#catnap wanting to make his dad proud and happy
I like to think Catnap was one of the few people who was there for Dogday when it was his turn to need support and comfort…
Anon you're so correct! Catnap was never much the type of person/toy to make their friends talk about their feelings, but he was always there for Dogday when he wasn't feeling well. Catnap wanting to free Dogday from both the hands of PlayCo. and his role as the obligatory leader of the group was another motivator for him to agree with the Hour of Joy. He genuinely thought this would help his friend, only to end up making Dogday even more emotionally closed off than before.
And yet, post Chapter 3, Catnap is still there to support Dogday. Not that our dear sunny puppy likes, agrees or accepts said support, although deep down he's a bit desperate for any sort of comfort.
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When Love Walks In - Chpt 7
Chapter 7 - Auston Begins To Realize He Has Feelings For Dr Quinn
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3456 Words
Warning - Some Cussing
At 10 am, Dr Quinn meets with Respirologist, Dr Ellen Wright at the Nurse’s Station in the Intensive Care Ward, to discuss Auston’s condition and the plan to wean Auston off the ventilator.
They proceed to Auston’s room and find his parents as well.  He has awoken from his catnap.  After introductions, Dr Wright explains that she will be reducing Auston’s air supply via the ventilator tube, to allow Auston the opportunity to build up lung strength by breathing for as long as he is comfortable, using only the hydrated oxygen that will be supplied through the mask over his Trach tube.  Auston is instructed to squeeze Dr Quinn’s hand, who is standing to his left if he feels he is having too much difficulty breathing with the reduced air supply and wants it turned back up.  She also advises Auston that he needs to try to breathe on his own for as long as he can if he is to make any progress.
After some adjustments, Dr Wright places the breathing mask over Auston’s throat on his Trach.  After 10 seconds of reducing the air supply from the ventilator, Auston starts to panic.   His body jerks and his hand bypasses Dr Quinn’s, and instead, he grabs and squeezes her arm while staring in her eyes intently, letting her know, in no uncertain way, that they need to turn the ventilator back up.  Lucky for Dr Quinn’s arm, Auston has lost a lot of strength during his time in the coma.  
Dr Wright immediately turns the ventilator back up to its original setting.  Dr Quinn walks over to attend to the heart rate monitor machine that went off again with Auston’s panic attack.  Auston’s eyes follow Dr Quinn, watching to see if she is hurt or mad at him for grabbing her arm so hard.  Plus he is certain that she must think he’s a big wuss for freaking out.  
For god sake, Auston!  You’re a fucking professional athlete, and you’re acting like a wimp!  Auston scolds himself in his mind.
Dr Wright calmly instructs Auston to focus on drawing air into his lungs through the Trach hole.  But Dr Quinn sees that Auston is too flustered to focus, so she asks them to all take a small break while Brian and Ema take a moment to try to calm him down.  Auston is pissed at himself and angry at the situation he finds himself.  How can breathing be so fucking hard?!
Auston grabs the whiteboard and writes, “Lungs won’t work!  Feel Smothered!” and waves it at everyone in the room.  Tears start to form from his frustration and fear.
Now she for sure thinks I’m a big baby!  Fuck Me!  He yells to himself.
Dr Quinn looks at Auston with tenderness in her eyes and calmly reassures him that everyone understands his anxiety over the procedure.  She tells him, “It’s normal for panic to set in when you’re having a hard time breathing, Auston.  But please know that we are not trying to deprive you of oxygen but rather exercise your lungs.  Your lungs have become dependent on the ventilator doing all the work, and as we have now witnessed, your lungs are not prepared for the slight increase in their workload.  Through this exercise, we are trying to get you to consciously help your lungs step it up to do the work of the ventilator.  This exercise should go well now that you are aware that breathing will require considerable effort and focus until your lungs become stronger.” She encourages Auston to try again and promises him that they will turn the ventilator back to the original setting every 10 seconds regardless of his success so he will have less inclination to panic.   Auston appreciates Dr Quinn’s explanation and concession, and although he is still nervous, he is determined to redeem himself in her eyes, so he agrees to try again.
Auston finds doing the exercises in 10-second intervals allows him to relax enough to focus on his effort and breathing technique, knowing that if his lungs fail to work well enough, he will quickly get air via the ventilator.  
Dr Quinn’s hand is laying so close to Auston’s that he is tempted to squeeze it and use ‘needing to breathe’ as an excuse, but he thinks better of it since it will just put him back in the ‘wimp’ category.  
After great effort and some success, Auston requests to go longer with even less oxygen supplied by the ventilator and only wants it put back to its original setting if he squeezes Dr Quinn’s hand.  It is the perfect setup for him to show Dr Quinn that he is a strong man.  
Eventually, Auston is able to breathe for one minute on his own, using only the oxygen mask over his Trach. With that success, and seeing it is approaching lunchtime, the doctors agree to stop so that Auston can rest and lunch can be had.  They plan to reconvene to continue the procedure in another 2 hours.
Dr Wright returns the Trach tube to the way it was, and she elevates the ventilator pressure.  She tells Auston, “Well, after a rough start you did wonderfully!  I’m very pleased with your progress so far.  I know this is all extremely scary and difficult, but you were a trooper and did great.  Normally breathing is an automatic thing that your body does, so I know it’s strange to have to put effort into it and feel like you need to focus on breathing all the time.  Please trust us when we tell you that you will be able to breathe again easily within a few days if you keep following our instructions.  Your brain is always going to try to make your lungs breathe, but right now you are the one who needs to deliberately focus on making your muscles and lungs do the work; at least until your muscles and lungs are strong enough to do it on their own without any thought.  You may recall that before the accident, your breathing system worked so well, you were able to breathe in and out comfortably at rest, and you probably were not conscious of your breathing.  When you exercised, you needed to move more air quicker, so you took bigger breaths or breathed more quickly – usually both.  Since being on the ventilator following the accident, your muscles and lungs are weaker.  That is why we are asking you to make this deliberate type of effort, even for at rest breathing.  We will let you take a nap and be back in a couple of hours.”
