#cause festive mx is life
monstabaebae · 7 years
Monsta X As Seasonal Treats
Shownu: Sweet Potato Pie
Wonho: Sugar Cookie
Minhyuk: Salted Caramel Hot Chocolate
Kihyun: Pumpkin Spice Latte
Hyungwon: Peppermint Mocha
Jooheon: Candy Cane
I.M: Eggnog
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Adventure: The Feast of Last Lights
The beacon shines in the highest and harshest of places to forewarn others of danger. vigilant and true, burning proud and bright against the storm. 
Setup: Celebrated on the night of the winter solstice, the Feast of Last Lights harkens back to an ancient calamity, when the land burned and the sky was so thick with ash it seemed as if there would never be another true sunrise again. The old empire died under the weight of a decades long winter, but still the people survived, with their lanterns and their petty hearths and their guttering candleflames of hope... to emerge one spring day to a world that had was born anew. 
Originally a memorium for those lost in the calamity, Lastlight has evolved into a festival celebrating survival in the coldest and bleakest time of the year, where lanterns and paper flowers are hung up all about the town square to remind all that spring is coming, and songs are sung from dusk till dawn to herald that the darkness of the season will soon abate. 
Adventure Hooks: 
Lastlight is but one day in a long chain of interfaith festivals and celebrations, because after all, if you’re out on the town enjoying the pretty lights, why not stop in at your neighbor’s place and pay homage to their seasonal spirits and a cup of spiced sider? A party in town for a holiday season is sure to find all manner of amusements and distractions, but perhaps among all the cacophony they may find called to a celebration that particularly calls to them, whether it be the folksy feasting of Yondalla for those missing family, or the joyous reindeer games of kord for those who wish to savor all life’s triumphs. For some, it’s enough to put down life’s burdens for a while and share a bottle and a bad joke with a fellow traveler.  These side festivals should be tailored to your party, addressing their unspoken needs or subtly pushing them to explore new avenues 
The night before Lastlights is called Wispernok, and is a time of gift giving, outrageous toasts, and the telling of tales. Often these will be stories of hope and survival in lean times, though sometimes stories of festive characters such as the Weary Drover , the Bride of Winter, or Yangle the Yulegoat will make a cameo. Of all these stories, the last one told is always of that of the city that burned, a parable of warning that takes many forms and morals but speaks of how the old imperial capital was consumed by flame. Whether because of pride or ill omen or the foolishness of a single child, the doom of the city is always tie to the ascendancy of Qualavanch, a demon with an all consuming hunger for the beauty of the world who fed upon the glories of the empire till there was ‘naught left but ash.  
Just like the Festival of Last Light, The dread tales of Qualavanch have also morphed, giving birth to the character of Mx/Mr/Ms. Quench, an ostentatiously dour figure played during winter festivities by a minstrel with (artificially) blackened teeth and a talent for fire-eating. Quench Is supposed to go about the town wagering candy and toys for dares and riddles, “drinking” the fire from lanterns whenever they win to keep the merrymakers on their toes. This year however, the entertainer hired to portray Quench really is a devil, intent on causing a little holiday mischief  by being unbeatable in games and exhaling larger and larger plumes of flame. If the party can’t manage to beat the fiend’s wits, perhaps they could challenge them (and a hastily summoned band of impish assistants) to a snowball fight to save the holiday!
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veiledsilver · 3 years
Top five moments you've felt like the universe was messing with you.
Oh boy everyone get ready this is a long list. In descending order, from mildly funny looking back on it to "oh god oh shit oh fuck":
5. Catfishing: College Edition
In 6th grade, I decided to apply to colleges early to see how they were like. I was scared that if they knew I was too young, they'd arrest me. So I created a gmail account as my persona, a white 12th grader named Emilie Alexander. Emilie was planning to go into nursing, dating a high school linebacker named Kyle Kenderson, and deathly allergic to bee stings. If she even came near a bee, she would die.
This part was of the utmost importance.
See, I was constantly paranoid that one day, the jig would be up- I might forget that my fake last name was Alexander. Or the college dean might come knocking at my door and tear up my home in his mad search for Emilie. If that happened I would fake her tragic death, presumably caused by one big fucking bee.
I secretly collected my information. What nearby states were the prettiest to visit. Which colleges were the safest and most affordable. How often they held courses that I liked. In my emails with colleges I tried to sound as mature and professional as possible.
Then, one day, a college member asked me what high school I was in, so they could check my records.
My blood froze.
It was time to bring out the bee.
In response to their question, I sent an email that was like this:
"Dear Mr. McLaughlin, I was a proud graduate of- ugh! Ah! Kyaaaa! Uwaa! W-w-what's this... huge goddamn bee doing here?! Eek, pardon my foul language! It's just that, as I told you earlier, being stung by a bee would kill me.... and now it's stung me thrice (three times)!!
What do I do?! I can't die... I've always wanted to attend your beautiful college...
But this is... the end...
Mr. McLaughlin...
*looks at you sadly*
Tell... my mother... I loved her...
He never responded, probably because he was rendered speechless, but I never touched that account again.
My private gmail for fun stuff like tumblr still has "Alexander" as a surname, though.
4. Wild and Authentic
Alright. Alright. So. My art teacher in middle school.
Right off the bat, they endeared themselves to the tumblr art kids- they proudly used they/them pronouns, dyed their hair vibrant colors, deeply encouraged OC creation, and was chill with any art style even if it was anime. Mx. Mason was very cool, except for one thing.
We had complete artistic freedom when it came to their assignments, EXCEPT FOR ONE THING.
Drumroll, please.
Take a deep breath if you must.
Cats had to have extremely distinct whisker pores.
YES, they believed that modern depictions of cats were too streamlined. Too... idealized. As a cat owner themselves, they were convinced that society's vision of cats did not do their feral feline ancestors justice. In making their faces flawlessly smooth-furred, we were stripping the cat of its true nature.
I found this out the hard way, when I was drawing warrior cats fanart for class (it was of Firestar cuddled in the arms of an orange haired anime catgirl who was his reincarnation in my first ever comic series, Warriors Neko Desu! ♡ Heart Academy Dokidoki).
Mx. Mason came over to look at my magnum opus, and I expected them to have their socks knocked off at my artistic talent. They lifted up my drawing for all to see, and I smugly leaned back in my seat.
Only for them to launch into a passionate lecture about how, in neglecting to draw whisker pores on cats, I was DENYING THIS FICTIONAL CAT OF ITS WILD AUTHENTIC SELF.
My friends absolutely lost it when I told them this story, and there was a period of time when all our discord nicknames were wild and authentic too.
As for Firestar and his counterpart Hoshineko Orenji-chan, I never did give them wild authentic whisker holes, but that's to be expected of a kittypet, I guess.
3. Stan Jungkook Or Whatever
A couple years ago, my family and I flew to Seoul, South Korea, to visit our relatives and teach me more about my heritage. It was very nice! I got to visit shrines and festivals and palaces, and I was in awe that this was what my ancestors had once seen in their daily lives.
Then, when we went to the modern side of Korea, I realized just how much I didn't fit in.
It was clear that I didn't know how to act, or how to speak Korean, and I spent my days fumbling around and getting scammed multiple times by salesmen. But I clowned myself the most... during an interactive event with kpop stars.
They had this experimental event where holograms of the boys would sing onstage and dance in place of the actual idols. Before the show began, girls could stand in booths that scanned their appearances, and holograms of THEM could dance onstage with the hologram boys.
I didn't know this.
When Cousin Ae-cha told me to step inside one of the machines, I thought I'd be hilarious and stand backwards, so it would scan the back of me instead of my front. As I walked out, I saw other girls putting on their best makeup, cutest clothes, and most expensive accessories, and I slowly realized that I was in danger.
But the danger didn't come until halfway through the concert, where the boys looked eagerly off-stage and a holy staircase appeared and all the hologram girls descended from heaven. There were cherry blossoms. There were roses. There was me, among the crowd of beautiful airbrushed girls, walking backwards.
I felt the judgemental gazes of twenty girls and their mothers.
Each boy danced with a girl, who got a cute animated moment with special effects, and sang about how they found a dream girl to have a true love romance with. Finally, all the girls vanished except one, and it was me.
One of the boys didn't dance with any girls, and now he was all alone in the rain, feeling dejected that HE did not find his true love girl to have a dream romance with. Then the rain stopped, the sun came out, and I emerged. Still backwards.
