#casual nerd shit yknow
echthr0s · 8 months
(context for how I got onto this tangent) so I'm very "it doesn't matter how you type/speak or how badly you spell or whatever because I'll usually figure out what you're tryna say" and I wonder how much of that is because, between hyperlexia/general autistic shit and how English was taught in the schools I went to, I happen to be Quite Good at the English language (as in, phonics, grammar/style, and spelling), and that strong foundation of The Rules means I can easily figure out how someone is fucking it up
like I actually love misspellings because a lot of the time they make perfect sense. like when my friend types "exaughsted" and at first that just looks Wrong but when you say the word "exhausted", WELL, that's exactly what the fuck it sounds like! it's a perfectly reasonable phonetic spelling and as far as I've seen, every single one of his chronic misspells are just phonetic interpretations. love that!
if you're not thinkin about that sort of thing, I imagine "exaughsted" just looks like alphabet soup (yes you might still figure out from context clues etc but!)
I type the way I type bc well 1) I can do whatever the fuck I want ofc but actually 2) I really do love the way internet lingo works, I think it's its own distinct and ever-evolving dialect with its own rules and things it does better than Standard English (like expressing tone). but I think approaching netspeak* with a strong SE foundation is... idk, important? I wouldn't be the one to know if it really is important, but it feels like it should be, yknow
like when you're learning to draw it's widely agreed upon that learning the boring ass fundamentals is what's going to enable you to do all the wild and cool things you want to draw in the future and do it well -- to be able to expand your style freely, to better grasp how to draw a new thing, stuff like that. I feel like language is similar
*I'm guessin we don't call it this anymore considering "the net" is kinda oldtimey phrasing BUT it's a good word god dammit
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selamat-linting · 1 year
parts 2 of my previous homestuck post, now on to the things i find silly!
-yaoi tournament will live free forever in my head. so as the horse cock. this is the worst thing hussie has ever done. i legit did not know it was an actual horse cock like i think it was just a giant blue dildo 😭😭😭😭
-the dancestors are really lame people like oh my god. beforus kids are giant dorks i cant believe their alternia counterparts are so badass like, take aranea and mindfang. just look at the contrast. first one is a nerd who would pay people for attention and the other is a girlboss who doesnt give a shit.
-one thing i do like from kankri is that he gave us plenty if funny karkat suffers joke. i love how this loser makes karkat do the walter white face lmaoooo he just cant get a break is he?
-and penis ouija!!! god why is he like that? everytime karkat is on screen i feel secondhand embarrassment like. i cant believe i shared classpects with this guy. why are you biting dave's cape are you in kindergarten? worst of all i think i've done something similarly embarrassing in school. thats it im changing my classpect im a knight of light from now on fuck off.
-still, thats not as horrible as rose's fuckup with her date. oh my god somebody gives her a chill pill she is going to lick herself bald like a stressed kitten. which is really funny because she and kanaya seems so... not nervous when talking to each other. you'd think their date would be a normal casual discussion between two awesome self assured girls. No its not. theyre both have gotten good at looking like theyre not close to exploding. but we all know none of them are Hinged.
-And oh, tavris they are doing you both dirty. like, its an improvement that vriska actually says something positive to him and that tavros did speak up against her at some points. but the narrative doesnt really want them to grow as a person. i think hussie has gotten too attached to vriska the unapologetic thief of light to the point that its reflecting badly on her and other's character development. okay fine i did say i wont take it seriously, but im a writer too. ofc i will notice the issues.
- this might be an unpopular opinion but i like the elevatorstuck music. gamzee is like, getting close to be my scrunkly like i know he does atrocities but he is really funny when doing it.
-the lands for the alpha kids are really fascinating. its less lively than the beta kids but im glad i actually get to experience the puzzles they have to solve on quests and its relations with the players' classpect. i want to see jane fulfilling her planets wish to be green and fertile. she gets too much shit talk from caliborn so i want to see her get a win yknow? and she's so goofy like her beta counterpart i want to see her happy and silly like egbert too.
-speaking of egbert, im kinda worried for him. can you believe it? he doesnt like con air anymore. i've been in his phase of starting to lose all joy in things i used to like and feeling lonely even with people around me and its not pretty. i know he went through a lot. i hope the experience with the dream bubble would make him happier even if just for a bit
-and another beta kids i want to be sad about: davesprite! he's so alone. all of his friends from the timeline is gone, he's not the main dave anymore and john keeps treating him like a replacement. its like he's relegated to a nobody who happens to have a recognizable face. poor guy.
-and to be sad again, i know i made fun of karkat a lot, but i have the biggest parental instinct for him. aside from terezi. he's the biggest crier out of the group. he's shouty and annoying but thats very much the kind of annoying shit that children do yknow? at first i dont like him because of his attitude to jade, but slowly i did warm up to him. he never really hated anybody and most of his tantrums are generally harmless to other people. in fact, he blames himself a lot about things that are out of his control. he's the one with the least body count from the rest of the trolls and he literally had to grew up hunted and unwanted by society. i want to give him a hug, i truly do.
-okay back to fanboying. roxy!!!! shit. man i adore that she has an aura that makes any surveillance camera blackout nearby. yes, girl, BECOME UNGOVERNABLE.
-and i cant believe im saying this, but i miss sollux. at first i was just joking about finding him interesting because he has my star sign and is good at coding but yeah. i do miss the guy. where is he really?
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You got what you wanted, lil bit request of Nimh/Volks ship
Let's just say, what Nimh and Volks would do if they were living together :')
Also, apologize if my English isn't good enough, since I'm Estonian
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also your english is fine!! I'm brazillian so it isn't my first language either ajsnksn
TW: tooth-rooting mushy ass gay shit
♡ Nimh x Volks Domestic Headcanons ♡
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Yknow that thing early in the morning when one person is making breakfast at the stove and the other one just hugs them from behind and burries their head in their shoulder? Yeah, that. Nimh is always the one making the food though, since Volks can't cook for shit.
Nimh has a tendency to hum or sing while in the kitchen. Obviously wolf boy would never admit it, but his heart grows like three sizes everytime he hears it.
Nimh tends to wake up very early, and is already full of energy when he does so (yes, he spends a good 20 minutes admiring his boyfriend while he sleeps before actually getting up). Meanwhile Volks can very well sleep until 3 PM if no one bothers to wake him up, and is really grumpy for a while after.
Nimh is very organized and keeps the house tidy. Homeboy is the definition of a malewife.
Volks would also never admit how touch and attention starved he is. He likes being spoiled, even if it makes him embarrassed cause "he can take care of himself". Also, don't tell anyone, but he likes to be the little spoon every now and then. It makes him feel safe.
Neither of them are much into PDA, so dates are normally inside watching a movie together. Nimh reading for Volks until he falls asleep isn't uncommon either.
Though they've been living together for years, they're not in a rush to make things too serious or put a title in their relationship. Closest they ever got was the one time in a blue moon that they actually went out for a dinner date and Volks asked for a table for "him and his husband" and almost had an aneurysm after he realized what he just said.
The thought of having a kid does come up every now and then in conversations, though they keep it casual. Volks keeps a front that he wants a son but deep down he wants a daughter he can spoil and treat like a princess. He's a softie, what can I say?
Nimh says he doesn't care either way as long as it's with him. It was one of the few times Volks got so flustered he was actually speechless for a little while.
In the mean time, they settled for adopting a cat. Volks wanted a dog and Nimh wanted something smaller like a bird or a rabbit, but he saw this little stray kitten wandering around their house and couldn't contaim himself. She is very spoiled and well cared for. (They ended up naming her "Athena", since Volks wanted a striking name and Nimh is a history and mythology nerd definitely not projecting on Nimh here idk what you're talking about)
Another one of those moments where Volks incredibly soft is when he comes home from work and finds Nimh laying on the couch, either reading a book or cuddling up with Athena. He barely takes his shoes off before crawling on top of his boyfriend and resting his head on his chest. They've both spend a few nights sleeping on the couch like this, neither of them willing to get up.
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biggaybunny · 3 years
Hoshiguma, Che'en, Tomimi, Gavial, Kal'tsit, W, Carnelian, Absinthe, Asbestos, Exusiai, Siege, the Nearls, Eunectes, Saria, Mudrock
Alright here we goes *breaks fingers*
Hoshiguma: Not My Type | Alright | Cute | Adorable | Pretty | Gorgeous | LORD MERCY
She's big and strong, gentle and well-spoken, loyal and introspective. She's an incredible character and an incredible woman and a woman in leather makes me weak.
Ch'en: Not My Type | Alright | Cute | Adorable | Pretty | Gorgeous | LORD MERCY
She's edgy, but I love a woman who can kill me a thousand different ways. Points taken off for her having way too much of a hard-on for self-sacrifice and lone wolfing it, but she's still very pretty and rocks the office casual look (yknow, not counting the hotpants).
Tomimi: Not My Type | Alright | Cute | Adorable | Pretty | Gorgeous | LORD MERCY
Gavial: Not My Type | Alright | Cute | Adorable | Pretty | Gorgeous | LORD MERCY
She flew under my radar for the longest time but honestly she's gorgeous, she's unreasonably strong, she's got a hot tail and sharp teeth, and she looks fate in the eye and then punches it in the teeth. What more could you ask for in a woman?
Kal'tsit: Not My Type | Alright | Cute | Adorable | Pretty | Gorgeous | LORD MERCY
You know what I love? A woman who absolutely hates me. I also love an ethically dubious milf. Points taken off for not understanding how amnesia works, and more points taken off for acting like she's got a moral high ground while she machinates and lies to us. Points added back on for probably being some kind of timeless abomination masquerading as a catmilf.
W: Not My Type | Alright | Cute | Adorable | Pretty | Gorgeous | LORD MERCY
She's wicked, she's a genius, she understands how amnesia works, and she's basically a demon lady. I like her attitude and her smile. Points taken off for shopping at hot topic despite being like, thirty-three. How did she even find anything in her size?
Carnelian: Not My Type | Alright | Cute | Adorable | Pretty | Gorgeous | LORD MERCY
GOD I love the sexy scientist look. The giant horns. That absurd thigh of straps. In terms of per physical looks she's a 10/10. I know nothing about her personality, but her gaze is smoldering. Given most characters are getting points off for their personalities, maybe that's the reason she gets top rating =:V.
Absinthe: Absinthe is my daughter what is she doing on this list all of you staring at her chest are going to get sent to your own personal Brazil Chernobog.
Asbestos: Not My Type | Alright | Cute | Adorable | Pretty | Gorgeous | LORD MERCY
She practically deserves her own tier, I almost went back and moved everyone else down a tier once I reached her. She's so fucking sexy. She's a bastard. Like, people think "bastard" is a gendered term, but she isn't a bitch. She's a bastard, and I mean that affectionately. She's antisocial. She's fit. She's lanky. She modified a door into a shield instead of modifying a shield into a shield. She has oripathy and was too chad to be affected by this. She doesn't know how to talk to people. She's the most lesbian lizard on the planet. She's a stud and I want her to walk over me with her size 13 combat boots.
Exulsai: Not My Type | Alright | Cute | Adorable | Pretty | Gorgeous | LORD MERCY
Moderately-unhinged tomboy angel is cute, I bet she gives good hugs. She's too high energy for me but I recognize a cutie when I see one.
Siege: Not My Type | Alright | Cute | Adorable | Pretty | Gorgeous | LORD MERCY
She comes off kinda young for me. I dunno. I just also don't really go for the whole "princess in exile" thing. Like she's just giving off "look how regal I still am even now" vibes. Like, okay blueblood, we get it, you had a posture coach. The fact that specific individuals are capable of being good people and good leaders does not justify monarchy as a system of government.
Maria Nearl: Not My Type | Alright | Cute | Adorable | Pretty | Gorgeous | LORD MERCY
I like that she's got a passion for mechanics and she is, genuinely, very pretty and a very good girlfriend for Platinum, but her naivety and need to follow in her sis's footsteps don't really endear her to me.
Whishlash: Not My Type | Alright | Cute | Adorable | Pretty | Gorgeous | LORD MERCY
She's clever and ambitious and takes care of her family, and I really appreciate her owning her sexuality like she does (read: slutting it up good) but at the end of the day, she's still a horse.
Margaret Nearl: Not My Type | Alright | Cute | Adorable | Pretty | Gorgeous | LORD MERCY
Margaret Nearl's dick is bigger than yours. Think of the biggest dick you've ever seen. Margaret Nearl's dick is bigger than that. One time the sun decided to shine so Nearl went "hey sun how big is your dick again?" and the sun cut that shit OUT. The only reason Reunion still exists is because Margaret Nearl has to spend at least sixteen hours a day fucking her two wives, and a knight like her knows the importance of getting eight hours of sleep. Points taken off for still being a horse, but added back on for being Margaret "Fucks Your Wife" Nearl.
Eunectes: Not My Type | Alright | Cute | Adorable | Pretty | Gorgeous | LORD MERCY
GOD that tail. That tail drives me to poetry. AND she's an engineer. Her passion for knowledge and for her work is so sexy. And she prefers to be mostly-naked for no good reason. Short, brown hair on nerdy girls is my weakness too, and she counts as a nerd even if she CAN kick my ass by thinking about it >///>
Saria: Not My Type | Alright | Cute | Adorable | Pretty | Gorgeous | LORD MERCY
Insanely powerful women are hot. Insanely powerful women who choose to be protectors even if they have to keep their destructive potential under control to do so are even hotter. Plus there's just something about the sternness in her gaze that makes me want to say "yes ma'am". Her horns are hot too.
Mudrock: Not My Type | Alright | Cute | Adorable | Pretty | Gorgeous | LORD MERCY
Have you noticed a trend with me yet? Have you figured it out yet? WOMAN BIG. WOMAN PROTEC. Most importantly, WOMAN HAVE HORN. She's also gentle and creative and (in every good fan interpretation anyway) built like a brick factory.
