#cant expect him to leave the ship tho
superums · 1 year
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roronoa zoro's 5 love languages
gender neutral reader. fluff. improper grammar. no y/n or (name). established relationship. strawhat-coded reader. i've never really been a zoro girlie... i hope this is okay tho. based on opla!zoro but can fit anime!zoro aswell. spoiler free.
color coded text: zoro
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physical touch: he isn't big on giving physical affection, it's just not his nature. he doesn't like PDA all too much and in private i believe that he doesn't change. its not that he hates physical touch, it's more like he doesn't like initiating it. if you're touchy and always want to hug or hang off of him who is he to reject your affections. if you were to jump into his arms or just collapse on him he wouldn't say anything about it... well he might complain but its not real complaining. i think instead of initiating hugs and kisses he's more if a kisses your hand or rub the back of your hand with his thumb—kind of guy.
acts of service: he likes to do hard labor to show you love. ofc he dose things like get you a glass of water or get you a blanket from the bottom deck but he likes to show off his strength. if you wanted a fish he'd come back with a whale—stuff like that. he'd try to tone it down if you don't like that but thats his best quality. he likes to do absolutely ridiculous things to simple tasks because he wants to impress you. sometimes sanji gets involved and then he HAS to show off bc who dose sanji think he is trying outdo him at his job (getting you chocolate milk)??????
quality time: he spends his free time training and sleeping mostly so he probably won't invite you to join him on his free time that often unless you like taking naps or watching. i think he'd think he's boring so he probably wouldn't to invite you anyway. sometimes he will just plop down beside you whenever you're on the deck and you two will sit in a comfortable silence. he'll tell you about how he's training to lift a ton or swing his sword faster, but he honestly wants you to do more of the talking. when you leave the ship he always wants to go with you. it doesn't matter if you're leaving to get 1 thing or 100 things or even just a breath of fresh air away from everyone he wants to be with you at all times even if he doesn't explicitly say it.
giving/receiving gifts: he doesn't have any money so dont expect anything extravagant. he gets you more food than anything because thats all he can really get yk. he tries to spice things up by getting you a bird or fruit from a island, maybe even some treasures that villages gift them as a way of saying thank you, but you get a lot of fish from him. he might also give you a kiss as a way of giving you something—you gotta rmr kissing really isn't his thing so that means a lot coming from him!! he's a pirate after all and he cant really show a lot of appreciation towards you in the gift department.
he's also easy to please. be doesn't really expect much, if you gave him a towel he'd cherish it. he knows its hard to really get the other anything especially with a kingpin nami being in charge of the money holding everyone hostage financially so he's be happy with anything. i also think he's also one of those people who are content with what they have/feel like they have all they need. he has his crew, his swords and you—what else dose he really need?
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vashsscoreboardofpain · 4 months
Welcome back dear audience. I hope the 10 minute break was enough because we have more sports to see :D Last time the contestant broke the record of amount of points in a single round. Now that we are officially starting trimax, who knows what will he pull out
Ladies, gentlemen and people from beyond, welcome to trimax volume 1:
Chap 1:
Its been 2 years (in universe) and yet the contestant does not come fast to gather points. He positions himself and waits. In the meantime we have this complete stranger, Eriks.
-1 "bad event" point for getting a shit ton of guns in his face. poor va- I mean eriks
-1 "bad event" point for getting kicked by lina (deserved)
-1 "bad event" point for almost being blown up
-1 "action" point for putting himself in danger by going outside
-1 "bad event" point for almost getting shot in the face
-1 "action" point for bowing. As mentioned before, dear audience, we are going with the japanese rulebook. Bowing is, indeed, point worthy.
-1 "bad event" point for having to strip naked and act like a dog for everyone to see
-1 "bad event" point for STILL GETTING SHOT god damnit
-1 "bad event" point for getting slapped in the face by our dear mvp wolfwood. Now that he is here he will be wonderful support
-and this is when he strikes new points everyone. 1 "yikes statement" point his "stop. some legend that is." he feels too guilty to even hear about what he did
-1 "yikes statement" point for saying it out loud! he's actually afraid of destroying the planet by accident so he retired. its incredible that the contestant is hitting these really honest points with wolfwood
-1 "yikes statement" for openly admitting that his desire for a simple life is impossible because violence and blood always following
-1 "bad event" point for basically being forced by wolfwood, the gun and the circumstances to go back to the vash the stampede life. ouch
Chap 2:
-1 "bad event" point for ending up like a ragdoll afer july
-1 "action" point for deciding to leave the town so no one gets caught in the crossfire. this time he's not forced to go but he decided he needs to. isolation time once again
-1 "bad event" point for getting kicked by lina
-1 "bad event" point for getting shot at, even if he was able to *reads notes* kick it???
-1 "bad event" point for his hair getting darker. now, alot of you have expected this moment. although we do not know (yet) why his hair is turning black, we'll assume it cant be anything good. it was after july after all
Chap 3:
-1 "bad event" point for getting manipulated by the hitman. The moment he mentioned meryl the contestant had to take the risk, he just had to
-1 "bad event" point for getting shot at multiple times the moment he opens the door. the contestant is truly back on his feet- OH BUT IT WAS A TRAP (still considered tho). The contestant was smart enough to not be in the line of fire
-and there it goes another blast of bullets towards the contestant. 1 "bad event" point
-1 "bad event" point because his hotel room exploted. aw.
-1 "bad event" point for still getting shot at even though he feel from a high floor to a random car
Chap 4:
-flashback time everyone! the contestant gets ready and starts running. he gets 1 "bad event" point for getting his ass beaten by knives after the ships crash
-1 "bad event" point for sad dream. again. the contestant is collecting sad dreams like pokemons
-1 "bad event" point for being wrapped up by a kid right after meeting the doctor and brad
-1 "action" event for not defending himself from brad's insults
-1 "traumatic event" point for not only living with the guilt but the dread of not remembering yet knowing that it was him who did a hole in the moon
-1 "yikes statement" point for accepting verbally that he is the most dangerous person in the planet
-1 "bad event" point for getting released so aggressively
-1 "yikes statement" point for calling himself a monster
Chap 5:
-1 "action" point for making himself the target the solution to the conflict. it may work but its not the best sign of a healthy mind
-1 "bad event" point for getting shot by the crminals
-he keeps moving towards the cabin and he hits another 1 "bad event" for almost getting caught in the trap or rather he got caught but thanks to the new coat he isnt dead
Chap 6:
-1 "bad event" point because watching someone so ready to kill another person in front of him is basically psychological torture for him
-1 "action" point for interfering between an armed guy and another guy
-1 "bad event" point for getting punched by the armed guy
-1 "bad event" point for getting arrested
-1 "action" point for apologizing for almost collapsing out of exhaustion. the audience agrees that this is Fine tm. the contestant really knows no limits
-1 "bad event" point for getting buried by wolfwood. our mvp is ready to help the contestant again
AND THATS HOW THE VOLUME ENDS DEAR AUDIENCE. The contestant is back and ready to hit all the points possible! Now with a renewed sense of responsibility and with wolfwood by his side will he able to hit the 200 points?
