#carrie fisher was so iconic and real and fucking with it
kagxme · 2 years
sometimes i think about how carrie fisher wrote all about her affair with harrison ford they had while filming star wars, and how mark hamill just literally had no clue it that happened until like 40 years later, but also sometimes i think about how when carrie fisher wrote about the affair she had with a star wars co-star, she said "im sorry it's not mark. it could have been. it should have been."
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hungryfictions · 3 years
elsie fisher as carrie… go on….
OKAY so. my ideas are just super specific rants. i am so sorry this got so long but whatever… are you ready. here are my thoughts on my theoretical carrie adaptation:
first and most passionately: the whole cast HAS to be as close to age appropriate as possible. carrie is 16, elsie fisher is (a young looking) 18, i think that’s close enough. the only other cast member i have in mind is 16-year-old taj cross (i know him from pen15) as tommy, the nice jock boy who takes carrie to prom. nobody over 20 is allowed to play a high schooler, period. and also high schoolers will not be sex objects. bye
also, and i cannot stress this enough, billy nolan cannot be john travolta-fied. billy is one of the real villains in carrie imo, he’s an all around horrible shitty guy not to mention rapist with blatant disregard for anybody or anything other than himself and maybe his dumb little car❤️ i will not have his relationship with chris boiled down to “mutually destructive bad kids” because it’s a little more like he could and would kill or assault her at any given moment. and she knows that. and maybe she is a teenager who is a little thrilled by bad boys but it’s also fucking terrifying. like, chris has flown by her whole life as a poor little rich girl whose daddy gets her out of the trouble she has at school, but all that can’t protect her from this volatile boy/man.
and i would not set it in the 70s and i would not try to fully modernize it (tiktok need not appear). i would probably go in an it follows direction, where its recognizably modern but is not interested in portraying an exact moment in time. it’s a collection of things from different time periods and also some things that don’t exist at all (like those shell phones?) which kind of places it totally outside of time. and if i had to choose a time period i would choose the early or mid 90s. placing carrie in a post-columbine world changes a lot.
and generally i don’t think the human devastation and sadness of it all has been dutifully portrayed by any of the film versions. the emotional detachment of the 76 film… like it’s iconic but it’s not carrie at its heart to me.
carrie is ugly. she is not intelligent, she is unwieldy and annoying, she cannot seem to fit in and the harder she tries the worse it gets. sue snell sees herself as a good person, but even she hates carrie for being carrie, for not being able to do the things required to be a normal girl (all of which have come easily for sue). because ultimately carrie is really, really fucking hard to like. she’s not a wallflower. she is too loud and too weird and ruins everything she touches. she is overly emotional (compared to the kind of stoic, quiet sissy spacek portrayal) and prone to outbursts and generally behaving like a child because her home life has been absolutely fucked to hell since she was born.
need more focus on carrie being the product of a rape and the way that her mother uses religion to make sense of that. i feel like the mother is always just a caricature of a religious fanatic with no real emotional core. it’s just a really brutal combination of delusion and religion and trauma that defines her relationship with carrie and thus carrie’s relationship to herself.
this was literally way more than i had considered last night when i made the original post but there you are… fnjfnfngngn thanks for reading!
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justagibbsgirl · 4 years
I will never not share this. As an actress, as a woman, as a human, and as Princess Leia/General Organa ....this woman was iconic and my hero.
Carrie Fisher
October 21, 1956-December 27, 2016
(Anne Theriault wrote on 12/27/16)
Everyone is sharing pictures of Carrie Fisher when she was young, but let me show you the Leia that was more important to me: General Organa.
She’s not young. She’s not wearing a gold bikini or a robe. She’s dressed to do what she’s been training her whole life to do:lead the rebellion.
This is the Leia that has lost everything: her world, her parents, her son to the dark side, her brother to who knows where, her lover.
This is the Leia that could easily have broken or given up. But she was stronger than literally every man in her life. She kept going.
Because for Leia, fighting for what is right and just is more important than her feelings or her personal life. She. Is. A. Fucking. Fighter.
Unlike Luke or Han, Leia keeps fighting when things feel impossible. In spite of all the losses she has suffered, in spite of impossible odds.
She’s in it for the long haul. She’s the real fucking hero of Star Wars. Without Leia, the rebellion would have been quashed long ago.
When I see Fisher as General Organa, I see a woman who has put up with so much shit from so many men and yet keeps showing up for them.
In General Organa, I see a woman changed by loss but not destroyed. I see a brilliant commander with good people skills and tactical knowledge.
Princess Leia was great, but General Organa was Fishers true gift to us. And she’s who I’m going to be looking to in dark times.
May we all be able to get up every day and, in spite of our pain and loss and fear, put on our boots and vest and plan to destroy an empire
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eliza-makepeace · 4 years
Kathleen Kennedy casually talking about how she's indebted to George for creating princess Leia is soooo unnerving for various reasons. First off, she was a feisty, powerful woman until you hired misogynist Rian Johnson and she was turned into a comma-induced Mary Poppins. They turned Leia into a shell of who she used to be, and the only moments when it feels like real Leia, it's because Carrie Fisher wrote her lines.
Second off, why is it, that when talking about strong women, Padmé is always forgotten???????? As a person whose entire life, from childhood up until becoming a young adult has been influenced by Padmé being a strong, and passionate, driven, intelligent and lovely woman, this is insulting and demeaning. I love Leia, but Padmé made me into who I am. She had her flaws, but so have I and so has everyone. But as a kid, I looked up to her, her brilliance in leadership, her ability to help and fight for just causes even if she does have privilege, and her kindness and openness.
I hate she gets dragged and forgotten (willingly, ofc) by people who scream being feminists, like Kathleen. Padmé may have had her flaws, but in no fucking way was she less of a feminist icon than Rey, who was turned by this so-called feminist into the free-redemption ticket for Kylo.
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nightwving · 4 years
i was tagged by @mollyweasly​ to answer these questions, tysm!! i did most of them the other night but got distracted and am posting them now lmao
1. on a scale of 1-10, how excited are you about life right now? idk, i’ll say maybe a 7 or so? honestly i’m feeling pretty decent for the first time in a while
2. describe yourself in a hashtag? #ohfuck
3. if you could do a love scene with anyone, who would it be? that’s tough... i would never want to actually subject anyone to the horror or doing that with me, but i guess either tom holland or sebastian stan??
4. if your life was a musical, what would the marquee say? “a juxtaposed comedic disaster”
5. what’s one thing people don’t know about you? shit man i usually overshare pretty much everything, but i guess one thing would be that i got hit straight in the head by a golf ball while on a course with my parents when i was in middle school?? it came from way far out but miraculously didn’t seem to crack my skull or give me too bad of a concussion. my dad said it hit so hard that it sounded like it hit the pavement. now i have severe anxiety near golf courses and when things are flying near my head in general lmfao
6. what’s your wake up ritual? i check my phone real quick and then immediately go to pee and brush my teeth. depending on the day and whether or not i’d be late for class back when things were normal, i might shower lol. then either get dressed real quick and go to class or, these days, play video games or get on my computer
7. what’s your go to bed ritual? i’ll usually wrap up whatever i’m doing, make sure my fan is on, lock my door (when i’m at school), strip, take some melatonin, lay down, set my alarm, plug in and then get on my phone for a while until i (hopefully) get sleepy
8. what’s your favorite time of day? i love the evening around sunset or so but i also just love the night in general, especially when things get quiet in the am
9. your go to for having a good laugh? tiktok
10. dream country to visit? ummm... honestly canada 😂 or germany or something
11. what’s the biggest surprise you’ve ever had? last spring i spontaneously won an award in the department that i work for at school because my friends insisted that i get one for all the work i do on the newspaper and for my work study and stuff. they had to work some stuff around because i’m not actually a major and that’s who the awards are for, but they all agreed to give it to me at the ceremony and i was NOT expecting it whatsoever. it was one of the most amazing moments ever especially since i struggle with finding a niche and having faith in myself
12. heels or flats/sneakers? sneakers!!
13. vintage or new? i love vintage but that shit can be hard for me to find
14. who do you want to write your obituary? probably a friend idk i feel like my family would say some dumb corny shit lmao
15. style icon? i have quite a few but slash or duff mckagan from 80s GNR would be a couple ok don’t judge me. and john bender from the breakfast club
16. what are three things you cannot live without? internet, my ps4, and friends
17. what’s one ingredient you put in everything? chili or garlic powder
18. what 3 people living or dead would you want to make dinner for? i don’t even make dinner for myself lmao but if i really had the motivation, probs stan lee, carrie fisher, and my tiny son josh bassett
19. what’s your biggest fear in life? being institutionalized against my will and/or death before i’m ready/feel like i’ve done something worthwhile.