He was thrilled and sang about how my face (that he didn't see) stole his heart, and now everyone in the audience was giggling, and he slowly brought me very close to kiss me... but because I was backwards, his nose was cutely nuzzling my hair.
The audience members- at least the adults- were now laughing their asses off. His lips met the back of my head, and together we vanished into the wind.
I'd say I couldn't show my face there ever again, but I never did show my face, so... hm...
2. Horrid Little Temptress
If I wasn't a minor, I'd need a drink before starting this story. Sadly, I cannot drown my sorrows- and neither should you after you hear this, because it's only fair.
Mrs. Appleby was my Spanish teacher in like, 9th grade. Even the wild and authentic art teacher thought she was insane. Appleby forced kids to brew tea for her and yelled at them when they didn't get it right, and I thought she had a chronic squint until I realised she just did that to mock me and my Asian eye-folds. She forced us to watch Dora the Explorer to "absorb knowledge." Everyone fucking hated Mrs. Appleby.
But the worst thing she ever did... was during the school festival.
See, whenever she's angry, she zooms right into kids' faces to scream at them. Her wrinkled flesh would blot out the goddamn sun and all you see are her bloodshot yellow eyeballs so victims just stayed rooted to the spot like cornered animals or something similar. This is important.
Because when she was sampling her own brownies (read: hoarding them so no one else could eat them), one parent foolishly decided to grab one and she thought it was a student and she grabbed his wrist so hard she could've nearly snapped it and... and... zoomed into his face.
Except she underestimated his height and kissed him by accident, but it was more like her mouth was sucking in his face like a vacuum.
His wife was shrieking like an ape. His kid, my classmate, saw his social life flash before his eyes.
In her defense, she did not mouth to mouth with him on purpose and afterwards she cried in the bathroom and when I foolishly followed her in to comfort her, because I am a teacher's pet through and through, she snatched the paper towels I got for her and wailed that she was a-
If I had decided to not be kind, I never would've heard that string of fucking words. But I did. And I paid for it dearly. The end.
1. Violence IS The Answer, Sometimes
Thomas, my dearly detested.
Back in sixth grade, I used to have a crush on him because he had the surfer boy look with nicely tanned skin and pale blond hair and the clearest aquamarine eyes I've ever seen. He also liked surfing and swimming. He seemed like the perfect little trophy waifu except for one absolute dealbreaker.
He and his parents were extremely conservative and so, when I told him I liked him, his response was basically "haha no you're a [slur] and would probably eat my dog."
I was horrified and ran away to cry. But then, by the next day, I decided I needed to punish him. Thomas walked in before class started and I was waiting for him with these hands. I kicked him so he doubled over, slammed his face into his chair's seat, and quickly clambered on top of him to SIT ON THE BACK OF HIS HEAD. He started shaking and twitching and trying to pry me off, but eventually he went limp and stopped moving.
I thought he fell asleep, but Mohammed, another classmate who was bullied by Thomas, told me that Thomas might never wake up again (not that he was very sad about this. I didn't know until later, but Thomas said slurs at him too).
While I was sitting on the guy, he'd straight up passed out from the lack of oxygen.
Screaming and crying, I told our homeroom teacher that Thomas suddenly fainted, and she was the type of Caucasian that thought all little Asian kids were sweet and innocent, so it didn't even cross her mind that? It might've been me? Who sat on his head when she walked in?
He was sent home early that day. I had to go to a different school next year because Thomas's mom threatened legal action. The only reason I didn't get punished further was because my rich cousins out-Karen'd her and donated a huge amount of money to the school to keep them quiet.
Anyway, I never did anything that insane ever again, because something like that is enough for a lifetime. My cousins made it clear they would never back me up again. I was sure this whole event would be put behind me, too.
But last fall, during my first day of online learning... who did I see in my zoom meeting... BUT THOMAS! I had my mic and camera off, but the moment he saw my name, his face went pale. His soul would've left his body, but then it would've gone to hell, so it wisely decided to stay inside.
Still, out of shame and embarrassment, I never turned my camera on for the rest of the school year.
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ljgilbert · 4 years
Who: LJ Gilbert & Nora Toussaint ( @submissivenora​ )
When: During the Fall Festival
Where: Ferris Wheel 
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Nora stood at the entrance of the festival, she had an eye out looking LJ but her mind was else where. Lost in how she shouldn’t be doing this, but also how captivating her time with LJ had been, and how badly she wanted nothing since then but to spend more time with her. Chad’s comment about her food intake... It settled under her skin in a way that made her feel antsy like she wanted to do something to tell him no, for once. When she saw LJ her grin was wide and bright, all the other noises people and thoughts faded and Nora waved in her direction.
LJ had thought about their time with Nora in the cove every single day since then. And they would have been lying if they said they weren't waiting for the next time they could get some time with her. So when LJ received that text, they made sure the night was free. LJ made sure they looked good and smelled good and did everything they could to make sure their hair stood at exactly the right height. There was a small and a wave from LJ as they approached Nora and without hesitation, pulled her into a tight hug. "Hey you. So... do we wanna do the Ferris Wheel first? Or something fried?"
“Ferris Wheel, Mx!... Then maybe something fried? Or we can play some games, or both or something?” She was excited, she was nervous, and she was brimming with something else. She’d never felt it before and she wanted to chase it so badly. “I just.. Wanna do as much as I can with you.” She blushes hard, head turning away so she can maybe hide it a bit.
"Ferris Wheel it is," it was honestly the choice LJ was hoping Nora would make. LJ knew they were on borrowed time so they were going to make the most of of their time together. LJ took Nora's hand in their's and cut right in line. It paid to know the people who worked at the festival. So in no time at all they were seated on the ride, LJ's arm wrapped around Nora's small frame. "Having a good time?" LJ asked with a sheepish smile.
Nora felt that same jolt she’d never felt before she met LJ run through her when the Dominant took her hand. The cove was something she hadn’t forgotten since it happened, and this was that same feeling except... More, if that was some how possible. If made her insides twist and squirm in the best way. The line was long but they weren’t getting in line... Suddenly they were just at the front and then they were on. Nora’s grin was wide and a blush took over her cheeks when LJ wrapped her arm around her. “Yes.. Yeah Mx, i’m having a great time.” She leaned in closer taking in the sights as they started to rise further and further from the ground. “... So are you famous or something? How’d you get us on so quick Mir?”
LJ smiled sheepishly, shaking their head. "Nah, nothing like that. I just know some people who know some people. This is my third year after all. I should have some perks, right?" They pulled Nora in closer and pressed a kiss to her forehead. It wasn't something they were planning on doing, it just felt natural and as soon as it happened, there was a panic inside of LJ, one that caused them to pull back a bit. Like Nora, they'd been thinking about the cove a lot and it was hard not to give into every single one of their impulses. "Sorry, I just... here." LJ pulled back, keeping their arm on the back of the seat, but putting some space between them. "I hope I'm not making you feel uncomfortable.
When LJ’s lips pressed to her forehead she grinned and blushed only for that feeling to fizzle when LJ began to pull away. How did she tell this amazing person in front of them that they were... The furthest thing from uncomfortable in their arms, when they both knew it was wrong. Instead she kept quiet and shrugged ever so slightly. “I was okay.. You’re not even close to making me uncomfortable.” She said it softly something meant for only LJ even hundreds of feet off the ground. They stopped, not quite to the top yet, and Nora... Nora made the mistake of looking at LJ, the Dom’s face covered in the flashing light of the festival and looking perfect.  Nora, who was good, prim, perfect proper never even a hair out place... Looked at LJ and for once in their life decided... Fuck good. Nora pulled LJ down so their lips met and sure the angle was awkward and it wasn’t perfect but it felt fucking magical. It felt like everything she was waiting to feel.
LJ's heart was beating in their chest. They hadn't felt this kind of nervous in a long time. It was a slippery slope - falling for someone but wanting to be respectful to them and their situation. The last thing LJ wanted Nora to feel was pressure or like they expected something from her. So when she told LJ that wasn't the case, a wave of relief washed over them. But it was short lived before Nora was pulling LJ down into a kiss and there was no moment of hesitation. There was no logical pull or reminder that this was a bad idea. Immediately, LJ placed both hands on Nora's waist to pull her in and deepen the kiss. Everything else disappeared and LJ just wanted to stay in this moment forever.
