rinzon-fashion · 5 years
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#shorts #shortpants #caroshorts #joggershorts #motoshorts #chinoshorts #frenchterryshorts #menshorts #boyshorts #menscargoshorts #slimshorts #vintageshorts #twillshorts #kneelengthshorts #motorshorts #KHAKISHORTS #swagshorts #US #USA #CA #Canada #Amazon #RINZON https://www.instagram.com/p/BwCVbEMnhJx/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=5p0x0j7t131k
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jiilys · 5 years
The boy i love and can't have had a v common name and this is turning into An Issue like?? Let me consume media or listen to ppl call their kids in peace without hearing ur name and crying pls?? Some ppl smh anyway I thought this could be relatable for jim and lil bc those some popular names sorry to bother youuuuu and I love you ok bye xx
lily evans, who is like really super not interested in james potter goes home for the summer before her seventh year and like actually cant look at the nottinghams lawn mower guy who is also called james, comes by every second monday, and has the exact same hair as her james 
ah. not her james. obviously. james potter from school. her mate. not in any way shape or form her james. dont put that in
james potter can relate cause when he was 15 The Wicked Wombles released a song called lily luck and it was the best selling record of the year. sirius played it really loudly when he wanted to make james irritated/was irritated with james 
later when he’s sixteen james’ mother drags him to the christening of markham evans’ daughter who is literally called rose and james opens the program says ‘are you joking’ quite loudly, and is poked in the ribs by his mother 
during their sixth year james hardman, seeker for the Brighthead Bulls gets married and then is caught cheating on his wife two weeks later    and its all over the prophet for ages and lily is like. this close to canceling her subscription its bad enough potter’s arm is touching hers at breakfast and now this 
also in their sixth year for a joke sirius buys james’ lilys for valentines and james fully and literally throws them out the common room window before lily can see them
lily evans, who remains totally not interested in james potter, actually, does make out with james-the-lawnmower-guy once on the nottinghams back-step. this is the contributing factor to her drawing all the blinds and not leaving the house at all for every second monday for the rest of the summer 
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rinzon-fashion · 5 years
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#shorts #shortpants #caroshorts #joggershorts #motoshorts #chinoshorts #frenchterryshorts #menshorts #boyshorts #menscargoshorts #menschinoshorts #slimshorts #vintageshorts #twillshorts #kneelengthshorts #shortjoggers #hiphopshorts #swagshorts #US #USA #CA #Canada #Amazon #RINZON https://www.instagram.com/p/Bv_wsggn9YU/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=m5bxpf1o2r0p
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jiilys · 7 years
muggle high school genderswap lets go
jane potter doesn’t eat bell peppers and isn’t allowed on school grounds without supervision
sarah black speeds on the motorway but nowhere else and legally isn’t allowed to be counted as jane potter’s supervision
ruby lupin is tall like a lamppost, is also nicknamed lamppost
piper pettigrew has a pet hamster and eats a lot of pretzels and, like, totally was paying attention actually
Once at fourteen sarah dared ruby to eat fourteen apples and ruby did but then vomited in the school pool so Sarah tried to get out of paying her the £30
liam evans and jane potter are friends in that strange way where they used to hate each other but can now no longer seem to manage it
Jane put a large fountain in slughorns car every Wednesday for three months including the six weeks where he left it at home and walked to work
piper doesn’t know her locker combination but everyone else does so that’s where they keep their weed
liam scores all jane’s soccer matches and after every goal she points at him and winks and then there is a five-minute time-out bc he refuses to count the goal
Ruby and Sarah often watch Nicholas Sparks movies but only to take a shot every time it sucks
liam’s nickname for jane is ‘grubby’ because her glasses always are
Piper doesn’t eat gluten, not because she has an allergy, she just doesn’t like it
Often when sarah’s been at parties in liam’s neighbourhood she’ll turn up on his porch, blind drunk, and he lets her sleep in his bed
ruby suggests starting a band one lunchtime but by the end of it they’ve had to disband because Sarah wouldn’t stop suggesting they cover ‘Gasolina’
At lunch: piper eating a biscuit, ruby biting an apple with her computer on her lap and demanding Sarah not spoil Game of Thrones, jane sitting atop the picnic table laughing at something across the field, sarah lying across the tabletop and loudly spoiling Game of Thrones
Across the field: liam, half-heartedly climbing a tree with his laces tied together, bitching under his breath, a junior looks up at him- concerned. ‘lost a bet’ liam confesses, enthusiastically giving jane the finger.
