#otp: alright evans?
lover-of-mine · 1 year
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Oh baby, why did you run away?
for @steadfastsaturnsrings
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curious-kittens-ocs · 1 month
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I'll Watch Over Her
Dakota Evans x Spencer Reid (OTP: Coffee & Pistols for Two)
Everything was drained from Dakota, all of her energy, her thoughts, her emotions. Everything was nothing. She had returned from the crime scene where they had arrested another Unsub.
After days of sleepless nights and endless terrible take-out food. Finally they had cornered the Unsub, she had known she was caught.
"Alright everyone, do what you need to do. Go home, get a drink, whatever it is you need to do to decompress." Hotch sighed rubbing his eyes - clearly exhausted.
"I'm going to bed, call me if you need me." Derek wove goodbye, dropped his bag on his desk and u-turned out the door.
Dr. Reid had noticed that everyone was unusually quiet, especially Dakota. She hadn't said a word the entire flight back to Quantico. She had just blankly stared out into the night sky during the plane ride.
Gideon watched the Doctor focus his eyesight towards the woman who passed in between the two men. She didn't bother dropping off her bag, she kept it with her as she moved to the break room and shut the door behind her.
"Spencer," Gideon muttered taking a foot towards the young man. "it seems our newest addition might need a bit of help after this case."
"Me? What am I supposed to do?" Spencer dropped his scarf onto his desk and met Gideon's eyes.
"It doesn't take a genius to figure out that she's hurting Spencer." Gideon watched the emotions cross over Spencer's face. He saw concern, anxiety, sadness, and realization. "Just be there for her if you can, she tends to keep things close to her chest."
"I guess I'll do my best," Spencer paused a moment seeing Gideon's expression change to compassionate to fatigued rather quickly. Even the talented Gideon knew this case was going to take its toll on the team. "I'll watch over her."
Gideon pat his back and made his way up the stairs to his office.
Spencer took a deep breath and made his way to the breakroom door and knocked quietly. He waited a beat before entering the room. Eyes scanned until they locked onto the small figure sitting on the couch. She didn't move or even acknowledge the Doctor.
"Kota..." Spencer tried to probe for a response. Nothing. He ventured closer to her then halted his movements. He let her have her space. he grabbed a mug from the cabinet and started to grab a drink mix.
"Could we have done anything?"
"No. She was determined to go out the way she did." Answering the question wasn't going to bring either of them comfort. He popped open the microwave and set a timer. "There wasn't much we could do."
"It didn't seem like she wanted to die," Dakota adjusted herself on the couch and observed the Doctor in the kitchenette. "You would think that she would prefer to be alive given we finally found her son."
"She believed that the others were we son, and she eventually realized what her actions were and how what she'd done would end up having the repercussions they did." Spencer grabbed the mug out of the microwave and gave it a quick stir with a spoon. "Dakota you came from California with no experience in profiling." Dakota shot the Doctor a glare in her lack of knowledge.
He walked over to the coffee table and sat on it. He sighed and held out the mug to her. "While in California, you single handedly found an Unsub who was going after women who worked in strip clubs, went undercover to find him, found him, almost got yourself killed in the process I might add... and ended up saving another woman."
She took the mug from Spencer and smiled realizing what he had made her. "I get that Doctor, I just can't understand it..."
"If anything this job has taught me is that the way the mind works is always going to be unpredictable until you ask certain questions."
Dakota took a sip of the drink and smiled over to Spencer, "Hot chocolate?"
"You can't stand cold coffee, even if we are in the hottest place on earth you still get hot coffee. It makes you feel better about the cold and horrible things we see. Plus chocolate can increase levels of serotonin, the "feel good" hormone. It also contains compounds that can help reduce stress levels and promote relaxation." Spencer rubbed his hands on his slacks to try and focus on the actual facts rather than emotions.
She smirked up to Spencer. "You can't help but enter a fact or two into every conversation you have, can you?"
"It made you smile didn't it?" Spencer quipped quickly. The smile remained on Kota's face causing Spencer's own smile to grow. "When you're done with your drink I will take you home. I'll be in the bullpen working on paperwork until then." Spencer stood up and walked over to the door.
"Hey Spence?" Dakota called over to the man. He turned back after hearing her voice. "Thanks."
"Yea... of course Dakota."
Forever tag:  
@arrthurpendragon , @superspookyjanelle , @bravelittleflower , @eddysocs , @twofacedharveydent
(If you want to be added, or taken off of a tag. Just shoot me an ask, specifying. Thanks!)
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abihastastybeans · 1 year
Any character? James Potter
Hey Ray❤️
Favourite thing about them
He 👏grew 👏out 👏of 👏being 👏a 👏horrible person👏 (Also his confidence shhh)
Least favourite thing about them
Going back again, it has to be him bullying people without reason😂 Yeah....they were wannabe death eaters, i know, I would have bullied them too, but y'know. Let's say this for the sake of this ask xD
Favourite Line
"Alright, Evans?"😁
Again, I ship prongsfoot but that is basically because of the relationship he already has with Sirius. So, James & Sirius.
You know that there is so many, don't you?😂💀 So I'm just going to say James/Remus because like bro. There was nothing there. Absolutely no base.
Random Headcanon
For a couple of days after Harry was born, James' vibes were so off. So much that he couldn't hold Harry for long because Harry would start crying. Even Sirius could do it but Harry did NOT like being with James. Until he got his mojo back. And then James became the favourite and not even Lily's mummy magic was a fair opponent.
Unpopular Opinion
James was not all sunshine and rainbows. I'm quoting myself here - He will kick you down the 142 stairs and will laugh at you while you're on your way down
Song i associate with them
Everything I Do, I Do It For You by Bryan Adams!! I literally named a fic after that song.... it's just so James!!
Favourite picture of them
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It hurts so much to look at the picture just like it did for the Sirius picture, they did so bad with the casting😂😂 But yeah! This one!
Send me character and I'll answer these questions
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parttimerper · 5 years
Poorly timed confession + Royal AU Jevan
Send me two (2) tropes from this list + a ship and I’ll describe how I’d combine them in the same story.
Both of them are the kids of two powerful houses. They’ve been meeting up in secret for a while now, with Evan starting to believe maybe life would be better if he just spent the rest of it with her. Plus, with no one knowing about the two, Evan can’t ask anyone to help him make sense of what he feels, making him do something reckless.
On the day of a big event, they meet up again in secret. Evan tells her he intends on asking her parents for her hand, they're probably both very excited about it. But just a few hours later, as he was preparing to go to her father, the later makes an announcement: he’s found a future husband for Jasmin. And it’s not Evan.
They can’t be together anymore, and Evan knows if he’d just made up his mind a little faster, maybe he would be the one marrying her in a month.
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I know it's very cursed but what's your opinion on Voldermort/Wormtail? It's unironically my fave pairing just for how circumstances (post PoA and during GoF) drive these two miserable people make each other even more miserable. I've always wonder how helpless infant-bodied Voldermort managed to convince coward self-serving Peter to stay and take care of him, and not like, live his best rat life in Spain or something.
There are things, anon, I don't want to think about.
And I marvel at your choice of OTP. I mean, you do you man, and I ship Tom Riddle/Lily Evans and thus have no room to talk to anyone.
I mean my opinion on it is...
The only way I can see it is rape, honestly.