Nora let herself get lost in the feeling of LJ’s lips on her own, she let herself fully melt in the way it made her feel. Nothing like any kiss she had before she only stopped when she felt like maybe her lungs might burst and when she did pull away she didn’t go very far. Nora rested her forehead on LJ’s and her breath came out in soft pants. “I’m sorry I.. I couldn’t help myself I’ve been wanting to do that for.. Too long.” She admitted it softly, again hoping the words could only be for her.
LJ cut Nora off immediately, shaking their head and moving their hand up to cup Nora's face. "No no no, don't..." LJ didn't know what they wanted to say, but the last thing they wanted Nora to do was feel guilty for doing something LJ wanted to do since they were in that cove. "Don't apologize. I've been wanting to do that since..." LJ didn't need to finish their sentence, it was clear Nora was in the same train of thought. There were so many questions, so many concerns, but LJ couldn't ask them. Not when the moment was so perfect. So instead of talking, LJ just pulled Nora back in for another, softer, more meaningful kiss.
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oohh-honey-honey · 4 years
All’s well that ends well- Chapter One: In which Eden has no plans, nor ever will
Summary: “Without a ruler,” Eden had once said, “The word turns to anarchy.” What he failed to mention, is what happens if the rulers are the cause. 
The story in which everyone dies, a revolution fails, and it all turns out okay. 
Ships: Eventual roceit, background moxiety
Chapter warnings: Mentions of being eaten alive, mentions of murder, general fear of the king, falling off high structures, mention of shooting someone, anger at the main character, accidental misgendering, a character is picked up without consent but he’s alright with it
Word Count: 2076
They all die in the end- though we cant say if it was their true demise. Not by sword fights, hungry land whales, the unfortunate number of tall structures people seem to fall off of, or the tyrant king's guards. No, all in this story are united and destroyed by one factor alone, and nothing else; The idiocy of Eden Viper Anwir. This is, of course, how Eden survives it all.
Many scholars debate exactly when people began using bovine as a somewhat more polite synonym for stupid, though it's widely agreed that it was within the years of Eden Viper Anwir's life. Before that, they might have used dense, simple minded, dull, but it was when the shepherds son fell out his window that the population really began to relate those of small minds to cattle. Ironic, considering Eden did fall into a heard of cattle. Or, perhaps, where cattle had been. A truer statement would be he fell into a herd of cattle dropping. This was not recorded, though the way a passerby cackled and shouted, "Look at that idiot! Bovine and dumb, 'e must be!" was (It was one of the most reference accounts  in determining the time frame of the word). To which they received a rather rude gesture from Eden. He stood, brushing off the manure and looking cruelly up to the window (that seemed to stare just as cruelly back) at which he had just fallen out of. Eden was acutely aware he could have used the door of his house, though that small thought was diminished as he remembered his father working at his desk, who would surely have seen him leaving had he not gone out the window. 
Of course next time he might want a better way to get back in. Future-Eden would likely love to shoot Past-Eden for the trouble. Although guns did not exist yet, nor did Future-Eden. (Scholars often reported the invention of guns was in the 10th century in China, although it had actually been in the lost city of Atlantis roughly ten years prior. However, it was exactly then which the city sank and thus their invention was never brought to light.)
The bar was a hole-in-the wall place in every sense of the word, to the point that the only way to enter is was to quite literally climb through a hole in where the old food cellar had once been. It still would be a cellar, had the owners not been taken and murdered by the king. No one had taken the offer to buy it, so the building was covered and ignored until Patton Arrows had found it. Soon enough, it became a safe haven for anyone in need. The homeless, the cursed, fugitives of the crown. It was a nice spot, if you knew where to look. Not many did. 
All the patrons glanced over warily as Eden entered. There was always a worry of the kings guard finding the bar. There was a collective sigh as they all returned to what they had been doing. Or, should I say, all but one. A person made of fire who stormed over, lighting at their feet as they faced Eden, "You bastard!" "Lovely to see you, too, Virgil," Eden dried off his coat, hanging it on the back of an unoccupied chair. He stepped over to the counter and jumped to the other side. Grabbing a bottle and leaving a few coins, he turned back to the fuming Virgil. 
"You bovine, unbearable, bastard!" Perhaps a bit more than fuming, "Where were you the past four nights? We've been worried sick!"
"I see you've found a thesaurus," Eden took a sip from the bottle, savoring the bitter taste for a moment. The person across from him placed their head into their hands. There was no time to question it before arms were picking Eden up in a hug,
"Eden! We've missed you!" Patton's joyful voice boomed from behind. The hug squeezed him tighter than seemed altogether necessary, sending him into a coughing fit, 
"Binder, Patton, let go" Eden sputtered out. He was quickly dropped by Patton, who stepped back meekly, 
"Oop! Sorry, kiddo! Forgot about that little thing," He still smiled just as bright, helping Eden to his feet. Patton 'tsk'ed at the bottle Eden had been holding, swiping it away from him before he could grab it again. Eden hissed and grabbed for it to no avail. Patton towered over him, anyway. 
Patton poured a glass for himself and Eden and got water for Virgil, who didn't drink despite spending the better part of their days in a bar. He sat back onto a stool. Eden's eyes flickered with curiosity,
"How do you both feel about murder?"
Virgil quirked an eyebrow, "As in, would we like to commit it or die from it?" they paused, "Yes to both, why?"
"No!" Patton grabbed Virgil reflexively, "If you die, I will, too."
Eden coughed to bring back their attention, "I mean to kill the king,"
The group all stopped. Virgil and Patton glanced between each other. Eden's eyebrows twitched, curious to their hesitance.
"You don't think we should? He's been less a monarch and more a tyrant over this land for--"
"Yeah, yeah, save your lecture. I agree just... Do you have a plan?" Virgil questioned,"
"Well I--"
"Any means to get into the castle?"
"Maybe I-"
"Anyone else in on this?"
"That's exactly it!" Eden spoke through clenched teeth. "I need your help! Come on, Patton?"
The bartender stepped back, "Well, I- uh... Y'know, I think it's a good idea!" He curled into himself, "But I think it's just that: an idea."
The world froze for Eden. He glanced with ice in his veins to the two in front of him,
"You're kidding." There was no answer, which only helped to raise the goosebumps on his arms, "You have to be kidding! You can't- So, what, you plan to just-" Air thawed around him as Eden huffed and grabbed his jacket. He began to storm out, "Fine! If you want to live complacent with this life, be my guest!" If there was a door he would have slammed it.
A fair was going on. Something was always going on. A fair, a festival, a parade. It was a good distraction to the public, albeit an annoyance to those not as pleased with the sounds and lights. Eden found himself biting at ravens wings, leaning passive-aggressively against a withered tree,
"Do you plan to lean passive-aggressively against that tree, or socialize like a normal person?" A sultry voice asked beside him. Eden moved the hood of his cloak just enough to see a handsome stranger just at his left. He stared with amber eyes into Eden with a strange sort of purpose. The man seemed to be looking into him, opposed to the more common way of simply looking at a person. It unnerved him,
"Oh! How could I have been so foolish?" Eden faked a gasp, "Because of course I like to busy myself with the events of a normal person," 
The stranger offered a hand to shake but not a name,
"Well then, could you at least give me something to call you?"
Eden didn't shake it, "I like to keep it for myself, actually."
They laughed, "Oh, I just might like you, sir no-name," 
"But is that feeling mutual, Mr...?" 
"Mx. Roman, actually," 
Eden smiled. Now the handsome stranger had a name, he turned ever so slightly to face them, "No last name?"
"I can hardly guarantee you a first," They grinned, clapping their hands together, "Now! You finally decided to look at me," 
Eden scoffed, "Trust me, Roman, I've seen you this whole time. With a face like that, you're hard to ignore." 
Romans face reddened, hidden by the orange firelight, "Oh," they chuckled a bit, "You jest, of course." 
Eden sighed, "If that's how you would like to take it, then sure."
"Do you ever say something without an aura of vague-ness, lies and dolls?" 
(Scholars were long confused by this, before remembering the age-old fairytale of pies and dolls, popular in the 1360's.)
"That truly depends on who you ask,"
Roman sighed, "I'll assume a no."