On this round the contestant got 40 points holy shit, making the new total 129 points. He is so close to surpass stampede vash!
Follow us for more sports, more suffering and more trimax vash
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ash4prez · 1 year
because absolutely NOBODY asked, here’s a list of my top ten favourite warriors characters (SO FAR)
a lot of you are gonna hate me for not including/including certain characters tbh but this is just my opinion
Disclaimer: I’m on Book 1 of Power of Three currently, so these characters are mostly comprised of those from TBP and TNP. i’ll probably make an updated list at some point in the future, but for now this is how it stands:
#10–Longtail. He’s just a good guy tbh. From being a meanie at the start, to choosing not to leave Thunderclan with Dark and Tiger, to being forced into early retirement but taking it like a champ, this guy has just come to be one of my favourite cattos in the series.
#9–Mousefur. The icon, the legend. She’s literally unfiltered and completely rude to everyone without even giving a shit. She’s shown to be very opinionated and headstrong, but also displays a caring side when it comes to Longtail’s blindness. 10/10 character for me.
#8—Ravenpaw. Is there anyone out there who actually dislikes this guy? I genuinely think he is the most chill cinnamon roll ever. He just wants to vibe with his husband in a barn and maybe warn firestar about important stuff sometimes. Even tho he’s a loner, he respects the warrior code and understands the clan ways. He’s just so awesome and i love him.
#7—Stonefur. Yeah yeah i know we only really knew him for a few books, but I just really liked his character. He was really brave and noble, loyal to his clan, generally a good guy. His death was so sad and honestly just the fact that he went down fighting made me respect him even more.
#6—Sorreltail. Omg idk why i like her so much. Just when she was a new warrior and was best buddies with Leafpool made me so happy, and then for her to become mates with Brackenfur (more on him later—) was just a very good ship for me. I just think Sorreltail is cool and generally a nice cat.
#5—Dustpelt. The biggest G in the entire clan. Honestly Dustyboi is so awesome and i love him so much. Like at first i really didn’t like him, what with the way he was rude to Fire and generally an unpleasant guy, but he got so much better and now i stan him.
#4—Tallstar. OK ALRIGHT SETTLE DOWN, hear me out. Reason number one why i love him is that he’s gay and cute with Jake and we love that for him. Reason number two is that he’s actually a decent guy and isn’t passive aggressive and weird like the other leaders are, he just wants to vibe on with his clan and be chill with everyone. Idk i grew very attached to Tallstar throughout the first two series.
#3—Brackenfur. AHHHH where to start with Brackenfur. He’s just an amazing guy honestly. Like he’s chill, gets along with everyone, but also very brave and noble in the sense that he would literally die for his clan. I usually get very attached to the vanilla side characters who have no real plotlines so this is very expected of me, i just really love brackenfur and his character.
#2—Cinderpelt. Not a DAY GOES BY where i don’t cry over her tragic death and the mountains of wasted potential. Fricking Starclan really had to reincarnate her? What was the point of killing her? Ik it probably had something to do with Leafpool being ✨ special ✨ and the only medicine cat, but come on man. Just look at cinder. Look at how cool and awesome she is.
#1—The most amazing cat ever to be seen, my guy WHITESTORM!!! Honestly come at me for not putting greystripe or squilf in here, idc. Whitestorm for me is an example of what a warrior cat SHOULD be. He was smart, brave, loyal, trustworthy, chill…he literally had no flaws. Like what did man ever do that was controversial? I cant think of anything, i mean correct me if i’m wrong. I just stan Whitestorm and wish he’d been leader istg.
Thanks for reading this ridiculously long rant lol
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thesimulacrasimp · 8 months
So yeah, here we go again! I just watched 3rd n 4th eps of hazbin hotel so, again, my thoghts abt it. Idk if i really need to put spoilers warning anymore, but ig ill do it just in case. As with previous post there will be some screenshots.
So tbh i dont have much to say about 3rd ep. Overall it was a really cute ep where everyone kinda got along. Also we met alot of new overlords (that one giant wolf girl was cool as hell) n got a few bop songs. I really like all new voices we got here. Also Velvette was killin in this ep, like slay queen!! Also i didnt know this girl (idk her name srry) was Carmillas (idk if spelled the name correctly--) daughter, that really suprised me.
Ok 4th ep... I have alot to say about it. First of all when that Angels moive started i was like: WTH S GOIN ON WHAT????? Then i thoght that its Angels dream (or nightmare-) n that wolf guy was representation of Valentino. N then when its all started i was like: Oh. I get it.
Speaking about Val, when all that fire started n he opened his wings, that was FUCKING BEAUTIFUL N I REALLY DIDNT EXPECT HIM TO HAVE ACTUAL WINGS, I WAS LIKE: :O I FOR REAL ALWAYS THOUGHT THAT WAS JUST A FUR COAT--- ok n thats literally the only good i can say about Val by now.
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That one awful scene with Val n Angel was literally so scary... Ive never been in SA, ive never had such "experience" (and thank GOD for that), but i know that feeling of fear when you just in trap and you cant do anything, i know how that feels to be abused, when you just hiding in corner feeling so fucking scared that you gonna get beated up n yelled again, you KNOW that will happen and you just wait for it in terrify, you literally feel yourself like a little child who cant do anything, you want to share your problems to someone, just wanna cry to someone, but you cant and you need to pretend that everything is okay. I was so scared for Angel in that scene and i really felt it. And the way Angel tried to make Charlie leave before that all happened.. Yes, he definetly knew whats gonna happen n thats so scary...
