#carter torino
bullseyelover · 1 year
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The unexpected upside of global monopoly capitalism
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I'm touring my new, nationally bestselling novel The Bezzle! Catch me TODAY (Apr 10) at UCLA, then Chicago (Apr 17), Torino (Apr 21) Marin County (Apr 27), Winnipeg (May 2), Calgary (May 3), Vancouver (May 4), and beyond!
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Here's a silver lining to global monopoly capitalism: it means we're all fighting the same enemy, who is using the same tactics everywhere. The same coordination tools that allow corporations to extend their tendrils to every corner of the Earth allows regulators and labor organizers to coordinate their resistance.
That's a lesson Mercedes is learning. In 2023, Germany's Supply Chain Act went into effect, which bans large corporations with a German presence from using child labor, violating health and safety standards, and (critically) interfering with union organizers:
Across the ocean, in the USA, Mercedes has a preference for building its cars in the American South, the so-called "right to work" states where US labor law is routinely flouted and unions are thin on the ground. As The American Prospect's Harold Meyerson writes, the only non-union Mercedes factories in the world are in the US:
But American workers – especially southern workers – are on an organizing tear, unionizing their workplaces at a rate not seen in generations. Their unprecedented success is down to their commitment, solidarity and shrewd tactics – all buoyed by a refreshingly pro-worker NLRB, who have workers' backs in ways also not seen since the Carter administration:
Workers at Mercedes' factory in Vance, Alabama are trying to join the UAW, and Mercedes is playing dirty, using the tried-and-true union-busting tactics that have held workplace democracy at bay for decades. The UAW has lodged a complaint with the NLRB, naturally:
But the UAW has also filed a complaint with BAFA, the German regulator in charge of the Supply Chain Act, seeking penalties against Mercedes-Benz Group AG:
That's a huge deal, because the German Supply Chain Act goes hard. If Mercedes is convicted of union-busting in Alabama, its German parent-company faces a fine of 2% of its global total revenue, and will no longer be eligible to sell products to the German government. Chomp.
Now, the German Supply Chain Act is new, and this is the first petition filed by a non-German union with BAFA, so it's not a slam dunk. But supermajorities of Mercedes workers at the Alabama factory have signed UAW cards, and the election is going to happen in May or June. And the UAW – under new leadership, thanks to a revolution that overthrew the corrupt old guard – has its sights set on all the auto-makers in the American south.
As Meyerson writes, the south is America's onshore offshore, a regulatory haven where corporations pay minimal or no tax and are free to abuse their workers, pollute, and corrupt local governments with a free hand (no wonder American industry is flocking to these states). Meyerson: "The economic impact of unionizing the South, in other words, could almost be placed in the same category as reshoring work that had gone to China."
The German Supply Chain Act was passed with the help of Germany's powerful labor unions, in an act of solidarity with workers employed by German companies all over the world. This is that unexpected benefit to globalism: the fact that Mercedes has extrusions into both the American and German political spheres means that both American and German workers can collaborate to bring it to heel.
The same is true for antitrust regulators. The multinational corporations that are in regulators' crosshairs in the US, the EU, the UK, Australia, Japan, South Korea and beyond use the same playbook in every country. That's doubly true of Big Tech companies, who literally run the same code – embodying the same illegal practices – on servers in every country.
The UK's Competition and Markets Authority has led the pack on convening summits where antitrust enforcers from all over the world gather to compare notes and collaborate on enforcement strategies:
And the CMA's Digital Markets Unit – which boasts the the largest tech staff of any competition regulator in the world – produces detailed market studies that turn out to be roadmaps for other territories' enforces to follow – like this mobile market study:
Which was extensively referenced in the EU during the planning of the Digital Markets Act, and in the US Congress for similar legislation:
It also helped enforcers in Japan:
And South Korea:
Just as Mercedes workers in Germany and the USA share a common enemy, allowing for coordinated action that takes advantage of vulnerable flanks wherever they are found, anti-monopoly enforcers are sharing notes, evidence, and tactics to strike at multinationals that are bigger than most countries – but not when those countries combine.
This is an unexpected upside to global monopolies: when we all share a common enemy, we've got endless opportunities for coordinated offenses and devastating pincer maneuvers.
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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invisible-show · 7 months
Invisible°Show presenta
domenica 3 dicembre 2023, dalle 17:00
Laura Loriga
Elder Sister
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la nostra paura non ha il viso d'un morto i morti per noi sono benevoli
li portiamo sulle spalle dormiamo sotto la stessa coperta chiudiamo loro gli occhi gli aggiustiamo la bocca
Zbigniew Herbert
POSTI LIMITATI: per sapere il luogo esatto e prenotarsi: [email protected]
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LAURA LORIGA (Bologna → Los Angeles → Londra)
Cantante e pianista, Laura Loriga ha scritto a Brooklyn il suo ultimo album, Vever, dopo una formazione classica e studi di psicologia clinica, traversate atlantiche e sparse collaborazioni (con Giardini di Mirò, Jaye Bartell, Adam Moseley), firmando tre dischi tra 2009 e 2016 a nome Mimes of Wine (Apocalypse Sets In, Memories for the Unseen, La Maison Verte).
La sua scrittura, ordito di pianoforte, organo e voce, si è via via arricchita di altri strumenti (tra i quali nyckelharpa, viola, harmonium, contrabbasso), attingendo alla tradizione folk come alla sperimentazione, e accompagnandosi a strumentisti elettrici e acustici d'eccezione, provenienti da collaborazioni con – tra gli altri - Bill Laswell, Espers, Vashti Bunyan, Cass McCombs, Lee Scratch Perry, CocoRosie, Bert Jansch e Carla Bozulich.
Il titolo, Vever, è ispirato dalla lettura de I cavalieri divini del vudù della cineasta d'avanguardia Maya Deren, studio folkloristico sulle pratiche di possessione della cultura tradizionale haitiana: il vevé era, infatti, il sigillo magico tracciato a terra durante i riti voodoo per evocare gli spiriti dei loa, benigni intermediari del divino. Come la casa stregata dipinta in copertina, o il mandala fatato degli haitiani, anche Vever sembra abitato da presenze insieme dolci e sinistre. È gotico americano, felsineo, apolide. https://lauraloriga.bandcamp.com/album/vever
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ELDER SISTER (Los Angeles ⬌ Torino)
Jane Paik, losangelina, scrive canzoni improvvisate e imprevedibili per chitarra, voce e nastri magnetici, con minimi sortilegi di delay, rumorismi e loop vocali. Negli anni '90 e 2000 ha suonato e danzato in più continenti, da musei d'arte contemporanea a locali punk, aprendo per band e musicisti come Deerhoof, Tara Jean O'Neil, Liars, Joanna Newsom, Bikini Kill, Jackie O'Motherfucker, Tom Carter e Sissy Spacek.
La sua voce di sorella maggiore, gioconda e spettrale, è un incantesimo a base di DNA umano e midollo d'ossa rotte, trionfi futuri e orme ancestrali.
Posti limitati: per sapere il luogo esatto e prenotarsi scrivi a [email protected]
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fashiondogboutique · 6 years
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Stamattina tante coccoline per 💙 Carter 💙 chi sarà la sua Mamy? Per info e costi 📞0119581609 💖Fashion Dog Boutique®💖 💖Love and Passion For Dogs💖 #chihuahua #chihuahualove #chihuahuas_of_instagram #chihuahualove #carter #cucciolo #cucciolino #unico #amore #cioccolatino #gianduiotto #rivoli #torino #piemonte #fashionboutique (presso Fashion Dog Boutique, Toelettatura e vendita cuccioli SOLO a Rivoli -To-)
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rarepancakesauce · 4 years
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Ponytown update aka i am trying to distract myself.
Alexander Van brennenburg (Amnesia)
Corrupted Alexander (Amnesia)
Andrew Ryan / Андрей Раяновский (bioshock)
Big daddy (Bioshock)
Blind Specter (cuphead)
BringbackAbestos/80′s mall aesthetic (Oc)
Dr Habit (Smile for me)
Cryptid Habit (Original design) (Smile for me)
Shadow Habit (Smile for me)
Doctor Habit encounter (Smile for me)
Dr. Hershell Ira Nickels (Oc)
Fido (Oc i guess?)
Dr.Henry Jeckyll (the strange case of dr jeckyll and mr hyde)
Mr.Edward Hyde (the strange case of dr jeckyll and mr hyde)
Me as a cameroon sheep (me ?)
Freddy Krueger headcanon version (A nightmare on Elmstreet)
Ghost (Idk oc i think?)
Gran Torino (Boku no hero Academy)
Grayson “Gray” Mann (Team Fortress 2)
Asylum Hannibal lecter (silence of the lambs)
Breakout Hannibal Lecter (Silence of the lambs)
Howard Hughes (Idk himself?)
Jellybean (Oc?)
Jellybean but with a mask (Oc)
Johnny Walker (Cuphead Oc)
King Dice (Cuphead)
L-A-R-S (Oc..kinda?)
