#cattie-brie x drizzt
mayamint · 1 month
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greenieart · 5 months
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They Are Friends…….
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vspin · 5 months
Passage to Dawn. Drizzt #10
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I really liked this installment but the plot was a bit underwhelming?
The characters are the bright spots of these books.
I loved the crew of the Sea Sprite. I loved Robillard, Harkle, and Deudermont. Even Duncan grew on me.
Drizzt's love for Zaknafein is everything.
Cattie-Brie is climbing the ranks of fav characters.
Idk who Cadderly is....sounds like he is supposed to be important?
"Me boy" 😭😭
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I was lukewarm on Wulfgar in the previous books, but I was very happy to see him back and i am curious about where his story goes.
I actually have a lot to say about this one but these are the thoughts top of mind. Like I said the characters are amazing and they really drive the books and make them great.
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maybeamultiverse · 7 months
I just wanna share a fic recommendation because I've been reading the absolute shit out of this little ficlet series and UGH it's so good. Even if you don't know or haven't read The Legend of Drizzt or any Forgotten Realms/DND related content... it's so beautifully composed.
"The Heart of Cunning Jarlaxle" by Lady_Selkie_Nightingale on AO3
It's a Jarlaxle x Catti-brie fic series, which seems like the most random ship ever, but it's sooooooo goooood.
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gertlushgaming · 1 year
Dungeons & Dragons Dark Alliance Review (PlayStation 5)
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For our Dungeons And Dragons Dark Alliance Review we show how the world of Dungeons & Dragons comes to life in an explosive action brawler filled with real-time combat and dynamic co-op. Play as iconic D&D heroes and join up to three other friends to battle legendary monsters, earn powerful gear, and unlock new abilities to take on even bigger challenges.
Dungeons & Dragons Dark Alliance Review Pros:
- Decent graphics. - 2.68GB download size. - Platinum trophy. - Action RPG gameplay. - Colorblind support. - The controller has two presets. - An opening tutorial section that teaches you how to fight and loot. - Four characters- Drizzt Do'Urden (Ranger), Catti-Brie (fighter), Wulfgar (barbarian) Bruenor Battlehammer (fighter). - Hand-drawn animated cutscenes mixed with in-game scenes. - Online and offline support. Set your option in-game and change it on the fly. - 3rd person perspective. - The Camp is your hub space - the map is used to select campaigns, reward chests, merchants to buy, sell and upgrade loot, and a trophies room. - Campaigns have 3 acts with the final one being shorter but a big boss fight. - Combo counter. - Damage numbers pop on the screen. - Six difficulties that tell you the recommended combat score. - Your combat score is calculated on gear and stats. - Loot has rarity levels. - Fast loading times. - Some seriously cool-looking armor. - Combat has combos, ranged, melee, and an ultimate move along with a handy lock-on. - Defensive moves include dash, dodge, block, and parry moves. - Can skip cutscenes if you so wish. - Break mining points up for crystals that come in rarity levels. - Acts will have the main objective with a few optional ones. - People will interact with you and call you by your character type. - Funny animations for the enemies like ass-hitting and having them run away. - Short rest- once you clear an area of enemies a fire will spawn for a limited time. Use it to replenish health/stamina or don't use it to increase loot rarity level rewards. Using fire for healing will also respawn all enemies. - Areas in the game are big and allow you to go multiple ways and find secret routes and rooms. - Elite enemies are tougher bigger enemies. - If you listen to the enemies they actually call you out by name or race. - Enemies react more and can run away or gang up. - A hot and cold mechanic that allows you to get warm so you can go through ice fields unscathed. - Death resets you back to a checkpoint (fire if activated) or back to the level start. - Stamina is in use for combat, Evasion, and using abilities. Enemies get exhausted and can be beaten easier. - End of a level breakdown of performance and unlocks rewards. - Skill tree to buy new passive abilities. - The Journal menu gives details on enemy bios, paintings, relief, tablets, and tomes. - Skins act like transmogs and allow you to change the appearance of your gear without adding any stats or bonuses to it. Cosmetic only. - Set bonuses are where you get X amount of the same set to activate additional buffs. - Gold is used to buy skills in the tree, upgrade equipment, and buy new gear. - In-game loot is displayed as a type of gear and rarity level and isn't revealed until you get back to the camp. - Can replay