Anyway OMG VOX HIIII!!!!!! :DDDD
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Yeah, yknow what really strange thing about all that? Is the fact that Val s obviously a horrible person consindering all the things he done to Angel, but he is still an ENJOYABLE CHARACTER. Like- ofc that awful abusive scene was not enjoyable at all, but for some reason i just cant hate him!! I TRY BUT I JUST CANT N THATS SO WEIRD. probably its because i know its not a real person, its just a character but still-
Also (someone pls count how many times i used this word-) i really didnt expect to see an ACTUAL SEX SCENES IN THE SONG. Ig i shouldve expect it n i kinda did, but i still didnt-
Also this little scene made me fucking cry, for real. But not the fact that Angel crying made me cry, but his line: "If i end up broken, I wont be his favourite toy anymore. And maybe he'll let me go.."
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I dont know why this exact line made me cry, but it did and i think this is awesome, because they really made me care for Angel, even tho, again, ive never experienced such feelings so i cant relate to that, but i still feel so bad for him.
Ok can we talk about that Husk was AN OVERLORD??? I WAS LIKE: WHAAAAATT????
And OF COURSE that one Husk n Angels song. You already know how i feel about it so im not even gonna talk bout it! SIKE‼️I WILL!!!!! THIS SONG IS SO FRICKIN CUTE, THE FACT THAT HUSK STARTED TO JOKINGLY (or maybe not jokingly-) SAYING THAT ANGEL IS A LOSER TO BRIGHT HIM UP IS ACTUALLY SO SMART! THEYRE BOTH SO CUTE TOGETHER SINGING AND HOLDING HANDS FOR A LITTLE TOO MUCH!!! AND THIS SONG IS MUSICALLY ALSO SO AMAZING, ITS LITERALLY MY STYLE OF SONGS, MAYBE MY NEW FAV SONG I CANT REALLY TELL RN! And the meaning of this song is really good too. Whatever is happening to you, unless youre not alone, everything is better!
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Andddd everything is ended quite good and wholesome! They came to the hotel, Charlie apoligized and everything is good!!
soooo yeah! Thats it i guess! Im pretty sure im gonna edit it if i remember something else i wanted to say, but thats it by now!
My review/thoughts on eps 1-2
My review/thoughts on eps 5-6
My review/thoughts on eps 7-8
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toothbrushfingers · 2 years
Snotlout Headcanons
Note: There might be some repeats from my other headcanons post. Also might end up adding more.
He once used nightmare gel as like moisturizer or lotion or something, got too close to an open flame, then proceeded to burst into flames.
He has not done that since out of fear.
He has some minor burn scars on his lower back and legs. Nothing too serious, but he doesn’t really like drawing attention to them.
He has very soft hair. It’s just so silky. No one knows why.
Because of how many times the mans been struck by lightning, he has a pretty severe phobia of thunderstorms. He refuses to fly during storms and says it’s because Hookfang is the one who’s afraid.
He’s bi (canon) but only ever really crushes on people who could actually crush him (if you get what i’m gettin at). Hence his crushes on Astrid, Thor Bonecrusher, Dagur (not a ship he just very obviously had a crush on him for a bit)
He’s surprisingly good at stereotypically feminine tasks (sewing, cooking, good with kids and animals, etc.)
He snores. And he claims it’s because of all the times he’s broken his nose.
Adult Snotlout can NOT drink. He gets drunk almost immediately every time.
Drunk Snotlout is singing and crying Snotlout.
One day, a cat followed him home. He made the mistake of leaving it some fish and now he belongs to the cat. He can’t get rid of it if he wanted to.
He really likes to draw. Only issue is… he cant draw.
Snotlout and Hookfang play wrestle a lot. On a completely unrelated note, Snotlout breaks his nose a lot.
He both wants to BE Eret and be WITH Eret and he’s super confused by his feelings which leads him to just be RUDE to Eret.
He can’t grow a full beard. Just some hairs on his chin and jaw. No one is allowed to know. But they all know. They just don’t say anything about it.
!WARNING-SAD! One day when they’re in their mid-ish 30s, they went out on a trade mission, not expecting any sort of physical confrontation. It however turned out to be an ambush. While trying to fly away, Snotlout gets hit in the back/chest with an arrow and he goes down. His last thoughts were along the lines of “Well this is embarrassing”.
Dating Snotlout Headcanons:
So like self-insert and Y/N, if you don’t like that type of stuff this is your warning.
I’m aware it cringey I just don’t care.
!No Smut!
He’d play with your hair a lot. Trying and failing to braid it.
He’d also insist you braid his hair.
He’s very touchy-feely and not afraid of PDA. Nothing too bad tho: mostly just hand holding, cheek kisses, having an arm around your shoulders or waist, and bear hugs after a successful mission.
The first to see you two kiss would probably be Tuff. As you can imagine, the secret gets out pretty fast after that.
He’s a cuddle bug and usually little spoon.
You’re the only person allowed to see him cry or hear about how awful his dad is.
He’d try to give you a shoulder rub every once in a while and end up being too rough.
He’d insist on stitching up your wounds. He shockingly really good at it.
Ultimate drink protector.
Ultimate drink STEALER
Play wrestling. Just play wrestling.
Hookfang would LOVE you.
Spitelout would HATE you.
