#casey jr x angel
paytato435 · 11 months
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Art for Chapter 6: Pink!
"Do you even know who the President is?”
“I plead the fifth,” he shifted nervously in his seat.
“And what is the fifth?” She asked, checking her phone and propping her feet up onto the table.
“It’s probably better than pleading the fourth?”
Angel has captioned her picture : HE'S HOMESCHOOLED. WE'RE DOOMED.
I started this piece on Sunday and just became absolutely obsessed with these two. I love their poses, the expressions, THEIR HANDS. Y'all I do not fuck with hands and I'm so proud of them! I spent around seven and a half hours on just the sketch for this, whereas the other chapter art I've done before would usually take 2-4 hours lmao. Don't ask where Casey's legs are, because I actually drew a background this time. They are in a library! And I'm drawing shoelaces again too.
THEY ARE IN LOVE YOUR HONOR. LOOKIT CASEY HE IS SO DUMB. HE DOESN'T KNOW WHAT TO DO. I will scream about these two ALL FUCKING DAY. If anyone asks I will share other doodles I've done of them GLADLY. They are my EVERYTING.
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dogbound1128 · 8 months
Something from my LEOMORI au 😎
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Cause Stranger looks like this ⬇️
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macaronisfreeprompts · 6 months
Ok so
2012 TMNT last Ronin au with a rise twist
In the episode in which Mikey goes to dimension x the portal breaks and his brothers can't follow him through and Mikey gets stuck in dimension x
Because of this his brothers get stressed out trying to fix the portal that when the invasion starts they are more than unprepared
Yada yada, things happen and maybe a year or so later Mikey is able to get back from dimension x,(probably found a krangs portal or smth) now hes been in dimension x for a VERY long time, so he's probably a good bit older now, and when he gets out he is shocked to see new York completely destroyed and taken over by krang
He tries to find his brothers and family but is attacked by some krangs, he manages to hold himself up for a good while but is quickly getting out numbered and then gets knocked out
That's when April and a few other survivors jump in and fight hold off the krangs long enough so they can get Mikey back to their base
After a quick reunion Mikey questions April about where his brothers are, and April has to break the news that they had already died
This obviously makes Mikey devastated and he goes into a grief filled breakdown
Some time after he calms down April explains something's to himg
She is the leader of the resistance against the krang, it's not that big of a group but strong (members could be like some other mutanimal members, karai maybe, and some other TMNT characters from other illiteratios ) she also introduces him to someone else
Casey's little sister Angel, after Casey died Leo took her under his wing until he too died, she really looked up to Leo and considered him her mentor (so like very Casey jr coded) she had heard stories about Mikey from his brothers and was very excited to meet him
After some other stuff (idk I'm lazy) Mikey starts his journey to defeat the krang, along with Angel who has already attached herself to him
What happens next is up to you, whether Mikey succeeds or fails is in your hands :)
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freddy5bear · 6 months
My name is Sebastian, I'm trying to become a writer and I wanted to start with something small, So id like to get into fan fiction!!
Hazbin Hotel/ Helluva Boss:
Molly/Mollie,(my interpretation)
I also love writing for some AU versions of some of them, like Shark!Vox, human alastor etc.
Detroit: become human:
The Jerry's
Hank (only platonically cause I don't feel comfortable writing a romantic situation with him.)
Please specify which route as well, like deviant!Connor, Pacifist!Markus etc.
Mel Medarda
Jinx (maybe)
(I have never played league of legends and have only seen arcane so if the lore is inaccurate or it's super out of character for them in the game I am sorry🙏)
Spooky month:
(Characters I will NOT write for.)
any minors, if you do wish to request an aged up version of them i can do that, or if it's a platonic thing.
I WILL NEVER EVER EVERRR WRITE ANYTHING WITH FRANK(THE KIDNAPPER) ROY'S UNCLE, OR ANYTHING WITH BOB PHYSICALLY HURTING THEIR S/O. you can still request Bob but I won't write anything like, " he eats your arm and your attracted to it! *makes out*"
(Casino cups):
The devil
King dice
(I'm not sure about the other characters cause I don't know all their lore)
Casey (Jones and Jr)
Repo mantis
I cant list every character bc I love most of them, will not write for the souls inside the animatronics, will base it off of other media with their personalities not relating to the kids. Again, not writing for minors. Wich means, no golden Freddy, circus baby, or the bidybabs. I can't really picture those without thinking that they are children.)
Sonic the hedgehog
Will write for:
I will not write for tails bc he us a child, and I will write for some fan kids, though I need full proof they have given you permission for me to write about them in the way that you want me to, if not I will ask them myself :3
Absolutely no noncon.
I won't write reader that is not the gender the character is attracted to, like I wouldn't write a female reader for Angel unless platonic, and any other character that has a confirmed sexuality. even if there is a widely agreed apon head cannon for the character I will still interpret that as up for grabs. Ex: Leo from rise, lots of ppl agree he's gay but it's not been confirmed so I would still write female reader if somebody asks.
I will write smut, my writing when It comes to male characters, Dom or sub is exceptionally better than my writing for women, but I'm here to get better at it so pls still ask.
Please no abusive relationship asks, I don't want unhealthy relationship ideals to become something people look for in relationships.
If any of these things are requested to me you will be reported and blocked.
Also if a character is not in the fandom/list I made, please still ask! I am in many fandoms and like getting into new pieces of media, so although I may not know the request at the time I'd love to get more into the fandom and then write for it!
Also please specify weather you want a platonic, fluffy or smutty fic, otherwise I'll pick for you😈 (it'll be smut guys dw.)
I will not write character x character or character x oc, UNLESS it's like, an amazing ask, but it's not common you'll see me write smth like that. I WILL do specific reader traits though, ex: Bunny!reader (LITERALLY ME GUYS I LOVE THEM SO MUCH♥♥) hellborn!reader, mutant!reader, etc.
One last thing, I love drawing! If you ever see any kind of fiction you would like to see drawn, I would love to, please send an ask/request to draw a part in a fic! Only thing is that I will/can not draw any smut, nor will it be digital, I can really only do traditional art, so enjoy my low quality photos of paper😋
I can't wait to see requests from everyone, and be able to write them! I hope u have an amazing day/night, remember to eat and drink smth today, and dont stay up all night reading smut. (AHEM...)
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ray-the-fanatic · 2 years
anyways, am making a 2012 au where those boys find the rise boys as babies and raise them as their own
don't have much of a layed out story yet, but a few key details:
- takes place mid s3 where they're back in nyc and things have relatively calmed down but there's a timeskip where the invasion hasn't happened yet n takes a few years and the events of s4 and s5 will be different (breathing room to let the the 12 boys be kids and work out their issues)
- there's angst but it's mostly fluff cuz self indulgence yo
- splinter will still be alive, rat granpa ftw
- april is the 12 boy's fun big sister figure cuz fuck cishet canon
- mutanimals are involved (i need slash interactin with baby rise raph 🥺)
- have my version of 2012 angel cuz she deserved to be there dammit
- casey being an uncle to the rise babies, similar to how future rise leo was an uncle to cj jr. 👌
- silly 12 boys being parents shenanigans
- silly rise baby shenanigans
- auntie april
- auntie karai (sobs)
- involves my old 2012 ocs cuz i missed them
- ships include angel x donnie, rasey and canon x oc (12 leo x fem nb oc n 12 mikey x transman oc) but the fic's mostly family centric
- just fluff in general
also here's my 12 ocs, nancy dominguez and ehzra kahale, and my 12 version of angel 💜
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Aww yes I enjoy cross over fics its so cute. And its fun seeing different versions hang out together but the rise boys as babies with the 2012 ones ;3; theres a slot that just sounds cute with your idea Also love that angel will be in this I wished we had gotten to see even just Angel from Casey's family but sadly a lot of that seemed pushed away for other choices in the shows writing u-u
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crystalwillow · 4 years
The Birth
Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x Casey Valentine (F!MC)
Tagging: @kiteplayschoices @brycelahelalover @obsessedheehee @eleanorbloom @fuseboxmusebox @vibrantlyjaz @kaavyaethanramsey @queencarb @schnitzelbutterfingers​ @ramseysno1rookie​ @caseyvalentineramsey @ethanramseyswhore @whippedforethanfreakingramsey
Casey was being ran to the maternity ward. "Where's Ethan?" she asked, "Someone's gone to find him" A nurse told her. "I need him here. I need him!" she cried out as she was helped on to the bed "Please. I need my husband!" she pleaded with the nurse who reassured her they were doing everything they could to get him there as quickly as possible. About an hour had passed and Casey was now a little more comfortable in a hospital gown as she laid on the bed, breathing in gas and air as she cried from the sudden bursts of pain "OOOOOOOOWWWWWW" she cried as the door flew open and someone rushed in "Casey! Sweetheart!" Ethan exclaimed as he ran towards her bed, dropping the hospital bag on the floor. "I'm sorry I took so long. I was stuck with a patient and then I had to rush home to get the bag and-" He rambled as he panted heavily from running "You're here n- agh!" Casey grimaced as she got another contraction. "It huuuurrrrrtttssss" she whined before breathing in the gas and air again.
Ethan sat in the chair and tried to help his wife through it. 2 hours later and Casey was still in labor, panting harder and harder as the minutes ticked by. "why don't you come up onto the bed darling? Kneeling on the floor can't be comfortable" Ethan said softly. "Because the bed isn't comfortable either and I'm stuck, you moron!" Casey yelled at him. "Should I get you a nurse?" he asked. "should I get you a nurse? YES GET ME A FUCKING NURSE YOU BASTARD! THESE CHILDREN ARE COMING OUT NOW AND I'M STUCK DOWN HERE!" She yelled further whilst mocking the way he asked his question. "Very well." He said and stepped outside the room "NURSE! THE CHILDREN ARE COMING!!!!" He yelled in a pitch that nobody had heard before. It even snapped Casey out of the fact she was giving birth on a hospital floor. He stepped back in the room and smiled. "They're here" he stated as he made his way over to her and started helping her up. The nurses ran into the room, immediately helping Ethan get Casey up and onto the bed. "This is all your fault Ethan. I told you to stop being so beautiful and good looking. I wanted to walk away. THIS IS YOUR FAULT DAMN IT!" she yells as she laid back on the bed just as another contraction came. Ethan chuckled as he took her hand "I can't help that I got my fathers good looking genes" he remarked sassily with a smirk. Casey looked at him and managed a brief laugh, "you're too cocky for your own goOOOOOOD. FUCKING HEELLLLLLLLLA!" she shouted as she gripped Ethan's hand with a death grip, turning his knuckles white. "ow. Casey, ow. You're hurting my hand. Ow ow ow" Ethan complained "SHUT IT. IM IN MORE PAIN RIGHT NOW!" Casey continued shouting at him.
After a further agonizing 3 hours 57 minutes, Casey was about to give her final push to deliver baby number 3. Ethan had stepped up and was doing his best to guide his wife professionally through the final stretch, as he wanted to be the one to deliver the last child. "That's it sweetie. On the next contraction I'm going to need you to give one final push with everything you have in you okay?" he said as he stroked her knee. The contraction came and Casey pushed as hard as she could, and with that the baby came out. Ethan cut the cord and a nurse took care of the rest. Casey relaxed back and cried into her arm as the final baby started to cry whilst it was being weighed and cleaned up. Ethan hugged her tight. Kissing her temple, eyes glossing over as a proud feeling spread through his chest. "You done amazing sweetie. Absolutely amazing. You delivered us a gift, you should get some sleep" he whispered soothingly. She hugged him back "I want to hold them first. Please?" she asked as she sniffled, calming down from the crying. 3 nurses brough them over, "Congratulations Casey. You've given birth to 3 healthy babies. 2 boys and a girl" one of them smiled as they carefully passed over 2 babies laying them on her chest and passed baby number 3 to Ethan "Congratulations to you as well Ethan" the nurse smiled "thank you" Ethan smiled back as he sat in the chair next to Casey's bed and the nurses left the room to give them privacy. "I love you little one. I'm going to do everything I can to be the best father I can be. If anyone ever breaks your heart, I'll make sure they're sorry. Nothing or nobody will hurt you" Ethan mumbled to the small newborn in his arms as he gently cradled it. Casey looked at him and smiled "You're already an amazing father babe" she whispered. Ethan looked at her and smiled back "Thank you." is all he could managed to get out before tears streamed down his face as he smiled at his wife and 2 other perfect children laying on her chest. The feeling he had been searching for his whole life was finally being felt. As he sat in the chair and sighed contently he whispered to himself "I finally feel complete."
Casey smiled at him and started crying too. The Ethan she met all those years ago, was no longer the Ethan next to her today. Of course she knew that part of him still existed and he used it when necessary but the man that sat next to her today, was forthcoming with his kindness and approachable. He was smiling and crying tears of joy and not pain. Ethan rose to his feet and placed the baby in it's cot, then done the same with the other two before sitting on the bed next to Casey, taking her hand. He sniffled and dabbed his eyes with his white coat, then laid his head into her chest and hugging her tight, lost for words. But Casey could feel the rawness in his emotion and communicated back to him through her own. They stayed like that for a while. "I love you" Casey finally spoke as she played with Ethan's hair but got no response. She moved his hair back to look at his face and saw he was fast asleep. "such an angel" she whispers as she kissed his temple, closing her own eyes and falling asleep, holding his hand.
About an hour later a nurse entered the room quietly and stumbled upon the scene of Ethan asleep on Casey's chest. She poked her head out back into the corridor "pssst. Sarah. Come look at this" she whispered to a nearby nurse who walked round and poked her head into the door. "awwwww. They really are perfect for each other." She whispered with a smile before returning to work. The nurse entered and placed a gentle hand on his arm "Dr. Ramsey" she spoke quietly. "shhhh" he mumbled, and the nurse smiled to herself "Dr. Ramsey" she repeated in the same tone and both Ethan and Casey stirred, opening their eyes and looking at the nurse "Hmmm?" Casey hummed as Ethan snuggled to her chest falling back to sleep. She smiled at Casey, "could you let him know that some results he was waiting on have come back. They're urgent." Casey smiled and nodded at the nurse, who thanked her and left the room. "Ethan honey." She spoke quietly "whaaaat?" he grumbled like an annoyed teenager. "Urgent results you were waiting on have come back. They're looking for you" She continued stroking his hair as she told him. "nnnnngh. I don't wanna leave you" he further groaned as he sat up stretching, rubbing the sleep from his eyes and giving a yawn. He looked over at his 3 newborns "did we decide names?" he asked. Clearly trying to avoid having to go and get the results "Ethan." Casey warned, "Fineeeee. We'll name them when I come back. I'm going!" he exclaimed defeatedly. Casey gave him a kiss then once he was gone snuggle back down in the bed going back to sleep. Late that afternoon when Ethan had a break he came back to see Casey and brought flowers and a card, along with a bottle of her favourite water and a sandwich. He smiled as he entered and looked at his wife, as she was feeding one of the babies. "Hey" she smiled as he sat next to her in the chair, getting comfortable. "I've been thinking of a name for our little girl" he said. Casey looked at him giving him a looked that told him to continue. "Lillian Rose Ramsey" he said, and Casey choked up as she looked into his eyes "Rose?" she smiles through tears. He nods "She should carry your grandma's name in hers" he says softly, kissing a tear off her cheek. "What about the boys?" she asked. "Jacob and-" he ponders "Ethan Jr" Casey said confidently. Ethan breath seemed to leave his body as he looked at Casey with wide eyes, "I'm serious" she said. "Okay. Lillian, Jacob and Ethan Jr" he confirmed with a smile.