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i was kind of processing how the interaction between winston & rian is fascinating in 6x04 wherein that’s like, the one time we’re closest to something like rian trying to insult / shut down winston & ending up walking it back for any reason?
like in just the episode prior you have winston saying “your taunts don’t hurt me anymore” which seems to speak to a) they do & have hurt him & b) he thinks she thinks that’s the point such as that c) if he claims he’s not hurt, he thinks she might stop (where you know, the fact he’s maybe actively trying to stop it & the fact when she immediately gives him shit again anyways he is Put Out also means her taunts Do hurt him anymore) and while the scene ends with rian & winston seemingly totally amicable again / interacting constructively / validatingly enough, it doesn’t seem like rian’s been dissuaded from insulting winston on purpose for fun, much less when she just kind of does it more neutrally or out of annoyance
but here it’s that she clearly means the whole “oh, i guess that’d be you” bit as a Sarcastic Shutdown but then winston responds to it as if she’s in earnest & responds earnestly himself (like sidenote, do love how it’s a “we get it, you’re nonchalant” moment with him walking over like Clearly he has this all planned out how he’s gonna Coolly & Casually offer his algorithmic services to make himself useful to rian so they can hang out over interests maybe =] & then when he thinks rian’s responding positively / with enthusiasm he immediately gets more open/spontaneous/sincere himself with a breathlessness such that this feels similar to 5x07 for me lol) 
and once she realizes he’s taken it as a positive response both in like, the affirmative & her mood in delivering it, sure seems like this is where she actually walks this [pwn him / hurt him on purpose] response back & becomes more earnest herself & like, even if this is given & taken as an extensive “haha but no really you can’t come with me to help pack” a) it’s still like, more of a genuine exchange ft. her Again giving him plenty of further info about a personal interest (again comparing it to 5x07) & b) it becomes more general like, rather than an individual rejection of him, she’s explaining why she doesn’t want Any help or company.
just the “oh bud. buddy” like when has anyone ever lmfao. & sure it might be yknow oh Figure Of Speech / itself slightly sarcastic or exaggerated for humorous effect but like. not entirely, & her bothering to Correct him does seem amicably meant enough, even if she’s still making sure to tell him like no, no help or company. she doesn’t make sure that it’s Personal Rejectiony enough or comes with any further insults or anything, & again just seems to shift to this more earnest & spontaneous & Conversational approach from her as well.
like Fascinating because if she tries to hurt him, and he Gets that immediately & is hurt, she’s completely neutral about this or else feels Rewarded b/c she’s maybe entertained by successfully needling him or punishing him for being himself the way other people do mostly out of mere annoyance, not b/c they find it That fun to treat him contemptuously for its own sake (although see: shared negative opinion fastest social bond, naturally) or like “on principle” like no cringe nerd can go unpunished b/c then how can we all justify adhering our entire identities to these Rules about how to behave to be superior to others or at least tolerated....but if winston Doesn’t get that, & instead gets his hopes up, Then she feels motivated to Fix the situation and issue disclaimers more straightforwardly / like this is a friend or simply person she’s amicable towards she’s talking to, who she Doesn’t want to hurt for fun?
and who knows, this Could be interpreted as like, points towards “when rian insults / discourages winston it’s always completely In The Moment impulse,” certainly have noted how she might not notice Consequences b/c a) winston is in fact visibly negatively affected but he’s also always having to roll with things, so she might assume it’s fine actually & b) other people give winston shit, including both her (then) bosses right in front of her, repeatedly, on her first day on the job & her first time meeting winston, & c) other people who see her giving winston shit do not react to this, & related to (a), d) winston hasn’t particularly had a bigger reaction than that “your taunts don’t hurt me anymore” one, or if not necessarily more noticeable, simply more of a permanent shift than being disheartened but potentially restored to neutrality / amicability by the end of the same scene based on nothing in particular but the passage of twenty seconds or so....so here’s just an instance where maybe rian having to recalibrate because her initial [pwn him] approach didn’t work as planned is enough of a disruption that that impulse to pwn him is now not relevant, and she’ll simply talk to him, and in fact possibly talk to him in such a way as shows him some more like, basic consideration for his being a person lol, certainly further consideration for his feelings than “oh i’m trying to hurt them,” b/c the “oh bud, buddy,” section of what she says is hardly hostile or particularly insulting like, at all
idk Again it’s just fascinating when it’s like jeez do none of the instances of winston outwardly expressing through face journey or dialogue that he’s hurt discourage rian from insulting him / make it less rewarding to keep giving him shit over nothing or anything, where the answer is Apparently No, So Far, but when he’s Not hurt b/c he misunderstood & he responds more positively for it, suddenly she starts acting like she’s actually trying to Avoid hurting him. which is certainly interesting. like, is it secretly that if he can defeat her Impulsive Response to try to get a negative response from him, that’s enough to break through to this more earnest version of the interaction where actually she cares enough to try to Walk It Back so that he’s not actually That hurt? idk. really Of Interest though when there’s no other moment quite like it.
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radramblog · 3 years
Shameless self-promotion (kinda)
I’ve kinda been meaning to talk about other things what I do, so here’s a bit of that, I guess. I should probably get used to talking myself up, seeing as I am actively on the job hunt at the moment.
It’s worth noting that even as this post is titled “self-promotion”, this blog is really the only public content I am making that is just me, myself, and I. The things I’m going to be discussing have me contributing, but I’m not like a lead organisational entity or what have you.
It’s also worth noting that these are some instances of some Niche Nerd Shit. So keep that in mind. If you don’t like Magic: The Gathering or Pokemon, I’ve got bad news for you.
Might as well go in the order I just put up.
Commander’s Herald is a website that I believe was formed kind of as an offshoot in part to EDHREC’s Articles section, as a hub for deck techs and columns about MTG’s Most Popular Format (it’s official!). I’m not sure how well this is going to go for them, but it’s been chugging along since the start of the year without having the backup EDHREC has of, you know, being attached to an incredibly useful database, so fair enough.
I am not a writer for Commander’s Herald, to be clear. I don’t know if I play enough of the format to really contribute something useful on a weekly/fortnightly basis, even though I do talk about the game weekly on this very blog.
What I was a part of was the CUT! series run by one Travis Stanley on the site. It’s effectively a contest about creative deckbuilding under tight-ish restrictions- as an example, the first round required a deck with only Standard cards, 10+ Artifacts, and a Commander (or pair) from Commander Legends. It’s been really interesting how these have turned out so far, and the concept sounded really fun to me, so I put myself down to be part of the…show?
Many months later, I got my shot in as part of the fifth heat (though I think each round is completely separate), tying in to the release of D&D: Adventures in the Forgotten Realms- thus I had to build a deck with a commander built around that. I’m not going to go into it that deeply, since part of the contest is writing up a 800-900ish word dech teck to go with the list, but you can find the article here.
My Drizzt Do’Urden list did, in fact, make me go to the finals, for which the post (and new decklist and post) can be found here. It’s probably too early to tell at time of writing, but it looks like I have a solidly commanding (heh) lead to win that too with my Minn list, so that’s pretty sick.
I do enjoy this sort of creative build challenge a lot. It’s reminding me of my first Cube build, where my options were heavily restricted because of, well, myself (and yet it ended up not being cheap), and it gives me a great excuse to strut my particular brand of deckbuilding. In this case, to a somewhat larger audience than this blog gets.
Speaking of slightly larger audiences, I suppose I should talk about the podcast I’ve been on, The Writer’s Locke.
While I’ve mentioned the Nuzlocke Forums multiple times on this blog, I haven’t really gone into the weeds of it- I’m thinking of making a much grander post about it in future. But I am a longtime lurker of said forums, and due to the marginally increased presence of Aussie dorks, gravitated towards the writers/storylockes corners of the site’s membership.
In case it wasn’t obvious from me maintaining a very silly blog for a decently long time, I’ve felt for a while that writing was probably my most viable creative outlet, and as a result, I’ve felt for a while that I should contribute something to this corner of the internet, considering how much it means to me. Unfortunately, I’m about as confident in my creative writing skills as I am my saxophone skills (in that it’s been a very long while since I tried and I’m not sure I had any promise then), I’m terrible at starting and committing to projects, and I’m pretty shy, so I haven’t really gotten anywhere on that front.
However, an opportunity arose when some of said Aussie Dorks started to organise a podcast by and for the membership of this community. A half-audiobook half-discussion series that is utterly and extremely devoted to niche Pokemon fanfiction. For the first season, I ended up in the latter (discussion) half of that spectrum for three episodes, bringing somewhat of an outsider’s perspective to the whole thing- after all, even if I have been part of the community for many years now, that doesn’t mean I know jack or shit about how to write things and what makes stories good. (I mean, I know a bit, but yknow). I’ll link the forum posts for those episodes here, though they should be available on most podcast-based platforms:
-Episode 8, where we discussed Protagonists,
-Episode 9, where the topic was, of all things, Gijinkas,
-and Episode 10, which was about Worldbuilding.
The second season of the cast is still ongoing, albeit after a bit of a hiatus (life happens, baby), and for this one I’m signed up not as a discusser but as a reader for one of the fics that makes up the audiobook section of the podcast. In particular, I’m reading Carousel, a very low-Pokemon high-feelings, nonstandard sort of piece, and I believe the one that headlines every episode in the season. Like, for some they’ll just do a couple chapters and leave the rest for you to go through, such that we can show off multiple people’s voices and multiple people’s writing in one season of podcast, but seeing as Carousel has relatively short chapters and neatly fits one per planned episode of the cast, we’ve just got me doing the whole thing of it.
Being on a podcast, even one as ultimately low-key as this one, has been a bit of an interesting experience. Recording those discussion segments with Rainey and Garchomp (who also happens to be Carousel’s writer) was a lot of fun, and though it’s a bit more stressful, I am having a good time lending my voice to the story. If nothing else, it’s decent practice for D&D and the like, though I’m still convinced that my voice for Suicune (iirc she’s supposed to sound, like, “smoky”, which is not a thing my voice does) is pretty terrible. Considering how awkward the protagonist is, though, I think I’m a good fit for that at the very least.
I wouldn’t actually know, though. I haven’t listened to any of the episodes with my voice work in them. I know not liking the sound of your own voice is fairly common, since you don’t sound how you think you do, but I find hearing my own voice bloody abrasive. I was thinking about writing a whole post about it, actually, but I guess this is that. I was kind of hoping that this whole process would get me more used to it, but that hasn’t happened so far, obviously. I would like to be on a more casual podcast at some point, it seems like a lot of fun, although adding to the legion of white_dude_with_podcast.wav feeds isn’t really something I’m the most interested in.
Oh right here’s some links.
-Episode 1, where I read chapter 1,
-Episode 2, chapter 2,
-etc, etc. We’re currently up to the 6th episode of the 10-episode season, for reference.
I guess that’s it, there’s only really the two of them so far. Ultimately, while I’m much lower on free time than I used to be, I would like to be producing more I the realm of #content. As long as it keeps being fun and interesting, I want to be doing it. I guess it’s just a question of how long that ends up being, and how I find myself doing it.
But I think that’s a problem for future me.
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johnnys-green-pen · 4 years
Random E! Thoughts: S2E1 - Decision/Problem
AYYY, CAPTAIN STANLEY!!! My second-favorite character has arrived! 
I can finally do my blog title justice and Appreciate Captain Stanley’s Eyebrows, lol
(fun fact: half the reason why I appreciate those eyebrows so damn much is because I’m actually horribly faceblind, and telling apart all those tall, relatively slim guys wearing identical outfits when they’re in turnout gear is a lot easier when one of them has such magnificent eyebrows.)
I REALLY love the desk pens they use at Rampart. Gotta find out if those are fountain pens (would be cool, but unlikely) or ballpoints and maybe get an ID on those if I can find a closeup - I’m nothing if not a huge pen nerd. 
(yes I’m stalling because this episode will give me feels, shush)
Note the way Brackett sticks up for people when he thinks they did nothing wrong - dude actually ranks pretty high on my Favorite Character List, and I’ll explain why eventually.
There aren’t too many scenes in the show - outside of rescues - where Johnny and Roy are both absolutely dead-serious - and this episode is a bit of a goldmine for those.
So. First of all, Johnny getting out of the squad, walking straight over to the map and going right into his “you did nothing wrong” thing. If you ask me, he spent the entire drive working that one out.
Johnny holding still and just properly looking people in the eyes makes any given scene weirdly intense all of a sudden. 
Almost looks like Johnny’s reaching out to touch Roy’s shoulder or something after Roy says “that’s what I have to live with”, before deciding against it. 
Small inconsistency, I think: Mister Johnny “grew up on a ranch roping cattle” Gage should, in fact, probably know a thing or two about bulls. 
Also, looks like they under-cranked the scenes where the bull’s charging/running/generally moving quickly to make him seem faster. When the bull’s not moving quickly enough for your Intimidating Animal needs, just speed up the frickin film, I guess. 
Also, as somebody once noticed, Johnny really DOES take the side mirror to the ribs when Roy brakes. 
So. The Mopping Scene ™. I think Johnny knew exactly where that conversation was headed right from the start. He still went through the motions, played his part… but imagine his mounting dread with every new answer he knew was coming but was still hoping to be wrong about. 
Not to mention that, if I remember correctly, we only ever see Roy almost leaving; never Johnny. 
(or rather, Johnny’s way of “almost leaving” tends to be rather more accidental, painful, and permanent)
ANYWAY. Point is, that’s gotta suck for Johnny, and I wonder how Roy would react if the roles were reversed.
Also, the scene where Brackett talks to Roy over a cup of coffee is a personal favorite: That’s a lot of honesty and discussions of feelings ‘n shit for one scene and I love that E! had the guts to stick two guys in a room occasionally and have them discuss fears and emotions and the ethics of helping people. More shows should do that and not turn it into a big deal.
Also: Brackett getting protective over people he cares about will never get old. Once that guy starts to care, he really cares, and I love that. 
Yknow, the interesting thing about Dix breaking down a bit is that nobody ever seems to hold it against her. No “women too emotional” bullcrap, and she always has a solid point. Still veers a bit too close to stereotypes for me, but the show does handle it pretty well. Dix in general, too.
