#in a yuri vs yaoi world
shinyduo · 5 months
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hiphopcherrrypop · 7 months
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uhm guys i don't think they're running lines in there...!!!
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this wasss. first version im sorry scollace nation for defacing semi-win or whatever but i just couldnt bear 2 draw todd in scott outfit with scott hair.
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captainpluto13 · 3 months
2 for the price of 1
This is for my yaoi and yuri scollace enthusiasts
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(I’m gonna admit I drew the yuri first)
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cherriko-art · 2 months
I just finished my nth rewatch of Legend of Korra (due to the live action bringing me back to my atla/lok roots), and was violently thrown back 9 years ago while rereading the original reaction subreddits when everyone was arguing whether korrasami was canon, all bc Nick wouldn't have ever allowed the creators to show an in-show kiss between two women.
It really shows how far we've made it in today's society and media. Korrasami shocked us 9 years ago (gay marriage wasn't even federally legalized in the USA till a year after), but if it came out today none of us would've blinked at the queer rep on a kids show (by kids I mean Nickelodeon). It just makes me so happy that it's now (mostly) normalized to have safe and good queer rep in media, esp kids media.
I can't imagine what it would've felt like to have shows/movies like Nimona, Steven Universe, She-ra, etc growing up. Or just media normalizing that queer people exist and are like everyone else (instead of the butt of a joke or a "token gay character").
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abnormalluna · 7 months
toxic doomed yaoi and yuri in one show?? Sign me up!!!!
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ichiharas-familiar · 9 months
'Feminism is watching a show made by and for women where every woman onscreen is impotent or abused' vs. 'Feminism is watching a show made by and for men where almost no men exist because they would get in the way of the audience imagining that they could date Best Girl' FIGHT.
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homoeroticbetrayal · 1 year
Iconic Homoerotic Betrayal: Round 1
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Round 1 Directory
"(Spoilers) Homura has fallen in love with Madoka, and made a wish to be able to protect her earlier in the series. This gave her time travel powers and made a groundhog day scenario. Later in the series, Madoka attains godhood by wishing to save all magical girls, and this is her as a goddess coming to bring homura to girl heaven. As she grabs Homura’s hands, Homura instead uses magic to split Madoka, into her as a human, and as the Law Of Cycles. (other name for god) She takes the power of the Law of Cycles and makes a new world were she can be with Madoka forever. (Please watch the show for better context, its so good and I’m very bad at explaining.)"
"It's been a long time since I've seen it, but IIRC, Homura betrays Madoka at the end of the film out of love ("love") for her and basically undoes the ending of the original series and becomes a demon in order to save ("save") Madoka from her original fate. It's unique because it's a betrayal that's done "selflessly" (at least from Homura's POV) for the sake of the person being betrayed"
after an entire manga of trying to defeat demons to save humanity together, including having akira fuse with a demon to be strong enough to defeat them, ryo regains memories he didn't know he lost and is revealed to have been on the side of the demons all along, and everything has been part of his plan to eradicate humanity. and ryo had akira become the titular Devilman in order for him to be able to live on in that world of demons he wanted to create, because he loves him (yes, canonically). naturally akira won't stand for that, and they fight to the death and it's all very tragic.
but i suppose a specific betrayal scene in this context is that ryo broadcasts akira's part-demon nature on tv to use him to make humans all kill each other out of fear that anyone could be a demon?
anyways it's very iconic, if there's a morally dubious/secretly on the opposing side gay guy in love with the protag in a piece of jp media since 1974, there's like an 90% chance it was directly or indirectly inspired by devilman. lelouch from code geass? ryo. kaworu from nge? ryo. komaeda from danganronpa? ryo.
also pretty pretty please use the original manga iteration, im so sick of seeing crybaby everywhere. (Mod: In case these two wins can someone send me a good image from the og manga for next round? I haven't read it and google is giving me more fanarts than og.)
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drdtfuitgumies · 15 days
season 1 summary: may 2024
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i've hit 30 situations! this summary is mainly for my personal documentation (i like documenting stuff), but i thought i'd post this in the blog too just in case anyone else was interested!