Casey and the triplets spent the night at the hospital and the next morning Tia and Sienna helped Casey to the atrium to meet Ethan. When they got there, the rest of their friends were there with presents and a cake. Jackie stepped forward and gave Casey a hug, which was happily returned. "You look less tired than I expected" Jackie joked as they sat down. Casey chuckled, "I feel pretty disgusting." The group talked for a while whilst they waited for Ethan, they were getting ready to call him when he walked over in his uniform, bags under his eyes that are darkest than the circles round a pandas eyes. "Holy crap you look scary" Bryce blurted without thinking before the words left his mouth, earning a slap round the head and scowl from Tia. "thank you. Lahela. I know" he said, low spirited. "Have you been at work all night?" Casey said as she stepped forward. He smiled shyly and rubbed the back of his neck. "ETHAN JONAH RAMSEY!" she exclaimed "I'm absent for one night and you work yourself to this state. Why?" she placed a hand one his shoulder. "we should get you to the on-call room Dr. Ramsey" Sienna said, face full of worry. "I need to get Cas-" he started "No! you cannot drive like this! Bryce, Jackie & Elijah make sure he gets to the on-call room and take turns keeping an eye on him. I'll go and wait for him in the nearest park" she said. "I'll help you!" Tia chirped and together they made their way to the nearest park, with Casey settling on a bench next to a food and drink van before Tia bided her farewell and headed back to the hospital. Soon it was getting dark and colder so Casey called Jackie. It took a couple of rings but soonshe picked up
"hey Casey"
"Hey J. Is he up yet?"
"No. He's still out cold. Snoring rather loudly too"
"Snoring? Jackie, he never snores. I'm the noisy sleeper"
"yes. Are his airways okay? He's not in an awkward position is he?"
"no. no.. he's okay as far as that stuff goes."
"okay. Well keep an eye on him for me."
"will do. And we've sent Bryce to come and take you home"
"Cool. Thank you. See you later"
Casey sighed and hung up, muttering under her breath as she waited for Bryce to arrive and take her home. About 45 minutes later, she was home and waving goodbye to Bryce as he pulled out of her driveway, settling in for her first night as a mother at home. The next morning there was a knock at the door and Casey walked to it "this is absurd. I have my key" Ethan complained as the door opened "Someone order a well-rested husband" Sienna beamed at Casey who hugged her tightly. "Thank you. So much." She sighed happily, "No problem. I can't stay though. Duty calls!" Sienna chirped happily as she ran back to her car. And with a quick wave she was gone, Casey and Ethan going back inside. Casey got back to cleaning whilst Ethan went upstairs and grabbed a shower. Later the two adjusted to parenthood together and by the end of the night they collapsed on the couch and fell asleep cuddled up, exhausted but knowing they wouldn't change this for anything in the world.
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lustafters-a · 5 years
a very, very extensive list of ships i’d love to write with the faceclaims i happen to have. bold means i can play said faceclaim !  lots of them are ,,, pretty wild, truthfully . i just got way too into this .
taron egerton x colin firth
taron egerton x jamie bell 
taron egerton x richard madden
joseph morgan x leah pipes
joseph morgan x candice king
joseph morgan x phoebe tonkin 
nico mirallegro x sharon rooney
nico mirallegro x jodie comer
nico mirallegro x russell tovey
nico mirallegro x hayley atwell 
daniel gilles x phoebe tonkin
finn cole x molly gordon
finn cole x asa butterfield 
finn cole x margot robbie
tom hardy x cillian murphy 
tom hardy x michelle williams 
tom hardy x charlotte riley
tom hardy x annabelle wallis
tom hardy x jack lowden
tom hardy x chris pine
katherine langford x ross butler
katherine langford x alisha boe
katherine langford x dylan minnette 
katherine langford x alexandra shipp
cobie smulders x jake johnson
cobie smulders  x chris evans 
henry golding x emilia clarke 
henry golding x constance wu
ross butler x zendaya
ross butler x noah centineo 
rami malek x ben hardy
rami malek x joseph mazzello
rami malek x gwilym lee 
joe alwyn x emma stone 
joe alwyn x margot robbie 
paul bettany x jennifer connnelly 
keanu reeves x winona ryder 
gwilym lee x joseph mazzello
gwilym lee x ben hardy
alvaro rico x ester exposito 
alvaro rico x aron piper
alvaro rico x miguel bernardeau
aaron taylor-johnson x elizabeth olsen
aaron taylor-johnson x karen gillan
aaron taylor-johnson x thomas brodie sangster 
colin firth x hugh grant 
colin firth x emma thompson 
sam claflin x lily collins
sam claflin x emilia clarke 
sam claflin x tom glynn carney 
sam claflin x max irons
sam claflin x douglas booth
sam claflin x natalie dormer 
josh dylan x jeremy irvine 
josh dylan x lily james
michael b jordan x tessa thompson
michael b jordan x zendaya 
khylin rhambo x dylan sprayberry
khylin rhambo x michael johnston
trevante rhodes x andre holland
henry cavill x armie hammer 
henry cavill x jason momoa
henry cavill x amy adams 
henry cavill x gal gadot 
henry cavill x elizabeth debicki
brett dier x haley lu richardson
brett dier x gina rodriguez 
james norton x imogen poots 
james norton x jessie buckley 
james norton x lily james 
james norton x eleanor tomlinson
joe keery x charlie heaton
joe keery x natalia dyer 
joe keery x dacre montgomery
jason sudeikis x olivia wilde 
jason sudeikis x charlie day 
aubrey joseph x olivia holt 
chadwick boseman x danai gurira
chadwick boseman x lupita nyong'o
ella purnell x asa butterfield
ella purnell x fionn whitehead 
ella purnell x tom holland 
ella purnell x tom sturridge 
armie hammer x timothee chalamet 
armie hammer x alicia vikander
armie hammer x lily collins 
armie hammer x felicity jones 
alex hogh andersen x katheryn winnick
alex hogh andersen x georgia hirst 
alex hogh andersen x alicia agneson
luke benward x olivia holt
luke benward x danielle macdonald
luke benward x dove cameron
tom hiddleston x brie larson 
tom hiddleston x jessica chastain 
david harbour x winona ryder 
ansel elgort x aneurin barnard 
ansel elgort x lily james
tom holland x jake gyllenhaal
tom holland x letitia wright 
tom holland x laura harrier
tom holland x daisy ridley 
paul rudd x jennifer aniston 
paul rudd x evangeline lilly 
paul rudd x sebastian stan 
matthew daddario x harry shum jr 
matthew daddario x kat mcnamara
david tennant x billie piper 
david tennant x karen gillan 
jack lowden x saoirse ronan 
jack lowden x aneurin barrnard 
jack lowden x margot robbie 
allen leech x tuppence middleton
allen leech x  jessica brown-findlay
allen leech x matthew goode
elizabeth olsen x chris evans 
elizabeth olsen x sebastian stan 
sydney sweeney x jacob eldori 
sydney sweeney x alexa demie 
kathryn newton x kristine froseth 
kathryn newton x olivia dejonge 
kathryn newton x natasha liu bordizzo
brie larson x gemma chan 
brie larson x lashana lynch
brie larson x zachary levi
brie larson x alicia vikander 
tuppence middleton x callum turner 
tuppence middleton x brian j smith 
rachel keller x dan stevens 
billie piper x gemma chan
marilyn lima x michel biel
emilia clarke x kit harington 
jamie dornan x cillian murphy 
hugh jackman x michelle williams 
hugh jackman x jake gyllenhaal 
hugh jackman x james mcavoy
hugh jackman x ryan reynolds 
logan lerman x alexandra daddario 
logan lerman x lily collins 
logan lerman x selena gomez
logan lerman x emma watson
jake gyllenhaal x tom sturridge 
jake gyllenhaal x sebastian stan
chris pine x gal gadot 
chris pine x reese witherspoon 
chris pine x emily blunt
chris pine x anne hathaway
chris pine x gugu mbatha raw 
lily james x matt smith
lily james x jeremy irvine
rachel mcadams x matthew goode 
rachel mcadams x ryan gosling 
rachel mcadams x domhnall gleeson
rachel mcadams x cillian murphy
chris evans x sebastian stan
chris evans x robert downey jr 
jacob eldori x alexa demie 
max irons x douglas booth 
max irons x emily browning 
max irons x holliday grainger 
max irons x samantha barks 
noah centineo x kristine froseth 
noah centineo x ariana grande 
noah centineo x alexis ren 
noah centineo x lily collins 
mark ruffalo x reese witherspoon 
mark ruffalo x robert downey jr 
bradley simpson x shawn mendes 
bradley simpson x sabrina carpenter 
aidan turner x eleanor tomlinson
aidan turner x russel tovey
aidan turner x lenora crichlow
alex fitzalan x kristine froseth 
alex fitzalan x toby wallace 
alex fitazalan x natasha liu bordizzo
damien molony x johnathan bailey 
damien molony x michael socha 
damien molony x michelle keegan
chance perdomo x tati gabrielle
chance perdomo x gavin leatherwood 
joseph mazzello x sebastian stan
joseph mazzello x lucy boynton
adele exarchopoulos  x lea seydoux 
charlize theron x emily blunt 
charlize theron x jessica chastain
margot robbie x saoirse ronan
margot robbie x cara delevingne
margot robbie x alexander skarsgard 
naomi scott x dacre montgomery 
naomi scott x mena massoud
ashley benson x tyler blackburn 
ashley benson x  cara delevingne
jennifer morrison x lana parrilla
jennifer morison x colin o’donoghue 
dan stevens x michelle dockery 
dan stevens x emma watson
timothy olyphant x drew barrymore 
max riemelt x tina desai
max riemelt x brian j smith
max riemelt x miguel angel silvestre
tom glynn carney x nicholas hoult 
tom glynn carney x harry styles
tom glynn carney x fionn whitehead
tom glynn carney x anthony boyle
chace crawford x blake lively
zac efron x zendaya
zac efron x lily collins 
robert pattinson x suki waterhouse 
tyler young x james paxton
bill skarsgard x landon liboiron 
asa butterfield x maisie williams
asa butterfield x britt robertson
asa butterfield x emma mackey 
james d’arcy x hayley atwell 
james d’arcy x ben whishaw
herman tommeraas x lisa teige
herman tommeraas x thomas hayes
kj apa x madelaine petsch 
kj apa x britt robertson 
kj apa x casey scott
fionn whitehead x aneurin barnard 
jessica chastain x emily blunt 
jessica chastain x anne hathaway
zachary levi x yvonne strahovski
zachary levi x mandy moore
zachary levi x benton thwaites 
devon bostick x lily collins 
dvon bostick x peyton list
john krasinski x jenna fischer 
jamie bell x kate mara 
tom ellis x james mcavoy 
tom ellis x  lesley ann brandt
tom ellis x aimee garcia
tom ellis x jensen ackles
tom ellis x kevin alejandro
douglas booth x bel powley 
douglas booth x gemma chan
douglas booth x ellie bamber 
douglas booth x iwan rheon
matthew goode x jamie dornan
matthew goode x teresa palmer
anthony boyle x sam clemmett
sebastian stan x anthony mackie 
sebastian stan x jessica chastain
sebastian stan x tom hiddleston
sebastian stan x dianna agron 
sebastian stan x chris hemsworth 
robert downey jr x jude law
robert sheehan x antonia thomas
robert sheehan x david castaneda
robert sheehan x jamie campbell bower
robert sheehan x iwan rheon
robert sheehan x sofia boutella
robert sheehan x david tennant 
tom hughes x sophie cookson
michiel huisman x blake lively
michiel huisman x gugu mbatha raw 
michiel huisman x teresa palmer 
michiel huisman x tatiana maslany 
aneurin barnard x iwan rheon
aneurin barnard x karen gillan
aneurin barnard x natalie dormer 
aneurin barnard x jodie comer 
aneurin barnard x sophie cookson
aneurin barnard x freya mavor
jon hamm x january jones
jon hamm x michael sheen
jon hamm x dakota johnson
jon hamm x eiza gonzalez
chris hemsworth x tessa thompson
dacre montgomery x courtney eaton
callum turner x vanessa kirby
thomas hayes x josefine pettersen
gavin leatherwood x abigail cowen
gavin leatherwood x ross lynch
gavin leatherwood x kiernan shipka
gavin leatherood x jaz sinclair
donald glover x rihanna 
donald glover x alison brie
ryan reynolds x andrew garfield 
ryan reynolds x blake lively 
winston duke x lupita nyong'o
anthony mackie x frank grillo
ben barnes x andrew garfield
ben barnes x emma watson
sophie turner x asa butterfield
ewan mcgregor x jude law
ewan mcgregor x gugu mbatha raw
boyd holbrook x pedro pascal
ross lynch x jaz sinclair
ross lynch x courtney eaton 
ross lynch x abigail cowen 
lyndsy fonseca x hayley atwell
alycia debnam-carey x eliza taylor
alycia debnam-carey x maia mitchell 
alycia debnam-carey x daniel sharman 
leighton meester x adam brody
leighton meester x blake lively
leighton meester x penn badgley
lauren german x lesley ann brandt
lauren german x aimee garcia 
kristine froseth x olivia dejonge
joe gilgun x michelle keegan
joe gilgun x ruth negga
joe gilgun x dominic cooper
joe gilgun x karla crome 
blake lively x penn badgley 
blake lively x gigi hadid 
daniel sharman x frank dillane
daniel sharman x��bradley james
daniel sharman x gregg sulkin
jensen ackles x sophia bush
jensen ackles x misha collins 
oliver jackson-cohen x jessica de gouw
jeffrey dean morgan x hilarie burton
vanessa morgan x madelaine petsch 
brandon flynn x miles heizer 
brandon flynn x richard madden 
odeya rush x timothee chalamet 
lily collins x nicholas hoult 
rachel weisz x rachel mcadams 
rachel weisz x emma stone 
sean berdy x jack mulhern 
sean berdy x gideon adlon
tom austen x alexandra park
miles heizer x nick robinson 
toby wallace x olivia de jonge (but cute)
joel kinnaman x olivia munn 
luke hemmings x ashton irwin
luke hemmings x callum hood
luke hemmings x michael clifford 
dominic cooper x gemma chan
gregg sulkin and sophie turner
gregg sulkin x katie stevens 
gregg sulkin x danielle campbell
richard madden x gemma chan
zendaya x trevor jackson
alicia vikander x bill skarsgard
alicia vikander x eddie redmayne
alicia vikander x kit harington
33 notes · View notes
luvneedsnosyt · 5 years
My Favorite Albums of 2019 (So Far)
