#capcom pro tour
shinigami-striker · 2 years
SF6 Cash Tournament | Monday, 02.20.2023
Wanna win $1,000,000 while going up against tons and tons of professionals playing Street Fighter 6? Go to Capcom for more details on this on social media (i.e. Instagram or Twitter).
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onejamtart · 11 months
Capcom Pro Tour 2023 - Offline Premier France - Day 3 - TOP 8
Peace, JW
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remy2fang · 3 months
BIG Thought Dump on SF6 BISON, Shadaloo, and Gratuitous Amount of F.A.N.G
I actually plowed through the Bison stuff when he dropped. I wrote a few of my thoughts on Twitter X, but I’ll dump everything here on this post. Warning, it’s really really big and the end may have some speculative spoilers (font will be red as a warning). Here it goes.
Playing Bison
I’m no pro player, in fact I’m super casual, but Bison is hella strong! I didn’t look through all his command list because I just want to plow through arcade and World tour for the story. All I know is Psycho Crusher, Scissor Kick (turned motion instead of charge), and Head Stomp from previous games, so I just stuck to those lol.
Arcade Mode and Fighting Ground
Ok now for the story. The first thing I did when Bison dropped was Arcade mode and was automatically hit with some fan service in the beginning. Naked Bison. Capcom knew what they’re doing here lol. There were some guys making jibes at him and then he beat the crap out of them and stole their clothes for himself. And then he went on fighting other people he don’t remember through arcade mode. And then his boss rival is Juri. Ngl, I was super excited when I saw that. I was actually hoping to see this for a long time. In Juri’s SF6 arcade, the thought of her not having her revenge against Bison had been eating her up for years. She never moved on from that since SFV, so “probably” almost a decade had passed since then. Her seeing Bison again is her moment to have what she wanted. But it didn’t go her way. I can see why Juri fans didn’t like the outcome. For me it’s different. Yes, it would be nice if she got her revenge right there and then (as indicated with her win quote against Bison), or if she moved on from Bison after her fight with Chun-Li in her own arcade mode. But I have the feeling deep down she really wanted that revenge. Plus, she helped Neo Shadaloo’s efforts too, albeit for money reasons, and even said that she’ll take them down if they ever rise again. Now that Bison’s back, she’s no longer in the state of regret and now has all the chances to go against him and get what she truly wanted. She’s not aimless anymore. She has a real reason to fight now.
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As for win quotes, some were fun and some were boring. Of course I was most interested in A.K.I.’s. For sometime before Bison’s release, I was curious on how A.K.I. feels about him. Would she have a favorable view of Bison because F.A.N.G admires him greatly? Or would she be jealous of him because all of F.A.N.G’s attention will go to him instead of her? Lots of people and I have been wondering about this. Now the cat’s out of the bag, this is A.K.I.’s win quote against Bison:
“You must be the one the master’s talked so much about. I must send word to him immediately.”
This suggests that A.K.I.’s sentiments toward Bison is neutral, but she wants to report to FANG about it because she knows that Bison is important to him. I can’t help but compare this quote to her Rashid one:
“You… You’re the one the master spoke of.”
F.A.N.G talked a great deal to A.K.I. about these two, but of course his attitude for the both of them are different from one and the other. F.A.N.G admires Bison and hates Rashid.
World Tour Mode
For World Tour, we see that it takes place after Bison’s arcade mode because he took over the secret ruined Shadaloo lab after fighting Juri. I was already at Nayshall when I started World Tour and I automatically got a message from Foo aka F.A.N.G. Ahh yes, I knew I’d see F.A.N.G again for the Bison update 💜💜. He has to take part in it because this the man he wants to work for.
This time we work with F.A.N.G much more extensively than before. Yes, we see more of F.A.N.G in the Bison update than in the A.K.I. one (but there’s no FANG illustrations except for one in the Bison quests). He’s a lot more active and involved this time. And we get to see his soft side too. F.A.N.G actually likes seeing cute animal photos, especially with the cat and the baby hippo 💜💜. This reminds me of how A.K.I. reacted with the pufferfish and snake. Hmm, I wonder if that’s the reason why F.A.N.G didn’t mind A.K.I.’s super cute messages with the Lolita bunnies and kittens? Deep down, does he enjoy AKI’s letters because of those cute Sanrio-esque characters?? Idk, but I think it’s super cute. Ahhh 💜💜
We also get to see the scope of F.A.N.G’s influence and reach, especially as his persona as Foo. At first it seemed that he only has A.K.I. as his assistant, but later on in the Akuma and Bison update, we see that FANG has Experimental Subject Lee, Neo Shadaloo mole Hahn, Minox from the Colosseo, and former Doll Changpa. Out of these aside from A.K.I., Hahn and Doll Changpa seem to work the most extensively with F.A.N.G. Hahn knows F.A.N.G’s deal. 2 salutes. Answer messages within 2 minutes. 2 sugars in his coffee hehe. Doll Changpa elaborates further on how she ended up working with Foo aka F.A.N.G in this update than in the Akuma one. Basically, she had nowhere else to go. FANG needed intel on Shadaloo remnants. Doll Changpa needed a place to stay. So they work together because of that. To her, it’s purely transactional. She insists that it was her choice to work under FANG, but she did hesitated on the thought that she may have went back to her Shadaloo life, even by choice. It seems she had mixed feelings. Nevertheless, a job is a job.
