#cant i just create a new one instead-- and then i think bout their stories and its just a neverending cycle
aria0fgold · 6 months
The temptation of doing worldbuilding for Alec and Ray's world but also the exasperation from reworking their story FROM THE VERY BEGINNING cuz of how closely tied their stories are with the current world they're living in (which is just modern earth) and I'm like, every day I think bout wanting to worldbuild to make the story a bit Easier for me but at the same time, I also just am not prepared to rewrite practically everything about their stories.
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xxcherrycherixx · 11 months
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" Blondie believes that she will never fit in. she's no social outcast or anything- but when she compares herself to her friends and classmates she begins to feel like a puzzle piece trying to fit into a jenga tower. so she squeezes and bends and rips herself to fit into any tiny crack she can, she desperately curates a perfect persona hiding everything that doesn't fit the mold she has created for herself.
after a drop in her mental health she starts wandering the forests behind her home at night, she knows its risky to go out so late and especially to a place so dangerous- but that's the point. she would never admit this morbid intention, admitting that's what she's doing is something she never wants to do. shes not that kind of person, she doesn't have those kinds of issues- instead she pretends she just wants to feel the cold breeze on her skin, or admire the peaceful quiet the night brings.
on one of these dark nights she finds a girl, she lay bare and unconscious on the ground, her shallow breathing being the only indication she's even alive. blondie quickly wakes the girl, she's heard the dark news stories of young women who get taken to private locations, assaulted and left for dead by their attackers. when the girl comes to, she looks at blondie with confusion. "can you hear me? are you alright? do you need medical attention?" blondie asks, the girl squints "i can hear you, im fine"
"are you sure? you're laying in the forest naked." the girl looks down at herself and around before letting out a hum " do you know how to get to-" her brows furrow "i need to go back to-" a look of distress washes over her. Blondie raises a brow at the weird behavior "i don't think you're fine, did you bash your head or something?" the girl looks to her with tears in her eyes "i cant remember my home, i don't remember who i am or how i got here" "
During a bout of severe depression, Blondie discovers a strange girl in the forest who claims to have lost her memory. the two team up to try to recover the lost memories and help the lost girl get home, but as they search for any clues, the two grow close. blondie learns to see both life and herself in a different way.
meanwhile as they delve deeper into the mystery things only become more strange, with nonexistent answers and constant dead ends, the lost girl starts to worry she may never know the truth or return home.
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this is so complicated! no its not yes it is i didnt want to die die die die but i did for the gang! damn ok so i know hes not here trust me hes not but why couldnt u stop urself from insulting me? i never did any of that dumb bitch! oh really? oh haha ew ur gross! its really me! omg ttyl i didnt insult u i promise i did what was right and we can totally move on from the next part of the story to thw other but where the fuck did u go baby? i have no idea thats whats so weird about it u didnt go anywhere but austin tx nah she didnt go there! she went to native ohio no she went to a corner store... and died? like thats it! and were capable and strong right? u wont forget about skatepark deaths too right? no i wont my dude ok so stay away from bad ppl doing weird things to u like arguing or fighting u ok? ok are u scared 1 second forever nah i came back! i got to fight and it was my fault ew ur so naive to think that that i wanted to kill u that u couldnt die that u couldnt live horror cutz whose on the boat? a dying antelope whats on the hill? a dying school bus whats on the hill? a dying antler whats on the hilltop a dying carcuss animal crush sad was yesterdays news that ur child was dying alone that she couldnt eat that she couldnt breathe lava & knives hi lets go home for a minute well it wasnt as good as planned well we die alone sometimes well we cant eat dinner well weve got to go home hey did u do anything last night? no i fucked all night well im a virgin suicide i die everyday eating plastic bowling balls im gonna eat a virgin and call her suicidal janette bc the plastic teens eat queeno benders ew thats one green lets play hockey instead ew! lets go get lava & knives its me u dumb bitch im gonna hop skip and jump away i do love u & u dont have to ask im gonna be the star in daddy! no stop? porno no way i think id rather die bc ur daughter just ruined the joke like she always does right? well no fucking way captain obvious we got drinks tonight at the bar ok so go home to daddy i do love her shes been creating me or maybe i created her what? ok so stop all the press im in love with desarae renee hollins and i wish scary gangsta could be