Playing would you rather and apparently Ruby would rather be made of rasins than call anyone back promptly  
Drinking at piper’s house while they’re all in bikinis for no particular reason and Liam is finding it unimaginably hard not to look at Jane for longer than is allowed  
‘you look nice’ a boy says to Ruby in the hallway and Sarah appears, flashing teeth, proclaiming ‘shes always looked like that sean’ before stealing Ruby’s math homework
every year Piper gets an array of pipe cleaners for her birthday
a long weekend where everyone who is supposed to stay goes away and its just Liam and Jane in a hot car, arguing about Doritos, shoes off, light through the windshield, laughing about a great many things
say anything sarah black doesn’t like and she’ll eat you whole and/or put dog shit in your locker and not get caught
late night four-way skype calls where Ruby threatens to hang up fourteen times and piper leaves for forty minutes to go make brownies and jane asking, in a dressing gown eight sizes too big for her and with her face only illuminated by the screen: ‘you guys didn’t do the geo homework either right’
jane in a fight, blood on her knuckles, roaring, averys fist slamming again again again into her jaw and sarah is somewhere far from here but liam is abruptly right in front of her, hands on her face, saying her name, saying her name
‘miss black so help me GOD if I see ONE MORE piece of GUM enter your MOUTH I will make you LEAVE this class-  MISS BLACK THAT WAS NOT AN INVITATION’
rubys catchphrase alternates between ‘get fucked’ and ‘that is not a sauce’
liam’s drunk and calls jane and slurs ‘wha- what if the wor-ld really was flat.. and we just,’ he grasps for a few seconds, ‘whoosh’ he says.
‘then the world would be pretty fucking cool’ jane says, because she always knows exactly what he means  
piper, ruby, sarah on jane’s roof trying to pull a prank only sarah falls through the skylight and has to get thirty-seven stiches and while in the waiting room piper breaks the vending machine and liam falls asleep
rubys dog is called brussels and they all love him and he likes to go for long walks
sarah, on the phone to jane about evans: ‘hes so fucking awful’
jane: ‘yeah’
sarah: ‘hes exactly our thing’
jane: ‘god yeah, goes without saying’
liam and jane kiss one day but no one can quite remember when and then they just keep doing it and one day when they’re twenty-four he comes home and she’s got a tea towel wrapped around her thumb and has hoisted it above her head because she’s cut herself trying to slice onions and she’s talking a mile a minute about how their banks customer service sucks while in sarah’s top and ruby’s skirt and they absolutely do not match and this,
this is the part where it’s love  
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jiilys · 7 years
hello!! i love your writing so much omg! it would be really cool if you did a jily musical theatre au, but no pressure. have a nice day!
‘i dont even like you’ james tells lily, lying, when theyre both cast as leads
james’ only reference to any musical being high school musical and its only then when he realises they never even PERFORMED THE PLAY it was JUST THE CALL BACK and lily tells him to SHUT UP because HES YELLING and also EVERYONE ALREADY KNEW THAT 
lily joined cause music + acting = Her Shit and also slughorn is the director and he insisted on having her audition 
lilys always loosing her script and then taking james’ and trying to make him think hes the one whose lost his lines
sirius heckles every rehersal
remus is on lighting and james tries to bribe him to make it go dark whenever lily speaks but lily hears him and tips her coffee down his front 
in rehersals during the bit where theyre meant to kiss james kisses his hand and lily just squints at him bc the fuck was that rlly necesseary he could have just kissed nothing what a weirdo
james being A Smug Shite whenver he sings bc he knows hes good and lily is so sick of his talent she could physically die 
except like. annoyingly they have the same taste in music so when theyre in their dressing rooms she’ll bang on their shared wall and tell him to turn up Melodrama or smth and he’ll smile a little
at one point sirius paints a fake tree yellow just for The Drama Of It All and slughorn is Next Level Pissed and lily and james cant stop laughing
james: ‘wheres the coffee’ *lily, having drunk the entire pot out of spite earlier that morning bc james said she looked like a falmingo in her pink legwarmers, shaking slightly,: SAY WHAT BITCH
lily keeps improvising funny lines and james trying not to laugh each time
they move out of the rough rehersal stage and everyone knows their lines now and shit is getting real and sirius has been thrown off the props team 7 times but somehow keeps getting back on it 
lily still doesnt like him but like damn. boy is funny. boy can sing. boy looks like that and can do 5 cartwheels in a row. 
