#captain john darius
illiana-mystery · 10 months
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I can't believe I'm simping over a cop. 😅🤣
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hannahhook7744 · 2 months
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Summary: The story of how Hannah Artemis Hook, captain of the Stormbringer, became the Isle Representative and villain wrangler.
(It's Zee Snoops’ fault).
Written with @igetthedisneybox.
Series: Isle Representative Hannah Hook.
Trigger Warnings: Plans of manipulation, swearing, stranger danger, financial issues, mentions of death/child death, children acting in disturbed manners, children raising children, etc.
Lmk if I need to add to the list.
Mentioned Character Info Sheet:
Zeep Snoops, daughter of Madame Medusa and Mr. Snoops.
Hannah Hook, adoptive daughter of Captain James Hook and Zarina the pirate fairy. 
Darius Foundling, son of the Pirate Pharaoh and mummy.
Willow Hawthorne, daughter of a Tree Nymph named 'Cherry Hawthorne.’
Elara Foundling, daughter of an unknown elf. 
Marcys Foundling, Centaur and son of Nessus. 
Skia Aoratos of the Underworld, daughter of Hades and Persephone.
River Le Beak, son of Beatrice Le Beak and Lord Fathom.
Lysander Foundling, satyr and the son of one of Chernabog's minions. 
Fiona Foundling, fairy child of an unknown individual. 
Noah Aoratos, son of Persephone and Hades.
Tommy Wonderful, daughter of Misty the Wonderful Witch.
 Luke Tremaine-Westergaard, Drizella Tremaine and Prince Hans Westergaard of the southern isles. 
 Tiger Khan, adoptive daughter of Shere Khan. 
Peachy Gothel, daughter of Mother Gothel and Captain Flynn.
Olivia LeGume, daughter of the Enchantress and Gaston LeGume.
Treycor Fae-Aoratos, son of Maleficent and Hades.
 Eduardo Frollo, son of Claude Frollo and a woman named 'Esperanza Ladrón’.
Darcy Aoratoes, daughter of Hades and Queen Narissa.
Alexander ‘Alex’ Aoratos-Sinclair ||, son of Helga Sinclair and Hades.
Isaac Cipher, son of Bill Cipher.
John Facilier, son of Ursula and Dr. Facilier.
Moxie Frankenstein-Van Helsing,son of  Elsa van Helsing and Victor Frankenstein. 
Rodrick Nathan 'Nate'  von Stiltskin, son of  Rumpelstiltskin.
D.E Anonymous, daughter of an unknown individual.
Hope Sid, daughter of Yen Sid and Banshee.
“You look half dead.” Zee Snoops remarked as Hannah trudged over to her.
“Darius and Willow are sick, Elara won't stop crying, Marcys and Lysander aren't eating, and Fiona won't stop talking about the place with the trees that she came from.” The eight year old pirate captain groaned, slumping down in her chair in her room/office. “I FEEL half dead.”
It had been a long year since she had first taken Fiona (age four), Marcys and Elara (age 1),and Lysander (age 2) and since then she had taken in two newborns (Darius and Willow) from their dying single parents. 
That wasn't even counting Noah, also four, who spent the majority of his time with them like his older siblings did when his mother, Persephone, was gone for the Spring. Or little Thomasina 'Tommy' Wonderful, age five, who spent most of her time with them when her mother was too sick to care for her. Which, due to the magical barrier and her mom being a witch, was often.
Or the various funerals they'd been having to handle for their dead friends.
Or the comforting they'd had to do for their friends with recently dead relatives.
To say they were all exhausted would be an understatement.
Zee picked at her cuticle. “I don’t know what you were expecting, trying to parent half the island’s children.”
The smaller brunette rolled her eyes. “It is not half the isle’s children! And if I don't take care of them, no one will. The last thing the isle needs is more deaths.”
“We could pawn some off to your sister,” Zee suggested.
“No we can't. Harriet already had to take care of your sister, the wee smees, the Younger twoClayton brothers, Wyatt Wiggins, Na’vi, and the Lefou-LeGume-Bimbette children,  among others.” Hannah grumbled, frustrated. “And she's stressed enough as it is.”
“You’re stressed enough as it is.” She pointed out, deadpan. “And we have, like, no money left. At all.”
“We have enough money. We just need to make more and I'm sure we will figure something out.” She rested her head in her hand. “I just need to figure out what that is. Hopefully before Skia and Luke get off work and River gets out of school.”
Zee rolled her eyes. “Gee, if only you could get paid for being…you, Hannah. Like, negotiating with people, finding loopholes, and getting people to do the right thing. We’d be fucking loaded.”
An odd look overcame Hannah’s features. The same look that crossed that of Nya Kaminari’s  in Auradon’s Ninja Warriors when a light bulb appeared above her head. 
The only cartoon either of them had ever seen. 
The same look that both the cartoon ninja and Hannah always got before they got one of their crazy ideas that rarely ended well. 
“Ohhhhhhhh no. You got them crazy eyes again.” Zee leaned back from her friend, like she expected her to explode.
The smaller girl got up, suddenly full of the energy she'd been lacking lately. A slightly deranged smile slowly creeping on her face—one that made it easy to remember just who she was related to. “Zee?”
She clapped her hands together, before rubbing them against one another,  almost bouncing on her feet now. “I think I just found the perfect solution to all of our problems.”
Zee blinked at Hannah, before it finally sunk in what she meant. “Wait, you’re actually gonna try to get paid by being yourself?!?”
Her captain smiled innocently at her. “Something like that.”
It was official: Hannah Hook had finally lost her fucking mind. 
And her first and second mates, Lucas  ‘Luke’Tremaine-Westergaard and Skia Aoratos of the Underworld, as well as her other close confidante, Bernard ‘River’ Le Beak, had lost their minds with her. 
“You’re all going to hell. Goodbye!” Zee had facepalmed so many times in the last few hours, she was sure to have a permanent mark on her forehead.
“Hey that's my line!” Eduardo Frollo, the main cooper of the crew, (who was one of the few other people present at the moment) protested. 
The others, on the other hand, just ignored her.
“You son of a bitch, I'm in.” Luke said, snapping his fingers after Hannah finished explaining her idea.
River mumbled “It's crazy enough that it might just work.”
“We should call a meeting and tell the others—” Skia hummed, bouncing Elara on her knee. 
“Pause. We shall not call a meeting to tell the others. Why do y'all motherfuckers think that this will work!?”
“Cause it will!” Hannah said, feeding a fussier than usual Darius with a bottle she had somehow managed to get her hands on in the twenty minutes that Zee had spent gathering all the crew members she could. “I don't know why you think all of a sudden that it won't. This whole operation was your idea.”
It was an awful bold statement coming from someone wearing pirate footie pajamas. 
Hannah paused. 
And Luke snorted. “Well, it's too late now. Hannah and Skia already started drawing up the plans and making risk… ass-ess-ments.”
“And if it doesn’t work, we can always bite them.” Tiger added from the rafters, startling all of them—except for Hannah, who somehow knew she was there. What bullshit. 
“Tiger no, we can’t just bite paying customers—”
“But I can.  I don’t have a problem with it—”
Luke nodded. “She makes a good point—”
Zee facepalmed…again. “Well, guess we’re gonna hafta see how this shitstorm plays out. Can’t wait to see it crash and burn.”
“I'll get my dad’s final rights speech ready.” Eduardo snickered, leaning on a mop. 
Skia shot him an unamused look, blue hair falling in her face. “Isn't it last rites? And you're still in trouble! Get back to mopping!”
“Tomato, Tamoto.” 
All of the Stormbringer’s crew members were crammed on the ship’s deck, waiting for their captain to make her announcement.
Hannah walked out from behind the curtains she'd put up, tri fold board in hand and dressed in her finest clothes.
“Oh boy. Here we go.” Zee muttered sarcastically. Someone shushed her.
Hannah cleared her throat, setting up the board and grabbing her sword. “I'm sure you're all wondering why you're all here.”
“I mean, this is…our ship. So no, not reall—OW!”
The brunette sighed. “Thank you Treycor, but you really don't need to hit your brother to shut him up.”
“You're welcome, Captain.”
The pirate straightened up. “Does anyone else have any questions or remarks before we get started?”
Darcy raised her hand. “Uh, yeah. Why are you dressed like that, Cap?”
“Because this is a special occasion!”
“That’s never a good sign.” John muttered.
“You don’t know the half of it.” Zee stage whispered in response to him.
Hannah ignored them, readjusting her blood red doublet frock jacket along with her equally as red Bicorn hat. Trying to look somewhat serious and sophisticated. “I'll take that as a sign to start—”
“Go ahead, Hannah!” Peachy grinned and gave her a thumbs up.
The brunette smiled at her. “Thank you Peachy! Alright, so, Zee gave me a brilliant idea for how we can make a livin’—”
Isaac cringed. “That’s not a good sign–”
“Shhh. You've had your chance to talk—” Hannah waved the seven year old off. “—now, as I was saying, Zee gave me the idea to charge people for what I do. Meaning—”  A spot line shined down on the trifold board, revealing the words ‘Villain Wrangler and Isle Representative Hannah Hook’ written in big, messy, uneven letters. 
Words that were clearly written in crayon. With many, many, childish doodles strewn about the surface of the board, such as King Beast with his head cut off, Skia’s sister Mal with her hair shaved off, Gaston being eaten by a crocodile, and Frollo in a frilly princess dress.
Zee was on the defensive even before the crew turned to stare at her. “Okay, FIRST OF ALL–”
The brunette quickly continued. Cutting her off. “—that I am going to become the isle’s representative and villain wrangler with y’all’s help!”
Dead silence.
“...yay?” Peachy clapped a few times. “What does that mean, exactly?”
Hannah beamed at her. Clasping her hands together (almost stabbing herself in the process, as she was still holding her prized sword ‘The Nut Slicer’ in her hands). “I'm glad you asked! It means that—” 
She gestured at the ink stained, dirty, ruffled board with the sword. “—we need to make flies to pra-mote our new business and set up a phone line,” She moved the sword down before continuing “as well as make contracts and business cards after we decide what our terms and… con-ditions?”
Hannah looked at Yen Sid’s daughter, Hope— one of the oldest living member of the crew at twelve years old—to see if she was saying it right. 
She reserved a thumbs up and a reassuring smile in response. 
“So…you plan to make money from…what? Being nice to people?” Darcy wrinkled her nose.
Hannah shook her head, bouncing on her feet. “No, no. From manipulating people into doing what I want them to do to make our lives better and–and…” She paused for a long few minutes. Before settling on “And making their lives better in the pro-cess or making them think their lives are better if they're a big meanie.”
John nodded, like she’d just said something wise. “I like that plan.”
Treycor, on the other hand, did not like the plan if the way he had his head in hands said anything. Which it did. “Y’all are out of your Zeusing minds.”
Olivia, who usually just tolerated Treycor, was mirroring his pose. Looking like she was regretting ever joining the crew.
Moxie apparently agreed. “Zee, why did you put her up to this?”
And Nate? He just cackled from the crowsnest where he and D.E (who's face they still hadn't seen because she still refused to take off her mask and hood, and Hannah kept telling them to drop it) were sitting. 
Zee spluttered. “I WAS BEING SARCASTIC!”
Hannah didn't seem even remotely bothered by their reactions. “So… does anybody have any questions or suggestions?”
When most of her crew left for the day (the ones that had somewhere else to go, that is), Hannah got out her colorful ink, favorite quill, and parchment paper and started drawing out plans.
Laying on her stomach on deck and kicking her feet up in the air, head in hand. 
“Whatcha doin’?” CJ’s voice was suddenly very close to her hearing aid.
Hannah jumped. “What are you doing on my ship?”
“I’m bored.”
“That’s not my problem and what have I told you about knocking!” 
“I did! You just didn’t hear me.” CJ’s all-to ‘innocent’ grin told Hannah that she did not, in fact, knock.
The younger girl scowled. “That's not funny and you know it! Only I'm allowed to make jokes about my hearing and eyesight! Daddy said so!”
“You can’t prove that I really didn’t knock! Because I did!”
Hannah tried to kick her. “Go away.”
“But I’m boooooooooored, Cradle Snatcher!” CJ promptly laid herself over Hannah, who swiped at her.
“And I'm working! Geeet off!”
