waist, why you shoved it in your own pocket sneakily as Abby dealt with the clicker, motioning you to follow as you continued down the building.
You just wanted to get that rush.
“You are so fucking cocky, you know that?” Abby asks, the opening of the metal trailing up your cheek again until it taps against your temple. “Or maybe you're just dumb, huh?”
You shake your head rapidly. “Just wanted to help, abs.”
Help by going down the opposite way than abby in than building. Help by fiddling with the gun you barely knew how to use when a runner caught your attention. You were just trying to help when you stepped on a can, two runners flicking their heads up your way as you shakily tried to point the gun at one.
But you hadn't helped. Not when you had to scream Abby’s name after only getting one runner down, another grabbing at your arm as you tried to take off.
Your help was just another fucking issue as Abby had to save your ass.
You nod again.
“You think stealing my things, almost getting yourself killed, is helping?” she asked, her tone proving just how ridiculous she found you. You barely knew how to fucking work her fucking pistol, let alone go off alone on a patrol.
“I’m sorry Abby,” you whimper, knees grazing the carpet as you fidget, your heart racing with each gentle tap of the gun against your temple. “I was being stupid. M’sorry,” you admit, meeting her blue eyes.
“You think you're a strong girl, hm? Think you can go fight on your own? That you can steal my shit?” Your lip quivers, finding refuge between your teeth, a fiery swirl rising in your stomach as the pistol nudges your cheeks, Abby chuckling as she pokes at the fat there again.
There’s no way to escape the uncomfoftable roll of your hips down into the ground after the sound, how fucking condesending Abby sounded as she had a gun against your face. A surge of pure need intensifies, your poor core searching for relief from the tension.
“And look at t-that, youre fucking into it too?” your girlfriend sounds absolutely astonished by your reaction, and even if you know it's all a show to further that feeling of shame rising in your body, you still whine in denial.
“Do y’have a death wish or something?” she asks, “first you try and use this without a clue in the world of if it was even loaded, and now you're getting off on geting threatened with it?”
“No,” you deny, but you know your panties, which stick against your pooling cunt would tell another story.
Abby shakes her head, almost in disbelief as the very tip of the gun finds your lips. You hold your breath, gaze following hers.
“Dumb fuckin’ girl,” the blonde mutters, pressing the gun hard enough to part your lips, the cool metal pressing against the white of your teeth, a shiver wracking through your body at the feel of it.
“My dumb fuckin’ girl,” Abby amends, inhaling sharply as you relent, allowing the barrel to slide past the plush, wet warmth just slightly.
“You like this gun so much, the least you could do is clean it then, yea?” she muttered, and you dont mistake the slight hitch in her tone. You don’t miss how her position shifts to also kneel, yet still somehow looking down at you.
You open your mouth wider, her grip on the gun handle so firm it feels like it might crack, as she gradually lowers the barrel into your mouth.
Your heart pounds beneath your ribcage, your tongue exploring the cold metal, tracing the divots and intricate details. Abby had already cleaned it, you knew that, but she still pushed it further in your waiting mouth, a powertrip building behind her hazy eyes.
“There you go,” she whispered, “Aah,” her own lips parting, her chin tilting up as she eases the barrel further in, now resting against your tongue.
“just like that– sure you remember how to do this, hm? Taught you well with my cock, right?”
You nod, eyes flashing quick memories of your mouth around her strap. Abby was met with a soft suckling noise, her dilated pupils darting swiftly as the metal disappeared between your lips, hand softly, deliberately thrusting the barrel in and out.
You hadn't expected the motion at first, gargling gently as you adjusted to the cold feeling on the inside of your mouth, teeth scraping the barrel slightly as you sucked like it really was her cock, hollowing your cheeks, head moving in tandem with Abby’s slow movements.
It was fucking filthy.
Abby’s free thumb moves to your chin, swiping at a bead of shiny drool that dripped from the corner of your mouth, “You ever gonna do somethin’ so dumb again?”