Here is my list of my favorite albums half-way through 2019
You can find my list of my favorite albums of 2018 here And my list of my favorite EPs of 2018 here
My Monthly top albums lists from 2019: January, February, March, April, May
Honorable Mention:
Alice Merton - Mint Genre: Pop
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Proof: No Roots / Lash Out
Anderson .Paak - Ventura Genre: Hip Hop / R&B
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Proof: Chosen On (Feat. Sonya Elise) / Jet Black (Feat. Brandy)
Billie Eilish - WHEN WE ALL FALL ASLEEP, WHERE DO WE GO? Genre: Synth-Pop
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Proof: bad guy / you should see me in a crown
blackbear - ANONYMOUS Genre: alt-R&B / Hip Hop
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Bring Me the Horizon - amo Genre: Rock / Alternative
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Proof: in the dark / medicine
Cautious Clay - Table of Context EP Genre: R&B / Soul
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Circa Waves - What’s It Like Over There? Genre: Alternative / Rock
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Proof: Sorry I’m Yours / Be Somebody Good
Dabin - Wild Youth Genre: Electronic / Dance / Future Bass
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Proof: In Flames (Feat. Lexi Norton) / Alive (Feat. RUNN)
Dawn Richard - New Breed Genre: alt-R&B / Electronic
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Proof: shades / sauce
Dermot Kennedy - Dermot Kennedy Genre: Indie Pop / Soul
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Proof: Power Over Me / Moments Passed
GoldLink - Diaspora Genre: Hip Hop / R&B
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Proof: Zulu Screams (Feat. Maleek Berry & Babi Bourelly) / More
Hozier - Wasteland, Baby! Genre: Indie Pop / Soul / Folk
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Proof: Movement / Dinner & Diatribes
James Blake - Assume Form Genre: Progressive Pop / Electronic / Indie Pop
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Proof:  Barefoot in the Park (Feat. ROSALÍA) / Where’s the Catch? (Feat. André 3000)
Karen O & Danger Mouse - Lux Prima Genre: Alternative / Indie Rock
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Proof: Turn the Light / Woman
Kevin Abstract - ARIZONA BABY Genre: Hip Hop
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Proof: Joyride / Use Me
Maverick Sabre - When I Wake Up Genre: Pop / Soul
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Proof: Slow Down (Feat. Jorja Smith) / Weakness
The List:
16. Little Simz - GREY Area Genre: Hip Hop
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Proof: Offense / Boss / Venom / Pressure (Feat. Little Dragon)
15. Vampire Weekend - Father of the Bride Genre: Indie Rock / Alternative
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Proof: Harmony Hall / This Life / How Long? / Sympathy
14. LÉON - LÉON Genre: Pop / Soul
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Proof: Lost Time / Falling / Hope Is A Heartache / You And I // Bonus: Grey - Want You Back (Feat. LÉON)
13. Foals - Part 1: Everything Not Saved Will Be Lost Genre: Rock / Alternative
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Proof: Exits / White Onions / In Degrees / On The Luna
12. Denzel Curry - ZUU Genre: Hip Hop
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Proof: ZUU / RICKY / BIRDZ (Feat. Rick Ross) / CAROLMART (Feat. Ice Billion Berg)
11. G Flip - Drink Too Much EP Genre: Pop
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Proof: Drink Too Much / Bring Me Home / Killing My Time / About You // Bonus: I Am Not Afraid
10. Elohim - BRAINDEAD EP Genre: Electronic / Synth Pop
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Proof: running / tv / metamorphine / flagpole sitta (Harvey Danger cover w/ ALOWNATION)
9. Sigrid - Sucker Punch Genre: Pop
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Proof: Sucker Punch / Basic / Don’t Feel Like Crying / Don’t Kill My Vibe // Bonus: Strangers (R3HAB Remix) / Don’t Kill My Vibe (Gryffin Remix)
8. Lizzo - Cuz I Love You Genre: Hip Hop / R&B
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Proof: Cuz I Love You / Soulmate / Tempo (Feat. Feat. Missy Elliott) / Heaven Help Me
7. Seven Lions - Ophelia Volume 1 Genre: Electronic / Dance / Trance
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Proof: Start Again (Feat. Fiora) / Ocean (w/ Jason Ross Feat. Jonathon Mendelsohn) / First Time (w/ SLANDER & Dabin Feat. Dylan Mathew) / Dreamin’ (Feat. Fiora) // Bonus: Ocean (Au5 Remix) w/ Jason Ross Feat. Jonothan Mendelson / Dreamin’ (Sunny Lax Remix) Feat. Fiora / Island (Dimibo Remix) (w/ Trivecta & Wooli Feat. Nevve) / Sojourn (w/ Crystal Skies) / Let Go (Festival Mix) Feat. Fiora
6. Maggie Rogers - Heard It In A Past Life Genre: Pop
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Proof: Give A Little / The Knife / Alaska / Say It // Bonus: Give A Little (Mokita & GOLDHOUSE Remix) / Alaska (Toby Green Remix) / Alaska (Tycho Remix)
5. Nick Murphy - Run Fast Sleep Naked Genre: Indie Pop
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Proof: Harry Takes Drugs On The Weekend / Sanity / Yeah I Care / Dangerous
4. Tyler, The Creator - IGOR Genre: Hip Hop / alt-R&B
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Proof: IGOR’S THEME (Feat. Lil Uzi Vert) / EARFQUAKE (Feat. Playboy Carti, Charlie Wilson & Jessy Wilson)  / I THINK (Feat. Solange & Ryan Beatty) / WHAT’S GOOD (Feat. slowthai & Jarrod Carmichael)
3. Khalid - Free Spirit Genre: Pop / R&B / Soul
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Proof: Better / Right Back / Outta My Head (w/ John Mayer) / Free Spirit // Bonus: Better (Jayvon Remix) / Better (no clue? Remix) / Talk (Disclosure VIP Mix) / Talk (Jarami Remix) / Talk (Alle Farben Remix)
2. Big Wild - Superdream // Superdream (Remixes) EP Genre: Electronic / Synth Pop / Dance
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Proof: Joypunks / 6′ to 9′s (Feat. Rational) / No Words / She Makes Magic // Purple Sand (My Home) (pluko Remix) / City of Sound (Crooked Colours Remix) / Heaven (GG Magree Remix)
1. Nilüfer Yanya - Miss Universe Genre: Pop / R&B / Alterntaive
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Proof: In Your Head / Paralysed / Tears / Heavyweight Champion Of The Year
Good: Adela - On The Line EP, AJ Tracey - AJ Tracey, Aldous Harding - Designer, Alesso - ALESSO MIXTAPE - PROGRESSO Vol. 1 EP, Alina Baraz - The Color Of You (Remixes) EP, Allie X - Super Sunset (Analog), Aly & AJ - Sanctuary EP, The Amazons - Future Dust, Anna Clendening - Waves EP, Ari Lennox - Shea Butter Baby, Anna Lunoe - Right Party EP, Ariana Grande - thank u, next, Ashe - Moral of the Story: Chapter 1 EP, Asiahn - Love Train 2, AURORA - A Different Kind of Human, Autograf - Love & Retrograde EP, Avicii - TIM, A1 - Turbulence, Bad Bunny - X 100PRE, Barrie - Happy to Be Here, Bassnector - Reflective (Part 4) EP, Bastille - Doom Days, BAYNK - Someone’s II EP, Beast Coast - Escape from New York, Beirut - Gallipoli , Better Oblivion Community Center - Better Oblivion Community Center, Betty Who - Betty, Big K.R.I.T. - TDT, Big Thief - U.F.O.F., Blaqk Audio - Only Things We Love, Blu & Oh No - A Long Red Hot Los Angeles Summer Night, Boy Harsher - Careful, Boogie - Everythings for Sale, B00TY - High Art EP, Brasstracks - Before We Go EP, Broken Social Scene - Let’s Try the After (Vol. 1) EP, Broken Social Scene - Let’s Try the After (Vol. 2) EP, Broods - Don’t Feed The Pop Monster, bülow - Crystalline EP, Bun B & Statik Selektah - TrillStatik [Mixtape], Cage The Elephant - Social Cues, Carlie Hanson - Junk EP, Carly Rae Jepsen - Dedicated, Casey Veggies - Organic, Casey Veggies & Rockie Fresh - Fresh Veggies [Mixtape], Cehryl - Slow Motion, Charly Bliss - Young Enough, Chase & Status - RTRN II JUNGLE, The Chemical Brothers - No Geography, Cherry Glazer - Stuffed & Ready, Choosey & Exile - Black Beans, Christelle Bofale - Swim Team EP, Chrome Sparks - Be On Fire EP, Ciara - Beauty Marks, Citizen Cope - Heroin and Helicopters, Clairmont The Second - The Second’s Do You Drive?, Collie Buddz - Hybrid. Crumb - Jinx, Crystal Fighters - Gaia & Friends, Curren$y & Statik Selektah - Gran Turismo, CZARFACE & Ghostface Killa - Czarface Meets Ghostface, David B - BLEU, Deadmau5 - Polar (Music from the Netflix Film), Deante’ Hitchcock - Just A Sample 2 EP, Deerhunter - Why Hasn’t Everything Already Disappeared?, DeJ Loaf - Go DeJ Go Vol. 1 EP, Delta Heavy - Only In My Dreams, Destiny Rogers - Tomboy EP, Devin Morrison - Bussin’, Dijon - Sci Fi 1 EP, Dinah Jane - Dinah Jane 1 EP, Diplo - Europa EP, Diplo - Higher Ground EP, DJ Khaled - Father of Asahd, Dog Blood - Turn Off The Lights EP, Dreezy - Big Dreez, The Drums - Brutalism, Dua Saleh - Nūr EP, DUCKWRTH - THE FALLING MAN, ELHAE - Trouble In Paradise, Emily Wells - The World Is Too ___ For You, Emotional Oranges - The Juice, Vol. I, Eric Bellinger - The Rebirth 2, Eryn Allen Kane - a tree planted by water EP, The Faint - Egowerk, FEELS - Post Earth, FIDLAR - Almost Free, flora cash - Press EP, Flume - Hi This Is Flume [Mixtape], Flying Lotus - Flamagra, Frances Cone - Late Riser, FRENSHIP - Vacation, Freya Riding - You Mean The World To Me EP, Froth - Duress, Gary Clark Jr. - This Land, Gesaffelstein - Hyperion, The Get Up Kids - Problems, Giggs - BIG BAD…, girlpool - What Chaos Is Imaginary, gnash - we, GRiZ - Find My Own Way EP, GRiZ - Ride Waves, Gryffin - Gravity Pt. 1 (Remixes) EP, GTA - La Nueva Clásica (Remixes), Gus Dapperton - Where Polly People Go to Read, HÆLOS - Any Random Kindness, The Hamiltones - Watch the Ton3s EP, Hayden James - Between Us, The Head and the Heart - Living Mirage, Helado Negro - This Is How You Smile, Hello Yello - Love Wins EP, Higher Brothers - Five Stars, Hikaru Utada - Face My Fears EP, Holly Herndon - PROTO, Ida Mae - Chasing Light, ilo ilo - wish i said this to u sooner EP, India.Arie - Worthy, Injury Reserve - Injury Reserve, Intellexual - Intellexual, Interpol - A Fine Mess EP, Izzy Bizu - GLITA EP, Jack & Jack - A Good Friend Is Nice, Jacob Latimore - Connection2, Jade Bird - I Get No Joy EP, Jade Bird - Jade Bird, Jaden - ERYS IS COMING EP, Jai Waetford - Figure It Out EP, Jai Wolf - The Cure To Loneliness, James Bay - One My Messy Mind EP, JAMESDAVIS - MASTERPIECE EP, Jamie Cullum - Taller, Jamila Woods - LEGACY! LEGACY!, The Japanese House - Good At Falling, Jasmine Thompson - colour EP, Jay Prince - WONDER EP, Jayda G - Significant Changes, Jean Deaux - Empathy EP, Jenny Lewis - On The Line, Jeremy Zucker & Chelsea Cutler - brent EP, jesse saint john - don’t stop dancing. life gets sad. EP, J-E-T-S - Zoospa, JOHN.k - if we never met EP, JOHNNYSWIM - Moonlight, JOHKOY - 404, Jonas Brothers - Happiness Begins, Jordan Rakei - Origin, Josephine Wiggs - We Fall, Judah & The Lion - Pep Talks, Juice WRLD - Death Race for Love, Julia Michaels - Inner Monologue, Pt. 1 EP, Kari Faux - CRY 4 HELP EP, Kasbo - Places We Don’t Know Remix EP, Kaskade - Redux 003, KÁRYYN - The Quanta Series, Kehlani - While We Wait EP, Kelsey Lu - Blood, Kerli - Shadow Works, Kevin Abstract - ARIZONA BABY EP, Kevin Abstract - Ghettoboy EP, Kevin Morby - Oh My God, KIAN - BLISS EP, Kiana Lede - Myself EP, Kishi Bashi - Omoiyari, Koffee - Rapture EP, Ladytron - Ladytron, Lafawndah - Ancestor Boy, Lemaitre - Fast Lovers EP, The Lemonheads - Varshons 2, Lexie Liu - 2030, Lil Skies - Shelby, Lissie - When I’m Alone: The Piano Retrospective, Local Natives - Violet Street, Logic - Confessions of a Dangerous Mind, Lolo Zouaï - High Highs to Low Lows, Loote - lost EP, Lonas - Youth EP, Lost Kings - Paper Crowns EP, Louis Futon - Way Back When, Loyle Carner - Not Waving, But Drowning, LSD - Labrinth, Sia & Diplo Presents… LSD, Lucky Daye - Painted, Lucy Rose - No Words Left, Mac DeMarco - Here Comes the Cowboy, Mack Keane - Donna Ave EP, Manila Killa - 1993 EP, Malibu Ken (Aesop Rock & TOBACCO) - Malibu Ken, Manatee Commune - PDA, Mansionair - Shadowboxer, Marco McKinnis - E’Merse EP, Maren Morris - GIRL, Maribou State - Kingdoms in Color Remixed, MARINA - LOVE + FEAR, Matt Maeson - Bank on the Funeral, McClenny - I’m Not Here EP, MED & Guilty Simpson - Child of the Jungle, Meg Mac - Hope, Megan Thee Stallion - Fever, Melii - phAses, Mereba - The Jungle Is The Only Way Out, Mickey Kojak - Coming Together EP, Middle Kids - New Songs for Old Problems EP, Mike Posner - A Real Good Kid, Mr. Carmack - Demolish [Mixtape], Mndsgn - Snaxx, MorMor - Some Place Else EP, The National - I Am Easy to Find, Nightly - Talk You Down EP, NIKI - wanna take this downtown? EP, Nina Nesbitt - The Sun Will Come Up, The Seasons Will Change, no rome - Crying In The Prettiest Places EP, Noah Kahan - Busyhead, Norah Jones - Begin Again, Octavian - Endorphins, ODESZA - A Moment Apart Remixes EP, Offset -  Father of Four, Oliver Dion - Exposed, Olivia O’Brien - Was It Even Real?, Omar Apollo - Friends EP, Panda Bear - Buoys, Patoranking - Wilmer, P!nk - Hurts 2B Human, Pink Sweat$ - Volume 2 EP, Phonte - Pacific Time EP, Plaid - Polymer, PnB Rock - TrapStar Turnt PopStar, Pond - Tasmania, PRETTYMUCH - Phases EP, Priests - The Seduction of Kansas, Prince - Originals, PUP - Morbid Stuff, Queen Herby - EP 5, Quelled Chris - Guns, Raja Kumari - BLOODLINE EP, Rat Boy - International Unknown, Raveena - Lucid, Rema - Rema EP, Reptaliens - VALIS, Rich The Kid - The World Is Yours 2, Rico Nasty & Kenny Beats - Anger Management, Rhye - Spirit, Rhys Lewis - In Between Minds EP, Rotimi - Walk With Me EP, Rudimental - Test Our Differences, Ruti - Racing Cars EP, Ryan Leslie - Fleurier Flows EP, RY X - Unfurl, RY X - The Water EP, SAFE - STAY, Said The