Without much hesitation, Roman pulled Eden from the ground into his arms bridal-style (Although, scholars might say that style of carry was made much later. Humans, however, are well aware that style of carry has long existed prior to the dates given. Hence why scholars are often wrong.) much to the man's surprise. He jumped, hanging on to Roman's neck and squirming,
"Have anywhere to be, tonight?" they never let go. 
"Yes, Of course I--"
Roman saw through the lie, "Like the man who decided socializing was too good for him has many plans." They hummed, all together too happy, "So unless the king has a bounty on you, I'm taking you to Thomas'."
He couldn't argue. The only place Eden would have to go is back home, and current-Eden regretfully remembered past-Eden deciding to leave the problem of getting inside up to him. He would shoot that guy, if he could. There was no choice but to let Roman do as they pleased. 
No that he particularly disliked the idea. 
As it turned out, "Thomas'" Was an animal sanctuary. That "take in creatures unfit for the wild and give them a home!" the brochure said in a far to happy tone. 
"Thomas and I go way back- He was a castle guard when I was just a kid, y'know." Roman explained, "But later he decided to open this sanctuary." 
Eden nodded, taking in the sight of the place. It wasn't in the worst of shape by any means, although it wasn't in the best, either. Eden traced his hand over the cracks in the plaster, grimacing at the dust that settle on the tips of his fingers, "Definitely seems to follow health codes,"
Roman laughed without humor, "Yeah, well, the king doesn't seem to think this place deserves funding," They held bitterness in their voice, beginning to lead Eden through, "Doesn't stop people from doing what they can to keep this place going. Gosh, don't know where they'd go. All the animals, I mean. The wolves and land whales and dragons and all--"
"Whales?" (Although it was never acknowledged by scholars, Eden's phobia of whales existed at age seven and well into adulthood. The scholars deemed this an unimportant, and this is why you do not trust scholars.)
Roman nodded, seemingly confused at the reaction. Eden, who suddenly decided he didn't particularly fancy being around such horrid creatures as land whales, pulled back. Roman looked oddly to him, stepping towards Eden. They held up his hands, "You won't even see them, fibber on the roof." Their voice assured, "And, trust me, you're going to want to come with me." 
"Because you think I fancy being fed to the whales?" Eden hissed in response. He stepped back again. Roman sighed, 
"Just trust me." 
Ah, yeah, trust a person he just met and was abducted by. sounds great.
A door behind them opened. Someone stepped out, lighting up seeing the pair,
"Roman!" He grinned, "And who's this?"
There was a beat of silence. Roman probably expected Eden to introduce himself. 
He didn't.
"A... friend! He's a friend of mine,"
"Oh!" There was a strained sort of hesitance in the mans voice, "Are you sure he... Oh, well I mean does he support...?"
He gestured vaguely. Roman nodded, 
"I'm quite sure he does! And have I ever brought an untrustworthy friend before?"
"Seven times, Roman," The man deadpanned. His smile returned, opening his door wider and beckoning them both inside the room.
It was dark. No windows, the only source or light being a fair few candles set on a table. It was small. Seven people could fit, though only five stood there now, including Eden and Roman. The table held papers covered in illegible notes and scribbles and unsightly doodles at the corners. If you took more than a look at the place, it would bring a vague feeling of fear that Eden had long ago grown accustomed to. 
He briefly wondered exactly what he was doing here with a crowd of strangers. The man seemed to read his mind. He stuck out a hand for Eden to shake,
"I'm Thomas Sanders!" He grinned,
"We're planning a revolution."
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chocolatspring · 5 years
Normally our kpop road trips take me and @violagoth to Los Angeles, so it was really fun to go somewhere else for a change. This time we hit up Las Vegas for the iheart radio festival to (obviously) support Monsta X.
Tumblr media
Our Saturday morning consisted of waking at 4 in the morning after sleeping for 2 hours to start the drive. When we got to Vegas, we were lucky enough to get an early check in, but still meant we weren't able to get to the festival till about 2:30. We had a pretty decent view of the stage, though we were furthur back than I would've liked :( oh well. Monsta X started their set at 3:15 and it did not start well. The boys weren't introduced and the music started playing before they were even on stage. They ran out and started performing, but the music suddenly cut off and Play It Cool started playing for a hot second?? Then it went back to Shoot Out. The boys looked super confused and pissed off. Not only that, but some of the mics weren't working properly so it was hard to hear Hyungwon, Minhyuk, and Wonho at times. Then they took 30 seconds to quickly introduce themselves to the audience, but that's the only interaction we got :( the other artists were able to talk inbetween their songs. Their set was over in 15 minutes, so we were a little bummed out. The camera work was also really off. The cameraman really loved Jooheon (can't blame him) but didn't give the other members a lot of screen time. Also he didn't record when someone was singing, so it literally just looked like the boys were just dancing to a track 😕 Also half of the time, they were filming the crowd instead of mx? It was kind of weird.
Despite all the set backs during their performance, the boys did a great job! They handled everything very professionally ♡ We didn't end up going to the Life Is Beautiful festival, but everything I've read from other fans is that it ran a lot smoother, so I'm happy for them! A huge shout out to the boys cause they were probably exhausted and dancing out in the Vegas desert heat. Kings of my heart 💖
(Quick apology to the guy standing in front of me. I'm sorry for screaming in your ear the whole time. But thank you for jamming out to Fallin'.)
We also stayed for Billie Eilish, who was a m a z i n g. The crowd went wild for her, it was crazy.
After the show, we took a quick nap and then got ready to go see Steve Aoki play at the Hakkasan nightclub. We got to meet up with another monbebe from our group chat and her friends. Lots of fun was had. Eventually I was able to get me and Gracie down onto the actual dancefloor right before Steve Aoki played Play It Cool 🙌 We also got Waste It On Me and Mic Drop by BTS, so my multi stan heart was happy ♡
To end our trip in Vegas, we had to make a quick trip to see the Jooheon birthday billboard! We knew the general area it was located in but it still took a bit of searching. I know it was a little out of the way, but I hope the boys were able to go look at it before they left for LA. 🎂 Happy early birthday, Honey 🍯
Tldr: fuck Eshy.
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gaymusicchart · 6 years
GAY MUSIC CHART – 2019 week 04
 Welcome to the Gay Music Chart, the LGBTQA related music videos TOP 50 actuality and most request.
Please notice that we received dozens of suggestions, and it's impossible to present all of them in the same week edition because the video would be too long. We have three months three months late to catch up, so it will take some times.
 Vote for your favourite LGBTQA related music videos by leaving a comment for this post on :
YOUTUBE (in the comment section of the video of the week) : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCz7yfp-xq-b08tD6mAWwclA
BLOGGER : http://gaymusicchart.blogspot.fr
FACEBOOK : https://www.facebook.com/GayMusicChart/
TWITTER : https://twitter.com/GayMusicChart with #GayMusicChart  
TUMBLR : http://gaymusicchart.tumblr.com  
 Here are some partners who also makes LGBT charts or presents some LGBT artists :
Don’t hesitate to visits their sites !
 Here is the recap for this week :
 OUT : Kevin Chomat - "La vague" LW: 28 / WO: 2 / PEAK: 18
OUT : Eddy de Pretto - "Grave" LW: 31 / WO: 1 / PEAK: 31
OUT : Fangoria feat. Ms Nina y King Jedet - "¿De qué me culpas?" LW: 35 / WO: 1 / PEAK: 35
OUT : Cub Sport - "Sometimes" LW: 39 / WO: 2 / PEAK: 28
OUT : Nacha La Macha - "Eres Cobarde" LW: 40 / WO: 12 / PEAK: 03
OUT : Laganja Estranja feat. J. Tyler - "Look At Me" LW: 41 / WO: 4 / PEAK: 06
OUT : Man Meadow - "Play It Loud" LW: 42 / WO: 6 / PEAK: 14
OUT : Leo Kalyan - "Focus" LW: 43 / WO: 2 / PEAK: 43
OUT : Smashby - "Under The Sheets" LW: 44 / WO: 2 / PEAK: 16
OUT : Janelle Monáe - "Crazy, Classic, Life" LW: 46 / WO: 2 / PEAK: 46
OUT : Cassandre - "Respire" LW: 47 / WO: 4 / PEAK: 09
OUT : Boy George & Culture Club - "Life" LW: 48 / WO: 2 / PEAK: 34
OUT : Mathew V - "The Coast" LW: 50 / WO: 2 / PEAK: 38
  01 (+ 3) : Troye Sivan - "Lucky Strike"
LW: 04 / WO: 2 / PEAK: 01 (x1)
Australia - 2019 - from the album "Bloom"
It's his ninth music video which is #1 in less 4 years! Troye is definitely the little prince of Gay Music Chart.
