#cant promise the doodle will be any good. BUT. it will be funny
shinyduo · 5 months
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dasketcherz · 6 months
do you have any dad michael son gregory headcanons because your art for them is genuinely so so cool like omg… it all looks so good they are so cute in your style
greg absolutely secretly looks up to mike's skill set as an artist. he loves to watch him doodle, mike is the type who'd feel conscious when someone watches him draw but,,, he grew to not mind and got use to greg watchin him draw. he can tell the kid is observing and absorbing what he can learn from simply watching him do art.
^^^ with that in mind, Mike often does catch Greg drawing too, when the lil guy is very proud of his work, he shows it off to him. Mike is very encouraging that he keeps up at it cuz he genuinely thinks the kid is doing great.
^^^ As i established in the previous ask, Greg loves to give art gifts to ppl he cares about. He does the same for Mike, especially in special occasions like father's day, or his birthday and whatnot. Mike displays them either in his room or by the fridge, he is very proud of his son's creative efforts!
Mike is not the best cook out there, you can hardly entrust the kitchen to him without him setting it on fire but he tries his best to do a decent job at making pulled pork recipes ever since he found out it's Greg's favorite.
Greg loves to collect all sorts of cute and silly plushies, anytime he spots any when they stroll across a shop or smth he's so ready to persuade Mike to let em buy it for him. It doesnt take a lot of effort to really, all he has to do is stare up at mike with puppy eyes and Mike knows the drill, he sighs and then painfully pulls out his wallet every time. it's worth it tho, it's for the kid
It's always like a russian roulette who wakes up earlier than who in the morning. Sometimes its Mike, sometimes its Greg. Mike usually preps breakfast, well...as best as he could perform the basics. He's shown the ropes to Greg at some point cuz even tho Greg's a kid, Mike acknowledges that he's capable. Greg's a fast learner, if he does a specific task so often enough, he gets good at it eventually. Its a lil funny tho cuz Greg almost does breakfast better than Mike at times. Greg has some fun making Mike's morning coffee for him, he appreciates it a lot. He thinks it's really sweet, he always affectionately ruffle Greg's morning bed hair as a gesture of thanks.
They have a swear jar in the household. No further elaboration needed i think.
Mike drives a motorcycle bike that used to be owned by his mom. Every time he tells Greg he's headin off somewhere for a quick errand, the lil guy insist he wanna come along solely cuz he wanna ride the bike as well. He enjoys being on the bike, he thinks its hella cool and he feels like flyin, he has to always promise Mike he'll behave just so he lets him come too.
They absolutely love movie nights as a hang out time. They both love watching movies, they just have a good time checkin out any film that peaks their interest. Having fun lil discussion bout it during or after watching and all that. Mike is amused when Greg has a lot to say, he just lets the lil guy share his thoughts bout it.
Whenever Mike gets a call that Greg got into another fight at school and it's often cuz other kid bullies got in Greg's nerve [especially if it's them insulting his guardian to his face] or cuz he tried to defend other kids from being bullied, Mike is so ready to throw hands with said kid bully's parents to defend Greg back. Theyre always on each other's side first and foremost.
When one of them catch the other still up in the middle of the night, the instant thought they have is "cant sleep?" presumably cuz the other most likely had another nightmare. It has happened so frequent, they just came to understand that tryin to pass the time doin other things is often the other best thing they can do to doze back to sleep. They had done plenty of things to pass the time at moments like it : be it watch another movie, draw together, just stargaze outside by the front porch etc etc. They appreciate the other for keepin them company. They've grown to try makin sure they never feel so alone anymore the best they can, cuz they arent anymore when they have each other.
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twacn · 1 year
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Happy pride month, I fuvking love being Aromantic, now who wants to do something really funny with me? Okay so a charcter I really like from a smaller fandom might win a poll tournament through sheer force of will on the fandoms part. But as we near the end of the tournament, he's starting to go up against some pretty tough competition! So that's where you come in. If this works, you could get a free doodle from me! Of your OC! Wow! Heres the proposal:
-You go vote for Taylor, a charcter from the Dnd podcast Dungeons and Daddies in his current (or future) poll @alloarocharactershowdown and take a screenshot of your vote
-Reblog this post
-Do whatever you can to help Taylor win!!!
If he wins, then anyone who both voted and reblogged this post will get a doodle of their OC!!
Go vote now ->
More details of what I will/won't draw and examples of my doodle style bellow the cut
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I will draw: gore, furries and mechs (can't promise it'll be good), animals, fanart (please nothing from like creators who are super racist I'm fucking begging you)
I won't draw: a charcter that doesn't have a reference image, anything sexual, more than one character
-this is for fun and I will definitely keep true to my word for this to the best of my abilities, but I am a human being and if this super blows up, it may take me a while to get to your character, sorry if that is the case.
-Once you give me the reference image and maybe a brief description, I'm going with my gut on how I draw them, and usually that means just a simple standing pose, you can request more details but I cant make any promises
-Stay silly :3
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dndestinies · 2 years
//i’m gonna post some kaislynn/molly headcanons bc it’s my blog and no one can stop me
he’s probably what convinces her to leave trostenwald (not bc INSTANT CRUSH, more like actually talking her into getting out of comfort zone)
gets her out of her shell in general, tries to get her into shenanigans (and probably succeeds) and to open up to casual friendly physical affection (which would be VERY slow going)
they bond over being weird despite having totally opposite temperaments/being an introvert & extrovert to extremes, trusts him more than most of the group early on since he seems to have the least amount of ulterior motives (other than jester and yasha probably). might teach him (and yasha!) about plants & flowers since she’d be the ONLY PERSON IN THE PARTY WITH ANY NATURE PROFICIENCY, and would let him play with Juno in ferret form when he needs something to do
molly probably knows she has a crush once it sets in tbh, she’s not good at subtlety or even lying lmao. might even catch her doodling him in her sketchbook. is both a teasing bastard but also kind about it at the same time.
she doesnt have a card before he gets lorenzo’d, but his nickname for her is ‘sunflower’ (i stole that from either a reader insert fic on ao3 or a thing on tumblr?? i forget but i LOVE it)
doesnt trust cree IMMEDIATELY because of the blood magic more than anything, but also seeing something making molly visibly uncomfortable is so out there that it’s a red flag
in werebear au, she first transforms in front of the nein when lorenzo was about the kill him; i’m thinking her silver cuff bracelet is how she keeps herself in control most of the time, and she just casually takes it off and bears out when she sees molly about to die (and by casually i mean consumed by RAGE)
i think werebear works well for a molly lives au, cause a huge ass werebear charging at you might’ve been enough to get lorenzo to at least get away from molly long enough for her to heal him and scold the shit outta him (while still transformed, bc it would be funny)
in canon au, some weird feywild-y shit happens after he dies akin to yasha’s wing bustin’ out. maybe weird eye shit or shadows bleeding off her body as she’s grieving, idk! think dark fey-type stuff
would probably want to take his coat with them, but unless they actually were a thing beforehand she would let the rest of the nein decide what to do with his things. i cant remember if he had anything moonweaver-related, but she’d probably take that as her memento. would probably ask jester if she could help collaborate on his deck sometimes
she probably gets really clingy to caduceus (as much as he’d be comfortable with at least), as he’s just such a soothing presence to everyone while they’re grieving, and they can also bond over nature & the wildmother. eventually might worry that she’s using him as a replacement for molly and back off for a while til they talk about it. either way they probably end up as besties/platonic somethings in both molly aus
after finding molly’s empty grave, she’d be keeping his coat for the time being. it’s a blanket now.
oh god she would have such i-hate-him-but-he’s-hot feelings about lucien you don’t wanna know; if he caught on to her feelings for the ‘sliver’ and teased her about it she would probably actually punch his stupid face. like i said she’s not good at subtlety
at molly’s second ressurection? she’s crying, can’t even look at his fucked up body until the group’s started the ritual. i have no idea if her help would’ve made a difference in the first try, druid magic and all that, but either way she’d be making him promise to thank the Wildmother later
he notices her last, as her legs are too weak to get up while she’s watching him go through the nein and remembering his deck. as soon as he’s said the word ‘sunflower’, since no card, she’s running at him and practically knocking his ass over with the force of the hug. big passionate smooch if they were together, but definitely getting tears all over him. probably the only time she doesn’t get all flustered around a naked person
she’s watching him like a hawk once they’re back at the grove, mostly because she’s just so happy and relieved that he’s okay. she skips out on the team meeting to keep an eye on him, and is still out there when he curls up and falls asleep.
does not let jester do greater restoration if she can help it; they have NO idea how this process works, and messing with it could be a bad idea! no touch!!
if her and molly actually end up together, they end up moving (semi-permanently bc molly can’t possibly stay in one place) to nicodranas, bc you know the beach life eventually grew on kaislynn, but she also tree walks to the blooming grove regularly
if kingsley.... wellp she’s gonna be real sad about it but she also wants him to be happy, so she’s just gonna keep her memories close and try to become a better liar
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shrimp-sanji · 2 years
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Hello everyone! I've recently reached 100 followers here so I thought of doing a little something to celebrate the milestone! I had a lot of fun since I joined tumblr, sharing all kinds of art with all of you, talking, and having a great time. Im very thankful for your support and for being able to share our love for One Piece all together 💛
So what I'll be doing as a way of saying thanks and also keep having a good time is that, for the next 48 hours, you can request something OP related and I'll draw a doodle for you!! I will be accepting requests from now 14:00 (GMT+1)  until this Sunday (6th of February) 14:00 (GMT+1). Details under the cut!
What to expect?
