kingalistairtheirin · 10 years
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castielhasthephoneboxat221b replied to your post “castielhasthephoneboxat221b replied to your post: I watched Defiance...”
I believe unfortunately there's one. But don't hold me to that to heavily it's been an age and a half since I watched it.
seriously? I don't mind if there's a legit reason to kill of a character though (honestly I love it when that happens but it just doesn't happen that often) but if she was fridged to create manpain...
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avatarjessica · 10 years
Name two things you like about yourself, then pass this on to the first ten people you see on your dash. #TeamSelfEsteem
Yo c:
1. Ummmm, I like my smile tbh. 2. I like how my legs look in high heels, haha c:
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Ur beautiful
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shana-rosee · 11 years
Blue & Green & Yellow
Blue:9 facts about my family
1. My mom moved to America when she was in middle school and didn’t speak a lick of English
2. I am super close with my family.
3. I have one grandparent from both sides of the family who has died. (My grandfather on my mom’s side and my grandmother on my dad’s side- cancer)
4. I have one sibling who I adore. Edit: I honestly debated putting this one in here because of reasons that are going to be obvious but I adore my brother so I’m going to put it out there. I have a transgender FtM brother.
5. I am the oldest out of all my cousins.
6. My aunt is having a baby (a girl) in April and I will be almost 21 years older than her.
7. I called my grandparents: Yaya (my paternal grandmother Vivan), Yayi (my maternal grandmother Margarita), Grumps (paternal grandfather Tom), & Papi (maternal grandfather Humberto).
8. When my cousin Erica was little she couldn’t say my brother’s name so she called him Keki. The nickname stuck.
9. My dad is from Tennessee
Green:8 facts about my body
1. Brown, hazel-y eyes.
2. I have a curly lion’s mane.
3. I’m 5’2.
4. My cheeks are almost always rosy. Much to my annoyance.
5. I got my ear pierced when I was six.
6. I have tiny hands.
7. I started to develop breast in late elementary school.
8. My nose kind of reminds me of a bird’s beck. It’s kind of pointy. I have it amusing.
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cantwebeseventeen · 11 years
castielhasthephoneboxat221b replied to your text post Oh darlin... I want to tell you it's going to get better. I want to tell you that you'll get through this and move on and maybe find someone new or even just take some time to 'do you'. But you know all that already. You're a smart person. Here 4 u. Thanks. Everyone tells me I can do better but they never realized how much I fell for him. And it hurts because he broke me heart so much and this is why I never wanted to be in a relationship. And god, why does it still have to hurt so much.
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acetracers · 11 years
from castielhasthephoneboxat221b
Numero Uno: Post the rules
Numeral II: Answer the 11 questions from the fabulous tagger, and create 11 more
(Some fancy word for Number) 3: Tag some peeps to answer (I guess it’s supposed to be 11, but we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it…)
Final Rule: Inform the tagees
1) Biggest regret? erm just the general 'i wish i knew then what i know now' stuff. Maybe i'd be more confident or something.
2) Perfect revenge, on who?  hmm, I don't really do the whole revenge thing. But i'd do a poetic/ironic thing i guess? 
3) True love object (your favorite THING ever)  uh that's really hard. probably something my mother has given me? or my new laptop when i finally get it? 
4) You’re looking for ____ in life  happiness.
5) Grand master plan - or lack there of?  errr more of a lack of. Only real goal is family. And i'd love to travel. Learn languages. Write.
6) Favorite moment of this week?  Talking with brilliant friends when Mum comes home with one of my favourite flowers for me :3
7) Favorite smell?  The smell from my pj drawer, it makes my pjs smell like what mum's did when i was growing up. it's safety and home and all thatXD
8) Most fascinating time period in history?  ooh. all those old eras where mythology came about. Ancient Greece, Rome, Egypt, etc. Never really got taught much history, but those are probably my favourites.
9) Clothes or no clothes at home?  clothes. just more of those comfy, mismatched combos kinda thing.
10) If you had to pick ANY one place - real or fictional - to spend the REST of your life, no leaving, where would it be?  hmmm. The Enterprise? I mean, star trek has such a wonderful look for the future, and all that technology, and exploring space. 