 02 (- 1) : Calvin Harris, Sam Smith - "Promises"
LW: 01 / WO: 8 / PEAK: 01 (x1)
UK - 2018
 03 (- 1) : Calum Scott - "No Matter What"
LW: 02 / WO: 3 / PEAK: 01 (x1)
UK - 2018 - from the album "Only Human" (Special Edition)
This really personnal song tells the story of Calum Scott telling his parents he was gay and their reactions of loving him "no matter what". It's a deep and emotional power ballad.
 04 (+ 6) : Years & Years - "All For You"
LW: 10 / WO: 14 / PEAK: 01 (x1))
UK - 2018 / from the album "Palo Santo"
 05 (- 2) : Jax Jones, Years & Years - "Play"
LW: 03 / WO: 3 / PEAK: 03
UK - 2018 - from the EP "Snacks"
A music video as a Play-doh toy.
 06 (+ 12) : Lady Gaga & Bradley Cooper - "Shallow"
LW: 18 / WO: 3 / PEAK: 06
USA - 2018 - from the OST "A Star Is Born"
This song won the Golden Globe for Best Original Song 2018, and is nominated to the Grammys and the Oscars. The movie is about seasoned musician Jackson Maine (Bradley Cooper) discovers-and falls in love with-struggling artist Ally (Gaga). She has just about given up on her dream to make it big as a singer - until Jack coaxes her into the spotlight. But even as Ally's career takes off, the personal side of their relationship is breaking down, as Jack fights an ongoing battle with his own internal demons.
 07 (+ 26) : Lizzo - "Juice"
LW: 33 / WO: 2 / PEAK: 07
USA - 2018
 08 (+ 14) : Mark Ronson feat. Miley Cyrus - "Nothing Breaks Like a Heart"
LW: 22 / WO: 3 / PEAK: 04
USA - 2018
An excellent collab.
 09 (- 2) : Sam Smith - "Fire On Fire"
LW: 07 / WO: 3 / PEAK: 07
UK - 2018 - from the OST "Watership Down"
"Watership Down" is a BBC mini-series adaptation of the book, which tells the story about a warren of rabbits fighting to survive numerous perils as they search for a new home.
 10 (+ 10) : Greyson Chance - "Good As Gold" 
LW: 20 / WO: 5 / PEAK: 10
USA - 2018
The song was already in our chart in September, but the music video was released during our break.
 11 (+ 10) : Troye Sivan and Jónsi - "Revelation" (Lyric video)
LW: 21 / WO: 3 / PEAK: 11
Australia / Iceland - 2018 - from the OST "Boy Erased"
The song was nominated on the 2019 Golden Globe Award for Best Original Song. The movie "Boy Erased" follows the son of Baptist parents who is forced to take part in a gay conversion therapy program.
 12 (- 7) : Bilal Hassani - "Roi" (Lyrics Video)
LW: 05 / WO: 3 / PEAK: 05
France - 2019
Bilal Hassani won Destination Eurovision 2019 and will represent France at the Eurovision Song Contest 2019 in Tel Avivwith this song about self esteem.
 13 (- 2) : Peter Wilson & Sean Smith - "Verona"
LW: 11 / WO: 9 / PEAK: 01 (x2)
UK - 2018 / from the album "The Passion and The Flame"
This awesome cover of the 2017's Estonian Eurovision track from Koit Toome and Laura is produced by Matt Pop.
 14 (- 6) : Panic! At The Disco - "High Hopes"
LW: 08 / WO: 6 / PEAK: 06
USA - 2018 / from the album "Pray For The Wicked"
 15 (+ 9) : LP - "Recovery"
LW: 24 / WO: 3 / PEAK: 15
USA - 2018 - from the album "Heart To Mouth"
This is the second single of her latest album.
 16 (- 7) : Blair St. Clair - "Irresistible"
LW: 09 / WO: 3 / PEAK: 09
USA - 2018 - from the EP "Call My Life"
This is the third single of her first EP. Her EP was #1 on Billboard
Dance/Electronic Albums Sales Chart.
It's actually #1 on Tad's LGBT Music Charts.
 17 (- 2) : Theo X - "You Don't Wanna Dance"
LW: 15 / WO: 3 / PEAK: 09
Denmark - 2018
In this cute music video, a young teen dares to give an invitation to dance to another boy. Love is love.
 18 (- 4) : Halsey - "Without Me"
LW: 14 / WO: 3 / PEAK: 14
USA - 2018
 19 (- 6) : Allen King feat. Amor Romeira - "My Boy"
LW: 13 / WO: 5 / PEAK: 03
Spain - 2018
 20 (+ 10) : Federica Abbate - "Finalmente"
LW: 30 / WO: 2 / PEAK: 20
Italy - 2018
This song came second in the first part of the Sanremo Giovani 2018 Music Festival for emergent artists. The lyrics talk about a love relationship badly judged by the entourage. If the lyrics aren't specifically gay, the music video is, with the portrayal of a young man who comes out to his father who rejects him in return. So, the young man can only be reconforted by his boyfriend and his friends. Until... Beautiful.
 21 (- 2) : Tiago Braga - Ilusão
LW: 19 / WO: 21 / PEAK: 06
Portugal - 2018
A story of infidelity.
 22 (+ 4) : Jeff Carl - "Buried in New York"
LW: 26 / WO: 3 / PEAK: 17
USA - 2018
The music video shows the singer living his first months of celibacy in New York but realizing that he hasn’t totally forgotten his previous love relationship.
 23 (- 11) : Sam Bluer - "Body High"
LW: 12 / WO: 10 / PEAK: 03
Australia - 2018
This is his debut music video. A revelation.
 24 (- 8) : Urgence Homophobie - "De l'Amour"
LW: 16 / WO: 3 / PEAK: 10
France - 2018
As homophobic attacks have increased by 15% in 2018 in France, 70 French celebrities made this song to fight homophobia.
 25 (=) : Michael Medrano - "Love Somebody Else"
LW: 25 / WO: 3 / PEAK: 23
USA - 2018
The song was previously presented in our chart, but the music video was only released during our break.
 26 (+ 1) : Scott Free - "We Honor The Dead" (World Martyrs)
LW: 27 / WO: 2 / PEAK: 26
USA - 2019
A tribute to engaged LGBTQ men and women who died while defending LGBTQ Rights around the world.
 27 (- 21) : Charli XCX & Troye Sivan - "1999"
LW: 06 / WO: 3 / PEAK: 05
UK / Australia - 2018
The music video is a real revival of what made the year 1999.
 28 (+ 6) : Pabllo Vittar - "Disk Me"
LW: 34 / WO: 3 / PEAK: 28
Brazil - 2018 - from the album "Não Para Não"
She was definitely the most successful drag queen in 2018, due to her large success this year, except in our chart (and we still don't know why).
 29 (+ 9) : Silva - "Duas da Tarde"
LW: 38 / WO: 2 / PEAK: 27
Brazil - 2018 - from the album "Brasileiro"
 30 (+ 19) : The Diesel Tykes feat. Tim'm West / LnK - "Every Day Is Earth Day"
LW: 49 / WO: 2 / PEAK: 28
USA - 2018
It's everyday time to save the Earth with this catchy song by Scott Free !
 31 (NEW) : Mx Blouse - "No Match"
LW: - / WO: 1 / PEAK: 31
South Africa - 2019
 32 (NEW) : LOZOVOY - Певица ("Pevitsa" / "Singer")
LW: - / WO: 1 / PEAK: 32
Ukraine - 2019
This is his first single.
 33 (+ 3) : Openside - "Character Flaws"
LW: 36 / WO: 3 / PEAK: 11
New Zealand - 2018
This is their sixth single, but we're still waiting for an album!
 34 (+ 3) : Sam Tsui - "A Million Pieces"
LW: 37 / WO: 2 / PEAK: 34
USA - 2018 - from the album "Trust"
 35 (- 3) : Zee Machine - "Dangerous"
LW: 32 / WO: 3 / PEAK: 31
USA - 2018 - from the EP "Brainchemistry"
Zee Machine, aka Joe Bissell, released his first EP in April 2018.
