#casually removes the tags that were in the description ugh i still love this one
ambiguousinnocence · 3 years
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athensgorgia · 3 years
Jealous Gojo x female reader
Summary: Gojo is running all your dates with potential partners. He just doesn't know why yet.
Warnings: Mature language and suggestive themes
Gojo was sitting next to you.  Why the fuck was he sitting next to you.  For the first time in your life you had a date and Gojo decided to tag along.  "Get the fuck out of here before my date gets here or so help me god I will kill you!" you seethed.  Gojo payed your threats no mind flagging down a waiter "I want whatever cake you have.  What about you y/n-chan?" he asks nonchalantly.  "I want you to leave." you say in an exasperated tone.
     "Now, now y/n-chan.  We can't have that now can we?  What if he's a total wierdo?" Gojo insists.  "You're the one who is being wierd!  I didn't even tell you I was on a date!  How did you even know!?" you cried.  "Well when something is really important I make it my business to know what is going on.  Especially when it comes to my little  y/n-chan."  Gojo explains ruffling your done up hair afterwards.  "Ugh, I'm not a little kid anymore you have to start letting me go." you sigh.
     You think you've finally gotten through to Gojo.  He turns to you and sighs.  "That lipstick is so not your color." Gojo scoffs.  Gojo then takes his hand and starts forcibly rubbing his thumb on your lips to remove the makeup.  You Immediately start trying to slap his hand away, but him being the strongest it was no use. 
     Right then your date walks in and finds you and Gojo.  Gojo's hands still resting on your face smearing lipstick everywhere.  You instantly muster all your strength and shove Gojo off of you.  "Hiro, hi it's good to see you!" you greet your date awkwardly.  Hiro puts on a very confused face.  "Hi, who is this y/n" Hiro asks.  "He's nobody and he was just leaving." you insist and give Gojo a face that says 'beat it'. 
     Gojo cracks a sinister smile.  "So Hiro, how much money do you make per year?" Gojo prods.  You go to hit Gojo but your hands just bounce off of him.  Hiro looks very nervous and stays silent.  "I was just wondering what redeeming qualities you have since attractiveness clearly isn't one of them." Gojo prattles on.  Hiro turns to you "Sorry I don't think this is going to work out." Hiro says not even waiting for an excuse and rushes out.
     You place your head in your hands trying to recuperate from the fiasco that just unfolded.  When you look at Gojo he's happily eating his cake not at all ashamed at what he had done.  "Why would you do that?  That's the first time anyone has ever even wanted to ask me out." you say too defeated to yell.  "Oh it's definitely not the first time.  This is just the first time I haven't assessed them beforehand." Gojo states casually continuing to munch on his cake.
     "What!?" you gasp in disbelief.  "Oh you know I've just been really busy so I couldn't get around to it this time." he shrugs.  "Not that stupid the thing you said before!" you seethed.  "I'm not just gonna let anyone date you.  I have to make sure they're good enough for you.  I have to do alot of research.  It's very tiring you know.  You should really thank me.  The least you could do is pay for my cake." Gojo huffs mouth full of cake.
     "Oh my god..." you whimper and run your hands through your hair.  "It makes so much fucking sense." you cry.  "Don't cry over that guy!  He was as interesting as a piece of white bread."  Gojo says with gusto trying to cheer you up.  "FUCK YOU!   I'M GOING TO DIE ALONE BECAUSE OF YOU!" you screech and then storm out.
     "And that's why I need you to date her for me!" Gojo chimes.  Nanami takes a deep breath "I'm not going along with this game of yours." he sighs.  "Aw c'mon!  She's a great girl.  You won't find anyone better than her." Gojo pleads.  "Find someone else it doesn't have to be me." Nanami deflects.  "Yes it does Nanami!  I can only let her date in good conscience if I know the person is good." Gojo insists.  "Find someone else then there are tons of people better than me." Nanami states flatly.
     "No Nanami you're perfect.  You're young, handsome, responsible, make a decent living, and have a nice dick.  I know because I peaked in the urinal." Gojo says proudly.  Nanami was disgusted with Gojo's hidden knowledge and wanted to flee as fast as possible.  "Fine one date." Nanami sighs already regretting his decision.
     Gojo waited outside the door of your apartment and kept banging on the door.  "Hi y/n!  I know you're still mad at me but I have a piece offering!" Gojo announces.  "Go away!  I'm still mad at you!" you yell through the door.  "I can make it up to you!  I got you a date with the best guy I know!" Gojo promises.  You open the door "What!?  When!?" you ask very confused.  "Right now.  Go get ready!" Gojo urges you to hustle.
     You get ready as fast as you can and bolt out the door with Gojo.  The walk there was stressing you out.  You had no idea what kind of person Gojo set you up with all Gojo sad was 'the blond one with glasses'.  On your way there Gojo walked arm in arm with you making sure you didn't trip in your heels and assuring you looked great.
