wally-b-feed · 2 years
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Anthony Fineran (B 1981), Casto Lu Luni, 2022
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spilladabalia · 1 year
pageninetynine - In love with an apparition
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pdeibysanchez · 2 years
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Me lo imagino con los ojos llenos de lágrimas y el corazón saltando de gozo al oír a su pequeño decirle: "Papá". Me lo imagino como uno de los momentos más especiales en la vida de José, saber que el Hijo de Dios, su Salvador, le llamé: Papá. No me imagino a Jesús diciendo "padre adoptivo" ni mucho menos usando el termino "padrastro". Para Jesús, aquel hombre es su padre legítimo. Tampoco me imagino a José llamando a Jesús "hijo adoptivo" ni mucho menos "hijastro", porque desde el día que aceptó la llamada de Dios, José no solo recibe a María como esposa, sino que junto a ella, recibe también al fruto de su vientre como su hijo. #DeibySanchez #YoungPriest #SanJose #EsposoDeMaria #PadreDeJesus #Justo #Prudente #Casto #Piadoso https://www.instagram.com/p/CqBWRZWO2FE/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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dumbbitchhour · 7 months
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Casto Plasencia, La lechera, 1889 x
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joenateuser · 5 months
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Dylan Efron | via instagram stories
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malesocksnfarts · 5 months
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Garrett Casto skater socks
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t-rexzz · 2 years
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wayti-blog · 9 months
The only person who is spiritually smart is the one who has learned how to learn, unlearn, and change directions instantly, and start all over again, if your soul calls for it.
Michelle Casto
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faithfulcat111 · 7 days
Officially one of my favorite one-off characters now:
Larry from A.I.M.
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I love him (just saying)
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cistota · 10 months
"A tak každý může mít svůj názor." na konci diskuze není znamením míru, ale znamením, že ten frajer se kterým se bavíš mele takové sračky, že nemá cenu v tom pokračovat.
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lux-vitae · 1 year
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Origen de la República Romana (Origin of the Roman Republic) by Casto Plasencia (1877)
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halobirthdays · 2 years
Happy birthday to Ord Casto, the Prophet of Truth!
Today is his -372nd birthday!
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The Prophet of Truth was the ringleader of the Covenant Hierarchs--a careful plotter willing to do anything to maintain his status--whether he needed to betray an entire species or even his fellow Hierarchs. It was his appetite for influence that began the Human-Covenant war under false pretenses, taking the entire Covenant down his path of deceit. Ultimately, Truth's untruths became untenable, and his scramble to cling to power proved to be his undoing.
Casto got his start as a junior staffer to the Minister of Concert. He was assigned to investigate complaints from Unggoy distillers' unions who complained that Kig-Yar vessels were purposely tainting a popular Unggoy recreational narcotic. Though initially doubtful, Casto discovered the allegations were true: a group of Kig-Yar shipmistresses were behind the ploy, performed as revenge for the displacement of Kig-Yar nests due to an Unggoy baby boom. Casto recommended stiff penalties but ultimately, the Minister of Concert chose only to fine the Kig-Yar. The Unggoy, outraged by the lack of serious action, became disgruntled and the matter quickly escalated into full-blown rebellion. These events would prove formative to Casto, and after the Unggoy Rebellion ceased, he would be promoted to Minister of Fortitude.
Conniving and manipulative, Casto would enjoy a long career as a politician. Though he was on the Roll of Celibates, this fact did not bother him, and he was content to focus on his political aspirations.
In January 2525, he met with then-Vice Minister of Tranquility Lod Mron (Prophet of Regret) to discuss a report that a Jiralhanae vessel had discovered a cache of Forerunner artifacts on a planet outside of Covenant space. This planet was the Human colony of Harvest. The two planned to use the discovery to pave the way for them to become Hierarchs. The pair would blackmail one of the current Hierarchs--Restraint--by getting him to reveal that he fathered illegitimate children despite being on the Role of Celibates. Restraint thought Mron would adopt his children if he told them, but instead, they threatened to reveal what he'd done if he did not resign as Hierarch.
The duo then brought the relics from Harvest to Philologist Hod Rumnt, the future Prophet of Mercy. The events that followed marked the utmost tier of Casto's manipulation and deceit. The relics activated Mendicant Bias, an ancient Forerunner AI (known by them as the Oracle) who laid dormant for thousands of years within the Forerunner Dreadnought within High Charity. The ancient AI spoke, revealing that everything the Covenant understood to be true of their religion was wrong: the Halos would not start the Great Journey, the Forerunners did not ascend to a higher path, and the "Reclamation" glyph of the Covenant religion was actually "Reclaimer": humans whom the Oracle believed to be the equals of the Forerunners.
Realizing the implications of this discovery, and erroneously believing that humans were, in fact, the descendants of the Forerunners, the three San'Shyuum silenced the Oracle and made a decision: if the most basic tenant of their religion was wrong, and humans were their god's chosen, they would have to be eradicated to maintain their station and prevent the truth from being revealed. The three then ascended to power as the Prophets of Truth, Regret, and Mercy, and the Human-Covenant war began.