 36 (NEW) : Sam Smith, Normani - "Dancing With A Stranger" (Official Audio)
LW: - / WO: 1 / PEAK: 36
UK / USA  - 2019
This is a passionate duet about coping with loneliness and trying to get over a lost love.
 37 (NEW) : Not.Your.Regular.Boy. - "It's All Yours"
LW: - / WO: 1 / PEAK: 37
The Netherlands - 2018
This is his third single.
 38 (- 15) : Jake Shears - "Everything I'll Ever Need"
LW: 23 / WO: 3 / PEAK: 19
USA - 2018 - from the album "Jake Shears"
This is the third single of his first solo album.
 39 (+ 6) : Mike Maimone - "Through The Changes"
LW: 45 / WO: 2 / PEAK: 39
USA - 2018 - from the EP "The High Hat Club"
 40 (NEW) : Navraj Hans, Harshdeep Kaur - "Gud Naal Ishq Mitha"
LW: - / WO: 1 / PEAK: 40
India - 2019 - from the album "Ek Ladki Ko Dekha Toh Aisa Laga" OST
This Bollywood lesbian romance is the story of a man, played by Rajkummar, who fell in love with a girl, played by Sonam. Her family is looking for a suitable match for her and while there are several good options, she isn’t ready to say yes to any of them. She says she has a secret, something that causes her parents to turn against her. Bits from the trailer, like showing two women being torn apart by a mob, hint that she has fallen in love with a girl. The film will release on 1st February 2019 on Indians cinemas.
 41 (NEW) : Hương Giang - "Anh Đang Ở Đâu Đấy Anh"
LW: - / WO: 1 / PEAK: 41
Vietnam - 2018
This music video is by far the most popular from the transgender singer on her YouTube channel with already more than 20 millions views. The music video is a 11 minutes short movie, where her boyfriend is cheating on her with her best friend. Tragedy.
 42 (- 25) : Westlife - "Hello My Love"
LW: 17 / WO: 2 / PEAK: 17
Ireland - 2019
The members are reunited after a break of 6 years and a half !
 43 (NEW) : Clean Bandit feat. Marina & Luis Fonsi - "Baby"
LW: - / WO: 1 / PEAK: 43
UK / USA (Puerto Rico) - 2018 - from the album "What is Love ?"
In this music video, during her wedding with a man, a woman remembers her love for another woman in a summer camp.
 44 (- 15) : Allen King - "Mejor Me Quedo Solo"
LW: 29 / WO: 2 / PEAK: 29
Spain - 2019
After the success of his previous single "Boy", here the new single of the famous pornstar. Shake your bon bon on this sensual rythm !
 45 (NEW) : Jay Shih 是元介  - "Old Man"《偕老》
LW: - / WO: 1 / PEAK: 45
Taiwan - 2018
This is another song from "The Rainbow MV Film Project" which fights homophobia in Taiwan. The music video presents a gay couple getting older together, until death comes.
 46 (NEW) : Esteman - "Fuimos Amor"
LW: - / WO: 1 / PEAK: 46
Colombia - 2018
His third album "Amor libre" will release in debut 2019.
 47 (RE-ENTRY) : Echo Black - "Poison Apple"
LW: - / WO: 2 / PEAK: 37
USA - 2018 - from the album "Dawn"
The queer lead singer of the band is Danny Blu.
 48 (NEW) : Falko - "Fragile"
LW: - / WO: 1 / PEAK: 48
Belgium - 2018
The former contestant of Idol 2011 and Mister Gay Belgium 2018 releases a new song in english and spanish, and don't hesitated to show his body naked in his music video.
 49 (NEW) : Milow feat. Matt Simons - "Lay Your Worry Down"
LW: - / WO: 1 / PEAK: 49
The Netherlands / USA - 2018
There is a gay couple in this music video. It"s actually #1 on THE GAY 100 chart.
 50 (NEW) : Gloria Groove - "Coisa Boa"
LW: - / WO: 1 / PEAK: 50
Brazil - 2018
 Bilal Hassani – Roi (Live @ Destination Eurovision 2019 Final)
LW: 05 / WO: 3 / PEAK: 05
France - 2019
Bilal Hassani won Destination Eurovision 2019 and will represent France at the Eurovision Song Contest 2019 in Tel Aviv.
 Emmanuel Moire - "La promesse" (Live @ Destination Eurovision 2019 Final)
LW: - / WO: - / PEAK: -
France - 2019
This personnal song about selfesteem and loving men came 4th at Destination Eurovision 2019.
 Erlend Bratland - "Sing For You"
LW: - / WO: - / PEAK: -
Norway - 2019
The singer is back at the Melodi Grand Prix, the norwegian national selection for the Eurovision Song Contest 2019. Last time, he came second with his song "Thunderstruck". Will he win this time ? The answer the 2 March 2019.
 Hatari - "Spillingardans"
LW: - / WO: - / PEAK: -
Iceland - 2018
Disgusting. Scary. Intriguing. Exciting... The industrial gothic trio from Reykjavik is selected to Söngvakeppnin, the Icelandic national selection for the Eurovision Song Contest 2019. Not with this song, but when you listen to this, you are already intrigued and excited...  
 Miss Benny - "Rendezvous"
LW: - / WO: - / PEAK: -
USA - 2019
Miss Benny is the new project of Ben J. Pierce aka Kid POV, aka Benny, well known here for his previous singles, included "Boys Will Be Boys". Welcome back!
 Alex vdH - "Georgia Summer Dream"
LW: - / WO: - / PEAK: -
USA - 2018
Alex van der Hoek brings you melancholia with this song.
 Reigen - "High on U"
LW: - / WO: - / PEAK: -
USA - 2019
 Lauv & Troye Sivan - "i'm so tired..." [Official Audio]
LW: - / WO: - / PEAK: -
USA / Australia - 2019
 Ariana Grande - "thank u, next"
LW: - / WO: - / PEAK: -
USA - 2018 - from the album "thank u, next"
Troye Sivan features in the music video.
 Imagine Dragons - "Bad Liar"
LW: - / WO: - / PEAK: -
USA - 2019 - from the album "origins"
 Lauren Jauregui - "More Than That"
LW: - / WO: - / PEAK: -
USA - 2018
 Mike Duran feat. Kevin Fret - "Diferente"
LW: - / WO: - / PEAK: -
USA (Puerto Rico) - 2018
Kevin Fret was the first openly gay Latin trap artist. The 24 years old out rapper has been shot dead, with eight shots with a gun while he was on his motorbike. Police is urged to investigate whether rapper's murder was hate crime. This song, called "I'm Like This", and the music video, don't hide his homosexuality.
 Slow Dance - "(dead)" (Official Lyric Video)
LW: - / WO: - / PEAK: -
USA - 2018
This is their first track.
 Andy je t'aime - "Que toi"
LW: - / WO: - / PEAK: -
France - 2018
Back to the 80's with the musical project of model and actor Brice Michelini, who sings his love for his boyfriend.
  Emilie Marsh - "J'embrasse le premier soir"
LW: - / WO: - / PEAK: -
France - 2019
She says she kisses at the first date.
 Clinton Paul - "Diamond"
LW: - / WO: - / PEAK: -
Malta - 2018
This was Malta Pride 2018's single.
 AURORA - "Animal"
LW: - / WO: - / PEAK: -
Norway - 2019
 Rina Sawayama - "Cherry"
LW: - / WO: - / PEAK: -
UK - 2018
 White Lies - "Tokyo"
LW: - / WO: - / PEAK: -
UK - 2019 - from the album "FIVE"
 FOALS - "Exits"
LW: - / WO: - / PEAK: -
UK - 2019 - from the album "Everything Not Saved Will Be Lost Part 1"
There is a same-sex kiss in this music video.
 Crystal Fighters - "All My Love"
LW: - / WO: - / PEAK: -
UK / Spain - 2019 - from the EP "Hypnotic Sun"
 Ricky Merino - "Miénteme"
LW: - / WO: - / PEAK: -
Spain - 2018
This is second single, and the first on after Operación Triunfo 2018.
 Agoney - "Quizás"
LW: - / WO: - / PEAK: -
Spain - 2018
This is the first single of the former contestant of Operación Triunfo 2018.
 Miss Caffeina - "Merli"
LW: - / WO: - / PEAK: -
Spain - 2018 - from the album "Oh Long Johnson"
There is a same-sex kiss in this music video.