 they do arm wrestling and james never lets her win but lily always cheats anyway 
he writes his english essays and shes all ‘youve spelt ‘produce’ wrong how can u even do that’ and ‘stop calling hamlet great ok he did the dirty on opehlia and im sick of pretending like im okay with it’ 
james sitting in the directors chair despite a) not being the director and b) required to be on stage for a scene at the time 
her car doesnt start and theyre standing in the theatre parking lot, everyone else at home, and he wont leave unless she does and she wont leave her car overnight so they sit on her bonnet and talk about hamlet and high school musical and how theyre similar 
lily says i cant hit the high note and james, without thinking says yes you can. youre excellent and everyone is staring at him and he goes bright red
the bit where theyre supposed to kiss only this time theyre v close to each other and its lily can feel his breath on her face. see her reflection in his glasses. she looks winded. she feels like it. 
once he walks out in her costume on stage and she laughs so hard she falls into sirius’ yellow tree which he keeps putting up 
lily skulling coffee and then doing her solo and going off stage while slughorn wipes away tears 
theyre in dress rehersals now and its all happening and even when james is looking at someone else hes really looking at her 
opening night and james is so nervous and in the minute before the curtain goes up she just. grabs his wrist. and suddenly he is a flood of calm 
sirius holding up a sign when it gets to the kiss that says ‘NOW FUCK’ 
there is 11 shows and by show 7 james and lily are honest to god having contests to see who can skull the most mountain dew and then do their solo and slughorn is In Dispair 
the show is still fucking excellent tho
closing night and lilys walking to her car only now shes never going to have another reason to kiss him again and that just. is a huge fucking problem actually 
james being literally shoved up againist the bathroom wall about five minutes later after lily has tracked him down and hes liked her all this time and now shes kissing him for no apparent reason and goddamn hes so lucky 
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jiilys · 7 years
Ok idk if this is dumb or w/e but i think a 10 things i hate about you au would be awesome if u wrote it! Anyways ur literally my fave writer ??? Like ur so bloody good
lets do a brainstorm  
james is patrick obvsly and he is just The Worlds Biggest Shite meaning that hes v hot and always smoking in chem and also is rumoured to have drunk paint stripper on a dare and lived 
it was actually wine in the paint stripper can but dont tell peter pettigrew bc he thinks james is immortal 
lily is kat and once she shoved a tampon so far up a guys nose that you couldnt see the string 
lets fuck w/ the plot a bit and say that bianca is petunia and cameron is vernon ONLY lily doesnt want to date anyone bc that means petunia can date vernon and thats #1 on lilys Not Today Or Ever list 
(also included on the list are acknowleding slughorn when he speaks or letting mary mcdonald hook up with sirius black when hes meant to be at soccer practise) 
everyone is scared of lily except:
 james who couldnt give two shits abt anythin 
sirius whos been on her soccer team since they were 7 and also she knows that if she ever punched him to hard he’d tell everyone abt that time she tripped over the ball when they were 8 
petunia, whose to vapid 2 notice anything (we gotta fudge it to make it work sorry bianca bby i love u and joeseph gordon levitto or whoever the fuck) 
anyway: vernon pays james 2 date lily so he can date petunia. cue hijinks
james smokes while waiting outside her locker and so she starting walking up wearing a gas mask and ignoring him 
james readin up abt all the social causes shes into and dropping into conversation bits like ‘the fact that taiwan has to enter the olympics as chiense taipei is appauling’ and watching lily like. squit at him
‘stop trying to impress me.’ ‘whose trying?’  