Whale - Cascadia, St. Lucia - Remixed, Sammie - Everlasting, Santana - Africa Speaks, Santi - Mandy & The Jungle, Sara Bareilles - Amidst the Chaos, SASAMI - SASAMI, Saweetie - ICY EP, ScHoolboy Q - CrasH Talk, The Score - Pressure EP, Seasons - American Authors, Set It Off - Midnight, Set Mo - Surrender, Shafiq Husayn - The Loop, Sharon Van Etten - Remind Me Tomorrow, Shlohmo - The End, Shy Girls - Bird on the Wing, Silversun Pickups - Widow’s Weeds , Skepta - Ignorance Is Bliss, slenderbodies - soraya EP, slowthai - Nothing Great About Britain, Smif-N-Wessun - The All, Snake City - Hurts, SNBRN - Solé, SOAK - Grim Town, SOB X RBE & Hit-Boy - Family Not a Group, SOB X RBE & Marshmello - Roll the Dice EP, Sofia Kourtesis - Sofia Kourtesis EP, Solange - When I Get Home, SonReal - The Aaron LP, StayLoose - The City, Stef Chura - Midnight, Steve Lacy - Apollo XXI, Striking Matches - Morning EP, Styles P - S.P. The Goat: Ghost of All Time, Sufjan Stevens - Love Yourself / With My Whole Heart EP, Summer Walker - CLEAR EP, Sunflower Bean - King of the Dudes EP, Super Duper - Vessels EP, SVEA - This is EP, SYML - SYML, The Tallest Man On Earth - I Love You, Talos - Far Out Dust, Tank and the Bangas - Green Balloon, Tayla Parx - We Need To Talk, Taylor Bennett - The American Reject EP, Tech N9ne - N9na, TENDER - Fear of Falling Asleep, Terror Jr - Unfortunately, Terror Jr, Tiësto - Together, Tink - Voicemails, The-Dream - Menage a Trois: Sextape Vol. 1,2&3, T-Pain - 1UP, TOBi - STILL, Tom Walker - What A Time To Be Alive, Toro y Moi - Outer Peace, Tory Lanez - International Fargo [Mixtape], Trevor Jackson - Rough Draft 2, Tritonal - U & Me , The Vamps - Missing You EP, Various Artists - For The Throne (Music Inspired by the HBO Series Game of Thrones), Various Artists - Music Inspired by the Film Roma, Vasco - Tender Luv EP, Virginia to Vegas - Heartland St EP, Walshy Fire - Walsey Fire Presents: ABENG, Wallows - Nothing Happens, Wand - Laughing Matter, Weezer - Weezer (The Teal Album), Weyes Blood - Titanic Rising, Wild Belle - Everybody One of a Kind, Wu-Tang Clan - Of Mics and Men EP, X Ambassadors - ORION EP, XYLØ - pretty sad EP, Yeasayer - Erotic Reruns, Yeek - IDK WHERE, YG - 4REAL 4REAL, Yhung T.O. - On My Momma 2, Zacari - Run Free Run Wild EP, Zhavia Ward - 17 EP, 2 Chainz - Rap or Go to the League
Meh: A Boogie wit da Hoodie - Hoodie SZN, Berner - El Chivo, Birdman & Juvenile - Just Another Gangsta, Burna Boy & DJDS - Steel & Copper EP, Calboy - Wildboy, Casilofi - Create, Create, Create EP, DREAMERS - LAUNCH FLY LAND, DJ Muggs & Mach - Hommy: Tuez-Les Tous, Future - Future Hndrexx Presents: The WZRD, Future - SAVE ME EP, HiDoraah & Dolly White - Slimestas EP, Kenny Garrett - Hoax, Kevin Gates - Only The General Gon Understand EP, Logic - Supermarket, Miley Cyrus - SHE IS COMING EP, Night Lovell - GOODNIGHT LOVELL, Pet Shop Boys - Agenda EP, Pi’erre Bourne & Cardo Got WIngs - Pi’erre & Cardo’s WIld Adventure [Mixtape], Rod Wave - PTSD, Shy Glizzy - Covered N Blood, Spellling - Mazy Fly, Tee Grizzley - Scriptures, Tyga - Legendary, Wiz Khalifa & Curren$y - 2009, 03 Greedo - Still Summer in the Projects
Naw: Scarlxrd - INFINITY, Weezer - Weezer (The Black Album), Yung Gravy - Sensational, Zheani - The Line Censored
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mateushonrado · 5 years
Power Rangers Ultraverse teams 49-64
Status Post #8396: Folder | List
49. Space Squad (same name as Japanese version but this one is an Ameritoku version)
Ryan Steele / VR Alpha
Kaitlin Star / VR Beta
JB Reese / VR Delta
Sam Collins / Servo
Jo McCormick / Red Striker Beetleborg
Dex Stewart / Masked Rider
Jack Landors / SPD Red Ranger
Elizabeth Delgado / SPD Yellow Ranger
Andros / Red Space Ranger
Karone / Galaxy Pink
50. Astro Rangers (Rangers comprising of science fiction characters)
Adam of Eternia (He-Man) / Red Astro Ranger
Ahsoka Tano (Star Wars) / Green Astro Ranger
Son Goku (Dragon Ball) / Orange Astro Ranger
Mako Mori (Pacific Rim) / Blue Astro Ranger
Takashi "Shiro" Shirogane (Voltron) / Black Astro Ranger
Jaylah (Star Trek) / Purple Astro Ranger
Ladios Sopp (The Five Star Stories) / Gold Astro Ranger
Nova Maxwell (Power Rangers) / Silver Astro Ranger
51. Dino Elite Rangers (superteam comprising of dino-themed Rangers)
Jason Scott / Red Tyranno Ranger
Kira Ford / Dino Thunder Yellow
Koda / Dino Charge Blue
Nelida Valensis / Brave Charge Black
Lauren Shiba / Red Samurai Ranger II
Eric Myers / Quantum Ranger
52. Ninja Elite Rangers (superteam comprising of ninja-themed Rangers)
Adam Park / Blue Wolf Ranger
Shane Clarke / Ninja Storm Red
Leanne Omino / Thunder Storm Yellow
Sarah Thompson / Ninja Steel Pink
Delphine / White Aquitar Ranger
David Trueheart / White Ninjetti Ranger
53. Titan Rangers (Rangers comprising of Young Justice/Teen Titans)
Timothy "Tim" Drake / Red Robin Ranger
Conner Kent / Black Superboy Ranger
Bart Allen / Silver Impulse Ranger
Cassie Sandsmark / Gold Wonder Ranger
Anita Fite / Purple Empress Ranger
Greta Hayes / White Secret Ranger
Cissie King-Jones / Crimson Arrowette Ranger
Grant Emerson / Orange Damage Ranger
Jaime Reyes / Blue Beetle Ranger
Kiran Singh / Yellow Solstice Ranger
M'gann M'orzz / Green Martian Ranger
Virgil Hawkins / Navy Static Ranger
54. Mutant Rangers (Rangers comprising of New Mutants/X-Force)
Danielle "Dani" Moonstar / Blue Mirage Ranger
Samuel "Sam" Guthrie / Orange Cannonball Ranger
Xi'an Coy Mahn / Pink Karma Ranger
Roberto da Costa / Red Sunspot Ranger
Rahne Sinclair / Crimson Wolfsbane Ranger
Douglas "Doug" Ramsey / Yellow Cypher Ranger
Amara Aquilla / Gold Magma Ranger
Illyana Rasputin / Black Magik Ranger
Russell "Rusty" Wilson / Orange Firefist Ranger
James Proudstar / Silver Warpath Ranger
Evan Daniels / Silver Spyke Ranger
Laura Kinney / Tan Wolverine Ranger
55. Sentai Strike Force (a mix of Sentai and PR)
Captain Marvelous / Gokai Red
Nanami Nono / Hurricane Blue
Ian Yorkland / Kyoryu Black
Luna Konokoe / Midoninger
Ryan Mitchell / Lightspeed Titanium
Ashley Hammond / Yellow Space Ranger
Robert James Finn / Purple Wolf Ranger
Sydney Drew / SPD Pink Ranger
56. Sentai Elite (a mix of Sentai and PR)
Tsuruhime / Ninja White
Masato Jin / Beet Buster
Yuri / Time Pink
Akira Nijino / ToQ 6gou
Leelee Pimvare / Vampire Black
Conner McKnight / Dino Thunder Red
Veronica "Ronny" Robinson / Overdrive Yellow
Merrick Baliton / Silver Wolf Ranger
57. Avatar Rangers (Avatarverse)
Aang / Avatar Orange
Katara / Avatar Blue
Sokka / Avatar Navy
Toph Beifong / Avatar Green
Zuko / Avatar Red
Suki / Avatar Emerald
Korra / Avatar Cyan
Mako / Avatar Crimson
Bolin / Avatar Teal
Asami Sato / Avatar Indigo
58. Voltron Rangers (Voltron Alliance)
Keith Kogane / Voltron Black
Allura Aquilla / Voltron Red
Lance Azul / Voltron Blue
Katie "Pidge" Holt / Voltron Green
Hunk Garrett / Voltron Yellow
Acxa Nova / Voltron Purple
59. Netflix Rangers (Rangers comprising of characters from Netflix animated originals and films under Dreamworks, Wonderstorm and other animated studios)
Callum (The Dragon Prince) / Red Netflix Ranger
Rayla (The Dragon Prince) / Green Netflix Ranger
James "Jim" Lake Jr. (Tales of Arcadia) / Silver Netflix Ranger
Claire Nuñez (Tales of Arcadia) / Pink Netflix Ranger
Jake "Stretch" Armstrong (Stretch Armstrong and the Flex Fighters) / Blue Netflix Ranger
Carmen Sandiego (Carmen Sandiego) / Scarlet Netflix Ranger
Adam (The Hollow) / Black Netflix Ranger
Adora (She-Ra and the Princesses of Power) / White Netflix Ranger
Alucard Tepes (Castlevania) / Gold Netflix Ranger
Miko Kuroda (Devilman Crybaby) / Silver Netflix Ranger
60. Cartoon Network Rangers (Rangers comprising of characters from CN, Boomerang, WB Animation, Hanna-Barbera and Warner Animation Group shows and films)
Ben Tennyson (Ben 10) / Green CN Ranger
Gwen Tennyson (Ben 10) / Blue CN Ranger
Lion-O (ThunderCats) / Red CN Ranger
Cheetara (ThunderCats) / Yellow CN Ranger
Jack (Samurai Jack) / White CN Ranger
Juniper Lee (The Life and Times of Juniper Lee) / Purple CN Ranger
Jonny Quest (Jonny Quest) / Black CN Ranger
Kiva Andru (Megas XLR) / Silver CN Ranger
Rex Salazar (Generator Rex) / Orange CN Ranger
Kimiko Tohomiko (Xiaolin) / Pink CN Ranger
61. Disney Rangers (Rangers comprising of characters from Disney Channel, Disney XD, Jetix, Fox Kids, Disney and Pixar animated shows and films)
Goliath (Gargoyles) / Black Disney Ranger
Elisa Maza (Gargoyles) / Orange Disney Ranger
Mason "Dipper" Pines (Gravity Falls) / Blue Disney Ranger
Mabel Pines (Gravity Falls) / Pink Disney Ranger
Jacob "Jake" Long (American Dragon: Jake Long) / Red Disney Ranger
Kimberly Ann "Kim" Possible (Kim Possible) / Indigo Disney Ranger
Robin Hood (Robin Hood) / Gold Disney Ranger
Fa Mulan (Mulan) / Green Disney Ranger
Charlie Landers (Aaron Stone) / Silver Disney Ranger
Alita (Alita: Battle Angel) / Navy Disney Ranger
62. Nickelodeon Rangers (Rangers comprising of characters from Nickelodeon, Nicktoons and Paramount Animation animated shows and films)
Daniel "Danny" Fenton (Danny Phantom) / Black Nickelodeon Ranger
Samantha "Sam" Manson (Danny Phantom) / Purple Nickelodeon Ranger
Mahad (Skyland) / Red Nickelodeon Ranger
Lena (Skyland) / White Nickelodeon Ranger
James Isaac "Jimmy" Neutron (The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius) / Blue Nickelodeon Ranger
Bloom (Winx Club) / Pink Nickelodeon Ranger
Arnold Shortman (Hey Arnold) / Green Nickelodeon Ranger
Jenny Wakeman (My Life as a Teenage Robot) / Silver Nickelodeon Ranger
Casey Jones (TMNT) / Green Nickelodeon Ranger
Charlie Watson (Bumblebee) / Yellow Nickelodeon Ranger
63. Sentai Showdown (a mix of Sentai and PR)
Sokichi Banba / Big One
Remi Hoshikawa / Five Yellow
Hayate / Ginga Green
Rin / Houou Ranger
Chad Lee / Lightspeed Blue
Vesper Vasquez / Black Hyperforce Ranger
Ivan / Dino Charge Gold
Clare Langtree / Gatekeeper Purple
64. Sentai Prime Force (a mix of Sentai and PR)
Kaoru Shiba / Princess Shinken Red
Gaku Washio / Gao Yellow
Hyoko Hayase / Sieg-Jeanne
Masumi Inou / Bouken Black
Emma Goodall / Megaforce Pink
Ziggy Grover / RPM Green
Kiya / Blue Omega Ranger
Tyzonn / Overdrive Silver
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rabbittstewcomics · 3 years
Episode 329
Comic Reviews:
Batman 118 by Joshua Williamson, Mikel Janin, Jorge Molina, Tomeu Morey
One Star Squadron 1 by Mark Russell, Steve Lieber, Dave Stewart
Superman: Son of Kal-El 2021 Annual by Tom Taylor, Clayton Henry, Steve Pugh, Steve Buccellato
World of Krypton 1 by Robert Venditti, Michael Avon Oeming, Nick Filardi
Amazing 80.BEY by Cody Ziglar, Ivan Fiorelli, Rachelle Rosenberg
Captain America/Iron Man 1 by Derek Landy, Angel Unzueta, Rachelle Rosenberg
Death of Doctor Strange: Blade by Danny Lore, Dylan Burnett, Mike Spicer
Devil's Reign 1 by Chip Zdarsky, Marco Checchetto, Marcio Menyz
Giant Size Black Cat Infinity Score by Jed MacKay, Carlos Villa, Brian Reber
Marvel's Voices: Comunidades by Terry Blas, Yehudi Mercado, Alex Segura, Daniel Jose Older, Julio Anta, Juan Ponce, Desiree Proctor, Amparo Ortiz, Claribel Ortega, David Betancourt, Leonardo Romero, Nico Leon, Edgar Delgado, Paco Medina, Adriano Melo, Alitha Martinez, Francisco Herrera, Vanesa Del Rey, Gustavo Duerte, German Peralta, Enid Balam, Julius Ohta, Wilton Santos, Caio Majado, Mauro Fodra, Alba Glez, Sean Parsons, Jose Marzan Jr, Victor Nava, Oren Junior, Felipe Sobreiro, Cris Peter, Erick Arcinega, Bryan Valenza, Dono Sanchez Almara, Federico Blee, Dijjo Lima, Fernando Sifuentes
Star Wars: Crimson Reign 1 by Charles Soule, Steven Cummings, Guru eFX
X-Men Unlimited Infinity Comic 13
Spider-Bot Infinity Comic 2
Dark Horse: 
Daisy 1 by Colin Lorimer, Joana Lafuente, Anita Vu
Lady Mechanika: Monster of the Ministry of Hell 1 by Joe Benitez, Beth Sotelo, Michael Heisler
Holiday Magic Special by J. Torres, Micol Ostow, Michael Northrop, Dan Schoening, Arielle Jovellanos, Gretel Lusky, Matt Herms
Buckhead 1 by Shobo Coker, George Kambadais, Natalia Nesterenko
Buffy: the Last Vampire Slayer 1 by Casey Gilly, Joe Jaro, Joana Lafuente
Crimson Cage 1 by John Lees, Alex Cormack, Ashley Cormack
Lunar Room 1 by Danny Lore, Giorgia Sposito, DJ Chavis
Tales of Mother F Goose by Frank Tieri, Joe Eisma
Memoria GN by Curt Pires, Sunando C, Mark Dale
A Tale as Tall as Jacob OGN by Samantha Edwards
House OGN by Phillip Sevy, Drew Zucker
Additional Reviews: Hawkeye ep4, Retrovirus OGN, Prince and the Dressmaker, Ghosts by Raina Telgemeier, Hunters s1, Pulp OGN, Eat and Love Yourself OGN, Trigger Mortis, Monolith
News: George Perez, more details on Batman/Catwoman JPL tribute issue, Garfield fighting game, new collection format, Eight Billion Genies from Charles Soule and Ryan Browne, Tom Taylor goes DC exclusive, Kieron Gillen writing Immortal X-Men, Captain Carter comic by Jamie McKelvie, Netflix cancels Cowboy Bebop, Naomi s2, House of Usher cast, Surfside Girls optioned by Apple TV, details on next Disney film: Strange World, Supercorp, next Grand Design projects
Trailers: Sonic 2
Comics Countdown:
Crossover 10 by Donny Cates, Geoff Shaw, Brian Michael Bendis, Michael Avon Oeming, Nick Filardi
What's the Furthest Place From Here 2 by Matthew Rosenberg, Tyler Boss
Good Asian 7 by Pornsak Pichetshote, Alexandre Tefenkgi, Lee Loughridge
Mighty Morphin 14 by Ryan Parrott, Marco Renna
Inferno 3 by Jonathan Hickman, Stefano Caselli, R.B. Silva, Valerio Schiti, Adriano Di Benedetto, David Curiel
Superman: Son of Kal-El 2021 Annual by Tom Taylor, Clayton Henry, Steve Pugh, Steve Buccellato
Swamp Thing 10 by Ram V, Mike Perkins, Mike Spicer
Batman 118 by Joshua Williamson, Mikel Janin, Jorge Molina, Tomeu Morey
Amazing Spider-Man 80.BEY by Cody Ziglar, Ivan Fiorelli, Rachelle Rosenberg
Batman '89 4 by Sam Hamm, Joe Quinones, Leonardo Ito
Check out this episode!