20. window or aisle seat? depends tbh
21. what’s your current tv obsession? i’m not really on a kick with it right now, but i’m slowly making my way through the clone wars in chronological order.
22. favorite app? tiktok
23. secret talent? uhh... i guess a lot of people would assume that i’m not athletic because of my weight but i’m actually naturally pretty sporty and can still be when i really feel like it
24. most adventurous thing you’ve ever done in your life? well i’ve tried to summon spirits in multiple different places, attempted to break into an asylum with my ex, done a pregnancy test with an old friend in a burger king bathroom... idk if those count as “adventurous” but that’s about all i got as of right now in my life
25. how would you define yourself in three words? eclectic, resilient, and real
26. favorite piece of clothing you own? my denim jacket
27. a must have clothing item that everyone should have? also denim jacket lol
28. a superpower you would want? i debate this often... i think shapeshifting would be cool but also telekinesis
29. what’s inspiring you in life right now? movies and stuff i guess
30. best piece of advice you’ve received? probably that it’s okay to do things at your own pace and to not be so hard on yourself when you aren’t doing things the same way as others
31. best advice you’d give your teenage self? wear some better fuckin clothes lmao
32. a book everyone should read? bruh idk i don’t really read anymore, harry potter i guess 😂
33. what would you like to be remembered for? being honest and real but also someone that would’ve been there for you, or to have a good laugh with
34. how do you define beauty? beauty is like something that fills you with wonder and a sense of life or something
35. what do you love most about your body? uh... i have nice legs i guess 😂
36. best way to take a rest/decompress? find something that distracts you and makes you forget about all the shit. get lost in another world in movies/music/etc or just laugh with someone about anything
37. favorite place to view art? i like seeing it in the studios at school when people are still working on it
38. if your life was a song, what would the title be? “somethin’ else”
39. if you could master one instrument, what would it be? ugh i would love to be a full blow pianist but i ain’t got the patience for that. i made it through a few periods of lessons throughout my life and three classes in college but i don’t have the capacity to do more than that. but i would also love to get even better with my voice. i’ve been taking classical lessons for the past couple of years but quit recently because of the anxiety that studio recitals and master classes give me. music major shit is rough
40. if you had a tattoo, where would it be? i have one janky one behind my right ear that i got when i was 16, it’s a bird. but if i wasn’t a fatass bitch, i’d like to get more in different places on my body
41. dolphins or koalas? dolphins
42. what’s your spirit animal? it used to be a coyote according to a quiz years ago lol but it’s probably something different now
43. best gift you’ve ever received? probs my shitty first car that my dad got me last summer. but it’s a hell of a lot better than nothing
44. best gift you’ve given? shit i can’t even remember. i love doing personal little gifts for my friends. ACTUALLY i’d probably say the playlist i made for my friend last christmas because listening to music late at night was our thing
45. what’s your favorite board game? secret hitler is the BOMB
46. what’s your favorite color? yellow
47. least favorite color? probs brown
48. diamond or pearls? diamonds
49. drugstore makeup or designer? drugstore bitch, i’m broke
50. blow-dry or air-dry? air dry preferably but i’ll blow dry if i need to
51. pilates or yoga? neither lmao
52. coffee or tea? coffee unless it’s sweet tea
53. what’s the weirdest word in the english language? all of them
54. dark chocolate or milk chocolate? dark
55. stairs or elevators? elevators bih i got bad knees
56. summer or winter? winter, FUCK the sun
57. you are stuck on an island, you can pick one food to eat forever without getting tired of it, what would you eat? potatoes
58. a dessert you don’t like? a lot of things, i eat like a picky five year old. but i don’t like anything minty
59. a skill you’re working on mastering? singing. but also design-y stuff and videography
60. best thing to happen to you today? i went on a short walk with my mom earlier and there’s always a man across the street from us who sits on his porch every evening and sings with his guitar. i love it
61. worst thing to happen to you today? sitting through my zoom class lmao
62. best compliment you’ve ever received? idk, just when someone has generally called me beautiful? that makes me feel really nice
63. favorite smell? i love the smell of cookies or brownies in the oven. i’m also weird af and love strange things like basement smell and gasoline. also sharpies
64. hugs or kisses? hugs probably
65. if you made a documentary, would it be about? idk probably something about a niche community/town or some cult-y shit
66. last piece of content you consumed that made you cry? avengers: endgame
67. lipstick or lipgloss? i don’t usually wear either very much but probably lipstick
68. sweet or savory? savory
69. girl crush? ana de armas or margot robbie
70. how do you know your in love? i feel like you’d do anything for that person even if it hurt you, and you think about them all the time and want to protect/be there for them
71. a song you can listen to on repeat? i usually avoid listening to things on repeat, but if i had to choose something... idk maybe africa by toto 😂
72. if you could switch lives with someone for a day, who would it be? probs someone like elon musk or bill gates to see what it’s like to be that fucking rich and successful
73. what are you most excited for about this time in your life? just enjoying it and maybe honing some skills with all this extra time. also watching some movies on my watchlist
i’m tagging @verafarmiga, @northuldrra, @tmhnks, @spaceoddly, @breaksfastclub, and anyone else who wants to do it!! but feel free to ignore or just laugh at my answers
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Rise of Skywalker spoilers below
Like really major spoilers- not kidding
Okay, so that was an uneven movie. Still I didn’t hate it. I actually quite liked it. It wasn’t perfect, but it had lots of good moments.
So the things I liked: Seeing Han again!!! And him saying “I know” to Kylo. Seeing Luke again! Also I finally got Rey Skywalker!! even if it was in a really weird way. I also really loved the scene where Rey hears all the previous Jedi, I think I even heard Hayden Christensen in there, but don’t quote me on that. And you know what? I actually kind of liked Kylo’s redemption, and though my best friend will never believe me I actually didn’t mind reylo happening. Though you know if it had lasted longer than a second I might have been mad. (seriously what does Rey see in him? is patricide that much of a turn-on?) And of course they made Finn force sensitive!!!!! I fucking love it!! Also Lando was back which was great. Also loved c-3po and the rest of droids, being iconic like always.
Things I didn’t like: Palpatine, seriously why the f*ck was Palpatine there? And they actually made Rey Palpatine a thing. Like that was only supposed to be something the reddit bros had cooked up not a real freaking thing. Also somebody behind the scenes clearly didn’t know what the fuck to do with Hux. I mean he clearly should have had General Pryde’s role. Also there was a lot of general structure problems, but I’m too tired to talk about them now.
On a general note, Leia had a really weird role, but there’s really nothing they could have done about that. RIP Carrie Fisher. 
Anyways may the force be with you
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thatwitchrevan · 5 years
So here is a thing about the Sequel Trilogy.
Does Kylo Ren love his mother, or doesn't he?
I mean I believe the answer is obviously 'yes, he loves her, probably more than he loves any other person in the galaxy.' But is that really ...supported by the films? Or explored like it deserves? I mean all of Kylo's relationships are handled pretty clumsily at times. Kylo *hates* his dad for... Some reason, but despite that powerful hate it's not only difficult for Kylo to kill him but 'splits his soul to the bone.' Then he tells Rey he DIDN'T hate Han but also doesn't really answer her why he killed him. His relationship with Rey is just a hot mess. Why in hell does he give a fuck about her, honestly? Is it just cause she matches his power? Does he think he needs her? He goes back and forth from trying to get her on his side and going 'fuck it, I'll kill her!' Where does his empathy with her come from and why is it not enough?
But Leia is the elephant in the room. Even at a stretch, I cannot imagine how Han could fail to be enough of a father. Han Solo is... An absolute marshmallow, who loves his family dearly and would do anything for them. If you have any doubt in your mind about that, read the Thrawn Trilogy and then you won't. But Leia. Leia Organa. In what universe could you have Leia Organa for a mother and be able to divorce yourself from her love. What could she possibly do to send you away. I'm not saying she wouldn't make mistakes but... Damn. I'm gonna need some real strong convincing why Kylo would ever have it in his heart to leave or disappoint her, because I sure as hell wouldn't. And fine, let's argue that Snoke manipulated him and/or he was too obsessed with Vader to appreciate what he had and/or his parents were busy with the war. None of that was present enough in the films for me to give a fuck but I'll play along. Even so, even assuming he leaves home and kills the Jedi, joins Snoke and kills his father... Why does he NEVER break for Leia (at least, while she's alive.) I guess you could argue he almost does, when he fails to kill her in TLJ, but... I'm sorry, that's just not enough for me. I'm INVESTED, I was making meta off Kylo Ren's expressions WITH the helmet on after TFA, and all you can give me re: him and his mother is that he spares her in one moment of weakness and barely mentions her again? And that Rey, some girl he barely knows, is the turning point for him and not the aching knowledge that somewhere out there his mother is alone and mourning her family and he's all she has left? Tell me why Kylo's arc in TROS isn't him warring with himself over if he should go home and throw himself to his knees before his mother and tell her he's fucking sorry? Why does he even look twice at Rey if she's not his family and she's refused to become a part of it? You know what's infinitely more interesting than Kylo Ren half-assing a redemption for like, no reason and then dying for some girl he inexplicably has a Force Bond with? Literally anything that involves him expressing or even explicitly feeling any amount of regret for what he put his mother through and deciding to do something, anything about it. I believe that he loves her but not a single movie in the trilogy sufficiently proved it to me.