     When you reached the front of the restaurant Gojo pushed you through the door and waved goodbye.  You were nervous, very nervous as you scanned each table to find your blind date.  Till you spotted a serious looking man matching Gojo's description.  You walked over and introduced yourself "Hello I'm y/n l/n.  I think Gojo Satoru set us up together." you said.  The man stood up from his seat and held his hand out for you to shake it.  "I'm Nanami Kento." He says formally as you shake his hand.
     "Have you been waiting long?" you ask genuinely concerned about how long Gojo made Nanami wait.  "I've been waiting two hours, but I know that's not your fault." Nanami replies coolly.  "I'm sorry he's always been like that.  He must have also dragged you here for a date." you apologize.  "No worries.  Your a pretty and polite young woman.  I'm glad he's found someone like you." Nanami says and flashes the ghost of a smile.
     "What do you mean?" you ask not quite sure what Nanami was referring to.  "Gojo's always going on and on about you.  I'm not even sure he realizes how in love with you he is." Nanami chuckles.  "No, he doesn't like me like that.  He's got pretty much all of Japan to choose from if he even wanted a partner." you say trying to shut Nanami down.  "That's precisely why he likes you.  He's just a regular man to you.  You don't care if he's rich or handsome or strong.  With you he can be whatever he wants.  I bet you've even gotten him to share sweets with you." Nanami explains.
     "No.  That can't be." you say more to yourself than to Nanami.  "Yes it is.  He's an extremely busy man but he makes time to spend with you.  Who do you think is always covering for him?" Nanami sighs hoping you'd understand by now.  Nanami looks at his watch "Any moment now he's going to realize his feelings and storm in like the man child he is.  Don't say anything one he walks in just go with it." Nanami says and as if on que Gojo walks in.
     "Date's over Nanami.  I've decided she can do better." Gojo says as he stomps over to your table.  "Why, I really like her.  I'm even considering marrying her one day." Nanami bluffs.  "No, you're not right for her." Gojo hisses and pulls you out of your chair.  Nanami stands up "Then who is?" Nanami prods trying to get Gojo to admit it.  "I am!  She's mine!" Gojo yells and holds you close to his chest causing an even bigger scene in the restaurant.
     Gojo processes what he just said and carries you out of the restaurant.  Suddenly Gojo teleports you somewhere and when you look around you recognize that this is Gojo's appartment.  Gojo says nothing and just continues walking in the direction of his bedroom.  "Gojo slow down!  Where are we going!?" you protest.  Gojo doesn't answer and continues walking to his bedroom's adjoining bathroom.  He sets you down on the counter.
     "Take your makeup off." Gojo demands.  "What?  Why?" you ask desperate for answers.  Gojo doesn't answer he just grabs a wet towel and starts scrubbing your face.  "Ow that hurts!" you protest, but Gojo continues scrubbing your face too hard.  After your makeup is off Gojo smiles and drags you over to his bed.  He pushes you down and straddles your waist.
     "What are you doing!?" you scream.  "Oh c'mon y/n isn't it obvious or do I have to tell you exactly what I'm going to do to you?" Gojo whispers in your ear.  "No!" you yell as you push him off of you with all your strength.  Gojo falls and lands on his butt looking utterly confused.  You gather yourself and begin leaving.  Gojo grabbed your arm to stop you "Wait... please." he said hesitantly.  "Why should I  you just tried to fuck me like some whore?" you hissed.
     Gojo stayed silent gathering what he was about to say "Isn't that just how I make you mine?" he questions.  "No that might work on some people but that's not how you make me yours." you state.  Gojo gives you a dumb stare.  He was utterly shocked.  No one had ever not wanted to sleep with him, and if he couldn't win you over with his body then his personality sure wasn't going to win you over.  Gojo broke into a cold sweat he wanted you like no one he had ever wanted before and for once in his life what he desired was out of his reach.
     He wracked his brain for something people usually wanted from him.  "I know!  You're like Mie Mie!  I'll just give you money!  How much do you want?" Gojo asks cheerfully but he was not joking this time he was dead serious.  You looked at him appalled and continued walking out.  "Wait!  Wait! Wait!" he pleaded desperately.  You only stopped when he got down on his knees in front of you "Please!  Just tell me how I get you to love me!" he begged. 
     You had to admit you liked seeing Gojo beg for you, but now was not the time for that.  You tilted his chin so he was lookingup at you "You promise you love me?" you smiled.  Gojo nodded his head  frantically.  "Then I'll pick you up tomorrow at six?" you winked and left.  Leaving an awestruck Gojo in your wake.
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jamielea81 · 5 years
Take a Chance on Me
Chapter 1
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Description: On your thirtieth birthday, you had everything you needed. A steady job, a nice new apartment, your cuddly cat Moto, and your two best friends Natasha and Wanda. Suddenly you were half way through age thirty-three and nothing had changed. You were never the type to need to be in a relationship, but you just thought it would have happened by now. Never one to take risks, you decide to shake up your life by creating an online dating profile.
