#captain harlock fanfics
zerolockfan · 2 months
Short fanfic I wrote on Ao3 but since it's only 300 words I figured I could share it here too:
- No, Harlock. I won’t make love with you.
Warrius Zero scowled with a blush and returned all his attention to his drink. Harlock looked at him with an amused smirk. He always enjoyed being around Zero and couldn’t help teasing him.
- I’m not asking you to make love, I’m asking if you will sleep with me. Have sex. Fuck.
He enjoyed seeing Zero blush more and more at every word. Zero knocked his fist on the table.
- That’s the same!
- No, it’s different. One is more emotional, and the other is more… physical.
- Not for me. It’s all the same. You can’t sleep with someone you don’t love.
Of course Zero would think like that.
- You mean… you’ve never had a hook up? A one night?
- Wh… no, I have not. I’m not like you.
Harlock ticked at the hint of judgment in the word "you". He knew that was meant as an insult. He took a sip.
- Would that help if I do this?
Zero twitched as Harlock’s hand brushed his cheek.
- Warrius… I love you.
Seeing Zero’s face flush was worth every credit he had ever stolen. A light hesitation hanged between the two of them. Then Zero snapped back to reality and annoyingly pushed Harlock’s hand away.
- Wh… Shut up! That’s not how it works. It needs to be sincere!
He drank his shooter in one gulp. Harlock had a disappointed pout and shrugged his shoulders.
- What if I were?
Zero didn’t answer and ordered another round. He needed more alcohol to tolerate Harlock’s crazy drunken talk. The pirate chuckled and took another sip.
- Guess this can’t be helped, then.
Warrius sighed with relief.
- Good, you’re finally going to stop asking stupid things like that?
- No, I’m going to have to make you fall in love with me.
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wordsandrobots · 1 year
AO3 First Lines Tag Game
Tagged by @caparrucia​ and @thedancingwalrus-blog​.
Rules: Share the first lines of ten of your most recent fanfics and tag ten people. If you have written fewer than ten, don’t be shy and share anyway.
And I’m going to have to apologise in advance because the only other person I can think of tagging in this is @phynali​, who @thedancingwalrus-blog​ also already tagged so . . . yeah. Anyone who sees this and is a writer -- consider this a free tag and go for it!
1. Strategy (My Next Life as a Villainess)
Prince Geordo is, on paper, a master strategist, an expert planner and meticulous in the way only someone who has dedicated their life to statecraft can be.
These are the qualities he brings to bear on proving the depths of his desire for his intended. He takes care to learn her routine and contrive reasons to align it with his own. He engineers romantic occasions where the two of them may be alone together. And, when that is not enough, he is unflinching in steamrollering the opposition with the full majesty of his status.
2. Sufficiently Advanced Magic (Doctor Who)
The minute Gissel laid eyes on the Dark Tower, she almost turned back, and to hell with three days of hard trek through the forest.
When people talked of the house of the great magician, they always used words like dreaded, forbidding, intimidating. She had imagined a wicked titan of a building, lording over the landscape and making all who entered its shadow tremble. She had thought she would feel a bolt of fear run up her spine at the very sight of its terrible spires. She had, at the very least, expected the place to be in decent repair.
3. And we shall sow a garden upon the graves (Captain Harlock [CGI movie version])
“So let me get this straight,” said Júlio, in the tone of someone about to attempt a herculean task for which ey anticipated minimal praise.
The others around the table lowered their tankards and looked at em expectantly. Franz bit through the peanut he'd just flipped into his mouth and swallowed. “Yeah?”
“The captain spent a hundred years planting giant bombs across the universe because he said they'd make the Genesis Clock thingumy turn time back to before Earth was completely wasted. Only what they'd really have done is blow everything up and maybe even start it over again.”
“What's even the difference?” Owls wondered, staring into his drink, “Either way, we'd not be here to see what happened next.”
