#cats 2019 spoilers
velvetjune · 7 months
With alan wake 2 having mayor setter, there needs to be a cat in control 2 as a natural progression from the first’s cat ears side quest
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disneysooner · 2 years
Similarities between two of my favorite orange-top cool kids of anime: Tsukasa Kazuki and Kyo Sohma
1. Both have this cool demeanor that they put on in front of most people (seeming rude and reserved), but they can let loose and act comfortable around people they really trust.
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2. Both have traumatic pasts that have affected their relationships with their fathers and others, but it’s over something that they had no control over. Part of why they seem cold towards others is because they don’t want to bring people into their trauma.
For Kazuki, he was creepily stalked by a yandere woman, and his father blames him for leading her on.
For Kyo, he not only has the trauma of his mother’s death (which his father blames him for), but also the death of the love of his life’s mother.
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3. Both show qualities of being great cooks.
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4. Both end up falling for girls who love cats.
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5. Both of their women have also fallen ON them, only furthering their relationship development. 😂
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angelic-ambedo · 2 months
The Weirdest Fucking Movies I've Ever seen Pt. 1
Okay so I sort of champion myself as a lover of weird movies. And it's funny because regardless of how many I've seen, every time I watch a weird movie I genuinely feel as if it is the weirdest movie I've ever seen in my life.
So, I decided to make a list which compiles all of said weird movies and then a description of why I find each so uniquely weird. If you find any of these descriptions or titles intriguing, I recommend you seek these movies out, because a weird movie = a good life ya know so yeah
If you have more weird movies please please recommend them im hungry for new crazy cinema bebesssss
Eraserhead (1977) - genuinely makes no sense.
Coherence (2013) - trippy scientifically interesting thriller
Some Velvet Morning (2013) - abusive cat n mouse relationship
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004) - emotional violence
Greener Grass (2019) - let's shame suburbia!
Trash Humpers (2009) - people fucking the trash...?
Julien Donkey-Boy (1999) - mental illness be so sad and trippy
Gummo (1997) - literal photo album of a dysfunctional town
Slaughtered Vomit Dolls (2006) - bulimia PSA in disguise
Black Bear (2020) - art seeps into the "real" world
Begotten (1990) - god kills himself
Trouble Every Day (2001) - eating people presented as...a turn on?
Baise-Moi (2000) - punk feminist murderous women are sick and society sux
Palindromes (2004) - one character is played by a ton of different actors of different ages, races, and sexes
964 Pinocchio (1991) - so much vomit, even more cyberpunk lobotomy sex machine madness
Meet the Feebles (1989) - the muppets give each other STDs and commit mass murder
In the Realm of the Senses (1976) - a torrid, pornographic affair used to escape the horrors of a war-torn world
Enter the Void (2009) - going to the past, present, and future, POV shots that include blinking, going inside the body, taboo themes with a psychedelic style
Love (2015) - horny pseudo-porno about a misogynistic asshole who somehow pulls hot, sexually adventurous women
Climax (2018) - LSD fueled nightmare
Pink Flamingos (1972) - a competition to be the "filthiest person alive" (spoiler alert: the cool drag queen wins)
Vivarium (2019) - Suburbia is still creepy, guys
Be My Cat: A Film for Anne (2015) - can we please stop having erotomania like celebrities aren't into u babe :(
No No Nooky TV (1987) - Computers being cool and saying "boobs" and "clit"
The Piano Teacher (2001) - unsafe nonconsensual bdsm and sexual repression is...no. please no.
The Night Porter (1974) - stockholm syndrome and wild bdsm stuff with postwar themes
Belle de Jour (1967) - more bdsm themes
Titane (2021) - woman fucks a car and gets pregnant
Daisies (1966) - two girls cut up pickles and destroy the patriarchy
Creep 1 and 2 (2014, 2017) - murder has never been this funny
Garbanzo Gas (2007) - a human cow gets an all-expenses paid trip to a motel before it hits the slaughterhouse
Melancholie der Engel (2009) - ew.
In Our Garden (2002) - old men dicks + weirdest dialogue I've ever heard in my life
The Rehearsal (TV series) (2022) - this is the ultimate weirdest thing ever and I don't know how else to categorize it.
Trigger Warnings (all of these movies are weird/fucked up but some of them contain actual fucked up stuff that like. happened in real life. so below are the triggers for that kind of stuff. All of these films are genuine films, not the gore stuff the internet produces, but some of them because of the country/time period/transgressiveness include content that is inappropriate and/or ethically unacceptable, so I've included those movies below)
Baise-Moi - unsimulated sex scenes which includes SA scenes that actors consented to but characters did not. this proves a feminist point but is still incredibly upsetting and stayed with me for a while as there are close ups and its awful.
In the Realm of the Senses - Please look into this one more before you watch it, I'm not going to describe things in detail because it makes me so uncomfortable but there are some scenes that involve young actors that should not ethically have been in the situations they were put in. The movie is exceptionally well made and from what I know globally respected so I don't know why they had to ruin it for me but whatever.
Pink Flamingos - One infamous scene involves an actual chicken death. It was the early 70s (long time ago and no PETA) and they apparently ate the chicken afterward, so I felt less immoral about this one but still gross.
Melancholie der Engel - okay please genuinely never watch this movie unless you're super into traumatizing yourself and are very desensitized I guess. There's a ton of actual animal abuse in very very graphic/unnecessarily disturbing shock type situations. There's other bad unsimulated stuff but this is the worst of it from what I know.
Love and Meet the Feebles contain scenes that are transphobic and/or racist, which is gross. Slaughtered Vomit Dolls was made by a very bad person. A bunch of the movies also have unsimulated sex stuff, I don't know if that makes anyone uncomfortable but if it does I'm just putting it out there.
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livwritesstuff · 10 months
spoilers for Little Women lol the book has been out for 150 years and there’s been a few notable movies since then so hopefully it’s fine
Since she was old enough to start having a real personality, Eddie always calls his and Steve’s youngest daughter, Hazel, the family’s very own Beth March. She’s sweet and kind and compassionate and quiet, and gets a bit solemn when she’s sleepy and little spurts of goofy energy when she’s awake. Beth March.
Steve never read the book. Never watched any of the film adaptations either – not for any particular reason, he just never got around to it, so he always just took Ed’s word for it whenever he likened their littlest girl to the character.
Then December of 2019 rolls around and Greta Gerwig’s adaptation comes out, and Moe is back home after her first semester of college, and all the girls are on winter break and bored, so when Steve suggests they all go see a movie, it’s the only one they can agree on (the other contenders are Cats, which Moe and Robbie immediately shut down bc they’ve seen all the memes that are still circulating, and Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker which Steve vetoes because he’s so behind on the franchise that he has no idea what’s going on).
So they watch Little Women, and it takes about half a second for Steve to realize that, yeah, Eddie was spot on. Hazel is Beth March to a T.
Steve, after the “I like your nose” line: Oh my god. She’s literally Hazel.
Ed: See – what did I tell you?
