#capricorn x scorpio
hymn-to-mercury · 5 months
✨🪐Astrology observations🪐✨
These observations are all based off my own personal experience and are mostly generic - don't take it to heart if you disagree <3
🪐 No one seems to fully understand how Aquarius Moons work, including Aquarius Moons themselves.
🪐 I love how heavy Mars influence shows up in people's physical appearance! I’ve always noticed that people with a lot of mars dominance in their chart have a big forehead and/or a widows peak, as well as rosy cheeks or a naturally reddish/pinkish undertone to their skin.
🪐 Undeveloped Virgo and Sagittarius placements absolutely do not give a fuck about your feelings. They can be extremely self centred I've noticed to almost a dangerous detriment.
🪐 A lot of people give Scorpio women the Mean Girl rep, but honestly I think that title should be lent to Virgo women too 😭 They tend to have this hangup about perfection, and I think when undeveloped it shows more as an aversion to anything 'weird' or against the status quo.
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🪐 Cardinal Mars signs (that's Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) reallyyyyy can't hide their dislike for things 😅 people, food, celebrities, whatever. If they don't announce it verbally then you can at least tell by their face lmao.
(I once had to put on my ~emergency socks~ when I was wearing heels on a night out, and every time someone came up to me to tell me how nice my outfit looked I would say thanks and then just not stop yapping about how the socks were not originally apart of the outfit 😭 I couldn't let people think I approved of socks and sandals alksjdgfsjdh)
🪐 Scorpio placements can dish it but can't take it. Cancer placements will sneakily dish it under the guise of a joke and then start crying if you try to dish it back.
🪐 People with Leo Moon tend to 'perform' their activism a lot. That's not to say that they don't practice what they preach, but I think when they do speak up their image has something to do with it
🪐 If you were born under a Mercury Retrograde it might feel like you were destined to be misunderstood no matter how well articulated you are 🙃 I don't think it's a problem with yourself as much as it is with the people you encounter through your life though. Your biggest 'ops' might be people who are very particular and specific about word choice - think Gemini and Virgo Placements (if you are a Gemini/Virgo yourself, this may manifest for you as harbouring some self-hatred or significant self-consciousness).
🪐 Pisces want very badly to be carefree, but a lot of the time they severely struggle getting over their need for outside validation. Being carefree is also a trait they might find attractive in other people.
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astro-tag-9 · 28 days
What sign the signs need in their life
(All placements in the signs)
Aries: needs a Pisces and/or Gemini.
Taurus: needs a Leo and/or Cancer.
Gemini: needs an Aries and/or Pisces.
Cancer: needs a Virgo and/or Taurus.
Leo: needs a Taurus and/or Sagittarius.
Virgo: needs a Scorpio and/or Cancer.
Libra: needs a Capricorn and/or Libra.
Scorpio: needs a Virgo and/or Scorpio
Sagittarius: needs a Leo and/or Aquarius
Capricorn: needs an Aquarius and/or Libra.
Aquarius: needs a Sagittarius and/or Capricorn
Pisces: needs a Gemini and/or Aquarius
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deepmochi · 2 years
Drawing Boundaries: A Briefly Guide for the Venus Signs in Love
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Love is a feeling that keep us blind and unwilling to acknowledge pain. Usually, we talk about Venus as the planet of love, but Venus is part of our self-esteem too, our values and how much you love. This post would try to help to see when you should draw boundaries. Sometimes, we let ourselves down at times, especially when we love others in romantic or platonic relationships.
If you feel doubts about someone in a platonical or romantic relationship, this may help to clarify your feelings. I hope so.
In this post, I will focus only on the Venus sign, but it applies to the sun if you have sun-venus aspects. If you are Venus dominant, you can also read this with that in mind.
Venus in the signs
Aries: You would do everything for them right? Jumping from a cliff or more, but what are their actions saying?! You know they are not present. Before jumping from that plane, ask them if they will do it for you. Are you 100% that they will give all for you? If you can't say yes, go and see why. The chase can't continue forever, you can find passion in other ways.
Taurus: Oh you love the essence of love?! The idea of "I love you"in someone's body. However, when that time is gone, where are they? The intimacy is more than s3x. Ask them and yourself, do you see them in your future? Will they be in your "bad or sick days"? Is this stable or just momentarily? Because as a Venusian, you crave love and intimacy in a pure way (not only sensual), Don't lie to yourself.
Gemini: People don't communicate with you? they let you do all the work? You can't read minds, but you wish, though. Let them know, you love to communicate with them. If they ignore you, just let them go. You need someone who shares your beliefs, or at least someone who can debate with you (mental stimulation doesn't equals toxicity) you build connections through sharing experiences by talking.
