#catriona audriele
thevioletwicche · 1 year
A drabble I wrote a long time ago with my OCs using the making out as a distraction trope.
They moved quickly, her heels clacking against the paving stones of the narrow streets. Cat was growing weary and may have stopped altogether had her Master not grasped her hand to pull her along beside him. He'd thrown his cloak around her to cover her gown, and the length and heaviness of the material made it difficult for her to keep his pace, but he squeezed her hand and so she persisted.  
He seemed to move lithely without those cumbersome robes and for a moment she was rather distracted by the way his waistcoat brought out the curves of his lean form. But only for a moment before another frantic pull from the Sorcerer brought the two down another narrow alleyway.
 Suddenly Alistair stopped short and Cat stumbled into him. He cursed under his breath and she soon saw why: A wall. It was a dead end. The two stood for a moment breathing heavily and staring, until the footsteps and the yells of their pursuers grew louder.
 Alistair turned cursing again. His dark hair obscuring his eyes, but framing his nose and mouth.
Though she could not see his eyes, the way he clenched his jaw was all she needed to see to know that they were trapped.
 He turned to face her again and quickly ushered her to the wall, blocking her as best he could from view, he was still breathing heavily and clutching her right hand.
  “Can you use a spell to get us out of here?” Cat asked quietly. “It’ll take too long.” “Can you transport yourself?” He gave her a quick look of confusion.
“Yes, but…” “Then do it! I don’t want to be parted from you again…  they won’t do me much harm, but  I'm frightened of what they will do to you." “I am not leaving you!” “Please! I care too much for you to let you be hurt!” “Cat…” He searched her face his gaze dropping to her lips and then back to her eyes again.
 There was a strange expression to them.
"I have an idea." 
"What is-" “Kiss me.” he said hoarsely.
Cat gaped at him, a blush spreading across her face.
She did as she was bid,  shyly standing tiptoe to press her lips lightly to his.
 In an instant his arms were around her, pushing her against the wall and his lips were sealed on hers. She felt light headed and as though she would faint. She wrapped her arms around his neck in an attempt not to fall.
 His grip tightened as they heard their pursuers round the corner.
 After what seemed like a dreadful eternity they had gone leaving Cat and Alistair alone.
 She stared at him bewildered and blushing 
 He reached  to brush a lock of hair from her face, also looking flush. 
  But the moment passed and he glanced over his shoulder.
 "We'd better go." He said quietly.
 Cat nodded though made no move, until he took her hand in his and gently pulled her along, their hurried footsteps on the paving stones, resembling the pounding of her heart
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hazeykatie2 · 5 years
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So @spookychan is doing Quick $30 commissions. A few weeks ago I had her draw Catriona, the little Heroine from my WIP Story,and now I've also had her draw it's deuteragonist/Slight antagonist/Love Interest... Alistair. She did a marvelous job of capturing Cat's sweet and bewitching nature, and Alistair's gruff but dashing facade. I am chuffed and really urge anyone who wants a really lovely drawing to commission her as well.
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thevioletwicche · 6 years
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Another adorable commission done of my Ocs Catriona and Alistair. This one was done by @missnobodynobodius I love it so much.
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thevioletwicche · 6 years
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Thank you so much to @hains-mae For this wonderfully adorable commission of Catriona and Alistair.
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thevioletwicche · 7 years
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Posting the commission I had done of Catriona and Alistair by @sarahdesdemonaart because it makes me happy.
