uncharismatic-fauna · 20 days
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Black Howler Monkey (Alouatta caraya)
Habitat & Distribution
Prefers tropical rainforests, but can also be found in subtropical, deciduous, and mountain forests
Found in the Amazon Rainforest of southern Brazil, Bolivia, Paraguay, and northern Argentina
Physical Description
Weight: Up to 9.9 kg (22 lbs) for males, and 5.4 kg (12 lbs) for females
Height: 55-91 cm (22-36 in)
Depending on their age, males can have fur ranging in color from dark gold to black; the fur of females is exclusively dark gold
They have large, stocky bodies and long prehensile tails which are hairless on the underside
Live in social groups dominated by a single male, with a harem of females
The territory of groups can overlap, although males will fight each other when they meet
The bulk if the diet is leaves, supplemented by fruits, figs, mosses, bark, seeds, and flowers
Primary predators are jaguars, pumas, and large birds of prey
Key Advantages
Black howler monkeys are excellent climbers and adept at moving through dense canopy
They can also hide among the foliage when they sense predators
Their strong molars allow them to crush hard nuts and seeds, and can deliver a harsh bite
Photo by Mariana Raño
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wtf-scientific-papers · 9 months
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[Age-Related Differences in the Use of the “Moo” Call in Black Howlers (Alouatta caraya)]
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cypherdecypher · 1 year
Animal of the Day!
Black Howler Monkey (Alouatta caraya)
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(Photo from Smithsonian National Zoo)
Conservation Status- Near Threatened
Habitat- South America
Size (Weight/Length)- 10 kg; 91 cm
Diet- Fruits; Leaves; Nuts
Cool Facts- The sexually dimorphic black howler monkey is not afraid to let its presence be known. Being most vocal at dawn, these monkeys can be heard up to 5 kilometers away. Living in small groups, black howler monkeys almost never leave their arboreal homes. Due to their lives in the trees, only jaguars and harpy eagles are known to hunt these howler monkeys. Their prehensile tails and long limbs allow them to leap from tree top to tree top. Despite their lives in the trees, they spend almost 70% of their lives sleeping.
Rating- 11/10 (Sleeping and eating, the only way to truly live.)
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cramajoki · 2 years
The Witch, Rebecca, in the Land of LaYora: Chapter 1
War is upon us. The Militaries of the many planes are building themselves up, hoping to do their best to restore peace to the land of Layora. A world of many worlds stacked so neatly on top of one another, lifted up by trees and clouds. Each presenting a home unique to their culture, and presenting rich resources for the imperialists at large. 
The dwarves of the cave kingdom whistle about as they collect their stone. Their smiths hammer away at the hot metal, casting iron into swords and tools for bloodshed. The bloodshed of neverending terror. 
  Many centuries have gone by as these worlds devolve into chaos. Gangs rise and fall, but one figurehead reigns supreme in the land. The witch, Queen Namora, who guides her armies through the land as she has for eternity. 
The caves of the dwarves were full of hammers and pickaxes as they whistled about, but soon it was cut short as the ground began to tremble. They all stopped, waiting patiently to see what it was. 
The ground only shook slightly, and it was hard to say what it was. Masorath, a bearded dwarf in the cave with a patch over her eye, waited patiently for a response from one of the watchers. Soon enough a coo was heard. She twiddled back for more details, smacking her dry lips afterwards. It was only a moment later he got back a whistle which explained everything. Masorath paused, scared. She soon screamed out to the rest of the dwarves. “SHE’S HERE! HER ARMY HAS BROKEN THROUGH THE GA--”
A thunderous crack shattered through the cave as various centipede-like creatures crawled about the walls with great speed, each hosting millions of insectoid creatures on their back. 
The dwarves screamed out as they prepared their weapons. Masorath, her ax. She turned to have her back to her sister, Caraya. A younger dwarf with a ginger beard. She muttered out her words through her dry lips as the insects swarmed their cave. “How did she find us?”
“And how did she get the Grekken on her side?” Masorath asked, looking at the insects. Soon the Grekken lept off their centipedes to attack, hovering in the air a bit with their wings before cascading to the ground, throwing their swords about. 