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to the surprise of absolutely no one, whit got first place, appearing eight times throughout may 2024! however, his first place is because of a technicality, since i counted the pinned post for this season. otherwise he'd tie with second place and our recently crowned "invasive species", arei, who appeared seven times. i know i encouraged you people to let her commit crimes, but it appears i have underestimated the fandom because there's STILL people telling her to steal even MORE stuff in the inbox. third place is charles, appearing five times, three of which happened in the span of five days. bullying him (and making arei and whit bully him) is really fun though!
also, i think now is a good time to talk about how i "plan" out the situations. i try to draw at least one situation a day as a "warmup" before i draw... Other Stuff, and i try to stock up at least a week's worth of doodles, just in case i become unavailable for whatever reason. i also try my Absolute Best to ensure that everyone* appears at least twice a month, whether by picking requests wildly out of order or taking matters to my own hands through the original situations, though a bias for whit really can't be avoided...
*mai and monotv are excluded from this "rule", though i bring out monotv often when i need a casualty. take arei and whit stacking things and arei and j playing mario kart, for example!
PERSONAL FAVORITES (in chronological order)
1) Motivational words from Min
I still consider this one of my greatest creations in my mortal life. maybe i should reblog this on main everytime i procrastinate on something. i'm sure there will be always someone who needs the encouragement
2) Charles holds Eden's yuri manga hostage
this headcanon sucker punched me on what was a normal afternoon, but i'm glad i realized it to this world... even though i barely read new stuff in the first place, let alone yuri. maybe one day i'll find something that caters to my oddly specific tastes, but for now i'll enjoy the yaoi vs yuri memes from afar and let those more qualified than me to verify how true himejoshi eden and himedanshi charles are
3) A regular "PMD Club" meeting
i am an autotroph and need to create one oddly specific self-indulgent situation per month to sustain myself and the joy i have for drawing. i promise this Will happen again. i might even outright sneak in some of my aus, out of context...!
4) Arei steals Charles' goggles
it really says a lot about me as a person that my personal favorites are mostly unserious shitposts, but i've been meaning to draw arei bullying charles with the nerd emoji since... a few months ago, i think? some of the situations are prompts i've always wanted to draw, but am too lazy to do in my "proper" style
sometimes i think of adding punchlines in the situations, or fix errors after i've put them in the queue, but forget to actually. do them.
after arei stole david's hairclips, emovid's debut would've been something along the lines of arei freeing him from his stage persona by taking away his hairclips. but i forgor.
monotv's body had the wrong colors this one time, but i have since decided that arei got paid by the real monotv to murder a bootleg / defect monotv
as i've mentioned in the tags, teruko on a llama at the machu picchu was supposed to be posted in ace yaps and levi listens' place, but i did an Oopsie and forgot to adjust the queue properly. out of the ~10 posts i had queued up that time, i got insanely lucky that the teruko doodle was the one that got delayed, since i forgot to draw her bandage. ultimate lucky student moment
also as i've mentioned in the tags, if my wii was still working i would've attempted to recreate an actual screenshot of j and arei playing mario kart wii
arei would've have had more time to steal even more things before i put her in jail, but i decided to give her a break this month. i assure you, she will return with a Vengeance.
i've gotten so, so used to drawing whit and arei. i haven't quite gotten the hang of everyone else yet, though i can draw xander, eden, and charles pretty consistently. hardest to draw is hu, but that's mainly because i can't draw straight hair
i kinda wanna add a subtle pattern to the background…? even just a grid would be fine. also thinking of changing the background color every now and then
i'd like to make an animation one day. it's definitely going to be a shitpost and a very unserious situation, but i'd like to make an animation one day
i expected struggling to catch up with requests, but i genuinely didn't expect about two new requests a day?? i really thought i had to pad out the days with more of my original situations, but i'm actually glad i have such a big selection of requests with a decent variety. Aside from arei's many, many crimes.
if you're still here... thank you so, so much! for reading until the end and entertaining my side project! i've never been a particularly "active" artist and tend to lurk more often than not, but seeing the same people regularly come and leave little comments in their reblogs does something to my heart that i didn't think could ever happen. even seeing new people excites me, because i think this is the smallest fandom i've ever been in? i hope i can keep this blog going…!
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blankerthought · 7 months
Planning vs Reacting: A Yuri-Yaoi Take On Two Superhero Relationships
By blank
[a/n: putting this essay on here too for convenience and for @aelyris who wanted to see it, you're a gem. also partially going under a cut because i did write like 1.2k on this]
Though many people are aware of western superhero comics- Spiderman, Batman, Superman, to name a few- generally it’s the characters alone who are known. Their relationships to one another are understood through reading the source material, despite them changing from many different interpretations across the decades and writers that have taken it upon themselves to put their own flavor on the text. Of these relationships, this essay shall focus on two specific ones, both of which share the same character of Bruce Wayne (also known as Batman). The oldest relationship has been known for decades since their first meeting in 1939, as it is with another juggernaut of the genre, Superman. The youngest, however, has only been around since 2020, with Ghostmaker’s appearance in Batman #100. This essay looks to expand on these relationships through the lense of yuri and yaoi.