Back to Bison. He went face to face with his own phantom Bison and absorbed it. He regained some memories from it, but not fully. It’s said that if Bison absorbs more psycho power, he would regain more of his memories. But even with 100 bond points and max mastery at level 20, Bison still doesn’t remember everything. As I suspected, Bison still has a way to go before he reaches his peak. But it’s not like he cares anyway lol. He’ll just continue on quenching on power.
We don’t really get a clear answer on how Bison came back, but Bison heard from others that he’d often die and come back to life via spare bodies. He thought that’s how he managed to be alive in his current form, but that’s just his conjecture based on what others said about his past lives. F.A.N.G also had no clue on how Bison came back either, despite being the last person to have seen his “”demise,”” but he also questioned if this is in fact the “real” Bison (he is). According to the devs, Bison’s current body is actually the same one from SFV. The cracks and scars on his right side of his body came from Ryu’s final blow. So instead of disintegrating (his death was obscured by F.A.N.G and smoke in SFV), he lost his memories. Not sure if the game will reveal the truth of Bison’s “resurrection” in a later update tho.
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Although his memories are still fuzzy, Bison has a major hatred towards Ryu, Ken, Chun-Li, Cammy, and Guile lol. He doesn’t know them by name nor does he understand where the hatred comes from. He sent the avatar to talk to these fighters and they all remembered him with disdain. They all may have an idea where the avatar learned such fighting techniques, but it seems they didn’t want to press on. When the avatar reports back to Bison, Bison basically said he doesn’t care about them because he doesn’t truly remember them…but he’ll gladly fight and dominate them lol
Other people that Bison hate are obviously Ed, Falke, and Juri. They all undermine him. Bison also hates JP. Hmm, I wonder why? For the past couple of months, people were mulling over whether JP is for or against Bison. For me, it’s really hard to read JP’s intentions and plans because he tends to lie a lot, but I also think JP is not trying to win Bison’s approval. JP is not a Bison fanboy lol. Even his quote against Bison said that he is incomplete: “Hm. Peculiar. Perhaps you are not your whole self just yet.” What is JP’s plan then? JP is not actively involved in the Bison update for World Tour. But if you talk to Doll Changpa at the Suval'hal Arena in Nayshall at night, she found out that JP is still plotting to do something with Ed and the “imperfect” Bison. From the sounds of it, JP is still the main antagonist for SF6 as he seems to have a grandiose plan for the both of these characters. We’ll probably see it unfold in the next couple of patches.
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Bison eventually remembers Vega and Balrog and sends the avatar to find them. F.A.N.G, as Foo the messenger, offers to help the avatar in finding them. Hmmm I wonder if F.A.N.G ever contacted them after the fall of Shadaloo since he knows their whereabouts and how to get their attention?
To get to Vega, the avatar has to fight Ignacio in the most “beautiful” way. In-game, basically win with a perfect KO.
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Seeing Ignacio, I was already curious about him. At first I thought he was Vega's son, but then the illustration scenes have him next to a very handsome butler with similar features, so I then thought that Ignacio might be a servant boy for Vega. I'd like to know how Vega gets to know these characters, and I'm wondering what their back stories are because they both have dark complexions and yellow cat eyes. I don’t know the butler’s gender, but I’m assuming male (looks very much like Sebastian from Black Butler). If it’s female, she would have worn a maid’s outfit instead. I know I shouldn’t assume and that characters can also present as gender-nonconforming, but most often times devs from Japan/Asia usually make their female characters “cute” or showing something that emphasizes their “femininity.” Very seldom do they actively make a female character have more “masculine” traits with their appearances. But then again, SF6 has been pushing the gender boundaries outside of the norm, especially with the avatar gear, the NPCs, and a few of their roster characters. That would be cool and it would be interesting if the butler is a woman.
Anyway, Kizer brought up something interesting and it led to some speculative conversations. On Ignacio’s brooch, there’s a Ken Masters Foundation.
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But when I looked at the avatar gear that can be purchased in the Battle Hub, the same tie brooch with the Masters’ logo can be found there. It could just be assorted avatar gear just to create these interesting NPCs. But at the same time, I’m still wondering if Ignacio and the butler were affiliated with Masters Foundation. That’s something to find out in a later DLC. And I hope the relationship between Vega, Ignacio, and the butler is a lot more kinder in-game than what’s been speculated in the conversation. Even I’m concerned lol.