he stops going to his classes and just starts going to hers like james the fuck man
at the concert when shes getting water in that dress and james is just. looking. and lily is just. noticing that hes looking.
the bar scene and ‘she likes pretty guys’ and james, straightning up, slips his hair back slightly, clutches his pool que, ‘you dont think im pretty?’ and then punching vernon lol 
also: james hearing that lily has black underwear and deadass getting a hard on right there in the bar 
lets have snape be some kinda joey donner guy and when lily hits his car at the record store and he calls her a bitch she rams it again
THE PARTY SCENE and lilys ding the strip tease and snape is cheering and james pulls lily off the table and also maybe tips snapes drink down his front 
‘your eyes have a little green in them’ and shes so drunk, and james is looking at her even when hes trying very hard not to. how odd
she keeps talking abt how she wants to start a band and how sirius could be the drummer and james could play base and she could play guitar because ‘im the only one- whos got the skills *vomits onto james’ shoes*
lily tries to kiss him in his car but shes drunk and james isnt a bad guy so he doesnt let her
the soccer scene where james gets remus to get the band together and then he sings the song all the while sirius is like bopping his head and lily cannot stop grinning  
‘potter did you really sleep with all of the spice girls’ ‘dont be ridiculous. only two out of the five’ 
the prom bit where everything goes to hell and lily finds out that vernons been paying james this whole time and shes so sad and hurt and pissed and she leaves only petunia does not go after her. 
sirius does 
goes to her house the next day and they talk abt sarah laurence and debating how good david beckham actually is 
the poem scene and I hate the way you talk to me And the way you cut your hair I hate the way you drive my car I hate it when you stare I hate your big dumb combat boots And the way you read my mind I hate you so much that it makes me sick It even makes me rhyme I hate the way you're always right I hate it when you lie I hate it when you make me laugh Even worse when you make me cry I hate the way you're not around And the fact that you didn't call But mostly I hate the way I don't hate you Not even close, not even a little bit, not even at all.
and james wants to die like right there bc hes a fucking idiot and he’d probably kill all of the spice girls and eat a kidney just to have her talk to him again 
he buys her a £2000 guitar with vernons money and tells her what a cock hes been and she makes the joke abt how he cant just buy her an instrament everytime he fucks up and james makes the quip abt how there are lots of instraments and she smiles and he just. feels good again. just like that. 
this got super long whoops but u see what i mean
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jiilys · 8 years
the chamber of secrets car scene: a summary
Ron: are u sure this is our only option
Harry, in the car, sunglasses on, doing wheelies in the street, music blasting: trust me ron ok i have glasses
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jiilys · 8 years
Caroline i just want u to consider this: jily romeo & juliet au
how dare u make me consider this snape could be tybalt and sirius would be mercutio making wise cracks while dying omg this is the best ever mcgonagall would be a HELLA nurse and DUMBLEDORE AS FRIAR LAURENCE
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jiilys · 8 years
jily road trip? if you want? idk
I do want
james driving, lily lying in the backseat eating chips andasking him where the map is and what his favourite colour was when he was eight
lily driving, james lying in the backseat throwing gummybears in the air and catching them in his mouth while bitching about herterrible taste in music
fuck off james we’re not listening to ‘the broken snitchwing’ again their band name is shit me and sirius both agree
buying over-priced food at gas stations and after they’veeaten their six dollar kit-kats they're  like….this is why we are broke.
calling the guys from a payphone only to have sirius try andguilt them into them into coming home because ‘guys. Remus is dying.’
‘he’s in denial. You have to home right away. he only hasdays left.’