Pettigrew is in terrible circumstances in which he at once has no power and is on the brink of death and all the power over the diminished Tom Riddle. This drives him to madness, violence, and eventually the rape of the diminished Tom Riddle.
Of course, Voldemort would utterly destroy him later for this and Peter would die in agony and terror, but this is a Peter who has already lost everything.
As for why Peter didn't run after PoA, well, he tried that. That was called the Scabbers plan. Now, was it a stupid plan? Yes, he could have gone abroad (never mind that 'abroad' barely seems to exist in the Harry Potter universe as NO ONE EVER LEAVES THE UNITED KINGDOM) but he was in hiding and it was... alright.
I think he wasn't thinking clearly.
Sirius had escaped, had somehow miraculously found him, and now might very well find him again and will spend the rest of his life hunting Peter down. (Peter doesn't know that Sirius ends up locked in his house not too long after this.)
Going abroad presumably won't help, as Sirius found him before, and the existential dread makes it hard to realistically think of what Sirius is capable of and what he can do.
So, to keep his miserable self alive, Peter stumbles across the one man who terrifies him more than Sirius Black: Voldemort. And, of course, the other man that will kill him and hunt him down should Peter run.
I think once Peter finds Voldemort... He realizes it's over. If he runs, he will be found, he will be murdered, horrifically, to either prove a point to other Death Eaters who think they can run or in Sirius Black's mad quest for vegence.
There is nowhere he can turn, nowhere he can hide, and he hasn't a friend left in the world.
So, he stays and serves Voldemort, hating himself, living in terror that at any moment he will be killed, or tortured, and secretly finding himself deserving of such misery for being a spineless wretch with no higher beliefs.
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simonxriley · 3 years
racha ma and skylar for that meme 👀👀
I'm pretty sure you mean Tachanka and Skylar, right? 😅. Thank you! 💜
Send in two (or more) names and I’ll fill all this out about the ship!
Rate the Ship -   Awful | Ew | No pics pls | I’m not comfortable | Alright | I like it! | Got Pics? | Let’s do it! | Why is this not getting more attention?! | The OTP to rule all other OTPs
How long will they last? - Forever, well up until Tachanka’s death.
How quickly did/will they fall in love? - For Tachanka it took like .2 seconds of him laying his eyes on her. For Skylar it took a few months. She just got out of a highly abusive relationship a few years prior and dating wasn’t really in her itinerary. Then she fell for him, hard and never looked back. 
How was their first kiss? - Cute and funny. It was during the Holiday party and they ended up going outside to watch the snow fall and joke around. Skylar ended up slipping on some ice and falling, Tachanka ended up falling mere seconds after her, somewhat landing on her. They looked into each other’s eyes and he kissed her. 
Who proposed? - Tachanka. Can’t say how b/c it’ll be in my fic soon.
Who is the best man/men? - Kapkan, Glaz, Fuze, and Evan (Skylar’s brother-in-law).
Who is the braid’s maid(s)? - Ash, Hibana, Ela and her sisters’.
Who did the most planning? - Skylar, b/c she was recovering from a severe injury and there was nothing better to do. 
Who stressed the most? - Tachanka. He just wanted everything to be perfect. 
How fancy was the ceremony? - Back of a pickup truck | 2 | 3 | 4 | Normal Church Wedding | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Kate and William wish they were this big.
Who was specifically not invited to the wedding? - The Nighthaven members. She wasn’t about to have her wedding be tainted by mercs. Also F/nka b/c she just doesn’t like her. 
Who is on top? - Tachanka. He’s big and Skylar being on top isn’t as comfortable unless she’s turned on to the max or there’s a lot of lube involved. 
Who is the one to instigate things? - Both. But more times it’ll be Tachanka. 
How healthy is their sex life? - Barely touch themselves let alone each other | 2 | 3 | 4 | Once a couple weeks, nothing overboard | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They are humping each other on the couch right now
How kinky are they? - Straight missionary with the lights off | 2 | 3 | 4 | Might try some butt stuff and toys | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Don’t go into the sex dungeon without a horse’s head
How long do they normally last? - If it’s a quickie it can last a few minutes. If Tachanka wants to draw it out in can last a good 45 minutes. That’s with a the foreplay, making out added into it.
Do they make sure each person gets an equal amount of orgasms? - Yes, for the most part. 
How rough are they in bed? - Softer than a butterfly on the back of a bunny | 2 | 3 | 4 (after having kids) | The bed’s shaking and squeaking every time | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Their dirty talk is so vulgar it’d make Dwayne Johnson blush. Also, the wall’s so weak it could collapse the next time they do it.
How much cuddling/snuggling do they do? - No touching after sex | 2 | 3 | 4 | A little spooning at night, or on the couch, but not in public | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They snuggle and kiss more often than a teen couple on their fifth date to a pillow factory.
How many children will they have naturally? - They have (6) kids naturally. Twins Marianna & Konstantin, Lubov, Apollo, and twins Lizaveta & Vera. 
How many children will they adopt? - They adopt two kids. Grace and Grayson. 
Who gets stuck with the most diapers? - Skylar, since she’s home the most. 
Who is the stricter parent? - Tachanka. 
Who stops the kid(s) from doing dangerous stunts after school? - Skylar. Tachanka is the parent that thinks a child should learn their lesson the hard way. Like getting hurt from doing something stupid. 
Who remembers to pack the lunch(es)? - They both do. 
Who is the more loved parent? - Skylar. 
Who is more likely to attend the PTA meetings? -  Skylar. Tachanka isn’t gonna step a foot into one of those. 
Who cried the most at graduation? - Skylar. Happened with all (8) kids. 
Who is more likely to bail the child(ren) out of trouble with the law? - Tachanka, b/c he’s more intimidating than Skylar. 
Who does the most cooking? - It’s even. They both come from different countries/cultures. Whatever they’re having for dinner the person from said country is cooking it. 
Who is the most picky in their food choice? - Skylar, she’s always been a picky eater. Hasn’t change but she is more opened in trying new foods. 
Who does the grocery shopping? - Skylar. 
How often do they bake desserts? - Twice a week. With 8 kids dessert goes bye bye very fast. 
Are they more of a meat lover or a salad eater? - More meat lover. However Skylar prefers chicken over red meat. 
Who is more likely to surprise the other(s) with an anniversary dinner? - Tachanka. He’ll have that set months in advanced. 
Who is more likely to suggest going out? - Skylar. Sometimes going out, even with a large family is better than cooking at home and doing the dishes. 
Who is more likely to burn the house down accidentally while cooking? - Neither, honestly. It would be more in the lines of one of the kids. 
Who cleans the room? - Skylar.
Who is really against chores? - The kids. Skylar. 
Who cleans up after the pets? - Tachanka. He has pet duty. 
Who is more likely to sweep everything under the rug? - Skylar. 
Who stresses the most when guests are coming over? - Skylar. She wants the house somewhat clean for guests, but half the time it won’t be. 
Who found a dollar between the couch cushions while cleaning? - Tachanka. 
Who takes the longer showers/baths? - Skylar. If she takes a bath, she’ll be in there for what seems like forever. 
Who takes the dog out for a walk? - They both do. 
How often do they decorate the room/house for the holidays? - Every year. They’ll start decorating the month before to have the decorations up a little bit longer. The kids love it. 
What are their goals for the relationship? - To have a happy and fun filled life together. 
Who is most likely to sleep till noon? - Skylar. 
Who plays the most pranks? - Skylar. 