“Working on what, a coloring book?” CJ snarked, decidedly not getting off.
“On a flier, assbeast! Now GET off or I'll kick you in the crotch!”
CJ snorted, but rolled off of her sister anyway. “That only works on boys, dingus!”
Hannah promptly kicked her in the crotch to prove just how wrong she was. 
“OW! Why you little–” CJ grabbed Hannah’s hand and bit it. 
Hannah yanked on her hair in retaliation and bit her cheek hard. 
CJ yelped and tried to smack Hannah, but her eyes caught the flier she’d been working on, and was instantly distracted. “What’s a ‘isle representative?’”
The brunette shoved her off of her and sat up, breathless. “My… new… job.. title! That I made myself!”
CJ wrinkled her nose. “What do you do?”
“I'm gonna make and enforce contracts between vks and vks, villains and villains, and henchmen and henchmen and so on. Mediate and negotiate. Oh and provide some ser-vices! Like… like a boss!”
CJ just blinked at her. “That's boring. You're boring.”
“I'm not boring, you're just stupid.”
“You’re stupider.” CJ stuck out her tongue.
“... My name is betterer than yours!”
“It is not!”
“Is too!”
“Is not!”
“Is too—”
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Here’s the bracket!
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Wally Darling from Welcome Home vs Count Blumiere from Super Paper Mario
Barbie from Barbie vs Kaito from Vocaloid/Piapro/Project Sekai/Everywhere
Perseus “Percy” Jackson from PJO/Riordianverse vs Martin Blackwood from the Magnus Archives
John Constantine from DC/Vertigo Comics vs Benrey from Half Life VR but the AI is Self Aware
Zakk from Deathgasm vs Mike Wheeler from Stranger Things
Makoto Misuki from Tsuki ga Michibiku Isrkai Douchuu vs Lazuli from awe-24 on Tumblr
Shinoa Hiiragi from Owari no Seraph vs Adrien Agreste aka Chat Noir from Miraculous Ladybug
Tamari from the song Reckless Battery Burns by Ghost and Pals vs SpottedLeaf from Warrior Cats
Vash the Stampede from Trigun vs Gabbro Outer Wilds
Anya Forger from Spy x Family vs Hatsune Miku from VOCALOID/Piapro Studio/Other things
Yukito Tsukishiro from Card Captor Sakura vs Ryuu Natsume from Paradox Live
CD from charliethehedgesheep on Tumblr vs David Brittlesbee from Mythic Quest (Raven’s Banquet)
Stan Marsh from South Park vs Nicholas D. Wolfwood from Trigun
Finn Mertens from Adventure Time vs Ben Hope from Heartstopper
Five Pebbles from Rain World vs Ash Ketchum from Pokémon
Rezhi Zether from rizardofether on Tumblr vs Perfuma from She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
goodtimeswithscar from Hermitcraft vs Light Yagami from Death Note
Marcy Wu from Amphibia vs GLaDOS from Portal
Shin Tsukimi from Your Turn to Die vs Lou Jitsu/Hamato Yoshi from RotTMNT
Spamton G. Spamton from Deltarune vs Darius Deamonne from The Owl House
Qifrey from Witch Hat Atelier vs Gregor from Star Wars
Jiang Cheng from The Untamed vs Akira Midousuji from Yowamushi Pedal
Matt Murdock from Daredevil vs Stardust Cookie from Cookie Run
Carlos the Scientist from WTNV vs Lucifer Kane from Kane and Fes
Mercutio from Romeo and Juliet vs Laios Touden from Dungeon Meshi
Dennis Reynolds from It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia vs Harry Du Bois from Disco Elysium
Gunpowder Tim from The Mechanisms vs Ursula Zandt/Silhuette from Watchmen/Minutemen Comics
Garvan from madicham on Tumblr vs That one character from that one thing from That one thing
Wartortle from Pokemon vs Dot Barett from Mashle: Magic and Muscles
Jasper Shion from Danganronpa 52: Despair From The Heart (creator: mewmewchann) vs Taako Adventurezone from The Adventure Zone
Cid Kagenou from The Eminence in Shadow vs Zacharie from OFF
Pinkie Pie from MLP: FIM vs Jonathan Sims from The Magnus Archives
Stanford Pines from Gravity Falls vs Starflight from Wings of Fire
Alex Fierro from Magnus Chase vs Vriska Serket from Homestuck
Taylor Hebert | Skitter | Weaver | Khepri from Parahumans vs Saiki Kusuo from TDLoSK
Luigi Largo from Repo! The Genetic Opera vs Primordus from Guild Wars 2
Dipsy from Teletubbies vs Jean Valjean from Les Miserables
Mash Burnedead from Mashle: Magic and Muscles vs Trans Wizard Harriet Porber from Trans Wizard Harriet Porber and the Bad Boy Parasaurolophus: An Adult Romance Novel
Tsukasa Tenma from Project SEKAI vs Victoria Annabel Spring from Solitaire/Osemanverse
Larry Butz from Ace Attorney vs Miette from Miette
Danny Fenton from Danny Fenton vs Agnry Faic/Angry Faic/Angry Face from The ng Rating System
Kageyama “Mob” Shigeo from Mob Psycho 100 vs Raine Whispers from The Owl House
Chuuya Nakahara from Bungo Stray Dogs vs Captain Sisko from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Charlie Kelly from It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia vs Nico the Catboy (Adventure Time OC) from a Tumblr user (if you know who made Nico, please tell me)
Kaguya Shinomiya from Kaguya-Sama: Love is War vs Harold Stokes (Kazuki Hirasawa) from My Death Flags Show No Sign of Ending
Razputin Aquato from Psychonauts vs Mia "Maps" Mizoguchi from DC Comics/Gotham Academy
Ronald ‘Mac’ MacDonald from It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia vs Ayin from Lobotomy Corporation
Cassandra Cain from DC Comics vs Noa Karada from Broken Minds
Phoenix Wright from Ace Attorney vs Dazai Osamu from Bungo Stray Dogs
Kirby from Kirby vs Jurgen Leitner from The Magnus Archives
Jaylen Hotdogfingers from Blaseball vs Sally from The Nightmare Before Christmas
Erika Furudo from Umineko no Naku Koro Ni vs Will Graham from Hannibal
Mole from Happy Tree Friends vs Akane Kurashiki from Zero Escape
Lightbulb from Inanimate Insanity vs Mafuyu Asahina from Project SEKAI
Eridan Ampora from Homestuck vs Spec from The Clowns SMP - hewwosimulator
Kim Kisturagi from Disco Elsyium vs Shunsaku Ban from Tezuka Star Systen
Dream of the Endless from The Sandman vs Katsura (Zura) Kotarou from Gintama
Palmon from Digimon Adventure vs Pico from Pico’s School
Gyro Gearloose from Ducktales (2017) vs Gary the Gadget Guy from Club Penguin
Luz Noceda from The Owl House vs Mizuki Akiyama from Hatsune Miku: Colorful Stage
Alpha from Final Fantasy XIV vs Spock from Star Trek
Methos from Highlander vs Hibari Kyoya from Katekyo Hitman Reborn
Louise Belcher from Bob’s Burgers vs Kani Maki from Sushi Pack
Barry the Chopper from Fullmetal Alchemist vs Kanatsune Ame from Entropic Float
For those who don’t know: In this tournament, I challenge you to decide on an adjective and stick with it throughout while determining the most character ever.
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imaginationiskeyy · 1 year
I thought some of you may enjoy my list of Father/sons and bromances whether it be by blood or not so I thought I’d share some of my favs! :D (Please feel free to add to it)
All shows are in alphabetical order.
🎥 = Movie 📚 = Book 📺 = TV series
Father and son
Shawn Davis and Vic Davis (The 2nd 🎥)
Christopher Diaz and Eddie Diaz (911 📺)
Harry Grant and Michael Grant (911 📺)
Judd Ryder and Stuart Ryder (911 Lone Star 📺)
TK Strand and Owen Strand (911 Lone Star 📺)
Alex Standall and Bill Standall (13 Reasons Why 📺)
Jack McClane and John McClane (A Good Day to Die Hard 🎥)
Lee Adama and Bill Adama (Battlestar Galactica 📺)
Jamie, Danny and Frank Reagan (Blue Bloods 📺)
Chris Halliwell and Leo Wyatt (Charmed 📺)
Josh, Brody & Bruce Murakami (Crossroads a Story to Forgiveness 🎥)
Scott Norris and Mike Norris (Crush 🎥)
Kyle Harmon and Horatio Caine (CSI Miami 📺)
Pacey Witter and John Witter (Dawson’s Creek 📺)
Jason Dixon and Mike Dixon (Disconnect 🎥)
Bradley Branning and Max Branning (Eastenders 📺)
Ben Mitchell and Phil Mitchell (Eastenders 📺)
Ephram Brown and Andrew Brown (Everwood 📺)
Bode Donovan and Vince Leone (Fire Country 📺)
Hal, Ben, Matt and Tom Mason (Falling Skies 📺)
Peter Bishop and Walter Bishop (Fringe 📺)
Indiana Jones and Henry Jones, Sr. (Indiana Jones 🎥)
Tom Garvey and Kevin Garvey (The Leftovers 📺)
Sam Monroe and George Monroe (Life as a House 🎥)
Nathaniel Bazile and Jack Bazile (Life Unexpected 📺)
Ryan Mitchell and Captain Mitchell (Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue📺)
Shawn Spencer and Henry Spencer (Psych 📺)
Luke Morrow and Jacob Morrow Sr. (Purple Hearts 🎥)
Max Kenton and Charlie Kenton (Real Steel 🎥)
Jughead Jones and FP Jones (Riverdale 📺)
Duval Pritchard and Jimmy Pritchard (Second Chance 📺)
Clark Kent and Jonathan Kent (Smallville 📺)
Finn Scott and Damien Scott (Strike Back 📺)
Jonathan, Jordon and Clark Kent (Superman and Lois 📺)
Dean, Sam and John Winchester (Supernatural 📺)
Stiles Stilinski and Noah Stilinski (Teen Wolf 📺)
Josh Shannon and Jim Shannon (Terra Nova 📺)
Kevin, Randall and Jack Pearson (This is Us 📺)
Stephen Jameson and Roger Price (The Tomorrow People 📺)
Cordell, Liam and Bonham Walker (Walker 📺)
August Walker and Cordell Walker (Walker 📺)
Carl Grimes and Rick Grimes (The Walking Dead 📺)
Like father and son
Evan Buckley and Bobby Nash (911 📺)
Jake Peralta and Captain (Ray) Holt (Brooklyn Nine-Nine 📺)
Spencer Reid and Aaron Hotchner (Criminal Minds 📺)
Nick Stokes and Gil Grissom (CSI 📺)
Sky and Saul Silva (Fate: The Winx Saga 📺)
Bode Donovan and Manny Perez (Fire Country 📺)
Matt Saracen and Coach Taylor (Friday Night Lights 📺)
Jess Mariano and Luke Danes (Gilmore Girls 📺)
Harry Potter and Sirius Black (Harry Potter 🎥+📚)
Steve McGarrett and Joe White (Hawaii Five-O 📺)
Peter Parker and Tony Stark (Marvel 🎥)
Timothy McGee and Leroy Jethro Gibbs (NCIS 📺)
Tony DiNozzo and Leroy Jethro Gibbs (NCIS 📺)
Christopher Lasalle and Dwayne Pride (NCIS New Orleans 📺)
Darius Tanz and Liam Cole (Salvation 📺)
Walter O’Brien and Cabe Gallo (Scorpion 📺)
Jason Hayes and Clay Spenser (SEAL Team 📺)
Sam and Dean Winchester and Bobby Singer (Supernatural 📺)
Neal Caffrey and Peter Burke (White Collar 📺)
Brax Wolff and Christian Wolff (The Accountant 🎥)
Luke Matthews and Holden Matthews (Beyond 📺)
Jamie Reagan and Danny Reagan (Blue Bloods 📺)
Jared Booth and Seeley Booth (Bones 📺)
Colin, Benedict and Anthony Bridgerton (Bridgerton 📺)   
Wyatt Halliwell and Chris Halliwell (Charmed 📺)
Jay Halstead and Will Halstead (Chicago PD/Med 📺)
Mike Leighton and Angus Leighton (Code Black 📺)
Robert Sugden and Andy Sugden (Emmerdale 📺)
Hal Mason, Ben Mason and Matt Mason (Falling Skies 📺)
Newt Scamander and Theseus Scamander (Fantastic beasts + where to find them 🎥)
