#catch me if you can - kyuhyun
coffeekyu · 1 year
Vanilla Latte? (Chapter 1)
Writing my first Kyuhyun fanfiction based on a ChatGPT prompt? prompt (summarised): Kyuhyun is a successful artist with fame, fortune, and adoring fans. Behind the all the glamour, he struggles with feelings of loneliness and other problems of being an idol. One day, he meets a fan who catches his eye and makes him feel a connection he hasn't felt in a long time. As they get to know each other, Kyuhyun realizes that she has her own struggles and secrets. Will Kyuhyun finally find the happiness and love he's been searching for? word count: 1.4k+ ------------------------------- Autumn weather begins to kick in close to late September in Seoul. The midday streets are unsurprisingly filled with people in trendy yet dull-coloured hoodies or sweatshirts. Kyuhyun walks out of the tvN building after an unplanned variety show briefing, blending in with the rest of the crowd. Well, it wasn't that much of a crowd but there were more people than you'd expect on a Thursday afternoon. He attempts to fish out his phone from his knitted sweater, yet it falls to the ground. He hears a scoff behind him.
"See? You don't need me to break your phone for you." Soo-geun comments seeing Kyuhyun's phone on the floor. Both of them momentarily recall the incident which happened during that one filming of New Journey To The West. "Hyung... For the last time, that was-" Kyuhyun fails to complete his sentence and Soo-geun interjects, "Where's your manager?".
"Beats me." Kyuhyun picks up his phone and brings it up, eye-level. He inspects it with one hand, sunlight hitting on his unfazed phone, the other hand hiding in his sweatshirt pocket. Kyuhyun heaves a soft sigh of relief. "Mine's here. Take care, Kyuhyun." Soo-geun says, before entering his manager's car. "Take care, hyung." Kyuhyun replies and waves. Kyuhyun stares toward the roadside in a daze as the car drives off. He sighs.
Fifteen minutes pass and he phones his manager for the fourth time. "Shall I just hail a cab?" he mumbles to himself. The phone line cracks slightly just as he was about to put it down and a voice is heard, "Kyuhyun hyung! I'm so sorry. I've been trying to get to tvN but this car just wouldn't start!" his manager continues, "It might take another hour for me to get there. I'm getting a mechanic to fix this. And sorry for not answering your calls, I was trying to-". "It's okay Yoonjae, I'll wait around here for you." Kyuhyun answers.
As he ends the call, he tries going back up the building, but ends up sitting at a nearby playground finding out that Na PD had also left his office for the day.
Giving up, he walks across the street to a nearby café for a rest.
As he approaches the glass door of the place, he pauses and uses the reflection to pull up the hood of his sweatshirt and adjust his hair. The chime rings as he enters, yet thankfully bringing no attention to himself. "Hi! What can I get you?" the staff asks, not recognising him. "Uh..." Kyuhyun looks to the menu above him. He usually doesn't go to cafés alone, neither does he order coffee, or drink coffee at all. "Is the vanilla latte sweet?" "Yep! But you can have it without the sugar if you'd like." "Ah, no, no. With the sugar please, and iced, thank you." Kyuhyun disliked bitter things and tended to have a sweeter tooth. He picks a seat nearest to the corner at the window so he could see when his manager arrived.
Sitting at the table next to Kyuhyun, alongside the window facing him, was you on your laptop - yet you were a bit too busy to realise. He took a brief glance at you, then at the café again, shifting slightly uncomfortably before finally taking a sip of his vanilla latte. You too took a large gulp of your drink, eyes still glued to your screen. Tilting your head up, hands supporting your neck, you tried to do a little stretch to relief the strain from that position while the coffee was still in your mouth - that was when you saw him. You wish you didn't see him, no. Not at that moment. Because for some damned reason, your best reflex to seeing Kyuhyun sitting right in front of your eyes was to spit-take your latte all over your laptop and the café window. What had been worse was, Kyuhyun did the same thing with his drink in response to your reaction.
This time, Kyuhyun was sure he had caught some attention from the other people in the café as he started to hear some commotion among a group of girls at the other far end of the place. You continued staring at him, while he shifts his eyes to the café staff, then back to you, then to them, then to you again. All that could happen next was the staff running over to your tables with washcloths, trying to clean both yours and Kyuhyun's coffee spit off the glass.
"I'm so sorry." Kyuhyun looks at the staff apologetically, standing up promptly to offer some help, yet was close to spilling his own drink all over the table. "That's fine, please, sit down." the staff responds. You could begin to hear some grit in her teeth, knowing this was probably the first time something like that had happened while she worked there. In a sudden gasp, which caused both the staff and Kyuhyun to stare at you, you began wiping the screen and keyboard of your laptop with a thin piece of tissue paper. Kyuhyun stood up and passed you the one he got for his drink, while the poor staff continued wiping the glass. You quickly took it without thinking, continuing to wipe what you spat off your screen. Thankfully, your laptop was still working. "Thank you..." you said softly, still not knowing how to respond to this slapstick comedy of a reaction.
You became a fan of Kyuhyun later than most. But he was one of the only idols so far who made your heart beat and... made your mouth spit coffee upon seeing him. And for some funny, ironic reason, as if you were in a fanfiction, "Coffee" had started playing in the background of the café at that moment. All you and Kyuhyun could do was snicker to yourselves upon hearing it. Right after, you noticed Kyuhyun had been looking at your screen and your belongings. Before you could finish wondering why, Kyuhyun's smile grew wider upon closer looks at your items. You see him try to stop himself from babbling a savage comment.
You looked back at your stuff. Kyuhyun wallpaper on your laptop and phone. Kyuhyun phone case. Kyuhyun keychain. Kyuhyun enamel pin. Kyuhyun stickers on your pencil case. Kyuhyun's name engraved onto your Airpods. The only thing left unknown was that your phone password was his birthday. Not to mention, there were a lot of penguin related items scattered around you too.
"What?" You questioned Kyuhyun, who was still staring at your stuff.
"You love me." He commented, trying not to laugh.
"..." You couldn't respond for a moment. "..."
Kyuhyun moved from looking at your items to looking at you. Your ponytail wasn't the neatest, your face had little pimple scars and your eyebags suggested you hadn't slept well for at least a month. And yet he continued smiling while looking at you.
"Well, clearly you're not wrong..." you finally manage to breathe out an answer.
"Ha." You smiled shyly. "What brings you here? It's not very like you to go for coffee." You ask Kyuhyun as if you two had known each other for a long time. He was still standing beside your table towering above you while the staff had finally been done cleaning up your mess and started walking away. "Sorry. Thank you." you and Kyuhyun both said to the staff unanimously, who returns a brief smile.
Kyuhyun grabs his drink over from his table. "Can I sit here?". You nodded as he plops down in front of you, finally finding some comfort to having his drink in peace.
"There was a meeting with the NJTTW people at tvN. Na PD came up with some crazy idea about-" Kyuhyun stops before revealing anything else. "Wait... this is confidential. Ha."
"Aww..." You whined, despite knowing his distaste towards any spoilers. Kyuhyun gives a quick smirk. "New season?" You asked as Kyuhyun shrugs, continuing to pretend not to know the answer. "All right, I'll know soon I guess." You gave yourself an answer.
"What about you then? You look busy. Do you have a lot of work at your job?" He asks, taking a sip from his quite overly sweetened coffee.
"Yeah, actually. No. Almost." You corrected yourself. "I'm preparing for an interview." You continued, "At tvN actually." You smiled sheepishly, then looked up at Kyuhyun. "Oh?" He responds. "Yeah, I'm was going to apply for an internship elsewhere, but this assistant role seemed a bit more promising than-" You were cut off by a man waving and bowing from the other side of the glass outside the café. It was Kyuhyun's manager. Kyuhyun stood up and cupped his hands on the glass, trying to read what his manager tried to say. You joined him. All you could see was his manager mouthing "I'm sorry", as Kyuhyun walked out of the café to talk to him.
---------- (to be continued) Chapter 2
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Dear Sunshine,
~ 06/06/23, Tue
(long post)
Or as everyone knows you as, Haechan, bearing the meaning of Full Sun.
Or for those who are more intimately closer to you, to whom you are Donghyuck/Donghyeok.
The first (Sunshine), my own name for you, a title delegated all to myself, though the word itself is universal and I am sure many have adopted this as their own term of endearment for you. You who is the epitome of this namesake. The light that has entered my life when before, the word had never meant anything more than just some letters joined together.
The second (Haechan), your professional title, your stage name, your idol essence, your performing act. The name thousands know you by. The name adored and shared among millions. The fullness of the namesake that has spread its meaning across the hearts of so many all over the world. The familiarity to the name but yet, still a gentle reminder of detachment because of its world-renowned status.
And lastly (Donghyuck/Donghyeok), your own private identity. The beginning of the story of the growing star before it became the full sun it has become today. The true you, I would hope. The name I honestly dare not utter; as no matter how relatable you’ve become to me, the name still serves as a reminder that I am never truly close in distance, physically or otherwise.
Whichever it may be, it still refers to only one of you. 
I am assuming it has struck 12 midnight where you are (and looooong past it). You are either asleep, or more likely up on Bubble, IG perhaps, or just on one of your many devices. Maybe you are reading well-wishes from those you love, your family and friends. Maybe you are scrolling through the heaps of birthday wishes flooding your social media feeds from those who love you all around the world.
What is my letter but just one more, right?
I feel like I have so much to say. Words are always in my head, running around and popping up into focus now and then. I’ll scroll through social media and see clips and shots of you, and words flitter and pop. Words I feel like I’d want to share with you but the magnitude of them is just too much to process at the moment. 
So my task now is to try to do that. To organise the words fluttering about and reign in the feelings running amok. I hope I do well. Let’s begin.
Haechan, my Sunshine.
Before knowing you, ‘sunshine’ never truly held any meaning for me, except for what it was meant for; the light emitted from the sun.
When I first knew of you, introduced to me as ‘Haechan’, again, there was no resonance with the name. I did not know the story behind your name.
Interesting how meanings behind a name and how prophetic they can be, could really draw you into the story of somebody, doesn’t it?
Because that was what happened when I got to know about you.
My story began in 2019. I was already familiar with NCT and her concept, but I did not know much about you. Although, I did understand that you were the youngest in NCT 127. I also understood the concept and expectations of a maknae, and anticipated you to behave as such. (Which you did.)
Back then, my only experiences with groups’ maknae had been that of SuJu’s Kyuhyun (he is so ahjusshi compared to you at this point, let’s not deny this), EXO’s Sehun (who had always been this ‘too cool for school’ dude in my eyes), and BTS’ Jungkook (another ‘too cool for school’ child). Kyuhyun began my formulation of the ‘Evil Maknae’ and although Sehun is far from being as devious as Kyuhyun (in my opinion), he was sort of dubbed as ‘difficult to manage’ too. Jungkook was the Golden Maknae who could do no wrong even if he was.
Then, there was you. I did not know what to make of you. The maknae (of other groups/within Kpop) had never really caught my attention before. They were often just there for entertainment purposes. But you? You did catch my attention. And as my brain scrambled to get what information I can about you, an obvious archetype that came up was that of the maknae.
But you were still different. The ‘maknae’ archetype was not why you caught my attention. And for a while, I continued to scramble for my thoughts and opinion on this young man who has so undeniably got my undivided attention.
My first true recollection of you was actually back in 2018. I didn't really want to count that because that memory thread aligned more with Mark’s graduation rather than ‘you’. But I still recalled fans being upset and lamenting about your separation. (It was then that I learned about ‘MarkHyuck’ - and subsequently your real name ‘Donghyuck’ - and the idea of shipping. We shall not go down that road.)
Then you had the unfortunate incident of injuring your ankle, which caused greater despair within the fandom. Sentiments and emotions were especially high as you missed NCT’s first ever live concert with NCT 127’s Neo City: Seoul – The Origin (a mouthful to say and a hassle to write/type, seriously). It was fair to say the fandom was especially concentrated on your well-being. Throngs of well-wishes continued across social media through the months you recuperated and recovered. 
But yet, I still did not know much about you other than that you were the maknae, and you were close to Mark. I knew of course that both you and Mark were part of Dream too. But let’s face it, at this point, the only news thread in the Dream vine was Mark’s graduation. I too knew you had been around since SM Rookies and the MMC days. But that was old news.
So if you were to ask me to recall what exactly about you made me drawn to you? I could not answer. Till this date, I still can’t think of what about you caught my attention.
However, I can tell you what had caught my attention: clips of your solo dance before ‘Good Thing’ during The Origin tour.
Because boy, you returned from an ankle injury and was launched into a world tour and then managed to deliver such a solo with such grace and ease? Many of your fans were ecstatic at your return, grateful you are back at full health. But dang, you dived back into work and did not play around. You took your return seriously and embraced it fully. 
I have never been drawn to dancers before. My biases or my cause of interest have always been vocalists. And this tracks all the way back to my 90s boy bands phase (if you haven’t figured out that I’m that old…). 
So imagine my surprise when I was very very drawn to all the clips of you dancing in that solo. And subsequently, when you came to my country for a concert, and I actually witnessed you dancing, let me tell you that that concert experience was a turning point in my life.
It was my first concert of any type whatsoever and it being a Kpop band (which also, in all honesty, was the first Kpop band I truly invested in and paid attention to), says a lot about how NCT changed my life. It was not drastic but looking at my life receipts, it was my riskiest and bravest purchase and decision, ever. 
I’ve said this before, in my old blog posts and my conversations with friends who deemed it their worth to listen to my regaling Kpop tales; when I entered the Origin concert, I had came for Taeil (the man who drew me into NCT) and watched for Taeyong and Mark (the only ones who I had been able to recognise). And by the end of the concert, I was a true fan – a dubbed NCTzen. But most importantly, I was starting to understand what the fans meant by ‘bias’. Because boy, though I denied it then, I was drawn to you like a moth to a flame.
Eventually 127 ended their first world tour. But yet, another world tour awaited you: The Dream Show. 
As aforementioned, I was ready to be an NCTzen; I was committed to support the entirety of NCT and her ludicrous concept and projects. That included exploring beyond NCT127 and venturing into its next major unit: NCT Dream. 
My journey with NCT Dream … is another long novel on its own and a narrative to explore in another time. But I have to admit it was my journey into NCT Dream that got me to know more about you, Haechan.
NCT Dream Haechan is, in my opinion, different from NCT 127 Haechan. Where you are maknae in NCT 127, you play an entirely different role in Dream. 
You are expected to be, dare I say it, petulant and childish with 127 as it is expected of a maknae to behave as such. You whine more, you act cute more and get things your way because the older guys relent to it. You are, as popular (fan)fiction describes it, “bratty”. Endearingly so, as seen by how your hyungs absolutely give in to your shenanigans, scripted or not. 
But with NCT Dream, there is a shift in the presentation of your behaviour. If this was conscious or not, scripted or natural, I will never know (and it is not my prerogative to know). But either way, there is a shift. 