I guess I have to make some disclaimers because a) this is nothing against Rey and I do still believe her dynamic with Kylo makes 100% more sense if you ignore the last film and make them siblings b) I know that with Carrie Fisher passing they could only do so much, but I think her memory deserves better than for her iconic character to die just to FINALLY get her son's attention for a moment and c) I. Left the theater for a moment after Leia died because I was so overcome with rage and sadness I couldn't stand it and also I thought the Relyo kiss was at that point of the movie and could not stand to see it on top of everything, so I may have/probably did miss something but even if I did: too little, too late. Fuck you, sequel trilogy. Leia deserved so, so much better on so many levels and so did Carrie, and frankly so did Kylo from a character perspective. These characters and their relationships were wasted on this trilogy.
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I’m not even going to be coy about it to draw you in - GO SEE THIS MOVIE. Maybe that’s terrible self-promotion on my part, but I like to think of this blog as a public service rather than self-aggrandizement and the best public service I can offer is to make sure you know just how excellent, hilarious, and game-changing this movie is. Still not convinced? Well...
Following in the footsteps of other madcap end-of-high-school teen movies like Superbad, Can’t Hardly Wait, and American Pie, this is the graduation story for a new generation and it’s fucking fantastic. Molly (Beanie Feldstein) and Amy (Katilyn Dever) are BFFs who have been working their asses off and staying on the straight and narrow to achieve academic greatness and get into the prestigious colleges of their dreams so they can change the world with some good old fashioned girl power. Think RBG rather than THC. However, on the last day of senior year, Molly discovers that all the jocks and drama nerds and party girls she’s been looking down on for not taking school seriously ALSO got into those prestigious colleges which is a real blow to her conception of the world. She demands that she and Amy have a night of blowout high school partying so that they can experience all the fun their classmates have been having this entire time - if they get to have the best of both worlds, then dammit, Molly and Amy do too. As you can imagine, their quest to get to the biggest, best party of the night turns into a series of misadventures involving an empty boat party, a murder mystery dinner, accidental drug taking, a pizza delivery robbery gone wrong, and some huge love and drama as they both try to hook up with their respective crushes. 
Some thoughts:
First thing’s first, I love love LOVE that this isn’t a coming out story for Amy. She’s out. She’s so fucking out, to her friends, her parents, even her principal. I’m not dinging coming out stories - last year’s Blockers was a sweet and unexpected surprise and I was so happy it was included in the major release of a typical teen sex comedy - but like Ariel I want more and now I have it!
The supporting cast of adults is just wall-to-wall perfection. Jason Sudeikis is pitch-perfect as the long-suffering principal who is happy to see Molly and Amy get out of his hair; Jessica Williams is the cool teacher who Molly and Amy idolize, and she plays every note perfectly; and Lisa Kudrow and Will Forte are Amy’s uber-supportive and endearingly awkward parents. 
Side note: I’m pretty sure Jason Sudeikis improved his entire Lyft scene and it’s fantastic. 
Do schools really allow silly string, confetti, and condom water balloons on the last day? All I remember is wandering around the halls and getting people to sign my yearbook. There may or may not have been a cookie cake.
The details in production design are just *chef kiss* perfect. Amy’s room with the sign “A room of one’s own,” the posters in both their rooms of famous inspirational women, the bumper stickers, the labels on Amy’s drawers listing the interior contents(!) - each tiny detail adds up to such a rich character portrait of these girls and their friendship.
They have a friendship CODE WORD (it’s “Malala”) god it’s so good. I know I’m belaboring the point, but seeing a friendship like this, that’s based on unwavering support and love and tenderness, feels revolutionary. It reminds me so much of me and my best friend in sophomore and junior year, the secret language of girls who love each other deeply and are maybe slightly codependent because the world is huge and scary and does not take kindly to young women who love themselves. I may or may not have teared up when Molly says something self-disparaging and Amy slaps her, saying “Don’t talk about my best friend that way.” 
The supporting cast of teens is made up of diverse, interesting, and well-realized characters. Gigi (Billie Lourd) is so over-the-top iconic, she’s easily the standout, living easily up to the legacy her grandmother Debbie Reynolds and her mother Carrie Fisher left. 
I just have never felt more seen as a dorky queer woman. I am not Molly, nor am I Amy, but god I’ve been both of them so many times I can’t even count. When Molly talking to Nick and he pegs her Hogwarts house exactly? My knees went weak. Amy playing the game of “Is she queer or is she just a countercultural straight girl” is so real I started having acid flashbacks of going to my first gay bar. These incredible, honest characters are the core of the film and every choice that director Olivia Wilde made in creating them was the right one. 
I also love that the only sex scene in the film is a queer sex scene - it’s so important to represent and normalize, and show queer teens that their stories can also be awkward and funny and that whether you’re queer or straight, nothing gets solved or fixed with sex at a teenage party.
Do people graduate in the morning? How? Don’t their parents have to work?
It’s evident the movie owes a debt to all the teen movies that came before and clearly influenced it, the most obvious being Superbad. In many ways the two films hit all the same major beats and feature many of the same character archetypes, but I would argue that this is the superior version. The character anxieties and dependencies can still be explored without the misogyny or homophobia - it’s the best of both worlds, and it doesn’t come at the expense of anyone else. 
Did I Cry? Of course I did, at the very end when Molly and Amy have to say goodbye to each other. 
These are my favorite credits I’ve seen in recent memory for sure. 
Do yourself a favor and go enjoy the funniest comedy I’ve seen this year. Your inner dorky girl needs this.
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purplepingupenguins · 7 years
Let’s take a minute to discuss the homophobia and double standards in the Star Wars Fandom...
Okay, so, recently I made this post:
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Which unsurprisingly got quite a few notes quite quickly. But also, was met with comments like these:
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And as an lgbt+ person with chronic fatigue I'm pretty good at picking my battles and knowing when to not start drama, actually, that's a complete lie I will call you out on your shit no matter how shit I feel.
So, this is me calling out the homophobia in the star wars fandom. That's right kids, I'm calling you homophobic.
A special shout out to the folks who made this even possible @freddie-and-i-got-stayingpower @zeminon @natenko @brandong50
Firstly, I've seen a lot of things about how his sexuality isn't even hinted at so it's wrong to call him queer and I'm like.... huh??? So just because a character hasn't explicitly kissed or fucked another character of the same gender on screen then they can't be queer. And I know, you only care about lgbt characters when they do make out on screen so you can fetish them but that is a whole other issue.
90% if not more, of characters in media don't explicitly state their sexuality and because of that it's automatically assumed that they're straight and saying otherwise is forcing labels and a sexuality on them. News flash folks: if your adamant on making him het then you're forcing a sexuality on him too.
Yes, other than a lot of looks and subtext (flirting) nothing has actually been outright said that Poe has an interest in men. But also nothing has been said about him liking women either but you're all perfectly happy for Poe and rey to happen.
As the delightful first comment asked: why does it matter? Because Disney has never had a main lgbt+ relationship or character in movies before. 
Star wars, where people can wave around laser swords and fly spaceships but can't kiss a person of the same gender. 
Star wars claims to be progressive and at times, it has. Carrie Fisher was the first female character I ever saw pick up a gun and save herself. She was the first female character I saw that didn't need a relationship with a man to be complete but she just wanted one. Star wars new trio is a Latino man, A black man and a woman and that in itself is very important. But still isn't able to treat them with the basic respect they deserve.
Lgbt+ kids deserve to watch their favourite movies and feel just as powerful as everyone else. It’s as important as Wonder Woman is for women. It’s as important as Black Panther is for black people. But LGBTQ+ people don't get that, especially in movies because society doesn't want our sexualities to rub off on kids. Because they don't want their kids to be gay. Because they think being gay is bad.
