norrussells · 2 years
thinking about this cost cap breach and it made me think about the COST of our love. i feel that I've put a CAP on our relationship for too long worrying about us and our future, my queen. i want to be able to BREACH those expectations with you babygirl ❤
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thissying · 2 years
I'm sure that, if needed, Jonathan Wheatley can also arrange a doctor's note that explains why the rules have to be bent for Red Bull.
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p-redux · 4 years
From Anons...
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See, Anons, if I hadn’t been here for over 5 years and seen the same thing play out over and over again, I may have given credence to what you’re trying to sell me. But I HAVE been here over years and KNOW FOR SURE that the ones who get this outraged by Sam’s “behavior” as it relates to women he dates are Extreme Shippers, ex-Extreme Shippers, Regular Shippers, Closet Shippers, and what I call Shipper-Sympathizers. Why do I say this?
Because back in the day, when there was the outrage over Amy Shiels, and then Cody Kennedy, I was still a shipper. And I was one of the ones who treated them horribly and harassed them, and I saw what sides people fell into (I’ve since apologized directly to them for my bad behavior). There was the Shipper side who was PISSED at Sam for not frolicking in pools and on the beach with Cait, and showed public HATE towards the non-Caits. There were the Mean Girls who hung out with us, who weren’t necessarily Shippers, but they were our friends aka Shipper Sympathizers, and they got sick pleasure out of trolling just for the sake of trolling. AND then separately, there were the Super Fans. The ones who had been book fans and then became Outlander TV show fans, and they were appalled at Shipper, Mean Girl, and Shipper Sympathizer behavior. There were also the Regular Fans who may or may not have read the books, but were mostly TV show fans, but were not Shippers. The latter two categories: Super Fans and Regular Fans did not get involved in talking about Sam or Cait’s personal lives and looked down on those who did. 
Those categories have not changed much in 5 years. I can assure you that Super Fans and Regular fans are not spending their time tagging Sam directly to scold him about being in Hawaii. They don’t focus on Sam’s personal life, they’re not invested in it, therefore nothing he does in that regard “disappoints” them. They’re about the books, the show, the charities, and Sam’s other endeavors. As long as Sam fulfills his obligations to those, they don’t care what he’s doing on his off time. Are there Super Fans and Regular Fans who have heard about Sam being in Hawaii with Gia and maybe thought he could have made a different choice? Sure. BUT the difference is they are NOT tagging Sam or Gia complaining to them directly, or whining about it all over social media. And they are certainly NOT creating hate sock troll accounts to hate on Sam and Gia. That category is reserved solely for Extreme Shippers. The ones who PUBLICLY proclaim that their ship is still sailing and Sam and Cait are secretly together are just fronting for their back alley alter egos who reside as hate sock troll accounts on Instagram and Tumblr. Kim the Flutist is a perfect example of this duplicity. On her regular Flutist account, she’s all love and light and support for both Cait and Sam, despite now being blocked by both of them. But in the dirty back alleys of Instagram slums, she herself has admitted, she resides there as Outlanderlover2013, and used to be fameho_ who HATED HEAVILY on Sam’s ex, Mackenzie Mauzy. And it’s pretty clear she’s at least one of the current Gia hate accounts on IG. That’s what’s so sick about ES. They can act all sweet and normal to people’s faces, but their true angry, miserable selves come out via their other social media personas.
So, you can keep coming back sending me these types of Anon Asks trying to convince me that Sam’s “really done it this time” because now it’s not just Extreme Shippers who are angry at Sam, and therefore trying to legitimize the outrage, but I’m not buying the manure you’re selling. Because I know what’s what and who’s who. And the what’s what and who’s who is that ONLY shippers and anyone related to them get this riled up and hateful over how and with whom Sam spends his off time. I looked at the accounts of the people complaining to Sam and there is NOT ONE that is not in some way related with shippers. Not one. 
I would bet good money if it had been Sam and Cait who had holed up together in Hawaii during the quarantine, all these faux outragers would be sending them messages of support “you made the right choice not to take a long flight back to the UK, so wise of youuuuuu.” And shipping them food, embroidered blankets, pillows, homemade masks, etc, etc, etc. That’s all she wrote, folks. TRUTH and FACTS. Simple as that. 
PS. As for Sam, he survived The Barbie Wars, Parisgate, Snorkelgate, Countergate, Kitchengate, Capgate, Fistbumpgate, Handgate, Baseballgamegate,Lemongate, Coffeegate, Tunagate, assorted other Gates I can’t remember... he’ll survive Hawaiigate, and come out even better on the other side. Because the MAJORITY of fans can see that the good outweighs the bad--no one stays mad for long at Samshine. He was born under a special star. And that’s just the way it is. No.Matter.What.The.Haters.Do. 
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lukamodric · 2 years
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cap on, happy charles 😺
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eliotheeangelis · 4 years
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post race press conference, australia 1988
Part 3/?
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notbrianna · 5 years
So what we’re most likely looking at here is the fact that they were together during CapGate. Okay. So these two guys, who have loved each other longer than any of us have been alive, who couldn’t be together because it was illegal, who went to war, who were separated for way too long—Cap rescued Bucky from a POW camp where he was being experimented on and then watched him slip through his fingers, literally, to what Cap thought was his death, and then found out he went through what was arguably worse than death, and now you’re telling me they’re here now, they’re together? What the fuck ever, let them have all the pictures of each other’s cocks they want.’
