#carnevile of chaos
underdogarts · 6 months
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Final Devotion design for Theory of Relativity!! She’s literally only there for like,,, thirty seconds but I LOVE her so-
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moonlightmidtone · 10 months
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Lyla is not a fool. She understands the games people play, but she has no desire to fulfill her part. She must, though, if it means the safety of her friends.
An angel with shattered wings and a dull halo is still an angel.
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flowerhierarchy · 8 months
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soulnottainted · 1 year
I'm also really proud of myself bc I did 7/10 houses this year which was more than double the houses I've done the past two events
So here is my ranking outta the houses I did
1. Universal Monsters Unmasked
A gorgeous gorgeous house! I'm really biased also bc I adore the universal monsters. There are also some really creative scares in there! The bell tower Quasimodo and the Invisible Man's hand coming down from the ceiling were my favorites. It was the first house we went through and naturally it had to be the last one we went through. We almost closed it out, and did heart hands at the cast, and most if not all of em did it back at us, PLUS we got the best run on our final time too.
2. The Darkest Deal
The story alone got me hooked! The first time we tried to go in, we got flooded out, but once we did it, I was very glad what we saw! Wasn't expecting all those demons besides the Collector tbh, and it was neat that past victims, musicians, were warning us. Also I love the pacing of the story elements and the effects, very well done!
3. Dueling Dragons
A beautiful recreation of the defunct attraction that I never got to experience. Despite being one of the least scary of the houses, I always enjoyed going through it. The ice and fire effects alone made me wanna go back through it again! The sets are immaculate, and those troll scareactors are very huge. Also the attention to detail and giving us multiple endings to experience was great! I experienced 3 out of 4 endings. Not a scary house but I was blown away by the set design.
4. Dr Oddfellow's Twisted Origins
Yeah I don't remember much of this house because there was absolute CHAOS in that house, my brain couldn't focus on anything, but I think that's the point. My childhood fear of the CarnEvil video game kinda came to life in there, I was actually intimidated a lot by going through the circus theme, it made me uncomfortable. But I had to see the MAN running the show. I missed so many of the lore and Easter eggs in that house. But I got a lot of scares, it was very close quarters in there. Knowing the lore of what the house is supposed to be after the fact made me love the house even more.
5. Bloodmoon
This house was the one that got me the most! The sets were amazing (i was so happy to know the designer did dead man's pier last year) and the attention to detail was top notch! I just wish there were a variety of scares in there. It wasn't my personal cup of tea but I can appreciate it!
6. Stranger Things
I really wanted to love this house, but I don't think it was worth waiting two hours for it. I missed a lot of the scares so that hurt my ranking of it. I was happy as a clam when I did get a scare though! Seeing Eddie was great, I got a few Vecna scares. Robin of all people scared me the hardest (also that bully from the series stepped right out in front of me).
7. Chucky Ultimate Kill Count
I was bored out of my mind in that house, which was a shame because i love the franchise and the TV series. The only scares I got were from the chucky mascots. It was so neat to see Glenda though. I wish more characters from the show were in there. I loved the Meta concept but it didn't translate well, despite taking the behind the scenes tour before hand.
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novel-sugar · 2 years
So it’s been roughly a week since I finished all the currently available chapters of Dark Deception, and I felt like leaving my thoughts! Gonna be going in chronological order so let’s begin with:
Monkey Business
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This level was definitely a strong start for the game. I remember back when the original demo in 2014 came out, so it felt really cool to see the hotel and the Murder Monkeys now in a higher quality. It serves as a good introduction to the main gist of the gameplay: you collect shards and avoid monsters. The difficulty isn’t too bad even without the insane powers you’ll get later on, but it certainly isn’t easy neither. Overall great way to begin this twisted tale!
Elementary Evil
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Coupled with Monkey Business, this level also serves as a great introduction, but this time to the gimmick of powers and Malak as an active threat. This level was definitely a lot easier than the first, probably since Agatha is the only real threat for most of it. Fuck that semifinal chase though. Agatha as a whole is adorable in a weird way, found her gremlin shenanigans very fun. Really gotta give props to Kat Cressida for such an energetic performance!
Deadly Decadence
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Fuck this level. Plain and simple. Another “tutorial level” (and one of my least favorites). This one introduces stage hazards and hoo boy they couldn’t have picked a more annoying scenario to place them in. The hedge maze in Zone 1 isn’t the worst and can be done easily as long as you’re not careless, but Zone 2 is just frustrating to say the least and Teleportation just didn’t feel like the right power up to introduce here. All in all not impossible, but it took me forever first time I played. The difficulty spike was like slamming into a brick wall during a joyride.