I think this was why I ultimately started paying attention to Dream; and often than not, started paying more attention to you.
Paying attention to Dream meant listening to your tracks. Being the main vocalist for the unit, I hear you more. All the online accolades and praises for your vocal uniqueness were no lies. I heard the difference in your timbre. I hear the colour of your voice when you sing with Dream. And I love it. 
Paying attention to Dream also meant supporting your comebacks. With 2019 passing, and me having attended Neo City: The Origin on 22 July, the first Dream activity that came along was ‘We Boom’. And with every pun intended, that album came booming into existence: It was loud, it was daring and it was a statement. And I love every bit of it. I paid attention to every single member and will honestly say, I became an official ‘Dreamzen’. Everything about that era was giving me energy I loved. And when it was released that you will be returning to my country for a world tour? I was genuinely ecstatic. Where I was nervous and hesitant with The Origin, I was absolutely sure I had to go to The Dream Show.
Alas, I did not manage to get good tickets (restricted view) and subsequently, when the end of 2019 came about, the world pandemic happened. I was gutted when it was official that The Dream Show was cancelled. Never before did I feel so despondent at seeing a refund processed in my bank account.
At this point, perhaps due to the emotional drawback or the anxiety of an upcoming world pandemic, I turned to you (and your members).
I learned what your name meant (Full Sun), and I learnt what your fans were called (sunflowers). Suddenly, everything yellow or orange, or any associations to sunflowers and the sun, made me think of you. Specifically, I remembered your smile and your warmth. And though everyone (even I) refer to your precarious childishness as ‘brattiness’, it was actually this very behaviour that made me relate to you. I eventually realised, this was not ‘bratiness’. You were simply mischievous. Which I, myself, have a knack to behave as such. 
I am 'a little bit' on the mischievous side myself, growing up. I got into plenty of trouble as a child... but as I grew up I learned to tuck that mischief away in official settings such as school and the public. But as I crossed into teenagehood, ‘mischief’ became forgotten and something else morphed out of it. My family called it ‘being rebellious’, and I bought it. I was berated and chided for it, and worse, made to feel guilty for it but without understanding why. And through the ending years of my teenagehood and the beginning of my adulthood, the guilt stayed with me and fostered something else in me. I still functioned though, never truly conscious of this ever-growing ‘something’ in me that was just getting fed by guilt-tripping and societal pressure on what it is to be an adult, a woman. And when I got to adulthood, I already had baggage on me, which I had (barely) succeeded in hiding… by tucking, pushing, prodding, and forcing it into this very ever-shrinking box in me. Till one day it wouldn’t fit anymore, and that box (that was supposed to contain ‘things’) just disappeared, and a very ugly ‘something’ came bursting out and overtook everything.
<<This may be my midnight ruminations, or the result of finally becoming comfortable with my thoughts and words as I delve deeper in reflection. I hope you don’t mind me sharing.>>
As you have read, I did not grow into what I term a ‘wholesome’ adult. I did not ‘have my shit together’. 
I am sure you have heard or read so many moving stories of how you, your members, your band, had saved someone from a dark place in their life. And sometimes, I so badly want to say that was the case for me too.
In a way, perhaps. I have to admit, I did find a safe place in NCT for a while. Be it 127, with your found-family vibes. Or NCT Dream with your friendship forever familiarity. Even WayV and their pets had made their way into my heart. I won’t deny NCT2020 was my favourite era and today, I am very grateful I had been fortunate and blessed to have witnessed it. 
But regardless of what it was, what kept me drawn to NCT was you. Your warm personality, your kindness, your passion, your softness, your loving attributes, and yes, your mischief – your love for fun, your inclination for affection, your joviality. I see a glimpse of my old self in that. And I don’t know if that old me is still somewhere in me or if it has morphed into something I am fearful of (I still need time to process that).
In the meantime, I am glad to be able to see the sun in you. And I know it is not easy. So many things aren’t easy, I would think. But I just don’t know which one you’d relate to the most: It must be so difficult to be so happy and so passionate all the time. To be so hard working and committed to what you love. To be sufficiently happy as yourself and also happy as what is expected of you (you are human too, and experience the ups and downs of life… but as an idol, it is a profession that expects perfection from you. And given the happy, mood-maker personality that is associated with you, that must make it harder sometimes to find the balance of being genuinely happy because it is where you want to be versus being happy because your professional image demands you to be as such).
During this birthday, please remember that you have been my definition of sunshine and happiness for as long as I have been your fan. I want to thank you so much for that.
But please remember, you do not have to be forever happy and grinning for the sake of fans. I understand you have been tired for a while now. If it helps, do take a break. It may cause some fans to be upset, yes, but it is far more important that you gather yourself and take time for yourself too.
Something that has kept me going, is the saying (paraphrased) that “you cannot serve from an empty vessel. Rest and self-care is important because when you take time to replenish your spirit, it allows you to serve others from the overflow”.
I love this quote; it is from Eleanor Brownn. And as a social work associate (and through my young adult work life, a case worker in the social sector), this saying has been an essential reminder for me to know when to stop pushing forward because I need to, so that I can rest and recollect myself before I continue to push on. And I hope it resonates with you too on some level.
From the bottom of my heart, I truly want to thank you again. Should I ever be lucky enough to meet you, I will never know what to say, what to do, or even how to act in front of you (or anyone else in NCT for that matter). Language barrier aside, we have quite an age gap too. But regardless, I will continue to love you, and ‘bias’ you, as the young ones so eloquently phrase it. I may face judgement for it, but at this point, I’m accepting that I am happy watching you dance and play, and of course, listening to you sing. (Like a little brother bear...)
Please continue to be passionate in your art for the longest time. You don’t have to be an idol, but never let go of what you love. 
Be happy, for yourself and the ones you love. Don’t lose yourself in the hub-bub of the entertainment world and remember yourself, your family and friends. I know you feel that fans are important, but at the end of the day, we are just here to supplement and support you. Remember that what you do must be for your own drive. If you get tired, remember to take a rest and refuel. Genuine fans know how to take a step back and give you your space, because they respect you. 
Finally, treasure all the memories you make, good or bad. You will learn from life, even if she is a tough teacher. I am not from your world, and may never be able to put myself in your shoes or imagine the challenges and difficulties you face. But as a human being, I empathise that you can have difficult and even dark days. 
Have a good rest (tell this to all your hard working members… all of them), and happy birthday. I hope you wake up to a beautiful day, sunshine.
With love,
Just another birthday wish.
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keepingloveagainkw · 2 years
Kyuwook Fest 2022 ~ a short ficlet collection~ [ Travel ]
Travel – Hectic schedules are finally matching and Kyuhyun is excited as he's planned a well deserved vacation, just him and Ryeowook on a magic island.
“Follow the line, please,” the managers were instructing “Don’t get distracted and just go through security, okay?”
They used to babysit the SJ members whenever they were travelling. The amount of cold-sweat they used to shed was unspeakable as there was always something going wrong while navigating airports: the fans could be too much to handle, some of their precious luggage could get lost, a member could get lost (possibly while shopping at the duty free and taking too much time instead of running after the staff).
Seriously, too many scenarios could happen during a brief visit through the airport, and the managers had to sit through classes so to learn them all and potentially prevent them from happening.
“Hyung,” Kyuhyun jogged to reach Ryeowook’s manager, tugging his hoodie to finally catch his attention. The man briefly swirled around and caught Kyuhyun’s worried expression. He drew in a loud sigh and nodded: “I know, Kyuhyun. Don’t worry, everything’s been taken care of. You only need to go through security and then I will tell you which gate you need to reach,”
Kyuhyun’s face lit up in joy as he stepped back and waited for Ryeowook to catch up with him.
“All good?” Ryeowook asked from behind the mask. He was clad in so many layers of clothes, it was actually hard to tell what he looked like, especially from under the bucket hat he wore to tame the messy hair he didn’t have a chance to comb that morning.
Nodding, Kyuhyun simply grasped Ryeowook’s arm that he linked to his own and led the way: “I’m just excited,”
“For what? Going home?” Ryeowook inquired, thinking of that as very weird way to express joy over something. It was true that most of them suffered homesickness quite fast, especially towards the type of cuisine they were used to have – every one of them packed instant ramyun and kimchi cans in their suitcases every time they travelled abroad – however for Kyuhyun to be extremely happy about sitting for fourteen hours straight on a plane was a bit too much to believe.
Kyuhyun kept silent, although Ryeowook noticed the small smirk on his boyfriend’s lips when he had to take off the mask to pass through controls. That smug expression told him that Kyuhyun was actually hiding something from him, and Ryeowook’s brain gears started moving frantically in a futile attempt to discern what that could be. After passing through security, Kyuhyun waited until the whole group was sitting down in the waiting area before he walked to Ryeowook and sat down with him.
“Care to tell me what you’re hiding?” Ryeowook promptly asked, his eyes never leaving the screen of his phone where he was quickly typing a text to his mother.
“So…” Kyuhyun began by clearing his voice “I checked our schedules and it seems we do have a few more days off that are overlapping and I was thinking – the man fished two flight tickets from his handbag – that maybe we could take one more holiday before going home,”
Stirring in his seat, Ryeowook stopped typing his message only to quickly move his shocked gaze on to Kyuhyun. The latter knew that Ryeowook was at loss for word, therefore he appealed to his hidden talent – a kind of cheesy cuteness that worked absolutely every time with Ryeowook – and with his most mellifluous voice tried his best to seduce his boyfriend into the idea “No managers, no members around. It’s just the two of us enjoying some quality time together as a couple,”
Kyuhyun ducked his head and reached Ryeowook’s ear, where he whispered in a very sensual way: “And if you don’t fancy visiting anything, we could just make love all day long, if you want,”
Blushing hard, Ryeowook quickly pushed Kyuhyun away, frantically looked around himself to see if anyone might have overheard the indecent proposal and finally clasped the man’s mouth shut, too scared to remind himself that – beside their team – no one else would understand them speak Korean.
“Are you crazy?!” Ryeowook asked, still flustered.
“Not at all,” Kyuhyun innocently batted his eyelashes and shrugged “I’m just madly in love with you and would like to take you to a nice place to spend some time together before going back to work,”
Carefully taking a look at the two tickets bound to Naples, Ryeowook stalled a bit, not really knowing what to say except for: “How long ago have you planned this out?”
It was clearly some kind of a mastermind’s plan, especially if Kyuhyun had bothered double-checking their schedules and making sure that they matched.
“Hmm, not too long ago, in fact a couple months, maybe?” Kyuhyun replied.
“The flight is leaving in one hour, Kyuhyun. The Gate is B-17,” the manager walked to the youngest member and explained.
Ryeowook threw a side glance to the manager before muttering: “You knew everything?”
The manager looked rather tired and simply rolled his eyes: “Of course, you know how tiresome Kyuhyun might be whenever he plans something. So, please, for the sake of my mental health, just move to the gate and enjoy your honeymoon, or he might come back home even crankier than before,” the man told about Kyuhyun, disregarding that he was in the presence of said member. Kyuhyun scoffed, highly offended for being accused to be cranky.
Sighing, Ryeowook stood up, knowing he had no room for debating about how he had rather been informed beforehand, instead of being highjacked onto a different flight out of whim.
“Let’s go then,” he said, grabbing his carry-on and slipping his free hand into Kyuhyun’s as he quietly moved towards the nearest lift.
Always quite independent, Kyuhyun had never followed anyone as he was now following closely Ryeowook, looking like a happy puppy wagging its tail after his owner. The two younger members of the group didn’t even bother to say goodbye to the elders, while they went on their own way, the excitement that had been visible on Kyuhyun’s radiant face was now flowing in Ryeowook’s veins too as he didn’t expect the sudden surprise travel. Usually, he would have better liked to know these things in advance, however he couldn’t not sympathise with Kyuhyun’s own excitement at the idea of spending some more time together and privately.
Lately they were always overworked and sticking to ridiculously long schedule that deprived them of their natural and physical wellbeing, literally leaving no room for secret dates or hanging out at the dorms like they were used to. As sad as it sounded, they were just too exhausted to enjoy themselves anymore.
Therefore when Ryeowook caught a glimpse of how brightly Kyuhyun’s eyes were shining at the idea of spending a couple of days completely alone and detached from what was their usual routine, he felt automatically and joyfully involved in the adventurous spirit of this secret getaway.
Even sitting on the low cost plane, where no one knew who they were, next to each other and indulging in a sweet hand-in-hand was felt as completely right, opposed to the sort of danger that would haunt the both of them if they weren’t careful with their fanservice back at home.
Because, individually, Kyuhyun and Ryeowook had never been particularly clingy throughout their lives, however when it came to each other, they were aching to be touchy. It wasn’t done as a show-off, rather an intimate and unspoken agreement that they had in order to check in with the other.
A light squeeze of the arm, fixing each other’s hair, wiping off some sweat during practice or plucking out something stuck in the lashes… these were just a few of the motions that the two lovers would usually find themselves to do and it was automatic, almost relieving knowing that one had the other’s back and vice versa.
However it happened that many of these intimate moments would naturally develop into something even bigger – linking arms together, a hug, even a shy kiss on the cheek – and although their fans liked to witness the skin-ship, Super Junior’s staff was almost always on the verge of a heart attack as Ryeowook and Kyuhyun knew better than to give into their natural need to be physical in front of millions prying eyes.
“Our destination is not really Naples though,” Kyuhyun leaned to his left side, showing a guide book to Ryeowook, who looked curious and so very interested to know more of his boyfriend’s plans “Ever since I heard of Capri in a documentary I’ve thought this is the perfect destination for us to disappear between the tourists and enjoy ourselves,” he explained, pointing at what looked like a various array of activities to do and things to see.
Ryeowook’s eyes shone in surprise as he quickly scanned all the bright pictures in the book: the sea looked astonishingly beautiful in the brochure and the food was absolutely mouth-watering. But in particular, all the bright colours that were typical of the Mediterranean scene looked absolutely awesome in that book, Ryeowook had to literally brace himself as his heart beat faster and faster at the idea of spending some quality time in a small isle that was considered to be a local gem.
“Thank you,” Ryeowook whispered, overlapping his hand on Kyuhyun’s and letting his fingers slip through the man’s in a sweet hold. Kyuhyun looked at their hands before turning to Ryeowook and placing a kiss on his head: “Anytime,” he softly answered, finally conscious that, as they sat for that short-haul flight to Southern Italy, the two of them were finally unknown to the world and could behave like two fools in love.
And this truly happened. Because Kyuhyun and Ryeowook had never felt as carefree and in love as during that little getaway.
For them, Capri was an explosion of colours and smells. With its signature lemon orchards nearing the steep, narrow streets where bands of kids freely played often bare foot; the rose gardens that could be spotted wildly growing behind the decadent ruins of a multiple storey-building that had happened to be the abode of a fallen Count in the past; the sapphire blue waves smoothly embracing the sea stacks; or the pungent smell of seafood freshly fished by old men who had followed nothing else but the call from the sea for their entire life.
