#casey Novak
spineandfibers · 3 days
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MEOOwwww PURRRRrrrrrr hisSssssssssss
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novaksupremacy · 3 days
Alex: *talking to the squad* So, Casey broke my glasses yesterday and now I can't see anything without putting contacts in.
Casey: It was an accident! Want me to tell them how they got broken?!
Alex: She sat on them!
Elliot: Well Alex, maybe you should've not left them on the sofa.
Casey: No what she should've done was take them off first!
Olivia: *chokes on coffee*
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iriscatorccio · 20 hours
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casey novak loml ! ―୨୧⋆ ˚
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caseylovemail · 2 days
Casey Novak is such a big crybaby. She throws her little tantrums then starts quivering her bottom lip when she gets in trouble. She's a big baby and she hates it and wants to be coddled
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caseynovaksgf · 1 day
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when you’re on a date with ur hot gf but your parents make you bring your baby sister
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maximoffcarter · 1 day
Pairings: Casey Novak x reader, Casey Novak x Alex Cabot.
Summary: Alternative ending...after finding out that Alex was still alive and after having the chance to talk to her, something changed in her once again, unsure of why life had taken Alex from her and when she found happiness again, decided to bring her back. Once again, things don't always go as we want them to...
A/n: ✨SURPRISE✨ So, I did not expect a lot of you to actually be upset that Calex wasn’t endgame, I thought people would like that Casey ended up with reader🥴 So, sweet and genius anon sent me another request and here you have. So please let's all say "thank you sweet and genius anon", thanks to them, we have an alternative ending😌 I hope I don't disappoint with this one haha. More to come guys, I'm working on everyone's requests. Hope you guys enjoy this, leave comments, hearts, whatever you like and reblog so this gets some love🫶🏻
Part 1.
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*not my gif*
It had been a few months since Casey and Alex had seen each other again. Casey couldn’t deny that after being upset and hurt that Alex had lied and had just left Casey to think that she was really gone, part of her was happy to know that she was still alive. She had tried to go back to her life and act as normally as possible, but her mind couldn’t help but wonder what would’ve happened if she hadn’t moved on. If she had closed herself to the possibility of being alone for the rest of her life, then Alex walking back into her life. But then her mind was clouded with guilt. There was no denial that she was happy, everyone noticed it, everyone commented on it, she had seen the change in her life, and she couldn’t deny the strong feelings she had for y/n. She was thankful that even in the darkest time of her life, y/n had been able to light it up at some point. And her mind and mind being split in two made her feel guilty and upset at herself.
As for y/n, she noticed the way Casey had turned quiet. She could sense the change in her attitude and the way she acted around the squad and y/n. Yes, she was still pretty much clinging to her, she was still pretty much being her silly self around y/n, but she could also tell that there was something bothering Casey, and she couldn’t help but think about Alex. After Olivia told her who Alex had been for Casey, she couldn’t help but feel guilty for persuading Casey, and also hurt to think that what they had was something special, something that no one could replace. Their time together had been everything, y/n hadn’t been this happy in forever, and Casey had confessed the same thing, but y/n still couldn’t take off her mind that maybe, just maybe, there was still a part of Casey that deeply loved Alex, after all, y/n could tell that Alex had been her first true love…
“Earth to y/n.”
Y/n snapped out of her trance and looked up at Olivia, offering a small smile as she saw the coffee in her hand. “Thanks.” She said softly as she grabbed the coffee and took a sip of it.
Olivia sat on the desk and looked directly at y/n, sensing that there was something wrong. “What’s going on in that head of yours?”
“Nothing.” Y/n simply said as she focused back on her computer, taking another sip of her coffee.
Olivia sighed softly. “You know better than to lie to me, y/l/n. So, are you gonna tell me or will I have to get it out of you?”
Y/n sighed as she looked back at Olivia, putting her coffee down. “Why do you think Casey actually accepted to go out with me?”
Olivia was taken aback by the question, but soon enough understood what this was about. “Well…she was really into you. It had been a while since I had seen Casey acting like that for someone. So, I’m sure she accepted because she wanted you.”
“Or she was just trying to get over Alex.” Y/n snapped all of a sudden, feeling a pang of sadness.
“Is this about Alex coming back?” Olivia asked softly.
“I know she was your friend. That she was loved by everyone here but…” y/n shook her head as she looked at her coffee. “…why did she have to come back?” She whispered softly.
Olivia looked away for a moment before she looked back at y/n, placing her hand on her shoulder and squeezing it. “We needed her. It was a surprise to all of us that she was still alive.”
“Casey was so upset, and then she just…accepted it, I guess. And now she’s…” y/n’s voice broke slightly. “…she changed.”
“I know it’s hard to think that Alex was someone important in Casey’s life. And like I said, it was really hard for Casey, she had some awful days. But you made it all better, y/n.”
“And what guarantees me that she won’t regret being with me and she’ll try to find Alex?” Y/n snapped again, her eyes getting teary as she looked up at Olivia. “I feel…bad. I feel guilty to think that I persuaded Casey when Alex was still alive. And the thing is…that I can’t even hate Alex because she’s so nice.”
Olivia huffed a little, nodding her head. “She mentioned how nice it had been to talk to you when you took her to the hotel.”