levels. - The camp has a test dummy that gives feedback on your attack and damages. (Pro-tip- you can earn the combo achievements here) - Excellent voice work. - Crystal along with gold is used to upgrade your gear, you need the correct crystal rarity to do so but you can pay to upgrade or downgrade collected crystals. - You can replay levels and upgrade to take on harder enemies. Dungeons & Dragons Dark Alliance Review Cons: - Cannot change characters' names, races, roles, or anything. - Lock-on only works with enemies you are facing not where the camera is facing. - The first few acts are actually the worst ones of the lot and quite the slog. - You are forced to do the tutorial yet the very first level then have you reading all the tutorials again. - Hard to see loot especially coins on the floor. - You can't equip and use loot in a game and have to wait until you finish the level or return to the camp. - Tries to add Dark Souls-like mechanics and it doesn't really fit. - Enemies will repeat lines and layouts. - Combat can get very messy with large numbers especially as lock-on breaks so regularly. - Can get stuck in a loop as fire choices are permanent for that level run. - Hard to always judge blocking and parrying. - Combat is fast but lock-on and fighting movements are slow. - The ending is just a cutscene, No credits or congratulations instead you just go back to the hub and carry on. - Quitting back to camp loses all earned progress and loot. - Combat always feels the same. - Levels are very long and you cannot quit out. - Everything is heavily scripted meaning you never miss anything and constantly feel guided rather than exploring.   Related Post: Fantasy Empires Review (Steam) Dungeons & Dragons Dark Alliance: Official website. Developer: Tuque Games Publisher: Wizards Of The Coast Store Links- PlayStation Read the full article
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ao3feed-tolkien · 1 year
Shattered Planes
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3svje59
by Hannah_Girl
A nefarious force has caused a calamity that has affected Middle Earth, Faerun, the 21st century, and the 24th century. In an instant, Drizzt, Legolas, the Winchesters, the crew of the USS. Enterprise, and many others, find themselves in strange worlds with no way to get back to where they came from. They quickly learn that each of these worlds is under threat by many dangerous adversaries, and the fate of four worlds and everyone who lives on them hangs in the balance.
Words: 3695, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: The Lord of the Rings - All Media Types, The Hobbit - All Media Types, The Silmarillion and other histories of Middle-Earth - J. R. R. Tolkien, The Legend of Drizzt Series - R. A. Salvatore, Supernatural (TV 2005), Buffy the Vampire Slayer (TV), The X-Files, Star Trek: The Next Generation, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Star Trek: Voyager
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen, Multi
Characters: Legolas Greenleaf, Thranduil (Tolkien), Thorin Oakenshield, Fíli (Tolkien), Kíli (Tolkien), Bilbo Baggins, Elrond Peredhel, Celebrimbor | Telperinquar, Glorfindel (Tolkien), Elrohir (Tolkien), Elladan (Tolkien), Drizzt Do'Urden, Artemis Entreri, Catti-brie (Dungeons & Dragons), Ellifain Tuuserail, Bruenor Battlehammer, Dinin Do'Urden, Berg'inyon Baenre, Doum'wielle Armgo, Effron Alegni, Kimmuriel Oblodra, Jarlaxle Baenre, Zaknafein Do'Urden, Castiel (Supernatural), Hannah (Supernatural), Meg Masters, Dean Winchester, Fox Mulder, Dana Scully, Buffy Summers, Jean-Luc Picard, Kira Nerys, Kathryn Janeway, Chakotay (Star Trek), Original Female Character(s)
Relationships: Legolas Greenleaf/Original Female Character(s), Kíli (Tolkien)/Original Female Character(s), Fíli (Tolkien)/Original Female Character(s), Catti-brie/Drizzt Do'Urden, Castiel/Hannah/Meg Masters, Jo Harvelle/Dean Winchester, Eileen Leahy/Sam Winchester, Charlie Bradbury/Willow Rosenberg, Fox Mulder/Dana Scully, Angel/Buffy Summers, Beverly Crusher/Jean-Luc Picard, Kira Nerys/Odo, Julian Bashir/Jadzia Dax/Elim Garak
Additional Tags: Multiple Crossovers, Canon-Typical Violence, Blood and Gore, War, dark themes, Trauma, Battle, Torture, Destruction, Alternate Universe, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Action/Adventure, Friendship, Platonic Relationships
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3svje59
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ao3feed-thehobbit · 1 year
Shattered Planes
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/I1ed2zX
by Hannah_Girl
A nefarious force has caused a calamity that has affected Middle Earth, Faerun, the 21st century, and the 24th century. In an instant, Drizzt, Legolas, the Winchesters, the crew of the USS. Enterprise, and many others, find themselves in strange worlds with no way to get back to where they came from. They quickly learn that each of these worlds is under threat by many dangerous adversaries, and the fate of four worlds and everyone who lives on them hangs in the balance.