According to what tama (2023) writes in Yaoi is for people who bit their peers in childhood, Yaoi Magazine, Volume 2, our average view of what makes something yuri has been misconstrued and made anew into something more palatable to the general public through online jokes. "And this too is yuri" is a common phrase, repeated many times throughout several online spaces, and most often referring to a simple definition of yuri in which any relationship, as long as it didn't involve two women, could be yuri.
In their essay, tama states that this concept is held primarily by non-yuri fans, because this belief invalidates the basic idea of yuri; that is, passion. Yuri is characterized by intense emotion, thought out, scrutinized and sometimes, though not always, acted upon, between two women. Yuri is, however, not limited to women; yuri is an overwhelming presence of what could be called obsession in a relationship. This is a contrast to yaoi, which is not defined by a lack of passion, but by a lack of thought. Yaoi contrasts so sharply with yuri, the yang to its ying, because it most often presents itself through action. Rushing to, as tama elegantly states, "gripping a cute boy by the back of his neck and shaking him until he whimpers", and not thinking of the consequences of the action.
In the context of superbat (the relationship name for Superman and Batman) and ghostbat (relationship name for Ghostmaker and Batman), it’s clear to see where these characteristics shine through the most. Superman is a smart man, sure, but what matters most is that he is first and foremost kind. Superman is a man of action and reaction, the man who swoops in front of a train to avoid letting it hit a child, not thinking of alternate paths. He’s the light to Batman’s darkness, the action to his planning, the charming country boy to the local orphan billionaire. There are few writers out in the world who have avoided the alluring call of opposite and complementary aesthetics, and superbat as a whole are not among those few examples. 
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From Action Comics #1000 (Early June 2018) with art by Jim Lee (pencils), Scott Williams (inks), and Hi-Fi Design (colors)
On the other hand, Ghostmaker is a master planner on par with Batman; his rival, his parallel. Many aspects of his life as a vigilante are a direct callback to Batman’s, including The Haunt, a.k.a Batcave 2.0, in which he even stores a Spinosaurus to compare to Batman’s T-Rex (and his is bigger). Every aspect of him is in one way or another intertwined with Batman’s. As is revealed in Batman #100 and elaborated upon in the Batman: The Knight, Ghostmaker and Batman have known each other since they were teenagers, and spent much time learning side-by-side from the greatest masters known from several disciplines. Despite their select differences- namely Ghostmaker’s lack of a moral code and many emotions, in contrast with Batman’s famed rules and his endless emotionality, be that grief, rage, or love- the two are evenly matched and consider each other their equal and rival. 
Batman is, himself, an almost immutable center of yuri. He is passion, grief, love, and a thirst for justice that is only fueled more and more by those same emotions. His crusade is born out of an avoidable tragedy that he refuses to let others suffer through, if he can, and his way of accomplishing that relies primarily on his skill and intellect. Batman is known for his million contingencies. He plans ahead, for everything that he possibly can, and that razor-sharp focus lives at the core of who he is, as well as making him a great example of everything yuri is. 
An understanding of yaoi is essential to superbat, as is an understanding of yuri to ghostbat. There is little space for rationality in superbat’s actions together, despite Batman’s attempts to direct them; Superman’s emotions and recklessness are rewarded in kind with Batman showing himself in a more vulnerable way towards him, allowing them to circle closer to one another and stand together in the same ground. Despite the many differences between them, their shared emotion, the need to reach out and touch, connecting themselves to one another, is what defines their relationship and marks them as unequivocally yaoi. 
Contrastingly, ghostbat is a relationship that balances on a razor wire edge between passion and logic. They’re similar and knowledgeable about each other enough to calculate almost every action and reaction that the other would take, but that almost is what gives them enough space to challenge one another. They’re both planners, people who constantly contemplate what the next step should be. Despite that, many of their interactions are bursting with passion, with their need to have each other’s acknowledgement, the desire to touch but the refusal to do so unless it’s all carefully thought out beforehand. They are obsessed with one another in a way that yuri portrays perfectly.
