#castor lore
hamletisintown · 1 year
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Ouranos the god of the Sky.
Mighty Ouranos knows the limits of the skies and crosses them fearlessly. Follow the trail of his wings if you’re not afraid of heights. Those who fear the fall may never rise.
The Dragonfly god is known for his speed, carried by strong wings that can bring storms and thunder. Associated with freedom and lightning, of course, but also with innovation and technological advancements, he patrons the clever, the curious and the bold. People pray to him in times of struggle, when they need inspiration or a new perspective on things.
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sabrondabrainrot · 29 days
It's back! Youtube re-instated the channel! I've been catching up. Here's some celebratory art!
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Why didn't I draw moon? More at 8...
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hazard-c-horror · 12 days
Random doodle of Hazard, the Astrals (that we know) and lunar (Idk why I drew this.)
With a bit of hinting to lore that I’ll make a comic for later
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I have a lot of comics I’m still working on, but production is going a bit slow, since motivation is low. But I’m close to finishing one, so look forward to that
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lookatmysillies · 2 months
Castor, the night after ALIEN STAGE, Season 39: Round 1
"You're not supposed to be outside of your room, you know." It was cruel how close the voice sounded to Kyo. Like he was actually there. Like it was the 38th season again and they were spending every minute they could together before each round brought the threat of separation.
But it wasn't.
"You're not s'posed to be here, either," Castor pointed out tiredly, a lopsided smile on his face as he looked up at Kyo, all dressed up in his Anakt Garden clothes. It was fitting that he always appeared in those clothes. Castor had always thought they looked ghostly; a tongue-in-cheek reminder that they were all already dead.
Kyo leveled him with an unimpressed look. "Very funny."
"You know me, always laughing it up."
"Not right now, you aren't." Kyo raised his head to glance around the boiler room. It was stuffy and smelled strongly of artificial heat, but the guards didn't walk down this way very often. "What's got you so shook about Azure, anyway? You hated him. With a passion."
"I didn't..." He scrubbed a hand down his sweat-beaded face. "I didn't hate him."
"You didn't like him."
"He was a poor imitation of you," Castor snapped, then cringed at his own tone. "He mocked you."
Kyo rested his cheek in his hand, arching an eyebrow. "He mocked you. I was just the instrument."
"Same difference."
"And you're upset about his death."
Castor shrugged and touched a fingertip to a pipe to feel the dull heat emanating from it. "He was a human being. He didn't deserve to die."
"So your value on human life is greater than your own pride after all," Kyo said drily.
Castor tried to scowl at him, but he couldn't bring himself to be mad. Not at Kyo. Not anymore. "Of course it is. If Cirrus had died, my reaction would've been the same. Death is death."
"But you weren't expecting Azure's death." Castor jerked his head back, taken aback. Kyo continued bluntly, "You were sure all those adoring fans would save him. They were so loyal. Just like they are with you. All it took was one pretty mystery to take him out. What would it take for you?"
"We're not talking about my round. I have time."
"And you would've had more if you didn't let yourself be entered into this season in the first place!" Kyo stood with a glare. He wasn't angry before, just matter of fact, but he was angry now, that much was obvious. "Sonii wasn't going to use you for this!"
"She was going to use me for other things, though."
That gave Kyo pause. His terse expression melted back into dullness inch by inch. "Then what's the plan, Cas? You going to... you going to win again and again to avoid this? Watch a hundred people die in front of you? Is that what you think you're doing?"
"There is no plan," Castor bit out. "And we're done talking about this. I said I have time."
"Time to do what?"
Castor looked away, eyes falling on the shadows painted across the hard floor. He didn't know. He didn't know what he was waiting for.
But when he turned back to the spot where Kyo had been, he was gone. There was nothing.
Nothing had ever been there in the first place.
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fights4users · 1 year
I believed in the users once before | A system in disbelief
It’s so fascinating looking at legacy because basically in all of Flynn’s actions he has created the perfect situation to justify hatred and disbelief in the users.