*sounds of remus and sirius elbowing each other in thebackground*
james buying lily cheap paperbacks and magazines she likesbecause he’s just like that
lily buying black liquorice because james likes it eventhough she hates it because she’s just like that
lots of arguing about directions and radio stations and wholeft the torch at home
lily evans lying on the dashboard wearing sunglasses and ahuge floppy hat while james sits in the drivers seat like EVANS. YOU’RE TO PALEFOR THIS. GET INSIDE.
she gets a huge sunburn and he calls her a lobster but hedoes it while kissing her forehead so she can't even be mad about it
james guzzling energy drinks and driving all through thenight being like lily we should buy a dog we should move to mars we should goswimming in a very big lake we should get married we should find the map welost we should- lily. Lily wake up. Lily we’re going to get a dog. Say somethingin two seconds if you disapprove of the dog idea.
turns out they won't sell you a dog if you come in at fourin the morning and you’re currently on a road trip and living out of your car. It’sunbelievable. Their standards are so damn high.
lily drawing a moustache on james’s face when he’s asleepand he refuses to wash it off because I don’t look half bad actually. This couldbe by new ~look~
they eat ice cream out of the bucket and go to the beach andrun out of gas on the freeway and then they’re like…… we’ve done everything wewanted lets go home
they turn up, sunburnt, unshaven, missing half their clothesand stinking like air freshener because james kept spraying it in the car
sirius runs out to met them, almost tearful, while remusstands in the doorway and rolls his eyes
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jiilys · 8 years
Lily Evans trying to dye her hair dark and instead making it green permanently (a la Anne of Green Gables). How do her friends react? Does she crawl into a hole to hide? Chop it all off? Wear the green with pride?
Wears green with pride
Is called ‘grass’ by everyone
Transfigures Sirius’s hair red and then on Christmas theystand next to each other singing carols while Lily beams and Sirius is struggling toget away from the sticking spell she has on him
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jiilys · 8 years
your sirius black headcanons are wonderful, thank you. but oh my gosh do you have any more?
Yes approximately one million
Sirius says he can only write in peacock quill otherwise hegets ‘hand problems’
Remus finds this very funny and ‘moony it’s a real affliction my hand is allergic to non-luxury’  
does a very good lily impression that involves a lot of eyerolling and clapping sarcastically
Can only sleep on the cold side of the pillow
chews ice when nervous
*lying in bed at one in the morning* guys guys wake up thisis important- did you know remus and humus both end the same but don’t sound the same
Frequently paces up and down rooms when trying to thinkbecause it looks quite dramatic, when he feels he isn’t being paid enoughattention to he will slam his hand against a wall and say WHAT WILL WE DO ABOUT THIS no matter how non-threatening theproblem is
Can cram like you wouldn’t believe. Studies only 24 hoursout from any exam, and refuses to speak, he has been known to half a pencilbelieving it to be toast during this period, or at least according to lily, whoclaims she saw the whole thing
Frequently gets send of Quidditch pitches for doing his own commentarywhile playing, which is basically just him complimenting james for twentyminutes until McGonagall threatens to throw her umbrella at him
Has been skinny dipping twelve times by the age ofseventeen, and has only once had a run in which a shark- which he thinks is apretty good ratio.
“yes professor I know Ishould have done my homework but. See. You won't believe this. It really isunbelievable, but…  a murder attempt wasmade on Dumbledore last night and… it was I who saved him. Let me set the scene…”
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jiilys · 8 years
Can I pls just have modern day/muggle Jily au please I live for those
A modern day au where they’re neighbours and she keepsgetting his mail so she takes it down to him because she’s confused as to why thereare deer’s drawn in all the corners but it turns out he’s been putting theletters in her mail slot because he wanted to talk to her so bad
The one where she writes books and he works at the pizza placedown the street which she orders from a lot at night and when they get marriedthey serve meat lovers at the reception
He’s a frustrated iTunes user and she works for Applecustomer service. Just imagine it. He rips the phone out of the wall afteryelling at each other for forty-five minutes so she sends him a written letterto ask him out.