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thevioletwicche · 7 years
No one is going to read this. But I had a drabble idea for my Ocs and wrote it out. Hopefully i'll add more later. Feedback appreciated Hurt/Comfort Rated M for violence Catriona was horror stricken when she saw him,  shackled to the wall by thick iron cuffs, his hands above his head. He was shirtless and there were angry red lashes across his shoulders. She suspected there were more across his back. His head was lowered and his tousled, dark hair obscured his face. A terrified cry escaped her and alerted the bound Sorcerer to her presence. He slowly lifted his head to reveal a leather gag fitted tightly over his mouth. “Alistair!” As soon as he recognized her, the Sorcerer began to react, he seemed to summon strength and let out a weak “Mmmff!” “Ally!” She was half weeping as she rushed to his side. He was struggling against the shackles and attempting to speak to her, but the gag reduced his speech to incomprehensible moans and mumbles. “Shhh! Calm down Ally! Calm down. I'll get it off.”  Catriona pulled desperately at the knot securing it at the back of his neck, trying to loosen it. Alistair continued to mumble feverishly into the gag, until she was able to pull the knot loose and it fell from his mouth. “Mmmfff mmm- Cat!” He gasped. “Shhh..” she reached up to stroke away the hair plastered by perspiration from his forehead By now tears were streaming from her eyes. “Water…” was the next thing he croaked out. Cat reached for the tankard she had attached to her skirts and brought it to the poor man's lips, he drank greedily as if he hadn't in days, and she realized with horror that was most likely the case. He drank til he could no longer, turning his head away to gasp some more. She studied the rest of him, the angry red welts and lashes across his torso.  Red turned into black and she desperately wanted to clean them. They made her nauseous. She needed to get him down! She rehooked the tankard to her skirts, and then started to fumble in her inner pocket for her hidden wand. Her emotions, however, had gotten the better of her and she started to sob Alistair continued to breathe deeply before speaking again, weakly. “Cat… don't cry… don't cry…. It's alright.” He half whispered. Even in the awful state he was in, he was still trying to comfort her. “Look at you! How can you say that?!” she demanded. Tired, feverish brown eyes regarded her for a moment. “Because… love…. You're here.” He murmured. The dear man! She couldn't help it,  Catriona sobbed again and wanted to embrace him, but she knew it would cause him pain, so instead she cupped his face with her free hand . The Sorcerer  winced, but leaned into her touch, tilting his head to press his lips to her palm. His skin was burning up. “We need to get you down.” “I know…. Do… you... have your wand?” h She produced the wand and cried out “Ressrare!” The shackles clicked open and released his wrists. Too weak to hold himself up, he crumpled into Cat's arms letting out a hiss of pain. The hiss became an anguished groan. “Shhh! “ she knew he couldn't help it but she didn't want to risk being discovered. He nodded and leaned into her neck. “I'll get you out of here. I'll get you well… I promise.” She whispered to him in a  trembling voice. He didn't speak, but she could feel him nuzzling his cheek and chin against her shoulder. Repeatedly. She turned her head toward him and his lips gently nipped at hers. “Do you want to kiss me?” Catriona asked almost ready to laugh, she knew that time was the essence, but after all her beloved Sorcerer had endured, if he sought out her touch, her comfort, she would not deny it to him. He nodded. She cradled his face, pulled  him near and kissed him  tenderly . Weak as he was, she could feel him return the desperate kiss. They pulled away, but she continued to press her lips to his face, her poor Alistair. He sat in a daze. She could see his eyes oscillate between awareness and oblivion. “Alistair, please stay with me.” He exhaled and nodded, eyes meeting hers once more. “I… Love… you.” He rasped. “I know. Let's get you out of here.” And she offered her shoulder to support him, and as best she could with the half dead man on her shoulder,  Catriona tried to find a way to escape and bring them both to safety.
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thevioletwicche · 7 years
A friend in need...
More Catistair hurt/comfort stuff. This may or may not make its way into the story.
Alistair had left her alone again. It was something he would do every once in awhile. Sometimes for a few hours, sometimes for nearly a day, though he would always return before nightfall.  Where he went and why, Catriona knew not. She had asked once and was met by an abrupt: “That’s none of your concern is it?!” not wishing to upset the man, she refrained from asking again.
 She learned that when he left it was best if she treated everything as if he was still there. The first time he’d been quite irritated to return to his cottage and find tea had not been made. On another occasion he’d admonished her when she hadn’t finished reading a section in the spellbook he’d told her to study. It was of little use telling them that the reason she hadn’t finished reading was because she had to make tea.
Hours passed and he had not returned. She tried to busy herself with other tasks, lest he accuse her of idleness. But still he didn’t return. She grew a bit concerned. Where could he have gone? Surely he’d have told her if he’d be gone longer than just the day? When darkness descended and he hadn’t returned she had become very worried.
  He’d missed tea. He rarely missed tea. He’d missed the evening meal. She wondered what in the world had become of him?  After pacing around and asking  what she should do, she finally decided she should go out looking for him.Though she knew not exactly where he would be. He possessed magic, if he chose he could be most anywhere.