11) Make your own question and answer it!  eep. what's the latest habit/trait i've picked up from a show? The thing where Spock raises his eyebrow/s. I keep doing that.  
new questions:
1) Are there any habits you've picked up from a character or actor?
2) Latest favourite book and why?
3) Is there an object you carry around with you a lot/all the time?
4) Favourite kind of weather?
5) What dream pet would you like to have?
6) If you could have a mini-version of any character or actor, who?
7) Trips away! Like em? Where to? 
8) What are you listening to right now?
9) Do you prefer writing or drawing?
10) Is there any strange/foreign food you'd like to try?
11) Do you have any family involved in any fandom?
Alrighty, done :D sorry it took me a bit, these take me agesXD
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ifiwereatruffulatree · 11 years
*awkwardly sidles up to the microphone* So, I've been tagged by linear-relationships to answer some questions, and then I guess I get to pry into other peoples lives with a few of my own ;p, with a few rules of course
Numero Uno: Post the rules Numeral II: Answer the 11 questions from the fabulous tagger, and create 11 more (Some fancy word for Number) 3: Tag some peeps to answer (I guess it's supposed to be 11, but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it...) Final Rule: Inform the tagees 
I'm sure there's supposed to be a "Have fun" step in there so :D
1. Do you like candles? They're pretty chill. When you get the good ones, like vanilla or lemon or the pumpkin spice ones, they're nice, but too many make my nose itch :/  
2. Do you have a smart phone? If so what type and why, if not, what do you have instead and why? I have an iPhone... sorry, the app doesn't tell you when you've gotten a new message or anything like that... I got it because my phone plan made me upgrade, but now it's kinda become my main device until I find it in myself to go shopping for a laptop. 
3. Have you ever gone travelling outside your home country? When? Where? I'm actually quite proud of this answer :) I've been to Brazil (2002), Canada (too many times), Russia (2006), Costa Rica (4 times now, 2007, 2009, 2011, and 2013), and England and Scotland (2007).
4. Did you enjoy your experience in the education system? The education system can suck my metaphorical dick. They tried to make me take Geometry, which I skipped, when I was in a Calculus class, and the counselors were butts about it. It got worse from there.... I thought college would be better but getting prerequisite classes in August really fucking sucks.
5. Did you have a nice childhood? Any good or bad memories that you feel comfortable sharing? Honestly, I think I had too nice of a childhood. I've actually had a lot of trouble in the past 2 years or so adjusting to the cruel reality of neighborhood, cheesy as that sounds. This year, especially, has been hard because I'm finding out that people I've known for years are doing drugs, and smoking weed, and having underage (borderline illegal) sex, and getting drunk and I'm just sitting here wondering why they feel like they need to do that. Some of them I can understand, but others seem like they're just spiraling down and there is absolutely... nothing I can do. It's scary. The really sheltered childhood I had was great for the 16 years, but now it makes want to cry. (sorry, i bet you didn't have that in mind with this q but idk i guess that's my answer)
6. You play games much? If so what platform, and what are your favourite games? I was born and raised on the Xbox and Xbox 360, but I think I've literally played, like, 8 games. I love the Halo series, though I'm not very good at it, but if Bethesda made a multiplayer Elder Scrolls game (like they are right now :D !!!!!) I would whoop everyone's ass like there's no mañana
7. Do you read or write fanfiction? I got into fanfiction when I was in 7th and thought Twilight was the shit.... that was a dark time in my existence. What I wrote and what I read shall not be spoken about.... Luckily, I saw the Harry Potter-shaped light and haven't gone back. I read fanfiction religiously, and am working on a Skyrim Dark Brotherhood fic right now that might, just might, get me back into writing again; I'm pretty stoked
8. Have you ever questioned your sanity? More than I should. 
9. What is your advice for dealing with dramatic change in one’s life, whether it be good or bad? Cling to what makes you happy, regardless of if it's impeding change or changing itself. The simple comforts ground you in good change, or remind you of happier times if it's worse. 
