#carrot top and feral cat
thirstyvampyr · 5 months
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I like 'em sweet - Mickey I need the shit-talking bitch-slapping piece of South Side trash I fell for - Ian
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heckcareoxytwit · 6 months
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Deadpool (in the venom symbiote as the black costume) and Black Cat are swinging by when they notice an unusual sight. There are rabbits running out of the store which is broken in by none other than White Rabbit and her paid thugs. Exiting the store, White Rabbit urges her rabbit-masked thugs to load their loot into the van. When one of the thugs protests that they should have stolen the jewelry instead of watches, she snaps that she's a themed villain and that if she doesn't want to lose her branding she has to stick to her gimmick. Deadpool and Black Cat intervene, with the former referencing the "Little Bunny Foo Foo" nursery rhyme. Deadpool is dismayed when White Rabbit doesn't get the reference and protests that she's not a "goon" but a top-tier crime lord, forcing him to explain the joke while Black Cat remarks that "Spider-Man's" witty banter game is off. White Rabbit sics her swarm of rabbits on them, causing Deadpool and Black Cat to laugh until she reveals that the rabbits were genetically engineered to carry a super-virus. The rabbits rapidly mutate into diseased, feral forms and attack Deadpool, while Black Cat uses her luck manipulation powers to dodge White Rabbit's umbrella machine-gun and get up-close and personal.
Then, the alien bounty hunters step in by using the supersonic weapon to make the mutated rabbits explode. Poor things.... Deadpool, Black Cat and White Rabbit are spattered in rabbit gore, so White Rabbit furiously activates her jet boots and opens fire on Deadpool with her machine-gun. Before Deadpool could go after White Rabbit, he gets attacked by the alien bounty hunters who fire a supersonic cannon at him, causing the symbiote to melt a bit. As the alien bounty hunters gather, Deadpool and Black Cat fight the aliens but the latter (Black Cat) gets mind-controlled until White Rabbit intervenes by throwing her carrot daggers at the alien as she is angry over the deaths of her rabbits. Just as the two other aliens are about to kill White Rabbit, Deadpool goes into his monstrous symbiote form and attacks the aliens. Deadpool attempts to flirt with White Rabbit, but she flees in terror.
Deadpool: Back in Black #3, 2016
I had to crop out the exploding rabbits in the 6th picture because the image of cute bunnies (even though they are horribly mutated) exploding would be too gory and disturbing to look at.
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59writes · 3 years
written for the lovely @honeyylin
again, thank u for being my first request, I will love u eternally (:
I might do the other version still, idk yet!!! but I hope this is satisfactory!!!
(also shout out to my phone for autocorrecting “finally” to “fistula” I hate it here lol)
tw: food, injury
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• Homeboy would do his damn best to stay focused on whatever task at hand!!!
• he knows you’re a responsible person and you reassured him on the phone that you’re completely fine, but he’s still got the jitters
• but after he zones out for the third time in a row, Jihoon kicks him out of the studio and tells him to go home
• “you’ll do better there, hyung.”
• “But… the songs-“
• “you’re not exactly contributing right now. go home.”
• and so he does, fidgeting the whole way back
• his anxiety is truly at a peak as he reaches the apartment door, practically chewing through his lip as he fumbles with the keys
• he calls your name the second the door swings open
• “y/n?”
• your head pops up from the couch, tired but grinning wildly. “Cheol!”
• the next thing you know he’s wrapping you in a hug, tension finally leaving him
• “I thought you were at the studio.” You frown when he finally moves away.
• “Jihoon made me leave.” He pouts, sitting down on the floor, eyes even with your leg, which is propped up on a chair. “I was too… out of it?”
• “Aw. I’m really okay, Cheol.” You assure again, reaching down to grab his hand, giving it a squeeze.
• “I know, I know. Just… worried.”
• It’s very clear he’s trying not to make a fuss and ask a million questions about the state of your existence, so you pat the couch next to you.
• “C’mon, we’ve got the day off now. Do you wanna finish the show?”
• His face reluctantly breaks into a grin, hopping up to join you on the couch
• and both of you forget about the pains for a little while as you lose yourself in the screen
• it’s peaceful and warm, and finally, you both get a chance to slow down
• maybe you should get injured more often (/j)
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• he trusts that you’re completely fine, but he does not trust that you won’t somehow hurt yourself again
• he will babyproof the house for the next few days
• “nope, you’re not allowed to chop vegetables. give me the celery.”
• “hey! let me get that, idiot, you’re hurt.”
• “I don’t care. If you want the cat then text me and I’ll get her for you.”
• just generally being a nuisance, you know how it is
• but still, in his babyproofing he does make sure you take your pain meds on time, setting a little alarm on his phone so he can wake you up with a glass of water and your pills
• he also doordashes you your favorite food without announcing like he just says “Steve is on his way with food” and you have to just ponder who Steve is until some guy knocks on your door
• “he paid me extra to say that you’re the love of his life, so…”
• “let’s not and say we did.”
• he always makes sure to order something sweet too (:
• but yeah he’s doing work around the house and forcing you to stay in bed
• tbh it’s like having a very bossy butler lol
• but hey, at least he’s actually doing his own laundry for once!
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• oh my god he drops everything when he gets your text
• it’s literally just “hey josh can I get some help? I hurt myself moving some furniture” and this man goes feral
• you know how someone is so anxious that their brain shuts off and they’re scarily calm??? Joshua.
• he’s at your house in like, five minutes
• and tbh you just wanted him to finish moving the bookshelf so you didn’t have to
• but now he’s gently scolding you while wiping dirt and blood from your leg
• it’s not even that big of a cut but he’s treating it like open heart surgery
• like his hands are so gentle…
• of course he moves the bookshelf after a little more scolding before like,,, making soup like this man would definitely make soup
• like it’s just an annoying cut that’s gonna leave a bruise and this man is making some chicken noodle in the next room over like you’re dying of pneumonia
• it’s some good ass soup tho (:
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• he would not know what to do tbh but he would be excellent company while you waited to heal
• he’d definitely be very panicky but would hide it as best he could!! cuz you’re the top priority!!!
• he’d lurk and when you get up he’d be like “do you need anything? aspirin? food?” and you’re just like “Jun I’m good I just need to go to the bathroom”
• he definitely knows exactly what you like, and does his best to do things like keep your favorite show on, or make you tea.
• (even when you assure him that you’re fine)
• his help is very random and antsy but still excellent lol
• and the fact that he’s constantly here to help really proves how much he cares about you and your health (:
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• oh god, this man
• he’d be all over the place
• overreacting and then scolding and then just zoning out and then he falls asleep smh.
• this man would get out a chainsaw and ask which door you stubbed your toe on so he can destroy it lol
• but alas, no chainsaw is around (thank goodness)
• and so Soonyoung just gets to blame everything else while you’re replacing bandages or whatever
• like, he’s going on about how “just because they have safety stickers on ladders doesn’t mean they’re safe!!” and you’ll hold out your hand for gauze and he’d instinctively just grab it and put it in your hand even though he’s on a bit of a rampage
• he also most definitely is the kind to get a stuffed animal for when you’re hurt lol like every time you get sick or injured badly he gets you a bear that says “get well soon” on its stomach or on the heart it holds in its hands and eventually you just have a pile of creatures encouraging you to be healthy
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• this man is just. excellent
• he’s caring without being demeaning, and is just so so so helpful
• he comes home and sees your arm bandaged up and just asks what happened
• and you tell him the story and he tries to hide his smile when he hears about your dumb mistake
• but still he’s patient and willing to help!!
• it’s like he could read your mind on what you needed and would just materialize behind you with a drink or an aspirin or something
• and he’d stay in the room with you whenever he could, reading or texting silently
• it was nice having such a caring presence next to you, even if he didn’t chat much
• I mean, the quiet helped you nap more easily too
• and somehow whenever you woke up, he was still there, keeping an eye on you
• if he had to leave for whatever reason he’d gently wake you up to let you know he was headed out and to call him if you need anything
• he makes the healing process peaceful (:
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• when he hears the news he’s just. suddenly very very quiet
• like this man is out of it.
• he brushes off the others when they ask what happened, and makes it through the day fairly uneventfully
• when he gets home you almost don’t hear him, only noticing when he shuts the door
• “Jihoon?”
• He beelines straight to you before wrapping you in a huge hug. big tight hug.
• definitely swaying back and forth a little <3
• but you’re just like “woah ok bud what’s up with you”
• and one look at his face says everything
• it’s just been so much: the stress of a comeback, dealing with the managers and the other boys, and then his s/o gets hurt on top of that?
• maybe he needs a break too
• and so you both take one
• I hope you like sleeping lol
• basically you guys take the next few days to recover, just ordering food up and watching shows in silence before falling asleep together on the couch or even the floor once (hey the rug is soft!!!)
• and one day you wake up to find your injury no longer aching
• and the bed is empty next to you
• so you get up and peer down the hallway
• and Jihoon is in the kitchen, playing soft classical music while cutting vegetables
• he notices as you approach, silently offering you a carrot stick
• “I see you’re feeling better too?”
• he nods.
• you both spend the rest of the morning waking up again, cleaning the house and making food, Jihoon’s energy and personality slowly coming back too
• maybe your break wasn’t as much of him taking care of you, but you taking care of each other
• almost as if you’re tied together somehow, your ups and downs mutual
• either way, after that you’re both a lot more aware of the balance and way of recovery you two have
• and you can predict things in advance for next time!
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peachyteez · 4 years
season one.
in a universe where humans owning hybrids is considered normal—even encouraged by society. hwang jiyu works at kq hybrid recovery facility and meets not one, but eight hybrids that turn her world upside down. little does she know that she provided them with what they call their home and heaven.
✧ release date: august 17, 2020.
✧ genres: ateez au, hybrid au, fluff, and angst.
mentions of abuse, blood, etc. if you are uncomfy with any of these topics, please read with discretion or don’t read at all.
✧ taglist: currently don’t have one, but if you would like to be a part of it, feel free to send me a dm or message!
✧ notes: this is spin–off of my ateez 9th member au! please feel free to check jiyu out! :)
✧ reading order for the full details:
seonghwa → yunho → hongjoong → mingi → yeosang → san → wooyoung → jongho
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✧ as a feral wolf hybrid that was violent with all of the employees assigned to him, seonghwa was subjected to be put down. however, jiyu being the softhearted feral hybrid nurse she was, she decided to save seonghwa no matter what it took.
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✧ the tiger hybrid managed to escape from south korea’s top illegal hybird ring fights. of course, they didn’t let him go so easily. losing his chasers in a forest, covered in blood—his and others’—he decided to accept his fate of death from his wounds until a female and two other hybrids managed to take him from death’s grip.
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✧ being abandoned by your owners is never fun. but yunho takes it as a chance to explore the world as his owners were never the kindest people. having wandered around jiyu’s condo, seonghwa discovers the lost puppy and said puppy is offered a second chance at a place to call home.
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✧ this fox hybrid was brought into the recovery facility covered in scratches, whip marks, blood, and every other injury you could imagine. due to this, yeosang has trouble trusting humans, as he was afraid they could just hurt him all over again. until he meets jiyu, his “angel nurse”.
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✧ this fellow stray cat hybrid has been hanging around jiyu’s condo for as long as he could remember, although jiyu may not have noticed him. the cold winter breeze and jiyu’s open bedroom window prompts him to sneak into her bedroom one night. it was just suppose to be one night, but the gods must’ve been smiling upon him.
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✧ this abandoned, shy bunny hybrid loves hanging around the open field area of the recovery facility. one day, with the help of jungkook, another bunny hybrid, jiyu meets mingi. after days of mingi being too shy and running away from her, a bag of carrots and mint chocolate ice chip cream was all it took to seal the deal.
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✧ this mischevious dolphin hybrid escaped an illegal experiment lab and has wandered the ocean for almost a year. all he longed for was love and attention—maybe even a family. who knew his “little” prank on jiyu would be the beginning to all of his wishes being granted.
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✧ like hongjoong, this fluffy brown–bear hybrid was captured for hybrid ring fights. fortunately, he was rescued by a hybrid rescue team when they caught wind of the illegal fights occuring. he ended up being transported to kq hybrid recovery facility. fate has its ways and he ends up in jiyu’s care.