The dwarves scattered into place like ants as the Grekken swarmed them like wasps. Metal clinked together as blood was shed. Grekken and dwarves alike had their limbs torn from them as they slid down the slides of liquid which formed in the cave. 
Masorath soon found safety up high, locking herself into the tech room. She looked over at Kopo and Woo-oo-oo-oo-oooh as they put their goggles on. “Kopo, Woo-oo-oo-oo-oooh, is it ready?” 
“Yes, yes,” Woo expressed. “And that’s the wrong pitch, its Woo-oo-oo-oo-oooh.”
“Where’s Caraya?” Kopo asked. 
“I lost that chika in the crowd.” Masorath explained. “Limbs are being pulled off everywhere, and you know how deranged that chika can get in battle!”
“Right, well, don’t mind if we get started on our cannon.” Woo rolled by with the cannon, pointing it towards the window.
“Woo-oo-oo-oo-oooh!” Masorath whistled correctly this time. Correctly this time. “Don’t you go blowing holes in the under-realm, now you hear me! Krika like this glass is expensive down hear, don’t ya know?”
“What? What was that Masorath? I can’t hear you over the sound of my Yogga!” Woo prepared the cannon and fired, shattering the glass in front of them. The shard flew about in the air, lodging itself into the eyes and bodies of various soldiers, Grekken and Dwarf alike.
“Now see what you did, you silly chika!” Masorath began before going into whistles. Woo ignored her as she fired again through the window, the shockwave sending them all back. 
The centipedes took their time and finally got hungry, feasting on the corpses on the battlefield as death spread throughout. The mounts did not discriminate between the bodies of their masters and those of their enemies. 
Cannonballs flew overhead, smashing into the heads of various victims, or the walls, causing parts of the walls to come crumbling down. In the holes of the walls escaped various insects. One of which crawled up to Caraya who looked at the tiny thing for a moment before scooping it up as a snack. The juices flowing down her beard. 
She then headed out with her sword. It swung graciously into the air through the heads of her insect enemies. Seeing the decapitated corpses on the ground, she laughed. As she flung her metal about, she backed right into a centipede, pumping it, and knocking over the Grekken on it. The Grekken was carrying a lantern which soon broke and set fire to the guns around. 
Woo and Kopo fired off more balls as Masorath begged them to stop. “Please, you chikas, you’re causing more damage to our homeland than the invaders!”
“Grow some fun in your life, Masorath!” Woo called out.
Having enough of this, Masorath lept through the window and slid down the slope of the cave, before hopping up above for more of the action. There, she saw the various tunnels the centipedes were creating, and took the time to cut off their heads as they escaped, using her ax. After which she hit the side of the cave wall, causing the centipedes still crawling through to be crushed with their jockeys. 
Heading to the front as she sliced off more heads, she found Caraya once again. “Finally, we return to each other’s company in battle.” 
“Look at you, you’re the one who left.” Caraya said, leaning her back upon her partner. “And speaking of which, what were those explosions?”
“Woo-oo-oo-oo-oooh and Kopo were firing off their new canon.”
“Really? That’s righty Yogga, I must say.” Caraya spoke.
“Please, it’s a mess. We already have the Grekken to destroy the walls, we don’t need to do it ourselves.” 
“Right right, I hear ya Chika.” Caraya accepted.
With that discussion, the two found themselves getting distracted, soon being knocked out by some falling rocks.
The battle came to an end as another wall opened up. Pausing, everyone looked through. Out of it came the queen, the witch, Lady Namora. She passed through the portal with her gown flowing by. The Grekken soon presented to her four of the dwarves. Woo, Kopo, Caraya, and Masorath.
“Lady Namora… ” Masorath spoke.
“What a familiar face to find down here, Masorath.” She smiled.
“Ay, but never again shall I bow down to you!” Masorath spat at her feet. 
Namora began to laugh. “Fine then, then it shall be.” She waved her arm in the air, and soon enough one of the Grekken came by and sliced off Masorath’s head. 
Caraya screamed in agony. “You bitch! You bitch of a Chika!”
“Quite…” She smiled. “Or perhaps you wouldn’t mind a quick execution on your behalf as well.” She pointed to the dwarf.