The use of a primarily eastern concept such as the dichotomy of yuri and yaoi may seem odd in explaining two non-canonical gay relationships in a western comic, but it is ever more prevalent in our present times. Yaoi and yuri are everywhere, after all- even when there is nothing. Perhaps especially where there is nothing. This essay hopes to help explain why this concept is helpful towards the analysis of any relationship, but especially in this, where we are present with drastically different foils that both oppose the same character in different ways. And despite their differences, both pairs reach a state of equilibrium just the same.
tama, (2023) Yaoi is for people who bit their peers in childhood, Yaoi Magazine, Vol.2 (tshirt et. al).
Comic Volumes Batman: The Knight (1-10), Batman #100, Batman #109, Superman Action Comics #1000.
A special thanks to the people I spent about twenty minutes explaining yaoi-yuri to, the discord server that got a no context snippet and helped me figure out What Am I Even Saying, and the people I was definitely supposed to be paying attention to today instead of spending that time writing this. I have no regrets. 
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dmmdconfessions · 1 year
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[Image text: I’ll be honest here, I was so hyperfixated on the idea of an Aoba/Madoka crossover (Madoka Kaname from Puella Magi Madoka Magica), being both like siblings.]
[Full text: I’ll be honest here, I was so hyperfixated on the idea of an Aoba/Madoka Kaname (from Puella Magi Madoka Magica) crossover being both like siblings (like the entire whole older brother shtick where he has like a clumsy, insecure younger sister who’s secretly a girlboss deep down, who literally turned into a god in the Rebellion film).
Plus, their colour palettes/designs, schemes and all are adjacent to the Gumball/Anais (from The Amazing World of Gumball) colour palette scheme, meaning they would resemble them a bit. Their interactions would be really sweet together as I know Aoba would have this small, pink-haired fluffball of hope consistently follow him everywhere Aoba goes, and would try to get him to as he goes to Junk Shop Heibon to complete his daily working shift while Madoka just goes to school like an ordinary schoolgirl just the way she is.
Aoba sometimes comes home and buys Madoka a lesbian flag she can hang up on her wall, and makes dinner for her a lot. She introduces her girlfriend Homura to Aoba and he’s like “aww, that’s sweet.” I feel like he’d grow accustomed and fond to her, and I feel like he’d grow an ever-loving desire to protect her from falling into despair so much so that she turns into a witch.
One of the funniest things I can imagine Aoba doing is having one of his alters (Sly Blue for example), fronting and then she gets a call from him and he takes her on a little ride while Madoka brings Homura, her beloved, with her to the retail park that is extremely far away from both of their locations. He then lets them play on one of those Beatmania arcades, and he goes to the cigarette bar to get a quick smoke and to accompany his younger sister and his girlfriend, and they both win so much on the Pop'n Music arcades while they start to finish off and get ready for the bowling venues.
Sly sits on one of these chairs and watches his younger sister Madoka and her girlfriend go off at these bowls, and claps and cheers when Madoka manages to succeed at taking one of these bowling pins all in one go. And after that, Sly fronts back to Aoba, the main host of the system, and then he calls back for them to come back so they can go in there to explore the garden, town pebble streets and more amusement parks for their own excitement, so they can have pretty picture taking time.
I can imagine Aoba loving Madoka like he’s his own daughter and doing Madoka’s hairstyles every morning like crazy while on the phone trying to listen some deals that Haga-san made to him, putting small ribbon hair clips in Madoka’s hair, and making her breakfast and making sure she’s at least well fed and happy.
I want her to be happy after the shit she has gone through. My precious baby daughter. My daughter, she didn’t deserve all of this, she deserves to be all happy and to be all pain and trauma free. It’s not a matter of comparing “yaoi vs yuri” of which series is pure or fucked up or whatever. I’m not simply here to compare them. I’m here to illustrate my point cohesively that Madoka would view this mentally ill skinny 23 year old gay boy who has had a never had a good day ever in his life, and she would go “I’m going to view that man as my older brother. He seems nice.” and tries to hang around with him to try to get more information from this gay boy who has a shit ton of unresolved BPD that would end up with him being sent to a mental asylum. It’s about the potential, it’s about the silly sibling shenanigans of Madoka trying to wake her older brother up so he can take her to school. It’s him seeing that she is going down a dark path full of magical girls. Whatever. I am so mentally ill about them. Madoka Magica changed my brain fundamentally and mentally and I needed to thus propose this like crossover even further because I want to say it out loud.]