 If she were thinking logically or if she had been practicing magic longer than just a few months, she most likely would have thought to cast some sort of spell to locate the man,  but she did not think of that. Instead, she took her cloak and a lantern and her wand, and walked from the safety and warmth of the cottage into the cold night air. Her concern for her dear friend was too strong, as was the overwhelming feeling that  he needed her.  She stopped when she realized she’d thought of him as dear. Yes, he was dear to her, in spite of his moods, and his gruffness she possessed a  great fondness for him. He had helped he immeasurably in the months following her sister’s death, either by just being there or keeping her distracted with lessons.
 It was colder than she’d thought as she walked from the clearing into the dense trees. The wind bit at her face, but she walked on, the small light from her lantern would have proved almost ineffective, but the black sky was clear and the light of the moon shone  down and aided her in her search for her Sorcerer.
“Alistair! Alistair!” she called his name every now and again in the sort of sing song way that a mother  might use if trying to call their child home, but  she was met by nothing except for the rustling of the leaves in the wind. She walked on farther, but the cold was starting to affect her. Her hands felt near frozen and though she wore boots her feet felt cold as well. She could see her breath  She shouldn’t have gone out like this alone. She wasn’t even sure how she’d get back now. She knew the way, but things looked so different in the darkness. For all she knew, Alistair could have returned in the time she had taken to go searching for him, and then he would scold her for going out alone and behaving recklessly. She knew she should turn back, but she couldn’t. She was not sure why, but something told her to keep looking. Trusting her intuition, she continued to walk calling out his name a few more times, still there was nothing. She called out “Alistair!” once more, now  in a desperate and  broken voice. There was nothing for a moment and then she heard it: “Cat?!” it was weak and sounded far away. She stayed silent for a moment, half believing she had imagined it, but then she heard it again, a bit louder this time: “Cat?! Is… that.. you?!” there was no mistaking it now, there was his familiar voice, low and languid.
Relief filled her. He was nearby, she had found him! “Yes! Where are you?!” “By the sound of your voice not far… Though, I cannot  see you… speak again!” “Which direction should I go?!” there was a pause, and for a moment she began to worry,
“Yes, I heard you!… Go to your right… I am near the trees. I will keep speaking. …Follow my voice!” Trees surrounded her, his specifics were not very helpful but she walked toward her right. “Can you still hear me?!” his voice was louder but sounded strained.
“Good. Keep coming this way and then  to the tree on your left, shine your lantern on that tree and you shall see me.”
And she stepped: counting out as she did so and then she shone her lantern and there he was, leaning oddly against the trunk of a great tree. It may have been the moonlight, but he looked paler than usual, and his mouth was compressed into a thin, hard line. she rushed over to him and started speaking quickly as relief filled her. “Oh! Are you alright?! What happened?! What are you doing here?! I was so worried!” she moved  to embrace him, but he held out a hand to stop her. “No! Ah!!” he cried and winced in pain. She stopped short and looked at him again, he didn’t look well.
“What happened?” she asked again gently.
“Tha-that does not matter… but I’m afraid I am stuck.” he spoke through gritted teeth.
“Stuck? How?” he nodded at her lantern and she shone the light closer to his form. She was now able to see he wasn’t leaning against it as she had first thought. No.  He was, in fact, pinned to the tree. from his cloak were at least  four arrows. One at his shoulder, one near the opposite arm, one near his waist, and most terrifyingly one very near his neck.
 The panic that she felt must have become very apparent, for the Sorcerer tried to calm her. “Hush! Do not cry out. I am unharmed… mostly unharmed anyway.” “Mostly?!”
“My shoulder.” he grunted. tilting his head to his right, “I was hit there. I have dropped my wand, somewhere down among the grass where you stand, and as you can see have very little way to reach it, or free myself. Please, tell me you had enough sense to bring yours?”
Catriona tried to ignore the insult by reminding herself he was currently in a great deal of pain. “Yes, I’ve brought it.” he sighed in what may have been relief  and gave her a pinched smile. “Good girl. Now, can you assist me in getting loose?” “Yes, of course!’ “Alright, take out your wand and point at the three that are pinning my cloak . You need to point your wand directly at them and repeat the spell clearly.”
She reached into the pocket attached to her gown and removed the wand, and then  did as he bid her and gripped it firmly in her hand, pointing it at the arrow near his waist. “What do I say?” she asked hoping that her nerves wouldn’t betray her.