We also get to see an illustrated cutscene with Balrog in it. He still keeps in touch with Ed and thought about joining his group. But, which ever organization has more money, he’ll go to it. Good ol’ Balrog 😂😂. I’m sure he’ll share the wealth with Ed tho!
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The only names Bison remembers are Balrog, Vega, and Sagat. But even then, he doesn’t really have the clearest memories of them either. In this illustration, all the Shadaloo officers were all wearing these curious uniforms. Bison mentioned about “brainwashing” them and they all worked for him. I didn’t think much of this scene at first except I got to see F.A.N.G on there. But a friend of mine said an interesting comment and I liked her interpretation more than anyone else’s. What the illustration depicted wasn’t an accurate memory. Because Bison’s memory is “foggy,” he actually meld the Kings, Officers, Dolls, and Soldiers into one conglomerate thing. I still believe the Kings and JP acted on their own accord. The only people that got brainwashed in the organization were the Dolls. As for the soldiers, I don’t know lol.
Bison really likes his horse, whose name is Rocinante, like the Don Quixote’s horse. Bison said the reason why he didn’t kill the avatar was because Rocinante took a liking to them. Bison came upon the horse in Mexico. He was on the brink of death and yet he hung on to life. Bison infused the horse with psycho power to give it strength to carry him. The scientist in the Ruined Lab said that most regular animals would run wild with psycho power and die. Rocinante lives and it has the strength to withstand it. Bison loves power, but he also respects any living thing with strength (and even better when they serve him). Learning about Rocinante’s story reminded of F.A.N.G’s first encounter with Bison in SFV. F.A.N.G and his former organization, the Nguuhao, were about to assassinate Bison, but Bison overpowered and killed nearly all of them except for one. Although losing, F.A.N.G stood his ground against Bison. Bison was impressed by F.A.N.G’s strength and will to live and offered him to join Shadaloo. After that, F.A.N.G worked his way up and became a Shadaloo King.
Unfortunately for F.A.N.G, Bison doesn’t remember him. At first it started off funny when he got flustered, but then I can feel the sincere heartbreak from his text. F.A.N.G became quiet and his tone turned solemn. Even though Bison’s return didn’t turn out the way he wanted, he still complimented the Avatar on a work well done, albeit in a bittersweet way. As subtle as it is, I don’t think I’ve seen this side of F.A.N.G before, not even from Toxicity. If anything, there’s many sides of FANG I never got to see before SF6. Yes, we saw him visibly upset when Bison “”died””in SFV, but it didn’t have the same poignancy that his message had.
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If Bison were to encounter A.K.I. (and win), the story outcome would probably go into a different direction. This is Bison’s win quote:
“You shall tell me who your master is. If they have value, I will gladly use them.”
This sounds like it would go into F.A.N.G’s favor as he would gladly serve his Lord Bison…except Bison does not remember him. Would F.A.N.G be happy to serve someone who may be considered as a “fake” or an “imperfect” Bison? Perhaps not, even though it is the real Bison with his marred SFV body. Throughout the Bison missions, F.A.N.G questioned his authenticity. He also mentioned that it was “too soon” for Bison to come back. Hmm, how does he know the duration of a “perfect” rebirth then? This makes me wonder if F.A.N.G had anything to do with the revival of Bison himself and left him until he’s ripe enough for the “rebirth,” and then Bison ended up “waking up” earlier than expected? I dunno, I’m just speculating on this and maybe more info would come out later lol. Also, maybe the devs knew ahead of time that some Street Fighter fans would groan at Bison coming into SF6 too early lol. I still see complaints about it lol.
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About Bison’s win quote against A.K.I., he refers her Master as “They,” because he doesn’t know the gender. I like that little detail. Also in the Japanese dialogue, Bison referred A.K.I.’s master as 先生, which is “sensei”and can be used for both men and women. But knowing A.K.I., she uses the word “xiansheng” (also spelled 先生 in Chinese), and that’s usually used for men. Basically, Bison said this to AKI:
"Who is your xiansheng (teacher)?
If he is someone who can be used, I’ll use him."
As sad as it is that Bison doesn’t remember F.A.N.G, I think this is a good thing. If the Bison mission ended with him remembering F.A.N.G, then that could possibly be FANG’s happy ending and his story might’ve stopped there. But because that didn’t happen, it gives more reason for F.A.N.G’s story to continue in SF6. He can actually continue on fighting for what he strives for. F.A.N.G hasn’t given up yet and he said he would contact the avatar if he needs them.
Also, Only 1 unused FANG voice line was released for the Bison dlc. He said, “Oh my days!” in this one. There’s more voice clips that haven’t been used yet. If they haven’t dumped the rest of his audio in this update yet, I’d think more will drop in later DLC. Who knows how long F.A.N.G’s story will last in SF6 if they’re going to release one unused voice clip per update. If that’s the case, I hope they stretch F.A.N.G’s story for a looong time haha!