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moonchildstyles · 2 years
Moonie moonie moonie wait :(((( what if after aster and angels anniversary trip, they are back home, it’s the first night back and angel is :( she doesn’t wanna go sleep at her place cus she’ll be lonely after spending all that time with him so ofc he asks her if she wants to sleep over and she’s like :D okay!!!! And maybe they are laying in bed because they just 🥸 ya know they are in the honey moon phase still even tho it’s been a year 🤭 and Harry try’s to gently move her off his chest and she’s :(((( where you going :(((( and he’s “just the bathroom baby…I’ll be back” and she’s “oh okay…hurry back” and he’s laughing cus :(( she’s adorable and she’s “wait! Will you bring me my bunny from my suitcase on your way back?” And he’s “course angel” and after he does what he needs to do, he looking in her bag for her it and he’s “angel? You sure your buns in here?” And she’s “yeah…should be in the big pocket. It’s not?” And he’s “I don’t see it baby” and she sits up out of bed and “what? Are you sure?” And he’s like “maybe you put it in mine by mistake, let me check” and she’s :(((( all upset because :((((((( her bunny :( and when they can’t find it any where after tearing both suitcases apart she’s “I must of left it at the hotel by accident:(“ and he’s “oh angel. It’s alright love. I can buy you another?” Cus he can tell she’s really upset and trying her hardest not to cry :( and she’s shaking her head “no! No..:( won’t be the same :(((“ and she’s blinking back tears and he’s “oh lovebug:(“ and he pulls her into him and just comforts her :(((( and she’d be soooo so so upset the rest of the night and even for dayssss after :( but she didn’t know that Harry called the hotel after she fell asleep that night and asked if they had found it, and if they did if they’d ship it to him. And I feel like he’d soooo wrap it up again when it arrives to his house and give it to Angel and she’s ??? Why are you giving me a present?? And he’s just open it Angel and she’s “?…okay…but I don’t have anything for you:(“ and that would make him laugh and kiss her and “not expecting anything…just open it baby” and when she opens it and sees it’s her bunny she’s sooooooo :((((((((((((((((((((((((( and she’d tackle him in a hug when she realizes what it is and be all how’d you get this?! And it would just be v soft :( and for days after she’d be so attached to it :( and would not be able to sleep with out it even if Harry is in bed with her :(( and she’d just be sooo so so happy and grateful for him :(((
WAIT STOP IT:(((( she would be DISTRAUGHT if she found out she left her bunny on vacation like she would barely be able to sleep bc shes just....sad and its that anxiety of leaving something important somewhere far away where she cant get it back right away:( BUT OMG :((((((( HIM FIGURING OUT TIMEZONES AND CALLING RIGHT AWAY TO GET IT SHIPPED BACK LIKE HE'D PAY FOR EVERYTHING JUST TO GET IT BACK TO HER :( and ofc he'd wrap it all up w the bow and everything when he gives it back and shed so sososoosososo excited when she sees what it is and she knows its the one its not one that he bought again and it just means so much to her ofc she gets teary and hugs him so hard telling him thank you over and over an d asking how he was able t do this and just thank you so much harry:(((((( he'd def get so many kisses that night and she'd probably smash just for good measure but yes she'd sleep w it every night even when shes' w h:(
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gale-gentlepenguin · 2 years
Gale Reviews: ML Season 5 episode 16 Protection
(This review is conducted without all episodes being released. So be warned that if you want to view the episodes in order. Avoid reading until caught up.)
-Still wish I understood how Lila tricked Kagami into friendship. It feels wrong
-I will give Lila credit on her manipulative words. She still horrible tho
-How dare she trick Kagami like this
-So the whole class just decided to dedicate themselves completely to hooking these two up?
-I love how everyone is like "Since you two are Awkward af, we are here to assist"
-I love the manga they drew for it. Its very shojo
-These plans are amazing. They basically recruiting Paris to handle this
-I love how Adrien and Marinette are reading this like a script and asking questions
-Did they seriously draw the wedding and them having kids? My gravy these kids ship these two almost as much as I do... ALMOST
-I love the Adrien with mustache bits
-As someone who has been in middle school and helps teach Middle schoolers in his volunteer hours. I can attest that this is basically how cringe middle schoolers are
-I like how this is based off Manga, fairy tales and hollywood. And they are cutting to asking questions that the other is asking
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-I want this framed so when ever I see a bad and stupid take about adrien being awful I cant simply link this image.
-"If you expect him to do something, you are mistaken" Kagami out here calling adrien out. Damn
-I love that it turned out to be as cringey as it sounded.
-What do they mean replace luka @is-nino-actually-luka how can Nino not play guitar? I need to know the truth
-Also Adrien and Marinette are just sitting and listening to all of this fall apart, even both in sync about wanting to leave.
-Marinette sweetie, it isnt your fault. The situation was just REALLY CRINGE
-Gabriel and Tomoe talking about the Diamond ball
-Gabriel admitting that he is dying
-Kagami and Adrien talking
-Adrien feels bad about not noticing Marinette's feelings and doesnt know how to make her feel less self conscious about it
-Seriously how can people hate adrien, boy is like cinnamon butter
-The parents walking in thinking Adrien is being passionate about him and Kagami. But thats not the case at all
-"Perfection for perfection" Me talking about my ships
-Oh no, they heard the Marinette part, so much for the happiness of an arranged dynamic
-Kagami looking at adrien acting all determined and forward and is like "Man, now this is the type of adrien I wanted"
-Marinette expecting the worst and tikki is like "Girl, Calm yo tits its fine"
-Marinette is like "Your right Tikki, no more complicated plans. I am not even gonna change."
-"You dumb ho You are in pjs"
-You know what, I respect Marinette. Girl didnt even freak out. She is like "You know what. I am going in Pjs"
-Ah yes, Gabriel and Tomoe arguing that their Children creation arent obeying them
-Tomoe basically saying "Solve this before you die bitch"
-Gorrilla just eating a bowl of fruit
-"You and Kagami are... of the same design." Either this is some sort of elitist Bulls*** or implication of Sentimonsters
-Okay I am ready to throw hands at Gabriel
-Adrien dropping in a Mom reference to dismiss his father's claims. Good on him
-He did the ring thing! How DARE!!! Gabriel you have SUCH a punchable face
-Adrien NO! DONT DO IT
-Wow... I did not see that coming. Marinette reasoned that it was Gabriel and didnt even bat an eye. I am impressed
-Nathalie listening to Adrien vent about not having a relationship with Marinette and is like "Bitch WHAT?!"
-Nathalie using the OTHER control ring to tell adrien "F*** what your dad thinks, Go kiss that girl"
-I love how Marinette is just being ridiculously adamant about wearing PJs today. She is an inspiration
-Adrien helped her sneak in? Adrien sneaking in girls? My how the angel has become a badboy.
-AND G packed them a picnic. I love it
-Adrien realized she is wearing PJs.
-HE WENT TO CHANGE INTO PJS TOO! That is love right there
-Adrien really be bringing the romance
-I love it
-Gabriel knows he cant take Nathalie in a fight and thats the reason he just accepts it and walks away. But yea the wording of this does not help but say "Sentimonster"
-Kagami, baby girl... of all the people you could vent to... You picked the WORST PERSON
-Lila f***ing knows Gabriel is Monarch, because thats the only explaination as to why she is telling Gabriel all this crap
-Thats RIGHT Kagami. Marinette is a good girl. Dont believe her lies
-Lila really out here acting like a Marinette salter.
-You know what? This is the type of Manipulation I want to see from Lila. Little twists of things to make it seem true. This is what Lila should have been in season 3
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-Lila twisted the knife enough for Monarch to act
-Wait why did the red face thing appear BEFORE the akuma showed up?