Pairings: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warnings for this chapter: None
A/N: Italics indicate internal thoughts. Tag list is still open. I tagged some of those who were tagged in A Walk in the Park, if you want to be removed, please let me know. Likes, comments and reblogs are always appreciated.
“What’s this website called again?” Wanda asked. She was in your refrigerator again, digging through your fruit drawer for something to eat. You spent more money on groceries for your friends that you did for yourself.
“Hey, don’t touch my strawberries, I’m saving them for work.”
“Yeah, yeah.” She said, grabbing an apple instead.
“It’s called Find Love.” You were scrolling through your phone looking for a couple of selfies, maybe a cute one with the three of you.
“Oh, that’s a good one! Look at little baby Ethan. He’s so cute.” Natasha said, pointing at a picture of you holding your baby nephew last month.
Your younger brother Nick and his wife Amy just had their first child. They’d been married for three years and now they’ve made your dad a grandfather. The brat. Your dad was constantly bombard you with questions about your nonexistent love life. Now that he had baby Ethan, he was asking when you’d make him a grandfather as well. You were pretty sure he’d be fine if you didn’t get married as long as you had a baby.
“I love that photo! But guys will take one look at me holding Ethan and think I’m a single mother looking for a father for her baby.”
“No decent guy would.” Wanda said, while plopping herself on the couch, sandwiching you between the two of them.
You loved your friends dearly. The three of you lived on the same dormitory floor your freshman year in college. You each ditched your roommates your second year in favor of renting an apartment together off campus. Fifteen years later and you were still friends. The trouble with your friends helping you create an online dating profile is, they were both in long term committed relationships. Wanda has been married for seven years to Vision, Vis for short. You were pretty sure his parents were hippies. While Natasha was living with her boyfriend Bruce. Neither of them believed in marriage, but have been happily cohabitating for five years. Neither Wanda nor Natasha had tried online dating. They both met their partners at work. You’ve dated guys from work, but unfortunately those relationships had always ended shortly after they began. You were an actuary and you loved your job, mainly because you loved working with numbers. But when it came down to it, the men in the same line of work as you were well, frankly boring.
“I agree with you Wan, but let’s at least open the dating pool as far as I can get it and then I’ll skim out the bad apples.” You said while pointing at the apple in her hand.
She pulled you in a one arm hug and kissed the top of your head. “Make sure that you list your talent of telling dad jokes on that profile of yours Y/N.” Wanda said.
 After the girls had gone home, you opened up the dating app to finish filling in your profile.
“Okay, Find Love dot com, let’s do this.”
Age: 33
Gender: Female
Location: Brooklyn NY
What type of relationship are you seeking? A New Friend, Casual Dating, or a Committed Relationship?
Easy enough, a committed relationship. You were so not the hook up type of girl.
What age range are you looking for in a match? 30 to 36
How far are you willing to travel for your match? 0-5 miles, 5-9 miles, 9-15 miles, 15-20 miles, 20+ miles. I’m in Brooklyn and don’t have a car. I’m only traveling so far. 5-9 miles it is.
It’s Saturday night, what are you doing? Out with Friends enjoying dinner and drinks.
Technically, it is Saturday and you are home, but no one needs to know that.
The first thing people usually notice about me
This one you had to think on. You didn’t want to go with a boring response but you didn’t want to sound too full of yourself either.
My zest for life. Sometimes you just have to let go and go where the mood takes you.
It was only the second real question and this profile set up was already killing you.
What do you do for fun?
This one was the toughest question of all. You didn’t want to lie, but telling the truth would only match you with the type of men you’ve already dated. You wanted someone to help you get out of your shell. You wanted someone to shake up you everyday safe existence.
Real answers: Brunching with the girls, reading, calculating risk in everyday situations, snuggling with your black and white cat Moto, movies, and cooking.
Answers you entered on your profile: Thrill seeker that’s willing to try anything once. Loves to be out of the house. Cooking.
That’s a safe one.
Describe your perfect date
Hiking to a waterfall and jumping in (do people do that?), followed by drinks and dancing.
After filling in the appearance section of the questionnaire, you were all set.
You patted the couch cushion next to you. You heard his meow before you saw him. Moto had a talent for finding hiding spots around your apartment, but he was always good about coming when he was called. A few seconds later his fluffy body had jumped up next to you, rubbing his head against your leg until you ran your hand around his face and down his body. You adopted him eight years ago and he was officially the longest relationship you had. Hopefully that would be changing soon.
You hit the submit button on your profile after adding two selfies and a picture of you and your two besties. You put your phone in your purse so that you wouldn’t look at it until tomorrow. The site specified it could take several hours to two days before it would find matches for you, so you didn’t want to obsess. You knew it was a 1 in 600 chance of finding love online, but you also knew those odds could change if you took chances. If you said yes more often then no, those odds could easily change to 1 in 100.
 Sundays were always brunch days with Wanda and Natasha. Friday and Saturday nights were reserved for Vis and Bruce, but Sundays were for the three of you. Some days you got pedicures together, some days massages, some days you went shopping, but it always included brunch.