Stranger Sewers
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Fuck this level but to a much lesser degree than Deadly Decadence. The last of the “tutorials”, here we’re introduced to enemies that can stun with the Dread Duckies. Needless to say, teleportation really showed it’s worth here due to the sewer water slowing you down in certain areas. Still had my fair share of deaths (many of which were frustrating) but compared to the previous level not nearly as infuriating. The final chase sequence with Doom Ducky was definitely the highlight of this level and really cool, overall this level was ok just wish it was more interesting aesthetically.
Crazy Carnevil
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This is where the game really picked up for me, I was already enjoying myself for the most part but the introduction of the Primal Fear ability was a godsend. On top of that, the areas introduced in this level were much more colorful and diverse than in Stranger Sewers so it felt super refreshing. The Clown Gremlins weren’t the hardest enemy to deal with but still not to be underestimated, especially once you get to the Funhouse.  All in all a good level, not my favorite but a nice breath of fresh air from the chaos of Levels 3 and 4.
Torment Therapy
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This level was pretty short and to compensate, they had a LOT of shards to collect. Telepathy and Primal Fear really had their work cut out for them whenever the Reaper Nurses were cloaked. The Reaper Nurses themselves have cool designs and it felt surreal hearing Tara Strong in an indie horror game (something I’d get use to for the rest of the game) Overall this level was alright but it could get a little grating at times, the overall map design was alright but nothing too special but I did love the foreshadowing for certain details we learn in the next level. The Matron boss fight was pretty cool but felt very slow paced compared to the previous bosses, a lot of waiting around for the Reaper Nurses to climb up and stun. If there’s one major gripe I’ve had while trying to S rank this level, the beginning goes on for way too long and after several attempts it just gets annoying. Really hope they can add a way to skip ahead to the actual gameplay in a future patch.
Mascot Mayhem
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This level was actually the reason I got interested in the game in the first place. Ever since I began, I had been anticipating this level right from the get go, biding my time waiting until I could play it and by God did it deliver. The Joy Joy Gang were such fun characters (especially Penny) and could be a real bitch to deal with at certain points. I only wish that the other zones just had us unlocking different areas of the park instead of just going inside an office building and a factory, felt like a big missed opportunity. Zone 2 was definitely annoying with 2 of Hangry roaming around, especially when Vanish didn’t feel like working. Joykill was pretty alright, not the most interesting design wise but a tough boss nonetheless. The true highlights of this level for me were Best Girl ™️ Penny, Tara Strong must’ve had a field day voicing her, so hyperactive sweet and bloodthirsty all at the same time! Also the story revelations at the end of the level (after a delightful beating from the JJG).
Bearly Buried
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Holy hell this level is good. Absolutely one of my favorites for a multitude of reasons: 1) The first area mixing it up by taking our powers away after getting so used to having them by this point. 2) The general vibe and area design are all so good especially Zones 1 & 3. 3) EVERYTHING ABOUT MAMA BEAR. She’s so cute yet so menacing! Once again Tara Strong brings some impeccable VO work, giving her this nice balance of monotone and motherly. Also her themes are honestly some of if not the absolute creepiest in the entire soundtrack so far. Abso-fucking-lutely on par with Penny for being my favorite character. Like with Joy Joy Land, I kinda wish they got a little more creative with the later zones but that’s just a nitpick. Out of all the boss encounters, I actually think the final confrontation with Mama was the most difficult for me, but trial and error is an effective teacher. All in all a fun time that leaves me thirsty for more.
Closing Thoughts: Overall a good game! It’s definitely not for everyone but I feel like a lot of people can get some enjoyment out of it. One thing I haven’t mentioned that I feel should be addressed is the amount of bugs that are currently present in this game (especially in the last 3 levels), but that’s a whole other conversation and I still managed to have fun regardless. If you have $20, a weekend without plans and the slightest interest, I’d say give this game a go! As for me? Now begins the agonizing wait for Chapter 5 and the epic conclusion it’ll bring.
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creepykingdom · 5 years
Knott’s Scary Farm 2019 Review
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By Kayla Caldwell
I always forget how good Knott’s Scary Farm is. That’s a pretty solid summary of my time checking out Knott’s Scary Farm 2019. But I’m guessing my editors want a little bit more than that - so here we go.