“Is that all?!” “Yes! That’s all! Do it quickly!
Closing her eyes and taking a breath, she cried out “Recedunt!” the arrow fell away from the area near his waist to the ground below. “Good, good, again…”
She pointed at the one near his arm and repeated the spell. The second arrow fell away. “There, you’ve almost got it, once more…” She glanced up at the one near his neck and hesitated. It was pinning the collar in place and awfully near his flesh. What if the arrow head somehow scratched his throat and then he was gravely injured. She couldn’t bear the thought of it. she looked into his eyes and wordlessly she  tried to convey her worries, he seemed to understand and attempted  to crane his neck away as much as he could.
“Just once more, Cat… it’ll be alright.” “Recedunt!”  It fell away.
“Well done… well done…” he breathed.
The left side of the Sorcerer’s body was no longer, held in place, she watched as he moved his free arm in what may have been an effort to get the blood flowing again. and then rub at his throat with his good hand.  He grimaced. He must be in such pain! She felt close to tears at the thought of it. “How long had you been like this?” “I am not sure. Some hours.” he muttered.
Catriona wanted to ask what foolish thing he had been doing that led to him being in such a state. And then she wanted to scold him for behaving so. It would be well deserved on his part, he was always calling her foolish, after all.
But he was still pinned at the injured shoulder. She couldn’t bring herself to berate him.
“What do I do now, about your shoulder? The injured one? The same spell?” she asked instead. “No! I am afraid it should do a great deal of damage, and I don’t wish to bleed out. Not here.” “What do I do?”
He looked thoughtful for a moment. “I have an idea… come closer…” she hesitated. “Come now, don’t be frightened… come closer…”  Catriona walked to his side..
“Alright, now take your wand again and put it against the bark of the tree. Not me… the tree itself… and say Scindentur!”
Catriona trembled “What if I hurt you?” “I am already hurt!” he snapped. frightened by the harsh tone, she took a step away… “You’d be helping at this point.” he amended in a softer one.
He tried to make his voice even as he continued: “Just do as I instruct you and it will be fine. I…I know you can do this.”  he gave her another  sickly pinched smile. Still she hesitated again.  he seemed confident enough in her, but she doubted her abilities… “Please, Cat!” the desperate tone in his voice jolted her back to reality, she glanced at him again, he had been gritting his teeth the entire time, and she had been surprised he had been able to talk as much as he had. She noticed then he was shaking, it was cold, but she was certain that he was shaking from pain. She couldn’t let her own self doubt prevent her from acting when someone was  in pain. She locked eyes with him once more and he held her gaze. once again he seemed to be able to read the pleading message in her eyes.
“It’s alright, love.” he whispered. She blinked at him, surprised by the term of endearment,but it had been effective.  She acted then. She placed the wand against the bark of the tree, and spoke the spell aloud, and the tree seemed to open up, allowing Alistair to step forward until the arrow was out and he was freed.
He fell forward to his knees, the arrow  was clean through his shoulder.
Catriona quickly knelt down by his side, “Are you alright?” “As alright as I can be, with this bloody thing in my shoulder.” he replied. The tenderness of a moment ago completely gone.
He was taking shallow breaths and his eyes were closed.
“What do we do now?” Catriona asked, reminding herself once again that he was in pain and that he probably didn’t mean to be as short with her as he was.
“We.. need to return home. I can tend to this there…” he paused and then his eyes shot open. “My wand… I dropped it.”
“I’ll find it for you.” And she searched the grass in the soft glow of the lantern light.
“Cat…” the sorcerer spoke her name softly.
“Yes sir?”
“Thank you.”
A small smile graced her lips, and at that very moment she came across the wand, a deep ebony in colour that had been obscured by the darknesss.
“Always, Sir. I’ve found it.”
She handed it to him and he gratefully took it, he seemed ready to speak, but suddenly he appeared to grow paler, his eyes rolled back into his head and he lolled forward in a faint.
Though panicked, Catriona was able to determine he was simply unconscious and now she had to figure out a way to get the injured man home with no assistance.
To be continued…
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thevioletwicche · 7 years
Random angst Catistair drabble. Not story proper related. Post established relationship.
They had quarreled. Over something inconsequential, and in one of his rare moments in recent times  he let anger and irritation take over and snapped at her. He’d regretted it almost immediately when he saw that look of hurt in her eyes, but still annoyed he hadn’t apologized.
