mrgoldencraft · 3 months
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The first thing I saw when I saw DogDay and CatNap was this hahaha I hope you all like these designs 💜💛✨
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kriimhild · 2 years
Pff!! Any chance Frankie has tested a laser pointer on Low-Power Moon?
oh yeah. all the time. :D Even if Moon isn't on Low-E. He hates laser pointer... the only thing that can escape from him.
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amysnotdeadyet · 2 years
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cat in the moon! #100cats no.52 is a proper painting, shimmery skies and a matte white moon for the magical fairyland where the moon is a cat 😻🌝 #catpainting #artforsalebyartist #fullmoon #catmoon https://www.instagram.com/p/Cpn93C0p8DI/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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comenzar-de-nuevo · 2 hours
Ahora tu imagen se siente tan lejana, tu recuerdo solo se palpita al tocar mis lagrimas y todo parece que fue una fantasía.
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itsloriel · 11 months
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CatMoon by Leashelle
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sadpinkunicornart · 1 year
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Catmoon print design!
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kandidandi · 1 year
CatMoon knocking glitterglue of a shelf
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he's a menace
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faunastanza · 2 months
The World Egg pt. 2
(part 1)
Deca asks Mesund what his thoughts were about "Might as Well Be Me" which I'm assuming is the name of some art piece Glip did in the RP. I think people submitted art during it. Mesund says that no one else was going to detach the parasite, so he didn't mind doing it. Mesund looks very cheery as he says that the parasite might have killed them all. Deca says he has thoughts about parasites and how they relate to a society approaching utopia, and Mesund is interested.
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anything for you, rose quartz
We have a shot of what I think is a piece of art someone submitted to the art pyramid. It looks like Glip drew it. Phesund in pixie form says it's interesting and that belief factors into how one seeks power.
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and it's pointy
Phesund says that they didn't understand that other people would need a different amount of effort and power to do what he's doing. I'm assuming this is about how beginner artists need more effort to do things he thinks are easy, but I'm speculating. Phesund says it's complicated but he likes their piece and that he'll be thinking about it for a while. Deca says thank you. Deca says that he thought it'd make them think a lot, and when Phesund asks why, he says that it's about a bird-ish in power, and he's a bird-ish in power. We then get a shot of Gaap and the cardinals, and one of them is definitely Orobas.
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gaap constantly rolling her eye at all this
Gaap says that "he will be reborn" and that the World Egg will hold all their hopes, wishes, and dreams for the future, and that the Holy Mother will return. We cut to Andre and Paige having a conversation. Paige says that Andre needs a formal title for a sacred role, and the one he wants, Painter, isn't fancy enough. Paige says if he can't come up with one then Baphomet said Paige could come up with one for him. Andre wants to know why painter doesn't work, and Paige says it doesn't have enough power. Andre is confused, saying he creates whole worlds. Paige says that's a great point, and that Andre is now known as the Holy Mother in the Althar colony. Andre is hesitant. Paige says that there are many painters, but only one Holy Mother. Andre says he didn't even want a name, let alone a title, and why this has to happen. Biteycat shows up and says that maybe they didn't understand what "names are important" means, or what "important" means, or why they asked what their name is. Some... thing says they don't understand a lot of things.
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They say they don't understand why Biteycat (I think) is saying this at all, asking when what they've said has ever mattered to them. "How do I get to know?" they ask, and eventually get to the point that whoever it is doesn't tell them because it's easier and faster that way, although Thing asks for who. They say that they don't understand what words are to "you" and "what it means for me coming first to be good" which, ??? They then say that they said that FIRST, TALWIRE!!! dun dun dunnnnnn "So if YOU don't understand why I asked you about your name", Thing says, and then we cut somewhere else again. Mesund is whining again about how Nuez was mean to him and made fun of his speech and ignored him and didn't care about his experiences. Care about me CARE ABOUT MEEEEEEEE. Mesund then says that he doesn't know what "you" want from him, and he can't connect to "your" painting, because it's for you, not him. Mesund then says that he knows whoever it is is trying, but they didn't ask if he wanted to see it, and then showed it to them when he said he couldn't be kind. He then wails about how much he HATES it when he can't be kind about someone's art! Some little catmoon angel thing is there.
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this is YOUR FAULT!!