10. Do you enjoy Disney films? Less now than I did 5 years ago. Tumblr has kinda ruined the childish naivety of them...
11. What has been the proudest moment of your life so far? As pathetic as it is, getting over my most recent break-up. He's literally fucked me over, mentally and socially, like, 8 times in the past 5 months, it's not even funny anymore... and now, I think I'm finally getting past it. I was in a bad place for months, and now, coming to terms with the fact that he doesn't want my friendship or want anything to do with me and that it's really pointless to try and salvage what we had, I can finally let go. Deep breaths, truffulatree, deep breaths...
Sorry, probably totes TMI, right? *announcer voice* Well here's your change to deal it back! Really you guys, I love when people talk about themselves
My questions:
1. Which character, from anything, do you connect to most? Why? 2. Do you like chocolate milk? 3. If you were to be stranded somewhere, with nothing but your current outfit, where would you rather be placed? (And, more importantly, what are you wearing?) 4. What was your first OTP? 5. What's your favorite hobby? How did you get into it and why do you enjoy it so much? 6. When, how, and where did you get your worst sunburn? 7. Do you see when you look at a piece of paper? 8. Do you feel as though you are the happiest you have ever been, or are you still hoping to reach that point? 9. Chocolate, candy, or neither? 10. If you could kiss one person without repercussions, who would you? 11.  In this post, there are 7 references (omg, how does she do it—i should have put more in, but i couldn't think of an 11th question) All of which should be identifiable. Can you catch them all?
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doolsingwood · 11 years
Who is the prettiest man with golden eyes?
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Orange & white
Orange: 6 facts about my home town
Well… it’s been like 8 years since I’ve been to Lawrenceville, but I can give you 6 facts about how it was in 2005~!
There was a creek that used to run all the way from the lake by the schools I went to down to behind my house, miles away.
That lake was drained to make room for the Plubix and the Brusters
It never snowed. Like ever. An inch of snow would shut down schools and a flurry shut down highways
It was beautifully undeveloped for a long time - suburbs and forests, lakes and creeks and rivers.
There was an asshole in a red sports car who used to hit neighborhood cats for the shiggles and he nearly hit my brother once.
Thinking back on it, I realize it was a very white and christian community. Not surprising as it is the suburban south. It was beautiful in many ways, but in that aspect it was a massive letdown.
White: 3 facts about my personality
I’m an incredibly passionate person - mostly about people and their rights and our ever disappointing society - but also about my otps, my favorite shows, and of course, FOOD.
I try my best to be supportive. For those I love, for those I sympathize for, for people stuck in just shitty situations. Sometimes I am very bad at it.
I am often times offensive without realizing - sometimes I forget to catch myself before something unnecessarily negative spills off my tongue or onto my Facebook.
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shana-rosee · 11 years
Tagged by my bestie castielhasthephoneboxat221b
1) Biggest regret?
When I was in first grade all my friends were making fun of this girl and scared that they wouldn't want to be my friends anymore if I didn't I made fun of her too. Years later I was able to apologize and we sort of became friends but we were never close and I've never been able to forgive myself for it.
2) Perfect revenge, on who?
I have no clue! At different moments in my life I could probably give you every detail but at this moment I don't feel very wronged.
3) True love object (your favorite THING ever)
Tigger. My favorite stuffed animal as a kid. It's named after an old neighbor's cat not the Winnie the Pooh character.
4) You’re looking for ____ in life
5) Grand master plan - or lack there of?
I would love to work at a Publishing Company but I don't think its going to happen. I'd like to get married and have three kids though probably should get a boyfriend first :/
6) Favorite moment of this week?
Having brunch with my best friends and reminiscing about high school.
7) Favorite smell?
I love ginger scented lotions.
8) Most fascinating time period in history?
I think all time periods are fascinating. Each other has something compelling about it.
9) Clothes or no clothes at home?
10) If you had to pick ANY one place - real or fictional - to spend the REST of your life, no leaving, where would it be?
