According to A.B. Atkinson, the concept economic inequality basically refers to inequality that exists in terms of wealth and income. Social inequality on the other hand refers to the lack of uniformity in social set up of a society i.e The enjoyments of rights and social freedoms, human rights and social statuses by a few on the expense of others. A pivotal example to quote here would be of the middle east. The region is highly gifted one considering that most of the world’s crude oil comes from there. It thereby became one of the most prosperous region in the world.
But, in hindsight, most of its countries are characterized by high amount of socio-economic inequalities. Only a few are reaping the benefits of development and GDP whereas most of them suffer in poverty. The inequalities of middle east are as high as Brazil and South Africa despite being so rich, wealthy and prosperous. The top 10% here take away 70% of the country’s wealth and the bottom 50% feed on just 10% of the wealth. The income inequality is also complimented by social inequalities of many kinds. The state of women is desperate with draconian laws like not allowing them to wear anything except hijab, until 2012 women weren’t allowed to drive in Saudi along with no freedom of speech and expression and freedom to protest.
If we move away a bit lack of income and wealth also forces one to give away his/her social freedoms like right to good health and/or right to good education. The capitalist ‘developed’ states have failed to provide correct mechanisms for these things and once again the poor have suffered. Most of the wealth though, procured under the masks of capitalism is illegal. For example a few years back, Apple committed tax evasion and tax fraud under its prominent tax haven Ireland. Apple failed to pay tax on 15.95 billion USD of its profits in 2016 and evaded it with Ireland’s help along with a net work of banks, lawyers and shell companies. Originating from a country where millions have no access to adequate healthcare and pharma prices are sky rocketing at a rate of 200% since 80’s Apple’s feat under capitalism seems unjust to the naked eye.
The consequences of such a feat was inadequate and unaccessible healthcare in the USA (not just cause of apple but capitalism as a whole). Globally, the accumulation of resources is in the hands of 0.01% of the population. In terms of social inequality, the rich, powerful and wealthy castes/classes/religion enjoy social freedoms on the expense of the marginalised. This directly results in stemming of social evils like poverty, protests, diseases, high rate of crime and terrorism along with death. Even nations globally struggle amongst each other for equality as the developing ones suffer at the behest of the developed.
It is evident that economic inequality has had adverse economic, social and political impacts for social stability and cohesion, political participation, poverty reduction, as well as the enjoyment of human rights. In addition, economic inequalities impede the enjoyment of social, cultural and economic rights, thus contributing to persistent socio-economic disadvantages among social groups.
Head back in time to the age of caste system in India. Although not rigid initially it progressed to be draconian. Social values of ‘religion’ and ‘dharma’ intertwined with it along with economic inequalities of wealth and income faced by the shudras. While the social set up made it imperative to follow the Varnas, economic inequalities along with social inequalities were the products of such a set up. When we talk about consequences, they are felt even today. Presently too women along with SC, ST and OBC are discriminated. These castes dwindle in poverty, lack of education and healthcare along with negligible human rights leading to policies like reservation which even today haven’t lead to mass improvements.
When we talk about women safety, the inequalities were perpetuated because of rules like ‘not allowing them to work’ leading to income inequalities and others like ‘dowry, pardah system and sati’ leading to social inequalities respectively. Obvious consequences thereafter were that today a women is raped every 15 minutes in India. Over 70% of rapes occur in their own homes and close to 20% are reported. Only 5% of the accused are convicted despite legal reforms of IPC 375, POCSO and fast track courts. Most of these women belong from marginalised communities and rural areas. Compare the rapes of brahmin women with those of the marginalised ones and see the magical statistical differences of it all.
Socio-economic inequalities are shaped by practices, historical contexts and mindsets. Their consequences are common ones like poverty, destitution, lack of rights and low standards of living amongst many. They wont change until mindsets and customs change and they wont stop until such practices stop.
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v3-viewjeevams · 3 years
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Ada MF 😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬🤬🤬🤬🤬 Holy F**# da when I was suffering I saw this.😑😐😖 Oru maiyurum marala elam upgraded toxicity as we speak @selva_sirapu #equality #treatequally #castesim https://www.instagram.com/p/CU41jE6BWs0/?utm_medium=tumblr
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hoshees · 4 years
You seen to be very woke about BLM, I just had a doubt about it and didnt know whom to ask. So I'm asking this to you. I'm from a country that still faces Racism, Castesim, Femal Infanticide, Misogyny, Religion bias, language bias and many other such issues. Here Racism is practised to the core that people won't get married to a dark skinned girl. So can I voice out for BLM? Or I can't as I'm from a country that has many issues already? Can you please help me out? Thank you.
hello! i don’t think reblogging resources about black lives matter makes me “woke,” but i think it is important to help spread information and share those resources when we have the platfroms to do so. 
anyone can speak up for blm. i’m not sure where you live, but here is a link to carrds (custom websites) that have information on blm in different languages, including petitions, links, and other resources you might find useful that can answer your questions and that you can also share with others:
i hope that link is helpful to you. if you feel unsafe sharing it or the information it contains, that’s ok too. racism, casteism, female infanticide, misogyny, and religious/language bias are all problems that we all need to do better to spread awareness about and confront. if there’s anything you’d like me to share, let me know too. if you need help finding something, i’ll do my best to help with that as well! take care and be safe!
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rovingswati-blog · 5 years
InterCaste Marriages - Is this one of the solution to reduce Castesim
InterCaste Marriages – Is this one of the solution to reduce Castesim
One of my very close friend Meera got married in different caste and different state of India.