Words: 3695, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: The Lord of the Rings - All Media Types, The Hobbit - All Media Types, The Silmarillion and other histories of Middle-Earth - J. R. R. Tolkien, The Legend of Drizzt Series - R. A. Salvatore, Supernatural (TV 2005), Buffy the Vampire Slayer (TV), The X-Files, Star Trek: The Next Generation, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Star Trek: Voyager
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen, Multi
Characters: Legolas Greenleaf, Thranduil (Tolkien), Thorin Oakenshield, Fíli (Tolkien), Kíli (Tolkien), Bilbo Baggins, Elrond Peredhel, Celebrimbor | Telperinquar, Glorfindel (Tolkien), Elrohir (Tolkien), Elladan (Tolkien), Drizzt Do'Urden, Artemis Entreri, Catti-brie (Dungeons & Dragons), Ellifain Tuuserail, Bruenor Battlehammer, Dinin Do'Urden, Berg'inyon Baenre, Doum'wielle Armgo, Effron Alegni, Kimmuriel Oblodra, Jarlaxle Baenre, Zaknafein Do'Urden, Castiel (Supernatural), Hannah (Supernatural), Meg Masters, Dean Winchester, Fox Mulder, Dana Scully, Buffy Summers, Jean-Luc Picard, Kira Nerys, Kathryn Janeway, Chakotay (Star Trek), Original Female Character(s)
Relationships: Legolas Greenleaf/Original Female Character(s), Kíli (Tolkien)/Original Female Character(s), Fíli (Tolkien)/Original Female Character(s), Catti-brie/Drizzt Do'Urden, Castiel/Hannah/Meg Masters, Jo Harvelle/Dean Winchester, Eileen Leahy/Sam Winchester, Charlie Bradbury/Willow Rosenberg, Fox Mulder/Dana Scully, Angel/Buffy Summers, Beverly Crusher/Jean-Luc Picard, Kira Nerys/Odo, Julian Bashir/Jadzia Dax/Elim Garak
Additional Tags: Multiple Crossovers, Canon-Typical Violence, Blood and Gore, War, dark themes, Trauma, Battle, Torture, Destruction, Alternate Universe, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Action/Adventure, Friendship, Platonic Relationships
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/I1ed2zX
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elisabethwheatley · 4 years
Do you ever think you should just shut up and kiss me?
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lehdenlaulu · 4 years
7, 8, 9!
7. A non-canon ship that should be canon?
Whenever a question like this comes up I first start to wonder: what the hell does ‘canon’ even mean? Because every ship that exists in the same canon and interacts in any way in any of it *is* canon, technically. And if we’re talking specifically ‘romantic canon’ there seems to be a lot of debate on what counts as proof enough: a kiss? A love confession? Author’s/actor’s/whoever’s say-so? Being in the same damn room? Wedding vows? It seems to be very relative.
Even ‘endgame canon’ is a nebulous concept, honestly, because unless the characters literally die in each other’s arms *waves at Jyn and Cassian*, anything can happen after the happily ever after. :p
...yes, I’ve given this way too much thought. 😅
Anyway, I guess I could say Poe x Rey literally should have been canon before Rian Johnson once again made a mess of everything. *sigh*
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8. Your oldest ship; the one you’ve shipped for the longest time?
Ooh! Three ships immediately come to mind and I can’t tell which one of them was the first one: Faramir and Éowyn from The Lord of the Rings, Drizzt and Catti-brie from R.A. Salvatore’s Forgotten Realms books and Gambit & Rogue from The X-Men. All of them since I was a preteen, basically.
[9 answered!]
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My fandoms and my favorite characters and ships
I’m going to talk about all my fandoms and my top one or two characters from each fandom, and my top OTP from each one, if I have any. I’m going in order from when they entered my life. 