At the fire, there’s one of those Random Bits Of Spanish I love so much  - I honestly can’t think of any other anglophone TV show that throws foreign languages into the mix so casually and without a deeper reason than “some people speak other languages”
Also: Let’s appreciate how Johnny’s first reaction to having lost Roy is running in there, equipment be damned. 
And the way Captain Stanley reaches out and just hauls him back.
Johnny’s slowly blossoming smile after Roy manages to revive the dog
Also, poor Johnny, but knowing that Roy made up his mind already makes Johnny’s impassioned speech about the suckiness of brushfire stations and Roy’s incredibly deadpan “sounds kinda challenging” incredibly funny.
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drowninginblox · 4 years
Thrown into It
Part: 1,2,3,4,5, 6, 7, 8
Part 9: Titles at Momo’s
How the fuck did I get here? We were just going over math damn it. Why did we have to train my powers? It’s not like I’m gonna be a pro hero! I’m not main character material after all. Have you seen what I'm packing? All bone and fat. No muscle to this bitch. “Y/n! Cmon! Keep your head out of the clouds!” Ochako called from the front. I can only nod my head and try not to faint. Right now me and the main character gang are walking to Momo’s house. Apparently this is an impromptu sleepover. Momo told us that she’ll cover everything we needed so now we’re just walking. Don't worry the cast dragged me to the local train station before hand and Inko was cool with this somehow. What even is this? “Y/n? Are you alright?” I hear before Tenya- fuck I mean Iida nudge me. It’s so weird acting like a stranger to people you already know. “Oh, um.. Y-yeah just a little.. I don't know how to explain it? Anxious?” I try to look at him but his straight laced demeanor and overall physic is intimidating in itself. “There is nothing to worry about though! Surely Midoryia has told you that we are trustworthy!” He declares while chopping his hand around. I try to hold in my laugh but fail miserably. “Did I do something funny?!” He shouts defensively while chopping more. Fuck its just as funny in person-. I feel eyes fall on me as I just keep laughing. “I-oh holly crap- fuckin give me a minute holy shit-” I takes deep breaths while the group mumbles something about me being weird. “S-sorry- Just.. The fucking hand chops kill me- you remind me of C3PO..” I whip a tear from my eye but when I focus back on the group they all look clueless as to what I was saying. “Um.. Y’know? Star Wars?” I prompt but all look just as clueless. Does this universe not have star wars? “What's that?” Tsuyu asks with a small kero. I couldn't only stare. “Just the greatest movie franchise to grace the planet! Yknow- fuckin-” I cover my mouth and inhale deeply. “Luke, I am your father!” They all glance at each other. “Y/n is it something from your home?” I feel my eye twitch but give up. “Yeah it is, and it's amazing.” I sigh. “What might it be about?” Tokoyami asks. His eyes widened at my overwhelming joy. Midoryia chuckles and smiles along with me. “Now you did it-” Before tonight Izuku made the mistake of asking me who my favorite hero was.
The rest of the journey was me basically explaining all of star wars to them without giving the major spoilers. At some points they had to smack me since in my excitement I was babbling nonsense. Ochako, Tsuyu, and Momo seemed to be the most invested in it from what I could tell. “Does the princess ever go home?” Ochoko questions. Momo interrupts me with a pointer finger. “There it is!”  She announces at the sight of the gates. She runs up ahead of us and speaks into the microphone. Not even two minutes later and the gate opens up to us, two white golf carts not too far behind. “Dude how rich are you..?” I mumble into the open air. She only laughs. I turned to Ochoko, then to Izuku, both of whom shook to the core over how long the driveway was. “My goodness! You have golf carts too Yaoyorozo?” Tenya acquires when two while golf carts pull up to the gate. The fuck even is this bull shitery? “Only for when I’m lazy.” She defends before hopping on the back of one of the carts. We all follow suit and within a few minutes we are in front of a behemoth of a mansion. “Welcome home everyone!” She cheers. The carts come to stop at her front door and holy fuck I am too intimidated to move. 
Everyone gets out of the carts while me and Ochoko take in the sight that is Momo’s home. It was larger than my house, that's for sure. It was also weastern, made of what looked like marble with stone accents near the front door and side of the house. The windows were large and peaking from the roof were two brick chimneys. “Are you two going to stay there all night?” Tenya called with what looked like a cocky smile. “Oh shush Mr. My brother is a pro hero!” I called playfully. His cheeks flashes a bright red and turns to Midorya while I slowly get up, help a dazed Ochoko in the process, and make my way to the front door. Izuku was mumbling about every small detail while Tsu and Tokoyami were notably quiet through this whole ordeal. Momo turned to us and smiled. “My mother and Father are out of town, visiting friends and the likes, so we have the whole house to ourselves!” She rings the doorbell and not even a second later, it opens to a maid. I could feel my face heat up at the sight of any of the main characters in that outfit like that, even though it wasn't that revealing. “Y/n are you okay?” Tokoyami asks about my flushed face but I just cough it off. “Oh my! Are you catching something?” Momo asks before turning to the maid. “Please get them some hot chocolate and hot tea! Also prepare my room with extra blankets, clothes, and pillows.” The young woman bows before walking away from us. “You didn't have to-! I'm not sick!” I tried but I was silenced by Momo rushing to me and covering my forehead with her hand. I jumped at how close we were. “You're burning up! C'mon! You can have a guest room.” She makes some medical masks for the group but Tsu backs me up. “Momo I think you’re overreacting.. Kero.” But she doesn't stop to hear reason, only dragging me through her maze of a house and shoving me into a room. “There should be a maid coming. Once she’s here she’ll give you something to wear.” And before I could say anything she closed the door. What the fuck. Why the fuck. I thought this was the training arch not the filler episode. I swear to god if one of the boys walks in on me changing I will murder. 
Thank god that wasn't the case. A maid got me some silk jammies and directed me to another room. It wasn't until I walked in did I realize it was Momo’s room. And holy crap was she a hero fan damn- I’m talking hero’s of all shapes and sizes. Ethnicities and races. Genders of all kinds. Some of the posters were black and white while others were neon and vibrant. All were framed and signed on the wall parallel to the door. “Holy-” I started but Momo caught me. “Y/n! It's good to see you out first!” She says just loud enough from her king size canopy bed. Her bedroom- in length- was the size of me and Midoryia’s rooms connected and then some. On the wall to my right were instruments, a desk, and cubicles for storage while the rest of the room was empty. Well scratch that, there was a rug. But it was small and a bright white, a needed contrast with the equally white was and dark floors. “Yeah.. um.. How do you know my size..?” I ask while motioning to my pjs. She laughs lightly. “Cmon! Come sit on my bed!” OKAY just leave me in the dark on that creepy fact then. Wordlessly I wander to the bed and take a sit right beside her. “So Y/n, tell me about yourself.” I glance up at her and play with my hair. “I'm not that interesting, trust me.” She waves a hand dismissively. “Oh please! There must be more to you than your quirk! I know I’m more than mine!” She assures. I kick my legs and think for a moment. “I'm a big nerd. I love fantastical worlds, and possibilities that probably won't happen. For better or worse.” I say with a nervous chuckle. “Really?” She asks. I nod and humor her. “YEah- I uh.. I write, draw, sing, creative stuff mostly. But I don’t think I’m that creative honestly.” She loosens her posture. “Well then, prove it!” I jumped at her request. “O-Oh um- I don't think-” 
“Madam, the other guests are ready!” A maid calls after a knock. Momo sighs “Let them in then!” With that the maid from before lets in the rest of the group, all in t-shirts and pajama pants/ shorts. Aside from Iida. He has a classic set of pajamas and a nightcap to go with the ensemble. “Thank you so much for the pj’s Momo!” Ochoko says with a smile, rushing up to us and hugging her in gratitude. “Oh it’s no problem at all.” “What were you guys talking about kero?” Tsuyu prompts. “Oh-” Momo starts but i cut her off. “Oh nothing interesting!” She glances at me and lightly slaps my arm. “Nonsense. Y/n was just telling me about their hobbies. Apparently they write and do art!” Tokoyami perks at this. “What do you write L/n?” I scratch the back of my neck “Ahahahaha- wouldn’t you like to know..” Tenya’s eyes narrow. “Certainly nothing unsavory? Right Y/n?” Fuck his glasses are reflecting light- f u c k. “Oh nooooo! Nothing like that. Mostly self indulgent romantic crap, some angst-“ Izuku gasped. “Y/n! You write angst!?” Of course Midorya’s the only one who knows that I’m talking about. “Strange. Why is your face a rose then?” Tokoyami teases. His tone says otherwise but that knowing glance is dangerous. “Ahahahaha- Tokoyami you jokester-” I get up close to him and say through my teeth. “You cant out me like this man-! Not here!” Over my shoulder I hear Ochoko laugh. “You remind me Jiro-chan, Y/n. She always gets flustered like this when she’s embarrassed.” I back up from Tokoyami and turn to the group. “Wait what?”
“Oh! You don't know Jiro, but she's so smart and talented.” Ochoko says. “Oh yeah, I know her.” I say casually but when I see Momo’s eyes widen I try to recover. “Me and my dad saw her on the TV. Y'know during UA’s annual sports festival. She had dangles on her ear lobes right?” I scratch the back of my neck for a moment to sell it. Thankfully Momo took the bait because she slowly nodded. “That’s her. She is very smart. Don’t underestimate her when you meet her.” Tyu nods. “What was her score on the midterms?”  Midorya hums for a moment. “I don't remember if she told us, but she was up there in ranking..” Before Izuku could go on a mumbling tangent, Iida inquired on the subject. “Seventh in class ranking I think.” The group hums in agreement before turning back to me. “What were you on about before Y/n?” I think a moment before remembering. “Oooh!” I snapped my fingers. I exhale a little at my idiocy. “I just forgot that you guys use titles normally. I was just a little confused.” Tenya’s glasses brightened in the light. Crap. “Shouldn’t you have researched on Japanese culture before you came to Japan Y/n?” He gets up close to me as he says that. “Uhh well.. yasee- I was kind of in a rush to get here and I don't have a phone anymore.. My dad thought it would be a great idea to take away my phone before I go to a whole ‘nother country soooo..” Great job Y/n. Nothing like feeding into the idiot father trope. Dad would be so proud of your creative genius. “And I've been so busy with school and my room..”
“Wow.” the group mumbles. “YEeeeah.. Not the brightest bulb.” I mumble dryly. “Well, surely we can teach you a few things.” Midorya counters. “No one is hopeless unless they don't bother to try! And you want to try don't you?” He says with that signature baby boy smile. I laugh a little at that bright fire in his eyes. That want to help is gonna make him a great hero one day. “Of course! If you guys can teach me that is.” I looked over at the group. Collectively they nod. Que the anime montage.
I was woken up by Midoya at twelve. Am not pm mind you. Momo was kicking us out. “I’m sorry! My parents just called and said they were on their way back home as we speak!” She defended sadly as me and Midorya were finishing up getting our shoes back on. Apparently because of my sleeping habits, Midorya had to watch all of his other friends leave until it was just him and Momo alone in her house together. “Dude, it's okay. Calm down.” I said with a slightly worried smile. Midorya was patiently waiting for me outside with a new duffle bag of his clothes for the night before and some new ones that Momo gave him this morning. “It was an honor staying here for the night Yaoyorozo-sama.” I say with a bow once both my shoes are on. She gasps, a light blush covering her cheeks from the title. But she smiles nonetheless. “It is an honor to meet you too, Y/n-san. And please, call me Momo.” She says with a smile, bowing after. We both rise and I smile back to her before walking out the door. “Y/n-chan, what took you so long?” Midorya asked. “Nothin. Just telling Momo thank you. And chan? Really?” He laughs. “What? Don't like being babied?”
“Oh screw you.”
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nerdwithabirb · 4 years
Remember that selfship game I did a while back? Here’s round 2! Featuring Bass/Forte!!!
1. A picture or comic to express the dynamic between you and your f/o
Looks like I better draw one.
2. Or describe you and your f/o's dynamic in words
Two chaotic nerds just livin it up.
3. What was your f/o's first impression of you?
She’s cute but she’s a chaotic douche and can roast with the best of them.
4. Now what were your thoughts seeing your f/o for the first time?
5. Got a favorite picture of you two together?
I don’t! ;-; I’ll have to draw one!
6. Favorite song to fit your ship?
*looks to Bass* Well?
No, I’m NOT doing this.
Come ooooonnnn!!! There’s gotta be a song for the chaotic nerd duo!
Fucken killjoy. I’ll go with KILL4ME mixed with just a dash of Light Em Up.
Not bad. I guess.
Quiet, you.
7. Time to get sappy and interactive! The sweetest thing(s) you and your f/o say/do for each other?
Me? Sweet? Ha, never!
PFFFAHAHAHAHAHAHA you’re joking, right? You act all tough but let’s be real. Being sweet to me is your... Forte.
*incoherent grumbling*
What was that?
Nothing, nothing. Anyway she says I protect her from demons or something? I don’t really get it but she likes it so I guess I don’t really care.
You blast em! Pew pew!! *giggles, clinging to Bass’ arm*
She also does this a lot... *blush* I don’t really get it but it’s kinda cute. And then there’s her complete stubbornness. Puts me in my place sometimes. *chuckle*
8. Now, how about the weirdest thing that has ever happened to you two?
Oh geez there are so many odd memories with this one! There was this time he was fighting Rock and he got—
Shut up! *turns beet red*
Lemme finishhhh!!! *puts a hand over Bass’ mouth* Now what I was SAYING was, he was in a heated battle with Rock and I was just kinda casually watching the whole thing and he glances over, having pitched the BIGGEST TENT I’ve ever seen outta him. I roasted him for it and ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ensued.
... yeah. I’ll own up to that since you’re putting it out there for the entire fucken internet! After the Rock fight was pretty fun though.
you love meeeee
9. What is the happiest memory you share as a couple?
Well there was a point where we destroyed an entire city purely because Wily was being a doofus, that was pretty fun.