too bc see he is! and always has been and that guy didnt stand a chance just wait bc we dont cheat and were not gay and we dont talk to other women daamn baby its me too! ive got a whole knife in the lava dept ew hahaha um i find it hard to believe that u want him to be the first lava & knives but the second one hes a pro! yea were already getting ready to come over nah were tired and hungry too and desarae renee hollins is never cooking another day in her life! ok so get away from me and heres some meth ok so? i saw that! and he ran away big time it wasnt me pretty girl yes! she is she is she is she is well what about me? what about what i want? i want a diamond ring from tiffanys yes its bout 50 hahaha funny af and we will say why! so its funny bc it is and i laughed bc it was ok so? she will never know if i love her and i do so what about tiffany ew! hahaha she and i dont even walk home together fascinating? not really dude! it was just a sentence and i get it we create with words ok so no big deal ive got 100m needles laying around woa woa woa who said that? i have got to ask u why u keep floating around here! no im not dead im still alive! hahaha ew no hahaha that emotion is phsyically impossible for anyone what i have is the exact opposite and she has it too lol well maybe after her office visit with lava & knives 1 second forever ew hahaha shes a drug dealer? hell nah bitch that is real real judgy and franklin go home nigger
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andymull · 5 years
AEW Full Gear 2019 – Preview & Predictions
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Cody vs Chris Jericho (c) – AEW World Championship Match
This match also now has the added stipulation that if Cody loses he can never go for the world title again………..smells like a screwy finish to me, more later.
Such a well built and enjoyable feud between these guys, Cody played a clever stroke when AEW started putting on shows by letting Omega go for the title first then Hangman Page. Knowing that Jericho was going to be a dominant champion for awhile he instead wrestled just out of sight of the title knocking up win after win, and when this company is trying to be known as one that runs with its records it made a lot of sense for him to do so. Not being cynical or having a crazy theory but both Omega and Page have had to take backwards steps slightly because of that whereas Cody has been able to stride forward once the tv deal began and now finds his-self in the spot of spots.
Jericho has again been able to re-invent his-self again in his career as le champion and the leader of the Inner Circle (still not sure about that tbh), he’s worked well to get over a new finisher with the Judas Elbow too.
With the added stipulation I see this coming down to Cody having the match won after the Inner Circle and The Elite try to interfere and end up causing a big riot at ringside, this results in Cody having Jericho ready to hit his finisher when Hangman Page turns on Cody letting Jericho retain. They have been playing it up on Being The Elite for awhile now with Page feeling left adrift slightly from the rest of the group, with Cody and others trying to bring him back into the fold but I see this being his hook to turn holding it over all of the Elite. The popular option of who to turn would be MJF, but truthfully ITS TOO OBVIOUS!!!! They have to see that already and realise they need to hold it off for as long as possible, then twist it and either have Cody catch him mid turn OR even have Cody turn on him first…..but that’s for later – CODY
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Jon Moxley vs Kenny Omega – Lights Out Match
Another lights out match? Ok
Still not sure if I like these guys together, they’ve had some fun angles but clicking in-ring for me is still to be seen. They’ve tried to hold off with Mox as much as possible so as to not burn out certain matches which is clever, but at the same time it feels like there should have been more to this feud before the big match.
They’ve ran the story of Kenny losing the title match but now has finally started to get his mojo back, but I don’t feel he’s winning tonight sadly and its going to hurt again as people were/are expecting him to be the main guy in the company from the get go having the best matches weekly. Its just not plausible though is it? You cant run everything from the beginning of your tv deal, some ideas have to be held back and paced out, and the main one is Kenny being the best in the world. The time will come, no doubts about that, and it will be great but it will be a bumpy road ahead for alittle while yet…………….then we’ll be talking about is it possible to reach the heights of the last few years in New Japan against Okada with the talent they have in AEW? Definite thing to write about in the future.
Im going to be going with Mox taking the win tonight and setting his-self up for the next title feud against Jericho, hopefully they book it well so that the crowd don’t turn too much on Omega not winning – MOXLEY
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Riho (c) vs Emi Sakura – AEW Women’s World Championship
The teacher vs the student, just a shame the company haven’t been drilling this match and story the past few weeks and instead it felt like a rushed match for the PPV.
