gavinopricey · 2 years
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Four albums I’ve been listening to lately (tagged by @life-b4-death)! ADtR and Penny and Sparrow are always solid, I listened to Djo the entire summer, and Jean Dawson has a fun sound (my fave song off the album is Pirate Radio*)
I’ll tag @catpanflowers and @vacnyooming and @classicchocolatemonster but I love song recs in general so 🤷🏻‍♀️
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aro-ortega · 5 years
So we have Logrimmons but would that make a Tucker\Locus ship be Lowkey (Lo for Locus and the key part for tucker's sword)?
i think the ship is called lucker, but with rare pairs its hard to find a ship name let alone a consistent one,
i do love your reasoning tho ! i love the name, but i think rvb ships use character name mashups for the ship name generally
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lauralot89 · 6 years
How did you get stabbed with a blunt object? What was it? Give me the deets plz did it hurt?
Okay so.
It was a size nine knitting needle.
Here’s how it went down.
I was in my junior year of college and I’d just gotten home for spring break.  I’d been knitting on the drive home (I wasn’t the one driving, obviously), and I’d put  the knitting needles back in my bag.  Unbeknownst to me, the bag had a hole in it.  And the pointy end of one of the needles was near that hole.
So I say hello to my mom, head upstairs, walk down the dark hallway, and turn to step into my bedroom and WHAM.
Bag hits doorway, needle gets shoved out of bag, my thigh goes forward as I take a step, and the needle goes through my jeans and into my thigh.
I froze.  I just.  Hurt.  Suddenly.  A lot.  I can’t remember if it was a sharp pain or a dull one, just that it was there and seemed all encompassing.  I had no idea what had happened, since there wasn’t any light in the hallway.  It took a second for me to even realize where the pain was coming from.  And then I reached down, felt something sticking out of my leg, and screamed out for my mom before I even realized what it was.
In the time between my screaming and her running upstairs, I somehow or other ended up on the floor (thankfully I didn’t fall on the needle, which was still sticking out of my thigh).  I think I was crying.  I’m not sure if that was from pain or shock.
My mom turned on the lights and we figured out that it was a knitting needle in my leg.  I can’t remember what the conversation was, but I imagine it must have gone something like:
She wanted to take me to the ER, and for some reason I begged her not to because I thought I’d be in trouble with my father?  I have no idea why I jumped to that conclusion.  I’m guessing shock.  So instead she decided to call my grandfather and see what he suggested (I guess because he’d been in the military and she figured he’d seen some shit and/or had basic medical training?).  He said to just pull the needle out.  So my mom tried that.
Only my leg was all tensed up out of fear and pain, so there was resistance, and she had to tug it out, and the feeling of a knitting needle being tugged out of your flesh is something no one should feel, EVER, and then I had a massive puncture wound that we covered with disinfectant and a massive Band-Aid, and then I spent my whole spring break limping around and all sore and confused as to how the hell any of that happened.
I had a tetanus shot already.  Otherwise, I’m sure we’d have gone to the hospital.
And that’s the story of the time I got stabbed with a knitting needle.
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whishper · 6 years
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I might be a Doratabo yokai...
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outcast-stomp · 4 years
rules: We’re snooping on your playlist. Put your entire music library on shuffle and list the first ten songs and then choose 10 victims cheers @punk-ish for tagging me :)! i have like. a mess of a music library on my phone so lets see how this goes lol. 1. Nobody Loves You by Garbage 2. Playground Of A Wedgeless Firm by The Chemical Brothers 3. Lock-In by Trash Boat 4. Destination Venus by The Rezillos 5. Trans Day of Revenge by G.L.O.S.S. 6. MURDERED BY A WOMAN by HIRS 7. Shoulder Holster by Morcheeba 8. Royal Oil by The Mighty Mighty Bosstones 9. ...my friend’s cover of fuck the pain away by peaches but with the vocals in the style of hash pipe by weezer 10. Bend Break by Nervus
Okay that couldve gone a lot worse haha tagging... uh @niterunner, @catpanflowers, @dopkiin and anyone else who wants to do this i guess! im sorry i cant think of ten people haha
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bigwraith · 4 years
Tagged by @fxa​ (thankfully i had some warning) For this picrew
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I tag @fake-ah-crew-is-going-psycho​ and @catpanflowers​ ! No pressure!
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seangetfreaky · 6 years
i was tagged by @justplainsimon to post a song for each letter of my username
oh man this is gonna be so looooong
Always - Panic! at the Disco
Zero - Imagine Dragons (i only have one Z song)
All of Our Days - RWBY (a soft song that will warm your heart and make you cry)
Renegade - Stereo Dive Foundation (sorta NSFW)
Gold - RWBY
the End - Daughter
Trees - Twenty One Pilots
Final Masquerade (acoustic) - Linkin Park
Red Ribbon Foxes - A Fine Frenzy
ECHO - Dari cover
Abnormalize - Ling Tosite Sigure
King and Lionheart - Of Monsters and Men
You’re Not Alone -  Saosin (jesus this song is old and edgy)
hmmmmmm I don’t know anyone well enough to tag them so I’mma tag some of my followers (anyone else who wants to do this can-- tag me in it if you did it cause you saw mine!)
i tag @bloodydamnit @boxedraggedydeams @bloodredsweetheart @catpanflowers @theredberin @lookatallthesetakenurls @unendingrideco @efilno @writing-zepher @orionpanties @magniix
man some of you have long usernames lmao get rekt good luck
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dynamightzero · 3 years
is user catpanflowers your doppelganger lol
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aro-ortega · 5 years
bro im
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lauralot89 · 6 years
Never mind just give me a list of all your fucking injuries and how you got em i need to know now.you can't just brag and not tell dude
The first time I dislocated my shoulder, I was like two, and my mom was holding my hand as we walked across the grocery store parking lot.  For whatever reason, I decided I was sick of walking and just sat down on the pavement without altering my mother to this.  She kept walking, she was holding my hand, and my arm got pulled out of joint.