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decennia · 3 years
Okay I need to know more about Socorro! Tell me about her relationship with Regulus and her marriage to Evan pls <3
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In the words of Nick Cave, "it started out as a bit of fun."
Socorro is a year younger than the Marauders, but a year older than Regulus.
She and the Sallows were invited to many a dinner party at The Black's.
Regulus always thought she would be shallow and boring, like so many other pretty things he'd encountered. He never cared much for excess and wealth, he had enough of it himself, and beauty was something that easily faded.
The summer before school started, Regulus' interest was piqued when he noticed Socorro being kind to Kreacher.
They only spoke that following year, the beginning of her fifth, and his fourth. She'd come in late to the welcome feast, and he hadn't been able to take her eyes off of her. Lockhart pointed it out, at which Socorro, being Socorro, demanded to know what he had been looking at.
"Alright, Black. Gilderoy and I, we have a bit of a bet going on. You're staring at one of us. Given that we're both equally pretty, it's really no surprise. Which of us is it?"
"I—" He'd considered lying, calling her out on her vanity. But she was right. He had been staring. "Uh... You. I was looking at you. Just you."
She had smiled, and he thought he'd melt, because it was warmer than any smile he'd received before. "Well, that's a shame. You just cost me ten galleons, I thought I had you dead to rights on Lockhart's hair alone."
Coincidentally ("are you following me, Black?"), they both frequented the library. Especially at times they shouldn't.
It became such a common occurrence for them to run into each other that they would get quite crestfallen if they didn't see each other.
Lots of stolen glances and "accidental" hand grazes. Very innocent, a pure kind of love.
They didn't know when it happened, but one day, as if waking from a dream, they came to the realization that they spent every day together. They'd even taken it out of the library — walks along the Black Lake, picnics by the Quidditch pitch, weekend afternoons spent at Hogsmeade, tasting every tester at Honeydukes.
She'd kissed him first. It was her last day, and he'd come over to congratulate her on her graduation and the job she'd been lined up for at the Ministry. He'd gotten her a parting gift, a silver bracelet (which she never took off). But she was sad for other reasons. Ichabod Sallow had told her, in the same breath as "well done for not tarnishing the family name more than your mere existence already has" (perhaps the biggest and only compliment she had and ever will receive from him other than passing remarks about her appearance), about her engagement to Evan Rosier (arranged, of course).
The kiss was sweet, and chaste. A mere brush of the lips, but Regulus swore he had been engulfed by Fiendfyre.
He couldn't stop thinking about it for the next year. He chided himself on being so consumed by her, but it couldn't be helped.
The next time they saw each other had been at the wedding. His family had been invited, and although he knew what torture it would be, he would gladly accept just to see her again.
Socorro had been so delighted to see him. She'd (half) jokingly asked him to steal her away, maybe elope with her to France.
He wouldn't let her know how tempted he'd been.
Regulus isn't very good with emotions, so sometimes, the odd cruel remark would fall from his lips. He never knew who he was more mad at; himself, or Socorro. The answer is always himself.
He'd always apologise.
He would visit her at the Ministry, take her out for impromptu and entirely platonic (but not really) lunches.
She was the first to notice that something was wrong with Regulus.
Especially when he'd shown up on her doorstep, body wracked in shivers and sobs, unable to keep himself standing as he slumped against her doorframe, babbling profusely about what he'd just witnessed.
He'd shown her the Dark Mark, freshly branded and raw on his arm. If his blood caked hands were any indication, she knew what he'd just done. She knew all too well, because she also had to buy the Dark Lord's trust in blood.
She'd helped him clean his hands of the red. He couldn't stop shaking.
When his breath and hands had stilled, he told her what he'd done.
He told her he'd cried.
He wasn't ashamed of that, he was only eighteen.
But he'd been made to feel ashamed of it, because they were mudbloods, and they were thieving his birthrite, and Bellatrix, why don't you teach him a lesson?
There were no physical signs of the Cruciatus Curse, other than the aftershocks of tremulous hiccoughs and red-rimmed hollowed eyes.
He'd kissed her.
Desperate, all need, like a drowning man gasping for air, or an alcoholic chasing down their sadness with intoxication.
When they'd broken apart, she'd been silent. Embarrassed, he'd left.
He avoided her for weeks after that. And then he showed up again, only to apologize.
He ended up confessing his love, by some wicked turn of events.
She was his first.
And last.
She also believes she is responsible for his death.
She never stopped loving him.
He died with her name on his lips.
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Arranged marriage, of course, because I am a hoe for the trope.
She's a halfblood, which he fucking hates.
Much of their turmoil comes from this, see quotes: "You will only ever be loved half of what you think you deserve. By me, by everyone" and "Do not mistake my tolerance for love. Never forget that you are replaceable."
Only she isn't as replaceable as he'd have her think, because although she's a halfblood, she's also a very skilled Legilimens, and also has a position at the Ministry as Junior Assistant to the High Inquisitor, one of Tom Riddle's biggest adversaries, Miraya Patil. She, along with Augustus Rookwood, are instrumental in this war.
Hence the marriage; keep her close. Rosier had no choice but to obey his Dark Lord.
When it comes to Socorro, he has one rule: they will fuck, but she will never have his child. He would rather his line end with him than have her muggle blood continue it.
He's constantly having affairs. Alecto Carrow is a favourite of his for keeping his bed warm. Socorro pretends to not know, to avoid the humiliation, but it's hard when you can read people's thoughts and Rita Skeeter won't shut up about who's been spotted snogging whom in the underground wizarding club, The Boggart's Closet.
When he first met her, he thought she was beautiful. He still does, but that's all she is to him; something beautiful that he owns.
She vanished six months before the wedding, and returned five days before. The wedding proceeded as usual. Evan and Riddle are the only ones who know where she went and why.
He played the part of loving husband well when they attended dinner parties. That is, until he was slipping away to some empty room where Alecto Carrow was waiting.
He played the part of doting fiancé well, too, when they'd initially been engaged. So well, it even fooled her. She would later realise it was because she wanted so desperately to believe it, that she could still have love. She was wrong.
She tried very hard to make it work for the first few months, but was constantly rebuffed.
And just as she grew cold, he grew hot.
Evan ends up developing a begrudging respect for her, and even believes he's fallen in love with her. It's hard not to when Socorro is the way she is; she has a way of being exactly what you want or need. She chameleons herself into Evan's ideal woman (barring blood status) because how else would she survive him?
She cares about him as a stranger would someone in their circle. More a "thank god it wasn't me" than a "why couldn't it have been me."
She gets over his death fairly quickly.
But still leaves a single black rose on his grave on his wedding anniversary.
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Tag 9 people to learn more about their interests!
thank you so so much for tagging me @bittersweetglories this looks like so much fun!!!
fav genre? pop punk / punk rock
fav artist? Andrés Suárez or Rozalén
fav band? Paramore
fav song? All I Wanted from Paramore
most listened song recently? Zitti e Buoni from Måneskin
song currently stuck in your head? Good 4 U from Olivia Rodrigo
5 fav lyrics?
