So I was thinking about this scene:
I've always talked about it from Dean's perspective (and sometimes from the Destiel perspective) but never from Cas'. I think the GA (and antis who claim this is a fanservice scene and nothing more) underestimate just how powerful this scene was for Cas' own story. The ILY aside, I think it's important to note just how full circle the angel's storyline came and how impactful that decision to include the bloody handprint really was.
When Cas first enters the story of SPN that we see (physically I mean), this scene happens:
Cas: "I'm the one who gripped you tight and raised you from perdition."
Dean: "And why would an angel rescue me from Hell?"
Cas: "Good things do happen, Dean."
Dean: "Not in my experience."
Cas: "What's the matter? You don't think you deserve to be saved."
Dean: "Why'd you do it?"
Cas: "Because God commanded it."
When Cas first rescues Dean from Hell, he has been commanded to do it. He's following orders. They have "work" for Dean to do aka an ulterior motive. And as we see here, Dean as always, believes he doesn't deserve to be saved (which we find out why in this particular instance later) and that good things don't just happen which momentarily confuses Castiel.
Dean: "Is it true? Did I break the first seal? Did I start all this?"
Cas: "Yes. When we discovered Lilith's plan for you, we laid siege to Hell. And we fought our way to get to you. Before you--"
Dean: "Jump started the apocalypse."
Cas: "We were too late."
Dean: "Why didn't you just leave me there then?"
Cas: "It's not blame that falls on you, Dean. It's fate. The righteous man who begins it is the only one who can finish it. You have to stop it."
Dean: "Lucifer, the apocalypse, what does that mean? Hey! Don't you go disappearing on me, you son of a bitch. What does that mean?"
Cas: "I don't know."
Dean: "Bull!"
Cas: "I don't. Dean, they don't tell me much. I know our fate rests with you."
Dean: "Then you guys are screwed. I can't do it, Cas. It's too big. Alistair was right. I'm not all here. I'm not--I'm not strong enough. I guess I'm not the man either of our dads wanted me to be. Find someone else. It's not me."
In this scene, it's after Alistair got out of the Devil's trap and attacked Dean, after telling Dean that he started the apocalypse by breaking the first seal. Cas reveals that the reason they went into Hell to rescue him was to prevent the first seal from being broken which would knock over apocalyptic dominoes. But they were too late. And Dean makes a good point: why didn't they just leave him there then? Considering what we know about how angels sometimes operate in this story, it would make sense if they chose to do something like that but Cas rescues Dean anyway. Which we know Cas was the one not only because he says it but also because when Dean is resurrected, we see this:
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Which is further verified by what happens to Pamela when she touches it. She's able to communicate with Castiel directly (a la Amara with Casifer being able to connect to Dean but I won't digress) and we know her eyes burn when she attempts to spy on his true visage.
Now if we go back to the 15x18 scene above, we get:
Dean, Sam, Cas, and Jack are currently locked in a battle with Chuck and reclaiming their free will after they discover he's been the bad guy all along -> "Lucifer, the apocalypse" from 4x16
Dean and Cas are currently being chased down by Billie aka Death who is intent on killing Dean once and for all so he can go back to where she believes he belongs (and she had a plan in place to take care of Chuck and how Dean would play a part in it besides Jack and Sam) -> aka "Lilith's plan" & Alistair and Co getting Dean to break the first seal from 4x16
Cas is helping Dean to get away, rescuing him from what would have been a gruesome death -> Cas rescues Dean from Hell from 4x01 & 4x16
Dean feeling defeated when he and Cas are locked in the room (that has a Devil's trap in it btw) that Billie is trying to get into -> Dean telling Cas that they shouldn't rely on him to stop the Apocalypse & it's too big for him because he is suffering from guilt and self-doubt from 4x16
Dean: "Everybody's gonna die, Cas. Everybody. I can't stop it. She's gonna get through that door."
Cas: "I know."
Dean: "And she's gonna kill you. And then she's gonna kill me. I'm sorry."
If you take this dialogue and these two performances in this moment and compare it to the 4x16 hospital scene, you have a very similar event or theme happening here. The only differences are Cas' reaction (we see he is more greatly affected this time around which is due to their familiarity with one another and the development of their characters and relationship as well as the show evolving, season 4 was still considered to be the "horror show"), Dean while still hopeless is accepting of the inevitable & is not shutting Cas out. Instead he moves closer rather than looks away like he does in 4x16, letting out the one tear. Not that he wasn't vulnerable with Cas in 4x16, but the whole performance from Jensen while being different in its own ways is also quite similar to that scene.