Her’s is a arrange marriage where parents happily blessed this alliance.
After marriage females in boy’s family expected her to follow their tradition and leave behind her’s.At the time of marriage no one said such thing,that time it was all same everyone was trying to be the most open minded…
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When thamizh cinema talks caste
The most interesting aspect of Sarvam thaala mayam, for me, was the director Rajiv Menon's take on casteism. While he has explained at length in various interviews that commentary on dalits, casteism or oppression was not the movie's intention, it nevertheless makes for intriguing comparisons. Talking caste in movies is on the up in today's thamizh cinema thanks to Ranjith (Madras, Kabali and Kaala) and, more recently, Maari selvaraj (Pariyerum Perumal). Ranjith's movies have slowly transitioned from mere symbolism to direct attack on castesim. There is bottled anger in Madras that takes a violent turn in the pre-climax portions. Similarly, Kabali has a jarry shift from an emotional search of love to a bloodied patronas shoot out. Kaala is the most direct attack on the upper caste, right down to the one-note, upper caste antagonist. Ranjith projects the anger of the oppressed and also brings a closure by showing the oppressed tasting freedom, success and victory, even if attained by violent means. If bringing a change in peoples' mindset is the aim of such movies, then Maari selvaraj is much more effective. Of course, anger does simmer throughout Pariyerum Perumal. But, Selvaraj's intention is to showcase the actual atrocities that the oppressed face and make the audience to not only reflect but also, in certain scenes, squirm in their seats. In what can be termed as the most brilliant closure a movie has had over the past decade, Pariyerum Perumal closes with a note to the audience - without you changing, things wont change. Sarvam Thaala Mayam is totally in contrast with the above movies, with respect to its commentary on casteism. This is because the movie offers only that - a commentary. Nothing more, nothing less. There is more focus on the craft of filmmaking. The oppressed of this movie are far more gentle in nature than those in Ranjith's or Selvaraj's universe. If Ranjith's movies are a fodder to the simmering anger of the oppressed, selvaraj's Pariyerum is a slap on the face of the oppressor and Sarvam thaala mayam attempts to inspire the oppressed to succeed in life. And through pitch-perfect casting (Nedumudi Venu is marvelous while GV prakash is a revelation), a flowing screenplay and excellent music, it does tick many boxes. But something seemed amiss throughout the movie. Maybe the punch that comes with anger or the disturbance that comes with shame was missing in Sarvam thaala mayam. For a movie that wants to inspire, it turned out to be too mellow. I should have been moved by the plight of the mridangam makers. I should have been overwhelmed by the intricateness of the percussion instrument. I should have been bowled over by the high that GV prakash's Peter achieves through sheer passion. Instead, my state of mind was the same at the end of the movie as it was at the start - blank.
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himanshupanchal07 · 12 years
Casteism and InterCaste Marriage
In Hinduism, marriage is not just a ritual but a compulsory notion. All Hindu Gods are also shown with there wives in pictures and prayers. In Hindu mythologies like in Ramayan and Mahabharata we can learn how Bhagwan Ram and Krishna got married. In both the incidences they married according to their abilities to win and fight for their better half. To marry Maa Sita and Rukmani was there own decision not their parents. In none of these Granth we study about concept of marriage in the caste or arrange marriages. If that is so what is the caste of our Gods ? Marriage is a concept involving meeting of two people who take oath to spend lives together and may and may not produce children and continue humanity. In the whole concept identification of people involved is not dependent on his religion or caste. Marriage require two people with maximum compatibility with each other, who can survive the life with the other even if there is no third person available. But in our world we have the caste as the main basis on which the people are brought together and are tied knots together irrespective of their concerns. In our society, first of all loving someone is considered ill and even if that is digested, loving someone out of your caste is evil. To marry that person is out of the equation completely.We are not allowed to choose people of our likes if he/she is not of our caste even though he/she is perfect for you and you will be the happiest in your life with him/her. Loving someone is still not considered as a beautiful feeling gifted to humans by The creator. Its still considered as evil. If that is so, then why do we have a God named Kamdev.Any individual on birth first belongs to humanism before belonging to any caste, then why he/she is made to follow certain which he didn't agree to follow with or which he doesn't even want to acknowledge. Even look at the duality of the people where they change the opinion as per their own comfort ability. On one hand, they say that marriages and couples are made in heaven, but when that happens on earth where two different individuals of different castes marry, its considered evil. Those people are expelled from the caste like some vestigial organs by the santris of the caste. They are disowned by the same parents who prayed day and night to have them as baby.And above all that,they are even killed in the name of honor. Does killing increases the honor of the people ? Why don't people understand that a man create society not the society creates man. In today's India, where we are shouting out loud to provide equality to all in every aspect, but casteism is still not seen by as a big hurdle towards to equality. Our society allows few people do enjoy their freedom to do anything they want just because they are rich and powerful.Are rich people out of bound of this stringent norms, just because they have lots of money that makes them capable of making their own rules to live life. There is a saying "Religion and castes are for the poor.". It does stays true considering today's society. Rich people can survive alone in the society without being asked questions about their lives and can make people follow them. But poor ones need to stay together to survive which makes the institute of casteism so important for them.But weren't all rich, poor once. Many great people spent their lives to uproot the pest of this hypocrisy but the roots are very strong and deep and we are still hanging on the branches of this pest. Indian culture says 'Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam', which means we are one family, the whole world is one family. And all people are same and equal. We all know it but why don't we believe it. Why do we have so many discrimination among the same family. Isn't this the time now to move forward and work for a better and prosperous Indian society without such discrimination and acceptance of a human as a human.
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