-And Lila does nothing to stop the akumatization because thats what she wanted
-Oh so thats why its called protection. She gets a sword AND Shield... Pokemon is now available near you
-Back to the Adrinette. Daww they cloud watching now. This is cute
-Oh my, that cloud was kissing which means...
-We are about to get an ALMOST KISS!
-Omg its so f***ing cute you guys.
-WAIT! Are they holding hands... before marriage? and no protection? Scandalous
-Gabriel can see this you know...
-Yo this music is pretty choice. Hopefully nothing ruins this moment
-Adrien put in so much effort for this. and Marinette was trying really hard. Kagami doesnt understand
-Oh thank goodness, I thought she was gonna skewer him
-Marinette trying to reach out and help but is denied because Lila and akuma twisting the emotional knife
-Adrien really being on the ball today. PROTECT YO GIRL!
-Oh so its one per person.
-Chat noir. I too would be happy to see him
-Adrien trying to talk no jutsu out of this
-She is hoping he uses cataclysm before he thinks
-Thank goodness it isnt awkward between them after Elation... I kind of wish it was. Because it would have been funny
-The charm is Olive oil
-Gonna be honest, that seemed a bit too easy to break
-But it was funny
-So Ladybug tried to give her the charm, but Kagami wont take it, so she left to become Marinette. Then chat noir did the same
-Adrien complimenting another girl, great for my ship but not good for Kagami's heart right now
-Oh kagami dear. She needs 100 hugs.
-She loves them both! I also would settle on Adrigaminette
-Adrien complimenting another girl, great for
-Now their picnic is sad now
-But yea the mood kind of got ruined after that. Dont blame them
-Lila once again slid past Kagami. I really do want Kagami to find out the truth
Overall I liked the fluff.
But the more episodes I see the more I am convinced the sentimonster bulls*** is real
I REALLY want to be wrong. And I know we probably arent going to get a full on 100% confirmation on if they are or arent sentimonsters because if in season 6 they want to back pedal they can
The music in this episode was really good (the ost not the band playing)
I also really like Kagami's development and my heart breaks for her
I still have some problems with this but the Adrinette is on point and the character development was on point.
Though I swear if Gabriel gets a redemption I will manifest into the show an kill him with my bare hands
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megafaunatic · 1 year
idk if ur like open to randos in ur asks giving u media recommendations, but i would give anything in the world for u to try and give the k-novel 'return of the blossoming blade' by BIGA a chance... UR MY FAVE CONTENT CREATOR SINCE THE YE OLDEN TGCFMDZS DAYS SO I WANTED TO AT LEAST TRY LOLLL its like my favourite novel of all time and ive been trying to force it upon everyone with little avail, which i dont understand WHYY cuz its SOO GOOOD like it definitely deserves to have the same level of popularity w international fans as MDZS and TGCF had, but for now it remains a hidden gem.......... it's an insanely long novel i will nawt lie (1.5k+ chapters and updating everyday but only like 500smth have been tl'd into english on the fantl site Sky Demon Order[who also post semi-daily]) but its sosososo worth it i prommy..trust me..:smiles: it's a classic 'hero from the past who died a tragic and preventable(?) death reincarnates a hundred years into the future hiding his identity to teach the youth in order to keep the future generation from following in his footsteps and making the same mistakes he did' but without all the stale, predictable, boringness u'd typically expect from that specific genre... it's an incredibly comedic action novel that takes place in ancient china wuxia setting & focuses primarily on found family and those close familial bonds between the main cast behind all the sword fighty action (dont know how to fit this in anywhere else, but its important to me that u know the mc, chung myung, is the main casts grandpa.. hes their peepaw.. he shows affection by beating them on their heads). theres no romance at all, but i would argue that is a SELLING POINT for this novel like i swear it is so refreshing, the found family of it all means soo much to me, so much so i am now going to force it to mean so much to you too(this is a threat).... if u do gaf abt ships tho then maybe the doomed, tragic, best-friends-to-almost lovers tangchung yaoi and the love at first sight iseolsoso yuri might catch ur eye *LOOKS AT YOU* i genuinely really really feel like it would be straight up ur alley, like its definitely smth i feel would at least peak ur interest imo (chung myung, the mc, is probably my fave mc of all time..at eighty two years young, he IS the next peoples princess and i want to hit him with my car and then nurse him back to health just to hit him again.. i feel like u'd enjoy him like that as well).. im so desperate for more eng fans of this novel u cant see me rn but i am biting into a leather belt trying not to sob and cry out loud as im typing this this is so long im so embarrawsed so ill leave u here.. i hope my pleas have touched ur heart in some way and if the novel chapter count is too intimidating, ROTBB also has a webcomic on webtoons by the same name (season two of the webcomic just started ^__^ ) and the art is so good and funny and its a good way to get into the novel without being overwhelmed by the chp count methinks BUT i would definitely consider reading the novel mandatory cuz the webcomic only fills u in on so much.... ok. i hope u managed to get thru this insane wall of text, my bad.. until we meet again...*salutes* *revs up my motorcycle and disappears behind a cloud of smoke but when the dust settles i am laying dead on the floor*
ok so first of all i respect this so much 🫡 thank you for spreading your passion in the final moments before your motorcycle dirt death 🫡🫡🫡
second of all this does sound really fun !!! i have found it on sky demon order and i'll give it a try... BUT i gotta be real over a thousand chapters and only two hundred of them translated AND no romance is unfortunately killing me... i just dont know if i have the stamina for that... im a horrible little fujo if its THAT long theres gotta be some kissing!!!!! sorry 😭😭
for u i will give it a try but i can make no promises 🫡 i will consider chung myung my blorbo in law tho
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rescuefield-a · 1 year
( because if there's one thing capflop can't do is treat women right. disclaimer: this might not be pleasant, please keep in my mind it's in relation to my portrayal and not THE truth )
let's skip all the obvious parts, we already know those. let's dive into claire's mind since by the time death island happens she considers leon her comrade in arms, even though perhaps with the way things go in canon she should be the one throwing the chair. only half joking here.
i'm gonna start by saying that i find ridiculous that claire would fuck off a few days after the outbreak - sure she's impulsive but not at these levels to go in with no plan and no actual idea of where to fly in the first place. so here's the thing, she's stayed with sherry and leon for a while before leaving, planned her search carefully with them watching her too. bonding more with sherry was a given, but she obviously shared enough pieces of information with leon as well since she knows his email.