These were just a few of the numerous wonders that had helped the two singers to re-ignite the flame of their mutual feelings. Nothing else would matter if one were to live without the other, however everything would be enhanced to the full potential, were they both together and enjoying each other’s company. No one could understand this concept better than Kyuhyun.
One night Kyuhyun was deep in thought while he was sitting in the large, pebbled courtyard of the rustic bed and breakfast accommodation he had found, a newly refurbished manor that counted a good bunch of bedrooms decorated in the old-fashioned yet luxurious Borbone style, that belonged to an old lady who took pride in her possession and wanted to share it with travellers from all over the world.
She was right. It would have been a pity if she hadn’t opened the doors to her house to people who sought a bit of calm in a corner of paradise like that one. Intently looking at the star-quilted sky, too bad that Seoul didn’t offer the same view due to the pollution, Kyuhyun didn’t even realize he was gaping so hard in the silence of the night until creaky footsteps wonkily approached him from afar and stopped just behind him.
“Why so deep in thought?”
Startled, as his train of thoughts was interrupted, Kyuhyun turned around only to find Maria, the old lady, squinting her eyes at him as she offered a wrinkly smile.
Despite being left alone after losing her whole family, Maria was still lively and active and worked as the main cook of the household so to brighten up everyone’s days with her delicious dishes cooked the traditional way: lots of freshly sourced ingredients, seasoned by a pinch of love and happiness.
She had also worked very hard to learn a bit of English which – although not polished or nearly perfect – allowed her to communicate with her guests. Like she had been doing with Kyuhyun for the past few days.
He smiled back, strangely reassured by the presence of the granny, and patted his hand onto the cushions of the couch where he was sitting on, silently inviting the woman to have a seat with him.
“Where’s your friend?” she asked again, sitting down and smoothing the apron that was safely guarding her sleeveless dress from stains and dirt.
“He’s sleeping,” Kyuhyun replied with a sigh, resorting to what little English he had gathered in his mind from the past – futile – lessons the company had offered him over time.
The lady nodded, acknowledging the reason why he had met Kyuhyun all by himself. Usually he would always be seen with Ryeowook by his side and it took very little to the whole amount of strangers and backpackers populating that house to label them as a very cute couple. Regardless of their status as celebrities, they were still regarded as a good-looking and pleasant couple to the eyes of unknown people.  
With a deep sigh that conveyed stress and frustration, Kyuhyun turned to the lady and without even knowing why, he blurted: “You know, he’s not my friend. I mean, he’s also my friend but not only,”
The lady looked at him deeply in the eyes, finding in them a mix of feelings that she could hardly label: exhaustion, anxiousness, but also the thrilling excitement and freedom he must have felt soon after revealing such truth.
“I know,” she nodded again before bringing both hands over her own chest and mumbling one word: “Lovers,”
Uncertain about what reaction to show, Kyuhyun could only still in place and let his mouth ajar to convey shocked surprise. He would have deemed the granny too traditionalist to even notice such a fundamental difference between a mere friendship and the one connection he had to Ryeowook, however he could now understand what everyone said about elderly people and how cunning at grasping hints they could be. His own mother wasn’t as old as Maria, but she could understand quickly enough when Kyuhyun’s feelings for Ryeowook had changed. Perhaps even before Kyuhyun could realise it. However that must have been just a motherly instinct.  
“Look,” Maria fiddled with the big pocket on the front of her apron and took out a few, black and white pictures. In all of them a fairly tall, black-haired man was seen by the side of a young, beautiful girl, who smiled contentedly as if the camera had managed to depict one single second of ever-lasting happiness with that shot.
“My husband, Luigi,” she explained, brushing a calloused thumb across the surface of the thin, fragile-looking, old picture “My family didn’t like him, we ran away for love,”
Struck at the idea of two teenagers eloping for the sake of their feelings for each other, Kyuhyun tried to imagine this alternative scenario in which he would run away from the spotlight of celebrity with Ryeowook, willing accomplice of such a plan.
“I can’t run away with him, at least not where I come from,” Kyuhyun briefly explained. Quickly saddened by the realisation of how impossible that could be, he then couldn’t hold back another deep sigh of resignation. Too much was the burden of responsibility he felt towards Super Junior, their fans and also the job he loved to do. Everything – including their safety – would be jeopardised and Kyuhyun couldn’t say if that was any worthy a try. He would probably still be able to face the press with his head up high, but he wasn’t so sure about Ryeowook and how hurt he could be if continuously targeted by malicious comments. Shaking his head, Kyuhyun decided it was best not to taste said scenario.
“Maybe not, but you can always marry him,” she insisted, making Kyuhyun scoff in that signature way of his that made him sound like he was indeed tired of repeating himself.
“I understand it’s not easy, but I feel your frustration,” Maria told him, fiddling some more with the big pocket from which she fished two thin golden rings that she held in her hand with such a care and devotion Kyuhyun had never seen before: “Take these and promise him your love. Like me and Luigi did,”
Warily, Kyuhyun waited a bit before taking the two thin bands: “I… can’t,”
“We never had a proper wedding either,” Maria revealed. She then pointed straight ahead, where the old lighthouse was lit and operating to show the way home for the boats in open sea: “It was a hot, summer night like this one. There were many stars in the sky when we walked along the shore to the lighthouse. He showed me the rings and I understood what he wanted to do,”
“Things like these don’t require anyone’s approval. And that’s the beauty of love,” Maria patted Kyuhyun’s back, aiming to comfort him like she would have done to her own grandson “That’s… amore,” she then added, with that funny yet heart-warming Southern accent that was making her sound even wiser.
“Thank you,” Kyuhyun mumbled, quickly hugging Maria to show her gratefulness. A that point, his own heart was beating so fast it was about to explode at the idea of doing such a silly thing as marrying Ryeowook in that unofficial but characteristic way. It was the only one. Something totally needed to ease his own concerns about this long-lasting, secret relationship that he entertained with Ryeowook and whose nature no one had to know.
He quickly glanced up high towards the tall walls of the building, focusing on the one shutters of the dark bedroom where he knew Ryeowook was peacefully sleeping. They were staying on the beautiful isle one more day, that time had to be enough to organise something worthy to take Ryeowook’s breath away.
Fast imagining his boyfriend’s cute, surprised expression – or at least he hoped that could be it – Kyuhyun gulped down to ease all his worries and stash them away where nothing else could have had poked them alive anymore.
With the two rings rolling in his sweaty hold, he climbed the marbled staircase up to his bedroom. There Kyuhyun’s heart beat even faster when his eyes landed on the curled lump that was Ryeowook, serenely asleep and enveloped in the thin bed sheets. Sighing, profoundly inspired by his feelings, Kyuhyun decided to take a seat at the desk. Intently scribbling down a few sentences on several different pieces of paper, he tried hard to convey with exact words how meaningful Ryeowook was to him. How special and right their Love was.
Chapter 3
Chapter 5 (end)
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elf-bot · 3 years
shall we continue? - kyuhyun
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genre: smut, like full smut
word count: 824
request: Hey sweetheart!! Can I just say that I love your works 💖? You’re really talented! Anyways ummm.. ehe can I request fem!reader and kyuhyun just going all night? (And yes I am a ✨thirsty hoe✨ for this man hesidikf)
warnings: unprotected sex, overstimulation, multiple orgasms, fingering, creampie???
[thank you sm anon!!!!♡ i am such a thirsty hoe for kyuhyun too, this is a safe space for thirsty hoes lol i am so sorry for the wait again. i want to cry lol]
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“Oh God-” you gasped. “Oh, god. Right there, please.”
You shut your eyes, Kyuhyun's thrusts in all the right spots on top of you. He has your legs against his shoulders to allow him go even deeper inside you.
He groans on your lips. All you could do was bit your lip to be quiet. It was so late that night but you were so hot and bothered, frustrated that you couldn't even see your boyfriend days ago and took your chance.
All you needed was to tease him and now you got him where you wanted since the beginning: fucking you hard just how you liked. Kyuhyun kept his thrusts deep and strong, making you see stars and reaching your second orgasm that night.
You moaned loudly with a smile on your lips. He continued his slow thrusts until he stopped. Kyuhyun started to pull out from you.
“No,” you breathed, touching his arm. “Just keep going.”
He looked at you in the eyes.
"Are you sure?"
You nodded. The overstimulation idea made it even hotter for him.
“Please, I need more” you whispered, kissing his lips gingerly.
He moaned and moved his lips slightly forward. You broke the kiss, whimpering. Your legs wrapped around his hips, the change forced you to take more of his girth, the base of his dick brushing your clit.
Kyuhyun groaned, feeling close to his climax. You clenched around his dick and he finally released inside you with a loud groan. His moves continued, erratically, hitting your sweaty skin.
He collapsed on top of you and pulled out, to fall on the other side of the bed. You catched your breath together, you hugging him and caressing his chest while he gave you soft kisses and intertwined your hands.
“I really miss you” you mumbled, leaving a kiss on his chin.
“I do too.”
You lied in bed together in silence for some time. You took his hand, bringing his finger to your mouth to lick it, pretending to be innocent. He smirked, knowing well where this was going again.
“You’re insatiable,” he said, you pulled out his finger from your mouth.
“Maybe,” you positioned yourself on top of him, you legs on either side of his waist.
Your hands touched the soft skin of his chest and stomach and you guided his hand to your pussy.
“Touch me,” you mumbled.
Kyuhyun rubbed your clit and folds painfully slowly, you grinded your hips on his hand moaning softly. He groaned at the combination of your juices with some of his own cum still dripping out of you. Your ass touched his dick, which was getting harder again. You smiled.
“You're so needy,” Kyuhyun groaned, rubbing your clit quickly and inserting one slim finger inside you. You moaned.
“Well, then just please me.”
His thumb remained on your soft bud, he inserted another finger later, increasing the pace of the thrusts of his hand.
“Just like this?” he asked.
You nodded, eyes closed. You rolled your hips against his hand to find your release, but he wouldn’t let you cum yet again. Kyuhyun pulled his fingers out and teased your folds with his now hard dick. You aligned yourself on his lenght and sinked your hips down. A loud gasp left your throat, your core was still a little sensitive.
Kyuhyun grabbed your hips to encourage you to ride him. Soft whimpers and cries filled your bedroom along with the sound of skin slapping shamelessly. This time the rythm settled rather quickly. One of his hands moved between your legs to rub your clit, causing your walls to clench around his dick.
Your legs began to shake because of the pleasure, your grip on his shoulders also became stronger, even so you dig your nails on his skin softly. Your hips rolled, pushing against his thrusts feeling closer to the peak.
Your muscles tensed and your walls clenched. Kyuhyun let out breathy moans, his pace becoming reckless. The burn on your belly finally exploded, you tried to hold back your moans coming from your high. Kyuhyun’s hand moved to your neck and pulled you down to kiss you, sucking your bottom lip into his mouth.
You stopped moving not so long after, starting a messy make out session with him still inside you.
“I love you,” you whispered on his lips.
Kyuhyun’s phone suddenly rang on your nightstand and he moved slightly to see the screen, he chuckled.
“What is it?”
“Just Eunhyuk,” he answered. He showed the screen to you after he send a text back to him, saying he would be at the dorm tomorrow.
“See, that’s why I prefer doing this at my place,” you teased. “He would hear us, he never leaves his room.”
“It’s alright now,” Kyuhyun placed his phone back on the nightstand and pecked your lips with a grin on his face. “Shall we continue?”
“You’ve been reading my mind.”
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blu-joons · 4 years
He Confesses To You ~ Super Junior Reaction
You called through as a knock at your dressing room door disturbed you, smiling as Jeongsu’s head peeked around the door before walking in to take a seat beside you.
He was already dressed to MC the show the two of you were working on, whilst you yet to get yourself ready. “I’ve got hair and makeup in five minutes, is something the matter?”
“Oh, it can wait until later,” he mumbled under his breath, turning back around. “I didn’t mean to disturb you if you’re busy.”
You sighed, calling out his name. “Whatever it is, I can tell that it’s not fine. Talk to me, I’m sure they won’t mind waiting a couple of minutes.”
“It was a question more than anything,” he sighed, taking a seat beside you. “I wanted to ask you if you felt like we worked well together. For me, I just always get this overwhelming feeling of happiness when I’m with you.”
“We have to work well together to make the programme work,” you laughed, “of course we work well.”
“So, you think it’s just professional?” He frowned, looking nervously away from you.
You could tell by his expression that he thought otherwise. “I feel like how you feel Jeongsu, we’re professionals, but I also think there could be something more to it, that feeling of happiness, I feel it around you too.”
“I thought you were trying to find a way to reject me,” he chuckled, placing his hands in his lap, “that’s not what’s happening, is it?”
“Of course, not. I like you too Jeongsu, you never have to doubt that.”
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Your eyes lit up when you saw Heechul walk towards the table, unaware that Kyunghoon had invited him to his dinner to celebrate his birthday, but still excited to see him.
Heechul looked around the table, noticing a chair free beside you, quickly making his way over to sit beside you. “Do you mind?” He asked, as you quickly encouraged him to sit.
“I knew you’d end up sitting together,” Kyunghoon grinned, noticing the two of you sat together. “Tell her what you said in the car.”
Your head shook instantly, shooting a glare in his direction. “What are you two going on about, have you been talking about me?”
“Not like you think,” Heechul quickly interjected, capturing your attention. “I was talking to Kyunghoon because I wanted to know what sorts of things you liked so I could impress you, and maybe ask you out on a date sometime.”
“Why did you need Kyunghoon’s help?” You asked him, “he would’ve probably told you everything I didn’t like on purpose.”
Heechul’s eyes rolled, “I did think it was weird when he told me that you liked a man who doesn’t act like a gentleman.”
“That’s why you shouldn’t listen to him,” you laughed, “but, if you were going to ask me out on a date, I wouldn’t say no. I didn’t even know you were coming tonight, but the night got a whole lot better seeing that you are here.”
“Do you reckon he’ll mind if we bail on his party and head off together?” Heechul teased, but Kyunghoon stood beside you, shaking his head.
“Another time maybe, especially when there’s no one else around to listen in.”
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Your heart sunk as you walked across to Jungwoon again, only for him to spin on his heels and walk in the opposite direction from where you were coming from, shying away from you.
You spent most of the evening outside as you struggled to understand what was going on before a figure finally appeared beside you. “Don’t come and see me now, I don’t need you here.”
“I’m sorry for ignoring you,” he sighed, “if you let me explain, I promise that you’ll understand.”
You turned to face him, noticing the soft expression in his eyes. “You’ve got one minute to tell me why you’ve been an absolute fool towards me all night.”
“I didn’t know what to say,” he admitted, looking directly into your eyes, “and I didn’t know how to say it. I promised myself that I would never speak to you again until I found the courage to tell you that I liked you, and I guess I didn’t have it.”
