ad15124 · 1 year
ode to milk
was my love not tender enough?
was I too clingy too demanding too much?
must you taunt me with this intolerance
you, glistening like pearls as water condenses on the outside of your carton
you who never really liked me
but enjoyed the fact that I'd die for you
oh baby
I'll be your puppet
your summer fling
I will spend hours shitting in pain just so you blow me a kiss
oh my cruel mistress
bread is no more
just you
oh you who hates me so
I will never bid you adieu
and my gut will hate me forevermore <3
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multicritter · 3 months
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popcornforone · 1 year
Stolen Looks
A fan Fic based on The Thief
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About 14months ago a friend asked me would I write a little short romantic story for them, nothing to smutty but based on a picture, as I write & like to to that, so I did. I then discovered an hourly Pedro Pascal twitter bit that posted random photos of him on the hour so I started writing them about the photo… now here I am (that bot has now gone boo Elon) writing fan fics. & then bam this photo above drops & I had to write about it & the thief, I couldn’t not. So this is An added bonus for you all this week. Don’t worry your still getting Javi G chapter 5
Synopsis: The thief is up to his usual tricks but all it takes is a glance at you to change his motives for the night.
Word count:2600
Warnings: Don’t read if your under 18! There no sex in this but… it’s implied. The thief is bisexual. Alcohol, slight swearing, drugs & drugging mentioned. Oral sex described, fingering, seducing stimulation, mentions of one night stands.consent could be seen as dubious please remember in real life it’s okay to say no. Stealing & theft. This is not an advert for wine.
Thanks as always for the read peoples. All feed back is welcome as always. Thanks.
There you stand waiting for him. In his bedroom. You don’t even know his name. The glances between you at the party tonight were intense. No other mans eyes met yours. No other man could you see the desire flood his veins. But these glances well… palpable is an understatement.
In he walks. Snazzy floral silk long jacket. Over sized cuffs, from the white shirt underneath poking out. Sleek black trousers, that made you see how good he could be. A hint of spotty socks. Black pointy heeled boots, reflecting your face. Messy hair but styled that way on purpose. A large watch that looks small in comparison to those hands, which are carrying a bottle of red wine for the two of you to indulge in. He sits in the chair & leans back admiring you up & down. He rests his bearded chin on his hand, a flat fat thumb pressed to his lips as he sighs inhaling the beauty in front of him.
“Perfection” he states & gestures your hand for you to twirl. Your hair is in a long blonde braid trailing over your naked left shoulder. Your midnight blue strapless dress hugs your curves & gives you a phenomenal cleavage. There’s a thin layer of sparking net over the top to give your dress the look of a starry night sky. Your nails are all dark purple except the index fingers on both hands. They also have some silver to them, they match your heels, clutch & the choker necklace you are wearing. Earrings that are just simple studs, much like your simple make up. There were much more attractive glamours people at the party tonight but you have the attention of the person who never gives anyone the time of day. He gets what he wants & he always makes sure of it.
“Thank you”you say bashfully when you have finished your twirl. Your eyes still darting across every inch of him.
You won a ticket to this party at work, you don’t usually go to these kind of parties or auctions, but this was too good an opportunity to turn down. A country house which rarely gives people access. Champagne in hand slowly coming out of your shell as you started working the room. All you did was sit on a bench for a few seconds. Admiring a painting, taking the weight of your feet, when you saw a man creep through the library door. Dressed to the nines. Dapper. Mysterious. Handsome. Like he was up to no good. & yet the second both your eyes met they were drawn to each other, like a moth to a flame. You’re suddenly off the bench without you realising walking away from him to tease him & instigate a seductive chase. Your mind going insane going this isn’t the kind of girl you are. You avoid the lime light & wondering eyes of unknown gentlemen. & yet your hips are swaying as you move.
He is admiring your arse, & the way it sways, the dress clinging to you. He had spent months planning to get into this library tonight, his last Goya is hanging on this wall, ready for him to track it & lay his tropes to come back tomorrow night to claim it & replace it, the copy already on sight, it will be months before anyone realises it’s a fake. But your eyes & simple beauty have distracted him. He was also intrigued that the painting you stopped at was the Goya he plans on having for himself. He can hear your shallow breathing as he steps behind you. You tried to not look at him or give him the time of day but some slow seductive simple words made all the hairs on your body stand up on end.
