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mutalieju · 8 months
reading the new Hellblazer. it's good so far and I'm curious to see where it goes. really nice that spurrier got an another chance since his 2020 series was cancelled prematurely because of covid
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factual-flittermouse · 2 months
New word: Carbage (noun)
Meaning: trash that you keep forgetting to take out of your car to throw away
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protocolseben · 4 months
Zhou truly the equivalent of the Russian dash cam bearing witness to all the shithousery who then has to navigate the carbage and also a random human squeezing through
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Wait, thing! Wait! Deus pa'zuul, disposal. The sanctis putris think to save the world by letting all the food go rotten and moldy so it won't get eaten by the hungry one. BUT! when food goes bad, you don't eat it true, you dispose of it. In American cuisine's case it goes in that weird carbage disposal blender sink thing they have. That is what Raphaniel's visions are from. If the FDA/sanctus putris' plan of covering Calorum in mold happens it will be saved from the Hungry One, but delivered into the hands of a fate worse than being eaten. It will be disposed of.
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nanoa1foryou · 10 months
I’m really glad I was listening to NWTB through the release and later music video release of Branded, because if I wasn’t, I’d be out here trusting Spotify lyrics like they’re not the most inaccurate piece of carbage enterpretation of whatever the singer is actually saying.
Anyway. If you are a Spotify user just know that there’s a 50/50 chance of their lyrics being complete guess work.
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yolomichaelz95 · 7 months
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An ominous(?) setting 'w' I draw at too glacial a pace for comics, but maybe I continue the story later. Then again, my drawings already follow sort of a theme. I like to take walks, and during them I play this Gensokyo storyline in my head. Most of it is embarrasing carbage, self-contradictory too. Many of my drawings are snippets from the story, unless they're like memes or something. I'll do like a dump repost of the story-relevant drawings on my tumblr (since most of em were on the twitter I deleted), won't tag it since it is a repost dump. But here's this picture, it's a Marisa.
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raapija · 1 year
Which podcast are you listening to?
It's a Finnish podcast, Kolme Käännekohtaa, where Roope Salminen interviews celebrities about the three things that changed their lives.
Salminen is a piece of human carbage, and I'm only listening to this one episode bc of Jere 🥲 It's also behind a pay-wall, so I'm using my free 14-day trial on this, so Salminen wont get any money, hahhahhhahahahaha 👹👹👹
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truly-morgan · 11 months
[Serizawa's relationship with cigarettes]
Serizawa Katsuya | Mob Psycho 100 19-07-2023
[#serizawakatsuya centred feat. Reigen, smoking]
Serizawa should have known better than to start smoking again, not after the bos- Toichiro had made him stop when he joined Claw. 
He still remembers the overwhelming smell of cigarettes in his room, mixed with all the carbage.
remembers all the empty packs thrown haphazardly to the side when he was done with them, nearly immediately opening a new one when he was done with his cancer stick.
Remembered the burned corner of his table, which was usually hidden under a little mountain of cigarette butts.
He sometimes still craved it, but had always managed to hold off on starting again. He did not feel confident enough that he would be able to keep the healthy habit he had gotten, the same way he sometimes didn't feel confident about being in society again.
Serizawa had thought for a long while that he should probably have refused Reigen's cigarette when he had offered him one.
He had stumbled onto the man when coming back to the office from running a small errand, Reigen outside ready to take a quick smoke break.
Reigen had extended to pack towards him, asking him if he smoked and if he wanted to join him on a little break.
Serizawa should have declined the offer.
But he had felt like this was a chance for him to spend time with his boss outside of the office.
After all, aside from having clients or going out on exorcism jobs, he nearly never had that many interactions with the man.
Maybe having a little smoke break from time to time wouldn't be too bad? and like this, he would be able to get some more causal time with Reigen.
And so he had accepted Reigen's offer, when he took his first drag it felt like a deep itch had been scratched, holding the smoke in for a moment before letting it spill out of his lips. It felt good in a way, doing something he felt so familiar with.
It was interesting how different it tasted, the brand was likely a little bit better than whatever his mother was buying him at the time. He was pretty certain she was getting him the cheapest option out there, to keep up with his excessive smoking.
He tried being as casual as possible as Reigen talked with him, for once the subject being more outside of the usual office life and job they had done or had scheduled already. It felt nice actually, being able to talk so casually to the man (even though Reigen did most of the talking).
At some point, he stopped himself mid-sentence when he saw Reigen jump a little bit, quickly blowing out the smoke he had taken in, crushing his half-burned cigarette against the brick wall before throwing it into a potted plant.
"A Mob! You are here early today, did your club end early today?" the man asked, already walking towards the teenager who had stopped in front of the building's door.
Serizawa watched as the man got ready to enter back in the office, his boss telling him he could come back whenever he was done with his smoke.
Serizawa looked down at the half-finished cigarette stuck between his fingers, smoke escaping between his lips. He really wanted to go up now and join them, but it would be such a waste to not finish this one...
And from there, Serizawa started joining Reigen on every one of his smoke breaks, chatting with him while they smoked. and slowly but surely, Serizawa could feel the familiar need to keep going settling back in.
