Jamie Jamphibian is such a good DM. like this last episode, and how the dream gives us like a bit of lore while also including a funky game dynamic?? so cool. Jamies ability to let us, the audience know more about the characters while also engaging the player is sos so good. Their worldbuilding, and just general storytelling capability is incredible. Cantripped is such a good dnd podcast and its in no short part thanks to how good a DM Jamie is.
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zooterchet · 1 year
Counter Protestant Forms
"Protestant", is term dating to 200 BC circa, in ancient Rome, for a pedophile; someone applying religious law, instead of government law, unless religious law coaligns with government law, then disobedience is expected. Protestants, are considered "Mafiaso", under Catholic Italian rules, practiced privately in teaching to this day, among Catholic families.
French-Catholicism: Atheism.  Predatory behavior towards the ‘socially retarded’, anyone who spots a reversal of religious forms, as homosexual.  Ciphers.
Irish-Catholicism: Paganism.  Summaries of academic practices prior to own figure’s foreign influence, to purge that figure from academic influence.  Primers.
Greek-Orthodoxy: Christianity.  Combined forms, to allow evasion of systems described, if held in common culture.  Iconoclasties.
Russian-Orthodoxy: Cultism. A single leader upheld as preferred, for all forms discussed reversed but single nobility winner’s form, taught in school as advantage to counter offensive assault form.  Imprints.
English Catholicism: Golden Dawn.  The placement of large rooms as concepts, moving down to smaller groups, with naming schemes, taxonomical nomenclature.  Abolitions.
Italian Catholicism: Catechism.  Study of forms between multiple people, to create sociological systems, for economic maneuvers around less able individuals.  Benedictions.
American Christianity: Calvinism.  The punishment given to aggressor, as same as aggressor’s child, with the suicide of aggressor matching the intended  frame of reference desire for the victim, the Calvinist.  Templates.
Confederates Concepts: Wicca.  The exploitation of labor, if criminal management, with owners of labor not properly treating or if holding secrets, as Satan, the target to be countered.  Cantrippes.
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ezombieart · 4 years
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illustration commission for Cantrip Candles, a small print of these is going to be sent with each purchase of their products!
i was stoked to work on this as i absolutely love their candles. i already own some and they smell ah-mazing~ please check out their twitter & website to support a small Black-owned business !
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hubertspala · 4 years
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010 – Cantrippers
The magic is almost gone. It is a normal phenomenon on Posterra, if you can believe the chronicles, archives and historians as well as many tales of the tribes and folk that lived here for more than a few generations. Magic has its ebbs and flows – times when it seeps into every corner and fill the realms with impossible and times when it wanes, returning to the core, resting in the world darkest places when the last figments and wisps of it cling to the surface in enchanted stones and gems, in relics and mighty artefacts. In such times Wizards – proper and powerful beyond reason – are extremely rare if not completely extinct, their powers gone, they ability to gather power severed or limited in potency to a great extent. But there is never a void in the market for magic, and even if grand spells are no longer a thing, plenty of lowly shamans, hedge wizards and cantrip users can finally have their five minutes, as their meagre powers finally are up to par with the great arcane lords and the business for small enchantments and simple spells is always in demand, even more now, when there is no big, bombastic solution to problems. Farmers no longer can call upon a huge rain to battle the drought, but they can buy a wand to find water veins in their lands. Warriors cannot count on powerful spells to make them invulnerable and stronger than a cohort, but they can still get a spell that keeps a blade sharp or let their blade glow when sensing a threat. And so on – the cantrippers roam the towns and villages in their colourful carts, selling their little magic to whoever needs it.
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im actaully so gald i got one of my irls int ocantripped becasue now a new episode came out and we can gush to each other!!
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