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Even though F.A.N.G didn’t get what he wanted after the Bison mission, he at least accomplished what he wanted to do since the Toxicity story: Reviving Shadaloo. He took part in it by having the avatar track down Bison. He then sent the avatar to the Ruined Shadaloo Lab with the assistance of Doll Changpa. The avatar had to fight using psycho power in order to power up the residual memory machine, which caught Bison’s attention and he absorbed it. When Bison gained some memories back, he told the avatar to find Vega and Balrog. F.A.N.G helped the avatar in this regard as he knew the former Shadaloo Kings’ locations and how to get in contact with them. That in turn had Vega and Balrog interested in working with Shadaloo again. So yes, it was F.A.N.G that drove the revival of Shadaloo.
This is something I mentioned a long time ago on another post, but just because FANG has an NPC model, that doesn’t mean he’s deconfirmed to come back playable. Throughout the entirety of World Tour, not a single character mentioned the name F.A.N.G at any point. A.K.I. never said it and neither did F.A.N.G himself. Even as his personas Foo and Fang Fei, he never said his actual (code) name. He’ll hint at it and skirt around it, but never outright saying nor spelling it. The avatar hasn’t even heard of the name F.A.N.G yet. Foo pretends he’s not a former Shadaloo King and Fang Fei feigns that he’s only a humble medicine man. His personas Foo and Fang Fei aren’t fighters. That means Fang Fei won’t be fightable. If that’s the case, that means there’s a chance that F.A.N.G can be playable at a much later point in SF6. It’s funny how it works. Other characters who have yet to make it to SF6 have their names mentioned but do not have 3D models. F.A.N.G is the opposite in which he has an in-game model, but his actual name was never revealed except in the official website, in-game credits, and JP mentioning it in A.K.I.’s arcade mode. But for now, it seems that NPC Foo/Fang Fei will remain as it’s hinted that he’ll be contacting the avatar again in a later update.
I just want to say I really love F.A.N.G’s portrayal in SF6 💜💜. Not only does he have a cool new look, but his personality is made to be more endearing, especially with the Bison update for World Tour.
I know FANG is still very evil, but I can tell the devs tried to make him more likable. They wrote TOXICITY that delve into his backstory, made the amazing AKI be his biggest fan, have him working with the avatar, and showed many sides of him that’s not often portrayed in SFV.
Also it’s good to know that my dream from nearly a year ago got one thing right: F.A.N.G being an important NPC and we see (and talk to) him a lot as shown in the Bison update. 💜🥹💜🥹
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Also, good on Capcom to release the Return of Shadaloo Battle Pass. If I see official F.A.N.G content, I’ll eat it up 💜😋💜😋.
From what has happened in Bison’s World Tour Story, it’s hinted that Vega and Balrog would be DLC. I’ll tell you this. According to this leak here, Vega would surely come back. Yes, I remember people said it was fake…and then a few months later Bison and Elena became official DLC, and the leak’s description of them were accurate.
As for Balrog, it’s up in the air. I’m not saying he’s not gonna be playable in SF6, but i didn’t see his name from the above leak nor from this one (this actually mentioned Bison, Terry, Mai, and Elena as far back as April 26, 2024). But just because a character’s name is not on those lists, that doesn’t mean they’ll never be DLC. From what a Japanese fan told me, the devs want this game to have a long lifespan. Hopefully it would be longer than SFV’s so more characters would come in the future.
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satoshi-mochida · 7 months
Street Fighter 6 DLC character Akuma launches this spring
From Gematsu
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Street Fighter 6 downloadable content character Akuma will launch this spring, Capcom announced. Akuma will be unlocked for owners of the Deluxe Edition, Ultimate Edition, or Year 1 Character Pass.
Get the latest details below.
The demonic Akuma joins the Street Fighter 6 roster and rounds out the list of the award-winning fighting game’s Year 1 characters when he hits the streets starting in spring 2024! Players can throw hands with Akuma across all three game modes, including Fighting Ground, World Tour, and Battle Hub. We look forward to sharing much more on Akuma soon. And stay tuned later this year for captivating announcements on Year 2 content and potentially even some fun events coming to the Battle Hub! Don’t forget to also check out this month’s Mega Man-themed Fighting Pass in the Street Fighter 6 Battle Hub. There’s a ton of content and rewards related to everyone’s favorite robot to explore, including this month’s Street Voter event, where players can vote on their favorite Mega Man game. Lastly, it was announced that at Capcom Cup XI, the epic conclusion for this year’s upcoming Capcom Pro Tour (CPT) season, will once again award a $1 million grand prize to the Grand Finals winner! Good luck to all the competitors from around the world who are ready to test their mettle throughout the CPT 2024 season. Street Fighter League (SFL): Pro-JP 2024 is also welcoming three new teams—Crazy Raccoon, FUKUSHIMA IBUSHIGIN, and Yogibo REJECT—making it the most jam-packed season yet with 12 teams vying for the title. The SFL JP 2024 season starts this July!
Street Fighter 6 is available now for PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series, and PC via Steam.