He got dared to eat an entire bottle of barbeque sauce inthe middle of the bus by Sirius and she ends up getting sick of him coughing soshe takes the bottle and pours the rest of it over Sirius’s head while hestares at her like she just ate the moon or something
Online Reddit form where they're  fighting because she said she liked to colourin the wings of fans different colours so they looked cool when they spun andhe said that was dumb until he ended up asking her out after she’d called him ‘ANEXPIRED SACK OF MILK’ in all caps about four times.
Lily as a cop who arrests Sirius for trying to take the licenceplate off her cop car and James arrives to bail him out. Picture Siriusgiggling when James and Lily can't stop staring at each other. He’s just behindbars. Giggling. Like a fucking moron.
Both supporting different charities but end up on the samestreet corner and that’s basically how the girl from Greenpeace and the guyfrom WWF ended up getting arrested for ‘aggressive yelling’  and ‘throwing coin collection buckets at eachother while swearing’
Outside a bar and she steals his last cigarette and they endup making out in the dingy bathrooms where he accidentally steps into thetoilet and she laughs so hard she twists her ankle so that’s how they ended updrunk in A&E with James’s left leg dripping in toilet water
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jiilys · 8 years
just general young hogwarts AU's please? sometimes i feel like people forget that lily and james knew each other for seven straight years before dating. bad haircuts, bad days, getting sick, they saw all of it. they definitely were not strangers to each other like most people before dating.
James hates apples so for the whole of third year Lily wouldput one on his spot at breakfast because he paid the choir to sing ‘LILY EVANSGO OUT WITH ME’ at the end of year feast in second year.
Lily hates the smell of chalk, finds brushing her teethirritating and the colour purple is her favourite. She also hates the fact thatJames Potter knows all of those things.
James hates the smell of bubble-head charms, finds shells onbeaches endlessly interesting and the colour green is his favourite. He kind oflikes that Lily Evans knows all of those things
In first year, two weeks in Lily accidentally removed Sirius’seyebrows while she was trying to turn them pink and can you imagine it
When James gets a cold he is the BIGGEST DRAMA QUEEN andsecond year him chugging cough syrup while Sirius leads a class cheer andSlughorn tries to get everyone to face front while Lily stubbornly ignores itall.
Lily used to sit by the fire every second Thursday to writeto her mum and she would always have to borrow someone else’s quill because shealways forgot hers in the dorm and couldn’t be arsed to go up and get one
Around third year someone started leaving quills under her seatwith the name smudged off them but they always had this weird deer scratchedinto the side
Lily learning to use mascara as a thirteen year old andaccidentally poking herself in the eye so she runs to the hospital wing andJames is all ‘what’s up Evans’ in the bed across from her because he trippedover Peter’s leg while they were running from Filch and broke his hip
Literally everyone gave James shit for breaking his hip likeeven McGonagall asked him if he would like a walker when he walked back intoclass
Lily can't to Transfiguration and James can't do potions soonce in second year they put aside their differences and swapped homeworkexcept James wrote his essay on ‘Why Lily Evans Should Date James Potter’ andLily brewed him a balding potion and then attempted to give him some,  so safe to say: never again
Lily clapped with the rest of the school on the Halloweenfeast in first year when the boys got every pumpkin to repeat whatever theteachers said back to them in dumb accents. It was brilliant and they were leadto detention with a standing ovation.
Everyone knows that James Potter can never score the seventhgoal he tries to shoot. He misses the seventh goal he tries to shot every gameand once Lily, desperate to win because she’d bet far too much money on the game, bursts into the changing room andtells James that if he didn’t score that seventh goal she would ‘personally ripout his stomach lining and feed it to a Blast-Ended Skrewt while Sirius watchedon crying’
Both hated the Black Lake because it was creepy as hell.Both were thrown in by their awful friends on separate occasions at least oncea year.
Lily hits a berry tart out of James’s hand because the idiotis allergic to strawberries and hadn’t even noticed they were on the damn thing.
In Charms they sit behind each other and do this weirdstaring contest for the entirety of third year and once Lily turns around tosee Peter sitting there, after James is off sick and she feels sort of weirdabout it but whatever.
They both hated the dumb pottery classes they were forced todo in muggle studies and they kinda chatted about this for like three minutesin fourth year until they both realised that this was the most normalconversation they’d ever had and then they never talked about it again becauseit was too weird.