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paytato435 · 7 months
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This was too cute to not do! Might do a few more in the coming days. Happy Valentine’s Day everyone!!!! ❤️💜❤️💜
Template here!
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collectorscorner · 4 years
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CC Blogger - New Arrivals @ Collectors Corner : Wednesday 10/28/20
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CC Parkville - NEW 2020 STORE HOURS, Sunday 12-6, Mon-Tues 12-7, Wed 9-8, Thurs 11-7, Friday & Saturday 11-8
Collectors Corner - Bel Air Outpost Location : OPEN for IN STORE SHOPPING with Strong Safety Measures in Place (Hand Sanitizing Stations, Masks Required for All, Social Distancing Required, Limited Capacity, CURBSIDE Pick Up Optional) - According to Harford County Guidelines. 1-410-838-1777.
CC Bel Air - NEW 2020 STORE HOURS, Sunday 11-5, Monday/Tuesday - Closed, Wednesday 11-8, Thursday 11-7, Friday/Saturday 11-8
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AHOY COMICS Captain Ginger Volume 2 TP, $16.99
ALBATROSS FUNNYBOOKS Grumble Memphis And Beyond the Infinite #4 (Of 5), $3.99 Unholy Bastards Vs The Future #1 (One Shot), $3.99
ARCHIE COMIC PUBLICATIONS Archie Giant Comics Leap GN, $9.99 Betty And Veronica Jumbo Comics Digest #288, $7.99
AWA STUDIOS Old Haunts #5 (Of 5), $3.99
BOOM! STUDIOS Angel And Spike #15 (Cover A Christopher Mitten), $3.99 Angel And Spike #15 (Cover B Gleb Melnikov), $3.99 Angel And Spike #15 (Cover C Rob Bowyer), $3.99 Angel And Spike #15 (Cover D Christopher J. Mitten), AR Encyclopedia Lumberjanica An Illustrated Guide To The World Of Lumberjanes SC, $9.99 Firefly The Unification War Deluxe Edition HC, $75.00 Mega Man Fully Charged #3 (Cover A Toni Infante), $4.99 Mega Man Fully Charged #3 (Cover B Miguel Mercado Level Up Variant), AR Mega Man Fully Charged #3 (Cover C Jonboy Meyers), $4.99 Once And Future #9 (Dan Mora 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99 Power Rangers Drakkon New Dawn #3 (Cover A Jung-Geun Yoon Secret Variant), $4.99 Power Rangers Drakkon New Dawn #3 (Cover B Goni Montes Foil Variant), $5.99 Power Rangers Drakkon New Dawn #3 (Cover C Christian Ward), AR Power Rangers Drakkon New Dawn #3 (Cover D Christian Ward), AR Power Rangers Sins Of The Future GN, $19.99 Unkindness Of Ravens #2 (Cover A Dan Panosian), $3.99 Unkindness Of Ravens #2 (Cover B Qistina Khalidah), $3.99 Unkindness Of Ravens #2 (Cover C Dani), AR Wynd #5 (Of 5)(Cover A Michael Dialynas), $4.99 Wynd #5 (Of 5)(Cover B Peach Momoko), AR
COMIC SHOP NEWS Comic Shop News #1732, AR
DARK HORSE COMICS Avatar The Last Airbender The Lost Adventures and Team Avatar Tales Library Edition HC, $39.99 Baboon! TP, $14.99 Colonel Weird Cosmagog #1 (Of 4)(Cover A Tyler Crook), $3.99 Colonel Weird Cosmagog #1 (Of 4)(Cover B Jeff Lemire & Dave Stewart), $3.99 Courageous Princess Volume 3 The Dragon Queen TP, $14.99 Cyberpunk 2077 Johnny Silverhand 10 Inch Figure, $49.99 Cyberpunk 2077 V-Male 10 Inch Figure, $49.99 Disney Frozen Library Edition HC, $39.99 Hellboy And The B.P.R.D. The Return Of Effie Kolb #2 (Of 2)(Cover A Zach Howard), $3.99 Hidden Society TP, $19.99 Stranger Things Science Camp #2 (Of 4)(Cover A Viktor Kalvachev), $3.99 Stranger Things Science Camp #2 (Of 4)(Cover B Tula Lotay), $3.99 Stranger Things Science Camp #2 (Of 4)(Cover C Eric Nguyen), $3.99 Tomorrow TP, $19.99 Troll Guide TP, $19.99 Umbrella Academy Blind Box Character Pins, $19.99 X-Ray Robot #3 (Of 4)(Cover A Mike Allred), $3.99 X-Ray Robot #3 (Of 4)(Cover B Greg Smallwood), $3.99
DC COMICS Absolute Swamp Thing By Alan Moore Volume 1 HC (New Edition), $99.99 Absolute Swamp Thing By Alan Moore Volume 2 HC, $99.99 Action Comics #1026 (Cover A John Romita Jr. & Klaus Janson), $3.99 Action Comics #1026 (Cover B Lucio Parrillo), AR Batgirl #50 (Cover A Joshua Middleton), $5.99 Batgirl #50 (Cover B Terry Dodson & Rachel Dodson), AR Batman 80 Years Of The Bat Family TP, $29.99 Batman Beyond #48 (Cover A Dan Mora), $3.99 Batman Beyond #48 (Cover B Francis Manapul), AR Batman Superman #13 (Cover A David Marquez), $3.99 Batman Superman #13 (Cover B Mark Brooks Card Stock Variant), AR Batman The Man Who Laughs The Deluxe Edition HC, $29.99 Batman Three Jokers #3 (Of 3) Playing Cards, AR Batman Three Jokers #3 (Of 3)(Cover A Jason Fabok), $6.99 Batman Three Jokers #3 (Of 3)(Cover B Jason Fabok Red Hood Variant), AR Batman Three Jokers #3 (Of 3)(Cover C Jason Fabok Purple Variant), AR Batman Three Jokers #3 (Of 3)(Cover D Jason Fabok Black & White Variant), AR Batman Three Jokers #3 (Of 3)(Cover E Jason Fabok The Killing Joke Hawaiian Shirt And Camera Variant), AR Batman Three Jokers #3 (Of 3)(Cover F Jason Fabok Stand-Up Comedian Variant), AR Batman Three Jokers #3 (Of 3)(Cover G Jason Fabok Endgame Mohawk Variant), AR Batman Three Jokers #3 (Of 3)(Cover H Contact Cover Variant), AR Dark Nights Death Metal Rise Of The New God #1 (Cover A Ian Bertram), $5.99 Dark Nights Death Metal Rise Of The New God #1 (Cover B Bosslogic Card Stock Variant), AR DC Connect Checklist Poster #5, AR DC Poster Portfolio DCeased TP, $24.99 Detective Comics #1029 (Cover A Kenneth Rocafort), $3.99 Detective Comics #1029 (Cover B Lee Bermejo Card Stock Variant), AR Flash #764 (Cover A Bernard Chang), $3.99 Flash #764 (Cover B In-Hyuk Lee), AR House Of Whispers Volume 3 Watching The Watchers TP, $19.99 John Constantine Hellblazer #11, $3.99 Justice League Dark #27 (Cover A Yanick Paquette), $3.99 Justice League Dark #27 (Cover B Kael Ngu), AR Last God Songs Of Lost Children #1, $4.99 Legion Of Super-Heroes #10 (Cover A Ryan Sook), $3.99 Legion Of Super-Heroes #10 (Cover B Darko Lafuente), AR Red Hood Outlaw #50 (Cover A Dexter Soy), $5.99 Red Hood Outlaw #50 (Cover B Philip Tan), AR Shazam The Deluxe Edition HC, $34.99 Suicide Squad #10 (Cover A Bruno Redondo), $3.99 Suicide Squad #10 (Cover B Travis Moore), AR Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen Who Killed Jimmy Olsen? TP, $29.99 Wonder Woman #765 (Cover A David Marquez), $4.99 Wonder Woman #765 (Cover B Joshua Middleton Card Stock Variant), AR
DYNAMITE ENTERTAINMENT Bettie Page Unbound Volume 1 TP, $19.99 George R.R. Martin's A Clash Of Kings #8 (Cover A Mike S. Miller), $3.99 Red Sonja And Vampirella Meet Betty And Veronica Volume 1 TP, $19.99 Vampirella Red Sonja #11 (Cover A Jae Lee), $3.99 Vampirella Red Sonja #11 (Cover B Lauren Walsh), $3.99 Vampirella Red Sonja #11 (Cover C Leonardo Romero & Jordie Bellaire), $3.99 Vampirella Red Sonja #11 (Cover D Giulietta Zawadzki Cosplay Variant), $3.99 Vampirella Red Sonja #11 (Cover E Drew Moss), $3.99
HEAVY METAL MAGAZINE Iron Maiden Legacy Of The Beast Volume 2 Night City #5 (Cover A Thomas Fleming), $3.99 Iron Maiden Legacy Of The Beast Volume 2 Night City #5 (Cover B Incendium), $3.99 Iron Maiden Legacy Of The Beast Volume 2 Night City #5 (Cover C Nick Kremenek), $3.99
IDW PUBLISHING Batman The Animated Series Arkham Asylum Game, $59.99 Batman The Animated Series Shadow Of The Bat Game, $124.99 Canto II The Hollow Men #3 (Of 5)(Cover A Drew Zucker), $3.99 Canto II The Hollow Men #3 (Of 5)(Cover B Natasha Alterici), AR Crow Lethe #1 (Peach Momoko 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99 Crow Lethe #2 (Peach Momoko 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99 Crow Lethe #3 (Peach Momoko 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99 Dragon Ball Z The Board Game Saga, $49.99 Dying Is Easy HC, $19.99 G.I. Joe #9 (Cover A Chris Evenhuis), $3.99 G.I. Joe #9 (Cover B Freddie E. Williams II), $3.99 G.I. Joe #9 (Cover C Scott Drummond), AR Monkey Vs Robot The Complete Epic TP, $29.99 Redbone la Verdadera Historia de una Banda de Rock Nativa Americana HC, $19.99 Redbone The True Story Of A Native American Rock Band HC, $19.99 Star Trek Year Five #15 (Cover A Stephen Thompson), $3.99 Star Trek Year Five #15 (Cover B J.J. Lendl), AR Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles The Last Ronin #1 (Of 5)(Cover A Kevin Eastman & Andy Kuhn), $8.99 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles The Last Ronin #1 (Of 5)(Cover B Kevin Eastman), AR Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles The Last Ronin #1 (Of 5)(Cover C Mateus Santolouco), AR Transformers '84 Secrets And Lies #4 (Of 4)(Cover A Guido Guidi), $3.99 Transformers '84 Secrets And Lies #4 (Of 4)(Cover B Casey W. Coller), $3.99 Transformers '84 Secrets And Lies #4 (Of 4)(Cover C Nick Roche), AR Transformers Galaxies #11 (Cover A Andrew Griffith), $3.99 Transformers Galaxies #11 (Cover B Alex Milne), $3.99 Transformers Galaxies #11 (Cover C Brendan Cahill), AR
IMAGE COMICS A Man Among Ye #3, $3.99 Ascender #14, $3.99 Bliss #4 (Of 8), $3.99 Blue In Green GN, $17.99 Chu #4, $3.99 Dead Body Road Bad Blood #5 (Of 6), $3.99 Department Of Truth #2 (Cover A Martin Simmonds), $3.99 Department Of Truth #2 (Cover B Christian Ward), $3.99 Department Of Truth #2 (Cover C Francesco Francavilla), AR Department Of Truth #2 (Cover D David Romero), AR Department Of Truth #2 (Cover E Martin Simmonds), AR Exorsisters Volume 2 Kick At The Darkness TP, $16.99 Killadelphia #9 (Cover A Jason Shawn Alexander), $3.99 Killadelphia #9 (Cover B Francesco Mattina), $3.99 Lazarus Risen #5, $7.99 Nailbiter Returns #6, $3.99 Nailbiter Volume 7 Nailbiter Returns TP, $16.99 Sex Criminals #69 (Cover A Chip Zdarsky), $3.99 Sex Criminals #69 (Cover B Jamie McKelvie XXX Variant), $4.69 Sex Criminals #69 (Cover C Photo XXX Variant), $4.69 Spawn #311 (Cover A Francesco Mattina), $2.99 Spawn #311 (Cover B Todd McFarlane), $2.99 Spawn #311 (Cover C Carlo Barberi), $2.99 Tartarus #6 (Cover A Andrew Krahnke), $3.99 Tartarus #6 (Cover B Artyom Trakhanov), $3.99 That Texas Blood #5, $3.99 Undiscovered Country #9 (Cover A Giuseppe Camuncoli), $3.99 Undiscovered Country #9 (Cover B Dave Johnson), $3.99
MAD CAVE STUDIOS Dry Foot #1 (Of 4)(Miguel Angel Zapata 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99 Savage Bastards TP, $14.99 Stargazer #1 (Of 6)(Antonio Fuso 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99