4. Untitled Alternative Episode Nine (Star Wars Sequel Trilogy)
The bowl of rock hangs in light-specked darkness, twisting slowly amid a cloud of rolling stones. Once upon a time, it was one miniature planet among hundreds. Now it is a husk, surrounded by what pebbles remain of its brothers and sisters, waiting in silence for the day when it too will be broken into rubble.
That day dawns in a rain of green fire pouring out of the black sky. From afar, it is beautiful. Up close, it is the end of the world. The ground cracks and cascades into the air. Vaporised permacrete balloons from craters that used to be buildings, roadways, people. Gantries scream like wounded animals as storage tanks shed choking blue smoke. Everything burns.
And through it all, the stormtroopers run.
5. A Handful of Rusted Petals (Mobile Suit Gundum: Iron-Blooded Orphans)
Everyone who made it out of Tekkadan alive kept something, though they all knew they shouldn't. This was supposed to be a clean break, their old lives discarded for the new. Taking things with them would only invite discovery and make the change harder.
Yet they each did anyway.
6. The Grandmaster (Mobile Suit Gundum: Iron-Blooded Orphans)
Rustal Elion detests chess. Always has. As a game it is tedious and as a metaphor? Useless. The world is not a board. People do not move in absolute, predictable patterns. And the starting conditions are never, ever equal.
One may dream of changing this. One may fervently wish to impose artificial order upon a cosmos that teems with chaotic interactions. But in the end, only material power matters. Not rules. Not cleverness. Not fanciful schemes resting upon the puppeteering of a legion of disparate individuals. Simply the ability to decide what one wants and to impose it with all the means at one's disposal.
7. Between Family (Mobile Suit Gundum: Iron-Blooded Orphans)
“I still can't believe we're doing this,” Shino blurts as they turn on to the street leading to Eugene's apartment building.
He's been alternating between nervous excitement and heated anticipation all day. Not just thanks to imagining what they're about to do, though that is a pretty huge part of it. It's also because Yamagi has been doing all these preparations: taking the afternoon off work, picking out clothes, making Shino shower – generally planning in a way that's weirdly arousing.
“Why not?” Yamagi asks. He's carrying a satchel, the battered old thing he normally uses for grocery shopping. “We're all getting something out of it.”
8. Of Obsessions and Erotemes (Mobile Suit Gundum: Iron-Blooded Orphans)
“What the heck is a 'Gundam'?”
Briar's habit of reading over other people's shoulders never fails to get on Almandi's nerves. He is obnoxious about using his height to this end and constantly assumes being in someone's presence entitles him to a conversation.
Unfortunately, humouring him is usually the quickest way to get rid of him.
They look down at the text on their pad. “No one's sure where the name came from. There are theories it's an acronym or a portmanteau, or even mythological in origin. It seems to be older than the modern usage, though records are contradictory.”
Briar kicks out the next chair over and sits down. “None of which is actually an answer to my question.”
9. Hope Against Hope (Mobile Suit Gundum: Iron-Blooded Orphans)
Kudelia's life has become a parade of voices without faces, the bland promise of a secure connection offering no clue as to whether she is judging each speaker's disposition correctly.
For Rachida Phiri, of the African Union's ruling council, she pictures disappointment, softened but not hidden by the rules of social etiquette. “It pains me to say this but Mars' actions raise serious questions about future cooperation between our two Unions. We must consider the cost of doing business with a state that would take such a reckless decision.”
Good luck, Kudelia thinks, given the price of Martian half-metal compared to the alternatives.
10. Fata Morgana (Mobile Suit Gundum: Iron-Blooded Orphans)
Argi Mirage is a simple man.
Some people will tell you that means he's dumb as a rock and, true, he's never going to be the sharpest knife in the drawer. But he's smart enough to have made it this far through his life. He settled his past, paid off his debts to the dead, and now he's free to live as uncomplicatedly as he likes. These days, with Argi, what you see is what you get.
He's beginning to suspect the same can't be said for Norba Shino and Yamagi Bright.
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mikurulucky · 5 months
The good thing about the Leijiverse is canon is pretty loose. The various stories are connected in that the same characters are there, the same general settings are intact, but so much changes from one story to the next, so many au's exist even in the same franchise, that if you were to write a fanfic or fancomic about any of them, be it Captain Harlock or Galaxy Express 999, you can just kinda go nuts with it.