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jiilys · 9 years
okay yes yes yes but Sirius Black and Lily Evans being bros at Hogwarts
Eleven year old Sirius trying to juggle with oranges he stole at breakfast. He accidentally throws one right at Lily Evans’s nose. She takes her new wand, waves it a bit and accidentally gives him horse hooves
This is how they become bros
Thirteen year old Sirius black getting his ass whipped by thirteen year old Lily Evans in wizard chess
Lily and Sirius partnered for charms where they're meant to be summoning cushions and it just ends in them starting a class pillow fight
Fourteen year old Sirius taking really ugly close-up photos of lily while she sleeps and she wakes up like sirIUS I'm GOING TO SHOVE THAT CAMERA DOWN YOUR THROAT YOU PIECE OF SHIT
Sirius and lily taking the piss out of James because of his stupid hair thing and his freaking walk that looks like he’s dancing
‘it’s like he’s prancing or something’ ‘yes lily.. He really is prancing. Rather like a deer I would go as far to say, don’t you agree Evans?’
Lily and Sirius sliding down Hogwarts banisters screaming
Twelve year old losers want to prove that they're not scared of the forbidden forest so they both go out there in the middle of the night like: ‘first one to come out is a WUSS’
It ends with McGonagall finding both of them in her dressing gown half way up a tree, with lily writing her will on a piece of bark and Sirius waving a large stick screaming ‘THIS WAS A MISTAKE’ repeatedly
Drunk Lily in sixth year and an even drunker Sirius Black gives her piggyback across the grounds while she stretches her arms wide and screams
‘Mr Black, Miss Evans, your homework answers are exactly the same, I suspect one of you copied the other. My money is on Mr Black’
It was Lily but who would believe him
No one
He got detention and Lily laughed about it for two weeks.
Lily taking toast up to Sirius when he doesn’t wake up in time for breakfast
Sirius with his head on Lily’s stomach watching as Remus gets utterly thrashed by Mary in Gobstones while yelling unhelpful things like: ‘YOU SHOULD TRY AND WIN THIS ROUND’ and ‘PUT HER SHIRT OVER HER HEAD AND STEAL HER STONES YOU’LL FOR SURE WIN’
For her birthday Lily gets a shit-ton of daises because (ironically) they’re her favourite flower and she grins because she knows exactly who they're from
Mulciber calls Lily a Mudblood at the end of sixth year and Sirius Black emerges from nowhere and punches him so hard in the mouth he loses four teeth and his gums forever look a little lopsided
Being partnered for potions like:
‘this goes in here’ ‘no it doesn’t’ ‘LET’S FIGHT IT OUT’
It all ends in them wrestling on the table while Remus laughs, Peter gawks and James feel conflicted about who to cheer for
Sirius getting a letter from his mum and when Lily reads it, then picks it up and throws it into the fire before saying ‘you're more than that’
Fourteen year old Sirius-no-one-is-better-at-pranking-than-me-Black laughing his ass off when Lily makes the board disappear, flips a desk, breaks a window by throwing a vase through it and turns a third of the class into rabbits before climbing on James’s desk and screaming ‘FUCK GOBBLINS’ and prompts the only reaction out of Professor Binn’s on record.
‘Black, late to class again I see. Probably doing your hair, am I right?” “yes in fact you are Evans. I care about my appearance, clearly you do not”
Lily flips him off and McGonagall is in disbelief because she is head girl and Miss Evans I expected more.