“What are you drinking?” That’s all it took, to send shivers down your spine. The warmth of his breath setting your desire free. The way his hand caressed your almost bare back, before it trailed down your shoulder & arm to hold onto your hand & take the flute from your hand. He’s looking to see if your jewels are worth anything but he can see that you are not the usual person who comes to these events.
“Champagne” you whisper back you lips inches away from his mouth as you turn your head to face him. Your lips so plump. Your eyes flutter at him & his are full of desire as they return a glance back to you. Neither of you hear the glass shatter as he drops the flute to the floor, you’re both enchanted by the person desiring the other.
The rest of the night you both circulated trying not to be beguiled by the other & yet there was moments in each room of this country house where you’d end up standing next to each other. Your net working had improved & your confidence had grown due to both the sudden eyes that you felt burning into you all night & also the liquid luck from the champagne. He has managed to eventually get things in place for his heist tomorrow, but he is always if he possibly can, be about 10 paces behind you when you move around. He automatically had the urge to protect you & keep you safe & maybe steal you for himself. So when you taxi failed to arrive at the end of the night & he offered to take you back to his so you could sleep in the spare room you agreed. Those eyes were very easy to say yes too.
He’s still looking you up & down in his bedroom. He didn’t give you a tour he just took you straight to his bedroom, he’s not even kissed you yet. The drive to his mansion he stroked the back of your hand & caressed your face, asking you about why you were there & if you admired the paintings & if you had a pleasant evening. You were surprised when he left you in his bedroom for a few minutes before he returned with the wine. But your face lit up when he sauntered back into the room. His aura always makes it seem like he is creeping in & out of any room he is in like he is a Sluth. He pours you both a glass of red Malbec & picks his up & takes a sip.
“You’re normal aren’t you?” He asks subtlety in a soft way, not wanting to offend. “This isn’t your usual scene be it the party or right now. Your not that kind of girl”
“Is it that obvious?” You giggle & take a step forward to go pick up your glass but he raises his hand to stop you & you look confused.
“Yes, most girls & men by now would be on their knees, gagging around my cock, while I taste this beautiful wine before I return the favour. They don’t wait for consent, they know who I am & they just do it.” He’s clearly a man who goes for a certain type, you mind races now as to why you are here.”but you…” he stands up & his hand takes the other glass & walks across to you. “… you have class & standards. Your not just here for a quick meaningless shag & then we will never call each other again, no your here to be seduced, to be claimed, to be stolen” your own breath hitches as he says he wants to steal you. The idea of his hands tracing your body has been on your mind since he first touched your back earlier. You now know from his statement that he is a man who is usually offered sex on a plate from Whoever he invites back, you are a challenge for him. He likes a challenge.
“I don’t even know your name,” you say as you take your wine from his hand trying not to look in his eyes. “I don’t even know what you do, I don’t even…” his eyes search for yours & once eyes contact has been made you slowly fall silent.
“You stole my eye line tonight, being so naturally beautiful” he says & he kisses your empty hand before you both take a sip of wine. “You stole my attention, the way you smile, the way you hold yourself, the way you are you.” You’re siping more of this wine hoping he isn’t drugging you, it’s the kind of things men like this do to get you into bed. “& you stole my identity, I’m the thief, I’m meant to the the one with the capabilities to steal what I want, to get what I need…”
“But you did…” you interrupt & the man’s face goes a little sour. Are you undercover he thinks, did you see him mark the painting & stash some items to steal it tomorrow? “No one but you was going to steal those precious looks from me tonight, you’re not like the other men that were there. I might not know who you are, but I think you can claim to have stolen my night away from me. Im yours”
The thief take both your wine glasses & put them back in the table, undoing his bow tie at the same time.
“This was not my plan for tonight, no way, but you my mysterious lady, you’ve made tonight so much more interesting.” He moves your braid off your shoulder & starts to pepper it with soft kisses. His lips feel warm against your chilled skin in this sparse room. For a man with a large house you’d have thought he’d have more in his master suit that just a few books on a shelf, a table & chairs, two
dressers & a large 4 poster bed. Clearly a man who likes to keep things simple, maybe that’s why he wants to keep you here tonight.
“How have I made this interesting?” You’re breathing fast as he makes his way to the crook of your neck working his way up to your lips to taste them in a few seconds time, you hope.
