#Catriona and Alistair
versedprose · 1 year
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— OUROBOROS a wip introduction by valentine harlowe
genre. historical fantasy, romance, lgbt+. audience. 18+. pov. third person. setting. inspired by the golden age of piracy. summary.
Josephine "The Jackhammer" Ramsay is famous. An Admiral in the Queen's Navy, she's known for her victories in war when she was younger, and as of late, her relentless drive to hunt down the pirate scourge. As her son, Percival is expected to follow in her footsteps. But his mother casts a long shadow, and Percival would do almost anything to escape from under it.
Now twenty-three and the third lieutenant on the HMS Queen Imogen, Percival is well on his to captaincy, and he knows that he will one day surpass his mother and pirates everywhere will fear his name. Until the Queen Imogen is attacked by a ship flying the Jolly Roger. And not just any pirate ship. The Ouroboros was once a ship in the Queen's Navy, until her crew turned on her captain and mutinied, killing those who would remain loyal. Including Percival's childhood love, Catriona Matheson.
But when they're boarded, Percival discovers that Catriona is still very much alive, as the Captain Alistair of the Ouroboros. And when Alistair gives the crew of the Queen Imogen a chance to join his ship, Percival eagerly agrees. He intends on discovering the pirate's secret island home, reporting it back to his mother, and destroying their threat forever.
But as he grows closer to Alistair and the rest of the crew, he begins to doubt everything he's ever been taught about the his country, pirates, and his own mother.
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Thanks I will never be normal about warden commander Catriona Aeducan and her Alistair
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ladypreliminary · 2 years
Uh oh I’m thinking about my dragon age OCs and how much I love them again
actually I’m going to talk about them because nobody can stop me
Catriona Cousland: my OG DA:O Warden. Silver-tongued dual-wielding duelist and queen of Ferelden. Polite but cool, though she has a soft spot for Alistair and Ser Barksleigh. Losing her family the way she did left her a quiet shell of her former self for a while. Discovering her brother lived helped. She wrote to Liliana every other week until she left for her search for a cure to the calling.
Stephen Amell: built like an oak tree. naturally, he’s a spirit healer with only a couple of earth—based tricks for damage. a lover, not a fighter, he focused on buffing and protecting his allies the whole way. maybe that’s why he was drawn to Morrigan. They were a study in contrasts. He annoyed her with his soft heart until it turned toward her. Of course he searched for her. Of course he went with her through the eluvian. Of course they were happy.
Althea Hawke: I meant to try other Hawkes out all the way through, but my force mage purple Hawke ruined me for any others. She’s brash, sometimes rude without meaning to be. Somehow she and Fenris love each other to disgusting distraction.
Daphne Trevelyan: my BABY. Shy, unassuming, and never left the circle out of fear until the option fell upon her. She became a passionate advocate for mage rights and “one of the helpers,” like Mr Rogers called them. She and Cullen better be able to have a nice and boring life. She’s done playing the hero. Being Herald and then Inquisitor was never comfortable for her, though she got good at faking it due to exposure. She was particularly close with Dorian and, surprisingly, Vivienne.
Ellana Lavellan: my sad little archer. Naive and innocent but inclined to distrust non-elves, she immediately fell in with Solas — and had her heart crushed for it. Close with Cole and Varric, she turned them for support and it crumbled the last of her walls. Despite all that, she is a brilliant strategist, and she’s hellbent on catching Solas’ trail so she can save him from himself. Of the two of them, she’s a much better politician than Daphne, which is hilarious considering.
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thevioletwicche · 6 years
Through The Mists
I think I’ve posted unfinished varations of this before, and I have an editied (For word count) version that was to go in a friends litearary zine (Not sure if that’s going to happen or not) But here is the full version of my Samhain/All Hallows Eve Ghost story involving Cat and Alistair
The night was cold, the stinging sort of cold, that one only finds at the end of October, as Autumn spends just a few more precious weeks ruling over the landscape. Her golden reign already showing signs of coming to a close, as her sister, Winter comes to take her place. Winter was impatient, already giving signs of her austere future reign , as evidenced by the trees, that stood in a Naked row, their desolate branches clacking against each other in an eerie, melancholy song, and by the frost that had gathered upon the ground.
But though Winter may be impatient and officious, already making her presence known, Autumn was a stubborn Queen. She should rule until her time was done, and not before, and this she did, turning leaves the various shades of red and gold that resembled the flames of the fires, that one could smell burning from far across the fields.
 It was on nights like this,  where the sisters converged, and there was a slight wind that bit at her face and rustled the leaves, and the night sky was clear and studded by stars, that Catriona felt nearer to nature, and nearer to the gods, and most of all nearer to he that no longer was,  than at any other time of the year.
She would look at those twinkling stars, or the canopy of trees and speak her beloved's name in a sorrowful,  trembling voice:
Sometimes the stars would twinkle back at her, or the wind would blow, in a low, mournful moan, clacking the branches and rustling the leaves of the trees in a sad reply. And sometimes she would hear the hoot of the night owl or the croak of the Raven and fancy that in all these ways her beloved was speaking to her and assuring her of his unseen presence.
It was at this time of year especially that she felt closest to him, he’d told her once about Samhain, All-Hallows Eve as she had known it. He’d explained it was a Liminal time, a time when the Veil was thin and those from the Otherworld would come and mingle among the living.
Would he come she wondered? Would he find his way to her from across the mists?
And would he hold her once more, look at her longingly with his mournful Dark eyes and murmur “Cat” in the tender tones he’d once used.
If anyone could… and yet, there was doubt. She was not as intune with these things, not like he had been. It was true, to a degree, that  her presentiment had seemed to return, especially that last dream before he had- No. She thought, shaking her head and closing her eyes to shake away that memory. Though it was no use, it had burned itself into her brain. It would do her no good to think about those last moments, so instead she would focus upon the night.
Tonight. The Veil was thin tonight.
And today she would travel to Grey Hollow, the little village outside of the estate where she once had lived in what seemed to be another lifetime ago.
The Villagers of Grey Hollow would have their bonfires, meats ready to be salted and stored for the winter. They Would celebrate the harvest. They would old world once again, when the old gods had tread the earth when it was new and strange and not as she knew it now.
Perhaps she would play a part in the festivities, baking or helping the village women with some other task, or more likely, she would stand off to the side, and Observe, her Grey cloak pulled tight over her black dress, her sole speck a colour: a flame coloured ribbon used to tie her braid.
 Catriona  would watch the Villagers of Grey Hollow, where so many had suffered loss during the Fever, leave out food for their dead and know tomorrow they would go to the churchyard and pray for the repose of the souls where they slept silent beneath the stone markers.
 And the children would murmur
“There she is… The Grey Lady, The Witch of the Violet Woods.”
They would eye her with curiosity but none would dare to come near her.
Things turned out very much how Cat had imagined they would be.
A few things were surprising, an old woman had offered her a Hot bun to eat, and a girl of about twelve had remarked that “She was much too pretty to be a Witch.”
But apart from these occurrences, she’d  simply sat quietly watching them.
Around  ten O'clock as the air grew chill and the stars grew bright, Cat began to notice people she’d not seen among the villagers before. Beside a middle aged woman with greying hair concealed beneath a bright cap and her Husband a  stout man with a red nose and  watery blue eyes stood two Children a boy and a girl. They were pale, and they held tightly to their parents.
Behind the Old Blacksmith was a kindly old woman, plump with yellow hair and a sad smile. And so she observed were others, pale and with a melancholy aspect to their expressions. She had not seen them here tonight, but she had seen them before.
These were the dead, and they’d crossed the threshold to walk the earth with those they’d loved in life once more unseen.
Cat looked around her. Surely some of those she had loved would be there. The Mother she could barely remember, Tall and fair with Dark hair and dark eyes, Aggie, with her worried expressions and comforting hands. Gwen, beloved Gwen with her Golden hair and bright smile surely she was embracing her. And lastly, surely he, surely her lover would come back to her once more.
But there was no one. Nothing.
Cat sat alone as the town dispersed, and the fires were doused or grew to crackling and then dimming embers…
It was so cold and she’d not worn gloves, and she sat, beneath bright stars and a golden moon wondering why still she was still alone.
The clock struck Midnight.