“So, you haven’t even looked to see if you had any matches?” Natasha asked, pushing a strand of red hair behind her ear.
“Not yet. Today is about the three of us, I don’t want to obsess over my phone the whole day.”
Well, technically, it was my turn to plan the day, and I say we grab a few more mimosas and look at all the hot men you’ve been matched with.” Wanda said.
“Didn’t you need help finding a suit for work? I thought we were going shopping.” You asked.
“Nah, that can totally wait, I technically don’t need a new one. Vis says I have too many clothes.”
“Tell him you need a larger closet.” Natasha added. You nodded your head in agreement.
“I think I need another drink before we even open that app.”
It ended up being two more drinks before the dating site was opened. Your server was on top of it with the endless mimosas. He would be getting a generous tip from you.
The three of you were giggly as the matches loaded. Nerves and four mimosas were to blame. Luckily you only lived two blocks away.
“Twenty-three matches! Y/N, look at you!” Wanda yelled. You snorted and grinned. Natasha had moved her chair to your side of the table so that the three of you were huddled together. A few of the tables near you looked to see what the commotion was about; Natasha waved her hand to dismiss them.
The matches were all listed in a row and in order by their matching percentage. To the side of that list were matches that had messaged you. Seven out of the twenty-three had messaged you which you took as a good sign. It had only been one night after all.  
You decided to start with those that had messaged and if none of them interested you, you would move on to the others.
“Some of these guys are pretty hot.” Natasha said, nudging you in the arm.
“You know I don’t care about that.” You clicked on the first match, Joey P.
“It doesn’t hurt though.” Wanda agreed.
“Okay, it doesn’t hurt. Joey is pretty cute and he’s here in Brooklyn!”
Clicking open the message you wrinkled your nose and closed it out.
“What did it say? I didn’t see.” Natasha asked.
“It said, who’s the hot red head.”
“Guys are jerks. Sorry hun.”
“Next!” Wanda shouted.
You leaned over to Natasha to tell her Wanda was cut off. Unfortunately, your server brought over the fifth-round right at that moment.
“This will be all.” Natasha said to the server. Her voice soft so that Wanda wouldn’t hear.
Clicking on the next guy, you immediately jumped out of his profile, not even looking at his message.
“What was wrong with that guy?” Wanda asked.
“He’s in Upper Manhattan, I’m not dragging my butt all the way there.”
“He could come to you, you know. You act like it’s Jersey.” Wanda said.
“But if it turns into a relationship, which is the ultimate goal, I’d need to go there too. I like it here; I don’t have plans to uproot my life too much.”
Clicking on the third guy, Chris S. you saw that he had potential. Lives in Brooklyn, your age, likes cats. All positives so far. You clicked the message and were once again met with a displeasing message. “Do the three of you come as a package?”
“Ugh!” You clicked out of his profile and set your phone on the table.
“Why are guys like that?” Wanda asked.
You tipped your glass back, finishing it in one go.
“Beats me. It annoys me because I said I was looking for a relationship, why are they even messaging me?”
Natasha wrapped an arm around you and leaned her head on your shoulder. Sometimes a hug was all you needed.
She picked up your phone, erasing the message from Chris S. “How about I look through the other four messages and I’ll pass it back to you if there is a good one.”
“But he needs to...”
She cut you off before you could finish. Be from Brooklyn. I know.”
She angled her body away from you, but you could see that she was intently reading and scrolling. After about a minute, she placed your phone on the table in front of you.
“Bucky B. That’s an interesting name.”
“Stop being judgy, just read his profile.” Natasha said.
Wanda leaned over you, practically blocked your view. You tucked her into your side and started to scroll through Bucky’s profile. Thirty-four, Brooklyn born and raised. Okay, Okay. Dark hair, grayish blue eyes, I like it, I like it. He’s got a picture of himself on a motorcycle, and while you think of those things as death traps, it does excite you.
“Thoughts?” Natasha asked. Smug look on her face.
“I like him!” Wanda chirped. Her Sokovian accent coming through the more she drinks.
“Not you, Y/N.” Natasha deadpanned.
“Let me look at his message first.”
“Hey Doll,
You came up as a new match for me. In all honesty, I’d like to skip the back and forth thing on this app and take you out for a drink. It’s easier to get to know one another that way. What do you say?
“Hmm. He doesn’t want to chat on the app, he just wants to meet.”
“That’s not a bad thing. Maybe he’s been burned.” Natasha said.
“But I don’t know him.”
“I could go with you!” Wanda added.
“Probably not on a first date Wan.” Natasha said. She shrugged her shoulders and finished her drink.
“I don’t think there is anything wrong with that. It kind of skips the BS that could happen with texting. And if you really don’t like him, you could end the date early and move on. Just meet him at Jake’s, that way it’s a place you are familiar with.” Natasha argued.
You nodded your head and bit your lower lip. His profile indicated he liked traveling and going on adventures which is exactly what you needed.
“Okay. I’ll message him back to tell him yes.”
They both cheered, once again causing stares from other patrons.