Should be a fun match with two women who know each other inside out and should have a PPV caliber match in mind for this perfectly – RIHO
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Proud -N- Powerful vs The Young Bucks
This should be an excellent match between two great teams, I don’t think this will be the last of their bouts while the two groups feud but hopefully the Bucks allow themselves to take the victory tonight – YOUNG BUCKS
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Hangman Page vs Pac
The rubber match between the two finally takes place, just a shame that the feud has died slightly from where it was before the Pac situation of not coming in previously to lose while champion in Dragon Gate. Currently Pac has gone from strength to strength on tv with his win record while Page has stumbled in his attempt to be the young rising star that AEW will create from the go.
As I mentioned previously I see Page turning in the main event and to add another added level to his turning will be him losing here, it then allows him to say that no-one came to help him in this match whereas The Elite will end up ringside in the title match to help Cody.
Pac will take the victory, not sure where he goes next, potentially Omega? – PAC
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The Lucha Bros vs SCU (c) vs Private Party
Three fun teams should make for a really fun match, probably EXTREMELY spotty but who cares.
No chance the titles change hands already so SCU retain, ill take them to pin one of Private Party to win and hopefully not the Lucha Bros as they’ve lost enough – SCU
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Shawn Spears vs Joey Janela
Really not looking forward to this, Spears has looked very average since coming in having competitive matches recently with guys he should have run through to build him up. While Janela’s record isn’t that good and is more of a hardcore guy not a guy able to go higher than 3 stars in a solid wrestling match (though is trying very hard to improve, see the Omega 2nd match).
Have to imagine that Spears goes over and most likely sets up a series with MJF once he’s fully fit for action, but man he’s dropped since debuting against his friend Cody and clocked him with that chair, they said it wasn’t his fault it was the chair but the lack of a push didn’t seem that way….who knows – SPEARS
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Britt Baker vs Bea Priestley – Buy In Match
Poor Britt has really taken a beating on social media with how much she’s been pushed since debuting (did you know she’s a Dentist?) and Bea hasn’t been around weekly I don’t think to be able to really push this feud. After Bea had alittle brawl with Sadie Gibbs backstage then followed that up with being super stiff and awkward in her match after im still to be convinced they really want to push her fully yet. And truthfully this being put on the Buy In show kinda shows their ideas for both girls sadly/currently. Britt needs alittle time off of Dynamite to have afew wins on AEW Dark then return back up later (Did I mention she’s a qualified Dentist?) - BAKER
Have to imagine they have another big match or two on the Buy In show as well to get guys a pay day.
Should be a real fun show, hopefully it doesn't go on too long on PPV but as long as the big names get time then great
Bye for now
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amazingspiderfan110 · 5 years
What If pt 1
This is the what if dewey became spiderman, but in extra detail. Takes place after this other fan-fic https://www.wattpad.com/653834340-the-show-must-go-on-dancing-in-the-dark/page/3 and https://www.wattpad.com/story/148178722-reservation-for-four, The only difference is at the dance, before dewey fell into the shark tank, he got bit by the spider, and the age is 10 instead of 12. And takes place after the shadow war.
Dewey’s pov:
Tonight, im going to win big. I found a wrestling match on the internet, and i need a cool suit, I have a general idea of what my powers were, I can stick on walls, spider sens, which is why i suspected Vincent was evil, increased durability and healing, which explains why i didn’t die in that plane crash in the Sahara, and i found out i had super strength recently. So i knew my outfit had to be spider themed. I started to brainstorm, I wanted to hide my face, so i need a mask, no, i look weird in a mask, I GOT IT,, i can wear a hoodie, add some goggles, and get a black bandanna, and use it as a mouth cover. I should add a webbing pattern on the suit, and It should be blue and......Black, yes. Now I just need to make the suit, But how? Luckily im the nephew of scrooge mcduck. SO i go out and buy what i need, took me 6 hours, but i made the suit, the lenses were the easiest, i just got lenses, put a black frame on it and and some mesh so i can see out, but no one can see in. I go out to the fight. I won easily but instead of winning 25k, i won 250 dollars. His excuse, i won quickly, if anything i should have won extra money, he can get robbed for all i care, and that’s what happened, I let the robber pass me, its not like its going to backfire anytime soon.
I start walking home, not a care in the world, i snuck back in my room, and changed to my normal clothes, and walked downstairs, everyone was crying, but why.. Then that’s when i learned the truth, uncle Donald was killed. I couldn’t believe it, you sure, yes, it was, and whoever killed him was going to pay. I put on my suit, and tracked down the killer. I wanted one thing, payback, i threw him around, and kicked him around, i wanted to hear his pain, and i decided to turn on a light to see his fear, i wanted to see his pain, then i realized something, it was the guy that robbed the man that robbed me of my cash, i could've stopped him, but i didn’t. It was my fault uncle Donald was dead, my fault.