I will do a small doodle of any idea you have with OP characters. Maybe you want to see Luffy and Usopp being goofy, genderbend Nami, Zoro wearing a maid dress... I will take any request! Fluff, angst, a meme... (please check the rules before requesting) Depending on the request, it might be only line art, or something with a bit of shadowing. I wont be doing colours, backgrounds or complex illustrations. These are just doodles for fun! The ones drawn in the banner are some examples of what to expect with the style, but here are some more examples  
 Please send the requests through the ask box and be polite! 
This is only for OP characters, I wont be drawing OC's (this time)
Complex backgrounds, compositions, or colored illustrations wont be accepted. This is a doodle event! I might feel like coloring some requests, but that wont be the usual
Only one request per ask. If you send me more than one prompt/idea per ask, I'll just draw one of them. 
A maximum of 3 characters per request. (Example: "can you draw Luffy, Zoro and Nami just chilling together?" yes I can!) 
I try to keep my blog SFW, so any explicit request will be ignored (sorry!)
I don't mind drawing ships, but only for adult characters and nothing too explicit (I can draw kissing)
Im not up to date with the show (currently watching Thriller Bark) so NO SPOILERS please and thank you. 
That does not mean you cant send me a request for a character I havent met yet! Just send me a pic of how they look like (full body so I can see the outfit) and again, please avoid spoilers! 
Im doing this for fun! So I reserve the right to decline any request that may make me feel uncomfortable, I hope you understand.
This is NOT intended for comercial use. You'll get a free funny doodle but any reproduction, selling, etc is forbidden.
If you'd like to respost it somewhere, ask me first! I promise I dont bite
This is not a rule but I'll start working first on requests that are off anon. I will also work on the anon ones, but I will post them after posting the ones without the anon! 
So thats pretty much it! If you have any questions feel free to send me a message! I'll start doodling during the weekend and posting time starts when I close the requests. Please keep in mind that I also have real life responsabilities, so posting time may vary!  All requests will also be tagged with gamba100doodles so you can look for them if you wish :) Again thank you for everything and lets have some fun!
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lothloriien · 3 years
sousa for the headcanon asks?
omg yes!! okay okay so-
2-4 songs that are probably on their iPod
- dancing in the dark by bruce springsteen
- stairway to heaven by led zeppelin
- badlands by bruce springsteen
- the promised land by bruce springsteen
you get the idea that i headcanon him as a springsteen fan?
the one place they sometimes end up falling asleep – where they’re not supposed to
i feel like he'd be able to nod off pretty much anywhere. he and daisy and kora are doing some sort of diplomatic mission on an alien planet? he just. nods off during dinner. daisy notices first and nudges him awake, but its still very funny
the game they'd destroy everyone else at
he's not great at video games bc the concept is still pretty foreign to him, but he can destroy anyone at pinball and those older arcade games. he eventually also gets really good at mario kart and can beat almost everyone except daisy
the emoticon they’d use most often
:-) - i really feel like he'd use this one as a sort of sign-off on his texts to let daisy know he's happy
what they act like when they haven’t had enough sleep
he gets really zoned out and just stares into space. it gets creepy sometimes, and he is pretty much useless when he's like that. like he forgets things immediately, does not eat or drink water or do anything. daisy and kora do their best to make sure he always gets enough sleep bc he's like 95% of their impulse control when they're away from the rest of the team
their preferred hot beverage on really cold nights. or mornings. or whenever.
tea, probably. i se him as a tea guy
how they like to comfort/care for themselves when they’re in a slump
he likes to re-read old thriller and/or mystery novels and listen to the radio. they do not have a radio in space. daisy let's him use her framework link to go back to his room in the 50s and just reread all his favourite things and escape the much weirder world he's in now
what they wanted to be when they grew up
i feel like he wanted to be a doctor or a sheriff or something, someone who did good in the neighbourhood. which is why he's with shield, bc they're doing good
their favorite kind of weather
sunny spring days, where it's not glaring hot but it's warm with a light breeze and the "smell of summer." he claims summer smells a lot smokier nowadays.
thoughts on their singing voice (decent? terrible? soprano? alto?)
i'd say he has a decent singing voice, but beyond that i cant say bc i dont know musical terms or anything lol
how/what they like to draw or doodle
i think he'd be a really good painter. he paints the galaxies, the different planets they visit, and daisy. he's always doing a painting of daisy at any given time.. she keeps the newest ones pinned to her wall and the rest go in a large crate specifically for the daisy paintings
send in a character and i'll give you these headcanons for them
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Joe & Ronnie
Joe: Hey
Joe: my flatmate has some work I reckon your mate might be interested in
Joe: but it’ll sound a bit dodgy coming from me so you wanna pass it along?
Joe: moneys alright for no real work, depending on how you look at it
Ronnie: never done any work as a secretary myself
Ronnie: write your own fucking love notes
Joe: I see that
Joe: your accent down the 📞?
Joe: no cunt here’d understand you, never mind the demeanour
Joe: yeah, well, it’d really seem that way
Joe: but I actually need someone to take her off my hands
Ronnie: racism as foreplays playing to the wrong crowd hes more into homo bashing
Ronnie: errr dunno how you read his demeanor mckenna but he aint taken a her off anyones hands since before any of us had phones
Joe: i’ll keep that in mind
Joe: well homophobic of me to not tell him myself so he’s welcome for the freebie
Joe: not actual escorting
Joe: she does art, her life drawing class needs a model
Joe: I ain’t fucking doing that
Joe: tell me I ain’t 📖 him right on that one
Ronnie: fucks sake if youd said it was cash for cock wed be done talking already
Joe: I just did
Joe: sound, she’ll be made up, she’ll get off my case, and he’ll get £15 an hour, apparently 👌
Ronnie: sexist not to ask me
Ronnie: pass that on to your little gf
Joe: weren’t her idea to ask Charlie
Joe: you’ll have to take up that grievance with me as well
Joe: I’ll just point out it’d be even weirder if I’d have asked you
Ronnie: you wish
Ronnie: how much £ you offering me to bang you
Joe: if I did no point paying you to do it for her and her class and not me
Joe: that’s an interesting take on cucking though, loads that would go for it, I’m sure
Ronnie: ill write it down as youve made me go hunting for a pen in this shithole
Joe: cheers
Joe: take 20% commission or whatever
Joe: or take the IOU I owe him for doing this
Ronnie: you said it hed do this for fuck all ill take the lot and mary wont know it was a paid gig
Joe: if he can fend the flatmate off, undoubtedly a load of art gays he can have his pick of
Ronnie: that what youre telling yourself for why you dont want me to do it yeah
Joe: you wanna do it?
Ronnie: i want you to admit the reason you dont want me to is cause he scrubs up enough for horse girl and her course mates not to stage an intervention
Joe: not what it is so no
Joe: I know I don’t want to get my shit out in front of a load of middle class kids who know fuck all about fuck all, so I assumed as much for you
Ronnie: dont ever assume fuck all for or about me
Joe: why do you wanna do it so bad when like you said, you can pocket the cash and get him to?
Ronnie: i dont wanna fucking do it
Joe: well that’s grand ‘cos I reckon Sophie wants to see dick so
Joe: she’d be really let down
Ronnie: usually what gets you off
Ronnie: but im made up youre in love now like
Joe: please, she either don’t get it’s weird to ask me which means she’s some kind of special
Joe: or this is the start of her 50 shades fantasy and I have to be the let down to end all let downs and i’m already doing my best
Ronnie: rem is right to pay for it when she could just walk in on you taking a piss or having a shower
Joe: when you’re just a creep and not a predator 💔
Joe: not the girl my parents warned me about
Ronnie: if theyd be the type to go down the stables theyd have seen the other side of her
Joe: you’ve got your own daydreams, alright
Joe: put out the feelers, who isn’t a little gay these days, right
Ronnie: go ed and pass on ive got a bigger dick than him and she will have
Ronnie: i dont dream 💔
Joe: shame she isn’t equally inspiring for you
Joe: or anyone, really
Ronnie: cry about it with him when youre done pimping
Joe: what do you dream about then, when you’re awake
Ronnie: what you cant read me
Joe: clearly not
Joe: dashed your modelling dreams
Ronnie: blind and not able to read braille must be dead hard for you
Joe: is that sympathy?
Joe: or you offering me 🖐 to 👩🏼‍🦲 time
Ronnie: again you wish
Ronnie: 💭💉
Ronnie: cant make it any easier to understand soz
Joe: maybe I do
Joe: far as 💭s go
Ronnie: fuck maybe you do or you dont
Joe: well it ain’t why I don’t want to get my arms out for her
Joe: not tried it
Joe: but not a no
Ronnie: give a shit what you do or dont want to do for or to her
Joe: that is a no, tah
Ronnie: tell her not me baby
Joe: that’s not a big sister duty?