Y/n nodded. “I knew about her already, and even if I wanted to be upset, I couldn’t. She was so nice and so sweet.” She sighed.
Olivia placed her hand on y/n’s cheek, making her keep staring at her. “Casey loves you, y/n. I can tell. Casey wouldn’t just pretend. It’s not her.”
Y/n nodded softly. “I want to believe you, Liv. But it’s…hard when I see that she’s not acting like herself.”
Olivia nodded, but before she could say anything else, Elliot walked to them letting them know that they had a case. Y/n wiped away the tears that had left her eyes, taking another sip of her coffee before she followed Elliot. Olivia noted that she’d have to keep an eye on y/n, hoping that things wouldn’t get hard from here.
Y/n closed the door behind her and leaned her head against it for a moment. She took a deep breath before she dropped her bag on the floor and walked to the kitchen. She slowly walked to the kitchen as she rubbed her temple but stopped in her tracks as she found Casey sitting on the kitchen island on one of the stools. Casey turned to look at her and offered a smile, y/n returned a small smile and walked directly to the cabinets to grab a glass. Casey frowned as she saw each move y/n made. She took a deep breath and tilted her head slightly.
“Y/n?” Casey whispered softly.
“Yeah?” Y/n whispered back as she got the glass full of water, drinking all of it in one sip.
Casey sighed softly as she stood up and walked around the kitchen island to get to y/n. She wrapped her arms around her waist, pulling her close to her and kissing her shoulder. “Are we okay?” She whispered softly, there was a slight hint of sadness in her voice.
Y/n sighed softly and closed her eyes as she felt Casey kissing her shoulder. She placed her free hand on Casey’s arm and leaned back against her. “We are, Case.”
Casey sighed softly as she buried her face on y/n hair, closing her eyes as she breathed in her scent. “I’m sorry.”
“Sorry about what?” Y/n whispered softly.
“About Alex.” Casey said softly, the name feeling weird as it left her lips but so familiar at the same time. “I really didn’t think this would affect me.”
Y/n sighed softly, leaving the glass on the counter, and turning in Casey’s arms. She rested her forehead against hers and placed her hands on Casey’s cheeks. “I get it, Casey. Alex was someone important to you. Maybe…everything to you.” She whispered the last words with a hint of sadness and jealousy. “I can’t blame you.”
“But it’s not fair to you.” Casey whispered back, pulling away enough to stare into her eyes.
Y/n nodded as she offered a small smile. “It’s not like you’re running back to her. You’re still here.”
Casey offered a small smile. “And I’m not going anywhere.”
Y/n smiled. “You better not. Or I’ll sue your ass.”
Casey couldn’t help but chuckle softly. “Oh, really? And who would represent you, huh?” She grinned softly as she pulled y/n closer.
Y/n shrugged as she grinned back. “I’ll probably get Donna or Sophie to represent me.”
“Now that’s rude.” Casey couldn’t help but chuckle softly before she leaned in and pressed a sweet and tender kiss on her lips. “You know I love you, right?” She whispered against her lips.
Y/n nodded softly as she pecked her lips repeatedly. “I love you too.”
Casey smiled and kissed her nose softly. “How about we go out for dinner? My treat.”
“Sounds good to me.” Y/n smiled softly as she kissed her lips one more time before she grabbed Casey’s hand in hers. “Let’s go because I’m starving.” She chuckled softly.
“You’ve got to be kidding me.” Casey snapped as she crossed her arms, staring at Elizabeth. “Is this some sick joke or something?”
Elizabeth sighed as she sat back in her chair, shrugging. “It’s Moredock we’re talking about, Casey.”
“Not like I haven’t gone against him before. Why is it so important now?”
“We’re against a goddamn white suprematist. We know how Moredock pushes and tries to get what he wants. He might be able to actually win this if we don’t get ahead of him.” Elizabeth tried to keep her voice as low as possible, already sensing that Casey was about to start yelling any time soon.
Casey scoffed. “And what? I’m not capable of doing this in my own?”
Elizabeth sighed as she looked at Casey. “Casey…I know this is ideal for you. That this…” she shrugged. “…this is still a hard topic for us. But we need Alex.”
“No. You need Alex. I don’t. I’m capable of continuing this trial without her.”
“I’m not doing this to get on your ass, Casey. Both of you can actually win this case. She’ll be your second chair. That’s all.” Elizabeth leaned back in her chair as she sighed. “Have you had some…trouble with y/n?”
Casey sighed as she sat on one of the chairs, nibbling on her lip for a moment. “We are okay…but I did have my moments.”
“You cannot help it.”
“That’s what she said too.” Casey sighed as she ran her fingers through her hair. “I…I love her, Liz. There is no denial in that.”
“Oh, I know that. But you also loved Alex. And it’s not like you guys ended things. She died.”
“She left.” Casey snapped. “I know it was for her own safety. But she didn’t die. She left.”
“I thought you had forgiven her.”
“I did. Which is why this is hard, and I cannot just…work with Alex as if nothing happened.”
“You and y/n are professionals, Casey. Act like one.” Elizabeth put her glasses on and returned her focus to her paperwork. She then sighed and looked back at Casey. “I’m sorry. I truly am. But this is to get justice.”
Casey nodded. “I know.”