Make an illumidas oc that plays a part in the SSX storyline, a mazone oc that tries to stage a rebellion against Queen Lafresia on Earth, pair up Harlock with Tochiro or any other character, hell make a modern day coffee shop/domestic au if you'd like.
The world is your oyster. uwu
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aube-in-arcadia · 5 years
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... et joyeux Noël !
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Ticking off another suggestion from the list, I’m hopefully going to make this longer than my other kits...bare with me :’)
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houseaegir · 3 years
My favorite thing about Captain Harlock and the absolute Mess of continuity that is the Leijiverse is that Leiji Matsumoto wrote a few original manga series and then spent the next 40+ years creating increasingly weird au fanfics of them that are all actually official material
truly living the dream, the crazy bastard
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philcon-programming · 4 years
Philcon 2020: Last Block of the Weekend!
Programming starting on November 22nd at SUNDAY, 4pm EST: Dust to Dirt -- The practical considerations of building a city on Mars, from the habitat to the technology of living on an inhospitable world. Register for Dust to Dirt Books as Trophies? -- Why do so many of us keep books that we already know we're never going to look at again by the time we finish our first read-through? Is there a quantifiable benefit to keeping them, or are we better off Marie Kondo-ing through our collections? Register for Books as Trophies Crossing the Streams -- The old policy of fan artists and writers carefully avoiding any contact with The Powers That Be is becoming untenable in the age of Social Media, where actors routinely retweet fanfic and fanart of their characters and more and more professional writers are going public about their history as fanfic writers. But some boundaries are still useful to maintain. How can fans and professionals coexist in this new status quo? Register for Crossing the Streams Re-telling of Stories of the Rising Sun: Japanese Space Operas -- Remember Buck Rogers and his adventures? How about Duck Dodgers? Maybe you soared with Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, and Princess Leia. But what about Legend of the Galactic Heroes or Captain Harlock? Space Opera has captured our imaginations for a century, taking us to far away galaxies and planets. Join us as we take a look through Glass Fleet and space operas of anime and manga. Register for Re-telling of Stories of the Rising Sun Art Demo on Zoom : "Painting" with Lint -- Artist Heidi Hooper will show us how to collect and apply this unusual medium. Register for "Painting" with Lint Discord #media-discussion : Watchmen Readings:  James L. Cambias (4pm),  A.C. Wise (4:30pm),  Filk : Philcon 2020 Songwriting Contest Performances (5pm)  Concert by Morgan Wolfsinger (Cathy DeMott)  [ Filk will keep running allllll night! ] Game: Comedy Courtroom (GM: Alex Strang)  https://meet.jit.si/ComedyCourtroomJudgeAlexPresiding Will you be the Wacky Witness? The Plucky Prosecutor? Join us for a live game event where YOU play the part in a hilarious courtroom 'drama'! * The invite to the Philcon Discord server is https://discord.gg/2XSZQ3e Check out the rest of our schedule at https://www.konopas.philcon.org   ~ It’s easier to navigate by hitting “Expand All” so all the panel descriptions pop open!
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(Philcon is free to attend this year, but donations to our GoFundMe are appreciated!)
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zacekova · 4 years
Fanfic Authors Tag Game
Tagged by @thelionshymnal​
Ao3 Name: zacekova
Fandom(s): Umm, I read for a lot more fandoms than I write. But most of what I write has been for Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle, Akagami no Shirayukihime, and Voltron. And I’m currently working on fics for Katekyou Hitman Reborn, Mo Dao Zu Shi, and Voltron
Number of fics: 72
Fic you spent the most time on: Hmmm... I don’t actually track hours of work, so I’m not sure. It’s probably either Whitewaters or Home Isn’t a Place. The former was outlined, drafted, edited, and posted within 8 months, and the last few weeks were brutal, literally half of my day almost every day could be spent working on it. Home Isn’t A Place doesn’t have nearly the same published word count, but I’ve been working on it on and off since I got the idea in November 2018. And it has a lot of background info written and a very thorough outline. 
