ducktracy · 8 months
i'm personally sad we never got bugs v.s. screwball daffy, would have been the perfect way to turn that dynamic on its head
YEAH!! i was always under the impression there was going to be at least one released for LTC.. but outside of that one shirt, i actually can’t recall if there was any sort of confirmation there would be one. i don’t know if it would have been too much pressure to sort of set the precedent (since Porky Pig’s Feat doesn’t really count, speaking substantially…)
HOWEVER! a few months ago during one of my Dell comic binges, i stumbled upon a story that had Bugs, Daffy and Porky altogether which—at least for what i’ve been able to scour online—is rare! it’s arguable how much relevance the comics hold to the “”””Looney Tunes canon”””” (there is none), but i consider them to be honorary to the cartoon since they were drawn/written by original LT alumni and made during the production of the initial shorts
it isn’t so much a “Bugs vs Daffy” affair so much as it is “Bugs and Porky and Daffy”, with Daffy playing a more passive comedy relief role, but i really enjoyed it and it was a case where i could hear Mel Blanc’s voice clear as day while reading. you can read the whole thing here, but here are some select panels:
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and my personal favorite:
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justsomeguypoll · 1 year
Glad that Fry won but WOW I underestimated just how much tumblr likes Hitchhiker's guide
oh arthur is like. the original just some guy. he's been just some guy since before chris pratt was even born. I am not surprised by him sweeping lol
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a-simple-tear-drop · 11 months
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I will remember the OGs. thank you! @dis4ster-4rts @cartoonosaurusrex
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chongoblog · 4 years
iggy friday?
That was yesterday, but six days from now the celebration begins anew
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miakwat · 4 years
Nikki riding into battle on top of Corrupted Jasper
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Oh god I butchered this but here it is!
(I’ll post the rest of the requests soon)
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cartoonosaurusrex replied to your photo “So y'all know the Gwen figurine has trouble standing? But for some...”
probably has something to do with you removing the base for some reason?
Gwen’s figurine doesn’t come with a base. I wish it did though. It’d be easier than having to try and make her stand.
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mattpanreblogsstuff · 5 years
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* JPiXeL (December 10, 2018)
* Badassalisk (December 13, 2018)
(3 month hiatus)
* EiramAshantii (March 9, 2019)
* @cartoonosaurusrex (March 9, 2019)
* IllmasterTwo (March 13, 2019)
* animeemmalemon (March 14, 2019)
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raven-quotes · 6 years
quoth the raven: eat my shorts
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ducktracy · 5 months
You ever make any more progress on that Magician Daffy animation you posted about last year or did you drop it like a rock? (Believe me, I've been there.)
THIS GENUINELY MADE ME SMILE i've had too many projects i've abandoned... i can only fool you guys for so long...
YES AND NO! OKAY the answer is no, i haven't :'))))))) my goal was to wait until Procreate Dreams came out so i had something more substantial to animate in... but i ended up not liking the Dreams interface when it did drop (i didn't realize how often i used the lasso tool!!!!!!!!! no lasso tool?????) and that + work keeping me so tied up + other obligations haven't allowed me to make the progress i want...
BUT. i refuse to drop it because it means so much to me and is such a perfect way to test so many skills of mine. i'm going to get it done! one of my many resolutions this year is to act on my immediate impulses--the moment i want to do something i'm going to DO IT, and one of my goals is to revisit old projects like that OR the cartoon animatic i dropped back in 2021. or my Porky and Daffy salesman cartoon dating all the way back to November 2020. I AM GOING TO REVISIT THESE!!! but the magician short is definitely one of my utmost priorities, and sincerely, i'm super flattered you bring this up because it means people are thinking about it!!!! thank you!!
in case nobody has any idea of what i'm talking about, i have plans to reanimate an interstitial from LTC and add my own interpretations/variations, with each corresponding Pork actually ANIMATED and MOVING in the style it owes itself to. complete with corresponding music cues! for example, the '60s McKimson pig was my own addition. i have lots of different Porkys planned AND some acting between Porky and Daffy figured out to make it a nice loop.
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justsomeguypoll · 1 year
I'm just gonna vote Fry and Emmet every round until either one of them wins or both of them lose, even (or maybe especially) if it leads to Emmet V.S. Fry in the final round.
hell yes, I respect the dedication
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lizrdscales · 6 years
cartoonosaurusrex replied to your post “y’all aint ready for my JCYTHE”
i don't get it
it’s scythe covered in jeans i made for a cosplay!! scythe + jeans = jcythe
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WAITAMINUTE If you're bisexual, how come I haven't seen any of your husbandos?
Because I haven’t made a chart yet. I’ve been meaning to.
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fullmoonfireball · 7 years
(ignore that last one, i didn't see the tag that said you wouldn't do f8) ribbon d6
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happy existence day, kiddo
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fiftyshadesofpikmin · 5 years
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Kirby was a request by cartoonosaurusrex. But I wasn't really sure how to make a Pikmin dress up as Kirby, so instead I did something a little different. Each pikmin is wearing Kirby's hat for when he has their corresponding ability, and Kirby in turn looks like he's sucked up a pikmin of that color.
If I'm ever bored in the future I can try to do the other 4 types.
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character-composer · 5 years
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Max is a jaded ten-year-old who is extremely pessimistic and seems to despise a wide variety of things, especially Camp Campbell. He is the troublemaker of the camp and enjoys snuffing out the joy of other campers and blackmailing Gwen just for the fun of it. [Description from Camp Camp Wikia]
Thank you @cartoonosaurusrex for requesting Max.
Music composed by character-composer
Max © Rooster Teeth
Want to make a commission for your original character? Check out the Commissions page.
Want to support my music and get exclusive musical content? Check out my Patreon here: https://www.patreon.com/charactercomposer
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blindbaghell · 6 years
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All the ratios are out, since these should have finally hit all the stores across America
Happy Hunting
The chances of getting Werner look good
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