As Auston listens to Dr Wright, he tries to take a peek at Dr Quinn.  As great as Dr Wright is, he wants to hear from Dr Quinn.  He needs to know that Dr Quinn is impressed with his progress too.  However, Dr Quinn just asks if they have any questions.
Oh crap, Man!  I missed the boat again!  He scolds himself in his mind.  I’ve got to come up with some fucking questions for the next time she asks; he reminds himself.
Brian speaks up, directing his question to Dr Quinn, “When will you be able to tell if Auston will regain the breathing capacity that he requires for the NHL?”
Oh, good one, Dad!  Auston thinks to himself.  However, Auston isn’t too happy when Dr Quinn defers to Dr Wright to answer the question.  
Dr Quinn wants them all to know that they can trust and look to the other doctors and specialists for support and answers.  But for Auston, the only doctor he wants to hear from is Dr Quinn.  
Dr Wright speaks directly to Auston, “Once you start breathing, without assistance, we will have you do breathing exercises to maximise your breathing capacity.  After you reach your maximum breathing capacity, you will be tested by myself and the Leafs’ training staff to see if you can reach the threshold for the NHL.”  
She continues, “I don’t want to put you off in any way but need you to be aware that, of the few NHL hockey players documented as having similar type accidents, none were able to reach the breathing capacity they needed for the NHL.  But I also want you to know that these results could be dependent on the specific damage impacted on the larynx and lungs, plus we need to keep in mind that there have been medical advancements since the last recorded accident. Rest assured, we will do everything possible to help you reach your goal Auston, with whatever science is available.”
“Also, given your type of accident, you are in the best place possible for your recovery to be successful.” Dr Wright finishes and then apologises for having to run.  She asks Auston and the rest of the room to excuse her as she has somewhere she has to be for noon.  As she walks out, she stops to add one last thing, “Oh, and of course, unlike those other NHL players, you have Dr Quinn, who is an expert at all things related to the larynx.  So there’s that too.”  
That’s my girl!  Auston thinks to himself at the mention of Dr Quinn.  He is so proud of her and feels so fortunate that she is his doctor.
Before Dr Wright leaves the room, Auston nods to confirm that he has heard and understands what she has told him.  
Auston then grabs his whiteboard and writes something on it.  Turning it, he shows everyone in the room.  It reads, “I will have NHL breathing capacity!”  
Auston’s parents and Dr Quinn smile as they read Auston’s note.  Auston erases the board and writes something else. Only this time he hands it directly to Dr Quinn.  It reads, “I’m sorry if I hurt your arm”, with a drawing of a sad circle face with a tear.
Dr Quinn looks up at him and smiles.  Auston watches for her reaction as he makes a facial expression showing disappointment in himself.  
“Well, first of all, Auston, I am very happy to see your confidence and positive outlook.   I can tell you that I believe in you too and have great hope for a positive outcome for you.  And as far as my arm goes, ‘Bam Bam’, I’ll be fine.” She winks at him to lighten his mood.  “I understand why you did it.  Lucky for me, you’re weaker than you were seven days ago.  Seriously, though, no problem and thank you for your apology.” Dr Quinn tells Auston and then looks to his parents with a smile.
Auston watches as she starts to walk out of his room.  Without even turning around, she teases loudly, “Have a good sleep ‘Bam Bam’ and I’ll see you all back here in two hours.”  
Holy crap!  That was everything!  She fucking winked at me!  Auston freaks out, and his heart races but then his monitor goes off again.
Shit!  He immediately grabs his whiteboard to write, “Sorry, just excited at the idea of breathing again.”  He shows it to his parents as he shrugs smirking.
When Nurse Nicole walks in, Ema explains what happened, and Nicole turns off the monitor and leaves, calling back, “No worries.  Get some sleep, Auston.  You’ve got some more work ahead of you.”
Auston enjoys Dr Quinn’s banter and loves the fact that she gave him an endearing nickname.  He is mesmerised by the fact that she is such a smart, funny, compassionate and strong woman.   Auston wants to yell to her, Don’t leave!  But, of course, he never would; however realising he wants to, feels foreign to him. He can’t recall having ever been clingy.  
Auston feels self-conscious about having these thoughts about his doctor, especially in the same room as his parents.  He knows it is ridiculous, but he fears they might be able to read his mind or figure out by looking at him that he has feelings for Dr Quinn.  He is afraid that will ruin everything.  Even though his father has never laid a hand on him his entire life, he immediately envisions his dad smacking him upside the head, telling him not to be such a dumbass and risk scaring away his amazing doctor.  He fears his mother telling his sisters and one of them slipping up and revealing his feelings to Dr Quinn.  He is sure she’d have to stop being his doctor if she knew he had feelings for her or at the very least it would be incredibly awkward and embarrassing.
Auston wants his parents to leave him alone so he can think about things in private.  He indicates to his parents that he is going to fall asleep and encourages them to get something to eat while he sleeps.  His mom and dad agree and leave to get lunch at a restaurant. They haven’t had a change of scenery since the accident, and Dr Quinn had recently encouraged them to get out whenever possible.
Oh crap!  I’m so gone for my doctor!  He tells himself once his parents have left the room.  Despite being anxious and excited about what he has just discovered, Auston is too exhausted from his breathing exercises.  He knows he needs to get some sleep before they all come back in 2 hours.  He decides to do some relaxation exercises to stop his mind from running, and that allows him to fall asleep.  