“By being you, a few stolen glances are all it took, for I am now yours” he says looking at you directly abandoning his kisses, those stolen looks being exchanged again. You want this. So does he.
“As am I to you” you whisper & cup his cheek. His hands, those large palms hold your face as he looks at every blemish on your face, not caring that your make up is starting to look a little bit old. He doesn’t care. The look & nod are small but the second your lips meet a fire erupts in you. Those lips that have pouted all night at you & have had seductive words flow out of them are now learning how you kiss. One of his hands goes around your waist as the other unties your braid, so he can feel all of you. Your body’s so close as your mouths continue to engage in this embrace. He tastes of the wine. Rich dark & seductive, like him. Maybe he has drugged you into feeling like this, but right now as all of your senses are on high alert & you feel the passion take over, you don’t care. You may have kissed the devil & its Making you want more.
Eventually his grip is loose around your waist as you both stop making out with each other. Both desperately needing more than the kiss, but both needing a moment of reflection. Are you this girl now? Does he really want to have you to himself all night? Are You going to be filled with regret in the morning? One look into his eyes & you suddenly see him soften. No longer this man who has seduced & stolen your heart as well as the looks from you tonight. He’s just a man, a man who wants you, who clearly is treating you differently to every other man & woman he invites back to his after an event. You’re someone he needs to take his time with. To learn to appreciate,
& to maybe add to his collection & share it with him one day.
“We…” he’s stumbling “we don’t have to… there’s no pressure…” his hand trails around his neck scarring his beard. He’s nervous for once.
“& what if I did…” you reply “what if tonight you take me, one night of mine can be stolen & given to someone else & I’d like it to be you.” you say as your hands start to trail up his silk floral jacket ready to help him undress.
“Darling, if you stay with me, it will be for more than just one stolen night” he says, his eyes filled with passion. His hand glides into yours like it’s meant to be as he walks you across to the bed & he slowly lowers you down onto it. He lies to your side watching the rise & fall in your body. You’re breathing more than enraged trying to control yourself. This is made harder by his hand, trailing inside your dress, up your leg, over your inner thigh. “Let go beautiful” he whispers softly in your ear as you gasp & his thumb makes contact with your clit.
You jolt awake at 10am on a Sunday. A dream of lust & desire. A memory playing out in your mind as you slept in your small bed, in your apartment. The feeling of his thumb still there teasing your clit, as you wake up in a sweat wishing he was here. He’s not unfortunately. Your bed sheet damp underneath where you sit, as you had obviously cum while dreaming about him, maybe your own hand had been seeing to your pleasure as you remember the first night you met. You lay naked back down on your bed remembering the rest of that night & the next nine afterwards. Realising making love to you was his alibi for so many things. You still jokingly after all this time still call him the thief, to arouse the two of you, to get you in the mood occasionally, not that you could keep your hands or lips off each other. Your horizons now broadened & you were not just a one off. This was the real thing for the both of you. You always chuckle a little at that as you turn over to check your phone & send him a good morning message. Imagine if you hadn’t won that at work. Although you have now not worked for the last 3months at all, a sabbatical before you start to retrain in what you want to actually do in life. He has made you realise these moments need to be grasped & enjoyed, no one should wait for what they want. He’s said he will help you, but you insisted on one day paying back every penny. you then sit up & look across at the wall & smile & say good morning to what faces you. That Goya, yes the painting, his most prised possession. Which he has gifted to you as a promise to always return. Which he does when your buzzer to your apartment goes off about 5minutes later. You bed & apartment might not be as grand as his mansion, but it keeps you both grounded & your spark alive. All to just steal a few precious minutes of love making together, away from the eyes of the rest of the world.
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lokis-wager · 4 months
Somehow me and all my current crewmates turned out to be upbeat so I'm desperately hoping the next crewmate I get is a bitter egoist just so we can torture them
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pirateygentleman · 2 years
Editing program crashed and almost lost everything but I managed and I had to make a crisp Hamato family crest to get this video done.
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angelic-writer · 2 years
That was most DEFINITELY not a fish.
Adam and Victor looked down at the thing that was moving in the water, their scales (If they could call them that.) glittering in the sunlight. The shorter man was shaking while the taller man was getting ready to vaporize the entire ocean. A bump and both men immediately fell onto the floor, Adam nearly hitting his head on the rail.