"Quién supiera reir / como llora Chavela" (Por el Boulevard de los Sueños Rotos - Joaquín Sabina)
"El que no sabe de amores, llorona / No sabe lo que es martirio" (La Llorona - Chavela Vargas, the whole song is a masterpiece tho)
"Maybe it's not my weekend / but it's gonna be my year" (Weightless - All Time Low)
"La madre Llanos baja gritando por la cuesta / "¡Canallas, me lo habéis matao!" / Sin una flor / Sin un adiós / La única tumba, la de su corazón" (Justo - Rozalén)
"And when the lights all went out / we watched our lives on the screen. / I hate the ending myself / but it started with an alright scene" (Disenchanted - My Chemical Romance)
radio or your own playlist | solo artists or bands | pop or indie | loud or silent volume* I slow or fast songs | music video or lyrics video | speakers or headset | riding a bus in silence or while listening to music | driving in silence or with radio on (I don't drive)
*before my hearing problems, loud lol
fav book genre? Fantasy or historical dramas
fav writer? Patrick Rothfuss
fav book? El Romancero Gitano by Federico García Lorca
fav book series? The Kingkiller Chronicle by Patrick Rothfuss
comfort book? The Hunger Games, Memorias de Idhún, Percy Jackson series
perfect book to read on a rainy day? Any poetry book
fav characters? Percy Jackson, Jack Redfield, Kvothe, Ana Ozores
5 quotes from your fav book that you know by heart?
"Me llamo Kvothe. Quizás hayas oído hablar de mí" (The Name of the Wind - Patrick Rothfuss)
"Me preguntaba qué podrías estar haciendo aquí" (The Name of the Wind - Patrick Rothfuss, this quote is literally in all of my social media lol)
"En la posada Roca de Guía reinaba el silencio, un silencio triple" (The Name of the Wind & The Wise Man's Fear - Patrick Rothfuss)
"En Orihuela, mi pueblo y el suyo, se me ha muerto como el rayo Ramón Sijé, a quien tanto quería" (Elegía a Ramón Sijé - Miguel Hernández)
"Temprano levantó la muerte el vuelo / Temprano madrugó la madrugada / Temprano estás rodando por el suelo (Elegía a Ramón SIjé - Miguel Hernández. No but seriously this poem is a masterpiece, please read it if you haven't, i'm sure there are English translations on the Internet)
hardcover or paperback | buy or rent | standalone novels or book series | ebook or physical copy | reading at night or during the day | reading at home or in the nature | listening to music while reading or reading in silence | reading in order or reading the ending first | reliable or unreliable narrator | realism or fantasy | one or multiple POVS | judging by the covers or by the summary | rereading or reading just once
fav tv/movie genre? Coming of Age, Musicals
fav movie? Moulin Rouge, Coco
comfort movie? Anastasia, Digimon: The Movie
movie you watch every year? Digimon: The Movie
fav tv show? Avatar: The Last Airbender
comfort tv show? Julie and the Phantoms, Miraculous Ladybug
most rewatched tv show? Probably Friends or something like that
ultimate otp? In general, Percabeth, from a show / movie, it's gotta be Usnavi x Vanessa from In The Heights and Kieutou from Druck, can't choose
5 fav characters? Chidi Anagonye, Capheus Onyango, Fatou Jallow, Amira Naybet, Sam Evans
tv shows or movies | short seasons (8-13 episodes) or full seasons (22 episodes or more) | one episode a week or binging |one season or multiple seasons | one part or saga | half hour or one hour long episodes | subtitles on or off | rewatching or watching just once | downloads or watches online
And I tag mi gente aka @naguaraquerandom @alicechesire @eskamtrash, @sarcasmisalifechoice, @claimedbytheearth, @fatousjallow, @skamesp, @nometoquesel, @im-too-tired-to-think
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002 and lily?
@incorrecthpjo thank you ❤️❤️
Thanks to @e-of-west-glendia for the same ask!
How I feel about Lily:
I love Lily, she’s absolutely brilliant and I adore the more recent versions of Lily in the Jily fandom - she’s funny, a bit scary, a bit vulnerable, kind, emotional, sassy, intelligent, smitten, fiercely loyal like her husband, too forgiving.
I imagine her as always sticking up for the underdog. Which is why she sort of stuck with Severus for so long. She knows about his shitty childhood, she feels a bit beholden to him for introducing her to magic, she thinks she can change him, thinks he wants to change, she feels sorry for him. And let’s face it, on the surface, James Bloody Potter is the exact opposite - smug, entitled, big headed, rich, a Quidditch star - she thinks he should be better, he has no excuse for being a dipshit.
The thing is, James Potter thinks that too, and he kind of needed the push. Because he does want to be a better person, he does feel guilty about his stupid behaviours, he feels bad that due to his bullying of Snape, Lily was called a slur and was very upset. He grows up. Snape doesn’t.
I headcanon her as having some great banter with James and flirting openly with him but both of them are stupidly oblivious. The rest of the class is “for fuck’s sake can you just kiss” or “ewww gross” (pureblood bigots) or “OMG ! Nonononono!” (Snape). I am not a fan of them really hating each other viciously pre relationship.
All the people I ship romantically with Lily:
James Fleamont Potter, nobody else will do. I can get my head around a threesome with Sirius, at a push, but that’s it! James till the very end! In my mind, James is the perfect guy for her - he likes her independence, her fierce passions, her kindness, he respects her so much, he adores her, he is smitten and he makes her laugh, he makes her happy, he is her soulmate. He is the best man she has ever known. That’s canon.
I can imagine her having a crush on Remus when she figured out he was a werewolf because she thinks he’s incredibly brave, has a dry sense of humour, is attractive in an unconventional way. I think Remus felt some attraction too, but he was still in his “I’m not having relationships with any students” phase, so nothing happens. And later they laugh at the idea of it. I have read one Remus/Lily fic but it just doesn’t feel right, lol, even if I love them both?
My non-romantic OTP:
I have too many!
Girls: Mary MacDonald. I love the ones where Mary is plain speaking and embarrassing her and guessing she fancies Potter (and possibly befriending Sirius Black in the process).
Boys: I love fics which have a strong Lily/Sirius friendship and Lily/Remus friendship!! It’s hard to pick between these two!! I’m particularly into the idea of Sirius initially thinking she’s not good enough for James, but then getting to know her and realising she’s bloody fantastic and that she and James would be perfect together, and trying to set them up.
And her and Remus being all sassy and one-liner-y when talking with their respective boyfriends and the other guys being momentarily too smitten to compute and answer back!
My unpopular opinion about Lily:
I will be shot, but while I adore Lily from the classic “Alright, Evans”, I’m not mad about her character in The Life and Times” - sacrilege!!! I know, listen... I find her a little bit too grumpy, too perfectionistic, too annoying??? 😬🤷‍♀️
As well as ‘Alright Evans’, I love her character in:
properly improper by @lizardcookie
The Underground - Director's Cut by @elanev91
Reputation by @petals-to-fish
Actually, anything by these authors, and by @likeawildthing is how I imagine Lily!
And I love her as @maraudersftw @raissassampaio @araniaexumae @magic-girl-in-a-muggle-world and so many other beautiful Jily writers imagine her.
We Can Be Heroes is I suppose my version of canon Lily, if you want to know how I imagine her!
One thing I wish had happened in canon with Lily:
No deaths on Halloween 1981 please!!!
Only Jily
My crossover ship:
I really don’t have one!