Cancer: A homebody who loves to pretend as a extrovert. Have you invited them to your home? Have they ignore your vulnerability? Let your sensitive side come and see them. If they hug you instead of judge you, it's there. If you still have questions, answer this: do you feel safe and nurture with them in all situations?
Leo: Well, you know what you want right Mr./Ms confident. So, be clear and don't let them worry you. If they show you how much they love you, it's there. Don't try to catch someone attention. Are they in or not. Remember, the stage is yours if they try to dim your light, it's over. A Queen needs a King, not a peasant.
Virgo: You can't fix everything and everyone; people will change only if they want to. Stop, trying to justify their lack of empathy or respect towards your needs. They don't want to be better. You need lower expectations not lower standards. They will change if they what to, have they put the work? Read that again.
Libra: You love love! If that makes sense, maybe not. Contrary to Virgo, you are fan of love, but you need to add boundaries. How? Simple, make your mind, if you are overthinking, well just remember words and actions go together. Also, you need to put your actions in balance, are you and them giving and receiving the same? He/she looks good, but are you equals or just accessories?
Scorpio: Your cue is quite difficult to say, but don't play in the shadows. Sex and transformation are your themes, yet love is not for dark places, I mean, don't hide your fears. If you are constantly running away, well it's time to ask yourself, Can I share my skeletons, will this person? Will they accept me and my dark materials?
Sagittarius: Love is commitment, but you can chose how to handle that. If you can't commitment to someone, they are not the one. Also, love is a playground for you,but this doesn't mean emotional manipulation. Don't hurt yourself or others if you don't feel happy, just admit your lose.
Capricorn: ooh boundaries, you know them well enough. However, money, social standards or materials don't equal love. If you can show or understand what love is, the feeling though, not the concept; you need to draw boundaries with your actions and other's ethics. Burnout in relationships is a thing.
Aquarius: you don't like boundaries or categories. Nonetheless, you should know what you want and how you want it. On and off situationships will never be good. Settle your intentions with your partner without social labels, yet with emotional intelligence and respect. Can you do that?
Pisces: Ooh Pisces, you are so Romantic that hurts you. Is like you are going too fast, it's time to stop and draw boundaries. It seems like you are driving without lights in the dark. The drunk in love idea is literally about you.Love needs to feel safe, do you feel safe with them? or are you ignoring the multiple red lights? It's time to leave cloud 9 and comeback to the earth.
Only take what resonates. Take care, loves 💚☺
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© deepmochi 2021 – all rights reserved.
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k-rising · 2 years
Mars signs (Part 2)
Mars talks about our anger, our willpower, our sexual nature, our energy, our strength. This planet is ruled by Aries, which means that this planet has the same characteristics as this sign. Mars tell us how we invest, project and use our energy.
Part 1
𝓛𝓲𝓫𝓻𝓪 𝓜𝓪𝓻𝓼
→ ᴼʳ ᴹᵃʳˢ⁻ᵛᵉᶰᵘˢ ᵃˢᵖᵉᶜᵗˢ
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Idols from left to right: Hyunjin from LOONA / Shotaro from NCT / Soobin from TXT.
These people are friendly, entertaining and charming. They are also indecisive and they tend to consider all their options before making a decision. When conflicts arises, they are very good mediators and are experts in solving all kinds of problems. However, when they get into trouble they tend to avoid it. They don't usually get angry, rather they have a passive-aggressive behavior when they are annoyed. Mars in Libra individuals live for the approval of others and can become manipulative in order to get what they want. When it comes to work, they do better job in a group. These people are affectionate and romantic, but they have a fairly low s3xual drive. Mars in Libra wants to be with someone who is not rude or vulgar. They like to please their partner so much that it is often difficult for them to say "no". They also tend to expect their partner to read their mind about what they like. Romance is very important to them and they want everything to be reciprocal. They are very subtle in their approach to s3x and may be intrigued by role-playing.
𝓢𝓬𝓸𝓻𝓹𝓲𝓸 𝓜𝓪𝓻𝓼
→ ᴼʳ ᴹᵃʳˢ⁻ᴾˡᵘᵗᵒ ᵃˢᵖᵉᶜᵗˢ
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Idols from left to right: Rocky from ASTRO / Yunho from ATEEZ / Sihyeon from EVERGLOW.
Mars in Scorpio love challenges; they like to prove themselves. They have a strong willpower to achieve anything, even though they may seem calm at first glance. These people are strong, efficient, disciplined and can be provocative in a subtle way. These individuals know that life is not easy and accept it for what it is. They don't get easily angry, but when they do they are VERY scary. Mars in Scorpio are passionate, sensual, magnetic, and can be fascinated with the occult. Those with low self-esteem manipulate others to make them feel better about themselves. These people are known for their memory and have a hard time forgiving once they have been hurt. They are intense both in everyday life and in bed... in fact, they are usually very good at it 🥵. They see s3x as something intimate and personal and they don't usually sleep with someone without first having an emotional connection. They are loyal to their partners and don't like to share them with ANYONE.