Destruction is fun. Baaassss, we need a breaking stuff room! Like a shed or something full of old shit we can destroy! That way we don’t HAVE to wait for Wily to start being a doofus again!
Yknow that actually isn’t a bad idea...
10. Last, but not least- got any plans for the future?
She wants birds. Not just your regular parrots or anything either, she wants to feed a murder of crows enough times to befriend them.
And? I think you’re forgetting something!
Oh right, we have a wedding coming up in a few months. I didn’t think I could care about anything except for fighting and Treble... and then she came along.
hehehehe stahp *looks away*
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johnnydora · 6 years
okay but,, let’s talk for a moment about jake and amy,, ive been thinkin bout this for yeARS but for some reason recently it just won’t leave my head and guys just,,, hear me out okay
i’m fascinated by their work dynamic like not their relationship i mean that def plays into it as well but literally HOW each of them work and how they fit so well together bc of it
we’ll start with amy, yeah? she’s a nerd without a doubt her father is a cop and she’s been living with cop stories for years probably grew up on shitty cop shows too and fell in love with it (a bit similar to jake right? besides the point but a fun fact to throw in) HERE’S THE THING my girl puts an emphasis on studying and hard work. she wants to be a cop? she gotta focus every little part of herself to getting there (also there’s her art degree which is so cool but unfortunately will not be talked about rn) so here’s the thing, aight? she is not a naturally gifted cop (see the latest ep where she mentions you can’t be good at puzzles. oc you can. some people see the world differently and can piece things together like that. but she makes up for all of that in HARD WORK AND FOCUS) and i could go on but this brings me to....
JAKE PERALTA offspring of a douchebag and an arT TEACHER we all know our girl karen she’s a mess but a girl has passion and little boy jakey here knows nothing about cops except buildings exploding!! chasing german bad guys!!! propelling from roofs!!!!!!! and that’s enough for him to follow his dreams. but here’s where he lucks out. this boy can solve a fucking puzzle. we don’t see it all too often in canon (i cant even think of any examples rn jus trust me) but he hella cares and jus,,, hella wants these cases solved. he doesnt work hard. he doesnt know what paperwork is. but he can,,, jus do it.
the thing about police work tho is u cant get there on luck OR hard work alone. and u can see that, even tho jake and amy approach their job comPLETELY differently, theyre very evenly matched (the bet, anyone?) which is why it’s pretty impossible to say which one is the best detective bc theyre,,, best together (was that sappy enough)
no but here’s where it gets fun, bc u can rly imagine the places this dynamic takes them.
like jake working late on a random case bc he can’t figure out the solution and it Bothers him especially if it was something a bit more high profile with a few more stakes bc my boy cares sm
not to say amy doesn’t care but she has a p professional line like when she’s not working she can let go (unless jake is the victim which is like evERY OTHER CASE NOW dont mind me) but she can go home and not worry about it theyll get him tomorrow its fine cases like these dont solve themselves overnight anyway they still have time
but then u can imagine jake getting so stressed over not knowing the answer to like,, idk say a home robbery and he let the little girl use his computer for a sec to play games something that gets a little personal yknow (also jake has such a weak spot for children dont get me started on this) and he can’t!! stop!! worrying!!
and amy, gods blessing to this earth, goes over the case with him at home bc she knows he’ll lose sleep over this and she offers angles that lil jakey never could think of bc he’s just so weirdly invested and she just keeps talking bc theyve gotten to the point where they know how they each function they know how to help each other out and eventually something she says will match up with something he was thinking except, like, from another angle and it!! MAKES SENSE!!!! and jake GETS it and tada!! all solved!! except jake, sweet child, wants to go to the precinct Immediately to solve it and amy has to be like babe its 11pm it can wait lets go to sleep
and just etc etc etc etc
of course it works the other way around as well. bc amy can bury herself in her work and forget to breathe sometimes. bc she needs to get thru all her paperwork and ALSO jakes to spellcheck it meanwhile going thru all the open cases and dealing with the weird shit that comes in and also sometimes (always) its hard to focus with jake just across from her so she kicks herself a little on particular days she just Cant and jake!!! knows he’ll talk about her cases with her just casually (she talks out loud when she’s solving cases its Cute) and oc his perspective is hilarious so he’ll come up with the most ridiculous scenarios and it just,,, calms her down,,, gets her to think outside the box a little
(oc sometimes he doesn’t catch it until she’s in a full blown panic attack and that’s a whole different thing it requires less talk about cases and more kisses)
anyway that’s all i love my dumb children and how much they love and support each other thanks for coming to my ted talk bye
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agentdammers · 6 years
Grand Torchwood Rewatch 1x12 & 13
One season down...... It’s a Finale Double Whammy, just as it aired back in 2007! Crumbs of Jack Lore drop into our laps, some absolute plot bullshit takes place, an old man is there!!! fuck it let’s get this over with
content warn: pisstaking, fun having, oh! plot bullshit!, i absolutely lose my fucking mind, Owen Harper!!! I Won’t Hesitate Bitch
1x12 “captain jack harkness”
- a thought before we dive in, but man owen gets A LOT of story stuff over the course of the 2 seasons he’s in right??? like more story stuff than ianto and tosh combined. interesting
- so..... here’s a thing. “Ohhh people have heard music from a derelict building! better send torchwood in!” how... does that come about? Could it be squatters or something??? fuck it, let’s send in a Secret Government Agency! they’ll sort it out. i mean we don’t know what they do exactly but i imagine at least one of them is a ghostbuster or something lmao, whatever
- OH NO THIS CREEPY OLD BITCH!!! i forgot how scary he looked!! god, this dude must be a million, or a vampire, or likely both
- tosh’s eyes get SO BIG WHEN THAT GUY ASKS HER TO DANCE I LOVE HER SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!! she’s the best one!!!!!!
- wish i could wipe this episode entirely from my memory because that fucking reveal when the Real jack harkness introduces himself? F    U    C   K
- speaking of tosh, finding it extremely unconvincing that she, a tech nerd, would go out with a laptop with an almost completely flat battery... like, c’mon. she would be prepared
- Gwen cooper, a fully adult woman: haha me and my friends;;;; came here 4 a dare;;; cos its spooky lol....
- the dance they’re at is called “KISS THE BOYS GOODBYE DANCE”, which is what my finishing move would be called if i was a character in a fighting game
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- ianto and owen slapfighting over their shit girlfriend experiences fucking owns genuinely lmao
- tosh pops the top off a tin and then cuts her hand open on the obviously blunt fucking lid?????? jesus christ
- “I’m tired of living in awe of the rift!!!” .....................first i’ve heard of it. I love that owen is talking as though the rift has been a major fucking factor throughout the entire series up until this point, rather than a thing that’s just been vaguely fucking referenced as the reason why a bunch of weird shit just seems to happen in cardiff. no, im not standing for this. You can’t pull out the rift at the eleventh hour and then talk about it as though it’s a Hugely Important plot device when the biggest role it’s had over the stretch of the entire 11 Whole Ass episodes prefacing this was to allow the plane to come through in “out of time”. y’all have barely mentioned the rift this entire time and now you want to act like its the hellmouth??? eat my ass!!!!!!
- and continuing on that note: apparently they’ve had a machine that can manipulate the rift in the hub......... the entire goddamn time. but no one thought to MENTION it i guess!!!!!!!! pfft, why would THAT be important??? right???? right?????
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this plot bullshit almost makes me feel bad for how harsh i was about “cyberwoman” but, i will admit.... despite this Absolute Fucking Nonsense, i do find the jack and tosh storyline in this episode really fun and interesting. its just unfortunate that all the stuff arrrrround that is some kind of fic scrawled in the back of a kid’s math book.
- also the size of owen’s fucking NADS in this episode!!!!!!!! “Don’t compare yourself to me.” SAYS MAN CRYING OVER THE GIRL HE KNEW FOR ONE (1!) (SINGULAR) WEEK!!!! as opposed to ianto’s longterm girlfriend being turned into a monster and eventually murdered by his own team!!!! Like, i understand that’s owen’s problem actually goes beyond that, and its not so much about diane herself but about the fact that he let himself feel close to someone again after his fiancee died but for us, The Audience, watching this as it airs... we haven’t unlocked owen’s tragic backstory yet. and without knowing all that it just makes owen look really bad and like a huge fucking tool lmfao.
- NEVERMIND THE END IS GAY AND SAD AND Y’KNOW!!!!!! i am a man of simple pleasures, at heart, and so... i’ll let it slide. jack meeting his namesake knowing that he’s going to die and them having a moment is more of the kind of emotional content we would get in episodes of doctor who, and its Just Right
- in honesty, theres a bunch of stuff about this ep that i DO like. that tosh gets a prominant role for a change, while gwen gets to do fuck all. the whole Real Jack story. owen gets shot and pops a tit out at the end. its just unfortunate thats its all wrapped up in this rift thing thats been wheeled out last minute for a Big Season Finale with no real foreshadowing or build up to it at all lmao. but, moving on...............................................................................................
1x13 “end of days”
- lovely reading voice ianto’s got..... i also like owen acting up to make sure we know that they remember him being shot in the shoulder last episode lol.
- “owen, if you open the rift you’ll break it” (owen opens the rift anyway) “owen, you opening the rift broke it” (owen GASPS IN DISMAY, ME??? REALLY?) yes bitch open your ears
- “So are we going to sit around crying into our lattes or are we gonna do something about it?” OWEN..... IS THIS. SUPPOSED TO SOUND BADASS I.... GENUINELY CANT TELL? IT SOUNDS BAD, OWEN
- jack was so likeable last ep now he’s a DICK. gwen calls him out on how he talked to owen and he’s really fucking catty at HER for no reason at all????
- i haaaaaaaaate this scene in the hospital where a Mystery Illness has all the fucking symptoms of the bubonic plague but apparently every doctor in the entire hospital never did high school level history and are all incapable of recognising it. if fucking *i* know what symptoms of the bubonic plague are im sure they didn’t need Absolute Brain Genius Owen Harper who is seemingly the only person with any sense in cardiff to come in and diagnose it. i also hate how owen just like casually mentions to the doctor yep, this is caused by people falling through time dude yknow!!! like they do!! expect more of this to keep happening probably idk!!
- i love that owen has followed jack all this time but NOW in a crisis is the time to actually lose it and start questioning his authority bc they dont Actually know who jack is like???? you’ve been fine not knowing this entire time before??? thats not to say that jack isn’t an entire dumbass himself. he expects them all to follow him blindly and its so creepy. he’s like a cult leader, and as they all have Torchwood Stockholm Syndrome that ive mentioned in previous episode run downs they’ve all just gone along with it.
- owen having a little cry on the way out is such a Good scene bc he puts on such a brave and defiant front tho 💕💖💘💕
- i dont know why the really quick flashback to diane flying off in the plane made me lose my fucking mind, its just like “LMAO IN CASE U FORGOT: SHE WAS THE PLANE LADY. I KNOW SHE WAS ONLY IN FOR LIKE TWO MINUTES, BUT DONT WORRY ABOUT IT.”
- gwen for fucks sake!!!!!!!! not again!!!!! after all the cryptic shit and lies she’s told rhys up until this point, she now knocks him out and locks him in a cell and STILL offers no explanation. this poor fucking dude!!!!!!!!! and it’s about to get even worse for him...
- YES EVERYONE REBEL AGAINST JACK!!!!!!! FUCK THIS DUDE!!!! you’re doing what a creepy old dude who is Absolutely Definitely evil wants, but still
- why does gwen start doing shit on the computer when toshiko, the computer expert, is standing right there, like.............
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- i forget, does anyone know jack’s immortal apart from gwen? or was it just the shock of owen actually Shooting Their Boss? the only onscreen death i can recall of his after suzie shot him was in “cyberwoman”
- god, minutes ago they were all like FUCK JACK!!!! JACK DOESN’T KNOW HOW TO SAVE US AFTER ALL!!! and now theyre all crawling back asking jack to save them all from cgi pig Ganon and its just..... a lot to happen, over the space of about half an hour.
- the ending is so anticlimatic and also why does sucking all the Yummy Life Energy out of jack make abaddon die?????????? Though in its defence... after like 3 bowls of cereal, i too am like OUCH OOF MY BONES
- aaaaaaaaaand rhys is back! will he get treated any better from here on out? i dont remember!!! guess we’ll see.
- bit much of gwen who’s actually known jack the shortest time of them all to be like NO, let ME be with him uwuwuwuuw
- ahhh!!! ianto smelling jack’s coat ;_;
- aaaand jack’s back too. AND HE GETS TO HOLD A CRYING OWEN? FOR ME? oh you shouldn’t have! this Almost makes up for all that rift plot bullshit (almost. i still know what u did.)
- ANDDDDD OH SHIT. FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!! THE GOOD ENDING. HERE COMES THE TARDIS. FUCKING YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
...............................and there it goes. one season down. sorry this one was so long!!! i love and appreciate anyone to takes the time to read these posts. thank u!!!!
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grizzlefur · 7 years
WWEm - Nobody Calls Dean McFly a Nerd
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Transmission date: Monday 18/Tuesday 19 September 2017
Yeah, I said this would be 'punctual' and 'up a decent amount of time before the PPV', but hey
i was ill, and also you're not the boss of me
(unless you are)
(in which case my salary hasn't been coming in and we need to talk)
so without any further ado (just kidding, this is gonna be ado city right here) i present to you SATURDAY AFTERNOON RAW!
(yeah, you thought it was gonna be sunday, didn't you?)