i don't think claire ever fell head over heels for him as some in this fandom love to imply - she has eyes, and leon is easy on them. that's really all there is to see ( tho i do think her feelings might have changed slightly during their motel hopping situation, but that's more of me world building around the little that we know ) at the same time however, leaving and returning has been a disastrous experience for claire. she was definitely the first to reach out to him post rockfort - mostly to find out what happened to sherry.
on that note, i think that was what held them together at first. it is known that they had visit rights, probably showed up together sometimes, might have decided to join forces against simmons ( although it was useless ) when claire was trying to get sherry's custody. they both love sherry, they both went through hell, they both want to end it - their whole friendship is based on a promise they made to each other when they were a little more thank kids themselves. and that's probably why claire has ended up having a closer bond with leon post raccoon city; they share similarities in that way, and that's what gets them through things since apparently they keep in touch off screen ( would be fun to read more of their email exchanges )
it's obvious claire holds leon on a pedestal in a way - whereas chris was her go to person, leon sort of takes that place post rockfort. he gets contacted in harvardville, she asks his opinion about the drawing made by that kid in penamstan. she cares about him and his opinion, which is somewhat reciprocated through the little hints in canon, but at the same time we see a shift that changes things. if during the airport outbreak leon was speaking highly of claire and how she fought her way out of raccoon city, a couple years later in DC he tells her to "not do anything stupid" more than once, to which claire eventually even tells him "when are you going to stop treating me like a kid?" because claire knows very well she's capable and experienced, so her inner question when it comes to leon is why cant you see me as your equal?
i know some might have expected me to turn this into a ship moment, but it really all boils down to this. claire gets the damsel treatment over and over, to the point that even something that supposedly was fanservice becomes a moment where we can see her annoyance. she seems almost mad when leon asks her if she's fine after being picked up from the acid pool - and while she is okay, there's no doubt that leon and jason's antics have created problems during her convo with wilson, claire still gets up and goes to the control room to once again to the behind the scene work that will grant leon another tyrant kill and a pat on his shoulder by the government.
to put it simply, claire never gets praised, never gets credit, and yet she's the one doing half the work, she's the one staying behind during the aftermath, she's the one who made it possible for the government and bsaa to meet in the first place. claire might as well get into politics some day and i wouldn't be surprised, she's a leader who always gets pushed aside because she's unfortunately surrounded by a lot of toxic masculinity and very fragile egos.
so to circle back, i find it interesting that claire says "i do things my way and you do things yours" because it implies that until then they were always meeting in the middle, but it was really following leon's lead because he's supposed to know better than her. it could be implied that claire has compromised for the past decade, having a different approach to fighting the good fight than him ( leading me to think she had been influenced by neil's charm for a whole lot longer than revelations 2, he just wasn't the leader of terrasave yet so his role wasn't important for the plot but possibly formative to how claire operates ) so this is her stepping away from leon's shadow - it's her way to say ok, i've been following your lead until now, but just because you're the fighter and i'm the rescuer it doesn't mean we're not on the same level.
i also find very interesting that claire and leon seem to not have a "shared campaign" and that she has been given a weapon of her own in death island. it might not mean much in terms of plot meaning, but to me it means a lot because it's already a HUGE step forward ( until now movie wise she would always have a weapon that was either leon's or would be discarded after shooting one zombie which is ridiculous when there's a hoard of them ) toward claire having an identity of her own that is not tied to her brother, best friend, boyfriend of the day found dead at the end. this might be her biggest occasion to shine and perhaps to prove once again that she's on the same level as everybody else - her job doesn't define, her experience does... and of that let me tell you at this point she's got plenty.
to recap: claire did carry the torch for leon throughout the years and as long as the universe keeps destroying every attempt of her moving on, in a way she will always have a soft spot for him. but also if it's true that the distance makes the heart grow fonder, then the farther they stay when it comes to missios the more they'll remain in best terms ( he's still her best friend regardless, is a deal package along with sherry, she will totally host interventions but will never let people use her name to express their disappointment )
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Hstuck ships except they get progressively more abusive/unhealthy (becasue naut all comships are age gaps and jncest lol (we’ll get to them soon tho dw)) as i pull yet another all nighter:
Dirk <3 Roxy (theyre so adorbs tgether…. Also yes im aware Dirk is canonically gay pls let me hav my bi4bi comfort ship in peace xC)
Davepetasprite^2 <3< Jade (they hate each other for what theyve done, for leaving one another—except Davepeta left because Jade loved the “real Dave”.)
Kanaya <3 Vriska (Kanaya cant stop loving Vriska and Vriska cant let herself love Kanaya
Dave <3 Rose (they wanted each other’s guardians but theyre dead so hugging each other and holding hands will have to suffice)
Bec Noir <> Jade (since Becsprite is now Jadesprite, she’ll have to play with Bec Noir instead. :c)
dubiously nsfc below lmfao
2. Davepeta and Jade scratch and claw at each other’s bare skin as they hold the other down. Sometimes biting or tearing of feathers happen but it comes with a limit.
4. They pretend the other is their guardian (Dave pretending Rose is Beta Roxy Lalonde, Rose pretending Dave is Beta Dirk Strider) as they hold each other and kiss.
blatantly nsfc below
5. Bec Noir would rut and pant against furniture, objects, animals/creatures, or Jade when least expected, causing short-lived discomfort for her before she tries to relieve him of desire.
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hey boy i absolutely adore ur aesop he looks so fucking done with everything
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Well, you’re not wrong…
#aesop carl#identity v#identity v embalmer#identity v the embalmer#identity v ask blog#my sem started and i drew this during lesson lmaooo#i feel just as done as aesop ITS ONLY DAY ONE HAHAHA#well i mean aesop isnt the warmest ball of sunshine to be around#also im so honoured that you enjoy my aesop :"D#im honestly having so much fun with him as a character so im glad you enjoy all my shenanigans#i had a convo with joseph mun not too long ago that my aesop looks perpetually tired HAHAHAH#i cant help it i love drawing the eye bags#i read somewhere that embalming isnt very healthy for embalmers either#which is understandable i mean the mask can only protect against so much#so i wouldnt expect him to be very lively except say running away from hunters or evading questions about his favourite person#EVERYTHING I TOUCH TURNS INTO AESOP X JOSEPH HAHAHAHHAHA SHIT#i wanna come up with a better ship name tho joscarl sounds so weird#ok so im adding more tags cos HI GREEN GREMLIN MUN the way i answer asks is i leave them in my drafts and post like twice a day or somethin#so i actually answered this like a few days ago lmao but hello yes lovely person who also deserves the world as much as i do#we need to talk#so i can say that i love you too youre a lovely person keep your chin up k#im so glad i got to meet u in this lovely community it sounds like youve been through a lot#just know i love your chaotic energy the world needs more ppl that just wanna go apeshit but like in a fun kind of way#thank you so much again for loving my art this aesops just for you ;)
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cl-babydew · 2 years
I finished Cowboy Bebop! Also icon change!