𝓢𝓪𝓰𝓲𝓽𝓽𝓪𝓻𝓲𝓾𝓼 𝓜𝓪𝓻𝓼
→ ᴼʳ ᴹᵃʳˢ⁻ᴶᵘᵖᶤᵗᵉʳ ᵃˢᵖᵉᶜᵗˢ
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Idols from left to right: Asahi from TREASURE / Yeonjun from TXT / L.E former EXID member.
These individuals are not known for their patience; they are restless and adventurous. Physical activity is the best way to deal with anger and they always like to be busy, so they are constantly working on many projects at once. However, they don't tend to finish their products. They get much more excited about starting something new than finishing something old. They love to engage in friendly debates... even though they can get annoyed if you don't agree with them. They are warm, fun, friendly, outgoing, loving and easy-going people. They like open spaces and do not like to feel confined. If things get serious or boring, they disappear. Mars in Sagittarius are very enthusiastic people, but not very practical. They are optimists and love philosophy, even though they have a short attention span. When in love, these people seek variety. They like the chase, but once the conquest is done, they may lose interest. They also don't want to feel restricted by commitment. They will stay with someone who can entertain them intellectually and s3xually.
𝓒𝓪𝓹𝓻𝓲𝓬𝓸𝓻𝓷 𝓜𝓪𝓻𝓼
→ ᴼʳ ᴹᵃʳˢ⁻ˢᵃᵗᵘʳᶰ ᵃˢᵖᵉᶜᵗˢ
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Idols from left to right: Sungchan from NCT / Sooyoung from Girls' Generation / Sandara Park former 2NE1 member.
Mars in Capricorn like to be in control of their life, set realistic goals and focus on achieving them. They are determined, responsible, reliable, disciplined and ambitious. They are cold when they get angry, they have a strong sense of self-control and do not like to waste their time. These individuals tend to be workaholics and want to achieve status and recognition for their hard work. They are very practical and can take advantage of almost anything they want to. They tend to be cautious, which can be detrimental in some cases. They are also skeptical of new ideas as they find it hard to break old habits. Some people regard them as too serious and pessimistic. Mars in Capricorn has a strong libido and appreciates sensual experiences, even if many don't believe it! They like to take their time and enjoy the moment. They are quite conventional and direct with their partner. In love, they want to have a long-term relationship.
𝓐𝓺𝓾𝓪𝓻𝓲𝓾𝓼 𝓜𝓪𝓻𝓼
→ ᴼʳ ᴹᵃʳˢ⁻ᵁʳᵃᶰᵘˢ ᵃˢᵖᵉᶜᵗˢ
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Idols from left to right: Chungha / BoA / I.M from MONSTA X.
Mars in Aquarius find conventional methods boring and look for new and innovative ways to achieve their goals; they are original, rebellious and unique. They like to be independent, they stand up for themselves very well, and although they are open-minded, they can be quite stubborn. They do not like to feel trapped, they are ambitious, creative and have a lot of energy, especially when it comes to projects where the intellect has to be used. They are good at getting what they want as they have a strong will. They can also be the dominant force in a relationship without their partner even realizing it! Mars in Aquarius values ​​freedom and individuality in their relationships. They can seem distant, even when you have an intimate relationship with them. In private, these individuals like to experience new and unusual things. They also like mental stimulation in bed and see s3x as a way to have fun. Phone or computer s3x also seems intriguing to them.
𝓟𝓲𝓼𝓬𝓮𝓼 𝓜𝓪𝓻𝓼
→ ᴼʳ ᴹᵃʳˢ⁻ᴺᵉᵖᵗᵘᶰᵉ ᵃˢᵖᵉᶜᵗˢ
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Idols from left to right: Sunmi / Mia from EVERGLOW / Doyoung from TREASURE.
Mars in Pisces is sweet and soft. They get to the point in a roundabout way and tend to go with the flow. They need a way to express themselves creatively. Their emotions are unpredictable and intense... in fact, they act depending on how they feel emotionally. They are often restless inside, while appearing calm on the surface. They may seem shy or withdrawn and are very sensitive to their surroundings. They are romantic, although their needs are more emotional than physical. They are very idealistic about love and see s3x more as a fantasy. They need a lot of affection... without it, they'll feel that s3x is cold and emotionless. They need an emotional connection with their partner to feel safe. Their imaginations are fantastic and they can indulge in a lot of romantic fantasies before dating someone; they are very sensual. Mars in Pisces are drawn to those who need their care and compassion.
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thedarkoneswithin · 2 years
The Zodiac signs reply to "I don't like you"
Aries: I don't like you either.
Taurus: Ok?????
Gemini: Awesome! I hate you too!