"Stop trying to shoehorn lgbt into everything"
Hahahahahahahaha I’m sorry, what the fuck did you say?? I can’t hear you over how ridiculous that sentence actually is. It’s straight people who time and time again shoehorn new characters into plots in the hope that fandoms will love the new het couple over the baited queer one so producers don’t have to go through with having decent representation. For example, those that have seen the Last Jedi, Rose, I love her to pieces don’t get me wrong, but I do not love her relationship with Finn, not as a romance. They were such good friends throughout the entire movie and then bamn! Forced het romance!! 
That kiss was so unnecessary that even the straightest of straights agree that it was forced. Not only did it ruin a perfectly good on-screen friendship between a man and a woman but it also showed just how shitty the writers and producers really are. That they’re so desperate to take attention away from a healthy, interracial, mlm couple, a couple that their entire cast and the majority of their fandom supports that they’re putting entire plots and storylines on the line.
“Jesus Christ everything has to be about lgbt these days. sick of it.” 
Firstly, you're on tumblr. What the fuck do you expect? Secondly, you have a completely empty blog just to spread your homophobia, that’s childish af. Thirdly, LITERALLY, NOTHING IS ABOUT LGBT THAT’S THE WHOLE FUCKING POINT! Every single straight person who whines about “everything’s so gay now” “I can’t watch anything without it being all about lgbt” TELL ME WHAT YOU’RE WATCHING AND WHERE YOU’RE FINDING IT. BECAUSE IT DOESN’T EXIST. 
Nobody is trying to make everything lgbt+, especially star wars, because if it was then we wouldn’t have han and leia and they’re iconic af, even if han is totally bi... okay, i’ll stop. But the point is, we’re not trying to make everything lgbt but most things are naturally lgbt+. One in four people are gay. Just gay. Think about how many characters are in Star Wars? It’s not unrealistic for some of them to be gay. In fact, it’s completely more than likely. Whether it’s Luke, Poe, Finn, Rey, Han, Leia or old Ben Kenobi, someone in that galaxy far far away is gay whether you like it or not.
I’ve seen a lot of people also saying that Star Wars isn’t even about romance, it’s about friendship and while, yes, you’re not wrong. Romance has never been a small part of it either. Han and Leia are still one of the most iconic straight white couples ever. Padme and Anakin’s romance was what started this whole mess in the first place and literally not a single person ever complained about either of those relationships.. So when you say that you don’t want it focussing on romance over friendship. What you’re really saying is that you’d rather it focussed on friendship than a gay romance.
“Stop with that lgbt crap”
That lgbt crap as you so eleoquently put it is literally mine and billions of other people’s lives. How about you stop with your homophobic crap? That’ll work out a lot better for us all?
Lastly, exactly who is it hurting?
Who is watching a healthy interracial queer relationship, or even just a non-white queer man on their screen and is hurt by it? Nobody. 
Giving LGBTQ+ people a voice hurts nobody. Seeing a gay character is not going to turn your child gay, just like seeing millions of straight characters on screen hasn’t magically turned me straight, because that’s not how it fucking works.
What hurts people is silencing that voice. Calling it s*upid and childish and irrelevant, that’s hurting people. And I know, that if you’re silencing these voices that you probably don’t care but a lot of people do. It matters to more people than you could possibly understand. This sort of content has the power to change someone’s life for the better and if that makes you and your homophobic lifestyle uncomfortable for a couple of hours. Then I really don’t give a flying fuck. 
If you don’t like it. Don’t watch the movies.
Stormpilot isn’t hurting anyone. If you wanna hate on a ship that is the symbolism of abuse then go shit on the r*ylo shippers, because that’s the real issue in the star wars fandom at the minute. 
TL;DR: Stop invalidating lgbt+ voices by mocking them and calling them childish. Stop spreading your homophobia. If you don’t ship finnpoe, okay, move on. LGBTQ+ people deserve representation like women deserve wonder woman and black people deserve black panther.
Why are you all so adamant that it’s wrong for us to force queerness on poe or finn or luke but you’re all happy to force heterosexuality on rey who has shown no real interest in a relationship besides hugging finn.
Did I miss anything?
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denimwrites-archive · 7 years
Disney is NOT Lame
Prompt: Requested by @helplesshansen - “Prompt 38: “I can’t believe you don’t like Disney movies” with trying to get Connor to see Star Wars???”
Fandom: Dear Evan Hansen
Pairing: Connor Murphy X Reader
Summary: Connor Murphy was stubborn, but you were going to try and convince him to see Star Wars anyway, but that meant being prepared. Good thing you’re his greatest weakness.
Word Count: 2,337
Warnings: Probably incorrect Star Wars plot, language, Disney favoritism
A/N: Sorry this one is a day late, I hope it’s worth the wait though! As I’ve said previously, I haven’t seen any of the new Star Wars movies, all my knowledge comes from things I’ve seen on my dash (which isn’t a whole lot). And I don’t remember everything about the original series because I haven’t seen it in years. Also I totally picture Connor as a Carrie Fisher fan because she’s a badass Space Mom and dealt with mental health issues openly and set a good example. (I don’t mention finals at all either, just pretend they don’t exist)
You were so excited. The Last Jedi had finally come out and you couldn’t wait to go and see it with your boyfriend, Connor. You rushed up to him in the hallway, smile on your face as you waited for him to finish putting some books in his locker. Bouncing on the balls of your feet, you raised an eyebrow at his slow motions. “Connor!” you called, and he gave you a glance from the side of his eyes.
“Yes, darling dearest? What’s up?” he asked, finally turning to you and closing his locker. He smiled at your excited state.
“The Last Jedi is finally out! We’ve got to see it this Friday. I don’t even know if I can wait till Friday.” At your words Connor rolled his eyes, turning to go to class. “Hey!” you caught up to walk next to him, “What’s up with you?”
As you walk down the hall, he just gives you a look before letting out a sigh. “I don’t like Disney movies, okay?”
You gasped and stood frozen in the hallway. Staring at him in shock you couldn’t help but voice the obvious, “I can’t believe you don’t like Disney movies. They’re classics and there’s so much work that goes into all of them, how can you not like them?”
“Easy, I just don’t. They’re lame, with predictable storylines and always end with happy endings. They paint false pictures of a reality where things always work out, and I don’t support that. Give me the original Star Wars and I’ll be happy, but I haven’t even seen any of the new movies, and I’d like to leave it that way before the series is ruined. Sorry hon, but I’m not the one you should see it with. We can still hang out on Saturday though?” But then the bell was ringing and you really had to get to class.
“We’re not done talking about this Murphy!” He just gave a small chuckle and continued down the hallway while you went the other direction to your first period. You couldn’t focus on the lesson when your mind was reeling with the fact that your boyfriend didn’t like the most precious of childhood experiences. And that he was willing to skip a continuation of an amazing series just because of who was making the movies! It was absurd, and you were going to prove it to him.
When lunch finally came around, you already had a list of reasons as to why Connor should have a Disney marathon throughout the week. You sit down across from him, an intense look on your face. “Connor Murphy, here are the reasons why you should see the new Star Wars series with me, along with some more Disney movies.” Clearing your throat, you begin, “It continues a franchise that you already love, but with the twist of having more strong female leads, and diversity in the cast, along with more robot companions to love. Also, your favorite person and space mom, Carrie Fisher, is in both The Force Awakens and the brand new The Last Jedi.”
At that, Connor’s eyes lit up. “I know Carrie’s in the new movies. But how much is she in them? Because I’ve heard that they cut out a few of her scenes and I’m not for that.”
You think for a moment before responding. “I can’t speak to how long she’s in it, or if some of her scenes were cut, but I can say that she’s in it and just as badass as ever. She’s leader of the resistance and not taking any shit from people. Even if she doesn’t get all of the screen time she deserves, don’t you want to see the time she does get?”
He seems to contemplate it for a few moments, bobbing his head as he weighs the pros and cons. Then he looks at you and lets out a sigh. “Alright I’ll see it with you.” But before you can get excited, he holds up a hand and says, “But only if we have a movie marathon of the originals first.”
“Deal!” you excitedly agree. “We can marathon them this weekend, and then go see The Last Jedi on Sunday! Oh, Con, I’m so excited! You’re going to love it, I promise!” You get up and give him a kiss on the cheek before getting in the lunch line to get food. When you get back to the table, the rest of your friends are there and Jared is talking about Star Wars with Evan, the two already having seen the movie. “Guys! Spoilers!”
Evan gives you an apologetic look, while Jared just rolls his eyes. “How’d you know we were talking about the new movie? We could have been talking about the classics and how Jar Jar Binks is really the main protagonist of the prequels. Which is the truth, by the way,” he said, raising a finger at you.
You return the eye roll and sit down, changing the subject to school so as to avoid any information about the movie. Soon enough, lunch is over and you head to class, giving Connor one more kiss before you part ways. At the end of the day you go home and pick up a little bit in preparation of your marathon with Connor the next day, as well as go out and get some snacks for the event.