Joe: gutted
Ronnie: wouldnt know im the middle kid dorothy does that for us
Joe: i’ll ask him when i’m crying on him then
Joe: make a change for me
Ronnie: hot
Ronnie: rack up the ious like a fat line hes gonna be made up
Joe: oi he’s like family ain’t he
Ronnie: &
Ronnie: you wanna fuck your mam
Ronnie: not oi ing you
Joe: well you get to think about me and him, you gave me her and you, not fair
Ronnie: life aint soft lad
Ronnie: and stopping at thinking about shit is the difference between me and you
Joe: I get it, you’ve gone there
Joe: purely here for the homophobia
Ronnie: your kinks match 💘
Ronnie: purely there so the lads dont kick off before hes got his kicks
Joe: see, you’ve got it in you 💘
Joe: the sisterly thing
Joe: my hate don’t get expressed by putting me in him though so I won’t run my mouth
Ronnie: not what ive got in me but im not giving you the talk just cause your ma didnt
Joe: you want a virgin to defile reckon Soph and her mates are prime, vampira
Ronnie: set it up with her ill show if i get no better offers
Joe: lucky girl
Joe: no more nights in doing doodles of cute girls that look like you
Ronnie: we dont look alike youll have to accept theyre of you
Joe: i fit less than you, by far
Ronnie: fuck off
Joe: sorry
Joe: it’s weird, say the least
Ronnie: i fit nowhere she made sure i dont
Joe: ditto
Joe: so buzzing i can write shit songs about it though
Ronnie: no
Ronnie: weve got fuck all in common
Joe: just the same mother
Joe: who put her shitty genetics and choices on us both at different times
Ronnie: i ain’t got a mother you cant cross out the un from wanted and act like its the same word
Joe: incubator then
Joe: she was 19 and still fucked, don’t think they had a five-year plan down
Joe: worse if she did, the state of
Ronnie: she made 1 choice for me shes still controlling you
Ronnie: were not the fucking same
Joe: you reckon
Ronnie: if you wanna claim it aint her fault youre this big of a pussy try it
Joe: you don’t think it’s my fault?
Joe: woah, just say you love me
Ronnie: i dont think about you when you aint trying to compare us
Joe: hot
Joe: I’ve thought about you plenty
Joe: uni ain’t that interesting
Ronnie: you came looking for me werent the other way round
Ronnie: you ain’t interesting to me mckenna
Joe: you reckon you’re fascinating, yeah?
Joe: fair enough
Ronnie: if your flatmate knows anyone doing doc film making they can wank over me lying in the gutter when youre done
Joe: nah
Joe: you don’t want control of your narrative
Ronnie: i dont want a narrative
Joe: then i’ll be the only wanker
Ronnie: in your dreams
Joe: well you painted such a lovely visual
Ronnie: black screen would get you going can stay in your own fucked head with no interference then like
Joe: Static is my kink
Joe: you know me so well
Ronnie: your fucking kink is not shutting the hell up til i do
Joe: i’m a gentleman
Joe: and i’m taking that review
Ronnie: youll get a lengthy one from my big brother when you are
Joe: you don’t have to settle for hearing it and getting your kicks second-hand
Joe: I’ll have to be somewhere to be unavailable for this life drawing class
Joe: let’s do something
Ronnie: what you paying me to babysit
Joe: you can ask my mammy or you can see what you can get
Ronnie: if i was gonna talk to her it wouldnt be about you
Joe: thank god
Joe: so take the risk
Ronnie: of what
Ronnie: boring me is asking too much of you
Joe: that’s surely a given
Joe: risk anything but
Ronnie: if I need rescuing again ill call you thats the only given Joe: you’re worse than her
Joe: christian grey or superman, like
Joe: gonna be BFFs yous, I can tell
Ronnie: you dont like being compared to cunts youre nothing like either funny that
Joe: touche
Joe: come on, what would convince you
Ronnie: if youre gonna beg then beg and if youre gonna show me something do it
Joe: I know you’d like to hear me beg but I can’t tell what you’d wanna see
Ronnie: then the answers nothing
Joe: nah
Joe: the answers you want to wait or you wanna be disappointed
Ronnie: why the fuck would I want either of those things
Joe: that’s what I’ll give you then
Joe: the opposite of that
Ronnie: thats meant to convince me yeah
Joe: nah, I am
Ronnie: like fuck will you
Joe: see, you want to be disappointed
Ronnie: ill be disappointed want has fuck all to do with it
Joe: if you don’t come and see
Ronnie: come where
Joe: see me
Joe: i’m new in town, I don’t know where to go
Joe: fuck sightseeing
Ronnie: [somewhere she’d hang out]
Ronnie: go there
Joe: now?
Ronnie: whenever you dont know where to go
Joe: okay
Joe: and I’ll see you there when you don’t
Ronnie: when im not fucking either of our flatmates
Joe: when you’re done being disappointed
Ronnie: when you prove yourself as not
Joe: you’ll see
Joe: I can’t show you over the phone
Ronnie: you could
Ronnie: im going nowhere on a bullshit promise cause im not a meff teenager
Joe: and I ain’t young enough to think that’s a good idea either
Joe: pictures not doing no favours
Joe: if you’re there and i’m there
Ronnie: big if
Joe: I never know where to be
Ronnie: newborn i heard you
Joe: something like that
Joe: if you can’t leave soph alone I’ll do my best begging 🥺
Ronnie: she cant leave you alone id be doing you a favour
Joe: true
Joe: wouldn’t wanna be caught doing that though
Ronnie: let you do the clean up after ive killed and ate her id be caught well fast for that instead
Joe: you’d get caught for being three times your size
Joe: she’s a big girl
Joe: you should share, be sworn to secrecy
Ronnie: doing her a favour i shouldve said
Ronnie: fuck all going for her
Joe: way to get in shape
Joe: she’ll appreciate us using her blood for something artsy on the walls
Ronnie: ill ask the basic white bitch i live with to give me a clue
Joe: 🍆 will be appropriate for her
Ronnie: 🐎
Joe: they might reckon she did it with her dying breath
Joe: very artist of her, dying how she lived
Ronnie: hurry the fuck up with your confession song if you want credit
Joe: you wanna hear me confessing so bad
Joe: but I might be able to hand that in so
Joe: hold on
Ronnie: it aint me whos a choir boy
Joe: ugh, I wish
Ronnie: cant chat shit about us having the same fantasies ive been touched by a old bloke wearing a dress and i dont rate it
Ronnie: standard surrounded by homos night out
Joe: yeah, and the nuns are never the hot kind
Joe: if they didn’t self-flagellate they’d be entirely uninteresting
Ronnie: 💔
Joe: yeah, it’s tragic being this bored/boring, say it ‘fore you have to bother
Ronnie: didnt invite you to no pity party and if thats where youre trying to get me to turn up to dont bother is right
Joe: you mean you don’t wanna talk about your feelings?
Joe: like you said, like being left alone with my own fucked up ones too much to try and start a therapy session
Ronnie: what fucking feelings dead above & below the waist like
Joe: dangerously close to sharing there
Joe: you got your 💉 already then?
Ronnie: wouldnt be this chatty if i had
Ronnie: unlucky you
Joe: I’m the one that wants to see you
Joe: so I’ll cope
Ronnie: cant even spell martyrdom proper so youve fucked yourself looking for a pat on the back off me by matching the definition up
Joe: i’ll just ring mum up yeah
Ronnie: your da if not but it wont have the same satisfying end for you like
Joe: 💔
Joe: validations the last thing i need
Joe: had a whole lifetime
Ronnie: you crawling back to me with a boner for the accent your mummys losing is the last thing i need
Ronnie: get on the scouse samaritans
Joe: don’t reckon that’s a job you’ll get any time soon either
Joe: ‘less the purpose is to make sure people go through with it
Ronnie: couldve fooled me if it aint what else is talking a sad cunts ear off about their problems gonna do
Joe: attention seekers anonymous
Ronnie: no need to meet you there i earned all them badges as a kid 🧷🩸
Joe: wouldn’t be caught 💀 obvs
Joe: keeping it secret adds another level of masochism anyway
Ronnie: does it fuck
Ronnie: keeps you feeling like a smug bitch you can still pass
Ronnie: miss me with that pussy shit
Joe: nah, that’s that i’m in control shit
Joe: it’s not that
Joe: the only thing you might be smug about is how oblivious everyone chooses to be
Joe: if it weren’t also depressing as fuck
Ronnie: dont give em the choice
Joe: why?