“Hi Bucky,
I agree. Let’s meet for a drink. Have you been to Jake’s on 3rd? Let me know what day works best for you.
 That evening, you were finishing up a load of laundry and preparing for the work day tomorrow. You decided to leave the dating app alone until you heard back from Bucky even though a few more matches had come through. Your phone buzzed with a message notification from Find Love. The preview showed it was from Bucky B. so you opened it.
“I’ve been to Jake’s. Tomorrow at 8?”
Tomorrow? But it’s a work night. You weren’t sure how to respond. It wasn’t like you to go out for drinks on a Monday, and certainly not later in the evening. However, saying yes was your new mantra. One drink couldn’t hurt.
“See you at Jake’s at 8.
A minute later another message came through.
“Sweet dreams beautiful.
Tag List: @marvelousnomad @rainbowkisses31 @panic-naran @violetadefebrero @tanelle83 @thejourneyneverendsx @ly-cia @caps-lockdown @thefandomzoneisdangerous @ladywintersoldat @not-another-tmblr @chita0027 @estillion14 @lookwhatyoumademequeue @I-am-not-a-goat @theonelittleone @captaineef @banrionbeansidhe @lumar014@humandasaster
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randxmthxughts · 6 years
Time flies | part 5
AU/Imagine series w/Shawn Mendes
‘Time flies’ masterlist
Word count: 1,6K
Original request:  Hello, I was thinking if you could do an imagine wherein reader has a son with Shawn, but he doesn’t know about him, cuz reader left Shawn few years ago without a words (when she found out she is pregnant)? And one day her little son (5 years old maybe?) accidentally bump into Shawn and he is shocked that reader has a son. Sorry if its complicated 
Short description: Shawn finds out that he has a four-year-old son when he accidently bumps into him and his ex-girlfriend Y/N.
Author’s note: The next part is probably going to be the final one! Reblog if you like this part, leave me feedback, tell me how you feel. What are your guesses on the ending?
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    Y/N rushed to open the front door when the bell rang, as Tommy sat in the living room, watching Hotel Transylvania, having absolutely no interest in the person who was ringing.
    “Hey,” Y/N said, letting Shawn in, as he looked her up and down, his eyebrows raising, “thanks for coming. I wasn’t sure if you’d be available to babysit Tom.”
    “Sure thing,” he shrugged his shoulders, and watched Y/N close the door, “you look amazing though!”
    “Thank you,” she brushed her hair with her fingers; a habit she had since forever.
    Y/N appreciated the compliment. She had put a lot of effort into her appearance to impress this guy from work whom she was going out with. She hasn’t been on a real date since Tommy was born; only went out with some guys a few times, but it almost always seemed like wrong time, and she eventually had given up on trying to date. But after the day in the studio, something inside her clicked. She wasn’t obligated to sit and reject every single guy coming her way just because she was a mother. She didn’t want to miss on her life when she could meet somebody really great, and maybe with the position she was getting in Chicago and moving to another country would make it better for her and Tommy. She had yet to inform Shawn about the suggestion she got from her boss, but she was so hesitant over the offer that she pushed it to the back of her mind and tried not to think about it too much unless she’s sure.
    “So, you’re going out?” Shawn asked, trying to sound casual, as he rubbed the back of his neck.
    “Yeah. This was the only time both Steve and I were free, so with you agreeing to babysit Tommy it all finally worked out,” she quickly rambled, now fixing her hair in the mirror, as Shawn stared at her through the reflection.
    Her hair was down in loose curls, a tight red dress exposed her collar bones and ankles, black heels, and red lipstick. Y/N looked stunning, and it made Shawn feel some type of way. Of course, he had always been attracted to her; when she saw her and Tommy in the park, he was mesmerized by how angelic she looked in the white flowy dress. But this was different; hot and breathtaking. Y/N whom he hadn’t seen in four years, he almost forgot how good she looked in red.
    “Steve?” Shawn raised his eyebrows, his eyes following Y/N’s figure now moving from one corner of her apartment to another as she collected random things into her small bag.
    “I know him from work,” she replied, now walking up to Tommy, “give mommy a kiss, and be a good boy today, okay?”
    Shawn’s face flushed with red and he wasn’t really sure if it was because of the way Y/N’s body looked from the back in the tight dress or because of the sudden feeling of jealousy. Going out with some guy from work? It sounded like a meeting to him over the phone, but she looked like she was going on a date and it killed him. Shawn was slightly offended; he was here for her all this time, and she still went for another guy. They have a son, god damn it, and she prefers somebody else over him. He breathed in loudly, trying to calm himself down, but the feeling of jealousy wasn’t easing up.
    “Thanks again, Shawn,” she now walked over to him, “you two be good boys, okay?” she smirked, making Shawn break into a smile.
    “Sure thing, ma'am,” he replied, trying to sound silly.