“All I want to know is how you got the Grekken on your side.” Caraya asked.
Namora shrugged. “They are but a simple species. Kill the queen, take her place… and they worship you as their own.”
Angry, Woo began cursing at Namora in whistles.
“And who might you be?” Namora asked the young dwarf.
“I am but Woo-oo-oo-oo-oooh, the youngest of the house of Woo-ooo.” Woo whistled her name.
“Ah, a traditional Dwarf name only. Hardly worth worrying about.” Namora pressed her staff against the face of the dwarf. “Come now, you are to be my prisoners of war. “
“Why not just kill us?” Caraya asked. 
“If I were to kill all of my enemies, I’d have no one to threaten. With you alive… I can control the rest of the dwarven populus.” 
She had her Grekken soldiers take them away to her castle, long off into one of the highest layers of LaYora. They traveled for days, given little food or water. The dwarves as they went smacked their lips, feeling the dry heat of the desert, and soon shook in the frozen tundra of another. As they went, Kopo fell over dead. 
They stopped for a moment to check her out. One of the Grekken looking over her. “She’s dead.” He proclaimed. 
Namora paused before nodding, wanting them to get the move on.
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boicot-4ural · 2 months
Ecologías blandas del entorno natural de Pasaje Ensenadita, Paso de la Patria Corrientes. Mapeo del cielo y reconstrucción digital de un panal de abejas. El paisaje sonoro se generó mezclando sonidos del entorno natural, monos Carayas, aves y synths nativos de la librería de Ableton.
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myjuliotoo · 1 year
Cancion del Adios - Javier Carballo - Caraya Sentimental
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dantesku · 1 year
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Hoy sin clases, decidimos aprovechar el día con una aventura espectacular. Fuimos a conocer el Parque Caraya. Hagan sus reservas al 3795755472 y hablen con Matías de parte nuestra!!!! Hay pileta, arqueria, se puede escalar, hacer equilibrio y próximamente titolesa. (en Laguna Brava, Corrientes, Argentina) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cpif-XzJSWr/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ulisesbarreiro · 1 year
Token Mithrandir sacó una Colección de NFTs para ayudar a la Reserva Caraya
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Ahhh caraya, encule desde la casa😍😍😍😍😍
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ajengtresna · 2 years
Pertama, gue emang nggak pernah bisa jalin Relationship jangka waktu yang lama sama laki laki. Pernah sih Finalnya 3 tahun itu juga jaman jamannya cinta monyet , btw ini jadi bukti sih kalo gue orangnya setia dan nggak neko neko WKWKWKW. Gue sudah banyak menginvestasikan diri buat dia, yang awalnya gue nggak percaya dan nggak pernah mau buka hati untuk memulai sebuah Relationship sama laki-laki sampai akhirnya gue dibuat jatuh sejatuh jatuhnya sama dia dan rela mengusahakan dan memberikan apapaun yang lagi dia butuhin waktu itu, ini nggak buat dicontoh loh ya! Gue nggak ngasih macem macem sih, gue juga tau diri lah ya, saat itu kan masih anak SMK, anak osis juga, image gue dan dia juga terkenal baik karena dulu dia Ketua 2 OSIS jadi image baik dan wibawa banget. Itu berlangsung lama, selama 3 tahun gue jalin sama dia, waktu dan tenaga gue banyak abis buat dia. Gue yang basic nya pemarah tapi setelah ketemu dia, gue belajar sabar. Dari yang gue cuek poll tapi mendadak berubah cair bahkan hangat. Dia banyak ngubah dunia gue, banyak perjanjian dan janji yang dia buat sendiri ke gue untuk ngeyakinin perasaan gue bahwa dia nggak main main dan berniat serius sama gue. Apapun yang dia butuh gue kasih, sebatas support ajasih, karena gue sama dia beda 1 tahun dan dia kaka kelas gue jadinya gue banyak ngingetin dan ngajarin ulang pelajaran pelajaran yang dia lupa, karena saat itu dia lagi ngejar Beasiswa Bidik Misi di IPB dan gue bangga banget karena dia