She left her bench, her legs stiff and cold and began the long walk back to the Cottage in the Violetwood.
 She stopped near a copse of trees she knew  she had seen once before, during the spring when the woodland floor was blanketed  with Violets and bluebells, and when Alistair had been with her.  The memory and loss overwhelmed her, and Catriona sat and wept.
The air grew chill, and a mist appeared around her.
There was a fluttering of wings, and when Catriona looked up there was  a tall, lean, and all too familiar Figure standing before her.
With difficulty she rose to her feet, and stared at him, and he stared at her. Eyes dark with pain, but a flicker of joy ignited them.
And then she ran and found that he was there and he was whole and solid and oh so cold.
She ran trembling fingers over, his face, and coat and hands all were so cold, and he was paler than she’d remembered.
“You came!”
He smiled, at her though there was a trace of melancholy to it.
“I did.”
“You are here, you are real?”
“I’m… Here, and I’m real but…”
But not alive, not of the earthly plane, she knew what he meant to say. She didn’t care, she threw her arms around him.
“Why did you have to go?” she asked her voice choked with tears.
He held her tight.
“It was the way things were meant to be.”
“You promised you’d never leave me.”
“And I haven’t. I never will, I shall always watch over you. I’m here, Cat, always here, you only need to watch closely. I’m here even if you don’t see me.”
“I love you.” she murmured.
“I love you too.”
“Stay… please stay. "She whispered.
"I can’t… not like this…”
“Then take me with you!”
“Darling….”  he said no more, but the answer was the same. He could not stay and she could not yet go with him.
Alistair ran a cold hand over her cheek to brush away the tears that fell. He looked upon her with such tenderness and with cold lips pressed a kiss to her face.
The young woman and the ghost of her lover stayed together through the next hour or so, very few words were spoken, but they were content to be together until the mists came once more, leaving Cat alone but comforted in knowing she would join him again one day.
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acathea · 4 years
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Made the Theirin-Couslands in TS4 -shrug-
From top to bottom: Alistair Theirin, Catriona Cousland, Eleanor Theirin-Cousland and Duncan Theirin-Cousland.
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hazeykatie2 · 5 years
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So @spookychan is doing Quick $30 commissions. A few weeks ago I had her draw Catriona, the little Heroine from my WIP Story,and now I've also had her draw it's deuteragonist/Slight antagonist/Love Interest... Alistair. She did a marvelous job of capturing Cat's sweet and bewitching nature, and Alistair's gruff but dashing facade. I am chuffed and really urge anyone who wants a really lovely drawing to commission her as well.
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petrichor-musings · 3 years
Now with MACHINE-RELATED NAMES! (& half a dozen others)
It’s been a while, hasn’t it? For those not in the know, this is like the second or third post on this blog. It’s been AGES since it was last updated. Recently @local-robotgirlthing asked for some robosona names, so I went through computing history & electronic components to pull out my favs :>
We hoard names we like, not necessarily names that we’ll use for ourselves, but names we think are interesting. Anyone is welcome to take a name for themselves, members of their systems, pets, OCs, characters, whatever they need!
Types of names included: Birds, Space, Machines, Colors, Trees, Plants, Earth, Word-names, names of gods & legends, names from books & stories, names from my ancestry, & a bunch of other names (mostly older or foreign names) that didn’t fit elsewhere!
Also, if you like these names, check back every few months years, as we (occasionally) update this list!
-Birds Corvie/Corvus/Corvid/Corvin Enca Mellori Pinyon/Pinion Steller Tuft Pica Avia/Avian/Vian Tawny Byrd/Byrdie Phoenix Lark, Larks- Jay/Jaye Wren Robyn/Robin Quill/Quillow Kestrel
-Space & Physics Messier Cosmo Sterrenacht Altaire Star/Starlight Arcturus/Turin Eridanus Lyra Polaris Rigel Orion Sagittarius (Sadge for short) Alcor Fermion (Fermie for short) Lepton/Lepto Meson Anya (short for Anyon or Anion) Lux(e) Nyx/Nox Andromeda/Andromache Castor Wander Luniel Nocturn(e) Selene
-Machines Synthé (pronounced sin-thee with a soft th) Spark  Nixie (like Nixie tube) Ferra Nanode Deka (as in Dekatron tubes) Cathode Rheo/Rhea (as in Rheostat) Nicra/Nichrome Solenoid Surge Enia/Eniac Cray(a) (as in Cray Supercomputers) Operand Kibi/Mibi (as in kibibyte & mibibyte) Qubit/Qbit Quanta Univac Dera (1950s vacuum tube computer) Mosfet Altair (as in Altair 8800) Eta (as in the greek letter or the ETA10) Vesa Curta (as in the Curta Calculator)
-Music Lyric Crescendo Iona Doria/Dorian Lydia/Lydian Aeolia/Aeolian Locria/Locrian
-Colors Indigo Saffron Vermilion Viridian Cerulean Azure/Azura/Adora/Azul Sapphire Cobalt Skye/Skylar Hue Onyx Violet Ivory
-Trees Aspen Rowan Hazel Alder Willow Acacia Oak
-Plants Sage Cayenne Lichen Moss(y) Orchid Hedera Helix Xylem Sprig Floral/Floran Fern Thistle or Tilly for short Rosemary Violet Thorn Azalea/Azzy
-Earth Taiga Tundra Abyssal Marsh Bog Alpine Fjord Veld Fen Heath Marsh Feldspar Agate Heliodor Dune Sphalerie/Sphene (short for Sphalerite) Vitreous/Vitruvius/Vitruveous
-Words Stormy Coda Haven Voidling Absynthe Naissance Puissance Petrichor Vellichor Mimry Nell/Knell Jazz Quill August Monday Winter Jinx Autumn Spark Cambrian Fox Nary Trinket Saga
-Gods & Legends Freya/Frey/Freye/Freyne Nim/Nym Grimwald/Grimvald Lugh Oberon Herne Aine Aoife/Aoifa Lir/Lyr  Morrigan Tuatha Danu Fae/Fay/Faun Woden/Odin Aeneas Gwydion Cade/Caede Bram/Brahm Aoife Asir/Aesir Merlin/Myrrdin Minerva Linore/Lenore Alector/Alecto Glydwr Gwynned Leif Arisla Aéron or Aérin
-Books & Stories Bronwyn Antsel/Ansel Abhorsen Clariel Myrdal Virilidaine or Daine for short Yvonne Juno Arlo Kell Jax Geth(e) Jayce Idris Abraxas Aster Asi Emrys Rafferty Emory Alaric Vera Alyss
-Ancestry Arvid Vernik or Wernich Svyde Vanylven Rasmus Bjorn Eloise Magnus Carolius Rangvald Jean-Marie Dagmar Marius Martildus Nekoline
-Other names Asa Beau Elowyn Silv- Nicodemus Johan(nes) Amos Silas Llewellyn/Llywellyn (hloo-ellen) Eoin Leroy Catriona Sullivan/Sulliman Barnaby Theodore Eamon Giuseppe Taryn Cailin (Colleen) Lilly/Lily Felix Taran Fea Finley/Finnegan Raevyn Raelyn Lucienne/Lucianne Alastor or Alistair Ajax Eryxe Damon Evander Leander Winona Soren/Sorin/Sorine Lyn/Lin Mellan Rai/Ray Torben Linariel Lyna(e) Lynde Lynnea Embry Enfys Pim/Pym Linden
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duneideannrpg · 3 years
A continuación, te compartimos un compilado de nombres comunes en Escocia. Esperamos puedan servirte como inspiración o recurso para la creación de tus personajes. 