A headcanon fact:
I imagine her as half Irish, her mother’s an Irish Catholic and her dad’s an English Protestant. She grew up already feeling a bit like she didn’t quite fit in anywhere. Hogwarts didn’t help but she left feeling self-confident and sure about herself and how she wanted to make a difference. Cliche I know, but I headcanon her as wanting to be a Healer (and as a doc, I am extremely partial to medical Jily and anyway, I identify with Lily, marrying the guy I started dating aged 18 - sap!)
She’s incredibly skilled at dueling and is BAMF (Voldy did try to recruit her as well as James and his friends). She calls Voldemort Tom Riddle.
Mia and Monty Potter adore her and she adores them. James pretends to be annoyed about it, but is in fact so very chuffed ;)
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unoriginalurl77 · 4 years
Evan Hansen for character
Why I like them
-- I relate to him big time! He is a major comfort character for me because I really do see where he is coming from a lot of the time. He gets selfish, but his original intent was from a good place. Suddenly I am blanking on everything I love about him but ?? trust me there is a lot.
Why I don’t
-- I mean,,,he is out here lying about a friendship with a dead kid. Like I said, I see where he was coming from in the beginning, but it still went on too long
Favorite episode (scene if movie)
Favorite season/movie
Favorite line
-- Okay I really looked through half of the script before going ‘huh, I could just do a line from my favourite song’ so: “We could be alright for forever this way”
Favorite outfit
-- His shirt in the last scene; The light blue button up with little white flowers on it !! I love that
-- oh you already KNOW it’s him and Connor
-- I mean, he has a single friend so I guess it’s him and Jared
Head Canon
-- the first not-sad one that comes to mind is that when taking walks, he pulls leaves off of trees and bushes to tear them up so his hands have something to do.
Unpopular opinion
-- He IS soft. I know a lot of people hate when Evan’s interpreted as super soft because “not everyone with anxiety is a baby!” which is true, but still. He’s soft. Yes he gets angry and snaps, he also gets sad and cries, he gets overwhelmed, he tries to help people, he tries to make people happy. He’s soft.
A wish
-- I want him to be happy, maybe get a new therapist. Please, I love him
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen
-- Obviously cannon is all done with so I guess in fan works/AUs; his attempt working or him trying again. PLEASE, I LOVE HIM
5 words to best describe them
-- Struggling, caring, trying, strong, genuine (no this is not ironic, I do think he is genuine), 
My nickname for them
-- I call him Evvy in rps all the time if that counts.
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walkingshcdow-a · 4 years
And also Trevor and Finnegan
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Ship HCs | Not Accepting!
Rate the Ship -   Awful | Ew | No pics pls | I’m not comfortable | Alright | I like it! | Got Pics? | Let’s do it! | Why is this not getting more attention?! | The OTP to rule all other OTPs
How long will they last? - Depends on the verse, but I’m tempted to say for the rest of Victor’s life. (Come at me, Clare. I dare you.)
How quickly did/will they fall in love? - Victor? Oh, probably by the third time Finnegan kissed him on the lips and told him he was “a good boy” or called him “darling”. Finnegan? He didn’t notice it until about a year in and he went “Oh fuck.” because it was Too Late. 
How was their first kiss? - Explosive, deepened very quickly, escalated even more quickly. There was no pretense about it.
Who proposed? - Finnegan
Who is the best man/men? - Hmm... 
Who is the braid’s maid(s)? - I don’t know if she’s considered a bridesmaid, but I feel like Jane might end up with a very important role int he wedding or Victor’s one sister who he adores. It’s a very intimate wedding, lbr. 
Who did the most planning? - I want to say Finnegan, but let’s be real. He dumped it on his publicist and event planner because he was busy helping Victor with his divorce and, you know, running FinneCorp. 
Who stressed the most? - VICTOR. 
How fancy was the ceremony? - Back of a pickup truck | 2 | 3 | 4 | Normal Church Wedding | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Kate and William wish they were this big.
Who was specifically not invited to the wedding? - Victor’s parents, Shannon. 
Who is on top? - Finnegan
Who is the one to instigate things? - Both, definitely. 
How healthy is their sex life? - Barely touch themselves let alone each other | 2 | 3 | 4 | Once a couple weeks, nothing overboard | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They are humping each other on the couch right now
How kinky are they? - Straight missionary with the lights off | 2 | 3 | 4 | Might try some butt stuff and toys | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Don’t go into the sex dungeon without a horse’s head
How long do they normally last? - I’m not timing them, but long enough to murmur fucking soliloquys to each other, I swear to god...
Do they make sure each person gets an equal amount of orgasms? - They do not, but I don’t think they mind. 
How rough are they in bed? - Softer than a butterfly on the back of a bunny | 2 | 3 | 4 | The bed’s shaking and squeaking every time | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Their dirty talk is so vulgar it’d make Dwayne Johnson blush. Also, the wall’s so weak it could collapse the next time they do it.
How much cuddling/snuggling do they do? - No touching after sex | 2 | 3 | 4 | A little spooning at night, or on the couch, but not in public | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They snuggle and kiss more often than a teen couple on their fifth date to a pillow factory.
How many children will they have naturally? - Three through a surrogate
How many children will they adopt? - They don’t. They might consider it, but it’s already a complex enough legacy and inheritance that they’re leaving their daughters... I feel like they would feel like it was irresponsible and unfair to haul a non-biological child into their lives without being able to guarantee him or her the same legal rights as their biological kids. As it is, I think that Finnegan worries that their youngest daughter won’t have the same legal protections as the older two because she’s biologically Victor’s. I think he’s very worried about inheritance law. 
Who gets stuck with the most diapers? - I feel like Victor volunteers for this and Finnegan wonders why they even bothered with a night nanny if Victor is just going to rush in to save the day every time. 
Who is the stricter parent? - They’re both pretty strict but about wildly different things. I think it might be safe to say it’s Finnegan because he’s more consistent. Victor sometimes blurts out things like, “You can do anything you want! Do you know I love you?” to their kids and Finnegan is like “NOT ‘ANYTHING’.”
Who stops the kid(s) from doing dangerous stunts after school? - I have a  very vivid mental picture of Victor rushing after one of the Valkyries while she’s on a bike going, “Not in the streeeeeeet” while Finnegan stands on the porch with a cup of coffee. I know this picture is wrong because I imagine it at my childhood home and their time is split between fancy apartments, fancy houses, and a literal castle, but the sentiment stands. 
Who remembers to pack the lunch(es)? - Victor. Finnegan doesn’t eat and I worry that one of their girls is going to pick up his habits. 
Who is the more loved parent? - Finnegan, tbh. I only believe this because Clare and I talked about how he accidentally convinces their friends he’s a spy and a vampire. He also isn’t Trying So Hard to win approval. 
Who is more likely to attend the PTA meetings?: Both. They would absolutely both go.
Who cried the most at graduation? - Victor but he cries a lot where the girls are concerned. 
Who is more likely to bail the child(ren) out of trouble with the law? - Finnegan. Victor thinks they need to learn the consequences. A mortified Finnegan Does Not Care and just doesn’t want his daughter to spend the night in jail. He thinks that letting her know he is Disappointed in her will be punishment enough. BOY is he right. 
Who does the most cooking? - Haha
Who is the most picky in their food choice? - Finnegan. 
Who does the grocery shopping? - The at-home chef, but once a month, Victor and Finnegan go together. 
How often do they bake desserts? - They try, but not often. I remember reading that Victor is a better baker than he is cook. I’d like to see him try to get Finnegan to eat a cupcake. Challenge: Issued. 
