#carol 2016
lyledebeast · 11 hours
My pride month movie pics for the next three days all involve queer couples at Christmas, which notably Eileen also does. Is this a subgenre of a subgenre?
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pollyna · 11 months
Bradley grows up in the front seat of his mom's car and in the backseat of his uncle Tom's - soon to be called Pops - car. If Mav had a driver's licence, he would probably have sat a little here and a little there. It becomes part of his universe, and Bradley will end up cherishing every single conversation he had with both of them while they were driving. He won't get the chance to drive his mom around, to young to even reach all the pedals, but he is going to be old and capable enough to drive his pops to the hospital and back every time he needs to, and he will confine dad in the back because he made the mistake of having him in the front once and he got this close to stopping and leaving him miles from home.
At some point, it becomes pretty normal for Ice to sit on the back with Mav just so they can have a conversation, all three of them, with Maverick translating Ice's sign language.
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metalheads-trash-bin · 3 months
top n bottom for ur trolls ships 😭
Their sub and dom shit can just have “bottom” or “top” inserted and it would still be the same layout. I know it’s not the same thing, but for my thoughts they match up.
Branch and Creek - Branch is a switch with a large dom pref, Creek is a switch with a large sub pref. But every blue moon they might use that 1% that’s the opposite. Creek’s a snarky person until he’s put in his place.
JD and Trollex as a small fling and Chaz - JD was more submissive with Trollex (they never had sex though), he’s a switch with no preference with Chaz. Chaz is also a switch with no pref. JD’s preferences honestly depend on his partner’s.
Poppy and Barb - oooo this is a tough one. Barb definitely gives me bratty sub vibes, she’ll be snarky as fuck until you corner her. Then she becomes a stuttering mess. Poppy loves teasing her. I think they’re another flexible dynamic, with poppy being more dominant typically.
Clay and Viva - we all know Viva has a fucking strap look at her. That woman FUCKS. Clay might try every so often to seem dominant but that doesn’t go anywhere. Viva’s def the dom/top.
Floyd and Riff - Riff’s a switch with a high dom preference, Floyd’s a switch with a slight sub preference.
Hickory and Chaz are complicated exes - Hickory definitely depends on his whole..mindset. Cowboy Hickory? He fucks. Dude’s a dom. Yodeler Hickory? Submissive. Chaz accommodated either while they were together.
Val and Lilith (goth country troll oc) - another hard one. Lilith is definitely more on the dominant lean though. So I’d say her be the dom/top and Val be the sub/bottom.
Sid Fret and Carol - I think Sid and Carol honestly do whatever’s in the mood at the moment. Sid wants to be the top/dom? Okay. Carol wants to be the top/dom? Cool. They just fuck, they aren’t people that I could see having a direct line. They go with the flow, whoever wants to do whatever, they’ll do. If both of them want to do the same thing, rock paper scissors. But when it comes to what’s wanted more, I’d say Sid usually is the one wanting to be the top/dom because he finds it “fun”.
Veneer and Kid Ritz - I don’t think I can share my thoughts on this as these little guys have no confirmed age! In my fic they’re freshly 18 (for them being in rehab type jail reasons, not sex), but since they’re referred to as “teens” in the movies (yes I know eighTEEN has teen in it but still) I don’t wanna accidentally..yk.
Thank you for the ask! This was fun.
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burningfudge · 7 months
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"You didn't get me pregnant. Although that is the prevailing theory on the internet."