The second time, I was around the same age and my grandma was holding my hand while I walked across a bench.  I jumped off the bench while still holding her hand, and YANK.
I remember both times that it was immensely painful, and even more so when the doctor fixed it.  He did this by having one hand on my arm and the other on my back/shoulder and basically popping it back into place, like a Ramune ball but in reverse.
The broken jaw: I had an underbite and had a surgical procedure to correct it called a LeFort Osteotomy.  Basically, I went under, they cut my gumline open along the upper jaw, cut/chiseled my upper jaw off my skull like you take the lid off a pumpkin when you’re making Jack-o-lanterns, and then they put it in a new position, screwed it back on, and stitched me back up.  I couldn’t eat solid food for like a mouth after, but my jaw was not wired shut.
The actual break wasn’t painful, because they cut the nerves.  But the swelling and the congestion that followed (the latter was actual my sinuses being filled with blood) was awful.  Also it turns out I wasn’t supposed to blow my nose because my sinuses were kind of cut open, but they didn’t tell me until I’d already tried it and felt air bubble up under my skin.
After the swelling went down, though, the only bad thing was subsiding off liquids for a while.
The hallucinations from fever:
In like the fifth grade I woke up in the middle of the night with a high fever and heard conversations, except everyone was asleep and the TV wasn’t on.  What I heard was indistinct, and sometimes it sounded like my relatives and sometimes like TV characters.  I realized I was sick and got up to get my mom and immediately I was sitting on the floor as the room spun around me.
I don’t remember what I was sick with.  I eventually got my mom and Tylenol and once the fever was reduced, the nonsense stopped.
Getting hit in the head with a fast-moving object:  I was sitting on the couch reading a book.  My brother had a yo-yo and was holding onto the end of the string.  He was swinging it in a circle as fast as humanly possible.  The he lost control of it and it went flying across the room and hit straight in the center of my forehead.
Nothing hurt at first.  I had no idea what happened at first.  But it was like everything just stopped and there was this sudden, loud ringing in my ears.  And then the pain happened.  It felt like getting hit anywhere on the body with a hard object, just a lot worse.  There was screaming and crying and me yelling angrily at my brother, and eventually I got ice and moped on the couch all afternoon.
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pumpkinlesbiam · 8 years
Pass the happy along! :) When you get this, reply with 5 things that make you happy and then send to the last 10 people in your activity! ♡
Thanks for sending the happy haha!1. my friend, nathallie~~2. the adventure zone3. seeing how my art talent has improved since last year4. having money to buy presents this christmas! 5. my music
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achievementtooth · 9 years
When you get this, answer with five things that make you happy then send it to the last ten people in your recent activity :)
1) Achievement Hunter
2) Gryphon and Sheila
3) Drawing and writing
4) Making others happy
5) Dragons
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wileysenses-blog · 9 years
When you get this, answer with five things that make you happy then send it to the last ten people in your recent activity :)
aw thanks :)
1. writing
2. Knowing that I’m graduating high school this year and I’m probably going to get to go to my dream school!
3. My cat Lily
4. Going to the gym more than even every other day. I took a very long break from it but now I’m back and I’m hoping to keep that up
5. Where I am mentally and physically. Sure there are bad days, but I’m holding it all together
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nerdgasrnz · 9 years
I don't know if you will be able to answer this question, but I must ask it. So Blake has cat ears right. they twitch and she can hear stuff with em, but she also has human ears. The question is, is she able to use both pairs of ears to hear or just one or the other and if she can only use one pair why would the other pair be there? it is just a waste of matter if she has two sets but can only use one, so why wouldn't evolution have already taken this course and just gave her one pair of ears?
1.) This question has been asked by a lot of RWBY fans
2.) We, as real life beings, also have vestigial traits that are practically useless that we still develop and you know what we do to get rid of them? Surgically remove them. Which costs money.
3.) Since Blake’s ears react to things like far distant noises, earlier than her human teammates have detected, it would seem that they are actually functional and not useless. But that’s my humble observation.
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lamphous · 9 years
Send me your name and i'll make a mini playlist with the letters in your name: I don't know if you're still willing to do this, but my name is Anna.
aquaman by walk the moonnext life already by ball park musicnovember by gabrielle aplinaction cat by gerard way
send me ur name!!
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coldjam · 9 years
heyyyy! i present a challenge of sorts! name 5 (or more) things which make you happy, then send this challenge to the last 10 people who reblogged from you. Have fun :))
Hey bud!
My boyfriend, hanktrevey
My friends, invisibleninjahoe whiteandgoldsugadaddy fieryfuck
Drawing! I’ve been drawing a lot lately!
Youtube, especially markiplier and roosterteeth
And another one, just cos: dogs
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