punya semangat yang kuat banget, ya gue Happy maka dariitu gue bantu dia, Ketika dia butuh buku SBMPTN gue bantu cari, butuh ngerti pelajaran A atau B gue sebisa mungkin ngajarin dan ngingetin lagi. Sampai akhirnya, gue dikecewakan dan ngerasa di khianatin banget. Suatu hari dia menghilang entah kemana, 1-2 hari gue nggak nyariin tapi sampai 2 minggu pun dia nggak ada chat atau sekedar basa basi bales Snap WA gue aja engga. Gue kelimpungan pada saat itu, gue khawatir karena takutnya gue abis melakukan kesalahan tanpa gue sadari. Gue mikir keras dan nggak mau gegabah dalam bertindak karena takut bikin dia tambah nggak mau komunikasi sama gue. Sampai suatu hari gue beraniin diri untuk ngechat dan nihil hasil. Responya dingin, nggak seperti dia yang biasanya. IDK. Sampai hari dimana dia Wisuda , gue kebetulan jadi Panitia acara Wisudanya dia. Gue berniat ngobrol setelah acara Wisuda nya dia. Karena gue masih mikir dia begini karena dia pusing dan nggak focus karena acara wisuda. Juga mungkin grogi sama hasil pengumuman Bidik misi yang selama ini dia cita-cita banget. Ini hari paling Ngenest dan Sad banget di hidup gue , semoga nggak terulang lagi sih ya, Sependek yang gue inget : Gue saat itu jadi panitia dan ada dibagian seksi acara yg kerjaannya mondar mandir. Semalem sebelum acara wisuda, gue pergi ke salah satu toko bunga . niatnya sih buat bikin buket bunga sebagai ucapan selamat dari gue dan permintaan maaf. Tapi sayang banget, gue pas hari H sibuk bukan main, yang hadir di acara wisuda itu bludak banget , gue keteteran pokonya pikiran gue tuh bercabang antara kewajiban dan mikir keras gimana caraya gue bisa ngobrol + ngasih hadiah sama dia. Sampai disatu moment, gue liat dia lagi foto sama perempuan. Perempuan itu lagi megang buket boneka Doraemon, mereka foto deket banget dan terlihat Akrab aja gitu kaya udah kenal lama dan Sweet banget nggak bohong.
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giveorlooseit · 5 years
A mix of Melody (falsetas) with Rhythm (compas). . Unfortunately I don't have Tabs for it, but there are Video 📹 Lessons in my Youtube Channel: www.youtube.com/giveorlooseit 😉 😉 🎆 🙌 🎶 🎸 🔥 🙋 🙋 . Hope you like it and have fun! 😎 . #giveorlooseit #Guitar #Flamenco #rumbas #Alegrias #compas #falsetas #rajeo #rasqueado #gipsykings #strumming #Guitarlessons #music #guitarmusic #flamencomusic #acousticguitar #nylonstrings #Caraya #oldguitar #classic #Youtubevideos #Youtubeguitar #guitarvideolessons #giveorlooseit #alexandrosIacovides #Spanishmusic #spanishguitar (at Cyprus) https://www.instagram.com/p/BwPU67lF_PI/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=yvi397afsvh6
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pablo79 · 2 years
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To be or not to be. @estancia.santaines Aca dando una demostracion de fortaleza, sosteniendose solo con las patas y la cola mientas parece hacer una escena de hamlet. #color #light #outdoor #shadow #monkey #tree #treetop #nature #wild #wildlife #plant #bokeh #dof #santaines #posadas #misiones #caraya #actor #hamlet (en Estancia Santa Inés) https://www.instagram.com/p/CZy30rkuuYn/?utm_medium=tumblr
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animalids · 3 years
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Black howler (Alouatta caraya)
Photo by Sergio Ali
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frogs-from-bogs · 3 years
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Lysapsus caraya by Patrícia SW
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ulisesbarreiro · 1 year
Token Mithrandir sacó una Colección de NFTs para ayudar a la Reserva Caraya
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carayart · 3 years
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I saw Helmi’s beautiful blacktip reef shark for mermay and thought that I want to draw them together with one of my own mermaid ocs, SO... here they are! 🧜‍♀️
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