Cancer: I understand! I don't like my own personality.
Leo: Your in denial? That's cute.
Virgo: I never I said I like you to begin with, so... ok???
Libra: Why don't you like me? I'm the nicest person here!
Scorpio: Haha... Your a fool to think I would give a fuck about someone like you. Also, get in the bin brother- Your so ugly, mate!
Sagittarius: Your rude.
Capricorn: How does this affect me?
Aquarius: What?
Pisces: Oh, ok..haha...haha..haha ( depressed inside. )
if you like my content, don't forget to follow me!
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bloodofasteria · 2 years
opposition synastry is funny bc it’s just this video summed up 🤐
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god-u · 7 months
gen v cast having a bday dinner when asa’s birthday is late december ☠️
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aquarian-airhead · 3 months
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let them share a vape and a bath
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kryptoniteastrology · 5 months
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" I couldn't imagine the world without you, can you see it without me?"
Scorpio sun, Cancer moon, Gemini rising, Scorpio venus x Taurus sun, Capricorn moon, Virgo rising, Aries venus
Request by @elizabeth-skywalker
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nemoyr · 2 years
sweet love
[ smut no plot mdni or ur blocked ]
when he kisses you, it's intense. he is intense as it is, but his kisses have a way of weakening you, making you feel safe and loved despite his egotistical and rough ways. he's passionate and he's sensitive.
when his fingers caress your back, your neck, and grip your hair lovingly when he opens you up to him even more, it feels like ecstasy coursing through your bones. shivering, you return the heated kiss with fervor, matching his energy. it's slow but he guides you into his way of making love, passionate and rough but so loving and so sweet, especially when he lays you down on his bed (that no one gets to sit on or sleep in except him and you).
his tongue is bullying yours, it's aggressive yet gentle simultaneously. he grips the back of your head and tilts it back to gain more access to your mouth, licking and sucking at your own tongue before he breaks the kiss and leaves a hot trail from the corner of your mouth to your jaw where he gently nips at the skin and bone there. your neck is a feast for him, he bites and sucks on it like it'll be the last time he does this.
your shirt is usually discarded by the time he gets to nibbling on your neck, leaving his marks in oblong, rounded bite marks and hickies. he likes to tease, so your bra comes slowly down your shoulders as his mouth works wonders at the nerves and muscles in the junction of your neck down your shoulder closer to your backside. skillfully, he unclips the bra you wore for him, his favorite color, sliding it away from your body and slowly licking and kissing his way down your chest. his favorite breast is your left one, it just fits so well in his hand even though the other is quite the same, but he treats them equally, as if he never had a favorite. but he always goes for the left first, leaving sucking kisses all the way to the areola before his tongue darts out around the pert bud and slowly he sucks it into his mouth, rolling the nipple in his skilled mouth, between his teeth. he knows you're sensitive there, so he's gentle biting it, but never anywhere else, only where your nerves end.
he takes the other breast into his hand rolls the nipple between his thumb and forefinger, slipping his way into your senses even more as you let out breathy moans for him that fuel his desire for you. he loves when you grab the back of his head when he prepares you for his passionate love-making, or rough fucking.
lately, his desire has been to gently fuck you into his mattress, hoping that your imprint would stick, so when he rolls over on some mornings when he's alone in his bed, he can remember all the disgusting things you did for him and allowed him to do for and to you.
when he moves to the other nipple, the treatment is the same and he switches hands to roll the other nipple between his fingers and gropes your breast. sometimes, when he feels like it, he'll engulf your breast fully in his mouth, or as much as he can fit, and suck on it that way, giving your nipple far more suction than when he's using his lips.
when he makes his way to your lower garments, your leggings come off very slow, slower than your shirt did. and he leaves opened-mouth kisses down your thighs, alternating which thigh to bite and suck on while he removes the offending material. his lips usually find a sweet rhythm when he kisses over your underwear, teasing you over them. but this time, you didn't wear underwear beneath your leggings, surprising him to some degree, but exciting him just as well. when the leggings finally come off, he lifts and spreads your legs, pushing them over his shoulders and taking a long sniff of your vulva, nose diving deep between your folds, pushing the under further against you, sucking between your lips. he smirks to himself and he looks up at you as he licks a slow, hard, teasing stripe from your slit to your clit and to your mons.
he loves the needy groan you offer, his silent beg to remove the panties already and just take you, but he doesn't like his brats too spoiled. he punishes while he rewards, he teases while he gives, he takes and returns, but most of all, he's slow and intense and makes sure you know and understand that he will move at his own pace every single time.
he bites your labia, not enough to startle you, but enough to silence your neediness, enough to let you know he's still playing with you, not ready to dive in yet. he's always testing your waters, as if he would drown if he dove right in. but you both know that he would. he's insatiable.