Star Trek: The Next Generation
I watched TNG when it first aired in 1987. It was my first fandom and my most time honored fandom. I literally grew up watching it as a child, until it ended in about 1994, when I was about 10. I didn’t know about ships or OTPs or anything back then (no internet cuz you know... it was the 80′s and I was a child). But I did have my favorites: 
Favorite Characters
Captain Picard: Seriously Picard is awesome. He was my first role model. He always had an important lesson to teach and he always did the right thing. I had tons of different Captain Picard action figures.
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Dr. Crusher:  She was probably my very first girl crush. I seriously loved Dr. Crusher. I thought she was tough and smart. In the 80s, when women were beginning to be able to go to college and stuff, she was especially important because she was the Chief Medical officer. She had an important role on the ship.
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OTP: It shouldn’t come as a surprise that my OTP for TNG is Picard and Crusher. I wanted them to get together so bad!! My favorite episode was “attached” an episode in season seven where the two of them were stranded on a deserted planet and could hear each other’s thoughts. They learned about their intimate dreams and their feelings for each other.
Star Trek Deep Space Nine: 
Deep Space Nine is near and dear to me because it was MY show. I watched it as a young teenager. It was there for me when I was dealing with some dark times in my life, and dealing with the challenges of being a teenager. it was the first fandom that I wrote fan fiction for. Of course, there was no internet then either, so it was just on notebooks and those notebooks have been lost in time. But even now, Deep Space Nine is my default when I can’t decide what to watch. Its my comfort zone, it’s where I feel safe. It was also one of the first times I felt moved by a show ending. I mourned TNG but I was too young. DS9 left just a void and there was no netflix to take comfort in, so no reruns.
Kira Nerys
I loved Kira so much! She was so bad ass. I seriously wanted to be her back in the day. She had a quick temper and she could be stubborn but she had a very tough past. She was a terrorist. She fought for her people’s freedom and she cared deeply for her planet. She dealt with some serious trauma and PTSD because she had been fighting as a resistance fighter since she was a child. It’s all she knew. Living in caves, starving, surviving. She taught me how to be resourceful, my favorite quote is when she said if you need a hammer, use a wrench. 
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Constable Odo
Odo was the sheriff in town. He cared about justice and getting at the truth and he tended to be very hardline about it. He took his work very seriously. I loved his banter with Quark. Odo was the observer, he was on no one’s side but he didn’t hesitate to give his opinion and he wasn’t a fan of authority. He did things his way.
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OTP: Kira and Odo! I shipped them so hardback in the day! I knew they had something from the very beginning. In season one I shipped them. I was waiting through the whole show to see them be canon, only to be crushed when Odo left in the series finale! That kiss on the promenade was probably the best thing that ever happened to me!
Star Trek Voyager
I admit I didn’t get into Voyager right away. I was mourning for DS9 and couldn’t handle any more Star Trek spin-offs at the time. So I didn’t get into it until it had already been syndicated. But when I did, it definitely hit me hard. I was going through my early community college years, making friends, I met my husband around this time. I moved away from my parents. There were a lot of changes in my life so VOY came into my life at an important time.
Captain Janeway
Of course, I love her! She’s the captain! She’s smart, she’s tough, and she doesn’t take crap from anyone. She was another huge role model in my life. She was a scientist and a leader. Her crew mattered the most to her and it was through her that I learned about sacrifice and bravery. 
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Commander Chakotay
I liked Chakotay. I liked his spiritual side. I happen to be part Native American so that’s something I related to him with. He was a strong sensitive type. The warrior. 
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OTP: Janeway and Chakotay of course! I wanted them to get together so bad! It kills me when they had so many close chances that never happened. I mean it was so clear that they loved each other and that Chakotay/Seven thing at the end was a total slap in the face to us Janeway/Chakotay fans! I still hate the writers for that! it totally ruined the series finale for me.  
X-files: So begins the era of stuff that husband introduced me to, starting with X-files. I had never watched it back when it was on because I only had eyes for Star Trek, but my husband, who was my boyfriend at the time, introduced me to pretty much every fandom from here on out. X-files was his show, its what he grew up on. 