Mr.Boogie / Baguul (Sinister)
Alive!Robert Edwin House (Fallout new vegas)
Screen Mr.House (Fallout new vegas)
Maxwell Carter Standart (Dont starve)
Maxwell Guest of honor (Dont starve together)
Maxwell Rosenade (Dont starve together)
Maxwell survivor: (Dont starve together)
Maxwell Merrymaker (Dont starve together)
Maxwell Gladiator (Dont starve together)
Krampwell (Dont starve together)
Vampire Maxwell (Dont starve together)
Maxwell Magmatic (Dont starve together)
Maxwell Victorian (Dont starve together)
Verdant Maxwell (Dont starve together)
The untriumphant (Dont starve together)
Wagstaff (Dont starve)
Wagstaff Triumphant (Original design)
Wagstaff Survivor (Original Design)
Wagstaff Merrymaker (Original Design)
Splicer (Bioshock)
Maxwell Adventuremode (Dont Starve)
Dean Domino (fallout new vegas)
Roger the Janitor (Little Nightmares)
Duckguy (Dont hug me I’m scared)
Terezi Pyrope (Homestuck)
Shadow Maxwell (Wigfrid rework trailer , Dont starve)
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mycatisanalien · 6 years
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Friday, November 9: CHARALAMBIDES + MY CAT IS AN ALIEN >> WORLD PREMIERE IN TORINO Legendary duo CHARALAMBIDES (Tom and Christina Carter) from Houston, Texas will present their new 2LP!! Then My Cat Is An Alien will join for a quartet live improvisation as part of their 20th Anniversary celebration -- >> Comodo64, Torino, 9pm, free entrance
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erredibimotori · 2 years
FERRARI GT 330 2+2 I serie
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ANNO : CHILOMETRI : POTENZA : CILINDRATA : ALIMENTAZIONE : CAMBIO : CILINDRI : ESTERNI/INTERNI : Maranello, 11 gennaio 1964. E la data dell’annuale conferenza stampa di Ferrari. Quasi sicuramente la maggior parte dei circa duecento giornalisti ammessi al sempre atteso appuntamento alla corte del Commendatore è lì per scoprire la nuova Formula 1 con motore 12 cilindri contrapposti, 1,5 litri di cilindrata a iniezione elettronica Lucas. Ma Enzo Ferrari ha altre cose più importanti da mostrare e il momento clou della conferenza è quello della presentazione del nuovo modello stradale. Si chiama “330 GT 2 +2” e adotta il 4 litri tipo 209. La granturismo 330 si affianca alle altre vetture in produzione in quel momento: la “250 GT 2 +2”, la “250 GT Berlinetta” e la “250 Le Mans” (la produzione della 250 GT 2+2 verrà perô interrotta dopo pochi mesi). Sempre durante la conferenza, Ferrari svela che è in fase di sviluppo un altro modello stradale di grossa cilindrata, prodotto in pochissimi esemplari (la “500 Superfast” che verrà presentata al Salone di Ginevra dello stesso anno). La 330 GT presentata ai giornalisti è di colore bianco ed è un esemplare di pre-serie; ma al momento della conferenza la nuova GT e già in produzione. Del resto, perché perdere altro tempo? Tutti gli esperimenti di “portare su strada” il motore 4 litri sono già stati fatti in precedenza, a cominciare dall’inverno 1959, quando é nata la “400 Superamerica” speciale realizzata appositamente per Giovanni Agnelli (telaio n. 1517 SA) e apparsa in pubblico a! Salone di Torino di quello stesso anno. Il 4 litri e poi passato sulla 250 GT 2+2 dando vita alla “330 America”. Questa vettura, identica al coupé 2 + 2, ha una vita estremamente breve e viene prodotta in una cinquantina di esemplari. Alcuni di essi si distinguono esternamente per la presenza della scritta America ml cofano posteriore. La 330 GT 2+2, più che il colpo d’artista, é dunque il risultato di una costante evoluzione, ma al momento della sua presentazione risulta comunque una Ferrari nuova. A cominciare proprio dal motore. In effetti il 4 litri tipo 209 della 330 GT oltre alla cilindrata ha ben poco in comune con quello della 400 Superamerica (tipo 163). Quando infatti, alla fine degli anni Cinquanta, Ferrari si era deciso ad avviare il progetto 4 litri, si erano presentate due possibilità: lavorare sulla base del motore a blocco lungo di Aurelio Lampredi o sviluppare ulteriormente il più compatto e leggero gruppo nato nel 1946 da Gioachino Colombo. Il glorioso propulsore di Colombo viene preferito, anche perché su di esso si erano già spese molte e molte ore di ricerca e il 12 cilindri a V di 60° non aveva più segreti per il reparto progettazione. Il lavoro inizia nel 1959. Vengono aumentate le dimensioni del blocco motore che è così in grado di ospitare un albero con raggio di manovella più lungo. La corsa sale a 71 mm e viene abbinata a un alesaggio di 77 mm (il massimo ottenibile ml motore di Colombo). La cilindrata risulta così di 3967,4 cm3. Nasce in questo modo il tipo 163. Un buon motore complessivamente, ma si può fare di meglio. Il 4 litri prima generazione infatti, se non denuncia particolari anomalie nell’uso stradale, quando viene impiegato in condizioni pin severe durante le competizioni manifesta una certa tendenza a surriscaldarsi. Ci Si deve lavorare ancora sopra.   Si ricorre allora a un blocco più lungo che permette di portare la di- Stanza fra gli assi dei cilindri da 90 a 94 mm. In questo modo il liquido refrigerante circola meglio e i problemi di surriscaldamento Spariscono. Per il resto tutto rimane uguale e soltanto un occhio superesperto e in grado di riconoscere questa evoluzione (denominata ufficialmente tipo 209) dal tipo 163, da cui si differenzia esternamente per la presenza di una nuova pompa dell’acqua, comandata ora da una cinghia che ha richiesto l’adozione di un nuovo carter anteriore, e per la presenza di un alternatore di 40 Ah che ha rimpiazzato la vecchia dinamo. Per la 330 GT, la Ferrari dichiara una potenza di 300 CV a 6600 giri/ mm. Il rapporto di compressione è di 8,8:1 e l’alimentazione è assicurata da 3 carburatori invertiti doppio corpo Weber 40 DFI. Gli organi di trasmissione, sostanzialmente identici a quelli della 250, sono stati abbondantemente rinforzati per reggere all’aumento di potenza. Il cambio a quattro rapporti con overdriveLaycock sulla quarta è stato modificato: l’overdrive si disinserisce automaticamente passando a un rapporto inferiore. Il telaio mantiene la tradizionale architettura di tubi a sezione ovale saldati elettricamente con quattro attacchi per il motore. Il passo perô è pii lungo di 50 mm rispetto a quello della 250 GT 2+2 e a quello dell’ultima versione della 400 Superamerica. La sospensione anteriore è a ruote indipendenti con trapezi, molle elicoidali e barra stabilizzatrice, quella posteriore ad assale rigido con balestre semiellittiche, bracci longitudinali e molle elicoidali. Gli ammortizzatori sono Koni regolabili. I freni, a disco sulle quattro ruote, sono Dunlop, con una più efficace protezione contro la pioggia. Il circuito anteriore e quello posteriore sono indipendenti, ciascuno con il proprio servofreno a depressione. Stilisticamente, la 330 GT 2+2 è una Ferrari di rottura che ha perduto buona parte del carattere felino e aggressivo tipico delle Ferrari di Pininfarina per vestirsi di panni più sobri, più borghesi, che non mancano di stupire lo stesso Sergio Scaglietti, che, dopo aver visto il disegno della 330, dice: «Siamo tutti terrorizzati ogni volta che Pininfarina ci presenta un nuovo disegno, perché ogni volta abbiamo l’impressione che il pubblico non potrà mai apprezzarlo. Pro getti ben più arditi e innovativi una volta realizzati si sono rivelati già vecchi. E invece è sempre la stessa storia: Pin infarina ha la straordinaria capacità di capire e interpretare i gusti del pubblico. Così accadrà anche per la 330: fra qualche mese se ne avrà la conferma.» L’ottimismo di Scaglietti non trova perô conforto nel giudizio dei più “caldi” appassionati ferraristi che sembrano non gradire molto l’adozione dei quattro fan anteriori (giudicata come una troppo facile concessione al gusto estetico del momento) e la coda di forma tondeggiante. La 330 viene rivelata al grande pubblico per la prima volta in occasione del Salone internazionale dell’automobile di Ginevra, svoltosi dal 12 al 22 marzo 1964. In quell’occasione la Pininfarina diffonde un comunicato stampa che descrive in dettaglio la nuova GT di Maranello. «(...) Il profilo di questa vettura è stato particolarmente studiato, sia nella linea generale che nei dettagli, avvalendosi del risultati delle prove aerodinamiche eseguite nella galleria del vento del Politecnico di Torino. La parte anteriore, pur conservando la classica maschera Ferrari è di nuovo disegno, filante e aerodinamico. Tutta la superficie del cofano, sino al raccordo con la calandra, presenta la linea deportante tipica delle vetture Ferrari-Pininfarina. «I gruppi ottici anteriori — Si legge nel comunicato — sono composti da due coppie di fari a diametro diverso; quelli di maggior diametro funzionano da anabbaglianti e tutti e quattro insieme come proiettori di profondità. Essi sono incassati all’estremità del parafanghi e, racchiusi in un ‘unica cornice cromata, presentano un motivo stilistico originale. In particolare, tale sistemazione consente una visibilità notturna eccezionale, che risponde pienamente alle esigenze imposte dalle altissime prestazioni della vettura.» «La fiancata, leggera e filante — aggiunge ancora la Pininfarina — presenta un caratteristico motivo a diedro che mette in risalto la linea di cintura e ne sottolinea il profilo. Le maniglie della porta sono incassate ne/la carrozzeria al fine di evitare ogni sporgenza pericolosa. Il padiglione, sottile e slanciato, e a luminosità quasi totale, si raccorda morbidamente con la parte posteriore. La coda presenta, a sua volta, un diedro leggermente più pronunciato ne/la parte posteriore, che facilita la manovra di apertura del baule. Quest’ultimo, di dimensioni notevoli, offre un ampio spazio per la sistemazione del bagagli. I gruppi ottici posteriori di disegno orizzontale, sono alloggiati all’estremità della coda, completamente incassati ne/la carrozzeria e convenientemente protetti dai paraurti avvolgenti (...).» Il comunicato prosegue poi con la descrizione degli interni. «La plancia portastrumenti rivestita in pelle e imbottita con gommapiuma ne/la parte superiore e inferiore, offre una razionale disposizione degli apparecchi, del cassetto ripostiglio e dei vari comandi. Gli strumenti di bordo, di disegno nuovo e originale, sono perfettamente visibili al pilota e ogni riflesso fastidioso per la guida è stato evitato, Notevole l’impianto di aerazione interna che permette di convogliare e di distribuire nell’interno della vettura aria calda e fredda a portata regolabile, per mezzo di due prese d’aria sistemate anteriormente. Un’ulteriore presa d’aria al/a base del parabrezza consente di immettere aria fresca nell’abitacolo attraverso due bocchette interne a portata e direzione regolabili.» «Le portiere — continua la descrizione — presentano, all’interno, 11 congegno di apertura completamente incassato e un appoggiabraccia con maniglia d’appiglio incorporata, imbottita e di nuovo disegno. Esse sono altresì dotate di una spia luminosa che si accende al/’atto della loro apertura. La parte interna del padiglione è stata realizzata con un rivestimento imbottito — di elegante disegno a coste longitudinali — che consente un ottimo isolamento, sia termico che acustico e sottrae pochissimo spazio all’abitabilità interna. Esso è stato realizzato senza l’impiego di centine metalliche di sostegno, eliminando così questa fonte di pericolo in caso d’urto.» «Come indica la denominazione “Coupé 2 + 2” — conclude la Pininfarina — la vettura è dotata di due sedili anteriori, molto comodi e avvolgenti, con schienali regolabili. Posteriormente sono sistemati altri due posti con al centro un appoggiabraccia provvisto di posacenere.» Le reazioni della stampa specializzata all’apparire della nuova granturismo Ferrari sono quasi tutte concordi: sul motore niente da dire, ma quella carrozzeria è così poco Ferrari... L’autorevole Gregor Grant del settimanale inglese Autosport, dopo aver provato la 330 messagli a disposizione da Ronnie Hoare, il famoso importatore e distributore delle vetture di Maranello nel Regno Unito, scrive che nonostante ogni centimetro della carrozzeria riveli 11 genio di Battista Pininfarina si sarebbe aspettato un po’ più di originalità nella realizzazione della parte anteriore e della coda che risulta un po’ rozza Read the full article
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arcarorg · 4 years
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Torino TSX 1979 color azul cosmos. Se encuentra muy original si bien tiene algunas mejoras, tiene llantas marca Kroma en 15x7, cubiertas Goodyear 205/65/15, todo los relojes del instrumental funcionan perfectamente y también tiene tres adicionales marcan temperatura, presión de aceite y voltímetro, los mismos quedan guardados en la guantera, posee su radio original y también un estereo Pioneer co reproductor de cd 2 parlantes Pioneer 6x9 y 2 de 5pulgadas sony, alarma x28 con cierre centralizado, dirección servo asistida, tiene aire acondicionado pero no funciona, el motor está en excelente estado original, solo se trabajo el carburador carter 36/36 con venturi de weber quedando 39/39 bomba de nafta huco alemana eléctrica, encendido electrónico marca LS, cables Mallory de competición, múltiple silen en 2 pulgadas 6a2 auxilio y porta auxilio original. Mendocina.
