#catgirl wikipe tan
Round 1A Matchup 1
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May the best creature win!!!
Words from the creature ; This is an amazing start to this lawlz
Propaganda ;
Claude: None
CATGIRL WIKIPE-TAN: "For those unaware, Wikipedia had a logos contest back in the day and while she didn’t win, Wikipe-tan made quite the showing. She also has two sisters: Commons-tan and Wikiquote-tan, though I don’t believe either of them have ever been shown as catgirls. Another kemonomimi entry, hybrid of human, cat, and website."
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motherfucker-unlimited · 11 months
top 5 catgirls
5: Wikipe-tan
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4: Ms. Fortune
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3: Slutty McSlut
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2: unauthorized fucking thing
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1: The girl reading this
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You may have seen Wikipedia’s mascot before, Wikipe-tan:
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Wikipedia proudly advertises her on their site, which is honestly creepy and pretty sexist. Why does an encyclopedia want a mascot of a little girl dressed as a French maid?
Quoting from Wikipedia itself:
French maid is a strongly modified style of servant’s dress that evolved from typical housemaid’s black-and-white afternoon uniforms of 19th-century France. It is often used in cosplay, sexual roleplaying, and fetishism. Depending on design details, some forms can be classified as lingerie.
Wikipedia has a code on her page that users can employ on their page to get a box saying “This user’s waifu [wife] is Wikipe-tan.”:
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Despite her being a fucking child.
Wikipedia confirms themselves that she is a small child and this isn’t just a stylization thing, as they refer to fanservice drawings of Wikipe-tan as a woman as “adult Wikipe-tan”:
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Wikipe-tan is also featured on this page about visual novels:
The vast majority of visual novels are porn games, many of them are also lolicon games where you fuck children.
A drawing Wikipedia stores of their child mascot as a fetish catgirl:
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Picture of Wikipe-tan and other child characters stored by Wikibooks on an article on moe:
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Creepy moe otaku will like most pedophiles claim their attraction to children is innocent, but moe is just another word for sexual desire, often towards kids. If it wasn’t a sexual thing moe otaku would be watching cute series like Rascal the Raccoon instead of creepy pedophile shit like Mitsudomoe.
A drawing Wikipedia stores of their child mascot in a bathing suit:
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Disturbing when you know what sort of porn the guy who drew it masturbates to. This also looks like a pure fanservice drawing since she’s not even playing in the water or on a beach, just standing still presenting herself in this suit.
Photoshop stored on Wikimedia depicting Jimbo Wales with three anime girls in french maid outfits next to him:
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Photoshop stored on Wikipedia depicting Jimbo standing next to an anime child drawn by a pedophilic lolicon artist:
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Uhhh… does he approve of these pictures?
It was super easy to find Wikipe-tan’s creator’s childporn (note: this means that it would also be super easy for actual children to find his childporn). Wikipedia links directly to his DeviantArt, named Kasuga39, just Google that name and the first result is a porn site with a fifteen year old in bondage on it along with pictures of Wikipe-tan:
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Wikipedia itself says that is classified as a child in Japanese law:
The Children Welfare Act chapter 34 forbids any act of “fornication” (淫行) with children (here defined as anyone under 18 years of age).
All the Google results on the first page except for two are porn sites (yukkuri isn’t strictly porn, but a lot of it is, and a lot of yukkuri drawings also include hardcore torture), and even then the only Wikipedia link showing up is the fanservice art. Guess Wikipedia is just filled with a bunch of Wikiperverts.
This shows how bad it is for a company to collaborate with someone who draws childporn, since children can easily google their name and find it.
How come none of the people involved in Wikipedia have spoken out against Kasuga’s childporn? Is Wikipedia just full of pedophiles who like these sort of drawings?
Wikipedia allows the man who created Wikipe-tan to store his lolicon/pedophile art in one of their articles:
http://archive.is/HhKk0 http://archive.is/WbJy4
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Other art by him stored on Wikipedia:
This same man draws porn of kids being sold as sex slaves, mother and daughter incest, schoolgirls pissing, and pregnant children.
Censored pictures for proof:
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Also, fetish art of children in guillotines:
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Several idiotic users of Wikipedia defended Wikipe-tan, despite it being a child dressed in a fucking fetish outfit. Claims were made that those who objected to it were the only ones seeing anything pedophilic in regards to it.
This is a perfect example of how pedophiles operate, they try to disguise their fetish fanservice of children as being purely innocent, but if you dig a little deeper you’ll find they make porn of children being raped and tortured.
Reminder that lolicon is not an innocent thing. In Japan men are imitating the stories of lolicon manga to molest children:
Lastly… there’s also this… uh… one porn drawing by Kasuga… that looks like a chained crying baby with a fresh branding mark from a hot iron on it’s baby ass:
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that feel when you learn that there’s men who masturbate to babies getting branded with hot irons
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that feel when you realize Wikipedia has been hosting this man's lolicon drawings on their site for years, despite his child torture porn being easy as hell to find
(chances are people running the site knew about it)
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asyncmeow · 11 months
still can't get over the fact that:
- wikipedia has a mascot, Wikipe-tan.
- someone drew them as a catgirl
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scrumpyfan43 · 2 years
I was looking up whether Ayla from Chrono Trigger counts as a catgirl, and Wikipedia was like "Ayla isn't, but I am"
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shadowwingtronix · 6 years
BW's Morning Article Link: Interspecies Romance...in fiction of course
BW’s Morning Article Link: Interspecies Romance…in fiction of course
Wikipe-tan, whoever that is (Photo credit: Wikipedia) Sure humans can marry Vulcans or elves…maybe it’s the ears?…but at some point you wonder how far can relationships between humans and non-humans go? Even non-erotic images have humans and catgirls of various degrees of anthropomorphism together for example. When is it just another interspecies romance and when is it bestiality? Here in the…
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