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Flynn did all the heavy work for Clu. There is no need to propagandize and lie when , in your view God has indeed abandoned you. He had taken a Polytheistic society that used to have more more individualized deities and inadvertently turned it Monotheistic. Between him constantly leaving and then going into hiding- to this society he truly has abandoned them. They have no other User input, requests, commands - he is it and he has left them.
As cycles go on belief wanes, this is a system that used to have direct and constant interactions with users and what they’re capable of and hasn’t in generations. Memory wanes, anger stews, distrust grows. And who comes in to pick up the pieces? Clu. He’s not making a single thing up, unlike most dictators he fully believes everything he spews and from a point of view… he’s right. (Again that’s terrifying).
Where the MCP had to forcefully capture and eliminate programs who still believed in the users (that he hadn’t assimilated or drained). Clu doesn’t. Belief was nearly stamped out organically!! In the grid it has truly become a cultish set of unwavering belief— unlike in Encom where it was a organic part of life stamped out by force. This is more “choosing to leave religion” if it’s comparative?
Those who fight in the games are strays- not regular programs but those broken or lost that are out just… wandering. Those are the ones that get tossed into the arena or rectified (from what we see in the movie) it’s not like the MCP. Clu doesn’t have to work so hard to get rid of belief because I cannot state enough, Flynn did all the heavy work himself.
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In this grid the games are a purpose, horrific but using the infrastructure left behind by Flynn. Strays get the games — survival. Regular programs have something to do — watch.
There’s no mindcontrol in the crowd- their user hate and games enjoyment is a necessity if they want a society at all. If it is to believed— as Flynn himself stated Clu can’t create, he can repurpose. He’s the overseer! Not the creator. He’s doing what he can with what he has… he built Rome, which is not good (as sympathetic as I am towards Clu there’s like 12 other things you could’ve done before building Rome)
No one is a better example of Lost faith than Castor.
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He’s fought for Flynn and his beloved ISOs , he was one of the best so much so he’s still sought after. He’s changed. “I believed but what did that do for me?” What did it get him but heartache and so many dead companions and at the end of it , after all this fighting Flynn disappears! His fall into self preservation and sour attitude towards users is completely understandable.
It’s sad that this has happened as the original film and novelization describe belief in the users as this intrinsic and natural thing all programs know to be true. And to have a situation where so many willingly abandon belief because there is no communication (‘user requests are what computers are for’) or purpose. That it had been made so easy for clu to turn that sorrow into a burning hatred. It is sad that this thing they all desire the most has basically been made into a cult sect who can’t let go of something that used to be so basic. Above all it’s just so fascinating that this all happened naturally supposed to by a regime, all Clu had to do was step up and acknowledge it.
In conclusion:
Now I’m not saying Flynn did any of this on purpose, he didn’t want to abandon anything, he didn’t want to create a system with no purpose. He was a excited young man who wanted to recreate something cool and was given the powers of a god. He didn’t know the impact even the smallest action could cause. He did not have bad intentions but oh boy did he fuck up.
I hope this makes even a lick of sense, I just have so many thoughts 😭
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thesockghost · 7 months
Astral body lore !UNDER CONSTRUCTION!
This post has a lot of information that I got from Starr⭐️ over on YouTube! So huge shoutout to her for all this!!!
She’s also got some killer music taste, (I’m listening to her Castor themed playlist as of writing this lol) so be sure to check her out on Spotify as well if you’d like!
The antimatter
The main point of the astral bodies existence is to postpone the end of the universe as long as possible. The way they do this is by fighting the incarnations of antimatter that pop up all over the universe. Each astral is assigned a role, for example: Castor and Pollux scout out worlds to see if they are corrupted by antimatter. If so, Taurus and Leo destroy said planet before it can spread.
Honorable mentions that I think are too small of facts/too obvious to get their own sections:
Since the astral body’s are made out of light (mentioned multiple times throughout the show, but I think the first mention is in ‘EARTH and POLLUX Become BEST FRIENDS?! In VRCHAT’) they can move through walls and most physical structures and surfaces.
