wolveria · 9 months
Happy birthdayyyyy 💕😊😘 and all the best to you for the new year of your life!!
Bro why did this only show up in my ask box now 😭 half a year late but I did see it! Thank you dear 💙
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clonecaptains · 8 months
Happy birthday! Wishing you all the good things for the new year of your life! ✨️
ah hi! thank you so much! 💙
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bitchofdarkness · 6 months
3 & 30 for your writer's end of year thingie? 💜
Haha, heyy ❤
3. What’s something you learned about yourself as a writer?
That I'm inconsistent as fuck and start a new project the moment an idea pops up in my head. I should work on that, but alas, I don't want to. I'm accepting my fate. It is what it is, yolo, we die like Hvitserk's love interests, etc.
30. What’s something that you want to write in 2024?
Honestly just wanna finish my endless WIPs atp 😭 I don't wanna deliberately start another project.
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mercurygray · 1 year
Daybreak and something with HotD's Aegon for a prompt, please? 😊
I wrote this and thought 'Bold of you to think he remembers people's names' but you know what, I'm sticking with this.
NSFW under the cut. It's Aegon, okay? But everyone consented here.
TW for sex work, swearing and drunken behavior.
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Mornings vexed him.
Oh, it wasn't enough that the night was over and the fun was gone and the cheering crowds had left for home and the drink was coming back to make its presence known, but the sun! The Seven save him from the godsforsaken sun. Blinding and lashing him, reminding him of places he needed to be and responsibilities he needed to avoid. Daytime was for princes and kings, and Aegon heartily wished that he were neither.
If one day he could put on his father's crown and all the badges and titles and powers that went with it, the only thing he'd order was for the sun to go away. And then he'd take off that damn crown and go right back to sleep.
Aegon turned over in bed and groaned into his pillow, pulling the blanket over his head, trying to blot out the light from the window. I am a dragon, and I love the dark.
Wasn't that what dragons were, really? Creatures of canyon and crag, secret and hidden and prowling, seen by no one and left to do what they pleased. That was what he wanted, really - to be left alone.
He turned over and realized there was another person in the room. Fuck, where was he last night? His eyes tried to adjust to the sunlight, following her blearily around the room as she tidied away this and that, a cup here and a shirt there.
Mya! This was Jotho's, then - one of the rooms upstairs. Pretty enough, with hair that pretended it was gold, sometimes, in the right light, and a pair of tits he liked well enough, and an arse he adored. He had half a dozen whores, all over Flea Bottom, young and old and in between, but Jotho Whyte's had the fights, and the wine, and Mya.
Mya, who wasn't anything like his sister, who saw what was in front of her and took the world as it appeared. Mya who was too wise by half to get fat with child by any man, let alone him. Mya, who let him touch her, like it was something she wanted - who laughed at his jokes and fondled his cock and fucked him even when the drink got a little too much, groaning and smiling like she was pleased to be with him.
Mya, who in the morning was always first out of bed, her hand spread expectantly for his gold. No matter what she said in the dark, it always came back to that. "Will his lordship be wanting to break his fast here?"
Aegon screwed his face into the pillow and tried to ignore the pounding in his head. Nighttime is for liars and cheats - at daybreak there's only the truth.
I like liars. The truth is more than I want to bear.
if anyone's interested, Mya also got a name drop in Stand Your Ground, which you can read here.
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therealvikingstrash · 2 years
Psionics & lightning for the writer asks, pls? 💕
Hey-a love! 💕
Psionics: How do you get into the heads of your characters? I stare at them for a long time (aka studying them) and if it's a character I haven't written before I also re-watch a scene or two and then...jump in? I always try to find some baseline for them and go from there.
Lightning: What’s the most shocking plot twist you’ve ever come up with? Buh.... Idek if I have a shocking plot twist in any of the fics I've published... Oh wait, I did! But it was a fic in German and I've deleted it since xD Basically, it was about someone who went to the wedding of his best friend (who he was in love with and yeah, ouch) and at first the whole fic goes on as one might expect with pining, love declarations after the wedding, cheating, divorce and stuff, a whole life written in a looooot of chapters. And then it becomes clear that the character had been on his way to the wedding, but got into an accident and all that was shown after was simply his coma dream-life. The people's lives obviously went very differently from what he'd dreamt up and it's a very stony road to recovery, because he has trouble keeping the imagined and the true events apart. There was a happy ending though! Not the most original idea, I know 😂
Elemental Writer Asks
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genshimada · 1 year
Happy birthday! Hope the new year of your life will be lovely. 😊
aw thank you so much!! :)
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bhxrdy · 4 months
thank you for tagging me @itbmojojoejo 💕
Rules: Shuffle your "On Repeat" playlist 10 times and tag 10 people
pirate song - mehro Blame Brett - The Beaches Monster - Mumford & Sons Wicked Game - Daisy Gray Wolf at Your Door - Chloe x Halle Feeling You - Harrison Storm Ready to Go (String Arrangement) - Noah Cyrus Coast - Hailee Steinfeld feat. Anderson Paak Icarus & Apollo - Ripto The Worst of You - PJ Harding & Noah Cyrus
tagging: @persephones-journey @arcielee @gemini-mama @poetic-fiasco @emilyhufflepufftlk @st-eve-barnes @whitedarkmoonflower @lostsolace @captainkilly @solinarimoon @caribaheine 💕
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nephilim-tears · 2 years
❝𝐇𝐲𝐦𝐧𝐬 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐩𝐨𝐜𝐚𝐥𝐲𝐩𝐬𝐞❞
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𝐌𝐨𝐫𝐩𝐡𝐞𝐮𝐬 𝐗 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫  Warnings: F! Reader | Word count: 170  ↳ Warm up :: A very short piece because I can’t stop thinking about him | Gifed @captainkilly Browse my catalog?  You are responsible for the content you consume, as always read with care.