‘Alright so there are goose feathers everywhere, which one of you three did this?’ *both point simultaneously to James*
Sirius citing Lily as a source on his witches in the 1700’s and by source he means she ranted to him for thirty minutes about the treatment of witches by not only muggles but WIZARD MEN and he wrote it all down and turned it in
Fifteen year old Lily really likes coffee but never knows how to get it and Sirius showing her how to tickle the pair and OH MY GOD THIS IS FANTASTIC and she hugs him and he sort of… stands there like so shocked before wrapping his arms around her waist and his mother pretended like she didn’t know who he was at Hogsmede yesterday but everything seems a little better now
‘Evans look over there’ *smears peanut butter down neck and turns around pretending like he didn’t*
‘Oi Black look over here’ *produces scissors and threatens to cut off his eyebrow while simultaneously throwing cornflakes *
They always talk each other up to their crushes like ‘yeah Millie Sirius DOES have huge muscles’ and ‘James I heard that Lily has THREE BOOBS. Evans would you stop kicKING ME PLEASE’
At graduation right after Sirius gets his certificate and he grabs the magical megaphone like ‘SUCK IT EVANS I GRADUATED BEFORE YOU’ and Lily’s all ‘Black that’s just because ‘B’ is before ‘E’’ but he’s too busy yelling ‘THIS IS A SIGN I BLOODY KNEW I WAS SMARTER THAN YOU AND THE SAME GOES FOR YOU MOONY’
Basically Lily and Sirius being bros at school and having each-others backs is highly important u need to realize this 
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jiilys · 9 years
Headcanon request: It's like my deepest desire to know how the marauders would have felt about harry and Ginny being together. So, alive marauders reacting to harry/Ginny please please please
 James: this is ridiculous harry we can't BOTH be IN LOVEwith red heads I mean they’re won’t be enough FIRE PUNS to go around when theyGET MAD AT US what are we going to DO about this PRESSING AND HIGHLY IMPORTANT PROBLEM
 Lily: really? For real? Oh my god, I don’t believe it, kissright now to prove it but first let me get the camera and OI JAMES HAVEYOU HEARD GINNY AND HARRY ARE SNOGGING oh alright harry I won't say ‘snogging’around you again just chill. JAMES GET OUT HERE GIN AND HARRY ARE GUNNA PASH. Isthat better?
 Remus: holy shit. this is the best thing that’s happenedsince Sirius screamed when he saw that balloon, and that was excellent. You're reallytogether? Is that why sirius and lily are making kissy faces out the window tome right now? Because thats been happening for a solid ten minutes now and its good toknow what that’s about
 Peter: you couldn’t have held off two more months?! Oh god sirius is going to be unbearable all I needed was two more bloody months and I would havewon. Oh look, hes already put up a ‘I TOLD YOU THEY WOULD BONE PETTIGREW’  banner in the lounge. Great. You guys couldn’thave held off two more months to bang? Would it have been so hard?
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jiilys · 9 years
Sirius figuring out that Lily likes James and dropping not so subtle hints everywhere
‘Davis I'm afraid thereis no point asking evans out her heart belongs to anothDEER’
‘so emus was telling me you like POTTERy lily. Are you havinga stroke because you are kicking me under the table an awful lot’
‘Mckinnon do you think guys with glasses are hot becauseEvans does’
‘lily… I see you're looking into the Quidditch changing rooms…..I wonder why…. Ahh…. you were just making sure no one had slipped over…. Of course…my mistake…..’
‘I'm asking for a friend but prongs, would you make out withsomeone with red hair? Green eyes? Very sarcastic? What’s wrong with you evans I'masking for my friend fily svens who likes james stop pincHING ME’
‘make out with someone GO’ *shoves james into lily* STARTNOW’
‘Oh no professor I don’t think I could be Evans’s partnerfor this lesson because she’s into more gangly four-eyed nerds with crazy hairif you get my drift’
‘psst professor I meant JAMES if you weren’t sure- oh okay you'regiving me detention anyway great’
‘I'm very sorry Carla but I can't let you go over to james….Yes I know you want to screw him but I owe Evans a favour so you can go andscrew Lupin instead. Trust me you're getting a good deal okay Potter has aweird nose and lupin has an excellent one I'm saving you from disappointment’
‘let play fuck, marrykill except evans has to both fuck and marry Prongs’
‘phew thank god you guys finally started going out I couldn’tkeep that secret much longer’‘SIRIUS BLACK IM GOING TO PULVERISE YOUR INTESTINES YOUUNSUBTLE ARSE’*HORRIFIED SCREAMING*
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