 Esteman - "Sociedad"
LW: - / WO: - / PEAK: -
Colombia - 2019        
 Dani Ride - "¿Para Qué?"
LW: - / WO: - / PEAK: -
Chile - 2019
 Jão - "Me Beija Com Raiva"
LW: - / WO: - / PEAK: -
Brazil - 2018 - from the album "Lobos"
It's the first time the singer talks about his sexual orientation with this song, writen for an ex-lover who broke his heart.
 Romero Ferro - "Acabar A Brincadeira"
LW: - / WO: - / PEAK: -
Brazil - 2018
 ดิว อรุณพงศ์ Dew Arunpong -【ไม่ว่าอะไร】/ "Mai Wah A Rai (Wish this love)"
LW: - / WO: - / PEAK: -
Thailand - 2018 - from the album "Bung Earn Ruk LOVE BY CHANCE OST"
 Taichi Mukai 向井太一  / "Pure"
LW: - / WO: - / PEAK: -
Japan - 2018 - from the album "Pure"
 DEAN FUJIOKA - "History Maker"
LW: - / WO: - / PEAK: -
Japan - 2019 - from the album "History in the Making"
The opening song of the queer 2017's japanime "Yuri!!! on Ice" has now an official music video (nothing gay in it) for the release of the new album of the Japanase singer. But for us, listening to this song always reminds us Yuri and Victor.
 盧學叡 Afalean -【有我在 Ilakaku】
LW: - / WO: - / PEAK: -
Taiwan - 2018
This is another song from "The Rainbow MV Film Project" which fights homophobia in Taiwan. The music video presents a father who discovers his son is gay and contacts a association similar to PFLAG, which helps parents to deal and support their children's homosexuality.
 HUSH - [ 不祥的預感 ] / "Ominous Premonition"
LW: - / WO: - / PEAK: -
Taiwan - 2019 - from the album 『换句话说』/ "In Other Words"
 Purple Disco Machine - "Dished (Male Stripper)"
LW: - / WO: - / PEAK: -
Germany - 2018
The music video follows a drag queen working in a club.
 VELO feat. Manila Luzon - "She"
LW: - / WO: - / PEAK: -
USA - 2019 - from the album "Outcast"
 Dumplin' | Drag Queens Cover Dolly Parton's "Jolene" | Netflix
LW: - / WO: - / PEAK: -
USA - 2018
This is an advertisement for the new Netflix's show "Dumplin' ".
 Willam Belli - "Aileen"
LW: - / WO: - / PEAK: -
USA - 2018
As often, Willam Belli isn't politically correct with this parody about serial killer Aileen Wuornos.
 Alaska Thunderfuck - "Snaked"
LW: - / WO: - / PEAK: -
USA - 2018
 Monique Heart - "Brown Cow Stunning" (Mitch Ferrino Mix)
LW: - / WO: - / PEAK: -
USA - 2018
 Patrick Starrr - "Don't"
LW: - / WO: - / PEAK: -
USA - 2018
 Valentina - "A Prueba De Todo"
LW: - / WO: - / PEAK: -
USA - 2018
Her first single needs a music video : fans need it !
 Courtney Act - "Courtney Act's Christmas Extravaganza - Big Opening"
LW: - / WO: - / PEAK: -
Australia - 2018
Here is the opening number for her Christmas Special on Channel 4.
 Trey Pearson - "Under The Mistletoe" (Lyric Video)
LW: - / WO: - / PEAK: -
USA - 2018
A cute Christmas song.
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ladytrollfishes · 6 years
The Copy Cat Cultist: Hour 4
Hour 4: Virus watches some security footage. Sniffer looks up information on Steelwit and Shadeeye. Firewall and Download find and speak with the quads of the deceased, Diorxu and Seafti. 
Virus sits down to comb through video footage from the bakery’s security camera. Not the most glamorous job but someone has to do it! After fast forwarding through several hours of footage, Virus spots something. There’s a figure in a suncloak, dragging something through the light of the sun. Who ever it is is hunched over, with their hood up. The cloak draped over their build so it’s difficult to pinpoint a physical build. Whatever they’re dragging is below the window, but you can assume quite easily that it’s the body. The figure moves slowly- it takes an entire minute for them to get past the window and disappears.
Virus sends this two-something-minutes footage to the clipboard their team shares, or however else they're collecting digital evidence and notes. In the notes section, they write: "alone?"
Sniffer rises from her chair, quietly scribbling more notes in her notepad. She's going to need a new one soon, if only for this case alone. If they're going to be looking into senior officers, she's going to need to go through some very specific channels. Which leaves her with one reasonable option that won't immediately get her demoted. And that option has her standing in front of the chief's door, knocking on it and waiting.
Through the door, she can hear the captain's voice say. "Come in!"
"Hello? Captain?" She says, smiling politely as she pokes her head in the door. "Do you have a moment?"
The captain looks up from their desk of paperwork and waves Sniffer on inside. "Yes," they say. "I could use a break from signing papers. What do you need?"
"Well." She claps her hands together, straightening her back. "It's about the copycat caste. The leads we've been given so far require me to look into Steelwit and Shadeeye. Requesting access to the files, please."
The captain raises an eye. "You think they're suspects?"
"Not necessarily!" She chuckles awkwardly. Stay professional, Sniffer. "But, we need to know everything we can about both the previous case and the trolls who worked on it as part of the investigation."
"That doesn't necessarily mean you're authorized for their personal files," the captain says. "They were both vetted by PDPO and are held to the same expectations and responsibilities as your squad." They sigh. "I realize they don't get along very well, but that's no reason for you to skirt regulations."
"No, it's-" Well, this is your captain you're talking about. "We've been given a lead that an indigo troll may be related to the current case. But we don't know who it may be or in what capacity. We're trying to cover our bases, Captain."
The Captain sighs. "Well I can't give you Shadeeye's file," they say. "He's ranked same as I am, but Steelwit I can give you something for. If you have something more pertinent that points to Shadeeye as a suspect or  a person of interest then I might be able to give you something for that."They type at their desk for a moment then a ping comes to your phone with the file requested
"I'll take what I can get." You nod politely, eyeing up your phone as it dings. "Thank you very much, Captain. I'll report back with any relevant findings as soon as possible." She steps outside of the chief's office, letting out a nervous breath she'd been holding as she looks over the file in her phone.
The file that contains Steelwit's personal information is thick. It details the known beginnings of her life when she applied for the PDPO academy through her career and so on and so forthWhat would you like to look at?
Since Steelwit's early life isn't necessarily the most important piece of information right now, Sniffer decides to page through to the case in question first.
The file contains a brief explanation of the multiple murders she investigated during the cultist murders, and pages of typed up reports she had written herself on what she did and how she did it, with all the accompanying paperwork that was submitted, including gunshot reports and her own eyewitness accounts. There's a mediculler's report on the damage to her knee that causes her limp at the end of that section, and a recommendation she no longer be allowed to take field missions. It seems to be in line with what the case file says.
Useful enough. Sniffer then decides to read through who was last interviewed on the case, particularly if the color indigo popped up.
The color Indigo does pop up. Diorxu Ildoh, Somria Ilvone are the two indigo trolls who had quads murdered. It also shows up in Steelwit's personnel file. She's indigo.(edited)
She hums quietly to herself, making a mental note of the names before closing the file. She'll comb over the rest of this after talking to her team for a bit.
Firewall is leaning on her desk when Download comes back in. She looks up, smiles, signs, "Captain agreed to put a detail on the kid. He's gonna be antsy about it, I'm sure, but at least we avoid him getting picked off by the cultists. Did you get anything from that address?"(edited)
“Got a hive address and a business address,” Download says. “And a party address. Diorxu Ildoh is an event planner now.”
"Huh. Let's do business first, then hive, then party. What's the caste and pronouns?"
“Diorxu is already at this party apparently,” he says. “But their assistant is not. This is one of the indigos.”
"All right, then party first., assistant later. An indigo party planner? That's..." Firewall pauses. "Interesting."
"We should definitely talk to their assistant too," Download says, frowning and flipping back through his notes. "Seafti  Istuye was also related to one of the murder victims."
"Istuye is the assistant? Or is this another person we're talking about?"
"The assistant."
"The moirail of one victim has an assistant related to another victim? That's suspicious as fuck, D."