It’s been shown that the astral are very bitchy about their schedules/pisces and sagittarius are friends(?), as shown In the episode ‘Castor and Pollux's PLAN for LUNAR?! in VRCHAT’ Castor and Pollux said this: “everyone’s getting angry! I mean- they like things to be punctual! They like things on their own timetable.” “Those two are very awful about it.” (Note: in this scene the twins are complaining about how the other astrals are rushing them on find out if lunar’s a threat or not, and their complaining about Leo and taurus in particular.) *sigh* “Pisces and Sagittarius are likely doing their own thing.”. I looked up what the personalities of Pisces and Sagittarius, and they generally seem like they’d probably be more nice (if google is correct), and I might be jumping to conclusions on this one, but I think that they might be friends, due to the way that castor mentioned them together, and google says that they have a very high friendship potential.
The astral shave their own culture. Mentioned in the current latest episode as of writing this: ‘Gemini SENDS A MESSAGE in VRChat’, Gemini mentions that the stars have their own etiquette, but never really gave any context beyond that since they thought if they told lunar, then it would break his mind, WHICH IS COMPLETELY UNFAIR. BESTIE I DO NOT CARE IF IT MAKES ME INSANE, IN CASE YOU COULDNT TELL FROM ME WRITING THIS ENTIRE ESSY, THE ADDED INFORMATION WILL ONLY MAKE MY HYPERFIXATION STRONGER. *cough cough* so anyways yeah this section is basically just a place holder till we get more info on their culture.
The astrals can for some reason not be seen by colorblind creatures??? Mentioned in the episode ’Lunar Is FRIEND ZONED! in VRChat’, because there was a deer standing near lunar and Gemini said “it must be comfortable in your presence” and when lunar asked why they didn’t care about Gemini, with which they responded with “no we are more or less invisible to them. See?” Then they started to run around the deer. And when asked why by lunar they replied with “most animals on your planet are colorblind. We are light. If light can’t reflect the way it’s meant to, then we kinda just come off as invisible.�� WHICH MAKES NO F*CKING SENSE AT ALL!!! Cuz like yes. they wouldn’t be able to see them in their full glory, but if an animal were to look at them they’d at least see a glowing figure towering above them!!! So yea, it was probably just a bit to explain why a deer would be standing so close to them, but it still makes no sense.
The astral body’s can naturally produce star power without creating any anti matter. (Mentioned in the episode ‘Moon is THREATENED by GEMINI?! in VRCHAT’ I think.)
they also apparently have a jail as well. They can also essentially perma ban people from L I F E. Not killing them, when they do this apparently said victim gets sucked into the void and is in constant pain. So that’s fun- (mentioned in the episode ‘Gemini CONFRONTS Lunar again in VRChat’
Whenever the astrals are around antimatter, they start to feel progressively more nauseous. And wherever/whoever is admitting said antimatter, smells incredibly potent to the point where they can taste it. and it apparently smells like: [and I quote] “like if somebody mixed anchovies with rotten eggs”. (Judging from lunar’s reaction to Monty’s antimatter infested arm in the episode ‘Dazzle's NEW JOB in VRChat’.)
And lastly, and probably the most obvious of all, the astral body’s do not need to eat or sleep, since the astral body’s are made of light.
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depthsasunder-if · 1 year
How old is the MC and the casts?
Right now I'm thinking 28 for MC.
As for the rest of the cast:
A is 32.
Gaelin is 30.
Morgan is 30.
Castor is 25.
Merfolk don't count the years but rather lunar cycles but that would be a lot lol physically they're 26.
Ruth is 14
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prerodinu · 6 months
I also really want everyone to know that thicc thighs are Castors down fall and he will ask someone with thicc thighs to smoother him to death. Male or female.
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stephofromcabin12 · 2 months
[Give us a Pollux fact + pic]
Fun fact! Pollux’ first name is James. He does not use this. It’s a long story.