Casey didn’t say anything else, she simply got up and left her office. Her mind was spinning as she tried to think what she was going to tell y/n. She felt bad enough about this whole situation, she had spent the last weeks trying to show y/n that it was her she loved, that it was her she wanted, and the things she did, and her feelings were genuine. But she knew y/n was still insecure, and honestly Casey couldn’t blame her. As she walked to her office, her heart dropped at the sight of a blonde-haired woman standing by her desk.
“Alex.” Casey simply said.
Alex turned to look at Casey and smiled softly. “Guess Liz broke the news to you.”
Casey exhaled as she nodded, walking to her desk, and trying to avoid eye contact with Alex. “She did. I was just going to pick up my stuff and head to the squad room.”
Alex nodded. “Can I come with you?”
Casey wetted her lips anxiously, turning to look at Alex for a moment, feeling like her heart was going to burst out of her chest. “Maybe you should stay this one out. I need to…” she looked down at her briefcase trying to come up with an excuse.
“Talk to y/n?”
Casey looked back at Alex, the mention of her girlfriend making her feel guilty all over again. “Yes.”
“I’m sorry that I’m making you go through this.”
“It’s not…” Casey sighed as she shook her head. “Alex, it’s complicated. It’s not like I hate you or don’t want to ever see you again. I told you that you’d always have a special place in my heart. And I meant it. But…it’s hard.”
Alex nodded as she shrugged. “I don’t want to come between you and y/n.”
“I know.” Casey said softly. “I don’t want that either.”
Alex sighed. “I’ll check the files with Liz. And you can find me there once you’re back.”
Casey nodded. “Sounds good.” She said before she left her office, sighing loudly as she walked to the elevator.
Casey felt like she was between two walls, she felt even more confused and upset about this whole thing, more so with herself, how she was debating about this whole thing when she was sure that she loved y/n. But seeing Alex again…fuck. As she arrived at the squad room, her eyes landed on y/n rapidly, and she felt her heart dropping at the serious look on her face. Y/n walked to her and tried to offer a small smile before she grabbed her hand and pulled her into an empty office.
“You heard, didn’t you?” Casey asked softly.
Y/n sighed as she closed the door, turning to look at Casey. “Cragen cracked the news just now.”
Casey sighed as she ran her fingers through her hair. “Yeah, I just had a meeting with Liz.”
Y/n tilted her head as she pulled Casey close to her. “Are you okay?”
Casey nodded softly as she smiled. “I am, I just…” she sighed. “I don’t want things to be weird between us.”
Y/n sighed softly as she placed her hand on Casey’s cheek. “My love…we talked about this. I trust you and I know what Alex was for you.”
Casey nodded again. “I know but still.”
Y/n nibbled on her lip for a slight moment as she stared at Casey. “Do you think maybe…we should take a small break?”
Casey’s heart dropped as she stared at y/n. “What?”
“I don’t mean this in a bad way. I just mean this…for you to clear your mind, and don’t feel pressured because of me.” Y/n said softly.
“No, I…” Casey shook her head. “Y/n…”
“We are okay, Casey.” Y/n smiled softly as she stroked her cheek. “I still love you, and I always will. But I know you’re debating with yourself in that pretty head of yours.”
Casey sighed as she looked down at the floor. “I’m sorry, this is just…hard.”
“I know.” Y/n smiled softly. “I gotta stay today going through the case. I’ll text you anyway, okay? And if you need anything, you know where to find me.”
Casey felt her eyes getting teary but nodded softly. She placed her hands on y/n’s waist and pulled her close to her, kissing her lips softly. “I love you…I really do.” She whispered softly against her lips.
“I know.” Y/n smiled as she kissed her lips again.
“Hi, have you seen Liv?”
Y/n looked up and her heart stopped for a moment as she stared at Alex. “Oh, uh…she went for lunch, it was her turn to go.”
“Oh, got it.” Alex cleared her throat. “I’ll uh…come back later then.”
Y/n nodded softly. “Alright.” She said almost in a whisper.
Alex sighed softly as she turned to look at y/n. “I’m sorry.”
Y/n looked back up at Alex as she furrowed her brows. “Sorry for what?”
“Because I know that I messed things up with you and Casey. And I didn’t mean to. I really didn’t. I didn’t expect this to happen. I don’t really know what I expected but I am really sorry.” Alex said rapidly, almost running out of breath as she spoke.
Y/n sighed softly as she shook her head. “Alex…I…know. And I know you didn’t do this on purpose. None of this was planned or anything, and I don’t hate you or anything.” She licked her lips anxiously, sighing again. “I’m just…I do wish things could’ve stayed the way they were. And I’m also…sorry.”
Alex shook her head. “She had a right to move on.”
“I know. But still.” Y/n offered a small smile. “Everything is okay, Alex. I promise.”
Alex nodded as she offered a small. “Good. I don’t want us to be in bad terms or anything.”
“We’re good. And…happy to have you back. I know you and Casey will do amazing.”
Alex smiled. “Thank you.”
Y/n watched Alex go and she took a deep breath before she exhaled, feeling her body relax not even noticing that she had been holding her breath and that she was tense. She shook her head softly as she went back to her computer and tried to focus back on what she was doing, but she still couldn’t get out of her head everything that was happening. What if the universe really didn’t want them together and Alex kept coming back because they were supposed to be together? The way Olivia had talked about Casey and Alex the first time…it sounded like they were meant to be and there had been an inconvenience that had stopped them for a moment, and then there she entered…was she an inconvenience too?