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gigsoupmusic · 4 years
Kappa FuturFestival 2020 (4-5th July) Announces Phase 3 of its Star-Studded Lineup!
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Europe’s award-winning electronic music festival, Kappa FuturFestival, proudly reveal their third and final phase lineup for its biggest ever edition, taking place Saturday 4th – Sunday 5th July 2020 at the famous Parco Dora in Torino, Italy. Concluding the festival’s 9th edition lineup, comprising of the world’s finest DJs and live performers, we can now confirm the pioneering Chilean-born DJ/producer Ricardo Villalobos will be joining the party once again and performing alongside fellow heavyweight DJs such as the legendary French visionary Laurent Garnier, the sought-after Bosnian-German selector Solomun, illustrious Italian duo Tale of Us and UK house heroes CamelPhat who’ll be making their festival debut. In addition, the influential American electro group Cybotron – fronted by Detroit techno maverick Juan Atkins – will be flying in to present their highly-praised immersive audio-visual live show for the first time alongside Mathew Jonson who’ll also be serving up a must-see live performance featuring Isis. On top of this, the UK’s Craig Richards, Richy Ahmed, Mella Dee and Solardo, Germany’s Palms Trax, Australia’s Fisher and Lauren Hansom, America’s Honey Dijon, Holland’s Rush Hour Music cofounder Antal, Belgium duo Joyhauser, Switzerland’s Sonja Moonear and Italy’s Leon are all locked in for unforgettable DJs performances. These 19 new additions follow a whole host of acts already confirmed and completes an unbeatable lineup which already boasts; the renowned US-based genre-hopping DJ/producer Diplo, the undisputed king of techno Carl Cox, Detroit’s techno master Derrick May, Carl Craig presenting Paperclip People live, Belgium’s Amelie Lens, Farrago and Milo Spykers, Italy’s Joseph Capriati, Enrico Sangiuliano, Blackchild, the UK’s Jamie Jones playing back-to-back with The Martinez Brothers plus solo sets from Patrick Topping, Detlef and Denis Sulta, US-based house DJs Derrick Carter, Danny Tenaglia, The Black Madonna and Bedouin, Spanish spinner Paco Osuna, Japan’s Satoshi Tomiie, France’s Agoria, Germany’s Motor City Drum Ensemble, Holland’s ANOTR and a trio of Solid Grooves’ leading DJs including head honcho Michael Bibi, Spain’s Dennis Cruz and the UK-based PAWSA. Furthermore, the iconic Parco Dora festival site serves as a perfect industrial inner-city environment with varied hangouts, DJs between the trees and plenty of Italian food and drink. Also, as with all previous years, Kappa FuturFestival will continue to push the envelope in regards to festival technology and customer experience – an area which has seen them twice received the European Commission Patronage, the first for this kind of event in Italy – and have brought back its pioneering Art & Techno VIP experience (the ultimate weekend of luxury for art and techno lovers) for its second year alongside its innovative cashless payment scheme, plus festival-goers have the chance to benefit from great deals on Ticket+Hotel packages due to KFF’s bond with the local hospitality network (for more information please click here). FULL 2020 LINEUP (ARTISTS IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER) AGORIA AMELIE LENS ANOTR ANTAL BEDOUIN BLACKCHILD THE BLACK MADONNA CAMELPHAT CARL COX CARL CRAIG PRESENTS PAPERCLIP PEOPLE LIVE CRAIG RICHARDS CYBOTRON LIVE DANNY TENAGLIA DENNIS CRUZ DENIS SULTA DERRICK CARTER DERRICK MAY DETLEF DIPLO ENRICO SANGIULIANO FARRAGO FISHER HONEY DIJON JAMIE JONES B2B THE MARTINEZ BROTHERS JOSEPH CAPRIATI JOYHAUSER LAUREN HANSOM LAURENT GARNIER LEON MATHEW JONSON FEAT. ISIS LIVE MELLA DEE MICHAEL BIBI MILO SPYKERS MOTOR CITY DRUM ENSEMBLE PACO OSUNA PALMS TRAX PATRICK TOPPING PAWSA RICARDO VILLALOBOS RICHY AHMED SATOSHI TOMIIE LIVE SOLARDO SOLOMUN SONJA MOONEAR TALE OF US Links: https://kappafuturfestivaltickets.com https://www.facebook.com/FuturFestival https://twitter.com/FuturFestival?lang=en
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bebobest-baldan · 5 years
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Un vero Combattente Onore ai cugini di campagna Altroché i cosiddetti impegnati) Leggete tutti tutti devono SAPERE Ivano Michetti, noto componente della band “I Cugini di Campagna” è stato ospite stamane degli studi di “Storie Italiane” per trattare ancora una volta la questione delle basse pensioni nei confronti degli artisti. Lo storico fondatore della band romana ha raccontato di ricevere una pensione di 600 euro al mese, ma nel contempo ha invitato gli altri colleghi artisti a recarsi in Siae per farsi ridare i contributi versati negli scorsi anni. Dal 2012, infatti, lo stato, non si capisce bene per quale motivo, ha bloccato un fondo che si chiama “fondo di solidarietà soci”, di conseguenza vi sono migliaia se non milioni di euro di contributi che sono bloccati in Siae. “Sono qui per protestare – racconta il cantante de “I Cugini di Campagna” – per tutti i diritti dei soci della Siae. La Siae ha istituto 40 anni fa il fondo solidarietà soci: tutti coloro che versavano il 4% sui diritti lordi che arrivano dalla Siae, hanno preso per 40 anni questo fondo. Dal 2012, però, è stato bloccato tutto”. IVANO MICHETTI OSPITE A STORIE ITALIANE Michetti se la sta cavando a sentire le sue parole: “Io grazie a Dio sto bene e sono in salute. Pochi giorni fa mi sono entrati 100mla euro proprio dalla Siae, ma mi è stata tolta la pensione dopo 45 anni di contributi. Non mi interessa la pensione da 600 euro al mese – prosegue – ma sono qui per battermi in favore di coloro che hanno bisogno: ci sono attori che stanno male, non posso fare i nomi, ma vi sono artisti che vivono sulla sedie a rotelle e che hanno gravi problemi economici. Li ho avvisati e ho detto loro di andare alla Siae per prendere i diritti che gli spettano”. Michetti spiega che non è questione di vendita di dischi: “I dischi si vendono ancora, ma solo online. Io sono qui per dire a tutti i soci della Siae di andare a farsi dare i soldi che gli spettano, i contributi che hanno versato”. © RIPRODUZIONE RISERVATA da TaboolaContenuti SponsorizzatiDal Web Questa app è come Amazon. Ma vende tutto al prezzo di fabbrica Scaricalo su Google Play | Vova Una famiglia adotta un cane e quando il veterinario lo vede chiama la polizia Graduatez Un gruppo di amici scopre cosa accade quando si usa il WD-40 come olio per il motore - Factaholics Factaholics TI POTREBBE INTERESSARE ANCHE MUSICA E CONCERTI bruce springsteen compleanno BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN/ I 70 anni del Boss: invecchiare con grazia 23.09.2019 –Paolo Vites MUSICA E CONCERTI the lumineers 2 LUMINEERS/ “III”, il nuovo disco: famiglia, miseria, misericordia, coraggio 21.09.2019, agg. alle 15:54 –Jonathan Ghaly MUSICA E CONCERTI jovanotti JOVA BEACH PARTY, LINATE/ Ospiti e scaletta: anche Brunori Sas, otto ore di musica 21.09.2019, agg. alle 15:16 –Matteo Fantozzi MUSICA E CONCERTI emma marrone bionda EMMA MARRONE CHOC: "STO MALE, MI FERMO"/ Antonino: "Sarò sempre al tuo fianco" 20.09.2019, agg. alle 20:51 –Hedda Hopper MUSICA E CONCERTI scatola nera gemitaiz madman instagram SCATOLA NERA, GEMITAIZ E MADMAN/ Il ritorno del duo rap "Giorgia? C'è stata subito…" 20.09.2019, agg. alle 20:34 –Emanuela Longo MUSICA E CONCERTI Bandini Chiacchiaretta ROMA MUSIC FEST 2019/27 settembre - 22 novembre, Aula Magna dell’Università Valdese 20.09.2019 –La Redazione ULTIME NOTIZIE DI MUSICA E CONCERTI TIM HARDIN/ “Long Tall Timmie che sapeva tutto dell’amore”, lo spettacolo teatrale 20.09.2019 alle 10:58 Giacomo Eva/ “Insulti e minacce pesanti solo perché mi sono truccato, sono sconvolto” 19.09.2019 alle 10:27 Nick Carter, ex Backstreet Boys vs Aaron/ “Voleva uccidere mia moglie incinta”, lui… 18.09.2019 alle 19:55 Cesare Cremonini, morto papà Giovanni/ "Mi hai visto arrivare dove ho sempre sognato" 18.09.2019 alle 16:54 LETTURE/ “Something: il 1969 dei Beatles e una canzone leggendaria” 18.09.2019 alle 14:32 VEDI TUTTE ULTIME NOTIZIE Arcangelo Bianco e Nunzia Sansone/ A Uomini e Donne, lui non la saluta e... 23.09.2019 alle 14:44 Diretta/ Torino Roma Primavera (risultato 0-0) streaming video tv: si comincia! 23.09.2019 alle 14:50 Javier Martinez/ Da Temptation Island a Uomini e Donne: rifiuta Giulia per Sara... 23.09.2019 alle 14:31 EMMA MARRONE, TUMORE O NUOVA MALATTIA?/ Muccino vs haters: "Cuore pieno di vermi" 23.09.2019 alle 14:36 Claudio Lippi/ “Quando dissi a Caterina Balivo che è assatanata...” (Vieni da me) 23.09.2019 alle 14:22 VEDI TUTTE GLI ARCHIVI DEL CANALE 20092010201120122013201420152016201720182019 Privacy & PolicyAiutoRedazioneChi siamoPubblicitàSitemap HTMLFeed RssTags P.IVA: 06859710961 via Facebook https://ift.tt/2ksEN62
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dalekofchaos · 7 years
My Favorite things
Favorite Movies
The Godfather, The Godfather Part II, The Crow, Star Wars(in it’s entirty) The Dark Knight, Serenity, Star Trek II:The Wrath Of Khan, John Carpenter’s Halloween, Batman Begins, Repo! The Genetic Opera, The Devil's Carnival, Alleluia! The Devil's Carnival, Indiana Jones, Blade Runner, Let The Right One In, Interview With The Vampire, Pacific Rim, Inception, Memento, Scarface, Fight Club,The Texas Chainsaw Massacre(1974)Alien, John Carpenter’s The Thing, Aliens, Terminator 2:Judgement Day, The Terminator, Robocop,Back To The Future trilogy, Harry Potter series,Lord Of The Rings trilogy,(Extended Edition)Silence Of The Lambs, A Clockwork OrangeThe Girl With The Dragon Tattoo, Reservoir Dogs, Kill BillPulp Fiction, Inglourious Basterds, Django Unchained, The Hateful Eight, Jackie Brown, Donnie Darko, Battle Royale, Catching Fire, Patton, The Pianist, Schindler’s List, Platoon, Enemy At The Gates, Empire Of The Sun, Saving Private Ryan, Full Metal Jacket,To Kill A Mocking Bird, Dirty Harry, American Psycho, Red Dragon, Dawn of The Dead, Day Of The Dead, Night Of The Living Dead, Dracula(1931),  Frankenstein(1931), Bride Of Frankenstein,The Phantom Of The Opera(1924), The Mummy(1932),The Invisible Man, Creature From The Black Lagoon, The Peter Cushing Sherlock Holmes movies, The RDJ Sherlock Holmes movies,  the Basil Rathbone Sherlock Holmes movies, King Kong(1933), Godzilla(1954), Godzilla vs King Kong, Godzilla vs Destroyah, Ghidorah, the Three-Headed Monster, Return of Godzilla, Godzilla:Final Wars, Godzilla vs. King Ghidorah,  Horror Of Dracula, Curse Of Frankenstein, The Devil’s Rejects, Mean Girls, The Matrix, Men In Black, Selma, Malcolm X,  