While Cas saved Dean from Billie in the moment & warded the door to keep them alive that much longer (with his own blood but more on that in a moment), he comes up with a plan to stop Billie entirely that will save Dean but also cause his own death. Thus, he is going to rescue Dean while laying down his own life.
Cas: "When Jack was dying, I made a deal to save him."
Dean: "You what?"
Cas: "The price was my life. When I experienced a moment of true happiness, The Empty would be summoned and it would take me forever."
Dean: "Why are you telling me this now?"
Cas: "I always wondered when I took that burden, that curse, I wondered what it could be, what my true happiness could even look like. I never found an answer because the one thing I want, it's something I know I can't have. But I think I know...I think I know now. Happiness isn't in the having, it's in just being. It's in just saying it."
Dean: "What are you talking about, man?"
Cas: "I know...I know how you see yourself, Dean. You see yourself the same way our enemies see you. You're destructive and you're angry and you're broken, your'e Daddy's blunt instrument. And you think that hate and anger, that's...that's what drives you, that's who you are. It's not. And everyone who knows you sees it. Everything you have ever done, the good and the bad, you have done for love. You raised your little brother for love, you fought for this whole world for love. That is who you are. You're the most caring man on Earth. You are the most selfless, loving human being I will ever know. You know, ever since we met, ever since I pulled you out of Hell, knowing you has changed me. Because you cared, I cared. I cared about you, I cared about Sam, I cared about Jack, but I cared about the whole world because of you. You changed me, Dean."
Dean: "Why does this sound like a goodbye?"
Cas: "Because it is. I love you."
Dean: "Don't do this, Cas. Cas..."
Cas: "Goodbye, Dean."
Dean: "What?"
So not only does Cas address Dean's anger which has been a series-long issue that really was brought to the forefront the most it's ever been in season 15 (meaning the anger is fueling Dean's desperation which is now part of the main theme of the season), but he also saves him from his own personal Hell. While also setting Dean up to do what he does in the next episode when it comes to facing down Chuck and the decision he makes (along with Sam) not to kill him and give him what he wanted. What Alistair, Lilith, and Hell always thought he was. What their enemies (like Chuck) always thought about Dean. What he himself thought.
And the bloody handprint happens in the moment The Empty enters the room on one side and Billie breaks through the door on the other side (when the wards Cas put up in his own blood to protect Dean from Billie don't hold up anymore; yes, Cas used his own blood to protect Dean, the significance of that is just so...I don't even know how to put it into words):
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Cas throws him against the wall, out of the way, so he can be physically safe from both supernatural forces. So he not only saves his soul so to speak, he also saves his life.
And what's important about this scene and the way it went down/was written is that while yes, it parallels how Cas rescued Dean from Hell, it also brings his story full circle in a very beautiful way (not just his relationship or profound bond with Dean). Cas chose to do this. He chose to speak those three little words to summon The Empty, ensuring his own death, but also confessing to Dean how he really feels with no expectations. All to save Dean.
So he did what he had entered the story to do in the beginning, but this time, Cas exercised his own free will to save the man he loved while also setting up said man to not only defeat Chuck but also to save the world. Something that Dean himself chooses to do while exercising his own free will (which is another reason why 15x20 makes no sense).
So that bloody handprint, whoever came up with it on the day or if it was in the script (I can't remember which), that was a moment of pure genius because physically it helps pull this whole scene and Cas' story together even more. Cas is commanded to save Dean from Hell, leaves a burned-in handprint on his shoulder. Cas chooses to save Dean from Death (and himself), leaves his own bloody handprint on his shoulder.
As much as I hated Cas dying for the longest time and I didn't understand why Misha was so happy with that ending for his character (despite the parallels), I now get it. Cas' story had come full circle. He exercised the free will that he had not only earned but was given when he changed thanks to knowing Dean, way before Jack entered the picture. That's development, folks. And it was exemplified in the most beautiful way possible. He got to choose when to summon The Empty and why. He got to choose to save Dean one more time but this time of his own volition (though I would argue he may have chosen to save Dean's soul pre-4x01 despite the latter having started the apocalypse). But this scene from beginning to end is HIS choice. The circumstances and time pressure may be present but he could have tried to find another way to get them out of there or he could have lived (because I don't see how Billie could have killed him, he's an angel and The Empty purposely wanted him to be happy and then collect him so even if Billie got all stabby stabby, The Empty would have probably sent him back because it wouldn't be satisfied), but no. He made the choice to utilize this deal that Dean knew nothing about in order to save Dean once again.