Scully: I’m a total Scully girl. I love her! She’s a scientist and she wears a gun. Total badass! And I love that even though her scientific mind, she was also spiritual which, as a pagan, I can relate. She knows that she is in a male-dominated occupation but she doesn’t let it bother her and isn't afraid to give people a piece of her mind.
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You can’t have Scully without Mulder! I love how dedicated to the cause he was. And my husband and I have this on going joke that whenever you see a top secret secured area you have to wonder if Mulder has broken into it yet. Cuz he always manages to get to places where he isn’t exactly supposed to be. 
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OTP: Mulder and Scully of course! Mulder may be a goof ball but he has said some of the most romantic, amazing things. “You were my constant” that whole speech right there was amazing.
Lord of the Rings
My husband introduced me to Lord of the Rings. I never read the books until I met him and even then, I’ve only read the Fellowship, but I loved the movies. They are my ultimate sick day splurge. I plan a LOTR/hobbit marathon when I get sick. 
Aragorn: I think we are seeing a pattern. I like the leader types. The warriors. Which is why I love Aragorn! Also, I’ve always had a thing for guys with long hair so there’s that. But yeah, Aragorn is the sensitive, courageous warrior but he also has this self-doubt. He worries that he won't live up to what everyone knows he must become. 
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The younger brother to Boromir. I hate how Faramir’s father treated him and I think it’s sad how he still looked up to him and to his brother. He was brave but he had a kind heart and he deserved better than Denethor.
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OTP: To be honest, I didn’t really ship anyone from Lord of the Rings. 
Rurouni Kenshin
I’ve never really been into anime but this is the one exception. And of course, my husband introduced me. He’s been a fan of the anime and the manga. I like this anime for it’s historical content. I am a history major and I love fandoms that make the setting a big part of the show. Like the setting itself is a character too, and this was certainly true in Kenshin. Meiji Japan was a character in the show in many ways. I really loved how it tied history into everything, describing Japan’s beginning of imperialism and its rise that would eventually put it on the world stage.
Kenshin is my favorite character! The wandering Samurai who just wants to protect people. He’s the warrior type just like all my other favorites. 
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OTP: I didn’t really ship anyone, although I did have a soft spot for Kenshin/Kauru and Sanosuke/Megumi.
The Legends of Drizzt
My favorite book series of all time! I got so obsessed with the Drow through reading these books. My favorites were the first books about Drizzt and his homeland. This is also the first fandom my friend and I got really into and started RPGs with. WE had done RPGs with Voyager and X-files crossovers but this was probably the longes RPG series we did.
Drizzt Do’Urdon: Drizzt and Kenshin have a lot of similarities. Drizzt is another warrior type. He was abused by his female-dominated society until he finally had the courage to do what few drow ever did- leave. He faced hatred and discrimination on the surface because everyone feared the Drow.
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OTP: I didn’t really ship anyone. I liked Drizzt/Cattie-brie and I thought it would have been nice if he got to reconcile with Ellifain and maybe they could have been together, but that’s all.
Buffy The Vampire Slayer
I wouldn’t say I am a hardcore Buffy fangirl, but I love the show. My sisters were really obsessed with it back in the day and they both know every single episode by heart. My husband is a huge fan so he finally got me to watch it. 
Willow Rosenburg
Willow’s my favorite! She’s nerdy, geeky, and witchy. She’s been Buffy’s number one and she’s no side kick, she can handle her own. I was a nerd in school, and still am so I get her.
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OTP: I liked Buffy and Angel and Willow and Tara. I also thought maybe Xander and Spike would have been cool, or maybe Xander and Andrew.
The Hobbit
I loved the Hobbit movies despite the criticism. They were my first attempt at publishing fiction online. I have a bunch of my old Hobbit fics on Fan Fiction.net still. I also have saved some of my all time favorite Hobbit fics. I love the brotherly love between Fili and Kili and fan fic writers did such a good job of capturing it!
I am on the ‘justice for Fili’ team for sure. I seriously feel like Fili deserved way more than what he got in the movies. The third movie irritated me because Fili hardly got a part. It’s like he wasn’t even there. Fili was Thorin’s heir and I just think fan fiction does a way better job of giving him the love he deserved. 
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I loved Kili. He’s the younger brother so he feels he has to prove to Thorin- his hero- that he can do what needs to get done. I think it hurt him to be left behind.