Diagon Alley
My Questions:
1. Did you sleep with a stuffed animal as a child?
2. Favorite film as a child?
3. What were you doing 10 minutes ago?
4. Favorite taste?
5. When you were a kid what did you want to be?
6. Favorite piece of jewelry?
7. A character you relate to?
8. One thing you want to do before you die.
9. First thing you do when you wake up.
10. Last book you read.
11. One word to describe you.
Tagging everyone/anyone who wants to do this :)
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acetracers · 11 years
Share 5 facts about yourself and then share this with 10 of your favorite followers. :)
My mind always goes blank on these things and they take me agesXD
My ipod charger has a Mario 1 up mushroom on the end.
I have a fading henna tattoo from a medieval festival.
I’m stuck in a stupid position on the couch bc my cat has sat on my legs and trapped me. Like she does every night. 
aaaaaand uni goes back next week and I don’t want it to :
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buckified · 11 years
Tagged by: 
My questions: 
1) What is your favourite smell? 
My favourite smell would be somewhere in between musky and a little sweet. I don't like flowery scent >< my nose wrinkles when i smell that
2) What is the worst injury you've ever had? How did you get it? 
Ahahahahah it might seem weird but i was playing captain's ball ((something like netball)) and my classmate and i ran into each other. Too bad for me, the guy is muscular and has quite a buffed up body.. uhmm he rammed my chest with his arm and i literally flew back, spraining my ankle in the process. Worst day of my life. 
3) What do you think heaven might look like if it's real? 
I am sure heaven exists but i really have no idea what it looks like. I just keep having that image of fluffy clouds and fluffy everything. ahahah 
4) How do you see your dream home in your mind? 
A villa. Simply a villa. With a spiral stairs inside. The first floor would be the kitchen and a dining room by the side. Chandeliers at the top. The second floor would be where the fun is. Gona have a full drum set, guitars, keyboard, everything for a jamming session. A movie area with a projector for the kids to watch any types of movie they want. All fun and games. The third floor would be where all the bedrooms are. Swimming pool is a must for me. ^^ 
5) Where do you want to be tomorrow? 
I want to be out, with friends, having fun. But if i could be anywhere, anywhere at all, i would want to be with my idol. HAHAHA 
6) How many hours of sleep do you get on average? 
about 7-8 hours per day.
7) What's your favorite hour of the day? 
At night when everyone else is asleep. Its the most peaceful time of the day for me. 
8) Why is your favorite holiday your favorite? 
I have a 6 week school holiday, that would be my favorite. 6 weeks of nothingness. 6 weeks of no school stuff to complete.
9) When do you think you are too old for trick-or-treat? 
No one is ever too old for trick-or-treat.
10) Out of all the Halloweens you've ever head, which one was your favorite costume? 
Where I'm from, i dont celebrate halloween
11) Does a person's grammar affect your attraction to them? 
Wow uhmmm i'm not too sure about this. It depends on first impression. If its the first time i see a person, and they cuss, I'll be a little put off.
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cantwebeseventeen · 12 years
I'm assumin' you're nearerish my age (19-20) and you're a little wild for someone who doesn't often leave the house //tag me please so I can see what you say//
The first assumption: False.
Second one: True.
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kingalistairtheirin · 12 years
Erotic asphyxiation (choking)
I’ll give it a 2.5 from the scale of 1 to 5~
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sabrielstories · 12 years
So I was wondering if you have any particularly well written age gap AU fics, with Gabriel being like... realistically older. Older than Dean, older. Because I've always found those fantastic. It doesn't have to be the main focus, but like an established fact would be lovely.
A Cold Academic Hell addresses the age difference
One More Miracle points it out I think?
Further Up and Further In might also talk about it a little.
Those are the only ones I can think of and outside of the first one I'm not actually sure it's really talked about ever. Maybe some other followers have suggestions for you?
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5 Facts:
1)  I have a tendency for nostalgia. 
2) My dad died of Cancer when I was 18
3) I am 20 years old
4) I have had 22 cats since I was born, the most at one time being 12.
5) I really like to tell my story, but it's depressing as fuck - or at least the way I tell it is? Anyway, so I don't tell it ever.
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