Gran Torino, Dirty Harry, Willy Wonka And The Chocolate Factory, Rocky series. Rambo series, Mad Max series, Ghostbusters 1984, No Country For Old Men, The Patriot, Brokeback Mountain, A Knight’s Tale, Monster’s Ball,  The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus, Scott Pilgrim Vs The World, Public Enemies, Kingsman:The Secret Service, Lost Boys, Underworld series, Jennifer’s Body, Trick r Treat, House Of 1000 Corpses, An American Werewolf In London, Zombieland, Scream, Scream 2, Scream 4, From Russia With Love, Casino Royale, Wonder Woman, WatchmenV For Vendetta, Dredd, Man Of Steel, Batman V Superman:Dawn Of JusticeBatman(1989), Suicide Squad, Superman II:The Richard Donner Cut,Superman:The Movie, Batman Returns, Batman: Mask of the Phantasm, Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker, The Dark Knight Returns Part 1 & 2, All-Star Superman, Wonder Woman(2009 animated film),  Superman:Doomsday, Batman Year One, Batman & Mr. Freeze: SubZero, Batman:Under The Red Hood, Green lantern:First Flight, Green Lantern: Emerald Knights, Captain America:The Winter Soldier, Spider-Man:Homecoming, Captain America:The First Avenger, Iron Man, Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol 2, Captain America: Civil War, Avengers:Age Of Ultron, The Incredible Hulk, Thor, Guardians Of The Galaxy, The Avengers, Iron Man 3, Ant-Man, Thor:The Dark World, Logan, X-Men:Days Of Future Past, X-2:X-Men United, The Punisher, Blade II, Blade, X-Men:Apocalypse, Spider-Man 2, Spider-Man, The Amazing Spider-Man, The Amazing Spider-Man 2, X-Men, The Wolverine, Princess Mononoke, Spirited Away, The Lion King, Toy Story, Toy Story 2, Mulan, Beauty And The Beast, Moana, The Incredibles, WALL.E, The Nightmare Before Christmas, Toy Story 3, Aladdin, The Little Mermaid, Monster’s Inc, Lilo And Stitch, Monsters University, The Princess And The Frog, Tangled, UpSleeping Beauty, The Hunchback Of Notre Dame, Brave, Big Hero 6, Inside Out, Wreck-It Ralph, The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, Pirates Of The Caribbean:Curse Of The Black Pearl, Zootopia, Alice In Wonderland(Disney's, not the Tim Burton abomination)Peter Pan, Tron,Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, Cinderella, Hercules, Pocahontas, Tarzan, Finding Nemo, Finding Dory, Frozen, The Emperor’s New Groove, Atlantis:The Lost Empire, Ratatouille, The Aristocats, Lady And The Tramp, 101 Dalmatians, The Sword in the Stone, Mary Poppins, Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey, The Jungle Book, Robin Hood,The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh, The Rescuers, The Black Cauldron, Oliver & Company, The Rescuers Down Under, Honey, I Shrunk the Kids, Hocus Pocus, A Goofy Movie, Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest, Shrek series, Ice Age, The Prince Of Egypt, How To Train Your Dragon 1&2, The Craft, Beetlejuice,The Addams Family, The Addams Family Values, Edward Scissorhands,  Mortal Kombat, Taylor Swift:The Journey To Fearless, I Robot, The Machinist, Ninja Assassin, Space Jam, Power Rangers:The Movie, Power Rangers 2017, Machete, The Expendables, The Never Ending Story, Red, The Iron Giant, Anastasia, Street Fighter II, Star Trek III, IV, and IV, and Death Note trilogy
Favorite TV Shows
Doctor Who, Orphan Black. Stranger Things, Carmilla, Firefly, Daredevil, Luke Cage, Jessica Jones, The Defenders, Iron Fist, Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Angel, Firefly, Hannibal, American Horror Story, iZombie, Supernatural(seasons 1-5), American Crime Story, Granada Adventures Of Sherlock Holmes, Elementary, Breaking Bad, Better Call Saul, Dexter, The Walking Dead, Vikings, The Strain, Penny Dreadful, Preacher, Wynonna Earp , Dollhouse, Agent Carter, The Flash, Supergirl, Legends Of Tomorrow, Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D., Constantine, Star Trek, Star Trek:The Next Generation, Star Trek:Deep Space Nine, Star Trek:Voyager, Sons Of Anarchy, Ash vs Evil Dead, Orange Is The New Black, House Of Cards, The Walking Dead, Torchwood, Sarah Jane Adventures, Jekyll, House, LOST, Heroes, The Sopranos, Damages, NCIS, Criminal Minds, True Blood, The SHIELD, Scrubs, The Thick Of It, The Fresh Prince Of Bel Air, That’s 70’s Show, Bill Nye The Science Guy, Hell’s Kitchen, Kitchen Nightmares, Cheers, Fraiser, MASH, Hogan’s Heroes, Malcolm In The Middle, Everybody Loves Raymond, Friends, Futurama, Rick And Morty, Bojack Horseman, Red Vs Blue, Bob’s Burgers, Darla, The Simpsons, South Park, American Dad, Robot Chicken, The Daily Show, Last Week Tonight, The Colbert Report, The Nightly Show, and The Late Show
Favorite Cartoons
Avatar:The Last Airbender, Legend Of Korra, Batman:The Animated Series, Justice League, Justice League:Unlimited, Batman Beyond, Superman:The Animated Series, Teen Titans, Young Justice, Green Lantern The Animated Series, Static Shock, Spider-Man:The Animated Series, X-Men:The Animated Series, Wolverine And The X-Men, Spectacular Spider-Man, Avengers:Earth’s Mightiest Heroes, Star Wars:The Clone Wars, Star Wars Rebels, Ed Edd n Eddy, Invader Zim, Adventure Time, The Powerpuff Girls, Courage The Cowardly Dog, Samurai Jack, Codename:Kids Next Door,  Foster’s Home For Imaginary Friends, Looney Toons, Scooby Doo Where Are You, Fairly Odd Parents, Danny Phantom, Rugrats, Space Ghost Coast To Coast, The Adventures Of jimmy Neutron, Old Spongebob, Dexter’s Laboratory, Grim Adventures Of Billy And mandy, Tom And Jerry,  Johnny Bravo, Aaahh!!! Real Monsters!, The Wild Thornberries, Catdog, Cow And Chicken, Ren And Stimpy, Animaniacs, Rocko’s Modern Life, Gargoyles,  Happy Tree Friends, Pinky And The Brain, The Flinstones And The Jetsons
Favorite Anime
Code Geass, Psycho Pass, Elfen Lied, Fullmetal Alchemist:Brotherhood/Full Metal Alchemist 2003, Gurren Lagann, Cowboy Bebop, Hellsing Ultimate. Attack On Titan, Sword Art Online, Durarara, Baccano, Steins;Gate, Fate/Zero, Tokyo Ghoul, Wolf’s Rain, Samurai Champloo, The Big O, Trigun, Soul Eater, Witch Hunter Robin, FLCL, Blood +, Spirited Away, Princess Mononoke, Death Note, Naruto/Naruto Shippuden, Bleach, Fairy Tail, One Piece, Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Super, Sailor Moon, Another, Yuri!!! On Ice, Gintama, Angel Beats, Clannad, Clannad:After Story, Pokemon, Yugioh, Street FIghter II, Pokemon:The Origin, Hellsing Abridged,  Yugioh:The Abridged Series and Dragon Ball Z Abridged.
Favorite Books
ASOIAF, Harry Potter, The Hobbit, Lord Of The Rings, Dracula, Frankenstein, The Asylum For Wayward Victorian Girls,  Dr Jekyll And Mr Hyde, The Vampire Chronicles, The Hunger Games Trilogy, The Giver, Dexter series, The Crow, Johnny The Homicidal Maniac, The Long Halloween, The Dark Knight Returns, The Killing Joke, Arkham Asylum: A Serious House on Serious Earth, Watchmen, V For Vendetta, Batman Year One, Batman Hush, Heart Of Hush, Batman Dark Victory,, Knightfall, The Man Who Laughs, Joker, A Death In The Family, Batman Earth One, All-Star Superman, Superman Earth One, Superman Secret Origins, Superman Red Son, Kingdom Come, Superman:Brainiac, Luthor, Wonder Woman: Gods and Mortals, Wonder Woman: Spirit of Truth, Wonder Woman: Paradise Lost, Wonder Woman: The Hiketeia, JLA:league Of One, Green Lantern Secret Origins, Green lantern Rebirth, Sinestro Corps War, Blackest Night, Spider-Man:Reign, Birth Of Venom, Carnage U.S.A, Cable & Deadpool, Old Man Logan, Freddy Vs Jason Vs Ash, Serenity:Better Days, Serenity:Those Left Behind,  The Walking Dead, Sin City, Scott Pilgrim, Kick-Ass, Hellboy, Akira, Full Metal Alchemist, Hellsing, Death Note, Naruto and Bleach
Favorite Musicians/Bands
Emilie Autumn, Taylor Swift, Halsey, Lorde, Britney Spears, Marilyn Manson, Dir En Grey, Ozzy Osbourne, Black Sabbath, Behemoth, Cannibal Corpse, Cradle Of Filth, Die Antwoord, Melanie Martinez, Marina And The Diamonds, Meg Myers, Lindsey Stirling, Sex Pistols, Misfits, Ramones, The Clash, Amon Amarth, Dimmu Borgir, Dagoba, Rob Zombie, Voltaire, Eminem, 2Pac, Evanescence, My Chemical Romance, Fleetwood Mac/Stevie Nicks, Jimi Hendrix, Prince, Kurt Cobain, Nirvana, David Bowie, Freddie Mercury,  Johnny Cash, Ray Charles, Frank SInatra, Dean Martin, Elvis Presley, Bob Dylan, Beethoven, Mozart, Pink Floyd,  Bad Religion, The Offspring, The Casualties, Black Flag, AC/DC. Slayer, Slipknot, Children Of Bodom, Nine Inch Nails, A Perfect Circle, Tool, Alice In Chains, Arch Enemy, Satyricon, Rammstein, Iron Maiden, Avenged Sevenfold, Pantera, Cancerslug, Gwar, Gorgoth, Lamb Of God, Metallica, Korn, Disturbed, Linkin Park, Daft Punk, Muse, Green Day, Fall Out Boy, Queen, Guns N Roses, Maroon 5, Otep, The Gazette, MIYAVI, D'espairsRay, Nightvale, Chameleon CIrcut, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Black Eyed Peas, Backstreet Boys, Nsync, Aerosmith,  Slash, Combichrist, Hollywood Undead, Led Zeppelin, Destiny’s Child, Ellie Goulding, Darkthrone, Idina Menzel, Lana Del Rey, Madonna,  Christina Aguilera,  Limp Bizkit, Blink-182, Pink, Paramore, Maroon 5, Guns N Roses, Queen, Kiss, Kid Rock,  Miley Cyrus and Rebecca Black are my guilty pleasures
Favorite Video Games
Mass Effect Trilogy, Bioshock Trilogy, Kingdom Hearts Series, Assassin’s Creed series, Life Is Strange, Batman:Arkham Asylum, Arkham City and Arkham Origins, God Of War series,  Telltale’s The Walking Dead, Telltale’s Batman,  Telltale’s Game Of Thrones, Final Fantasy VII, Final Fantasy VIII, Final Fantasy XIII, Silent Hill series, Resident Evil series, Castlevania series, Metal Gear Solid series, Crash Bandicoot series,  Tomb Raider series, Prototype, Left 4 Dead, Dead Rising, Portal 2, Doom, The Last Of Us, Until Dawn, The Evil Within,  American McGee’s Alice & Alice:Madness Returns, Alien Isolation, Sherlock Holmes vs Jack The Ripper, The Testament Of Sherlock Holmes, Sherlock Holmes:Crimes And Punishments, The Darkness, Devil May Cry 1, 2, 3 and 4,  Fable, Fable II, Hitman series, Mortal Kombat series, Tekken series, Street Fighter series, Soul Calibur series, Halo series, Gears Of War seires, Pokemon, Call Of Duty(WWII games and Modern Warfare trilogy) GTA 4 and 5, Red Dead Redemption, L.A Noire, Star Wars Knights Of The Old Republic 1 and 2, Star Wars Battlefront 1 and 2, Star Wars The Forced Unleashed 1 and 2, Star Wars The Old Republic, DC Universe Online,  Chronicles Of Riddick:Escape From Butcher Bay, Chronicles Of Riddick:Assault On Dark Athena, Destroy All Humans series, Marvel Ultimate Alliance 1 and 2 , Deadpool, Spider-Man:Shattered Dimensions, Spider-Man:Edge of Time, Aliens Vs Predator, Alien Isolation, The Sims 1 & 2, and The Godfather game 1 and 2.