he uses his teeth skillfully, biting your labia just enough to feel your clit between them, and he moves his head sideways up and down to stimulate your clit through the cloth and your pretty pussy lips. when he finishes teasing you that way, he uses two fingers to press the cloth around your clit before he roughly pokes your clit with his tongue, poking, prodding, sliding, using his teeth to gently swipe against the covered nub. and it soaks entirely through your panties and he takes his free hand, places two digits at your entrance before he presses against it, lightly at first and gradually harder and harder as he rotates his fingers, moves them up and down.
he wants your desire for him to build so when he finally sinks into you...
he isn't quick to pull your panties down, he's deliberate about those too. he finds little ways to let you know how greatly in control he is and how little power you have, but you both know you have more power over him than either of you let on.
he resumes kissing your pussy teasingly when your last article of clothing has slipped off his bed and made it's home on the floor. he dips his head into the apex of your thigh, biting and sucking at the skin there before kissing across your slit to the other side and doing the same to the other thigh. he uses his fingers again to slide against your folds while he brings his lips slowly but surely closer to you. he kisses all the way up your stomach, your chest, and your neck and jaw. he whispers sweet everythings to you on his way back to your mouth, little promises of his love to you here and there. but when he's finally at your lips, he whispers something different, "i know you don't like to wait for me to play with you, so i'll indulge you this time," like he does almost every time because he doesn't like to wait either.
he'll let you give him head, suck his soul into outer space, or heaven as he'd say. he'll allow you to do whatever you want to him and his body but only when you have initiated sex. his time is now, when he has initiated it and when you're in his bed in his home breathing his air and basking in his energy.
when he rids himself very slowly of his own offending material, you always find yourself in awe of his well-chiseled body, of course that is an understatement. but how can you put into words how perfect he is? such words do not exist for such a man as he.
and when he's fully naked, even then easy does it. he's slow to crawl over you, slow to kiss you, slow to rub his tip over your awaiting and glistening vulva, it weeps for him and only him. and he does too. but he doesn't ever say that, he just shows you his precum, palming himself before he looks into your eyes when he sinks into you because he loves the expression you make when he finally stretches you out. you've taken him how many times and you still haven't accommodated his size? damn right. he makes sure of that. he wants to make sure the only one you'll ever need, ever seek, ever ask for such favors will be him. and only him. he is all you need and he will always be all you need forever.
he holds you down underneath him, hands gripping flesh wherever he wants to while he works your cervix open for a deeper penetration. he allows you time to adjust, rubbing your clit to pass through the phase quicker, but he still takes it relatively slow. one hand curls under your back, holding your hip from behind as he finally can sink into that delicious tight ring of nerves that sucks him in so welcomingly, so lovingly and he moans, he moans your name to you, letting you know just how sensitive he is and just how amazing you feel.
he appreciates you. he is blessed to have you. he worships you in little ways that all add up to something big and amazing. he loves you. he respects you. he adores you. especially when you stress him out.
he pulls his hips back just enough to gently push his hips back against yours, his tip catching at the innermost ring of your cervix, causing your cunt to clench tighter around him and he moans every time he repeats this movement. he slowly speeds up his pace, just teasing you with every two seconds your hips meet for twelve seconds. he kisses you again, slows his pace down exponentially, and the arm around your back comes to hold your head up closer to him, his other arm coming from your front to wrap around your back and hold you by the hips, elevating you just perfectly to fuck straight into your cervix, keep you both comfortable, and make sure you don't run away from him when he dives impossibly deeper.
he swallows your moans and whimpers and screams and shushes you with those delicious and sweet kisses he always provides even when you're not making such sweet, salacious love.
he knows your close by the deep whine rumbling from your diaphragm, up your chest and into his mouth. the arch of your back tells no tales, and the way your legs lock around his waist gives him the satisfaction of knowing only he can make you come undone so perfectly. the way your cunt spazzes around his dick makes him go eye-crossed and crazy. he fucks you roughly now through that hot orgasm, eyes rolling into your head, body spasming against his, your juices flowing lovingly and warmly down his balls, soaking the sheets. and he knows he won't stop making a complete fucking mess of you for hours to come.
you just fit so perfectly. how could he not ruin you when you're so cute, after all?