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dekusleftsock · 2 years
My Hero Academia
How to do last minute representation the right way
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A meta post that I’ve been thinking about for a while, and I think I finally have the right words.
First, let's establish the terms I will be using and how they apply to other shows.
Open representation
Open representation, in this case, is a show that from start to finish is openly queer and never tries to hide that. The first ones that come to mind are Steven Universe, Shera, Sasaki to Miyano, or the owl house. They will have queer representation throughout the show, though may hook people in first by not making the characters openly queer in the first few episodes. This is usually done through a beard of some kind. Connie for Steven, the fantasy dude for Luz, bow for adora, etc. They don't necessarily have to be important to the MC's love life at all, (like how bow is glimmers love interest or that connie and steven legitimately are love interests) they simply have to make the illusion of a non queer show to prove that the show is STILL good, with or without it.
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Explicit representation
I think sasaki to miyano actually fits better here, as the thing that defines this representation is that it never tries to hide the queerness. BL usually goes here because of what the genre is born out of. Which is, usually, oppressed groups finding comfort in certain media. Not a lot of popular shows/comics are in the "explicit representation" section unless it's from an indie author. Or, on the rare occasion, published by a big manga company. The only time these works are easily published is when it's nsfw, because of the yaoi/yuri industry. These works aren't very popular most of the time because they have to appeal to a straight audience, and it's hard to do that with explicitly queer shows.
There are exceptions to the rule of course, like heart stopper or, once again sasaki to miyano, and that's because straight women are able to project and/or fetishize the characters. They will also have a token straight couple sometimes, like heart stopper, in order to appeal to the non gay audience. Or be able to fetishize the main couple because they have something that allows them to see the couple through heterosexual eyes. Like miyano and sasaki's height difference. Maybe they will add something onto them to make them more masculine to fight this, like miyano's hate for sweet things and sasaki's love of it. But ultimately people will just see this as "breaking gender norms" instead of just two gay men.
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However, it was also the only reason they COULD get the show green-lit. No matter what, these shows will have to find a way to appeal to a straight audience. It's just how the world works. It sucks, but it's true.
Queer coding or coded representation
This genre of queerness usually fits shonen/shoujo anime. Think death note, hunter x hunter, madoka magica, sk8 the infinity or kakegurui. Though it also fits a lot of western cartoons like infinity train, star vs the forces of evil, and gravity falls. The thing that defines this representation is that it's never explicitly said. It's what makes this representation so frustrating, as it directly appeals to a straight audience, while still grabbing a major queer audience. The straight audience can write it off as being accidental or even say it doesn't exist. That the queer audience is "looking into it too much".
What's even more frustrating about this is that it actually had to happen in order for us to have representation at all. Gravity falls laid out the footsteps so that the owl house could actually BE A SHOW! These shows fight tooth and nail for it to be written the way they want it to be, like making marco a latina trans woman, and in the end, they were never able to make it openly queer the way they wanted it to be.
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Accidental representation
On paper, this concept is hilarious, but it's also the most frustrating thing in the world. Accidental representation is honestly just a big phenomenon called "homosociality". angy-grrr explains this concept in this post (https://angy-grrr.tumblr.com/post/690891053818134528/bakudeku-in-bnha-another-case-of-the) But if you don't feel like reading that at the moment and just wanna know what this term means, I'll explain it. It is intimate social connections between the same sex, usually it's used to understand masculinity from a psychological standpoint. It's also used to understand hegemonic masculinity; the idea that there are different forms of masculinity across many cultures and points of time. Essentially, men who are in a male only space because they don't want women to "invade their space" feels inherently gay. (Edit, please look at the post right after this one on my page, I explained this a little wrong and was corrected, PLEASE READ IT GOD DONT SPREAD MISINFORMATION-)
Regardless, shonen anime usually falls into this category. Like Naruto, dragon ball z, or saiki. Sometimes western cartoons can also fit this category, like dipper being accidental trans coding, or rapunzel from tangled ever after being accidental sapphic coding.
What this representation is defined by is the author simply making a lapse in judgement for their own show. They accidentally make the rivals to friends a little too queer because they will show an intimacy the main character can not share with his female love interest, and instead give it to his rival. This is often born out of ignorance; when a straight person creates a show and instead of sharing intimate friendships, it shows intimate relationships. They will try to fight toxic masculinity by showing they can hug and be vulnerable with their male friends and rivals. Essentially, a "romantic scene" is not actually romantic because there are two male characters. That is the only thing that separates his rival/best friend from his love interest.