Troy Otto and Jake Otto (Fear the Walking Dead 📺)
Tim Riggins and Billy Riggins (Friday Night Lights 📺)
Seth Gecko and Richard Gecko (From Dusk Till Dawn 📺)
Max Lawson and Jake Lawson (Geostorm 🎥)
Brad Land and Brett Land (Goat 🎥)
Peter Petrelli and Nathan Petrelli (Heroes 📺)
Brax, Heath and Casey Braxton (Home and Away 📺)
Gray Mitchell and Zach Mitchell (Jurassic World 🎥)
Amenadiel and Lucifer (Lucifer 📺)
Joey Cassidy and Nick Cassidy (Man on a Ledge 🎥)
Loki Odison and Thor Odison (Marvel 📺+🎥)
Lorenzo de’ Medici and Giuliano de’ Medici (Medici 📺)
Don Eppes and Charlie Eppes (Numb3rs 📺)
Nathan Scott and Lucas Scott (One Tree Hill 📺)
Elijah Mikaelson and Klaus Mikaelson (The Originals 📺)
Bailey Salinger and Charlie Salinger (Party of Five 📺)
Beto Acosta and Emilio Acosta (Party of Five [2020] 📺)
Leo Corbett and Mike Corbett (Power Rangers Lost Galaxy 📺)
Brody Romero and Levi Weston (Power Rangers Ninja Steel 📺)
Michael Scofield and Lincoln Burrows (Prison Break 📺)
Thomas Peaceful and Charlie Peaceful (Private Peaceful 📚)
Luke Morrow and Jacob Morrow (Purple Hearts 🎥)
Ronan Lynch and Declan Lynch (The Raven Cycle 📚)
Sebastian and Francis (Reign 📺)
Lip Gallagher and Ian Gallagher (Shameless US 📺)
Will Byers and Jonathan Byers (Stranger Things 📺)
Jeremiah Fisher and Conrad Fisher (The Summer I Turned Pretty 📚📺)
Jordan Kent and Jonathan Kent (Superman and Lois 📺)
Dean Winchester and Sam Winchester (Supernatural 📺)
Jack Pearson and Nicky Pearson (This is Us 📺)
Kevin Pearson and Randall Pearson (This is Us 📺)
Scott, John, Virgil, Gordon and Alan Tracy (Thunderbirds 📺+🎥)
Damon Salvatore and Stefan Salvatore (The Vampire Diaries 📺)
Cordell Walker and Liam Walker (Walker 📺)
Like Brothers
Judd Ryder and TK Strand (911 Lone Star 📺)
Alex Standall and Zach Dempsey (13 Reasons Why 📺)
Oliver Queen and John Diggle (Arrow 📺)
Oliver Queen and Tommy Merlyn (Arrow 📺)
Matty McKibben and Jake Rosati (Awkward 📺)
Seeley Booth and Lance Sweets (Bones 📺)
Cory Matthews and Shawn Hunter (Boy Meets World 📺)
Jake Peralta and Charles Boyle (Brooklyn Nine-Nine 📺)
Angel and Spike (Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel 📺)
Kevin Ryan and Javier Esposito (Castle 📺)
Matt Casey and Kelly Severide (Chicago Fire 📺)
Jay Halstead and Greg Gerwitz (Chicago PD 📺)
John Casey and Chuck Bartowski (Chuck 📺)
Angus Leighton and Mario Savetti (Code Black📺)
Spencer Reid and Derek Morgan (Criminal Minds 📺)
Nick Stokes and Warrick Brown (CSI 📺)
Zeke Pedrad and Four (Divergent 📚)
Ephram Brown and Bright Abbott (Everwood 📺)
Barry Allen and Cisco Ramon (The Flash 📺)
Joey Tribbiani and Chandler Bing (FRIENDS 📺)
Derek Shepherd and Mark Sloan (Greys Anatomy 📺)
Harry Potter and Ron Weasley (Harry Potter 🎥+📚)
Steve McGarrett and Chin Ho Kelly (Hawaii Five-O 📺)
Steve McGarrett and Danny Williams (Hawaii Five-O 📺)
Steve McGarrett and Lou Grover (Hawaii Five-O 📺)
Caleb Odell and Ty Borden (Heartland 📺)
Colby Thorne and Dean Thompson (Home and Away 📺)
Gregory House and James Wilson (House 📺)
Eliot Spencer and Alec Hardison (Leverage 📺)
Lucifer and Dan Espinoza (Lucifer 📺)
Angus MacGyver and Jack Dalton (MacGyver 📺)
Bucky Barnes and Sam Wilson (Marvel 🎥+📺)
Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes (Marvel 🎥)
Steve Rogers and Sam Wilson (Marvel 🎥)
Newt and Thomas (The Maze Runner 🎥+📚)
Merlin and Arthur Pendragon (Merlin 📺)
Will Lexington and Gunnar Scott (Nashville 📺)
Tony DiNozzo and Timothy McGee (NCIS 📺)
Sam Hanna and G Callen (NCIS LA 📺)
Nick Miller and Winston Schmidt (New Girl 📺)
Michael Bishop and Seymour Birkhoff (Nikita 📺)
Seth Cohen and Ryan Atwood (The OC 📺)
Prince Charming and Captain Hook (Once Upon a Time 📺)
JJ and John B (Outerbanks 📺)
Daniel Pierce and Max Lewicki (Perception 📺)
Michael Scofield and Fernando Sucre (Prison Break 📺)
Shawn Spencer and Burton (Gus) Guster (Psych 📺)
Richard Gansey and Ronan Lynch (The Raven Cycle 📚)
Nolan Ross and Aiden Mathis (Revenge 📺)
Jughead Jones and Archie Andrews (Riverdale 📺)
Michael Guerin and Max Evans (Roswell 📺)
Alex Manes and Kyle Valenti (Roswell New Mexico 📺)
Michael Guerin and Max Evans (Roswell New Mexico 📺)
Liam Henstridge and Jasper Frost (The Royals 📺)
Bravo team (SEAL Team 📺)
Clay Spenser and Sonny Quinn (SEAL Team 📺)
Jason Hayes and Ray Perry (SEAL Team 📺)
Jace Herondale and Alec Lightwood (Shadowhunters 📺)
Sherlock Holmes and John Watson (Sherlock 📺)
Jax Teller and Opie Winston (Sons of Anarchy 📺)
Kirk and Bones (Star Trek 📺+🎥)
Spock and Kirk (Star Trek 📺+🎥)
Han Solo and Luke Skywalker (Star Wars 🎥)
Poe Dameron and Finn (Star Wars 🎥)
Damien Scott and Michael Stonebridge (Strike Back 📺)
Mike Ross and Harvey Specter (Suits 📺)
Scott McCall and Stiles Stilinski (Teen Wolf 📺)
Stephen Jameson and John Young (The Tomorrow People 📺)
Alaric Saltzman and Damon Salvatore (The Vampire Diaries 📺)
Rick Grimes and Daryl Dixon (The Walking Dead 📺)
Neal Caffrey and Mozzie (White Collar 📺)
Charles Xavier and Erik Lensherr (X-Men 🎥)
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Doing @charlottan's book tag game Hiiiiiii Charlotte :) And thanks Skippy for tagging me
Favorite books: We'll Fly Away by Bryan Bliss, The Street by Ann Petry, Notes From my Captivity by Kathy Parks, Hunger Games trilogy (Catching Fire is my fave I think), Darius the Great is Not Okay by Adib Khorram SOOOOO GOOD, Long Way Down by Jason Reynolds, More Than This by Patrick Ness
Favorite authors: Sorry for this some of these I've read literally one of their books. But anyway. Jason Reynolds, Lemony Snicket, George Orwell SORRY, John Webster, E. Lockhart LOVEEEEE HER
Favorite genres: Realistic fiction, lgbt coming of age/romance, YA but I don't consider that its own genre, novels in verse, early modern british drama sorry, survival narratives (idk if theres an official term)
Book(s) you're currently reading: Sort of The Hunger Games trilogy because I'm writing a paper on it, about to start reading Stone Butch Blues (for fun) and The Ministry of Utmost Happiness (for class)
Books on your to read list: Stone Butch Blues, The Poet X, The Hate U Give, The Handmaid's Tale, House of Leaves (THIS SUMMER I WILL)
Books you loved as a child: STARGIRL BY JERRY SPINELLI <3333, Nature Girl by Jane Kelley, Captain Underpants (the whole series), Animorphs series, any scary stories collections but especially David Lubar's Weenies series, A Series of Unfortunate Events <33
Preferred book length: Like 300-400 pages
Books you couldn't finish: Omg so many.... Sense and Sensibility, Tess of the D'Urbervilles, The Scarlet Letter, Romeo & Juliet, Julius Caesar... these are just for school
Fiction or nonfiction: Fiction<333333333 I <3 narratives
Buy, borrow from library, or read online: Library LOL. I also love thriftbooks
Author you've read the most of, but DON'T recommend: Laurie Halse Anderson. Sorry. Okay.
Favorite book character: At the moment, Katniss Everdeen.
If you at some point stopped reading but then started again, what book/books got you into reading again: What most sparked my interest in literature for school was probably Macbeth or Heart of Darkness. I stopped reading much around freshman/sophomore year but one book that really brought me back would be You Asked for Perfect by Laura Silverman. I remember reading it in one sitting and feeling like myself again because I read it so fast lol. Smiles
Tagging @verpaso and anyone else who wants to heart
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440mxs-wife · 4 months
Treasure Quest, Chapter 10: New Adventures (FIN)
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Pairing: Captain Dean x Rhaya Payton (OFC) Other Characters: Benny, Sam, Jessica, and Baby John Winchester, Jack (mentioned). Lord Darius Payton, Connor (OMC's), Captain Keira, Darcy (OFC's).
Word Count: 5351
Warnings: Some Angst, Lovers' Quarrel, Misunderstanding, but there's a HAPPY ending (I promise)!🥰
Series Summary: Rhaya Payton is the daughter of the governor of Ochana. She grew up listening to her father tell her stories of pirates and treasure maps. At a gala one night, her stepmother, Carissa, announces Rhaya’s engagement to Ashton Kane, a wealthy nobleman. Only problem is, no one checked with Rhaya first. After overhearing plans made by her fiancé, Rhaya decides to go on the run and stows away on Captain Dean’s ship. What will happen when he finds her?
This Chapter: So, who is the Duke of Rosevale....?
Rhaya's troubles continue as her father has arranged a diplomatic reception for the new Duke of Rosevale. Unfortunately, meeting the duke doesn't go anywhere near as well as planned and leads to a verbal confrontation. A meeting in the courtyard later in the evening may hold the key to a resolution between them and a possible new adventure. Can their love be saved? Tune in to find out....Enjoy!
A/N: To all of you who have read, liked, reblogged, commented, or interacted with this story in any way: thank you. We have reached the end of the story for our favorite captain and governor's daughter. It has been my pleasure to bring this story to life for you, and I thank you all from the bottom of me heart. ❤️
Rhaya entered her bedroom, not bothering to close the door behind her. She slipped off her shoes and flopped backwards onto her bed, then heaved a deep sigh. As she stared at the ceiling, she reviewed a conversation she'd had with her father about some affairs of state.
Earlier in the day, her father had requested a meeting to inform her of an upcoming diplomatic function. The event was scheduled to occur in less than two weeks, and he wanted it to be a formal one. This meant she'd have to be on her best behavior, which she wasn't really keen on, considering her current emotional state.
The purpose, he'd said, was to introduce the new Duke of Rosevale to his inner circle of associates. He also planned to announce him as Ochana's newest ally and business partner. Thus the need for a more ceremonial approach, and his reason for including her in the process.
While he explained the situation, her father watched as she fought to keep her facial expression somewhat neutral. He knew of her dislike for official functions, and her feelings of sadness at her captain's prolonged absence. In the end, her sense of duty won out, and she promised her father she would conduct herself properly when she met the new Duke of Rosevale.