    Loud laughter was heard from the outside of the apartment, and Shawn tensed up his hearing to only confirm his guess at whom it belonged to. He could have sworn it was Y/N just by hearing her giggle, and there was no way he could have been mistaken. Tommy was sweetly snoring on the couch, covered up in a blanket, so Shawn had to tiptoe over to the front door and eavesdrop whatever was happening on the other side. Male voice joined Y/N’s, and the guy said something Shawn couldn’t really recognize, but it sure did make Y/N react with laughter again. He didn’t like it and was fighting every single bit of himself not to open the door and get her in. It wasn’t his place to interrupt them. So Shawn just stood there, waiting for her to finally tell her goodbye and open the door. 
    “Oh, Shawn!” she gasped, putting a hand over her chest, “you scared me.”
    “He walked you home, eh?” Shawn asked, ignoring her words.
    “Ugh, yeah?” she narrowed her eyes at him, confused, “why are you standing here? Where’s Tommy?”
    “He’s asleep on the couch,” Shawn turned on his heel and walked away, leaving her in the corridor.
    Y/N’s mood was certainly affected. Seconds ago she was laughing with Steve after having the most excellent date in a long time, and now Shawn’s tone and behavior were disturbing. She found him right in front of the door, and he was clearly eavesdropping. Shawn didn’t look happy, and for a second she got worried that something had happened to Tommy, but when she found out the boy was safe and sound, asleep, she started to believe that Shawn had another reason to act weird. She followed him into the kitchen, throwing a quick look into the living room to check on Tom.
    “Is something wrong?” she asked finding Shawn looking out of the window.
    “Some woman called from the Coonley elementary. She said she had received your email,” he scoffed, still not looking back at her.
    “Oh,” Y/N let out, her mind quickly trying to come up with a response, but nothing.
    “So you’re actually considering a school in Chicago? What the hell, Y/N?” Shawn went off, not expecting to sound so aggressive.
    “I told you I was thinking about it, what’s your problem?” she knitted her eyebrows together, crossing her arms on her chest in defense.
    “My problem? My problem is that I didn’t know I had a four-year-old son until a few weeks ago, and now you’re considering taking him away from me to fucking America?” Shawn threw his hands in the air, now looking into her eyes, searching for answers.
    “I haven’t decided anything yet. And I’m not doing this to keep him away from you,” Y/N rolled her eyes.
    “You don’t? Cause from what I know you still haven’t even told him that I’m his father.”
    Y/N bit her lower lip, not sure what to tell. He was right; she wasn’t sure if it was a good time to tell Tommy. She had been thinking about moving, and in that case, maybe it would be the best for Tommy not to get too attached to Shawn. 
    “My boss offered me a higher position in Chicago a month ago, and I have to give her my answer this week. The place is better, and the salary is higher. That’s the only reason why I was searching for schools,” she explained, now lowering her tone, and taking a seat.
    Shawn sighed, running fingers through his curls, trying to calm himself down.
    “It’s unfair to me, Y/N,” he let out, now sitting down himself.
    They fell into a long silence, both processing their words, trying to figure out a solution. Shawn couldn’t hold her back, she wasn’t his, and he had no saying in her life. Y/N felt guilty about taking Tommy away again. On the other hand, Shawn was traveling all the time, and as soon as he would start working, he wouldn’t see Tommy often anyway. So moving wasn’t going to make a big difference anyway, would it? But something was telling her that it was a bad decision. Steve, whom she liked and who was also offered a position in Chicago had already agreed, the fantastic offer she’d received seemed perfect. As it all started to work out for her, everything seemed wrong. Letting Tommy know that Shawn is his father and then taking him away felt wrong. But falling back in love with Shawn, when he was clearly moving on, wasn’t right either. Everything was messy and confusing, and all she wanted, for now, was to lay down and forget about these issues.
    “Mommy? You’re back?” Tommy’s voice snapped both of them back into reality, as the little boy walked in rubbing his eyes and dragging the blanket with him, his curls messy.
    “Yeah, baby,” she faked a smile and extended her arms to him.
    Tommy happily wrapped himself up in his mother’s hug and pressed his cheek against her middle, closing his eyes in amusement. Shawn watched them silently, his eyes stone-like.
    “I have to go,” he suddenly stood up from his chair, and both Tom and Y/N looked at him, their eyes wide.
    Tommy freed himself from his mother’s hands and stood in the doorway, waiting for Shawn to join him.
    “I will walk you, Shawn,” he commanded with a grin, and Shawn had to fake one himself.
    “We will talk later?” Shawn only referred to Y/N, and she nodded in response.
part 1/ part 2/ part 3/ part 4
(let me know if you want to be tagged or removed from the taglist :) )
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entj-werewolf · 7 years
I actually got tagged, so I’ll give this a shot! Since it’s big, I’ll put it under the cut...
Tagged by: @unlimited-goldfish​
Rules: Answer these 92 statements and tag 20 people.
(As usual with the tagging part of rules, I also just let anyone do this if they want. Idk who to tag most of the time...)