MARVEL COMICS Amazing Spider-Man #51 (Cover A Patrick Gleason), $3.99 Amazing Spider-Man #51 (Cover B In-Hyuk Lee), AR Black Widow Widow's Sting #1 (Cover A Emanuela Lupacchino), $3.99 Black Widow Widow's Sting #1 (Cover B Toni Infante), AR Black Widow Widow's Sting #1 (Cover C Stefano Caselli MCU Variant), $3.99 Daredevil The Man Without Fear Marvel Select HC, $24.99 Dawn Of X Volume 9 TP, $17.99 Doctor Doom #8 (Cover A Salvador Larroca), $3.99 Empyre TP, $39.99 Fantastic Four Antithesis #2 (Of 4)(Neal Adams 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $4.99 Fantastic Four Antithesis #3 (Of 4)(Cover A Neal Adams), $4.99 Fantastic Four Antithesis #3 (Of 4)(Cover B Greg Land), AR Fantastic Four Antithesis #3 (Of 4)(Cover C Alex Ross Medusa Timeless Virgin Variant), AR Fantastic Four Antithesis #3 (Of 4)(Cover D Alex Ross Medusa Timeless Virgin Sketch Variant), AR Fantastic Four Epic Collection Volume 6 At War With Atlantis TP, $39.99 Immortal Hulk #39 (Cover A Alex Ross), $3.99 Immortal Hulk #39 (Cover B Joe Bennett Spoiler Variant), AR Incredible Hulk By Peter David Omnibus Volume 2 HC (Dale Keown Anniversary Direct Market Cover), $125.00 Incredible Hulk By Peter David Omnibus Volume 2 HC (Dale Keown Hulk Vs Hulk Book Market Cover), $125.00 Infinity Gauntlet Omnibus HC (George Perez Book Market Cover)(New Printing), $125.00 Infinity Gauntlet Omnibus HC (Jim Starlin Direct Market Variant)(New Printing), $125.00 Iron Man 2020 Robot Revolution Force Works TP, $17.99 Ironheart Meant To Fly TP, $12.99 Marvel Art Of Mondo Poster Book TP, $24.99 Marvel Art Of Savage Sword Of Conan HC, $50.00 Marvel Masterworks The Defenders Volume 7 HC (Book Market Edition), $75.00 Marvel Masterworks The Defenders Volume 7 HC (Direct Market Variant Edition Volume 295), $75.00 Marvel Previews Volume 5 #5 (November 2020), $1.25 Savage Avengers #13 (Cover A Valerio Giangiordano), $3.99 Savage Avengers #13 (Cover B Boss Logic), AR Shang-Chi #2 (Of 5)(Cover A Philip Tan), $3.99 Shang-Chi #2 (Of 5)(Cover B Marcus To), AR Shang-Chi #2 (Of 5)(Cover C Alex Ross Shang-Chi Timeless Virgin Variant), AR Shang-Chi #2 (Of 5)(Cover D Alex Ross Shang-Chi Timeless Virgin Sketch Variant), AR She-Hulk By Dan Slott Omnibus HC, $100.00 Spider-Man Noir #5 (Of 5), $3.99 Star Wars Doctor Aphra #5 (Cover A Valentina Remenar), $3.99 Star Wars Doctor Aphra #5 (Cover B Terry Dodson), AR Star Wars From The Journals Of Obi-Wan Kenobi TP, $19.99 Strange Academy #4 (Cover A Humberto Ramos), $3.99 Strange Academy #4 (Cover B Valerio Schiti), AR Strange Academy #4 (Cover C Arthur Adams Character Spotlight Variant), AR Strange Academy #4 (Cover D Alex Ross Scarlet Witch Timeless Virgin Variant), AR Strange Academy #4 (Cover E Alex Ross Scarlet Witch Timeless Virgin Sketch Variant), AR True Believers Black Widow And The Thing #1, $1.00 True Believers Black Widow Yelena Belova #1, $1.00 X Of Swords Stasis #1 (Cover A Pepe Larraz), $4.99 X Of Swords Stasis #1 (Cover B Pepe Larraz Design Variant), AR X Of Swords Stasis #1 (Cover C Coax), AR X Of Swords Stasis #1 (Cover D Michael Del Mundo), AR X Of Swords Stasis #1 (Cover E Jesus Saiz), AR X Of Swords Stasis #1 (Cover F Humberto Ramos), AR
ONI PRESS Quick And Easy Guide To Consent TP, $7.99 Rick And Morty Ever After #1 (Cover A Sarah Stern), $3.99 Rick And Morty Ever After #1 (Cover B Sarah Stern), $3.99 Rick And Morty Deluxe Edition Volume 5 HC, $49.99 This Is A Flying Rat HC, $15.99
SCOUT COMICS Grit #2 (Te'Shawn Dwyer 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99 It Eats What Feeds It #3, $3.99
TITAN COMICS Adler #5 (Cover A Gary Erskine), $3.99 Adler #5 (Cover B Paul McCaffrey), $3.99 Adler #5 (Cover C Victorian Homage Variant), $3.99
ZENESCOPE ENTERTAINMENT Van Helsing Vs The League Monsters #6 (Cover A Igor Vitorino), $5.99 Van Helsing Vs The League Monsters #6 (Cover B Igor Vitorino), $5.99 Van Helsing Vs The League Monsters #6 (Cover C Michael DiPascale), $5.99 Van Helsing Vs The League Monsters #6 (Cover D Derlis Santacruz), $5.99
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modage · 7 years
My Most Anticipated Films of 2018
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Looking out at the cinematic landscape on January 1st and trying to handicap which films you’ll end up connecting with is always a fools errand  (see: 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009), but also a fun one. So with a mix of naivete and enthusiasm here are the films I’m looking forward to most in 2018.
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1. The Irishman (Martin Scorsese) Deniro. Pacino. Pesci. Keitel. Scorsese. (TBD)
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2. Roma (Alfonso Cuaron) In the last 12 years Cuaron has only made 2 films: Gravity and Children of Men. This simply cannot stand. For his latest he returns to a smaller scale Y Tu Mama Tambien territory. (TBD)
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3. Widows (Steve McQueen) Four Chicago women decide to take fate into their own hands in McQueen’s (very unexpected) follow-up to his Best Picture-winning 12 Years A Slave. (Nov 16)
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4. First Man (Damien Chazelle) Biopics are boring but sometimes you have an make exceptions. Hopefully Chazelle’s La La Land follow-up, which stars Ryan Gosling as young astronaut Neil Armstrong, will be one of them. (Oct 12)
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5. Suspiria (Luca Guadagnino) A re-imagining of the Dario Argento horror classic from the filmmaker behind Call Me By Your Name and A Bigger Splash. (TBD)
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6. The Incredibles 2 (Brad Bird) The original just might be Pixar’s best but with a 14-year gap between films and writer/director Bird seemingly cajoled into returning, can they recapture the magic? (Jun 15)
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7. Creed 2 (Steven Caple Jr.) The first film is the best Rocky movie and has become one of my most rewatchable movies of the decade. Fingers crossed that Caple Jr. will be able to fill Coogler’s massive shoes. (Nov 21)
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8. If Beale Street Could Talk (Barry Jenkins) In the Oscar-winning Moonlight filmmaker’s highly anticipated follow-up, a woman in Harlem desperately scrambles to prove her fiancé innocent of a crime while carrying their first child. (TBD)
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9. Black Panther (Ryan Coogler) After knocking it out of the park with Creed, here’s hoping Coogler will be allowed to bring an actual directorial vision to the Marvel Universe and not just allowed to color in the margins. (Feb 16)
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10. Solo: A Star Wars Story (Ron Howard) There is no way this can be good, right? (May 25)
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11. Apostle (Gareth Evans) A man attempts to rescue his sister who's been kidnapped by religious cult. From the director of The Raid. Bones will be broken. (TBD)
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12. The Girl In The Spider’s Web (Fede Alvarez) I didn’t care at all for the Swedish original but after Alvarez’s Panic Room-esque Don’t Breathe, I’m oddly excited to see if he can follow in the Fincher’s footsteps again to make a satisfying Dragon Tattoo follow-up. (Oct 19)
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13. The Old Man & The Gun (David Lowery) An aging bank robber pulls one last job in this improbable true-life folk tale which features Robert Redford, Elizabeth Moss, Tom Waits, Casey Affleck, Sissy Spacek, Keith Carradine and more. (TBD)
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14. Hold The Dark (Jeremy Saulnier) Green Room proved Saulnier has the chops to make a balls-to-the-wall thriller. His latest centers on a writer hired by the parents of a missing 6-year-old to track down their son in the Alaskan wilderness. (TBD)
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15. Isle Of Dogs (Wes Anderson) It’s always nice to see Wes Anderson getting out of his comfort zone. JKJKJK. (Mar 23)
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16. Avengers: Infinity War (Russo Bros.) It’s disappointing to see the biggest superhero film of all time being directed by guys who who film action scenes like they’re from the early 00s TV show Alias but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯? (May 4)
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17. Ready Player One (Steven Spielberg) The book is nerd catnip filled with references to Spielberg films so it’ll be interesting to see the man himself pay himself homage though the CGI videogame visuals in the trailer do concern me. (Mar 30)
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18. The Predator (Shane Black) While I’m not at all interested in another Predator film, I am very interested in another Shane Black film, so they kinda balance each other out. (Aug 3)
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19. New Mutants (Josh Boone) X-Men as a teen horror movie? Sure, why not. (Apr 13)
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20. Under The Silver Lake (David Robert Mitchell) A long-in-the-works modern noir thriller set in Los Angeles starring Andrew Garfield and Riley Keough from the director of It Follows. (TBD)
Also: The Favorite (Yorgos Lanthimos), Mute (Duncan Jones), Halloween (David Gordon Green), Unsane (Steven Soderbergh), Annihilation (Alex Garland), Deadpool 2 (David Leitch), The Sisters Brothers (Jacques Audiard), Bad Times At The El Royale (Drew Goddard), Black Klansman (Spike Lee), Oceans 8 (Gary Ross).
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fabioferreiraroc · 4 years
Desafio 100 grandes filmes pouco conhecidos: você assistiu no máximo 4 desta lista
Ainda que estejamos atentos às maiores premiações europeias e de Hollywood, alguns dos melhores filmes ainda escapam dos holofotes. A revista britânica “Empire”, especializada em cultura e entretenimento, reuniu 100 títulos que são fundamentais para o cinema, mas não são populares. Conte e nos diga quantos deles você já assistiu.
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A história do cinema é marcada por ótimos filmes, clássicos que resistiram ao tempo e obras contemporâneas que mudaram a indústria cinematográfica. Ainda que estejamos atentos às maiores premiações europeias e de Hollywood, alguns dos melhores longas ainda escapam dos holofotes. A revista britânica “Empire”, especializada em cultura e entretenimento, reuniu 100 títulos que são fundamentais para o cinema, mas não são populares. Como o desafio da Empire só abrange longas lançados até 2007, adicionamos outros cinco mais recentes. Pela análise das obras, percebe-se que, provavelmente, pouquíssimas pessoas viram mais do que quatro entre os longas selecionados. Para participar do desafio, basta contabilizar e nos contar quantos destes você já assistiu.
1 — O Abraço da Serpente (2015), Ciro Guerra
2 — Sono de Inverno (2014), Nuri Bilge Ceylan
3 — Amantes Eternos (2013), Jim Jarmusch
4 — O Garoto de Bicicleta (2011), Irmãos Dardenne
5 — Biutiful (2010), Alejandro González Iñárritu
6 — A Proposta (2005), John Hillcoat
7 — Beijos e Tiros (2005), Shane Black
8 — Hard Candy (2005), David Slade
9 — Nascidos em Bordéis (2004), Zana Briski e Ross Kauffman
10 — Primer (2004), Shane Carruth
11 — O Agente da Estação (2003), Tom McCarthy
12 — Camelos Também Choram (2003), Byambasuren Davaa
13 — Easy Riders, Raging Bulls (2003), Kenneth Bowser, Jr.