(daniel did)
(he was super unprepared and is currently eating lunch in his booth)
(it looks delicious)
opening on an in memoriam for bobby heenan
we're in san jose
i should be able to make some kind of sport joke there but i can't find it
anyway, here's kurt
apparenrtly we have two matches at no mercy that are mania-worthy
casual shade at the rest of the card there
kurt says that's not all, and now here's the miz
with his bros, but not his wife
oh yeah, she's pregnant
that makes sense
boo for the next year or so when i don't get to steal her style ideas
miz, meanwhile, is wearing black trousers and a white jacket and growing a shitty beard
the single look doesn't suit you, mike
he's complaining that he doesn't have a match at mercy
kurt's like dude i was just saying that
jordan/elias/hardyz in a four-way tonight for a shot at him
miz complains that kurt puts his son in the match ahead of his super-qualified and totally legit hangers-on
kurt has had enough of your tone, young man
miz gives him a lecture about responsible fatherhood
see how kurt isn't beating the shit out of him, shane?
this is called being a responsible employer
miz fucked up his words at least twice while i was writing that last sentence
get it together, dude
anyway, here's jj to step to him
and defend his dad's honour
in a new magic eye singlet
i think he's secretly dressed as a tractor
jj asks kurt to put curtis and bo in the match so miz can shut the fuck up
never gonna work, dude
miz says one more thing about his father
gets fucked on, as promised
booker gives sage words about how jj needs to control his temper
dude, did you watch your entire fucking career
for example, jason has never dropped an n-bomb on air
later tonight we have brock and braun being interviewed (bad) and roman giving an address (worse)
but next, alexa/nia
brilliant shot of them walking backstage
alexa's expression of barely-restrained terror sells it
but first have this advert for cena/reigns
because god knows we haven't talked about it enough
back to jj backstage
as kurt storms in to tell him to calm down and focus
jason responds by ranting about what everyone thinks of him
dude, this is the opposite of calm and focus
kurt talks some fatherly shit at him, boils down to #hatersgonnahate
tells him to win the match
bet he never thought of that
but actually now, here's alexa
doing her best 'ignoring the proles but also lowkey bricking it' face
and also nia
bell rings, alexa runs away
like you thought it'd go any other way
eventually gets back in the ring, gets dicked on for a while before trying to talk nia down
and running away again
heads up the ramp, headed off by sasha
and then nia flattens her
(alexa, that is)
sasha's just lurking at ringside like oh hey there
alexa totally just hit a curbstomp on nia
i thought we banned that
alexa sets up on the top rope, goes for a crossbody, gets samoan dropped to death
sasha attacks nia after the pin, gets fucked on
and oh hey, bayley's back
somewhere, emma is just like yknow what i'm good
the three of them face off against nia and take her down
oh my god, i would watch the shit out of sasha, bayley and alexa as the shield
nia leaves, bayley extravagantly hugs everyone
they both raise alexa's arm, then remember who she is and bayley suplexes her into oblivion
i really should have seen this coming what with it being san jose
+10 hometown boost
cole recommends we go to wwenetworkrightnow.com
someone needs to learn how web addresses work
and also hypes kevin/shane in a cell
and gameplay ad for 2k18
ooh, it's got billie in
i'll probably play it, but not preorder this one
destiny 2 and injustice 2 exist, along with others
ad for total bellas, which looks less good
and a package of wrestling peeps eulogising heenan
apparently we're gonna get more of those throughout the show
cole tries to do heenan banter, corey shuts him the fuck down
and now, a video package about brock
god, i hate ppv setup shows
this is all footage from 2002
transition straight into mania 30 without a AND THEN HE BROKE HIS FUCKING NECK title card
and along came a strowman
okay, i will never not giggle at the announce table sandwich spot
paul claims that was the first time in brock's life he got carted off the battlefield
this package has just reminded me of luke harper's existence
what happened to him?
internet says him and rowan are still signed, but little else
anyway, package is over, here comes cesaro
and also his best bro
i will never get over their fusion dance pose
actual fact
they're up against the good brothers, who are still jobbing wherever possible because we saw the shit that happens when they get to main even
ad for smackdown, which i am super unhyped for
the aftermath of vince 'blading is awful unless it's me' mcmahon
let's see how that trash fire goes later
sheamus wants to talk to us about nostalgia
and also about how he clearly doesn't understand the difference between sequels and remakes
conclusion: fuck nostalgia
and here come the kkb to fuck it for us
apparentliy seth and dean are both exploiting each other
cesaro responds to what chants by repeating the same phrase half a dozen times
which is kind of great
wait, sheamus has mtn dew and liverpool fc patches
now i need to study the rest of both of their jackets
anyway, they finish their usual proclamations, and now here are seth and dean
seth describes them as like if taxi driver and braveheart had a really ugly baby
seems legit
although i don't love the 'yeah but you look dumb' retort
they talk about brothers a bunch, gives anderson and gallows a perfect chance to cut in
and call seth and dean nerds
seth's like oh no dude you shouldn't have said that
dean is not happy
nobody calls dean mcfly a nerd
cue brawl
ending with seth and dean in the ring and everybody else outside like bwaaaaaahhhhh next time gadget
but fuck that shit, here's an ad for asuka
meanwhile, kurt has once again taken the path of least resistance and made this into a triple threat
expect spots, shenanigans, and a champion win
cesaro and sheamus 100% just kicked gallows in the dick
ref like whatevs i'll allow it
book talks about the good brothers not finding their footing in wwe, cole's like ummmmm dude they were tag champs
this match is primarily seth and dean and the kkb doing rapid tags and good wrestling and anderson and gallows being like yessir we are also here
oh hey, anderson tagged in
had to happen evetually, i guess
cole almost calls gallows 'the big dog', catches himself in time
accidental double hot tag takes us to seth/cesaro, and frankly the other four can go home
weird spot where seth goes for his turnbuckle bomb then has to redirect halfway through to not throw cesaro into anderson and gallows' corner
seth eats a magic killer, dean breaks the pin only to get thrown into a barricade by the kkb
someone in the ring just shouted "sports entertainment!" and i don't know in what context
sheamus and cesaro do their flapjack cutter, then both forget who's legal and roll out of the ring, then both run back in and go for the tag at the same time
with cesaro doing the pin and sheamus just holding seth's right calf
is this a fucking laurel and hardy movie
and then anderson forgets how to set up a superplex
-checks the headlines for an epidemic of fail ravaging san jose-
double double suicide dives from seth and dean
next up in 'spots that make not a single fucking lick of sense when you think about them'...
whatever the good brothers are good at, it's not selling when they take a suicide dive
sheamus blind tags off dean, dean hits dirty deeds on anderson, sheamus steals the pin
would you look at that, a champion victory on a ppv setup show
cole started a sentence with "The Bar claims...", i totally hear the barsgays
cesaro poses on the ramp, sheamus hobbles off backstage, seth and dean don't give a shit
but nowthe miz rallies his troops in the locker room
(if you know what i mean)
bo interrupts like dude i used to do motivational speeches can i criticise your technique
bo and curtis give their cvs, throw some casual shade on their boss
realistically, why is matt hardy in that match?
the others have at least been winning a bunch lately or have had their boss shouting at the gm
has kurt been hassled by seven deities
this video from mania 21 brought to you by pizza hut
ok, but...why?
yes, edge won the first mitb
why are you telling us this now
okay, nobody knows
cole does an awkward segue into cena/reigns
corey forgets how to speak english
don't worry dude, attempting to hype roman reigns matches does that to me too
and now enjoy this video package of the parallel histories of john cena and roman reigns
i remember when there was live wrestling on this show, not like 80% clip shows
(yup, turns out i still hate ppv setup shows)
(however much of a tire fire smackdown is, at least it won't be a ppv setup show)
i really don't get why they can say bitch on the live shows but then censor it out of the video packages
okay, even in retrospect this cena promo was fire
and straight from that into an advert for vince's totally legit head injury
back in the real world (ha), kurt is on the phone
he certainly spends a lot of time on that phone
which is...an accurate representation of management, i guess
kudos, dubby dubby wee
+0.01 reality points
(current score: -89887452.99)
pan over to goldust standing inches from a poster with his back to the room
and then he turns round without paint on
and the bodysuit undone partly as well
he wants another shot against bray in his real face
which raises the question: if he wins, why was the paint there in the first place
some kind of anime power limiter?
leaves, then pops back in to snap in kurt's face as usual
but in the ring, it's curt hawkins
he's closed the star factory
and replaced it with the curt hawkins history machine
he's going to make history by ending his 114-match loss streak
well, that makes sense i guess
at least he's aware of his failings
and here comes apollo crews
the apathy is just rolling in off the crowd in waves
titus is here too
corey is either listing the current roster of titus worldwide or naming random celebrities
hard to tell
apollo shows off all the athleticism and none of the charisma, as ever
curt actually gets a nearfall, which is good for him
ticker advertises raw next week for 'ontario, CA'
ok, a) CA is a real state abbreviation, and b) ontario is big
unless it's going to be on the road through ontario in some kind of epic monday night raw travelling roadshow
i'd watch it
anyway, while i was distracted by the ticker, apollo won
i love how his 115-match streak gets an onscreen graphic
up next, brock and braun talk
after a small dancing child with cancer
it's an ad, ftr
not dolph trying another new gimmick
great, here they are
complete with paul growing out of brock's left shoulder
long beat before paul remembers his client can't talk until at least halfway through the segment
got to pace himself
braun: "My actions speak for my words!"
...i got nothin
some next-level uplit glower coming from braun though
which i just read back as 'quilt glamour'
next big aesthetic of 2017
this lighting makes braun's tattoos look like absolute shit
i'd provide a pic, but then i'd have to keep looking at them as i tracked one down
just trust me
i think it's the combination of veins and scar tissue
the way this shot is arranged, brock looks like an uncomfortable child as his parents argue over his head
paul decides cole's interview displeases him, so he's writing his own
tbf, cole is entirely unnecessary in this situation
yay, brock's warmed up
leans into camera, and the scale difference makes him and paul look like an 80s album cover
oh hey, brock got to do a mild swear
quick, let's censor it out of all future broadcasts
and the segment's over
thank god
and next...roman delivers a message
after these recaps of the women's title happenings
yeah, primarily making me double down on the fact that a women's trios competiton would be rad
and they've added bayley to the no mercy match?
for reasons
emma complains on twitter, and she's kind of right
but now (sigh) roman reigns
the presence of roman has made cole forget what time of year it is
he is just a well of negative thought
standard loooooooong-ass beat before he talks
opens by bigging up cena's talking skills
maybe a bad start
and then probably swears? the tape delay caught it
namechecks alex riley as the boring white version of himself
which is...fair, tbh
calls cena a bitch again, take a shot as you despair for the writers' lack of better material
rolls a vt from 20fucking12
of cena basically having the same problem with the rock as roman has with cena
the main difference being i don't want to punch past cena in the face rn
the real angle we want to see is cena v past cena
get on it, r&d
roman calls cena out for not being here today
is smug af
halfway decent promo, but tbh most of the good bits were shamelessly ripped from cena material
which, hey, steal from the best
in any case, he's gone
but now, renee interviews the hardyz
asks them how they're going to deal with fighting each other in the 6-pack
they're both like welp, it's kind of what we do
matt does the broken accent for one line, everyone pops
and wyatt cut
i like to think matt is still in full flow and just hasn't realised the cameras are off
but yeah, here's bray
and here's a total bellas ad
strong juxtaposition
and also an asuka ad
led with a quote from fucking sun tzu
excuse me while i sigh so hard my lungs collapse
they're on a big push in china
so someone must have realised it isn't the same country as japan
and yet
this summerslam recap slideshow is mostly a chance for bray's music to keep playing so we can here the full track
which is fucking great
and here's
dustin rhodes
the dramatic renaming is slightly let down by the fact that both his tron and the fucking clothes he's wearing say GOLDUST in big letters
could they not have just put him in some generic gear for this match
cole has clearly just ctrl+f'd his internal monologue, and now he's awkwardly calling dustin rhodes by his full name at every opportunity
but yeah, if you were trying to be the man behind the gimmick, why would you still be wearing the hey-look-at-my-junk bodysuit?
pins bray in the corner ropes, kicks him twice in the inner thigh (honestly officer), and then eats a sister abigail for the pin anyway
cue finn on the tron
dustin can't even have this loss to himself
finn is here to tell a story about his youth
in the form of the next big YA novel
i would totally read a novel series anbout a fictionalised finn bálor
finn points out that even the man behind the demon is a man who made himself a demon
so not exactly harmless
reason 1745 i love finn bálor: understanding of symbology
after this bobby heenan memorial, enzo will be here
so i kind of hope it lasts half an hour
and now the announce team awkwardly eulogise some more
and cut to a video package of his greatest moments
this is about 409000% better than enzo turning up
oh fuck, here he is
i am loving the number of boos he's getting
oh thank fuck here comes braun our lord and saviour to bodycheck him into the underworld
casually chucks him into the ring over the top rope from the floor
san jose loves him
spinebuster to death, then powerslam out the other side
walks off, neville turns up while he's halfway up the ramp
gives the angry giant a wide berth
and red arrows enzo for shits
demands a mic, does enzo's shuffle and how you doin', leaves
and san jose fucking loves him
beating up enzo is not good for your heel heat
oh wait, apparently he's sticking around for a fight
after this ad for smackdown
and this recap vt of enzo getting dunked on
cut to charly interviewing enzo in the trainer's room
he's like woe is me i am dead
but btw i'm still gonna win on sunday
but in any case, now it's neville v gran metalik
rip el rey de las cuerdas
neville tears his mask open
-shocked silence-
metalik responds with a lovely step-up tope
neville intercepts a moonsault into the rings of saturn, successfully stands up to lucha rage
and now after beating enzo, he's painted a huge target on his back for every luchador in the company
but now a hispanic heritage month thing about jennifer lopez
for whatever reason
it's worth noting that we're halfway through september, and wwe hasn't mentioned it until they have time to fill on a ppv setup show
one ad for 205 later, here's elias to open the main event reunion tour
he is disappointed in san jose
but also in all his opponents, so there's that
threatens a child in the audience that he'll get them and their mother kicked out of san jose
do...do wrestlers have that power?
and here's a diss track about his opponents and also btw san jose
interrupted by the hardyz before he can get to their verse
ooh, jeff's gone back to his old pre-mermaid arms sleeves
in all their improbable glory
and curtis and bo don't even have their own entrance any more
oh, and they get their boss to come with them
well, i guess he'd be coming on announce or w/e anyway
ok, no, he's just gonna lurk
and commence huge brawl
someone's brought miz his studio chair for ringside
brief moment where it looks like the heels are all going to work together, then elias is like ohhhh wait i'm a huge dick -kicks bo in the kidneys-
incredibly slow tower of doom setup for the hardyz to suplex the miztourage superplexing jj
elias goes for the cheap pin, jeff breaks it
and then elias eats a poetry in motion for good measure
matt then immediately turns on his brother, side effect for a nearfall
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jj deploys approximately 63% of the world's suplexes, miz throws him into the audience because no rules motherfuckers
matt twist of fates bo for a nearfall, broken by elias
who then hits drift away on matt, pin broken by jeff
crotch drops elias, swantons axel, miz breaks the pin
and jj hits kind of a meh neckbreaker for the cheap pin
insistent crowd member with an I PAID TO SEE DANA BROOKE sign
oh, honey
miz comes into the ring to sarcastically applaud jj
and then tries to punch him and gets suplexed to death
until curtis and bo come in to kick some shit out of him
and finale
and some post-beatdown smacktalk from the miz
calls him a bastard, which we can get away with when it's used in its technical sense
and fade on the twat triumphant
(my new feminist porn site)
that's the worst joke i've ever made on here
i am sorry
right, this is normally where i would roll on to smackdown
but, while i do have a weekly quota of sweaty men falling over, it's about to be filled by the new season of strictly
i have diverse interests
so until i get back, here's a line to tide you over
damn, that was a good line
and if anyone was expecting another kind, you are seriously overestimating our budget here
so failing that, how about some SUNDAY AFTERNOON SMACKDOWN?