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OTP: No OTPS here, I don’t really ship anyone. I wasn’t a fan of the Kili/Tauriel thing at all. When I write Hobbit fics, I have these OCs I have been using for years that I ship with Fili and Kili but that’s all.
Last but not least! Supernatural is my last fandom. I’ve been a part of it for about three or four years. It’s my most current, the one I’m into the most at the moment. After it ends, that will be it! No more fandoms for me, all my fandoms will be things of the past. But my husband introduced me to it. He and I both have an interest in theology so that’s why we got into it, for all the angel and religious aspect. I like the mystic stuff, and I like how angels and demons are these different species with their own rules and such. That is the thing I’ve always loved about science fiction and fantasy- I love learning about non human cultures. I like learning how their society is. 
Hannah is my current crush these days. I love her. I pretty much think she is a goddess. I have so many reasons. I love that she is a soldier and she’s tough, I love that she has flaws but that she’s brave. Her inner conflict was the best part of her character, how she struggled with her sense of law and justice and with her emotions. She seemed to struggle a lot with trying to process the things she felt. I can honestly say that she is the closest I’ve ever seen to a female person with autism in any of my fandoms. That’s why I love her so much, I relate to her on such a personal level, being autistic myself. She inspires my writing and my art so much. She’s probably my favorite character out of all my fandoms right now. I’ve never related to a character more than I do to her. She is the character I love to play the most because she feels comfortable to me. 
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When it comes to team free will, I am a Cas-girl all the way! Who doesn’t love that adorable little angel? I feel like Castiel’s whole time on the show has been so sad. He rebelled for his friends and ever since then, it’s been one disaster after another with him and even now when season 15 is about to come out, I don’t think he’s ever found true happiness, and that hurts. He misses being an angel and it hurts that they don’t accept him for who he is. I’ve tried to touch upon Castiel’s emotional health a lot in my writing because I don’t think the show does a good job of addressing it. He has done so much for the Winchesters but I don’t think he’s happy with how his life is now, especially after the end of the last season. 
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OTP: Castiel and Hannah! My ultimate hardcore forever OTP. I truly believe Castiel loved Hannah and its clear that she loved him. She is one of the few people in Castiel’s life who seemed to truly, honestly want to address his needs. She literally begged him multiple times to take care of himself, and in true Winchester fashion, was willing to let Metatron out and this sacrifice the world, just to save Cas. She’s one of the few angels who cared about Castiel, even knowing what he’s done, none of that bothered her. In the beginning when they first met, when all the other angels wanted to kill him, she didn’t care what he had done and only left when she thought he had betrayed them and was quick to come back to him when she found out the truth. I love Castiel and Hannah, pretty much all my fics focus on them. 
NOTE: Before you start getting all upset about the fact that all my OTP ships are m/f, I want to point some things out to you. First off, I am bi. Second of all, m/f doesn’t always equal straight and m/m or f/f doesn’t always equal gay. STOP IT WITH THE BI ERASURE!!! I have plenty of other ships but these are my top ships and yes I mostly ship m/f. Just because they all just happen to be my favorites. Maybe because all the above characters tend to have certain characteristics and certain traits and it's their personalities that I ship not their gender. Also, I have huge crushes on the above female AND male characters so again, it’s probably why I ship them. Also, I am demisexual so sex doesn’t really play a huge role in who I ship. A lot of these characters also have similarities to me and my husband, so I tend to ship what I see in real life. I actually ship plenty of other ships other than what’s listed, yes most are still m/f, but some are f/f and some are poly. I don’t ship a lot of m/m because, well, I just don’t. I haven’t found any m/m ships that I really ship. I am all about chemistry first and if I don’t feel it I don’t feel it. Since sex doesn’t play a factor in my ships much, I need them to connect mentally and emotionally much more than physically. I also value equality in relationships. I am not into the whole ‘opposites attract’ thing. Characters have to be compatible. 
And one other thing. Chemistry is in the eye of the beholder. What one person sees as chemistry someone else might not agree and that’s okay. It’s okay to disagree it's not okay to be a hater.
