ask-the-raichu · 28 days
Hey Gilden, do you feel like Marina is giving you enough attention? She's always chasing after Castor and Stilio, does she make enough time for you? How do you feel about her focusing her attention on her crushes? Do you think maybe the two of you rushed into a quad?
ii'd love it if our business wasn't spread on main actuallyy
nno i dont feel like i get enough of her time anymoree sshe tries but im an old toy she can always come back too wwhile the shiny new toy has her current attentionn ii know she'll even out eventually and i'm trying to be patientt bbut god it's hard to doo ii wish she'd sleep alone again so i could slip into her bedd ii wish she'd ask me more often to fill itt ii wishh wwelll ii could just pine forever couldn't ii ii know i'm a constant for her she's said as muchh aand it's not like she ignores me we hang outt eevery day actually outside of workk ssometimes not for very longg aand sometimes it's not very romanticc bbut she makes time to see mee ii don't care that she has other crushess ii just wish she'd manage her quality time betterr nnot everything has to be about castorr aas for "rushing into a quadd" nno we didn't rushh wwe've been together for sweeps noww wwe're still courting wwe haven't officially committed yett wwe weren't ready for people to know yett bbecause we weren't ready to call it dating between each otherr wwe're still feeling things outt aand it feels like the rug's been swept from under us noww
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castaway-achlys · 5 months
i forgotnpictures im sorry :(
i'm so glad...! i'm excited to see them there and meet them. it's okay if you forgot pictures, remembering is overrated...!
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emanrewayo · 6 months
Subjecthttps://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/8h4AAOSw8xpjOGm9/s-l1600.jpgRecipientTo ://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/314720230015?var=613236928255
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"Well, I am curious and you seem like you would be interested in being heard... as an ascian, how do you feel about all that -er- mortal sex you had to have as part of your plan?" Eclair paused. "I'M NOT ASKING ABOUT IT FOR MYSELF I AM JUST CURIOUS. I AM ASEXUAL YOU KNOW."
“Yes, yes, you make certain to say so at every opportunity. I do enjoy screwing and screwing with mortals from time-to-time... would you like to experience why?”
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moryera · 6 years
Penos or Zenos
“This is a silly question, as the second comes well-equipped with the first.”
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emperor-galvus · 6 years
castorre replied to your post “Getting to Know: The Goddamn Emperor of Garlemald”
"Technically, Your Radiance, a mimosa is a morning beverage. Were you to have a particularly bad morning..."
“... Is that so...”
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“My Prince, I have brought you a message from Moryera~” She salutes him, “Ahem. ‘I’m making dinner tonight if you want to come over.’ Also, Her Radiance says ‘You little shit, I know you ate my ice cream. You better go out and get more’. “
“I was going to stop by anyw-” At the message from his mother, Zenos froze and slooowly set his feet on the floor, untangling himself from the ridiculous position he’d gotten himself into. “... I... will take care of that right away.”
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gaius-says · 6 years
"T'was because of your kindness that I was allowed to become a citizen, and eventually a medicus, for the Empire. I wonder if other Legati would have allowed me entry the way I came in front of your countenance? Either way, because of you, I have gained a life worth living. So. thank you." She glances down for a moment, intently thinking upon something. "Also, I'm fairly certain you should send a note to Claudia when you can. She has missed you."
Gaius wore a faint smile as he listened to the Duskwight woman, though sadness soon crept in at the reminder of the Empress. He imagined that she would have been supremely unhappy to have learned of his ‘demise’.
After several long moments of silence Gaius placed his hand on Eclair’s shoulder and offered her another small, though tired, smile.
“I do not provide such support lightly. You proved yourself a capable woman with skill and talent worthy of the Empire and I take pride in your achievements.”
He gave a light squeeze before withdrawing, and his voice grew soft. “I will write to Claudia. She has been... sorely missed.”
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moryera-xiv · 6 years
‽: Who or what, if anything, would your muse die for or otherwise go to extremes for?
“For my friends, if I had to. Better me than them,” she says in a quiet, distant sort of voice.
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shofie-ffxiv · 6 years
castorre replied to your post: I rage painted my fingernails today
I do the same shit. Never paint my nail but keep tons of it. I just like the pretty colors.
Same. I like collecting them, I guess? It’s weird.
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lilirulu · 7 years
  I wonder if 4.1 will be the best .1 patch So far...
Zenos minion plox
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eleore · 7 years
Eleore! I love your Magi posts and Magi in general, well, Magi when it was about stuff like the Kou empire and Balbadd and not so much about Sinbad's Awful Choices. Anyways, is Shoukoku no Altair worth picking up for historical fiction/political intrigue?
Thank you!! :D
If you enjoy historical fiction with political (and economic!) intrigue, then I’d definitely recommend Altair - in that regard, it’s significantly stronger than Magi. In fact, while Magi is the more approachable of the two, I’d say Altair is overall the better manga, especially in terms of story and consistency.
I can’t really recommend the anime for the time being, but the manga is absolutely gorgeous and worth picking up.
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“Solus, I brought that cream for dark, baggy eyes that you asked me to make. Extra strength! Are you sure you don’t want the natural bronzer too? You’re looking a bit corpsey.”
“That is my natural complexion, dear. When your dear Varis isn’t looking like he was dipped in chalk he holds the same appearance~”
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emperor-galvus · 6 years
"Watch out, Grandpa Trash Panda is coming!" She ducks out of sight immediately.
Varis casually re-loaded his gun.
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🍝 and strawberry
Is there a random thing that just reminds you of home or a pleasant memory? Do you understand why or do you see absolutely no correlation between it and the memory?
Zenos stretched out on his back on his bed, hands behind his head as he stared at the ceiling.
“Home was any number of places, depending upon where father was serving at the time or what his needs were. I can scarcely pinpoint one ‘home’ in particular - none stand out. I do not... feel a sense of home tied to any location.” He paused, brows furrowed. “My very first memory was mother wrapping me in a blanket that she herself made. It smelled faintly of her lilac perfume. That... is what comes to mind whenever I catch that scent.”
He would never admit that he still had that blanket hidden amongst his belongings. Perhaps he’d pass it on to his children - if he lived long enough.
Do you give second chances? Are you comfortable with cutting all ties and bonds with people? 
“That depends entirely upon what one does to warrant consideration of a ‘second chance’. It ought to be obvious that I give them on occasion - in rem Lupis’ case, multiple chances. I am not known for this. If I see potential, if someone’s usefulness outweighs their latest fuck-up, yes. I do.”
Zenos pinched the bridge of his nose, his eyes closed, and he grinned crookedly. “Some mistakes cannot be fixed or forgiven and in that manner of situation it is not just ties and bonds that are cut.”
Is he hinting at murder? He’s hinting at murder.
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kyrie-silverwings · 6 years
✔ Are they holding a grudge against anyone?
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“Currently…no.” Kyrie sits quietly in front of the fireplace, her gaze wandering from the hearth back to your eyes. “No one has crossed me in such a way since I came to live here and anyone unfortunate enough to be on my bad side is insignificant to my plans. That said, woe to the poor fool who does earn himself a grudge from me. They do not end well for those unwilling to right their wrongs.” 
Her hand dips out of your sight and into a pocket. Kyrie wraps her fingers around a delicate piece of bone, caressing against the smooth grooves. A smile, then she returns her attention to you once more.
[Horrific Headcanons]
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