What Eddie does not know is that Steve, who never read Little Women, does not know how it ends, thus does not know that Beth dies, and despite Beth’s illness being part of the plot from the get, he’s not expecting it at all, because how could a story called Little Women not have a happy ending?
When this little piece of the plot does inevitably arrive, Steve is devastated, fucking gutted. He’s silently beside himself in his seat trying to pull an oblivious thirteen-year-old Hazel into his arms.
When the movie is done and they've left the theater, Steve doesn't let Hazel out of his sight for a second, to the point where Eddie has to remind him that she's not actually Beth March.
and they also now have
✨ penicillin ✨
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sillylovingpupper · 6 months
I want to talk, uh, about Firefly. There will be spoilers for Honkai Star Rail 2.0
So the driving force behind 2.0 is Firefly; the current arc we're in has wider implications, but 2.0 was pretty clearly set up to introduce you to Penacony and get you to emphasize with Firefly. She is clearly designed to tug at your heartstrings. It's...pretty naked what the writers were hoping to invoke, but I want to rewind a bit. I want to talk about a certain scene, and how it relates to me, and...probably quite a few people reading this. I want to talk about Entropy Loss Syndrome.
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I have very little doubt we'll hear more about it in the coming content; I keep myself away from leaks so I don't know if it's confirmed or not and I don't want to know. Everything I want to talk about is in this cutscene right here. Entropy Loss Syndrome is described as "irreversible chronic disassociation of your physical structure." Essentially, your body slowly breaks apart. Firefly explicitly says that it happens so slowly that it's hard to even notice from the outside.
This is the part that made me sit up and take notice, though.
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Because while I can't tell you the date? I can tell you the year I noticed this happening to me.
This is the part where I need to tell you a bit about myself.
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I was...a relatively healthy person, once upon a time. I wouldn't say I was in the peak of health, but physically I was quite capable, especially when it came to stamina and endurance. I prided myself on being able to walk further, last longer, and do more than other people. I couldn't go as fast as some or lift as much as some, but I could do it longer. And that was taken advantage of. I was a lowerclass American, of course it was. From the age of 17 to the age of roughly 29, the only period longer than six months that I didn't have a fulltime job was the semester and half of college, and the CNA training, that I attended. And in each of those jobs? I made myself indispensable because of the stamina I prided myself on. I'd work doubles, I'd work days in a row, I'd skip breaks, all without complaining. Which leads me to 2019.
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After a year of difficult work as a CNA, involving...a lot of interpersonal drama at around the same time I was realizing I was transgender, I...buckled, in 2016. I left that line of work and took the first job that accepted me; McDonalds. At that point, I lived alone with my cat, and I had come to accept that was my fate. I would live alone, work at McDonalds until something happened, and move on to...a similar job, and so on until I died. I simply lost my desire to live, a desire that wouldn't return until early 2018 where, for some reason, against all odds, I pulled myself to a therapist. In 2019, I had, without any true intent on my part, ascended to the role of manager, and found myself shuffled to night shift. I took pride in my work, humble and underpaid as it was, and applied the same stamina and endurance to it that I had my previous jobs. ...until something changed. It was slow at first. I didn't even notice it, I wrote it off as a series of bad days...but thoughts were slightly out of reach. The amount of sleep I needed started to increase. The amount of time it took me to complete an order or clean an area increased. The distance I could walk or ride my bike started to shrink. I ran out of breath slightly easier. Truthfully, this had started happening when I was a CNA, but only on great exertion. I can't say it came from being less active, because of anything, I was more active, as I didn't have a car or the ability to drive...but increasingly I found myself unable to do anything but go to work, and even then, I needed more rest than before.
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Fortunately, I was able to move in with some friends in mid 2020, and I haven't worked since, not for pay. I did promise them, in exchange for supporting me, I'd do housework; cook, clean, and support them however I could. A promise I have kept to this day, to the best of my abilities. But those abilities were continuing to shrink, and still do to this day. They noticed then, and they do now.
I went from being fiercely independent and active, to relying on a cane to keep myself stable and prevent falls, to now, where I can't even grocery shop on my own without leaning on the cart or using a motorized cart. I own a wheelchair for especially bad days. ...my thoughts and memories escape me on a nearly daily basis now, and I've found days, every now and again, slip through my fingers.
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I've seen doctors, and none of them understand it, not entirely. There's been...theories, and a handful of things that contribute. Dehydration, sleep apnea, issues with my inner ear, even my HRT. Nothing that explains the fullness of it, though. Words like Chronic Fatigue and Fibromyalgia are being thrown around, but we can't even point to a clear infection that could have triggered any of those. And all of this terrifies me. There's a part of me that just keeps telling myself that I'm getting older, that it's normal to slow down as you age...or that maybe it's diet, or getting the wrong kind of exercise. But at the end of the day...I'm losing abilities that I prided myself on. Abilities that I loved. I've found myself largely bound to my house and...
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To be honest, I've told myself I'm fine with that. I've painted for myself a beautiful picture where I keep myself at home, take it easy physically and even mentally, and live a peaceful life. There's a part of me that even sees this as the best possible ending for me, but... with even my cognition slipping away from me...what kind of life can I have?
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I've gotten through so much of my life, done things that I would have thought were impossible, simply by convincing myself they weren't. That nothing was impossible to a mind that believed. So Firefly means a lot to me because while she has a name for it, and I don't...both of us find ourselves in a body that's slowly betraying us. And Firefly was the first time I've seen someone on screen who had the same kind of struggle as me, and who also chose to keep walking forward and dreaming despite of it. I don't know what kind of life I'll have. I still don't even know for sure if this...whatever it is, is even real and not a result of me overreacting to getting a little slower and my mind filling in the gaps. But...whatever lies ahead of me...I hope that I can still live it brilliantly. I hope maybe one day, I can be the kind of person I was once again, even if I have to take it in smaller bites.
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xxjadeablexx · 8 months
Hazbin Hotel Synopsis
Salutations! My name is Jade and I have to make a blog for my Composition class. When given a free range of topics, I decided to write about Hazbin Hotel. Mainly character information, headcannons, theories. You know, that kinda stuff. I realized for my professor to care about any of this stuff, she probably needs to know about the show. And I highly doubt she already does. So! let's get into a basic rundown of the show, in mostly my own words. Obviously, spoilers ahead. On October 28th, 2019, YouTube channel "Vivziepop" uploaded a video named "HAZBIN HOTEL (PILOT)." The video soon blew up, and got praise and backlash for the idea of the show. It got a lot of criticism for being an animated musical, since those are mainly geared towards children. However, Hazbin hotel is a show with a target audience of 18+ (weird to think I was like 15 when this came out.) With many dark themes including commentary on the toxicity of the porn industry, this show is obviously not meant for children.