“After I ran into your siblings—first Death and then Despair, I’ve been searching for you since.”
“Who are you? How did you get in here?” His stern voice bounced off the walls of the empty palace. 
She drifted through the air like the sand between his fingers, hovering feet never touching the ground.  If he reached out with his ghastly pale hands so transparent they glowed blue she would evaporate into nothingness.  
“Like you, I’ve had many names but the Greeks called me Muse.” She conceded, her voice was to sound whatever vanilla extract was to smell. A distant piercing siren’s call over cosmic waves of entropic sea wreckage, it dulled the world around him making it impossible to focus on anything but her.
“Ah, I’ve heard of you. You’re a busy one.” Caught in her orbit, Dream turned his ruffled perpetual bed head to meet her unrested eyes emphasized by dark circles. She looked as if she hadn’t slept in eons. 
“Not so much these days.” 
“What happened?” 
“Bombs happened Morpheus, they used my gift to make bombs.”
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thesummerfox · 2 months
captainkilly → thesummerfox
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ulfrsmal · 9 months
Last Seven Lines
I was tagged by the lovely @alexagirlie, thank you! :D
Rules: post the last 7 lines that you wrote. Then tag others.
Halsin’s blood rushed in his veins like it had on Haarlep’s bed, wild and quick and singing an alluring song to Astarion’s senses. His mouth opened slightly as he stared at Halsin’s powerful torso dripping water, chest heaving despite his attempts to hide it, hair wet and fully loose. He looked like part of his surroundings, like he was truly one with nature. Never had Astarion understood the druid’s drive – need – for it better than he did now. The fact that Halsin was undoubtedly hard under the water was secondary, though. “I… had fun, Astarion,” Halsin started. It was entirely the wrong angle.
As you can prrobably tell, this is part of the second chapter for my latest Halstarion fic, The Game. It's been slow progress, but this askgame motivated me right up to continue! >:D
No Pressure Tags: @vveissesfleisch, @captainkilly, @joseopher, @its-tea-time-darling, @aadmelioraa, @wildwren, and @solinarimoon! Have fun lovelies :D
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basilone · 6 months
Get To Know Me - Tag Game I was tagged by @hesbuckcompton-baby, @sharkboyandlavalieb, and @luckynumber4! Thank you for the tags! 💚
Name(s): on the grand ol' internet, I go by Killy Pronouns: she/her Star sign: Aquarius babyyy Number of siblings (+ any fun facts): I'm an only child Number of pets (+ their names): none atm and I miss it 🥺 Fandoms: honestly, too many to name? Obviously I'm in the HBO War fandom. 😂 And you can get an impression of the rest of my fandoms if you follow my personal blog @captainkilly. Favorite color: blue! Favorite song: Nightwish - The Greatest Show On Earth (thank me later) Favorite author (of anything readable - books, fanfics, zines, webtoons, whatever!): look, at my core I am a book hoarder. I have read a lot and often have very specific books I enjoy, which means that it's not about fave author for me a lot of the time. I'll list you five fave books of mine, though. Rebecca (by Daphne du Maurier), Anna Karenina (by Tolstoy), Son of the Shadows (by Juliet Marillier), The Braided Path trilogy (by Chris Wooding), and Ash: A Secret History (by Mary Gentle). Favorite fic type: enemies to lovers, slow burn, AU of some sort, novel-length, with all sorts of delish tropes like "there was only one bed" pls. (Basically, big emotions and plays on intimacy and alternate looks at familiar stories!) Favorite holiday: Midsummer! Do you have a partner (romantic, qpr, anything!)?: nooooo Hobbies: writing, reading, crafting with paper, painting, anything artsy really 😊 Fun facts about you: I'm a pagan, my mothertongue is a specific regional Dutch dialect, and my standard mode of existence is pretty much summed up as "I have opinions". Tagging: @mercurygray - @junojelli - @floydmtalbert - @shoshiwrites
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sergeant-spoons · 3 months
Hello! Apologies if you have answered this somewhere, but I am new and I absolutely love your writing. Do you still write Band of Brothers oneshots or imagines? Or is it mostly your series? I am VERY excited to catch up on your series’, so I hope this doesn’t come across as rude. I was just curious. Also, would you ever write imagines of fics for Maters of the Air? Thank you for writing these wonderful stories!