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Adeen — Aeleen — Aelish — Aeveen — Aibhne — Aideen — Aife — Ailbe — Ailbhe — Aileen — Ailidh — Ailin — Ailis — Ailsa — Ainder — Aine — Aineen — Ainslin — Aislin — Aisling — Aislinn — Aiveen — Allison — Almath — Aluinn — Alva — Amabel — Anya — Aoife — Arienh — Ashling — Baibin — Baibre — Baine — Banva — Barabal — Bebhinn — Bebinn — Bedelia — Beibhinn — Berneen — Bethia — Beval — Bigseach — Bigshock — Blinna — Blinne — Boinn — Boonan — Boyne — Breanda — Breen — Breffany — Brenda — Brenna — Brianag — Brianna — Bride — Brieanne — Bronagh — Cadhla — Cahan — Cailin — Caireann — Cairenn — Caiside — Cait — Caitir — Caitlin — Caitriona — Caoilin — Caoilfhionn — Caoimhe — Carra — Casidhe — Cassidy — Catriona — Ceallach — Ceallsach — Ceana — Ceanag — Ceara — Ceilidh — Cerridwen — Chiara — Ciannait — Ciar — Ciara — Ciarda — Cinaed — Cinnie — Cleana — Cliodhna — Cliona — Clodagh — Cochran — Colleen — Cora — Corcair — Coreana — Correen — Cuach — Daireen — Dearshul — Debrinne — Deidra — Deirdre — Delaney — Delany — Demi — Derin — Dervla — Dinean — Doireann — Dolina — Doonshock — Doreen — Duinseach — Dunla — Dymphna — Eanna — Eabha — Eavan — Edana — Edea — Eibhlin — Eileen — Eilidh — Eimear — Eithne — Ellie — Elspeth — Elva — Emer — Enda — Enya — Eri — Erin — Eteen — Ethna — Eva — Evaleen — Faoiltiama — Fenella — Fial — Fina — Finneacht — Finola — Fiona — Fionnabair — Fionnuala — Fiontan — Flannery — Florence — Fraser — Gemma — Gogan — Gordania — Gormelia — Grainne — Grania — Grainne — Greer — Heather — Ide — Ina — Iona — Irial — Isla — Isobel — Jacobina — Jemma — Jenna — Jessie — Karen — Kathleen — Katriona — Kayleigh — Kayley — Keela — Keeley — Keelia — Keelin — Keely — Keer — Keeva — Keevshock — Keira — Kelly — Kennedi — Kennedy — Kennocha — Kentigerna — Kenzie — Kerry — Khora — Kiera — Kincaid — Kinteerrn — Kirsty — Kora — Krinoc — Kronshock — Laimhseach — Laoise — Laoiseach — Lasairiona — Laureen — Lauryn — Leenane — Liadain — Liadan — Liath — Life — Ligach — Lilias — Logan — Lonnog — Luighseach — Lysagh — Macha — Madailein — Madb — Maedbh — Maegan — Maelisa — Maen — Maeve — Magael — Maighdlin — Maire — Mairead — Malise — Mallaidh — Malvina — Maoliosa — Maura — Maureen — Meabh — Meadhbh — Meagan — Meagwin — Meara — Meaveen — Medbh — Megan — Meghan — Mhairi — Moira — Molly — Molmoria — Mora — Morag — Moraga — Mordag — Morna — Morrigan — Morven — Moya — Moyra — Moyreen — Muadhnait — Muireall — Muireann — Murail — Murdina — Murphy — Myfawny — Nainseadh — Naoise — Neamh — Neamhain — Neassa — Neve — Niamh — Niav — Noleen — Nora — Norah — Noreen — Nuala — Onora — Oona — Orla — Orlaith — Orna — Patricia — Pawrigeen — Proinseas — Quinn — Reagan — Redmond — Reeowna — Rhona — Riley — Riona — Rionach — Roan — Robyn — Roisin — Roshene — Rowan — Rynagh — Saidhbh — Sallain — Saoirse — Seana — Searlaid — Senga — Seonaid — Seosamhin — Shanna — Shannon — Shawn — Shawna — Shea — Sheena — Sheila — Sheridan — Shona — Shonah — Sibéal — Sidheag — Silagh — Silbhe — Síle — Sileas — Sinann — Sine — Sinead — Sineidin — Sinnead — Siobhan — Siofra — Siomha — Siomhaith — Siusan — Sive — Slaine — Slainte — Sloane — Sodelb — Sorca — Sorcha — Suanach — Suin — Sydoc — Talena — Tara — Teafa — Teagan — Tegan — Tiarnan — Tierney — Toireasa — Treasa — Tuileach — Una — Zara
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Adair — Alan — Alasdair — Alastair — Alban — Alec — Alexander — Alistair — Alistaire — Allen — Alpin — Andrew — Angus — Archibald — Archie — Arcill — Arran — Artain — Artair — Arth — Athol — Aulay — Auliffe — Baird — Barclay — Birk — Blaine — Blair — Blane — Boswell — Bothan — Boyd — Branduff — Broderick — Brodie — Bruce — Burgess — Callum — Calum — Cameron — Campbell — Caral — Carbry — Clyde — Coll — Colquhoun — Conlan — Cormack — Cormick — Cosmo — Cowan — Craig — Cramond — Crawford — Crinan — Crom — Dalziel — Danny — Denholm — Dennis — Dermid — Donald — Donnan — Donwald — Dothaw — Dougal — Douglas — Drostan — Druce — Dubne — Duff — Duncan — Durell — Durrell — Eadan — Elliot — Euan — Ewan — Fagan — Farquar — Farquard — Farquhar — Fergus — Ferguson — Fife — Fingal — Finlay — Forbes — Fraser — Frazier — Gavin — Geordie — Gillean — Gillis — Gleann — Glendon — Gordon — Gough — Graham — Grant — Greer — Gregor — Hamilton — Hamish — Iain — Ian — Innes — Iomhar — Ioseph — James — Jamie — Jock — Johnston — Keir — Keith — Kenneth — Kentigern — Kevoca — Kieran — Kiley — Kirk — Lachlan — Lachy — Laird — Lamont — Leith — Lenox — Leslie — Lochlyn — Logan — Lorne — Macaulay — Macauley — Macdonald — Macfarlane — Mackenzie — Magnus — Malachy — Malcolm — Manius — Mirren — Monance — Montgomery — Muir — Mungo — Munro — Murdoch — Murray — Nairne — Nectan — Neill — Nele — Nevin — Niven — Padruig — Ramsay — Ranald — Reece — Roban — Robbie — Roddy — Ronan — Rory — Ross — Ryan — Scott — Seathan — Shaun — Sholto — Sim — Sinclair — Sioltaich — Skene — Solas — Stewart — Stuart — Tavis — Tavish — Torcall — Tormod — Torquil — Uilleam — Wallace
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A - B
Abercrombie — Abernathy — Abernethy — Acheson — Adair — Addair — Ahern — Aikman — Ainsley — Ainslie — Aird — Airlie — Aitchison — Aitken — Aitkin — Akin — Alan — Allender — Allfrey — Allison — Allphin — Alphin — Andrew — Andrews — Angis — Angus — Ankrom — Arbuckle — Archie — Ard — Ardis — Argo — Argyle — Armour — Armstrong — Arnot — Arnott — Atcheson — Aud — Auld
Bad — Bailie — Baillie — Baine — Baines — Baird — Bald — Baldon — Balentine — Balfour — Ballantine — Ballantyne — Ballentine — Bankhead — Bannerman — Barclay — Barland — Barr — Barrentine — Barrie — Barrington — Barris — Barron — Barrontine — Bartee — Bateson — Baughman — Bay — Beans — Beaton — Beattie — Beatty — Beaty — Begley — Belford — Bethune — Beveridge — Bickett — Bigger — Bigham — Binney — Bise — Bisset — Bissett — Blacketer — Blackstock — Blackwater — Blackwood — Blaie — Blair — Boan — Boig — Bonar — Borland — Boswell — Bothwell — Bower — Bowers — Bowie — Boyce — Boyd — Boydston — Boyes — Boyle — Boyter — Brandy — Brash — Brebner — Breckenridge — Bremner — Briar — Briggs — Brisbane — Broadie — Broady — Broddy — Brodie — Brody — Brough — Brownfield — Bruce — Brugh — Brunton — Bryars — Bryce — Bryden — Buchan — Buchanan — Buchannan — Buchannon — Buchanon — Buckalew — Buckelew — Bucklew — Buckoke — Budge — Buie — Buist — Bulloch — Buntin — Bunton — Burgess — Burgher — Burney — Burney — Burnsed — Burnside — Burress — Burrus — Burruss — Buttars — Butters — Byas