Casey nibbled on her lip as she stood outside the courtroom, she had already talked to Elliot, Alex and even Moredock had joined the conversation. But there was no sign of y/n, and for a moment she feared that she wouldn’t show up anymore, or maybe she had been distracted with Olivia with something about the case, or…maybe she just didn’t want to see her. Casey sighed softly as she leaned back against the wall, looking at her watch over and over again. And then just as she turned to look at the elevator, her heart started beating hard as she noticed y/n walking to her. Casey smiled softly as she walked to y/n, meeting her halfway.
“You came.” Casey said softly.
Y/n nodded as she smiled. “I told you I’d come.” She placed her hand on Casey’s shoulder. “Are you okay?”
Casey nodded. “Yes. I mean…it’s stupid if we lose to be honest.”
“I really believe you could’ve won this on your own.” Y/n grinned softly.
Casey chuckled softly as she nodded. “Thank you.” She wetted her lips anxiously as she stared into y/n’s eyes. “Y/n…can I…” she sighed. “Can I please-“
“Case, we’re starting.” Elliot called out for Casey as he walked inside with Alex.
Casey turned to look at them before she groaned softly and turned back to y/n. “Well, I guess-“
Y/n placed her hand on Casey’s cheek and leaned in to kiss her lips softly. She took a moment, not caring that they had to go inside already. She then smiled softly against her lips, pulling away enough to look into green eyes. “You got this, Case.”
Casey smiled softly, leaning into y/n’s hand for a moment. “Thank you.” She whispered softly before they walked inside the courtroom.
The squad could feel the tension in the whole courtroom, it wasn’t unusual for this to happen, but this case specially had taken a toll on everyone. Y/n’s eyes were fixated on Casey the whole time, something in her mind telling her that something was wrong. She suddenly started feeling anxious, her leg bouncing and her fingers fidgeting with the hem of her blazer. She kept staring at the defendant’s side and back to Casey and Alex, something didn’t sit right but she couldn’t quiet tell what. Elliot noticed this as he sat beside her, furrowing his brows as he looked over to where y/n kept looking at and then looking back at her. At first, he didn’t say anything, focusing on the trial and what they were saying, but he couldn’t help but worry about the way y/n’s demeanor had suddenly changed. He carefully and slowly placed his hand on her bouncing leg, getting her attention and helping her snap out of her trance.
Elliot leaned in so he could whisper in her ear. “Everything alright?”
Y/n sighed softly as she leaned in too. “I don’t know. I feel like something is not right.”
Elliot furrowed his brows. “About what?”
Y/n looked back at the defendant’s side, and then back at Elliot. “Maybe it’s just me but…I don’t know.”
Elliot nodded. “We’ll keep an eye, okay? Don’t worry.” He grabbed her hand in his and squeezed it, offering a small smile.
Y/n returned the small smile and looked back at Casey, sighing softly. She tried to focus back on what they were saying, happy that the judge had taken Casey and Alex’s side but also trying to keep her eye on everyone around. The time seemed to slow down at some point, feeling the whole tension around, making her anxiety increase even if she was trying to hide it. She kept looking around with Elliot, making sure to also let Munch and Fin know that they were keeping an eye on everyone. But then, what had felt like time had slowed down, suddenly changed when she caught Kyle standing up, and before she knew, he pulled a gun out of his pocket.
“Race traitor!” Kyle screamed, and suddenly the whole courtroom was filled with screams and shots.
Y/n stood up rapidly, getting her gun out and trying to get to Casey as soon as possible, but Kyle had gotten there first, holding the gun against Casey’s head. Y/n felt like once again, time had stopped, and everything was in slow motion as she screamed for Casey. She pointed the gun at Kyle and heard Munch telling him to drop it but then another shot went off, making y/n turn to see they had hit Munch. Next thing she knew, Kyle pushed Casey to the floor and fired another shot directed at Elliot, and then he saw the way he turned directly to Alex who was about to walk to Casey. Without even thinking, y/n moved Alex out of the way and dropped to the floor as she got hit, groaned at the burning pain coursing through her body.
“Y/n!” Casey yelled as she crawled to y/n. “No, no, no. Y/n. Baby.” She cradled her head in her lap, and tried to find where she had been shot, gasping as she noticed it had been near her heart. “No, no. Baby, you need to stay with me.” Her hand went to y/n’s cheek, trying to get her to look up at Casey. “Alex, I need help!” She screamed desperately as she felt tears rolling down her cheeks.
Alex got on y/n’s side rapidly and pressed on the wound, earning a guttural scream from y/n. “I know, I’m sorry! I need to stop the bleeding.” She looked at Casey and tried to look back to find anyone who could help, when she figured out, they were down, she started yelling. “Someone call 911!”
Casey looked back down at y/n, feeling a knot in her throat and her chest heaving. “Y/n, please stay with me. Please. I need you to stay with me. Help is coming.”
Y/n coughed, blinking rapidly as she tried to keep her eyes on Casey. “C-Case…”
“I’m here, baby. I’m right here.” Casey’s voice broke as she stared down at y/n, stroking her cheek softly. “Keep your eyes open for me.”