I woke up, i got hit with some knock-out gas, why, because i was fighting a rouge group of beagle boys who are attempting to steal the diamond-jewel thing that mark beaks stole a 2 1/2 months ago during Huey's camping trip. And they hit me mid air, i tried a sneak attack from above, but they saw me coming, luckily i was very high, so i woke up just in time, now to stop them.  The truck was surrounded by 4 cars, so i decided to break in one, and crash it into another car, and the other 2 i just threw 2 spears into their tires. Now for the main attraction. I jumped on the truck, and i knocked on the window and he had the smart idea to look so i punched him in the face.I Threw him out and stopped the truck. Then I noticed the driver was getting away, I had the smart idea because when i caught up with him, he had a weapon, i dodged every single bullet, and webbed him up. And OH CRAP, i missed my presentation at school, and i was supposed to help webby practice her paper about hope, well i decided to ditch school completely. Besides, i would only give her a bunch of stammering, DANG SCROOGE, WHY DID YOU HAVE TO SAY I HAVE A CRUSH ON HER, i was perfectly fine not knowing about my crush on her. You would think after the Vincent incident i would have told her, well thanks to my life as spider man and me being nervous. But  as a bonus, my powers did get me out of tough situations during our adventures. But im also distancing myself from my best friend, i hope she did fine on her presentation.
webbys pov
Its over, i went up there and did my presentation, how ironic that a simple speech can make me nervous, but not a city crumbling while you are still inside. But im sort of thankful that Dewey didn’t show up. I would have gave him awkward silence. I developed my crush a week after the Vincent incident, and dewey was acting like himself again, then a week later and he constantly keeps on disappearing. Except if we are going on adventures of course, maybe it was Donald’s death. But I dismissed that theory quickly, because he would have told me, RIGHT?  But when i tried to talk to him, he quickly walks away. Maybe he still has a grudge after 2 months, maybe, I was kind of a jerk to him. I tried asking him but he always says “have to check on something” or “can we talk about this later. He didn’t make any dewey dew-night videos, something is off with him. “you did great”said my best friend Lena, “thanks, im just upset dewey didn’t get to see it”
“Its ok, i decided to film it”said Huey
But why did dewey leave, this is the 3rd time he ditched school. But then again, this place is crazy, Gandra dre is Now known as Doctor Octopus. Mark Beaks built his own waddle duck suit, glomgold returned, And the sky pirates attempted to take over Duckberg. This place is crazy, and on top of that, a shadow army attacked this place, and spiderman, he saved my life once. He is a true hero, I would literally go out whoever was under that mask, even if he had a deformed face. And if he was her age. And where does dewey go.
Dewey's pov
Great, I forgot I was supposed to get a shovel for Huey today, I don’y know why, but I think he is trying to earn another badge, And he couldn't get his own? I luckily brought my clothes so i can walk in the store. I bout the shovel and its 3:30, school should be out. So i start walking home. I beat everyone to the mansion. I climb in my window, and i see my photo of mom. I knew what she did, Mom and dad crashed o the moon, i didn’t know why they even did that. Maybe she learned something she wasn’t supposed to and people wanted to use that info to create some sort of weapons, probably. At least my parents loved me. Webby’s parents just abandoned her, feeling no guilt, for all i care, they could be stuck inside a volcano, or maybe they did care but they were threatened and  were forced to go into hiding. I dont care.Then Huey walked in,”Here is webby’s speech, i taped,” Huey tossed me a SD card “Thanks”I responded,”and here is your shovel”I handed Huey his shovel”thanks”
“don’t mention it”
“also, where were you, this is the 3rd time you ditched, can you explain what you were doing”
“UH, i....was.....”
“you like webby, don’t you”
“WhY WoUlD YoU SaY ThAt”
“it all makes sense, you get sweaty around her which started about 2 months ago”
the first 2 weeks was because of the spider bite
“your face would turn red, and you tried to avoid talking to her”
actually 50% of the time was because im trying to make sure this city wont blow up
“and when you do talk, you stammer”
“WHAAAAAA, no i don’t”
“yes you do, just admit it”
“OK FINE, i do like webby, but what if this destroys our friendship”
“at least be honest, now if you excuse me, im going to, uhhhhh”
“talk to lily”
“its ok, louie already told me”
Huey ran downstairs, i heard a how could you, and a dead to me, but as a bonus, Huey will probably tell me one of Louie's secrets. So that’s a win. But how should i tell webby how i feel, heck i feel so nervous around her, my spidey sense registers her a threat and goes off when she is around. And my spidey sense was going off.