It is 2 hours later when Auston feels a hand on his wrist and a soft voice asking him to wake up.  He opens his eyes and sees a woman standing over him; he notes her beautiful face and that she is wearing a white lab coat. He is confused.  Oh Wow! Beautiful!  Who is she?  Do I know her?  Oh yeah, I know her!  I like her! He thinks to himself as he looks around the room. Where am I?  Then he finally remembers he is in his hospital room, and the woman is his doctor.
Oh shit!  Right, I like her, and she’s my doctor!  Why am I in the hospital anyway?  Oh yeah, I had an accident. I can’t breathe on my own.  I can’t speak. I’m a hockey player.  NHL. Leafs.  A puck hit me and crushed my throat.  We didn’t win the Stanley Cup.  He runs through his mind and gets himself back into his world.
“Auston, it’s Dr Quinn, and Dr Wright is here as well.  Sorry to have to wake you, but it’s time to do some more breathing therapy”, Dr Quinn reminds him.
She’s so sweet to me.  I like the way she talks to me, Auston thinks as he tries to get his bearings and get comfortable.
The nurses help Auston sit up while Dr Wright gets into position to operate the ventilator.  
Auston is still groggy but notices his mom and dad in the room and smiles at them. His dad winks back at him, and his mother blows him a kiss.  
Dr Quinn recognizes that Auston needs a bit of time to come out of his sleep fog, so she starts some small talk by asking Ema and Brian how their lunch was.  They explain where they went and what they ate.  They say they enjoyed their time at the restaurant.  Auston smiles, hearing that.  
Dr Quinn takes notice, “Oh, that’s great to hear!  Hey Auston? Since you appear to be out of the woods, how would you feel if your Mom and Dad left you for a few hours each day? Are you okay with being here with just the staff?  You know your parents would only be a phone call away if you ever needed them, right?”
Auston picks up his board and writes, “I want them to take time for themselves.”  He shows it to everyone, and everyone lets out a little “aww” and smiles.  Auston rolls his eyes and smiles as he wipes the board clean to write, “I’m fine by myself but want them when I have procedures and receive important information.”
“Sounds doable Auston.  Your thoughts, Ema and Brian?” Dr Quinn asks.
“Sure, that sounds like a good plan”, Ema says.  
Brian confirms, “Yup, sounds fine to me.”
Auston wipes his whiteboard again and writes something else, “Let’s get at it!  I’ve got some breathing to do!”
The room of people laugh, and Auston grins.
“Well, you heard Auston. Let’s do this!”  Dr Quinn announces.
By the end of the session, Auston can breathe on his own for 15 minutes.  Everyone is pleased.  
“Wow, Auston!  You did an amazing job!  Very impressive!”  Dr Quinn tells him.  
Auston is thrilled to hear her say that she is impressed.  It feels to him like winning an award.  He recognizes that it’s really important to him that she thinks highly of him.  He can’t help but beam.  He writes on his white-board, “Thank you, Drs for your help!  Means a lot.”
Dr Quinn looks at Dr Wright and points to her, smiling to let her know she should be the one to accept Auston’s accolades.
“It’s a pleasure Auston”, Dr Wright tells him as she grins at him.  “You did great!  I’m excited to see your progress.  I’m very happy for you.”
Then Auston turns to Dr Quinn because he wants her response more than anything.
“Oh, you are welcome, of course, Auston”, stumbles out of Dr Quinn’s mouth.  “But, it really was all Dr Wright.  I’m so glad you’re having success and that you seem pleased because you should be.
Remember your progress from this morning to now?  Pretty significant Auston!” Dr Quinn notes.
“Dr Quinn, would you agree that we should call it quits for today since Auston has already reached the goal we set for the day?”  Dr Wright asks.
What?!  No! Auston screams inside, desperate to find a way to keep Dr Quinn with him.
I need questions or something; he begs himself to come up with something.
“Well Auston, we thought it would take much longer for you to get to 15 minutes of breathing on your own. You really are an overachiever, aren’t you?  Only two sessions!  We think since it’s day one of therapy and you have stressed your lungs and oesophagus considerably, it would be a very good idea to stop now.”  Dr Quinn tells him.
Auston is frantic and knows he is going to set off the damn monitor again.  He quickly writes on his board, “I want to do more!”  
Just as he finishes writing his message, the heart rate monitor goes off.  By this time everyone is pretty relaxed about it, knowing it is not life-threatening.  Dr Quinn goes over to turn it off as Ema and Brian head over to Auston’s side to encourage him to calm down and be patient with things.  Brian puts his hand on Auston’s shoulder and gives it a supportive squeeze.  
Ema takes hold of Auston’s hand and tells him, “Papi, you need to listen to the doctors.  You will do this all again tomorrow.  It’s only the first day.  It’s good to rest and not push yourself too much at first.”
Auston is not happy with his parents at the moment.  He is frustrated because stopping means Dr Quinn will be leaving him for the day and with that realization comes some unfamiliar, desperate and jealous concerns. Where is she going after this?  Is she going home?  Is she going to see her husband or boyfriend? Crap! I need to get better so I can talk to her and find out more about her.  I just want her to be with me — his mind races.
He is incredibly frustrated, and tears start to leak from his eyes.  At first, he tries to stop the tears because he is embarrassed and fears Dr Quinn will lose respect for him.  But when he sees how sad and concerned everyone looks as they watch his meltdown, he realises this might be his chance to get her alone.
He writes on his board, “Please leave me alone for a bit.  I need to talk to Dr Q in private.”
Dr Wright tells Auston to hang tough and that they will resume therapy before he knows it.  She excuses herself for the day.
Auston’s parents are very concerned that he is so upset and lean over to hug him, tell him to take it easy and that they will be in the waiting room.  As they leave the room, they give Dr Quinn a little smile and hand tap to let her know they trust her with their son in his fragile state.
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secrecykept · 4 years
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—    BASICS.  
▸     IS    YOUR    MUSE    TALL    /    SHORT    /    AVERAGE ? Being 6′, he’s fairly tall and he’s not afraid to show it.