“I can’t…” y/n whispered softly. “Hurts.”
“I know it hurts. But you need to stay with me.”
Y/n did everything in her power to smile, her eyes locked on green ones. “I-I love you, Casey…s-so much.”
Casey’s eyes widened as she shook her head. “No. Don’t do that. Don’t you fucking dare do that.”
“M’sorry.” Y/n felt tears rolling down her eyes, trying her best to not close her eyes. “You…you are the l-love of my life.” She smiled softly. “And don’t…don’t say I am too.” She huffed a weak chuckle. “I’m okay with…knowing that I…that you l-loved me.”
Casey nodded. “I love you…so much.” Her voice broke as she spoke, sobbing quietly as she kept stroking her cheek.
Y/n nodded, turning her head to look at Alex. “S-Stop.” She placed her hand on top of Alex’s.
Alex shook her head, trying to keep y/n’s hand away. “What? No! Help is coming! Y/n don’t give up! Stay awake for Casey!”
Y/n smiled weakly, trying not to choke as she started coughing blood. “Alex…t-take care of Casey. P-Please.” She said softly.
Alex looked at Casey for a moment, blue eyes meeting green ones, before she returned her stare to y/n. “Y/n, don’t say that. Don’t-“
“Promise me.” Y/n pleaded as tears rolled down her cheeks.
Alex took a shaky breath before she nodded. “I promise.” She whispered softly, offering a small smile.
“Good…” Y/n smiled weakly before she turned to look at Casey again, finally letting her eyes closed.
Casey shook her head, sobbing loudly. “No! Y/n wake up! Please! Someone help!”
Alex felt tears rolling down her eyes as she stared at y/n. At Casey’s screams, she moved beside Casey and wrapped her arms around her. “Casey…she’s gone.”
Casey sobbed uncontrollably as she held onto y/n but leaned over Alex. She was living in a nightmare…again.
Alex knocked on Casey’s door softly, offering a small smile as she leaned over the doorframe. “Hey.”
Casey looked up at Alex and smiled sadly. “Hi.” She whispered softly, looking back down at her hands. “How did you know I was here?”
“Olivia and Elliot went over your place and didn’t find you there.” Alex shrugged. “You always stayed longer in your office if you needed to. Or I’d find you at the cages.” She grinned a little.
Casey huffed a weak chuckle. “Not really in the mood to go to the cages, but eventually.” She said softly, nibbling on her lip as she tried to hold back her tears. “Y/n always said how she wanted to die as a hero.” She shook her head. “I always told her she was an idiot for saying that. And…she did die as a hero.”
Alex nodded as she sighed, walking inside Casey’s office, and leaning over her desk, looking down at her. “I should’ve paid more attention.”
Casey shook her head. “She would’ve done it for anyone. Don’t blame yourself for that.” She looked up at Alex, offering a small smile. “You tried to help.”
Alex nodded. “You know that…I will…keep my promise, right?”
Casey only stared at Alex, not sure what to say or do. She then looked down at her hands again, fidgeting with her fingers. “I know.”
“I’m gonna be a pain in the ass.” Alex said a little playfully, trying to lighten up the mood even if she knew Casey was heartbroken.
Casey couldn’t help the small smile that appeared on her face. “You were always a pain in the ass.” She looked back at Alex and stared at her for a moment again. “You won’t…leave?”
Alex shook her head. “Liz offered me a spot here. My…old spot.” She smiled. “Well…you’re the main ADA, but…I’m gonna be helping you.”
Casey felt her heart stopping for a moment but couldn’t help the smile on her face. “Good.”
Alex nodded and then stood up, offering her hand. “C’mon.”
Casey furrowed her brows. “What?”
“I’m 100% sure that you haven’t eaten anything.” Alex raised her brow. “So, c’mon.”
Casey sighed softly as she grabbed Alex’s hand. “Your treat?”
“Of course. Anything you want.” Alex smiled softly, squeezing her hand before she dropped it.
“It’s gonna be a big bill then.” Casey grabbed her stuff and followed Alex. She turned to look at her office for a moment and sighed softly before she closed the door.
“C’mon, we’re gonna be late!” Alex yelled as she grabbed her stuff, cursing under her breath as she noticed she now had her hands full of bags and she still needed to put on her coat.
“Alex, it’s 7:15 am. We have time to get there.” Casey chuckled softly as she looked at Alex and grabbed some of the bags she had in hand. “Go get your coat on, nerd.”
Alex furrowed her brows. “How am I a nerd for wanting to leave early?” She scoffed.
Casey shrugged. “Still a nerd.” She grinned as she leaned in and kissed her lips softly. “What is she doing anyway?”
Alex shook her head as she sighed, walking to the stairs as she grabbed her coat. “Harper Grace Cabot! You better get down here or no ice cream after school!”
Casey chuckled as she stood beside Alex, leaning in and kissing her cheek softly. “You know that’s not true, you’ll take her anyway.”
“She’s my little princess, how can I not?” Alex grinned softly, turning her head to the stairs as she heard footsteps.