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soul-sparx · 2 years
It’s been a hot minute since I’ve done one of these, but they were some of my favorite posts on my old blog before it got nuked, so I figured I’d do another just for fun, and who better to choose than the series main character, in his final outing in the role?
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Ah, Ryu’s typical look. What can be said about it that already hasn’t been said? Not a whole lot. Ryu has aged gracefully in the past more than 35 years, and is one of the characters least affected by SFV’s confusing, pseudo-realistic art direction. The only marks I have against this are the color of his gi, and his hairstyle. On the gi, it looks like he hasn’t washed it since the first SF game came out back in 1987. That thing crunches when he walks. I get they’re going for a worn, used look, but I feel like they pushed it a bit too far here. As for his hair, I was just never a fan of the black, spiked look. I much prefer the look from SFII-- dark brown and brushed forward, hanging over his bandana with some weight on it. Ultimately, though, these are small marks against an otherwise great take on an old look.
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“But Ava!” you may say, “Doesn’t this costume do exactly what you criticized the default costume for not doing?”
Yes it does, however a couple things make it far less appealing to me. To start with positives, the color of his gi and belt are much better, still looking worn and used but not outright dirty. This Ryu takes care of himself and his stuff. That said, in trying to replicate the Street Fighter Alpha look, they made some...odd choices. Lightening his skin makes him look paler, not sickly but...getting there. I’m not going to call it whitewashing, because I don’t think it is, but it is a strange choice. His hair looks...molded, rather than brushed, like a clay headpiece you’d customize a Lego minifigure with. Finally, they tried to apply an odd cel-shading look and, what little consistent artstyle SFV has does not work with cel-shading. Overall, I’d say it’s a good idea with less than stellar execution.
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Now THIS is how Ryu should’ve looked by default in this game. Theoretically, Ryu’s story in this game is the culmination of his battle with the Satsui no Hado, and this haggard, worn-down Ryu comminucates that beautifully. The torn, dirty pants, the unkempt beard (which also shows him working to defeat the Satsui no Hado, bringing him closer to his master, Gouken, visually), the ramshackle sparring gloves made of nothing but tightly-tied sports tape, this is Ryu at his lowest, ready to reach his highest, and I’m so glad they based his appearance in SF6 on this costume.
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Now look, I get it, this is goofy, this is out of character, this is just stupid. But... I kind of love it for that? Like, it’s so goofy and out of character that it becomes hilarious and I gotta love it for that. On top of that, it’s actually pretty solid? Functionally speaking? The silvery pants and coat mirror his gi, and the black shirt and black trim of his jacket keep the emphasis on his arms and legs, further emphasized by the red shoes, rings, and wristbands. Like...it’s stupidly fun AND doesn’t hamper gameplay. How am I supposed to get mad at this?
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Don’t get me wrong, this costume is VERY cool, but I feel like the everpresent stark red might betray its functionality. I feel like it’s at least inspired by Bishamon from Darkstalkers, but Bishamon makes up for his almost all-red color palette with gold trims and wide, open posing that makes every keyframe clear. This has the gold trims, but Ryu’s posing is very closed and guarded. I’m sure it’s still usable, but it’s not nearly as readable as, for example, the default or b-boy costumes.
Capcom Pro Tour 2017
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I'll admit, my understanding of Japanese culture is limited, but this does feel like some kind of traditional festival attire, and to that end I think it's very successful and fairly in-character for Ryu. He strikes me as a traditionalist, and I'm sure he's very popular in the village that I'm certain lies just down the mountain path from Suzaku Castle. It also works well from a functional aspect. His exposed arms and red gloves contrasted against blue/white ropes bring proper attention to his arms for moves like the Hadouken and Shoryuken, while the black vest draws your eye downward into his blue, long, wide pants to prepare you for moves like the Tatsumaki Senpukyaku. I'm curious about the purpose behind the dragon on his back, if that serves as a cultural reference, but it looks cool without getting in the way of functionality, so I can't be mad at it.
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I question the choice to make this costume in the first place, it seems odd, but it looks fairly cool and is perfectly functional between the rolled up sleeves, long coat, and tapestry lining the coats inside to keep the legs visible. Doesn't do anything for me, and is kind of weird from a character perspective, but it does what it sets out to do and I don't have any real gripes with it.
Arthur - Ghosts ‘n Goblins
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I have nothing to say here that I didn't cover with the Haloween costume. I do appreciate the Ghosts 'n Goblins reference, but thst doesn't excuse bad readability.
Jin Saotome - Cyberbots: Fullmetal Madness
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Same as above, but I'd say it's even worse here. If you notice, his shoulders, elbows, knees, and feet are covered by a kind of metallic material. In artwork, as well as sprites in Marvel vs. Capcom 2 (Jin's only playable appearance outside of a mecha), those metallic parts are a starker, darker silver color in order to make his posing more readable despite his all-white outfit. In other words, they actively made the design worse for...seemingly no reason.