▸      ARE    THEY    OKAY    WITH    THEIR    HEIGHT ? Yes, he finds theres absolutely nothing wrong with being the height he is. He’s taller than most around him and he kinda has fun making it known. But that being said, there was a time during his youth where his height made him more gangly than anything and he also wasn’t particularly happy in general, so he never stood tall like he does now.
▸      WHAT’S    THEIR    HAIR    LIKE ? Soft and healthy, a dark, golden toned brown with highlights from the sun. It’s somewhat short but is long enough to have a bit of a messy curl to it, looking perpetually tousled.
▸     DO    THEY    SPEND    A    LOT    OF    TIME    ON    THEIR    HAIR     /    GROOMING ? Not really, he might run his fingers or a comb through it to detangle, but he doesn’t feel the need to go through any effort to actually style it. When he has to shave, he takes care not to rush, he doesnt want to do a bad job of it.
▸      DOES   YOUR   MUSE   CARE   ABOUT   THEIR   APPEARANCE   /   WHAT    OTHERS    THINK ? He cares because he’s a proud kitty and likes to be admired, and to be clean and presentable. But he also cares in the fact that he worries his appearance is all anyone cares about. He is a very attractive male and people dont always try to see beneath the surface of that (he can be shallow himself too) and they just want the physical from him. 
▸      INDOORS    OR    OUTDOORS ?  outdoors ▸      RAIN    OR    SUNSHINE ? sunshine!!! loves to catnap in the  sun ▸     FOREST    OR    BEACH ?   they’re both his fave places, kitty side says Forest and the man says beach. ▸      PRECIOUS    METALS    OR    GEMS ?    gems. ▸     FLOWERS    OR    PERFUMES ?   flowers ▸     PERSONALITY    OR    APPEARANCE ?   both, the preference depends on his mood. ▸     BEING    ALONE    OR    BEING    IN    A    CROWD ?  alone. ▸     ORDER    OR    ANARCHY ?   a bit of anarchy is always fun ▸      PAINFUL    TRUTHS    OR    WHITE    LIES ?  painful truths. ▸     SCIENCE    OR    MAGIC ?    magic!!! ▸      PEACE    OR    CONFLICT ? peace ▸     NIGHT    OR    DAY ?     day. ▸      DUSK    OR    DAWN ?     dawn. ▸   WARMTH    OR    COLD ?     warmth. ▸     MANY   ACQUAINTANCES    OR    A    FEW    CLOSE    FRIENDS ?     few close friends. ▸     READING    OR    PLAYING    A    GAME ?      playing a game.
▸      WHAT    ARE    SOME    OF    YOUR    MUSE’S    BAD    HABITS ? He’s very curious, nosy, and meddlesome, and so he sometimes gets involved in things he shouldn’t or perhaps he teases or pushes a bit too much. He sometimes uses his charm to manipulate the situations and seems not to take things seriously enough. He also tends to disappear when he’s struggling with feelings, as he feels like he needs to be alone to work through things and he doesn’t want anyone to see him as anything less than happy and fine. So he doesn’t open up in that way and can be private, or in other cases he hides things behind jokes. Basically he’s just not good at being open and honest with his actual feelings. And he’ll avoid conflict at any cost.
He also leaves doors open all the time >:/
▸      HAS    YOUR    MUSE    LOST    ANYONE    CLOSE    TO    THEM ?      HOW    HAS    IT    AFFECTED    THEM ?
He has lost both his parents. His father was not a good guy, he was aggressive and the reason for some of Chesh’s issues. His death was sudden and a relief. Chesh took a long time to feel safe afterwards, to be certain the man wasn’t coming back. But he still has nightmares sometimes. He also worries about becoming like his father, so he is quite terrified of becoming a dad.
His mother’s death was also sudden, unexpected. She was a soft, warm light to him and when that light went out, he was scared to care for anyone else again. He still has the deep down worry about losing someone he loves, especially through his own actions/inaction (his father did blame him for the mothers death after all). Commitment doesn’t come easily to him partly because of this.
▸      WHAT    ARE    SOME    FOND    MEMORIES    YOUR    MUSE    HAS ? Playing superhero and making Kavi play the ‘bad guy’ as a kid. Getting gifted cool/pretty rocks that Kav found while out exploring, then making up names and stories for them. Cooking with his mama. Bedtime stories with his mama and also stargazing with her.
▸     IS    IT    EASY    FOR    YOUR    MUSE    TO    KILL ? Yes and no. See, being therianthrope, he has two ‘souls’ - one human and one big kitty. Chesh himself, the human, is very soft hearted and any violence or conflict is very upsetting to him, so it would not be easy for him to kill or hurt anyone, unless he had to protect someone else.
The leopard side of him however, is a predator and has no problem with the laws of nature and would easily kill when needed. The two souls are not in harmony, which can lead to some complications.
▸      WHAT’S    IT    LIKE    WHEN    YOUR    MUSE    BREAKS    DOWN ? He doesn’t so much as break as he does fade away, the bright sunshine of his personality dimming down into nothing. That’s how it might start anyway. He goes quiet and withdrawn, disappearing into the safety of his house most likely and possibly hiding in his leopard form (a Dangerous place to be, truth be told). He gets stuck in the dark, cold feelings and its not easy to warm him back up and pull him out.
On the other hand, there could be times where his emotions burst through him as opposed to sinking deep. Most likely it would be after a nightmare or something that triggered strong feelings. In this case, he’s probably scared of losing someone he loves, so he’ll probably feel like a scared little kid, crying and clinging.
▸      IS    YOUR    MUSE    CAPABLE    OF    TRUSTING    SOMEONE    WITH    THEIR    LIFE ? Yes, he already completely trusts his big bro with his life. The bonds of the Leap/pack are strong and are supposed to give him that total security too but even while he would definitely look after the lives of the others, he can’t quite trust them as deeply. Kavi is the only one he has absolute faith in being there for him. 