“Hi dewey”
“Oh, hi webby”
“so....i just wanted to know why are you so distant around me, its like your’e holding a grudge against me”
“what, no”
“well then, what is it”
I cant tell her, not now, I KNOW
“meet me in the forrest at 7 in the afternoon tomorrow”
YES, I did it, and the best part is that I can also tell her I’m spider man. Its going to be awesome
Webby’s pov
tomorrow at 7 in the forests, finally i will know what dewy’s been up to, and if I get the chance, i will tell him how i feel, I walked in barley to contain myself. “What now”said lena
“your’e going to tell him you have a crush on him, or he is going to tell you”
“what if he doesn’t like you”
“then we can probably be friends”
“Have you tried to tell someone how you felt”
“Uh........not exactly”
“who was it”
“OK OK, right after glomgolds party i-”
“say it”
“I-....I kissed Louie”
“i know, and i do like him, and he might like me, well yeah he does, in 2 days, were going to hang out”
I never knew lena actually did that, and the fact that she was able to keep it hidden for so long.
“webby, question, is there any good movies coming out yet”
“uhhh, Thor Ragnarok, Iron duck 3″
“Is that the one with that new song ready aim fire”
“ill take louie to see that”
I can’t believe it, im helping 2 of my friends go on a date, this world is crazy, but at least we have spiderman and gizmoduck to help us.
louies pov
I’m just sitting here playing video games, while listening to a song lena suggested, and its catchy
I am a freedom fighter, the name that history wrote And even through disaster, eye of the tiger for hope I'm trying to find my way back, there's no day off for heroes And even when I'm tired, gold is the only word i know And the night is takin' over And the moonlight gets exposure And the players have been chosen And it seems like fate has spoken When it seems your faith has broken By the second, losin' focus Ain't no way to get off, get off, get off, get off Unless you I bet you wonder how I go on                                                                              ****l simply say its on again, its on again **
, Its stuck in my head, and its weird that the singer sounds like lena, i heard her sing when she was in the bathroom. But then all of a sudden i hear webby
“What now webby”
I found Magica’s Amulet”
“didn’t that thing almost kill us
“its not like there is more of these”
Then Huey walks in screaming,”GUYS, I FOUND SOMETHING”
we walk outside to see a box with 3 amulets that look like magica’s, except they were green, blue, and red.
“you jinxed it”
“I know Louie”
“we should take this to gyro”
We asked launchpad to drive us to the other bin, then we entered the lab,
“Gyro, we need you to look over these amulets and see what they do”
“we want to know if these would kill us or not”
“Fine, i’ll have results by tomorrow”
This is crazy, my life is crazy, I mean crazy. Me and lena, were not a couple, i think. I know, Ill ask tomorrow if we should be a couple. 
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kentuckertv · 8 years
legion review fx marvel
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‘Legion’: The Next Generation of Superhero TV Legion is a new show about people with super-powers based in the Marvel Comics universe; when it premieres Wednesday night, it will be FX’s first such show in this genre. Because I’d been having a minor case of superhero fatigue—I don’t mean I’m a tired superhero; I mean I’m rather sick of superhero TV shows and movies—I was prepared to be irritated by it. Instead, I was enthralled: This is the best Marvel Comics-based TV show by leaps and bounds, by head and shoulders.
Legion stars Dan Stevens—yes, the sniffy Matthew Crawley from Downtown Abbey—as David Haller, a young man diagnosed as paranoid schizophrenic, leading a miserable life of insecurity, fear, and bouts of destructive drug use. (His pal in misadventure in the latter area is wild-child Lenny, played with controlled abandon by Parks and Recreation’s Aubrey Plaza.)
As we see early on, David may actually possess telekinetic powers, which is to say, he can control objects around him with his mind. So, the good news: Not schizo. The bad news: Might destroy things without intending to. No wonder Stevens plays him as jumpy and mistrustful. Consigned to a psychiatric hospital, he meets Rachel Keller’s Syd Barrett (yes, the name is a nod to Pink Floyd’s trippiest member), a young woman who possesses a special ability that immediately links her to David. They are soon taken under the care of the psychiatrist Melanie Bird, played by Fargo alum Jean Smart. She leads a team of researchers who are conducting experiments with—and here’s the ta-da! Marvel moment—mutants living among us, waiting to be activated into doing (one hopes) good.