Despite the backlash, it obviously did something right, because in early 2020, before the second episode could come out, A24, an American independent film company, decided to take the concept and make a whole series out of it. Four years later, on January 19th, 2024, the show's first series was released on Amazon Prime. The show follows the Princess of Hell, Charlie Morningstar. She is a very energetic demon who believes the sinners in hell deserve a second chance. She builds a hotel and basically gets laughed at by everyone. But after getting back to it after an interview about said hotel, there's a knock on the door. We then meet one of my favorite characters, Alastor. Alastor is known as the "radio demon." He offers to help Charlie with the hotel. Charlie says yes and that's kinda the end of the pilot.
Alastor then enlists the help of Husk, a cat-like demon who runs the bar, and Niffty, a small cyclops who does the cleaning. It is immediately evident that Alastor is a powerful demon. He is known as an "overlord," and is feared by many, having the ability to control basically anyone, along with summoning help for any number of things.
As the show goes on we find out that redemption is basically impossible. The angels literally laugh in Charlie's face when she suggests it. Adam, the first human soul in Heaven and angel, lets it out that his army "exterminates' sinners and demons like once a year (which later gets changed to 6 months and then 1 month.) This upsets Emily, a Seraphim who shares the views of Charlie. Emily and Charlie say that:
If Hell is forever, then Heaven must be a lie (Emily!)
If angels can do whatever, and remain in the sky
The rules are shades of gray when you don't do as you say
When you make the wretched suffer just to kill them again.
Adam then says he will see them in 1 month instead of 6. (this is apparently because of a major timeskip, but I feel like it wasn't really explained like that in the show. it really just reads that Adam keeps moving up the date cause he's a prick that wants to kill all the demons.) Charlie decides to take things into her own hands and finds someone who knows how to Kill the Angels. So, what does she do? She gets her own army, her own weapons, and the guts to kill, and proceeds to kill literally any angel she can. Alastor gets injured and is unable to fight off Adam, which ends up fine because Niffty kills him. The scene is actually hilarious because Niffty is described as “10 pounds soaking wet,” by Angel Dust. So this tiny demon who was given a knife and told “stab any angel you see,” kills what is essentially the hardest angel to even touch. That's like the president dying from a mosquito bite. 
That’s not even mentioning Sir Pentious, who originally tries to kill Adam. After Alastor is killed, Sir Pentious decides to go after Adam himself. Pentious is one of the most cowardly characters in the whole show. He is so scared to confess to a girl at some point, that upon her questioning why he bought her a drink, he says  “Because i bought everyone drinks!” when he hadn’t but then he does because everyone hears him. He does that like 2 more times and the situation repeats himself, even when the drinks turn into sex. He is too cowardly to admit to liking her that he has sex with a stranger instead of just confessing. But I digress, because he redeems himself by going after Adam. He resolves. He confesses to his crush. He kisses her. And then Adam kills him like, almost immediately. Despite Pentious being a coward, he isn’t weak in any sense of the word. He is a skilled inventor with many war machines that could have killed Adam. Adam just kinda snapped and suddenly Pentious and his minions and his blimp are dead. But Niffty, a masochistic, child-like cyclopes kills Adam. I love Niffty, but how does that work?
It fine though, because Sir Pentious ends up in Heaven. His sacrifice for his friends proves enough that after he dies, he ends up in Heaven in front of Sera and Emily, the Seraphim. Thats the end. The last thing we see of the main plot is confused faces and a less dark version of Sir Pentious. 
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Thank you for walking study in demonology! Reading it brought me all the way back to the 2019 bnha era. Even tho im a chronic fandom hopper, every once in a while i got pulled back to the bnha fandom like a clinging abused ex gf, cause i feel like no other fandom has given me the same feels as bnha on ao3. It's probably partly because of bnha being a perfect sandbox for ficwriters, but damn you bnha writers are really sth else.
Your work is such an exquisite, heartfelt love letter to the fanfiction medium in general, and the bnha fandom in particular. I hope your pillow is always cool and your socks always come out of the washing machine in pairs.
What's your favourite part about the fic?
hi thanks so much for this ask! super appreciate the kind words :) i agree wholeheartedly i wldnt have started writing my bnha fics if not for the amazing fics ive read from this fandom.
short answer: my favorite part is the process.
super long answer:
(spoilers below fair warning)
demonology has been a learning process for me and also a very strange experience.
ive always been more of an improv writer where i dont really know where a story is going when i write it. with demonology being the way it is, you can surmise that its been a really crazy ride.
ive mentioned this before but it started as an idea of deku being just your typical satanic style exorcist, and as it is a crack fic, i did write it — at the beginning — purposefully to be nonsensical. all the made up “significant” stuff like affinity, authority, even the importance of names and all that — i didnt know what they mean and i didnt care either, i was just making them say whatever that sounded ominous and ridiculous. (often this is for the sake of comedic timing. it is crack after all.)
some comments say the fic didnt make sense, and i agree bc it didnt to me either. but then it DID start to make sense to me. whenever i started to write a new chapter id read back to whatever bullshit i did the previous chap and only then i understood what the hell the characters r talking about. if you look back to the earlier chapters there’d be a lot of foreshadowings, but they werent written to be foreshadowings at the time. its kind of foreshadowing in reverse, bc i only knew what they meant after i wrote them. i didnt know i was writing a meta multiverse time travel fic, but since i did, i had to commit and go crazy.
(in retrospect i think it rly did begin with hitoshi and that cat in ch 3. i didnt even know hitoshi was the “main character” until that chapter. i didnt know that cat was schrodingers cat until i wrote ch 8.)
so u can see how crazy, nonsensical and haphazard the entire writing process of this fic is, which in return gives birth to a crazy, nonsensical and haphazard fic. until its not nonsensical anymore. somehow, there actually is a clear logic in the mechanics of the universe. the cats are schrodinger cats, the demons are maxwell demons, entropies are plotlines which are often riddled with plotholes, the hell is production hell, to be in heaven is to be canonized — and lorem ipsum is the empty blank slate state of the universe. authority actually is authority. the fic gave meaning to itself by the end of it all.
comments ask if i waited for bnha to end — i didnt. bnha ending actually fucked a past version of ch 8, now scrapped. but then it actually … made a better version? and made more sense? its weird.
i did know about some things that were going to happen though. since the first time i had izuku do the “you believe [object] exist,” i always knew i wanted it to be turned back to him (“midoriya izuku doesnt exist”). after i wrote ch 6 i also knew i wanted them to “go back to the beginning” with izuku’s “fall” on the rooftop. but i didnt know until i wrote it that hitoshi was going to choose to fall, too. i know im the author but him choosing that shocked me and i found it moving.
if i had written this “properly”, if i had planned it all with better structuring and better pacing and emotional beats and all that — this might have turned out to be a better written story, in another world. as it is right now there are a lot of flaws that it has. but it wldnt have been the same fic. if not for this fuckass writing process, it wld never have reached the form it takes as of now.
and although it was a very difficult road, i can say wholeheartedly that this strange process has been my favorite part. im doubtful ill ever experience a writing process like this again. the story kept surprising me. a part of why i wanted to finish it was because i wanted to know how it ended too—bc i wldnt know until i wrote it.
of course, at the end of it all, none of us know what their ending is. in the end the story still didnt share its secrets with me and i really really love it for it.
haha this is so long sorry i guess this fic really means a lot to me after all. but yes, thats my answer.
i would also like to thank every reader and commenter once again bc i can honestly say without the feedback and support, this would not have been finished either, or become the way that it is. man. fanfictions, huh?