Three days before the duke's arrival, Rhaya had just returned from an appointment where the finishing touches were being placed on her gown for the gala. She was walking towards her bed to relax for a bit when there was a knock at the door. After taking a seat at the foot of the bed, she called out "Come in!", and the door opened with Darcy on the other side. She was giddy with excitement, which raised Rhaya's curiosity, though she couldn't quite muster the same level of enthusiasm.
"What's going on?" she asked.
"Our guests arrived in port early, and I was sent by your father to bring you to the main hall to meet them," Darcy explained. "He said to make sure you were presentable."
"Ha! That's a laugh. Rarely am I presentable, nor do I want to be, especially not for this Duke of Rosemont or whatever his name is," Rhaya muttered.
"It's the Duke of Rosevale, and your father said you have twenty minutes to get ready," Darcy warned.
"Ugh, fine. Let's go," Rhaya begrudgingly agreed and headed for her ensuite bathroom.
Twenty minutes later, she had quickly washed up, changed out of her pants and tunic, and into a more appropriate pale pink day dress. Darcy fashioned a princess braid across the back of Rhaya's head like a crown, with the rest of her hair left untethered. Her makeup was minimal and neutral in color, except for the pink lipstick.
Upon her arrival in the main hall, she saw her father deep in conversation with a few visitors. There was one man in particular who caught her eye, dressed in dark brown pants, which were tucked into knee-high black leather boots. He was wearing a burgundy-colored, long sleeved tunic with a hem that reached to his mid-thigh. Around his middle was a black belt and a sword hanging from it. From behind, she thought the man looked a little familiar. She shrugged off the notion, figuring she'd learn his identity soon enough.
When Lord Darius spotted his daughter, he called out to her and waved her over to join them. As soon as the visitor heard the name, he stopped mid-sentence and turned around. His eyes brightened when they landed on the woman who had been occupying his every waking thought for the past three months. As she approached their circle, he couldn't help but marvel at how her beauty seemed to have only increased since the last time they'd met.
Rhaya stopped in her tracks when she saw who was speaking with her father. What is Dean doing here? No one told me he was coming back, only that we were hosting the Duke of....her thoughts trailed off. It can't be.... she silently pondered.
Lord Darius' voice interrupted her train of thought. "Ah, Rhaya, there you are. Your Grace, may I present my daughter, Rhaya Payton. Rhaya, please welcome the Duke of Rosevale, though I believe you know him better as Captain Dean Winchester," he explained.
Rhaya caught Dean's gaze and held it for a few tense seconds until finally extending her hand in his direction. "Your Grace," she murmured, giving him a slight curtsy.
Dean's lips twisted into a sly grin as he curled his fingers around hers, pressing a kiss to the back of her hand. "Lady Rhaya, it is truly wonderful to see you again. May I present my brother, Samuel Winchester, his wife, Jessica, and their newborn son, John. Also with me is my advisor, Robert Singer, and two members of my crew, Master Gunner Benjamin Lafitte, and Ensign Jack Kline."
Lord Darius and his daughter nodded to each of the members of Dean's entourage as they were introduced. Glancing at the faces of everyone, she was met with genuine happiness at seeing her again. Then she remembered her feelings of the last three months that had passed with little to no word from Dean, who had promised to return. "Excuse me," she mumbled before picking up her skirts and turning to leave the room.
"Miss Payton! Miss Payt--Rhaya, wait, please!" he called.
Rhaya was about halfway to the door when she stopped in her tracks. "Wait?? Wait?!? You want me to wait??" she whirled around to face him, glaring with angry, unshed tears shimmering in her eyes. "For the past three months, I've done nothing but wait! For you!"
Lord Darius and the others exchanged somewhat shocked and awkward glances at his daughter's outburst of temper. They weren't exactly sure what to do, and they all preferred to be anywhere but there at the moment. "Rhaya, dearest--" he started.
"Papa, I'd like to speak in private with Captain Winchester, the Duke of Rosevale, or whoever he is, please," she spoke, fighting to keep her voice even. Her father nodded, and everyone filed out, leaving Rhaya and Dean alone in the room.
"Rhaya, please let me explain," Dean begged.
She held up her hand to silence him as she walked over to a nearby chair, her arms crossed over her chest. "Do you have any idea what it's been like for me, waiting for you to come back? The longer we were apart and the less I heard from you, the more doubts crept into my head. Some days, they were so loud that I couldn't ignore them, no matter how hard I tried. When you didn't return after two months, I had to concede that they were right, that I wasn't worth it and that you'd changed your mind."
"Sweetheart, I promised I would be back for you. I'm sorry that it took so long, but there was never any 'changing my mind' at any point. I'm here now, for you," he pleaded, taking a seat near her.
Rhaya sighed deeply and shook her head before continuing. "Come on, Captain, I'm not stupid. One look at you, a handsome, heroic ship's captain, off to find buried treasure. You're a true leader, strong, noble, who cares more for those around him than he does for himself. What's not to love about that? I'm sure wherever you go, women practically fall at your feet for even a chance to have something with you."
"And then there's me. Only daughter to the governor of Ochana, who is automatically assumed to look down her nose at people. She's spoiled, entitled, unintelligent, with no discernible skills except how to spread gossip and keep up on the latest fashions. No one is falling at my feet for the opportunity to learn anything about me past those assumptions," she shook her head sadly. "Most men are only interested in courting me to get near my father. Their ambitions involve obtaining a slice of his power and influence rather than anything to do with me."
"That's not--"
"So, I hope you can see how I might interpret your delayed return as a change of heart? Realize that I don't occupy your every thought like you do mine? Or how--" she choked back a sob then continued. "How you preferred to return to someone from your past instead of explore the future with me?" she whispered.
"There is no one else, past or present--" he vehemently denied.
Rhaya stood up from her chair. "I know you didn't intend for it to work out this way between us, but maybe it's for the best. Perhaps we should call it like it is and remember the good times we had, formed through an unlikely friendship. We're just too different for this to go any further, and for that, I'm sorry. Good evening, Your Grace." She gave him a watery smile, dipped a quick curtsy, and left him staring helplessly after her.
Dean remained seated, his head in his hands, with his shoulders slumped in defeat. How did everything go so wrong, so quickly? he wondered. He was thrilled at the prospect of seeing Rhaya, to once again feast his eyes on her beauty and finally express his feelings for her. He had not expected his dealings in Alcaria to have taken so much precious time away from her. And now it seemed that such delays had cost him what he wanted most at this point in his life.
From the doorway, he heard the sound of someone clearing his throat. When he looked up, he saw a member of the house staff, offering to escort him to the dining room as soon as he was ready. The man explained that Sam and the rest would soon be shown to the table as well. Dean thanked him and motioned for the staff member to lead the way.
Rhaya hastened towards her room, tears threatening to fall from her lashes. As she passed the dining room, she asked a staff member to tell her father that she would not be joining him. When the staff member expressed concern, Rhaya assured her that all was well. She explained that it was only a headache that left her feeling less than herself at the moment. The young lady wished her a swift recovery and promised that the governor would be informed of her absence at dinner.
Once inside her room with the door closed firmly behind her, Rhaya's composure slipped and the tears gave way from her eyes. How did it all go so wrong, so quickly? she sobbed. She should've been overcome with joy to finally see Dean, in person. Especially after the amount of time that had passed without one word from him.
Instead, she allowed her insecurities to get the best of her. She accused him of using her for his own amusement, which she knew in her heart wasn't true. At this point, she wouldn't blame him if he decided she wasn't worth the effort after all and returned to Alcaria without another word. Especially since she'd all but insisted that whatever connection they had was likely to have run its course. Those and other thoughts only served to restart the flow of tears down her face.
As the late afternoon sun gave way to the evening twilight, Rhaya lay on her bed, her eyes fixated on the ceiling. While she wondered if there was any way to fix what was broken between her and Dean, she heard a knock at the door. A spark of hope lit inside her, when she thought for a fleeting moment if her captain was on the other side. She couldn't help the flicker of disappointment that crossed her face when her sister opened the door.
"Missed you at dinner," Keira remarked. Rhaya nodded and mumbled an apology. "Yeah, your father conveyed your regrets to everyone for you not attending, said you had a headache?" Again, a nod, but no verbal response. "Rhy, honey, what's really going on?" she asked gently.
Rhaya heaved a deep sigh before launching into an account of what happened after everyone left the main hall. She explained her feelings to Dean and why she was so upset when he didn't return when promised. "I figured I had to be making it all up in my head, that I wasn't as important to him as he is to me," she confessed. "I thought there was no way I measured up to what he deserves, especially now that he's a duke."
Keira crawled up onto the bed to sit next to her and covered her sister's hand with her own. "I probably shouldn't tell you this, but he is in love with you, Rhaya. That means he knows you and has accepted you as you are. I saw it every time he said your name or we told each other stories about you. He drove us all crazy on that treasure hunt, me in particular," she laughed.
Rhaya gave her a glimmer of a smile. "He did? How?"
"Every minute of the day, he bugged the hell out of me by asking me so many questions about you." Keira turned to her sister with a fond smile on her face. "He's the real deal, honey. Besides, he knows that if he hurts you, he has to answer to me," she declared, which caused Rhaya to laugh.
"Do you think I can fix this?" Rhaya asked with hope in her eyes.
"Hmm. I think it's possible. Might involve some groveling, but I have faith that the two of you can work it out," Keira replied with a wink.
After dinner, Dean went on a self-guided tour of the mansion, rather than heading straight back to his room. In the process, he found a courtyard and entered through the open double doors off the main hallway. The area felt like an oasis of calm, which was exactly what he needed after the events of a few hours ago.
In the center was a stone fountain, encircled by a ledge for sitting and listening to the bubbling water. Tendrils of jasmine vines climbed the outside walls of the mansion. The white blooms produced a heady but comforting fragrance during the evening hours. Could be useful, should sleep elude me, he thought.
Benny saw his captain leave the dining room while the rest of the group was sipping on coffee, tea, or whiskey. Jess excused herself early because it was time for John's feeding, while Sam remained behind for the after-dinner drinks and conversation. He noticed Dean was a bit withdrawn at dinner, leading him to conclude that the conversation with Rhaya didn't end well.
He watched as Dean lowered himself to sit on the ledge of the fountain, then tilted his head up toward the night sky. "Hey, there you are, Chief. Whatcha doin' out here? You're missin' drinks with Sam and the governor," he mentioned.
Dean laughed softly as he absently trailed his fingertips through the water. "Nah, not my thing. Good for Sammy, though." He heaved a deep sigh and shook his head gently. "Really made a mess of things, haven't I? I was hoping for a chance to clear things up with her, but she didn't make it to dinner. Guess she couldn't even stand to see me across from her at the table," he muttered.
"Chief, don't be so tough on yourself, and try not to read too much into it. Her father said it was a headache, so I'm sure that's all it was. Give her some time, I'll bet she changes her mind once she's had a chance to think about things," Benny replied.
"I don't think so, Benny. She all but flat-out told me that whatever was between us has run its course, that we're not meant to be together. Instead, she'd rather just remember the good times we had," he remarked.
"Is that what you want?" Benny asked.
"Of course not!" Dean blurted. "I want to be with her so badly it hurts. I'll admit, we didn't really get along at first, but once we got to know each other....she's amazing, Benny. Strong, kind, selfless, and I can't help but be captivated by her. She's tough as nails one minute, then sweet and compassionate the next."
Benny's heart went out to his friend. As upset as his captain was, he knew Rhaya was the only one for Dean. "I know you got to know her real well and you two got close, Chief.  For that reason and so many others, you can't give up. You have to fight for her, at least long enough to tell her how you feel about her," he advised.
"How can I do that if she won't even give me a chance?" he exclaimed. "You know, as smart as she is, and as beautiful as she is, she also can be so--so--" Dean buried his fingers in his hair and growled in frustration as he searched for the right word.
"Stubborn? Headstrong? Infuriating?" a voice called from the doorway. Both men looked at each other in surprise, because the comment definitely didn't come from either of them. Their focus returned to the entrance to the courtyard to see Rhaya standing there, nervously wringing her hands in front of her.
This was the opportunity that Dean needed, so Benny decided to take his leave. On his way out, he paused in the doorway, locked eyes with Rhaya and gave her a reassuring nod. "Take care of him, chérie," he murmured. His hand gently landed on her shoulder and gave it a quick squeeze before he disappeared from sight.