Legion has been adapted for TV by Noah Hawley, who’s been doing such a great job with FX’s Fargo and whose 2016 novel Before The Fall I recommend without reservation. Hawley brings a method of storytelling and a visual style that no superhero show has ever had. The story-lines fracture and double-back on themselves. When David goes into telekinetic mode, the screen explodes in a slow-motion riot of everyday objects swirling around him like a mini-tornado.
I’m not conversant in the Legion comics as created by writer Chris Claremont and artist Bill Sienkiewicz in the 1980s. I am very familiar with the first-gen X-Men comics as created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby in the 1960s, though, and Legion certainly connects strongly and well to the mythology set out back then: Mutants as young, troubled people as much in fear as in thrall to their sometimes-uncontrollable powers; overseen by a powerful, science-based, flawed leader (Prof. Xavier in X-Men; Melanie Bird in the TV Legion).
Stevens plays David as withdrawn and twitchy; he’s also prone to little bursts of deadpan humor, a quality that also pops up elsewhere in the story, and humor is much-appreciated in superhero stories, which tend to be dreadfully solemn and portentous. Hawley knows you can’t do without a certain amount of overwrought pronouncements—that’s one of the things that makes comic books fun, and so you will hear Legion characters say things like, “He thinks he’s mentally ill, but he may be… the most powerful mutant we’ve ever encountered!” But you’ll also be delighted by David’s quick, deflating sarcasm, and the rapid-fire banter of characters like Lenny and Bill Irwin’s absent-minded-professor scientist Cary Loudermilk.
One presumes that David will eventually become what he is in the comics–the superhero called Legion, but there’s no indication of that in the three episodes made available to critics. Some may think of this as a slow-burn narratively; I think it’s just proper stage-setting. If Legion can maintain the balance of thriller-tautness and hallucinatory chaos he does so well in the show’s opening hours, this will truly be a unique and superb superhero series.
Legion airs Wednesdays at 10 p.m. on FX.
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so i traveled the united states for three years on and off ive been off the streets for 6 months now after being radically touched by my father and having my slavery to drugs alcohol and women broken, i had this chain attached to my soul yearning to find truth and follow in the steps of a brother named Christopher mccandless. alexander supertramp, little did i know this was just a story that the divine master of my life used to get me that much closer to him, i had never been chased or pursued by anyone in the whole world like my father chased me, through sleeping around with women across the country ruining their lives and mine and doing everyday drug possible from meth to weed, and acid and shrooms convincing myself i was my own god and that this reality was mine and i could do what i wanted with it, but death faced off with me every morning in the face of others and in my situation of being stuck in this fleshly prison, the creator thought this through forcing us to stay in this prison cell to truly find a way out only coming to realize in my life he was the way out, i was hiding in drugs day by day hiding at the bottom of a bottle when really all i needed was to hide out in him "he is my refuge" although i walked through the valley of death i felt protectance over me in the scariest ghettos and craziest situations, i lived in hell in a reality of hell for months allowing the god of this world the evil one to blind me and manipulate me through my traumas and wounds of depression rebellion rejection and dysfunctionality, finally he broke through, JESHUAS Love broke through, i was in SLAB CITY when the god of the universe, my papa came to speak to me, he had a messenger waiting there in slabs for me, i was a dirty kid with a dog and a sense and wish for purpose in my life not just wandering forever till i died which was what i was gonna do to prove i was a "man" or a hardcore guy. the hardest man gets broken by this world, nothing of this world is good, this flesh is a hell if your living a life for the flesh, it lives then it dies but i knew there was something eternal in me, my spirit nagged at me daily telling me there was more to this concious reality thn i dare to know. so i searched spiritually through acid and psychadelics, until i started having these awful spiritual attacks about ufos and aliens controlling my reality and a load of garbage all straight from the depths of sheol. someone something was trying to hinder me from finding out who i wtruly was and what im becoming to be and who my "real creator is" see the god of this world the"father of lies" puts blinders on those who are of the world, but when god revealed himself his true self to me everything changed i realized i was being chased and loved by something or someone so much bigger than me, he held my hand while i walked this country and hitched and hopped trains trying to figure out what in gods good name was i here for? an ant on the biggest space rock with a bilion other ants trying to figure out