Are they more of a meat lover or a salad eater? - Finnegan is a salad fan. Victor tries to eat balanced meals to model behavior for his husband and to get enough nutrition to support his own athletic zealotry. 
Who is more likely to surprise the other(s) with an anniversary dinner? - Finnegan. I think about the scene in “Jane the Virgin”. I wanted to do something nice for you. But instead you cooked?
Who is more likely to suggest going out? - Yes.
Who is more likely to burn the house down accidently while cooking? - Yes. 
Who cleans the room? - Housekeeping. I think they’re both relatively clean people, though.
Who is really against chores? - Finnegan. “We hired someone to do that, don’t worry about it.”
Who cleans up after the pets? - If it’s Evan, it’s Victor. If it’s the horses, it’s Finnegan or the stable staff. 
Who is more likely to sweep everything under the rug? - Neither. 
Who stresses the most when guests are coming over? - Finnegan
Who found a dollar between the couch cushions while cleaning? - I’m so curious as to what either of them would do if they found a single dollar tbh. 
Who takes the longer showers/baths? - FINNEGAN. He sometimes convinces Victor to join him,
Who takes the dog out for a walk? - Victor. Evan is HIS dog.
How often do they decorate the room/house for the holidays? - For Christmas.
What are their goals for the relationship? - Ooof. I don’t think they started with goals beyond getting laid and escaping their existences for a bit. It got complicate when they caught feelings because then the goal was “don’t get caught” and Finnegan has a Secret Goal of “convince Victor to leave Shannon for me” that turned into “Get married”. And after they were married, it became “Have children and secure a legacy.” And once they have the girls - Like, honestly, they’re never satisfied. I think if you ask my meta muse, his goals are things like “marry Victor” and “raise our girls” and “have intensely hot sex until it’s medically unwise” and “DON’T LOSE VICTOR” because someone has floated the idea of killing him and even though that someone has retracted that plan, my muse wants it known (by the muns, not other muses, because ew vulnerability) that he wants to grow old with Victor. 
Who is most likely to sleep till noon? - Finnegan. I don’t think Victor could sleep that late. 
Who plays the most pranks? - I don’t think they play legitimate pranks. I do think that Finnegan teases and flusters the hell out of Victor, though, and we’ll count it. 
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laufire · 4 years
For the character one: Max Evans. Kyle Valenti. Jace Whatever Wayland. Alec Lightwood.
Max Evans
overall: who? / i hate them / i dislike them / kinda wanna fight them / they’re alright / i like them / i love them / *accidentally drops thousands of pictures of them* (yeah it depends on the moment, I contain multitudes etc. xD)
opinion: again, who??? / the purest bean / cinnamon roll / who knows really / sinnamon roll / the problematic fav (sns LOL)
otp(s): *crickets*
other ship(s): sometimes Liz’s and Maria’s actress do make me like their scenes with him lol.
#noromo ship(s): I have enjoyed his interactions with Rosa, in my own way.
crack ship(s): n/a.
fav headcanon(s): he and Rosa will never be friends xD.
Kyle Valenti
overall: who? / i hate them / i dislike them / kinda wanna fight them / they’re alright / i like them / i love them / *accidentally drops thousands of pictures of them*
opinion: again, who??? / the purest bean / cinnamon roll / who knows really / sinnamon roll / the problematic fav (because gaslighting your mother is wrong xDD)
otp(s): Kyle/Maria/Michael, rn.
other ship(s): Kyle/Maria (with caveats given the fandom nonsense xD), Kyle/Michael. I liked some Kyle/Liz and Alex/Kyle moments but I have mixed feelings and a lot about them makes me uncomfortable af. And depending on how it goes I could end up appreciating some parts of Kyle/Steph, while still disliking the hell out of her as a person xDD
#noromo ship(s): Rosa, his mother.
crack ship(s): Kyle/werewolf guy. I just came up with it. I still want him to be a regular just Because I Say So xDD
fav headcanon(s): if it was in my own hands I’d design him a college ex-boyfriend just because I could xD, though as it is I have mixed feelings about bi!Kyle in general LOL.
Jace Whatever Wayland (LMFAO)
overall: who? / i hate them / i dislike them / kinda wanna fight them / they’re alright / i like them / i love them / *accidentally drops thousands of pictures of them* (... ignore me xD)
opinion: again, who??? / the purest bean / cinnamon roll / who knows really / sinnamon roll / the problematic fav (partially because he was the character probably more affected by the writing room changes lol, other than maybe Clary)
otp(s): Jace/Magnus. I really, really didn’t appreciate that ship as much as I should have.
other ship(s): Maia, Meliorn, Lydia. I can see why people ship Alec/Jace, Jace/Simon, or Jace/Jonathan even if I don’t ~feel it --as in, the canon material is there and very much noticeable, in the latter case in a completely forked up way.
#noromo ship(s): Isabelle.
crack ship(s): I could’ve go for Jace/Raphael in another world xD
fav headcanon(s): he and Meliorn will bang.
Alec Lightwood
overall: who? / i hate them / i dislike them / kinda wanna fight them / they’re alright / i like them / i love them / *accidentally drops thousands of pictures of them*
opinion: again, who??? / the purest bean / cinnamon roll / who knows really / sinnamon roll / the problematic fav (fight me on this, people xD)
otp(s): Alec/political power ONLY.
other ship(s): Aldertree, Jonathan-in-Sebastian, Lorenzo. In different circumstances I could’ve liked Alec/Raphael or Alec/Meliorn.
#noromo ship(s): Isabelle, Maia, Maryse, Raphael.
crack ship(s): Asmodeous LMFAO (it’s all my mutuals’ fault ¬¬)
fav headcanon(s): Alec for Consul 5ever (it’s apparently canon in the books so fork it xD). He and Maia will become bffs (also canon in the books. Even if I never managed to watch s3b because zzzzzz, I’m still bitter about this cancellation lol).
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gleefail · 4 years
Glee Memories: 1x10 Ballad
A long, long time ago, as Glee was approaching graduation in Season 3, I found myself nostalgic with some rare free time on my hands. So I decided to rewatch the series from the beginning and jot down some memories, discrepancies that have arisen since, fave quotes, tally solos - all that good stuff, strictly for shits and giggles.
8 years later (eek!) and once more I find myself with an unexpected abundance of free time. With so many revisiting or being newly introduced to the show between binge watching during Quarantine and all the tragedy that has surrounded the show since it went off the air, I figured I’d finish what I started. And by finish, I mean go through the end of S3. Cause I truly cannot acknowledge what happened after that. Except for 5B.
Kicking this off by reposting the first 15 episodes I already went through. Enjoy!
1x10 Ballad “Ok, who can tell me what a ballad is?” “It’s a male duck”
ok, I disagree with Schue’s definition of a ballad. “Stories set to music” – um…isn’t that every song? Or is it just in musicals that it’s supposed to be, lol?
“Looks like my weekly letter to the Ohio showchoir committee FINALLY paid off” and the look she gives Puck. Haha. This Rachel Berry is funny. Cause they’re letting us laugh at her right along with her. Not asking us to put her on a pedestal and/or take her seriously all the damn time. I’m not even gonna get started. I’m watching this post Props/Nationals, and though I didn’t think it could, my hate has grown. In abundance. Trying to keep it in check. Moving on…
“I bet that duck’s in the hat”
“Matt’s out sick today. He had to go to the hospital cause they found a spider in his ear” Um, ew. Also terrifying. However, humorous nonetheless. And an effort to explain a random absence of a Glee club member. Remember how they used to do that?