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emcon-imagines · 4 years
Let Each One Hear Her Own Thoughts
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words: 1665 notes: based off of this post I made after the Wandavision finale. for those of you unfamiliar with my OC Willow featured in this story, you can read about her here, or just dive right in and enjoy this little post WV fic! Willow and Wanda share a sister-like relationship after meeting at the compound years ago, when Wanda took Willow under her wing pre-Civil War. summary: Wanda receives a regular visitor at her cabin, someone repaying a favor they owe her from years ago.
It was still sunny when Willow cleared the mountains and started over the lake, the late afternoon light casting golden shadows on the waves down below. She hadn’t heard a quiet like this in a long time, perhaps in five years, and back then, the quiet was more suffocating. This one wasn’t. It was freeing.
She could see why Wanda had retreated here.
On the opposite shore, the cabin came into view and Willow began her descent, her back aching from the long flight and her heavy backpack. New York City felt a long way away—try as she might, she could never make the trip in a single day. Maybe it was for the better. Time spent in the city was chaotic, busy, full of responsibilities she didn’t feel ready for yet. She still felt herself looking to someone like Natasha for the answers, only to remember that she wasn’t there.
Wanda was sitting on the porch, cup of tea in one hand and the other shielding her eyes from the sun as Willow approached. Her feet hit ground, the grass just poking through the melted snow, the air smelling like spring and dirt. “Hey,” Willow said, stretching her wings out one last time before folding them in, though not all the way. Another reason she appreciated the cabin. There was nothing to hide here, no strangers spying on her every move. Her wings could touch daylight.
“Hey,” Wanda said, standing and turning towards the house. “I hope the trip—”
“It wasn’t bad,” Willow answered quickly. “It’s nice to… you know… get away from everything right now.” She followed Wanda into the cabin, the smell of dust and pine had almost become a comfort to her. On the table, she set down her backpack, unzipping it and pulling out several plastic bags. “I think I got everything—except for the cereal, they didn’t have that brand, so I went to another store, and even asked but they didn’t have it either.” She passed a box to Wanda. “So… this is similar?”
“You didn’t have to do all that,” Wanda said, and the corner of her mouth lifted as she set the box down. “I’m not picky.”
Willow shrugged. “I am.” She nodded at Wanda. “You know, in case the roles are ever reversed, the brand does matter to me…”
“I get it.”
“Bread,” Willow said, handing the bag to Wanda. “I hope it’s not squished. It got bumpy over the mountain pass.” She pulled a few more plastic bags from her backpack. “Oh! And look!” She held up one of the bags so that Wanda could peer inside. “I forgot which spices you said you needed, so there’s like… an assortment… there.”
“What’s in here?” Wanda asked as she searched through one of the bags with produce. “Are these… baby carrots?”
“Yup.” Wanda gave Willow a questioning look and Willow rolled her eyes as she zipped her backpack up and slid it against the wall. “Oh, come on. The Scarlet Witch or whatever still should eat a vegetable once in a while.” The joke rolled off her tongue easily enough, and she hoped it would be received that way as well.
“Now you sound like Natasha,” Wanda said, and she began to put away the items Willow had brought.
“Well, someone has to,” Willow said, the weight of her own words settling uncomfortably as she thought over the last few weeks. “Anyways…”
“You all right?” Wanda asked, turning back around from the cabinets. Willow had taken to wandering the cabin, tucking her wings in further as she navigated the small space.
“Well, you know. It is what it is.” Willow paused, trying to put what she was feeling into words. “It’s a weird time to be alive. You?”
Wanda didn’t respond, half-smiling as she shut the cabinet door, though there was no joy in the smile, just exhaustion. Willow sat down on the couch, wanting to say more, and yet not knowing what to say. She stared out the window at the darkening sky, the mountains disappearing into the clouds and the purple horizon. Where do we go from here?
Willow leaned over the back of the old couch to face Wanda, who was still heating a pot of water on the stove. “You know you can talk to me, right?” Willow asked.
“There’s nothing to talk about,” Wanda said with a sigh.
“Oh. Oka—”
“No, I’m— sorry.” Wanda looked up at Willow and leaned back on the sink, tucking her hands into the sleeves of her sweater as she thought. “I’m pretty sure I used to tell you the same thing, a long time ago. I know you’re just trying to help.” The pot on the stove began to simmer and Wanda turned her attention back to it, opening a box of pasta that Willow had delivered the previous week, and dumping enough of the shells into the pot for the both of them. “I’m glad you’re here,” she finally said. “After everything… you still…”
“You’d do the same for me,” Willow said. “You did the same thing for me. Remember when I first showed up at the compound?”
“Mm. It was like trying to tame a feral cat.”
Normally, Willow would have a retort back, but she only smiled at the memory, and then started laughing. “Yeah. I was really… scared, actually. When SHIELD found me, I thought my life was over.”
“How are the others?” Wanda asked. “I… well… I’m not sure they’d…” She gestured around at the cabin and shrugged helplessly.
“No, they’re just busy,” Willow answered. She laid her head in her arms as she continued to lean across the back of the couch and yawned. “Sam is with Bucky… I haven’t even begun to look into what they’re doing and honestly, I’m not ready to. But I have a feeling it’ll catch up to me eventually. It always does. Rhodey’s still at Stark’s, helping them sort through things. Clint’s home. Same with Scott, he’s home too. Remember Scott? He was at the airport. He was the one who came up with the whole time travel thing. Sort of. So, I’d say things have quieted down, but I don’t want to jinx it.”
The pasta finished and Wanda carefully used a spoon to hold back the pasta as she strained the water out before splitting the shells into two bowls and opened a jar of sauce on the shelf to pour over each one. “Cheese is in the fridge,” she said, and Willow got up to get it, also getting out two forks and two cups from the cabinet.
They sat on the floor, in front of the fireplace on the other side of the room, the cabin lit by a warm glow.
“You really just buy the cheese for yourself, huh?” Wanda asked as Willow screwed the top off of the bottle to shake out the Parmesan cheese faster. “I’m pretty sure you’ve gone through two of those in a month, and you’ve only been here for a few nights.”
“I’m pretty sure it’s called living deliciously,” Willow said.
For a while, the two of them ate in silence, the only sound the scraping of their forks against the bowls and the occasional press of wind rocking the cabin. It reminded Willow of the late-night dinners they used to make at the compound, long after everyone had gone to sleep, as they tried their damn hardest to not burn anything or set off the smoke detectors, which happened a few times too many.
“I saw a rat drag an entire burrito across the street the other day,” Willow said suddenly, finally tiring of the quiet.
“What?” Wanda asked.
“A rat. Like the size of a rabbit. Dragging a burrito across the street in Hells Kitchen. A fully wrapped burrito, filling and all. And it didn’t spill even a little of the filling. I stood there and watched the whole thing; I mean it took this rat like five minutes and cars were coming both ways.” She paused to scoop up a clump of sauce and cheese.
“Well?” Wanda said. “Did he make it?”
“Oh, he did,” Willow said. “I mean, it was close, the burrito got grazed by a tire once or twice, but he got it across the street. At one point he started rolling it on its side… now that was really something. It was like I was watching evolution in real time.”
Wanda smiled for the first time that day, a real smile, and it made Willow’s heart swell just a little, proud of the victory, no matter how small. “Hmm, we’re going to see that rat signing the Accords in a few weeks then,” Wanda responded with a small laugh.
“Yeah, right after the pigeon I saw take what I’m pretty sure was a deliberate poop on a cop car yesterday.”
They finished dinner and Willow cleaned up, washing the bowls and utensils in the sink and leaving them out to dry on the counter. She was exhausted, exhausted from the flight, the past week, and she was almost certain that if she wasn’t doing the dishes, she’d fall asleep standing up. She heard the crackle of static as Wanda turned the radio on, beaming in a signal from a lonely public radio station somewhere in the mountains. With a yawn, Willow climbed back over the top of the couch, plopping down and stretching as she tucked one of the pillows under her head.
“Oh, there’s no way you’re going to be able to stay awake for ten,” Wanda said, referencing the time their show started, some true crime radio show that they had been tuning into in lieu of a television and their usual fight over sitcoms, reality television, and documentaries, the latter which usually won out.
“No, I’ll make it,” Willow said. “Creature of the night and all.”
“Have you still been having them?” Wanda asked, laying down across the armchair that cornered the couch.
“What? No,” Willow said. “Not in a long time.”
“So, you’ve been sleeping?”
“Yeah.” Willow knew she didn’t sound convincing, but Wanda didn’t say anything else on the matter, the two of them sitting and listening to the radio as fuzzy alternative music came gently through the small speaker.
In Willow’s mind, there were plenty of other problems beyond stray nightmares, and besides, she knew she’d sleep just fine that night.
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ask-thehappykids · 6 years
The Visitor’s Guide to My OCs (and Cantolope’s)
I wanted to make a list/key that I could update easily without drawing a whole new reference sheet for everyone, so here’s a list of all my OCs with short descriptions you can recognize them from. Also including @cantolopejeevas‘s OCs because I mean they show up here so often why wouldn’t I?
Anyway, all under a cut!
Firefly: Very rarely called by his birth name, Evander. Big gold eyes, always being followed by fireflies. Brown curly hair. Cheerful but tired. Snail: Punk fuckboy-looking one with lots of piercings and sometimes tattoos. Usually involved in smut. Really likes their boyfriend Daniel. Andy: Blonde robot with bright blue eyes. They dress like a fashion forward mom and talk like they don’t know lying is an option. Bo: Tall bat boy with a lot of flair, usually holding some type of booze. British accent, incredibly obnoxious. Esky: Short bunny with four eyes. Usually has a gun in her hand. Also British. Bailey: Bright pink hair, chubby with a crop top and piercings. Loves art and painting. Megan: Long red hair with a big pink bow. Constantly done with everyone’s shit. Physics major and enthusiast. Nikki: Half buzzed blonde hair and lots of ear piercings. Plays the bass, usually talking about her band. Cookie: Soft, round sheep boy. Loves his mom and his boyfriend Mortar. Also bakes a lot. Maxim: Absolute garbage disaster demon. Muted blue hair with black eyes and a red hoodie. Asshole. Just an asshole. Gigi: Looks like she stepped out of a 40s Disney cartoon. Short little lesbian. Rory: Big, buff, long hair. Farm boy. Has scars across his eyes. Seer. Ellie: Emotional blonde skinny white girl. Sometimes glows purple. Wolf: Werewolf boy with ripped clothes. Doesn’t get enough sleep. Has a thing for vampires. Ant: Tiny elf child with four eyes, one of which is scarred. Very very dirty. Adara: Elf ears, deer legs, fire hair. Half of their body/face is scarred. Full of self-hatred and love for animals. Balthazar: Big ol’ teef, big ol’ ears, big ol’ armor. Stoic. Very royal king. Lorna: Kinda looks like a mime. Completely white eyes, pretty blind. Gay for a cute demon girl. Anubis: Four armed dog goddess. Not to be trusted. Wears an amulet around her neck. Cici: Part bunny, part deer, part beaver, part buffalo. Wears a giant sweater. Gentle. Kind. Soft. Azzie: Purple forest witch with green magic energy. Talks in broken third person. Always trying to sell you something. PJ: Bird mask with a high ponytail. Wears a trench coat. Tall rebel child. Pepper: Mouse mask with long hair and buck teeth. Wears a tutu. Leader rebel child. Pudding: Cat mask with twin pigtail puffs. Wears a leather jacket. Mediating rebel child. Dolly: Sometimes looks like a lizard, sometimes looks like a human. Loves to run so much she summoned a demon to do it. Trying her best. Arden: Dragon dumbass that loves crystals and fashion. Especially fond of crop tops and slushies, but also newspapers and princesses. Ilor: Mermaid princess. Long red hair, one eye is scarred. Melodic voice. Gay for another princess. Gillian: Fish girl. Loves to work out. Drinks protein shakes on the regular. Mimi: Snail and Daniel’s adopted child. Loves to play video games. Bright red hair and pikachu hoodie. Snarky little shit. Talyn: Cookie and Mortar’s son. Black sheep boy. Wears a leather jacket like his dad, but he’s actually a doctor this time. Zelda: Andy, Rory, and Daniyal’s daughter. Big poofy golden hair. Can wield the Master Sword but also just loves getting dirty and hurt. Good at bike tricks. Micah: Little maid alien boy. Has three eyes and bright blonde hair. Can only see in auras, but still loves to clean. Crys: D&D Tabaxi boy. Loves everyone even if they don’t love him back. Desperately trying to adopt some feral wolves. Nadia: Monster punk goth girl. Loves theater. Green skin and mismatching eyes. Loves her pastel punk girlfriend. Juliette: Peterbald cat adopt. Wears cute sundresses. Looks like she belongs in a furry rendition of a summer picnic renaissance painting. Felix: Bunny boy adopt with his eyes fully covered. Gray hair, gray sweater, sunny attitude. Wears a little carrot necklace. Kai: Little mouse with wings adopt. Pink beans!!! Looks like he’d cry if you blinked at him. Bones: Grim Reaper from Cryptid Haunters. Doesn’t have a mouth. Murders to make friends. Lola: Ghost girl from Cryptid Haunters. Has a big mouth and lots to say with it. Just wants to go home. Edgy 13 year old goth phase.