Getting up, Victor could see the hint of a tentacle break the water's surface. All that was running through his mind was "Okay, that was most DEFINITELY not a fish!"
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omarfor-orchestra · 1 year
Raga che accento s'é presaaaaaaaaaaa
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alittlemxchievous · 1 year
So we've had a thought around domming and being sadomasochist...
We have accidentally spilt habanero juices on our dick and that felt exciting but would habanero dick be useful for domming or is that a bit harsh?
-A disabled transfemme switch
That is not the harshest thing you could do. Have you considered the utility of enemas
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acumtv · 11 days
COD PORTOCALIU NOW CASTING interval de valabilitate 14.09 ora 13:35 – 14:30 Averse torențiale care vor acumula 20…30 l/mp, frecvente descărcări electrice, intensificări ale vântului, grindină pentru Județul Bacău, localitatile: Bacău, Onești, Buhuși, Balcani, Răcăciuni, Helegiu, Mărgineni, Blăgești, Pârjol, Cleja, Berești-Tazlău, Faraoani, Gârleni, Luizi-Călugăra, Căiuți, Livezi, Corbasca,…
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amelismfigueroach · 3 months
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Amelis M. Figueroa Ch.
Amelis Figueroa de Dyner
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kaskato2 · 6 months
Kasyno Katowice
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I hate cigarettes and I hope all cigarette companies bankrupt within the next 30 seconds but I do love cigarette smell. It;s rank but I love it it reminds me of my grandma's house ❤️
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spincoinnews · 1 year
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harepare · 2 years
o degilde cidden niye hep yan karakterler ilgimi cekiyor ve bunlar neden toxiclik, karanlik gecmis, kotu karaktwr, sogukluk gibi ozelliklere sahip oluyolar
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lokis-wager · 7 months
Thinking about how Victor Casin heckles Adam Hesketh for only being his 'sniffer dog', then Adam tries to snipe back by saying he's a loose cannon, buuuuut Victor seems to embrace and accept that cannon moniker, claiming that the only thing he's good at is maiming and killing. When Danvers says that Adam and Victor aren't going to be field-partners anymore, Adam is the one who reacts viscerally while Victor makes fun of him for being so attached. Victor immediately rejected Ifrig as soon as it tried to be in his head.
But then as soon as Ifrig is in front of Victor (well, Leslie-Ifrig), he immediately starts blaming them for him being so isolated, and for having nothing in his life but being a loose cannon. He is the one who crumbles when Adam isn't his partner - he quits his job, nearly gets groomed into a cult, nearly gets killed, and pushes away everyone who could help him. Them getting separated as coworkers is treated as a breakup metaphor. Victor fighting Leslie-Ifrig is a dating metaphor. He only gets back to being partners with Adam when Leslie-Ifrig says 'It's not working out. I think we should kill other people'.
Meanwhile Adam deeply resents being called Victor's targeting system, wishes that he had a relationship with Arlgheen, and while he does make a lot of missteps as an investigator (and isn't very bright generally tbh) he manages to help figure out the case, save Rava and even gets her to respect him, and grows as a person. His resentment at being known only as Victor's sniffer dog is getting stronger as Victor is beginning to see his own reliance on Adam, but refuses to admit it. Adam is genuinely happy that he gets to work with Victor again after Danvers pairs them up - but he has more self-respect now. I'm so genuinely curious about what their relationship is going to develop into in the future, especially since 1. they're going to have a teenage sidekick and it's totally gonna be a parenting metaphor, and 2. it is only going to get more dangerous as the stakes ramp up and if they cannot trust each other and work together perfectly, they are going to die.
Adam just got given two possible future love interests (Allison, if you squint, and Rava more explicitly) while Victor immediately blew up his chance at having a love interest despite Leslie-Ifrig literally calling it a date when they hung out together, leaving him with nothing and no one but Adam. Victor is going to make himself miserable and Adam is either going to follow him down into the codependent yaoi or become a better person and that is so fucking fascinating.
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mytastessuck · 2 years
Casin: Glue70
Some of you bat-eared listeners may recognize this beat from the "You Reposted In The Wrong Neighborhood" meme. Well, this is the song! Aren't you happy that your journey has ended searching for this song? Aren't you happy I uploaded another non-bump bump song? Aren't you happy Leafyishere exists?
Someone has to be.
Song Score: 200,000/10
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