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1000sunnygo · 1 year
🦉👒The Influence of One Piece in The Promised Neverland (A very self-indulgent post)
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The straw hats worn by the girls in The Promised Neverland ch. 47 color cover were a tribute to One piece's 20th anniversary. It has always been Shirai sensei's favorite tpn illustration ever since.
An entire generation in Japan grew up following One piece. Many of the young readers from late 1900s are now the newgen mangaka currently working in Shonen jump.
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Kouhei Horikoshi as a high schooler (15yo) sent a one piece fanart to Oda in 2002. Twelve years later, he starts his own manga, now promoted by One piece author Eiichiro Oda himself.
One piece got Shirai into JUMP manga.
I started reading Jump Magazine for the first time when I was in Junior High. One Piece was the trigger that made me subscribe to it like a machine, and then I thought “other manga are fun too!”, and thus became addicted.
-Kaiu Shirai (2020), The Promised Neverland artbook.
Suguru Sugita, the person Shirai submitted his og manuscript to, was Toriko's editor in charge. The following year (2014), Sugita became One Piece's manga editor (later its media editor in 2017). Sugita retired from One piece altogether in 2019, while working as TPN editor from 2016 to 2020.
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The Promised Neverland + former One Piece editor, Suguru Sugita. On the right is a doodle drawn by Eiichiro Oda sensei introducing him.
"O-Sugi. This is the media editor, Sugita. Well natured, romanticist. Throws in random onomatopoeia. So drippy from head to toe that the girls avoid him. Compliments juniors on an annoying level. Has a strange dream -> ("I'll get myself a Kansai-ben speaking gf within this year!") Has lots of friends, but daydreams too much so he might not be able to get hitched soon."
From TPN's pre-serialization stage to its final days, Sugita was closely involved with both One piece and The Promised Neverland. Regardless of the difference in genre, One piece's influence in TPN is evident, many of which were suggested by editor Sugita.
Following are a compilation of details discussed in the The Promised Neverland fanbook where the author-editor duo noted the influence of One Piece in its creation.
🦉 The food, the biology
(The Promised Neverland Search for Minerva + final arc spoilers)
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In One Piece, the characters can obtain special powers by eating cursed fruits called Devil Fruits (Luffy's elasticity, for example). This served as a basis for The Promised Neverland's demon biology. During early stages of TPN first arc, there was no specific concept involving demon's diet (thus we hear two demons casually talking about eating cats). Post escape, editor Sugita suggested to add the concept of 'becoming what you eat', stated to be directly inspired by One Piece (fanbook ch. 2). It was decided that the demons in TPN would be heavily dependant on human meat to maintain their sentience.
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One piece x Toriko official crossover spread, two manga in JUMP where food meant a lot more than simply filling your stomach.
"Food" both a narrative and thematic tool behind One Piece, so much so that a recently popular theory is that (avoid if you want) the protagonist's secret dream at the end of his journey is to throw a massive party that would connect different races together in a brotherly bond. Each arc ends with a scene of partying and singing, a musician was one of the first crewmate positions Luffy wanted to fill in his ship.
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Yugo's refusal to eat and join the table subtly hinted his refusal to partake in such bonding. It's another detail pointed out in the fanbook (ch. 3). The food scenes in One Piece had not only inspired Shirai but also Haikyuu author, Furudate Haruichi (stated in Haikyuu databook).
🦉 Characters as Inspirations
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[Romance Dawn + Goldy Pond spoiler] One piece character Helmeppo was the inspiration behind Goldy Pond demon, Luce. Helmeppo was one of the earliest characters introduced in One Piece (ch.3), a weak but spoiled child of a marine officer who'd exploit his father's influence to get about anything. Luce, the youngest hunter in Goldy Pond, was the son of Dozza. Helmeppo was redeemed eventually, unlike Luce.
[Shabondy Archipelago + TPN final arc spoiler] The World Nobles in One Piece are arrogant slave-owners hailed as gods on earth for their ancestry. Lord Pupo's flashy appearance and simple-mindedness were inspired by them.
[Dressrosa + TPN final arc spoiler] Bartolomeo, an in-series fan of the protagonists, was introduced in One Piece manga at the time of Sugita's debut as One piece editor in 2014 and instantly became popular. In The Promised Neverland, Lambda kids were supposed to obey Norman in a normal manner. But editor Sugita wanted to lighten up the mood and make them goofy fanboys, inspired by Bartolomeo's success.
[Arabasta spoiler] One piece's first major antagonist Crocodile served as a base for TPN characters, mainly antagonists:
When I was drawing dignified characters for TPN, Sugita-san gave me a piece of advice called the "Crocodile Line". Whether or not Crocodile from One Piece would say such a line would determine whether or not the character (I made) was dignified enough. It was a good method. I love Crocodile so there's that too.
-Shirai in The Promised Neverland fanbook (pg. 196)
(continues in reblog 👇)
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cybercat5555 · 1 year
So the new Bigtop Burger episode... [SPOILERS]
The German Expressionist hell...
The Hylics-y music that plays there...
The Lore...
Cats from Cats (2019) being cosmic horrors that have existed for billions of years...
I have never seen a more pure distillation of my brainrot in 1 place,, its beautiful
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auroraknux · 1 year
Some Mario movie fic ideas I have (these contain spoilers):
Mario gets sick. Luigi is away at work. Toad shows up, insisting on looking after him. Mario is not thrilled at first, but soon realizes that Toad is actually a very caring friend when not being a menace to society. (I was sad that the movie didn't explore their dynamic much, and I wanted to try to fix that.)
Mario and Peach start dating, and properly introduce each other to their families. There's some angst over how dysfunctional Mario's family is compared to the Toads. (I doubt Mario's family is completely toxic, but I wanted to go an angsty route based on what we saw in that dinner scene.)
Mario uses the cat power-up for too long and starts to think he's actually a cat. Chaos ensues until the others can turn him back. (This is actually an idea dating back to 2019, but I feel like it could be reworked to fit the movie 'verse. Unfortunately, this does mean scrapping the idea with Polterpup chasing him onto the roof.)
A fic exploring Luigi's thoughts in the climax, up until he saves Mario with the manhole cover.
Angsty AU of the climax where Bowser hurts Luigi to hurt Mario.
AU of the climax where Luigi gets involved earlier. He comforts Mario after the latter gets hurt and is hiding in the pizzeria. Mario hears the fight going on outside and wants to help, but doesn't feel like he can. Luigi, even though he's scared too, decides to help. He's tired of waiting around for someone else to save him (or in this case, Brooklyn). And besides, nothing can hurt them as long as they're together.
Movie Peach and Game Peach meet each other, and discuss the differences between their worlds (like in that one post I made). Other characters might get involved too, idk.