Fic you spent the least time on: I have to assume Selfish Intentions since it was one of those “put on a song and write what comes to mind” things and what’s published is what I got down within the 7 minutes of song (with a few extra minutes to proofread). 
Longest fic: Whitewaters -- 58k words (Voltron | Shirocest) 
Shortest fic: Selfish Intentions -- 253 words (Captain Harlock | Introspection) 
Most hits: Every Hour Has Come To This -- 11,220 hits   (48k | MCU - Stony | Post-Avengers)  (I’m linking to it, even though it’s an old fic and really needs some editing. A lot of editing...)
Most kudos: Show Me Your Scars -- 861 kudos (1.6k | Voltron - Shance | Soulmate-Identifying Marks) 
Most comment threads: Every Hour Has Come To This, again, with 112 total comments, 56 comment threads
Fave fic you wrote: Oh that’s definitely Rest For the Weary (Tsubasa Chronicle - Kurofai | 9k | Nihon Country). I set out to write exactly the kind of fic I’d wanted for that arc and by golly I did it and, for once, I did it really well. I’ve re-read it at least half-a-dozen times since finishing it and it’s still everything I’d wanted it to be. 
Fic you want to rewrite/expand on: Well I still need to finish Home Isn’t a Place (Voltron - Thulaz | Historical Fantasy | 19k), but that’s not quite the same thing. The Phoenix and the Komainu (Tsubasa Chronicle - Kurofai | AU | 26k) is also unfinished, but I’d like to start basically from scratch, rewrite the whole thing and do it better. And, you know, have a decent outline so I have a hope of finishing. That’s like, a backburner goal. Hopefully I’ll get to it eventually. 
Share a bit of your WIP or share a story idea that you’re planning: Let’s go with a snippet of my final KHR prompt request, which will be an R27 college AU: 
Tsuna’s never seen the guy before because Tsuna usually sits at the back of the hall in a seat right by the exit and then bolts the moment class is over to sprint all the way across campus for his next lecture. He's only heard the rumors, the complaints, the gossip around campus.
What he knows is this: 
TAs don’t often get their own articles on ratemyproffessor.com, since they’re just TAs, but Reborn, apparently, has practically broken the system by gaining the second-highest number of reviews of any professor in the entire state, which is even more impressive when you find out he’s only been a TA for the head of the math department for two years. 
Every single review (once you filter out the attractiveness category, anyway) is a zero.
Tagging: @wichols​ @kalira9​ @ptw30​ @ashinan​ @bosstoaster​
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zerolockfan · 5 months
I like to write Zerolock fics when I'm bored. They are either cute fluff or explicit, depending on my mood 😅 You can find them here:
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kalira · 4 years
fanfic work in progress ask: hair
from New Flowers (Naruto - Valentine’s Spectacular)
He found his mate sittingby the bureau, a book propped open against a snoozing python, brushing hishair. 
from Spiral (Naruto - [redacted])
Tobirama caught hisbreath, ducking his head and pushing his fingers into his hair. 
from Training Sakura [C5] (Naruto)
“Good job, Sakura-chan.”Kakashi said warmly, patting her head and ruffling her hair gently. 
from Founders (Naruto - Smut Monday)
“What about your ancestors?” Tobirama saiddryly, smoothing a hand through Hashirama’s hair.
from Superfluous Surety (Naruto - Valentine’s Spectacular)
Tenzou’s heartclenched and a face flickered through his mind, a playfully-glinting eyepeeking through messy hair and a soft voice. 
from Birthday Basking (Naruto - KakaObi Week)
Kakashi lifted his free hand and ran his fingers through Obito’s hair, making him shiver, eye heavy-lidded as he nudged his head into the touch.
from Changing Colours (Captain Harlock - Valentine’s Spectacular)
Harlock’s rich brown, shaggy hair fell forwards and hid his eyepatch.