14 — Stander (2003), Bronwen Hughes
15 — Tarnation (2003), Jonathan Caouette
16 — O Americano Tranquilo (2002), Phillip Noyce
17 — The Eye: A Herança (2002), Oxide Pang Chun e Danny Pang Phat
18 — Minha Viagem à Itália (2001), Martin Scorsese
19 — American Movie (1999), Chris Smith
20 — O Estranho (1999), Steven Soderbergh
21 — Uma História Real (1999), David Lynch
22 — Carne Trêmula (1998), Pedro Almodóvar
23 — As Confissões de Henry Fool (1997), Hal Hartley
24 — Kiss or Kill (1987), Bill Bennett
25 — Na Companhia de Homens (1997), Neil LaBute
26 — Angel Baby (1995), Michael Rymer
27 — Cidadão X (1995), Chris Gerolmo
28 — Estranhos Prazeres (1995), Kathryn Bigelow
29 — Ricardo III (1995), Richard Loncraine
30 — Safe (1995), Todd Haynes
31 — Tempo de Decisão (1995), Noah Baumbach
32 — E a Vida Continua (1993), Roger Spottiswoode
33 — The Secret Adventures of Tom Thumb (1993), Dave Borthwick
34 — Fervura Máxima (1992), John Woo
35 — In the Soup (1992), Alexandre Rockwell
36 — Lanternas Vermelhas (1991), Zhang Yimou
37 — Alucinações do Passado (1990), Adrian Lyne
38 — Death in Brunswick (1990), John Ruane
39 — Jogo Perverso (1990), Kathryn Bigelow
40 — King of New York (1990), Abel Ferrara
41 — Um Tiro de Misericórdia (1990), Phil Joanou e Michael Lee Baron
42 — The Killer: O Matador (1989), John Woo
43 — Alice (1988), Jan Švankmajer
44 — As Aventuras do Barão de Münchausen (1988), Terry Gilliam
45 — Eles Vivem (1988), John Carpenter
46 — Miracle Mile (1988), Steve De Jarnatt
47 — O Soro do Mal (1988), Frank Henenlotter
48 — Coração Satânico (1987), Alan Parker
49 — Ground Zero (1987), Michael Pattinson e Bruce Myles
50 — Hidden: O Escondido (1987), Jack Sholder
51 — O Limite da Traição (1987), Walter Hill
52 — Travelling North (1987), Carl Schultz
53 — Apartamento Zero (1986), Martin Donovan
54 — When the Wind Blows (1986), Jimmy T. Murakami
55 — A Traição do Falcão (1985), John Schlesinger
56 — Depois de Horas (1985), Martin Scorsese
57 — Garota Sinal Verde (1985), Rob Reiner
58 — Minha Vida é um Desastre (1985), Savage Steve Holland
59 — Screamplay (1985), Rufus Butler Seder
60 — Terra Tranquila (1985), Geoff Murphy
61 — Viver e Morrer em Los Angeles (1985), William Friedkin
62 — Gosto de Sangue (1984), Ethan e Joel Cohen
63 — Repo Man: A Onda Punk (1984), Alex Cox
64 — Ruas de Fogo (1984), Walter Hill
65 — Na Hora da Zona Morta (1983), David Cronenberg
66 — O Selvagem da Motocicleta (1983), Francis Ford Coppola
67 — Strange Invaders (1983), Michael Laughlin
68 — Videodrome: A Síndrome do Vídeo (1983), David Cronenberg
69 — O Enigma de Outro Mundo (1982), John Carpenter
70 — Tron: Uma Odisseia Eletrônica (1982), Steven Lisberger
71 — Diva: Paixão Perigosa (1981), Jean-Jacques Beineix
72 — Enigma na Estrada (1981), Richard Franklin
73 — Falcões da Noite (1981), Bruce Malmuth
74 — Um Tiro na Noite (1981), Brian De Palma
75 — Colossus (Colossus: The Forbin Project) (1980), Joseph Sargent
76 — Uma Espécie em Extinção (1980), Art Linson
77 — Liberdade Condicional (1978), Dustin Hoffman e Ulu Grosbard
78 — Pumping Iron (1977), George Butler e Robert Fiore
79 — Assalto ao 13º DP (1976), John Carpenter
80 — Prelúdio Para Matar (1975), Dario Argento
81 — The Bullet Train (1975), Junya Sato
82 — Último Golpe (1974), Michael Cimino
83 — The Taking of Pelham One Two Three (1974), Joseph Sargent
84 — Westworld: Onde Ninguém Tem Alma (1973), Michael Crichton
85 — O Círculo Vermelho (1970), Jean-Pierre Melville
86 — O Topo (1970), Alejandro Jodorowsky
87 — Andrei Rublev (1969), Andrei Tarkovsky
88 — Week End (1967), Jean-Luc Godard
89 — Alphaville (1965), Jean-Luc Godard
90 — A Batalha de Argel (1965), Gillo Pontecorvo
91 — A Décima Vítima (1965), Elio Petri
92 — O Leopardo (1963), Luchino Visconti
93 — Vendedor de Ilusões (1962), Morton DaCosta
94 — Os Inocentes (1961), Jack Clayton
95 — O Incrível Homem que Encolheu (1957), Jack Arnold
96 — O Homem Errado (1956), Alfred Hitchcock
97 — Os Cinco Mil Dedos do Dr. T (1953), Roy Rowland
98 — A Rua sem Nome (1948), William Keighley
99 — Casei-Me com uma Feiticeira (1942), René Clair
100 — O Atalante (1934), Jean Vigo
Desafio 100 grandes filmes pouco conhecidos: você assistiu no máximo 4 desta lista Publicado primeiro em https://www.revistabula.com
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aion-rsa · 8 years
X-Factors: 16 X-Men Teams You Totally Forgot About
In the world of Marvel Comics, mutants have traditionally represented the next step of human evolution. While decades of stories have seen their numbers rise and fall dramatically, a staggering number of them have found their way onto an incarnation of the X-Men or one of their affiliate groups. Since titles like “Uncanny X-Men” usually focus on Marvel’s marquee mutant team, it’s easy for lesser-known X-teams to become footnotes in comics history after a few adventures.
RELATED:  15 Supervillain Teams You’ve Completely Forgotten
Now, CBR is giving some of these forgotten X-Men teams another moment in the spotlight. For this list, we’ll be looking at more obscure mutant teams and minor incarnations of major teams like X-Men and X-Force. In addition to the main Marvel Universe, we’ll also be looking at teams from some of the X-Men’s many alternate realities and possible futures.
X-MEN 2099
In 1992, Marvel launched Marvel 2099, a new imprint that followed the heroes of a cyberpunk-influenced dystopian future. Although the X-Men were absent from the imprint’s initial line-up, Marvel’s merry mutants joined the “world of tomorrow” with 1993’s “X-Men 2099″ #1, by John Francis Moore, Ron Lim and Adam Kubert.
While the world of 2099 was very different from the contemporary Marvel Universe, mutants were still a persecuted minority. Inspired by the dream of the long-dead Charles Xavier, the matter-manipulating mutant Xi’an formed a new generation of X-Men. While this group really didn’t have any connections to familiar X-Men, it had an extensive roster that included the energy-redirecting Skullfire, the psychic Cerebra, the speedster Meanstreak and the psychic vampire La Lunatica. Moore and Lim stayed on the title for most of its 35 issue run, which sold fairly well and garnered an action figure line. Despite their relative popularity, the X-Men vanished with the rest of the 2099 universe when the line folded in 1998. After the better part of two decades, the 2099 X-Men reappeared twice last year in “X-Men ‘92” and “Spider-Man 2099.”
With the reality-hopping series “Exiles,” Marvel gave readers an extended tour of the multiverse for most of the 2000s. With a “Quantum Leap”-esque premise, the title followed an ever-changing group of alternate reality characters as they traveled to other alternate realities to right various wrongs. While the Exiles were the title’s main focus, their inter-dimensional bosses, the Timebreakers, had a few other squads for more violent missions.
One of these other teams was the Wolverine Squad. Created by Tony Bedard, Paul Pelletier and Rick Magyar in 2006’s “Exiles” #85, this team gathered several versions of Wolverine that were collectively the best at what they do. The Wolverine team was assembled to take down Brother Mutant, a powerful amalgamation of Wolverine, Magneto, Mesmero and Quicksilver. After the first several teams failed, a final team was assembled including a “Days of Future Past” Wolverine, a Zombie Wolverine and an adolescent James Howlett. With the help of the Exiles, the Wolverine Squad was finally able to put down Brother Mutant and his army of even more alternate reality Wolverines in their first and only adventure.
After a brief return in 2000, legendary writer Chris Claremont left “X-Men” and “Uncanny X-Men” to launch “X-Treme X-Men” and make way for an incoming relaunch led by Grant Morrison and Joe Casey, respectively. Between those runs, writer Scott Lobdell returned for a brief stint to tie up some loose ends. With pencils from Leinil Yu, Salvador Larroca and Tom Raney, Lobdell took the X-Men out of their 1990’s aesthetic with the abbreviated but underrated 2001 crossover “Eve of Destruction.”
After Colossus sacrificed his life to release a cure for the mutant-killing Legacy Virus, Magneto kidnapped Professor X and prepared his army of Genoshan mutants for a final war against humanity. With only a skeleton crew of active duty X-Men, Jean Grey hastily assembled a motley crew of mutants. Along with former member Dazzler and longtime ally Northstar, this new X-Men team included Magneto’s former Acolyte Frenzy, the super-strong Omerta, the translucent Wraith and Sunfire’s sister Sunpyre. After successfully defeating Magneto, the team members declined full membership with the X-Men and went their separate ways.
Even for the most devoted X-Men fans, Cable’s history can be headache-inducing. After being born in the modern era, Nathan Summers, the infant son of Cyclops and Jean Grey’s clone Madelyne Pryor, was sent into the far future after being infected with a techno-organic virus. In that future, the young Cable was taken in by Clan Askani, a religious order created by Rachel Summers, his half-sister from another alternate timeline. After being raised in the Askani tradition by a time-traveling present day Cyclops and Jean Grey, the teenage Cable defeated the immortal villain Apocalypse, the ruler of that dystopian future.
After the Askani were corrupted, the now-adult Cable formed a splinter group called the Clan Chosen. Created by Fabian Nicieza and Art Thibert in 1993’s “Cable” #1, this team included futuristic freedom fighters like Dawnsilk and Tetherblood along with the time-traveling cybernetic mercenary Kane. Along with Cable’s wife Jenskot and son Tyler, the team fought time-traveling Cable’s evil clone Styrfe and the remnants of Apocalypse’s regime. Cable and Kane eventually returned to the modern era, and the Clan Chosen destroyed the future’s last time machine, thankfully.
In the 1980s, “The New Mutants” was the first long-running secondary title that really opened up the word of the “X-Men” franchise. In a 1987 spinoff from the teen team’s main title, the solar-powered Sunspot and the alien Warlock briefly left the group for a bizarre adventure in the miniseries “Fallen Angels.” While out on the streets, the duo encountered the teleporter Ariel, the power-enhancing Chance, the cybernetic telekinetic Gomi and the explosive Boom-Boom. The young X-associates Multiple Man and Siryn were sent after the young kids, who had fallen in with the teleporting Vanisher, an early X-Men foe who ran a small group of young thieves.
In a story by Mary Jo Duffy, Kerry Gammill, Marie Severin and Joe Staton, the eclectic group was tricked into going to the alien Ariel’s homeworld, Coconut Grove. With the help of Devil Dinosaur, Moon Boy and two psychic lobsters named Bill and Don, the group left the planet and disbanded after getting back to Earth. Duffy and Colleen Doran largely completed a follow-up miniseries in 1989, but it was never published.
After Jean Grey returned from her greatly exaggerated demise, the original five X-Men reunited to form a new team called X-Factor in 1986. While X-Factor posed as a mutant-hunting team that secretly took in young mutants, they operated as a group of superheroes called the X-Terminators. Although the old X-Men didn’t keep that name for long, their young wards eventually took the name X-Terminators for themselves. This young group included Boom-Boom, the geokinetic Rictor, the force field-generating Skids, the pyrokinetic Rusty Collins, and the Morlocks Artie and Leech.
In the 1988 miniseries “X-Terminators,” Louise Simonson, Jon Bogdanove and Al Milgrom threw the young team into the crossover “Inferno,” where the Jean clone Madelyne Pryor led a demonic invasion in Manhattan. Along with the technology-controlling Wiz Kid and the New Mutants, the team helped save several infant mutants and fought the demon N’Astirh. Shortly after this adventure, the group split up and most of the team joined the New Mutants.
For most of the 2000s, Chris Claremont followed minor characters and alternate reality squads in various secondary X-titles. After the Scarlet Witch depowered most of the world’s mutants at the end of 2005’s “House of M” crossover, Claremont brought together a ragtag group of active mutants in the 2006 series “New Excalibur.” With a solid roster of artists including Michael Ryan, Scott Eaton and Pat Olliffe, the title followed a London-based X-team for two years before.
Like its predecessor “Excalibur,” the team included Captain Britain and the British spy Pete Wisdom. The veteran X-Men Dazzler, Sage and, eventually, Psylocke joined the team too, along with the semi-reformed villain Juggernaut. The group was rounded out by former Exile Nocturne, the daughter of Nightcrawler and Scarlet Witch from another universe. During their brief tenure, New Excalibur fought the villains Black Tom and the Shadow King, visited Camelot and fought an alternate reality Captain Britain. After a team-up with the Exiles, the group disbanded at the conclusion of the 2007 miniseries “X-Men: Die By The Sword.”
Before Cable turned the New Mutants into the paramilitary squad X-Force, he operated in the modern age with a group of mercenaries called the Six Pack. This group, which was also briefly known as the Wild Pack, debuted in full in 1992’s “X-Force” #8, by Fabian Nicieza, Rob Liefeld and Mike Mignola. Along with the present-day version of Kane, the squad included the luck-bringing Domino, the beastly Grizzly, tech-genius Hammer and future S.H.I.E.L.D. agent G.W. Bridge.
After a particularly brutal mission, Kane was given cybernetic enhancements by the Weapon X program. After a mission against Stryfe failed spectacularly, the group split up when they thought their Cable had intentionally left them behind. Most of the team eventually made peace with Cable, and Kane temporarily traveled to the future in Fabian Nicieza and John Romita Jr.’s “Cable: Blood and Metal” miniseries. After joining S.H.I.E.L.D., Bridge assembled another Six Pack that included mercenaries like Solo, Anaconda and eventually Deadpool. This group disbanded after a failed attempt to take down Cable, who was ruling the fictional country Rumekistan at the time.
In 1998, Marvel gave readers an optimistic take on the future of the Marvel Universe with the MC2 imprint. Shepherded by Tom DeFalco, the line focused on the children of the current generation of Marvel heroes. While “Spider-Girl” was that line’s signature success, the imprint also produced the X-Men-related solo titles “J2,” starring the Juggernaut’s son, and “Wild Thing,” starring the daughter of Wolverine and Elektra. While they shockingly never had their own title, some of this era’s mutants banded together to form the X-People.
Created by DeFalco and Ron Frenz in “J2” #1, this group was led by an adult Jubilee after a lifetime of service in the X-Men and the Avengers. The new group was made up of young mutants like the flying Angry Eagle, the bestial Simian, the speedster Torque and the elastic Spanner. Although J2 and Wild Thing both declined membership, they remained honorary members and allies of the team. Nancy Lu, a supporting character from “Spider-Girl,” eventually joined the team as the telekinetic Push. While the X-People only ever appeared irregularly, the MC2 line is well-regarded and still occasionally referenced today.
After the death of longtime X-Men ally Moira MacTaggert and the dissolution of the teen group Generation X, the veteran X-Man Banshee started the paramilitary X-Corps to police mutants around the world. Created by Joe Casey, Ron Garney and Mark Morales in 2002’s “Uncanny X-Men” #401, the group included some past and future X-Men like Jubilee, M, Husk and Multiple Man, as well as mind-controlled villains like the Blob and Avalanche. After an attack by Mystique freed its more villainous members, the organization disbanded and its remnants were absorbed into the X-Corporation.
Unlike the X-Corps, the X-Corporation was founded by Charles Xavier in order to help civilian mutants around the world. Created by Grant Morrison and Igor Kordey in 2002’s “New X-Men” #128, this group had offices in major cities all around the world that were staffed by former X-Men or secondary X-team members. After the events of M-Day de-powered the majority of the world’s mutants, the organization’s offices were abandoned under the orders of Cyclops.
In the waning days of the 2099 publishing line, Marvel tried to boost sales with a second X-title, “X-Nation 2099.” This team was assembled by the X-Men 2099’s Cerebra under the orders of Doctor Doom, who was the President of the United States and believed that a powerful new mutant was about to emerge. The young team’s roster included mutants like the energy-blasting Clarion, the cold-producing December and the technology-controlling Nostromo.