Shaking your head, you feel the weighty tip against the back of your tongue, and you fight the instinct to gag around the metal. Blue eyes watch intently as the slow back and forth motion continued, your mouth pooling with more spit as you took the round shape as best you could, eyes straining to keep contact with Abby’s gaze.
“You ever gonna put your life in danger like that again?” Abby continued, voice dripping with that delicious sternness you seeked, that you craved. She savored the surprised and soft gag that came when she shoved the gun a little harder.
You throbbed at the feeling, at how her lips hardened into a line as you licked around the base of the gun, a new rush of wetnees ruining your panties as your thighs squeeze impossibly closer.
This shouldn’t have you so turned on by something that could so easily kill you being shoved in your mouth, dipped in and out like some toy for your girlfriend’s own pleasure. But it did. It had you drenched between your legs, heart beating as loudly as the blood that pumped in your ears.
A quick and obvious shake of your head follows the second question, and Abby pauses her movement, letting it still heavily against your warm, wet tongue.
“I could fucking kill you,” Abby admits, eyes falling to where you rub your thighs together, seeking friction. “You know that?”
But she wouldn't. Abby would never *really* hurt you, you know that. With one more soft thrust into your mouth, the end of the barrel is almost right there— flush against your face as she holds it. Abby watches your hands scramble to grip at something, throat constricting to keep a gag from rising in your throat.
“There ya’ go, gag on it,” she grits, watching as more drool seeps between the stretched corners of your mouth, only relenting when she sees tears prick the corner of your eyes.
“So damn dumb,” she huffed, the pistol slowly falling from your lips– a long string of drool connecting the metal to your gaped mouth before your tongue could swipe the string away, clamping your mouth shut after you choke out a quick, “m’sorry, m’sorry.”
Abby wiped the pistol against her pants as she stood, backing up until her ass found the bed, her legs spreading, pistol placed next to her. You watched, eyes lidded as you stayed glued to the floor, watching as her large hand patted against her thigh before trailing to her pant’s button, long fingers hooking around it, her own cunt aching under her boxers.
“Come show me how sorry you are.”
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catsburgers · 6 months
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i cant believe mumbo was brought back to life and proceeded to carry the mounders to victory....... wow...
full bodies under the cut, will break down their designs for fun too
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bee double oh one hundred!!
moss on shoulders from his moss skin
compass became a lives count
dinnerbone nametag in pocket is a reference to his upside down house, and the red is specifically referring to what life hes on. if he was green it would be green etc
earth keychain referring to his house
2 zombie bites referring to how he died to a zombie twice LMAO
shovel for the mounders BAYBEEE!!
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mister mumbo jumbo
i already posted this design but didn't include any info so
im obsessed w/ the robot hcs iv seen so i decided fuck it why not. redstone powered cyborg. he had his parts replaced during lastlife after all the time he tinkered w/ end crystals
the knot of his tie is a heart, and his tie is burnt after he died in the lava
heart cufflinks. idk man i loved sneaking in hearts wherever i could on the designs
sewn on patches on his book bag. redstone, a book and an apple (god i WISH i remembered why i put an apple on that??)
heart bookmark!! like bdubs, it shows what life he's on :3. his tie would also change colors
monster shoes stolen from a pin on my pinterest feed. idk hes a vampire he'd have funny shoes.. like its in the contract did u not read it
ANVIL. comedic anvil squash sfx. yeah
shovel!!! mounders!!
umbrella looks like the deep dark :^)
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pearl pearlescentmoon my aus bff
fanny pack. like a true aussie.
keeps her book in there!!
AND THONGS (flipflops). she'd wear them i just know it
moth wings too ykyk
enchanted flame bow!!
wearing tilly's collar too
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joel small beans
listen bro didnt give us anything to go off so i just went basic
heart on shoes, red streak and red eyes yk how it goes
pumpkin patch for lizzie... ough..
diamond shovel!! the only mf to have a damn diamond one in this whole group...
dumb lil antenna i FORGOT TO COLOR but im too lazy to fix.. srry
he keeps his book in his pocket bc i was too lazy to draw another book
yeah thats all rlly :P
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