"Good evening, Lady Rhaya," Dean greeted with a quick bow, once he'd recovered his composure.
"Good evening, Your Grace," she replied softly. "You know, this is one of my most favorite places on these grounds. I hope you find it as relaxing as I do."
An awkward silence stretched between them as neither one knew quite what to say to the other. Dean was cautious, not wanting to blurt out something and send Rhaya scurrying away from his presence. Meanwhile, she needed answers, but didn't want to sound demanding. To do so would risk closing the door on any prospect of the two of them remaining together.
The two of them paced around the courtyard, deep in thought, only pausing briefly so as not to run into each other. Rhaya decided to take a seat on the stone ledge surrounding the fountain, with Dean following suit almost immediately after her. She kept her eyes on her hands folded neatly in her lap. At the same time, he studied her, trying desperately to find any clues as to her current state of mind.
The tension in air grew thicker with anticipation, until she broke the silence. She reached over to cover one of his hands with her own, but pulled back at the last second. "Dean, I want to apologize for being terribly unfair to you earlier. I'm sure that whatever kept you away from Ochana for so long must have been important. You're a man of your word, and you've never given me reason to doubt that. I'm so sorry for what I said to you," she confessed, still unable to meet his eyes.
"I had hoped for a warmer reception, considering the length of time we spent apart," he replied. "But I understand why you reacted in the way that you did," he hastily added, covering her hands with his own. "Sweetheart, please look at me," he murmured, reaching over to bring her face within his line of vision. "You deserve to be loved and cherished, and I'm sorry if I did anything to make you think otherwise."
Rhaya jerked her head away from his hand, instantly missing his comforting caress. "You don't have to apologize or say that," she replied with a shy smile. "I mean, I know I'm far too opinionated, I jump to conclusions, and I definitely speak without thinking first. Though, I really should work on all of that, because it leads to a lot of apol--mmpf--" Her self-deprecating ramble was cut off when a pair of plump, soft lips connected with hers.
Dean couldn't bear to hear any more disparaging comments made about the woman he loved, not even from the woman herself. So, he chose to resolve the issue in the simplest way he knew, while at the same time declaring his feelings for her.
The kiss started tentatively at first, as if he was giving her a way out, in case she wanted or needed to take it. As her mouth began to move more confidently with his, he could sense her relaxing into the kiss, so he chose to deepen it. He was rewarded when he slid his tongue along the seam of her lips, begging for entrance and gave a slight groan when she granted it. A small moan of satisfaction escaped from her as their tongues battled for dominance.
One of his hands roamed up her side, from her waist to her back, while his other hand slipped around to tangle his fingers in her hair. A slight pressure to the back of her head gently kept them connected as he devoured her lips in a near-bruising kiss. Rhaya's hands traveled up Dean's chest, until she cradled his neck with both hands. Then her fingers began to twirl themselves around the curled ends of his hair, gently tugging on them.
When the kiss finally broke, they were both panting, each trying to catch their breath from what just happened. Dean leaned his forehead against Rhaya's as he attempted to return his heartbeat to a somewhat normal rhythm. Her hands moved back down to tilt his head up so he could see her eyes and realize the depth of the love she held for him.
"I'm in love with you, Rhaya. Exactly as you are, whether you're outspoken, or whatever, I don't care," he declared. "You're a smart, compassionate, kind, and absolutely beautiful woman who lights up any room she enters. It would mean the world to me if I can call you mine," he added.
"I'm in love with you too, Dean. Exactly as you are, and whether you're a duke or a ship's captain makes no difference to me. And I am yours, as long as you don't mind a woman who knows her way around a ship better than some fancy society function," she remarked with a nervous smile.
Dean glanced lovingly into Rhaya's eyes, his fingertips gently grazing her jawline. "Nah, darlin', I wouldn't have you be any other way. I knew you were meant for me when you threw that dagger at my head, but nailed my hat to the doorframe instead. Ruined a perfectly good hat, I'll have you know," he muttered teasingly.
Rhaya burst into giggles at her memory of that moment. "Great first impression, huh?" she observed sheepishly as she snuggled closer and rested her head on his chest. "I knew that first night you caught me out on deck in my nightclothes. Out of propriety, I was headed back to my room, but you asked me to stay. I'm so glad I did, as it was my first of our many astronomy lessons."
He wrapped his arms around her and sighed deeply in satisfaction when he felt her melt against his body. "Hmm, I remember that," he smiled as he recalled that night. She looked so ethereal that night, with the moonlight giving her strawberry-blond hair a rosy glow as it cascaded down her back.
The two of them stayed locked in each other's arms, with her back leaning against his toned, muscular chest. They sat beside the fountain watching as the moon rose over the hills in the distance. One by one, the stars came into view until there were so many it appeared as though someone painted the heavens in a fine metallic dust. Their excitement grew when a meteor shower began, which sent streaks of light dashing across the inky night sky.
After some time had passed, Rhaya pulled herself up into a sitting position and turned to face her captain. "Dean? I have a favor to ask of you," she began nervously.
"What is it, sweetheart?" he inquired.
"Will you....that is, when you....," she stammered, then took a deep breath to calm her frustration with herself before continuing. "After the gala and you return home to Alcaria....will you please take me with you?" she asked timidly.
Half a heartbeat passed before a beaming smile broke out over Dean's face, causing the crinkles around his eyes to appear. "I would be the happiest man in the world if you would return with me to Alcaria," he replied. "I-I was going to ask you, but I wanted to wait until it was the right time. What do you think your father will say?" he wondered.
Rhaya tilted her head in thought at his question. "A long time ago, Keira asked me once to run away with her too, and together we would sail the high seas. I think he would've been supportive of me, had I decided to go then, but I couldn't leave him with Carissa and all of her scheming. She probably would've convinced him to never let me come back," she muttered.
"Fortunately, she's no longer a factor," he smirked. Rhaya matched his grin and nodded, then shifted her position to snuggle further into Dean's chest.
The next day, Rhaya asked to speak with her father prior to the gala about an important matter. She met with him alone for afternoon tea while Dean waited outside the doors, in case she needed his support. The longer he waited, the more anxious he grew as he continued to pace out in the hall. His mind drifted to thinking that Lord Darius would forever banish him from Ochana for the mere suggestion of taking his daughter away from her home.
When he could no longer bear to wait, Dean turned on his heel and marched towards the door to the governor's study. Before he could reach for the handle, the door flew open. Rhaya and her father walked out, with the governor pulling him into a warm embrace. "Take care of her," Lord Darius whispered before releasing him. Dean nodded in silent promise to do exactly that and more.
Over the next week, Rhaya set about the task of packing her belongings for her move to Alcaria. She decided to leave behind whatever didn't fit into her largest trunk and one of her duffle bags. Most of her dresses were left hanging in her closet, since she wouldn't have much use for the fancier ones in Alcaria. Newer, more practical garments were already being made and would be finished by the time she left Ochana. Until then, her tunics and trousers would have to suffice.
The evening before his daughter's departure, Lord Darius hosted a gathering for Dean and his crew from The Black Diamond. Keira and Darcy were among the guests, as were Connor and any other members of the house staff wishing to say their goodbyes. Many toasts were made, as were promises of future return visits to the land she'd called home for so many years.
Everyone met down at the docks the next morning for the final farewells. Rhaya promised Darcy that she would come back to Ochana whenever she was able. However, in the meantime, she suggested for her friend to consider accepting Connor's offer to allow him to court her. This brought a deep blush to Darcy's cheeks at Rhaya's advice, followed by a shy glance in the captain of the guard's direction.
The most difficult goodbye was between father and daughter. On one hand, Lord Darius was at peace with his decision for Rhaya to leave the nest and find her place in the world. He knew she had a good man at her side, one who would take the best care of her and treat her the way she deserved.
On the other hand, he would miss seeing her bright smile and loving face every day around the estate. He knew the staff would take the utmost care of him and ensure to the best of their ability that all of his needs were met. The special bond between father and daughter, though, would be impossible to replicate with anyone else. The first few days without Rhaya would be among the hardest, but he knew this was for the best.
Lord Darius gazed fondly at his daughter. In his mind, it was only a short time ago that she was nine years old, deep in her studies but aggressively avoiding her math tutor. Now he marveled at the grown woman before him, of whom he could not be more proud. He held his arms out and she ran to be engulfed in his embrace. "I love you, Papa. Thank you for this amazing opportunity. I'll--We'll come visit as often as we can. Or, maybe we can arrange to host some sort of 'diplomatic function' in Alcaria," she grinned.
He laughed at her solution to enable him to visit her more often. "I'm sure we can work something out, sweet pea. I will miss you, though," he commented fondly as he glanced over in Dean's direction. "He's a good man, Rhaya. I had a rather lengthy discussion with him after you didn't marry Ashton. When the time is right, he knows he has my blessing," he winked.
Her eyes widened and her jaw dropped as her cheeks blushed furiously at the implication of her father's words. "Papa!" she gently admonished. "It's much too soon for that, we're still getting to know each other."
Lord Darius shrugged. "Perhaps too soon, perhaps not. When you know, you know, just like it was for me with your mother. She'd be so proud of you," he responded with a watery smile. "I certainly am proud of you."
"Oh, Papa," she exclaimed, throwing her arms around his neck. "I love you so much," she choked out.
"I love you very much, my darling daughter," he whispered.
Not wanting to intrude, Dean kept a few paces' distance away. As father and daughter gave each other one last embrace, he approached them and stood behind Rhaya, his hands on her shoulders. "I'm sorry to have to do this, my love, but we really must start our journey," he explained. He turned to Lord Darius with his hand outstretched, only to be pulled into a tight but affectionate hug from the man.
"Take care of each other. And remember, you always have a home here on Ochana," Lord Darius remarked gruffly, trying to hold back his tears at Rhaya's departure.
Dean nodded and gently took hold of Rhaya's elbow to guide her towards the gangplank to board his ship. They walked together, hand-in-hand, and when they reached the top, they turned to face the group on the docks. Dean waved goodbye, while Rhaya blew a kiss to her father before also giving a wave.
Once they were on board, the gangplank was removed and the docking ropes were released. The ship left port and began its return to Alcaria with one more passenger than what they arrived with. Dean wrapped his arms around Rhaya from behind as they stood near the bow of the ship while it sailed towards open waters.
"Ready to start your adventure, my love?" he asked.
"As long as I'm with you, I know every day will be an adventure," she replied with a beaming smile. "I love you, O Captain, my Captain."
"And I love you, my darling," he murmured near her ear.
Some years later....
"Grandpapa, will you please tell me a story?" seven-year-old Laila pleaded. She was in her pajamas and nestled under her blankets, but there was no way she could sleep without a story.
"All right, Laila," Lord Darius chuckled. "What shall it be this time, princesses and frogs, knights and ogres, or...." he trailed off with a smirk, knowing what she really wanted to hear.
"Pirates, Grandpapa! I want to hear about Mommy and Daddy's adventures on The Black Diamond!" she clapped. She could never get enough of his stories about her parents, and they were the best. He always injected such enthusiasm in the characters as he wove his tales of their adventures. And he could never resist an opportunity to entertain his granddaughter.
"Are you comfy, sweet pea?" Lord Darius asked. Laila nodded enthusiastically, and he took that as his cue. "Very well then. Once upon a time...."
@janicho88 @yourelivingwrong @akshi8278 @magssteenkamp @lyarr24 @hobby27 @deanwanddamons @jessica-noel94 @jensengirl83 @wayward-dreamer @idreamofplaid @like-a-bag-of-potatoes @winchesterprincessbride @ejlovespie @deandreamernp​ @emoryhemsworth @never--doubt @winchest09 @watermelonlipstick @makeadealwithdean @krazykelly @imherefordeanandbones @rooweighton @colereads @soaringeag1e @sams-sass @phoenixisred @muhahaha303
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This is the complete list of characters I would have cameo at a Universal Animation assemblage similar to Once Upon a Studio.