It boils down to men not being allowed to have intimate relationships and women can be as intimate as they want to be to practice for boys.
The gender binary is so interesting isn't it?
Last minute representation
FINALLY, we're here. Last minute representation. Last minute representation is honestly the most common one. Gravity falls, madoka, adventure time, shera, dead end paranormal park and many many more have last minute representation. This is because of two factors. One, that shows IN GENERAL have their characters get together at the end, a very common aspect in story telling. The "happily ever after" part. Of course happily ever after doesn't exist, there's always another day after the end of a story. This is just a general writing pet peeve, but making a kids show with yet ANOTHER "happily ever after" is kinda stupid as it doesn't properly teach children that relationships take work and are complicated. It shows a small portion into what goes into a relationship, the confession. It's part of the reason why I want to create my own children's show, but anyway, that's not really the point.
The other reason shows often have last minute representation is because a show can no longer be canceled. For example, SU was actually gonna have a whole other season after season 5, but because the show aired the first ever gay marriage on TV for children, cartoon network was banned from hosting the show in a lot of countries. That's why the ending arc feels so rushed; because it was. That's why shows leave it to the very last minute, so that they can finish their story while still adding the LGBTQ rep they wanted to add into the show.
How does this relate to My Hero Academia?
Simple, my hero is going to do last minute representation correctly for once. The problem with last minute rep is that it entirely is dictated by pandering to the company who publishes your work, along with attracting an audience it doesn't necessarily need.
MHA did create a beard character for their main character, yes, but it did so in a way that completely erases the idea of shonen. Shonen is inherently pandering to the male gaze, the heterosexual society around it, yet it has always tried to stand out against other shonens.
What makes My Hero unique, is the fact that it never tried to be anything it wasn't.
It always showed you the love interest of the story, it never once lied to your face. The entirety of izuku and Katsuki's characters have always been gay.
Obsessed with someone
The other half of them
Everything they ever wished to be is what the other person is
They envied everything that they stood for
It was always in your face, we just chose to ignore it.
Not only that but Katsuki and Izuku have acted like a troubled married couple FROM THE START! Their relationship has always been about nuance and learning to be better. They have always acted like they were in a relationship, and that's why they're such a popular ship.
Horikoshi has enough of an audience that if shonen jump didn’t let him publish the two of them being gay, he would just do it without a publishing company. He’s got the money, fans, and the show. Plus, shonen jump would just lose money. It would be a lose lose situation.
They stood as the "male couple that ended up having more chemistry than the love interest" AND as the "they might be canon" couple.
Horikoshi was able to show that men can be intimate by not fighting homosociality.
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golbette · 8 months
Regarding 'knights are yuri', I have been told by a correspondant who knows jack shit about anything (myself) that 'wait I thought knights were textbook yaoi and they're yuri now????' Any response on the differences between knights as yaoi vs knights as yuri, or perhaps an explanation as to the gentrification of knights?
Mythic Knights can be both yuri and yaoi depending on the depiction. Furthermore, yaoi can also be yuri, and vice-versa. There is a world beyond the traditional limitations of gender
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apollos-olives · 6 months
Hello yuri vs yaoi anon here <3 im so glad that my wording made you laugh. As for my dreams I know these are rather small birds compared to the dream of a free and better world but I wish nothing more than to honestly just record and publish music. Put my art out there. Go on stage. My first musical draft was made when I was 4 and in kindergarten. I love theatre, I really hope that one day I can make use of this passion. And then I will make sure you can see the plays in a free and beautiful Palestine
your dream is beautiful!! i hope you can achieve your dream of making music one day :)) i'll be your first fan 🫡♥️
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enarei · 1 year
I think aside from cultural assimilation and migration, which probably always are much bigger factors, at some point it was most likely true to say the majority of people study foreign languages so they can consume media in that language, even if they don't necessarily interact with people from where it is produced, and I mean foreign in the sense of like, genuinely foreign, not studying German as a Dutch because you can cross the border in half an hour, that doesn't count. Today what counts as "foreign" is much harder to pinpoint due to globalization, knowledge of English is universally framed as a necessary skill for high-income employment – another consequence is that virtually everything that is judged to be commercially successful gets translated to English fairly quickly, so anglophones don't need to learn a language if they enjoy the art of another culture.