After debuting in the 1996 one-shot “2099 A.D. Genesis” #1, the group graduated to their own title, “X-Nation 2099.” With work from a handful of creators including Tom Peyer, Ben Raab and Humberto Ramos, the title only lasted for six issues before being folded into the anthology title “2099: World of Tomorrow” in late 1996. Despite their brief existence, several members of the team were killed during an invasion by the alien Phalanx and Nostromo was eventually given sovereignty over Latveria after Doom’s death.
Throughout the 1980s, a number of X-Men associates and former members had gathered over time on Muir Island, the basis for Moira MacTaggert’s ongoing mutant research. In the wake of the “Mutant Massacre,” a handful of the sewer-dwelling Morlocks went to the island to recover. When the X-Men were thought dead because of the events of an internationally televised battle, this motley crew of mutants and human formed a makeshift new X-Men team to protect the island from the cybernetic villains the Reavers.
Created by Chris Claremont and Marc Silvestri in 1989’s “Uncanny X-Men” #254, the group included the Morlock Sunder, the sorceress Amanda Sefton, Multiple Man, Banshee, Polaris and eventually Forge, among others. With the help of the government-sponsored mutant team Freedom Force, the Muir Island X-Men were eventually able to defeat the Reavers. One of Legion’s evil multiple personalities took control of his body and killed Sunder and the precognitive mutant Destiny. Banshee and Forge eventually rejoined the X-Men, and several members of this team formed the basis of a new government-sponsored incarnation of X-Factor.
After a lengthy stint leading the government-sponsored X-Factor, Havok was thrown into a dark alternate reality in the underrated 1998 series “Mutant X.” While the title was originally only supposed to last for 12 issues, it was an unexpected commercial success and became an ongoing series that ran until 2001. In tales from a host of creators including Howard Mackie, Tom Raney and Cary Nord, Havok took the place of his counterpart in that world as the leader of a mutant superhero squad called the Six.
Each member of the Six was a dark reflection of one of the classic X-Men. Bloodstorm was a vampiric version of Storm. Beast lost his intellect and continued to transform into the child-like Brute, while Iceman lost control of his powers after an encounter with Loki. Angel’s deal with Apocalypse transformed him into the demonic-looking Fallen, and Havok’s wife Madelyne Pryor made a deal with the demons of Limbo. The Six haven’t been seen since Havok returned to the main Marvel Universe after the end of “Mutant X.”
In a late 21st-century dystopia, Xavier’s Security Enforcers were tasked with bringing mutant criminals to justice. Created by Whilce Portacio, John Byrne and Art Thibert in 1991’s “Uncanny X-Men” #282, the team was formed by the mutant Hecate in the wake of the Summers Rebellion, where humans and mutants united to defeat an oppressive Sentinel regime. Like their most famous member Bishop, the officers of the X.S.E. all had an “M” for mutant tattooed on the side of their faces.
In addition to the time-traveling Bishop, the organization’s other members included Bishop’s sister Shard and his former partners Malcolm and Randall. When the former X.S.E. officer Trevor Fitzroy broke bad, Bishop chased the time-traveling villain to the modern age. While a sentient hologram of Shard eventually joined X-Factor, the adventures of Bishop and the X.S.E. were chronicled in a few miniseries in the late 1990s. As both Bishop and the prospect of a mutant-filled future have become increasingly less relevant, the X.S.E. have faded into the future history of the X-Men.
In 2001, “X-Force” went in a bold new direction that proudly proclaimed its lack of approval from the content-regulating Comics Code Authority on its front cover. After starting in “X-Force” #116, this reinvention eventually morphed into the modern classic “X-Statix.” In this debut issue, Peter Milligan and Mike Allred created a world where a new batch of mutants found acceptance, success and celebrity with a hit reality TV show, filmed by the mysterious Doop.
This previously unseen X-Force was led by the acid-spewing Zeitgeist and included the teleporter U-Go Girl, the super-strong Battering Ram and the liquid Plazm, among others. After the death of the tentacle-faced Sluk, the Anarchist, who could produce acidic sweat, took his spot on the team. In an event called the “Boyz R Us massacre,” most of the group was butchered while trying to save a boy band at the end of their first adventure in a twist ending. U-Go Girl, Anarchist and Doop survived and formed the basis of the team that became the X-Statix.
Most of the teams on this list faded into the background by happenstance or the natural flow of stories, but the “Deadly Genesis” X-Men were forgotten by design. Originally created to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the “All-New, All-Different X-Men,” the existence of this previously unseen team of X-Men was revealed in the 2005 miniseries “X-Men: Deadly Genesis,” by Ed Brubaker and Trevor Hairsine. This team was put together by Professor X and Moira MacTaggert in an effort to save the original X-Men from the mutant island Krakoa.
In their first and only adventure, the evolving Darwin, geokinetic Petra, time-manipulating Sway and Vulcan, the third Summers brother, were all thought-dead. While Petra and Sway were brutally killed, Darwin and Vulcan survived in a fused state for years. After resurfacing in the modern era, Vulcan fought the X-Men before becoming the Emperor of the Shi’ar Empire and battled the Inhumans in the 2009 crossover “War of Kings.” Darwin eventually joined a later incarnation of X-Factor and appeared in the 2011 film “X-Men: First Class.” Somewhat ironically, neither character has appeared in years, and both are increasingly in danger of being forgotten by both Marvel Universe residents and real-world readers.
Stay tuned to CBR for all the latest x-citing X-Men news. And be sure to let us know what you favorite X-team is in the comments below!
The post X-Factors: 16 X-Men Teams You Totally Forgot About appeared first on CBR.com.
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todaynewsstories · 6 years
MLB roundup: Braves’ Acuna plunked, hurt in testy win
Red-hot rookie Ronald Acuna Jr. departed early due to injury after getting drilled by an opening pitch, but the Atlanta Braves still finished a four-game sweep over the visiting Miami Marlins with a 5-2 win Wednesday.
Aug 15, 2018; Atlanta, GA, USA; Atlanta Braves left fielder Ronald Acuna Jr. (13) is hit by the first pitch of the game against the Miami Marlins during the first inning at SunTrust Park. Mandatory Credit: Dale Zanine-USA TODAY Sports
Acuna, who had led off the previous three games with home runs and had gone deep in five straight, was hit by a 97 mph fastball on the first pitch of the contest, setting off a benches-clearing incident that led to the ejection of Miami starter Jose Urena and Atlanta manager Brian Snitker.
Acuna ran the bases and took his position in the outfield in the second inning, but he was subsequently removed. After the game, Snitker said Acuna exited due to cramps in his arm but that the team would know more about the 20-year-old’s condition Thursday.
After falling behind 2-0, the Braves came back to win their fifth straight game. Atlanta (68-51) is a season-best 17 games over .500 and two games ahead of the Philadelphia Phillies in first place in the National League East.
Phillies 7, Red Sox 4
Wilson Ramos had three extra-base hits in his Phillies debut, helping Philadelphia end visiting Boston’s five-game winning streak.
Ramos had two doubles, a triple, three runs and three RBIs as the Phillies split the two-game series. The 31-year-old catcher, acquired from the Tampa Bay Rays on July 31 despite nursing a hamstring injury, was activated off the 10-day disabled list before the game. He had been out since July 15.
Nick Williams and Justin Bour each added two hits for the Phillies. Brock Holt had a pair of hits for the Red Sox.
Cardinals 4, Nationals 2
Austin Gomber pitched six shutout innings, and St. Louis extended its season-best winning streak to eight games in beating visiting Washington.
Matt Carpenter, who extended his streak of reaching base in 33 straight games, was hit on his right hand in the seventh inning by a Matt Grace pitch and departed early. The Cardinals later announced that X-rays were negative and that Carpenter was removed for precautionary reasons.
St. Louis improved to 19-9 since interim manager Mike Shildt replaced the fired Mike Matheny. Washington has dropped four straight games and seven of its past nine.
Astros 12, Rockies 1
Gerrit Cole posted his seventh double-digit strikeout start of the season, and Houston bashed five home runs in snapping its nine-game home losing skid with an interleague victory over Colorado.
The Astros salvaged the finale of their six-game homestand with an offensive eruption, producing their highest scoring output at home since a 12-6 win over the Chicago White Sox on July 7. Houston had dropped five games in a row.
Evan Gattis and Tyler White blasted two home runs apiece, and Yuri Gurriel also went deep for the Astros. With his 12 strikeouts on the mound, Cole (11-5) recorded the Astros’ 25th double-digit strikeout game of the season, a franchise record that ranks tied for second all-time in American League history.
Dodgers 4, Giants 3
Brian Dozier hit a game-ending sacrifice fly in the 12th inning as Los Angeles beat visiting San Francisco to end a five-game losing streak.
Aug 15, 2018; Philadelphia, PA, USA; Philadelphia Phillies catcher Wilson Ramos (40) reacts after hitting a two RBI double during the seventh inning against the Boston Red Sox at Citizens Bank Park. Mandatory Credit: Bill Streicher-USA TODAY Sports
Yasmani Grandal doubled to open the 12th inning against Giants reliever Casey Kelly (0-1). Grandal took third on Max Muncy’s single and scored on Dozier’s second career game-ending RBI.
The Dodgers’ recent bullpen issues surfaced once again in the late innings as Andrew McCutchen crushed a game-tying, three-run home run to center field in the eighth inning off Caleb Ferguson.
Mets 16, Orioles 5
Kevin Plawecki hit a grand slam, Todd Frazier homered and drove in four runs, and Brandon Nimmo went 5-for-5 with three RBIs as visiting New York crushed Baltimore.
The Mets scored early but broke the game open with a nine-run sixth inning, sending 12 batters to the plate. Plawecki’s grand slam, off rookie right-hander Evan Phillips, was the inning’s big blow. The Mets’ nine-run inning included four walks, a hit batter, two doubles, a triple and Plawecki’s slam.
The sixth-inning explosion let New York manager Mickey Callaway pull starter Zack Wheeler after five innings. Wheeler (8-6), who has won six consecutive starts, allowed one run on five hits. He walked two and struck out three.
Rays 6, Yankees 1
Mallex Smith hit a two-run homer in the fourth inning and fell a triple shy of the cycle as Tampa Bay beat host New York.
Smith helped the Rays even the three-game series at one win apiece when he lifted a first-pitch breaking ball from Luis Cessa (1-3) into the right field seats. Smith’s homer made it 5-1, and the Rays cruised to their seventh win in their past nine meetings against the Yankees.
Brandon Lowe drove in the first two runs of his career with run-scoring singles in the second and fifth innings. Kevin Kiermaier added an RBI single in the third for the Rays.
Twins 6, Pirates 4
Bobby Wilson homered and hit an RBI single, and Logan Forsythe drove in three runs with two singles to lead Minnesota past visiting Pittsburgh for a sweep of a two-game series.
Jose Berrios, in his first career start against the Pirates, allowed four runs (three earned) and seven hits in 3 2/3 innings. Gabriel Moya (3-0), the third of six Minnesota pitchers, tossed a scoreless 1 1/3 innings for the win, and Trevor Hildenberger pitched the ninth for his third save.
Elias Diaz homered, and Gregory Polanco had a two-run single for Pittsburgh, which ended its road trip 4-5 after losing the last three games. Chris Archer, making his third start for Pittsburgh, allowed four runs and six hits in five innings. He struck out seven and walked none.
Indians 4, Reds 3
Melky Cabrera smacked a two-run homer, and Cleveland took advantage of a strong bullpen effort to beat host Cincinnati in sweeping the three-game interleague series.
The Indians won their fifth straight thanks to a bullpen that rescued starter Shane Bieber, who made it through only 4 1/3 innings, giving up three runs on seven hits. Cleveland’s bullpen took over, with five relievers combining to give up just three hits and two walks with eight strikeouts in 4 2/3 scoreless innings.
The Reds lost their fourth straight after scoring three runs in the bottom of the first inning to give starter Robert Stephenson a 3-0 lead. Cincinnati was held scoreless with six hits in the game’s final eight innings.
Blue Jays 6, Royals 5
Slideshow (11 Images)
Curtis Granderson hit a grand slam in a five-run fourth inning, Kevin Pillar had a pair of RBI singles, and visiting Toronto held on to defeat Kansas City.
Marco Estrada (6-9) allowed four runs, six hits and one walk while striking out three in 6 2/3 innings for the Blue Jays, who have won two in a row after dropping the opener of the four-game series.
Salvador Perez had three hits, including two home runs, and drove in three runs for the Royals, and Ryan O’Hearn added a pinch-hit homer. Jorge Lopez (0-2), making his first start for the Royals after being obtained in a trade with Milwaukee, allowed six runs and eight hits in 4 2/3 innings.
Angels 3, Padres 2
Rene Rivera homered with one out in the top of the ninth to break a 2-2 tie and give visiting Los Angeles a victory over San Diego and a sweep of the three-game series.
Rivera, who was the Padres’ team Most Valuable Player in 2014, pulled the first pitch he saw from San Diego closer Kirby Yates 407 feet into the left field stands to snap a 2-2 tie for the Angels, who have won seven of their past nine.
Cory Spangenberg hit his seventh homer for the Padres, who have dropped four of their last five immediately after winning four of five.
Cubs 8, Brewers 4
Anthony Rizzo homered, stole two bases and drove in three runs, and Jason Heyward had three hits, including a pair of doubles, and drove in two runs to lead Chicago to a win over visiting Milwaukee.
Albert Almora Jr. also homered for Chicago, which increased its lead over the Brewers to three games in the NL Central with the victory. David Bote had two hits and scored two runs while Javier Baez tripled and had two hits and also scored a run.
Brewers left fielder Ryan Braun left the game in the fifth inning with what the club announced as right ribcage tightness. Braun, who hit two homers in Milwaukee’s 7-0 win over the Cubs on Tuesday, apparently was hurt attempting to make a sliding catch on Heyward’s RBI double in the third inning.
Mariners 2, A’s 0 (12 innings)
Dee Gordon ended a scoreless deadlock with a two-run home run in the 12th inning, giving Seattle a victory over host Oakland to prevent a three-game sweep.
Seattle’s Mike Leake dueled Oakland’s Brett Anderson in a 0-0 game for eight innings, and Edwin Diaz finished it with his 47th save of the season, allowing the Mariners to pull within 2 1/2 games of the A’s in the American League wild-card race.
Mike Zunino drew a one-out walk from Oakland’s Yusmeiro Petit (5-3) in the 12th before Gordon hit the next pitch for just his second home run of the season. Nick Martini collected three hits while Matt Olson chipped in with a double and a single for the A’s, who had won four in a row.
White Sox 6, Tigers 5
Matt Davidson and Jose Abreu hit two-run homers to back another solid outing by Carlos Rodon as Chicago held off host Detroit.
Davidson had three hits and scored twice while Abreu delivered three hits and knocked in three runs. Yolmer Sanchez added three hits, a run and an RBI for the White Sox, who took the last two games of the three-game series after losing nine of their first 10 matchups with their division rival this season.
Rodon (4-3) hadn’t given up more than two earned runs in his previous six starts. He was touched for a three-run third but was otherwise stingy once again. He went eight innings, allowing five hits and a walk while striking out six.
—Field Level Media
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