1. Drink: Water 2. Phone call: Can’t remember... I think my mom was the last to call me today? 3. Text message: Mainly to my little sister. I’d been texting her about some Splatoon stuff! 4. Song you listened to: Some Splatoon 2 music... 5. Time you cried: I don’t remember, but even if I did.... I’d keep that to myself, ahaa. Lots has been going on though.
6. Dated someone twice: Nope, never dated before either 7. Kissed someone and regretted it: I don’t like kisses, soooo I haven’t kissed anyone at all. I’d probably regret it if I did, tbh. 8. Been cheated on: Nah 9. Lost someone special: A few people, yep... 10. Been depressed: Boy, it was pretty bad when I was a kid I think. Came across some old journals of mine while cleaning through stuff recently, and yeesh, the bullying got to me worse than I remembered from that time. As of recent? I’m... Not too sure. I have drastic confidence drops under huge stress, but idk if they’re depressive states or not? Also, dealing with life loss is rough. I had a horrid time last year after losing my last grandparent. It’s still sometimes unpleasant to think about, so I try keeping my mind off of that... 11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: No way. I hate alcohol anyhow... And I dislike dealing with drunk people.
12-14: Green, Dark Purple, Dark Blue!
15. Made new friends: It’s not common that I outright make new friends. It’s mostly acquaintances and mutuals! Sooo, nah, haven’t technically made any new friends in the past year.
16. Fallen out of love: Haven’t had any feelings for anyone like that, so nope
17. Laughed until you cried: YEP. Great times...
18. Found out someone was talking about you: Ahh, yep... I’m talked about a lot by family, mostly in negative light. This is every year. RIP. 20. Found out who your friends are: Known that already before the past year! 21.  Kissed someone on your Facebook list: Heck nope
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: Only irl people or trustworthy online friends of mine can have my Facebook, buuut... I hate that site. So I actually rarely go on it. (I only signed up ‘cause my family made me when I was a teen, pfffff) 23. Do you have any pets: YES! My black cat, Luna! 24. Do you want to change your name: I thought about this once or twice in my life, buuut I’m fine with Sarah for now. 25. What did you do for your last Birthday: I went out to a new place to try out its vegan donuts, and they had some fresh coconut too. So, as a bonus, I got to have coconut water fresh from the thing itself! With amazing donuts. It was a good start to my birthday - but the rest of my day was being stuck in Ikea for 3-freaking-HOURS with my mom and older sister. I forgot how bad my legs could hurt before that.... 26. What time do you wake up: Technically 11:30-something-am, but I couldn’t get out of bed until like.... 12pm. My sleep is screwed up again, yeah... 27. What were you doing at midnight last night: Drawing, I think? 28. Name something you can’t wait for: Nintendo Switch Restocks... just PLEASE, EVERYTHING HOLY, GET THEM FREAKING RESTOCKED SO I CAN GET ONE. Besides that, I can’t wait to move on from my job to a better one. My job situation is driving me insane. 29. When was the last time you saw your mom? Just tonight when saying g’night to her, pffff 30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: Hmmm.... Better luck in general would be nice. 2017 is like the freaking biggest pique of my bad luck from what’s happened so far. 31. What are you listening to right now: Still listening to Splatoon 2 music! 32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: I... Do not recall meeting or talking to a Tom in my life. 33. Something that is getting on your nerves: Lots of things... Mainly my job and money circumstance stuff.
34. Most visited website: I’m not 100% sure, but it miiiight be Youtube 35. Mole/s: I think so, but only the flat, not-dangerous types. I had one mole removed a couple of weeks ago though and..... That... was NOT pleasant. Turns out I do NOT have skin cancer, so that’s good?
36. Mark/s: Not that I’m sure of or remember atm, but I used to get scars pretty easily 37. Childhood dream: I wanted to be a veteranarian and actually would do a lot of side studies on my own about animals. This dream changed, of course, once I got older and learned more about what felt to be my “purpose” and I aim for that now. But I still like learning about animals and have scrambled knowledge on nature because of that! 38. Hair color: Dark brown 39. Long or short hair: Fairly long hair 40. Do you have a crush on someone: Nope! I have no idea what a crush feels like either..... 41. What do you like about yourself: Uhh... Hmm.... For several years, I’ve been liking my ambitious “energy” of sorts? Makes me feel like I’m living a full life as long as I’ve got that, hahaa... 42. Piercings: Nope, needles and anything that pierces my skin freaks me out to nauseous levels... 43. Blood type: If I recall correctly, it’s O negative; and apparently I can donate to most/all other blood types? (Too bad I don’t physically or mentally handle getting my blood drawn, otherwise I’d be fine with occasional donations to make use of that) 44. Nicknames? Wolf, Kat, or WolfKat - when people try referring to me based on my common online alias; “Fluffy” by some other people; and then freaking “furry” being a more rampant nickname by my friends recently..... -heavy sigh- 45. Relationship status: Single
46. Zodiac: Haven’t been much into this, but I only recall I’m Pisces ‘cause of my birthday. (Those Pisces descriptions are like the dang opposite of my MBTI type.....) 47. Pronouns: Just female stuff. I’ve been mistaken for a guy a lot online somehow, though.... I find it oddly amusing, pffffft. 48. Favorite TV Show: “Gravity Falls” and “[The] Slayers” are my top favorites, and I enjoy several other animated shows alongside these two!  50. Right or left hand: Left-handed pretty much, but I’ve taught myself to use my right hand decently for stuff like holding forks/spoons for eating. And I actually don’t like using left-handed computer mice... Regardless, I draw and write best with my left hand.