Spider-Woman (2016) #4
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defomin · 5 months
here's a list of all my favourite queer love couples I've came across from all types of mediums (update 240422)
The sign (series) Phaya and Tharn
Supernatural (series) Dean and Cas
Unknown (series) Qian and Yuan
Couple of mirrors (manhua) You-Yi and Wei
Only friends (series) Sand and Ray
Cupid's last wish (series) Korn and Win
Portrait of a lady on fire (movie 2019) Heloise and Marianne
Maurice (movie 1987) Maurice and Alec
Giovanni's room (book) Giovanni and David
Young royals (series) Wilhelm and Simon
Moonlight chicken (series) Jim and Wen
A tale of thousand stars (series) Phupha and Tian
Kiseki dear to me (series) ChenYi and AiDi
To sir, with love (series) Jiu and Tian
Song of Achilles (book) Achilles and Patroclus
Good Omens (series) Crowly and Aziraphale
Laws of attraction (series) Charn and Tinn
God's own country (movie 2017) Johnny and Gheorghe
Dead friend forever (series) Phee and Non
Thirty years old (manhua) Wei big bro and Ian
Thirty years old (manhua) QuiYi and YiCheng
Last twilight (series) Mhok and Day
Red white royal blue (book) Alex and Henry
Moonlight chicken (series) Alan and Gaipa
Semantic error (manhwa) Sangwoo and Jaeyoung
Semantic error (series) Sangwoo and Jaeyoung
The eclipse (series) Ayan and Akk
Moonlight (movie 2016) Chiron and Kevin
Yuri on Ice (anine) Victor and Yuri
19 days (manhua) Tian and Guan Shan
Only friends (series) Boston and Nick
Wolf in the house (manhwa) Minsuk and Bexan
Kinnporche (series) Kinn and Porsche
Mehr and Moshtari (poem) Mehr and Moshtari
My beautiful launderette (movie 1985) Johnny and Omar
Red white royal blue (movie 2023) Alex and Henry
Mignon (anime) Mignon and Young-one
Egoist (movie 2022) Kosuke and Ryuta
Manner of death (series) Tan and Bun
Brokeback mountain (movie 2005) Jack and Ennis
Gap (series) Sam and Mon
Kinnporche (series) Vegas and Pete
Dead friend forever (series) Tee and White
Pitbabe (series) Pete and Way
Moonlight chicken (series) Heart and Li-ming
The sign (series) Khem and Thongthai
The plague (book) Tarrou and Rieux (not canon, lol)
Kiseki dear to me (series) ZeRui and ZongYi
Pitbabe (series) Alan and Jeff
Laws of attraction (series) Thee and Thaenthai
Freefall (movie 2013) Kay and Marc
Pitbabe (series) Charlie and Babe
Carol (movie 2015) Carol and Therese
Doukyusei (anime) Kusakabe and Sajo
Couple of mirrors (series) You-Yi and Wei
Good Omens (series) Nina and Maggie
The eclipse (series) Khan and Thua
Call me by your name (movie 2017) Oliver and Elio
19 days (manhua) Jian Yi and Zheng Xi
The falls (trilogy) RJ and Chris
Supernatural (series) Claire and Kaia
Maurice (movie 1987) Maurice and Clive
Kinnporche (series) Time and Tay
Kinnporche (series) Kim and Porchay
Demian (book) Demian and Emil
Only friends (series) Top and Mew
The sign (series) Dao and Nee
Laws of attraction (series) Rose and Maya
Young royals (series) Stella and Fredrika
Only friends (series) April and Cheum
Manner of death (series) Sorn and That
History 4: close to you (series) Li Cheng and Mu Ren
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Carol Danvers / Captain Marvel in Unbelievable Gwenpool
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MAMA AND HER MINI ME | The Princess of Wales matching with her daughter, Princess Charlotte of Wales, over the last eight years
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ickypuppi3 · 2 years
this really was something huh
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federer7 · 10 months
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Shoe-store sign in Port Gibson, Mississippi. November 9, 2016
Photo by Carol M. Highsmith
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bitchyblkqueer · 4 months
im halfway through williamson's run and iris has left a note in the hallway.....
williamson just doenst know what to do with her. her freaking out at batman doesn't make sense he just wanted her to have a cool girlboss moment which okay I am not immune 2 that. but yeah
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lovereceived · 10 months
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nfcomics · 6 months
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The X-Files: X-Mas Special 2016 no.1 • Subscription Cover [Dec 2016]
When a school holiday pageant takes an extraterrestrial turn, Mulder must contend with old ghosts, present dangers, and close encounters yet to come. But this is no cookie-cutter Christmas Carol. Together with Scully, and a host of holiday visitors and visitations, they'll rediscover the spirit of the season… if they can only survive the night.