“But you just said it,” you pointed out, watching his smile grow. “That’s really what happened?”
“It sounds stupid,” he laughed, “I guess I finally got the courage.”
Your eyes rolled, hitting lightly against his arm. “You really are a fool Kim Jungwoon, are you really telling me you’ve been blind to all the countless hints I’ve been dropping to try and tell you that I like you all this time?”
“I didn’t want to believe that you felt the same way,” he confessed, “I never really felt like I was good enough for you Y/N.”
“You’re more than good enough for me Jungwoon, that’s why I’ve been around for so long.”
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The two of you became close as soon as you were invited to dance in Super Junior’s stage at the festival. He loved watching you dance, which was a topic the two of you quickly bonded over.
As the last show of the run came to an end, he invited you to one side at the end of the last show. “Don’t get soppy that I’m going to be leaving,” you teased him.
“I’ll be sad to see you leave,” he replied, holding his hand over the top of yours. “But I hope that it’s just the role of our dancer that you’re leaving.”
You looked at him in confusion as you noticed his cheeks turn a dark shade of red. “What are you trying to say? That’s all I am, your dancer.”
“You’re not just a dancer,” he sighed, leaning against the wall. “That’s why I wanted to speak to you, because I wanted the chance to tell you that I like you, and I don’t want to see you walk away from my life at the end of tonight’s celebrations.”
“Are you serious right now?” You asked, as his head slowly nodded. “Y-you like me?”
“I wanted to be honest,” he sighed, letting go of your hand.
You quickly grabbed his hand, placing it back where it was. “Don’t let go because I don’t want to let you go either. I’ve never connected with someone the way that I have too, I don’t want tonight to be the last night for us either.”
“What do you say to going on a date?” He shyly questioned, “once everything has settled after the show tonight, there’s no rush.”
“If you organise a date, I’ll be there, whenever that may be.”
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His eyes widened as Kyuhyun announced he was heading to bed, leaving the two of you as the last ones sat at the dining table in the dorm after dinner.
Conversation flowed usually between the two of you, but instead Hyukjae fell silent, staring blankly at you. “Have I got something on my face or are you slowly losing your mind?”
“Sorry,” he nervously giggled, “I didn’t even realise I was staring at you. I thought Kyuhyun was going to give me a bit more time, but I guess not.”
You looked across at him in confusion, “why’s Kyuhyun got to give you more time? Why do I feel like you’re up to something Lee Hyukjae?”
“I am a little bit,” he blushed, pulling his jumper up to cover his cheeks, “I invited you here for dinner tonight because I wanted a nice occasion to be able to tell you that I like you, but he was supposed to wait until I was ready.”
“You didn’t need Kyuhyun’s help to tell me how you felt,” you pointed out to him.
“You probably think I’m an idiot for using him,” he frowned.
Your head shook immediately, smiling across at him. “Actually, I think the opposite. I don’t think you needed Kyuhyun’s help, because regardless how you would have told me, I would have replied in exactly the same way.”
“How are you replying?” He questioned, slowly smiling as you leant across the table, offering your hand for him to take a hold of.
“By telling you that I like you too, I think I always have deep down.”
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Your mind was elsewhere as the members walked into the building to start the day of filming, unaware of them all walking past you, with the exception of one of the members.
The bang of a coffee cup on your desk made you jump, looking up to see Siwon’s smile looking down at you. “What’s this? Have you done something wrong that you’re trying to say sorry for?”
“Think of it as me using this to get my way,” he mused, taking a seat on the other chair at your desk, “it’s to sweeten you up.”
You took a sip from the cup, noticing that he’d bought your favourite. “And why would you need to sweeten me up with coffee?”
“If I’ve already got you in a good mood, you’ll be more likely to say yes to heading out on a date with me tonight,” he chuckled, taking a sip from his own coffee. “I’ve got to impress you and make sure you know I’m a gentleman.”
“I’ve always known that about you,” you laughed, “no one else treats me to coffee.”
“Did it do the trick?” He questioned, smiling widely.
You paused for a moment before allowing your head to nod. “Whilst I would have said yes even without the coffee, I’ll take it. But just know, I’ve got high expectations, someone like you must know plenty of good places.”
“Only the best for you,” he grinned, standing up from the desk, “I’ll come and tell you the details after our schedule is done.”
“I’ll catch you in a bit and thank you again for the coffee.”
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Since you arrived at his apartment, Donghae had been unusually quiet around you, to begin with you brushed it aside, but as the evening progressed you began to wonder more.
As he sat down after getting a drink, you turned your body to face him. “Why did I bother coming here if you’re just going to ignore me Donghae?”
“I just had a bit of a rough day at the studio, I didn’t mean to ignore you,” he frowned, placing his drink on the table, forcing a smile to his face.
You studied his expression closely, “that doesn’t look like the only problem right now. I don’t know if I can help you, but maybe you could tell me what’s going on so I can try.”
“There’s nothing you can do,” he quickly told you, turning to face you. “My day at the studio was fine, but every single day of my life right now is clouded with thoughts of you, I can’t stop thinking about you, not when I feel like I’m falling for you Y/N.”
“Donghae,” you whispered, “how long have you felt this way?” You asked of him.
“I don’t want to talk about it,” he replied, trying to change the subject.
You quickly interrupted him before he had the chance, “don’t even try and get shy and embarrassed, you have no reason to. Because the truth is, I like you too, there’s a reason why whenever you call, I’m straight here without any questions.”
“Because you like me too?” He stuttered, watching your smile grow. “You really like me, you’re not just saying it, are you?”
“Of course, I really like you. I’d be an idiot if I didn’t like you, you’re amazing Donghae.”
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His eyes lit up as you walked into his dressing room, passing him the food order he’d given to you whilst he continued to prepare to for his performance that night.
You were about to walk away when he called out your name causing you to spin around on your heels. “Did I get something wrong?” You tentatively asked, predicting what the problem was.
“No, I just wanted to ask if you had any plans tonight after the show,” he smiled, encouraging you to sit down with him. “Are you busy?”
Your head shook as you took a seat, “no I’ll just be heading back home and sorting out my dinner, I’ve got to look after all of you guys first.”
“Let me treat you to dinner then,” he suggested, spinning around in his chair to face you. “I’ve always wanted an excuse to ask you out on a date, and I can’t let you go home all by yourself without being cared of.”
“Are you saying that you like me?” You asked, slightly taken aback. “Is this a joke?”
“Not at all, but you can say no,” he assured you.
Your head shook, quickly easing his mind. “No, I’d love to go out to dinner with you, I just never imagined that you’d want to go out with me. I just thought I was a runner; artists don’t usually ask people like me on dates.”
“That’s because you’re different to every other runner I’ve had,” he grinned, taking a bite from the food you bought him, “so, is it a date?”
“It’s a date, after you’ve smashed your performance tonight.”
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Your hands grabbed onto Kyuhyun once again as he stumbled through the beer garden, helping him to sit on the end of one of the benches as he tried to remember where he was.
You sat down beside him once you were confident, he was alright, “you’re so drunk,” you frowned, taking a glass of water that Jeongsu passed across to you for him.
“I’m drunk in love,” he murmured, taking several large sips from the bottle. “That’s always how I feel around you Y/N.”
Your head shook, brushing his comments to one side. “I think you think I’m someone I’m not right now, you don’t know what you’re saying.”
“I know exactly what I’m saying,” he spoke a little bit louder. “Just hear me out Y/N because I really like you. And it might be all the beer giving me the courage, but if I don’t tell you how I feel right now, then I’m scared that I never will get the chance to tell you.”
“Kyu, I really don’t think you know what you’re saying,” you sighed, “it’s all the beer.”
“Stop saying that,” he requested, “it’s the truth.”
You took the bottle of water from him as he finished drinking, resting his hand in his lap. “I can guarantee when I tell you about this tomorrow, you’ll be clueless about all of this. I’d love to hear you say that sober Kyu, but I don’t think you ever will.”
“Why do you want to hear me say it sober, is it because you like me too?” He questioned, turning to face you. “Tell me how you feel Y/N.”
“Of course, I like you too Kyuhyun, I just don’t think you’ll remember any of this.”
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writingbeary · 3 years
Welcome back
“Do you think he’ll notice?” you asked looking at your reflection in the mirror. It’s been 3 months since you last saw each other personally. He’s been away for work and as much as you’re excited to finally see him and hold him in your arms, you were also not yet prepared to talk about the soon-to-be new addition to your family. You were starting to show, although still barely noticeable, but it is there. You wore a white smock dress with small flower embroidery and plan to put on some comfortable flats to go with it. It wasn’t that you were actively trying to hide the pregnancy, but you weren’t sure how your husband would react once the news hits him.
Heechul walked over laughing. “I didn’t think you’d be this worried. Why didn’t you tell him over the countless times you both talked?”
“I wanted to but I always chicken out when I see him so stressed over work. I didn’t want to add on to that.” you sighed looking over to your long-time friend.
“I’m sure he’ll be delighted. You both have also been married for what now? 3? 4 years? It’s also about time for Super Junior to actually have juniors.” Heechul grinned, shrugging a bit
“Almost 4 now. You say that but you haven’t really contributed in that sense, you old man.” you laughed, teasing him
“Yah. Must you hurt me like this? Your husband is the same age as me!” He clutched his chest dramatically “It’s just we haven’t really talked about our plans and it’s fun living just by ourselves for now. My wife is also in the peak of her career so I’d rather wait for her. Wait until my niece gets born and I’ll make sure she gets married to my son.”
“Assuming you get a son, that is. That’s true. She is also overseas for a schedule right? She was asking me what I want as souvenirs and to keep you in check.” laughing, you shook your head giving yourself one last look in the mirror before grabbing your shoes. 
“I’m hurt. You both think I’m up to no good every time. Anyway you should tell him soon though, sooner or later it’ll be hard for you to move around without help. Enough about that. We should go now, I promised the other guys I’d drive you to the restaurant before 11am. Leeteuk and Siwon would arrive together from the airport while the others are already there.”
“Mhm. Don’t worry. I’ll tell him today. Besides, he’ll probably notice it even before I say anything.” Heechul chuckled agreeing with you
The restaurant was a short drive from our home, the place was reserved for the day for the guys to catch up with one another. You’ve always wondered how they could maintain their friendship through all the years so it wasn’t a surprise that they do get together once in a while. Only this time, it’s a day for a lot of events worth celebrating for: from Leeteuk and Siwon returning from overseas work, Yesung, Donghae and Eunhyuk releasing another album, Shindong expanding his business, Ryeowook finishing up another musical, and Kyuhyun finally proposing to his partner. It was also a huge day for both you and Leeteuk. Most of the guys knew about the pregnancy and they we’re all dead set on telling Leeteuk about it if you don’t soon and even if the others don’t you feel like Kyuhyun or Heechul would.
“Oh you’re here! Noona sit beside me, how is she?” Eunhyuk pulls the chair beside him patting it.
“Hyukkie-ah, you won’t get to see her until 6 months more.” you chuckled sitting down beside him
“Meet who? What did I miss?” you hear Leeteuk say surprising you and Eunhyuk. Leeteuk placed a kiss on your forehead, sitting down on your other side. 
“Oh you’re here. Eunhyuk is excited to meet this cute lady.” you smile looking at your husband. 
“Really? Are you going to see them?” Leeteuk grinned at Eunhyuk making the whole table laugh other than Leeteuk who is left confused.
“What’s so funny?” Leeteuk frowned looking at the others 
“I think this lady is too young for me hyung.” Eunhyuk tried to answer in-between laughter.
"I'd be the first one to call the police." Kyuhyun snickered
Not understanding what is happening, Leeteuk looked at you for an explanation. "Honey, what's all this about?"
"They're not talking about a potential lover for Eunhyuk or anyone of your members." letting out a laugh then taking his hand and placing it on top of your tummy. Smiling, you raised an eyebrow trying to see if he would get it.
Leeteuk blinked, looking back and forth from your face to your tummy. "You're not joking, right? Is this what I think it is?"
You nodded. "Mhm. Before you joke around, no it's not that I gained weight."
"I wasn't about to say that! Y/N, how-...when-...why-"
"What? Hyung, you don't know how babies are made?" Kyuhyun snickered making Leeteuk send a glare at him jokingly "Not that. Since when did you know?" he pulled you into a light hug looking into your eyes.
"A few days after you left. I was at work when I felt a bit dizzy and nauseous around certain smells. I thought it was nothing until one of my coworkers told me to get examined. I got the results and have been on tight guard by your members."
"Why didn't you tell me?"
"I wanted to. But I didn't want to add on to your worries when you're already stressed and it's not like you can fly back right away. Sorry. I didn't mean to keep it from you" you smiled apologetically, placing your hands on too of his playing with his wedding band.
"I would have flown right back. I'm sorry I left you alone." Leeteuk sighed "Now that I'm back we have a lot of things to do and buy, Y/N."
"Believe me when I say the uncles are all enthusiastic when they found out. They've been a huge help that I didn't have much to do. Apparently, being pregnant also means that I cannot drive or go somewhere alone to these people." you glared playfully at the members while they raise their protest saying they didn't want to get killed if something happened to you while Leeteuk was away and that they're pretty much the child's uncle.
Leeteuk chuckled thanking the members. "I'm still sad that I only found out now. I missed a lot of moments. I need to make it up to you and our little angel."
"There'd be plenty more and I'm holding on to that once it gets more difficult or if I crave anything." you joked poking his arm
He let out a laugh nodding "I'll do my best."
"Also, you'll have to be the one to tell In-young unnie and you'll have to come with me to visit my parents."
Chuckling, Leeteuk pulled you pulled you closer before leaning in to whisper to your ear "Thank you honey. I'll be an even better husband to you.I love you."
"I'd say get a room but you already have one on the way so there's no need for that." Heechul grinned, making everyone laugh.
"Welcome back honey." you smiled placing a kiss on his cheek
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━━━━━━ʕ ˵• ₒ •˵ ʔ━━━━━━
Writing Beary Corner:
this was in my drafts since last week but i didn’t know how to finish it or who to use as characters lol there was a lot to consider when i was writing this and i end up redoing the whole thing over and over again O3O hopefully you'll still enjoy this though!
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emeraldbabygirl · 3 years
ENOi reaction they find out you’re cold
Yes I’m still writing for enoi shut it
Laon: It was a nice fall day and Kyuhyun wanted to take you to a park because the trees there looked so pretty when they changed colors. You were walking through the leaves on the grass when a strong wind almost knocked you to the ground. “Are you alright angel?” Kyuhyun asked catching you in his arms. You shivered despite wearing a long and heavy winter coat and a hat and scarf. “Uh yeah but that wind sure blew right through me. Can we go home I’m getting cold fast.” Kyuhyun nodded grabbing your hand in his as you headed back to the car. “Wouldn’t want you flying away on me.”