Canotlope’s OCs: Aurel: Vampire boy. Looks classy. Has hypno eyes, but also teef. Lucas: Actual Satan. Mostly just sleeps and supports Avery. Has the >:3 face on his t-shirt. Avery: Glasses and sweater nerd. A beautiful and innocent child. Just trying to get by and maybe make a friend. Shiloh: Cat boy who loves anime. Wears a lab coat. Scrawny and probably not eating correctly. Someone help him. Mortar: Tiny badass knife-wielding organ salesman. Sometimes also wears sweaters his boyfriend knitted for him. Fuck you. Shian: Dragon lesbian. Badass queen of dragons. Kinda cold, but we love her anyway. Anthea: Snake lesbian. Wears a magical blindfold. So sweet, so gentle. Carves wooden gifts for her friends. Daniel: Sassy and classy. But also a slut. Usually depicted being a slut. Sometimes wears a suit, other times wears nothing at all. ;) Daniyal: Farm boy with a heart of gold. Just wants the best for his loves and his friends. Sometimes shown with a chicken he calls Cluck-Cluck. Solace: Tiny ghost demon child. All black with white eyes. Full of terror and smiles. Hadrian: Spotted bunny boy in a jester’s outfit. Hates his life almost as much as he wants to slay a dragon. Xania: Dark summoner with way too many eyes to be necessary. There’s five of them. Has a lot of dark shadow demon babies that she loves. Lumeria: Big ol’ moth. Loves bright lights. Is soft. Ash: Dark red hair, thick jacket. Looks like they ride a motorcycle. Would and could punch you unconscious. Nito: D&D tiefling. Sweet summer child with long blue hair, wings, tail, and horns. Trying their very best. Sielya: Fae princess that doesn’t know they’re fae. In love with a mermaid and friends with a dragon. Fang: Vampire magician. Really good at magic, really bad at talking. Wears a hat with a face on it. Dianthus: Pink pastel punk lesbian. Loves flowers and her girlfriend. So many bright pink eyes.
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enzoseven · 4 years
LyricsYo, shout out to everybody that worked on the album You feel me, son? Yo, shouts out to Ty Dollas Shouts out to Hodgy Daddies, shouts out to Left Brizzle Shouts out to Domyon, shouts out to Frankie Ocean Shouts out to Syd the Dude, shouts out to L-Boy AwkBig eared bandit is tossing all his manners In a bag and wrapping them in seran wrap bandages Tossing 'em in baskets with the rest of those sandwiches So when he says "Catch up, nigga" it looks like an accident Um, flowing like my pad is the maxiest My bitch white and black like she's been mimicking a panda It's the dark skinned nigga, kissing bitches in Canada Then kicking all out like Mr. Lawrence did Pamela Put her in the chamber all against her Wilt Chamberlain I never had a Reason, nigga I was just Ableton Not a fucking Logic contradicting dick head Flyer than an ostrich moshing in a tar pit Semen scented cheetah printed tee In that 'Preme five panel, I'll repeat it for the season Previous items in the present With the normal ass past like I cheated on my team It's me (Tried to get that nigga, but, Golf Wang)To have some type of knowledge that is one perception But knowing you own your opponent is a defeating bonus I'm Zeus to a Kronos, cartilage cartridge is boneless Smiles of cowards in lead showers Dead spouses in red blouses Children who fled houses on Mustang horses and went jousting I'm on my Robin Hood shit, robbin' in the hood Whips, drugs, jewels, and your pet, I'm stealing your rings Coke diamonds and your Vet, soldiers lace the fuckin' boot And salute like the troop when you shoot you gon' poop It's kill Hodgy, nigga, stay the fuck off my stoop And out my Kool aid, JuiceHodgy got the juice, I got the gin Jasper got the Henny, my nigga we get it in Wolf Gang party at the hotel I call a ho, you call a ho, and all the hoes tell You know Left Brain need a freak I need a bitch to go down like a Nitty beat Yup, uh, and her ass fat Don't be surprised if I ask where the hash at Nigga I'm tryin' to smoke, bitch get higher Domo where that Flocka Flame? Talkin' 'bout a lighter Still bang salute me or just shoot me Cause if you don't salute me then my team will do the shooting Yeah my nigga Ace will pull the black jack The king Mike G is in the cut with the black mac Livin' like the Mafia, bitch, don't get to slacking up And if these haters actin' up, throw 'em in the aqueduct Free my nigga Earl, yo, I don't really ask for much But two bad bitches in front of me cunnilingusWhat the fuck is caution? Often I leave you flossin' and cause exes next to coffins Lost in translation, the dreams you chase Got you diving for the plates like you stealin' home base That's great, I'm home alone dreamin' of two on ones With Rihanna and Christina Milian, bring it on And Travis is in the closet organizing and hangin' the tramp Three lettermans that Ace has been making him No strays while we catchin' matinees, huh? I'm gettin' blazed thinking 'bout those days I had the top off the GT3 like toupees One finger in the air, all's fair when crime pays My grand scheme of things is to be attached To the game like bitches to their wedding rings And you don't even need to look cause we gleam obscene In the light, ride slow to my yellow diamond shining Like the Batman logo over Gotham, rock LA to Harlem If you say "get 'em Mike G" then I got 'em One man squadron, nigga I'm a problem From Briggs I got bars and plans to Pimp these Polish bitches into pop stars Humanity kills, we all suffer from insanity still And if I said it then it is or it's gonna be real OF 'til I OD and I probably will, uhIt's still Mr. Smoke-a-Lotta-Pot, get your baby mommy popped With my other snobby bop, do I love her? Prolly not Know your shit is not as hot as anything I fuckin' drop Bitch I'm in the zone, stand alone, like Macaulay Cock I've been runnin' blocks since a snotty tot Big wheel was a big deal with the water Glock Now I'm all grown, sing songs just to give 'em watts Fire what I talk, but still cooler than the otter pop Op Dom neck shit in your wish list Mad sick shit, mad dick for your bitches On some slick shit, your mistress on my hit list And I'm lifted 'til I'm stiff out of this bitch Odd in your motherfuckin' area Blood clots give me five feet 'fore I bury ya Suicide flow, let the big wave carry ya Tyler got the mask like he held Jim Carey up And fuck your team, ho nigga wassup Wolf Gang so you know we not givin' no fucks You know me dog, I'm a chill in the cut so I can Cut it short, break it down, couple pounds, roll it upGet me a Persian rug where the center looks like GalagaRent a super car for a day Drive around with your friends, smoke a gram of that haze Bro, easy on the ounce, that's a lot for a day But just enough for a week, my nigga what can I say I'm hi and I'm bye, wait I mean I'm straight I'mma give you this wine, the runner just brought the grapes My brother give it some time, Morris, and Day Course you know the vibe's as fly as the rhymes On the song, cut and you could sample the feel Headphone bleed, make this shit sound real Used to work the grill, fatburger and fries Then I made a mil and them psychics was liars Now, how many fuckin' crystal balls can I buy and own Humble old me had to flex for the fogs Down in Muscle Beach pumpin' iron and bone Bumpin' oldies off my cellular phone Yeah, bumpin' oldies off my cellular phoneGoddammit, this rapping is stupid and it's hard Gotta do it over and over and over again but here I goHey it's Jasper, not even a rapper Only on this beat to make my racks grow faster Got a TV show, so I guess I'm an actor Pot head, half baked, lookin' like Chappelle Rollin' up a blunt with that fire from hell Still ignorant, still hit a bitch Wolf Gang, nigga, so I still don't give a shit Catch me in the back with Miley on my lap Bong rips as I feel on that little bitch catHah, nigga came through with a 9 bar real quick Just for the bitches, little bit of money in my pocket Fuck it, Wolf GangYeah, fuck that, look, the contrast is a pair of lips Swallowin' sarapin, settin' fires to sheriffs whips (Whoosp, whoosp) fuckin' All-American terrorist Crushin' rapper larynx to feed 'em a fuckin' carrot stick And me? I just spent a year Ferrisin' And lost a little sanity to show you what hysterics is Spit to the lips meet the bottom of a barrel So that sterile piss flow remind these niggas where embarrassed is Narrow, tight line, might impair him since I made it back to Fahrenheit, grimey get dinero type Feral, fuckin' ill apparel, wearin' pack of parasites Threw his own youth off the roof after paradise La di da di, back in here to fuck the party up Raidin' fridges, tippin' over vases with a tommy gun Never dollars, poppa make it rain hockey pucks And 60 day chips from fuckin' awesome anonymous Call him bloated 'til he show 'em that the flow deluxe Off the wall loafers, Four Loko, and a cobra clutch Vocals bold and rough, evoke a ho to pose as drum And let me hit and beat it with a stick until the hole was numb The culprit of the potent punch Scoldin' hot as dunkin' scrotum in a Folgers cup, or Nevada Drivin' drunk inside a stolen truck, shittin' like his colon bust Belly full of chicken and a fifth of old petroleum Supernova, I'm rollin' over the novices I'm roamin' through the forest and spittin' cold as the porridge is Stay gold 'til the case closed and the story end Post mortem porkin' this rap shit and record it To escort it to the morgue again, lord of lips Bored of this, forklift the tippy top, best under 40 list Stormin' the gate, ensurin' the bass, scorchin' ladies Motherfuckers sore in torso and face Get at me with savages, have a pack of Apache Indian pack of niggas who don't give a fuck if we nasty as flatulence As a matter of fact, your swagger is tacky So see me you can't like Crunchy Black catchin' a taxi Back like lateral passin' With that motherfuckin' gladiator manner of rappin' As an addict I let percocets and xannies relax me Fall back if your paddies is Maxi, pleaseOF, shit that's all I got From my bigger brother Frankie to my little brother Tac From that father figure Clancy to that skatey nigga Naks Shredding down 'Fax, Wolf Gang run the fuckin' block Storefront, knee tat Book cover is the same lettering on lettermans and cotton socks And grip tape, and my shoes Um, I was 15 when I first drew that donut 5 years later, for our label yea we own it I started an empire, I ain't even old enough To drink a fuckin' beer, I'm tipsy off this soda pop This is for the niggas in the suburbs And the white kids with nigga friends who say the n-word And the ones that got called weird, fag, bitch, nerd Cause you was into jazz, kitty cats, and Steven Spielberg They say we ain't actin' right Always try to turn our fuckin' color into black and white But they'll never change 'em, never understand 'em Radical's my anthem, turn my fuckin' amps up So instead of critiquing and bitching, being mad as fuck Just admit, not only are we talented, we're rad as fuck Bitches 
I don't own this lyrics I got it from odd future
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feral-moments · 7 years
Domestic Gorillaz Headcanons
Russel is the best at cooking (and he enjoys it as a hobby), so he’s usually the one who cooks dinner.
Noodle is a good cook too. Every now-and-then, she likes to cook the guys some authentic Japanese dishes, like Sukiyaki, or Okonomiyaki. 