“Comin’! Comin’!” Harper suddenly jumped and skipped the last two steps, standing right in front of Alex and Casey, smiling softly at them. “Mama, d’you like what mommy did to my hair? I look like a real princess!” She said as she turned to show Alex, showing her soft redhead curls falling perfectly on her shoulders.
Alex chuckled softly as she leaned down to kiss her forehead. “You always look like a princess, babygirl. But specially today! You look beautiful. Mommy did a good job.”
Harper giggled as she nodded, grabbing her coat and then her backpack. “Mommy, I know you say not to go to the closet, but I was lookin’ for my blue dress and I…found this.” She got a picture out of her pocket and handed it to Casey.
Casey took it and her heart dropped as she noticed it was a picture of y/n with Casey, one of the first times they went to the bar with the squad, Olivia had taken the picture. She turned to look at Alex, unsure if it was right or not to talk about y/n. After y/n’s death, Casey felt once again that she had lost herself, but this time, she let everyone around her help her, not letting her sadness take over her like last time. Unsure at first, she let Alex back in her life, the started having a routine again of going out for lunch, spending time in each others' offices just going through their files, and every now and then going for a drink. It wasn’t Alex’s intention to try again with Casey -at least she didn’t want Casey to think that was her purpose- but she wanted to keep her promise to y/n.
After a year or so, they both had finally agreed that they wanted to see where things could go, Casey hesitated a lot, but eventually, she let her heart open one more time, and thankfully…this time, was the right time. Now, seven years later, they had bought a beautiful house, had tried to get pregnant, which at the end, it was decided that Casey would go through the procedure, and had their beautiful baby girl with beautiful red hair and blue eyes. Casey had felt bad and guilty when she had started dating Alex again, but she knew in her heart that it was the right decision. In Casey’s heart, she admitted that she loved y/n endlessly, she had been her lover, her sunshine through the darkness, but she figured out that at the end of the day…Alex had been the love of her life. It took her a while to accept it, but eventually, she came to terms with it.
Alex smiled softly as she looked back at Harper. “She was someone special for mommy. A very special person.” She turned to look at Casey.
Casey smiled softly as she looked at Alex, her whole body warming. She then turned to look at Harper and nodded. “She was part of my life for a few years, and she was someone very special. I keep her close to my heart.”
Harper smiled softly. “I wish I could met her.”
Alex chuckled softly as she knelt down and fixed her coat. “I could have met her. But yes…she was a nice and kind person.”
Casey stared at both of them for a moment, as if she wanted to take a mental picture of this very moment. Y/n would’ve loved her name…she always mentioned that Grace was her favorite name, and Alex was happy to give it to their daughter. Y/n would’ve loved to meet her too. Casey took a deep breath before she put the picture in her briefcase, kneeling down too and wrapping her arms around both Alex and Harper.
“Well, princess. We gotta get to school now. If you want to walk in the park for a bit, we gotta go now.” Casey grinned softly.
“The park! Yes! Lessgo!” Harper ran to the door and opened it, waiting outside and yelling for her moms.
Casey stood up along with Alex, smiling softly at her. “Thank you.”
Alex smiled, wrapping her arm around Casey. “She was someone special. And that’s how she should be remembered.”
Casey nodded softly, leaning in, and kissing her lips softly. “Let’s go.” She said softly as she grabbed Alex’s hand and pulled her to the door, laughing as she saw how excited her daughter was.
Casey thought she could never open her heart to anyone else after what she had gone through in the past, but she was lucky enough to say that she had been loved by a sweet and kind person, and now, she was still being loved by the love of her life. Even if sometimes things don't go the way we want them to, there’s always a chance that things will be for the better.
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malevolent-muse · 2 days
Want more? Join the Tag List
Tagged: @polkadotpenguin16 , @breannaherman638 , @caseysgf , @irlmarkhoffman , @snapeysister
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safficranger · 22 hours
Fake scenarios in my head #17
Another sleepless night for Alex, but this time it isn't as dark and dreadful as usual. Instead, she spends it with Casey, sharing sweet little secrets, childhood stories, and dreams of the future. They sit close together, cuddling on the couch, whispering softly, their laughter breaking the silence of the night.
They didn't turn on any lamps; the only light illuminating the room is the full moon shining through the window under a cloudless sky. From time to time, their conversations pause as they lean in for lingering kisses and gentle touches. As the night progresses, the distinction between talking and touching blurs. Lying back in the comfy cushions of the couch, their bodies fit together perfectly.
The hours slip away unnoticed as they revel in the simple joy of each other's company. Engrossed in one another's presence, they lose track of time, their world shrinking to the warmth of the couch and the glow of the moon. Conversations flow easily, interspersed with moments of comfortable silence, loving gazes, and enticing touches.
With the first light of day replacing the moonlight, they find that despite another night without sleep, they feel surprisingly refreshed, and their bond has deepened even further through the night.
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novaksupremacy · 20 hours
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The Backseat of My Car- Casey Novak x Alex Cabot
soooo, a little Friday morning smutty treat for my loves. ❤️ I was told part 2 of This is My Office was needed and since it'll be a while before I even get to this chapter, here's a present 😜 consider it a peace offering that it may take me a few days for Chapter 7 😅 (also if someone could teach my goofy ass how to format so that things indent properly, I'll love you forever!)