(yeah, no mercy starts in like nine and a half hours)
(this whole punctuality thing was never going to take)
so yes
do the show
oh god this is going to be the vince mcmahon drama hour, isn't it
now lasting two hours
raw was mostly bullshit, expect this to be bullshit for other reasons
oh hey, let's kick off with a recap of the whole angle
if you can't remember what happened, read this blog more carefully?
really can't help you with that
oh hey, i want to punch vince in the throat again
funny how quickly that comes back
they've put so much reverb and filters on this audio that kevin is basically unrecognisable
his name is legion
ok, yeah, i'll never not pop for vince getting the shit kicked out of him really
we're in oakland today, so [topical joke about the a's]
and opening with some shane
commence the dramening
whoever designed the graphics for hiac this year needs to calm the fuck down
apparently vince had three fractured ribs
and shane is now here to sing his praises and how much he loves him
one day they'll work out what they want the image of the mcmahon family to be
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shane condemns kevin to hell in the cell [sic]
work out the name of your show, dude
okay, now i need to calm down
but later tonight in other angles, corbin/styles for the concept of an open challenge
but next, randy
come back shane, all is forgiven
most is forgiven
but first, have this ad for cena/reigns
i miss creepy cheerleader cult alexa
oh, and here's aiden english
guess we know what randy's here for
sweet lennon shades, dude
aiden provides his own dubiously-scanning version of randy's music
calls him a tool, gets a massive pop
keep the faith, oakland
shot of the announce table reminds me once more of the a+ announce team on here
and here's randy
oh look, still a tool
"this could be a well-laid plan by aiden english...or it could be a crucifixion"
byron saying what we're all thinking
my money's in column b
guy at the front of the round with a kane sign is either slightly ahead of events or significantly behind
we will see tonight
aiden takes a backbreaker on the barricade, then slams randy into the announce table anyway
nice to see him get some solid offence
still gonna lose, but
gets a thumb to randy's eye while he argues with the ref
adding randy to the calm the fuck down list
and then counters a top rope crossbody into a shoddy-ass rko
handy slowmo replay of the shittiness of that finisher
oh hey, here's rusev to defend the honour of musical theatre
or possibly to recover his honour in the eyes of the noble people of bulgaria
or to...rip randy's teeth out?
esoteric threat there
randy agrees to the match, then immediately gets momentarily distracted by aiden and kicked in the face for the pin
rusev then runs off up the ramp instead of getting down to tooth-ripping
i'm simultaneously disappointed and thankful
stands on the stage, rejoices at his reclaimed honour
oh, but tom has news
kevin will be here via satellite
from the next room
seems inefficient, but hey
also tonight, charlotte's back to talk about her dad
but now, here's jinder
walking backstage sharing smug stories with his crew
and he'll be here after this ad for kids with cancer
what's the opposite of an ad?
an avert?
but then it'd just be an a
appropriately for oakland i guess
damn, i'm good
ad for total bellas, and now rusev is freaking out backstage
renee comes to interview him, has to immediately explain the word 'elated'
rusev is off back to bulgaria to be a hero again
but now, here are the singhs and their amazing alveolar trills
and also their boss
in a possibly ill-advised spotted shirt
or maybe i just spend too much time critiquing wrestlers' fashion choices
jinder is doubling down on mocking shinsuke's face
this is the most incisive and well-written angle
the singhs are continuing to find jinder's jokes more hilarious than is healthy
and now jinder's getting at the crowd for being racist against japanese people?
sure, dude
they've spun a really long mic spot out of one pic of shinsuke and a bunch of racism
oh, and there's the japanese people can't say /l/ joke
credit to oakland for all just going oooooooooh there
this is genuinely breathtakingly racist
crowd start a that's too far chant
p sure he crossed that line weeks back, but welcome to the party
we have whisky and non-discriminatory humour
does some ranting in punjabi to 3% of the people of his alleged country, end segment
the announcers are all like yeah, that was a bit much
let's move on and try to forget that
up next, corbin/styles
in the allegedly open title challenge
after this repeat of the video about j-lo off raw
remember last year when they did the whole month of different latinx people?
but sure
but now, renee interviews shinsuke
who's like yeah that jinder's a funny guy -lowkey furious-
and then leaves
and here's aj
and a replay of styles/dillinger last week
that was a good match
aj has thoughts about kevin/shane
he thinks kevin shouldn't be messing with the man who brought aj to the wwe and started smackdown live
remember mania?
but now to talk shit about "shortcut king" baron
and list his recent failures
(which are hilarious)
and here comes the dick himself
with his new intro i still don't quite get
corey is talking shit about baron for seeing the us belt as a trophy
which...it is?
gregg mentions aj's weight, and i get briefly distracted by the fact that he'd only need to cut a few pounds to be a cruiserweight and how good aj/cedric would be
anyway, while i thought about that, baron attacked aj before the bell, leading tye to run in and take the fight to him
refs have removed tye, but baron's selling a fucked leg
so aj puts him in the calf crusher as well, cos why wouldn't you
hit aj's music, guess the thing's over
with baron rolling around at ringside going OW MY LEG
we get it, dude
but up next, charlotte
after pizza hut gives us a random clip of the past
this time, it's mitb 2011
i have no fucking clue what rationale they pick these clips on
but hey, it's nice to watch bryan win things
and here's baron hobbling around backstage
renee comes to interview him, he screams about feeling violated
not sure that was where you wanted to go with that, dude
swears vengeance, end thing
and here's charlotte
in street clothes
and oh look, she and her dad have written a book and it's out today
such coincidence
remember when charlotte was meant to be her own thing distinct from her family?
she's here to thank everyone for their tweets and positive energy
or possibly thoughts and prayers
the former seems more likely these days
but ric is apparently going to be ok, so i can resume talking shit about him without feeling bad about it
one day he'll die and i'll feel momentarily bad for all the crap i've said about him before going on with my life
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charlotte has learnt an important lesson about the fragility of life and shit
and here's nattie to be insensitive
she's like cool your dad's ok but let's talk about the important shit
nattie is hosting wwe's first ever celebration of women?
it's totally a thing they should do
but we have a heel doing it, so this is going to be shitty
okay, yeah, it's going to be celebrating all women by looking at nattie in particular
because we're all basically her
charlotte's just like yeah whatever i want a title shot
good shutdown
and here's becky to be sarcastic
in a really nice waistcoat
and also challenge for the title
oh, and here's naomi
who can imagine why
in an enormous white pimp robe
i take it back
an enormous multicoloured pulsing pimp robe
she doesn't even get to say she wants a shot before tamina and lana cut in
lana's here to talk about how bitches ain't shit and her client deserves a shot
so nattie has a tantrum outside the ring about all these women overshadowing her celebration of women
here's noted non-woman daniel bryan to weigh in
making the main event a four-way for a title shot
remember when there was more than one angle in the division?
of course you don't
never happened
and up next, new day/hype bros
the building may explode with enthusiasm
after this ad for brock/braun, at least
back in the room, the bros are already here
and the usos are on announce
lovely shot of someone in the crowd joining in with the new day intro but forgetting how many times they've been champs
loving all the match card graphics, where big e is totally doing his best broken matt hardy
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meanwhile in the match, mojo steals e's ab stretch spank thing
but yeah, they've announced new day/usos rematch at hiac
like anyone didn't know that was coming
e takes a broski boot, kofi shows he can fuck a team up on his own
zack tries for a rollup, eats a midnight hour for the pin
usos front, new day party, end thing
but now let's go back to the mcmahon drama
leading with a recap of vince getting beat on
and now here's kevin via satellite from what looks like a high school theatre supplies room
still life with canadian, spotlight and big red square, 2017
kevin is sorry for what he did, but it's all shane's fault for making him want to do it
claims to have nothing but respect for vince
he's also apologising in advance for the carnage at hiac
and maintaining that he's the good guy here
end thing
have a graphic for the women's four-way
and an ad for john cena's superhero body spray
which you should not attempt
and now here are the hype bros backstage
mojo is tired of losing all the time
proposes drastic action
but now here's dolph
presumably to complain about gimmicks
which he's made into its own gimmick, so it's only a matter of time before wrestling collapses in on itself
and then i'll have to watch scandinavian crime dramas for this blog or something
daniel's ears pricked up at that
i told you, no cable knit jumpers in my studio
in any case, dolph is now being hhh
"Was that fun? Can I run NXT now?"
and now he has more things
corey is filled with rage and despair
and now he's hbk
except modern hbk
hat and flares, no shades or weird bondage vest
oakland is united in wanting him to do cm punk
dolph ziggler, celebrity impressionist
dolph rants some more, goes back out
and now he's in dx
remember when we had cumbersome overlays as part of entrances
i kind of love it
the dx music is still great, too
dolph rails against dx trying to stay relevant, despite the fact that they haven't been since the late 90s
shouts at the crowd for not appreciating the craft
and he doesn't care about the crowd
cares enough to choreograph numerous elaborate entrances with costumes and props and shit, but hey
and then wanders off
is this going anywhere in particular, or is it just that we had some time to fill?
announce team move swiftly on to hyping no mercy
but next, main event
i'm not optimistic for the chances of the one heel in this match
especially because it's tamina, and she doesn't get to win things
after this ad for 2k18, in any case
back in the ring, becky's already here
but fuck that, let's have an ad for 205
oh, and tamina's already here too
becky at least got music
and here's naomi
showing us that enormous fur robes are actually really hard to dance in
i do like her mismatched eyeshadow though
charlotte's back in one of her dad's robes, which makes a certain amount of sense
i still miss peacock queen charlotte
oh, and lana's lurking at ringside
hadn't noticed
match starts, immediately go to a roman/cena ad
because why bother actually watching the main event
all three faces briefly team up to dunk on tamina, because why wouldn't you
naomi springboard crossbodies charlotte and becky simultaneously, cos she's great
pan out to nattie watching the match and looking smug
naomi gets her submission on charlotte, becky breaks it up so she can disarmher naomi
because submission wrestling goes so well in a four-way
charlotte spears tamina, it's pretty great
and then moonsaults her and naomi simultaneously
i talk a lot of shit about charlotte, but it's good to have her back
becky breaks a figure eight with a leg drop, which seems dangerous as fuck
everyone is dead
becky takes a samoan drop and then a splash from tamina, naomi breaks up the pin in a really cool way, lana pulls her out and gets fucked on, and then something i didn't quite catch put tamina down for a pin by charlotte
oh right
superkicked naomi, then took a big boot from charlotte
she does do a very big boot indeed
so yeah, charlotte/nattie at hiac
feel like we've seen this before
but hey, who am i to expect variation and originality in wrestling
and we fade on charlotte being like fuck yeah my dad isn't dead also something about a match
right, hopefully this'll get posted before no mercy
if it does, hmu on twitter @waruce if you don't already
but for now, i'm off to watch the rest of the week's wrestling before i run out of week
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kyohiba · 5 years
Xue Yang’s 420 Punishing Reincarnations AU. Final Modern Setting
but hmmmmmm I Wonder,
in that final one,
yeeting patriarch how did they all come to meet
in another one of his reincarnation he gets pimples every week
mmMMMMM good question
we said they meet a-qing last
ssyifpfff🌙 do we wanna be cheesy lmao
8h 8 hours ago yes, since shes a lot younger than them
as long the Angst Lives On,
the beginning of their meeting needs some angst
yeeting patriarch either song lan or xue yang meeting xiao xingchen, the beginning of their relationships...
ssyifpfff🌙 as an allusion to when they meet in yi city uwu
8h 8 hours ago ssyifpfff🌙 so tht its familiar n xue yang gets the de javus
8h 8 hours ago OMG. PARALLELS
yeeting patriarch HELL YEA PLEASE
n then he can meet song lan while going to buy groceries idk
ssyifpfff🌙 maybe they fite for the last bag of avocados
8h 8 hours ago yeeting patriarch what about xxc and song lan were childhood friends and had a fight and suddenly young song lan had to move out and never got to apologize to xxc but then years later he moved back and found xxc again
ssyifpfff🌙 as long as no one loses any eyes
8h 8 hours ago NO LOSING EYES
8h 8 hours ago like. first xxc meets xue yang
who got hurt... uhh... how he couldve gotten hurt...
yeeting patriarch lmao he was skating and while doing a Sick Move TM he mf fell down and got wrecked
ssyifpfff🌙 he got an arm cramp while dabbing
8h 8 hours ago innocent xxc was passing by at the time, saw everything and went to help xue yang. because his golden pure heart lives on
8h 8 hours ago yeeting patriarch as xxc helped him, xue yang experiences the Doki
xxc takes him to his apartment to take care of his wounds
and after this incident, xue yang shows up a lot around xxc's place
yeeting patriarch (hes got a bit of a bad situation at home, hes always outside like a stray cat)
ssyifpfff🌙 hes like "should i take u to a hospital?" n xue yang i slike NO GO AWAY "then let me at least bandage u, my apartment is close by" xue yangs gay ass: oh worm?