The only things 2D can cook are mac n cheese, dinosaur nuggets, and maybe canned soup, BUT he’s trying to improve his cooking skills. He asks Russel and Noodle for some tips.
Murdoc is god-awful at cooking...he burns everything. However, the ONE thing he can cook well is chili. 
Katsu (Noodle’s cat) loves to cuddle with everyone. His favorite sleeping spots are on top of Russel’s stomach, 2D’s chest, by Noodle’s head (like on her pillow), and by Murdoc’s feet. 
2D has an assortment of house plants. 
2D is the first in the house to wake up. Therefore, he likes to make tea in the morning. He keeps it warm on the stove for the others as well. 
Russel has the cleanest room out of all of them, and he takes pride in it. 
When Murdoc is doing things around the house, he likes to have music playing as background noise. 
Once on a full moon, Murdoc will goes on a huge cleaning spree. 
Noodle and Russel like to garden sometimes.They like to grow some fruits and veggies too, like tomatoes and carrots?
Noodle feeds the feral cats outside. She has names for all of them. 
2D likes to do laundry. It’s a relaxing task for him. 
Noodle has an obsession with scented candles. 
Murdoc likes creepy garden gnomes, and has them sprawled throughout the yard. 
Once a month, Russel likes to cook a really good breakfast for everyone (and himself). 
Russel still buys those “kids” fruit snacks (ex.scooby doo fruit snacks) mostly because Noodle still loves them. 
Noodle likes to do splatter painting, and she lets Katsu help her with it. 
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sciencespies · 5 years
Scientists seek rare species survivors amid Australia flames
Scientists seek rare species survivors amid Australia flames
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This December 2019 photo provided by Guy Ballard shows a male brush-tailed rock wallaby eating supplementary food researchers provided in the Oxley Wild Rivers National Park in New South Wales, Australia. Before this fire season, scientists estimated there were as few as 15,000 left in the wild. Now recent fires in a region already stricken by drought have burned through some of their last habitat, and the species is in jeopardy of disappearing, Ballard said. (Guy Ballard/NSW DPI – UNE via AP)
Australia’s unprecedented wildfires season has so far charred 40,000 square miles (104,000 square kilometers) of brushland, rainforests, and national parks—killing by one estimate more than a billion wild animals. Scientists fear some of the island continent’s unique and colorful species may not recover. For others, they are trying to throw lifelines.
Where flames have subsided, biologists are starting to look for survivors, hoping they may find enough left of some rare and endangered species to rebuild populations. It’s a grim task for a nation that prides itself on its diverse wildlife, including creatures found nowhere else on the planet such as koalas, kangaroos and wallabies.
“I don’t think we’ve seen a single event in Australia that has destroyed so much habitat and pushed so many creatures to the very brink of extinction,” said Kingsley Dixon, an ecologist at Curtin University in Perth.
Not long after wildfires passed through Oxley Wild Rivers National Park in New South Wales, ecologist Guy Ballard set out looking for brush-tailed rock wallabies.
The small marsupials resemble miniature kangaroos with long floppy tails and often bound between large boulders, their preferred hiding spots.
Before this fire season, scientists estimated there were as few as 15,000 left in the wild. Now recent fires in a region already stricken by drought have burned through some of their last habitat, and the species is in jeopardy of disappearing, Ballard said.
In prior years, his team identified a handful of colonies within the national park. After the recent fires, they found smoking tree stumps and dead animals.
“It was just devastating,” said Ballard from the University of New England in Armidale. “You could smell dead animals in the rocks.”
But some wallabies, his team discovered, were still alive. “All you can do is focus on the survivors,” he said.
Australia’s forests and wildlife evolved alongside periodic wildfires. What’s different this year is the vast extent of land burned—an area as big as Kentucky—against a backdrop of drought and searing temperatures attributed to climate change. Last year, among the driest in more than a century, saw temperatures that routinely topped 104 degrees Fahrenheit (40 degrees Celsius).
Not all animals will perish in the blazes. Some can shelter in rock crevices or hide deep in underground burrows. Yet when survivors emerge into a fire-scorched wasteland, they will face hunger, thirst and non-native predators, including introduced foxes and feral cats.
Since fires swept through parts of Oxley Wild Rivers National Park nearly two months ago, there’s been little rain and no green shoots.
So Ballard’s team has trekked through the ash-covered forest carrying water and sacks of sweet potatoes, carrots and food pellets.
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This early January 2020 photo provided by Dana Mitchell from the Kangaroo Island Wildlife Park shows a rescued koala injured in a bushfire in Kangaroo Island, South Australia. Mathew Crowther, an ecologist at the University of Sydney, says, “Koalas won’t go extinct in the next few years, but if their habitat is destroyed bit by bit, it could eventually be death by a thousand cuts. We have to look at long-term trends— what will the temperatures and wildfires be like in the future?” (Dana Mitchell/Kangaroo Island Wildlife Park via AP)
“There are so few left that, with a species this rare, every individual counts,” he says.
Elsewhere in New South Wales, conservation workers are dropping vegetables from airplanes into scorched forests, hoping that wallabies and other species find a meal.
In the state of Victoria, authorities estimate that brush-tailed rock wallabies lost 40% of their habitat as did another rare marsupial, the long-footed potoroo, according to a preliminary damage assessment.
The full toll on Australia’s wildlife includes at least 20 and possibly as many as 100 threatened species pushed closer to extinction, according to scientists from several Australian universities.
“The worry is that with so much lost, there won’t be a pool of rare animals and plants to later repopulate burnt areas,” said Jim Radford, an ecologist at La Trobe University in Melbourne.
The fires could knock out rainforest species dating back to the time of the Gondwana supercontinent, before the modern continents split apart, he said.
University of Sydney ecologist Christopher Dickman estimated that more than 1 billion animals have been killed so far. His calculations took previously-published animal density numbers for different vegetation types and multiplied that by acreage burned.
He says that number does not include bats, amphibians, insects or other invertebrates.
The wildlife toll includes tens of millions of possums and small marsupials known as gliders, which live in tree tops and can leap extraordinary distances by using a parachute-like membrane of skin between their ankles and wrists. State officials in Victoria predicted more than a 25% reduction in glider numbers from the fires.
“The implications for some species are pretty grim,” Dickman said. “If we can’t protect them here, they’re gone. No one else has them.”
The Australian government announced Monday that it was spending $50 million on emergency wildlife rescue efforts and habitat recovery.
Fires are still burning in the Blue Mountains, a UNESCO World Heritage site west of Sydney—one of the last strongholds of the regent honeyeater, an elegant black and yellow bird that has already lost 95% of its breeding habitat since European settlers arrived in Australia.
There are only 300 to 400 of the birds left in the wild, says Ross Crates, an ecologist at Australia National University. They are dependent on nectar from certain eucalyptus tree blossoms, but the dry weather has meant that many trees are producing no nectar.
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This 2017 photo provided by David Stowe shows a female regent honeyeater in Capertee National Park, New South Wales, Australia. There are only 300 to 400 of the birds left in the wild, says Ross Crates, an ecologist at Australia National University. They are dependent on nectar from certain eucalyptus tree blossoms, but the dry weather has meant that many trees are producing no nectar. (David Stowe/davidstowe.com.au via AP)
After the wildfires subside, Crates plans to survey what’s been newly scorched. “Even for birds that survive the fires, we are concerned about how they will feed and nest.”
In recent months, areas that don’t usually burn went up in flames. Some rainforests dried up in the drought and extreme heat, allowing fire to sweep through them.
Few images have tugged at heartstrings more than koalas clinging to burnt trees. Unlike birds or ground mammals, they cannot fly away or burrow underground.
While koalas are not classified as vulnerable to extinction, their populations in some fire-ravaged areas may have been snuffed out. “We know there’s been a massive reduction of their overall habitat, and we’re not even at the end of fire season,” said Mathew Crowther, an ecologist at the University of Sydney.
“Koalas won’t go extinct in the next few years, but if their habitat is destroyed bit by bit, it could eventually be death by a thousand cuts. We have to look at long-term trends—what will the temperatures and wildfires be like in the future?”
Explore further
Australian animals face extinction threat as bushfire toll mounts
© 2020 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.
Citation: Scientists seek rare species survivors amid Australia flames (2020, January 18) retrieved 18 January 2020 from https://phys.org/news/2020-01-scientists-rare-species-survivors-australia.html
This document is subject to copyright. Apart from any fair dealing for the purpose of private study or research, no part may be reproduced without the written permission. The content is provided for information purposes only.
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How would the SF and US bros react to finding out that their S/O has a legit pet tiger? It's perfectly tame and super cuddly with people. How would they react to while they are babysitting it, it protectively lays on top of them (and doesn't let them up) and keeps licking their face until their S/O returns.
pfffff i almost squealed when i read this. ooh boi ima have fun~))
Blueberry-Swap SansOH MY GOSH S/O YOU HAVE A TIGER?!?! CAN I PET HIM? IS HE SAFE? YOU ARE SO COOL FOR HAVING A TIGER!! Wait where are you going?Once you leave this smol bean alone, hes a bit nervous, but he quickly adjusts to see the big boy as a small cat. He plays with it, feeds them, makes sure to stay away from its claws (if ya havent cut them)) When the big baby lays on top of the smol bean, hes, uh…yeah hes getting a bit panicy. Hes not quite sure what to do, and since Papy isnt home either he cant call for help. He ends up just, staring up at it. Aaand here come the licks. S/o walks in a few moments later to a mortified looking berry and a happy tiger~
Carrot-Swap Papyoh you have a tiger? cool.He seems pretty indifferent, but on the inside hes screaming. What if it turns feral and hurts his bro? Also this is really cool how tf did ya manage to get a tiger? Please explain to this carrot before he combusts from all the questions.When he hears youre leaving for a bit, yeah now hes panicking out front. Once you assure him, he’ll be okay. Mostly he’ll just laze around and watch the big kitty do its thing. This cat seems really cool once Carrot calms down. He’ll be a bit scared when the tiger lays on top of him, but okay, he relaxes. S/o walks in on a purring and sleepy kitty on top of an equally sleepy skele. When kitty gets up, he licks said skele, which wakes him up. Carrot is a bit startled at the lick, but oh boy he’s relived youre home…
Rasberry-Swapfell SansThats it. You are officialy the edgiest S/O he could ask for. He doesn’t even question how you have a tiger, he just wants it to eat his enemies.Once he knows that the big cat is not going to be eating people, he scoffs. When you leave he glares at the tiger. Tiger stares back. Rasberry starts to think wow this is a really frickin majestc creauture and woah wait whY IS IT LAYING ON TOP OF ME. When S/o gets home, be prepared to deal with a yelling and kicking angry bean, and the oversized purring kitten who is currently covering your bf in cat kisses.
Puppy-Swapfell PapsWOAH YOU HAVE A TIGER?!? Thats pretty dang cool. He will be all over your pet, petting it and cooing and praise. He may not even notice you leave. Its not untill later, while he plays with a laser pointer and Kitty happened to lay on top of him that he notices you’re gone. Cue the anxiety attack and thinking hes gonna be trapped till he dies. But then kitty licks him? why? oh you’re doing it again okay this is fine. When S/o walks in, Puppy is laughing because he just thinks its hilarious that this cat likes him.BONUS: S/o takes a selfie with the skely while they’re still under Kitty
i hope ya liked it!!))
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buynewsoul · 6 years
Treat Your Dog to … Different Types of Dog Toys
Dog toys of all shapes and sizes are important for your pup’s mental and physical health. Additionally, dog toys stimulate learning and keep our canines from becoming bored and depressed. Check out a few different types of dog toys your four-legged friend will love:
1. Throwing Dog Toys
Too Interactive Ball Launcher for Dogs – Launches Standard Tennis Balls, Large, iFetch ($199.99). amazon.com
Does your dog love to play fetch? There are some great toys designed to make your dog’s game of fetch even better. In fact, a few of these throwing toys are designed to help you throw balls further if you’re playing outside. Other fetch toys will actually “throw” the ball for your dog. Your dog just has to learn to bring the ball back, drop the ball in and the toy will launch the ball back for retrieving.