from Recovery, Love, and Life (Castlevania - Valentine’s Spectacular)
“For whatever reason, no one knows why, your Heart Flower will never be so healthy - and so lovely - as, one day, when it - and you - are in the care of someone who truly loves you.” Lisa said, running her fingers through Adrian’s hair.
from The Sound of Safety (Naruto - KakaObi Week)
Orochimaru stroked his hair and cupped his jaw.
from Patterned Plumage (Mary Stayed Out All Night - Valentine’s Spectacular)
“Can you really claim surprise?” Jung In asked dryly, and Mu Gyul twitched with surprise, then moaned again softly as those clever fingers ran through his hair, all the way to his nape, where Jung In paused to rub lightly.
Thank you!
Guess a word?
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crystalsworks · 7 years
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The Dark Pirate (from my fanfic The New 4 Swords)
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giraffles · 7 years
Of A Feather
IT’S CAPTAIN HARLOCK WEEK KIDS. Which means I have absolutely nothing prepared and spent the whole evening scraping this together. pls just take it as it is. 
day 1 is supposed to be your favorite tochiro, and what an unfair question, I love them all. so have a little thing with a tochiro in it instead! this is set in modern AU/the Lights Will Guide You series. 
Of A Feather
They've just finished cleaning out the den of a much hated rival when Tochiro approaches him with a squawking bundle.
you can also read it here on AO3!
They've just finished cleaning out the den of a much hated rival when Tochiro approaches him with a squawking bundle.
"What the hell is--"
"We're keeping him," Tochiro announces, pulling the sheet off the cage with a flourish, "Isn't he adorable?"
Harlock has to disagree. Inside the cage is a rather large bird, mostly black with crimson accent feathers, and beady little eyes that have murder within their depths. It shrieks even louder when exposed to the light. He can already tell that Tochiro has fallen in love.
"It's ugly. And loud."
"He's perfect," His best friend coos, "Aren't you, Tori?"
"...you didn't seriously name it 'bird', did you?"
"What's wrong with that?" Tochiro questions defensively, "Do you have a better one?"
The truth is, he doesn't. They're both garbage at coming up with fitting titles for anything; the only reason the Arcadia sounds remotely passible is because they stole it from a book of old folktales. (Harlock had personally like 'Deathshadow', but Emeraldas had stared at him blankly until he withdrew it from the table.) But naming a sorry excuse for an animal 'bird' was extra uncreative. The bird flaps its wings, nearly shaking the cage out of Tochiro's hands.
"I'm not sure bringing it along is such a good idea."
"It'll be fine." Tochiro insists. Harlock doesn't believe him for a second.
He makes a good case for returning the bird to the wild. It's a rare breed of parrot, though it looks more like some carrion eater, and it's not domesticated in the slightest. Tori only eats certain kinds of fruit, but chews relentlessly on anything within reach. The bird hates everyone in the crew, save for its savior Tochiro, and barely tolerates Harlock's presence. Tori is obnoxious, messy, and has very few redeeming qualities.
However, the discovery of a broken and badly healed wing that prevents the bird from flying straight destroys that argument. That, and Tochiro's puppy eyes are impossible to say no to. So the bird stays.
Tori never gets any better. He sheds feathers everywhere, stashes food in hidden places on the ship, and makes sure to make enough racket for an army. They find torn connection lines and trashed circuitry with suspicious claw marks, but Tochiro just laughs and fixed whatever his pet breaks. Harlock has to fish the clumsy thing out of the ocean more than once. He knows most of the crew are only joking when they say they're going to finally kill Tori, and yet he also wouldn't be surprised if it actually happened one day. Harlock instates a ship-wide 'no pets' policy. It gets broken on more than one occasion.
But life goes on. Things return to a rhythm, or they find a new one, just like whenever someone new arrives. It's not the worst thing to have ever happened on the Arcadia.
And then, everything falls apart.
The world goes so dark so fast. There are suddenly more important things than a ship, or playing the noble pirate, or a dumb bird he never wanted in the first place. His best friends are dead and there aren't enough answers in the universe for why.