You get two pictures bc I couldn’t decide but one has a little blood/injury in it so it’s going under the cut
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scrawnytreedemon · 9 months
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No interest in playing Genshin myself, but man do I love his vibe ♥
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dr-wuffles · 2 months
New New Pinned Post, Yahooo
Fucking hey and welcome to our corner of the internet!
Our name is Juniper and we are a butch transfemme plural system! We mainly made this blog to express ourselves and chat about our special interests. Expect a healthy amount of Homestuck and FFXIV. We blog way too much about homestuck, and other funny animated media we are obsessed with. You can also find our writing kicking around here, as well as whatever is on our minds. Also a lot of horny and kink stuff Needless to say this blog is 18+, so no minors. (Yes, we check.) Feel free to dm us! The asks are open regardless of who you are.
Selfies are under #Juniper Selfies , Our alter tags are listed below!
We'll update the pinned as things change, so check frequently!
No Minors, Have your age in bio or pinned please! Additionally, if you are not comfortable with Men or masc aligned individuals interacting with your blog, do not reblog our nudes and selfies!! We have a couple of masc butches as well as some masc enbies. Our blog is not for you if you are not comfortable with that.
For pronouns:
System/collective: She/They 🏳️‍⚧️
ALTER LIST: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1tm1pwMEg7nP0AxObO41R4PzV-O63nRwgwcksz7MfKf0/edit?usp=sharing
In light of recent events: we have a discord!!! Its: Dr.Wuffles . Even if we haven't dmed pr followed back here, shoot us a friend request and tell us your blog name! We'll gladly add you and let you know what platform we moved too. Who knows? Maybe with enough folks we'll make a server.
Be safe yall, we love you🩷🩷💙💚💜🩵💛❤️🧡🤍
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hamletisintown · 1 year
Faes and Celestials - General lore
The Faes of my imaginary world are bug-inspired fantasy people. They have features taken from/inspired by real-life bugs, while still mostly looking human. The rules for how these features work/are distributed are still pretty loose because I can't make up my mind and I like to keep my options open. Some will have magically retractable features, while others may just have them all the time. Some will have certain features that others don't. I'm just doing me, who cares about rules.
There are many types of Faes, from the tribal societies of Spiders to the hellish and mythical underwater cities of Crustaceans, not to mention a whole range of different insects with different societal organizations. I'll cover each of those in more detail in separate posts.
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(ID under the cut at the end of the post)
Celestials take inspiration from both real-life birds and angels/dragons. The bird inspirations aren't as strong as the Faes' bug inspirations because I kinda gave up halfway through (sorry, I'm simply not as knoweldgeable about bids nor as into them as I am with bugs), but they're technically here.
There are 2 types of Celestials, Angels and Dragons (I'm not sure I like those names but I haven't found anything better yet).
Angels are pretty much what you'd imagine with this name, normal human-looking people who can sprout wings. The wings do take very different shapes from person to person, some can be basic feathered wings but some will be like. Electricity arc vaguely shaped like wings. It can be anything, really, but it does allow all of them to fly. There's definitely some big christian influences in their culture, but we'll cover that in some other post.
Dragons are also human-shaped but they can have scales and slit pupils. They're like spicy humans. And some of them can turn into actual dragons, but those actual dragons are like. Inspired by the idea that birds are dinosaurs and dragons are inspired by dinosaurs and anyways, what if dragons looked more like feathered dinosaurs than just fully scaled lizards with wings y'know? (at least following the typical european dragon designs, I know there are other types of dragons on other cultures, but this is the one I'm most familiar with).
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(ID under the cut at the end of the post)
More about: Faes Celestials
1st picture: A digital drawing of 3 spider-inspired fantasy characters standing next to each other. They all have tan skin in more or less unnatural shades, from pinkish brown to purplish brown to straight-up blueish purple. They all have several pairs of eyes, either 3 or 4 pairs. They all expose the skin of their torso heavily.
2nd picture: A traditional drawing of a merfolk character with crustacean traits, such as chitinous plates covering their body, extra pairs of bug-like legs along the sides of their tail, and antennaes. They are laying down on the floor with their arms crossed in front of them and their head laying down on their arms.