8h 8 hours ago yeeting patriarch YES
8h 8 hours ago yeeting patriarch BUT IT'S SLOW BURN
mayb xue yang is a runaway n is in need of a roomie
ssyifpfff🌙 YES SLOW BURN OBV
8h 8 hours ago remember: this time he gotta earn for xxc's affections
yes! xue yang its ur turn to cook
yeeting patriarch xxc is a bit wary of him for some reason although he helped and helps him out. his good heart cannot ignore it
ssyifpfff🌙 them going to buy groceries n xue yang being a Pro at bargaining for lower prices
8h 8 hours ago yeeting patriarch ever so slowly, xiao xingchen at first really starts feeling he got himself to take care of a stray cat
like............ this happened in yi city tbh, xue yang did manage to make xxc laugh like no one else :(
ssyifpfff🌙 im sad now
8h 8 hours ago yeeting patriarch PARALLELS... KEEP THEM COMING
8h 8 hours ago yeeting patriarch at some point though,
xue yang gets 100% kicked out his home
he has nowhere else to go
truth to be told, boi got no close friends
it's a rainy night
and xiao xingchen is coming home after uni (what is he studying)
in front of his place, in the rain, is xue yang
yeeting patriarch when he realizes xingchen came, xue yang looks up and tries to grin at xxc but he only manages a half smile
ssyifpfff🌙 i WANT xxc to be studyin at cheff school but i think med school would fit him better
8h 8 hours ago yeeting patriarch MED SCHOOL FOR SURE
ssyifpfff🌙 n it would make sense as to why he has bandages n is good at putting thm on
8h 8 hours ago Y E S
xue yang currently a drop out for financial problems due his situation at home
we really ain't giving it easy for xue yang even in the reincarnation it should be finally Ok for him
yeeting patriarch Understandable
ssyifpfff🌙 we had to do it to him
8h 8 hours ago yeeting patriarch at the sight of xue yang in the rain looking Miserable TM, xingchen's heart aches
at this point they been getting close, xue yang casually COINDICENTALLY going to the same skating place over n over even tho its actually not tht big or tht good for skating
ssyifpfff🌙 god we rly made him a skater boi
8h 8 hours ago ssyifpfff🌙 see ya later boi
8h 8 hours ago i cannot see it now
skater boi xue yang confirmed
xingchen let's xue yang stay over as xue yang kinda explains the situation
he promises he will find himself a place and wont get in the way
yeeting patriarch but... yknow how it is when the Living Together situation happens
in reality xue yang is Super smart, like genious smart like ash lynx smart, n xxc prob notices n encourages him to pursue a studyin path
xxc is a nerd in all his lifetimes
ssyifpfff🌙 tht way xue yang could get a scholarship n help
8h 8 hours ago yeeting patriarch OH NOOOOO GOT SLAPPED BY A THOUGHT THAT ENDED ME kinda nicely
ssyifpfff🌙 SLAP M
8h 8 hours ago as xingchen let's xue yang stay over, he gets xue yang a place to sleep in his living room. it's the only available place, his apartment isn't big. and in the morning, when xingchen wakes up, he finds xue yang sleeping kinda curled up like a cat, sleeping occupying a small place
yeeting patriarch also xue yang being Genius 💯 xingchen noticing it and encouraging him 💯💯💯
a tiny stray cat
ssyifpfff🌙 its such a cheesy metaphor in fics BUT I LOVE ITTT
7h 7 hours ago as time goes by,
they grow closer
yeeting patriarch xue yang starts even helping xingchen with his studies although this isnt an area he likes nor has much interest
yeeting patriarch they go on growing close
xingchen starts paying more attention to some things about xue yang. that he carries a sadness within him
masked by his delinquent attitude
xingchen starts lowering his walls
yeeting patriarch (at this point xue yang is already deep in love but yknow tsun boy)
tsun boy skater boy
asdfka, xue yang going to xxcs campus n waiting around for his classes to end
"no i just like the sandwiches from the cafeteria here" "but ur broke" "IM HERE TO SMELL THEM"
ssyifpfff🌙 n xxc buys him the dam sandwich n they sit to eat together T0T
7h 7 hours ago hoes trying to approach xue yang as he waits for xingchen, since xue yang is Good Looking. But he... hisses at other people
hes only... non feral around xingchen
what would xue yang study tho 🤔
yeeting patriarch before he had to drop out and then when he managed to go back
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm well he did do all tht w the sticks on wen ning and song lan, maybe... neuroscience
or maybe he goes feral n studies art idk
ssyifpfff🌙 he would be good at anything really
7h 7 hours ago he does look like an art hoe somehow
and Yup. boi could do Anything
let's settle this later
yeeting patriarch as for now...
the domestic bliss continues
before they realize, they're searching for a bit bigger apartment. with at the least two rooms
(No Homo phase)
two bedrooms*
they manage to find one, share the living costs
domestic bliss lives on
at xingchen's uni
yeeting patriarch a new student arrives
yeeting patriarch 😏
he moved back to the city
xingchen and song lan immediately recognized each other
yeeting patriarch with some tension
ssyifpfff🌙 (no homo phase) LMAO
7h 7 hours ago yeeting patriarch xue yang, the bastard cat, goes wait for xingchen at his uni. grinning showing his fangs and all. unaware
xue yang sees xingchen's silhouette and approaches
then he noticed song lan
hes hit by some unknown feeling. similar the one he had when he first meet xingchen
he, clever bastard, notices the tension in the sir between the two hotties
yeeting patriarch hides close by, as xxc and sl didnt notice when he was approaching
hes a bit far and cant hear well their convo but picks a few words here and there
yeeting patriarch "it's been so long", "wanted to see you again", "i am sorry"
and hes there like "uuuuh am i bein cucked" but deep down he gets a feeling too
he prob feels he wants to go meet thm but shouldnt
thru their rship he prob feels a lot of guilt, specially seein thm together, n the worst part is tht he cant understand Why he feels tht guilt
he might think he should be around xxc if he has finally found some1, like he doenst wanna be in the way
all the while bein a chaotic bastard w sl ofc
ssyifpfff🌙 n song lan actually finds him fun to be around heh
7h 7 hours ago THE CONFLICTED FEELINGS... the feelings the doesnt understand...
chaotic ass xy starts Bottling Up it all
hes been getting Messy
as he sees xxc and sl getting closer and closer, getting along better and better
he feels he should Leave them. that unsettling mysterious guilty feeling is there all the time
yeeting patriarch although he enjoys being with the two so much
yeeting patriarch one day xy reaches his limit. his mind, his heart are a mess. hes always been on the emotionally constipated side, but now it was different and overwhelming
he was growing a bit distant the past few weeks. both xxc and sl noticed although xy tried to mask it, grinning around, as always
yeeting patriarch but his gaze would give him in sometimes
one day, as xxc comes home, he is greeted by silence. a dark and cold apartment. by that hour, xy was already at home. worry grew in xxc's heart
he called for xy, but no answers came
yeeting patriarch ANNND it's almost 02:30 am i need sleep Badly
yeeting patriarch meme ya Later. dream of this au. hmu with new thoughts. nyeehaw
ssyifpfff🌙 ASSADK XUE YANG dam u u done it again.
7h 7 hours ago ssyifpfff🌙 he didint even leave a note, but xxc knows him too well n finds him fast n asks wtf is up (not like tht obv) n xue yang cant explain properly but he basically confesses tht hes grateful for xxc opening his home to basically a stranger but he understands him n song lan crealry missed each other n he shouldnt get in the way
7h 7 hours ago ssyifpfff🌙 n xxc is like "but song lan n i,,,, we both love u so much"
7h 7 hours ago n song lan comes by (xxc called him so he could help w finding the cat) n hes like "heh u ran away bc ur jealous?" "IM NOT u idiot im leaving the way open for ur dumb ass" "n what about ur way? is it open too?" (IDK WHY im imagining song lan as a suave guy whn in reality hes prob rly dense n awkwards too but let me dream)
ssyifpfff🌙 xue yang is pikachu stunned.jpg
7h 7 hours ago yeeting patriarch I HAD TO READ THOSE BEFORE DREAMLAND i will reply properly when i Rise
ssyifpfff🌙 have a good dream nyari may the xue chara dev visit u in ur sleep
7h 6 hours ago yeeting patriarch IVE RISEN
SUAVE GUY SONG LAN IS HONESTLY TO LIVE FOR xy is a tsun, xxc kinda slow so somebody in this house gotta do the work
after he says that and xue yang goes pikachu_agape.jpg
xingchen on the side blushes furiously
yeeting patriarch then after a "..." 3 secs, song lan becomes a blushy mess
yeeting patriarch xxc, tenderly, grabs one of xy hands and tells him "let's go home"
xy feels like a bit part of that heavy feeling has been lifted from him as xxc holds into his hand and sl gazes softly at him. THEN, A RARE MOMENT HAPPENS... chaotic disaster xy, doesnt give his fangy grin, but a small smile
yeeting patriarch the three of them go to their home
after this, as some time goes by, before they realize, song lan has moved in with them. they bought a bigger bed
(No Homo phase kicked into outer space)
Song lan n xy just constantly embarrassing themselves n each other fskdhdjd
3h 3 hours ago now we gotta reach the a-qing point of the au
xxc gets a thirdhand embarrassment with them sometimes
i really, really like to think xue yang's sleeping habits are a bit like a cats
even the "more docile and cuddly when sleeping" part
SINCE WE MADE HIM SHORTER ON THIS, and i think both xxc and sl are 185cm... oh the bliss
ssyifpfff🌙 he’s the lettuce of the sandwich
3h 3 hours ago yeeting patriarch "are u a big or little spoon, xue yang?" xy: im a KNIFE xxc & sl, at the same time: hes the little spoon
3h 3 hours ago yeeting patriarch OMGGHSJKSKSK HOL P
ssyifpfff🌙 “I am a dagger under ur pillow” “ok”
3h 3 hours ago yeeting patriarch xxc keeping candies with him to give xy :')
ssyifpfff🌙 OFC
3h 3 hours ago xy says fuck it in this au and becomes a Baker
yeeting patriarch sl... what is he
3h 3 hours ago yeeting patriarch architect would be cool
Or designer engineer
ssyifpfff🌙 Or a VET
3h 3 hours ago OMG A VET
yeeting patriarch YES
ssyifpfff🌙 N he constantly compares xy w the kittens he attends
3h 3 hours ago YESSSSSSSSS
yeeting patriarch WE GOT IT, WE GOT IT ALL
“Today there was a black cat tht wouldn’t let me pick it up, reminded me of u” the next day “today there was a kitten tht wouldn t stop licking my hand, reminded me of u”
ssyifpfff🌙 “Today the cat bit me, reminded me of u”
3h 3 hours ago xxc - doctor sl - vet
and baker xy... a pleasant surprise
he makes the best sweet stuff but hes a disaster cooking savory food. sweets only man
also T0T in the future when they get a-qing,
xy uses his baker ways to approach her
yeeting patriarch yknow like he did back then with the candies but this time... not devilishly
0 notes
odogaronfang · 7 years
Do 10-20 with one of ur ocs
I did 3…… no one can stop me…… ((pls ask me more I love talking about my children))Two are brothers, Leo and Tobias Valindra is .. herself
10. Two or more fictional characters they’re similar to? honestly I….. can’t think of any? Not sure if it’s my bad memory or if it’s a sign I make unique characters though (likely the former) Well actually Tobias kinda reminds me of aziraphale from good omens…… and Leo is a little like Crowley, also from good omens…….
11. What is one strange hobby/talent they have?
Well….. lets see…… idk if they’re strange but -Valindra lives on the beach, so she likes to make stained glass art out of seaglass, and she’s actually pretty good at it (she’s working on driftwood carvings) -leo can eat like 30 tubs of whipped cream in one sitting, if that counts as a talent (it’s probably a hobby too tbh)-Tobias … hm. I don’t know if it’s strange, and maybe it’s because he’s An Actual Dad™, but he can and will make a pun out of literally anything
12. Five songs that fit them: Jesus uhI may not reach five for them lmaoo
Leo: -my whole family by bo burnham (I’m counting comedy songs too shhhh)-independent woman by destiny’s child tbh-that I Declare War- Ms Jay Karan Pendavis thing; a friend showed it to me and my two immediate thoughts were ‘ghirahim’ and ‘leo’ -tbh… Girls/Girls/Boys by Panic! At the Disco, but mostly because of the 'but I don’t wanna be your boyfriend’ parts bc he’s aro-maybe Casual Affair by Panic! At the Disco
Tobias: - kind of When I Get Home You’re So Dead by Mayday Parade, his stupid ex wife cheated on him but she’s dead now so :)- tbh Separate Ways (Worlds Apart) by Journey, kind of for the same reason, though less directly connected? -Just One Yesterday by Fall Out Boy tbh fits,-Ballad of Mona Lisa by Panic! At the Disco too-Carry On Wayward Son by Kansas, in relation to his son lmao
Valindra: -mmmm kinda Bad Guy by Set It Off, at least for a portion of her story-Graveyard Whistling by Nothing But Thieves-Neon Brother by Nothing But Thieves -maybe When It Was Now by Atlas Genius -Friends With Enemies by Atlas Genius, too
(Skipping 13 bc I don’t know anything about actors/celebrities at all, ever)
14. Do they just want to rest?
-Leo; no man he’s got things to do. Parties to attend. Whipped cream to eat. (People to screw.)-Tobias; yes. Please god yes let this poor father have a nap he is Tired -Valindra; mmm at the beginning no, but as her arc continues yes let her lie down with her dragon and sleep