Mega Man - Mega Man
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This is so goddamn funny to me. Like, Mega Man is this tiny little Astroboy knockoff, he's not even 5 feet tall. Meanwhile Ryu is this hulking, muscular mass of meat. It's so funny to me how much this doesn't fit. As for readability, Mega Man is already one of the best designed video game characters ever made, so this is perfectly fine functionally.
Kairi - Street Fighter EX
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I'm not particularly familiar with this character, as I've only played SFEX once, but it's very cool to see them referencing such an obscure piece of SF history. Not to mention, it just looks cool. Not much to say beyond that.
Track Suit
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Eh....if you remember my old costume reviews, you know I'm not a fan of these. They're fine functionally, but I have no idea why every character has one, and they just get boring and tiring after looking at them 14 times over.
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It's pretty cool. It looks oddly tactical, and I don't really get the asymmetrical look-- why bring so much attention to one arm over the other, it's not like Yamazaki's right arm in Fatal Fury/KoF, which contains the power of a god. Ultimately, though, it was for a good cause and it works well enough. Not gonna complain.
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fganniversaries · 2 years
A year ago today, Street Fighter 6 was originally announced during the 2021 Capcom Pro Tour Season 3 Final, with Luke and Ryu being revealed as the first playable characters. The teaser trailer can be watched below.
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radgamester · 3 months
What are your thoughts on Street Fighter 6's Year 2 characters? Especially Terry and Mai since I get a strong SNK vibe from this place. Now that Street Fighter 6 announced a Year 2, who are your picks for Year 3.
When I first saw Terry and Mai on that Year 2 collage, I almost fell out of my chair. I had to make sure it wasn't an edit or just an ad for a phone app game (the Ninja Turtles were recently announced as being in the SF Duel game for example).
I'm glad Elena made the cut. I don't think anyone would be unhappy about that. She missed the boat in SF5, is a fan favorite, and people have been asking 'where are the Street Fighter III characters' since the SF6 base roster was revealed.
With Bison, I'm of two minds. On one side, I feel he should be dead and stay dead for the story to move forward. Despite KOF pulling the Orochi card every now and then, they have moved on to new enemies and evil organizations. But I am intrigued about this either amnesiac Bison or unfinished clone that took the name Bison. Eager to see his story and his reactions to Chun Li, Guile, Ed and JP.
For Terry and Mai I am beyond excited. I can see some people complaining because SNK isn't as popular in the US, but people forget that SF6 is made in Japan where SNK and their characters are crazy popular and beloved. The other complaint is that with only four characters, Terry and Mai are taking up two spots that would have been used for two Street Fighter (III) characters, so I get that too.
I would say maybe they would have used Terry in Year 2 and saved Mai for Year 3... but then that would give the expectation of a SNK character for Year 4 or whatnot, when this might be a one-time thing. So bottom line, I'm excited to see Terry and Mai in SF6 but I do understand the complaints about them.
My main complaint for how Capcom was doing their DLC for SF6 is only 4 characters when we had 5 before and also how they spoil them all at once. Like we have to wait a year for Bison, Terry, Elena and Mai before we hear of anyone new before that. Before it was like Balrog... and 4 mystery slots... and the slots would fill over the year or so with a new character announced at Evo or Capcom Pro Tour. Now they're just spoiling their entire season's pass from the getgo. Where's the surprise? Where's the intrigue??
As for my picks for a SF6 Year 3, not counting any surprise guest stars I'd say
Sakura Kasugano
Sean Matsuda (though if there was a fifth, add Laura too)
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ducduy8x · 4 months
Giới thiệu sảnh cá cược Esport tại 8XBet
Esport 8XBet là một trong những thể loại game đỉnh cao, và 8XBet luôn cập nhật những trận đấu lớn trong lĩnh vực này, bao gồm:
Liên Minh Huyền Thoại: Liên Minh Huyền Thoại (League of Legends) là một tựa game đòi hỏi người chơi phải có kinh nghiệm và tư duy chiến thuật cao. Hiện tại, tựa game này thu hút sự quan tâm lớn từ cộng đồng game thủ.
DOTA 2: DOTA 2 có cấu trúc tương tự Liên Minh Huyền Thoại nhưng tập trung nhiều hơn vào chiến thuật. Đây là một trong những tựa game phổ biến nhất trong cộng đồng game thủ chuyên nghiệp. 8XBet liên tục cập nhật các giải đấu hàng đầu như Giải Vô Địch Thế Giới DOTA 2.
Street Fighter: Street Fighter là một trong những tựa game đối kháng kinh điển, luôn thu hút sự quan tâm của nhiều người chơi. 8XBet tổ chức nhiều giải đấu lớn như EVO và Capcom Pro Tour.
Tekken 7: Tekken 7 là một trong những tựa game đối kháng 3D được yêu thích bởi đông đảo người chơi. 8XBet luôn cập nhật các giải đấu lớn như The King of Iron Fist và các vòng đấu của Giải Vô Địch Thế Giới.