Ronnie: why the fuck would you want to
Joe: don’t need to be my mother’s next cause celebre
Joe: she can force the therapy and concern on any of the others, I don’t wanna get better or have to fake like I’ll even try
Ronnie: then dont
Ronnie: cut off your umbilical cord and wipe up the blood trail
Ronnie: not like she tries very hard to herd back the black sheep
Joe: maybe they know and don’t give a fuck 🤞
Joe: I know I ain’t going back so whatever
Ronnie: & you reckon weve got anything in common
Joe: just 50% of our DNA
Joe: never said we were twinsies
Ronnie: if youd have said id have spat in your face 1st time we met get it collected and the tests run
Joe: I wish
Joe: has your face healed
Ronnie: wheres the fun in letting it do that
Joe: 😏
Joe: we can pretend that’s inherited if you need
Ronnie: not 5 i dont play pretend
Joe: if you keep digging, reckon the ink will be gone and it’ll be pure scar tissue
Ronnie: calm the fuck down i can hear how turned on you are about it from here
Joe: spoilsport
Joe: just thinking, scar that only vaguely looks like 🍒s might be well more rugged for my transformation from baby to independent real boy
Ronnie: laughing cos i like pain not cause youre funny
Ronnie: when you see or hear it from wherever youre lurking
Joe: you don’t leave room for me to get the wrong idea, you’re alright
Joe: all them fucked ones are mine alone and already there
Ronnie: get your girlfriend to draw you a pin up & dont tell her youve changed the lass horse head to look like your mas
Ronnie: masc for masc in your bio before you know it and 🦋 tramp stamp to follow
Joe: you know my dad already has a tattoo that looks like her, no bullshit
Joe: and another dead girl on the other arm but that’s a whole other boring story
Joe: playing dress up is off the cards too if I’m ever gonna be a big boy
Ronnie: where do you keep his severed arm when youre not using it to fist yourself and how old were you when you cut it off
Ronnie: if we re telling stories
Joe: 😂
Joe: where we keep the horse
Joe: that en-suite is massive
Ronnie: if he finds out it was a paid gig ill know where to crash
Joe: still gutted she don’t wanna see you naked
Ronnie: youre a liar if you dont wanna see her face seeing me
Joe: don’t know if anyone could be bothered to look at her when you’re about but yeah
Joe: the trauma would really fuel me and make her much more bearable to live with
Ronnie: youre welcome like
Joe: gotta stop being nice to me
Joe: you know stalkers, give ‘em an inch
Ronnie: telling me what to do is the fastest way 🖕
Ronnie: and i know you dont have an inch to give me making the best of this shitshow is what an optimist like me has gotta do
Joe: obviously you’re that type
Joe: not having it in common will have you back 👍
Joe: you’re inspiring, like
Ronnie: chop off my arms and legs and get a camera set up in the en-suite
Joe: you’d fit in my cello case then, could take you everywhere
Ronnie: course youve had a measuring tape out
Joe: hate to kill your optimism with 🍆
Joe: have a go at pushing it back in
Ronnie: how longs your tongue reckon that could kill any girls optimism
Joe: 💔 if it was only good for chatting your ear off
Ronnie: [send him a picture of your weird gross split tongue because obviously]
Joe: [how does that not make you lisp, or does it, I always think that]
Joe: that’s why you’ve not had an invite
Joe: 🚫🐍
Ronnie: gutted
Joe: you know you can show up and do whatever you wanna do whenever
Joe: I’ll take you back
Ronnie: this performance art is meant to what just scare her or teach you how to get her to back the fuck off as well as
Ronnie: im not a fucking tour guide mckenna & you can get yourself evicted without my help
Joe: you know I meant to Dublin
Joe: don’t think it’d take much to scare Sophie off, give it a month for us to both get comfortable and she’ll see what I ain’t
Ronnie: fuck you
Joe: I said if you want
Ronnie: dont need your permission to do anything i want
Joe: don’t think any of ‘em are that lax with their socials
Joe: you’d need directions
Ronnie: ive had years to find em & we dont both hang about with horse girls from kent
Joe: can’t say it’s your loss
Ronnie: shut up about it then
Joe: 🤐
Ronnie: 🖕
Joe: got a whole fist here, you can keep it
Ronnie: sizeist
Joe: told her yours is massive like you said, it’s fine
Ronnie: i said bigger than his not a horse shes in for a disappointment
Joe: gotta 🤞 she’s an optimist like you babe
Ronnie: unlike you shes gonna wait to see what i do with it before telling me to shove it
Joe: you just wanna blueball me for the pain
Joe: go on, for your lols
Ronnie: she wont want me at all unless youre gonna watch
Joe: and you need a witness so I get time too
Joe: I’ll do it, torturous as it’d be
Ronnie: the iou is gonna torture me too
Joe: if you’re lucky
Ronnie: not the dna half we share 💔
Joe: damnit
Joe: what’s good about being Scouse?
Ronnie: now the beatles are dead youve got fuck all to live for
Ronnie: noted
Joe: only the good ones
Joe: I dunno, anything good about it never happened, left when I was a kid and we still lived in a shithole with shitheads
Ronnie: get in line she left me in a shithole with shitheads 1st
Joe: where were you
Joe: wonder how close it was
Ronnie: what the fuck does it matter
Joe: it makes her more/less shitty depending
Ronnie: it aint gonna change my opinion and I dont give a shit about yours
Joe: fair enough
Ronnie: get cosy with charlie hed take you down memory lane
Joe: not before he’s got it out for the art class tah
Ronnie: you didnt say when
Joe: [probably an evening class like tomorrow or the next day, then the same time a week later]
Ronnie: too fucking late the pen is in pieces
Joe: sure it isn’t the first time you’ve left him a note in blood
Ronnie: hes only gonna cry about it & take the shine off his modelling debut
Joe: awh
Joe: message him 🧓🏼
Ronnie: fuck off calling me old
Joe: 😏
Ronnie: ill write him a note blaming what a twat you are for what hes gonna walk in on
Joe: what mess have you made
Ronnie: havent killed myself yet
Joe: and you’ve not stopped talking so no OD’ing
Joe: possibilities are endless still
Ronnie: yeah
Joe: come out
Joe: we can get new ink to dig out
Joe: whatever
Ronnie: you gonna suck his dick this time
Joe: I’ll just pay the old-fashioned way
Ronnie: flashy cunt
Joe: what being a student is all about
Ronnie: and youre too special to poison your blood how the rest of em do
Joe: I’m not opposed but I can do it alone, I don’t need to go to a sweaty student bar that plays shit songs and has a load of sad Soph clones giving it 🥺
Ronnie: you can get another tattoo without me holding your hand
Joe: I could
Ronnie: go do it 🦋 baby
Joe: have mentioned its not about the tat, yeah?
Ronnie: nah not that ive heard
Joe: come on
Joe: i want to see you, i’ve said loads
Ronnie: youve said loads of shit yeah
Joe: shit i mean
Ronnie: why
Joe: why wouldn’t I
Ronnie: thats your answer then fuck it
Joe: you don’t need to ask ‘cos you know
Ronnie: i did ask and you said why the fuck not
Ronnie: like its nothing
Ronnie: like you didnt turn up uninvited into my life not long ago
Joe: then tell me to leave
Joe: like it’s that easy
Ronnie: i didnt tell you to fucking appear
Ronnie: just cause youre a kid dont make me the dead fish you won at the fair
Joe: I never had the choice
Joe: she told me about you, talked about you all the fucking time
Joe: you’ve always been in my life
Ronnie: and youve never been in mine
Ronnie: im not gonna carve out a place for you now cos you want it
Joe: Alright
Joe: do it then
Ronnie: dont tell me what to fucking do
Joe: I’m not going unless you say it
Ronnie: no shit this is fun for you
Joe: like fuck it is
Ronnie: im the car wreck youre craning your neck to keep looking at
Ronnie: thats all the fuck this is
Joe: lie better
Ronnie: you dont care about me or what this feels like
Joe: I can’t take it back, you know now
Ronnie: you dont wanna take it back
Joe: I can’t, what’s the point pretending
Joe: I never said I was a good person
Joe: being sorry won’t change anything for you
Ronnie: its all your christmases & birthdays im west as this course youre gonna keep on spinning me out
Joe: Piss off
Ronnie: lie better cunt
Joe: So you’re allowed pity parties, yeah?
Joe: 👌
Ronnie: calling you out on your bullshit is allowed if youre crying thats your problem
Joe: if all you want from me is for me to go away, consider it done
Joe: you can’t hack it, my apologies
Ronnie: tell me why if im so fucking wrong
Joe: I like you
Joe: I want you, to get to know you
Joe: I can’t just stop it, not for myself
Joe: So make me
Ronnie: stop telling me what to fucking do
Ronnie: fucks sake
Joe: you ain’t saying anything
Joe: what do you want
Ronnie: I dont want you to like me
Ronnie: fuck is that
Joe: yeah, it’s obvious you go to great lengths to be unlikeable
Joe: not going to tell no one am I
Ronnie: so hate me soft lad
Joe: I’ll give it a go
Ronnie: ill make you
Joe: give it a go then
Ronnie: where are you then
Joe: [give a location of somewhere near your flat ‘cos don’t need to actually set you on the flatmate rn and that’s likely where you were]
Ronnie: [obviously we’re just gonna show up however long that takes us without another word like !?]
Joe: [just so much eye contact ‘cos what you gonna say what you gonna do]
Ronnie: [definitely gonna take him somewhere sketchy as hell to the level that like Charlie doesn’t know we still go there/we’d never take him ever like you wanna get to know me okay bitch buckle up]
Joe: [can’t let you hook up or shoot up yet ‘cos chronological but go along with this obvs]
Ronnie: [it would make sense if you made out/almost hooked up though because the vibe for the next convo was very much oh fuck what are you doing here we didn’t mean to run each other like this but also v flirty]
Joe: [agreed, and allowed, it’s the obvious vibe but any untold drama can happen to stop you in whatever dodgy place so makes sense]
Ronnie: [literally and just because you can’t shoot up together yet does not mean either of you have to be in any way sober so]
Joe: [hundo, we’re not saying he’s never done a drug lol, he clearly abuses his prescription as is so like, there’s plenty to be done without going there]
Ronnie: [and if we wanted to we could say that you watch her do it here and now before you do it together anyway because you’d both get a weird kick out of that]
Joe: [tea, bet you did not see this coming for your uni experience lmao]
Ronnie: [meanwhile she’s old enough to have left, do you wanna grow up babe? No? okay]
Joe: [the way you’re rolling with this, we know you’re fucked boy but pop off]
Ronnie: [I can’t overstate how much she’d be doing the absolute most to try and scare him away like I dare you to go back on what you said]
Joe: [we know you’re not gonna, soz babe, is very rude how he’s just waltzed in but truly did not say we were a good person lol]
Ronnie: [we know she’s not either and also is here for it more than she will ever express until we’re literally years into this]
Joe: [hi your mother’s daughter, but no, you actually have a reason this is messed up but we’re into it from the off and not pretending, risky af strategy boy]
Ronnie: [is there anything we wanna say happens that has lasting-ish consequences other than the make out/ almost hook up ie a tattoo or a fight with injury potential or an arrest lol]
Joe: [hmm, the possibilities, maybe a fight to show you can, could be about anything, it’s that sort of place]
Ronnie: [that is such a mood I love it and yeah could literally be you’re a new face or could be her fault because of the aforementioned doing the most]
Joe: [totally, and that’ll be an easy way to separate you and not meet until the next convo]
Ronnie: [exactly dr phil]
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imagineurfavs · 5 years
Super Junior - How They Confess
“I am excited to see you writing for BAP & Super Junior. I was wondering if you could do something about how they would confess, particularly to a friend...”