sukuna ][ suguru ][ your fav man whether fictional or otherwise
tagging: @raasclaat @depressio-milkshake you two better read this and give me hella feed back (but it is also ok if you don't ok i still love you either way pls) (and anyone else who wants to provide constructive criticism) @bluwurld ( hope it is okay i tag you, i think it was you who also like suguru ? i still wanna say hi too tho) @poe-daydreams bc daddy kuna @sakuraryomen01 (also hope its ok i tagged you, ik you love sukuna and he was the top one on my mind when writing this) @prettyiolanthe (bc geto and bc i havent written in like forever and i wanted to share with you)
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when carol said “i never told you i was claustrophobic” and daryl said “if i only knew what you told me i wouldn’t know shit about you” and she replied “look who’s talking” i felt that
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astro-tag-9 · 1 month
Mars signs and what sun sign draws them in
Aries mars is drawn to Pisces Suns
Taurus mars is drawn to Cancer Suns
Gemini mars is drawn to Capricorn Suns
Cancer mars is drawn to Libra Suns
Leo mars is drawn to Sagittarius Suns
Virgo mars is drawn to Virgo Suns
Libra mars is drawn to Taurus Suns
Scorpio mars is drawn to Scorpio Suns
Sagittarius mars is drawn to Aries Suns
Capricorn mars is drawn to Leo suns
Aquarius mars is drawn to Aquarius suns
Pisces mars is drawn to Gemini suns
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deepmochi · 2 years
Your ideal career or profession and astrology 𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼
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The tittle sound promising, right. I want to HELP YOU, I will not dictate what career you should take. Astrology is a tool that we use for our path. It's not endgame. Me or any other astrologer shouldn't tell you how to live.
✅Please don't plagiarize my work, this is my theory and observations. You can disagree too, but please be nice.
I don't own any of these images.
Your dream career could change through the years, but the primary focus is derivative from these following placement. I would divide this in three layers.
First layer
MC + aspects
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This is the first "layer"; people call the MC as our career or professions. However, it can also give clubes of how people see us in our job or our public image in general, not only our career.
keeping the superficial nature of this placement, it may resonated with some people and with others not so much. Then, It makes sense if you don't feel reflected in some astrology posts. For example, People with MC in aries want to feel alive and work with their body. The most mentioned career/ jobs are athletes or adventurers. However, not everyone will be an athlete,or have the money to be one. A general idea for the native is to maintain physical stimulation and to keeptheir passion; this can be applied to their any work they realise.
Second layer
MC+ MC's ruler
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This is how you hope the public perceive you. Usually, people see you in this career or say that you just fit for (insert) career. The MC ruler would give you more information.
For example, MC (10th house) in Taurus, Taurus which us ruled by Venus. This person's Venus is located in the 2nd house Virgo . It's necesssary to see its ruler too; Mercury, they have it in 3rd house Libra. With this info, we can say that this person would prefer a place where they can be organize and expressive. They also aspire to build a balanced and beautiful environment. Earth signs search pleasure and a comfortable place. They want to be useful and have a nice life.
Moreover, MC in Taurus is mentioned to be aesthetic or aesthetically pleasing. People say they will fit into fashion industry or as designers. However, Virgo in Venus (mercury). It's more mental and still looking for stability not only earth pleasures. Mercury related jobs/careers also interested the native.
Possible jobs: writer, screenwriter, songwriter, secretary, teacher, or fashion designer, artist.
Third layer
MC+ MC ruler+ North node + Asc
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The third layer provides howevery aspect change the game. But I will explain it the big picture not the details (aspects), so you guys have an easier idea.
First as before, you go to your natal chart and see your MC. Let's say you have Taurus MC, so see the ruler of that sign. For Taurus is Venus, this placement is in the 2nd house is in Virgo. Virgo is rules by Mercury; let's see the mercury, which rules the 3th house is in Libra. This process is the same as previously mentioned. Which result in Venusian with mercurian energy mix.
Then, after seeing our MC and MC ruler, we need to see our North node. It doesn't matter if your MC aspected or not the Nodes. The native should follow this new challenge (north node) for this lifetime. If they don't challenge themselves, they will feel empty. Check the south node to see your natural gifts.
Finally, we go to our beautiful rising sign. Our rising is not only our physical appearance, but also shows what person we want to become, our the ideal or higher self.
The person above in the example with Venus in the 2nd house, they have a North node in Libra in the 2nd house, South node in Aries 8th house. So, what we can say about them?
They need a job where they feel good and build a higher concept of themselves, but also help others with their emotions somehow. They should have their own system of values and build their own boundaries. The following themes come easy to them investigations, rebirth, occult, death, a job where they can work close to home and have time for themselves. However, they may try to go with Libra and the 2nd house themes more, where they can have comfort and partnerships. Let's add a Scorpio rising to the mix, they will go under many transformations that can be guide for helping others.
Possible jobs: therapist, psychiatrist, psychologist, nurse, healer, banker, teacher, professor, counselor, social worker or marriage counselor.
Note 1: As I say, the third point shows the whole picture. However, I don't talk about aspects and modalities. All of that have an effect to our career.
Note 2: The aspects to the nodes depict how is the journey to your profession. It's easier or hard? It's traditional or new?
Note 3: if you have different elements in your MC, Nodes, and the ruler, you have more choices and sometimes you feel confuse.