Felix the Cat: Felix the Cat
Woody Woodpecker: Woody Woodpecker, Winnie Woodpecker
An American Tail: Fievel Mousekewitz, Tanya Mousekewitz, Papa Mousekewitz, Mama Mousekewitz, Yasha Mousekewitz, Tiger, Henri le pigeon, female pigeons, Tony Toponi, Bridget, Honest John, Gussie Mausheimer, Warren T. Cat, Digit, Maus Street Maulers, Cat R. Waul, TR Chula, the Cactus Cat Gang, Miss Kitty, Wylie Burp
Land Before Time: Littlefoot, Cera, Petrie, Ducky, Spike, Littlefoot's grandparents, Chomper
Opus 'n Bill: Opus, Bill the Cat, the ducks
We're Back!: A Dinosaur's Story: Rex, Elsa, Woog, Dweeb, Louie, Cecilia, Vorb, Stubbs, Captain Neweyes, Dr. Bleeb
Casper: Casper the Friendly Ghost, Stretch, Fatso, Stinky
Babe: Babe, Fly, Rex, Ferdinand, the mice
Balto: Balto, Jenna, Boris, Steele, Muk, Luk, Nikki, Kaltag, Star, Dixie, Sylvie, Rosy
Rocky & Bullwinkle: Rocket J. Squirrel, Bullwinkle J. Moose (in their 2D/CG 2000 looks), Fearless Leader, Boris Badenov, Natasha Femme-Fatale (in their 2D 2000 looks)
Curious George: Curious George, Ted the Man in the Yellow Hat, Maggie Dunlop
The Tale of Desperaux: Desperaux, his parents, Chiaroscuro "Roscuro", Chef Andre, Boldo
Despicable Me: Felonious Gru, Lucy Wilde, the Minions, Dr. Nefario, Margo, Agnes, Edith, Kyle, Vector, Mr. Perkins, Silas Ramsbottom, Eduardo Perez/El Macho, Antonio Perez, Scarlett Overkill, Herb Overkill, the Nelsons, Balthazar Bratt, Dru Gru, Marlena Gru, Fritz, Clive the Robot, the Vicious Six, Master Chow, Wild Knuckles' henchmen
Hop: EB, Easter Bunny, the Pink Berets, Carlos, Phil, bunnies, chicks
The Lorax: the Lorax, the Once-ler, Ted, Audrey, Mrs. Wiggins, Granny Norma, Aloysius O'Hare, O'Hare's bodyguards, Sy the Delivery Guy, the Hummingfish, the Swommee-Swans, the Barbaloots
The Secret Life of Pets: Max, Katie, Duke, Gidget, Snowball, Mel, Buddy, Pops, Tiberius, Rooster, Chuck, Liam, Daisy, Hu, Sergei, wolves
Sing: Buster Moon, Miss Crawley, Herman, Rosita, Norman, their piglets, Gunther, Johnny, Marcus, Stan, Barry, Ash, Lance, Becky, Eddie Noodleman, Nana Noodleman, Mr. and Mrs. Noodleman, Hobbes, Meena, her mother and grandparents, Mike, Nancy, Suki Lane, Porsha Crystal, Jimmy Crystal, Jerry, Nooshy, Darius, Klaus Kickenklober, Clay Calloway, the Q-Teez
The Grinch: the Grinch, Max, Fred, his mate and calf, Donna Who, Cindy-Lou Who, Bean, Buster, Bricklebaum, Mabel, Groopert, Axl, Izzy, Ozzy
Super Mario Bros.: Mario, Luigi, Princess Peach, Toad, Bowser Koopa, Donkey Kong, Cranky Kong, Kamek, penguins, Giuseppe
Migration: the duck family, Delroy, Pigeon, Erin
Characters I'm unsure would make the assemblage:
The Veggies of VeggieTales
The Jetsons, Mr. Spacely and anyone involved in Jetsons the Movie
And for real-life people:
Steven Spielberg, David Kirschner, George Miller, and Chris Meledandri as themselves.
What do you think?
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disneytva · 2 years
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Friday, Aug. 5 Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Junior Eureka! “The Great Wafflefruit Race/Camped Out” (7:30-8:00 p.m. EDT) “The Great Wafflefruit Race” – Eureka and her classmates compete to scale a tree to taste the rare wafflefruit on top. *Judah Howery (“Uncle Drew”) guest stars as twins Spruce and Cypress Stoneland
“Camped Out” – Everyone except Eureka gets homesick on their first overnight camping trip. TV-Y
Friday, Aug. 12 Original Series – Special Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney Junior Mickey Mouse Funhouse “Rain, Rain, Go Away/Donald’s Razzle Dazzle Deal!” (8:00-8:30 a.m. EDT on Disney Channel/12:00-12:30 p.m. EDT on Disney Junior) “Rain, Rain, Go Away” – Mickey, Minnie and friends travel to Cloud Kingdom to see if Willie the Giant knows why it hasn’t rained, only to discover he has been using all the rain for his garden. *Amanda Seales (“Insecure“) guest stars as Annie the Giant
“Donald’s Razzle Dazzle Deal!” – On Razzle Dazzle Day, Donald makes a wish to win all the games and prizes. TV-Y
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Junior Eureka! “Project Bog/Really Giant Slalom” (7:30-8:00 p.m. EDT) “Project Bog” – Eureka and Bog get paired up for a class project.
“Really Giant Slalom” – When Murphy feels left out during a ski day, Eureka figures out a way everyone gets to take part in the fun. TV-Y
Original Series – Series Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney XD Hamster & Gretel “Empower Failure/Oakey Dokey” (9:35-10:00 p.m. EDT on Disney Channel/10:00-10:30 p.m. EDT on Disney XD) “Empower Failure” – Hamster and Gretel get superpowers from aliens while Kevin grapples with being “superhero adjacent.”
“Oakey Dokey” – Kevin and Gretel disagree over how to stop a meteor. TV-Y7
Saturday, Aug. 13 Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel Hamster & Gretel “Recipe for Disaster/Math Punch” (9:30-10:00 a.m. EDT)2 “Recipe for Disaster” – Kevin and Gretel have to rescue Family Dinner Night.
“Math Punch” – Gretel faces off against a lightning-powered cowboy as Dave struggles to get Carolina the perfect anniversary gift. TV-Y7
Friday, Aug. 19 Original Series – Special Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney Junior Mickey Mouse Funhouse “Pirate Adventure” (8:00-8:30 a.m. EDT on Disney Channel and Disney Junior) Legendary pirate Captain Salty Bones invites Mickey, Minnie and friends to join the biggest treasure hunt ever to see if they can become true pirates. *John Stamos (Disney+’s “Big Shot“) guest stars as Captain Salty Bones.
Original Series – Season Two Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney Junior Marvel’s Spidey and his Amazing Friends “Electro’s Gotta Glow/Black Cat Chaos” (8:30-9:00 a.m. EDT on Disney Channel and Disney Junior) “Electro’s Gotta Glow” – Team Spidey must use their new glow tech to stop Electro from draining all the power in the city.
“Black Cat Chaos” – Spidey and Iron Man work together to stop Black Cat from making a mess of things when she steals Iron Man’s Armor. *John Stamos (Disney+’s “Big Shot”) guest stars as Iron Man. TV-Y
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Junior Puppy Dog Pals “Paw-rates of the Caribbean/Bob’s Book Club” (11:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m. EDT) “Paw-rates of the Caribbean” – When Darius spends the weekend with his parents on their research boat, he discovers a torn treasure map.
“Bob’s Book Club” – After Bob finishes a mystery book, he learns that the author is in town. TV-Y
Saturday, Aug. 20 Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel Hamster & Gretel “Superhero Sibling Rivalry/Close Shave” (9:30-10:00 a.m. EDT) “Superhero Sibling Rivalry” – Gretel battles twin villains on her own.
“Close Shave” – Gretel’s “hero hunch” gets her into trouble. TV-Y7
Friday, Aug. 26 Original Series – Special Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney Junior Mickey Mouse Funhouse “Daisy and the Muses/Keep on the Ball” (8:00-8:30 a.m. EDT on Disney Channel/12:00-12:30 p.m. EDT on Disney Junior) “Daisy and the Muses” – The Muses in the Land of Myth teach Daisy that it’s okay not to be good at everything all the time. *Roz Ryan and Lillias White (both from Disney’s “Hercules“) reprise their original roles as muses Thalia and Calliope, respectively.
“Keep on the Ball” – Mickey and the gang must help Cuckoo Loca find her missing referee whistle. TV-Y
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Junior Eureka! “Dance Dance Evolution/Barry On” (7:30-8:00 p.m. EDT) “Dance Dance Evolution” – The Rocky Falls kids learn a new dance for school, and everyone can master the routine except for Pepper! *Misty Copeland and Ryan Michelle Bathé guest star as Rockanne and Sierra, respectively.
“Barry On” – Barry wants to be like his dad, the town’s “fix-it man.” TV-Y
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney Junior Marvel’s Spidey and his Amazing Friends “Lights Out/Sandman Won’t Share!” (8:30-9:00 a.m. EDT on Disney Channel/12:30-1:00 p.m. EDT on Disney Junior) “Lights Out” – Team Spidey must stop Electro and Green Goblin’s attempt to keep the citizens of New York City awake all night with a super-charged lighthouse.
“Sandman Won’t Share” – Team Spidey’s beach day gets interrupted by Sandman’s need to prove he’s the best at building sandcastles. TV-Y
Saturday, Aug. 27 Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel Hamster & Gretel “Cheer Cheer Bang Bang/La Ballad of La Cebolla” (9:30-10:00 a.m. EDT) “Cheer Cheer Bang Bang” –  Fred goes deep undercover as a cheerleader.
“La Ballad of La Cebolla” – Gretel and Kevin meet a villain with a unique ability. TV-Y7
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brookston · 4 months
Holidays 2.21
Alka Seltzer Day
Armed Forces Day (South Africa)
Ben Appreciation Day
Break Up Day (India)
Card Reading Day
Communist Manifesto Day
Father W.H. Lini Day (Vanuatu)
Find Out My Breast Density Day
Freedom of Worship Day (France)
International Mother Language Day (UN)
International Tourist Guide Day
Introduce a Girl to Engineering Day
John Lewis Day
King Harald V Day (Norway)
Kurt Cobain Day (Aberdeen, Washington)
Labor Day (Oregon; Original Date, 1st State Observance)
Language Movement Day (a.k.a. Shahid Dibosh; Bangladesh)
Locomotive Day
Matthiola Day (French Republic)
Mental Health Nurses Day (UK)
Musikahan Festival begins (Philippines) [thru 2.27]
Nascar Day
National Pillow on Head Day
National Waste Awareness Day (Indonesia)
New Yorker Magazine Day
Nina Simone Day (Tyron, North Carolina)
Red Books Day
Remember the Funniest Thing Your Child Ever Did Day
Robert Gabriel Mugabe National Youth Day (Zimbabwe)
Sandino Day (Nicaragua)
Sewing Machine Day
Single-Tasking Day
Telephone Book Day
Washington Monument Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Drink It Now Day
National Biscuits & Gravy Day
National Grain-Free Day
National Malört Day
National Sticky Bun Day
World Kombucha Day
3rd Wednesday in February
National RA Appreciation Day [3rd Wednesday]
Weekly Holidays beginning February 21
Potahto Week (Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada) [thru 3.1]
Independence & Related Days
Aulpannian Shatidom (Declared; 2021) [unrecognized]
British Protectorate in Egypt ended (1922)
South Formosa (Declared; 2021) [unrecognized]
Festivals Beginning February 21, 2024
National Watermelon Association Convention (Scottsdale, Arizona) [thru 2.25]
Noise Pop Festival (San Francisco, California) [thru 2.27]
NordicFuzzCon (Malmö, Sweden) [thru 2.25]
30A Wine Festival (Ales Beach, Florida) [thru 2.25]
Feast Days
Anais Nin (Writerism)
Blue Dragon Festival (China) [2nd Day of 2nd Lunar Month]
Boris Karloff Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Daniel, priest, and Verde, virgin (Christian; Martyrs)
David Foster Wallace (Writerism)
Day Sacred to the Goddess Muta (a.k.a. Laranda; Ancient Rome)
Double Second Day (China) [2nd Day of 2nd Lunar Month]
Feast of Peace and Love (Ancient Rome)
Felix of Hadrumetum (Christian; Saint)
Feralia (Old Roman Spirits Festival)
Feralia — Day of Purification (Pagan)
George of Amastris (Christian; Saint)
German and Randaut (Christian; Martyrs)
Germanus of Granfel (Christian; Martyr)
Horace (Positivist; Saint)
Jean Louis Ernest Meissonier (Artology)
Mathilda (Muppetism)
Pepin of Landen (Christian; Saint)
Peter Damian (Christian; Saint)
Pyotr Konchalovsky (Artology)
Randoald of Grandval (Christian; Saint)
Seize a Sausage Day (Pastafarian)
Severianus, Bishop of Scythopolis (Christian; Saint)
Talk to a Goldfish Day (Pastafarian)
W.H. Auden (Writerism)
Yakuyoke Festival (a.k.a. Toshi-no-Matsuri; honoring Kami for bountiful rice harvest; Shinto)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Fortunate Day (Pagan) [8 of 53]
Shakku (赤口 Japan) [Bad luck all day, except at noon.]