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Dojin: Yongtae was a light sleeper compared to you. You could mostly sleep through anything. At the moment your body was shivering under the covers and you somehow weren’t cold enough to wake up. Yongtae however was awake. He thought you were having a seizure or something. “Y/n, y/n can you hear me?” He asked gently placing his hand on your shoulder. “Y/n are you okay?” He shook you a little bit and your eyes slowly opened. “What’s going on?” You asked confused and rolling over to face your boyfriend. “You can’t tell? You’re shivering and slept through it.” Yongtae quickly got up out of bed and you watched as he rummaged through the closet in the bedroom. He came back with a blanket of some sort. “A heated blanket should keep you warm okay? I can’t have you freezing to death.” Yongtae took your covers off and placed the heated blanket over you then put the comforter and other blanket on top. “You should warm up now.”
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Hamin: you and Hamin went to the mall as a date and you finished up and were heading back home. It was a bit chilly outside so Hamin had the heater running but you were always so cold so the heater didn’t help. “Hamin can you turn it up please?” You asked rubbing your arms with your hands. “Can you not feel it? Are you coming down with something?” He asked placing one hand on your forehead. He frowned. “Baby grab the blanket from the back seat and put it over your legs alright? I can’t turn the heat up anymore.” You drove for awhile longer but you still couldn’t get warm. “Hamin I think the heater is broken.” You whined. “I have an idea.” Hamin turned down a few side roads that you were unfamiliar with and he stopped next to a small building. “What’s this?” You asked removing the blanket to unbuckle yourself. “It’s a new noodle and soup shop that just opened last month. Something here will help warm you up.” He helped you out of the car and held your hand inside the building.
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Avin: Donghyuk entered the bedroom to join you for bed. He thought you were fast asleep but when he turned the bedside lamp on he saw your entire body shaking. “Y/n what happened?! Are you okay?” He said rushing to your side. You spoke up teeth chattering, “I-I’m f-f-freezing..” Donghyuk tried his best to stay calm as you usually didn’t shiver this much when you were cold. He rushed out of the room and returned with a pile of quilts. He layered them one by one on top of you before joining you in bed. How about now? Are you getting warm?” He asked cuddling into you from the back. “Y-yes actually, thank you.” Donghyuk kissed the back of your head pulling the covers over you both more. “You’re welcome kitten.”
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Jinwoo: you and Jinwoo came in from having probably the best snowball fight in the history of maybe ever and after taking your jackets and boots off you both sat on the couch by the fireplace. “Jinwoo babyyy,” you cooed. Jinwoo turned to you and you snuggled into his arm. “Can you make us some tea or something?” Jinwoo nodded standing up. “How about some hot chocolate with little marshmallows?” He asked grabbing a blanket from the back of the couch and placing it on your lower half. “Yes please.” You smiled. He knew how much you loved those little marshmallows. When Jinwoo returned he slid under the blanket next to you and handed you your drink. Taking a sip you let out a satisfied sigh. “It’s perfect Jinwoo thank you.” You cuddled into him and kissed his cheek. “You’re welcome.”
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J-Kid: “Junghoon!!” You called from the living room. You were on the couch wrapped in a blanket burrito because the heat wasn’t working. Junghoon had been upstairs all day and you were freezing. You heard him come down the steps and he smiled as he came over to you. “Hey princess what’s up?” You pouted. “Junghoonie I’m cold we should have sex. You know, to keep each other warm.” You winked at him. He chuckled. “You’d have to take your clothes off though and that would make you more cold you know that?” You frowned for a bit before tears started to well up. You sometimes got upset if you were cold or really moody. “Well dammit Junghoon do something!” You cried out. Through blurry vision you watched Junghoon sit next to you on the couch. He wiped a tear away from your cheek with his thumb. “Princess what’s wrong now?” Junghoon was confused and wondered if you were just on your period. “What’s wrong? I’m fucking cold Junghoon please do something I can’t stand the cold!” You whined out falling against the back of the couch. You continued to cry. Maybe you were close to your lady time. “Ok, okay don’t worry alright? I’ll make a fire so you won’t freeze okay?” You nodded and Junghoon held your head and kissed the top of your forehead. “A nice warm fire for my cold and fragile princess.”
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Gun: you came into your bedroom where Yanghyuk was sitting on the bed reading a book. You climbed onto the bed and slid under the covers to snuggle into him for warmth. He thought nothing of it and wrapped one arm around you. When he turned to you after a while he noticed you were wearing one of his hoodies. “Babe what’s going on?” He asked turning to you. “I can’t get warm Yanghyuk.” Yanghyuk tilted his head and stuck one hand up your sleeve. Your skin was cold despite wearing a very soft hoodie. You shivered as his warm hand touched your cold skin. Yanghyuk frowned. “Baby what are we gonna do with you?” You said nothing. Yanghyuk sighed kissing your lips. “I’m gonna draw you a warm bath okay?” Yanghyuk carried you into the bathroom and sat you down on the lid of the toilet. He quickly got to work filling the tub, checking the temperature and getting the hair drier out of the cupboard. “Ok I think this is perfect temperature.” You checked it yourself and nodded taking your hoodie off. Yanghyuk couldn’t help but smile at you. You sighed sinking into the warm water. “Ok I’m gonna throw some towels and bedding into the dryer to warm them up ok? I’ll be back.” When you were done in the tub Yanghyuk helped you out and dried you off as fast as he could. You stood in front of the mirror as he used the blow dryer on your hair brushing it out for you. Then he took carried you back to the bedroom and helped you find warm pj’s. “Ok these blanket are nice and warm alright?” He followed you under the covers and covered you up with the warm blankets. “Thank you Yanghyuk, this is so much better.”
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Well gee I’m sorry Yanghyuk’s is so fucking long it just happened..and we let it 😪 also cause that’s what he do. So since all these gifs are from @enoilovebot you can bet your sweet ass I’m gonna visit their blog for a few hours. Anything for Enoi content 😭 and I need to know where that gif of Jinwoo even is from I never saw that video :( anyway I wrote this cause I am cold and in my Enoi feelies 👉👈🥺
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sapphireblue-dream · 3 years
Goodbye for now - Kyuhyun
Hello dear ELF,
I am quite new to this fandom and had this story in mind while watching ‘Goodbye for now’. It’s my first attempt for a K-Pop fanfic and I hope you can enjoy it. Honestly speaking as I first created this story in my head I wasn’t aware this song was a goodbye before going to military >.
Have fun with reading :)
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Full of surprise is he staring at that creature in his arms. A beautiful porcelain like skin and voluminous chocolate colored hair emphasize her tiny figure. Her pink, heart shaped lips draw his attention only for a short moment as he notices two delicate and white, nearly transparent wings on her back. Just as he was regaining his composure her tightly closed eyes release their deep brown soul mirrors and once again his gaze is captured.
As part of Super Junior he has met many beautiful women. But that creature in front of him exceeds beautiful. If there is a word which could describe her it would probably be something like ethereal.
His thoughts are disrupted as she takes a step back. And as soon as he was able to recover his ability to blink her wings are gone. Was it a daydream?
Slowly his surroundings return. The staples of colorful books take shape as well as the wooden stairs regaining their blue layer. Shelves which are filled with books until it feels like they are nearly bending surface at the corner of his eyes.
“Sorry and thank you for catching me.”
A crystal clear voice is speaking to him, fully getting him out of his trance.
“Don’t mind it. Are you ok?”
Unsure of what to respond his mouth is somehow working without his mind. A small smile perfects those pink lips he has been admiring since a while ago.
“I am. Thank you again. I will take my leave now.”
It has been nearly two months since that fateful encounter. And even though he has been a regular at that book café, Kyuhyun has never seen her again. As he decided on one last try, he never thought to actually find her there today. He either can’t or doesn’t want to believe his luck. Her beauty seems as unreal as the first time while she is holding a book and being fully immersed in its contents.
Smiling to himself he approaches her. But even as he gets closer, at first her attention doesn’t appear to shift. It was only thanks to his career for developing his observation skill, as he often is confronted with fans who are too shy to approach him, that he could spot those tiny changes signaling him she noticed his presence as well. At that moment he made up his mind to just go for it.
Putting on a pouting face he interrupts her reading time in order to gain her full attention. With puppy eyes is he looking up to her, demanding a long overdue date and putting a smile on her face with his demeanor. He knows how irresistible he can be and if it means he can be with her longer, he surely wouldn’t stop at using his charms. Kyuhyun is happily taking her hand and leading her outside as soon as she agrees only stopping for her to switch the sign to closed.  
Strolling around town and going with the flow they enter and exit small and large shops. Smelling summer flowers at the local florist shop, taking pictures of each other and bath in the ocean breeze which promises a salty but fresh experience should they decide to dive in. As they come across a small bookstore she can’t resist the temptation and by now Kyuhyun is also aware of her severe love for books. Playfully rolling his eyes but following nonetheless, he can’t help but admire her profile. While she is drifting off into a fictional world a book is drawing his attention putting a smile on his face at the anticipation of her reaction.
As evening approaches, the wind is getting slightly colder and their date is reaching the end. Kyuhyun brought her back to her book café and together they are enjoying the last bit of warmth offered by the sun on the rooftop. Bidding goodbye that day and despite neither knowing her name nor her number, Kyuhyun never doubted to see her again.
With a peaceful smile on his face an old man with hair as white as though interwoven with feathers of an angel is taking his last breath. Reminiscing memories of a time where he met his most important one. Now he isn’t able to say wether it was a dream or reality and in all honesty - it doesn’t matter at all. While he is closing is eyes as is heartbeat is decreasing it feels like they will soon meet again.  
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mysilentmemory · 4 years
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210102 [FULL]
15th Anniversary Photobook AR - Eunhyuk’s Msg
[EH] I don’t know how to express my appreciation [EH] I really feel that I’m now living in a dream bc of ELF [EH] Thank you for being w/ me in this beautiful & cool dream for 15 yrs [EH] I’ll repay w/ what I can do ELF is the best
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15th Anniversary Photobook AR - Siwon’s Message
[SW] The heart that doesn’t change. We are now at where we are because of that precious heart (of yours) being together with us for 15 years. [SW] I’m always thankful and I love you!
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15th Anniversary Photobook AR - Eunhyuk’s Msg [EH] I don’t know how to express my appreciation [EH] I really feel that I’m now living in a dream bc of ELF [EH] Thank you for being w/ me in this beautiful & cool dream for 15 yrs [EH] I’ll repay w/ what I can do ELF is the best
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15th Anniversary Photobook AR - Shindong’s Message
[SD] It would be hard to make 15 years of memories if we don’t have “LOVE” from you all, right? [SD] I am” who eats E.L.F.’s
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15th Anniversary Photobook AR - Leeteuk’s Message [LT] A lot of things change as the time pass [LT] If there is anything that doesn’t change [LT] That’s us and you guys
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15th Anniversary Photobook AR - Yesung’s Message
[YS] If it’s (already) 15 years, (then) it’s (already) a family [YS] The most precious one
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15th Anniversary Photobook AR - Ryeowook’s Ment [RW] 15 years passed by already~ [RW] I will work diligently to protect that pretty heart (of yours continuously) in future too~ [RW] Thank you E.L.F. let’s be together forever
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15th Anniversary Photobook AR - Kyuhyun’s Ment [KH] Suju-ya, happy 15th Anniversary!! [KH] I will catch up soon too!! ^-^
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15 Anniversary Photobook AR - Donghae’s Ment [DH] Thank you for watching/looking up to us for 15 years [DH] In future, for another 15 years, 30 years, I will work hard for you guys to watch/look up to only us!!
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15 Anniv. Photobook AR - Heechul Ment
[HC] It has been 15 years.. you guys are still a baby (young).. but I’m already 40 years old T-T [HC] Can you guys still call me oppa? [HC] Yeah.. if handsome then call oppa kk I will work hard to maintain myself!! =D
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sweetheartyoongi · 4 years
Super Junior Scenario: Love Languages
Leeteuk: words of affirmation. Baby’s been through some shit but always puts on a brave face. He’s a leader, after all, and has to suck it up and give that dimpled smile we’re so accustomed to. The only way he can do that, though, is by hearing meaningful encouragements. You’re doing so well. I’m so proud of you. You’ve got this. I’ll always be here for you. He may seek these words out from as many people as possible, as seen by his constant group chat texts, but they can’t come from just anyone. They need to come from you, his person. He needs to hear your sweet voice cheering him on when he’s doing well, and comforting him when things get tough, and for no particular reason at all. Words like this from you remind him that he’s worthy of love and good things.
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Heechul: physical touch. He doesn’t show it in public too much, but behind closed doors all he wants is to touch you (and not always in a dirty way). He’s an independent guy who doesn’t need to be glued to his s.o.’s side, but as soon as he feels you against him he just feels good again. He actually prefers when you’re the one holding him in your arms. When he comes home from taping a show, he’ll collapse onto whatever furniture you’re on and hope you’ll pull him into your arms. Running your hands through his hair is always an added bonus. He just feels secure and grounded in these moments, that he’s Heechul and you’re you and that’s all that matters in the world.
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Yesung: words of affirmation. Similar to Leeteuk, he’s powered by positive words from the person who means the most to him. His insecurities can often cloud his thinking, and the only thing that can pull him out of the negative thoughts are your words of comfort. I love the way you did your hair today. Your new song is so good, I can’t stop listening to it. I saw these flowers and thought of you. You never fail to make me laugh. The self proclaimed outcast of the group sometimes worries he really is unwanted, that he needs to change things about himself to please others, but hearing your kind words makes the insecurities fade away.
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Shindong: receiving gifts. Sure, he likes every gift you’ve bought for him (even if he teases you that your taste isn’t as good as his) but tbh it’s the homemade gifts that he loves, like cards and letters and whatnot. For his birthday this year you really go full out and make him your own music video to one of his songs, matching the styling and choreography almost exactly. You throw in your own little twists here and there, which make your boyfriend blush in adoration. You think it’s just a funny joke gift, but little do you know that Shindong loves it more than anything. He’ll download it to his phone and keep it to watch when he needs a smile. The sillyness of your performance plus the genuine work you put into creating it makes it the best gift you’ve ever given him.
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Eunhyuk: acts of service. You know how when men get sick, they’re the absolute worst? Well Eunhyuk is no exception; he is such a baby when he’s unwell. Usually you’re his acting nurse, but unluckily this time he gets sick while you’re gone on a work trip. He doesn’t want you to know he’s sick and worry about him, but it’s so much harder to take care of himself, and his members aren’t exactly helpful (you think they’re catching what he’s got? As if). He’s on the verge of calling an ambulance when out of the blue you walk through the door with a bag filled with medicines and a gentle smile that says don’t worry, I’m here now. He can’t believe you came home early for him; you’re truly his angel sent from Yesung who called you to come home and help your dramatic boyfriend heaven.