Caddell — Cadenhead — Caine — Cairns — Calderwood — Cambell — Cambron — Cameron — Cammack — Campbell — Campell — Canady — Cannaday — Cannady — Cannedy — Canup — Caraway — Cardew — Cargill — Cargle — Carlock — Carlow — Carmichael — Carmickle — Carnegie — Carothers — Carruthers — Carstarphen — Caruthers — Caskey — Cass — Castellaw — Castellow — Cathey — Cato — Catoe — Catto — Caulder — Caulfield — Cay — Center — Chalmers — Chattan — Chesnut — Chestnut — Cheves — Chisholm — Chism — Chisolm — Christeson — Christie — Christison — Christy — Cleghorn — Cleland — Clelland — Clemons — Clendenin — Clendening — Clendenon — Clennon — Clerk — Clingan — Clink — Clinkscales — Clugston — Clunes — Clyde — Clyne — Cobourn — Cochran — Cochrane — Cockburn — Cogburn — Coghill — Cohron — Coke — Collie — Colquhoun — Colter — Condie — Copeland — Copelin — Copland — Cormack — Corner — Corrie — Corson — Costella — Cothran — Coull — Coulter — Coupland — Coutts — Cowan — Cowie — Cowin — Crafford — Cragg — Craig — Craighead — Craigie — Crail — Cram — Cranor — Cranston — Crary — Crawford — Crays — Creach — Crear — Creason — Creech — Creighton — Cremar — Crerar — Crichton — Crinklaw — Crocket — Crockett — Croll — Cromartie — Cromie — Crookshanks — Crosbie — Cruickshank — Cruikshank — Crum — Crumm — Culbreath — Culbreth — Culley — Culton — Cumbie — Cumby — Cumings — Cumming — Cummings — Cummins — Cunningham — Curley — Currans — Currens — Cuthbert — Cuthbertson
D - E - F
Dais — Dalgleish — Dall — Dallas — Dalrymple — Dalziel — Dann — Dargie — Dashiell — David — Davie — Davisson — Davy — Deas — Deems — Dees — Delph — Dempster — Dendy — Denney — Denny — Densmore — Dewar — Dickie — Dingwall — Dinsmore — Dinwiddie — Divers — Docherty — Doctor — Doig — Dollar — Dollison — Don — Donald — Donaldson — Donat — Donelson — Dorward — Dougal — Douglas — Douglass — Doull — Dow — Downey — Downie — Drennan — Driscoll — Driskell — Drone — Drummond — Drummonds — Dryden — Drysdale — Ducan — Duffie — Dumbreck — Dunbar — Duncan — Duncanson — Dundas — Dundes — Dunkin — Dunlap — Dunlop — Dunmire — Dunning — Dunsmire — Dysart
Eadie — Eagleson — Eddie — Edie — Edington — Edison — Edmisten — Edmiston — Edmondson — Edmonston — Edmundson — Elgin — Elphinson — Ensley — Entrekin — Erskin — Erskine — Erving — Espey — Esplin — Espy — Ester — Ewan — Ewart
Fadden — Faddis — Fairbairn — Fairweather — Falconer — Fallen — Farish — Farland — Farney — Farquhar — Farquharson — Farrar — Farrish — Fate — Faulds — Feemster — Feimster — Fendley — Fentress — Fergerson — Fergeson — Fergurson — Fergus — Ferguson — Fergusson — Ferrier — Fettes — Fife — Figures — Findlay — Findley — Finlay — Finlayson — Finley — Finnie — Firth — Fleming — Flemming — Fletcher — Flett — Fobes — Forbes — Forbess — Forbis — Forbus — Forbush — Fordyce — Forgey — Forgie — Forres — Forsyth — Forsythe — Fraizer — Fraser — Frasier — Frasure — Frazee — Frazer — Frazier — Freel — Frew — Frizell — Frum — Fulton — Furgason — Furgerson — Furguson — Furlough — Fyfe — Fyffe
G - H
Gaddie — Galbraith — Galbreath — Gall — Gallacher — Gallaway — Galloway — Galt — Gammill — Garden — Garrick — Garrow — Garson — Gault — Gaunce — Gavin — Gaw — Geddes — Geddie — Geddis — Gemmill — Gibb — Gilbreath — Gilbreth — Gilchrest — Gilchrist — Gilcrease — Gilkerson — Gilkison — Gillan — Gillanders — Gillaspie — Gillespie — Gilley — Gillie — Gillies — Gilliland — Gillis — Gillison — Gillispie — Gilreath — Givens — Gladstone — Glasco — Glascoe — Glasgow — Glassford — Glen — Glendenning — Goldie — Goodlett — Goolsby — Gordan — Gorden — Gordon — Gosnell — Goudie — Goudy — Gough — Gourlay — Govan — Gow — Gowan — Gowans — Gowdy — Gracie — Graham — Graig — Grant — Greear — Greenlaw — Greer — Greg — Greig — Grier — Grieve — Grieves — Guffey — Guild — Guill — Gunn — Guthrie
Haddow — Haggart — Haig — Hairston — Haliburton — Halladay — Halliburton — Hamilton — Hamiton — Haney — Haning — Hanna — Hannah — Hannay — Hanning — Hardie — Hardison — Hardy — Harg — Harkness — Harvie — Hastie — Haston — Hasty — Hawthorn — Hawthorne — Hay — Headen — Headrick — Heggan — Heggie — Heird — Henderson — Hendley — Hendrie — Hendry — Henery — Henning — Hepburn — Hepworth — Herriot — Hillin — Hilson — Hindman — Hislop — Hoag — Hobbie — Hodo — Hoge — Hoggan — Hosack — Hosick — Hou — Houston — Howey — Howie — Hoy — Huggard — Hughey — Huie — Hume — Huskey — Huston — Hutcherson — Hutcheson — Hyland — Hyndman — Hyslop
I - J - K - L
Imlay — Imrie — Inch — Inglis — Innerarity — Innes — Innis — Irons — Irvin — Irvine — Irving
Jack — Jamerson — Jamieson — Jamison — Jardine — Jarvie — Jebb — Jelly — Jemison — Jessieman — Joass — Joel — Johnston — Johnstone — Jollie — Joss
Kanady — Kea — Kee — Keir — Keith — Kellen — Kellis — Kellman — Kellogg — Kelso — Kelsoe — Kelson — Kelton — Kenebrew — Kenmore — Kenndy — Kennebrew — Kennedy — Kenneth — Kennison — Keough — Keown — Kerr — Kersey — Kershaw — Keyes — Keys — Kiddy — Kier — Kilbride — Kilcrease — Kilgore — Kilgour — Killeen — Kimsey — Kimzey — Kinard — Kincade — Kincaid — Kincaide — Kindrick — Kinghorn — Kinion — Kinkade — Kinloch — Kinnaird — Kinnard — Kinnear — Kinnebrew — Kinner — Kinnick — Kinnon — Kinzie — Kirk — Kirkland — Kirksey — Kirkwood — Kissack — Kneeland — Knox — Kyles — Kynynmound
Lagan — Laidlaw — Laing — Laird — Lairmore — Lamon — Lamond — Lamont — Landreth — Lang — Lange — Lapsley — Larimer — Larimore — Latta — Lattea — Lauder — Lauderdale — Laughary — Laury — Lawrie — Lawther — Leap — Leas — Lease — Leath — Ledgerwood — Ledingham — Leese — Leishman — Leitch — Leith — Lemen — Lemmons — Lennox — Lenox — Lesley — Leslie — Liddle — Liggett — Lillie — Lindsay — Lindsey — Linear — Lingo — Liston — Livingstone — Loan — Loar — Loch — Lochhead — Lochridge — Lockaby — Lockard — Lockart — Lockerby — Lockhart — Logan — Loggins — Longmore — Loran — Lorimer — Lory — Lothian — Louden — Loudon — Lough — Lougheed — Louthan — Lowery — Lowrey — Lowrie — Lowrimore — Lowry — Lumsden — Lusk — Lyall — Lyalls — Lymon — Lynd — Lynne
M’Clellan — M’Clelland — Maben — Mabon — Macadam — Macalester — MacAllister — MacArthur — Macartney — Macaulay — Macauley — MacBeth — MacCallum — MacCuaig — MacDonald — MacDonnell — MacDougall — MacDowell — MacDuff — MacFarland — MacGregor — Macgrieusich — Machlin — MacInnes — MacInnis — MacIntosh — MacIntyre — Mackall — MacKay — Mackenzie — MacKinnon — Mackintosh — Macky — MacLachlan — MacLaren — MacLean — MacLennan — MacLeod — MacLulich — MacLullich — MacMaster — MacMillan — MacNaughton — MacNeil — MacNeill — MacPhail — MacPherson — MacQueen — MacRae — MacWilliams — Madison — Madlock — Maginnis — Magoon — Magruder — Maguire — Mains — Mairs — Maitland — Malcolm — Malcom — Maloch — Malpass — Manderson — Mantooth — Marchbanks — Marr — Marrs — Mathers — Matheson — Mathewson — Mathie — Mathieson — Mathison — Matthes — Mattie — Maule — Maxton — Mayne — Mayse — McAdam — McAdams — McAlexander — McAlister — McAllen — McAlley — McAllister — McAlpin — McAlpine — McAndrew — McAra — McArdle — McArthur — McAulay — McAuliffe — McBain — McBane — McBath — McBay — McBean — McBeth — McBride — McBroom — McBurney — McCaig — McCaleb — McCall — McCalla — McCalley — McCallister — McCallum — McCambridge — McCampbell — McCanse — McCant — McCants — McCardel — McCargo — McCartney — McCarver — McCarville — McCaskill — McCaslin — McCaul — McCauley — McCausland — McCaw — McChriston — McChrystal — McClaran — McClard — McClaren — McClatchey — McClean — McClear — McCleary — McCleese — McClellan — McClelland — McClenon — McClernand — McCline — McClintic — McClintick — McClintock — McClinton — McClish — McCloe — McCloud — McClugh — McClung — McClure — McColl — McCollom — McCollough — McCollum — McComas — McComb — McCombs — McConico — McCool — McCorkle — McCormic — McCormick — McCorvey — McCosh — McCosker — McCotter — McCown — McCrae — McCranie — McCright — McCroy — McCrum — McCrystal — McCuaig — McCubbin — McCuin — McCuistion — McCuiston — McCulla — McCullah — McCulloch — McCullom — McCullough — McCully — McCure — McCurtis — McCutchen — McCutcheon — McDade — McDonald — McDonalds — McDonel — McDonell — McDonnell — McDougal — McDougall — McDougle — McDuff — McDuffey — McDuffie — McDuffy — McEachern — McEachin — McEachran — McElfresh — McElveen — McEntire — McEntyre — McEwan — McEwen — McEwing — McFadden — McFadyen — McFall — McFarlain — McFarlan — McFarland — McFarlane — McFarlin — McFate — McFatridge — McFee — McField — McGarr — McGee — McGeorge — McGhee — McGhie — McGibbon — McGibbons — McGillis — McGillivray — McGilvery — McGilvray — McGirr — McGlashen — McGlasson — McGlothlin — McGlown — McGonigal — McGowing — McGray — McGregor — McGrew — McGrory — McGruder — McGuffey — McGuffie — McGuigan — McGuire — McHardy — McHargue — McHughes — McIe — McInnes — McIntire — McIntosh — McIntyre — McIsaac — McIver — McIvor — McJarrow — McJokkie — McKain — McKamey — McKamie — McKay — McKeag — McKean — McKechie — McKechnie — McKee — McKeever — McKeithan — McKell — McKellar — McKelvie — McKendrick — McKendry — McKenrick — McKenzie — McKeown — McKern — McKesson — McKiddy — McKie — McKillop — McKinlackour — McKinley — McKinnon — McKinny — McKinsey — McKinzie — McKinzy — McKisic — McKissack — McKown — McLachlan — McLagan — McLaine — McLaren — McLarty — McLauchlin — McLaurin — McLay — McLean — McLees — McLeish — McLemore — McLennan — McLennon — McLeod — McLoud — McLucas — McLure — McMackin — McMains — McMakin — McManus — McMartin — McMaser — McMasters — McMath — McMeen — McMichael — McMillan — McMillen — McMillian — McMinn — McMorran — McMorris — McMurdie — McMurray — McMurry — McMurtrey — McMurtrie — McMurtry — McNab — McNabb — McNair — McNary — McNatt — McNaught — McNaughton — McNeal — McNeff — McNichol — McNichols — McNiel — McNinch — McNish — McNitt — McPhail — McPhatter — McPhaul — McPhee — McPheron — McPherson — McPhilips — McQuarrie — McQueen — McQuhollaster — McQuiston — McQuown — McRae — McRaith — McRaney — McRay — McRea — McSparren — McSwain — McSween — McTaggart — McTammany — McTurk — McVicar — McVicker — McWain — McWaters — McWatters — McWhan — McWherter — McWhirt — McWhirter — McWhirtle — McWhorter — McWilliams — McZeal — Mearns — Meikle — Meiklejohn — Meldrum — Melendy — Melrose — Melville — Melvin — Menzie — Menzies — Merrow — Methven — Methvin — Mey — Michie — Mickle — Middlemas — Middlemiss — Mike — Mikell — Milholland — Mill — Millan — Millar — Millwee — Milroy — Minges — Minto — Mode — Moffat — Moffatt — Moffet — Moffett — Moffitt — Moir — Mollison — Moncrief — Moncrieff — Moncur — Monroe — Monteith — Montgomery — Montieth — Montrose — Monzie — Moodie — Moorehead — Moorhead — Moorman — Mor — Moredock — Morehead — Morison — Morrison — Morthland — Mortland — Mosman — Mossey — Mossman — Motherwell — Moultrie — Moyes — Muir — Muirhead — Mull — Muncie — Muncrief — Mundell — Mundie — Mundy — Munro — Munroe — Murchie — Murchison — Murdaugh — Murdoch — Murrah — Murray — Murry — Mustard — Mutch — Myron
N - O - P - Q - R
Nair — Nairn — Naismith — Nall — Napier — Narron — Nathaniel — Nay — Near — Negus — Neil — Nesbit — Nesbitt — Nesmith — Ness — Newkirk — Niblack — Niblock — Nicholson — Nickols — Nicol — Nicoll — Nicolson — Niel — Nimmo — Nisbet — Nisbett — Nish — Niven — Noles
Ocheltree — Officer — Offutt — Ogg — Ogilvie — Oglesbee — Oglesby — Ogletree — Orahood — Orem — Ormiston — Orrick — Orrock — Orso —
Paden — Paisley — Panton — Pasley — Pate — Paterson — Patillo — Paton — Pattillo — Pattison — Pattullo — Paull — Peasley — Peden — Peebles — Peeples — Penman — Persley — Peterkin — Petree — Petrey — Petrie — Petry — Pettigrew — Pettry — Petty — Phaup — Phenix — Philp — Phoenix — Pinckney — Pinkerton — Pinkney — Pitcairn — Pittenger — Poet — Polk — Pollock — Polson — Porteous — Porterfield — Postley — Pou — Presley — Pressley — Pressly — Primrose — Prindle — Pringle — Provan — Pullar — Puller — Purdie — Purvis
Quaintance — Quiggin — Quintance
Rabb — Rabren — Raburn — Rae — Raeburn — Raeside — Rainey — Raitt — Ramage — Ramsay — Ramsey — Rankin — Rankins — Ranney — Rasco — Rattray — Raulston — Raver — Rayborn — Rayburn — Reaper — Redden — Reddick — Reddy — Redhead — Ree — Reedy — Reid — Reidhead — Reith — Renfrew — Renfro — Renfroe — Renfrow — Renick — Rennie — Renton — Renwick — Reoch — Reyburn — Richey — Richie — Richison — Rickey — Ridlon — Risk — Ritchey — Ritchie — Robertson — Robeson — Robison — Rodan — Rodger — Rodick — Rollo — Ronald — Rosegrant — Ross — Rosse — Roswell — Rough — Rought — Roy — Rule — Rushford — Rusk — Rutherford — Ruthven  
S - T
Safley — Sailor — Sandercock — Sanders — Sanderson — Sangster — Saucer — Saunders — Sauser — Scobee — Scobie — Scott — Scroggs — Selfridge — Selkirk — Semple — Senter — Service — Shadden — Shand — Shands — Shankland — Shanklin — Shatto — Shaw — Shawn — Shearer — Shedden — Shehorn — Shina — Shorey — Shortridge — Sim — Simson — Sinclair — Sinton — Sittal — Skeen — Skeens — Skelley — Skirvin — Slider — Sloss — Smail — Smelley — Smiley — Smylie — Snedden — Snodgrass — Somerville — Sommerville — Souter — Southers — Speedy — Spence — Spittel — Sprvill — St. Claire — Stalker — Starrett — Steen — Stennis — Sterling — Steuart — Steven — Steward — Stewart — Stirling — Stitt — Stoddart — Storer — Storie — Storment — Stormont — Strachan — Strang — Strawn — Stronach — Struthers — Stuart — Sturrock — Stwart — Summerville — Sumrall — Sutherland — Sutherlin — Suthers — Swapp — Swinton — Sword
Taggart — Tait — Tannahill — Tannehill — Tarrence — Tassie — Tawse — Teare — Teasdale — Tedford — Telfair — Telfer — Telford — Thom — Thomaston — Thorburn — Thrift — Tilford — Tillery — Tindal — Tisdale — Toller — Tolmie — Torbert — Torrance — Torrence — Torrens — Torry — Tosh — Touch — Tough — Towers — Trail — Tullis — Tulloch — Tullock — Tullos — Turnbull — Twaddle — Tweed — Tweedie — Twentyman — Twitty — Tylor — Tyre — Tyree
U - V - W - Y - Z
Urey — Urquhart — Usher — Ussher
Vail — Vaill — Vass — Veach — Veatch — Veitch — Venters — Verner — Vert — Vessy — Vingoe
Waddell — Waddy — Waldie — Waldrep — Waldrip — Waldrup — Walkup — Wallace — Waltrip — Wardlaw — Wardlow — Wardrip — Wardrop — Wark — Warnock — Wason — Watchman — Waugh — Weddell — Wedell — Weems — Weir — Wemyss — Wham — Whan — Whary — Whearty — Whimster — Whitehill — Whitelaw — Wier — Wight — Wigton — Wilkie — Willison — Wims — Winton — Wishart — Woodburn — Woodside — Wyllie
Yawn — Yeats — Yelton — Yule
Recurso tomado de: Marwen
187 notes · View notes
curiousthimble · 3 years
Fictober Days 21-26
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If you're just joining in, check out my entire Fictober 2021 collection, featuring a new Hawke and two new dwarf OCs!