▸      WHAT’S    YOUR    MUSE    LIKE    WHEN    THEY’RE    IN    LOVE ? Hopeless. Absolutely hopeless. He falls so hard and doesn’t realise it for 84 years. But boy, he is so adoring and playful. And when they’re together and there’s no doubts, he is so affectionate and content and loves to be close however he can. He likes to tease and play with her, get her attention and flirt with her, he’ll never stop flirting with her. He’ll eventually lower his walls and let her peek at the scars on his heart and the insecurities nestled in there too. And he’ll accept her how she is, with absolute support and care.
He is very attentive and thoughtful with her, taking note of what she likes and doesn’t like, taking her out places and planning fun little dates. And it should be mentioned how insatiable he is. He always has a high drive but it really cranks up when it comes to the one he loves. And he’s so generous in all the ways too.
And wait til you see what a dork he can be! He lets her look at who he is behind the charm and ‘coolness’, that he is actually a big nerd. He can be silly and will do his best to make her laugh and have fun.
And he is absolutely loyal too, will legit not even register other women around. He gets jelly and protective too and will keep close.
tagged by: @lachalaine​ ! thank u bby!
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Onyango Simba Lyons -- Character Sheet
and he shall be Levon / and he shall be a good man / and he shall be Levon / in tradition with the family plan / and he shall be Levon / and he shall be a good man / he shall be Levon
Levon's sells cartoon balloons in town / his family business thrives / Jesus blows up balloons all day / sits on the porch swing watching them fly / and Jesus, he wants to go to Venus / leave Levon far behind / take a balloon and go sailing...
Archetype — The Hero Birthday — August 18, 1991 Zodiac Sign — Leo MBTI — ESFJ Enneagram — 8, the Challenger Temperament —  Choleric Hogwarts House — Gryffindor Moral Alignment — Lawful Good Primary Vice — Wrath Primary Virtue — Charity Element — Fire
Mother — Sarabi Lyons (nee Adoyo) (Jaden Pickett Smith FC) Father — Mufasa Lyons (deceased) (Isaiah Washington FC) Mother’s Occupation — Homemaker (though she has a masters in Cultural Anthropology) Father’s Occupation — former CEO of InterPride Family Finances — extremely wealthy Birth Order — only child Brothers —  none Sisters — Nala (honorary) Other Close Family — here’s a list of Simba’s family! Best Friend — Nala Calame, Berlioz Bonfamille, Silvermist Jeon, Jane Porter, Pegasus Hippoi Other Friends — don’t make me list them all, i beg of you Enemies — Taka Lyons Pets — Bowie, golden retriever, a little over a year old, male. Home Life During Childhood — Very happy. Simba grew up with two loving parents, who were also very much in love. Even though Mufasa worked often, he was home almost every night and always stayed for dinner and to tuck Simba in at night. It was hard on him when he had to go to boarding school, which was the turning point for him. Town or City Name(s) — Swynlake, England; London, England What Did His or Her Bedroom Look Like — His childhood bedroom was massive and it had all sorts of toys in it--it was always messy because Simba loved playing with his toys. His bedsheets were always colorful, kind of a patchwork design. He had these fading African animal decals from when his bedroom was a nursery, that are still there though they’re peeling away. It’s light blue. Any Sports or Clubs — Simba was in a TON of clubs like literally almost any club you could think of. He was captain of the rugby team and the football team both in secondary and uni. He also did rowing, polo, and cricket. Favorite Toy or Game — Simba’s favorite is football. He really liked rugby and horse riding too. Schooling — Swynlake Primary, expensive co-ed boarding school in London from the time he was 10-18, graduated Oxford University with a BA in Business. Favorite Subject — History Popular or Loner — Popular, everyone knew who he was Important Experiences or Events — Going to boarding school, accepting his fate as CEO (at 16), his father dying, meeting Berlioz, finding out Taka killed Mufasa. Nationality — born English, his paternal grandmother was American, his maternal grandmother is Yemeni, and his paternal grandfather is Kenyan Culture — Kenyan, he believes in big families, that family is most important. Religion and beliefs — Muslim, but also kind of a more spiritual version of it. He prays three times a day, but doesn’t beat himself up if he misses one. He keeps himself very clean. He reads the Qu’ran. He doesn’t eat pork. He practices shahada, salat, zalat, sawm, and he took a Hajj when he was 18 with his mom and some cousins. But, at the same time, he doesn’t believe the harsher views that some Muslims hold, his is a more all-encompassing, full of love version.