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Siwon: acts of service. He’s so dedicated to giving back and serving others, so of course he responds best to you doing the same for him. Typically when he works late, he always comes home with a treat for you - flowers, ice cream - as a way to apologize for missing dinner. One night though, meetings and practice go until midnight and he’s so overcome with exhaustion, he can’t bring himself to pick up anything for you on the way home. He returns home completely shocked to see you still up, table set, dinner still hot and a dessert cooling beside it. He honestly could cry; anytime you cook for him makes him feel special, but on this extremely long day he feels like the luckiest man in the world.
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Donghae: quality time. Baby doesn’t like to be lonely. Not only has he outwardly stated this, but it’s pretty obvious since he never leaves Hyukjae’s room. That’s why he wants to be with you as often as possible, no matter what you’re doing. Going to museums, working out, playing card games - hell, he even considers grocery shopping and laundry to be top quality dates (he most definitely throws the folded up socks at you until you retaliate and throw them back, resulting in all of your freshly folded clothing to end up all over the room). Then at the end of the day, he’ll turn on some soft songs (which always includes It’s You by Henry FIGHT ME ON THIS), and slowly dance with you around the living room. Donghae truly doesn’t care in the slightest what you do, just as long as you’re together.
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Ryeowook: physical touch. This boy is SO touchy feely. As part of the maknae line, he loves being held by his hyungs and holding them too, so of course he loves any kind of physical contact with his s.o. His favorite is when you hold his hand. He knows he’s not the tallest or biggest guy (shoe lifts who?), so when your smaller hand holds his he can’t help but feel good. Your soft small touches make him feel like your protector, like he’s the one who makes you feel better. Sometimes while holding hands you’ll gently rub your thumb against his knuckles, and it takes everything in him not to melt on the spot. As much as he loves his hyungs, your touches mean the most.
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Kyuhyun: quality time. Kyuhyun works so hard, not just with Super Junior but with his other tv, radio, and theater gigs. He loves it all, but it can be so draining to have everyone fighting for his attention. All he wants is to come home and give all of his attention to you and only you. A favorite pastime is to pick out a special drink for the night from his collection to share while talking about your days. These talks go on for hours, turning into the most random and meaningless of conversations. Kyuhyun doesn’t mind though, because he’s just so grateful you’re having these conversations in person. Your voice soothes him, and he smiles, knowing that no matter how stressful his days can be, he’ll always have you to come home to.
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kpopimaginings · 4 years
“Here, you can have mine.” – Kyuhyun
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It had been a long stressful working day at SM and you could not wait to get home. As you stepped out of the building, you felt droplets hitting your skin, and looking up at the dim sky you had a feeling the weather was only going to get worse.
You pulled your umbrella out from your bag to protect you, but no sooner have you opened it than a gust of wind blows by, flipping the umbrella inside out and bending one of the spokes out of place.
“Fantastic!” you exclaim sarcastically under your breath, as you hunch over and start playing with the damaged metal.
Suddenly, you realised, the rain was no longer falling on your skin, despite the fact that you could still see it rippling the surface of a nearby puddle.
Looking up you realised Kyuhyun, who must have followed you out of the building, was smiling down at you, holding his own umbrella above your head.
“Here, you can have mine,” he said, gesturing for you to take hold of it.
You found yourself automatically reaching out for it.
“Well, now you’re going to get wet,” you pointed out.
Kyuhyun laughed slightly, pulling his hood up. “It’s only water, I’m sure I’ll be fine.”
“Maybe we can both fit under it,” you offered.
“Honestly, y/n, I’m fine without.”
You stopped for a moment. Sure, you guys both work under SM Entertainment, but you didn’t realise he knew your name.
“Wouldn’t want a beautiful woman like you catching a cold. Anyway, I can just get myself a new one.”
“I can return it when…” you started half-heartedly, disarmed by his comments.
“Stop arguing,” he interrupted. “Get home safe and dry, and maybe one day, you can do me a favour in exchange.”
All you could do was nod, struggling to believe that this interaction was happening at all.
“Thank you, Kyuhyun,” you finally said.
“You’re very welcome, y/n,” he replied. “I’ll see you around.”
And with that he turned and walked away leaving you stood with his umbrella in one hand, and your broken one dangling uselessly from the other. You were definitely planning to hold him to his parting comment.
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jasonbehrs · 3 years
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let me be your guarantee
by airauralintensity (aka me, jasonbehrs!)
"You could stand to be a bit more selfish, you know."
"You could stand to be a bit more courteous in general, so I guess we both have things we need to work on."
fandom: kpop, super junior characters: ryeowook, kyuhyun ship: kyuwook genre: friendship, romance themes: genderbent, rule 63, high school, a day in the life, fluff (arguable) word count: 5.2k
read it below or on ffnet, wattpad, aff, or (new!) ao3
A/N (8.27.2021): I have no heterosexual explanation for the effects Ryeowook and Kyuhyun in drag have on me (or my creative process, evidently).
Rating for mildly suggestive language and graphic depictions of geometry. Title comes from Poster Girl by the Backstreet Boys. Cover art made by me. Thanks to Amy for the beta! (Even though you're already so over high school, haha.)
Uploading this as part of kyuwook month on twitter! I actually was gonna publish it wayyy back on July 21, but I waited so I could participate in ryeonamickyuo's #kyuwooksaturdays event on twitter lol. #marketing
A soothing chime alarm wakes Ryeowook up before dawn. She lets herself stretch in bed, enjoying the warm comfort of her blankets for a moment longer before getting up for a shower. She changes into the outfit she had prepared the night before: a sparkly white sweater and a pink skirt fluffed with tulle, and she painstakingly dries and curls her long lavender hair just the way she likes it before applying some light makeup. After scrutinising her appearance for another minute, she decides to add a small braid to her hair for fun.
With ease and minimal noise, Ryeowook flits through the kitchen to make enough breakfast for her and her parents. She's feeling like sweet potatoes and tofu this morning. She leaves her parents' portions in the oven to stay warm before serving herself, and she mentally checks through yesterday's to-do list to make sure she's all set for today while she chews.
Her homework is printed and neatly filed in their own plastic sleeves as a sustainable alternative to staples.
The cinnamon rolls she made the night before, with a small batch of gluten-free versions set aside, are individually packed in a tin waiting in the fridge.
After she brushes her teeth and puts on her silver flats, she'll be all ready for the walk to school.
Satisfied with her preparations, Ryeowook hums softly to herself as she washes the dishes after eating. With the sink by the kitchen window, she is able to catch the first rays of sunlight streak across the brightening sky, and she smiles. Today is going to be a good day.
Today is already a shit day.
The alarm blares once again after snoozing it for the third time just as someone bangs on her door, and the annoying sunlight shining through her bedroom window manages to directly hit her eyes. Kyuhyun frowns into her pillow. She was having an excellent dream about kimchi ramen that is already slipping out of her grasp the more she joins the land of the conscious.
She spares a second to flip the bird in Ahra's direction, knowing full well her older sister won't see it through the closed door, before rummaging through her unruly closet for whatever passes the sniff test. She changes into a pleather bodycon skirt (just long enough to meet the school's dress code, but no longer) and a long-sleeve red crop top in a half-awake daze.
Kyuhyun offhandedly recalls she left her homework in the printer last night. Hopefully she remembers to stuff that in her bag before she leaves.
Not one for morning showers, she simply runs a brush through her silky blonde hair a few times just to get the birds' nests out, wipes the oil off her face, and swipes on a thick cat eye to complete her look.
At the breakfast table, Kyuhyun eats in silence while ignoring the looks her dad gives her, no doubt at her mildly revealing outfit. She gives him a side hug anyway before leaving her dishes in the sink for later. She finishes her morning routine, grabs her keys and homework, and shuts the door behind her when she leaves for school.
Ryeowook cheerily pushes open the school doors with plenty of time left before the first bell. Instead of her locker, she walks purposefully through the hallways for the principal's office.
"Good morning, Ryeowook!" the matronly receptionist-cum-secretary greets when she sees Ryeowook sweep in.
"Good morning, Mrs. Oh!" Ryeowook chirps. "How has your hypoglycemia been treating you?" she asks as she gathers the paperwork she needs for her homeroom duties.
"Probably better if I remembered to eat breakfast in the mornings," Mrs. Oh responds with good humour, pushing her butterfly-themed sunglasses further up the bridge of her nose.
"I thought you might say that," Ryeowook says while rummaging through her bag. "Here, I made these last night. It's gluten-free, and you can't even tell!" She offers a cinnamon roll from her tin, and she smiles at the way Mrs. Oh lights up at the sight.
"Oh, Ryeowook! You're such a dear!" Mrs. Oh effuses.
Ryeowook bows in acknowledgement and waves goodbye, the papers for homeroom loose in her hand. She finally makes her way to her locker—the inside decorated with magnets, pictures, and a helpful calendar—so that she can get the books she'll need for all her pre-lunch classes.
In the hallways, she is greeted at every turn.
"Hey, Ryeowook! I hope you had a great weekend!" "I did, thanks! Happy Monday!"
"Oh my god, your outfit is completely adorable. It really brings out the lavender of your hair." "Wow, you think? I'll invest in more pink then~"
"Thanks so much for helping with the banner last week! It was a hit at our event; everyone wanted a photo with it." "No problem; I'm so glad to hear that! Like I always say, there's no such thing as too much glitter!"
These microtransactions of joy she gets while walking through the halls energise her like nothing else. She loves being helpful and knowing people care about her enough to say hi. It makes her life as a member of the school's community and as a student leader so fulfilling.
She makes it into homeroom with a minute to spare, sets her stuff at her desk, then places the tin of cinnamon rolls on the teachers' desk for everyone's enjoyment.
The bell rings, and the wattage turns up on her smile. "Good morning!" she calls out, easily cutting through the chatter with her high and bright voice. "There are cinnamon rolls at the front for everyone. Feel free to grab some while I take attendance. The ones swirled in a clockwise pattern are gluten free, so please save them for those with that dietary restriction!"
The typical gratitudes spill out—"Oh my god, these taste amazing." "You're so thoughtful, Ryeowook!" "Please marry me."—and she preens at the praise as she goes down the list in her hand.
It isn't until she gets to a specific name near the top, until she doesn't hear the typical 'Present!' that should follow, that she gives her first frown of the day.
She quickly shakes it off and finishes up, returning to her seat with every intention to rehearse her presentation one more time before the bell ending homeroom rings.
Kyuhyun steps into school right after the warning bell for first period rings, and she seamlessly joins the throngs of people hustling to their first class.
Well, she would join them, if there were throngs to join. Students stop in their tracks and fall silent as soon as they sense her presence, causing nearby students to quiet in confusion then in understanding such that a bubble of non-motion and non-noise follows her as she walks. The typical morning chatter resumes at a lowered volume from a safe distance of six feet behind her, and she is vain enough to presume at least 40% of those conversations are about her.
The stares go unacknowledged of course. So do the hapless love declarations from desperate freshmen and presumptive date offers from cocky upperclassmen. They might as well have said, "Kyuhyun, I bet you don't have better things to do with your time than stroke my ego and go dutch on an oily dinner at a chain restaurant after school." As if.
While leaving another potential suitor in the dust, a janitor accidentally turns on an industrial fan facing her direction just as she takes off her sunglasses. Coupled with the paused state of her classmates, her languid pace through the hall looks like a slow-motion runway walk that even Naomi Campbell in her prime would envy.
Kyuhyun's locker is empty save for the jacket she just shoved into it, then she goes straight to her first class of the day. She slides into her seat—not all the way in the back; cliche, much?—and, as if on cue, the whispers start.
"Do you think her hair is natural?' "Of course not, look at her eyebrows." "She could be dyeing her eyebrows!"
"I heard she drives to school? I thought only third-years and up were allowed to do that!" "I don't think allowances are all it takes to stop someone like her."
"Cho Kyuhyun in red should be one of the seven deadly sins." "That sin already exists, and it's called 'lust,' bro." "No no no no no. There's lust, and there's Cho Kyuhyun in red."
Strangers referring to you by your full name in some sort of layman's equivalent of a celebrity mononym has such a satisfying, powerful feel to it. Alas, save for a sly smirk, these too are ignored.
The smirk is promptly wiped off her face as soon as the teacher walks in, as if their life's greatest joy is teaching 16 year-olds about Korean peninsular history at 8:30 in the morning, and Kyuhyun already lolls her head back in disinterest.
Ryeowook snaps her hand up, a lone beacon of preparedness in a sea of bored or anxious faces.
"Thanks for volunteering, Ryeowook! Whenever you're ready." The teacher gestures to the podium with a sweep of their hands, pleased with the student's enthusiasm.
Ryeowook flounces out of her seat to the front of the classroom and loads up her presentation on the laptop hooked up to the projector. "S.E.S. as a Pop Culture Juggernaut" appears on screen in bold letters, and the subtle sounds of rustling fill the classroom as students sit up in interest.
"Good morning, everyone! Today I'm going to present on the seminal idol girl group S.E.S. Through interdisciplinary and anthropological analysis, I will illustrate how the mark they've left on Korean culture at the time of their debut carries ripple effects on the entertainment industry that can be observed to this day."
She takes a moment to look over the surprised and interested faces of her classmates and teacher, then smiles internally. She's going to crush this.
She clicks to the next slide. "S.E.S. is a girl group that debuted in 1997 under SM Entertainment. That may seem like a fairly innocuous sentence on its own; in which case, I'll inform you that they are the first girl group ever debuted in K-pop history…"
When the class learned their Forensics and Communication midterm assignment would be free-form, many of her classmates asked if she'd partner with them for a debate. Their topics were interesting enough. She would have customarily had little problem arguing on the cost-benefit analysis of a college education or the validity of prison sentences served overseas (to name a few).
But she graciously turned them all down. In her heart, she knew she'd simply enjoy it more if she gave a presentation on something more personal… and studies show passion for your work drives results. She expects nothing less than an A+.
Thanks to the confident excitement lacing her voice and a powerpoint that took her two weeks to perfect, she handily grabs the interest and attention of every student in the class, even the ones typically uninterested in idol culture. She winds up leading the class in a discussion on the inherent greater interest the Korean general public reserves for girl groups in contrast to the supersaturated boy band market, and the teacher has to regretfully cut them short to allow for the other midterm assignments that had to be seen that day.
"Thanks again, Ryeowook, for that illuminating and impassioned presentation! Why don't we keep that energy going, hmm? I know it may seem like a tough act to follow, but who's ready to present next?"
Expecting the worst, the teacher is pleasantly surprised when a majority of the class raises their hands to volunteer. The teacher looks over at Ryeowook and sends a quick wink in thanks, and Ryeowook gives a thumbs up in acknowledgement.
Kyuhyun clicks 'downvote' on a thread in the r/poppunk subreddit. As if Retrieve Me the Skyline has anything on Querying Quinn.
Just then, she senses a presence walk up to her desk. She lifts her eyes up from her phone—hidden behind an obviously strategically upright notebook in a semblance of respect for the teacher—to find said teacher looking at her disapprovingly. She sighs without remorse and puts her cellphone away, not one to fight once she's caught red-handed.