8XBet cam kết mang đến những trải nghiệm tốt nhất và cập nhật liên tục các giải đấu lớn trong lĩnh vực eSports, nhằm đáp ứng nhu cầu giải trí và cá cược của người chơi. Tham gia ngay hôm nay: https://8xbetvietnam.com/dang-ky-8xbet/.
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worthplaying · 7 months
Capcom Cup X Crowns 'Street Fighter 6' Tournament Victor Taking Home $1 Million Grand Prize, Capcom Pro Tour 2024 Begins In June
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spiritgamer26 · 9 months
[CP] Yor Forger s’invite dans Street Fighter 6
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À partir d'aujourd'hui, la série d’animés populaire, SPYxFAMILY, donne le coup d'envoi d'une collaboration spéciale et limitée dans le temps avec Street Fighter™ 6 pour célébrer la sortie prochaine du long métrage SPYxFAMILY CODE: White. Cette collaboration se compose de superbes costumes d'avatar, de nouvelles options de personnalisation et bien plus encore.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8PE60uifzTcLes joueurs peuvent désormais rejoindre le combat dans les atours de Yor et Loid, les sympathiques héros de la série. Ils auront le loisir d’habiller et de coiffer leur avatar dans le style des sympathiques héros de la série. Les tenues respectives seront récupérables pour 500 Drive Tickets chacune dans la Boutique Collab du Battle Hub. Et si les joueurs veulent vraiment se surpasser, ils peuvent entrer les codes ci-dessous dans le menu de création d'avatar pour ressembler à Yor ou Loid dans le jeu !- Code de recette pour l’Avatar Yor: SPY_SF6_YOR - Code de recette pour l’Avatar Loid: SPY_SF6_LOIDDe plus, tous les joueurs qui se connecteront pendant cet événement limité dans le temps (du 9 au 31 janvier), recevront des objets spéciaux de collaboration comme des cadres photo, des stickers et des titres de joueurs via les "Nouvelles" dans le Menu Battle Hub. Celui-ci sera d’ailleurs customisé aux couleurs de la collaboration pendant la durée de l'événement.Le Fighting Pass "Capcom Cup Supporter" en cours ce mois-ci propose comme tous les mois de multiples éléments à débloquer en versions gratuite, ou Premium (dont Street Fighter II: The World Warrior pour le Game Center).Des événements spéciaux pour fêter la Capcom Cup, grande finale du Capcom Pro Tour 2023 sont prévus dans le jeu lui-même. Plus d'informations à ce sujet seront partagées prochainement. La Capcom Cup X, qui se déroulera à Los Angeles en février prochain, réunira 48 joueurs ayant remporté leur qualification dans différentes régions du monde et couronnera le Champion du Monde qui repartira avec une récompense d'un million de dollars !  Read the full article
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onejamtart · 1 year
Reynald (JP) vs. Snake Eyez (Zangief) - Grand Final - CPT US & Canada West 2023
Peace, JW
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remy2fang · 8 months
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Old art of F.A.N.G mains from 2021 to 2022. Mono, Mortsy, VegaPatch, MetalQueerSolid, DeeAncer, NovaSpec, Rotten Seagull. I wanted to show my support for them because they’re all absolutely incredible. And they are wonderful people in real life too. I find it astounding that many of them mained F.A.N.G as far back as Season 1 for Street Fighter V. A low tier character with an unorthodox design and personality. Like, I know people would be asking why stick to FANG when there are better characters than him? FANG was not strong for the majority of the game’s lifespan, and he wasn’t waifu/husbando material either lol (at least for mainstream fandom). How can people stick to such a character? There are several answers to this. F.A.N.G mains find him fun. They said he has neat tools, his play style clicks with them (many of them prefer charge), they love playing difficult characters, and/or they genuinely love his odd design and personality. I’d say they’re all very good reasons.
And then there was Mono’s CEO 2021 win where he grabbed the #1 spot. That was absolutely momentous. There’s even a fantastic documentary on it too.
There was also Xian that made F.A.N.G work in Season 1. He was so good that he placed at #9 with F.A.N.G at Capcom Cup 2016. Be mindful that I wasn’t part of the FGC back then so I don’t see it myself, but reading about it sounded very inspirational. Though I wouldn’t be surprised if Xian’s performance was one of the reasons why F.A.N.G got nerfed for Season 2 😂😂. That comes to show that F.A.N.G wasn’t a totally bad character just as long as people gave him a chance and lab with him.