“Just leave me alone, for a while, would you?!” “Very well. I shall. I’m going for a walk.” “I don’t care what you do!”
And he’d watched her quietly grab her cloak and walk out the door, uttering a simple and curt “Goodbye.” as she left.
He’d continued his task for a while when suddenly he felt dread begin overtake him.such dread and fear. He felt as if he couldn’t breathe and then he heard it a faint, echoing, desperate cry that seemed to emanate from the ether:
“Help me!”
All too well he recognized that voice.
“Cat!” he had to find her.
 He quickly grabbed his cloak and hurried outside. The dread persisted.    “Cat?! Cat?!!!” he called repeatedly, following the footprints she’d made in the muddy earth.
 Then the fear was gone… the feeling was peaceful. It was calm.  Too peaceful. He’d broken into a run now, continuing to shout out his beloved’s name.
 Her footprints had stopped at a small rain swollen  stream a good ways into the woods. The waters were rushing… but there was no sign of Cat. He walked farther until he saw a dark shadow at the edge of the water and his heart nearly stopped. He threw off his cloak and jumped in the water swimming over to it. It was Cat.
 She was mermaid like, with her dark hair billowing around her. Her eyes were closed her lips parted.
“Catriona!” He pulled her head above the water, and quickly unclasped the heavy cloak from around her neck and pulled her body to shore.
She was cold. Her skin was so cold, and her lips almost blue. He murmured a spell to pull the water from her lungs, and as a further measure pressed on her chest, to push more water from them. He did it over and over, and even tried giving her some of his own air, but it seemed to do nothing to revive her.
“Catriona! Catriona!” he desperately repeated her name over and over again, clasping her body to him. “Wake up my love. Please!” I can’t lose you! Not like this! Please Cat… come back to me!”
He found that he was weeping as he placed his hands on her chest. Feeling for a heartbeat. Nothing. He feared  It had stopped beating long before he’d arrived. Sorrow and anger boiled within him.
“No!” He thought in defiance.
“No. No!” He wouldn’t let this happen she would not die! Fates be damned she would not leave him yet and with all that was in him he summoned energy trying to give it to Catriona’s still form. Urging her to live again.  It burned and he felt weakened but he did not care so long as he could keep his beloved with him longer.
His efforts seemed in vain and he was ready to give up and collapse when he felt her jerk awake in his arms. A fit of coughing escaped her before she began to gasp. Her beautiful eyes were open and fixed upon him.
“Ally?!” she managed to murmur. Relief filled  him but he could not stop his weeping.
He sobbed holding her tighter finding himself unable to speak.
She was shivering and curled into him. They sat like that for several minutes until Alistair was composed enough to speak.  His voice hoarse and just above a whisper.
“Cat…. I’m so sorry. Oh gods! I almost lost you. I did lose you.”
She didn’t respond. Just clung to him, taking deep breaths.
“Did I die?” She finally managed to whimper. The poor girl was utterly confused. Alistair could not bring himself to answer that. How was he supposed to respond to that?
Instead he drew her nearer still and pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead.
“Cat, I don’t think that-”
“Answer me! Did I die?! I don't… what happened? Tell me.”
He looked away, though he still gripped her tightly.
“Yes.” he muttered.
She looked horrified.
“You brought me back?”
He nodded.
Alistair was taken aback.
“What do you mean ‘why’?! Because I love you! Why would-” he paused as a dreadful realization hit him.
“Cat, did you… did you try to drown yourself?”
“No!” she seemed offended.
“Tell me then, tell me what happened. If I upset you, I didn’t mean it. I-” he drew her near kissing her hair fervently.
“You did. It is not what you’re thinking though. I came here to think. I kicked a rock near the edge and lost my footing. I fell in. I thought that I could pull myself to the surface, but my dress had snagged on some branches and the waters rushed so and they weighed my cloak down and I couldn’t keep myself above water and I knew I was going to die. I…” she had remained composed but now the tears began. Alistair pulled her closer still, stroking her hair.
“Shhh. Don’t, don’t think on it. You’re alright.” he whispered soothingly.
She buried her face in his shoulder.
“I called for you.” She murmured. “I called for help. Even though I knew you wouldn’t hear me and I quite thought I heard you call my name.”