Umu Limnu (Evil Day; Babylonian Calendar; 9 of 60)
Alice at the Rodeo (Disney Cartoon; 1927)
The Alpine Yodeler, featuring Farmer Al Falfa (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1936)
Anna Christie (Film; 1930
Avatar: The Last Airbender (Anime TV Series; 2005)
Babylon Revisited, by F. Scott Fitzgerald (Short Story; 1931)
Bottle Rocket (Film; 1996)
Bullwinkle Makes a Hit or I Get a Bang Out of You (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S1, Ep. 25; 1960)
The Call of the Wild (Film; 2020)
Captains of the Clouds (Film; 1942)
The Conqueror (Film; 1956)
Emma (Film; 2020)
Fishing Made Easy (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1941)
The Gorilla Hunt (Color Rhapsody Cartoon; 1939)
The Hungry Wolf (MGM Cartoon; 1942)
Jerry and Jumbo (Tom & Jerry Cartoon; 1953)
King of America, by Elvis Costello (Album; 1986)
Kiss Me Car (WB LT Cartoon; 1953)
Le Bœuf sur le Toit (The Bull on the Roof), by Darius Milhaud & Jean Cocteau (Ballet; 1920)
Lipstick on Your Collar (Film; 1993)
The Night Clerk (Film; 2020)
The Night Manager (TV Mini-Series; 2016)
9-1/2 Weeks (Film; 1986)
Old School (Film; 2003)
Peg Leg Pete (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1932)
Pinkadilly Circus (Pink Panther Cartoon; 1968)
Pink Punch (Pink Panther Cartoon; 1966)
Real Time with Bill Maher (TV Series; 2003)
Rock and Roll, by Led Zeppelin (Song; 1972)
Suffering’ ’til Suffrage (America Rock Cartoon; Schoolhouse Rock; 1976)
Three on an Island or Tell It to the Maroons (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S1, Ep. 26; 1960)
The Wind Rises (Animated Studio Ghibli Film; 2014)
Yokel Boy Makes Good (Oswald the Lucky Rabbit Cartoon; 1938)
Today’s Name Days
Enrica, Gunthild, Petrus (Austria)
Damir, Natalija, Petar (Croatia)
Lenka (Czech Republic)
Samuel (Denmark)
Aavo, Auvo, Avo (Estonia)
Keijo (Finland)
Damien (France)
Enrica, Gunhild, Peter, Petrus (Germany)
Efstathios, Evstathios, Stathis (Greece)
Eleonóra (Hungary)
Eleonora, Leopoldo, Nora, Pier Damiani (Italy)
Eleonora (Latvia)
Eleonora, Feliksas, Kęstutis, Žemyna (Lithuania)
Celine, Samuel, Selma (Norway)
Eleonora, Feliks, Fortunat, Kiejstut, Teodor, Wyszeniega (Poland)
Eustatie, Timotei (Romania)
Eleonóra (Slovakia)
Pedro (Spain)
Hilding (Sweden)
Dallin, Doug, Douglas, Duff (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 52 of 2024; 314 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 3 of week 8 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Nuin (Ash) [Day 4 of 28]
Chinese: Month 1 (Bing-Yin), Day 12 (Yi-Mao)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025)
Hebrew: 12 Adair I 5784
Islamic: 11 Sha’ban 1445
J Cal: 22 Grey; Oneday [22 of 30]
Julian: 8 February 2024
Moon: 93%: Waxing Gibbous
Positivist: 24 Homer (2nd Month) [Horace]
Runic Half Month: Sigel (Sun) [Day 13 of 15]
Season: Winter (Day 63 of 89)
Week: 3rd Week of February
Zodiac: Pisces (Day 3 of 30)
0 notes
brookstonalmanac · 4 months
Holidays 2.21
Alka Seltzer Day
Armed Forces Day (South Africa)
Ben Appreciation Day
Break Up Day (India)
Card Reading Day
Communist Manifesto Day
Father W.H. Lini Day (Vanuatu)
Find Out My Breast Density Day
Freedom of Worship Day (France)
International Mother Language Day (UN)
International Tourist Guide Day
Introduce a Girl to Engineering Day
John Lewis Day
King Harald V Day (Norway)
Kurt Cobain Day (Aberdeen, Washington)
Labor Day (Oregon; Original Date, 1st State Observance)
Language Movement Day (a.k.a. Shahid Dibosh; Bangladesh)
Locomotive Day
Matthiola Day (French Republic)
Mental Health Nurses Day (UK)
Musikahan Festival begins (Philippines) [thru 2.27]
Nascar Day
National Pillow on Head Day
National Waste Awareness Day (Indonesia)
New Yorker Magazine Day
Nina Simone Day (Tyron, North Carolina)
Red Books Day
Remember the Funniest Thing Your Child Ever Did Day
Robert Gabriel Mugabe National Youth Day (Zimbabwe)
Sandino Day (Nicaragua)
Sewing Machine Day
Single-Tasking Day
Telephone Book Day
Washington Monument Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Drink It Now Day
National Biscuits & Gravy Day
National Grain-Free Day
National Malört Day
National Sticky Bun Day
World Kombucha Day
3rd Wednesday in February
National RA Appreciation Day [3rd Wednesday]
Weekly Holidays beginning February 21
Potahto Week (Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada) [thru 3.1]
Independence & Related Days
Aulpannian Shatidom (Declared; 2021) [unrecognized]
British Protectorate in Egypt ended (1922)
South Formosa (Declared; 2021) [unrecognized]
Festivals Beginning February 21, 2024
National Watermelon Association Convention (Scottsdale, Arizona) [thru 2.25]
Noise Pop Festival (San Francisco, California) [thru 2.27]
NordicFuzzCon (Malmö, Sweden) [thru 2.25]
30A Wine Festival (Ales Beach, Florida) [thru 2.25]
Feast Days
Anais Nin (Writerism)
Blue Dragon Festival (China) [2nd Day of 2nd Lunar Month]
Boris Karloff Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Daniel, priest, and Verde, virgin (Christian; Martyrs)
David Foster Wallace (Writerism)
Day Sacred to the Goddess Muta (a.k.a. Laranda; Ancient Rome)
Double Second Day (China) [2nd Day of 2nd Lunar Month]
Feast of Peace and Love (Ancient Rome)
Felix of Hadrumetum (Christian; Saint)
Feralia (Old Roman Spirits Festival)
Feralia — Day of Purification (Pagan)
George of Amastris (Christian; Saint)
German and Randaut (Christian; Martyrs)
Germanus of Granfel (Christian; Martyr)
Horace (Positivist; Saint)
Jean Louis Ernest Meissonier (Artology)
Mathilda (Muppetism)
Pepin of Landen (Christian; Saint)
Peter Damian (Christian; Saint)
Pyotr Konchalovsky (Artology)
Randoald of Grandval (Christian; Saint)
Seize a Sausage Day (Pastafarian)
Severianus, Bishop of Scythopolis (Christian; Saint)
Talk to a Goldfish Day (Pastafarian)
W.H. Auden (Writerism)
Yakuyoke Festival (a.k.a. Toshi-no-Matsuri; honoring Kami for bountiful rice harvest; Shinto)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Fortunate Day (Pagan) [8 of 53]
Shakku (赤口 Japan) [Bad luck all day, except at noon.]
Umu Limnu (Evil Day; Babylonian Calendar; 9 of 60)
Alice at the Rodeo (Disney Cartoon; 1927)
The Alpine Yodeler, featuring Farmer Al Falfa (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1936)
Anna Christie (Film; 1930
Avatar: The Last Airbender (Anime TV Series; 2005)
Babylon Revisited, by F. Scott Fitzgerald (Short Story; 1931)
Bottle Rocket (Film; 1996)
Bullwinkle Makes a Hit or I Get a Bang Out of You (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S1, Ep. 25; 1960)
The Call of the Wild (Film; 2020)
Captains of the Clouds (Film; 1942)
The Conqueror (Film; 1956)
Emma (Film; 2020)
Fishing Made Easy (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1941)
The Gorilla Hunt (Color Rhapsody Cartoon; 1939)
The Hungry Wolf (MGM Cartoon; 1942)
Jerry and Jumbo (Tom & Jerry Cartoon; 1953)
King of America, by Elvis Costello (Album; 1986)
Kiss Me Car (WB LT Cartoon; 1953)
Le Bœuf sur le Toit (The Bull on the Roof), by Darius Milhaud & Jean Cocteau (Ballet; 1920)
Lipstick on Your Collar (Film; 1993)
The Night Clerk (Film; 2020)
The Night Manager (TV Mini-Series; 2016)
9-1/2 Weeks (Film; 1986)
Old School (Film; 2003)
Peg Leg Pete (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1932)
Pinkadilly Circus (Pink Panther Cartoon; 1968)
Pink Punch (Pink Panther Cartoon; 1966)
Real Time with Bill Maher (TV Series; 2003)
Rock and Roll, by Led Zeppelin (Song; 1972)
Suffering’ ’til Suffrage (America Rock Cartoon; Schoolhouse Rock; 1976)
Three on an Island or Tell It to the Maroons (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S1, Ep. 26; 1960)
The Wind Rises (Animated Studio Ghibli Film; 2014)
Yokel Boy Makes Good (Oswald the Lucky Rabbit Cartoon; 1938)
Today’s Name Days
Enrica, Gunthild, Petrus (Austria)
Damir, Natalija, Petar (Croatia)
Lenka (Czech Republic)
Samuel (Denmark)
Aavo, Auvo, Avo (Estonia)
Keijo (Finland)
Damien (France)
Enrica, Gunhild, Peter, Petrus (Germany)
Efstathios, Evstathios, Stathis (Greece)
Eleonóra (Hungary)
Eleonora, Leopoldo, Nora, Pier Damiani (Italy)
Eleonora (Latvia)
Eleonora, Feliksas, Kęstutis, Žemyna (Lithuania)
Celine, Samuel, Selma (Norway)
Eleonora, Feliks, Fortunat, Kiejstut, Teodor, Wyszeniega (Poland)
Eustatie, Timotei (Romania)
Eleonóra (Slovakia)
Pedro (Spain)
Hilding (Sweden)
Dallin, Doug, Douglas, Duff (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 52 of 2024; 314 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 3 of week 8 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Nuin (Ash) [Day 4 of 28]
Chinese: Month 1 (Bing-Yin), Day 12 (Yi-Mao)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025)
Hebrew: 12 Adair I 5784
Islamic: 11 Sha’ban 1445
J Cal: 22 Grey; Oneday [22 of 30]
Julian: 8 February 2024
Moon: 93%: Waxing Gibbous
Positivist: 24 Homer (2nd Month) [Horace]
Runic Half Month: Sigel (Sun) [Day 13 of 15]
Season: Winter (Day 63 of 89)
Week: 3rd Week of February
Zodiac: Pisces (Day 3 of 30)
0 notes
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illiana-mystery · 1 year
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Captain John Darius, Inside Man (2006)
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hannahhook7744 · 8 months
The Storm Bringer (Information and History)
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Dock of Arendelle (sometimes after d3),
Dock of Auardon (sometimes after d3),
Dock of Corona (sometimes after d3),
Dock of Neverland (sometimes after d3),
Dock of the Isle of the Lost (d1-d3).
Blackbeard (Captain)(Previously),
Hannah Hook (Captain)(Current),
René Montaudoin (Captain)(Previously).