3rd picture: A digital drawing of 4 butterfly or moth inspired fantasy characters. Their names, pronouns, and the species of moth/butterfly that inspired their design is written at the top. Morphée (he/him, Hyalophora cecropia) is a small child with light skin and short black hair, wearing a cape colored like a cecropia moth's wings. He's holding an ivory-colored mask in his hand. Thanatos (he/him, Spilosoma lubricipeda) is a man with light skin and long spiky black hair attached in a high ponytail, dressed in dark blues and black, with a thick black cape covered in white spots, reminiscent of a moth's wings. Hypnos (he/him, Spilosoma lubricipeda) is a light-skinned man with short black hair dressed in a white kimono and a white cape with fur on the shoulders and black spots, that make it look reminiscent of a moth's wings. All 3 of these characters look like they're related to each other. Finally, Aupébine (he/they, Cithaerias pireta aurora) is a small androgynous-looking person with light skin and long white hair that fades to pink, attached in a low ponytail. They're dressed in fancy old-fashioned army clothes with frills and lace, and a transparent cape with the motifs of a butterfly's wings on it.
4th picture: A digital drawing of 4 bee or wasp inspired fantasy characters. Their names, pronouns and the insect species that inspired their design is written at the top. Anthéa (they/them, Apis mellifera ligustica) is a small feminine-looking person with brown skin and shoulder-length curly blond hair, shaved on one side of the head. They're wearing a bustier dress that looks like a narcissus flower, and their skin is sprinkled with golden glitter. Chardon (he/him, Bombus lapidarius) is a tall fat man with black skin and vitiligo patches visible on his face and arms, and black kinky hair attached in a high ponytail. He's wearingsunglasses, a chestplates and leg armor, and has a very big and fluffy fur patch draped over his shoulders. Bee wings are visible behind his back. Quince (he/him, Sphex pensylvanicus) is a tall and slender man with black skin and straight short black hair slicked back. He's wearing black clothes with blue and purple iridescent borders, and black leg and arm armor. He's also wearing pendant earrings and has a scar over his left eye. A pair of purplish blue iridescent wings are visible behind him. Nemesia (they/them, Vespa velutina) is a feminine looking person with brown skin and long wavy brown hair that fades to blond. They're wearing golden leg armor with hornet markings on it, and golden arm armor as well. A pair of brown translucent hornet wings are visible behind them.
5th picture: A digital drawing of a male knight character with tan skin and brown hair slicked back and attached in a low ponytail. He's dressed in shades of blue and grey, with some golden armor pieces, and is holding a golden spear with one hand. He has a halo and wings that both look like blueish white electric arcs.
6th picture: A digital drawing of a male knight character. He has slightly tan skin and straight black hair attached in a knot in the back of his head, with some bangs falling over the side of his face. He's standing straight and resting his hand over the tip of the hilt of a saber that is planted in the ground. He's wearing full plate armor and has a cape draped over his shoulder that is colored like a crowned crane's wings, white on the upper part and dark red on the bottom feathers. He also has a golden halo that is reminicent of the crowned crane's crown of yellow feathers.
7th picture: A digital drawing of 2 male twin characters. They have brown skin and ark brown hair of the same cut but slightly different lengths. They're both wearing masks shaped roughly like the skull of a dragon, with horns. They're both dressed in slightly different shades of blue. One is wearing a tabard over a chestplate and chainmail, while the other is wearing a fantasy military-looking coat with a long dark cape that drapes around his neck.