Aw, Artie drew Quinn’s name out of the hat. :) 2 seasons later and they’ll get 2 duets (both of which I loooove). Shame they didn’t do it this ep. Romantic or just friends, I ADORE the chemistry with Diana and Kevin. I really wanted to see more of that. :(
omg. Kurt’s face when Finn pulls his name. Adorable. Also, I love that Finn is not cool with it but a year later Sam is totes fine. Maybe that’s just cause I love dudes that are comfortable enough in their sexuality to do things that d-bags in high school might tease them about being gay for. Or maybe that’s just cause I love Sam Evans. Couldn’t tell ya. Except yeah, I totes could. It’s cause I wants a Trouty Mouth to call my very own. *lesigh*
“other asian” Ha!
“The fates talked, Mr. Schue” #BlessFinnsHeart
I love the voice-overs during Endless Love: “Screw him if he thinks he’s taking the Diana Ross part from me” “I love the days when I wear no underwear” “I never noticed how nice Rachel’s butt is…oh crap! I think Quinn knows I’m staring at it!”
I also love the facial expressions of Rachel and Mr. Schue here. Hilarious.
Haha – Brad’s like “wtf is happening?”
“Crap – she looks crazy right now!” hahahahahaha
Because of Rachel’s realization through this song, it means Lea Michele can’t squint nearly as much. Wow. It’s like a whole new Rachel with her eyes open while she’s singing.
Artie’s face after the duet. It’s like someone stepped in dog poop.
Ok, Charlotte Ross was in a show in the 90’s I used to watch that, if I recall, failed miserably but nonetheless had a brief stint as my guilty pleasure show. And I can’t remember what it is for the life of me and keep forgetting to look when I have access to google it. Anyone?
“I don’t want you to lift a finger for me. I’m your wife!” Oh wow. So unhealthy. So republican. Soooooo some parts of Ohio. These are the folks that voted for Bush. :/ Yep, I’m still ashamed to be from Ohio when I think of that election.
Suzy. Pepper. Yes. I love this actress. Bright and Hannah were my OTP on Everwood. I miss them.
“You knew it was me just by the sound of my breath. That’s so romantic.”
“Listen, you little psycho, this is Will’s wife, and if I don’t get enough sleep my anti-depressants won’t work, and then I’ll go crazy and I’ll kill you.” Oh Terri. So maternal and loving.
Suzy Pepper is sobbing to More Than Words. That was my jam back in the day!
“Your lashing out at me is fantastically compelling…and….inappropriate.”
“Thank God I never missed a piano lesson” – really Kurt? Is this the first and only time we’re to believe Kurt can play piano well enough to accompany someone from memory?
Finn singing I’ll Stand By You to a sonogram dvd on his laptop. I have no words. I don’t think I thought it was this weird the first time I watched it.
So Finn’s mom busts him singing to said laptop sonogram dvd…and he doesn’t close the laptop…or stop the dvd…or try to hide the screen. He sits up next to it as she approaches him, almost begging her to see it. I felt the same way then as I do now – it was an opportunity for him to not tell her necessarily but for her to find out anyways and I think he really wanted her to know so he could go to her for help and comfort and to relieve everything he couldn’t deal with about the situation. I’m just sayin’.
Oh old school Carol with her denim and that hair…she’s still such a great mom though. And this actress. My God. She’s amazing.
“You’re wrong, I’m right. I’m smart, you’re dumb.”
“Dude. Impulse control!” haha
“I dunno why I find his stupidity charming. I mean, he’s cheating off a girl who thinks the square root of 4 is rainbows.” #BlessFinnsHeart
Oh Young Girl/Don’t Stand So Close to Me mash-up. I fell in lust with you from the first moment I laid eyes on you.
Seriously. Matthew Morrison is so hot in this mash-up. Yowzah.
“So, Rachel, do you think you understood the message I was trying to get across with that ballad?” “Yes! It means I’m very young and it’s hard for you to stand close to me.”
“You’re a very good performer. He’s very good.”
Finn and Kurt bonding over their lost parents. This is a sweet scene.
“You think I should bring a gun?” #BlessFinnsHeart
“Casserole’s almost ready. Hope you like venison!” Ok. TERRIFYING to come home and find Rachel Berry in an apron, cooking you dinner, in your home.
Hey, remember that time that Rachel literally sang 3 lines of Crush and they released it in its entirety as a single from this episode? Ridonk.
“I found out today that my hamster was pregnant in biology class and I just started weeping!”
Aw, Mercedes and Puck are paired up for duet ballads.
haha. Babygate.
“Finn’s not the father! I am.” People be spilling out their truths to Mercedes y’all.
“Alright, look, you need to get something through your Mohawk real quick: you’re the baby’s daddy. It takes a hell of a lot more to be a father and that role’s already been cast because Quinn chose Finn. You need to accept that and move on cause you have no business messin’ up that girl’s life more than you already have. You need to back off. You owe her at least that much. ”Aw, Mercedes. Laying down tough love. And looking out for Quinn before they were even friends. Man. I love Mercedes.
Oh that’s right – Quinn has an older sister! Why did we never meet her?
“He wears a helmet when he plays, right?” – THAT’S WHAT I’M SAYIN’! #BlessFinnsHeart
“I have to go, they’ll think I’m pooping.” Hehehehe.
omg. So I love this still. Finn is doing karate moves in the bathroom mirror to pump himself up to sing to the Fabrays that Quinn’s pregnant. That is so effing funny. What happened to this Finn?
You’re Having My Baby. Haha. This song is so cheesy. This scene is so uncomfortable.
So Quinn’s parents, unlike Finn, are NOT simple-minded and have figured it out. And it’s terrifying.
“We didn’t even have sex” #BlessFinnsHeart
Quinn’s parents are kicking her out. Well, her dad is and her mom isn’t standing up to him. This is rough. Especially when you realize they’re supposed to be 15. So wrong. Poor Quinn. And her dad just screamed at her that she was a disappointment. Yeah…she’s had to deal with some shit. And in the end, they don’t acknowledge that she did and try to make her out to be the bad guy, and selfish… Way to go, RIB.
Oh good ole Carol, without a moment of hesitationlets Quinn stay with them.
“Honey, you can stay here as long as you want.” Carol’s the best. So glad she found Burt.
“We’re not so different, you and me. We’re both mildly attractive and extremely grating. Love is hard for us. We look for boys we know we can never have. Mr. Schue is a perfect target for our self-esteem issues. He can never reciprocate our feelings which only reinforces the conviction that we’re not worthy of being loved. Trust me. I’m a cautionary tale. You need to find some self-respect, Rachel. Get that mildly attractive groove back.” Suzy Pepper, ladies and gentlemen. Dropping truth bombs.
“There’s some boy out there who’s gonna like you for everything you are, including those parts of you that even you don’t like. Those are gonna be the things about you that he likes the most.” Hmm…might be true. Never thought about this, but I’d say that describes Jesse. But not Finn so much. Maybe recently. But…he has made several comments about her being annoying or controlling as they were dating. And not in a ‘those are my favorite things about her’ kinda way. Just sayin’.
Aw. Kurt seems like he feels really bad about Quinn getting kicked out.