“I did. I heard you. I felt you.”
“What do you mean?”
“I’m bound to you. I feel my heart is bound to your very soul.”
She gave him a weak smile and shivered again and he knew being sodden himself that he could not offer much in the way of warmth.
“You’re freezing.”
“I can’t feel anything.”
He grabbed his wand from his waistcoat pocket and pointed it to his discarded cloak and it floated over her and he was quick in wrapping it around her frame.
“Let’s get you home.”
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thevioletwicche · 6 years
Excerpt from weird thing I’m working on. “Her room was comfortable enough, it reminded her of her bedroom at her Father’s House, a large bed, oak furniture painted white, floral wallpaper, and soft bedclothes, but the windows were barred and the door was locked and it was nothing more than a gilded cage for the Blackbird who had a taste of the wild air and  wide sky and freedom.  She sighed, and paced the room, twisting her hair and biting her nails. She needed to find a way out. Even if she used magic it would be difficult, and without her wand and without Alistair to guide her, she felt truly helpless.  Finally she grabbed, one of the stiff backed gilded chairs and pulled toward the window and pressed her face against the pane of glass, relishing the coolness against her cheek. She grabbed her locket, tracing the etchings of flowers and silently begged Alistair to find her and take her away.  But Alistair could not help her. She would have to help herself. She wondered if she could. “
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thevioletwicche · 7 years
First kiss/Last Kiss
Today is international kissing day. I should write something for it, but i'm not really in any shape to. I wrote this a few weeks ago. Once again I doubt anyone will read it, but feedback is appreciated. “You're really going to fight him?!” Catriona cried incredulously. “It appears that way, yes.” The Sorcerer replied calmly. “You could be killed!” “I'm well aware of that.” He voice remained calm but she noticed his jaw tighten. “It's a duel… not a Wizards duel. You'll fight like Gentlemen he will choose the weapons, because gods know why you challenged him and he is a Swordsman! He will choose Swords! Do you even know how to use one! Have you ever held one before?!!” “Better he chose swords than learn how to use that Gemstone, with all of my learning and power I couldn't have stopped him. Be glad it is swords.” “You didn't answer the question! Do you even know how to wield a sword?!” “How hard can it be?” Was the flippant reply “Alistair!” As angry with him as she had been, as betrayed, the thought of Alistair  being hurt or killed sickened her, and she couldn't bear his blase attitude about it. “It must be done.” he said a seriousness passing over his features. “No! I won't let you. This isn't your battle It's mine! I came after that stone! It’s my village that needs saving! I'm the one who stupidly brought him to it! If one must sacrifice themselves, let it be me!” “No!”  he shouted, and perhaps more harshly than he intended for Catriona flinched and took a step back. He came toward her and, gently, carefully he placed his hands around her shoulders and stared at her, his expression resolute, but his dark  eyes swimming with some unknown emotion.  She did not pull away. “I will not permit that. I will not!” “You can't tell me what to do!” “You're still my apprentice!” She glared and was ready to retort, but he stopped her. “Do you remember when you were ill? “Yes but what-” “I thought you were dying. I was so afraid that…” he trailed off and closed his eyes as if trying to shake away the memory. “ As you were lying there, I made a promise to you, to myself that I wouldn't let anything happen to you. Not ever. I've done a poor job of keeping that promise so far, but I'm not going to break it. I'm not going to let that, that whelp, I'm not going to let him hurt you, not more than he already has. I won't let you run off to your death. I cannot.” “I don't want you to die!” She cried as the tears began to stream down her face, she threw her arms around him and he pulled her close. “Do you really have so little faith in me? It will be alright, Cat. No matter what happens to me, it will be alright.” “How can you know that?” He pulled away to look at her and gave her a rueful smile. “You shall have to trust me. I know that's asking a great deal of you, after what I've done, but please you must try to trust me.” “You- you said you would not die for my sake, do you remember that?” He smiled at her again, that sad smile and a soft laugh escaped him. “Yes, yes I do. Things have changed though.”  he reached up to stroke away the tears from her face. “What's changed.?” “Surely you know?” She thought she caught his meaning, perhaps on some level she knew,  but she shook her head. He didn't reply though, instead he  drew himself closer to her and hesitated for a moment before pressing his lips to hers. It was gentle and tender so unlike the kiss that Henry had forced upon her, she felt only love. She pressed her lips against his in return and the kiss, though still chaste was full of such a sad desperation, and regret. And they stayed like that for a few moments as he continued to caress her cheek. Finally he pulled away, Catriona noticed that his eyes were watering. “I love you.” His voice was little more than a whisper. He wiped a few more tears away from her face. “I love you, please forgive me.” Catriona’s mind was racing, she was momentarily dazed and before she could comprehend what was happening, before she could stop him, Alistair had left her embrace. He walked forward, spread his arms, and then there was no longer a man there, but a large raven. Realization dawned upon her. He had been protecting her all this time. “No! No! Don't go!” She screamed, but the raven flew away. Catriona chased after as fast as her legs would take her. She'd be damned before she saw him die.