Note 4: degrees counts too, are you more confident or timid, how you achieve your goals? Are you young or old? Mature or immature?
Note 5: Read beyond and trust yourself. When you feel lost, you should ask yourself, what are my values? Usually, you may feel the most content when you follow your North node. it doesn't mean easy choice, though.
Take care, love 💚🐥
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babybluepeaches · 7 months
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My Fate, Come and Kiss Me
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infp469 · 2 years
Wanda Maximoff / The Scarlet Witch Birthchart
natal chart / astrology / zodiac signs / personality
~*.·:·.☽✧ ✦ ✧☾.·:·.*~
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~*.·:·.☽✧ ✦ ✧☾.·:·.*~
✧・Sun in Aquarius・✧
Wandas birthday is on February 10th which would make her an Aquarius Sun. People with their Sun in Aquarius, aren't afraid to break the rules. Like Wanda she is an innovative soul who is always searching for ways to improve herself and the community around her. She’s driven by the freedom to do things her own way, and often surprise others with her unpredictability. Being an Aquarius Sun makes her eccentric and energetic in her fight for freedom. At times she can be shy and quiet, and also afraid to express her true personality. Sun in Aquarius are known for their brilliant mind and their ability to think outside the box. They often have grand schemes in mind to change the world for the better, and their humanitarian efforts are admirable. They think beyond the possibilities in this realm and envision a future they can contribute to positively. Sun in Aquarius people work best alone at first. Their theories are so out there that no one else can comprehend them. But once they step down the unusual thoughts to more viable solutions, they want to share them with the world. And whether the world is ready or not to hear them, they don’t care. Wanda marches to the beat of her own drum and what others think is of her is no consequence to her. This is why some people see Aquarians as too cool or detached to hang out with them. And this can be the case, as they tend to be off in their own little world, like Wanda when surrounded by a crowd, she created her own reality to get away from everything.
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~*.·:·.☽✧ ✦ ✧☾.·:·.*~
✧・Moon in Capricorn・✧
Wanda being born with a Capricorn Moon means usually she was just destined to have a lot to overcome, born into emotional or some other type of hardship and usually have way too much energy being flung at her from every direction since a young age - it's difficult but she learned fast and she learned how to handle the most intense emotions totally alone, and that independence lead to freedom. Those with a Capricorn moon tend to be melancholy or seem slightly depressed. Sadness is always nearby—there's just too much to do and too little time, or too few resources to get the desired results. Wanda being a Capricorn moon makes perfect sense since she had to grow up so fast and she never really had a childhood. She was very mature from a young age and never got to go to school. She mostly had to take care of her brother from an early age. Moon in Capricorn is the epitome of maturity, independence, and carefulness. Wanda is resourceful and resolute, with a lot of emotions inside, which are seldom expressed. Cap moons believe in themselves so intensely that no matter what actually does happen they KNOW they’ll get through it. A lot of people can't really do that. Having a Capricorn Moon is immensely powerful and most Cap Moons are very spiritual because of this deep faith they have in themselves. Capricorn moons have a sophisticated yet stylish taste in fashion, like Wanda she likes dark colors that depict her personality. Comfort is a fundamental part of her style. She has a thing for traditional and old-world dressing. As a wife Wanda is loyal, honest, devoted, and mature in her thought process and craves acceptance and admiration for who she is and support for her ambitions, like how Vision always did support Wanda and accept her for who she was. Capricorn moons also make for an amazing mother. Wanda has maternal instincts and knows how to spread love and warmth in her family life. She loves her kids, unconditionally and will do anything and everything to protect them and give them a secure future. She will be a balanced mother. She is traditional and will instill family values in her children.
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✧・Rising in Scorpio・✧
Wanda having her Rising in Scorpio means her emotions and feelings are less likely to follow and can be chaotic. The success of her on a personal plane often depends on how she uses her energy. Reckless decisions that she can take on impulse are likely to involve her in unpleasant situations. Determined, she quickly achieves what she wants. She builds her future with her own hands, without asking for help from relatives and others. In everything, she relies only on herself. Scorpio Risings are always wearing veils of black embroidery upon their ice-cold eyes. She presents herself as full of mysteries, wears dark colored clothes like black & red, and keeps to herself. Thus, Scorpio Risings are perceived as hard to access and very private. A so reserved behaviour actually tends to stem from Wandas instinctual need for security. Scorpio Risings feel, mostly subconsciously, that she cannot trust other people and, in some cases, not even herself. She’s constantly questioning her own motives and searching for a potential meaning behind her own existence. She wishes to know what is her mission in this world, after all, in a rather profound fashion. Scorpio Risings try to answer these questions by quietly analyzing anything and anyone around them, unveiling secrets and penetrating sheets of reality. And on this quest for deep knowledge she automatically acquires a frightening power over others. If a Scorpio Rising doesn’t like what they see, they will try to transform it into something better and truer than it was before. For that, other people have no option but love them or hate them; there’s little space for in-betweens considering such an impactful attitude. At her best, Wanda being a Scorpio Rising, she will tend to use this power to transform her own personality and only then proceed to help other people transform their own selves through crisis and intense questioning. Like Wanda, Scorpio Risings are observant and careful when approaching any new projects or changes in their lives; they’re planners. Because their power derives from their ability to observe and examine through seeing other people’s habits and gestures, they’re very well-known for having a magnetic presence and deep eyes.