And sure enough, in 15x19 we see:
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Chuck is defeated. Dean had his free will all along (as did Sam). Jack is now the new God, which also brings another portion of Cas' story full circle and he helped to bring about. While Dean obviously misses Cas, he is able to stand on his own and make this decision himself without Heaven or Hell whispering into his ear or trying to affect the outcome. This is Dean Winchester exercising his free will (that he never really lost like he feared which is also important for the whole John/Chuck convo that we'll save for another time).
So for those who say Castiel wasn't an important character in the series or in relation to Dean (or Sam or Jack) or that the 15x18 scene was fanservice or pandering, you are incredibly wrong. Castiel proved to be instrumental in not only Dean's story line (as well as the other two) but also to the ending of the mythology altogether as well as the end of the series. The end of 15x19 looks like the exact way it's supposed to (minus them planning to break Cas out of The Empty & calling up Eileen & Jack still hanging with his fam = Winchesters 2.0 getting a better and more sensical ending that they had earned, especially in relation to Winchesters 1.0). The way Cas exited the story mirrored the way he entered, with a few slight differences. And like I said above, that's called development and it was illustrated in the most beautiful way possible while also giving one of the original members of Team Free Will the earned right to exercise theirs.
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10 notes · View notes
i lied actually these are the two states of thinking abt cas
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20 notes · View notes
gee castiel how come the universe lets you have like five whole different fear associations
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asimplestrawberry · 20 days
no matter what else i am into and how long it has been you will always find me reblogging supernatural gifs
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t4tdeanwinchester · 3 years
is this a tragedy? all you’ve known your whole life is coldness and marble and rigid perfection and then a man who is none of those things (no matter how hard he tries to be) touches you with broken fingers and gives you little crooked smiles out the side of his mouth – he shows you all the beauty in the muck and he says hell, slouch a little, laugh with me, feel something, it won’t kill you (it will, it will). he gives you a family, something new to be devoted to after your last god skipped out for a milk run and never came back. this man feeds you even though you are not made to eat and you love him even though you aren’t made for that either. an angel statue falls to the floor of a perfect room and shatters. god and all his real good angels frown at the mess. but all you can do is smile, crooked out the side of your mouth – you learned it from the best. smiles like that come free when you’re dying. marble cracks real easy when you make a statue smile. love pours out from the mouth that way, spills jagged onto the floor. is this a tragedy?
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patternoticer · 2 years
brought to hysterics everytime i am forced to see the supernatural netflix thumbnail that's not castiel that's a lawyer in a bbc crime show
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mourninglamby · 4 years
i just wanna say. i followed you on here and instagram for your hannibal content (which is amazing!!) but your castielposting has awakened something deep inside me bc he was also one of my first comfort characters... we really out here caring abt cas but hating spn </3 i love ur castiel art have a good day
omg ... twins we have such good taste. and thank u !!! feel free to message me whenever i luv talking abt cas and hannigramism
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serenityfails · 2 years
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cumdumpstiel · 4 years
castielposting as a self-soothing behavior
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One of the biggest balls that got dropped plot wise. This entity was older than God and Amara. This entity claimed God had no power there. This entity attacked Heaven to go after what it felt it was owed. This entity hated one angel being awake in its home for a matter of 10 minutes but then it just tolerates Jack blowing up and possibly waking up many other angels and demons? Or even just the explosion alone - Cas is like a gnat buzzing in his ear but a cosmic explosion is not as irritating?
This also shows a plot hole from that ending. Chuck had no power there but somehow he springs Lucifer to go get his death book? Unless somehow Jack's explosion made this possible but that wasn't explained?
This was an incredible scene from Misha. I thoroughly enjoyed seeing him play both characters. If anything, the way he played this entity, for me it was more terrifying and I worried for Cas.
And isn't it ironic that season 13 begins with Dean mourning Cas and we get the same line "I know who you love"?
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Destiel was coming 😉
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i spent too much on these to not post em so <3
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you've heard of wbg ocs with extensive trauma now get ready for: wbg ocs with talking cats
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okay you know what i'm making a castiel killcount except its just the number of people hes managed to marry/date/make out with
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i love how ive gone from not being able to draw this guy to soley doodling Him as a warmup <3 that being said. boo. cas time.
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captions this post 'the silly' but shakes my head the whole time so yall know i actually think of this man in a very serious and sober manner
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me: yeah castiel is actually a really emotive character to me, i mean there's so many facets of what's going on with him that have a lot of implications when you really--
castiel: (opens his mouth for .3 seconds)
me: actually i wish he was dead right now i wish scarab had like fully punched his teeth down his throat what the hell
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