Writer • Joe Harris • Artist • Wayne Nichols • Colorist • Sebastian Cheng • Letterer • Chris Mowry • Tom B. Long
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dreamsbee4 · 1 year
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burningfudge · 6 months
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Spider-Woman (2016) #17
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drarreckyninja · 2 years
drarreckyninja’s top 50 ships of Nov 2022 [28. Skiju]; [27. Hilson]; [26. Clawdget]; [25. Clex]; [24. Caryl]; [23. Macdoc]
Skipper x Julien [The Penguins of Madagascar]
Greg House x James Wilson [House, M.D.]
Dr. Claw x Inspector Gadget [Inspector Gadget]
Clark Kent x Lex Luthor [Smallville]
Carol Peletier x Daryl Dixon [The Walking Dead]
Angus MacGyver x Murdoc [MacGyver (2016)]
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EAD: According to a tweet by Bob Schooley, Skipper is 35. If one is to believe the AHKJ wiki and add years to the POM series, Julien would be 37. There's a 2-year age difference.
It’s been mentioned several times that there is a 9-year age gap between them.
Officially, Claw is ten years older, but Gadget is half-cyborg, so he stopped aging quite a while ago. Technically speaking, John is only a year younger than Sanford.
Clark is a year older than his friends but started school at the same time as them (due to landing on earth as a toddler in October). Since the series begins with them starting high school, Clark is most likely 15. Lex is shown being 9 when the meteors hit, so he's 21 when the series begins (2001). That makes a 6-year difference.
TWD has been going for 11 years (and close to 14 years in-universe), so in season one Carol is likely to have been about 45 years old. At the same time, Daryl is implied to be 41. There's a 4-year difference.
Helman took an 18y Dennis under his wing in 1995, whereas Mac’s file shows that he’s born in 1990. 18-5= 13. Dennis was 13 when Mac was born, so 13 years between them.
Incorrect Quotes:
Skipper: Isn’t a bit dangerous?
Julien: Skipper, please. We’ve in a lot of unexpected predicaments before and we always escape unhurt.
Skipper: ...
Julien: Okay, we sometimes escape unhurt.
Skipper: ...
Julien: Alright, we escaped unhurt once... Then we hurt ourselves in the way home.
Wilson, confused and exasperated: House, how do you plan on telling a bear to go vegan?
House: Buy him a drink first.
Claw: We’ll find another route, it’s not safe for amateur adventurers.
Gadget: That sounds like a challenge.
Claw: I have to stress, that is not a challenge.
Gadget: ...Is exactly what you say to dissuade the weak of heart from accepting the challenge. Well, challenge accepted!
Claw: There is no challenge!
Clark: *in a jail cell* What about my Miranda rights!? You’re supposed to say I have ‘the right to remain silent’”! NOBODY SAID I HAD THE RIGHT TO REMAIN SILENT!
Lex: *in the cell next to them* You have the right to remain silent, what you lack is the capacity.
Carol: So I have made the decision to trust you.
Daryl: A horrible decision, really.
Murdoc: I'm tired.
Mac: You slept for three hours last night! Why are you surprised?!
Murdoc: I'm not surprised. I just wanted to complain about it.
Subship(s): Koju [Kowalski x Julien]; Riju [Rico x Julien]; Thamber [Thirteen x Amber]; Pois [Pete x Lois]; Richonne [Rick x Michonne]; Michandrea [Michonne x Andrea]; Aaric [Aaron x Eric]; Gleggie [Glenn x Maggie]; Carphia [Carl x Sophia]; Rositara [Rosita x Tara]
Notes: Julien is usually written as a trans male due to Madagascar having a Queen, not a King. House and Wilson have had something stronger than a friendship since House bailed Wilson out of jail for literally no reason aside from curiosity. Claw and Gadget have an interesting relationship as far as enemies go. Clark and Lex literally met after a near-death experience and the kiss of life, so... Carol and Daryl have been through so much together. Murdoc is very obsessed with Mac.
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