8th picture: A digital drawing of a dragon. It has a long snout, reminiscent of some dog breeds, and a long neck covered in black feathers. Its scales are dark grey with some golden motifs around the eyes and on the chest. It also has slender, tipped back horns. Its eyeshave black sclera and golden irises. /end ID]
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castoracklys · 5 months
btw the first thing dalilah tells castor in the afterlife that makes him trust her is that if she knew she was going to die she wouldve picked a different outfit
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daniellesreadingnook · 5 months
"Lore" by Alexandra Bracken
Title: "Lore" Author: Alexandra Bracken
Published in: 2021
Published by: Hyperion
Summary: Lore comes from a Greek lineage. She is descended from a famous Greek hero. Many eons ago, Greek gods and goddesses tried to overthrow the king of the Olympians. It did not go well. The agon was started to punish the gods and goddesses who tried to kill the Olympian king, Zeus. Lore's family trained and fought in the agon for years. Well, Lore left after her family was brutally murdered. Lore was sucked back in after 7 years. Lore decides to get back in the hunt to avenge her family. Can Lore be able to remain her humanity and avenge her family?
My thoughts: I like mythology. So, I thought that this would be a great fit for me. To be honest, I liked the premise of the book. I kind of wish that the before years were in the beginning of the book instead of in the middle; but it does paint a better backdrop of what Lore went through in her life. I thought that more of the minor gods and goddesses should have made an appearance in the book. Hell, Zeus should have made an appearance because his children tried to take his spot. But this is totally my opinion. I also thought about how good of a goddess Lore and Castor would have been if they would have kept the godly powers.
The book is not a bad read. If you like mythology, this will be an easy read for you. It took me a while to read it because I'm a slow reader. And as I was reading, I thought this would make a good movie. I actually saw myself in the story fighting with the characters. Definitely check out this book if you want to broaden your reading.
Rating: 7.9/10
Would recommend if you like Greek mythology.
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fights4users · 1 year
Power | Speculating about drinks and recreation in the system/grid
So in my last post like this I went on a huge exploration into what Sleep cycles potentially could be like. I briefly mentioned drinks/food and recreation, it’s been sitting on my mind for awhile so here’s my understanding of things.
Programs don’t eat and they don’t need to drink either, sometimes it’s easy to forget but they aren’t human. As mentioned in the sleep post energy is all around them, it’s stored and transferred and used by them quite easily. It’s sort of a endless cycle by working you get energy from the world around you and regulating— some programs will sleep occasionally while others run constantly. (Sort of like real life). This isn’t to say you can’t loose energy or absorb more however.
I believe “food” as a concept doesn’t exist for programs, after all we eat it to convert it to energy and they get energy directly, so what’s their use for it? Basically my understanding of the dinner scene in legacy is this:
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It’s some sort of power/energy that Flynn’s made into a recognizable shape or he simply has it for the comfort in familiarity/ritual.
Recreation and libations-
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Programs don’t eat…but they do drink. This is scene in both films and made all the more clear by the fact a bar exists on the grid. They do it for fun. Drinking so much excess will give them a effect similar to how we get drunk, as seen in the first film when they come across a pure source in the cavern and act goofy until they chill themselves out. It’s a good thing for them, having extra energy to store can only be a good thing! (Unless you, you know over do it). It’s not their source of energy but a alternative and a recreational one at that.
The more and more I think about the legacy universe the more absolutely fascinating it is to me. We’re seeing them try and build a society- I love the factory metaphor where it’s “ Flynn sees a factory and says oh that looks cool and tries to build a world around it”. We’re seeing these programs try to make jobs without a outside purpose (things that don’t directly translate to real world computer use/function). It’s an autonomous system that’s trying to figure out what to do with itself after the fall of Flynn. It’s truly “ do what it looks like you’re supposed to be doing” as stated by Flynn in the first film.
What also gets to me is what Castor refers to drinks as,
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I can see drinking power/energy starting as a emergency situation type of thing, like if you’re low and need it. Then slowly it starts to become a ritual, a imitation of the User— he’s there often enough in the beginning to have habits rub off and become misinterpreted etc. (In this case copied). I could write more but I can’t find the words right now.
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raintailed · 2 years
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WHEEE i love making slugcats with flowers it’s really fun
1st is Pearl, who is Argent’s mother and Vult’s grandmother. She has wither roses
2nd is Pollux, who has black barlow columbine flowers. He’s a weird little anomaly who has a 2nd body???? which works like a pokemon substitute. the 2nd body is called Castor and has mirrored colors/flowers/markings
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