Tomorrow doesn’t come soon enough and you excitedly talk about the snacks you got and how you know Connor will change his mind about Disney doing Star Wars. Evan even backs you up on it during lunch. “I d-didn’t think I’d-d like the new movies either, b-but they pleasantly surprised me. They might not be perfect, but the prequels weren’t either, so what’re you going to do?”
That seemed to get Connor slightly more on board, and by the end of the day you could barely sit still in anticipation. When the final bell rings you burst out of your seat and into the parking lot, ready to have a fun marathon with your boyfriend, as well as prove him wrong about Disney. You waited impatiently for Connor to make his way to your car, but he eventually made it, casually sauntering over with a smirk on his face. “Oh, were you waiting on me?”
“Just c’mon! I want to try and get through the first two tonight.” At that you two got in your car and you were off to your house. After finally getting through the school’s traffic it was smooth sailing and you turned on the tv as soon as you got inside. Tossing your stuff in your room you grab some snacks from the kitchen before returning to the couch and putting on The Phantom Menace.
You settle in, sharing some chips as the movie plays. Leaning against Connor’s shoulder, you find yourself getting really into the movie. After it finishes, you take a bathroom break and grab some more snacks before starting Attack of the Clones.
When that movie ends you look at the clock and see that it’s not too late yet. After talking to Connor you decide to start the next movie, even if you won’t finish it tonight. About halfway through, when there’s a brief lull, you decide to take Con home, just so that you can get started on the marathon again at a reasonable time tomorrow. Driving him home, you discuss what’s happened so far and how you’re getting even more excited to see the new movie.
Even Connor says that the marathon is getting him excited for it, but that the real test will be seeing the other new releases tomorrow, or Sunday. “And I’m going to be a tough judge, (Y/N).” You can’t help but shake your head at him, knowing he’s teasing by his smirk and light tone.
Dropping him off at his house, you give him a kiss goodnight, and tell him you’ll pick him up at 8:30 the next morning. He groans at the early time, but you persuade him with a McDonald’s breakfast, which changes his tune slightly. “Bribery always works,” you say smugly, before waving and driving back home. You clean up the living room before going to bed.
You wake up to your alarm and stretch before heading out to grab Connor and some delicious, albeit unhealthy food. Conversation is light in the car, and once you’re back at your house, settling back in for the marathon, you’re comfy and full. Ready to face the menace that was the Sith.
Finally finishing that, you decide to just jump right into the next movie. You were a little nervous how Connor was going to like Rogue One, but decided to just see how it played out. Sneaking glances at him at some parts of the movie, you could see he was fighting not to get invested and couldn’t stop the smirk forming on your face.
When the movie ended you turned to him with the smirk on your face, and he rolled his eyes at you. “It was okay, still not the best movie in the franchise.”
“C’mon, just admit that you liked it. Or at least that it wasn’t lame.”
“It’s Star Wars, it can’t be lame. But I will concede that they didn’t entirely fuck it up, okay?” He raises an eyebrow at you, and you sigh. It wasn’t much, but it was progress. You decide to take a small break for stretching, bathroom, and snack grabbing before setting in for the real stars of the marathon, the originals.
You both can’t help but get excited as you start A New Hope, grabbing each other as certain iconic moments play out on screen. At the end you hop right into the next movie, unable to contain yourselves. Getting more and more into the marathon, you even decide to get up and recreate one of the duel scenes with some Pringle containers. Connor even making some sound effects which you can’t help but giggle at.
Taking another break at the end of The Empire Strikes Back. You talk to Connor and decide to try and finish the rest of the series tonight, just so you can see The Last Jedi without having to wait. You give him a big hug before getting comfy on the couch once more, snuggled into his side.
With only two movies left, time seems to fly and then you’re watching The Force Awakens. Seeing Rey being a badass, along with Finn and Poe just gets you more and more amped up. And you can tell that Connor loves it by the way he lights up whenever BB-8 appears on screen. When the movie ends you both sit there in silence for a few moments before Connor bursts out, excitedly going over the scenes of the film and analyzing the implications of certain details.
You don’t think you could smile any wider as you watch him gesture and go on and on. You interject some of your thoughts and how the trailers for the new movie have gestured to certain ideas as well. There were so many theories you talked about and soon enough you’d been sitting there for another hour.
“What time are we seeing it tomorrow, because it better be the first time available.” You giggle at Con’s enthusiasm and pull out your phone to look up the times. Seeing that the earliest one is at 1 in the afternoon, Connor lets out a sigh in frustration, wishing it was sooner.
“At least you’ll get to sleep later,” you tease. He gives you a light hearted glare in response. You drive Connor home and give him a kiss goodnight, telling him you’ll text and make sure he’s up at 11, just to ensure you get to the theater in time. You sleep a little fitfully that night, too excited for tomorrow to come, but soon enough you’re dreaming of androids and the power of the force.
Upon waking up the next day, you get dressed and have a good breakfast, deciding to only have a light lunch so you can snack on popcorn in peace. Texting Connor, and deciding which snacks to try and sneak into the theater, you feel yourself get excited again. You even end up at Connor’s house early, but he seems just as thrilled as you are.
You arrive at the theater about an hour early, so you buy your tickets and decide to walk around a little bit since you have some time to kill. As the time comes closer, you hurry back just so you can get the best seats. You’re the first people in the theater and you talk about more ideas as you wait for the movie to start, sometimes commenting on the previews and mentioning which ones you might want to see in the future.
The theater soon fills up, barely any room left by the time the movie officially starts. You grab Connor’s hand as the opening plays, him giving it a squeeze in response. Watching the events of the movie unfold on the edge of your seat, you can’t believe how soon it ended. As the credits start to roll you look at Connor with an open mouth, and he looks just as shocked as you do. Deciding to wait for everyone else to leave before getting out of your seats, you start to discuss the main plot points of the movie.
Finally walking out of the theater, Con’s hand still in yours, you turn to him with a smug look on your face. “So Disney movies are lame, huh?”
He scoffs, “Shut up. It’s Star Wars, it can’t be lame. Even if Disney does it.”
“You won’t be saying that when we watch Moana next weekend.” He lets out a slight groan and you giggle, giving his hand another squeeze. He’ll come around, you think to yourself, cause that’s the magic of Disney.
Tag List: @helplesshansen
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hauntedfalcon · 7 years
TLJ reflections now that I’ve finally seen the damn movie
I want to preface this by saying that we as fandom, any fandom, have thoroughly sold ourselves that line about how fanworks are the reclamation of our modern myths now that said myths have been fully commoditized. I felt powerful the first few times I saw that quote circulating. Then I started to feel tired, because every Johnlock shipper from here to space was using it in part to imply that they were, like, super progressive and important. Also, it has been used to justify some notion that fandom creates canon, and I’ve never agreed with that. 
And now I just feel hollow. Is there a bigger modern myth than Star Wars? Could there be more thorough reminder than The Last Jedi that no, modern myths do not belong to us, and if we try to stake any claim on them they will be put into the hands of someone who is wholly disinterested in any aspect of them that we value, and they will be fed to us in a form that defies us to create any fanworks about it at all? 
This is the first time I am watching a Star Wars trilogy as it unfolds where I actually care about most of the characters. For better or worse, and probably largely because of the impact of that idea of reclaiming our modern myths, I feel incredibly protective of them. I recognize that my basis for what I expect from those characters is one prior movie and a handful of expanded universe materials, so I wouldn’t say “the real [character] would never [heinous act],” because unfortunately the content of the movie I just witnessed is canon, but I can certainly say that my versions of those characters wouldn’t. 