[A/N] I’m still on the fence about what to do with BAP, I don’t think im gonna be writing for himchan anymore, its probably like 99% certain im not writing for him anymore so like...sorry if you wanted him in particular i just cant. But the other members will be coming up lol
also idk why tf these ended up so long sorry....
Leeteuk: Probably something super annoying tbh. He’d ask you over to his place and for some reason ask you to take Shimkoong for a walk and you’d be like “tf man walk your own dog”. But then she’d come running up to you all cute, with a little note attached to her collar reading “be mine y/n???” You’d look at him and he’d just be staring at you with that cheesy grin of his like “weeelllllll?????” (he still wants you to walk the dog though...)
Heechul: Absolutely has to make a spectacle out of it, so it’d be somewhat public, surrounded by people you both know; probably has it all planned as part of your birthday celebrations. He not only wants it to be something you remember, but something anyone there will as well. Anybody would think he was proposing to you with the amount of fuss he’s make. He’d be all like “count yourself lucky y/n, I’ve decided to give myself to you...congrats!” It’s all very over the top, but he’d be super sincere.
Yesung: Couldn’t possibly be any more of an opposite to Heechul; he’d have to be totally alone with you, that way if you reject him no one can make fun of him. (why on earth would you reject him though ofc you wouldnt) He’d take you to the roof terrace of one of his cafes after hours and have a super sweet heart to heart with you. Probably hands you some kind of dessert with hearts doodled all over the plate in chocolate sauce bc “well it’s sweet... like you” 
Shindong: He’d probably just drop it into conversation one day super casually. You’d be like mid laugh and he’d just blurt out “see this is why i love you y/n, you’re so funny”. His eyes would get so huge once he figured out what he just said out loud. He’d try and back peddle so much but just make things even weirder. You’d have to pretty much shut him up by being like “hey it’s okay I like you too its fine you can stop freaking out”. To which he absolutely would not stop freaking out, but in a good way this time.
Eunhyuk: I don’t think he’d ever outright confess tbh. You two would just kinda end up as...something; kinda flirty but not together properly. Like he’ll just go to give you a peck one day and you’ll be like “uhhhh? Hyuk...? tf you doing boi?? We’re not even dating” to which he’ll be like “What?! I thought it was obvious that we liked each other? Well...I obviously really like you, I hope you like me too...” If you reciprocate he’ll waste no time in trying to plant his lips on yours bc he’s a grease ball.
Siwon: A suave ass man. A pure classique. *chefs kiss* He’d do it like something out of a movie tbh; a quiet candlelit dinner at your favourite restaurant. He’d promise that there was no pretence to the dinner, that he just felt like eating dinner with you. Which was ofc a BIG FAT LIE. He’d end up going on about how “we’ve been friends for such a long time now y/n (who’s counting lol sike he is he never misses a friendship anniversary), but I really think of you as something more, so...I hope you can give me a chance as more than a friend too” 
Donghae: He’d drop hint after hint that he was totally infatuated with you over a period of months. Tiny little comments, lingering gazes and sweet gestures would be enough for him to have thought he’d gotten his point across. It’d only be when someone (probably hyukjae) makes a comment when he see’s him offering you his jacket on a cold day “wow...anyone would think you were totally in love with y/n by how you’re always doting on them” and he’s just be like “hah...ha..yeah...”. He’d probably end up v v shyly, but properly confessing that same day now that it’s pretty obvious to literally everyone.
Ryeowook: A whole ordeal tbh. Tries to get you to say that you like him first because he doesn't wanna look silly if you reject him. It’s a process over a long ass time of him doing something sweet for you then being like “see? Don’t you think I’d make a great boyfriend?” or just being like “man..I’m so bored of being single”. Little comments that are attempts of planting the seed in your mind of seeing him in a different light. 
Kyuhyun: Probably just outright tells you as soon as he realises it himself tbh. No frills, no massive gestures. He’ll just tell you he needs to speak with you privately and that it’s super important. Honestly he’d make out like it’s some life or death situation until he finally spits it out, its just ���I think i like you y/n like...really like you” Man, you’d be about ready to deck him by the time he’s finished, like “that’s it?! I thought you we’re dying or sth Kyu wow thanks for the heart attack!” To him it really was life or death though pls go easy on him.
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bagels-and-seagulls · 5 years
davenzi headcanons + david studying abroad
-david gets accepted to study abroad in los angeles at ucla in their film program for a year. a whole year in la learning about film and going to see where film is made and meeting other people who know film like he does so he can gush about stupid things like camera placement all day long. at first he's so excited he can't contain it, and he immediately goes to tell the one person he tells everything to aka matteo.
-matteo is over the moon at the news and is so proud of david that he keeps calling him his star and the biggest thing hollywood has ever seen.
-david is the first one to get nervous and whispers a quiet what about us into matteo's hair later that night. matteo calls him an idiot and tells him he loves him and david can't get rid of him that easily. matteo says it's too good an opportunity to pass up and he would actually break up with david if he didn't go because he only got with david for his future fame anyways.
-matteo moves back in with hans for the year david is gone because his wages from the deli can't afford his and david's place all on his own. he grumbles about it for like a day, but hans wears him down into admitting he missed him. if only a little.
-they call and text all the time, and david sends matteo stupid selfies with his new friends and captions in english knowing that matteo is shit in english and will have to ask someone to help translate. matteo sends memes and pics of his proudest sandwiches at work and says for your sandwich fetish as the caption each time. he also sends david pics of flowers with cheesy things like not as pretty as your face. david always retaliates at those by sending matteo doodles of them and what they're going to do once they see each other again.
-matteo refuses to send any dirty pics to david for like a whole month because the idea of taking those kinds of pictures make him all nervous and itchy. he tries a couple of times and deletes them right away. it isn't until david sends a picture of him in a low cut tank top with his hair pushed back by sunglasses with a pouty face standing next to some drop dead gorgeous model looking guy in a club that matteo finally works up the nerve to send something a little spicy just so david remembers what he's missing. it isn't even anything too raunchy, just a shirtless pic of him in the mirror, one arm stretched above his head, with his pants hanging low on his hips and his bare feet. he captions it looks like you're having more fun than me tonight. and david nearly short circuits at the picture and he's in public for God's sake. he sends back a pic of him biting his lip and it says you look good.
-it takes nearly a month and a half for david to convince matteo to try phone sex. he really isn't trying to push it. it just kind of happens in the end. the first time matteo didn't seem too into the idea, david stopped immediately and only really brought sex up at all in passing. the only reason they started is because david jokingly asks what are you wearing like he does every once in a while to see matteo blush through his computer screen and matteo actually shows him this time. david practically choked.
-the gang texts david fairly often, and he's still active in all their group chats. he'll send people things that make him think if them like funny stories to the ok.cool. group or books about capitalism to jonas and pride decorations to linn and hans or graffiti to amira. hans or jonas will text david when matteo is feeling down or hasn't gotten out of bed all day, and david feels absolutely destroyed that he can't be there for his boy. he sends matteo little drawings and doodles until he gets some sort of happy sounding reply.
-david can't afford to come home for any of tbe breaks the entire year, so he spends the month he has off for winter break traveling the country with some other exchange students and they sleep out of a van. david tells them that they cant go to detroit because he promised his adorable boyfriend that he would wait until they could go together for the first time. matteo sends him a package with a scrapbook of them and david's favorite places in berlin. david sends back an actual mixtape and a Walkman he found at a thrift store.
-the boy and girl squad surprise matteo with plane tickets for christmas. they schemed with david to make sure matteo could come over his spring break and get his undivided attention away from classes. david also convinces his roommate to go to disney land for a week so they'll have the dorm to themselves. matteo only cries a little bit, but only in front of jonas and hanna so it doesn't really count.
-david can't drive in the us, so he gets two of his friends to drive him to lax to pick matteo up. they quickly agree because they've heard so much about david's bf that they really want to meet him.
-he's bouncing on his feet waiting by the arrivals gate for matteo to come through. he spots matteo before he spots david, but he doesn't do anything except stare. when matteo finally sees david, he stops dead in his tracks and just stares right back. david's friends are like wtf are you guys going to hug or not and david is just like hold on a minute I don't want to overwhelm my boy he's sensitive.
-eventually matteo walks slowly over to david with his hands shoved under his backpack straps and just likes falls into david. david is smiling way harder than his friends have ever seen him smile and david has gotten the best critique on his films like two weeks in a row, so they've seen big smiles. they step away when they see the couple cling tightly to each other and hear david start murmuring things in German to the other boy.
-they don't see the couple for the first three days of spring break. they officially meet him on the fourth day when matteo makes everyone dinner and it's delicious. david raves about how matteo is the best chef (or aspiring to be) in all of berlin and matteo only understands a little but still blushes the entire time.
-david's friends all love matteo because ofc they would even though matteo's english really is shit and david has to translate all the time. one girl they know is actually from italy though so sometimes matteo will get her to help if david is occupied. they mostly just like that they've never seen david this happy or this calm the entire time they've known him.