We started the night by making a beeline to The Depths, which, to be honest, I wasn’t super psyched about. Of course, that’s probably because I was envisioning some Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea-esque horror versus the mining nightmare it actually is. Either way, I was super wrong and it was a strong start to the season.
Not only did I entertain my friends by screaming my way through the maze, but the visuals were stunning! Knott’s takes the sets and theatrics of mazes so seriously. They really create each world they want you to walk through. The mazes are truly works of art.
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Nowhere was that more evident than in one of the new mazes this year, Wax Works. I didn’t find it to be the scariest of the mazes - though I definitely got “got” at least a few times inside. But, it’s honestly mesmerizing. Unfortunately, thanks to my not-so-steady hand and dominant flight reflex, only one of the photos I took isn’t completely blurry. But it’s a damn cool photo.
I could’ve walked through Wax Works a hundred times. It was just so cool to look at. But I didn’t. Because I was on a schedule and that included seeing all of the mazes, and not just setting up camp in one. I did, however, manage to hit Origins: The Curse of Calico twice. And with good reason.
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Now, any friend of mine knows my obsession with witches. That was always my go-to Halloween costume, and I read all about the Salem witch trials. And let’s not talk about how many times I’ve seen Hocus Pocus. So if you’re telling me you’ve got a maze about a witch who goes on trial, is put to death, and then RISES to seek revenge on her detractors? Hell, yes. I am there.
And Origins did not disappoint. From the special effects to the decor to the scare actors - I couldn’t get enough. It was the perfect combination of terrifying and titillating. My best advice for enjoying this maze is just to keep your eyes peeled. You really don’t want to miss a thing.
Dark Ride was spectacular, as per usual. After hearing the team talk about the work they put into this ride at Midsummer Scream, it was great to see the sound effects and special touches in person. Of course, you can only observe so much when clowns and other misfits are scaring the bejesus out of you.  
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Forsaken Lake was one of my favorite scare zones. The vintage costumes are to die for (See what I did there?) and the makeup is stop-to-take-a-photo-even-though-you’re-scared impeccable. I’d like to decorate my apartment with pieces from this set.
Of course, The Hollow and Ghost Town Streets are fun, too. I know I’m just tickled each year at getting to see the bride. I can’t explain it. It just thrills me. And the Knott’s Scary Farm sliders? Yeah, they’ll never not be amazing. They get you every time!
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Dark Entities was a bit of a hit and a miss for me. Though - to be fair - I really couldn’t care less about space. So I’m kind of setting them up for a loss. But, I will say, that the addition of the elevator shaft scene was a pretty cool way to kick things off.
To get back to the positive, I just find Pumpkin Eater to be so darling. It’s like if you could theme a haunted attraction maze as simply “Halloween,” Pumpkin Eater would be it. It’s such an immersive, creepy little fairytale world, and I would fully live in it. Whenever this haunt retires, I would happily take props from it to make my home the nightmarish fairytale of my dreams.
Speaking of retiring, this is the last year for both Shadow Lands and Special Ops: Infected. I’m more upset about one of those than the other. Shadow Lands is beautifully done. From the music to the sets to the bungie-jumping terrors that get me EVERY TIME, it will be missed.
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Special Ops, on the other hand, is, for me, like literally walking into a nightmare. Laser tag stresses me the hell out, so imagine how I feel entering a game of laser tag where it's head shots only, and your competitors are zombies who have no problem getting all up in your face and growling.
I have very little memory of this maze, because it is a blur, because I basically ran through it. Although, I imagine, that’s a credit to the designers in and of itself. Moving on, CarnEVIL was as creepy, sassy, and uncomfortable as expected. It’s a skill to be able to scare someone who has not only seen you, but locked eyes with you and watched you the entire time. And they were able to do that to me.
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Paranormal Inc. is another favorite of mine. I love the little show in the beginning that sets your heart racing and splits everyone up. The chaos of it all is thrilling.
And speaking of thrilling chaos, the Puppet Up! Uncensored show is absolutely ridiculous - but in the best way. It’s such a unique experience, getting to see, not only the finished product on the big screens, but also the behind-the-scenes drama and pressure of the puppeteers.
If you’re lucky enough to catch a show with Brian Henson himself like we did - well, let’s just say, he’s a legend for a reason. That man is quick on his feet and hilarious. I’m usually more into the mazes than the shows when it comes to horror events, but this one is not to be missed. It’d cost you the big bucks if you wanted to see something like this at Henson Studios.