Whoops, I'm a couple days late! Sorry about that!
Day 21: What did I say? Characters: Duran Aeducan, Morrigan Tags: dirty dreams, Morrigan teases
“Duran, you were a general in the army, were you not?” Morrigan asked, watching him with those weird golden eyes. They reminded Duran of antique gold, like what his father had kept in the vault in Orzammar. They made his skin crawl.
“Technically,” he said gruffly, wishing he’d drawn watch with Natia. Morrigan always made him feel like she could see underneath his flesh and into his guts.
“Then why do you not take control of this quest?” the witch asked, eyes on the needle in her hand as she mended a hole in her cloak. “You are older and more experienced than Alistair, even if he is the senior Grey Warden.”
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Day 22: No Promises Characters: Hawke, Justice, Anders
Anders grabbed Catriona by the waist and pulled her against him, their lips colliding. The sheer relief was almost more than she could bear as her lips parted for him. Her fear of Justice had been rooted in anxiety, the worry that she would never— could never — be more than a means to the end of their quest. But if Justice truly loved her…
“Anders, wait.” She broke away, gasping for breath, and rested her forehead on his shoulder. “I need to know something before we do this.”
“Your question is for me. What is it?” Justice asked.
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Day 23: This Time, Do What I Say Characters: Leliana, Alistair, Duran Aeducan, Natia Brosca
Nat watched Duran and Alistair spar, sweat dripping down their faces and grunting with every swing. Even though she hated him, she had to admit that Duran was a dwarf built for fighting.
“Is he attractive for a dwarf?” Leliana asked, sitting beside her. They’d made camp a little earlier than usual since they’d be at Redcliffe in the morning, and Duran had taken the opportunity to test Alistair’s skills— which was stupid, because they’d been fighting darkspawn at every turn ever since Ostagar.
Natia made a disgusted face and shuddered. “Maybe. My sister and his brother are a...thing,” she said. “But he doesn’t look much like Bhelen, more like their oldest brother Trian.”
“Did you know Duran in Orzammar?”
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Day 24: Is This Supposed To Impress Me? Characters: Alistair, Duran Aeducan, Leliana, Natia Brosca Tags: PTSD, Deep Roads Trauma, Dust Town Trauma
Natia stirred her spoon in the murky green stuff in her bowl. Alistair can’t be allowed to cook, she thought, lifting what she thought might have once been a wild leek and examining it. Thank the Ancestors, Sten knows how to make bread.
“Well, eat up,” the slightly-senior Grey Warden said cheerfully, shoveling the soup into his mouth so quickly Natia wasn’t even sure if he was tasting anything.
On either side of him were Duran and Sten, doing the same thing. Natia glanced at Leliana’s untouched bowl and decided that she would seek out Bodahn later for something a bit more appetizing.
“Why don’t I play something?” Leliana suggested, setting her bowl on the ground behind the log she sat on.
“Something with a good beat,” Duran suggested, wiping broth from his beard. “I want to dance.”
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Day 25: Do You Even Know What Time It Is? Characters: Anders, Female Hawke
It was Anders muttering to himself that woke her. With a contented sigh, she rolled toward the sound, blinking sleepily. “Anders, come back to bed,” she said, reaching a hand out for him.
He looked over his shoulder at her, giving her that charming smile that made her knees weak. “I’d love to, but I have to finish this.”
“Finish it in the morning,” she said, throwing back the sheet and exposing a long length of her leg. “I can give you something to write about until then.”
He chuckled before putting down his pen and coming to stand by the bed. “Will you?”
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7 notes · View notes
suirenshinju · 7 years
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This is the most work I’ve done in a while. It’s always easier when it’s for someone ;) @thevioletwicche
10 notes · View notes
magneticmage · 3 years
I'm in the mood for it (plus it's Disability Pride month) so here are all my disabled ocs;
Under cut for Length
Additional Notes; Please do not judge me too harshly. While I have a few of these disabilities (most notably PTSD, anxiety-depression, and visual impairments) myself and personally know people who have some others, every person and their experiences are unique. I try my best to give these disabilities the space and gravity they deserve in my writing, but it is difficult for ones that I have no personal experience with. In addition, I am still learning and only human. If I have done something wrong or phrased something badly at any point now or in the future, let me know and I will do my best to fix it/do better. Apologies for the abrupt disclaimer but there we go.
On the the List!
Selene Argent=Has PTSD, one prosthetic eye, and some physical scars on face and torso. I'd safely say she counts.
Baldur's Gate;
Sable Shades=Is an albino and was rendered mute at birth. He sunburns extremely easily and is near-sighted. He also often communicates through sign language.
Roan Roarke=Beyond some minor PTSD symptoms (increased anxiety and stress levels) surrounding fires, he's perfectly fine.
Faenerys Elendir=Has PTSD from her time imprisoned particular involving whips and brands as torture implements.
Rune Mistsea=Post-lycanthropy encounter, he is notably more short-tempered around the full moon along with a distinct craving for meat and violence. Otherwise, nothing else of note.
Lucine Mistsea=Beyond a notable paranoia issue when it comes to demons and cambions (but not fellow tieflings), she's fine.
Lyr(e/a/an) Lovemoor=Autistic. Too much light and noise and surrounding activity is draining and makes them short-tempered with occasional blowouts/meltdowns. Has a Thing about certain textures (very much hates slimes and oozes and squishy things for this reason, likes silks and furs and leathers). Has a fascination for all things shiny and glittery (gems and currencies are a special interest). Also often fidgets with their daggers.
Saga Musehart=Was rendered blind due to torture at the hands of prison guards. She also lost a hand (initially) and a forearm (later due to infection) and wears a prosthesis.
Cei Gloomdraft=Autistic or at least neurodivergent of some kind. Might have some ADHD, it's not quite clear yet in the few pieces I've written so far to help develop her.