Everyone tries to get Mario and Peach together. (I don't have a lot of ideas for this unfortunately)
Mario and Luigi are both having nightmares about their adventure (Luigi especially), and they comfort each other.
Extended rewrite of the fire flower scene.
Peach and the Bros. (or at least Mario) go to Brooklyn to investigate Peach's possible origins.
Thoughts and feedback are greatly appreciated! (Which ones would you like to see the most?)
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handgiven · 10 months
I. favourite colours: yellow & blue, especially when they occur together (like on van gogh's yellow house painting, or the siesta painting, or like when it's stormy and the sky is dark blue and grey, but the sun still shines on the yellowy buildings, or yellow acer leaves)
II. favourite flavours: palm sugar, pho broth, wild blueberries, masala chai, walnuts & honey, rosehip, elderberry
III. favourite genres: urban fantasy, queer & historical queer lit, poetry in prose, dystopian, philosophical, interviews with ordinary people & stories about ordinary people (bohumil hrabal, my beloved)
IV. favourite music: ambient, indie, folk, folk-punk, folk-rock, lo-fi (mostly i like anything that i can vibe with on account of the Vibes)
V. favourite movies: the fall (2006) -- it's so beautiful and it uses real locations and !!!!!! it's so good and sad and beautiful, maurice (1987) -- historical queer story with a happy ending, thank you mr e.m.forster o7, hombre mirando al sudeste (1986) -- philosophical scifi kind of thing it lives rent-free in my head, rent-a-neko (2012) -- "are you lonely? i'll rent you a cat.", jojo rabbit (2019), lola rennt (1998), mad max: fury road (2015), pride (2014), isle of dogs (2018), inside llewyn davis (2013), samotáři (2000)
VI. favourite series: in the flesh (2013), firefly (2002), the good place (2016-2020), attack on titan (still haven't seen the last two episodes, so no spoilers haha), the magicians (2015-2020), crazy ex-girlfriend (2015-2019), black books
VII. last song: radio by fred again.. & brian eno
VIII. last series: genuinely do not recall, but it might be good omens season 2, i just didn't have time to watch anything else since that came out
IX. last movie: blow-up (1966)
X. currently reading: lots of things started, none finished, but i do carry 'matter & desire' by andreas weber wherever i go these days s o i guess that; i am also listening to vonnegut's mother night as an audiobook :')
XI. currently watching: trying to listen to wtnv for the 5142952 time
XII. currently working on: art project for uni, deep-cleaning up my living space for the first time in months, trying to sort through my drafts & asks so it's all manageable
tagged by: stolen from @chiefofstafftanner tagging: @spookyagentfmulder @beyondthescully @talentforlying @shilohgreen @void-foxy @primordialchoice @amischiefofmuses @ravmalakh && anyone who sees this and is intrigued enough .) (also all you tagged people do feel free to ignore this, i appreciate you either way !!)
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moonmagix24 · 10 months
My Thoughts on the PreCure Leaks (Along with Some Hopes)
Okay, so earlier I posted a TikTok on my thoughts on the PreCure leaks but the TikTok was obviously a bit rushed and I couldn't put all of my thoughts in a cohesive way. So, here's a more comprehensive list of my thoughts and feelings about the Wonderful PreCure! leaks. These leaks are the ones that were recently confirmed to be real by some preorder listings on toy sites. I won't say who revealed them for their privacy but it's pretty easy to find who.
Also, Toei, please don't come for me. It's your faults for letting the initial leaks happen. However, I do wish that these leaks came closer to the season release because in a way that would up the hype. Though, I can imagine some hype still being there with waiting for the designs for the items and plot.
Spoilers below the cut!
So, normally, leaks of the designs and merch usually would come out multiple weeks after the trademark was made for the season. The trademark was made on November 29 (in EST) and the leaks started coming out on December 3 (in EST). That's only a few days which is insanely fast lol. For Hirogaru Sky, we started getting the actual design leaks in January which was over a month after the trademark was issued.
So I was super skeptical with these images because that's insanely early. That was until today when I saw a post sharing that there was indeed preorder listings for some merch that confirmed the names which by extension confirms the leaks. It's crazy because the leaks happened a month earlier than normal. Normally, there might be talks of what the season could involve and everyone is waiting with anticipation for majority of the month of December until eventually some silhouettes are seen. At this point in the "leak season," the most we'd get would be names for the Cures and some toy preorders.
I was insanely floored upon seeing thing and yes, the listings seem to be legit. Before we go on, please know that these are my opinions, it's okay if you disagree or agree. Just don't get aggressive, for the love of God. (I doubt anyone would get aggressive because the PreCure fandom is mostly chill like that but since I'm basically new to using Tumblr for PreCure and other fandom since the last time I used this site for posting about fandom was years ago on deactivated accounts)
Ok, onto actual thoughts now!
I really like Cure Nyammy's design, as well as Cure Friendy's. Cure Wonderful's design needs to grow on me a little more because something about it just feels off.
Cure Nyammy probably has my favorite design out of them all.
Cure Lillian looks like one of those bootleg designs for Cure Spicy. Y'know like the ones you'd see on a bootleg toy. Though, I think it honestly might just be the hair and overall silhouette. Her design is--unsurprisingly--better than Spicy's in some aspects.
When will Toei finally give us a proper green cure instead of the teal/turquoise greens? The last time we had any form of green cure was back in 2019 with Cure Milky (though I thought she was a blue cure at first because of how blue her color palette was). It appears that Lillian will be like Cure Milky in that she looks more like a blue than Green. However, her color is supposed to be green judging by two of the purses putting a green heart next to her. She looks incredibly blue, though, but that can be brushed off as the photo quality because the photos aren't the best qualities. Last time we got a proper green cure was back in 2016 which was almost 8 years ago. Please don't make Felice the last proper green cure. We deserve more than just a few proper green cures.
What the heck is "Friendy?" I'm praying to every higher power that it was just a typo like when they put "Cure Rhythem" instead of "Cure Rhythm" on the DX3 promo.
Nyammy is a cute name considering the origin of it being a common cat name in Japan. Think of it like naming her Cure Kitty or Cure Mimi. It also can be something like Cure Meowy.
Are we finally getting a white/silver haired PreCure after years?! I'm pretty sure that the last time we got a white or silver haired PreCure was Cure Moonlight which was almost 14 years ago. So, I'm pretty pumped about it.
I'm bummed that we're getting yet another compact for transformation. It's also the hundredth time we've had an item called [main part of season name] Pact... Though, it's good for collecting but I'd like for us to get another transformation watch or bracelet or they could do something original like with HUGtto's transformation device. The PreHeart was inventive because it sorta doubled as a phone and compact in design. (It also had a use outside of transforming or attacking)
A potentially unpopular opinion but I like Friendy's hair. I think she's the first time we've gotten a blond purple cure? And before someone says "Cure Finale is purple," let me point you to Toei stating that she's a gold cure.
