9th March 2021
A rather lazy day. Misha acknowledges the existence of CastielMatters hashtag on twitter, cites Neil deGrasse Tyson's tweet, says that "Cas is a wavelength of celestial intent" therefore CastielEnergy is more accurate. Fandom briefly trends that tag too.
Fandom speculates whether or not Misha saw previous trends, like for example #DeanCasWedding
Misha joins Cameo with vids being pretty goddamn expensive. Update: now with a introduction video (hope it's working as intended)
What will happen tomorrow?
And now weather
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March 9, 2021 - I usually don't post when Supernatural trends on Twitter only, because I don't follow trends there, but this is too funny to ignore. After #CastielMatters started trending yesterday (currently over 18k tweets and counting), Misha decided to tweet about it and now #CastielEnergies is trending as well. I don't think it needs any further comment.
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Here are the tweets that started it:
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Goodbye. :)
Since #CastielMatters trended beautifully and Misha won the most likable celebrity award as he deserved, this is the perfect moment to say goodbye to you, guys. This is my last post.
After what happened in the last panels and in the last months in general, I don't want to support Supernatural any longer. I know what you'll say, the majority of the cast and crew has always been problematic, the network has always been horrific. I know. But the 15x20 and aftermath fuckery crossed a line.
Castiel was a main character for 12 years. They put him in every single seasons finale. When he was killed, ratings dropped, so they had to bring him back. Episodes with Cas are rated significantly better than episodes without him. Misha carried Supernatural. Period. He beared so much bullshit under that network in those 12 years. The moment they couldn't take advantage of him anymore, they threw him away, buried his legacy and literally erased him.
At the last Con not only Destiel content was obviously banned, also Cas was never mentioned. Seems like Misha wasn't even allowed to talk about Supernatural at all. They picked the Con questions long before the panel started. They even were so dumb to send a Mishaquestion 1:1 to the J2 panel again.
I will not support this violent erasure. It's ridiculous! It's inexplicable! Whoever was responsible and involved in this 15x20 fuckery and the aftermath, I do not wish you anything bad, luckily I do believe in Karma. In Germany we say, Karma is already adjusting. Believe me, you'll get what you deserve.
Misha, if you are ever reading this, thank you. You changed me. You are true, you are selfless, you are a beautiful, weird, naughty original. You'll always have my heart and I'll always support you, no matter what.
Thank you guys for having me here, thank you for the beautiful conversations and amazing moments we had. The Destiel fandom is truly the most caring and supporting fandom I've ever seen. Don't ever change, don't ever let the W*ncesties get you down! Im proud of you.
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casmybelovedass · 4 years
He went against everything that was set up for him.
He rebelled, fought, fell, bled, died more than once, always stood up for what he believed in.
He invented free will so that he could love, and because he loved, he was free.
The one person who matters the most.
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destiel415 · 4 years
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Destiel shippers want to deny this pairing and erase it and Meg's existance but it happened they where real. A demon fell for an angel and it was beautiful. She sacrificed her very life to save him not a single other person ever did that for Cas.
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4amofmd · 4 years
Does Castiel Matter?
why yes he fucking does! Go tell Twitter #CastielMatters
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nootcatt · 4 years
Some castiel because CastielEnergies
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minxyone93 · 4 years
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MISHA! He saw the tags, he called them heartfelt & passionate. 💙🥺💚
I love this man. A good egg. Eggland's Best. 🥚
And he called him CAS not CASS 🥰
True KING LEVEL shit right here 🤩
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dessertbird · 4 years
Castiel energies
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#CastielEnergies 😇💙⭐️
Multidimensional wavelength of celestial intent!
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cas-poisoning · 4 years
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littleacebee · 4 years
So, #CastielMatters was treninding earlier on Twitter and that was Misha response:
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He saw this tweets, he knows what Cas means for us and how much we miss Cas and how sad we are that he was barely mentioned in last episode and how much we appreciate Cas as character and Misha as actor. He knows !!! Can you imagine how nice it must feel after he wasn’t in finale and his character was practically erased? He deserves this
Anyway, people are trying to get #CastielEnergies trend now
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carilynashleigh · 3 years
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I have watched an American sitcom titled I Dream Of Jeannie and I have noticed that Jeannie shares a profound bond with the male protagonist of the series. I know another character who matches her description. 😇 At least Jeannie and Tony reminds me a bit of Dean and Castiel without making me cry. Only Jeannie is a cheerful genie whereas Castiel is a serious angel. Have you seen any Destiel parallels recently? #Supernatural #SupernaturalCastiel #Castiel #DeanWinchester #CastielTheAngel #DeanCas #Destiel #DestielisCanon #ProfoundBound #CastielMatters #Destielforever #hunter #angel #DeanxCastiel #TheHunterandTheAngel #IDreamOfJeannie #Jeannie #JeannieTheGenie #AnthonyNelson #TonyNelson #JeanniexTony #JeanTony #Astronaut #Genie #JensenAckles #MishaCollins #BarbaraEden #LarryHagman #DestielParallels #SupernaturalParallel https://www.instagram.com/p/CRQ7roalD9_/?utm_medium=tumblr
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myangelmisha · 4 years
Piccolo, ogni volta che guardo "Despair" mi toglie il fiato, letteralmente, ogni volta che ti guardo parlare con Jack, tuo figlio, così a cuore aperto, lui ti dice che è spaventato e tu gli rispondi: "anch'io" il mio cuore ogni volta si ferma su quelle parole.
Quando alla fine parli con Dean e parli in quel modo, con le lacrime agli occhi, con il cuore fra le mani e gli dici: "I love you! cioè, ti amo in tutti i modi in cui si può amare una persona, Ti amo perchè sei altruista, "the most caring man I ever known", ti amo perchè ora so cosa vuol dire essere felici, non avere cose, ma sentirsi felice dire di essere felice!
Ora sei umano Cass! Non quando hai perso le ali e hai vissuto da mortale, ma ora, ora che hai provato sentimenti umani ora che sai cosa vuol dire amare.
Sai non ci avevo mai pensato, ma c'è un episodio in Spazio 1999, l'episodio che si chiama Vega, dove protagonisti sono degli androidi che non sanno come sono i sentimenti umani perchè non li hanno mai provati, ma verso la fine, uno di loro riesce a provare amore verso la dottoressa Russel e capisce cos'è la felicità, la felicità di aver provato una volta un sentimento reale, per qualche attimo diventa umano. Così tu mio dolcissimo Cass alla fine diventi veramente umano perchè ami quindi sei felice anche se quella felicità non la potrai vivere.
Piccolo scusami se ci ho messo così tanto a capirlo, ma ora, ora ho capito davvero fino in fondo qual era il tuo messaggio in questo episodio e sono ancora più felice che le tue parole rimarranno per sempre impresse su di me! Ti voglio bene, ma tanto, davvero che non ti immagini nemmeno, unico angelo del mio cuore!💜💜💜💜💜💜
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shedontlovehuhself · 4 years
Tweet from Krista 🌌 - Phoenix at the Disco! (@cathartic_dream)
Krista 🌌 - Phoenix at the Disco! (@cathartic_dream) Tweeted:
This video project is proof of how #CastielMatters to so many people across the world. The character changed people's lives.
https://t.co/M7Iwv2qCiq https://twitter.com/cathartic_dream/status/1369032935031050240?s=20
Awwww💙💙💙 please check out this video and comment. It's so cute and deserves more views. Really was a worldwide effort.
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