2. Dog Puzzles
Treat Dispensing Dog Toy, Brain and Exercise Game for Dogs, Nina Ottosson ($19.99). amazon.com
Is your dog always on the go? Puzzle toys made of plastic or wood are a great way to exercise your dog’s brain and it’s fun to see how quickly your dog can solve the puzzle and get to the hidden treats. These toys are especially good for hot summer days when it’s too warm to go outside, or for a dog recovering from injury.
3. Chewing Dog Toys
TUFFY’S DESTRUCTOSAURUS, DogTuff ($76.53). dogtuff.com
Is your pup a heavy chewer? Look for “chew ratings” for extra-durable toys designed for dogs to exercise those jaw muscles while having fun. Toys with other toys hidden inside, solid (nontoxic) rubber and plastic, and stuffing-free plush toys are all great options for chewy-happy hounds.
4. Treat-Dispensing Dog Toys
GuRu, Planet Dog ($18.95). planetdog.com
Treat-dispensing toys are a fantastic way to exercise your dog’s mind and keep her occupied. These types of toys are also great to give your dog while she’s in her crate, providing a slow release of treats the more your dog plays. Some of these toys act as puzzles with difficulty settings, so the better your dog gets at playing with the toy, the harder she has to work for the treats to release.
Colleen McCracken, CEO of Planet Dog spoke with us about the brand’s GuRu toy. “This super-durable puzzle treat-dispensing toy activates and encourages mental stimulation in dogs,” McCracken explains. “The openings can be filled with kibble, bully sticks, carrots, apples, our new Planet Dog Treats, peanut butter or whatever treat your dog loves most. As with all Planet Dog toys, GuRu is made with Planet Dog’s Signature Orbee-Tuff® material. This means it is made in the USA, completely non-toxic, buoyant, and as safe for humans (even babies) as it is for dogs. Even when dogs get to all the treats hidden in the GuRu, because of its 5-out-of-5 on our durability scale, it becomes a really great chew toys that lasts!”
5. Plush Dog Toys
Safari Toy Collection, P.L.A.Y ($69). petplay.com
Different shapes, levels of stuffing and fabric textures create unique play experiences when it comes to plush dog toys. Additionally, varying squeaks, grunts and crinkle sounds are sure to inspire your dog to play away!
6. Glowing Dog Toys
Fetch & Glow: Glows in the Dark, Durable, Floats, Spunky Pup. spunkypup.com
Ideal for late nights out in the yard, glowing and light-up toys are a perfect way to brighten up the dog nights of summer. You can’t lose glowing toys in the dark and, when your dog is holding the glow toy, he’ll be easy to spot.
7. Talking Dog Toys
Talking Babble Ball Dog Toy, Pet Qwerks ($5.66). amazon.com
From toys that babble in baby talk or make realistic animal “talking noises” to others that can record messages from you to your dog, talking toys are a fun treat! These toys can be good for a laugh from you, and a fun way to spark imaginative play for your dog, allowing her to chase and play with sounds from quacking ducks to mooing cows to hilarious giggles.
8. High-Tech Dog Toys
Single Camera, Pet Cube ($179). petcube.com
Is your dog on the cutting edge? High-tech dog toys come with sound activation, video recording and automatic treat dispensing — and can even allow you to interact with your dog when you’re not home!
9. Floating Dog Toys
Yard Games Package, Kurgo ($30). kurgo.com. Photography courtesy Kurgo.
The only thing better than playing in the water with dogs, is playing in the water with dogs and some fun floating dog toys! “Our line of classic yard-game dog toys was designed to bring back the old days of playing outside with your dog until it was dark and time for dinner,” explains Kurgo Chief Creative Officer Kitter Spater. “On top of being a blast to play together with, all toys in this line are made of non-toxic TPE material and PVC free, they float in water and [they’re] dishwasher safe.”
10. Tug-of-War Dog Toys
Tug Toys, TetherTug (prices vary). tethertug.com
Tug-of-war is a fantastic game to play with your dogs. It’s a great way to bond and it’s a fantastic way to help your dog burn up extra energy and reward him during training games by keeping his attention focused on working with you. Rope toys, ropes with tennis balls, knotted fleece and tugs with fur ends are all great toys for tugging with your dog. Want to take your dog’s tug game to the next level? Flirt poles and tether tug dog toys, which are freestanding tug toys, are great options for treating a dog who enjoys a game of tug!
11. Ball Dog Toys
Chuckit Kick Fetch Toy Ball for Dogs, Petmate ($22.99). amazon.com
We’ve come a long way from throwing around an old tennis ball! There are lots of great ball options to spoil your dog for indoor and outdoor play this summer. From small to large, scented balls to squeaking balls, hollow balls to solid balls to floating balls — all are great options for a dog who loves ball toys. Extra-large ball toys are a particular favorite with my dogs, who enjoy pushing them around in a miniature version of the dog sport Treibball.
Thumbnail: Photography by bmf-foto.de/ Shutterstock.
June is Treat Your Pup Month here at Dogster! Stay tuned on Dogster.com for fun ways to spoil your canine with different types of treats, accessories and more.
Sassafras Lowrey is an award-winning author. Her novels have been honored by organizations ranging from the Lambda Literary Foundation to the American Library Association. Sassafras is a Certified Trick Dog Instructor and assists with dog agility classes. Sassafras lives and writes in Brooklyn with her partner, a senior Chihuahua mix, a rescued Shepherd mix and a Newfoundland puppy, along with two bossy cats and a semi-feral kitten. Learn more at sassafraslowrey.com.
Read more about dog toys and play on Dogster.com:
Summer Dog Toys for Pups of All Ages
What to Do If Your Dog Won’t Share His Toys
Dog Exercise — How Much Activity Your Dog Needs a Day By Breed, Age and More
The post Treat Your Dog to … Different Types of Dog Toys appeared first on Dogster.
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daddyslittlejuliet · 6 years
Treat Your Dog to … Different Types of Dog Toys
Dog toys of all shapes and sizes are important for your pup’s mental and physical health. Additionally, dog toys stimulate learning and keep our canines from becoming bored and depressed. Check out a few different types of dog toys your four-legged friend will love:
1. Throwing Dog Toys
Too Interactive Ball Launcher for Dogs – Launches Standard Tennis Balls, Large, iFetch ($199.99). amazon.com
Does your dog love to play fetch? There are some great toys designed to make your dog’s game of fetch even better. In fact, a few of these throwing toys are designed to help you throw balls further if you’re playing outside. Other fetch toys will actually “throw” the ball for your dog. Your dog just has to learn to bring the ball back, drop the ball in and the toy will launch the ball back for retrieving.
2. Dog Puzzles
Treat Dispensing Dog Toy, Brain and Exercise Game for Dogs, Nina Ottosson ($19.99). amazon.com
Is your dog always on the go? Puzzle toys made of plastic or wood are a great way to exercise your dog’s brain and it’s fun to see how quickly your dog can solve the puzzle and get to the hidden treats. These toys are especially good for hot summer days when it’s too warm to go outside, or for a dog recovering from injury.
3. Chewing Dog Toys
TUFFY’S DESTRUCTOSAURUS, DogTuff ($76.53). dogtuff.com
Is your pup a heavy chewer? Look for “chew ratings” for extra-durable toys designed for dogs to exercise those jaw muscles while having fun. Toys with other toys hidden inside, solid (nontoxic) rubber and plastic, and stuffing-free plush toys are all great options for chewy-happy hounds.
4. Treat-Dispensing Dog Toys
GuRu, Planet Dog ($18.95). planetdog.com
Treat-dispensing toys are a fantastic way to exercise your dog’s mind and keep her occupied. These types of toys are also great to give your dog while she’s in her crate, providing a slow release of treats the more your dog plays. Some of these toys act as puzzles with difficulty settings, so the better your dog gets at playing with the toy, the harder she has to work for the treats to release.
Colleen McCracken, CEO of Planet Dog spoke with us about the brand’s GuRu toy. “This super-durable puzzle treat-dispensing toy activates and encourages mental stimulation in dogs,” McCracken explains. “The openings can be filled with kibble, bully sticks, carrots, apples, our new Planet Dog Treats, peanut butter or whatever treat your dog loves most. As with all Planet Dog toys, GuRu is made with Planet Dog’s Signature Orbee-Tuff® material. This means it is made in the USA, completely non-toxic, buoyant, and as safe for humans (even babies) as it is for dogs. Even when dogs get to all the treats hidden in the GuRu, because of its 5-out-of-5 on our durability scale, it becomes a really great chew toys that lasts!”
5. Plush Dog Toys
Safari Toy Collection, P.L.A.Y ($69). petplay.com
Different shapes, levels of stuffing and fabric textures create unique play experiences when it comes to plush dog toys. Additionally, varying squeaks, grunts and crinkle sounds are sure to inspire your dog to play away!
6. Glowing Dog Toys
Fetch & Glow: Glows in the Dark, Durable, Floats, Spunky Pup. spunkypup.com
Ideal for late nights out in the yard, glowing and light-up toys are a perfect way to brighten up the dog nights of summer. You can’t lose glowing toys in the dark and, when your dog is holding the glow toy, he’ll be easy to spot.
7. Talking Dog Toys
Talking Babble Ball Dog Toy, Pet Qwerks ($5.66). amazon.com
From toys that babble in baby talk or make realistic animal “talking noises” to others that can record messages from you to your dog, talking toys are a fun treat! These toys can be good for a laugh from you, and a fun way to spark imaginative play for your dog, allowing her to chase and play with sounds from quacking ducks to mooing cows to hilarious giggles.
8. High-Tech Dog Toys
Single Camera, Pet Cube ($179). petcube.com
Is your dog on the cutting edge? High-tech dog toys come with sound activation, video recording and automatic treat dispensing — and can even allow you to interact with your dog when you’re not home!
9. Floating Dog Toys
Yard Games Package, Kurgo ($30). kurgo.com. Photography courtesy Kurgo.
The only thing better than playing in the water with dogs, is playing in the water with dogs and some fun floating dog toys! “Our line of classic yard-game dog toys was designed to bring back the old days of playing outside with your dog until it was dark and time for dinner,” explains Kurgo Chief Creative Officer Kitter Spater. “On top of being a blast to play together with, all toys in this line are made of non-toxic TPE material and PVC free, they float in water and [they’re] dishwasher safe.”
10. Tug-of-War Dog Toys
Tug Toys, TetherTug (prices vary). tethertug.com
Tug-of-war is a fantastic game to play with your dogs. It’s a great way to bond and it’s a fantastic way to help your dog burn up extra energy and reward him during training games by keeping his attention focused on working with you. Rope toys, ropes with tennis balls, knotted fleece and tugs with fur ends are all great toys for tugging with your dog. Want to take your dog’s tug game to the next level? Flirt poles and tether tug dog toys, which are freestanding tug toys, are great options for treating a dog who enjoys a game of tug!
11. Ball Dog Toys
Chuckit Kick Fetch Toy Ball for Dogs, Petmate ($22.99). amazon.com
We’ve come a long way from throwing around an old tennis ball! There are lots of great ball options to spoil your dog for indoor and outdoor play this summer. From small to large, scented balls to squeaking balls, hollow balls to solid balls to floating balls — all are great options for a dog who loves ball toys. Extra-large ball toys are a particular favorite with my dogs, who enjoy pushing them around in a miniature version of the dog sport Treibball.
Thumbnail: Photography by bmf-foto.de/ Shutterstock.
June is Treat Your Pup Month here at Dogster! Stay tuned on Dogster.com for fun ways to spoil your canine with different types of treats, accessories and more.
Sassafras Lowrey is an award-winning author. Her novels have been honored by organizations ranging from the Lambda Literary Foundation to the American Library Association. Sassafras is a Certified Trick Dog Instructor and assists with dog agility classes. Sassafras lives and writes in Brooklyn with her partner, a senior Chihuahua mix, a rescued Shepherd mix and a Newfoundland puppy, along with two bossy cats and a semi-feral kitten. Learn more at sassafraslowrey.com.