"Don't beat yourself up, that was a tough case." Casey consoled her girlfriend as they walked through the parking garage, "you know there's always the possibility that a juror will be sympathetic towards one of these crackpots."
Alex was seething mad, "Langan's just lucky I don't feel like spending the rest of my life in jail or I'd have him strung up by his testicles!"
The redhead's lip curled in disgust. She stopped walking and grabbed Alex's hand. "Babe I would really rather not think about you anywhere near that man's testicles, or any man's testicles for that matter.
"Sorry," the blonde frowned, "he just makes me so mad I could spit. I can't believe I ever went on a date with that man." She went to start walking again.
The younger ADA stopped again and pulled Alex back towards her, "Okay, what? I don't know what's worse, you, talking about his nuts or the fact that you went out with him.
Alex chuckled, "It was one date, we never made it passed the bar. I really just needed info on a case."
Casey smirked, "Ah yeah because that makes it better." She giggled and pulled her closer, "Just remember who you belong to, Alexandra Cabot."
"How could I ever forget," the Bureau Chief leaned in and kissed her girlfriend.
The redhead rested her free hand against the blonde's thigh. Her eyes lit up when she realized she was still strapped from earlier. "Babe? Your windows are tinted right?"
"Darker than they should be actually, I have to put the DA placard in the window just to avoid getting ticketed. Why?" Casey shot her a look that could only be construed as mischievous.
 "Oh. OH. Backseat." Alex said excitedly.
Both women slid into the backseat of the BMW and Casey closed the door behind them. She wasted no time tossing the blue eyed beauty's glasses into the front seat and grabbing her around the neck, pulling her in to a messy, heated kiss.
Alex chuckled as she started unbuttoning her shirt.
"What's so funny?" the redhead mused, laughing if only because Alex was.
"I feel like a teenager." This was the most relaxed the Bureau Chief had been in as long as she could remember, being with Casey felt-- effortless. "In a good way that is" she said reassuringly.
"Oh yeah? Is this what Alexandra Cabot was like in high school? Riding in cars with boys?" Her girlfriend said teasingly. "I don't know about this then, I like mature, collected, no nonsense ADA Alex Cabot Bureau Chief extraordinaire."
The blonde grabbed Casey by her collar. "The only person who's going to be riding anything is you riding me in a minute and don't worry dear, I know what it is you like." She whispered as she kissed the redhead with force, she was starving for something only Casey could satiate.
"Fuck," Casey sighed. "Alex do you have to be so damn sexy constantly."
"Do you want me to stop?" She smirked as she ruined the second one of Casey's shirts today, buttons scattering to the cars floor mats.
The younger ADAs breath hitched, “No. Don’t. Stop.” She whispered playfully pausing between words as she pulled open Alex's belt and fly. She bit her lip hard, "mmm I want to try something okay? But don't think I'm weird."
Alex's blue eyes look into her hazel green ones with curiosity. "Baby if I ever thought you were weird, ever, in the time I've known you, I meant it as the highest compliment." She leaned back against the car door.
Casey put her hand against the blondes open fly and exposed the strap she was still wearing from their earlier encounter. The ginger sat up for a minute and pulled her hair back and tied it there with a ponytail holder she had around her wrist. She leaned back down and brought the strap into her mouth and began to suck.
 The golden haired adonis' eyes grew wide. "Baby that's not weird, that's hot." She whimpered as she brought her hand to the back of her lover's head pushed down lightly while she ran her other hand through her own hair. The ADA never breaking eye contact as she went to town on the toy, running her tongue up to the tip, and then taking the whole thing into her mouth.
After a minute or two she sat back up, licking her lips, and grabbed Alex by the hips pulling her flat on the backseat. "So,” the redhead blushed, “you liked that?"
"Very much so," the blonde said panting.
"Mmm, good to know." Her devilish grin plastered across her face. With a little maneuvering and a few giggles, she was able to shimmy her way out of her suit pants and on top of her girlfriend. She steadied her balance and brought herself down on top of the strap letting out a small moan, her body shuddered as she leaned down to kiss Alex. The angle making the toy hit her just right as the blonde slowly pushed her hips up, both women groaning softly.
"Fuck that feels good." Casey mewled beginning to roll her hips against Alex.
"I bet it does," the blonde cooed thrusting her hips up slow and deliberate. Copying her lover's expression as her lips parted and she let out a soft gasp of pleasure.
The redhead pushed back against the toy holding one hand to Alex's chest and the other to the window behind her head. "Alex," she whimpered, her body craving more, "I can't take much more teasing."
“Is that so? You sure you don’t want it nice and slow,” She thrust her hips slowly, holding Casey by her waist and guiding her up and down against her body, fucking her at a torturously slow pace, continuing to mimic her facial expressions has her mouth fell open and tiny gasps and moans emanated from her throat.
“Alex,” the redhead whispered, “Fuck, Alex.”
“Well obviously if you can remember my name, I haven’t tortured you nearly enough.” The blonde smirked. Casey brought her hand to her own clit, but Alex stopped her, “Ah, no cheating baby.”
The redhead whined. She started pushing herself down harder against her girlfriend, “Alex I want you to ruin me.” She moaned as she ground her hips down.