Mesund continues to melt down about how they HATE that this person was trying to do something constructive and they can't feel it, and how much they hate being in this position, and that they hate when they can't be receptive to art and that there's nothing worse. This is an absolutely bizarre reaction to someone doing art for themselves and not for Mesund, but not an unexpected one considering this is Glip and everything has to revolve around them at all times. "I'm so angry that I can't connect to your art that's not for me and it's your fault, I blame you" is just deranged. Anyway, some kind of bear thing with an angel eye coming out of their face says that Mesund's given them stuff to think about and thanks him. Mesund says he doesn't know what to say to that, and the bear says that that's fine and they don't know how to say anything to him that would be for him right now either, which is an equally deranged response to something like this. They say they see a lot of mistakes, but they don't know how to "ground" anything they're doing for Mesund, so they're going to disengage.
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reminder that glip's discord has been accused multiple times of being a cult
Bear thing, now with a normal face, asks what Phesund needs from them, if he wants them to stay or if he wants space. Mesund protests that Phesund isn't his name. He says that he really would like them not to call him that while there's a "canvas angel" in school, which is the first time anything in this has happened that isn't petty bickering. Bear Thing says that makes sense and they should go, and Mesund agrees. The canvas angel, presumably, comes out of a canvas and it looks like a Plague Doctor. A bit like Dr. Nurse, now that I think about it.
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The canvas angel says that if Phesaund speaks again, it will kill them. We then cut back to Paige flipping out back in Writer's Block about how if you touch her creations, she'll kill you. We cut to Beecat and Dog, who says they don't have to remove the thing in their eye and that they can "add" and "connect". We cut back to Paige again saying she'll show them, show them ALL!! and CC mocking her for being a tattler and useless. We then get a shot of Hothead strangling someone while an X eye cat looks on. I can't tell who it is. Phesomme?
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just another day for hothead
We cut to Papaya at a... desk maybe? Or on a Static...? It's not clear what she's sitting on or at. She asks "are you TRYING to push me to kill myself?" and some weird drippy thing with a kiwi face says yes.
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what IS that
The kiwi face says to something that it can't allow them to leave unless they let it eat them. The thing SORT of looks like Andre but weird. Andre? protests and says no, while kiwi thing says it will eat them. We cut to some kind of painting of this weird form of Andre with someone going "YOU made Wishbone?" to someone off-screen.
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hi nightmare moon
That lamprey thing shows up again and confirms, saying that it turned out much differently than they thought it would and that they did keep "the red diamonds" however. I forget where Wishbone is but I think it's in Eastar. Kiwiface, I think, says "why should they? when you have done so much?" to the Masked Sun (Glip, remember). Masked Sun says that they do other things than just "bring rot", and Kiwiface says that they erased the Eastar Librarian, wasn't that wrong? Papaya says that it wasn't wrong since it kept everyone from having such a "diseased connection" to Kiwiface. Kiwiface says "destroying Wishbone, isn't that wrong?" but Wishbone is pasted in. Bitecat, who I guess is TALwire, which... how did that happen...? Didn't MALwire destroy TAL...? TALwire thinks about stuff. We cut back to Beleth from that VN a bit back where she says that "it" is at the Art Pyramid but that's where Andre is and it's the strongest point in Trebol so it's fine. Amdusias sees AmdTV and freaks out. Beleth's eye pops out?
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Pengo's trianglehead character says "you can change and they cannot, so you should change" to Amdusias. Amdusias throws up at this. Trianglehead asks if she needs some help. Beleth off-screen says "you can tell their intentions by what they're doing", and she still has her eye popped out when she continues, "which means you'd rather throw up on my comics than talk to the angel?" which is... a bizarre thing to say. In whatever reality Beleth and Amdusias are in angels are extremely dangerous and also Amdusias deeply hates them. But who even knows what's going on or where anyone is right now. Plague Doctor angel shows up and says that if "she" talks, Trebol will explode. Beleth is like ????? and asks why and how. Plague doctor says that's not important and what matters is that Amdusias can FEEL (related to the death of her doppelganger mentioned before? possibly). Plague Doctor crows that that means she's resonating and that they are subsequently winning "the race" and laughs maniacally. Trianglehead says that we are the stories we make, and asks what kind of story "you're" making right now. It turns out they're talking to Tox who has Orobas with her and is offended. She says that Trianglehead acted like Orobas was disgusting and irredeemable and NOW they're her champion?? All you ever do is show up to criticize me, not help! She shouts. Trianglehead protests, saying that's not true. We blur back into the other scene with Plague Doctor, who says that it IS true and Trebol will explode. Triangle doesn't understand how that'll help anything, and Plague Doctor asks if they want to help and Triangle agrees, and Plague Doctor says that they're taking their yes and don't want any furture clarifications. They say they're going to make Triangle prove that they want to help while Triangle asks "what if I changed my mind?" TOO LATE the Plague Doctor shouts while taking out what appears to be a flute.