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thevioletwicche · 7 years
WIP scene from my original story. TW: for implied physical assualt and violence.
She was being robbed. The realisation stopped Catriona’s heart in her chest before it plummeted to the pit of her stomach. Her mouth went dry, and in a shaking voice she tried to speak.
“I… I don't have anything…” she managed to stammer.
The leader of the group of men, much bigger and fatter than the others leaned in close to her face and laughed. He smelled foul and his breath reeked of drink.
“There's a lie if I’ve ever heard one.”
He motioned to a small wiry man, who grabbed the small pack that held the few possessions she'd taken from home. The man then grabbed the small pouch from around her waist that held her small bit of coin.
She made a motion to grab it back, but the larger man grabbed her arm
“Let me go!” She cried. The man didn't loosen his hold.
“I have nothing else to give you! Let me go!”
The man leered at her.
“Oh I'd say you've got plenty more to give.” He said as he eyed her figure.
Cat caught the implication and pure dread shot through her. Get away! She must get away she struggled against him with all her strength,
“Awe come now, wench. Give us a kiss.”
He held her jaw tightly between his filthy hands. Panicked, desperate Catriona spat at him. This seemed to anger the aggressor further.
“You dirty wench!” He bellowed as he reached out a hand to strike her, Catriona wasn't sure he succeeded, the next thing she saw was black with flashes of light. She yelped. The momentum sent her slightly back and though stunned for a moment soon she could see again although tears flowed from her eyes. The man reached toward her again, she managed to duck and then like a frightened animal she ran as fast as she could. Her eyes welled, and her head ached, and she groped blindly as she hurried, the sound of heavy footsteps close behind her. A small alleyway was in her view she hurried down it when someone grabbed her shoulders holding her fast. She opened her mouth to scream but was silenced by a hand clamping tightly over it.
“Hush!” A gruff, but familiar voice said in a loud whisper.
“It's me.” The hand was lowered. Cat blinked a few times and through her tears she recognized the long face, crooked nose, and dark eyes of the Sorcerer.
“Sir?” Was all she managed to croak.
He nodded.
She wasn't sure whether to feel safe or not, this was the man who'd cast her out with a contemptuous smirk only that morning. How or why he was suddenly here was unclear.
“Quiet!” He hissed again.
The sound of footsteps grew nearer.
Cat sucked in air and tensed her body, grabbing onto Mr. Bromleigh’s cloak. He gave her a quick glance, and continued to grasp her shoulder.
Cat prayed that they would bypass the alleyway, and that the shadows obscured the two of them enough to keep them from being seen.
The anticipation was agonising as the voices grew louder and stopped only yards from where they stood. She couldn't make out the words fear overwhelmed her. What if they were found? What if the Sorcerer left her to be thrown to the wolves? Her head still throbbed, terribly.
It seemed like hours before the voices faded. But when they had she heard Mr. Bromleigh exhale slowly.
“I think they're gone.” He whispered. He released his hold on her shoulders and started to walk away from her. Still as stone, Cat could only watch and assumed he was going to leave her alone. She wanted to call out but she seemed unable.
He had walked a few paces, but stopped and turned.
“Well? Are you coming or not?”
She could do little more than blink at him. What did he mean?
He walked back to her and quickly reached out for her hand. She suddenly felt she could move again and recoiled at the quick, rough gesture.
She didn't see his face soften, but she heard it in his voice.
“I know we didn't part on the best of terms, but I'm not going to hurt you. I promise you that.”
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hazeykatie2 · 6 years
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Thank you to @knight-in-tattered-armor for drawing my OC children.
I love them.
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