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Another year into the fog, and once again, Knott’s has defended its place as one of my favorite haunts of the season. Let’s see if I can manage to wait until next year before I venture back.
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California's Best 5 Halloween Theme Based Park for You
One of the most awaited times of the whole year that is waited by all children and horror-loving persons is Halloween week. Yes, the scariest nights of the year where people are dressed in various ways that give them a look like ghosts and enjoy the week to fullest. Not only these, but there are also many horror houses, who all arrange various theme-based activities for all age groups and you can visit them and can have fun in it. 
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Top 5 Halloween theme parks in California
There are many Halloween theme parks which are present in California. Due to these, many people get confused for it and to make it easy for you all, here are the top Halloween theme parks for you all. 
1. Halloween haunt, Santa Clara
If you visit this Halloween party, then you can enjoy a lot of activities there. Some of the best activities to look at here are Sideshow, Nytewalkers, Wax Museum Chamber of Horrors, Roadkill Roadhouse and Zombie High. The other recently added things in here are Chaos House, Scare Zones and Feary Tales. Visit here and have a great time in this place. 
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2. Halloween Time, Anaheim
If you are in Disney land and wants to enjoy the Halloween week there when you visit here. When you visit here, you can see that all classic villains of Disney move here and dress in the scariest way to make you scream in fear. 
Recently Disney had added the new items to the horror house which is Guardians of Galaxy ride. You can enjoy the journey with the villains and heroes from Guardians of Galaxy. 
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3. Halloween Horror nights, Hollywood
The next best place that you can go for is here. It is considered to be
Corbett's House of Horror one of the best scary farms near me in California
. Yes, here the house is set up in such a way that you can find that all kind of horror in one place. Here you can discover mazes which are made and based on various horror movies and TV Shows. Some of the famous mazes are Roanoke, The Shinning, The Walking Dead and Titans of Terror Tram. 
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4. Knott’s Scary Farm, Buena Park
Want to enjoy the real horror show, and then visit here. They are the best in arranging some most horrific Halloween haunts which can transform you with 13 haunted mazes as well as attractions. Some of the best attractions are Voodoo Maze, Shadow Lands, The Hollow, Pumpkin Eater, and Ghost Town Streets.  
5. Fright Fest, Vallejo
If you want to spend some time among deadly zombies, then visit here. There are several scary zones which will make you scream. Some of the best scary houses that you can go for are Captain Bloat’s Shipwreck of Horror, Nightmare Manor, Carnevil and Scrapyard of the Dead. 
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These are the best scary fear farm in California
 If you are planning to visit any horror place and want to have fun with deadly zombies and other characters, then you can always get in any of the top mentioned places and can enjoy the show with the full adrenaline rush. 
Blog Resource:https://corbettshouseofhorror.blogspot.com/2019/09/californias-best-5-halloween-theme.html
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underdogarts · 8 months
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Ah yes, Kiah’s most important character arc: scrambling to try and learn Royal Behavior after realizing after a year of dating the PRINCE that it MIGHT mean that she’s going to ALSO be ruling one day 🫡 he never thought he’d get this far
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underdogarts · 4 months
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Happy pride from my gay tiefling (ish) to yours 😔✨🙏🏻
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underdogarts · 8 months
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I saw this on tiktok this morning and I have not stopped thinking about it since
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underdogarts · 6 months
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“I’m not saying you shouldn’t be mad, but I’m saying you can’t stop me.”
“Why does it always have to be you?”
FUN FACT: this was the FIRST session to actually make me cry mid rp, dnd is one hell of a drug
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underdogarts · 5 months
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2024 vs 2023 - definitely a big jump for me in terms of character shape language and improving dynamic composition, plus more intentional outfit design to make it fit for animation!
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underdogarts · 7 months
Gidget and Corinth against the world
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underdogarts · 7 months
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During the last combat Kiah got hit pretty bad, and I couldn’t stop envisioning their aunt healing them while also sounding like an exasperated southern mother LMAO
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underdogarts · 8 months
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Drew a Wren moment from a couple sessions ago, when they were mysteriously claimed by a once thought dormant fae god after the party helped get rid of corrupted fae magic on an island that we passed, and was branded with the title “Champion”👀 were all super interested to see where it goes hehe
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underdogarts · 8 months
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Posted a bunch of Kiah/Teagan doodles on tiktok and I thought I would post them here as well 😌
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