One year, three months, and eight days later, Harlock strikes the deal that puts him behind bars. In exchange, everyone else's criminal records are erased. A little girl in southern California gets protection and is provided for, though she'll likely never know her parent's history. The warship Arcadia ceases to make port. And then, he waits.
Six months after that, they offer him the job.
Kei asks if he wants her to bring the bird along. The northeastern US probably isn't the best place for a tropical animal, but the thought of leaving Tori behind, or worse, handing him over to a zoo, doesn't sit well with him either. If it was anyone else's bird, he would have said to hell with it, but Tori is Tochiro's. Abandoning him would feel like accepting that there was nothing more to be done, and that is unacceptable. Maybe it's a bit of stubbornness. Maybe it's a bit of nostalgia, a bit of pity, a bit of wanting to hold onto any last thing that he can.
It's funny to watch it all play out again, but with different people. An office, albeit a secret one, is different than a ship's bridge but Tori manages to create havoc anyway. Pencils, pens, and computer cords get shredded. Snacks are stolen, only for chewed wrappers to appear later. Someone mentions they're probably breaking ordinance laws by keeping an exotic parrot within the city limits. Again, the bird stays.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you." He warns Zero when he walks past with a handful of grapes. He blinks at Harlock, holds a grape in front of Tori, who then devours it before chirping. No blood is drawn. Harlock hasn't seen such a peaceful, much less affectionate, display since, well, before all of this. Tori headbutts Zero's hand in search of more treats.
"Do what?" He asks.
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aube-in-arcadia · 5 years
Vous vous êtes déjà demandés pourquoi Albator savait monter à cheval ? Et surtout, où il avait appris ?
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A bit of angst, a bit of fluff. Harlock and Zero!
Casually wrote this walking home from work so it’s probably terribly written but at least it’s short and sweet- hope you guys like it!
“Harlock! Harlock stop!” “WHAT?” he roared in anger “He’s gone. There’s nothing you can do, I’m sorry” Zero gave a pleading look, hoping to break through Harlock’s frenzy. Harlock stopped shaking Tochiro, his anger contorted face slowly crumbling. Silently crying, Esmeraldas peeled Harlock’s hands away and he slumped onto his knees. Esmeraldas stroked Tochiro’s face, moving strands of his wavy hair behind his ears. Zero watched Harlock cautiously; his heart yearned to gather the pirate in his arms and never let go, but Harlock would never let him. So instead Zero put his hand on Harlock’s back and helped stand him up, it would be best to take him away from the scene, let Esmeraldas mourn him.
To Zero’s surprise Harlock did not shrug off Zero’s hand but seemed to lean into him. Zero opened the door to his room and even the  Harlock did not bother to push away. His brother in arms had just died and it seemed to have killed a part of him. Zero knew a lot about their relationship, busting each other out of situations, countless near death experiences and the like. Every time Harlock spoke about their escapades his face brightened up and his eyes, oh how his eyes shone with the memories. He treasured every moment and now there would be no more.
Harlock sat down on his bed, his head hung low and hands limp. Zero sat awkwardly beside him, there’s nothing he could say until Harlock growled “It’s my fault” and with that Zero got on his knees and lifted the pirates head up. Those eyes… Zero had never seen them so dull. He had the face of utter misery “It is not” Zero said sternly “Fuck you Zero stop trying to see the good in people. I got him killed” “Harlock look at me” the pirate refused “Harlock!” “You can leave” “No, I will not” “Zero…” Harlock was in no mood to argue. He was done. He was just so done.