I still have more FANG main art, but the max is 10 pictures per post. I’ll make another post on another day, which would include art for Capcom Cup IX because 3 F.A.N.G main’s qualified for that year (VegaPatch, Mono, Mortsy) and VegaPatch placed at #7. Update: Here’s the post:
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esportscatch · 10 months
CAPCOM Pro Tour 2023 ワールドウォリアー日本大会 TOP8入賞を果たしたかべ選手とフェンリっ …
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legacyfighting2023 · 1 year
Street Fighter 6: Ready to Dominate the Game Scene
Yo, peep Street Fighter 6, the next-level chapter in this legendary fightin' game series. It's packin' a killer lineup of game modes and a sick single-player campaign called "World Tour." This drop is gonna take you on a wild ride, just like some other lit titles. Get ready to dive into the insane world of Street Fighter 6, where each character's special skills open up a ton of sick opportunities.
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Whether you're a pro or just gettin' started, this game is gonna leave a mark. And check out the in-game store for more PS5 game goodies to add to your stash. Sure, there might be a glitch or two, but who cares when the whole experience is fire? It's like watchin' a chess champ make moves, stumblin' here and there but still blowin' your mind with their sick strategy. Get ready to be blown away by the mind-blowin' visuals in Street Fighter 6. Every punch, kick, and special move is on point, showin' mad love from the developers. Every frame is a work of art, creatin' a world that pops right off the screen. Just like a lit dancer who keeps the crowd in a trance with slick moves, this game pulls you in with its dope graphics and attention to detail. Street Fighter 6 is like a masterpiece from top-tier chefs, blendin' creativity, passion, and skills for an unreal gaming experience.
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World Tour: A Solo Quest Like Never Before
Street Fighter 6 flips the script on the franchise with the epic World Tour mode, answerin' a long-time gamer gripe. In this immersive solo journey, players dive into an experience that's as rad as it gets, guaranteein' a fresh rush with every showdown. As you navigate the streets of Metro City and beyond, you've got the chance to craft your own fighter and face off against all sorts of challengers. Alongside tacklin' side missions and beefin' up your character's skills, you'll unlock secret moves from the elite roster of fighters, provin' your commitment to masterin' the game. With the World Tour, Street Fighter 6 not only serves up a killer solo quest but also provides a stage for epic multiplayer showdowns. Whether you're down for intense battles or scorin' the latest PS5 gems, Street Fighter 6 is the ultimate jam for every gaming aficionado.
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Online Vibes: Global Titans Showdown
Street Fighter 6 levels up the brawl game and goes full-on strategic genius. Each fight turns into a mental showdown, like a high-stakes chess match. You gotta predict moves, spot weaknesses, and strike with precision. This deep strategy hooks you in, like a grandmaster plottin' the next move. In the digital era, Street Fighter 6 brings players worldwide together in an online arena that's as lit as in-person tourneys. The net code's been fine-tuned for lag-free action, makin' every round as hype as face-to-face smackdowns. Facin' off against fierce rivals turns into an epic journey, testin' your skills and sparkin' epic rivalries. Becomin' a combat pro takes time and hustle, and Street Fighter 6 hands you the tools for growth. It drops fresh training modes that guide you on your road to bein' a legend. From interactive tutorials breakin' down the basics to beastly challenges pushin' your limits, Capcom's invitin' you to step up your game. Street Fighter 6 isn't just about fun—it's about makin' you a true master. Enhance your gaming library – buy PS5 games for endless entertainment.
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cavenewstimes · 1 year
Capcom Pro Tour South America-- Dookie Dominates at Qualifier
We’ve seen the next round of the Capcom Pro Tour occur over this weekend. Because SF 6 at EVO kicked things off, we’ve been seeing a growing number of qualifiers occur. This weekend the CPT South America West leg was held. While there’s still in-person LANs to come, these qualifiers are essential for gamers who wish to make it through to the greatest tier of Street Fighter 6 esports. The Capcom…
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fateddierabbit · 1 year
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Dołącz do najlepszych na świecie graczy Street Fighter 6, którzy walczyć będą o miejsce w światowych finałach Capcom Cup X. Gracze z całego świata zbiorą się na Capcom Pro Tour 2023, by rywalizować o kwalifikację do Capcom Cup.
Specjalne Nagrody na Premierę Street Fighter 6
Największa pula nagród w historii Capcom Pro Tour! Główna nagroda na Capcom Cup X wynosi 1 milion dolarów, a całkowita pula nagród przekracza 2 miliony dolarów!
Turniej będzie transmitowany na żywo na kanale CAPCOM Fighters na YouTube i Twitch!
2023 Tournament Zasady Dołączania
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Zarejestruj się na każdy turniej na stronie start.gg.
Join the greatest Street Fighter 6 players in the world 
as they battle for a spot in the world finals at Capcom Cup X.
Players will gather from around the world 
for Capcom Pro Tour 2023 
and battle it out to qualify for a spot at the Capcom Cup.
Special Street Fighter 6 Launch Prizing
The largest prize pool in the history of Capcom Pro Tour!
The grand prize for 
Capcom Cup X will be $1 million, 
with the overall prize pool being 
more than $2 million!
The tournament will be streamed live on 
the CAPCOM Fighters channel on YouTube and Twitch!
2023 Tournament Join Method
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Register for each tournament at start.gg.
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