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i feel you amdusias
Andre shows up to say "don't tell me you've forgotten? How predictable!" to... someone. Phesund? He says it's okay though. He says it doesn't matter why he's here, and it never will. Wouldn't that be silly, he says, it's just a dream. He then says that Phesund is really lucky that no one can see the kind of things he thinks about "in here". Or what he thinks about when he's awake. He says "you almost act like..." then trails off. He says that Phesund's secret is safe with him, but not to tell anyone about it. Your life would NEVER be the same, not EVER!! Can you imagine the SCANDAL?? "I can" he says. "What would Arcus say if they knew you cared about a student?" he says. "Would they fire you?" We then cut to Min in another blurry scene change, who says that they're being really mean. She yells about how he's acting like dreams don't matter and aren't real and that he's wrong, which is a throwback to a much earlier scene in Seeds. I can't remember exactly when though. She screams at him to stop acting like caring about someone is wrong, YOU'RE wrong!!
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been a while, huh min
She sulks about who cares what Arcus thinks, they don't even have places for fairy circles. Still don't know what those are. There's an overlap that looks like it puts Min in a birdcage while a thing tells Deca that Pin wants to talk to him. He says fine. Some little pointy thing shows up in another bird cage. They say they want to say something but say that they DON'T want Deca to yell at them.
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what an impossible request on this server
Deca agrees. Pin is relieved about this. Much like Valys earlier, in tears she says that she didn't like it when Deca threw her desk (?! excuse me??) and that he really scared her. Deca apologizes, saying he "took actions" in regards to that. Some weird looking angel book thing approaches her. It starts rambling long rhetorical questions at her. It looks like it just drowns her in walls of text, and I don't know if this is because someone on the server started tl;dring while Pin and Deca were talking or what. Maybe it's a representation of the class itself?
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I almost tried to read all that text and then I gave up, good luck to you though
Pin says that she tried really hard in Deca's class and wishes he didn't get mad when she didn't know things. Deca apologizes, saying she did try. Pin continues to scream that she did try and there was a lot to remember and he'd get mad if she got any of them wrong even if she got most of them right. Deca taught "time cubism" if you recall and I still have no idea what that is. Pin says that they wish Deca wouldn't treat her like she wasn't trying when she was trying and Deca responds with "I wish that too" which is bizarre. We do a... flashback? To class where Pin shows Deca a picture she did and Deca says it's very nice. He says it reminds him of the Imaginary Moon where the Lunekos go (there's also a brief mention of Undertown, where Glip and Pengo had that drama rehash a bit back), and Tox says that it's almost time to say goodbye to Purrl. She calls Pengo's triangle "Dear". Then this high asf rhombus shows up.
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completely baked
They say something but it's mosaiced out. A bunch of stuff gets mosaiced out just leaving that stoned face. Wait, I think the VN just crashed. GOD DAMN IT. Okay, now that it's loaded up properly, the panels weren't mosaiced out. The stoner is watching an angel TV that has Tox and that weird looking moon Andre on it. Moon Andre asks if he can pick the species, and Tox says that he can and that it's safe (probably). Moon Andre then laments that he's going to have to pick a name again. Plague Doctor says that choosing "Phesaund" allows the "mending" of the name Andrealphus, but moon Andre doesn't like it. Moon Andre then says he kind of likes it but he likes Phesund better. Tox asks if he has a species in mind. Andre says he's thinking of the pygmy pixies, since they can see lots of colors and can fly. Tox says that's a tricky species to be in Arcus, but Andre is adamant. Tox says that with any luck, they'll get the pyramid back when they get Andre back too. Andre hopes this is the case. Tox says "Dr. Curse" will be overlooking the transfer. They look like a weird TV spider. Andre asks if it'll hurt.
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i think we saw that moon version of andre way back in that nonsense epilogue comic for the seeds kickstarter book
We cut back to Andre during either Itchy Itchy or Broken Toy saying it'll be excruciating. We get some more flashbacks to Broken Toy as Beleth cries again about how the ending of that movie she saw with Biff was so sad. Biff says, again, that it was the only way it could have gone, while Beleth disagrees. We cut back to what I think is the art class at the art pyramid with moon Andre except he has a silly cat moon hat. He asks who wants to start and Nuez jumps at the chance.
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just like me fr
Nuez yells about her OC and it's pretty embarrassing.