this whole mess too. im telling you it took all my self respect and admitting that i am nothing to finally realize who my daddy is, i hated him and rejected him for years i wanted to live this life my way, not "his" way and thats pepoples problem now adays we dont wanna admit we live sinfully and horribly because we know we'd have to lose all our self respect and our knowledge and everything we worked hard for in this life to get us to where we are in the first place, and to have to ask for forgiveness is our biggest weakness, we think "i dont need your forgiveness" id rather die than ask for it. but is heaven worth a little humiliation? for me yes, i couldnt go a day without his light his touch , paracleto's you are my everything. i made it back to oregon when i had encounter after soup kitchen another one of jehovas messenger of his holy army, his name was brian, he was a tatted up older military vet and he came up to me and my dog taco, i had these georgous dreads down to my shoulders and i looked like a dirty hippie, this false identity and this guy comes up to me and prophecy's my next five months, that id have these divine appoiintments and that id be marked by yawheh which is exactly what happened, that day i was marked for heavenly Purposes and longer the ambitions of the world. I've been sober for two months now and off the streets for 6 with my dog taco, ive been pursuing the lord everyday, i want people to get past their troubles and realize jesus didnt die so you could go to church every sunday and "Act" like you love god, i'd die for my lord i'd die like he died he' says pick up your cross and follow me, jesus means come die so you can actually live, i will live through you! in and through you touching his people and his children who dont know about christ and dont know of kingdom. dont ever let christians who dont actually have an intimate relationship with the king of kings ruin the idea of what a true beleive or baptized in holy spirit person might be like, the majority of the church goes to church to sing hymns and play the part of a goody too shoe christian when they sin every other dya of the week go to church sunday and play with themselves monday through saturday, saturated in the demonic instead of embraced by the king. i got baptized in the HOLY SPIRIT and thats when my life changed, not when i prayed "jesus come into my heart" which still allows the king to come do some work but you HAVE TO BE MADE INTO A NEW CREATION, he needs to touch you, no wonder so many people dont beleive in jesus BECAUSE they have never been touched physically by him becuae CHRISTIANS ARENT DOING THEYRE GOD GIVEN DUTY TO CAST OUT DEMONS AND HEAL THE SICK AND OPRESSED FEED THE HUNGRY not go to church then talk about football and get ready for super bowl sunday. IM HERE TO CAST DEMONS OUT OF PEOPLE AND TO HEAL MY BROTHERS AND SISTERS AND TO GET TO KNOW MY PAPA. how bout you? all creation is evidence that our aftehr created us we have no excuse to say otherwise that this all happened by accident. i asked holy spirit to touch me and to make himself real to me and he did, i walked up to the front of a gathering and this heat and electricity from heaven fell down my arms and i started prophecying in my prayer language emediately broken into tears and laughin uncontrollably . i was touched and hugged by my creator he touched me and told me im not alone through his actions and his electricity. never had i ever realized i was so far from alone in this enormous world. i dare you anyone reading this to call on him" Call on jeshua, the holy spirit to come bring his fire and to touch you and to change your life to forgive you of oyur transgression, to take awyay your pains, tell him to give you an idea of oyur identity he made you for, your destiny. you werent made for you, you were made for him. and the best thing an all consuming god can give you is himself. if he gives you the world he hates you, if he gives you himself he loves you. i love you brothers and sisters thats my story in short. im eternal ill never die and its not by my works or by my deeds is by grace alone that i was lifted out the pit, and i was rescued and enlightened and soon to be in full revelation of who my god truly is. he's more treal than the air you breathe, just dare yourself to knock on that door of calling on jesus holy spirit if he isnt real then you have nothing to worry about, but if he is.. then you have everything to gain. everything in your life to lose to gain everything in him. he's umcomparable to this world you cant compare anything to the life to come after this but whoever your god is here is who youll sever for eternity do you wanna serve an empty beer bottle in hell or do you wanna serve and live and dwell in the heart of your creator? stand with the world and be judged by god or stand with god and judge the whole world. share your testimony with me i'd love to hear from more of my brothers and sisters! god bless you and lets press into him intimately lay it all down and lets get to know our daddy and our big brother. he payed such a price for you to take away eerything you neer wanted, give him your baggage your carrying in life its not yours anymore its his to carry. love love love!
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