-david returns home two weeks early
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warmau · 6 years
{Special} College!AU Dowoon
major: character animation
minor: film 
clubs: frequents any club he finds interesting, but is never a permanent member. has done everything from surfing club to painting club to opera club
sports: did freshman soccer and then schoolwork took over his life LOL
dowoon is super chill - like he’s never ,,,, stressing out or getting super passionate about anything
he always has the same “life is good” expression on his handsome face and it makes people feel really comfortable around him
because he doesn’t seem like the judgmental or fake type
he doesn’t even have to try to make friends,,,,people gravitate toward him like he’s got some calm magnetic field
jae doesn’t get it - he thinks dowoon can be a real little shit sometimes (but jae thinks this about EVERYONE so,,,,)
while wonpil on the other hand flat out ADORES dowoon
nudges past youngk to sit next to dowoon when they’re eating lunch or running halfway across the quad just to say hi to him
wonpil just points at him like “my tall son”
and dowoon is like “im not your son, but do whatever makes you happy hyung”
the animation majors nicknamed dowoon the koala because he kind of does everything pretty leisurely, but at the same time look serene as hell
also whenever someone draws a koala they give it that calm look on its face,,,,,much like the always calm look on dowoons face
dowoon thinks its cute
but wonpil argues that dowoon is WAY more of a sloth than he is a koala
he choose character animation because he likes cartoons,,,,especially really silly cartoons
youngk or sungjin are always reading those dramatic webtoons or whatever but dowoon enjoys comic strips for quick, funny jokes
and he was always way more of a dreamer than a devoted student,,,doodling cute characters in the margins of his notes rather than jotting down his homework
traditional art like painting and sculpting were never in his interest either 
quite honestly he’d snooze whenever his class had to take trips to museums or when he had to take the class on human anatomy sketching
thankfully people liked him enough to nudge him awake when the teacher was looking LOL
he added film as a minor only because he’s interested in story boarding - a lot of his homework is actually done by wonpil and youngk who have vast opinions on cinema
while dowoon is like “uhuh, mhmm, oh ok i should right that in my essay? oh,,,,wait,,,you want to write my essay for me? i mean,,,well only if you want to,,,,”
is the drummer of night6 and decorated the back of his kit with small drawings
everytime someone points them out dowoon is like “i dont know how they got there ^_^”
totally a college student who owns a mickie mouse sweatshirt
totally owns mickie mouse pajamas that he wore to seminar once
messy haired boy with an even messier backpack
“hey,,,prof,,,i left my sketchbook back at the dorm!”
“did you bring anything to class dowoon?”
“,,,,,,,, my sticks,,,,,for drumming?”
 you see what i mean 
but it’s like lovable he’s like messy, dorky, and loveable
because he might not get his work in on time,,,,but he sure as hell gets his work in
and the glints of passion you can see on dowoon are secluded in his dorm room when he’s drawing 
or when he’s on stage drumming 
got a love letter from a fan once at a concert and wonpil was like ooooo romance~ love~ whats it say~ 
and dowoon was like
“it says i remind them of a bean sprout because im getting skinny and i shouldnt lose so much weight”
wonpil: “THATS touchig they care about your hea-”
you know the rest of his friends are all like,,,,thinking a little about romance and love - wonpil is literally bursting with it while jae acts like he doesn’t care but lowkey writes all their songs about being lonely
youngk and sungjin too,,,,
but dowoon seems to think of romance as the last thing he’d ever need in his life right now
when people ask about relationships he assumes they’re asking about his friendships
and whenever someone shows interest dowoon reciprocates with absolute obliviousness
he’s just a fun-loving dude who likes to doodle and take naps in the library,,,,,,
that’s all he needs
and those naps in the library are how you meet dowoon
you work in the library, mostly just re-shelving and helping students find textbooks on reserve 
you envy the people who got desk jobs checking out books or helping with laptops,,,,,but at the same time you don’t mind the walking around 
it helps clear your mind
and one afternoon,,,,you were stuck in the least visited section of the library
there were new books to shelve so you were trying to figure out where they belonged when your foot caught on something 
and you almost ended up tumbling over whatever it was,,,,,,stopping yourself from face planting into the floor just in the nick of time
flipping over, you expected to see - a book,,,,a water bottle,,,someones backpack or something
but instead you saw a person
a boy,,,,,,with his legs stretched out and his head leaned back against the shelf
dead asleep
after a moment,,,you clear your throat and the boy jolts a bit
only to rub his sleepy eyes and give you a half smile
“is the library closing?”
he asks with a yawn
you deadpan “no, but you’re also not allowed to sleep in the bookshelf aisles.”
he doesn’t even seem to budge in response,,,,just stares at you with pool of dark brown
oh????? is that all he has to say????
“and i just tripped over you, so you can see how it’d be a hazard-”
he slowly gets up, moving one limb at a time before he extends his hand to you
“sorry,,,,,,,,,ill help you up.”
you stare at his outstretched hand,,,but narrow your eyes and get up without his help
dusting off your shirt you give him a glare,,,,,to which he responds with the same dreamy half smile
“you can sleep in the student lounge on the second floor.”
with that you turn, taking your cart of books with you to continue your job
out of the corner of your eye you see the boy scratch the side of his head,,,,blink without thought at the things around him and then make his way out to of the aisle
you untense your shoulders,,,,,sighing
maybe you were too harsh or whatever,,,,but rules are rules and if anyone saw you letting him get away with it - it’d be your job on the line
although maybe you could have been less cold,,,,,
you shrug it off, not interested anymore in a student who you don’t even recognize as you continue working
you make your way over to the next aisle and just as you’re about to pluck a book of the cart you look down and 
there’s the same boy
you straighten up,,,,staring at the top of his messy dark hair
you clear your throat,,,,but he doesn’t wake up
so you squat down beside him and use your index finger to poke him awake
he does the same little jolt and then turns to you
“what did i say about sleeping in the aisles?”
he shrugs, giving the same goofy look to you
“it’s a hazard?”
you resist the urge to go “no shit” and instead motion for him to get up 
he does as told,,,,but gives you another half tired smile
“would it be cool if i went back to the aisle you finished shelving? i wont be a bother-”
he huffs, but the smile never leaves his face
he doesn’t seem fazed by your demands,,,,nor does he seem like he’s going to follow the rules
so you personally walk with him to the staircase and tell him again that the student lounge is free
he thanks you,,,,,,,,which makes you feel a little weird,,,,,and then disappears
you think about it for a bit,,,,,he looks like a slacker - or maybe he’s just the skipping class type
either way,,,,,,you hope you won’t find him in the next aisle
you dont,,,,,thankfully but when you arrive for your shift a couple of days later
you’re back in the same lonely part of the library
and just as you’re about to wheel your cart of books ,,,,, guess who you see
except this time,,,,he’s got a book over his face - as if he dropped it there right as he closed his eyes to sleep
you look at him,,,,crossing your arms
beside him is his open backpack,,,the contents threatening to spill out 
his hair is a little messy and peaks out from the book on his face and his pull over hoodie is thrown over his lap like some tiny blanket
you think for a moment that he must have been napping here for a while when you finally decide to lean over and poke him awake again
the books slides off his face and into his lap with a thump
he blink, coming to and then looks over at you
he grins, you take note of his deep voice still laced with sleepyness
“didn’t i tell you a couple of days ago-”
he picks up the book and waves it
“i wasn’t sleeping,,,,i just,,,,dozed off while reading. i can read in the aisles right? that’s not a hazard?”
he innocently asks as you narrow your eyes
“listen,,,,,,i know you were sleeping”
he shrugs his shoulders up and down
“why cant you find somewhere else to take naps-”
you stutter over your sentence,,,,not sure even what this guys name is
“im dowoon, character design major.”
he puts his hand out for you to shake it and you stare at it
“ok, dowoon. you need to find other nap spots.”
he shuffles his hand around his bag and pulls out a tattered looking notebook
“i wont nap, i promise. ill just do some work and then i can stay, right?”
he flips it open to a random page where you can see multiple sketches and notes of different characters
technically,,,,students CAN study in the aisles of the library,,,,,there’s no rule against that
so you nod, going back to your cart of books
dowoon twirls a pencil between his fingers as if to send you off and then looks back down at his notebook
you go about your work,,,,but somewhere in the middle you get the nagging feeling to go check if dowoon really is working or did he rally go to sleep
so,,,,,,,you make your way down the shelves until you reach the one dowoon is in
and to your surprise he isn’t sleeping,,,,he’s actually drawing
and before you can make your quiet escape,,,,,he looks up and smiles
“wanna see what ive done so far?”
you feel a little embarrassed that you were caught,,,,but you nod and dowoon beckons you over
you sit down beside him and he shows you the new page of sketches he’s started
you stare down at one of them, it’s a bookshelf that seems to have come to life and beside it is a character
who looks familiar,,,,,
“that ones based on you,,,,,,i tend to be inspired by those around me.” dowoon says absentmindenly
and you look closer,,,,,shocked that even in such a small cartoonish drawing - there are details about it that do resemble you
you’ve only seen dowoon a couple of times but you’re shocked that he could remember just how you looked and compress it into such a cute drawing
you look up at him and he pushes the pencil behind his ear,,,seemingly content with what he’s gotten done
“well,,,,,as long as you’re not sleeping.”
dowoon nods, taking his book back “nope, plus i have class. see you around.”