The two sat in that position for a while, Zero couldn’t take Harlock’s pain. Forget boundaries he thought as he got onto the bed and pulled Harlock into an embrace. The pirate was trembling, but Zero held him tight, stroking his hair. He felt so protective, Harlock felt so small curled up against him, he never really realised how thin Harlock was, you could never tell under his cloak, but here he was. “Oh my poor pirate” Zero soothed, surprisingly bringing a small half-hearted chuckle from Harlock “Will it get better? The pain?” Harlock whispered into Zero’s chest “Not as fast as you would like, but yes” Zero shook away the image of his lost family “It still haunts you…” “Well I guess we’ll heal together” “Zero?” “Hmm?” “I love you” “We’ve been together for how long and only now do you say it?” Zero scoffed playfully “Well you never did this before” Harlock purred as Zero’s hand idly played with his hair “Harlock stop hiding your pain through flirtation” “I do like it” Harlock said more softly, looking up at Zero “You need to sleep” he ordered looking at the bags under the pirates eyes “Don’t leave” “I won’t” Zero smirked as he lay on the bed with Harlock and snuggled up to him “just rest, I’m here” and with that Zero pretended he couldn’t hear Harlock crying, he just kept himself wrapped around him, trying to take the pain away. --should I make this into a full fanfic? I feel like it has the possibility to be a cute angsty little thing with more depth and more Harlock x Zero--
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Sorry/not sorry for dumping some of my fanfics xD
I’ve finally started writing one based from a recommendation (I’m going to be adding more to it tonight and tomorrow...hopefully) So if you follow me and recommended this idea- thank you! This one is going to be fun to write :D
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greyliliy · 5 years
I posted a Fanfic Rec Challenge, so here are my answers:
1. List a Gen Fic (As in a fic where the Romance/Relationship is not the story focus) that you love.
Written in 2002, It Runs In The Family is one of those fanfics that has stuck with me through all these years. It was such a great Dick & Tim bonding fic and it’s my favorite fic in the small AU universe the author created. There’s just something fun about the prompt “Dick and Tim are accused of murdering Bruce Wayne” that has long established itself as one of my all time favorite Bat Family fics. :D
2. Share a fic that you like that has less than 100 kudos and is at least a year old.
Synapse is a Cyberpunk AU (which also would have fulfilled the Gen Fic requirement, now that I think about it) adventure story for My Hero Academia that was for a Big Bang - which meant it was posted all at once and probably didn’t get as much exposure as it would have if it had been posted a chapter at a time.
Which is a shame! It’s a fun, creative AU that shows off some great friendship between the MHA A-1 Class in a new environment.
It’s a fun fic and I hope you check it out.
3. Share a fic that features a Rare Pair you like.
Ushijima x Oikawa is my Haikyuu guilty pleasure ship and This Insignificant Pride and Prejudice is one heck of a fic. There is a reason it’s one of the top rated fics for the pairing - Everyone’s in character, the slow burn is real, Ushijima is adorable and Oikawa falls hard.
I love it. :D
4. Share a short fic (less than 10,000 words)
I don’t post about it often, but I am a huge Back to the Future fan. I love those movies to death and I will never get my hands on enough fics about Marty dealing with the new Versions of his Family and how much he might miss the old ones.
Peace is one of the good ones that explores it and features some great Marty & George bonding.
5. Share a long fic (more than 50,000 words)
Oh, man. So true confession: I do like the Michael Bay Transformers movies. I thought they were fun and I used to binge read fanfics for them on Fanfiction.net.
Property Of was one of my all time favs. Cybertronians keeping humans as pets is one of my favorite tropes and this fic did it very well. I loved the language barrier issues and the reveal that humans were sentient. Plus, it’s just a really great Bee & Sam bonding fic and I’m always a sucker for Bumblebee bonding wit Witwickys. :D
6. Name a Fandom you wish had more content and share a fic you like from it.
The Evil Within.
I loved the first game to death, but I feel like I’ve read every fic on AO3 for it that I was interested in. XD Specifically though, I’d love to see more Sebastian x Anyone. Yeah, I’m not picky.
The Fic Rec? Alter Ego. The fic has Leslie in it which is a win by itself, but I also really enjoy the Ruvik & Leslie have to body share while bothering Seb plot line it has going on. :D
7. Free space! Rec a fic you just wish had more love in general. :D
Sear - It’s a Captain Harlock fic and those are rare enough as it is. I need to reread this one myself. Yama was one of my favorite characters to come from that 2013 Harlock Movie (which is great if you haven’t seen it).
And that’s it! Let me know if you do this, too. I want to read everyone’s recs! :D
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