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I was thinking “Niobium Sparkplug needs to stay the hell away from Captains America and their friends, but I’m not so full of righteous wrath and/or spite that I’m going to wish a ruined career on someone just because he wrote an offensive plotline that may or may not have been his own idea and made some clueless political statements.  He can go off and write Moon Knight or something.”  But then I reflected that, considering how aggressively clueless the man was about why the HYDRA!Cap plotline was offensive in the first place, Nickleback Spikenard probably isn’t the best choice for writing a Jewish character.
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seconddayofsummer · 6 years
More about that random CapGate in Cannes
A new article about Timmy bying a french journaslist’ cap at Romain Gavras’ film party in Cannes on May 12th. Apparently Tim had lost his (the one he was wearing when he arrived) and sent his « personal assistant » to get one asap. At first, Theo, the journalist did not understand why the girl was insisting on wanting to buy his old Vans cap, but he was curious so he followed her to the VIP section to collect the money and saw her handling the cap to Timothée. Oh well. So apparently Timmy paid a 100 euros for the cap the girl is wearing on the picture…That was so interesting wasn’t it? ^^ 
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db-best · 5 years
HUD official Lynne Patton slapped with violation over red USA cap in office - New York Post
HUD official Lynne Patton slapped with violation over red USA cap in office – New York Post
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Government watchdogs bared their fangs at HUD official Lynne Patton Wednesday, slapping the Trump family friend with ethics violations — for the outrage of stashing a red “USA” cap being sold by the Trump campaign on a shelf in her office.
Patton, a regular on social media, was also dinged for using her official Twitter account in “liking” partisan tweets, which like Capgate were termed…
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eggjail · 8 years
Random thoughts on the whole captain america development:
I feel like this speaks to a problem that keeps coming up in comics, even more in movie adaptions: Writers want their own character.
The cap writers clearly aren’t interested in Steve Rogers, American Hero, Symbol Of All Things USA: Military Might, Patriotism, and the General Doling of Justice. Their cap is a sneaky backstabbing Nazi spy.
It’s reasonable, and even likely, to assume they just want a shitty twist for the sake of shitty twists. But I (as an outsider to the situation and admittedly not a cap fan) get the sense that the writers are trying to bring something that they feel readers will relate to: a sense of backhanded betrayal from someone who was supposed to do only good. And hey, sometimes that’s a good plot device. But it isn’t necessary, and here it betrays more than the writer’s Captain America, but several generations of Captain America, which for many represented a shining paragon of doing what was right.
And hey, isn’t that what superheroes use to be all about?
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thissying · 2 years
Sometimes when you're mad and disappointed the best thing to do for yourself and everyone involved is to take yourself out of the situation for a bit. It might actually even be the most mature thing to do when emotions run high and nothing constructive will come from talking right then. Count to ten, blow off steam and get some perspective back and then talk to each other again.
And he has a right to be angry for a bit because it was a stupid mistake that he should and will surely forgive. And consider that even though he seems pretty unflappable, maybe, just maybe, this was just the last straw for a moment on top of racing in hot, humid weather on a street circuit (his behated) with Mercedes being Mercedes (our behated) wrt capgate right when the world title has come into sight in what is a long season for everyone.
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WHAT is happening with cap?? I'm so confused.
The latest Captain America comic had a ZOMG EDGY TWIST! where apparently Steve has been working for HYDRA the entire time. People are rightfully angry because it shits all over everything Jack Kirby and Joe Simon created the character to stand for (ie fighting to protect people from genocidal assholes) and it just generally makes no sense. 
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merrypadfoot · 8 years
This cap situation is bullshit, but i can honestly say it's really inspiring to see everyone saying "no, fuck you, we will not stand for this". It feels like we're going to the barricades of les mis, or panem rising against the capitol, standing up for what we believe in. This is our revolution. Fight the fuckers.
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godsavethevelo · 9 years
That look tho’ from Rosberg
Well, that was ankward, I guess they love eachother. Can understand Nico though, he shouldn’t be happy #capgate
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anthonycrowleymoved · 8 years
i want to write a comedy oneshot about steve, in this new storyline breakthrough where he’s a Hydra Agent All Along, trying to be a Good Hydra Agent™ (aka not blowing up hydra every few months) and the hydra higher ups being like noo noo you have to keep your ~deep cover~ to highlight how stupid it is for him to be hydra and like i can’t write but i’m considering it and it would be hilarious
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anthonycrowleymoved · 8 years
addendum to the ask i just answered: for those of you that don’t know, the disney corporation is kind of fucked up right now because their new park in shanghai went over budget and took longer than expected to open. because of this, disney has been making some weird decisions in their theme park division (cuts in employee wages, new super expensive wedding options, charging for extra magic hours which used to be free for resort guests, etc) to make their money back quicker. obviously marvel comics is a different division than shanghai but disney is worried about profits now in particular and if they can even attribute a small drop to this storyline they’ll figure out a way to intervene as the parent company of the subsidiary
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