Personally, I see both Wonderful and Friendy having sort of dog ear motifs with their hair? It's more obvious with Wonderful but I think the reason why both have some version of twintails or pigtails is to imitate dog ears.
It's pretty obvious that Nyammy and Lillian are supposed to represent cats.
It also appears that Toei is once again doing the team where there's two duos thing that Hirogaru Sky did. Not really a fan of it unless they can execute it well like they did for Hirogaru Sky.
Not a fan of yet another mirror pad. Hopefully they'll add some sort of fun twist to it such as it eventually doubling as a weapon.
Just a prediction but I think if there is a midseason, they'll be gold/yellow/orange. I'd like to see another duo like Amour and Ma Cherie, though... It would be really fun to have a yellow/gold/orange and red duo.
If there is a midseason, I hope that they aren't another dog or cat theme... Perhaps a fox theme?
Though, I don't really want a midseason because we have enough of them and it'd be nice to have a season like Smile or Splash Star in that regard.
At least the names are sorta fitting. Unlike Cure Spicy and Cure Earth. I'll never understand why they named the blue PreCure "Spicy" and I already explained the nonsense that is Cure Earth.
I kinda want the compacts to be used for their attacks. Not like Kira Kira A La Mode... Just they use them for their finishers like in HUGtto.
I think it'd be really funny if Cure Friendy was actually the lead cure but I doubt she will be LMAO
I am once again praying to every higher power that Toei does more with the theming of animals.
I just realized that this post is like an essay LMAO. I'm so sorry about infodumping about this but lately these leaks have been all I can think about and I had to get it out of my system. I am so sorry to whoever read this entire thing, all 5 paragraphs and 20 bullet points.
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leakedexperience · 8 months
Leaked Experience here! H.C. has been working on the rewritten version of her Saint Tail analysis (she was insistent that she didn't want to start on the revision until after the retranslation project was fully wrapped up, so she was only able to start around last month), but in the meantime, both of us are still huge magical girl and phantom thief fans, so recent events got us to take a look at Stellar Witch LIP☆S by Kagami Hana and Ichi Kotoko, another phantom thief/magical girl manga in the Saint Tail/Jeanne lineage but from as recent as 2019 (!!).
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We don't plan on posting a detailed review at the moment, but it was definitely very enjoyable as an addition to the magical girl catalog, especially those who like the Tokyo Mew Mew style of team building. It also is a good mix of being consciously aware of its predecessors (Cat's Eye, Saint Tail, Jeanne, etc.) while having original ideas of its own. If there's any major criticism to be had, H.C. felt that 20 chapters weren't quite enough to flesh out everything it clearly wanted to and wistfully feels it could have made a great anime adaptation that could expand on it further. (We're both aware of how brutally competitive the manga serialization field is, so we don't hold it against the series.)
But the part that really made H.C. double over laughing was this:
(spoilers for both LIP☆S and Saint Tail below)
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In a chapter titled "My True Self" (本当のわたし)? Using "come [be caught] quietly" (おとなしく捕かまれ) in a play on the word's vague borderline between capturing and protectiveness? With the motif of "I wanted to know more about you"? Even using the exact same art composition angles?
Saint Tail's ending is so famous among Japanese long-time shoujo manga fans that we're sure it's meant as a direct invocation of its predecessor rather than trying to rip it off or anything, but H.C. just couldn't help laughing over how incredibly unsubtle it was. "It's like we just spedrun the entirety of Saint Tail's second half in one chapter!"
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(If you really want to poke further, the entire subplot between Miku, Ryusei, and Ray does have a bit of Tachikawa sensibility, but that might be closer to Mink than it is Saint Tail, so it's too much of a digression at this point.)
Anyway, good series. It's also available in English right now -- we can't comment too much on the translation since we were working with the Japanese version, but the previews look very good, so people who are into any of the relevant genres should definitely check it out~ Both of us are a little sad about how often people will say there's a drought of classic-style magical girl series while things like this will go completely under the radar (we're probably going to have an article about that on the site sometime this year), so while we understand it's a bit hard to commit to Kodansha USA releases when they're not on any manga streaming service, we do think this one's worth at least a look. 👍
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xiaoluclair · 1 year
38 lestappen
38. life or death kiss // lestappen // [ rating: M ] // skip all the way to the end for warnings but beware they do contain spoilers (obviously lol). also: MILD SMUT. not beta read! expect plenty of mistakes oops.
(the format of one section is inspired by a part from all to play for. it's small, but credit where credit is due.)
there is a prayer in the room, period one: 
don’t touch, don’t touch, don’t touch.
it speaks since hasselt, 1997. later (years later), he pictures a wikipedia page: the birth with a 500% death rate.
the baby next door goes home and is dressed in a swaddle of mint green. max goes home and is dressed in black.
a month after, his father asks, “can he still race?” it is not quite acceptance. it is as close as he is given for a while. 
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they have pets. max, for all he knows about liking things, likes their pets. three dogs, four cats, two budgies, a pigeon. later (years later) he does not remember the soft of their fur, the tickle of their ears, the chip of their beaks.
older, he asks, did we give them to other people?
no, replies his father. you would not let me. now put your helmet on.
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they had pets.
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under gloves is where it hides, sleeps in pale skin. sweaty summers, blessed winters. winter, coincidentally, is his favorite time. good time, easier time. less poking curiosity from his class. a CONFIDENTIAL watermark over his name, his contract clauses, his life.
his dad finds him within a small patch of daisies by the hairpin. the skin on his hands is breathing, finding sunlight in the air. he says, "put your suit on."
max tries, "just one minute? the flowers are very beautiful."
his dad does not disagree. instead he crouches down, takes max's hand without much force. brings it to the ground between the grass. then, he he lets him go.
max stares up at him. he says, "put your suit on."
"but," says max. put your suit on. his dad only watches. waits. the grass thrums between max's fingers. a tickle touches his skin; a spider has found his thumb.
his dad says, "now." max takes his hand off the grass.
immediately, it starts to turn leathery. the daisies go brown, their stems withering. the spider curls into itself until it is a rib of thin legs, stills. max could touch it now. it would not change.
it is horrific.
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what his dad says: "winners do not care about beauty."
what max remembers: winners are not beautiful.
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anyway. max wins.
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and wins.
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and wins.
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and wins.
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he says later (years later), it was always just me and my dad. if i had a mother, it was racing. and i've made both of them proud today i think, so. it was worth it.
it was worth it.
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he meets charles in the spring of 2012.
it's almost like meeting two people. in front of the camera, like a polished streak of metal. then on track, the abrasion of him. after, between walls, the thought of shutting him up, quietening his mouth with his own.
you could get me disqualified!
what about me? you pushed me first!
charles glances down more than a few times. max, the memory of a daisy in his head, flips him the bird before walking away.
in the van, he grabs his bottle of water. throws up into it.
anyway. apparently that is the start of a thing (nameless).
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he meets charles in the winter of 2018.
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he meets charles in the summer of 2019.
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he meets charles in the autumn of 2020.