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✧・Mercury in Pisces・✧
With Mercury in Pisces, Wanda may be very affectionate, loving and compassionate, but she is also vulnerable and susceptible to be manipulated by other people. She dislikes having to make decisions and deal with responsibilities. Reality is too harsh and cold for her, and so she usually leaves this for her partner. The woman born with Mercury in Pisces uses her intuition and boundless imagination to create a world of her own making, where she retreats every time the outside world becomes too aggressive (Which is literally what Wanda did in WandaVision). She can be shy, idealistic, naïve, and prone to believing anything, no matter the source or logic behind it. Because of this visionary and idealistic perspective, she may get sidetracked for a very long time pursuing some chimerical ideas that can never be attained.
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✧・Venus in Capricorn・✧
Wanda having Venus in Capricorn, means she’s generally steadfast and deliberate in love, finding safety and comfort is all she wants. She can be materialistic, traditional, and wants to be nurtured/ nurture others. She can be on the cautious side about sharing her heart, but her reliability as a partner is hard to resist. She acts respectfully in love, and takes extra care not to hurt her partner. Once her defenses are down, she is warm, tender, and even a vulnerable lover. She is attracted to a partner who is responsible and respectable. Someone who is passionate may at once scare her and appeal to her, and these conflicting emotions and reactions can lead to quite a powerful attraction. A passionate person like Vision is exactly what she needs to loosen up a little. She has much to offer, and her dependability is sure to be appreciated in the long haul. Discovering the earthy sensuality and vulnerability inside her will be a tremendous reward. They will have to win her trust, and a little persistence will certainly help.
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✧・Mars in Pisces・✧
Wanda having a Mars in Pisces brings her to an emotional and sensitive nature. She tends to be more of a fluid person who becomes passionate about her feelings and lead with her heart. Her having Mars in Pisces makes her both sensitive and powerful at the same time. It’s like dealing with gentle beasts or fighters for peace. Mars is the planet of war and conflict, after all but Pisces will influence everyone to keep dreaming. These natives will go with the flow no matter the situation. They are not eager to be in control or to plan too much for the future. Things in their life will happen naturally, or at least this is what they expect. Empathic and emotional, Wanda can guess other people’s feelings without talking too much. Because Mars makes People anxious, She likes spending her time with people who are also unsettled. Mars makes people assertive and active, and the Pisces Mars are gentle and passive-aggressive. It’s an unusual combination, but it works. Because Wanda can be unpredictable and very intense, many people will think she’s only playing but Pisces Mars are in fact led by their emotions. As Wanda is kind and compassionate, Wanda can also repress her anger and prefer to let herself hurt before making others feel bad. Idealistic, she can get lost in a fantasy world and never come back to reality. When others won’t live up to her expectations, she’ll be deeply hurt and start suffering. Wanda’s energy levels are always fluctuating. Sometimes her emotions are all expansive, and other days she lives by inertia. That’s why it can be hard for Wanda to hold on to a job. The happiest Mars in Pisces are the ones who are doing something creative and are free to express themselves the way they want to. More into emotions rather than physicality, Mars in Pisces are romantic and dreamy. Wanda hopes for the perfect love and like fantasy in bed. She wants someone with whom she can connect deeply and make love like in the movies. Because Wanda is very sensitive, she will respond to Vision’s every desire. She tends to do everything in her power to impress Vision. Without affection, Pisces Mars wouldn’t even be in a relationship.
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Hey ! Here for Alvera's Astrology Moodboard Game 🫀 i hope it's still open 😭😭💗
My placements : Scorpio sun aquarius moon Virgo rising Scorpio Venus Libra mars Scorpio mercury ( she/her)
My partner's placements: Capricorn sun , Scorpio moon , aquarius venus , Libra mars Capricorn mercury ( he/him )
Euh for the aesthetics : dark academia, rainy weather , royalcore ...dark colors in general ( I hope it makes sense lololol)
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Scorpio Sun, Aquarius Moon, Virgo Rising, Scorpio Venus, Libra Mars, Scorpio Mercury x Capricorn Sun, Scorpio Moon, Aquarius Venus, Libra Mars, Capricorn Mercury
Mutual understanding, compatible emotionality, attached to the other, sweet, intense.
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