Favorite Actors
Al Pacino, Heath Ledger, Brandon Lee, Christopher Lee, Lon Cheney, Lon Cheney Jr, Peter Cushing, Bela Lugosi, Borris Karloff, Robert Downey Jr, Bryan Cranston, Idris Elba, Daniel Day-Lewis, Marlon Brando, Jack Nicholson, Anthony Hopkins, Mad Mikkelsen, Gary Oldman, Michael Caine, Jeremy Irons, Kevin Spacey. Ben Affleck, Sean Connery, Vincent Price, Russell Crowe,   Bruce Lee, Willam Dafoe, Robert De Niro, Robert Duvall, Morgan Freeman, Gene Hackman, Samuel L Jackson, Keith David, Christian Bale, Kurt Russell, Michael Keaton, Christopher Reeve, Tom Hardy, Forrest Whitaker, Danny Glover, Donald Glover, Donald Pleasence, Robert Englund, Bruce Campbell, Gunner Hansen, Tony Todd, Brad Dourif, Kane Hodder, Lance Henriksen, Doug Bradley, Tobin Bell, Terrance Zdunich, Marc Sentor, Paul Sorvino,  Adam Pascal, Bill Moseley, Nivek Ogre, Chris Pine, Charlie Hunam, Patrick Stewart, Ian McKellen, Henry Cavill, Will Smith, Cillian Murphy,  Michael Madsen, Harvey Keitel, Tim Roth, Brad Pitt, Christoph Waltz, Leonardo DiCaprio, Hugh Jackman, Leonard Nimoy, George Takei, William Shatner, DeForrest Kelly, James Doohan, Walter Koenig, Ricardo Montalbán, Zachary Quinto, Karl Urban, Simon Pegg, John Cho,  Anton Yelchin, Brent Spiner, Jonathan Frakes,  Michael Dorn, LeVar Burton,   John de Lancie, Avery Brooks,  Alexander Siddig,  Robert Picardo, Mark Hamil, Harrison Ford, Ewan McGregor, Alec Guinness, Peter Mayhew, James Earl Jones, Hayden Christiansen, Frank Oz, Billy Dee Williams, Ian McDiarmid,  Liam Neeson, John Boyega, Oscar Isaac, Adam Driver, Jeremy Bulloch,  Temuera Morrison,  Diego Luna, Donnie Yen, Jiang Wen, Jiang Wen, Julian Richings,  William Hartnell, Patrick Troughton, Jon Pertwee, Tom Baker, Peter Davison, Tom Baker, Sylvestor McCoy, Paul McGann, John Hurt, Christopher Eccleston, David Tennant, Matt Smith, Peter Capaldi, Roger Delgado, Peter Pratt, Geoffrey Beevers, Anthony Ainley, Eric Roberts,Derek Jacobi, John Simm, Charlie Cox, Mike Colter, Mahershala Ali, Finn Jones, Jon Bernthal,  Elden Henson, Vincent D'Onofrio, Chris Evans, Chris Hemsworth, Tom Hiddleston, Chris Pratt, Ryan Reynolds, Tom Holland, Edward Norton, Paul Bettany, Anthony Mackie, Sebastian Stan, Michael B Jordan, Chadwick Boseman, Dominic Cooper, Ben Kingsley, Michael Rooker,  Chiwetel Ejiofor, Nathan Fillion, Alan Tudyk, Ron Glass, Anthony Stewart Head,  David Boreanaz, James Marsters, Seth Green, Alexis Denisof, David Harboour, Finn Wolfhard, Caleb McLaughlin,  Noah Schnapp, Charlie Heaton, Joe Keery, Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, Alan Rickman, Tom Felton, Matthew Lewis, Robbie Coltrane, Oliver Phelps, James Phelps, Alfred Enoch, Ralph Fiennes, Richard Harris, Terrance Stamp, Michael Shannon, and Peter Dinkleage
Favorite Actresses
Natalie Dormer, Eva Green, Jessica Chastain, Hayley Atwell, Charlize Theron, Daisy Ridley, Felicity Jones, Jessica Henwick, Chloe Bennett, Millie Bobby Brown, Helena Bonham Carter, Katie McGrath, Maggie Smith, Carrie Fisher, Nichelle Williams, Jodie Whittaker, Michelle Gomez, Marina Sirtis, Gates McFadden,  Alice Krige, Terry Farrell, Nana Visitor, Kate Mulgrew, Sigourney Weaver, Jamie Lee Curtis, Heather Lagenkamp, Danielle Harris, Neve Campbell, Jennifer Tilly,  Fairuza Balk, Christina Ricci, Natalia Dyer, Elodie Yung, Krysten Ritter, Rosario Dawson, Deborah Ann Woll, Simone Missick, Rachael Taylor,  Ming-Na Wen, Brittany Murphy, Viola Davis, Meryl Streep, Jodie Foster,  Cate Blanchett, Rachel Weisz, Helen Mirren, Judi Dench, Angelina Jolie,  Marion Cotillard, Jessica Lange, Kathy Bates, Glenn Close,  Catherine Zeta-Jones, Uma Thurman, Michelle Pfeiffer,  Evan Rachel Wood, Amanda Seyfried, Gillian Anderson, Catherine Tate,  Jeri Ryan, Margot Robbie, Alyson Hannigan, Felicia Day, Emma Watson, Evanna Lynch, Zoe Saldana, Lupita Nyong’o,Angela Bassett, Lucy Liu, Rinko Kikuchi, Taissa Farmiga, Emma Roberts, Lily Rabe, Anne Hathaway, Kristen Stewart, Ellen Page, Emilia Clarke, Lena Hedley, Sophie Turner, Maisie Williams, Sarah Chalke, Emma Stone, and Megan Fox
Fav Directors David Fincher, Christopher Nolan, Wes Craven, John Carpenter, Tobe Hooper, Steven Spielberg, Peter Jackson, Quentin Tarantino, and Ava DuVernay
Favorite Writers
George R.R. Martin, JK Rowling, Stephen King, Anne Rice, Mary Shelly, Bram Stoker, Edgar Allan Poe, H.P Lovecraft, J.R.R. Tolkien, Lewis Carroll,  C.S. Lewis, Gaston Leroux, Jhonen Vásquez, James O'Barr,  John Ajvide Lindqvist, Stieg Larsson, and Bret Easton Ellis, 
Favorite Fictional Characters
Harry Potter:Hermione Granger, Luna Lovegood, Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, Nymphadora Tonks, Minerva McGonagall, Rubeus Hagrid, Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Ginny Weasley, Fred & George Weasley, Molly Weasley, Arthur Weasley, Bill Weasley, Fleur Delacour, James Potter, Lily Evans Potter, Viktor Krum, Cedric Diggory, Regulus Black, Andromeda Tonks, Narcissa Malfoy, Bellatrix Lestrange and Lord Voldemort
ASOIAF:Arianne Martell, Oberyn Martell, Doran Martell,(in the books) Elia Martell, Ashara Dayne, Arthur Dayne, The Sand Snakes(in the books) Asha Greyjoy, Catelyn Stark, Lyanna Stark, Benjen Stark, Eddard Stark, Robb Stark, Jon Snow, Bran Stark, Arya Stark, Sansa Stark, Rickon Stark, Meera reed, Jojen Reed, Samwell Tarly, Howland Reed, Daenerys Targaryen(in the books) Tyrion Lannister, Sandor Clegane, Euron Greyjoy, Victarion Greyjoy, Edmure Tully, Brynden Tully, Brynden Rivers,  Olenna Redwyne, Stannis Baratheon, Shireen Baratheon, Davos Seaworth, Margaery Tyrell, Barristan Selmy, Mance Rayder, Ygritte, Val, Tormund, Tywin Lannister, Joanna Lannister, Jaime Lannister and Cersei Lannister
Star Wars: Rey, Finn, Poe Dameron, Kylo Ren, Captain Phasma, General Hux, Revan, Jedi Exile, Bastila, Canderous Ordo, Carth Onasi, T3-M4, Hk-47, Mission, Zaalbar, Jolee Bindo, Juhani, Darth Malak, Kreia, Atton Rand, Bao Dur, Mical, Mira, Hanharr, Brianna, Visas Marr, GO TO, Darth Sion, Darth Nihilus, Anakin/Vader, Ahsoka Tano, Padme, Han, Leia, Luke, Mara Jade, Chewbacca, Boba Fett, Lando, Obi-Wan, Yoda, Mace Windu, Ki-Audi-Mundi, Luminara Unduli, Plo Koon, Kit Fisto, Adi Gallia, Aayla Secura, Quinlan Vos, Shaak Ti, R2-D2, C-3PO, Ezra Bridger, Kanan Jarrus, Hera Syndulla, Sabine Wren, Zeb Orrelios, Chopper, Grand Admiral Thrawn, Palpatine, Darth Maul, General Grievous, Jango Fett, Count Dooku, Asajj Ventress, Cad Bane,
Tolkien:Bilbo Baggins, Frodo Baggins, Samwise Gamgee, Peregrin Took, Meriadoc Brandybuck, Gandalf, Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli, Theoden, Eowyn, Arwen, Thranduil, Thorin, Beorn, Sauron, Saruman, Melkor and  Tom Bombadil
Doctor Who:The Doctor,  Ian Chesterton, Barbra Wright, Susan Foreman, Steven Taylor, Dodo, Jamie McCrimmon, Victoria Waterfield, Zoe Heriot, Brigadier Sir Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart, Sergeant John Benton, Captain Mike Yates, Jo Grant, Sarah Jane Smith, Harry Sullivan, Leela, K-9, Romana, Adric, Nyssa, Tegan Jovanka, Vislor Turlough, Peri Brown, Ace, Donna Noble, Captain Jack Harkness, Martha Jones, Sally Sparrow, Adelaide Brooke, Amy & Rory Pond, River Song, Clara Oswald, Kate Stewart, The Master, Missy, Davros, The Daleks, Omega, The Cybermen, The Silence, The Weeping Angels, Vashtra Nerada, The Empty Child, The Valeyard, The Black Guardian, The Celestial Toymaker, The Family Of Blood, Mr Finch, The Great Vampires, The Great Intelligence, Madame Kovarian, The Rani, The Sontarans, The Meddling Monk, and Rassilon