Sure, it wasn't as bad as it used to be, but if he went too long without smoking, he felt like he would go crazy, the need nibbling at him constantly. He'd always look forward to when Reigen would go out and smoke, joining him every time.
But just as slowly, as months went by he realised... Reigen was going less and less on smoke breaks.
many days of work would go by before Reigen would actually go out for a smoke break, doing so more to let out some stress than anything else. Waiting for so long had Serizawa feeling fidgety, ending up more than once needing to go out all by himself to smoke.
Then one day the man straight up refused his offer as they came back late to the office, Reigen politely declining. He instead patted his shoulder, a proud smile on his lips.
"I started using patches to try and fully stop smoking" the man had told him, "been meaning to for years now, shouldn't have kept doing it so long with Mob around like this" he added.
Serizawa couldn't help but feel disappointed at what he had been told. He should probably be happy that Reigen was stopping such a bad habit, but this meant he would now be alone on his smoke breaks.
Afterwards, Serizawa was always alone when he smoked, aside from the occasional time when Reigen would join him. the man couldn't help but feel like he shouldn't be enabling his boss when he was still trying to fully quit, but he felt selfish and wanted back those little chatting moment they could share when they took a smoke break, only shared between the two of them since neither Mob nor Tome ever joined them.
But even those became rarer and rarer, Serizawa soon left to smoke all by himself. And he knew it was bad when he started feeling like if he wasn't smoking at least once a day he'd start itching for it badly. It wasn't as bad as it used to be in the past, but he hated how he had fallen back into such an unhealthy habit.
And for what? To get closer to his boss? It didn't get him very far, seeing how he was mostly back to mainly having professional conversations with him, those shared casual moments gone. After all, Reigen didn't go out eating ramen with him like he did Kageyama, he couldn't have those more relaxed and intimate moments.
Serizawa perked up a little when he felt a droplet fall on him, looking up at the sky as he kept leaning against the building's wall. he sighed, allowing smoke to spill out from between his lips. He wasn't done with his smoke break, couldn't it have started raining later on.
He created a barrier around him to keep himself from getting wet while he finished his freshly started cigarette, looking up at the rain hitting on the invisible field, smoke staying trapped with him, like it would under an umbrella.
"I should really have refused that cigarette..." he thought.
(brought to you by me seeing this amazing fanart and wondering what would be Serizawa's relationship with cigarettes and smoking. Might write something longer and more detailed one day, to go further into it)
[Original comic that inspired this story and headcanon]
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beauty is stored in the carbage
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knarme-stray · 2 years
Peak ADHD moment is when u also have that delayed sleep syndrome or wtf was it called, but also severely under-dopamined frontal lobes so you'll be up at 5am (despite all your efforts to go to sleep at the correct time) having a ton of PHYSICAL energy, but 0 concentration so you also can't use that energy for anything "productive".
(+ the insufferable urge to move burning in my body makes it kinda disgusting to sit still)
I mean, I guess working out is an option, which I do at times like this bcs I feel like chewing off the tapestry off the walls and running all over them like a hyper-energetic border collie locked up in a house.
But ofc don't make me do stuff between 7am and 12pm, that's when my whole body will be in pain and fatique and I won't be able to think clearly at all.
Also don't pity me, I'm a disgusting animal and I eat carbage and would probably survive a nuclear apocalypse + I bite + fuck you.
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astroyongie · 1 year
Nct dream is coming soon in paris and I'm going to be embarrassed. Carbage everywhere, street full of rats, some streets are on fire.
At least they will live and immersive experience of the french glamour
ps: one month ago, a friend of mine went to Paris for the first time and he told me over the phone "hey I was in a restaurant and you know I was a ratatouille there" xD
ps2: Last week during my mini vacations i went to France to visit my parents, and there I was in Paris getting Cyril Lignac pastries for my fam and I SAW RATATOUILLE IN THE PILLED UP TRASH
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languagesperkele · 2 years
white, cishet, nt parents will never understand what kind of a fucking pile of carbage lasu/finnish child “protection” is unless they have mental health issues or a criminal BG or are poor enough for the record though it’s a play thing for the priviledged that works like. 90% on profiling and 10% on jumping to conclusions while ignoring actual issues
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yumeyleo · 1 year
i feel like im making clones of myself and killing them every time i see one error
anyways this ai is going to be carbage
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coffincoitus · 1 year
#1 crush by carbage is such a banger of a song for obvious reasons but first and foremost bc it starts off with moaning sounds for no particular reason
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astrangerwithapen · 2 years
The water never used to be this murky.
There used to be a time when we could see the bottom and would not be surprised at what we found in the sand.
But now, we don't.
Our next step may be right off the edge,
And we would have to swim.
Our next step may be in a piece of carbage that is polluting these waters.
It may cut us, hurt us and we may bleed.
We may turn the water red and make it harder to see.
We may take guesses and wonder if what we do will be right.
Or we may stay where we are sure there is ground under our feet.
We may be afraid of what is lurking beneath the surface.
We may go back to shore.
Or we may venture deeper.
But all I can do is wonder,
Why did this clear water turn so murky in only a mere seconds?
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