All that being said:
Paige Tico
Paige didn’t even get to speak a line
would it have killed them to have her say “I’m on it Poe” as she went to drop the bombs 
with urgency and resolve and just a hint of fear in her voice 
Paige Tico is a hero 
Poe Dameron
Poe was right
Finn and Rose and Poe’s plan actually would have worked if Holdo had spoken to Poe in good faith and given him cause to trust her with that information
I’m still not sure what Holdo’s plan was, she died as she lived, with hair full of secrets 
Poe’s characterization was cocky, for sure, but people have been calling it chauvinist and I didn’t actually pick up on anything despite the efforts to play his concern when speaking with Holdo like a subtle wink wink nudge nudge to all the overqualified women in the audience who have ever had a dude tell them something they knew already 
(also can someone tell me where the line was where Holdo and Leia objectify him? because I was watching and all I heard was “He’s a troublemaker. I like him.” which was... not at all the sort of thing that people were talking about) 
I believe that Rian Johnson believes that Poe is the Han of this trilogy and I believe Oscar Isaac deliberately played all his scenes the opposite of how he could have played them and how Rian probably wanted him to play them 
that being said, my Poe would never get his fellow soldiers killed with recklessness
you could absolutely get Poe to the place he needed to be at the end of this movie without bloodying his hands 
“how did you two meet” was the most Jealous Boyfriend thing I have ever. heard. 
why was so much of this movie about Finn being in pain
I don’t like that 
his panic when he couldn’t move after being stunned? I don’t like that 
Rian Johnson is great at writing abuse, both physical and emotional
he’s terrible at knowing when to stop 
like when it’s an interaction between two people who are both supposed to be protagonists :) :) :) 
why wasn’t Finn given anything meaningful to do 
there was an interesting comment somewhere about how this is a movie about heroes failing, all the plans fail, every single one 
but that doesn’t actually make it any less tedious to watch, and as my husband pointed out it’s not what people want in a Star Wars movie
also while this is supposed to be the Empire of the trilogy and there were many call backs, Empire never backed down from the mood it established, while Last Jedi suffered from wildly disparate moods and tried to end on a high note where Empire embraced the low and still made us feel like there was clear forward momentum 
Rian Johnson had no idea what to do with Finn, just no clue how to handle him 
why was he excited about Canto Bight? we just don’t know
on the upside Finn’s immediate concern upon waking being getting to Rey was A+++++++++++++ consistent characterization 
as was the line “Rebel scum,” which indicated not a commitment to the Resistance the way I’ve seen people claim, but a commitment to rebel and as you might guess, I am one thousand percent HERE FOR IT
Rose Tico
you know how PacRim was in part such a big deal because for once the Asian woman didn’t sacrifice her life to further the white man’s story? TLJ gave us Rose stopping Finn from sacrificing himself and she didn’t have to die in the process 
I can’t believe Rose and Finn doublehandedly destroyed war profiteering 
Rose’s sense of wonder and her jadedness are my two favorite things 
Rose gave away her necklace and her vintage Rebellion ring without hesitation in order to further the cause so I think it’s only fair that in Episode IX someone gives her jewelry 
and by someone I mean Poe Dameron and by jewelry I mean one quarter of his mom’s ring because that my friends is a polycule in the making 
why what? why everything honestly
why did they go to the effort of keeping her alive when she actually gets blown up in this movie, that was in the plot before Carrie Fisher even died 
what the fuck are they going to do now 
episode IX clearly would have been Leia rebuilding the Rebellion from scratch but uhhhhhhhhhhhh first they have to figure out what to do with the fact that they’re out of Carrie Fisher footage! and solving that problem is clearly going to require them to do one of the several things they’ve already said they wouldn’t do!
I surprised myself by not crying in any of Carrie Fisher’s scenes, but when R2 showed Luke the original message? HOO BOY it was raining on my face!!!!
no but the Confirmed Very Powerful Force User Leia Pulls Herself Back from the Cold Dark Vacuum of Space thing? gorgeous! gorgeous scene. gorgeous, breathtaking 
but I’m just operating on the headcanon that she died in her coma and what remained was a tangible Force ghost 
(Yoda bopped Luke on the snoot)
(the dice were a tangible Force projection what the fuck) 
p.s. why didn’t Leia move the damn rocks 
Rey spend half this movie talking to Krylon in her head but she didn’t even get to speak a line to Finn
they done you dirty Rey
I’m sorry Rey
the thing about this movie is that the people who are going to believe what they want to believe, no matter what, are going to find a way to say “that was misdirection!” 
and for once I’m not (just) talking about Re/ylo, I’m talking about the bit with her parents 
yeah Krylon doesn’t know shit about her parents and he was taking up the mantle of emotional manipulation and abuse that Snoke had just bequeathed 
but Rey coming from literally nowhere is SUCH A GOOD and I’m saying that as an avowed Rey Kenobi supporter 
let her come from nowhere and no one
let her be an example of a hyperpowerful hero in this series who didn’t get that way with midichlorians or bloodline 
let her strive to be great for her own sake, not in relation or reaction to what came before her 
Gareth Edwards
that came out wrong 
damn Mark Hamill threw everything he had into this and I really respect that when it’s clear from his interviews that he hated everything he had to do
hate that the character was in that position, hate the shitty writing of the intervening time, love the resolution, but tbh if he was just gonna die why not actually physically show up  
the total silence when Holdo jumps to light speed and everything gets reduced to stark iconic images: gorgeous, breathtaking
the hug: gorgeous, breathtaking 
vulptices and fathiers: gorgeous, breathtaking 
the Caretakers: I’d die for them 
Rose converting her FO uniform to biz caj chic on Crait: gorgeous, breathtaking 
Luke and Yoda cracking open a cold one while the Book Tree burns: gorgeous, breathtaking 
everyone’s makeup: bad, they looked either ill or painted
(I don’t actually know anything about makeup but I know I grimaced a lot)
all the many, many moments of bombast that covered over or otherwise distracted us from the few instances of nuanced ideas or potential plot progression in this film: gorgeous, breathtaking 
for half a second Luke was talking about how the light can still exist without the Jedi and I leaned forward in my seat like yes, yessss, but then we had to cut to Creepy Dark Cave on Training Planet Where You Go for Answers But You Only Find Your Own Face 
like Jesus just let the philosophy professor ramble for a little while, it won’t hurt anything and he’ll be in a good mood at test time
anyway this movie sure gave my eyes a lot to absorb and occasionally it activated all three of my feelings
but all it actually accomplished in the context of the trilogy is to kill some people and take some stuff away 
it occurred to me toward the end that there wasn’t anything in the movie I would have to edit out for my kid to watch it, but there’s no way she’d be able to sit through the whole thing
two and a half hours is too God damn long for a Star Wars movie, full stop
ten minutes of concrit from the story group could have led to some interesting avenues to explore and probably tightened it up a lot 
but instead it was painfully clear that no one said no to Rian at any point and what that got us was a movie that was extremely fatiguing to watch
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tfakylo · 7 years
The Last Jedi Thoughts
So I just saw The Last Jedi for the second time and I didn’t write a post about it the other day bcos I saw it at a midnight showing and it was lit 4am by the time I got home BUT ANYWAY
- any time Carrie Fisher was on screen I wanted to properly sob bcos I miss her so much (I was an uncontrollable MESS at the end of the credits)
- I had so much hope for Finnpoe actually being canon in this film (FINNPOE IS STILL ALIVE, DON’T @ ME) and the first few times Poe and Finn were onscreen together in The Last Jedi were so great but then I feel the plot just tried to get them as far away from one another as possible n I’m so sad about that. Hoping for more Finnpoe/Stormpilot in the next film
- I wanted Rey and Luke to have more of a connection but him keeping his distance from her made sense as the film progressed and we learnt more about his whole drama w Ben/Kylo. I LIVED FOR THAT SCENE WHEN THEY WERE ON THE CLIFF AND HE TICKLED REY’S HAND W THE BRANCH
- I loved Rose’s character so much!! Kelly Marie Tran was so great and even tho I still ship Stormpilot more, she deserves all the happiness in the world and her and Finn are rlly cute together
- Chewie becoming an adoptive dad to the porgs was adorable and I NEED MORE OF THAT SHIT IN THE NEXT FILM PLS
- Supreme Leader Snoke has (HAD) such a killer wardrobe (I need that yellow robe in my life)
- Kylo Ren had so much character development and I’m such a fan of this! Adam Driver brought so much to the character and honestly I believe he’s gonna have a redemption arc in the next film, BEN SOLO WILL RETURN FOLKS
- Rey also had so much character development! I loved that they showed her also being drawn to the dark side and the fact that she (LIKE EVERYONE) has darkness within her. It helped show both the similarities and the differences between her and Kylo bcos whilst they both are drawn to both sides, she does a better job at fighting the darkness within her. However, we also see that there is still the possibility that she could turn as dark as Kylo. Daisy Ridley did an excellent job!!