15. Which OC did not sign up for this?
….all three of them….?-Leo just wanted to visit his big brother Toby he didn’t want to end up on this crazy journey -Tobias didn’t want to end up on the crazy journey he just wanted to take a poor traumatized kid under his wing -Valindra just wanted a normal life she didn’t want to be a catalyst, instead she got made into a Spy™ against her will (@myself leave my ace daughter alone)
16. Who’s their favorite person? -Leo’s favorite person is tbh Tobias. Tobias is his Big Brother™ and like yeah he’s got friends, but none as close as Big Bro, and he’s aro so no romantic partner to worry about here -Tobias’s favorite person is his son like there’s absolutely no question of it, they’ve been through a lot of shit together including the Abusive Lying Cheating Shit Kaelynn, aka Dead Woman Walking-Valindras favorite person used to be her bff Ashryn, but once he became a jerk she turned to their leader Kethryllia, but it later settles to her (future gf) Talli (actually another friend’s character ;) @theshiningmaid)
17. Who do you ship them with? -no ones with Leo. He’s aro. -I ship Tobias with this guy Nathan, since he’s yknow, bisexual,, they’re both nerds and dorks and cute so it works out well -Valindra I ship with Talli (wink wink friend) bc they’re gay asf
18. Have they experienced the death of a loved one? -mmm Leo, kinda, his and Tobias’s parents, but they were awful parents so he didn’t rly love them. -Tobias experiences the death of his parents (again it didn’t matter much to him tho, they were awful), and also his wife Kaelynn, but she’s abusive and cheats on him so like…. who cares lol-Valindra, ye, her ex-best-friend Ashryn dies and even though she’s cut ties with him it still sucks to see her best friend from childhood bite the dust
19. Have they ever been tortured? -no unless u mean by some idiot person not getting that he’s aro-Tobias very nearly escaped torture. Death was his original destiny but then I loved him too much -Valindra has, yes, a decent amount of it, im sorry my sweet ace child I promise I love you
20. What’s the worst thing you’ve done to them without spoiling anything?-uhh Leo is a blessed child he does not suffer the worst thing that’s ever happened to him was getting hit on by some creepy dude or that time when he was 9 that Tobias didn’t let him have extra whipped cream on his vanilla bean frap-well there’s … quite a few things here, but I think the worst thing I’ve done to Tobias, in his in-character opinion mightve been the time he was convinced his son was dead?? No details but he was Ready to Die™-well I can’t give details but uh…. she had to make a very difficult decision concerning her dragon…….
Valindra is a character from a book I’m writing, Tobias and Leo came from a not-entirely-original one (id call it fanfic but it’s gotten out of hand)
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colloquialcolors · 6 years
going to casually stave off this overwhelming wave of panic by ranting- ... discussing? aos for a bit yay life is GOOD
god listen ok, i love my damaged characters (its a problem) which by virtue means they have to go through stressful thigns BUT i cannot handle the actual stress of watching them go through stressful things when i am ALSO stressed because
idk because im a trainwreck or something. i stress easily alright.
aka i like aos but GOD JUST LET THEM BE HAPPY PLS, SOON i cant handle all of them fighting so much when they were so close and good before and UGH daisy has just been through more and more shit- wait, no, they’re ALL going through more and more and more shit without the ability to recover and I JUST NEED THEM TO ALL SIT DOWN TOGETHER AND HAVE A GOOD CRY OR SOMETHING ITS STRESSING ME OUT SO BAD
like i just NEED fitz and daisy to snap at each other until they’re both crying because god everything is fucked but they don’t want to hate each other, they really, really don’t. i want elena to make up with mack and also for er and daisy to have a Talk and also for Daisy and Jemma to have a talk about where their goddamn friendship has been and also just like, idk, May feelings, maybe? i love may feelings too. IDK also there needs to be an extensive discussion about like, agency (which MIGHT mean coulson dying, but daisy’s mental state is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too closely tied into his life. bc she tied a buncha self worth and she just loves him so damn much (oh, orphaned kids who fixated on a found family *vibrates*) but like yo ppl keep doing things without daisy’s agency and taking away her ability to make her own choices and i just need her t0 ;;; like, ;; break down over this and have people ACTUALLY feel bad for her.
(also im very glad phil and may kissed but like, yo, phil is all KINDS of trouble rn)
[transmission cuts off before i can rant more]
random addendum i love elena and daisy’s voice
also chloe bennett is uncannily like skye/daisy at times its kind of funny
khfkhlkfjgshkjkjsdlgjs tortured brunettes
also can you fucking BELIEVE that daisy goddamn johnson, who is trust issue central (in recovery) who loves her team so much in spite of the fact that her upbringing (or lack thereof) taught her to never rely on anYone, god fucking sliced open by one of the people who she trusted most, without her consent, for the greater good, like goddamn the AMOUNT of fuckign EMOTIONS in that also poor fitz and his brain.
(i also firmly believe daisy would have taken back her powers if she thought it was really needed, aka one of the IMPORTant ppl was in danger, yknow. (aka people from te team).
hhjskfhjshh fitz and mack too no o o o  o plz
i LIKED talbot and now he’s NUTS and everyone is FIGHTING and may and daisy are being waaaaaaaaay too devoted about coulson akjshfksdjfskhdjf
0 notes
trillgutterbug · 7 years
in which a 4am note-writing session turns into shitty nic/geoff camping fic
-So I’m sitting here thinking, how would it happen, Nic and Geoff, finally getting their shit together?
-Not in a bar, that’s too easy.
-Maybe camping tho.
-Except I can’t see Nic going camping for shiggles, not at this point.
-Unless he’s just…. going through some stuff and he mentions it to Geoff sort of in melancholic passing one night, installed at the pub on their sixth round, lights low and fuckin kenny rogers on the juke, mentions that he wants to go back out, see how it is in the woods at night by himself when he’s not drugged or terrified out of his mind.
-And Geoff is like, Haha okay buddy but try this on for size: no fucking way are you going camping out there alone, you need a big strong man to protect you.
-Nic sort of grins a little sleepy and drunk at him and says, You’re not that big.
-Geoff grins back, leans across the table to do a bicep curl in front of Nic’s face. Yeah alright, but feel this, he says. Go on hot shot, give it a squeeze.
-Nic does, giggling, says softly, Yeah okay. I guess you can come, you passed the test.
-So they go out camping that weekend. Just for the night. They don’t go far, a respectable hour’s walk, nothing any casual camper wouldn’t do.
-They make a fire and Nic says no thanks to the beer Geoff brought; he wants to be on top of his game, clear-eyed and clear-headed.
-Geoff doesn’t drink any either. Nic tells him it’s fine, it’s not a thing, but Geoff says, Nah man, no way, if you’re sober I’m sober. I’m your muscle, right?
-Nic looks down into the fire and smiles a little and doesn’t answer.
-They talk for a long time, about growing up and their school years and Geoff’s tours and tv they like and the hobbies they had as teenagers (LARPing and karate respectively, and it’s not respective the way you’d think) and and and
-Natural and quiet and relaxed, long past dark.
-Nic says a few strange things after a while, nothing overt, just shit that makes Geoff pause and squint at him across the fire, rambling morbid questioning things that trail off into silence.
-Sorry, Nic says, shaking himself, chuckling with embarrassment. Um sorry, that was weird. I didn’t mean… anything by that.
-Nah man, says Geoff, poking at the fire with a stick. It’s cool it’s cool, I know you’re a fuckin nerd, no point apologizing now.
-…Right, Nic murmurs, in that soft amused way.
-They go to bed, to their own tents.
-Say goodnight to each other, close and clear even though it feels like they’re miles apart with those thin walls of nylon between them.
-Geoff lies awake for a long time with one hand pressed against his chest, feeling his heartbeat. He’s breathless, wrenched with tender protective longing all the way through.
-He’s in deep fucking trouble.
-He sleeps for a while, and then he wakes up. He knows something’s off. It scares the shit out of him.
-He scrambles out of the tent nearly panicked, sure there’s something wrong, that there’s danger.
-Nic’s tent is wide open, empty.
-Geoff finds him with the beam of his flashlight at the edge of the woods on the other side of the cold ashy fire. He’s just standing there in his boxers and t-shirt, staring into the trees. He doesn’t answer when Geoff calls him. It’s like a fucking horror movie. Geoff’s a brave motherfucker okay but he’s wigged the hell out.
-Nic? he says, sidling up beside him. Buddy? You okay?
-Nic’s eyes are open, but he’s just staring. He’s breathing slow and even. Geoff touches him and he doesn’t startle exactly but he sort of shivers all over, like he’s coming up out of deep water.
-He says, I had a dream.
-He describes this dream slowly, the words sure but the memory fading. It doesn’t make a lot of sense, it’s about flowers and flying, a smell and a light. It trails off.
-Geoff says, You wanna get back in your tent buddy?
-…No, Nic says. I want to… I wanna stay out here for a little while.
-Alright, Geoff says, but aren’t you cold?
-No, Nic says. Laughs. Of course I’m not cold.
-They sit down in the leaves and the dirt. Geoff describes a silly dream he’d had, just something to talk about, to fill the unnerving quiet. In the middle of it, the middle of his sentence, Nic sinks down and curls up with his head in Geoff’s lap.
-It makes him stammer, stop, say, Ummm haha okay hi?
-Don’t stop, Nic sighs. I like your voice.
-Oh, Geoff says. Oh. Okay.
-He talks and talks. After a while, he realises he’s stroking Nic’s hair, just a soft careful petting, thoughtless.
-Nic rolls over to look up at him eventually. He reaches to touch Geoff’s face, trails his fingers down the curve of Geoff’s jaw. 
-I like you, he says. You're… a good friend.
-Thanks, Geoff says through the lump in his throat.
-When Nic draws him down, he only hesitates for a second. They kiss easily, tenderly. Geoff’s heart tries to pound out of his chest. Nic is so much more confident than he’d expected, unhurried but determined, his hand firm on the back of Geoff’s neck. 
-His mouth makes Geoff rethink the entire world.
-They kiss for a while, deep, slow, and then Nic sighs again, sleepy. He burrows deeper into Geoff’s lap. 
-Talk to me some more? he asks.
-Geoff can hardly breathe, can hardly think or speak, he’s so full of everything all at once and it’s huge and overwhelming and trembling, but he clears his throat and croaks, Yeah alright, and goes back to talking.
-Maybe a half hour later, Nic shudders all over. He gasps and sits straight up. He looks around in bewilderment.
-Geoff? he says. What are we… Why are we outside? Am I– Am I…?
-It takes a second, but Geoff realises. Like a sick horrible curdled wave crashing over him, he realises. 
-Oh, he says. Oh. Uh oh. Uhhhh I think you were… I think maybe you were sleepwalking? You didn’t want to go back to bed, so…
-Nic is clearly embarrassed, but too confused and disoriented to make it a Thing. He says, Oh well thank you, I’m sorry. I’m really sorry.
-Geoff tells him, Hey don’t worry about it, it was fine, I didn't… I didn’t mind.
-He is sunk beneath the crushing weight of his enormous disappointed guilt.
-Let’s get you back to bed, he murmurs, and takes Nic to his tent. Gets him inside and sort of crouches there outside the flap, Nic squinting sleepily at him in the beam of the flashlight.
-He has to say something. He’s heavy with guilt.
-He says, Hey so, I just gotta tell you, I’m not gonna be that asshole who… Um anyway, I’m really sorry, but I sort of. I sort of kissed– Well, we, back there, before you– before you woke up, I didn’t realise you were sleepwalking, I swear to Christ I didn’t, but uh– we sort of made out? A bit? Not a lot! It was just sort of, uh yknow heat of the moment, I don’t know man ha it just kinda– kinda happened, I’m real sorry, I never would have– if I’d realised. I’m an idiot, clearly. Let’s forget about it if that’s cool, I’m not gonna get… get weird on you or… or anything, I just wanted you to know. 
-We made out? Nic says. He doesn’t look angry. He looks kind of puzzled. We kissed? he says. Just now, over in the… We kissed?
-Uh yeah, Geoff mutters. We did, sort of.
-Sort of? What does that mean, sort of?
-Well I guess I just mean… nah, it wasn’t sort of, we did. There was… kissing, yeah. Makin… Makin out, haha (rubbing the back of his neck, face on fire)
-Huh, Nic says. Well that’s not… too surprising.
-Its not?? Geoff says.
-Well, no… Nic sort of shrugs one shoulder, ducks his head. I’ve kinda… I mean I’ve had… Sort of a thing? For you. For a while. Yknow…
-You’ve. You’ve had a, uh. A thing. Geoff stares. For me. For a while.
-Is that weird? Nic says, but not like he actually thinks it is. Like he thinks Geoff is being weird.
-No no! Geoff says. No. Ha no. Nah. Not weird. Kind of um. That's… good. That’s good right? You’re not upset? That I uh
-No, Nic says. Shakes his head so his hair falls in his eyes. No I’m not… I’m not upset.
-Okay. Geoff rubs his sweaty hands down his jeaned thighs. He laughs, nervous relief. Okay! That’s– good! I’m glad! Wow haha, I was really… really worried for a sec there.
-Yeah, Nic says. Hey do you… want to sleep in here with me? For the night? Not to do anything, not like that, just um. I’m kind of. I don’t want to be… (by myself, he doesn’t say)
-Yeah, Geoff says, breathless, a little fast. Okay, yeah.
-He crawls into the tent with Nic and shuts off the flashlight. They wedge themselves into Nic’s sleeping bag. It’s silly and it’s too small and it’s amazing. Geoff wants to die in every good way. Nic cuddles up against him, head tucked under his chin, against his chest.
-Geoff squeezes his eyes shut and just reminds himself to fucking breathe.
-(In the morning Nic smiles at him sweet and close and says, I know morning breath isn’t like sexy or anything, but since I missed all the kissing last night……. could we maybe do an encore?)
-(And Geoff doesn’t even say yes, he doesn’t need to, he pulls Nic into him like the closing of a set of parentheses)
-(Nic is late getting to work, but that’s okay, that’s what interns are for)
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