Marvel:Captain America, Spider-Man, X-Men(Wolverine, Gambit, Cyclops, Professor X, Beast, Kitty Pryde, Rouge, Jean Grey, Storm, Jubilee,Psylocke, X-23, Cable, and Bishop)  Fantastic 4, Iron Man, Thor, Ant-Man(Hank Pym), Wasp, Black Widow, Hawkeye, Nick Fury, Blade, The Punisher, Daredevil, Elektra, War Machine, Falcon, Scarlet Witch, Quicksilver, Bucky Barnes, The Hulk, She-Hulk, Black Panther, Captain Marvel, Ms Marvel, Moon Knight, Black Cat, Luke Cage, Jessica Jones, Iron Fist, Doctor Strange, Dr Doom, Red Skull, The Mandarin, Loki, Mephisto, Surtur, Ultron, Amora The Enchantress, Hela, Baron Zemo, Thanos, Galactus, Magneto, Apocalypse, Mr Sinister, Sabertooth, Green Goblin, Venom, Carnage, Doctor Octopus, Bullseye, Kingpin, The Lizard, Vulture, Kraven The Hunter, Sandman, Electro and Chameleon
DC: Batman, Barbara Gordon, Nightwing, Cassandra Cain, Tim Drake, Jason Todd, Batwoman, Stephanie Brown, Superman, Supergirl, Superboy, Wonder Woman, The Flash(Barry Allen and Wally West), Aquaman, Mera, Green Lantern(Hal Jordan, John Stewart and Kyele Rayner), Green Arrow, Black Canary, Starfire, Raven, Cyborg, Arsenal, The Question, Booster Gold, Blue Beetle, Martian Manhunter, The Atom,  John Constantine, Hawkgirl,    John Constantine, Catwoman, Shazam, The Joker, Harley Quinn, Bane, Ra’s Al Ghul, Two-Face, The Riddler, Poison Ivy, Scarecrow, Mr Freeze, Anarky, The Penguin, Killer Croc, Deadshot, Mad Hatter, Hush, Black Mask, Mad Hatter, Hugo Strange, Clayface, Talia Al Ghul Lex Luthor, General Zod, Darkseid, Brainiac, Doomsday, Bizarro, Livewire, Sinestro, Circe, Ares, Cheetah, Black Adam, Captain Cold, Reverse Flash, Gorilla Grodd, Black Manta, Ocean Master, Solomon Grundy, Shade, Deathstroke, and Anti Monitor  
Repo: Nathan/Repo, Shiloh, Blind Mag, Graverobber, Amber, Luigi and Pavi.
The Devil’s Carnival:Lucifer, The Painted Doll, The Scorpion, The Twin, Hobo Clown, Wick, Ms Merrywood, God, The Designer, The Translators, The Librarian, The Agent, and Cora
Star Trek:Captain James T Kirk, Captain Jean-Luc Picard, Khan Noonien Singh, Spock, Leonard McCoy, Hikaru Sulu, Nyota Uhura , Scotty, Pavel Chekov,Data,  Kruge, General Chang, Kor, Kang and The Borg and The Borg Queen
Buffyverse:Buffy, Faith, Tara, Willow, Cordelia, Spike, Giles, Angel, Angelus, Darla, Drusilla, Fred, Wesley, Glory, Mayor Wilkins, The Beast and The Master
Firefly:Mal, River, Zoe, River, Inara, Jeyne, Simon and Badger
Carmilla:Carmilla, Laura, Mattie,  LaFontaine, Perry,  Danny and The Dean
The Vampire Chronicles:Lestat, Louis, Armand, Marius, Akasha and Claudia
Rick And Morty: Rick Sanchez, Morty Smith, Summer Smith, Evil Rick, Evil Morty, Doofus Rick, Beth Smith, Dr. Xenon Bloom, Krombopulos Michael, Snowball, Birdperson,  Scary Terry. Mr Meeseeks, and  Mr. Poopy Butthole
Horror Horror Icons:Michael Myers, Freddy Krueger, Jason Voorhees, Pinhead, Leatherface and The Sawyer Family, The Firefly Family, Jigsaw, Xenomorphs, Predator, The Thing, Jessica Check, Nancy Downs, Tiffany, Dracula, Frankenstein’s Monster, The Phantom, The Wolf Man, The Invisible Man, Count Orlock, and Creature From The Black Lagoon Horror Heroes/Heroines:Ash Williams, Ellen Ripley, Dr Abraham Van Helsing, Dr Loomis, Laurie Stroode, Jamie Lloyd, Nancy Thompson, Alice Johnson, Kristen Parker, Tommy Jarvis, Alice Hardy, Kirsty Cotton, Sally Hardesty and Reggie Bannister
Avatar:Aang, Katara, Zuko, Sokka, Toph, Mai, Sukki, Ty Lee, Azula, Iroh, Korra, Asami, Bolin, Tenzin, Amon, Red Lotus and Kuvira
Mass Effect
Commander Shepard, Femshep, Garrus Vakarian, Urdnot Wrex, Thane Krios,  Jack/ Jacqueline Nought, Miranda Lawson, Tali'Zorah, Liara T 'Soni, Edi, Jeff Monreau, Grunt, Samara, Kasumi Goto, Zaeed Masani, Aria T’Loak, Javik, Saren Arterius, Steve Cortez, Samantha Traynor, Kelly Chambers,  David Anderson and Steven Hackett
Assassin’s Creed Altair Ibn La'Ahad, Ezio Auditore, Ratonhnhaké:ton, Connor Kenway, Aveline de Grandpré, Edward Kenway, Adéwalé, Shao Jun, Arbaaz Mir, Nikolai Orelov, Arno Dorian, Evie Frye, Jacob Frye, Bayek,  Yusuf Tazim, Cristina Vespucci, Rosa, Sofia Sartor, Desmond Miles, and Lucy Stillman, Songbird, 
Jack, Subject Delta, Eleanor Lamb, Elizabeth Comstock, Booker DeWitt, Daisy Fitzroy, Rosalind Lutece, Robert Lutece, Andrew Ryan, Frank Fontaine/Atlas, Zachary Hale Comstock, Sander Cohen,  Brigid Tenenbaum, Yi Suchong, J.S. Steinman, Augustus Sinclair, and  Cornelius Slate
Life Is Strange Chloe Price, Max Caulfield, Rachel Amber, Kate Marsh, Victoria Chase, Nathan Prescott, Dana Ward, Juliet Watson, Frank Bowers, Joyce Price, William Price,  David Madsen, Brooke Scott, Alyssa Anderson, Courtney Wagner,  Taylor Christensen, Daniel DaCosta, Ms Grant and Samuel Taylor
The Elder Scrolls
The Nerevarine, The Champion Of Cyrodiil, Dovahkiin, Lucien Lachance,  Martin Septim, Uriel Septim VII, Count Janus Hassildor, The Grey Fox, Miirak,  Azura, Boethiah, Clavicus Vile, Hermaeus Mora, Hircine, Jyggalag, Malacath, Mehrunes Dagon, Mephala, Merida, Molag Bal, Namira, Nocturnal, Peryite, Sanguine, Sheogorath, Vaermina,
Favorite ships.
All here
Favorite Wrestlers
The Undertaker, Stone Cold Steve Austin, The Rock, Kane, Goldberg, Bret Hart, Triple H(before he became a corporate stooge and found out about what he did to Chyna) Shawn Michaels, Golddust, Mankind/Cactus Jack/Dude Love, Eddie Guerrero, Sting, Scott Steiner, Chris Jericho, The Hardy Boyz, Kurt Angle, Road Dogg, Bad Ass Billy Gunn, Road Warriors, Gangrel, Edge, Christian, Big Show, Macho Man Randy Savage, Rowdy Roddy Piper, Ricky The Dragon Steamboat,  Jake “The Snake” Roberts, Andre The Giant, Hulk Hogan,  The Ultimate Warrior, Big Boss Man, Bam Bam Bigelow, Ted Dibiase, The Iron Shiek, Sgt Slaughter,  Nikolai Volkoff, Rick Rude, Honky Tonk Man, Mr Perfect. Ric Flair, Arn Anderson, Tully Blanchard, Barry Windham, Harley Race, Dusty Rhodes, David Von Erich, Kevin Von Erich, Kerry Von Erich, Michael Hayes, Terry Garvin, Terry Gordy, Buddy Roberts, Owen Hart, Razor Ramon/Scott Hall, Diesel/Kevin Nash, Yokozuna, Davey Boy Smith, Dynamite Kid, Jim “The Anvil” Neidhart, Raven, Booker T, Diamond Dallas Page, Vader, William Regal, Jerry Lawler, Chris Benoit(despite what he did, he was still a good wrestler) Dean Malenko, Perry Saturn, Rey Mysterio, Lance Storm, Billy Kidman, Vampiro, Juventud Guerrera, Ultimo Dragon, Psicosis,  Faarooq/Ron Simmons, Bradshaw,  Sid Vicious, Lex Luger, Sabu, The Sandman, Shane Douglas, Tommy Dreamer, Terry Funk, Tazz, The Dudley Boyz, Rob Van Dam, Batista, Cody Rhodes, AJ Styles, Finn Balor, Shinsuke Nakamura, Bobby Roode, Samoa Joe, Seth Rollins, Dean Ambrose, Roman Reigns,   Kevin Owens, Bray Wyatt, Sami Zayn,  Chyna, Trish Stratus, Lita,  Victoria, Beth Phoenix, Melina, Torrie Wilson, Stacy Keibler, Michelle McCool, Jacqueline, Jazz, Mickie James, Ivory,  AJ Lee, Paige, Natalya The Bella Twins, Sasha Banks, Asuka,  Charlotte, Alexa Bliss, Bayley, Becky Lynch, Ember Moon, Nia Jax, Naomi and Emma
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No, “convenience” isn’t the problem
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I'm touring my new, nationally bestselling novel The Bezzle! Catch me in CHICAGO (Apr 17), Torino (Apr 21) Marin County (Apr 27), Winnipeg (May 2), Calgary (May 3), Vancouver (May 4), and beyond!