"Thank you, Ms. Cho. Now, as I was saying: Just like how Korean borrows from Chinese and English words, English borrows words from many other cultures. This is part of why their grammar rules are so inconsistent. Therefore, it may be helpful to learn the etymology of certain words to reinforce these rules. For example, 'geese' is the plural form of 'goose' because 'goose' was borrowed from German, and Proto-Germanic grammar does allow for plural forms for their nouns. On the other hand, 'moose' does not pluralise to 'meese' because it was borrowed from an Indigenous American language which did not pluralise their nouns."
Kyuhyun barely has the presence of mind to suppress a groan. If this is supposed to be an English class, why is the teacher talking about German all of a sudden? She isn't gaining any more while paying attention as she was while scrolling on her phone! This is why she doesn't bother. It would take her less time and less effort to simply read the textbook.
Honestly, that's how she usually spends her classes. She's not against learning necessarily—if she has to be here, she might as well—but she is against the fluff shit that most teachers feel the need to sprinkle in to keep people's attention or reinforce learning. If it's not going to be on the national exam at the end of the year, it's just a waste of time.
It doesn't help that Kyuhyun's a whole league above the mouthbreathers in this high school anyway. What other people need several hours of studying to understand sinks in for her after a single lecture. She has the makings to be every teacher's dream student, but she's made it very clear: Don't make her participate in class, and she won't eviscerate their self-esteem in exchange. It's an elegant system with an 87.5% success rate.
As her schedule has it, the only class where it doesn't work is her next one. The phys ed grade is almost entirely predicated on participation; and unfortunately for her, the venn diagram of men who have already had their insecurities abused to the point of desensitisation by their superiors during conscription and men who decide to become high school PE teachers seems to be a circle.
Her solution for this class is admittedly less elegant.
Even as the next period is just about to begin and the halls thin out, Kyuhyun still manages to easily breeze past the bumbling office receptionist trying to prevent her from leaving the grounds during school hours.
(Hey, she's gonna get a 0 for participation whether she's wasting time sitting on the bleachers and bored out of her mind or whether she's going to the mall to grab the new Napping with Nixies album. Might as well do the fun one. Bonus: instead of paying the Korean public school system for the rehydrated prison rations they consider 'food,' she can grab lunch at the foodcourt!)
Ryeowook spends her lunch period like a jetsetting CEO, the precious few minutes taken up by meetings with various teachers, students, and—today—even an administrator.
"Thanks so much for taking the time to meet with me, Ryeowook."
"Of course, Mr. Park! I'm happy to represent the needs of my class. Let me know if I can help with this initiative again later once it gains more momentum."
"I certainly will. Have a good rest of your day, Ms. Kim," Mr. Park replies warmly, his deep voice and barrel-chested physique radiating authority and paternity.
The administrator walks her out of his office, and they bow to each other at the door. The clock in the hallway tells her there is barely any time to make it to the cafeteria and eat a meal, so she sighs and resignedly walks back to her locker to exchange her books with the ones she'd need for her post-lunch classes.
She remembers there is a vending machine along the way to her next classroom, so she pivots her route slightly so that she can pick up a granola bar and a bottle of water. They'll be easy to finish before class starts.
"You know, you'd have time to eat a real lunch and attend your precious meetings if they just expanded our lunch hour to be an actual hour," a voice says from behind her just as she feeds a paper bill into the machine.
"I don't mind. It means we have more time spent in our classes."
She bends at the knee to retrieve her purchases then gracefully hops back up to twirl on her heel, steadfastly ignoring the other's presence as she continues on her way.
"I think we can definitely stand to spend less time in class. Come on; we already sacrifice the most formative years of our lives confined to these 'hallowed halls,' and they can't even let us digest our meals properly?" her nuisance heckles as Ryeowook is followed.
"I bet the Student Council would love to have an impassioned, opinionated person such as yourself on the panel. If you have ideas for change, you're free to share them with people who are empowered to do something about it," Ryeowook comments mildly, gaze trained forward even as the other pulls up beside her.
"The student council is a mockery of democracy and only serves as a mere figurehead for the students' collective political and bartering power to the school administration, and you know it."
Finally, Ryeowook stops. She squares her shoulders and looks her antagoniser in the eye. "I'd appreciate it if you didn't mock an extracurricular about which I'm very passionate to my face, Kyuhyun-ssi."
The taller smirks. "As much as you'd appreciate time to sit and eat lunch with your friends for once?"
They are not alone in the hallway they've entered into. With an almost imperceptible turn of her head, Ryeowook can even see some students eavesdropping on their conversation, eager to hypothesise with their friends what the two most popular girls in school yet for completely opposite reasons are doing talking to each other.
"Hey, isn't that Kim Ryeowook?" "Talking to Cho Kyuhyun?" "Hold up, they know each other?"
If she could hear them, then they could certainly hear her, and that reminder is enough to reign in her annoyance. She allows herself ten seconds to collect her composure.
When she speaks again, her voice is airy and pleasant. "Well, if that's all, I have to go and spend what's left of my lunch period doing something a little more constructive than arguing with someone who'd rather complain than make the best of a situation. If you'll excuse me."
"You should have gotten fig newtons!" Kyuhyun calls as Ryeowook moves around her. Ryeowook counts it as a small blessing that the other does not follow. "They're easier to eat in class! Less noisy."
"You're not allowed to eat food in class," Ryeowook retorts plainly without even turning her head.
She can feel the other's eyes on her as she walks away, but she ignores it as she takes a swig of her water.
(She finishes her bar before crossing the threshold of the classroom, arriving before even the teacher does and finding a half of a sandwich wrap from the deli across the street waiting on her desk.)
The surface of Kyuhyun's desk is empty save for her arms and elbows organised to support her languid daydreaming. Outside the window, she watches as three red cars pass by.
More so than her other subjects, math just makes sense to her without even trying. There's less up for interpretation, there are consistent and logical rules, and patterns are clearer with numbers.
If she doesn't need to try, then why would she? So she hands in passable attempts at homework, texts throughout lecture, and is generally unresponsive during the class. Ms. Kang would love nothing more than to suspend her for insubordination and churlishness; but Kyuhyun is her best student by far, and they both know it.
"If the altitude of right triangle ABC intersects with the hypotenuse at D, what equation is always true?"
In fact, Kyuhyun would want to skip this class too, but there's just something about its specific learning environment that keeps her attending lesson after lesson.
In her periphery, the student in front of her and one row over hurriedly draws out the question in her notebook to analyse it. She raises her hand in excitement a moment later.
"Yes, Ryeowook?" "AD over AC is equal to AC over BD!"
Kyuhyun suppresses a scoff. The teacher smiles sympathetically, knowing that Ryeowook is doing her best, and says, "Sorry, but no."
Ryeowook pouts. "Aigoooo," she intones as she looks back at her drawing, no doubt trying to understand where she went wrong.
Encouraged by Ryeowook's attempt, more students try their hand at the problem.
"AC over AD equals BD over BC?" "Nope."
"AD over CD equals DB over CD!" "If you bothered to write that down, you'd immediately see why that cannot possibly be the correct answer."
The class lapses into silence, and Ms. Kang begins calling out desperately. "Anyone? Anyone else?" When it was apparent no one else knew the answer, she sighs. "Kyuhyun?"
"AD over AC is equal to CD over BC," she recites boredly, gaze still trained beyond the window. Forget being capable of immediately answering a direct question; if anyone had been observing her during this lesson, they would have thought she wasn't even paying attention at all.
"That is correct," the teacher admits begrudgingly. "Remember class, due to the AA Similarity Postulate…"
Kyuhyun lets the teacher's words drift in one ear and out the other, heeding no further sounds until the bell rings.
The end of the school day is finally upon them.
As much as she looks forward to this point every day, she sits in her chair and lets every other student file out first before packing her things. She's in no rush.
Kyuhyun drops her bookbag off at her locker and wanders the halls aimlessly instead, spending extra time in the art corridor to see the latest student works. The freshmen are working on watercolours, apparently.
After an unfortunate encounter in the bathroom, she beelines for the cafeteria, which happens to be in a completely other building, and runs into the second-to-last person she wants to see right now.
"What are you still doing here, Ms. Cho?" Mr. Park asks with suspicion.
"Just hanging out," she says with a shrug.
"I know you refuse to partake in any of our extracurriculars, but don't you have something better to do than loiter? I'm sure you have homework or some such."
"Maybe if this school started offering a curriculum that actually required me to reinforce what I learned at home, I would."
Mr. Park's eyes narrow in contempt. "Whatever delinquent nonsense you're up to, do it outside of my high school!" he bellows.
Kyuhyun's phone buzzes in her hand just then, and she uses the same hand to offer a sarcastic salute. "Your wish, Mr. Park," she offers in parting before rushing as fast as she can to her locker. She can't wait to get home.
When her home's doorbell rings its seasonal chime, Ryeowook is several pages deep into her biology packet. She begrudgingly sets down her work and gets up to look out the window.
Her view is exasperating.
"You weren't in homeroom this morning… again," she says in lieu of a greeting, walking back to where she was doing homework in the living room after letting in the guest.
"Babe, don't be like that," the guest whines while she takes off her shoes. "You know that homeroom is a gigantic waste of time. It's just Big Academia's way of—"
"—'Training students to get used to being herded like cattle,' yeah yeah. Tell it to someone who cares."
"Oh? This isn't a suggestion I should take to your precious student council?"
"I don't have time for you right now. I have a whole biology packet to complete before I can start baking," Ryeowook says as she waves said packet in the air for emphasis.
Kyuhyun pouts with her whole face. "Why bother letting me over if you're not even going to pay attention to me!"
Ryeowook sighs and repositions her laptop to rest on the arm of the couch, invitation unspoken. Kyuhyun drops her petulant act immediately and happily trods over to stretch out on the couch and rest her head on her girlfriend's lap. She wiggles in place to get comfortable and pulls out her phone. Ryeowook's typing provides a light, inconsistent soundtrack to her mindless scrolling; and it feels nice.
"How'd your presentation go?" she asks after a while.
"I almost accidentally commandeered the whole period because people were so excited about my topic." Ryeowook tried going for deadpan, but the pride in her voice was unmistakable.
"Well, duh. No one can listen to you talk about something you're interested in and stay indifferent."
"Yeah, it's cool how emotions are infectious," Ryeowook comments offhandedly.
"Sure, but I meant specifically you. You're, like, the most passionate person I know. I bet you had the best topic out of anyone there, anyway."
Ryeowook doesn't reply, but Kyuhyun cranes her neck just enough to watch a grateful and pleased smile cross the other's face.
Satisfied with how awesome of a girlfriend she is, she keeps going. "Did you like the wrap?"
Kyuhyun can somehow feel the change a split-second before she hears it. "It was delicious; thank you; and never do it again," Ryeowook responds with a clipped tone.
Kyuhyun rolls her eyes. "Stop sacrificing your lunch time for things that can be handled over email, and maybe I will."
"I meant skipping class; and don't even try to deny it!" Ryeowook adds as soon as she hears Kyuhyun's sharp intake of breath in preparation for a non-sequitur argument. "I know you. You thought to do it only because you passed by the deli on your way back from wherever truant kids spend their time."
"Napping with Nixies released a new album," Kyuhyun defends.
"And the store would have still had copies for you to buy during the weekend," Ryeowook retorts.
"First day sales are important, Ryeowook!"
"So is your education, Kyuhyun!" Ryeowook parrots back in the same whining tone.
"Spoken like a true cog in Big Academia's machine."
"This sentence probably won't make sense to a self-inflicted lone wolf, but collaboration happens best in person. And I prefer a small lunch anyway." Ryeowook tacks on that last bit like an afterthought. Kyuhyun might have believed her, except she's seen the way Ryeowook packs for picnic dates and knows that statement to be patently untrue.
"You could stand to be a bit more selfish with your time, you know."
"You could stand to be a bit more courteous in general, so I guess we both have things we need to work on," Ryeowook fires back easily.
Kyuhyun strikes the couch with her arms in offense. "I'm plenty courteous! I bought you lunch 'cause I knew you wouldn't have had a real meal otherwise!"
"I meant to people that aren't me!" Ryeowook clarifies exasperatedly.
"Hmph. People that aren't you don't deserve it. It's like Kanye-sunbaenim says: 'Asshole to the world but never to your girl.'"
"… I don't know what's worse: that I'm dating a girl that gets her love advice from Kanye West or the fact that I had to hear the phrase 'Kanye-sunbaenim' with my own two ears."
"Well, what if I told you I also get my life advice from Kimmy K-unnie? That way it counts as women empowerment. Don't you like that kind of stuff?"
Ryeowook finally tears her focus away from her work to eye Kyuhyun incredulously.
Kyuhyun innocently looks up through her eyelashes to meet the other's gaze. "Well if you're not into what I'm posting, don't look."
Mercilessly, Ryeowook shoves Kyuhyun off her lap. "Goodbye," she says as she places her laptop back on her folded legs.
Kyuhyun scrambles up from the floor and looks at the laptop with thinly veiled disdain and jealousy. "Let me back!"
"Not until you're nicer to people."
"I'm nice to people! Today, I heard Yom Syejin gossipping in the bathroom that the only way I could have avoided detention this year is by blowing Mr. Park, and I managed to walk away without dunking her head in the toilet. That seems plenty nice to me."
"Excuse me, Yom Syejin said what?!"
Ah shit, Kyuhyun knew she shouldn't have said anything. This is what she gets for thinking humourous delivery is enough to mask unfortunate content.
"Really, it's not a big deal. I handled it," Kyuhyun maintains.
"I'm sure you did, honey. Come on, help me bake some snickerdoodles," Ryeowook says as she immediately heads into the kitchen.
This would be an excellent idea, except that Kyuhyun can clearly see Ryeowook's biology packet is still unfinished and that Ryeowook's tone of voice sounded disingenuously peppy.
Ryeowook makes it into homeroom the next day with a minute to spare, sets her stuff at her desk, then places a tin of snickerdoodles on the teachers' desk for everyone's enjoyment.
The bell rings, and the wattage turns up on her smile. "Good morning!" she calls out, easily cutting through the chatter with her high and bright voice. "There are snickerdoodles at the front for everyone. Feel free to grab some while I take attendance. I didn't have time last night to make as many as I wanted to, so I evenly divided the batch into goodie bags for you all! I wrote your names on them too, so please only take one. I'll know if you don't," she faux-threatens with a cute wink.
The typical gratitudes spill out—"You're the best!" "Thanks, Ryeowook!" "Please marry me?"—and she preens at the praise as she goes down the list in her hand.