he slips it into his bag before getting up and waving as he disappears out of the shelves
you sit there,,,,still thinking about the drawing,,,,,,and how maybe you had misconceptions about him afterall
dowoon does show up to the library again and again
but this time he doesn’t nap,,,,,he actually just spends time drawing 
which you actually come to really enjoy
he’s got such a simple, but fun style and he’s always willing to show you new sketches
and instead of him being that student who might get you in trouble,,he becomes someone you really look forward to seeing on your job
and after a bit of time,,,,you think dowoon feels the same way
just from how excitable he gets when you ask to see something and the cute smile he gives you when you push the cart past the aisle he’s in
in one way or another - you feel connected to dowoon,,,,you guys up in this section of the library,,,,,,,just the two of you
plus,,,,,,,,when you catch him sleeping again you let it slide - maybe because you’re sorta friends now
but also because you notice just how handsome he is when he’s asleep, pretty long eyelashes resting on the skin of his cheeks and the slightly curled dark hair that falls a bit into his eyes when he tips his head forward
but then,,,,,,,you come to work one day and dowoon is sitting in the aisle,,,,,,with someone else
they’re flipping through his notebook, giggling and pressing their shoulder against dowoon’s
you don’t know why,,,,but it makes you feel a bit ,, out of place
dowoon looks up just as you try to escape and calls you over
“i drew some more stuff for my class final, that character you like is in-”
you give a curt nod,,,,,,,and dowoon seems to falter when you turn away and shove your cart out of the aisle
but,,,,,,,he doesn’t follow you or anything
and when you find yourself aggravated,,,re-shelving books with way too much force then intentional
you ask,,,,,,,,what are you so upset over?
it’s probably a classmate,,,or a friend,,,,,,or a significant other
the thought of dowoon being with someone isn’t that baffling when he’s got this odd, calming charm to him
with a great face as an addition
but yet when you go up there the next day and dowoon is alone,,,,even then you don’t feel the urge to talk to him
but,,,,cold-shouldering dowoon is hard
not because you feel bad but because,,,,,after you ignore him for a whole week he just,,,,doesn’t show up anymore
and you think well whatever, right? now he’s gone and it’s not like you two bonded deeply or anything
but instead of dowoon in the aisle,,,,you find,,,,,,,,,,,
“im wonpil, you must be the one we’ve been hearing about.”
you look at the guy in front of you,,,,he’s definitely shorter than dowoon and his eyes have a different passion about them
“um,,,,im not sure what you mean?”
wonpil throws his hands up in the air and goes “dowoon! he hasn’t stopped talking about how he made one of the librarians mad! he’s all mopey about it too!”
you hush wonpil, his voice getting louder and remind him that this is still a library
and if anything you aren’t mad at dowoon,,,,you just had to work - this is your job after all
but wonpil doesn’t falter
even in a whispering tone, you can tell he’s still strung up about this
“WELL dowoon thinks you are mad! and believe me, dowoon doesn’t much care about how people feel about it him so you must mean something special.”
you open your mouth to argue but wonpil shakes his head
“no no you don’t GET IT- sorry indoor voice right,,,,,but dowoon has never shown an inkling of interest in anyone before,,,,,you’re,,,,,,you’re the first person he’s ever based a character on too didn’t-”
you pull back a bit, surprised “but,,,he told me he’s inspired by those around him?”
wonpil shakes his head, “inspired sure - but he specifically said he created that little cartoon to see if you’d like it. dowoon draws for himself, i cant even BEG him to make a little doodle for me but for you he’s-”
wonpil is talking a mile a minute and tbh most of it is going over your head at this point
because you don’t understand,,,,,,,you thought you were just another person to dowoon
just that librarian who nagged him before for sleeping in the aisles - but,,,,but now all of a sudden this random friend of dowoons is telling you ,,,,you’re something more??
“please just assure me you’re not mad at him.”
“im not,,,,,” you clutch your books closer to your chest and wonpil sighs
“ok. good. ill tell him and hopefully this is the beginning of something beautiful. gosh i just want dowoon to be in LOVE ALREADY”
you hush him and wonpil quiets down as he pulls his phone out and exits the aisle
you stand there for a bit,,,,,,,,but then turn to ask what the heck wonpil means by ‘love’ but,,,he’s gone
and although the whole thing stays on your mind,,,,work takes all of your attention
and when your shift at the library ends, you’re walking back to the main building of the college to get some late night studying done
when you hear someone call your name
you turn to see dowoon 
he looks like he’s just rolled out of bed,,,,wearing baggy overalls over a shirt you’re sure he’s owned for the better part of his life
he’s also got house slippers on which confuses you,,,,,,,did he like,,,,,run here in those?
“wonpil said he talked to you,,” dowoon starts
you nod slowly
“sorry he’s such a weirdo,,,he acts like my mom sometimes and i dont get it ,,,,”
you look down and wait for dowoon to get to the point - the point as to why he’s here after your shift in his damn pajamas for all you know
“he said you’re not mad at me,,,,so i hope i can ask you this and it’s ok,,,,,,,,,do you have time this weekend?”
“the animation major is having a film festival thing and i wondered if you’d want to see mine,,,it’s really short like,,,,a minute and a half but y-you’re in it so,,,,”
the shock must be apparent on your face because dowoon is like oh but you don’t have to-
but you agree
you tell dowoon to tell you when and where and you’ll be there
but just as dowoon finishes giving you the details, he seems to want to ask something else
but you hurry off before he can
and the entire time you try to study you keep thinking about what dowoon means,,,,,,,you’re in his movie?
the film festival is really small, it fills up only one of the classrooms but it is filled to the brim
dowoon is surrounded by a group of fellow students, you recognize one of them as the person who was sitting with him in the book aisle
but you try to not let it bug you as you take one of the “free snacks” offered on a tiny table in the corner
dowoon only spots you when the films are about to start and he’s pulled away by a professor before he can come and say hi
you sit there, watching all the different cute films made by all the students
and they’re all amazing, you’ve never been much of an animation fan but the effort put into this works is amazing
and then,,,,,you see dowoon’s name flash across the screen
‘the magic of the library’ is the name of his piece
and it starts off with a character asleep in one of the aisles - until the walking bookshelf accompanied by the character who resembles you wakes him up
and taking his hand,,,,,,,,shows him the wonder of the library
dancing books, spinning desks, computers flashing with smiley faces
and you look at the characters - that are so obviously you and dowoon holding hands
and when it ends,,,,it is as short as he says,,,,,,you catch dowoon’s eye
he flusters when the clapping starts but you see that he’s got doubt on his face - an emotion you’ve never seen
and so,,,,without thinking
you make way through the students and up to dowoon
“did you like i-”
he starts, but you just lean up and press your lips to his cheek
the boys around him all gasp and dowoon turns to color of a lobster but goes 
“i,,,im glad you liked it,,,,,,”
wonpil’s familiar voice comes from your right and everyone in the room goes “SHHH” as the next film starts
you take dowoon’s hand and he squeezes it as you two make your way out of the cramped room
and dowoon goes
“can you kiss me again, sorry i just want to know it happened.”
and you do it 
but then dowoon chuckles and go, “sorry - again. i want to feel it again.” 
and you’re like boy stop playing around
BUT it’s cute because now you and dowoon know your mutual feelings and,,,,,even though wonpil will probably not shuttup about it if you two go back in there
you’re content with that
but also wonpil’s like wanna ditch this festival and go on a date? and you’re like wont you get in trouble with your professor?
and dowoon shrugs like “it’s worth it”
dating dowoon is a lot of just,,,,,,doing normal things together 
and wonpil absolutely LOSING IT over how cute you two are
like you’ll just be sharing a drink and wonpil has tears down his face like dowoon,,,,im so happy for you,,,,,,
it’s wild - but you get used to it
dowoon is a drifter - he likes trying new things but never gets attached to them for too long
like he’ll invite you to this club he found on campus about flower arrnging
and you’ll be like it was super fun! and dowoon is like mhmm, next week lets try rockclimbing
which you’re not really opposed to,,,,dowoon looks like the laze at home type but the reality is that he is super curious and likes to learn whatever he can
which you love about him 
it’s always an adventure,,,,,,,,but that doesn’t mean he’s opposed to just cuddling on a rainy afternoon and ordering food online
but - with you it’s different for dowoon
he is in it for the long run and he values your interests a lot,,,,,,,
which is new for him, aside from night6, he’s not really close to anyone
but you are the center of his world,,,,,what you like - he’ll like too because he does wanna support you
and when he asked youngk for fashion advice for one of your dates youngk was so shocked he asked jae if dowoon had a twin brother or something like was this really happening
dowoon is still dreamy though
you guys will be walking somewhere from class and he’ll see one dog across campus and be like i gotta go pet it
even if he’s late for a class
and you have to be like no no no come here e have to go to class and dowoon is like but :( puppy :( 
sometimes you’re the only thing keeping him on track to graduating LOL
you also really like watching dowoon practice the drums
he’ll always try to get you to play something and you’re like i cant and he’s like it’s easy to smack the drums
and you’re like thats not how it works babe
and he’s like that’s what ive been doing and it’s been working SO
dowoon doodles you in his notebook but is too embarrassed to show you 
you are dowoon’s first real serious relationship and so sometimes he’s a little clutzy with romance but you don’t mind
especially when he gets shy about trying new things ,,,,,, physically
but it’s dowoon - with his big warm body and cute as hell face
in your head you’re like he could do anything to me and id be fine with it but ofc dont say that outloud because the one time you did dowoon almost had a heatstroke 
you wear anything that shows skin. dowoon goes into a blushing frenzy
wonpil was convinced before you that dowoon didn’t have the capacity to be jealous
but one time when wonpil was leaning his head against your shoulder and being you know,,,,wonpil
and dowoon literally picked him up and dragged him away 
you: oh so strong
dowoon: <3
wonpil: dowoon. dowoon put me down. dowOON
also you don’t really know it but dowoon thinks that a lot of the stuff you do is super adorable
like you once told him you love the library because you love the smell of new books
and he was like,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,you’re the cutest person ever
and you were like hmm and he was like nothing huh books right
dowoon is a sucker for you combing your fingers through his hair,,,,any chance at it he’s like head in your lap and you’re like ok ok i know what you want
for your first anniversary for 100 days he forgot to get flowers so he drew a photo of some flowers and was like,,,,,,is this ok
and you were like ,,,,, how are you so darn cute
still gets fan letters professing love to him and he’s like oh. now i get it they like me and jae is like yeah dude
but dowoon shrugs and is like too bad im taken 
dowoon couple matching bracelets (which wonpil is jealous off and wont admit it)
dowoon is the type of love that seems simple and sweet but the reality is that dowoon has never had someone special
and having you has really changed his outlook on life,,,,,like it’s dramatic and sappy to say that
but he’s grown because of falling in love with you and tbh when you ask him 
when was the moment he started liking you
he shyly admits that he thought you scolding him in the library for sleeping was super cute
and you’re like what how
and he’s like i like,,,,someone who tells me what to do 
you, blushing : o-oh ,,,,,this is good information trjkdlsfj
dowoon lets you wear his hoodie and ur like u should wear one too its cold
and hes like babe,,,,if im being honest,,,,the one you’re wearing is the only clean one i have,,,,,right now,,,,,,,
date: you and dowoon at the school laundromat with him sketching to pass the time and you reading
but you look up every now and then to see if the machine is done and also to kiss when no one else is around ,,,,,,,,,,cute
he’s a soft boyfriend who thinks of a cute nickname for you but is too nervous and shy to say it outloud so he writes it down on a piece of paper and shows it to sungjin
and sungjin is like “you’re nervous to call your own significant other,,,,,,,honey?”