Aaron Bog (The Treasuer),
Abi Hun (Crewmate)(Former),
Alex Aoratos-Sinclair (Helmsman),
Amira Bint Aladdin Bin Cassim Al Hamed of Agrabah (Translator)(Future),
Anna Bog (The Lawyer),
Artemis Foundling (Junior),
Atlas Foundling (Junior)(Future),
Atticus Hook (Babysitter Crewmate)(Former),
Beau Foundling (Junior),
Clarice Foundling (Junior)(Future),
Craven Bog (Junior)(Future),
Credence Foundling (Junior),
D.E Anonymous (Anonymous Helper),
Darcy Aoratos (The Medic),
Darius Foundling (Junior),
Darren Foundling (Junior)(Future),
Derrick Red (Crewmate)(Former),
Eduardo Frollo (The Cooper),
Elara Foundling (Junior),
Evelyn de la Cruz (The Prison Guard),
Fiona Foundling (The Look Out),
Francesca Delgado (The Boatswain),
Genesis Flores (The Navigator),
Greyson Hook (Crewmate)(Former),
Gunner Harp (Back up Medic),
Harley Foundling (Junior),
Haul Bjorgman (The Deckhand and Translator)(Future),
Herlando Dancer (Back up Medic),
Hope Sid (The Entertainment and h.r. Representative),
Howiee Wolf (Guard),
Ian Hook (Crewmate)(Former),
Ike Bog (Junior)(Future),
Issac Cipher (Front Desk Attendant),
Isaac Olympian (Crewmate)(Former),
Isaac of Maldonia (Crewmate)(Former),
James Rourke (The Rigger),
Joey Starlights (Crewmate)(Former),
John Facilier (The Gunner),
Jolene Bog (Junior)(Future),
Josh de la Cruz (The Sailmaker),
Joy Foxworth (The Back Up, Back up Kid Wrangler)(Future),
Kailani ‘Clever’ Athanasiou (Storm Manager),
Lance Foundling (Junior)(Future),
Levi Giant (Junior),
Liberty Titan (The Backup Carpenter),
Luke Tremaine-Westergaard (1st Mate),
Luís Barbosa (The Carpenter),
Lysander Foundling (Junior),
Marcys Foundling (Junior),
Marinette Foundling (Junior),
Misty Del Rey-Silver (The Diver),
Morgan Hook (Crewmate)(Former),
Moxie Frankenstein-Van Helsing (Guard),
Nadia Foundling (Junior),
Nevin Hook (Crewmate)(Former),
Noah Aoratos (The Cabin Boy),
Noor Foundling (Junior),
Parker McLeach (The Powder Monkey),
Peachy Gothel (3rd Mate),
Prometheus Foundling (Junior)(Future),
Remi de Vil (4th Mate),
Rian Frankenstein-Van Helsing (The Trainer), 
River Le Beak (Crewmate),
Shan Bri (The Back up Kid Wrangler),
Shania Silver (The Kid Wrangler)(Former),
Shaun Fagin (Crewmate)(Former),
Skelebar Foundling (Junior)(Future),
Skia Aoratos (2nd Mate),
T.K Sykes (Crewmate)(Former),
Terrance Foundling (Junior),
Tiger Khan (Translator),
Tim Foundling (Junior)(Future),
Toby Foundling (Junior)(Future),
Tommy Wonderful (Junior),
Treycor Fae-Aoratos (The Quartermaster),
Tyson Foundling (Junior),
Willow Hawthorne (Junior).
Captain Hook,
Ginny Gothel,
Harry Hook,
Maleficent’s Goons,
Mama Hook,
The Gothel Twins,
The Smee Twins,
"Creatures of the Night, Prepare to fight!"
The Storm Bringer is the name of a pirate ship that Hannah Hook and her crew own.
It served as headquarters for the pirate crew and can be seen throughout the series 'The Marvelous Misadventures of Hannah Hook and Co.'
The Storm Bringer is an old pirate ship that Hannah Hook won and fixed up for her crew. Repurposing it as a safe house/boat/home for her crew and replacing the sails with three homemade sails that have a matching flag up on the crowsnest, a single red flag, and two additional crimson red flags.
Its walls are covered in artwork that she and her crew made as well as random treasures they have picked up over the years. 
The wood is mainly brown with hints of red in some places and it has many rooms that the crew share (some of these ‘rooms’ are just areas with curtains hanging up to separate them. 
It is one of the few ships on the isle that is almost fully intact and the shape its in has been described as ‘remarkable’ by the few older pirates that have stepped abroad since the ship came into Hannah Hook’s possession. 
Hannah Hook acquired the Storm Bringer from it's pervious owner, Blackbeard, in a poker game that she bested him at when she was 6.
In that game, she not only gained a ship but two new enemies (Blackbeard and his son, Barnaby) and the respect of the elder pirates on the isle.
Her first three crew members were Luke Tremaine-Westergaard and Skia Aoratos (her 1st and 2nd mate respectively) and River Le Beak (who decided to just be a crewmate) who helped her build her crew and repair the ship.
They ended up renaming the ship 'The Storm Bringer' and replacing it's old sails with ones they made themselves before tossing the ones in the storage closet.
And over the years, Hannah and her crew ended up redecorating the ship to make it feel more like home. Using art pieces they each made, rewards they'd received, and random treasures they had found to do so.
They even added on to the ship, making more rooms and making it look more intimidating and wild in the process.
(Old Design):
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(New Design):
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(Storm Bringer Contract):
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(Storm Bringer Crew Tattoo):
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(Crew Tryouts Poster):
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the-acid-pear · 2 years
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This movie was trash but he looked so cute 😖
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typingtess · 2 years
Tiptoeing through the “MWD” guest cast
Peter Cambor as Nate Getz Back from "All the Little Things" in the middle of March.
Kavi R. Ladnier as Shyla Dahr Back from "Pandora's Box" at the end of March.
Stephanie Lemelin as Mary Smith Played Thorne in Cavemen, Rhonda in The Whole Truth, Rachel in Men at Work and Jenna Rayburn in The Young and the Restless.
Guest roles include Undeclared, The Mullets, Run of the House, Malcolm in the Middle, CSI, Worst Week of My Life, Out of Practice, Rules of Engagement, 90210 (2010), Ghost Whisperer, $#*! My Dad Says, Shake it Up, Brothers & Sisters, Melissa & Joey, The League, The Closer, The Mentalist, Bones, Satisfaction, Being Human, Girl Meets World, Code Black, iZombie, Cousins for Life, 9-1-1 and Chicago Med.
Was Melody Hanson in the season 11 "Page Not Found" episode of NCIS.
Lemelin provides multiple voices for the animated series Dawn of the Croods, Harvey Girls Forever!, The Rocketeer, DC Super Hero Girls, Lego City Adventures and Young Justice.
Brent Bailey as Dennis Adams Was Madison in Leaving Bliss, Jimmy Bales in My Synthesized Life, Sam Cohen in Palo Alto, Trevor Richards in Personal Space, Alex Knightly in Emma Approved and JT in Quarantine.
Guest appearances include Privileged, Life, Life with Kat & McKay, Love Stupid, Whitney, Classic Alice, Hart of Dixie, Bella and the Bulldogs, Rizzoli & Isles, Karma is a B*tch, Young and Hungry, Marvel's Agents of SHIELD, Bosch and Lucifer.
Was Kyle Freeman in "Someone Else's Shoes" in NCIS's season 17.  
A video trailer selfie.   Matt Lasky as Joseph Jones Was the Steampunk Bartender in season one's "Random on Purpose".
Cap Peterson as Brian “Buster” Miller Appeared in an episode of ER and an episode of Shrill.
Travis Johns as Nick Reed Had guest roles in episode of Days of Our Lives, The Closer, The Mentalist, Nip/Tuck, Southland, FlashForward, Justified, The Defenders, Kickin' It, Vegas, 2 Broke Girls, Ray Donovan, Agent Carter, Agent X, The Young and the Restless, Criminal Minds, Rizzoli & Isles, The Last Ship, Westworld, Rebel, The Mick, Fear the Walking Dead, Chance, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Goliath, SWAT, Woman Up, Truth Be Told, CSI: Vegas, The Shrink Next Door and Bosch.
Was Martin Curtis in the NCIS "Family Ties" episode in season 15.
Richard Gant as Raymond Hanna Gant is a longtime working actor.  Played Alvin Pinkston in Reasonable Doubts (hello Mark Harmon), Sgt. Bill Dorman in NYPD Blue, Captain Richard Page in Special Unit 2, Hostetler in Deadwood, Dr. Russell Ford in General Hospital and General Hospital: Night Shift, Owen Thoreau Sr. in Men of a Certain Age (where he played Andre Braugher's dad), Melvin Fuller in The Mindy Project, Darius in Family Time, Mr. Bennett in The Chi, Percy Lee in Greenleaf, Ray Hayward in Mr. Iglesias, Walter in The Neighborhood and Granddaddy Clisby in The Wonder Years.
Guest roles include Spenser for Hire, The Cosby Show, Miami Vice, MacGyver (1991), Jake and the Fatman, Roc, Rhythm & Blues, Murphy Brown (1992), LA Law, Empty Nest, Seinfeld, Renegade, Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman, Martin, Living Single, Picket Fences, The Marshal, Bonnie,  The Client, Touched by an Angel, Chicago Hope, The Parent 'Hood, Diagnosis Murder, Friends, Smart Guy, Babylon 5, Alright Already, The Good News, Built to Last, The Steve Harvey Show, Damon, ER, Family Law, Any Day Now, For Your Love, The Drew Carey Show, Moesha, The Job, Providence, The District, Titus, Smallville, Charmed, Yes Dear, Eve, Sex Love & Secrets, Justice, Vanished, How I Met Your Mother, The Bill Engvall Show, Boston Legal, Bones, Eli Stone, Cold Case, The Deep End, The Middle, Bunheads, Back in the Game, Married, The Game, The Soul Man, Champions, Dear White People, This is Us and Magnum P.I. (2021).
Provides voices for a number of characters in American Dad.  
Was Rear Admiral Novak in JAG's "Whole New Ballgame" in season 10.
Written by: R. Scott Gemmill wrote/cowrote “The Only Easy Day”, “Brimstone”, “Breach”, “LD50”, “Found”, “Borderline”, “Absolution”, “Archangel”, “Tin Soldiers”, “Impostors”, “Cyberthreat”, “Honor”, “The Watchers” and both sides of the NCIS Los: Angeles/Hawaii Five-0 “Touch of Death” episodes, “Recruit”, “Free Ride”, “Wanted”, “Ravens and The Swans”, “Impact”, “War Cries”, both ends of the “Deep Trouble” season five finale/season six premiere, “Inelegant Heart”, “Praesidium”, “Traitor”, “Active Measures” (season seven premiere), “Blame It On Rio”, “Internal Affairs”, “Matryoshka” part one,  "Talion" (season seven finale), “High Value Target”/“Belly of the Beast” (season eight premieres), “The Queen’s Gambit”, “Under Siege”, “Unleashed” (season eight finale), “Party Crashers” (season nine’s premiere), “This Is What We Do” (episode 200), “Các Tù Nhân”, “Goodbye Vietnam”, “Ninguna Salida” (the season nine finale), “Hit List”, “Asesinos”, “Till Death Do Us Part”, “Choke Point”, “The Guardian”, “Hail Mary”, “Kill Beale Vol. 1”, “Alsiyadun”, “Fortune Favors the Brave”, “The Bear” (season 12 premiere), “Angry Karen”, “Love Kills”, “Russia, Russia, Russia”, “The Noble Maidens”, “A Tale of Two Igors” (season 12 finale), "Subject 17" (season 13 premiere) and "All The Little Things".
Directed by: Suzanne Saltz directed "Outside the Lines", "Murder of Crows" and "Sundown".
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imadisneyfan · 3 years
Sing 2 poster of out of this world very nice 👌 🥰 if they make a 3rd one I want them to do peter pan at the beginning like they did with Alice and wonderland and I want johnny to be peter pan and I can see him sing' I believe I can fly ' from the space jam movie, and here's the peter pan cast
Johnny as peter pan
Ash as Wendy
Meena as tinker belle
Clay as captain hook
Porsha as a mermaid
Nooshy as tiger lily
Gunter as smee
Rosita as another mermaid
Darius as a pirate
And rosita's two son's as John and Michael what do you think
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