Physical Appearance
Face Claim —  Alfred Enoch Complexion — He had some acne in his teen years and he definitely didn’t take care of it properly so he has some scarring on his cheeks. Otherwise, he has a beautiful coppery complexion Hair Colour — Black Eye Colour — Brown Height — 6’4 Build — Sporty, he’s still pretty gangly with too much limb but he’s also pretty broad and filled out, sinewy. Tattoos — none but not opposed Piercings — none Common Hairstyle — keeps his hair short but long enough that it is a bit of a fro, keeps it well groomed (he’s obsessive), has a beard about 7ish months out of the year spring/summer. Keeps it short but full. Clothing Style — Colorful! Simba loves color. He wears lots of fun patterns too. But he dresses pretty “preppy” and classic, wears a lot of khakis, but more fitted Mannerisms — gracefully clumsy, he trips but manages to make it look graceful, knocks things over but picks them up before they even fall all the way Usual Expression —
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Overall (do they get sick easily)? — Nah, he got his appendix out and that’s the sickest he’s ever been. He is the biggest baby when sick. Physical Ailments — He’s got a bad right knee from an old rugby accident, it acts up sometimes if he puts too much pressure on it or turns it funny. Neurological Conditions — depression/PTSD/ADHD Allergies —  grass/hay. He has super sensitive skin. Grooming Habits — Very, very clean, at all times. He’ll take more than one shower a day (normally one at night and one in the morning, any time after he has sex unless he’s going right to sleep.) He keeps his nails clipped and grooms his hair and beard every day. He uses lotion (well, coconut oil) a lot too bc he’s got kinda dry skin. Sleeping Habits — Simba is a very deep sleeper. He rises early no matter how late he went to sleep and survives on catnaps throughout the day. With his nightmares, he’s much more volatile than he used to be. Sleeps mostly on his back with his legs splayed. Occasionally sleeps on his side. Eating Habits — Will eat anything and everything, any time, any place. Exercise Habits —  Runs a few kilometers both in the morning and in the evening (unless he has something else to do at night.) In the summers he will trade running for swimming, or do a bit of both. He needs to stay active or he’ll idk combust. Emotional Stability — 4 out of 10. Simba is a volatile personality. He’s quick to react--either in anger or excitement, and often steps on toes because of it. He is very easy to provoke into action. Also, after everything that has happened he just overall feels a little broken. Body Temperature — Simba is definitely someone who runs a little warm. Though, he really hates the cold weather. It saps his energy, even if he stays physically warm outwardly. Sociability — Just the friendliest. He’ll strike up a conversation with almost anyone, unless that person inherently goes against his particular ideals, then he is very quick to judge and dismiss someone. Addictions — Alcohol. Drug Use — Smokes pot occasionally; used to do party drugs in secondary/uni recreationally. Not anymore though. Alcohol Use —  lol he’s an alcoholic.
Your Character’s Character:
Bad Habits — jumps into things without thinking, always fidgeting, quick to judge people, he’s an alcoholic? lol Good Habits — takes care of the people around him, is generous with his time/money/affection, exercises a lot, is a surprisingly good listener Best Characteristic — his generosity Worst Characteristic — his willingness to spring into action Worst Memory — oh gosh. Definitely waking up in the hospital to find out his father was dead; also finding out Taka was the one who did it; also when Kiara was missing; also when Taka kidnapped Ber...I could go on Best Memory — his dad telling him he was proud of Simba for graduating (bc mufasa knew how hard it was for simba); when ber told him he loved him; getting married--even if he only remembers vague bits; when he won his case against Murphy and Alana and got custody of Kiara...I could go on. Proud of — his little family, Ber and Kiara and Bowie (and Nala, and all his friends by extension); his family legacy (even if he is reluctant to continue it) Embarrassed by — not a lot tbh, when he isn’t strong, when he feels weak Driving Style — Now, Simba is a very safe driver, but he used to not be. He used to be pretty reckless. He had an Austin Healy that could get up to like 120mph (idk what that is in kilometers fight me), and he’d drive as fast as he could all the time. Though...tbh now that he knows he didn’t kill his dad he may get another roadster and fix it up (Simba loves cars.) Strong Points — he’s a generally strong person; he’s full of love and isn’t afraid to share it; is a genuinely caring person Temperament — he’s pretty laidback, though, he’s also kinda highstrung lmao. He’s quick to anger, though he only yells when he’s scared about something. If he’s truly angry he has this really callous and cold kind of anger. Attitude — Generally optimistic, though he’s gotten more pessimistic lately. He has a good drive. Weakness — he gets taken advantage of by being nice and he also jumps the gun a lot; also it’s hard for him to admit to being weak, which means he shoves things down and doesn’t process them Fears — that he will fail and not make people proud. Phobias — he doesn’t like snakes, or the dark really. Secrets — none, not really, not anymore Regrets — wasting so much time after his father died; hurting the people around him; not figuring out Taka sooner Feels Vulnerable When — he feels vulnerable. lmao Pet Peeves — people who don’t listen to him LMAO or pay attention to him, life is hard, ain’t it simba? Conflicts — what he wants to do VS what is the best for everyone else VS what is best for his Family Legacy Motivation — to keep the people he loves safe and happy Short Term Goals and Hopes — live and love and heal from the past four years Long Term Goals and Hopes — marry Ber (and have kids with him) Sexuality —  Bisexual, and he’s pretty 50/50 on it, though he may sway more towards boys tbh. He doesn’t give a lot of thought to it because he’s also hella demi, so he doesn’t think about anyone else. At this point he might as well be Bersexual. Day or Night Person — Day, definitely. Though, he does catnap because he has the ability to stay up late/he has nightmares. Introvert or Extrovert — The biggest extrovert. Optimist or Pessimist — Kind of 50/50, he’s optimistic to other people, but about his own life he can be rather pessimistic.
Likes and Styles:
Music — favorite artist is Elton John. He likes older music a lot--Paul Simon, Nina Simone. But, he likes newer stuff too. He’s a fan of acoustic, but he also likes things that he can jam to. Basically, he’s got a wide range just depending on his mood, and it’s getting even wider as Ber introduces him to new stuff. Books — Simba doesn’t like reading (mostly because he thinks he’s bad at it, his reading comprehension is pretty low), but he reads the Qu’ran pretty much always on like a constant loop. Sometimes he asks Ber to read to him after he’s had a nightmare, but that’s more for the sound of Ber’s voice. Oh, his mum used to read him King Arthur stories as a kid, so he likes those too. Magazines — Simba is eh about magazines for the same reason he’s eh about reading Foods — Simba will eat ANYTHING but his favorites are sweet peppers. He loves sweet peppers. He’s also got a massive sweet tooth, so he loves chocolate. Drinks — Waterrr. Simba drinks a ton of water. (His fave alcoholic bev is whiskey js). He also likes juice--apple juice, orange juice, etc. Drinks coconut water too Animals — Lions! Simba loves lions, but he also loves elephants and dogs and all animals are good to Simba. Except snakes. Fuck snakes. Sports — gosh, i mean simba plays/played/will play any sport. He loves sports. His favorites are football and horse riding Social Issues — Simba is very passionate about Magick-rights, LGBTQIA rights, and he’ll be the first to speak out about systematic racism and islamophobia.   Favorite Saying — “It were better to have an army of sheep led by a lion than an army of lions led by a sheep.” -- Proverb, unknown. Color — Gold! Also burgundy. Jewelry — He has a watch that was his father’s that he’ll probably wear now. He also has woven bracelets from Kenya that he wears usually. Games — most of the games simba likes to play are outdoors, tossing balls around, he doesn’t have a lot of patience of card games/board games, he’s very competitive. Websites — eh he’s not big on the internet, probably surfs facebook and by proxy buzzfeed the most TV Shows — likes shitty reality telly, probably watches football god that’s awful. Doesn’t have a whole lot of shows that he follows bc they don’t keep his attention Movies — he loves musicals or romances or action films. Anything that’ll keep his attention the whole way through. He’s not good with like slow or nuanced stories. Greatest Want — to take care of those around him Greatest Need — to reconcile his family legacy with his own wants.