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i assume this was word for word in the discord
Nuez then says that the flowercat the bottom was drawn by Phesund when he was scared and could "still try to look at things he felt care about" and that he wanted to change and be better. Then he did end up changing into Phesomme! Hope is the seed of change she says,  it's the idea that something can happen if you let it happen and look for ways to make it happen and act on them too. Catmoon says wow to Mesund who is... also there...? Are they not the same person...? Catmoon says they're not sure they get it but they liked all the words. Catmoon then says they want to hear from the janitor next. The janitor is... Mesund...? Who seems to have drawn a shot of them hugging... something.
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my magenta drapes
Nuez and Mesund were apparently trying to figure out how to work together on something. Mesund says he was hoping Nuez would understand the meaning and significance behind the colors he chose. He put a wish into it hoping that it'd make Nuez feel something. Catmoon then says that that's not about them personally at all. Mesund says that it's about the hope for himself and her. Catmoon protests that it's not about them, and Mesund says it's not supposed to be. Catmoon then says "but if I'm you but dead, then it should be?" to which me and Mesund reply with "What? ...What?" Catmoon then says they don't really like it since it's not for them, and that they could Nuez a W for lots of words but don't know what to do with Mesund's. Hey, I thought there weren't supposed to be grades in these classes! Nuez says it should be a B for belonging and Catmoon gets all sassy and annoying like Glip characters tend to when they're being sarcastic.
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maybe i'll... CANCEL YOU
Catmoon gets huffy about the idea of being told how to enjoy art. Nuez asks if Catmoon will turn her into keys if she keeps doing it. Catmoon says that no and they already gave her a W and they don't want to take that back. Nuez says she's not trying to control Catmoon, she's trying to give them tools to understand art on a deeper level outside of themselves. Catmoon then asks what the colors are supposed to mean then. There's some petty bickering and wordplay about being graded a W. We go back to Dog on the Floor and Beecat. The thing in their eye seems to moved down to their throat. They say "haha... like frames." Scribbly versions of them start appearing around them.
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don't think i had a clear shot of them in here before, here you go
"Movement through time" Dog says, "every moment a death, every moment a birth" as panels and movement keep layering over them. "A chance" shows up in a triangle, along with a bunch of bubbles with different characters in them. One is Jupet which surprised me, I thought they got erased along with Lily and Neon. We get a shot of an egg outline with Andre's wands around it, the egg resonates, some points of light like a constellation appear on it, it turns into a rendered egg. Paige says "We are each of us the world. We are each of us creators." Then there's some kind of vague scribbly shapes with, "And in unity, all is possible." "Send your love to me that I may find him! Send your love to me that I may heal him!" Paige shouts. No story too big, no story too small, no one lost, no one forgotten or left behind. There's a shot of TALwire carrying a bundle of something. We then get more discord screencaps because sure, why not.
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TALwire has a little earring now
Someone in the discord is elated that TALwire is back. We get a shot of TALwire lying flat with a string of beads getting pulled out of her chest, it looks like. She asks "who" while... something happens to her... it's vague. There are hands, I think? Something is gooping?
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strangled? assaulted?
I don't know. TALcat rises to see that bear thing from before and what looks like a dog thing with similar biteyface masks. Bear says that it matters who TAL sits with and why. Dog says you can't make choices for others, but you can choose when to follow. TAL says she sees and thanks them. She says she can see stars and she remembers, and what MIGHT be Lilyworm appears with stars on her! LILY????
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no... no it couldn't be
TAL says the stars are inside of her. We get another shot of the string of beads/constellation and what looks like... willy wonka furry giving TALwire an Andre plant.
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And that's the end! Christ that was longer than I thought. This VN is the prologue for a bigger Althar RP opening when this was posted. It's a long RP setting compared to this month and a half one, going from February to September. Glip warns that it might "get intense" and that the Art Pyramid one got more intense than they expected. Does that mean more meltdowns and yelling on Discord? You decide. Glip says the Althar RP will cover lots of serious topics and that it's a collaborative work with six writers, so if the next ones don't make sense I guess you can't solely blame Glip for it, the whole community is incapable of telling a coherent story. Glip again begs you to make a character and join the RP. It'll be fun!! We put so much work into it!! It'll be fun!!!! Don't you want to join Glip's discord? DON'T YOU??
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synnara-rpg · 2 months
Reservas activas!