Mass Effect;
(Solo Shepard Canon)
Annette Shepard=Has some lingering PTSD symptoms from surviving a raid on Mindoir, then thresher maws in Akuze, and then being spaced at the beginning in Mass Effect 2. She also suffers from some survivor's guilt Post-Virmire due to losing Ashley, and then all of Mass Effect 3 puts such a huge burden on her that she's fighting off some severe depression and despair from all the losses. She's got an old war injury in her shoulder that acts up from time to time, occasionally making her biotics misfire a barrier. She's on immuno-suppressant drugs to prevent her body from rejecting her Cerberus-added cybernetic implants and upgrades, and also some antidepressants for depression and anxiety symptoms for said lingering PTSD symptoms. Girl's a walking disaster-fire mentally but she keeps on surviving and she still looks for the good in life as it comes, so there's that.
(Shepard Siblings)
Joanna=Like Roscoe and Riley, she's also on immuno-suppressants to prevent cybernetic implant rejection. Notably, she's the most well-adjusted of the three mentally, although the losses and struggles of ME 3 start to take their toll due to depression. She spends an awkward month on the Normandy adjusting to the new medication while adjusting the amounts needed. In addition, she also goes through a whole existential crisis come the Citadel DLC about if she is really Joanna Shepard or a clone (which Riley, Roscoe, and the Normandy crew snap her out of). Her survivor's guilt is much less pronounced than Riley's though she does start the early stages of a martyr complex (it's a source of frequent and well-humored debate between Riley and Roscoe if it was already there or not) about the of Thane's death. But she does her best and keeps on going.
Roscoe=Definitely mentally ill. He's got some trauma around abandonment that starts to get fully addressed around ME 2 in part due to Jack and Miranda and is mostly resolved around ME 3 though naturally scars remain. It often manifests as anger, depression, and even callousness. Like Joanna's and Riley, he is on immuno-suppressants to prevent the potential rejection of his cybernetics. He's also got an old wound from Torfan in his abdomen that acts up under stronger pressures like before a rainstorm or different gravity levels as well as drastic temperature changes such as cold (he HATES Noveria for that reason in particular though it isn't the only one, man). Beyond all that, he's very strong-willed and gives no fucks to shit.
Riley=Much like Annette except a bit more well-adjusted due to a larger support network and character drive. Has notable flashbacks/triggers around batarians, thresher maws (this one includes panic attacks once the direct danger has passed), and hardsuit complications (they always makes sure that their helmet and everything is in working and optimal order). Has survivor's guilt from their losses on Mindoir and Akuze but between meeting Talitha and Toombs in ME 1, they confront and deal with it, beginning to heal from it. Even on Virmire with the loss of Honora and all the failures of ME 3, they do better at handling it though it still remains to varying degrees. Like Joanna's and Roscoe (and Annette again), they're on immuno-suppressant drugs to prevent issues with their body rejecting the cybernetics, with the additional ones of antidepressants to help manage some of their anxiety-depression symptoms. They also have some degree of chronic pain (maybe some kind of cystic fibrosis?) due to past overuse of their biotics that damaged part of their nervous system and occasionally causes it to misfire for no reason, often causing intense pain. Rarely and only if the pain isn't treated with extensive biotics-free rest periods and numbing agents in the form of more pills, the biotics will manifest and they'll accidentally move shit around, including themself a few times. This is most notable in ME 3 due to the nature of the larger and longer combat sequences with shorter and shorter rest times between. Though they manage as best they can with the help of their crew and family, it is still a struggle and they notably stop joking about retiring when they're dead and seem to consider it more seriously around ME 3 but save the final decision for the end of the Reaper Wars.
(Shepard Family)
Honora Hartford=She had an eating disorder when she was younger that left some lingering issues with her health but overall she's fine up until her death.
Riley's deceased siblings were overall healthy though Payton had Down's Syndrome and Brooklyn had ADHD. Harley had moderate asthma and used an inhaler.
Clover has anemia quite often and takes iron pills daily
The rest of the Shepard cousins don't have any disabilities to much knowledge though I am still fleshing them out.
Sara and Scott Ryder have some lingering damage from their cryopod accident and the Kett leader fucking with them, but otherwise they are okay.
Asher has ADHD while Shiloh struggles with a mild form of chronic fatigue. Evander, Rebecca, and Lucas are all able-bodied.
Dragon Age;
(Fereldan Wardens)
Lynera Mahariel=Dunno if this counts, but am putting it here anyways since it affects her overall health. Occasionally suffers from a type of sleep paralysis that is mixed with night-terrors. It doesn't appear to have a rhyme or reason as to when it occurs beyond perhaps stress and it's only every few months. However, it often leaves her completely drained for at least a week afterwards. She also occasionally has insomnia post-terrors as well which she self-medicates with sleeping draughts. She also has crippling period pains that appear to be consistent with ovarian cysts on her left side (though she later has it removed by Catriona once it ruptures due to injury). She also suffers from bouts of depression during Origins but that could be due to the extenuating circumstances she was under at the time.
Isemaya Tabris=When overly stressed, being exposed to strong amounts of concentrated Taint in a short period of time, or sometimes simply for no apparent reason, she suffers from intense migraines that are often treated with herbal painkillers and lying still in a dark and quiet room. Also due to a past injury to her left eye by humans, she has a harder time seeing on that side but is not completely blind.
Catriona Surana=She seems to be autistic due to her ability and predilection to hyperfocus on various studies (often Blight and magic-related but other areas do occur) as well as her obliviousness to social cues (she didn't realize she was liked by her suitors until Cale outright told her and by then she had decided she liked them already). Notably, she adapts a bit better Post-Origins due to Alistair and Leliana's influences but it still happens.
Cale Amell=Had some minor amnesia surrounding the exact events leading to his magic manifestation but later learned it was because he had set his eldest brother Azul on fire and believed he killed him as Raven helpfully supplied (Azul had instead faked his death as Cale discovers around the time of Awakening).
Fion Cousland=Briefly suffers from a minor alcohol addiction but has treatment while he is still in the functional phase courtesy of Catriona. Since then, he heavily monitors his intake and even helps Oghren get treatment for his own. He also occasionally has painful muscle twinges due to an injury that stretches from his temple to his eye and ear down to his neck on the right side. This is most notable in bad weather or when he is sick.
Barran Aeducan=Suffered from a superiority-inferiority complex towards his siblings growing up though it has greatly lessened with time and experience. It is mostly gone by the time of Inquisition though prominent traces still remain.
Tatha Brosca=She is hard of hearing and has manged to cope by learning to lip-read (not always successful, however, especially with languages she is not familiar with) in Origins and a pair of hearing "horns" designed for her by an admiring Smith caste man by Awakening. She often jokes that now she has even more in common with her Bronto companion, Salroka, due to their shared horns.
Vireth Mahariel=Suffers from epilepsy and often treats it with various herbal remedies, though it is not completely effective and large amounts of intense stress on his body make it worse. He also begins to develop cataracts around the time of Act 2 of Dragon Age 2, though the cause is unknown (presumed genetics or simply age at the moment).
Elthorn Tabris=Has a stutter speech impediment.
Alaros Surana=Unknown at the moment as I haven't written too much about him.
The Amell Siblings=Probably doesn't count but Azul gets motion sickness, especially on boats. Raven, Carmine, and Reed are all perfectly healthy and fine, however the latter two are the ones I've written least at the moment. Marigold has asthma that she treats with herbs.
Aelynne Cousland=Nothing comes to mind. She does have some old injuries (mentally and physically) she acquired from the attack on Highever by Arl Howe that color her later interactions with the family during the Fereldan Civil War.
Valda Aeducan=Has a notable visual impairment that is corrected with glasses, albeit there is nothing to be done for her slight colorblindness (she has a hard type distinguishing between greys, greens, and blues).
(Orlesian Wardens)
Dion Caron=Suffers from sleep apnea that is eased by a special breathing herbal-incense infused mask he wears as well as whomever in his group is on watch to check on him periodically to ensure he still breathes (most often this is either Victoire-Ainsley or Garam). He also snores and coughs due to this. Loudly.
Victoire-Ainsley Caron=Nothing of note.
Isenna Andras=She's an albino and so burns and rashes in intense light and heat. She also has a lame leg that cannot be fixed with magic and so wears a reinforced brace to aid her walk. This creates a noticeable limp.
Garam Kader=Alcohol makes him sick and he suffered from intense gender dysphoria before paying a huge sum to have an ex-Tevinter magister turned fellow Warden help him transition.