Where and How Does Your Character Live Now:
Home — a lakeside cabin, it’s got three floors; 5 bedrooms (though one is Ber’s studio now); an observatory at the very top, a game room with a full on theatre system. He owns about two acres of land, but he hardly has a backyard or front yard because it is almost all trees. Household furnishings — Everything is bright, though it’s gotten a bit of a modern touch to it now that Ber has moved in. All the walls are wood, so none of them are painted (though Ber’s studio will probably get soundproof walls and therefore will be painted.) He’s got colorful tapestries from Kenya all over, as well as pottery and artistic paintings of the savannah. The furnishings are based on his cabin that his family owns in Kenya. It’s all warm colors, very cozy and inviting despite its sheer size and high ceilings. Favorite Possession — The note he keeps in his wallet that Ber wrote for him last Christmas. Most Cherished Possession — Anything of his dad’s. Neighborhood — Jim is his next door neighbor, but it’s still a few minutes to get to his house since all the houses around the lake are pretty spread out. Town or City Name — Swynlake, Wiltshire County Details of Town or City — Magick-friendly. His family helped found the place 1001 years ago. Married Before — ...technically yes? To Ber, for less than 24 hours... Significant Other Before — Catherine (broke up with him because he was “too nice”, dated for six months 16), Kamaria (broke up with him bc she moved away, his most amicable break up, dated for a year, 17-18), Megan (broke up with him bc she realized getting his money would not be as easy as she thought it would be, dated for a year, 19-20), Andrew (broke up because Andrew didn’t want to be his “housewife”, dated for a year and three months, 20-21). Children — none; though he is legally Kiara’s primary guardian. Relationship with Family — Simba is very close with his mom’s side of the family and sees them whenever he can. He was very close with his paternal grandparents until they died. Estranged from his Aunt Alana and his Uncle Taka bc they’re both shitty people/ Car — A 2017 Maserati Levante named Tracy (Chapman). He used to have a 1963 blue Austin Healey 3000 named Kasi Pepo (Speed Demon in Swahili). (Will probably get a new roadster soon, tbh.) Career — (soon to be) CEO of InterPride Incorporated Dream Career — Primary School Teacher Dream Life — A primary school teacher, married to Ber, raising their (kids) dogs. Love Life — Happily dating Berlioz Bonfamille. A year and 5 months today and still going strong. They have lots of sex and love each other v v much. Talents or Skills — really good at math? An excellent cook, a great dancer. Good at thinking on his feet. Intelligence Level — Simba is a lot smarter than he gives himself credit for. He is very people savvy, even if he isn’t booksmart. He’s got a strategic and analytical mind when he’s at his best. Finances — Literally just so rich, disgustingly rich like 9 zeroes rich.
Your Character’s Life Before Your Story:
Past Careers — Bartender at Pixie’s, volunteer at his Aunt’s home for abused children, head of several clubs at school, and an intern at InterPride. Biggest Mistakes — lol so many Biggest Achievements — graduating university; seriously that was a big thing for Simba he was so proud of himself bc he thought he couldn’t do it.
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Blue Bells Chap 2
https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12462854/3/Blue-Bells  http://archiveofourown.org/works/10734663/chapters/24440052
"Not everyone is cut out to be a hero, Chaton."
Those words from his mother, at the tender age of seven, broke his very first dream. He could feel his heart breaking as she continued on. "Nowadays many humans don't need heroes. They find a way to save themselves, and they've become quite good at it."
Even as a small boy, Chat knew that beyond the water was something. He wasn't sure exactly what it was, but he knew it was there. And that place beyond had things that both his parents referred to as 'Humans'. He didn't know what it meant, and frankly, he didn't want to know. But later in his life, he would find that the 'Humans' looked like him and his family.
"Humans don't need saving," Plagg grunted. "They would just end up destroying whatever happiness you brought to them."
"Plagg!" Tikki's voice was harsh, cold. She didn't bother to stand from where she had sat on the floor to teach Chat Noir his daily lessons. But it felt like she was the biggest person in the room. Her passion burning more brightly that the warm fire that licked at the child's tanned skin.
Even at Chat's age, he knew that humans weren't something Tikki and Plagg agreed on... Ever. In fact, every time they were brought up his parents would have stern words with each other. One of them would end up having to leave the room, sometimes even the house (usually it was Plagg who left), in order to stop their squabble. His papa had a great hate for whatever humans were, while his mama loved them and admired them. On any given day, Chat could catch the red-haired woman gazing longingly at the water. Somehow Chat understood that longing. That's why he needed to be a hero. If he was a hero he could not only see them but be among them without fear of scolding from his parents. If he could go against his nature and help people instead of bringing disaster to them surely his parents would be proud and overlook the fact that he was completely disobeying them. But then again, he had never met a human before. Maybe they were as bad as his father made them out to be and his mother was just blinded by her good-hearted nature.