Read more about dog toys and play on Dogster.com:
Summer Dog Toys for Pups of All Ages
What to Do If Your Dog Won’t Share His Toys
Dog Exercise — How Much Activity Your Dog Needs a Day By Breed, Age and More
The post Treat Your Dog to … Different Types of Dog Toys appeared first on Dogster.
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grublypetcare · 6 years
Treat Your Dog to … Different Types of Dog Toys
Dog toys of all shapes and sizes are important for your pup’s mental and physical health. Additionally, dog toys stimulate learning and keep our canines from becoming bored and depressed. Check out a few different types of dog toys your four-legged friend will love:
1. Throwing Dog Toys
Too Interactive Ball Launcher for Dogs – Launches Standard Tennis Balls, Large, iFetch ($199.99). amazon.com
Does your dog love to play fetch? There are some great toys designed to make your dog’s game of fetch even better. In fact, a few of these throwing toys are designed to help you throw balls further if you’re playing outside. Other fetch toys will actually “throw” the ball for your dog. Your dog just has to learn to bring the ball back, drop the ball in and the toy will launch the ball back for retrieving.
2. Dog Puzzles
Treat Dispensing Dog Toy, Brain and Exercise Game for Dogs, Nina Ottosson ($19.99). amazon.com
Is your dog always on the go? Puzzle toys made of plastic or wood are a great way to exercise your dog’s brain and it’s fun to see how quickly your dog can solve the puzzle and get to the hidden treats. These toys are especially good for hot summer days when it’s too warm to go outside, or for a dog recovering from injury.
3. Chewing Dog Toys
TUFFY’S DESTRUCTOSAURUS, DogTuff ($76.53). dogtuff.com
Is your pup a heavy chewer? Look for “chew ratings” for extra-durable toys designed for dogs to exercise those jaw muscles while having fun. Toys with other toys hidden inside, solid (nontoxic) rubber and plastic, and stuffing-free plush toys are all great options for chewy-happy hounds.
4. Treat-Dispensing Dog Toys
GuRu, Planet Dog ($18.95). planetdog.com
Treat-dispensing toys are a fantastic way to exercise your dog’s mind and keep her occupied. These types of toys are also great to give your dog while she’s in her crate, providing a slow release of treats the more your dog plays. Some of these toys act as puzzles with difficulty settings, so the better your dog gets at playing with the toy, the harder she has to work for the treats to release.
Colleen McCracken, CEO of Planet Dog spoke with us about the brand’s GuRu toy. “This super-durable puzzle treat-dispensing toy activates and encourages mental stimulation in dogs,” McCracken explains. “The openings can be filled with kibble, bully sticks, carrots, apples, our new Planet Dog Treats, peanut butter or whatever treat your dog loves most. As with all Planet Dog toys, GuRu is made with Planet Dog’s Signature Orbee-Tuff® material. This means it is made in the USA, completely non-toxic, buoyant, and as safe for humans (even babies) as it is for dogs. Even when dogs get to all the treats hidden in the GuRu, because of its 5-out-of-5 on our durability scale, it becomes a really great chew toys that lasts!”
5. Plush Dog Toys
Safari Toy Collection, P.L.A.Y ($69). petplay.com
Different shapes, levels of stuffing and fabric textures create unique play experiences when it comes to plush dog toys. Additionally, varying squeaks, grunts and crinkle sounds are sure to inspire your dog to play away!
6. Glowing Dog Toys
Fetch & Glow: Glows in the Dark, Durable, Floats, Spunky Pup. spunkypup.com
Ideal for late nights out in the yard, glowing and light-up toys are a perfect way to brighten up the dog nights of summer. You can’t lose glowing toys in the dark and, when your dog is holding the glow toy, he’ll be easy to spot.
7. Talking Dog Toys
Talking Babble Ball Dog Toy, Pet Qwerks ($5.66). amazon.com
From toys that babble in baby talk or make realistic animal “talking noises” to others that can record messages from you to your dog, talking toys are a fun treat! These toys can be good for a laugh from you, and a fun way to spark imaginative play for your dog, allowing her to chase and play with sounds from quacking ducks to mooing cows to hilarious giggles.
8. High-Tech Dog Toys
Single Camera, Pet Cube ($179). petcube.com
Is your dog on the cutting edge? High-tech dog toys come with sound activation, video recording and automatic treat dispensing — and can even allow you to interact with your dog when you’re not home!
9. Floating Dog Toys
Yard Games Package, Kurgo ($30). kurgo.com. Photography courtesy Kurgo.
The only thing better than playing in the water with dogs, is playing in the water with dogs and some fun floating dog toys! “Our line of classic yard-game dog toys was designed to bring back the old days of playing outside with your dog until it was dark and time for dinner,” explains Kurgo Chief Creative Officer Kitter Spater. “On top of being a blast to play together with, all toys in this line are made of non-toxic TPE material and PVC free, they float in water and [they’re] dishwasher safe.”
10. Tug-of-War Dog Toys
Tug Toys, TetherTug (prices vary). tethertug.com
Tug-of-war is a fantastic game to play with your dogs. It’s a great way to bond and it’s a fantastic way to help your dog burn up extra energy and reward him during training games by keeping his attention focused on working with you. Rope toys, ropes with tennis balls, knotted fleece and tugs with fur ends are all great toys for tugging with your dog. Want to take your dog’s tug game to the next level? Flirt poles and tether tug dog toys, which are freestanding tug toys, are great options for treating a dog who enjoys a game of tug!
11. Ball Dog Toys
Chuckit Kick Fetch Toy Ball for Dogs, Petmate ($22.99). amazon.com
We’ve come a long way from throwing around an old tennis ball! There are lots of great ball options to spoil your dog for indoor and outdoor play this summer. From small to large, scented balls to squeaking balls, hollow balls to solid balls to floating balls — all are great options for a dog who loves ball toys. Extra-large ball toys are a particular favorite with my dogs, who enjoy pushing them around in a miniature version of the dog sport Treibball.
Thumbnail: Photography by bmf-foto.de/ Shutterstock.
June is Treat Your Pup Month here at Dogster! Stay tuned on Dogster.com for fun ways to spoil your canine with different types of treats, accessories and more.
Sassafras Lowrey is an award-winning author. Her novels have been honored by organizations ranging from the Lambda Literary Foundation to the American Library Association. Sassafras is a Certified Trick Dog Instructor and assists with dog agility classes. Sassafras lives and writes in Brooklyn with her partner, a senior Chihuahua mix, a rescued Shepherd mix and a Newfoundland puppy, along with two bossy cats and a semi-feral kitten. Learn more at sassafraslowrey.com.
Read more about dog toys and play on Dogster.com:
Summer Dog Toys for Pups of All Ages
What to Do If Your Dog Won’t Share His Toys
Dog Exercise — How Much Activity Your Dog Needs a Day By Breed, Age and More
The post Treat Your Dog to … Different Types of Dog Toys appeared first on Dogster.
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nrdynarwhal-blog · 7 years
The Only Porchlight in The Abandonment
I’ve taken to calling the stretch of land surrounding our house “The Abandonment.” It is an ever-expanding space– three adjacent abandoned lots, two garages, a barn, three houses on our right and five houses on our left. It stretches two blocks behind our house, one to the right and three to the left– surrounding our house with overgrown, falling-down, litter-covered property beginning its re-wilding.
           The Abandonment is far from deserted– abandoned by the humans that created it, but far from devoid of life.  My daughter Tristen, our dog Gemma, and I have taken to exploring this space and documenting the goings on here.
           Presently, the list of tenants is a little short.  Feral cats live in the empty houses. Rats have colonized the barn and garage.  They dart and dash between old tires and smashed television sets to avoid us on our weekly walks.  The cats are braver. A big yellow and orange tom cat adopted us last summer.  We called him Walter and he stayed with us for a few weeks before moving on.  Our feral cats are a transient bunch. We never see the same cat more than three times. Winter has been particularly harsh (changing from cold to warm and from rain to snow as if flipping a coin) driving these urban animals to their breaking point.  A wind storm in August destroyed my sunflower garden and with it went our flock of birds.  Without all those seeds, there is a calorie deficit in The Abandonment– there is nothing for the birds, mice, and rats to eat.  Our troop of scavengers: raccoons, groundhog, skunks and opossums don’t leave much for the smaller animals.  These guys have a monopoly on our garbage.  If it’s not in the metal can, its fair game.  If it is in the metal cans, it’s for the raccoons.
In our almost-three-year tenure on 10th Street, I have only ever seen these raccoons on two occasions.  The first was late one night in June or July right after we moved in.  My husband, Justin, and I were sitting on the porch (with Gemma) having a late-night cigarette, when this portly creature came stumbling out of the abandoned lot next door.  He waddled into our yard.  Blinked at our porchlight. Looked slowly around at us and the dog.  Made eye contact with Gemma then slunk along the shadows until he disappeared under our porch. Because he took us by surprise, my husband and I laughed as his striped tale vanished under the sideboards.  But in truth, this raccoon made me uneasy. I was glad we had seen him at night so I could be almost sure he wasn’t rabid but not totally sure so we quickly retreated into the house and vowed to put the trash bags into the cans.
Stowe Township (out in the far west extremities of the Pittsburgh area, down by Mancini’s Bread) sits between McKees Rocks and Kennedy Township.  Our neighborhood has the look of memory– most of the houses have been forgotten about.  Once they were nice, but now they have fallen into a state between functional and abandoned: peeling paint and rotted wood stay so long as they do their jobs. While McKees Rocks was once a thriving machinery and railroad town, now it is mostly the temporary houses made for steel and railroad workers that have been bubble-gummed-and-duck-taped into lasting until 2017.  When the jobs left, most of the people left too– the people that remain are a mix of hardened old-school Italian, Polish, and African American barely-middle-class working folks simply surviving. From the Italians we have bread and pizza, from the Polish golden churches (and pierogis), and from the African Americans the small businesses that maintain our micro-economy.
The second time we encountered this raccoon was right at dusk as we were unloading groceries.  Coming up our walk way, we heard scurrying over in the lot.  As I got to the porch with the first load of plastic bags, the portly raccoon came wobbling out from under a chair.  His front paws were out in front of him, cupped, and filled with cat food. He didn’t even look at us as he wobbled off, his buddies chattered in the darkness at the top of our street where the side walk ended and turned to grass. I remember thinking how ballsy he was, but I was also impressed with his brazen ability to survive. He knew that cat food was there.  It was almost as if he assumed that it was for him and his buddies. He was just like Yep, this is mine now. Peace. I guess urban raccoons need attitude to be able to survive in this wasted town.
Raccoon chittering has become one of the characteristics of Stowe Township– alongside the hourly train whistle and the smells of fresh bread and pizza … and skunk (maybe on some streets it’s marijuana, but on 10th Street it is a real, flesh-and-stink skunk). Not just one skunk though, a troupe of skunks.  At least four skunks. Maybe a mama and pups. Maybe just a gang of hood skunks.  All I know is that they live under our porch. Eat our garbage. Furrow grubs out of our grass and emit odors.
Don’t get me wrong, I don’t dislike the skunks– even if they did cause us to be without a house for four days because their odor correlated with a major problem with our furnace.  I just wish they would relocate.  I don’t like the risk involved with our dog. Gemma is way too nosey to be a good skunk-neighbor.  It is just a matter of time before they spray her for getting too close. They probably think the same of us though. We leave lights on. Drive cars. Don’t buy canned cat food anymore.  
Gemma doesn’t have a good relationship with most of The Abandonment tenants– she chases the opossum, groundhog, and feral cats up and down our yard. Sometimes the groundhog will try to out run her and make a dash for his burrow on the side of our house.  Sometimes he fails.  That is why this groundhog is Henry 3.0.