- I loved how Rey kept accidentally fucking things up and making the caretakers of Ahch-To hate her bcos honestly RELATABLE
- shirtless Kylo KILLED ME (and Rey xxx)
- Kylo’s puppy slide on the floor bcos of their first connection is ADORABLE, UR NOT FOOLING ANYONE MR UR IN LOVE W HER
- Initially hated Holdo apart from her purple hair bcos that was cool af (nobody is allowed to talk to Poe lit that BACK OFF) but grew to love her, thanks for sacrificing urself to save the Resistance babe
- Finn and Rose’s ride on the fathier is so good and the fact that they freed ALL OF THEM from the stables was so great thanks 4 fighting that fight for animal rights as well as fighting the First Order kids xx
- BB-8 and DJ’s fast growing friendship was beautiful UNTIL HE DJ TURNED OUT TO B A FUCKIN SNAKE WHO SOLD OUT FINN AND ROSE
-the droid that looks lit BB-8 on Snoke’s ship is now BB-8’s goth gf, I’m sorry I don’t make the rules xxx
- can’t believe that Luke nearly killed his nephew (YES U KILLED BEN SOLO LUKE UR AS MUCH AT FAULT AS SNOKE BUT AT LEAST HE’S SUPPOSED TO BE A BAD GUY), also I just wanted to hug Ben Solo when he woke up and his uncle was standing over him w a lightsaber. I’m not even sad, just DISAPPOINTED IN U LUKE
- the Kylo and Rey lift scene resurrected my love for Reylo
- Kylo/Ben killing Snoke to save Rey was fuckin iconic and their battle against Snoke’s guards was a great first date don’t @ me REYLO IS REAL (or at least it’s gonna b)
- honestly I’m so glad that the whole Rey Skywalker rumour turned out to b fake bcos that would’ve made this film rlly awkward had it not been, but finding out Rey’s backstory makes me so sad for her bcos my lil baby was abandoned by her trashy parents n she deserves so much better than that - glad that she’s reunited with Finn by the end of the film bcos he’s her fam and they’re so good for each other!!
- Kylo Ren basically telling Rey to let go of the past and everything that goes w it is basically me trying to give myself relationship advice WHAT A MOOD but also KYLO THAT IS NOT HOW U TALK TO GIRLS U LIKE FS
- a huge fan of Yoda reappearing just to prove to Luke he’s a bigger drama queen by bringing in lightning when Luke only has a tiny lil flame
- Kylo as the new supreme leader is gonna b so hot- I mean he’s surpassed even Darth Vader in rank now n he’s so bitter and angry by the end of the film but at the same time he’s so torn and emotionally messy there’s so much more room for further character development for him n I LOVE IT
- I’m so glad that Rose saved Finn from literally launching himself into that fuckin death cannon BUT SHE BETTER NOT DIE BCOS OF IT BCOS I LOVE HER WAY TOO MUCH FOR THAT!! also Rose and Finn’s kiss was probs the most pure thing I’ve ever seen MY BABIES
- Luke and Leia’s reunion was lovely but I wished they got to speak for longer, especially since it’s the last onscreen interaction we’re ever gonna get between them now
- Hux saying “do u think u got him??” when Kylo is being the king of drama is so petty and I LIVED FOR IT (especially when nothing actually even hit Luke lmao)
- I’m so happy that Luke only appeared as a force projection and Kylo couldn’t actually kill him bcos it meant he got to go peacefully (I’M SO SAD ABOUT HIS DEATH BUT AT LEAST IT WASN’T RLLY VIOLENT AND MESSY LIT HAN’S WHICH I’M STILL NOT OVER!!)
- Finn and Rey’s reunion hug is everything I dreamed of and now Rose has to get better so Finn has everyone who loves n supports him around him bcos my baby boy deserves this
- the last connection between Rey and Kylo makes me believe there is still hope for Ben Solo bcos he looked genuinely upset so I’m hoping the boy changes his ways for good in the next and redeems himself so that him and my girl Rey can b together! either that or that she takes him up on his offer to rule beside him bcos that would also b hot and I’m not fussy at this stage xxx
- I kept forgetting that Rey and Poe had never actually met I LOVED SEEING THEM ONSCREEN TOGETHER AND THEY’RE GONNA B BESTIES IN NO TIME I CAN FEEL IT
- I hope that little boy from Canto Bight grows up to b a Jedi in the next film
- I’m so glad that they didn’t kill off Princess Leia bcos she’s always gonna b alive to us
- all in all I LOVED the whole cast of The Last Jedi and I really enjoyed the film, looking forward to what the next one brings!! Hoping Rose and Rey get to meet and that they become best buds
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thebibliosphere · 7 years
✨Stay afraid but do it anyway.✨
And perhaps I’m a little touchy on the subject and maybe I hold Carrie a little too dear to my heart, but the reason I do is because Carrie Fisher helped me realize I was mentally ill.
Oh I knew I was crazy, in the same vague way you worry that you've left the stove on at home, despite not having cooked yourself a meal in weeks because you’re too depressed to eat a proper meal. (Except you don’t call it that, you call it “laziness” and maybe try and convince yourself it’s a new diet called “whatever requires the least amount of effort to put calories into my face”.)
Something was “off” inside my head, but no one seemed to care about it too much. Even when they threw me into eating rehab for a perceived eating disorder—despite lacking several of the vital criteria on the checklist to have typical eating disordered behavior—no one gave too much of a shit. I was just a girl who was “too nervous”, “too in touch with my emotions”, “too fragile”, I was “attention seeking”. And their remedy to this was ignore me and wonder why I crashed and burned at regular intervals, blame me for being selfish, then go back to not giving a fuck until it inconvenienced their life again.
I was crazy. But maybe I wasn’t. Maybe if I just tried harder...so I learned to cope. I became the one who Coped. I was There For Everyone. I became Reliable and above all else, I learned to be Funny and make It funny.
My mother still hates that. She thinks it’s crass for women to be funny. Personally I think I’m fucking hysterical, but then what do I know, I’m fucking nuts.
Later, now with hindsight and being able to look at my life from a safe(-r) mindset surrounded by people who care and want to help, I realize that what I was going through was (and is) untreated PTSD. Whether or not the PTSD caused the other issues, like the depression, the anxiety, the compulsive behaviors or the ADHD I think I might have, I don’t know. I likely will never know, because the Thing happened and shot my still developing child brain into a million tiny fragmented pieces of unparalleled terror and poor coping mechanisms. It doesn’t really matter at this point, all that matters is dealing with all of it as best as I can, however I can. But there’s a very real chance I might never have gotten to this stage if I hadn’t found out that Princess Leia, my childhood icon who helped me feel brave and strong while my world was ending, had written a book about living with mental health issues.
I wasn’t sure what to expect from it to be honest. I knew vaguely, that Carrie Fisher had issues. The word “junkie” had been used by my father—while unironically taking a drink from his self-medicating poison of choice and my mother tutted and tisked about how some people just ought to pull themselves together. 
Ten, maybe twelve minutes into the book locked away in my room, I can’t even tell you anymore whether I was crying because I was laughing so hard or if I was laughing because I was crying my heart out, but I was having a fucking revelation.
This was me, holy shit this was me, this was me, this was me, an unboken mantra in my head pounding to the beat of my heart, this was me, this is me—I do exist.
That’s a weird thought to have, right? I do exist. 
It wasn’t, “I’m normal”, because normal is not this. It’s not feeling like your mind is running a million miles a second in circles while simultaneously wading uphill through treacle and juggling chainsaws while trying to keep all your Life Plates spinning and oh gods someone just handed you a kitten to look after. What it is however, is fairly common, and suffered with varying degrees of severity by a rather sizable chunk of the world’s population. I mean, who knew? I sure as shit didn’t. I thought it was all in my head.
You know what I mean.
I’m told some people get up in the mornings and go through their entire day without once having an intrusive thought or struggling to do basic shit like take a shower and manage to remember to feed themselves. I know, seems fake right? It certainly does to me.
And here was Carrie, my Princess Leia, laying out her issues past, present and probable future, in what remains one of the funniest, most brutal attempts at self-lobotomy on paper I have ever had the privilege to read. I consumed that book in mere hours, I devoured her words and breathed them in like inhaling steam in a sauna and breathing out fire in their wake and moved onto her next book, then her next, then her next, and by then there was this blessed thing called Twitter and it should be impossible to be hilarious and poignant through 140 emojis or less, but that was the kind of brilliant she was. And this was me, this was someone like me. And she was witty and brilliant and funny and yes, things were difficult for her and yes, some parts of her life were an absolute clusterfuck of mistakes, addiction and general all round fuckery leading up to that point...but she was still there, y’know? She was still there.
And it breaks my heart a little every day, knowing that I’ll never be able to tell her how important that was to me. And to thank her for it.
So instead I try to pay it forward. Every day, from one day to the next, I try to be a little kinder, a little brighter—a little more like Our Lady Carrie—and throw two loving sparkly middle fingers up at the world that tries to stamp out and demonize the notion that mentally ill people like me, like you, exist. 
And we deserve to exist, and more than that, we deserve to be treated with human fucking decency.
And if you are of a mind that the latest news surrounding Carrie’s death means that she was any lesser of a vital energy force in this world, that she mattered less, that her words were less important or that she “deserved” to die because they found drugs in her autopsy report, it is with my profound and heartfelt best wishes, that I invite you to cordially:
✨🖕✨🖕✨🖕✨ Go Fuck Yourself ✨🖕✨🖕✨🖕✨
Don’t bother to RSVP.