Hi! Thank you so much for the ask and the love, I really appreciate it. Not rude at all! I haven't been writing much for the fandom lately, just some things here and there, but I hope to really get back into it during the summer once my schedule opens up a little. I have a relatively long masterlist of my one shots here and a list of my longer, chapter-based fics here (only one of which has been completed, In Defense of Chicanery, but I took down because I'm attempting to rework it into an original book. If that doesn't work out I'll put the fic back up in its entirety). I also post everything I've written (plus the occasional 18+ content) over on ao3 here.
I think I'll probably write more one shots before getting back into the longer fics to get my writing back into shape, but who knows? I'm also working on a fully original novel (separate from IDOC's new draft) that has seemingly ballooned into a trilogy over the last year or so. It's about WW2 paratroopers and the Airborne and the like, but it's my own original story with my own original characters, and I'm pretty happy with it so far.
I haven't seen Masters of the Air, and for some personal reasons, I'm not sure I will watch it—I won't be watching it any time soon, at least. I'm sure it's a fine show, but it's been made in a very different political climate than Band of Brothers was (though of course there are problematic aspects the making of BoB as well) and I'm not entirely comfortable with engaging with a show made in the present day that idolizes the American military, even in a historical sense. I struggle with that discomfort and my love for Band of Brothers sometimes, too. So I haven't watched MotA for the same reason I haven't watched Generation Kill and probably won't ever watch GK. I haven't really touched on my thoughts on this before - at least, I haven't posted about it.
Essentially, I won't be writing any Masters of the Air fics - but there are many, many amazing writers on here who are and who will continue to for a long time yet! One writer I can recommend right off the bat even though I haven't read her MotA fics (I have read almost all her other fics, though) is Killy, basilone/captainkilly on ao3 and @basilone here on Tumblr. Incredible writer. Go check her out!
I'm not sure who else of my mutuals has been writing MotA works but if anyone wants to add onto this post and promote their fics/another mutuals', go for it!
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clonecaptains · 2 years
Happy birthday! Wishing you all the best, hope you will have a lovely day! 💕
hiiiii thank you so much!!!
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bitchofdarkness · 2 years
You have always been a cute little 🐹 to me!
Haha, aww 💖 (you're very right)
Some people might disagree with you due to their own insecurities and projection, but that's a them-problem 💁🏼‍♀️ if being honest is intimidating, then I think I'm not the issue in that equation....
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mercurygray · 1 year
5 things you never get tired of writing
Thanks for tagging me, @forasecondtherewedwon !
rules: list five things you never get tired of writing. it can be tropes, themes, characters, phrases, whatever brings you joy. then tag five people!
Mutual pining
Brave at life, scared of love
The whole "Kick his ass, babe, I got your flower" dynamic
Niche historical references
Sentences with several clauses
Tagging @shoshiwrites @captainkilly @tortoisesshells @arethosedustyjumpwings @jomiddlemarch
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underragingwaves · 1 year
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personal blog ∞ HBO War blog ∞ HotD/GoT blog ∞ #urwcreates ∞ #urwfic
Hi there, I'm Killy and I will probably interact with you from my main blog @captainkilly! I create a lot of things for the Vikings, Vikings: Valhalla, and The Last Kingdom fandoms.
While you can find all my creations in the two tags (gifs/edits & fics) linked above, I do want to provide you with a small masterlist of stuff I have made and tags I use a lot on this blog. I hope it'll make my creations easier to navigate! 💕I will update this masterlist every so often with new tags or works of note.
Main Fics & Other Writing
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WIP, 63k and ongoing, Ubbe/OFC, mermaid AU ∞ read here
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WIP, ~9k and ongoing, Ubbe/OFC, modern-day crime AU ∞ view series
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WIP, 60k and ongoing, Ivar/OFC, Ubbe/Hvitserk, magic AU ∞ view series
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Complete, 9k, Hvitserk/OFC, post-series ∞ read here
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Complete, 35k, Ubbe/Hvitserk, post-S5 canon divergence ∞ read here
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My fics on AO3 (I usually publish fic there instead of on Tumblr) Spicy prompt tag (M or E-rated) Five sentence fics (what it says on the tin: short but sweet) spring prompts (written for the Vernal Equinox event)
Gifs & Edits
All Vikings content Vikings episode gifsets All Vikings: Valhalla content All The Last Kingdom content The Last Kingdom episode gifsets Ubbe Hvitserk Ivar Ubbe/Hvitserk Ubbe & Ivar Hvitserk & Ivar Harald Sigurdsson Uhtred of Bebbanburg Skade Sihtric Kjartansson Poetry/quotes/lyrics Gif requests (currently closed)
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