Before the house directly next to ours fell empty, the guy who rented it would shoot bow-and-arrow off of his porch.  He used a target block on top of five huge bales of hay to stop the arrows.  Henrys 1.0 and 2.0 used to eat the clover and wild strawberries that grew in his yard.  His dog, a massive cream-colored pitbull, did not approve of this invasion of his territory. Henry 1.0 liked to sunbathe in the mornings when our back yards were filled with sun.  One morning, poor Henry didn’t perk up soon enough and the dog got him– full force teeth to the side and Henry was no longer. Henry 2.0 was a little thing. But he was still a groundhog and still had a weakness for wild strawberries.  I guess our neighbor was sick of his dog barking and growling at the back door every morning, but I am only assuming. I was only made privy to the situation when 2.0’s corpse was out with his garbage. Henry 3.0 should be safe from such assaults as those people have moved out.  Plus, I have been smuggling him wrinkled potatoes and carrots all winter. Gemma sometimes chases him up the fence line to his hole, but for the most part, this groundhog chooses to avoid all contact with us. Which is probably for the better. He should share his idea with the rats and opossums. But maybe rooting out tasty bits of wrinkled tubers will entice him to stick around and continue to put up with our nonsense.
Our interactions with the rats– I think it might just be one particularly daring brown rat– and opossums have been much more personal.  And much more invasive– like slinking up our laundry drain and climbing up the inside of our walls kind of invasive; there might be more opossums in my house than people invasive; my husband killed his brother with a hammer and left his body as a warning, but he still came back invasive.  Now, I am not advocating for sharing space with wild animals, but there is no need to remove them if they are not hindering our way of life. They are living beings too and were probably here before we moved in.  Just because humans made this structure, doesn’t mean we have sole rights to inhabit it. But that is enough about the rights of vermin – honestly, I find it hilarious that the opossums moved into our space.  They, with their thumpings and scufflings, are just one more way nature is reclaiming our house and urban space.  
Before we had Tristen, my husband lost his job and we were forced to leave 10th Street for about 4 months.  The previous two summers left The Abandonment teaming with life– wild flowers, grasses, mystery plants that seem to need no water and cannot be killed with Round-Up, butterflies, bees, wasps (huge, mean black wasps), flies, spiders (Larry the living-room-ceiling-spider, Bartholomew the bathroom-corner-spider and several others from the wolf spiders currently squatting in our basement to tiny little spiders that make delicate webs in the hall corners), snakes, mice, rats, raccoons, skunks, opossums, feral cats, things that wondered in from the rail road tracks. Life was in that lot.
Life that depended on our cast-offs, on the changes we made to their environment.
We re-rented the same house in the end of September of this year and came back to a surprisingly void of life lot. Our sunflowers had been ransacked by wind and rain. We did not plant our garden. We did not supply any garbage to pick through, lick calories out of yogurt containers, scrape calories from tin cans. The life left with us.
We are the only porchlight surrounded by abandonment. We are their cash-cow. We have influenced their evolution.
Now, I toss carrots, potatoes, and sketchy-left-overs over our fence into The Abandonment in an effort to tempt them back– as if to apologize for leaving, as if to say: come, share our prosperity.  Come back to The Abandonment.  
  Our Marsupial Overlords
We still do not know how they got up there, but we know there are more than two of them– opossums.  They have made the space above our bathroom and back hall their home.
We hear them playing in the evenings: a thump, thump, scuffle on the drywall that rattles our light fixtures.  
I can only imagine what Gemma hears when she and our two cats are home all day.  
They have no shame– they sleep in our house, pluck the grubs from our grass, lick all the goodies from our trash then re-decorate The Abandonment with it when they are done.
And honestly, it amuses me more than it bothers me.
Or maybe it’s just the temporary way that I see this house that makes these things so funny: It’s only a rental, nothing to worry about.  We’re moving soon.  Let’s all just get along.
I commend the opossum who figured out how to get up there. Justin went out to investigate when we first heard them– there are no external entrances to this spot. And if there were, she (mama opossum) would have to climb a barely attached gutter or use a tree down the block to gain access to the roof then run the length of the rowhouses to get back to ours and still figure out how to get into the space under our roof.
I have a theory: our bathroom and back hallway were an addition, part of this addition was a really crappy crawlspace for lawn supply storage.  This space has a door, but it is only a wooden box built to connect the back wall of our house and the addition. There is no access to the inside of the house from this little storage space, but there is access to the inside of the walls.  My theory is that this mama opossum found her way into our storage space and realized that she could get up into the heated part of the house by climbing up the walls. That makes it fairly earned. She can raise her brood above our heads.
These opossums aren’t hurting us– far from it. Actually, we are benefiting from hosting these marsupials.  We have not seen nor been bitten by a tick since they moved in. By having so many of them so close to us and our pets, they probably have saved us more than they realize– just by being opossums and eating ticks. The New York Times even dubbed them “environmental vacuum cleaners” stating that they also eat mice and other nuisance critters. The National Opossum Society describes these guys as having 50 teeth, excellent climbing abilities and as being nonconfrontational.  Justin calls them our Marsupial Overlords (our unmentioned roommates).
  Surrounded by (Black) and Yellow
When we first started dating, Justin, would never use or carry a yellow Bic lighter.  He claimed that they were bad luck – every time he was in a car accident he had a yellow lighter in his pocket; flipped his car doing donuts on a gravel road: yellow lighter on the floor board; found out his parents had euthanized his childhood dog in secret: yellow lighter in his pocket– every bad thing that has happened to him was attributed to the color yellow.  And as I sit on our porch with Tristen and Gemma enjoying this fluke moment of sunshine, I am starting to think he was right.  
The Abandonment is surrounded by yellow– the rowhouses that create its left and front most sides are made of yellow brick, our sunflowers cast their golden reflections on the cement, tattered yellow caution tape still flutters in the burnt-out house across the alley to our right, graffiti reading “Cory” glitters warmly golden on the garage facing our yard, the grassy areas will soon be stippled with fluffy dandelion heads, 10th Street is paved with yellow brick, even the tiny flowers that will bloom on the tangled mess of American bittersweet nightshade swallowing our house have yellow centers.  Yellow fills up this rewilded space.
As if to complement all this yellow, someone has added a new piece of graffiti to the rowhouses on our left, on their side facing one of the many paper streets that break up The Abandonment– I am not sure it if says “goRe” or “EoRp” or something, but it is black and yellow. The characters appear to be filled with turbulent holes and are surrounded by a black bouncy-looking cloud-shape.  I hope it says “goRe” because then it would at least provide a commentary for the burnt-out house which it faces.  The same house they removed three bodies from and have not been back to since that day in December. “goRe” complements the caution tape and the too-decayed-to-be-of-any-use buildings that inhabit The Abandonment and its un-killable plants that form its jungle groundcover in the summer months– a four-foot high welter of arrow-head shaped leaves, red-purple thick stalks with knobbed joints and deep roots, sprigs of green vine, ruffled purple leaves, burs, skunk cabbage, thorns, wild strawberry, coal, concrete, broken glass, railroad rocks, scratched marbles, brown-black city dirt.
On a whim, I decided to investigate these plants– to see what species inhabit this brown-black coal strewn dirt. Jimsonweed seems to have taken over the rocky section towards the middle– it reached six feet high that summer we barely had any rain. Its reddish stalks stand tall with barbed triangular leaves and spiky seedpods.  London rocket with its tiny yellow flowers and thin rocket-ship-leaves grows towards the pool and out by the television grave yard.  When its dry, the only color is the rusty-red stalks of jimsonweed and the purple leaves of something that looks like rhubarb with short stalks and oblong ruffled leaves.  When it is dry the ground stays brown-black and sun baked, letting only the jimsonweed grow.
When the ground stays wet mustard, pinweed, clover, milkweed bloom yellow, pink, white and the nightshade berries turn red and stink adding to the dankness coming from the ever-flooded marshland that will soon support McKees Rock’s entire mosquito population, landscape of scattered tires and liquor bottles, the rare shopping cart.  
The Abandonment owns “goRe” as if a fragrance.  With the weather warming, I cannot help but remember the summer smells: cat poo (its mostly cat poo) and dirt and decay and that moist rotting smell and mud and green– that smell that foliage has that just smells green and alive– and stagnant water and rust and wet wood and alcohol and marijuana and cigarette smoke and pizza and baking bread and car paint and spray paint and car exhaust and concrete.  It is nature in the city. It is city in nature. The Abandonment is where they meet and eddy together like how the Allegheny meets the Monongahela to form the Ohio– blue churning together with brown to form turbulent green waters. Here the city churns together with nature to create this brown-black dirt– this mixture of what humans made and what made humans.  
  The Truce
Yesterday night, I was awake in the odd hours between Tristen’s hungry cries when I saw his tale slither behind my crockpot. Our nightly marauder– a common brown rat. Rattus norvegicus, the most common rat species in North America thrives in urban areas and on ships.  Rattus norvegicus seems to have evolved beyond their Asian-plains-origin to live alongside us, or rather this brown rat has.  He chose our home for his foraging ground.  Locked in our silent agreement, we are participating in one of the oldest human-animal relationships: we gather surplus food, he eats off that surplus, and eventually our cats will eat him. But right now, he wants to eat their food.  
Our kitchen was dim– lit by a nightlight shaped like Darth Vader’s head– but I could just see the outline of his round body and two little ears. He was definitely hiding behind the crockpot. Probably waiting for me to sleepily wander past him.
Maybe I have done this before. Maybe he has waited me out countless times this winter. Waiting in the snug little space behind our crockpot and next to the heater vent; tucked up underneath our butcher rack and away from the cats’ reach.  Just soaking up the warmth and waiting for his chance to dart across the kitchen.
I imagine his little belly is grumbling and that he is cussing me out for delaying him.
Or maybe he is a worrier and is doubting his whole plan. Thinking that darting back into the basement and making a run for the drain pipe is a better option than waiting me out.  
But then I remember we are talking about cat food here– carbs, protein and fat– he cannot pass this up. It is too cold outside to go back with an empty belly. So he waits.
He doesn’t move. He doesn’t know I have seen him. He doesn’t know that I know he has visited before.  He comes in through The Abandonment – the two-inch drainage pipe from our laundry room pokes out of the concrete block and out into the mess of jimsonweed and garbage. He climbs up rusted metal, lifts the drain cover, scurries up our stairs and into our kitchen.
He doesn’t know that we have chosen not to poison him.  That my husband and I are allowing him into our home. We have come to an agreement with this urban nature. This wildness that seeks us out.
We have drawn a truce with nature. Once cities sought to conquer the natural world with their brick and glass and metal industrialization but with each drop in our economy, in the housing market, in the job market, in the value of the US Dollar, nature takes a little back. She sinks her tendrils deeper into that rotting wood, wriggles her roots further into our sewer systems, pummels paint from siding with rain and wind. Broken windows let her into old homes wetting their dry-walled and plastered ceilings, caving them in to let birds and squirrels nest in the rafters.  Urban re-wilding is as natural as a fallen tree turning to mold. Nature conquers all that is put before her. Why should McKees Rocks or Stowe Township be any different?  Why should concrete divide what is human with what is natural when humans came out of nature. These animals have adapted and overcome the harsh environment humans have put before them.  They are evolution at its most basic.
We are the bridge between survival and defeat.  We destroyed the natural habitat, the rich riverlands, and put up our concrete-and-wood dwellings poisoning the land so we must to pay restitution: the choice not to poison our little marauder, in letting the opossums share our space, in planting sunflowers, by tossing wrinkled potatoes over our fence, by being lazy with our trash we participate in our ecosystem and contribute to the urban wild. We are the only porchlight in The Abandonment.
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buynewsoul · 6 years
Treat Your Dog to … Different Types of Dog Toys
Dog toys of all shapes and sizes are important for your pup’s mental and physical health. Additionally, dog toys stimulate learning and keep our canines from becoming bored and depressed. Check out a few different types of dog toys your four-legged friend will love:
1. Throwing Dog Toys
Too Interactive Ball Launcher for Dogs – Launches Standard Tennis Balls, Large, iFetch ($199.99). amazon.com
Does your dog love to play fetch? There are some great toys designed to make your dog’s game of fetch even better. In fact, a few of these throwing toys are designed to help you throw balls further if you’re playing outside. Other fetch toys will actually “throw” the ball for your dog. Your dog just has to learn to bring the ball back, drop the ball in and the toy will launch the ball back for retrieving.