“Open your eyes! I didn’t tell you to close your eyes.” “Is there a cake?” No, there’s no cake!” #BlessFinnsHeart
Lean On Me. Watching this now, with one ep left and it’s graduation…yeah, I’m crying. Dammit, Glee.
haha, Mercedes just kinda pushed past Rachel who was front and center to sing her solo. Probably not intentional but still funny.
Damn, Kevin McHale.
Damn, Amber Riley.
SOLOS: Rachel (1), Will (2), Finn (2), Artie (1), Mercedes (1)
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dandylion240 · 5 years
For OTP questions - Jayden & Evan: 2, 6, 10, 11, 14
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2. How do they wake up next to each other? Ex - Tangled in each other’s arms? Is one falling off the bed? ECT.
Jayden: recently we’re a jangle of arms and legs
Evan: I don’t know about you but I kind of like it that way
Jayden: so do I. It’s much better than sleeping apart.
6. When one of them gets a new outfit, how does the other react?
Jayden: um….did you get a new outfit?
Evan: typical.
Jayden: I’m sorry. I’m really trying…
Evan: it’s alright I forgive you.
Jayden: but you do look good.
Evan: you can do better than that.
Jayden: of course I can.
10. Who runs up and hugs their partner while the other catches them?
Evan (blushes)
Jayden: he likes to tackle hug me
Evan: then I remember you’re smaller than me and I should be more careful
Jayden: have you ever hurt me?
Evan: well no...but there’s always a first time.
Jayden: the only thing I’m concerned about is the baby.
Evan: afraid you’ll drop me?
Jayden: nope. All that running and giggling you do might have serious side effects
Evan: (humph)
11. What song reminds them of each other?
Evan: Need you Now by Lady Antebellum
Jayden: When I was your Man by Bruno Mars
14. Who accidentally snorts when they laugh and that makes both of them laugh harder?
Evan: Jayden snorts
Jayden: I do not
Evan: you do.
Jayden: I never
Evan: you pretend you don’t but I hear it. 
Jayden: maybe a little
Evan: no need to be embarrassed. It’s kind of cute.
Jayden: you think I’m cute.
Evan: the snorting’s cute. I didn’t say anything about you being cute
Thanks for asking! 
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ookyspookybean · 4 years
40 + 70 + 72
40. Last 5 things from your search history
Honestly? I’m always in incognito modE GDF SF FRDD
70. Your fictional crush/es
*rubs hands together* Alright we got Brian (obviously), Mr....Kralie,,, Evan, Jessica, & Amy bc im a disaster bi
72. Are you a shipper? List your otps, if so
I’d say Jam just bc I think it’s so cute and they rlly deserve each other!! Also Timlex and Amylex! (And of course Tim x therapy & having a good life)
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eliza-writes-stuff · 5 years
If you have time on your hand (like a lot of it) can you do all the 100 otp question with Terrormoohm? :3
Sorry, if I couldn’t do 100 of them XD but I hope 20 otp questions will do. Hope ya enjoy! ^^
1. Who loves flower crowns more?
“Brock because he looks adorable in them.” Brian teased.
“I’m not adorable.” Brock pouted as his boyfriends kissed him on each cheek.
2. Who is the one who likes to cuddle?
Brock and Ohm stared at Brian with amusement. He shrugs and wraps his arms around them. They giggled at his actions.
3. Who has awful taste in music?
“I sadly have awful taste in music according to my boyfriends. I love my country music.” Ohm answered.
4. Who is the meme lover?“
“Most of us aren’t really meme lovers, but Ohm sadly got involved with Smiity and Mini.” Brock dramatically put his hand on his chest.
“And I don’t regret it bitches.” The white haired man said. He walked away from the couch.
5. How did their second date go?
“It was alright. We went to an aquarium and Ohm got really excited. Brock coo at the dolphins. It was so focking adorable.” Brian kissed on the top of Brock’s head while his hand ruffling Ohm’s hair.
6. How many children do they want/have?
“We already got Tiny, Joe, and Pride.” Tiny jumped on Ohm’s lap. He gave pats on him and chuckled. “But I don’t mind if we have two kids.”
“Yeah, that would be possible.” Brian hummed as Brock nodded.
7. Who hides the weapons?
“Sometimes Brock if we get too ‘rough’ or Ohm since he likes to play a trick on us.”
8. Who is the better dancer?
“Initiating the TANGO.” Brian stated. His red eye glowed bright. “Wait wha-” He got dragged by his feet standing and grabbing Ohm’s hands. Tiny jumped off his lap then onto Brock’s lap. “FUCK YOU NOGLA!”
9. Do/Did they have a theme wedding?
“We’re not married and we haven’t thought about it. I guess it could mermaid, space, or Avengers themed. But we’ll see once these dorks stop dancing so cute.”
“Nogla turn it off!”
10. What do their parents think of them dating?
Brian lied down on Ohm’s lap with arms crossed. He lets out a sigh when his boyfriend message his hair. “I don’t have parents.” He answered.
Ohm booped his nose, “My mom thinks that it’s a bit weird because I have two boyfriends, but she doesn’t mind.”
“My parents were fine with it. However, they called Ohm a hippie and Brian an emo.” Brock giggled as he leaned on his long-haired boyfriend’s shoulders.
11. Are they a super sappy couple?
“YES” Smiity and Nogla yelled with annoyance.
12. How did they get together?
Brock and Brian were pining for each other for so long, but Brian is insecure that he wouldn’t date a literal metal. When Ohm joined the team, jealousy sparked in Brian’s circuit. Then Ohm tries to be friends with the Irish cyborg, sometimes he would reject him or let him stay. Now, Brock and Brian is confused with their feelings especially if he’s talking to Luke.
Ohm has a crush on the two, but he feels like he has to choose. Maybe if he hooks them up together, they won’t be interested in him anymore. Mini confronts him and says “There’s a thing called polyamory and you can date the both of them.”
“Maybe, but I don’t know if they-”
“Try it out! I did it with Nogla and Tyler-”
“It worked for you, but not us. I’m sorry.”
Then Brian got confronted by Nogla, and Brock got confronted by Evan and Nogla. They all gave the idiots time.
Few weeks later, Ohm was able to get Brian and Brock together. However, the two felt something was off. They were missing Ohm. Speaking of Ohm, he’s gone, buy Mini told them that he was by the bachelor. They did found him and Ohm is leaning on it. Brian says thank you, but we’re missing someone. It’s Ohm. He accepts the open relationship invitation.
13. Who asked the other to get married?
They all blushed at the questioned. None of them answered.
“They didn’t married because they’re pussies.” Nogla commented.
14. Who stays up too late and makes stupid jokes?
“I’m on the one who has to deal with Ohm’s stupid dumb jokes at fucking middle of the night.”
15. Who is the nerd?
Brian point at his two boyfriends, “These fockers.”
16. Who knows the most obscure facts?
“I do since I tend to stay up and find some interesting things.” Ohm scratched his neck in embarrassment.
17. Who makes the other a flower crown?
18. Who likes to read?
“Again Brock, he read from Harry Potter to Slaughterhouse Five.” Brian cackled when Brock pouted.
19. Who bothers the other person while the other person reads?
“Brian, he wrapped his arms around Brock and kisses his head.” Ohm giggled. Brian gave a small slap against his cheeks.
20. Who tutors the other?
They all shrugged since they teach each other. Brock being book-smart, Ohm being Goggle smart, and Brian being street-smart.
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