So I was gonna make an icon change sooner, butttt I got stuck deciding between these two:
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As for the second! It’s just so soft and makes me all 🥺
It was especially hard to choose after the ep when Ed left! Geez I cried! XD
So I decided to wait til I finished the series!
Which I finished last night and I’ll be honest.. the ending wasn’t that great!
Like I expected to SOB!! XD But I didn’t!!! I didn’t even tear up!! I was sad! But I was more unsatisfied and confused!! And a tad salty?!
Like you build up Julia THIS WHOLE DANG TIME! For her to LITERALLY die 8 mins inthe last ep, right after she just came back into my Spikey boy’s life! Like I honestly saw that as bad writing! Plus the whole 2 eps felt so chopy! Like we didn’t even see Spike mourn!! HE JUST GOT HIS PIECE HE CLAIMS HE WAS MISSING, BACK, AND YOU HAVE THE AUDACITY TO KILL HER 8mins IN AND NOT HAVE HIM MOURN! BARLEY SHOW AN OUNCE OF SADNESS?!??
It felt so weird to me and made me upset!
I’m sorry but I literally LAUGHED when she died!! Like I never cared for her! And even when I met her, she never caught my attention! She’s such a plain character, I’m sorry! Built up just to die right off the bat!
It would’ve been more poetic to have them die side by side as Visous threatened would happen if she didn’t kill Spike!
Which she didn’t, so boom! Easy set up! Have them die side by side, fighting against Viscous!
What happened was too sloppy! I’m sorry but it was!
Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE THIS SHOW SO MUCH!
But when it came to Julia, I lost intrest immediately! Especially the ending 2 eps! It was a mess!
Tho of course I loved my Faye and Spike moment!! X3
Speaking of, I’m not really upset that they didn’t become canon, I already knew they weren’t going to, and that Spike was going to “die”! I was just living with the moments I got from them!
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Anyway! What was I getting at? Oh right! XD While I may be a tad upset, at the same time I’m not! X3
I’m just more upset with the end!
Well at least I have a lot of fics to go through for my ship! X3 I’ve been waiting to finish in oreder to read them!
Clearly my new icon is:
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And there’s the artist! X3 Dang this is such a pretty art!🥺
Besides all this! I really really loved this show!! The op became my new jam urjvyduvyf XD
Oh and I loved this crazy family of Cowboys and girls! X333
Oh and cowdog! X3
Geez I miss them already! X,D
Jet was amazing and I love him and he’s such a dad! Fight me! XD
Ed is crazy and precious! XD Love her!
And dang EIN I LOVE YOUUU!!🥺🥺🥺 The fact Ed And Ein has such a bond, my dang heart!!
Faye was always a pleasure to watch!! X3
Geez he’s so illegal!
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Anyway I’ll stop here and leave y’all off with Faye and Spike! X3
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Bye! X3
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cjskribblez · 2 years
I just finished Rebels s2, so i wanted to dump a few of my random thoughts here; if anyone is interested lol.
I knew something bad was gonna happen to Kanan gosh dangit him and Hera had too sweet of a scene beforehand, and sure enough. BOOM guys. He did not in fact get to see her again lmao I hate it here
At least he's alive tho lol
Honestly I lost the capacity to hate Maul a long time ago so I just felt really bad for him this whole time. HE FAILED AGAIN. SHOCKER. and honestly except for that main part of removing a certain someone's retinas he didn't really do anything super evil. He didn't lie to Ezra at all, he didn't drop Ezra or try to kill him a single time either. Respect (but also dude wtf rude)
And Maul taking about how he was no longer a sith... Maul lore. Very good methinks.
"Two Jedi and a part-timer" LOL he genuinely sounded so happy to actually see people. Who knows how long he was there-
That first elevator ride up the temple had to have been awkward AS HELL for Maul and Ahsoka though I'm so upset they took that from us that would have been so funny (ik it's been 10+ years ok I just think it would be hilarious if they were just 🧍🧍*elevator music*)
Honestly right before they all split up though I was sitting there like "gee Ezra how come Dave Filoni let's you get 3 masters"
no wait Kanan is now but still
Why did the temple lady sound like Ventress?? Was that intentional?? Hm🤔🤔 I'm probably reading too much into this but. Sus.
We almost had Maul and Ahsoka vs Vader.... But the world wasn't ready for that ig
And don't even get me started on the Ahsoka and Vader scene. The only reason I'm not on the ground sobbing right now is because I've seen it in edits and such. STILL HURT THO.
I actually think the only reason Ahsoka knew. Knew it was Anakin was because of his scar. She might have even aimed for that part on his mask to check... Yeah :(
I was not expecting those inquisitors to die there JEEZ rip ig but not really they were annoying LMAO
It isn't really clear on who's ship Maul stole but IMAGINE IF IT WAS VADERS. HAHAHA. THE AUDACITY .
Speaking of audacity. Ezra sassing DARTH. FREAKIN. VADER. (And living to tell the tale) I love him guys😭
They really all lost something that episode huh :((
Rex literally told her to wait for him before she went too :'(( bye I'm sad
In conclusion; I hate StarWars (/hj)
And I really loved s2 so WHOO I'm excited (scared) for the rest!
And ofc my lovely beans, these r just my opinions.
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virtualtoybox · 3 years
okay nobody asked however tho i may be cringe i am also FREE so heres the story beats for dark lady au -
-padme survived, tho is handicapped from injuries sustained during her fight with anakin on mustafar. shes in a leadership position in the rebellion, but stays disguised as a handmaiden to the queen of alderaan as a way to protect here identity from the empire. 
-luke and leia are raised basically co-parented by the organas as well as padme and sabe. luke and padme are extremely close while her relationship with leia remains strained and distant... being a mother to her daughter was harder than was to be one to her son. she saw too much of herself in leia, and it scared her, and i think it scared leia too. a ferocity and need to change the world around her but too young to do anything about it. padme wishes she had done more about it. she tries so hard to make up for hte mistakes of her past, creating a better future for her children based on the foundation she failed to build before. 