2. Dog Puzzles
Treat Dispensing Dog Toy, Brain and Exercise Game for Dogs, Nina Ottosson ($19.99). amazon.com
Is your dog always on the go? Puzzle toys made of plastic or wood are a great way to exercise your dog’s brain and it’s fun to see how quickly your dog can solve the puzzle and get to the hidden treats. These toys are especially good for hot summer days when it’s too warm to go outside, or for a dog recovering from injury.
3. Chewing Dog Toys
TUFFY’S DESTRUCTOSAURUS, DogTuff ($76.53). dogtuff.com
Is your pup a heavy chewer? Look for “chew ratings” for extra-durable toys designed for dogs to exercise those jaw muscles while having fun. Toys with other toys hidden inside, solid (nontoxic) rubber and plastic, and stuffing-free plush toys are all great options for chewy-happy hounds.
4. Treat-Dispensing Dog Toys
GuRu, Planet Dog ($18.95). planetdog.com
Treat-dispensing toys are a fantastic way to exercise your dog’s mind and keep her occupied. These types of toys are also great to give your dog while she’s in her crate, providing a slow release of treats the more your dog plays. Some of these toys act as puzzles with difficulty settings, so the better your dog gets at playing with the toy, the harder she has to work for the treats to release.
Colleen McCracken, CEO of Planet Dog spoke with us about the brand’s GuRu toy. “This super-durable puzzle treat-dispensing toy activates and encourages mental stimulation in dogs,” McCracken explains. “The openings can be filled with kibble, bully sticks, carrots, apples, our new Planet Dog Treats, peanut butter or whatever treat your dog loves most. As with all Planet Dog toys, GuRu is made with Planet Dog’s Signature Orbee-Tuff® material. This means it is made in the USA, completely non-toxic, buoyant, and as safe for humans (even babies) as it is for dogs. Even when dogs get to all the treats hidden in the GuRu, because of its 5-out-of-5 on our durability scale, it becomes a really great chew toys that lasts!”
5. Plush Dog Toys
Safari Toy Collection, P.L.A.Y ($69). petplay.com
Different shapes, levels of stuffing and fabric textures create unique play experiences when it comes to plush dog toys. Additionally, varying squeaks, grunts and crinkle sounds are sure to inspire your dog to play away!
6. Glowing Dog Toys
Fetch & Glow: Glows in the Dark, Durable, Floats, Spunky Pup. spunkypup.com
Ideal for late nights out in the yard, glowing and light-up toys are a perfect way to brighten up the dog nights of summer. You can’t lose glowing toys in the dark and, when your dog is holding the glow toy, he’ll be easy to spot.
7. Talking Dog Toys
Talking Babble Ball Dog Toy, Pet Qwerks ($5.66). amazon.com
From toys that babble in baby talk or make realistic animal “talking noises” to others that can record messages from you to your dog, talking toys are a fun treat! These toys can be good for a laugh from you, and a fun way to spark imaginative play for your dog, allowing her to chase and play with sounds from quacking ducks to mooing cows to hilarious giggles.
8. High-Tech Dog Toys
Single Camera, Pet Cube ($179). petcube.com
Is your dog on the cutting edge? High-tech dog toys come with sound activation, video recording and automatic treat dispensing — and can even allow you to interact with your dog when you’re not home!
9. Floating Dog Toys
Yard Games Package, Kurgo ($30). kurgo.com. Photography courtesy Kurgo.
The only thing better than playing in the water with dogs, is playing in the water with dogs and some fun floating dog toys! “Our line of classic yard-game dog toys was designed to bring back the old days of playing outside with your dog until it was dark and time for dinner,” explains Kurgo Chief Creative Officer Kitter Spater. “On top of being a blast to play together with, all toys in this line are made of non-toxic TPE material and PVC free, they float in water and [they’re] dishwasher safe.”
10. Tug-of-War Dog Toys
Tug Toys, TetherTug (prices vary). tethertug.com
Tug-of-war is a fantastic game to play with your dogs. It’s a great way to bond and it’s a fantastic way to help your dog burn up extra energy and reward him during training games by keeping his attention focused on working with you. Rope toys, ropes with tennis balls, knotted fleece and tugs with fur ends are all great toys for tugging with your dog. Want to take your dog’s tug game to the next level? Flirt poles and tether tug dog toys, which are freestanding tug toys, are great options for treating a dog who enjoys a game of tug!
11. Ball Dog Toys
Chuckit Kick Fetch Toy Ball for Dogs, Petmate ($22.99). amazon.com
We’ve come a long way from throwing around an old tennis ball! There are lots of great ball options to spoil your dog for indoor and outdoor play this summer. From small to large, scented balls to squeaking balls, hollow balls to solid balls to floating balls — all are great options for a dog who loves ball toys. Extra-large ball toys are a particular favorite with my dogs, who enjoy pushing them around in a miniature version of the dog sport Treibball.
Thumbnail: Photography by bmf-foto.de/ Shutterstock.
June is Treat Your Pup Month here at Dogster! Stay tuned on Dogster.com for fun ways to spoil your canine with different types of treats, accessories and more.
Sassafras Lowrey is an award-winning author. Her novels have been honored by organizations ranging from the Lambda Literary Foundation to the American Library Association. Sassafras is a Certified Trick Dog Instructor and assists with dog agility classes. Sassafras lives and writes in Brooklyn with her partner, a senior Chihuahua mix, a rescued Shepherd mix and a Newfoundland puppy, along with two bossy cats and a semi-feral kitten. Learn more at sassafraslowrey.com.
Read more about dog toys and play on Dogster.com:
Summer Dog Toys for Pups of All Ages
What to Do If Your Dog Won’t Share His Toys
Dog Exercise — How Much Activity Your Dog Needs a Day By Breed, Age and More
The post Treat Your Dog to … Different Types of Dog Toys appeared first on Dogster.
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grublypetcare · 6 years
Treat Your Dog to … Different Types of Dog Toys
Dog toys of all shapes and sizes are important for your pup’s mental and physical health. Additionally, dog toys stimulate learning and keep our canines from becoming bored and depressed. Check out a few different types of dog toys your four-legged friend will love:
1. Throwing Dog Toys
Too Interactive Ball Launcher for Dogs – Launches Standard Tennis Balls, Large, iFetch ($199.99). amazon.com
Does your dog love to play fetch? There are some great toys designed to make your dog’s game of fetch even better. In fact, a few of these throwing toys are designed to help you throw balls further if you’re playing outside. Other fetch toys will actually “throw” the ball for your dog. Your dog just has to learn to bring the ball back, drop the ball in and the toy will launch the ball back for retrieving.
2. Dog Puzzles
Treat Dispensing Dog Toy, Brain and Exercise Game for Dogs, Nina Ottosson ($19.99). amazon.com
Is your dog always on the go? Puzzle toys made of plastic or wood are a great way to exercise your dog’s brain and it’s fun to see how quickly your dog can solve the puzzle and get to the hidden treats. These toys are especially good for hot summer days when it’s too warm to go outside, or for a dog recovering from injury.
3. Chewing Dog Toys
TUFFY’S DESTRUCTOSAURUS, DogTuff ($76.53). dogtuff.com
Is your pup a heavy chewer? Look for “chew ratings” for extra-durable toys designed for dogs to exercise those jaw muscles while having fun. Toys with other toys hidden inside, solid (nontoxic) rubber and plastic, and stuffing-free plush toys are all great options for chewy-happy hounds.
4. Treat-Dispensing Dog Toys
GuRu, Planet Dog ($18.95). planetdog.com
Treat-dispensing toys are a fantastic way to exercise your dog’s mind and keep her occupied. These types of toys are also great to give your dog while she’s in her crate, providing a slow release of treats the more your dog plays. Some of these toys act as puzzles with difficulty settings, so the better your dog gets at playing with the toy, the harder she has to work for the treats to release.
Colleen McCracken, CEO of Planet Dog spoke with us about the brand’s GuRu toy. “This super-durable puzzle treat-dispensing toy activates and encourages mental stimulation in dogs,” McCracken explains. “The openings can be filled with kibble, bully sticks, carrots, apples, our new Planet Dog Treats, peanut butter or whatever treat your dog loves most. As with all Planet Dog toys, GuRu is made with Planet Dog’s Signature Orbee-Tuff® material. This means it is made in the USA, completely non-toxic, buoyant, and as safe for humans (even babies) as it is for dogs. Even when dogs get to all the treats hidden in the GuRu, because of its 5-out-of-5 on our durability scale, it becomes a really great chew toys that lasts!”
5. Plush Dog Toys
Safari Toy Collection, P.L.A.Y ($69). petplay.com
Different shapes, levels of stuffing and fabric textures create unique play experiences when it comes to plush dog toys. Additionally, varying squeaks, grunts and crinkle sounds are sure to inspire your dog to play away!
6. Glowing Dog Toys
Fetch & Glow: Glows in the Dark, Durable, Floats, Spunky Pup. spunkypup.com
Ideal for late nights out in the yard, glowing and light-up toys are a perfect way to brighten up the dog nights of summer. You can’t lose glowing toys in the dark and, when your dog is holding the glow toy, he’ll be easy to spot.
7. Talking Dog Toys
Talking Babble Ball Dog Toy, Pet Qwerks ($5.66). amazon.com
From toys that babble in baby talk or make realistic animal “talking noises” to others that can record messages from you to your dog, talking toys are a fun treat! These toys can be good for a laugh from you, and a fun way to spark imaginative play for your dog, allowing her to chase and play with sounds from quacking ducks to mooing cows to hilarious giggles.
8. High-Tech Dog Toys
Single Camera, Pet Cube ($179). petcube.com
Is your dog on the cutting edge? High-tech dog toys come with sound activation, video recording and automatic treat dispensing — and can even allow you to interact with your dog when you’re not home!
9. Floating Dog Toys
Yard Games Package, Kurgo ($30). kurgo.com. Photography courtesy Kurgo.
The only thing better than playing in the water with dogs, is playing in the water with dogs and some fun floating dog toys! “Our line of classic yard-game dog toys was designed to bring back the old days of playing outside with your dog until it was dark and time for dinner,” explains Kurgo Chief Creative Officer Kitter Spater. “On top of being a blast to play together with, all toys in this line are made of non-toxic TPE material and PVC free, they float in water and [they’re] dishwasher safe.”
10. Tug-of-War Dog Toys
Tug Toys, TetherTug (prices vary). tethertug.com
Tug-of-war is a fantastic game to play with your dogs. It’s a great way to bond and it’s a fantastic way to help your dog burn up extra energy and reward him during training games by keeping his attention focused on working with you. Rope toys, ropes with tennis balls, knotted fleece and tugs with fur ends are all great toys for tugging with your dog. Want to take your dog’s tug game to the next level? Flirt poles and tether tug dog toys, which are freestanding tug toys, are great options for treating a dog who enjoys a game of tug!
11. Ball Dog Toys
Chuckit Kick Fetch Toy Ball for Dogs, Petmate ($22.99). amazon.com
We’ve come a long way from throwing around an old tennis ball! There are lots of great ball options to spoil your dog for indoor and outdoor play this summer. From small to large, scented balls to squeaking balls, hollow balls to solid balls to floating balls — all are great options for a dog who loves ball toys. Extra-large ball toys are a particular favorite with my dogs, who enjoy pushing them around in a miniature version of the dog sport Treibball.
Thumbnail: Photography by bmf-foto.de/ Shutterstock.
June is Treat Your Pup Month here at Dogster! Stay tuned on Dogster.com for fun ways to spoil your canine with different types of treats, accessories and more.
Sassafras Lowrey is an award-winning author. Her novels have been honored by organizations ranging from the Lambda Literary Foundation to the American Library Association. Sassafras is a Certified Trick Dog Instructor and assists with dog agility classes. Sassafras lives and writes in Brooklyn with her partner, a senior Chihuahua mix, a rescued Shepherd mix and a Newfoundland puppy, along with two bossy cats and a semi-feral kitten. Learn more at sassafraslowrey.com.
Read more about dog toys and play on Dogster.com:
Summer Dog Toys for Pups of All Ages
What to Do If Your Dog Won’t Share His Toys
Dog Exercise — How Much Activity Your Dog Needs a Day By Breed, Age and More
The post Treat Your Dog to … Different Types of Dog Toys appeared first on Dogster.
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