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Using Amazon, or Twitter, or Facebook, or Google, or Doordash, or Uber doesn't make you lazy. Platform capitalism isn't enshittifying because you made the wrong shopping choices.
Remember, the reason these corporations were able to capture such substantial market-share is that the capital markets saw them as a bet that they could lose money for years, drive out competition, capture their markets, and then raise prices and abuse their workers and suppliers without fear of reprisal. Investors were chasing monopoly power, that is, companies that are too big to fail, too big to jail, and too big to care:
The tactics that let a few startups into Big Tech are illegal under existing antitrust laws. It's illegal for large corporations to buy up smaller ones before they can grow to challenge their dominance. It's illegal for dominant companies to merge with each other. "Predatory pricing" (selling goods or services below cost to prevent competitors from entering the market, or to drive out existing competitors) is also illegal. It's illegal for a big business to use its power to bargain for preferential discounts from its suppliers. Large companies aren't allowed to collude to fix prices or payments.
But under successive administrations, from Jimmy Carter through to Donald Trump, corporations routinely broke these laws. They explicitly and implicitly colluded to keep those laws from being enforced, driving smaller businesses into the ground. Now, sociopaths are just as capable of starting small companies as they are of running monopolies, but that one store that's run by a colossal asshole isn't the threat to your wellbeing that, say, Walmart or Amazon is.
All of this took place against a backdrop of stagnating wages and skyrocketing housing, health, and education costs. In other words, even as the cost of operating a small business was going up (when Amazon gets a preferential discount from a key supplier, that supplier needs to make up the difference by gouging smaller, weaker retailers), Americans' disposable income was falling.
So long as the capital markets were willing to continue funding loss-making future monopolists, your neighbors were going to make the choice to shop "the wrong way." As small, local businesses lost those customers, the costs they had to charge to make up the difference would go up, making it harder and harder for you to afford to shop "the right way."
In other words: by allowing corporations to flout antimonopoly laws, we set the stage for monopolies. The fault lay with regulators and the corporate leaders and finance barons who captured them – not with "consumers" who made the wrong choices. What's more, as the biggest businesses' monopoly power grew, your ability to choose grew ever narrower: once every mom-and-pop restaurant in your area fires their delivery drivers and switches to Doordash, your choice to order delivery from a place that payrolls its drivers goes away.
Monopolists don't just have the advantage of nearly unlimited access to the capital markets – they also enjoy the easy coordination that comes from participating in a cartel. It's easy for five giant corporations to form conspiracies because five CEOs can fit around a single table, which means that some day, they will:
By contrast, "consumers" are atomized – there are millions of us, we don't know each other, and we struggle to agree on a course of action and stick to it. For "consumers" to make a difference, we have to form institutions, like co-ops or buying clubs, or embark on coordinated campaigns, like boycotts. Both of these tactics have their place, but they are weak when compared to monopoly power.
Luckily, we're not just "consumers." We're also citizens who can exercise political power. That's hard work – but so is organizing a co-op or a boycott. The difference is, when we dog enforcers who wield the power of the state, and line up behind them when they start to do their jobs, we can make deep structural differences that go far beyond anything we can make happen as consumers:
We're not just "consumers" or "citizens" – we're also workers, and when workers come together in unions, they, too, can concentrate the diffuse, atomized power of the individual into a single, powerful entity that can hold the forces of capital in check:
And all of these things work together; when regulators do their jobs, they protect workers who are unionizing:
And strong labor power can force cartels to abandon their plans to rig the market so that every consumer choice makes them more powerful:
And when consumers can choose better, local, more ethical businesses at competitive rates, those choices can make a difference:
Antimonopoly policy is the foundation for all forms of people-power. The very instant corporations become too big to fail, jail or care is the instant that "voting with your wallet" becomes a waste of time.
Sure, choose that small local grocery, but everything on their shelves is going to come from the consumer packaged-goods duopoly of Procter and Gamble and Unilever. Sure, hunt down that local brand of potato chips that you love instead of P&G or Unilever's brand, but if they become successful, either P&G or Unilever will buy them out, and issue a press release trumpeting the purchase, saying "We bought out this beloved independent brand and added it to our portfolio because we know that consumers value choice."
If you're going to devote yourself to solving the collective action problem to make people-power work against corporations, spend your precious time wisely. As Zephyr Teachout writes in Break 'Em Up, don't miss the protest march outside the Amazon warehouse because you spent two hours driving around looking for an independent stationery so you could buy the markers and cardboard to make your anti-Amazon sign without shopping on Amazon:
When blame corporate power on "laziness," we buy into the corporations' own story about how they came to dominate our lives: we just prefer them. This is how Google explains away its 90% market-share in search: we just chose Google. But we didn't, not really – Google spends tens of billions of dollars every single year buying up the search-box on every website, phone, and operating system:
Blaming "laziness" for corporate dominance also buys into the monopolists' claim that the only way to have convenient, easy-to-use services is to cede power to them. Facebook claims it's literally impossible for you to carry on social relations with the people that matter to you without also letting them spy on you. When we criticize people for wanting to hang out online with the people they love, we send the message that they need to choose loneliness and isolation, or they will be complicit in monopoly.
The problem with Google isn't that it lets you find things. The problem with Facebook isn't that it lets you talk to your friends. The problem with Uber isn't that it gets you from one place to another without having to stand on a corner waving your arm in the air. The problem with Amazon isn't that it makes it easy to locate a wide variety of products. We should stop telling people that they're wrong to want these things, because a) these things are good; and b) these things can be separated from the monopoly power of these corporate bullies:
Remember the Napster Wars? The music labels had screwed over musicians and fans. 80 percent of all recorded music wasn't offered for sale, and the labels cooked the books to make it effectively impossible for musicians to earn out their advances. Napster didn't solve all of that (though they did offer $15/user/month to the labels for a license to their catalogs), but there were many ways in which it was vastly superior to the system it replaced.
The record labels responded by suing tens of thousands of people, mostly kids, but also dead people and babies and lots of other people. They demanded an end to online anonymity and a system of universal surveillance. They wanted every online space to algorithmically monitor everything a user posted and delete anything that might be a copyright infringement.
These were the problems with the music cartel: they suppressed the availability of music, screwed over musicians, carried on a campaign of indiscriminate legal terror, and lobbied effectively for a system of ubiquitous, far-reaching digital surveillance and control:
You know what wasn't a problem with the record labels? The music. The music was fine. Great, even.
But some of the people who were outraged with the labels' outrageous actions decided the problem was the music. Their answer wasn't to merely demand better copyright laws or fairer treatment for musicians, but to demand that music fans stop listening to music from the labels. Somehow, they thought they could build a popular movement that you could only join by swearing off popular music.
That didn't work. It can't work. A popular movement that you can only join by boycotting popular music will always be unpopular. It's bad tactics.
When we blame "laziness" for tech monopolies, we send the message that our friends have to choose between life's joys and comforts, and a fair economic system that doesn't corrupt our politics, screw over workers, and destroy small, local businesses. This isn't true. It's a lie that monopolists tell to justify their abuse. When we repeat it, we do monopolists' work for them – and we chase away the people we need to recruit for the meaningful struggles to build worker power and political power.
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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politicalstash · 7 years
Members if campground dvd selection on one shelf lol
Movies 3 pack- Dodgeball, Me,Myself and Irene, There's Something About Mary 4 pack- Mo'Nique I Coulda Been Your Cellmate, Katt Williams 9 Lives, Bruce Almighty Losin It, Tony Roberts Wired 5 pack- Edge of Darkness, Conspiracy Theory, We Were Soliders, Payback 4 pack- Robocop, The Terminator, Red Dawn, Road House. 