It isn't until she notices one person in particular eagerly grabbing her designated bag that Ryeowook lets a private smile cross her face.
from: Kyuhyun-ssi (Geometry) oh my god yom skank-jin just bolted out of my english class like the new galaxy was on sale tf?
from: wookie💜 Maybe if you bothered attending homeroom this morning, you'd have an answer to your crudely-phrased question.
from: Kyuhyun-ssi (Geometry) oh my god what did you do
from: wookie💜 Did you know Syejinnie's favourite cookies are snickerdoodles?
from: Kyuhyun-ssi (Geometry) OH MY GOD WHAT DID YOU DO
from: wookie💜 Bathrooms are for shitting, not shit-talking.
from: Kyuhyun-ssi (Geometry) i am madly in love with you
from: wookie💜 Stop texting me and pay attention in class!
from: wookie💜 And I love you too 💛
A/N (8.27.2021): Thanks for reading! To prove my thanks, here is fanart that almost made it into the cover photo.
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3 notes · View notes
elf-bot · 4 years
insecurities - kyuhyun
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genre: angst, smut and fluff.
wc: 823.
req: hey! can I req a smutty reader (female) x kyuhyun fic? maybe the reader is younger than him and is feeling insecure about the relationship?
warning: unprotected sex, oral sex (female receiving), fingering.
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Kyuhyun lips attached to yours. You let out a gasp, his tongue began to dance inside your mouth muffling your soft moans.
His hand going down to your clothed core to rub you through your pants. Your hips began to grind on his hand, moans getting a little loud at his touch but you broke the kiss abruptly.
"I'm sorry," you breath against his lips.
"What's wrong?" a confused Kyuhyun asked. He still hovered over you on the bed.
You licked your lips looking around your room. You didn't know how to start this conversation. You still wondered how to tell your boyfriend how you were feeling the past days about your relationship without hurting him.
"I just need to talk," you spoke barely loud for him to hear.
"Oh..." Kyuhyun went to stand up. Helping you to sit down on the mattress he sat down by your side holding your hand. "Are you feeling well? You can trust me."
"I know, Kyuhyun" you smiled softly. "It's about us. I've been feeling that maybe I am not enough, I am younger than you. I've been feeling so insecure about this and myself, I don't know how to start."
Kyuhyun started at you, his gaze softened and tightened his grip around your hand.
"Don't say that, I love you for who you are. And I just care about your opinion in this and no one else. It's someone telling you something?"
You looked away and sighed. "No, but sometimes I happen to hear this type of conversations about how relationships with age gaps does not last... and I feel horrible."
"Y/n please never think of it," Kyuhyun whispered tugging a strain of hair behind your ear. "I know we might be different but we are making this work, I am thankful you are there with me always when I need you. I am sorry if I let you down sometimes, you don't deserve that but I really want to be with you. I don't want this to end."
He leaned down to kiss your cheek to reassure his words to you - words he really meant from the bottom of his heart.
Your hands went to cup his cheeks, so you pulled him to you and placed a kiss on his lips with a smile on your face.
"I love you."
Kyuhyun continued the kiss, that grew passionate and harsh going back to your actions in the beginning. His hands moved to your thighs to your butt, giving a hard squeeze and pulling you over to him to straddle his legs.
Shirts were thrown off on the room between kisses and hot moans. His hands pulled your pants down from the waistband and told you to stand, he slided them off you. Pants being followed by your panties on the floor and his own clothes that you helped to get rid off. He made you lie down on the bed, hovering over your figure again.
Kyuhyun tasted your skin licking with his tongue between your breasts to your stomach. You held back a moan when his mouth stopped between your thighs. You felt his hot breath against your aching core. He wasted no time to give you what you needed.
His tongue licked over your clit over to your wet slit. His lips leaving sloppy kisses on your sensitive nub. His hands pining your hips to the bed when you squirmed under him. Kyuhyun went to slide one single finger on you and mark a slow pace until a second finger was added. You moaned gripping your fists tight on the sheets. His tongue still in contact with your aching, wet core.
He pulled out, lips and chin covered on your juices. You opened your eyes to catch him licking on his fingers that were pleasuring you moments ago. The sight made you yearn for his touch. Kyuhyun spreaded your legs apart to align his length on you, slowly entering.
Soft whimpers left your lips as he stretched you slowly inch by inch until he was fully inside. He kissed your temple and you nodded for him to pull out a little and then thrust his hips all in letting out a deep moan.
His pace was slow and passionate. It was making you feel all of him in every hip thrust. You gripped on his arms. A familiar tension was beginning to form on your lower abdomen. Your moans combined together, his rhythm increasing making your skin collide with somewhat loud sound.
You finally came, his hand intertwined with yours pinning it on the mattress and he followed with his own release inside you. He stopped leaning his damp forehead on yours.
"I love you so much" he whispered moments later.
You wrapped your legs around his waist, Kyuhyun still inside you. The rest of the night was full of him preparing a bath, pampering you and making sure you will feel loved.
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blu-joons · 4 years
blu-joons’ christmas masterlist 2020
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A Christmas Proposal - Min Yoongi
A First Korean Christmas - Kim Namjoon
Falling In Love With Christmas - Min Yoongi
All About Giving - Kim Namjoon
Snowed In - Min Yoongi
Hosting Christmas - Jeon Jungkook
Fake Christmas Girlfriend - Jung Hoseok
Christmas Dinner - Kim Seokjin
Thousands Of Christmas Miles - Kim Taehyung
A Decoration For One More - Min Yoongi
I’ll Be Your Christmas - Park Jimin
Secret Santa - Kim Seokjin
Early Christmas Present - Kim Taehyung
Family Vacation - Kim Seokjin
Lonely This Christmas - Kim Taehyung
Part Of The Christmas Family - Park Jimin
Decorating The Christmas Tree - Kim Namjoon
Holiday Traffic - Kim Taehyung
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Snowball Fight - Zhong Chenle
Underneath The Mistletoe - Johnny Seo
Surprise Present - Jeong Yoonoh
Christmas At The Dorm - WayV Drabble
Christmas Dinner - Qian Kun
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Lonely This Christmas - Mark Tuan
Early Christmas Surprise - Park Jinyoung
Fairytale Of New York - Mark Tuan
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My Little Miracle - Kang Younghyun 
Underneath The Mistletoe - Kim Wonpil
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Ice Skating - Han Jisung
Decorating The Christmas Tree - Hwang Hyunjin
First Christmas - Bang Chan
I’ll Be Home For Christmas - Bang Chan
Home Away From Home - Lee Minho
Christmas At The Dorm - Bang Chan
Welcoming The Family - Lee Felix
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Christmas With His Family - Lee Jooheon
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Decorating The Dorm Christmas Tree - Oh Sehun
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Snowball Fight - Cho Kyuhyun
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“If I Can’t Kiss You On Christmas, When Can I?” - Lee Minho
“You’re Crazy If You Think I’m Letting You Spend Christmas Alone...” - Kim Namjoon
“If I See One More Candy Cane I’ll Strangle You With It...” - Park Jimin
“I Don’t Know If I’ll Make It For Christmas...” - Jung Hoseok
“Maybe This Is A Bit Of A Christmas Miracle...” - Kim Namjoon
“Look! It’s Snowing!” - Lee Felix
“You’re About As Pale As That Snowman Right Now...” - Kim Wonpil
“I Didn’t Realise I Was In The Presence Of Mariah...” - Park Jinyoung
“Our First Christmas As A Family...” - Kim Seokjin
“Are You Sure It’s Your Sweater That’s Ugly?” - Park Jimin
“If I Hide In The Snow Will Anyone See Me?” - Yesung
“You Best Run If You Want To Throw That!” - Choi Seungcheol
“If The Tree Needs A Star, Why Don’t You Sit On It?” - Kim Taehyung
“You’re The Only Present I Need This Year!” - Im Jaebum
“Just Close Your Eyes Otherwise Santa Won’t Come!” - Bang Chan
“Just Sit On Santa’s Lap!” - Bang Chan
“Y/N, The Point Of Secret Santa Is That It’s A Secret...” - BM
“I Thought You Said This Was Supposed To Be Romantic?” - Min Yoongi
“Tell Me What You Want This Year...” - Min Yoongi
“You Make One Sexy Elf...” - Kim Taehyung
“Babe...Too Late!” - Jeon Jungkook
“The Kids Are Excited...” - Qian Kun
“Babe, pull my cracker...” - Park Jimin
“Isn’t That Mistletoe So Suspiciously Placed...” - Park Jimin
“Have You Ever Turned An Oven On Before Babe?” - Kim Seokjin
“Can You Not Just Wrap Yourself?” - Kim Seokjin
“Where Did All The Chocolate Go Off The Tree?” - Min Yoongi
“You’ll Catch A Cold If You Go Out Like That...” - Bang Chan
“It’s Just Eggnog, Get Over It...” - Jeon Jungkook
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starlit-serenade · 4 years
ENOi When They’re Jealous (Hyung Line)
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Summary: What would ENOi's Hyung Line be like as boyfriends in terms of jealousy? How easily jealous are they? How do they behave when they’re jealous? 《 Maknae Line 》
Word Count: 828 words
Pairing: Reader x Members / Characters: GenderNeutral!Reader; Shin Kyuhyun (Laon); Jeon Yongtae (Dojin); Jo Hamin (Hamin); Park Donghyuk (Avin);
Rated: E / Warnings: Jealousy / Genre: GenderNeutral!Reader; Fluff;
《ENOi Masterlist》
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Shin Kyuhyun (Laon)
Kyuhyun has several different ways of getting jealous.
When you're getting comfortable with his members, he doesn't get too jealous.
Maybe a bit, but he usually doesn't realize it.
Usually he just gets extra clingy.
He doesn't worry too much or get too jealous when it comes to his members.
He's very carefree and trusting of you, so he wouldn't mind you being all giggly on the phone or anything.
If someone were to flirt with you in public, he'd get very upset.
He wouldn't be angry.
He'd watch and listen cautiously if someone was talking to you at the store and he was even a little suspicious.
He probably wouldn't want to tell you he was jealous unless it was really bad.
If it was just someone talking to you, he wouldn't tell you he was bothered. He'd just smile and listen.
But if the person was actually flirting with you, he'd step in.
Subtly, he'd try to distract you.
"Oh, Y/Nie, I just saw something that might interest you," he'd say, ushering you away. He'd barely spare the other person a glance.
He might take your hand or wrap his arms around you to show that you're taken.
He's a bit possessive. Only a bit.
It'd be in his mind all day.
He'd be cuddly and clingy for the rest of the day.
Jeon Yongtae (Dojin)
Dojin is a quieter type when he's jealous.
He's also a little bit easier to be made jealous than his fellow members.
He doesn't mind too much when you get all cozy with his members.
He might be a little, teeny-tiny bit jealous.
But he'd just watch from across the room, not looking away. Watching, observing until you get the hint that he wants you with him.
But if you and him are out in public, and some stranger dares to flirt with you, or even check you out . . .
He gets very, very jealous.
You can see, just by looking at him, that he's jealous.
But if you didn't notice, he'd butt in between you and the other person if they're checking you out.
He's pretty possessive, so he'll make it clear that you're taken and you're his.
He'd probably put his arm around you, or start kissing your shoulder or neck.
You'd probably be confused as to why he's being like this in public.
If the person was flirting with you, he'd be so much more jealous or upset.
He'd maybe step in and confront him, trying to be calm and composed. But you'd be able to tell he was upset.
At home, you'd be able to tell something is off.
He'd be trying to act all tough and unaffected.
But really he just wants hugs and kisses.
Jo Hamin (Hamin)
Hamin baby.
He gets jealous, but not too jealous.
He doesn't mind you being cozy with his members.
But if any of his members dare to playfully flirt with you, he'll interject.
Calmly. Seriously.
Please comfort him afterward.
With a stranger, he'd be a bit more jealous.
He wouldn't want to go confront the other person if they were just checking you out.
Maybe he'd try to catch their eye or glare at them.
But he wouldn't confront them.
But if the person was flirting with you, he would probably interject. 
He'd confront them politely, in front of you.
Well, he'd try to be polite.
Honestly, he's just trying to get the person away, and is too worried about that to worry about being polite.
He'd put his arm around you and smile as nicely as he can.
"Excuse me. Y/N is my S/O, so please stop."
If the person tries again to flirt with you, he will snap and forget to be polite.
"Please. Leave us alone."
You should probably ask the person to step back. For your sake and Hamin's.
Give him a lot of snuggles and kisses and reassurance.
Park Donghyuk (Avin)
Donghyuk would be the most calm outwardly when he's jealous.
And he gets jealous a bit easier than the rest of his members.
He might be feeling very upset when a stranger flirts with you, but he reacts very calmly.
He'd watch from a distance at first, if someone was talking to you..
He'd observe and analyze.
If he was feeling that things were going to far, he'd just try to calmly distract you and pull you away.
"Hey Y/N, let's go," or "I need to show you something." Maybe followed by a polite nod and a cold "sorry if I interrupted anything" to the other person.
He would be calm, but he'd want to get you away from the other person as soon as possible.
If it was one of his members, getting all cozy or even flirty with you, he probably wouldn't do anything.
He'd just watch from the other side of the room until his member notices and toned it down a bit.
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poetsdie · 3 years
‘     wreck     my     plans     .     ’     //     @iconiclast​
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               it’s     quiet     in     the     waxmen     household     for     once     .     there’s     no     rustling     downstairs     of     jasper’s     dad     ,     kyuhyun     ,     makes     dinner     for     everyone     ((     including     emilia     ,     but     that’s     a     secret      ))     ,     no     excited     squeals     and     giggling     from     aveline     ((     or     shiloh     ))     from     the     next     room     over     .     no     police     officer     forcing     her     out     .     it’s     just     them     .     the     other     three     waxmens     out     at     family     event     while     jasper     lied     about     catching     up     on     school     work     .     school     work     that     definitely     involved     the     necessity    of     them     laying     their     head     on     her     chest     as     she    runs     the     tips     of     nails     up     and     down     his     arm     ,     ‘     you     can’t     hide     here     the    whole    time     ,     yknow     ,     ’     she     teases     quietly     ,     lowering     her     chin     to     press     a     kiss     to     his     scalp     ,     the     last     thing     she     wants     is     to     disturb     their     peace     ,     but     she’d     also     like     to     avoid     the     wrath     of     jasper’s     cop     dad     ,     ‘     you     have     plans     ~     .     ’                     jasper’s     response     is     short     ,     only     three     words     ,     but     they     make     her     laugh     ,     ‘     i’d     love     to     whisk     you     away     ,     just     get     in     my     car     and    disappear     to     like     ,    idaho     or     something     ,     ’     emilia     wriggles     slightly     ,     shifting     so     she     can     lay     face    to     face     with     her     boyfriend     so     she     can      give     them     a     kiss     ,     ‘     but     i’m     pretty     sure     captain     waxmen     would     have     a     warrant     out     for     me     before     i     even     got     my     keys     in    my    hand     ,     ’     her     eyes     roll     dramatically     and     tongue     sticks     out     as     her     hand     drags     up     to     stroke     jasper’s     hair     ,     ‘     but     i     suppose     it’s     only     been     like     two     hours     ,     we     still     have     some     time     .     ’
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