¡Hola a todxs! En este post iremos actualizando todas las reservas que nos van llegando estos días. Si todo va bien, el foro abrirá sus puertas el fin de semana que viene. <3
Recordamos el procedimiento para reservar:
Nombre del personaje — Procedencia — Nombre de la reserva (Contraseña entre paréntesis para canjear la reserva en el foro)
A - B - C - D
Asura — Onmyoji — Astronaut
Aventurine — Honkai: Star Rail — Sion
Baizhi — Wuthering Waves — Leixah
Dazai Osamu — Bungou Stray Dogs — Dál
E - F - G - H
Hawks — BNHA — Matty
Hinata Shoyo — Haikyuu! — Dál
I - J - K - L
Jiyan — Wuthering Waves — Emptiness
Kageyama Tobio — Haikyuu! — Snaky
M - N - O - P
Nakahara Chuuya — BSD — Popipo
Q - R - S - T
Raiden Mei — Honkai Impact 3rd — Catmoon
Shenhe — Genshin Impact — Astronaut
Sunday — HSR — Popipo
U - V - W - X - Y - Z
Yan/Ice Princess — GhostBlade (WLOP) — Liwya
Las reservas se mantendrán activas durante tres días más, hasta el día 8 de agosto. A partir de entonces, sólo se puede reservar después de la apertura.
¡Un saludo!
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bryakt · 2 years
Back in the Fight
Shadow awoke to sirens and alarms coming from the spaceship's early-emergency warning system. Shadow was no longer jumping when she heard the alarms and sirens - she had become used to it. She calmly got out of bed and ran to the gun turrets to prepare for the waves of Shadow Cat Warriors making their way toward the spaceship. Shadow looked up around and saw her comrades also getting in the gun turrets. It still shocked her that the Catmoon inhabitants were willing to die so that she may live. Shadow was important to the Catmoonians as she possessed powers that were the result of the breeding of the Egyptian cats when the Catmoonians first visited Earth back during the Old Kingdom (about 2,700-2,200 B.C.E.) The Catmoonians fought to save Shadow as they knew that her powers were the key to their future... Looking toward the horizon, Shadow saw the first wave of the Shadow Cat Warriors making their way to the spaceship. Her paws clenched on the gun turret trigger ready to take out the advancing SCW troops. We will win thought Shadow as she aimed her laser at an SCW running toward her. In a flash, the SCW turned to ashes. Here we go she thought as her mind thought about Rocky and his desire to help her defeat the SCWs. If Rocky could only see how devastating battle is in real life... Read the full article
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flannycartoons · 2 years
Sip ya me encariñé
Yep I'm already attached
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Les juro que puedo dibujar a CatDog :'D
I swear I can draw CatDog :'D
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Get on bitch let's get revenge
(EvilCat: @orangecat30 )
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viscartes · 4 years
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angiefsutton · 5 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Good Omens (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Aziraphale & Crowley (Good Omens) Additional Tags: Implied Slash Summary:
Aziraphale gets a Time Out
One of my favorite QL writers has launched themselves into Good Omens. Check this out!
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redsmileyco · 3 years
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#stormresinworks Some new pieces. Freshly pulled #crystals #rip #puppyheaven #rainbowbridge #imissyou #USA #punisher #catmoon #pronouns #Lgbtq #lgbtqcrafts #transgender #wolf #handmade #resin #resinartwork #resinmoonsilouette #resinartist #resinart (at Rush, Colorado) https://www.instagram.com/p/CNWg-lGBmgD/?igshid=1roglyu4wqaa0
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francisconoa · 4 years
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Wanted to take a break from drawing Skulls and dark stuff so I drew a cat. Which also ended up up becoming quite a dark piece 😅 I really tend to overwork stuff. Still not sure what to do with it, maybe a shirt or integrate it in a different design at some point (suggestions are welcome). Hope you enjoy it! For anyone curious, swipe to see a shitty sketch (not everything needs to be perfect on Instagram!) and 2 pictures of the "muse" /goofball that has been waking us up at 3am almost on a regular basis and thus inspired this. At some point she was waking us up at sunrise, and we thought she might have the soul of a rooster. 🐓 . Hashtag time now, nothing to see here. #procreateart #procreateillustration #cat #catsofinstagram #catyawn #catmoon #inkdrawing #ink #digitaldrawings #digitaldrawing #digitalillustration #digitalart #darkart #dark #darkcolors #francisconoa #noaartillustration #stippling #lineart #linedrawing #linework #artforsale #design #nature #artwork #moon #zombiecat #zombie #evilcat #darkart #bnw (at Riga, Latvia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAvIzAYJ1Hp/?igshid=ppnuew9kenif
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ffdc · 5 years
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Котолуние 🌙 #кошка #белаякошка #лунокот #котспит #cattime #catmoon #mooncat #sleepycat #whitecat #catlife #жизнькота #полумесяц https://www.instagram.com/p/B9mnlOypnCv/?igshid=1gk4jbzhs1txx
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