4 pack- Miami Vice, Jarhead, The Kingdom, Ray 4 pack- Casino, Carlito's Way, Mobsters, Carlito's Way Rise to Power 4 pack- GoodFellas, The Departed, The Aviator, Mean Streets 3 pack- BraveHeart, Gladiator, Hercules 8 pack- Knockout, Valley of Angels, Bloodrayne, Lords of the Street, American Breakdown, Garrison, Extracted, After The Dark 8 pack- The Code, On The Edge, Dead Heist, King Of The Adventure, Way of War, Sacrifice, Elephant White, Act of Vengeance 4 pack- Office Space, Mrs. Doubtfire, My Cousin Vinny, Super Troopers, 4 pack- Midnight Cowboy, The Usual Suspects, Thelma and Louise, Platoon 3 pack- Patriot Games, Eagle Eye, Echelon Conspiracy 4 pack- The A-Team, A Good Day To Die Hard, Unstoppable, Man on Fire 4 pack- Trouble with the Curve, Gran Torino, J. Edgar, Invictus 2 pack- Little Man, White Chicks 4 pack- Which Way Is Up, Brewster's Millions, Carwash, Bustin' Loose 4 pack- Liar Liar, Bruce Almighty, Happy Gilmore, Billy Madison 2 pack- The Outlaw Josey Wales, Pale Rider 5 pack- Trading Places, Dream Girls, 48 HRS, The Golden Child, Another 48 HRS 3 pack- Juno, Napoleon Dynamite, Little Miss Sunshine 3 pack- Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery, Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me, Austin Powers In GoldMember 3 pack- Revenge Of The Nerds, Revenge Of The Nerds ll, Revenge Of The Nerds lll 3 pack- Legion, Priest, Gabriel 3 pack- Animal House, Dazed And Confused, Fast Times At Ridgemont High 4 pack- Me, Myself, And Irene, Super Troopers, The Girl Next Door, Grandma's Boy 2 pack- P.S. I Love You, The Lake House 2 pack- Kevin Hart Laugh At My Pain, Kevin Hart Seriously Funny 4 pack- Act of Valor, Limitless, Machine Gun Preacher, Paranoia 3 pack- Gamer, The Next Three Days, Setup Forest Gump Special Collector's Edition Pablo Escobar The ATV Movie Destroyer Librium World Surf Inspiration 3x Hypnotic Ocean Journey Accepted Ace Ventura Pet Detective Ace Ventura When Nature Calls Anger Management Alex Cross All About Steve Gabriel Iglesias Aloha Fluffy Anchorman Aviator Alien Outpost 2x A Knights Tale American Hustle Armageddon Armored The A Team Alice in Wonderland Avengers AVP Alien vs. Predators AVP Requiem Bad Boys Bad Teacher Barber Shop 2: Back in Business Batman Begins Battleship Beastly Because I Said So Bedtime Stories Benchwarmers 3 pack- Beverly Hills Cop, Beverly Hills Cop ll, Beverly Hills Cop lll The Big Lebowski Collector's Edition Big Top Pee Wee Biker Boys Bill Cosby... Far from finished Bill And Ted's Excellent Adventure Little Black Book 4 pack- Blade, Blade ll, Blade: Trinity, Blade: House of Chthon Blades of Glory The Blind Side Blow Bowfinger Blue Collar Comedy Tour The Body Guard The Boondock Saints ll: Saints All Day The Bounty Hunter The Bourne Supremacy The Bourne Ultimatum Boys Don't Cry Braveheart Brian Regan Standing Up Bad Words Brother Grimm Bride Wars Bruce Almighty Blast The Bucket List Camp Rock 2 Captain America: The Winter Solider Captain America: The First Avenger Cars 3x Click 3x Chuck and Larry Center Stage Charlotte's Web Coach Carter Cliffhanger Cold Mountain Collateral Con Air Casper Catch and Release The Condemned Coraline Couples Retreat Cowboys and Aliens Coyote Ugly Crank Chicken Little Crank 2: High Voltage Crazy Beautiful The Crucible Dance Flick Dane Cook Vicious Circle The Dark Knight Rises Dark Shadows Platinum Comedy Series Dave Chappelle Dawn Of The Dead Dear John Death Race 3: Inferno Death Race 2 Definitely, Maybe Descent 2 The Dilemma Dirty Dancing Dirty Dancing: Havana Nights Django Unchained Dolphin Tale Doom Doomsday The Davinci Dead in Tombstone Dodgeball Domino Due Date Double Jeopardy DrillBit Taylor Finding Dory Drumline End Of Days The Dukes of Hazzard Easy A Envy Eragon Escape Eternal Sunshine Everybody's Fine The Expendables The Expendables 2 Facing the Giants The Family 2x Fantastic 4: Rise of the Silver Surfer Fight Club Fire With Fire 50 First Dates 2 pack- Footloose, Flash Dance Forrest Gump Free Willy Freedom Writers Friday the 13th From Hell 2x Four Brothers Four Christmases Fun With Dick And Jane Gabriel Iglesias Stand-Up Revolution Green Lantern The Gambler George Carlin: It's Bad For Ya And Life Is Worth Losin Get Hard Grease: Rockin Rydell Edition Get Rich or Die Tryin' Ghost Ghostbusters Ghosts of Girlfriends Past Ghost Rider 2x G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra G.I. Joe: Retaliation Gladiator GoodFellas 13 Going On 30 Goldmember A Good Day To Die Hard The Goonies 3x The Green Mile Gridiron Gang How The Grinch Stole Christmas Halo 4: Forward Unto Dawn 2x Hancock The Hangover The Hangover Part ll Hansel and Gretel Harold and Kumar: Go To White Castle Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows Harry Potter And The Prisoner Of Azkaban Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets The Heat Hellboy Hellboy ll: The Golden Army Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy High School Musical 2 High School Musical 3 3x Hitch Hitman Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug Hobbit: The Battle Of The Five Armies The Hunger Games: Mocking Jay Part 1 2x The Hunger Games: Catching Fire Hulk The Incredible Hulk The Hurt Locker Identity Thief The Illusionist Immortals Inception Independence Day Inglorious Basterds Insurgent The Internship Into The Blue Invincible Idle Hands I, Robot Iron Man The Island Jack Frost Jack Reacher Jeff Dunham Spark Of Insanity Jeff Dunham's Very Special Christmas Special Jeff Dunham Minding The Monsters Jennifer's Body Johnson Family Vacation Joyful Noise Jumper Just Go With It Just Married Just Like Heaven From Justin To Kelly Katt Williams: Pimpadelic Killer Eliter Killers 2x King Kong Kingsman: The Secret Service Kingdom of Heaven Knockaround Guys Kung Fu Hustle Kiss The Girls Kung Fu Panda Ladies 49 Land Of The Dead The Last Castle The Last Dragon The Last Stand Looper Legally Blonde 2 Lemony Snicket's: A Series Of Unfortunate Events Let's Go To Prison Liar Liar The League of Extraordinary Gentleman Life Of Pi The Longest Yard Lord Of The Rings: The Return Of The King Lord Of The Rings: The Two Towers 2x Lord Of The Rings: The Fellowship Of The Ring Lost In Space 2x Man On Fire Madea's Big Happy Family Madea's Witness Protection Madea Goes To Jail Madea's Family Reunion 3x Matrix Reloaded Maggie The Magnificent 7 Martian Child Max Mad Max Major Payne 2 pack- MIB, MIB II Mario Bros MIB Michael Clayton Michael Jackson: History: The King Of Pop Mr Deeds Mask Meet The Fockers Meet The Parents Men Of Honor Michael Jackson Number Ones Michael Jackson Mr 3000 Mrs Doubtfire Miss Congeniality Mortdecai Monster Monster's Bail Monster-In-Law The Monuments Men 2 pack- Mortal Kombat, Mortal Kombat Annihilation My Super Ex Girlfriend Napoleon Dynamite National Treasure Neighbors 2x Never Back Down My Baby's Daddy Never Been Kissed The Nice Guy Night At The Museum: Secret of The Tomb Night at the Museum Margaret Cho: Notorious C.H.O The Notebook The Nut Job O'Brother, Where Art Thou? Non-Stop Ocean's Twelve Ocean's Thirteen Kill Bill Old Dogs Open Range Pacific Rim Vin Diesel the Pacifier Paddington Padre Kino: The Legend of the Black Priest Parker The Patriot Poltergeist Peter Pan The Phantom of the Opera Pirates of the Caribbean 2: Dead Man's Chest Point Break Practical Magic Predators Premium Rush Premonition Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl Princess Bride The Proposal Pearl Harbor P.S. I Love You Pulp Fiction Mo'Nique Phat Girlz 2 pack- The Purge, The Purge: Anarchy The Pursuit of Happyness Real Steel Redline Rush Hour 2 Red 2 Remember the Titans 3 pack- Pitch Black, The Chronicles Of Riddick, The Chronicles Of Riddick: Dark Fury Rise of the Planet of the Apes Robin Hood Prince of Thieves The Rock Rocky ll Rocky Balboa Ron White A Little Unprofessional The Rookie Rounders The Rum Diary Saving Private Ryan Sabotage 2x The Sandlot School of Rock The Shawshank Redemption Snitch Scott Pilgrim Silent House Shaun of the Dead Sherlock Holmes She's the Man Step Up Revolution Snow White and The Huntsman The Social Network She's all that Soul plane Scooby Doo Scooby Doo 2: Monsters Unleashed Shallow Hall Son in Law Song One Sorority Row Spider-Man 2x Spider-Man 2 3x Spider-Man 3 Space Jam Spy Stand and Deliver Starship Troopers Star Wars: The Force Awakens Star Wars: The Phantom Menace Star Wars: Attack of the Clones Stuck on You Sweeney Todd The Demon Barber Of Fleet Street Taken Taken 2 Taken 3 This is 40 The Ringer The Croods Thor Tomb Raider The Time Machine The Time Traveler's Wife Toneloc T.V. 2 Tombstone Total Recall The Exorcist Trading Places Training Day Transformers Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen Transformers: Dark of the Moon The Bucket List The Eye Transformers Beginners Troy Directors Cut Two for the Money The Man From U.N.C.L.E True Grit UFC: Best of 2012 Unforgiven Unknown Uptown Girls Unfinished Business Van Helsing The Vow Warm Bodies The Wedding Date The Wedding Planner The Wedding Singer A Walk to Remember Walking Tall Wanted The Waterboy War Dogs We Bought a Zoo Where the Wild Things Are Kevin Hart What Now While You Were Sleeping White Chicks The Whole Nine Yards Sister Act 2: Back in the Habit Wild Card Wild Hogs Wings of Life The World's End World War ll X-Men Origins: Wolverine The Last Stand 40 Year Old Virgin Zombieland Zookeeper Zoolander 2 Guns 8 Mile
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fashiondogboutique · 6 years
Buona settimana a tutti dai piccoli 💗 Bridget 💗 & 💙 Carter 💙 Chi saranno le loro Mamy?? Per info e costi 📞0119581609 💖Fashion Dog Boutique®💖 💖Love and Passion For Dogs💖 #chihuahua #chihuahualove #chihuahuapuppy #chihuahuatoy #chihuahuaitaliani #pedegree #cuccioliitaliani #rivoli #torino #piemonte #italia #fashionboutique (presso Fashion Dog Boutique, Toelettatura e vendita cuccioli SOLO a Rivoli -To-)
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Trans-Am 1963 Ford Falcon --------------------------------- Facts Engine: vintage block, carefully machined it to Hi-Po 289 specs. A 2.87-inch-stroke steel crank along with a set of forged connecting rods. compression is 13:1 with a set of forged JE pistons fitted with Childs & Albert gapless rings, while the bearings are Polymer Dynamics-coated Clevites. flat-tappet mechanical cam is an Engle custom grind running Crower 1.6:1 rocker arms with Manley pushrods. The very rare C6FE factory race heads on this small-block. The heads were ported by Maeco and fitted with Ferrea stainless 1.98/1.625-inch valves that are a bit bigger than stock. Isky valvesprings handle the 7,500-plus-rpm. ARP head bolts. Intake: factory over-the-counter 2×4 barrel intake with a pair of 415-cfm Holley carburetors. Carter mechanical fuel pump. dual points in a stock Ford distributor along with an Echlin coil. Exhaust: Maeco custom-fabricated the four-tube headers that merge into dual 3-inch exhaust pipes Cooling: oversize racing brass/copper radiator handles the engine cooling, while an Edelbrock aluminum water pump and Weaver Brothers engine pulleys. Transmission: period-correct ’64 Ford Top Loader four-speed using a small-diameter Tilton flywheel and bellhousing that covers up a Quartermaster clutch. Rearend: ’63-era 9-inch using a full-floater assembly that separates the axle from the hubs. Depending on which track, gearing can be anything from 3.70s to as deep as 4.56:1. Suspension: The front suspension uses Vogtland 620 lb/in front springs and Koni double-adjustable shocks along with a Maeco Motorsport 15/16-inch front sway bar and stock Ford spindles. The rear leaf springs are custom-designed for Maeco by Aldan Springs at a 160 lb/in rate. Roller bearings replace the original rubber spring bushings. Brakes: Kelsey Hayes 11.5-inch-diameter rotors with four-piston calipers, and on the back, massive 11×21/4-inch drums. --------------------------------- #ford #falcon #torino #mustang #transam #musclecar #v8 #hotrod #race #chevy #mopar #dodge #pontiac #plymouth #camaro #chevelle #charger #challenger #corvette #gto #firebird
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arcarorg · 4 years
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Torino TSX 1979 color azul cosmos. Se encuentra muy original si bien tiene algunas mejoras, tiene llantas marca Kroma en 15x7, cubiertas Goodyear 205/65/15, todo los relojes del instrumental funcionan perfectamente y también tiene tres adicionales marcan temperatura, presión de aceite y voltímetro, los mismos quedan guardados en la guantera, posee su radio original y también un estereo Pioneer co reproductor de cd 2 parlantes Pioneer 6x9 y 2 de 5pulgadas sony, alarma x28 con cierre centralizado, dirección servo asistida, tiene aire acondicionado pero no funciona, el motor está en excelente estado original, solo se trabajo el carburador carter 36/36 con venturi de weber quedando 39/39 bomba de nafta huco alemana eléctrica, encendido electrónico marca LS, cables Mallory de competición, múltiple silen en 2 pulgadas 6a2 auxilio y porta auxilio original. Mendocina.
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