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he meets charles in the spring of 2021.
there's the five of them, talking quietly together before the press conference starts. the current topic: charles.
he asks, “you had a problem in f2, right?” and charles, of course, nods. lando lets out a laugh. valterri blinks at the ceiling.
anyway, the red car is in the wall before lap two.
apparently charles is cursed too.
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in 2021, max wins his first championship.
in 2022, he wins his second.
in 2023, he wins his third.
in the midst of them, there is a conversation:
he's in a club and the lights are low. sweat drips like rain down his back. he can feel it, the lake collecting in the hollow of his spine as he leans against the seat-back.
it displaces under the warm weight of a hand. 'sup, maximus?
daniel is drunk. he can barely hold conversation so he is very drunk. across the table, pierre is spilling a caipirinha over himself. daniel is also flirty, which says nothing about his inebriety. max, has anyone told you, you're very beautiful.
max rolls his eyes, tucks away the sour that threatens his mouth. winners, he says, the gin and tonic says, are not beautiful.
when he looks up, there are eyes already on him. charles turns, passes pierre another napkin.
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in 2028, max retires with 4 championships. in abu dhabi, lando gives him a pack of colored fabric pens. for leather.
"for your." he nods to max's hands. there is latex on them right now ㅡ he has yet to change.
max grins. "thanks, mate. i'll have lots of fun with this one."
lando rolls his eyes. he's probably thinking max will draw a penis.
he's probably right.
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in 2032, charles wins a championship. wins his first championship.
he opens the door of his hotel room the next afternoon, mouth like the moon. he offers max some room service soup. they chat, watch replays.
at a point (nameless), max catches charles's eyes. dark, heavy. his swallow gets stuck in his throat.
he thinks: just this once. just this time.
later (minutes later) charles, red, glistening, glowing from face to feet, comes stuttering on max's sweats, all over his glove.
he looks beautiful.
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just this once. just this time.
what a load of bullshit.
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inevitably probably, charles brings it up. max is crusting in his underwear, thinking of soaking a towel, when he does. he says, "you never touch me."
max blinks. shifts to rest on an elbow. he wiggles a hand, white on latex. "i do."
charles takes it and lowers it to the ruffled covers. "you know what i mean." asks, “why not?”
max bites his lip. glances at charles's own. away again. tells him, “you are beautiful.” 
an eyebrow quirks. "so?"
"so," says max, "i cannot."
after a moment: "i thought you said winners were not beautiful."
yeah. he did. his shoulders shrug and something small and heavy slips from their bone. "i was wrong."
after another moment: "i think you are beautiful too."
"good," replies max, cheeky. charles unravels him again far too soon until it is raw, on the verge painful, thin as a thread or the edge of a blade.
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max is watching the race from his friend's balcony. he watches: car number 2 trip across the nouvelle chicane, car number 36 nearly slide into the wall at portier, car number 16 cross the line first.
after, in the evening, charles blisters his way into max's apartment. grabs one of max's gloves from drawer of the trophy cabinet. max is pushed gracelessly into the couch cushions.
equalizer 2 plays listlessly in the background as he comes on the leather over charles's fingers, the crude, childish drawing of a penis.
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out of the blue one night, charles says, "i am in love with you."
across the couch, a lead weight knots itself through max's stomach. he says, "you cannot say that."
charles glances from the tv to their legs woven in the centre of the couch to max's face. "why not?"
max tries to explain, "it is a big thing."
charles says, "i know."
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max thinks he would be more accepting of love if he knew how. if he grew with it. he knows love like: scraped skin, the edge of broken bones, a drop of gold.
he knows love like: the sun, the fur of bumblebees, a field of maize.
he does not know love like hot soup. like the swell of crescendo, like a heartbeat.
but he is learning.
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in 2037, charles retires with 3 championships.
he lives in max's apartment in monaco. at some point, two cats appear. (appeared, echoes charles dubiously. max grins, innocence.)
so, they have pets.
once, he touches a plant. is knocked into it really, a rose on display at the garden centre, the edge of his cheek on a petal. it grays, withers, curls in guttering fashion. sickness steals right to his stomach. charles says, hey, a uniform walking by. do you have any fake plants?
the bedroom door locks at night to keep the cats out. sometimes, in the space (nameless) before they sleep, their hands will hold each other. hang above the floor between their beds. breathe in tandem.
charles: climbs a million mountains with his brothers, designs clothes, plays piano, comes home to max.
max: jet skis in every ocean, builds a karting track with daniel, wins sim races, comes home to charles.
and the cats. of course.
for many years, it is a good life.
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everything is ready. within touching distance of the covers. a blue tube, piles of hand towels, energy bars, stacks of water bottles.
a laugh bubbles out from somewhere, the last dregs of ink from a pen. "this feels so fucking silly."
"i know," muses charles. "oh, i also brought jelly cubes." he gets them from his bag, puts them on the bedside table.
then. that's it. a gaze kneels in front of his own.
charles spreads his fingers, a flower in bloom. he whispers, "this is the hardest part."
max bites his lip. he puts his gloved hand into charles's palm.
charles's eyes are smiling a kaleidoscope, hair worn and soft between his skin.
this is it. thinks max. i'm about to touch a dead man. the thought makes him laugh.
charles grins too, like he knows max's head. he does, a little. he murmurs, "a kiss to seal the deal?" his eyes flick down.
a memory: you could get me disqualified. what about me? you pushed me first.
max pulls him in the rest of the way.
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he pushed me, i pushed him back. you never touch me. winners are not beautiful. i am in love with you. you cannot say that. why not? nothing, just an incident. you are beautiful. winners do not care about beauty. just this once. just this time. i think you are beautiful too. i do. it is a big thing. i know.
i'm in love with you too.
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there is a prayer in the room, period two: 
don’t let go, i won’t, don’t let go, i won’t, don’t let go, i won’t. 
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the covers are off to the side. i get sweaty, max had said, when charles tried to lazily tug him closer. charles didn't waste much time expending the duvet after that.
they talk, a lot. more than he would've expected. "sometimes i think that is all we needed. someone else," murmurs max. he is aware of charles's touch as it moves down his stomach. he is also not usually one for what ifs.
(your mother was a racer herself. do you think she would be proud?
i don't know. it was always just me and my dad. if i had a mother, it was racing.)
"maybe," says charles quietly. "or maybe it would have been the same. maybe it could have been worse."
max says, "i wonder if they would've been like me."
charles hums. his hand has burned a line to the crease in max's legs. "i think it might be wonderful," he says eventually, "to have more of you in the world." then his hand slips entirely around him.
the sound max makes hits the back of charles's throat, is swallowed into his belly.