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mayhemmachine · 7 years
8, 30, 50
8. OTP?
I don’t actually have a lot of ships for popular characters - the only relationship I’ve ever had strong feelings for also spawned my NoTP because I was just that emotionally invested in this series. So there’s a series by R.A. Salvatore inside the Forgotten Realms world called “The Legend of Drizzt,” and it starts with the Icewind Dale trilogy and has a lot of books thereafter. Somewhere in this pretty good book series, Salvatore makes the inexcusable decision to force a romance with a woman who just had her actual husband killed and a dark elf who’s been having regular friendly drop ins with the queen of a nearby city. So yeah, I deny Cattie Brie x Drizzt Do’Urden and I reject that canon, and substitute it with Alustriel x Drizzt because they belong together and are fantastic.
Also Hagrid x Madame Maxime because that needs to be finished.
And maybe Susan Ivanova x Talia Winters. But Susan x Marcus is good too.
30. Meaning behind your URL
This name was actually a tidbit from a conversation my friends and I had last year at University during lunch. We were trying to come up with ridiculous band names, and we went from mythical creatures spontaneously combusting to Hydra on Fire. It’s not super catchy and not super personal to me, I just think it’s a funny inside joke.
50. What is your favorite movie?
Gah, this one is hard...I have a particular fondness for cult classics that are not particularly stand out in any way, but are sensational just because of how silly, goofy, or culturally outside the norm they are. Especially the old ones. But I recently watched a mockumentary about vampires living in New Zealand that I would watch infinite times, so we’ll go with “What we do in the shadows.” Also Sparkly David Bowie and all of Labyrinth.
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itunesbooks · 5 years
Passage to Dawn - R.A. Salvatore
Passage to Dawn The Legend of Drizzt, Book X R.A. Salvatore Genre: Epic Price: $7.99 Publish Date: August 5, 2008 Publisher: Wizards of the Coast Publishing Seller: Penguin Random House LLC Revenge and Resurrection in a Frozen Wasteland! Drizzt and Catti-brie have been away from Mithral Hall for six long years, but the pain of a lost companion still weighs heavily on their strong shoulders. Chasing pirates aboard Captain Deudermont's Sea Sprite is enough to draw their attention away from their grief. Then a mysterious castaway on an uncharted island sends them back to the very source of their pain, and into the clutches of a demon with vengeance on his mind. http://bit.ly/2LxcVKI
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elisabethwheatley · 4 years
Innovindil: *flrts with Drizzt*
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lehdenlaulu · 6 years
Ship Asks: What was your first ship, and what fandom is it from? What is the most underrated ship, in your opinion? What is the most overrated ship, in your opinion?
What was your first ship, and what fandom is it from?
I’m not 100% sure which one came first, but the three first ones I can remember are Faramir x Éowyn (LotR), Drizzt x Catti-brie (Forgotten Realms) and Gambit x Rogue (X-Men).
[underrated and overrated ships answered - unless you toss me another fandom :D]
Thanks, bb!
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lehdenlaulu · 7 years
♥ Valentine Fandom Ask Meme: 1, 4, 9, 14, and 30! ♥
1. Your favourite non-canon ship?
Define “canon”. :D I think Poe x Rey counts, at least, and Mercy x Stefan (from the Mercy Thompson books) whatever ship teasing might exist.
4. Name a popular ship you don’t get the appeal of.
I could name a dozen. :p Ranging from ships I’m aggressively indifferent towards to ship I can’t stand. Trying to think of ship falling into the latter category I was reminded of Jack and Kate from LOST. Eugh. He was always such a dick to her.
9. What ship represents the kind of relationship you’d love to have?
I’m drawn towards the Adventure Duo kind of ships, because that’s what I ultimately want, pretty much. So Drizzt & Catti-brie (Forgotten Realms) and Doctor & Rose might work as examples.
14. Is there a ship you feel gets undeserved hate in fandom?
Well, the only real reason people seem to hate Poe x Rey is because it pairs characters people think ~belong to~ someone else (namely Finn, I think).
Same with Matt x Karen from Daredevil, only with added bonus misogyny towards Karen. People’s problem with the ship never seem to be the actual canonical issues (like Matt being a grade A ass in addition to having one), but aggressive preference to pair another female character to him. Because they “deserve” him more or something. (None of the fabulous Defenders ladies deserve to put up with him right now, hello.)
30. Is there a ship you like but you dislike the fandom?
Honestly, some of the Finn & Rey fans are getting so militant it has started to make me sour towards the ship a little, which I hate because it’s such a sweet, wholesome ship.
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