The blue eyed beauty’s pupils dilated as she took tight hold of Casey’s hips and began thrusting. She picked up her pace a little at a time until she was slamming into Casey, who was rolling her hips, leaning over Alex whimpering in her ear.
“Mmm baby, like that,” she nibbled on the blonde’s ear, causing her to sigh, “Oh Alex, Alex. Mmm, I love the way you fill me up.” She whispered with a smirk, knowing if her hot breath kept hitting her face as she did, that Alex would cum for her before she even finished.
The Bureau Chief slammed into Casey holding her hips down tight to hers and rolling them towards her. Casey cried out as Alex did this a few more times, smacking the redheads ass each time and then grabbing a fistful of supple skin and holding on.
The redhead was getting louder, “Ahh, Alex, fuck me! Just like that, don’t stop. Don’t stop baby.”
Alex spurred on by Casey’s cries also started moaning loudly. “That’s it baby, scream for me.” The blonde loved when Casey got loud and all the little noises she could get her to make as she fucked all the right spots. Alex felt her insides flutter as Casey hit a note that she was fairly sure only dogs could hear as her juices came spilling out around the toy and onto Alex again. As they both climaxed the redhead collapsed against her girlfriend leaning up just enough to stare into her crystal blue eyes. The blonde went to sit up.
“Not yet,” the ADA whimpered, “stay inside a bit longer?” Alex obliged and began stroking her girlfriends back.
“You okay darling?” she asked, checking in.
Casey nodded, “More than okay. Just trying to come back down.” Her body shook as she had another small aftershock.
“I’ve got you baby, I’ve got you.” Alex whispered bring her into a yielding, tender kiss.
They hadn’t been kissing exceedingly long when there was a knock on the window. The women looked at each other, frozen in fear, “Cops?” Casey mouthed.
“No, this lot is run by CCTV” Alex whispered, “who would’ve called it in?”
There was another knock, this time slower, more annoyed.
Casey went to press the window down much to Alex’s protest, only to find Liz looking back at her.
The Judges face was more stern than either of them had ever seen on her worst day. Alex jerked her head around, still inside Casey, both of them half naked, Casey’s shirt completely undone.
“Are you fucking kidding me?” Liz said through gritted teeth. “What the fuck is wrong with the two of you?” She put her hand up in protest, “Don’t answer that. And Casey don’t get up lest I see more of you than I want to.”
Alex tried to protest and say something, but Donnelly stopped her before she could even get a single syllable out. “Alexandra, I don’t want to hear it. What is this? Some sort of midlife crisis? Can you not fuck at home? What are you afraid the cat is watching?”
“Judge Donnelly, we’re” Casey tried to apologize.
“Not another word Novak, you’re lucky this lot is not owned by the city. For God’s sake you both work SVU, you know how bad an indecent exposure charge can get! Have you both stopped taking your medication?”
“Liz why does it sound like you’re scolding teenagers?”
“Lena, I” but before Liz could say anymore Judge Petrovsky had already approached the car window, Alex and Casey staring at her from a very compromising position.
“It would seem it’s because apparently you are. Ah, Ms. Novak it appears that your reoccurring nightmare has finally come true. Charming. Ms. Cabot, make sure you put some concealer on all of that before you get to my courtroom in the morning. I’m late for poker. Goodnight Elizabeth.” She put a hand on Donnelly’s arm and walked off towards the street.
Liz looked at the two ADAs in disbelief, “I am washing my hands of the both of you. Please fuck each other’s brains out, before you get to work tomorrow? For everyone in the building’s sake?” With the click of her heel, she walked off towards her car hidden away in the far corner of the parking lot.
Casey side, “And she wonders why those kids said she had a broom up her butt.” She rolled up the car window, and gently removed Alex from inside her, trying to maneuver enough to get her pants back on.
Alex furrowed her brow, “Wait, what?”
“Elliot tells it better.”
“Elliot?” the blonde didn’t think she could be more confused, but here she was, for the second time today, covered in Casey, just having been yelled at by Judge Donnelly, how did they get to Elliot?
They both climbed into the front seat and Alex put her glasses back on and the key in the ignition.
“Did that,” Alex started, “Did that really just happen?” she chuckled even though her hands were shaking.
“I guess we need to be more discreet at work,” Casey grimaced.
“I don’t take it back, I would take a thousand censures to here you say my name like that.” Alex said, lust dripping from her words, “I just need to stop leaving the office door unlocked or answering window knocks unless they identify themselves as the police.”
Casey raised a finger.
“Police who are not Elliot.”
Casey raised her finger again.
“Or Olivia.”
“There it is.” The redhead nodded.
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cathrrrine · 5 months
how the svu characters would react to you pranking them by texting “i miss being single”
Sonny Carisi
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Amanda Rollins
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Nick Amaro
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Casey Novak
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Alex Cabot
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Rafael Barba
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Olivia Benson
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Fin Tutuola
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Elliot Stabler
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ragingstillness · 1 month
“Fell-in-love-with-Liv” disease — the leading cause of SVU ADA retirement
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catholicguiltcore · 4 months
why is ada the most lgbt role on svu
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casey-novaks · 6 months
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it’s giving #lesbian your honor
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delmzzz · 1 month
her in this suit makes meeeeee scream
s8 ep21
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cabensqn · 1 month
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you wouldn't last an hour in the asylum where they raised me
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