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they shower together three times. max presses him into the wall, sinks to his knees. sucks the life out of him. they dry in the air three times, in the worn sheets that once lay made over the beds.
arthur asks once a day if it's normal for sassy to stare at him. she looks carnivorous, his texts read. the other one keeps jumping on me while i'm working out.
charles replies. max folds himself around his back. they laugh, they fuck, they eat, they drink, they shower, they sleep. they kiss, they kiss, they kiss. they touch.
a week is up far too soon.
this is the hardest part, charles had said.
no, thinks max as charles thumbs the skin of his shoulder. his smile is soft honey in the heat of sunrise. his moles glow. he is beautiful. this is.
charles says, "so? was it everything you dreamed of and more?" he is desert hot and clammy. his fingers are tender. the fatelines on his palms press to max's own.
max kisses him. "it was everything."
charles smiles into it. then, he lets go. they both do.
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on may 3rd 2052, max goes home and dresses in black.
he has a clasp around his throat, unassumingly rectangular, engraved: CLV. a note in ink: worth it.
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there is a prayer in the room, period one: 
thank you, thank you, thank you.
(it was beautiful.)
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hauntnowpod · 8 months
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Casting Announcement Round 1
With 51 VAs this season, we've got quite a few ghosts (and humans, too), to introduce!
Without further ado, let me present:
Alana Rader, joining us this season as Maggie & Kate Fox.
Alana is a Brooklyn-based actor/writer/director & proud rescue Pekingese dog mom. You can hear her as Sweetie on the podcast “The Chronicles of Rolling Hills: Dog Psychiatrist & Zombie Lawyer” as well as Obedience in the new podcast “If We Really Were Witches.” alanarader.com 
Ali Hylton, returning as one of the voices of The Apartment!
Ali is a Texas-based synesthetic artist with a love for storytelling and turning life experiences into art. She is the producer of the audio dramas Dining in the Void, Human Error, and is working on several upcoming shows such as Written in Stardust and Fallen Memories. They are a composer for shows such as Dining in the Void, Someone Dies in this Elevator, SHIFTS (Season Two) and HUBRIS. Ali has also written for the show HUBRIS and is a producer for the networks Zebulon Podcasts and The Shadow Network. You can find them on twitter @MissAliHylton or visit their website alihylton.carrd.co for more!
Alex Bui, joining this season as The Drivers.
Alex Bui is a Vietnamese-American voice actor with a remote studio in San Antonio, TX. He has always had a passion for acting and was only recently able to pursue his dreams. He has been in various indie projects such as Doomsday Paradise, Nightshade Academy, ThatLovePodcast, and more! Alex is always eager to work and learn from those around him and always puts his best foot forward to give the life to his work that it deserves. alexbuivo.com
Archer Devon, joining the cast this season as Poltergeist 2!
Archer is a 21 year old disabled queer voice actor who has always loved performing, and has been on the voice acting scene as early as 2019. When ze's not behind the mic, ze can usually be found playing video games with friends or snuggling with zir cat, Nessarose. Right now, you can also hear him as the voice of Celeste in the upcoming visual novel Celestial Crowns! You can find him on Twitter at @ArcherDevonVA.
Ariane Marchese, returning in a new role!
Last season Ariane was the voice of a Death's Cookery contestant. This season, she's back as TV Voices! Find Ariane online at arianem.com
Aubrey Akers, joining us this season as Professor 2!
Aubrey Akers is a Columbus based voice artist appearing in multiple audio dramas and commercial work. Find Aubrey online at voices.com/profile/aubreyakers
Becca Marcus, returning as Lota--who has some important unfinished business to figure out this season.
Becca Marcus is a disabled voice actor from the UK. She has been drawn to performing from a young age, growing up in local theatre and dreaming of acting as an adult. Lota is very dear to her heart and she's thrilled to be back haunting for this season! You can also hear her as Elio in Moonbase Theta, Out, as well as in podcasts such as Sidequesting, Someone Dies in This Elevator, and A Ninth World Journal. You can find her on Twitter @beccamarcus_, and at https://beccamarcus.carrd.co/
Ben Akira Spencer, joining us this season as Bill's Assistant and McMansion.
Ben Akira Spencer is a Canadian voice actor who has featured in video games, animation, and podcasts. He is set to appear in several international releases this year. Find him on Twitter @HeyHowdyVA
Brad Colbroock, returning as Cas, the leader of the ghost hunting gang, You Haint Seen Nothin' Yet. (We're also thrilled Brad's doing the sound design, it will be delectably haunting!!!)
Brad Colbroock is a sound designer specializing in scripted audio fiction. You can hear their recent horror work on BloodyFM’s Skin Crawl, Mayfair Watchers Society, and some less visceral content on Magnesium Film’s Celeritas. Hear all of Brad’s work at bradcolbroock.com/#sound
Bree Frankel, joining this season as FF House Ghost 2 and FF House. YES the FF stands for something, NO I will not tell you. Spoilers, darling!
Bree Frankel is an Australian LGBTQ+ voice actress based in Melbourne. Bree embarked on their voiceover journey in May 2022 and has given their voice to animation, video games and audio dramas, with the vocal range and acting ability to bring a wide variety of characters to life. breefrankelvo.carrd.co/ 
Candace McAfee, joining us this season as Netta. Their contribution to this season is truly magnificent.
Candace McAfee, also known as Candace the Magnificent, is a Black queer NB voice actor, TTRPG performer, writer and musician. When they’re not working, Candace enjoys collecting books, spending time with their two cats, and making beautiful things. Learn more about them here: https://linktr.ee/candacethemagnificent. 
Carl G Brooks, joining the haunting this season as Theodore and FF House.
Carl G Brooks (He/Him) is an actor and writer living and working in Dallas/Fort Worth, Tx. Here Carl writes screenplays and provides voice over. Apart from business Carl enjoys practicing drum set, hiking, visual art and crafting. www.carlgbrooks.com
And me, Courtney Floyd, returning as Eulalie!
Please share our crowdfunding campaign widely and contribute if you can! igg.me/at/hauntresponsibly
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hysterical-cats · 1 year
(some) of my favorite demeter actresses!!!
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Lisa Karlin (US Tour 5 2006-2007, Sacramento Music Circus 2009)
spoiler alert Lisa Karlin is my favorite Demeter ever. watch her performance of macavity right now. her movements her expressions her VOICE shes everything. shes so demeter. also her costume in us tour 5 slams but thats beside the point
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Nora DeGreen (US Tour 6 2022-present)
NORA i adore nora. i saw them live and ughhhh their performance was so amazing!!!!! they played a very skittish and nervous deme but also one who has fun and dances with friends and it makes me :). also more nonbinary demeters please.
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Devon-Jade Clark (Oasis of the Seas Cast 12)
love her love her energy love her vibes. she also has a lovely voice!!! idk not much to say here other than i love her.
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Ella Nonini (International Tour 2018-2019, Asia Tour 2020-2021)
rrrgh i love her. she has such a sweet vibe and i love her expressions and voice. also she gets bonus points for having a similar body type to me. sorry not sorry i never said this would be un-biased and objective.
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Brenda Braxton (Broadway 1990-1992)
her voice hurrrrghh she has this beautiful deep voice that really suits the jazziness of the macavity number. also love the way she moves. little fun fact it's likely she was the demeter my mom saw when she saw cats in the early 90's. if only my mom remembered literally any of it.
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