dowoon, ears red: “i dont want to come off corny like you sungjin”  
day6: jae | wonpil | youngk | sungjin by group: bangtan | vixx | got7 | nct | kard | monsta x | seventeen gg specials: amber | momo | irene commissioned: iu | chanyeol | hongseok | baekhyun 
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-- gunhardyTemerity [GT] began pestering effluentBalatron [EB] at 22:51 -- GT: Well howdy doodle egberto. GT: Have you got a moment for a chat chap? EB: hey jake. EB: i have all the time in the world as of right now. GT: Oh you do? Thats swell! GT: I guess youre settling nicely at your old house? GT: Be sure to send photos yeah? Id love to see the home of the legend that started it all. EB: sure. i can do that. GT: Not right away of course... when youre doing better and all! EB: i think i can manage to take some comm pictures of a few (relatively) benevolent harlequins. GT: OH BOY. GT: (Relative) benevolent harlequins are my very favorite kind! :D EB: *doctor jingles.png.* EB: *whistles the clown.png.* EB: i hope that tickles your fancy, my dude. EB: it was never really my thing but they're alright i guess. EB: *a whole lot of fucking figurines.jpg.* GT: Hah! Hahaha! OH MAN. GT: I love this whimsical collection of fellows! GT: Theyre so cheerful and full of good spirits! GT: Its men like these that id like to have at a party im not sure about you. EB: pfft. what a party that would be. you, my dad and a bunch of "funny men" as he'd call them. GT: Thats a keeper. Hehehehe! GT: But where would you be? EB: i think i'd skip it. no offense. GT: Even if i were there? Id be sure to make it fun for the two of us bro. GT: Do you trust me or do you trust me?? EB: jesus, dude. i'd have to be a heartless monster to say no to that. GT: HEAR HEAR. GT: So... GT: How are things in the homefront? Anything like you remember? EB: not much changes in this part of the world, jakey. and i like it that way. EB: it's good. it's safe. EB: cold as balls. EB: roxy cleaned the place up pretty good. she's been helping me out. EB: is ruleus ok? GT: Ru the man us has really taken to his own here! I mean... hes sort of claimed our room as his new territory and it certainly doesnt help that citrins gone and supported his new authority. GT: He sure likes the twins though! Who would have thought? EB: oh. i'm glad it's working out. EB: i've been trying to teach him about gentle touches. GT: He sure likes to teach citrin all he knows! EB: hehe. they're such cute lil buddies. GT: Needless to say hes a cutie pie... and youre doing a great job. EB: thanks but EB: i dunno. EB: i freaked out and left him there. i know he's fine with you guys. and probably doesn't even notice but. EB: well. i know. GT: Hey now... GT: It doesnt seem like the effort matters much but. Rest assured. GT: Its something that looks entirely different from his perspective. GT: Hes just a kiddo after all. And youre being a good daddy not showing him anything but the love. EB: i hope that's how he sees it. GT: One day hell understand but until then? Youre only human john bomb. The best kind of human being there is! EB: i don't see how you can actually think that. EB: ugh. sorry. EB: you're just trying to help. GT: Dont be sorry broseph. GT: I... GT: Well. GT: :( GT: I think about sollux quite a lot. GT: If i werent some bumbling oaf with a wasteful of magic power maybe hed still be here. EB: i mean. of course you think about him. EB: he was special to you. and it hasn't been that long. EB: not that it really matters how long it's been either. EB: and...another thing. EB: this magic stuff is a bunch of bullshit! EB: they didn't teach us how to use it or anything. it doesn't matter how powerful we are if we don't know what to do. or when to do it. EB: how are you supposed to know? how am i supposed to know? GT: Well... GT: Its just... GT: Im awful sorry john. If i knew the answer or what to say i would sure try to say it. GT: But ive been so lost and frankly befuddled with how convoluted this magic business is. GT: I think i have been since the beginning. GT: And... im sorry for how complicated it makes things. EB: no, jake. don't be sorry. i just. i was trying to say that... EB: i don't even know. i just feel really angry about it all. and i'm just as confused as you are. GT: Thats alright bub. GT: For what its worth i... know youre trying your best. And i fully believe youre a good person coming out of all of this. GT: If you have your flaws and all... so what? So long as you try to do the right thing in the end? EB: i'm grateful that you think that. and i mean. i'm grateful people are still on my side and stuff. you, and roxy. and kankri. and dad. EB: but at the same time. it's like. EB: i don't know if i actually can. to be honest, dude. EB: ever since i got on the ship i never actually wanted to leave. no matter what terrible shit would happen, i never thought i'd take ruleus and cut out. EB:  even when feferi died. EB: but now i am thinking about it. a lot. even though i am really trying not to. EB: i don't wanna go back to the ship. or be the doctor anymore. GT: And... GT: Whats wrong with all that? EB: what do you mean? GT: You know id still love and respect the hell out of you bro? Even if you did drop and call it quits. EB: but it's a fucking terrible thing to think about. i already promised i'd try to keep everyone safe. after everything everyone has been through, after the sacrifices everybody made. and the people that have died fighting in the war? GT: I... GT: I know. GT: I felt this way too when uhm. GT: I thought of the possibility that dirk wouldnt wake up. EB: oh. GT: It was just me citrin and the twins i felt. What... what was i going to do? What was i good for? EB: aw jake...:( EB: that's different, buddy. your situation is differnet. GT: I couldnt pull it together. I couldnt be someone the world counted on! But... GT: Why was any of this worth sacrificing my kiddies without their dads? I... I was them. EB: i'd never judge you for that. GT: I was the one growing up on my lonesome and wondering what it is that was so terrible about myself... that i felt... GT: Maybe i wasnt enough to keep my grandma with me. It was an atrocious feeling! It still is! GT: So no!!! I dont think theres anything wrong with letting yourself feel this sort of hullabaloo weakness! EB: i'm confused as hell about how i feel. EB: but i can see what you mean. i think...coming from you it's easier. EB: i'm not saying i am actually going to quit. but. GT: Aw buddy... It just... GT: I understand. It just... feels as though it stops being about you and what you want. Mayhaps its easier to focus on what someone who needs you wants instead. EB: mayhaps. EB: thanks jake. GT: I love you! EB: i love you too, bro. GT: I wish i could swoop the hell in and scoop you in a big ole hug! GT: Id spend the night with you easily. :( EB: hehe i miss our movie nights. EB: though i wouldn't mind if the entire dirkjake clan plus ruleus descended on my dad's poor house. EB: it's fun to think about anyway. GT: Whos to say they wont??? I reckon the whole clan ought to travel around and see the sights! EB: who wouldn't want to see snowy picturesque maple valley wa. we have skating. beavers. and old people riding street legal snow blowers. GT: Sounds like a dream! EB: we also now have roxy lalonde. GT: You mean she was missing before? GT: PSHHAW. EB: i'm really confused now. do you know something i don't. GT: Roxyandra Lalonde is a key ingredient to any party gathering! EB: that i agree with. EB: you know who else we can add to the mix. EB: kankri! EB: your favorite. GT: Oh... EB: pff. GT: Yeah sure buddy! Whatever youd like! EB: hahahaha. GT: ;D EB: why are you winking. what's with the wink. GT: I made you laugh my bucko! EB: oh. EB: that was decidedly unrancorous of me, huh? GT: HUH HUH. I guess youre diddly damn so its unrancorous! EB: /rolls my goddamn eyes/ EB: okay. it's time for john to get some sleep. GT: You mean resting your handsome big pearly blues? You gotcha! GT: Ive got kiddies to systematically put to beddy bye now. GT: Youll be alright bro? EB: i honestly have no idea. but. i feel a little more hopeful about it now. EB: that's something i guess. EB: nah, not "i guess". it is something. GT: *Sniffle.* EB: don't cry. GT: I cant help it. D'8 EB: you big hairy baby. GT: I just miss you to pieces!!!!! EB: i hope you legitimately cry in front of dirk so he feels pressured to bring you here. GT: Dont say that because ill be tempted! GT: Dammit john. GT: Hit the hay would you?? EB: :) EB: ok. goodnight. EB: tell ruleus....nothing i guess because i don't want him to feel weird but. think "john misses you" loudly at him. -- effluentBalatron [EB] ceased pestering gunhardyTemerity [GT] at 01:00 --
0 notes