He shook his head, watching his father trail off, tail between legs, as he left the room. His hands on the book that Tikki had brought him from uncle Nooroo just a couple years before. Nooroo trained the best of the best. And Chat had one of his books. That meant he could be the bestest of the best! But his mom said they didn't need heroes. How could he be the greatest hero ever if they didn't need him anymore?
"Mama, if I can't be a hero, what should I be?" His voice barely a whisper. He knew that she couldn't hear him as his acidic green gaze dropped to his hands.
That night, by the warm firelight, doing his work, papers sprawled out across the brown carpeted flooring, with his loving mother, her hair flickering like fire in the soft glow as she raged silently over Plagg's cruelty, and the rumbling of thunder in the distance, probably from the west, was the last memory he had of his mother.
Chat Noir paced around the hall. He didn't know how to approach his father, with his want to leave the house. It wasn't that his father was on edge of anything, in fact, he didn't even seem worried that Tiki had been missing for six years. He never seemed worried about her absence. Chat wasn't a fool, he knew why Plagg was so indifferent. It was because no matter what they disagreed on, Plagg knew that Tikki still loved him as much as he loved her. Even if hours had turned into days, and days to years, he knew Tiki would return.
Chat, however, wasn't convinced. In his eyes, his mother was gone. She left them with no trace. And every passing day made her return seem more and more like fiction than fact.
That thought made his gulp as he prepared himself to knock on the door that led to his pare- his father's room. But he stopped just shy of his black glove covered knuckles rapping on the door. If he left… would Plagg even care? He didn't seem to care that Tikki had been gone, what made Chat think he would be missed? And really, nothing was stopping him from leaving. Sure he had a hard time using magic and it often left him exhausted, but he could probably make it over to the other side of the water. He could finally know what truly lay beyond his personal prison.
Just a few steps… Then he could find aunt Trixx or uncle Pollen or anyone. Somebody must know something about where Tikki when.
He flinched, hearing a low grumble from the outer side of the door. "I know you're there Chat. Come on in."
"Dad." He lightly pushed the door open to see Plagg half asleep, one of his poisonous green eye peering at his son from the side of his pillow. "Hey…"
"What do you want?"
"I… Um… Aren't you worried about mom?" Yeah… Yeah, that was the real reason he was going to knock. It had nothing to do with leaving the grove, the island. This was about his mom. Plagg had to be looking for her, he had to be! Even if he acted all cool and aloof he had to be worried.
"No, she'll be fine." He grunted.
"When do you think she'll be back?" The blonde pushed, hoping for answers he knew wouldn't come.
"Eventually." The slumbering god huffed, his tired visible eye already closing again. Plagg snuggled in deeper into his pillow. The pillow that Tikki used to use, even if her flowery scent had long since vanished. "For ones such as us, time just flies by."
Chat frowned at that. For them? Chat felt every second of every day slowly drag on. Time didn't fly by. Every minute seemed like a decade and every year like an eternity.
So what did that make him?
"I'm going out to 'play' in the forest." He muttered, mind still working a mile a minute to try to figure out Plagg's words. "Enjoy your catnap."
"Before you go." He father huffed one last sleepy sigh. "Put your mask on."
Chat looked down at the floor. It was dirty, filled with mud and dust. Neither he nor his father was very good at cleaning. He scraped off a small bit of dried dirt with the toe of his black boot. "Yes, dad."
The black cat mask. It completed his dark look. The hero suit that Tikki had made for him before telling him that heroes weren't needed. Though, it was as if she knew that he wouldn't wear it for a long time. The pants were still baggy and the mask loosely clung to his face. But still... It was something she had left for him. Something she created. It was a tiny piece of his mother that he could cling to for comfort and protection.
And he did, with everything he had, he clung to the memory of her warm smile.
Making his way to the edge of the briar wasn't hard. He was as fast as the animal he was named after. He skidded to a halt at the border. He didn't much care to take a swim, knowing all too well that the other side was too far out of his reach to actually make it across.
He grimaced, thinking about the last time he had tried to make it across. He hadn't intended on taking a dive that day either, but magic exhausted half way through and he plummeted into the icy water. That one plunge took almost a weeks worth of recuperation. With a shiver, he reminded himself of another of his list full of reasons, that he wanted to find his mom. Chicken soup did wonders for a cold. Especially when it wasn't a whole, still feathered, chicken just dumped in some boiling water. His father wasn't the best cook either.
Now that he thought about it, he couldn't find anything appealing about his lazy cat-like dad. How in the world did he capture Tikki's heart?
With a hushed whisper, he called upon the wind, hoping this time his magic would fail him, to lift him up and over the liquid boundary that kept him imprisoned on the jungle island. Just like last time, and every other time he called upon the powers he had painstakingly learned, energy sparked within him. He could feel the flow of it coursing through his veins like electricity. It made him feel so, so alive! His feet lifted off the ground, hopes soaring like the rest of him. This time he would make it. He would go all the way. Past the seemingly vast ocean before him to whatever was beyond. If he could make it there, then nothing could stop him from finding Tikki. For his mother... For their family, he would make it!
Or so he thought.
Half way though he spotted something. Something he had never seen before. It looked like a box without a lid. But the edges were rounded and the front came to a point. And inside something, that looked like a big blanket, shuffled.
His vivid green eyes blinked at the subtle movement. At first, he thought that he was crazy, and wanted to go down and check with his own two, mask covered, eyes. But he quickly rethought it. He was tired, he could feel himself slowly descending in the air. The magic had almost sapped him dry, leaving him weary. If he didn't have the strength to fight whatever monster that could be in the floating box, then he might never be able to see Tikki's smiling face again.
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