51. Surgery: Wisdom teeth surgery - which I had when I was 18 I think? That was a very weird experience for me. I’m glad I only talked to my close friends during the first part of my recovery... I would’ve died of regret if I tried posting anything online while I was drugged with pain killers and who knows what else. Eugh. 52. Hair dyed in different color: Nah, I like my natural hair color as is 53. Sport: Basketball! I’ve always liked this sport... I haven’t played in a long time though. 55. Vacation: My vacations in terms of travel and being fun for me, tend to be for conventions... Like Dragoncon and Momocon. Whenever they can be affordable, at least. 56. Pair of trainers: Idk what this refers to, sooo I looked it up. Synonymous with sneakers and tennis shoes, it seems? In that case, I have a few pairs of these ‘cause I LOVE sneakers/athletic shoes!
57. Eating: Not eating anything atm. I’m staying up late to wait for my acid reflux to chill the heck out, actually... (I can’t lay down when it gets like this. Ugh.) 58. Drinking: Some sips of water here and there. 59. I’m about to: Try and sleep, maybe. 62. Want: A lot. But for this very moment, I want to be able to lay down without feeling like I’ll throw up!
63. Get married: Nope. Probably never? Idk how to fit marriage into my future, and having to be in such a relationship like that is very.... Overwhelming and intimidating for me atm. 64. Career: I want my dream career right now but I don’t know when my skills will be professional enough for it so it’s just waiting and trying to find other jobs until then.... Game Development is my future, though.
65. Hugs or kisses: Hugs only. No kisses! 66. Lips or eyes: Huh? I dunno. I don’t like eye contact, aaannndd I have no idea what’s significant about lips. Just... Lips are lips? 67. Shorter or taller: No strong preference, but shorter people I tend to like being around the most (’cause lots of tall people treat me in an annoying way TBH. Like petting my head or trying to lean over me? Excuse you.) 68. Older or younger: Uhhh... ? In general, I don’t mind what age people are when I meet them... With friends, I tend to end up with lots of younger ones in my close circle. Very few are older than me. 70. Nice arms or nice stomach: I do not like either... Or caring about looks at all. Sooo, none/neither. 71. Sensitive or loud: I don’t like loudness in general (got sensitive hearing as well), so sensitive would be more preferrable. I mostly have sensitive friends too anyhow. 72. Hook up or relationship: Preferrably neither, but if I ever ended up in that kind of relationship, it would need to be under mutual merits and built from a deep friendship. No casual hook ups. 73. Troublemaker or hesitant: I tend to prefer hesitant people over troublemakers.... But some of my more mischievous friends can keep life interesting at times, hahaa
74. Kissed a Stranger: Heck no 75. Drank hard liquor: Again, hate alcohol 76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: I think I’ve lost my glasses once or twice? Those moments are true suffering 77. Turned someone down: Many times. Idk why people keep getting crushes on me... Like... Have mercy for once.... 78. Sex on the first date: Nopenopenope, and I NEVER want that at any point in my life either. 79. Broken someone’s heart: A few times on accident toward friends... Sometimes feel guilty about those moments again even if all is forgiven now. 80. Had your heart broken: I think so, but it’s not often in terms of friendship-based stuff. 81. Been arrested: Thankfully, nope! I intend to keep it that way. 82. Cried when someone died: Definitely. 83. Fallen for a friend: I’m not too sure what this means? Ummm... I mean, I assume it’s like making a huge/important sacrifice for a friend, but idk. I don’t recall anything like that atm other than the times I’d stand up for friends, against their bullies in high school.
84: Yourself: Normally, yeah. When overwhelmed with stress though? Nope. 85. Miracles: Yup. I’ve experienced quite a few either as an observer/witness, or a few times personally. 86. Love at first sight: Nah. Sometimes, there’s an instant “click” with people even for potential friendships, but that’s not always reliable for something long-term. 87. Santa Claus: Not now, but as a kid, I of course believed in Santa. A ton. 88. Kiss on the first date: Noooooope
90. Current best friend name: Pao/Paola! We’ve been close pals for about 8 years now 91. Eye color: Greyish Green? Sometimes looks more blue-tinted in other light sources? 92. Favorite movie: A tough pick... Hmm... Maybe Zootopia or Inside Out? I also really love Lilo and Stitch!
Alright, so yeah... No specific tags, but if anyone wants to do this, feel free to count it as my tag toward you!
I also noticed some numbers were missing from this list of questions, so who knows where those are? It’s almost 92. Have fun anyhow, maybe!
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