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morhath · 7 years
more big TLJ spoilers, I’m listing fave and least fave things:
Favorite things:
Leia!!!  Using the force!!!  It was cheesy and looked kinda awful but I’m still happy!!!  Fuck you, horrid nerd men!!!  She’s Force-sensitive!!!
Rey lifting the rocks at the end.
Finn’s entire existence.
Luke and Leia’s conversation about death and loss.  I was fucking bawling the whole time because of how Carrie Fisher’s death contextualized it but it was great and I loved seeing how their relationship has developed now that they’re much older.  Good twin interaction!  Although I wish there was more.  Let them hug!!!
The little Force-sensitive boy at the end--I wish he wasn’t a white boy, but I really liked them showing that there are gonna be new Jedi or at least Force-sensitive people.
The Admiral ramming the empty ship into the First Order’s ship.  I love a good heroic sacrifice.  Also it made me think of Animorphs.
As much as I hate Kylo Ren and don’t want him around Rey, the part where he kills Snoke and then the two of them just fucking LAY WASTE to the dudes in red armor was incredibly satisfying and looked super cool.
Luke’s whole battle #look was iconic and I shed a single gay, dramatic tear when he brushed his shoulder off.
I also really liked that Kylo Ren turned down the redemption and that he doesn’t seem to have been 100% manipulated into everything by Snoke, because I feel like that’s more true to how that kind of person is in real life.
Least favorite things:
What they did to Luke.  Why is he a bitter old man?  Why did he think to kill his student, even for a second?  Do you remember Luke at all???  He’s the nice one!  Who likes people!  And who believes Darth Vader is redeemable!  Also the milk scene was. horrible.  The milk scene might actually be my #1 least favorite thing.  What was up with that weird grin.  I hate it.
The whole subplot with Finn and Rose, specifically how much it sidelined them and how futile it was.  Like, they failed!  They were horrifyingly humiliated!  A lot of the humor was unpleasant!  Also then why the fuck did Finn try to kill himself to stop the cannon--I don’t necessarily think that has to be out of character, but it definitely was here--and why did Rose kiss him?  How the fuck did she even feel about him?  I never could tell.  And they hyped Rose up to be this really cool character and then squandered her potential.  I did love her sister’s heroic sacrifice (as I said, I’m a fan of those) but also I’m not pleased that she died so early on.  It was all just bad, racist writing.
Rey’s conviction that there was good in Kylo Ren.  I have mixed feelings about this because in a lot of ways I think that believing someone can be redeemed ISN’T very gendered in Star Wars.  (Luke and Han do it, as well as Padmé and Leia--it’s kind of a theme.)  That being said, it definitely still read to me as “woman thinks she can redeem man who is beyond redeeming, totally wasting her time and energy, because that is what women are supposed to do”.
The plot with Poe.  I was under the impression that Leia seriously trusted him, so why didn’t she tell him the plan?  He fucked things up because he wasn’t kept in the loop.  Also I’m not super happy with his characterization as being hotheaded and glory-seeking.  It’s not necessarily out of character, because he didn’t get a ton of characterization in the first one, but still.  I have a strong suspicion that it’s racist.
How much time was spent on Kylo Ren’s emotions.  I admit I didn’t hate this chunk of the plot anywhere near as much as I thought I would, but I still wasn’t fond of it and I felt like it ate into other plot lines.
The fact that Kylo Ren was the one who revealed Rey’s past and that he did it in such a cruel and hurtful manner.  Let her have agency!  Let her tell her own story and reveal it in her own way and her own time!  That being said, there’s always the possibility that he was wrong and there is something more going on with her past...  Dunno how I feel about that but it’s cool to keep in mind.
That bit where it looked like Rey and Kylo Ren were going to kiss, NO THANKS.
I partially covered this in other places, but a lot of the humor fell flat and wasn’t very funny and/or was straight up bigoted in one way or another.
The Porgs are so obviously there to sell merch and be cute comic relief.  They add nothing to the movie and are annoying as hell.
Luke’s death--it’s towards the bottom of the list because I thought it was very very well done and emotionally impactful and just generally good.  But also I love him and it makes me worry how they’re gonna handle Leia in the next movie, since Luke was the Big OT Death in this one.  Please don’t CGI her, it was unnerving as hell in Rogue One.  But also please don’t just have her quietly die in between the movies?  Let Leia go out fighting, although I don’t know how they’ll manage that.
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thatmademadej · 7 years
this is my only blog that actually gets any traction sooooo you guys get to hear all my opinions about everything! (Major spoilers under the cut) 
2. I think the most controversial thing about this film was Luke’s characterisation (some people have theorised that Mark himself wasn’t happy about it?) but honestly it was my favourite bit of the film. It would have been sooo easy for Luke to be a wise old master, teaching Rey, coming back to beat down on the First Order - but instead, he’s struggling. He’s feeling guilty, insecure, afraid, he’s cut himself off from the force. It felt so real and so powerful, and I loved every second of it...he’s still Luke. He still needs Yoda to come and give him a kick up the arse. There were tears on my face.
3. Speaking of, Yoda’s appearance was god-tier homage I adored it.
4. Poe’s story also raised a few eyebrows, but I thought it was a smart move. Let’s see him make some poor decisions, and learn from his mistakes - it was the right way to build on the cocky flying ace we met in TFA.  
5. Laura Dern flying a cruiser straight through a Star Destroyer was an iconic shot and I had to stop myself yelling in the cinema (no joke I’m the worst cinema companion the guy next to me was getting fed up with my constant squeaking and tearing my hair out).
6. There WERE some pacing issues. Relative to Luke, Rey, Poe, Kylo, I wasn’t as invested in Finn and Rose’s sideplot - it felt bloated. I reckon it could have felt more relevant if they’d doubled down on Finn branching out and discovering more about a galaxy he knows nothing about. It’s also worth remembering that Poe and Rey are the reason he joined the Resistance in the first place, and by pulling them all apart his motivations become foggy.
7. In addition to the pacing, the constant bait-and-switch in appearing to kill off Luke, and Leia, then the final scene with Luke giving himself over to the force? Fucking exhausting. And it lessened the impact of Luke’s actual death. Which I thought was an odd choice tbh...how are they going to have Leia in the next film??
8. Which brings me to my final point - I miss Carrie Fisher every god damn day. She continues to inspire me in my quest to tell everyone and everything to fuck right off.
I should be a film critic my opinions are wasted on this hellhole
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Using footage of kids asking Superman questions was very cruel I’m crying already
Well has Superman ever fought a Hippo?? We want answers
Ray Fisher just knocking it out of the park he was incredible
Smug Superman is all I’ve ever wanted. He’s so smug and sure of himself and to see his abilities on screen properly fighting??? Loved it
I don’t....not....like you (gay panic)
Cue shot of Aquaman carrying Superman into the water all in his suit he was buried in
Next shot Superman is completely barefoot and shirtless titties on show for the world
Thanks Zack Snyder....thank you
Barry Allen is a kpop fan
Mera sassing Arthur she isn’t having your shit today no sir
Superman laying waste to the team as pretty cool sure you’re all on the same side but it really shows how powerful he is
Using those powerful muscles to hold away three Justice League members
Barry freaking out about everything!!!
How relatable??
Honestly Ezra just smashed it out of the park I love him
Superman being so free and being himself as a hero.....love it
Steppenwolf was an ok villain but I blanked out when he said Darkseid oh shit my boyyyyyyyyysssssssssssss
The woman who was doing the interview about the aliens taking her husband and constantly bleeping out her swears was the real hero of this film
LANTERNS??????????? Get outta here with that shit
I thought Iris had some scenes but I guess they were cut?
I love how different the tones were between the Justice League and Batman vs Superman was like that was so well done Zack Snyder you genius
Diana ‘I work with children’ Prince
Diana and Bruce co-parenting Barry
Clark being confused by the fact Bruce just.........bought a bank....
Alfred complaining about Bruce’s lack of dates
Give him what he wants Bruce
Two hours of everybody straight up roasting Bruce Wayne is what I’m here for
Jim Gordon just rolling with the fact Batman has brought his friends around
Arthur loudly saying Bruce Wayne and Batman in the same sentence
Lois yelling Clark again
Diana talking about how she isn’t over his death???? She loved him so much????
Diana saving the day and all those kids going up to her
Also I did like the score so fight me
The way the team fucked over Steppenwolf........nice
FIRST LOOK AT DEATHSTROKE oh fuck yeah just fuck yeah just like.....hell.....yeah....
There is so much I missed but right now holy fuck
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