I think it's self evident most people aren't studying Spanish or Portuguese because they really like the literature or cinema of Latin America (or their euro counterparts), and it ought to be framed more as a practical skill due to how interconnected the world is, even if it has the additional benefit of allowing them to experience culture in those languages, it's less something that is initially approached purely to fulfill that intellectual curiosity or for the sake of entertainment, than only being engaged with after already having contact with other speakers, be at work, or with online relationships.
There *is* a kinda frail line between approaching a culture because of its art vs contact with people of that culture, one usually leads to the other, being engaged with an author's works usually implies becoming engaged with the author as well, so I don't think there's any point to making a hierarchy off of this, but I do think it's kinda interesting to think in terms of how people approach Japanese. Because while yeah, there are a fuckton of weeabos, particularly anglophones, that really do wanna move to Japan and interact with Japanese people locally, in my experience there's also this really large group that just wants to be able to read doujins without needing a scanlator to pick it up, and don't actually care much about Japan outside of that topic, which seems to contribute to this phenomenon of many Japanese students not giving a damn about practicing pronunciation. You could say the gaijin that are completely obsessed with the yuri/yaoi doujin scene have a lot in common with people that learn Latin solely to have to have a better grasp of erudite philosophy.
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crimsonxe · 2 years
I can legitimately say that I’m 100% done with people bringing up ToH against RWBY and trying to say how it should rush BB ahead. No it fucking shouldn’t and you can take your entitled bullshit and shove it.
ToH is a show:
- aimed at an LGBT+ audience
- revolving around its central pairing
- full of sugar
- from current day where LGBT+ is more easily accepted
- world of gay
- relationship is based in fantasy version of romance
- has no separation, discovery, or re-connection arc as the characters are always around each other
RWBY is a show:
- aimed at a GENERAL audience
- revolves around 4 mains and a plethora of secondaries
- realistic/grounded
- started in 2013 when LGBT+ was starting to get foothold in mainstream
- world of acceptance, however still more easily showing towards hetero
- relationship is based in a more mature, realistic, and grounded version of romance that has no need to be rushed
- has a separation, re-connection,discovery, and now a realistic debating whether to cross the friend/SO line arc
No, RWBY should NOT try to rush in order to fit a model that isn’t fitting to their styled show. I saw someone try to say how “there’s been 2 hetero pairs confirmed”, yeah 1 had to be done cause one of the damn characters was heading to her death. The other stands as an example of exactly why BB isn’t being damn well rushed as Nora tried to rush into something and it led to them having to take a step back w/ Nora needing to figure out who she is as an individual (which Blake and Yang have already fucking done). On top of that Renora already knew each other before the damn story started, which justifies them being ahead by around 2 volumes to BB.This isn’t a case of a hetero pairing being confirmed in v2 then the LGBT+ pairing being left on a back-burner for 6 volumes types thing; its a normalized structure where both the hetero pair and the LGBT+ one are moving at roughly the same damn pace.
So take your entitled ass bullshit and either shove it, while acknowledging that RWBY is handling its LGBT+ pairing its own damn way that is perfectly damn valid; or fuck the hell off back to sugarland.There’s an entire array of ways to handle LGBT+ and none are “more valid” than the others. I can 100% say that I easily am far more invested in and pulled by RWBY’s style over the others any god damn day of the week. Its like bitching cause a shounen/seinen series isn’t doing an LGBT+ ship like a yuri/yaoi series is; failing to grasp the difference of the god damn genres. Hell its like actually demanding the equivalent to the “guy meets girl and suddenly the two are in love cause hetero” bullshit vs. the writer putting in the damn time to show the relationship developing and being far damn more mature in the process.
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blueclearcloud · 1 year
I'm not the 1st or last person to say this, but it makes me so uncomfortable when yaoi and yuri are labeled lgbtq+ rep in Western publishing.
Like yes, it is gay but not... Yknow, representative of real gay people or reality or logic. In broad strokes. There is great work like from Nagata Kabi, Mieri Hanishi, or Ryousuke Nanasaki that gets published here and it makes sense. But then you have extremely, ill call it self indulgent, works like If My Favorite Pop Idol Made It to the Budokan, I Would Die that feel so off.
Gatekeepy, probably. Im just trying to put into words how grounded in real world logic works feel better for the label vs works that refuse to utter the words gay. Yknow like if it has "im not into men, im into you" kind of weirdness.
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