- its around 12 years old that the children are found out by vader, and leia is singled out just by being on the wrong planet at the wrong time, just because she happened to by the first he found ina vulnerable enough position. he never planned to take leia; it didnt have to be her. 
- middle middle ive been drinking and smoking, ALL NIGHT, so suck it up you dont get the intensive leia sith training meta. maybe tomorrow. 
- ....okay just a lil. so she is fairly easy to manipulate tbqh considering shes so hunger for more and better and any sort of satisfaction that can ease the burning in her gut for just a second. palpatine offers her that in the form of force training- something her mother forbade. 
- so leia very definitely like. feels like being a sith can get her where she wants to be- where palpatine is. doing better than him. 
- a new hope is different in many ways but the one i will talk at length about is Leias assassination of emperor palpatine. vader is tasked with stopping the hotshot pilot trying to destroy the death star and comes back to give his master the bad news only to find a mangled body and his daughter wuth blood on her hands. she wont tell him what exactly happened- but that she does expect a new title. 
- emperor vader and his daughter; the dark lady arfenia (the devoted) are a very intense hand in unlovable hand fucked up power duo who feed off each other in the worst most unhealthy ways - she hates him so much, knows she needs him alive for now, shaking deep in her bones to finally kill him. he loves and would die for her easily, knows its not yet his time so he  is basically a puppet leader for his extremely disturbed daughter. 
-during this time, padme takes luke to ahsoka for force training- desperate for some form of defense against her ex husband ... against her own daughter.
- leia and han end up meeting when han is taken prisoner by vader to try and lure luke ala esb, though things go quite a bit differently to the point of Han being stuck in the cells on Leias ship. she honestly just curious as to who wouldve grabbed her brothers attention to such an extent that she visits han a bit more often than she should. they only know each other for a month. theyre only together once. its enough. 
-jaina and jacen are born 9 months later. theyre both so strong in the force, leia can already sense the power rolling off her children in waves. but one of them, the boy... hes sick. no matter what she does, she cant get him to stop crying a sickly pathetic wail- something that scared her so so bad. she could only think of one person who might be able to help- her brother, a jedi. a healer in the force. 
-she leaves jacen with luke- hiding him away just close enough for her brother to sense and safe enough to wait until he did. she knows the boy will be safe there- maybe even get to know his father. 
-ive type 1k more words than discord will allow me to send about an au no one could possibly care about besides myself and im not even to the main part of the au. might write more later but for now i thnk im gonna go put myself in niche star wars au jail (timeout in the corner)
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lupismaris · 3 years
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“Looking for trouble, Mr Silver?” _____
-shuffles back in with another black sails mermay sketch-
Flint, older than Silver (and the rangers) and thus bigger, scarred from years spent sinking navy and merchant ships alike, leaving what goods he didn’t keep for the crews along the beach, earning their allyship. rumor is he cant sing the way most sirens do, but in truth its just a very rare occurence (and it usually means you’re fucked or hes really sad). in theory you’d expect him to be subtle, to ambush and blend in given how well he disappears into the green murky waters, but when has Flint ever done anything subtly? 
tldr big merman flint can drown me whenever it suits his fancy 
(gotta say im pleased with how this came out considering im two 7% pints in at 11pm. it is messy tho so my apologies for that)
-shuffles back into the shadows muttering about merfolk as an allegory for suffering and sacrificing ones true self-
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nagirambles · 2 years
lucy having a epic moment in your fic and then immideitly passing out after is so GOOD I CANT MHJGSFJDHFG ITS JUST SUCH A FIARY TAIL THING TO DO.
it shows how shes taking more risks and also trusts the guild members to have her back once shes promptly unconscious. All of fairy tail backing her up is so good.
natsus speech and her decison is that moment it just, hits me really hard cause, even tho she thinks she was goaded into asking for help im so so glad she did cause, even tho she asked natsu for permission to stay shes also in a way giving herself permission to live her life on her terms for herself, to be in a way selfish but also giving in the way she wants to love her new home and I adore it.
Lucy being a crier this chapter is so vaild please girl im sobbing too
Erzas whole scene is amazing go erza loml
Loke and lucys whole speech is also amazing cause while natsus was more focused on lucy accepting fairy tail for her future, her and lokes speech was more on the reconcilliation of theyre pasts. Even tho I assume loke isnt fully accepted into himself yet due to the loke arc presumablly coming up later its sowing the seeds of him realizing lucy honestly dose get her spirts and she cares. Also the idea of lucys spirts locking themselves off to protect her, maybe out of regret for not doing it with her mother, breaks my heart a little. Her accepting her past for all it hurt but also gave her in the forms of her mother and her magic is amazing. Lokes lil tsundere moment there at the end is also amazing I love him!!!!!!!
Cana and grey in the background are also a joy!!
Im sorry for typing this much but just god i love your writing and you do these charaters RIGHT
AAAhhh this message I’ve read over and over it just makes me so happy to read T^T ❤❤��❤ I don’t know how to express myself I just want to get on my knees and bless this ask, it sends me on a confidence high and it’s such a good feeling. 
I’ve been wanting to write this chapter all fic, honestly. It’s all a hodgepodge of stuff I wished happened in canon, especially in regard to Lucy’s keys. Because what better time to bring up emotional turmoil’s effects on magic than the arc we find out about Mirajane and Elfman’s trauma? I really liked exploring Lucy, Loke, and Celestial Spirit magic dynamics in this chapter, and I’m so so happy to hear people enjoy it just as much as I did. It’s a blessing to be able to hear this through self-indulgence character exploration. 
I hope I did Natsu and Lucy’s meeting justice, even though it’s hardly the boy meets girl some people might be expecting. A lot of people have been wanting them to meet, and I presume it’s because they’re wondering about the ship dynamics-- I won’t be writing any ships into this story as is my pattern with ficwriting, so the route I went with it does leave me a little conflicted. Oh well! 
I just wanted to give Natsu an angry ‘take care of yourself you idiot’ moment with Lucy, because I’m appalled he didn’t have one with her when he had big ones with Erza and Gray in TOH and Galuna. It would have been so appropriate for Phantom Lord, but alas, Lucy isn’t the kind of character with whom a lesson should be shouted at, at least in canon. I think I do this ‘playing the bad guy’ thing with Natsu a lot, so I’m glad I managed to get the point through. It does make Natsu feel a bit mean, as is my intention, but I hope I did it well enough to give all of their characters justice.
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