Jasper, Skye, and Violet Hawke are perfectly healthy. Albeit with some diet restrictions due to various allergies.
Gray Hawke=He is diabetic and so often has to monitor his energy levels to ensure his health. It's part of the reason he doesn't actively endanger his life like his siblings (not that he won't, just less often in comparison). He acquires a truly impressive diet regime and treatment plan upon becoming a nobleman of the Amell family, allowing him much more freedom than before.
Aurore and Marcel de Serault both suffer from mild hemophilia. Marcel also has a lyrium drug addiction he is trying to break (and is actually doing quite well via weaning himself off it) due to a brief stint as a Templar while serving the Chantry.
Armashok Adaar=Poor eyesight that cannot be fully corrected by glasses and later loses an arm due to the Anchor. He also lost a few fingers and some right hand mobility due to pre-nquisition injuries as a mercenary. He also wears a brace on his left shoulder. He wears a prosthetic eye and replacement arm.
Ransley Trevelyan=Like Cullen, he is working on breaking his own lyrium addiction from his time as a Templar and, like the other Inquisitors, loses his arm due to the Anchor. He had it replaced with a prosthetic arm for his shield side.
Paeriel Lavellan=She loses an arm alongside all the other Inquisitors, but takes the loss much harsher due to her archery skills suffering. While she will wear a prosthesis in battle or when hunting, she doesn't wear it in her day-to-day life, instead preferring to make due as needed. She also has anxiety.
Naranka Cadash=She loses her Anchor-wielding arm and gains a crossbow-and-dagger prosthetic one courtesy of her Inner Circle, much to her delight. She also suffers from some damage to her reproductive tract due to past injuries and is uncertain if she could have children.
(Inner Circle)
Kara Adaar=Beyond an intense hatred of slavery due to being kidnapped and almost sold when she was younger before being rescued by her father, she's perfectly healthy. She does require bedrest for her periods though.
Emilyse Trevelyan=She suffers from some PTSD from her abuse at Templar hands in the Circle, though she begins to recover towards the end of Inquisition.
Samrel Lavellan=Has dyslexia and uses reading aids and memory devices.
Pyrmar Cadash=He might have some PTSD from his Carta days due to a notable cave-in that lasted for a few days before his rescue.
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elle-vhenan-blog · 6 years
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I like to imagine the chaos of all the Origins surviving and working together to stop the blight. Eight wardens (counting Alistair and both mage races) one nation and a low key near apocalypse. Fun times. What would your all-Origins dream team look like?
Top: Catriona Amell, Sulevin Tabris, Shura Brosca, Alistair Theirin
Bottom: Ranatharien Mahariel, Gavin Surana, Kazimar Aeducan, Rhiannon Cousland
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skinnedknees-rp · 6 years
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iain glen, paige turco, sam claflin, cole sprouse & cailin russo (or open for all) wanted for family drama
ellie's father is a man who has a very high opinion of himself and his place in the world. he works as the family barrister for the ainsworths, a prominent family in london (he probably does other work too), most notably harry ainsworth keeping the man's criminal enterprise protected. he's definitely got his fingers in that messy pie and would not be able to claim innocence. how close the two men are, would be up for discussion between you and bond. i imagine they would have to be fairly close in order for harry to trust alistair that much though.
originally from scotland, he and his ex-wife glynnis were married for quite a long time despite his constant cheating, which came to light when the son of one of the women he'd been having an affair with showed up looking for his dad.
because of this, and his poor treatment of her childhood best friend, he and his oldest daughter, ellie, don't get along as well as they might otherwise. they aren't estranged, but the relationship could be described as strained.
he has been divorced from glynnis for about 13 years now and whether or not he's gotten remarried is up to you. other than what i've put here you should feel free to be creative and make him your own.
suggested playby is iain glen, though i am always open to alternate suggestions.
ellie's mother, glynnis, is a literature professor at imperial college. where ellie and her dad don't get along, ellie considers her mother one of her best friends. which is good since ellie is currently living in her mother's home after being cheated on by her fiancee. being wronged-women is only one thing the mother and daughter have in common. they both love art and cooking. the two of them are often confused for sister, lbr, glynnis is a total hot momma!
she's been divorced since being faced with the cold-hard truth of her ex-husband's infidelity (something she's strongly suspected for years), for about 13 years. whether or not she has remarried in the interim is up to you!
suggested play by is paige turco but i'm up for other suggestions!
keir is really open as far as character creation goes. he's a couple years older than ellie and the oldest of the duncan children. i didn't really specify anything else about him. would be up fro discussion about any and all ideas you have for him!
i do have the image of him as quite outgoing and possibly closer with his father than ellie is, so maybe they butt heads about things? he probably enjoyed bossing her around when they were kids and that likely has not changed. but, those are just ideas.
suggested playby is sam claflin but open to other thoughts.
declan is the result of one of alistair's affairs. his mother was pregnant just before or around the same time that glynnis was pregnant with catriona. when he was eleven he appeared on the duncan's doorstep looking for the man who was his father. this threw the entire family into turmoil and unfortunately, younger ellie likely made him suffer for it.
his personality is up to you, but i do have the head canon that because of his place outside the rest of the siblings that he probably does have some attitude. i would like it if he and ellie have since made up as she grew up and realized that the fault wasn't declan's but alistair's. though all of that can be discussed.
suggested face is cole sprouse, but as always is open to alternates.
catriona is the baby of the family (even being younger than her half-brother!). i didn't really say much about her in my app, but i have a lot of feelings about her. in my head she is a true baby of the family - fulfilling all the requisite spoiled brat, wild child, princess duties. she's a daddy's girl, probably because he gives her whatever she wants. in fact, it's quite possible she still lives in his home.
she and ellie get along, but probably have the typical sister issues. especially if she is a daddy's girl, since she has probably told their dad things that ellie didn't want her to.
they fight and make up and fight and make up - ad nauseum. suggested play by is cailin russo but feel free to run it by me if you had someone else in mind. 
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simpingforaymeric · 3 years
dumb shit I need to file away before my brain sucks the idea into the void
I keep coming back to this story idea that’s not really a story idea, just a vague excuse to get my Warden, Hawke and Inquisitor to go on a mission together.
Like idk *what* they’d actually end up doing, just that it would include the subplot of Catriona trying to find the cure for the Blight and that becoming the resolution. It would also necessitate Inquisitor MagicHandsMcGee.
But the idea that shot into my head completely unprompted is that Zevran is involved in assembling the squad and maybe even with them on this dumbass mission and at one point the Gang finds out he’s carrying a particularly lethal poison with no application in combat that’s supposed to instill a quiet, painless death and while it’s not outlandish for an antivan crow to possess it, it raises suspicions among the Gang that Zevran has his own goals or needs to ensure one of them does not in fact return from this quest.
But finally confronted, Catriona realizes that the poison is for *her*, specifically in case she fails to find a cure and has to answer her Calling. Like Alistair asked Zevran to swear he wouldn’t let her just go to her Calling (”I’m fairly certain he didn’t mean for you to kill me in my sleep, Zev!”) but Zevran, knowing what awaits Wardens in the deep roads, knows what a brood mother is and how one is made, kept this as a back up plan (”You and I both know that you’d do anything not to have to go back there. And you and I both know you are too honorable to take care of it yourself. If I go to the void for this, then they better get me a drink because this is one kill I will not be sorry for.”) and the second, slightly implied plot twist is that Zev had carried a torch for the Warden for a very long time (”Righteous indignation always was a good look on you dear.”) and what seems like a betrayal is in truth a testament to absolute loyalty, to do whatever it may take to spare his friend and companion the bitter end she dreads so much. 
When they do find the cure and they have to part ways, Zev expects to be killed or abandoned for what he almost did and was in fact very willing to do, with no guilt whatsoever, but instead is wrapped into the tightest hug of his life.
Anyways I just have fee fees. 
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thevioletwicche · 6 years
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Another adorable commission done of my Ocs Catriona and Alistair. This one was done by @missnobodynobodius I love it so much.
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acathea · 5 years
thinkin about maybe writing some banter with my characters, mh... might be a good way to flesh out their relationship more, plus dragon age banter is literally my favourite thing
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