After the battle of the Rubble, Truth grew paranoid about the station of the Sangheili, the backbone of the Covenant's military and their greatest threat if the truth about the Covenant was revealed. He learned that some Sangheili were already questioning why humans were being targeted rather than converted and did not dare risk betrayal. Thus, he made the controversial decision to make the Jiralhanae, the Sangheili's greatest competitors and the Covenant's most newly-converted species, the new warrior race of the Covenant, a position that had been reserved for the Sangheili for thousands of years.
Before Regret made his fateful blunder by arriving at Earth unprepared, Truth had already learned of Earth's location, but kept the information a secret, privately assembling a fleet so that he could crush the Sangheili after they destroyed Earth. The plan would fail when humanity discovered his fleet, and tasked Master Chief with destroying the command-and-control station. The Spartan team succeeded, and Truth scrambled to cover up the incident, even from his fellow Hierarchs.
Truth's final betrayal to the Sangheili would occur after launching a "rescue" mission for Regret, who independently discovered Earth's location and arrived unprepared. In the chaos that followed, he would send his own Jiralhanae fleet to assume control of Regret's fleet and kill the remaining Sangheili. Truth then called back the Phantoms sent to save Regret, essentially allowing Master Chief to kill Regret and his Honor Guards, which was the perfect pretense to deem the Sangheili unworthy of protecting the Hierarchs and replace them.
Truth, still determined to activate the Halo rings, sent Arbiter Thel 'Vadam(ee) to retrieve the Activation Index. Truth made this decision expecting 'Vadam and his comrades to die in pursuit of it, but, failing that, sent Jiralhanae Chieftain Tartarus to murder 'Vadam after retrieving the Index. Unfortunately for Truth, 'Vadam survived, saved by the Gravemind. After Truth replaced the Sangheili as Honor Guards, he quietly ordered the Jiralhanae to murder all Sangheili. The Sangheili believed this to be an insurrection until 'Vadam revealed the truth, causing the Great Schism and the beginning of the end for Truth.
In a last-ditch effort to activate the Halo rings, Truth launched the Forerunner Dreadnought, housed within High Charity, through the portal to the Ark on Earth. He raced to the Citadel on the Ark, the place where he could activate all of the Rings. He was pursued by the recently-collaborating UNSC and Sangheili forces, who were united in their understanding that Truth had to be stopped.
Just as he forced the captured Avery Johnson to begin the activation process, he was interrupted by the appearance of John-117 and 'Vadam, assisted by the Gravemind. Determined to take vengeance on Truth himself and not a flood-infected thrall, 'Vadam stabbed Truth through the chest as he declared himself the voice of the Covenant. Silenced, the Covenant empire collapsed.
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pdeibysanchez · 2 years
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Entonces me da por ponerme a pensar en aquel carpintero y todo lo que cultivaba y guardaba en su corazón. Me lo imagino cultivando el amor que lo hacía salir a la puerta de su taller para ver pasar a aquella jovencita que se estaba "robando" su corazón. Me lo imagino contemplando la hermosura de su amada y me lo imagino suspirando por ella al verla pasar. Lo imagino con un corazón palpitando de amor, un amor tan fuerte, dulce y tierno, que lo llevaría a ser no solo el esposo fiel, sino también el custodio, el cuidador, la seguridad de aquel hogar que desde el silencio ya comenzaba a soñar. Lo imagino inundado de amor cuando cargando a su hijo, contempla al Hijo de Dios que se queda dormido en sus brazos. Lo imagino disfrutando con todo el amor de aquella llamada que de parte del Padre ha recibido y ha aceptado, de ser el padre del Salvador. Lo imagino asumiendo su paternidad, enseñando, educando, corrigiendo, lo imagino viviendo toda esta aventura inundado del amor que rebosa de su justo y piadoso corazón. #DeibySanchez #YoungPriest #SanJose #EsposoDeMaria #PadreDeJesus #Justo #Prudente #Casto #Piadoso https://www.instagram.com/p/CqBUkt6Oacs/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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chryzuree · 11 months
alt ver of the modern au where chrysi DID die with castor in that accident, but unlike castor, she crawled out of her grave a couple days later and walked to jacks’s house afterwards. he’s minding his own business, grieving both of his best friends’ deaths, when he hears a knock on the window and turns to see chrysi patiently perched on a tree branch outside his window. WHAT THE FUCK????
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omarfor-orchestra · 2 years
Il cinema del mio paese la deve smettere di fare le masterclass solo dei film americani e cominciare a ospitare cast e registi dei film italiani così da evitarmi 5 ore a Milano ogni sera che poi per tornare a casa mi ci vuole un miracolo
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superiorkenshi · 2 years
Cette année j'ai prévu que dalle en poste de saint valentin du coup juste Bisou à tous et paix et amour sur vos grosse tronche 💖
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