Download shuffles their papers some more, then points at a name. "They're also quadded to Shadeeye.""I think Diorxu definitely is worth talking to."
Firewall straightens up and flips up the collar of her jacket. "For sure. This city isn't that small. Let's hit the road."
The party that they're investigating is a handfasting- a highblooded pale handfasting, between a navy and a teal. It takes place on the rooftops of one of the buildings in the center of town. The party itself is enormous- underneath the light of the twin moons, at least two hundred people are attending, talking, laughing, dancing, and drinking champagne. The dark floor is punctuated with round tables draped with white table cloths and blue ribbons. A live band plays from a small stage and there are people shimmying on the dance floor. The buffet table is long- and Download eyes it as they walk off into the room. A security guard holds out a hand to stop them, tall and broad, with navy eyes. "Are you on the invitation list?"
Firewall is already looking mildly ill at ease in this environment, but she squares up to the guard confidently enough. She holds up her badge so they can see it and motions to Download to speak for her. "I'm Sergeant Firewall of the PDPO. This is my associate and interpreter, Officer Download. We're here to speak to the party planner, not to disrupt your festivities."
The security guard pauses a moment. “You mean Diorxu Ildoh?” Download nods. The security guard touches her earpiece. “There’s a couple of cops here looking for Mx. Ildoh,” she says. There’s a couple of beats before she waves you onto the roof and points in the direction of the band. “They should be there, behind the band.”
Firewall nods, signs a quick thanks, and starts sliding her way through the crowd, keeping an eye out for an indigo standing behind the band.
You spot a tall indigo troll, an inch taller than Firewall but weedy as a reed, with corkscrew horns curling towards the sky. They’re dressed primly in a shirt and vest with coattails and their hair tucked into a low, glossy ponytail. They’ve got round spectacles sitting on their nose as they peer down at their clipboard before they grab a radio and speak into it. “Be ready on my signal,” they say, and look up at you when you approach. “Yes, officers?” They ask. “I have five minutes before I must coordinate an event, so please, can we keep this short?”
"I assume you know we're from the PDPO. We just need any information you can recall about the murder of your quadmate."
Diorxu drops their clipboard, the color draining from their face. “Shadeeye is dead?” They whisper.
Firewall pokerfaces, but knowing her as well as he does, Download can probably tell she's trying not to laugh. "No, I'm sorry -- Your late moirail, Terrat Engate. Murdered in the cultist killings some sweeps ago?"(edited)
Diorxu flushes a deep indigo and bends down to pick up their clipboard. "Well," they say, significantly more harshly. "You would have done well to specify. Why do you want to know about Terrat? It was so long ago, and the case was put to rest."
"We're performing an internal review," responds Firewall. "Did Terrat have any contact, however small, with the occult before their death?"
Diorxu shakes their head. "No, not that I was ever aware of," they say. "Terrat was always jumping into things beyond their paygrade, so I suppose it's possible. Just not likely."
"And how about yourself?" Firewall smiles innocently.(edited)
Diorxu draws themself up, indignant. “No. Now I’ve never heard of police officers conducting a review of a closed case before, and I am quadded to a policeradicator Captain. Now just what is going on?”
Firewall exchanges glances with Download and subtly signs "Busted!" Then, to Diorxu, "Mix, we can't answer any questions about our current investigation. We're just looking for any possible details that may not have been covered in the initial reports."(edited)
Diorxu blinks, then glances around the crowd, and leans in so they can't be heard. "Your current investigation," they say. "So it's open again? What's going on? What details are you looking for? I'd be very happy to help, of course, but this is hardly the place."
"You're right." Firewall smiles wider, but not any more nicely. "This isn't the place. But we do need to talk to you ASAP -- will we find you home tomorrow evening, or would you prefer to come with us now?"
Diorxu looks around at the party, then checks their watch. The music dies off, and the band stops playing and Diorxu hurriedly pulls a business card from a little plastic pouch on their clipboard and pushes it to Download. "I have things to take care of here," they say. "Please find me tomorrow at my hive at around 6. And here's my card." Diorxu steps around you to make it onto the stage. "Good evening everyone!" they cheer. "I hope you're having a wonderful time!!"
Firewall pockets the card, but doesn't leave yet, head cocked as she listens to Diorxu. "I want to get some context for them as a person," she explains to DL.
Download glances around the party. "Here?" he asks. "Or back with their assistant"
"Just this speech." Firewall points with her chin to Diorxu, on stage. "Once they're done, back to the assistant."
Diorxu waves to the crowd as they all cheer. "I hope this party is going amazing! I won't keep it from you long, but just so you know, you should look up!" they exclaim, throwing an arm to the open sky. 
"Because we're going to get some fireworks!!!" The party cheers again as bright rockets from the distance shoot up over the rooftops, exploding into pink diamond shapes while the blueblood couple hug each other from the middle of the dance floor. Diorxu gestures for the band to start up again and trots down the stairs, giving the both of you a quick smile, tucking their clipboard under their arm and walks off to shoot off a few more texts.
Firewall raises her eyebrows and gestures for Download to come with her as they leave the party. "Is the assistant at the business still?"(edited)
"Should be," he signs. "Should I make a call?"(edited)
"Nah, let's walk in unannounced."
Download laughs. "Sure."
Firewall grins back at him. "Maybe we'll catch them off guard! Or maybe we'll just be rude. I'm fine with either."
The event planning office is a small one with a handful of staff in the corner of a building. Firewall and Download get in pretty easily from the front and ride to the correct floor where a receptionist smiles at them from behind his desk. "How may I help you?"
Firewall leans her entire lanky indigo self on the desk -- just close enough to the receptionist to be a little disconcerting, but not close enough to actively threaten him. She signs, "Hi there. We're with the PDPO, we're looking for a Seafti Istuye, are they around?"
The receptionist leans back a little, as Firewall leans in, with his eyes flickering to the side. "Oh," he says. "She just left, but you might be able to catch her. The little brownblood with the horns that look like flowers."
"Thanks." Firewall winks cheekily. "You're a peach." She spins on her heel and strides back out of the business, scanning the hallway for Seafti. Brownblooded, small, horns like flowers? She's not quite sure who to look for, or how to tell if anyone's just gotten into the elevator.
You catch a glimpse of Seafti, with a box full of cables and a projector in her arms phase straight through the door without pausing to open it. Psi, perhaps. She's walking at a brisk pace, nearly running and turns a corner almost as soon as you see her.
Firewall frantically waves at Download, signing CALL TO HER, CALL TO HER. She stomps loudly once, gives that up as a bad idea, and lopes down the hall and around the corner after Seafti.(edited)
Download runs after Firewall and Seafti, waving at her and shouting out, "Seafti! Seafti Istuye!" Seafti glances behind her to see who's calling after her, and when she sees two tall trolls, an indigo and an anon calling for her by name, she bolts. And she doesn't bolt down the street, she bolts into the building, phasing through walls with her psi.
Firewall's face is a picture of Are you kidding me right now.  She bursts through the door that, as best as she can tell, corresponds to the room Seafti has just phased into
Seafti sees her as Firewall bursts back into the building and whirls back around, phasing through the wall again. Download whips out his badge and flashes it at her. "We're police!" he exclaims. "We just want to ask you some questions!"!roll 2d6
@Download rolled 6. (4 + 2 = 6)
Nevermind, Download doesn't get the badge out before Seafti drops the projector and peppersprays him.
Download doesn't react like he should, which is yelling and screaming, but now he can't see. Seafti turns and runs away from his grasping.(edited)"We are the police!" he yells. "We're not going to hurt you! We're just asking questions!"
Seafti turns around, hesitantly at Download waving his badge blindly around, her hands flying to her face in horror. "Ohmigod I'm so so so sorry!"
Firewall follows Seafti out more conventionally, just in time to catch her coming back to apologize. She storms over, signing furiously,."What did you do?" She puts a hand on Download's shoulder, shaking it gently. "Can you see," she signs with the hand against his arm. "Is it hurting, or just bothering you?"
Firewall signs against him and Download feels around for her shoulder. "I can't see," he whines plaintively. "She doused me in pepper spray. I can taste the capuscin." Seafti shrinks  back from Firewall's fury and stutters out another apology. "Is he- is he okay?""I'm fine," he says. "I just have to clear out the ports."(edited)
Firewall smiles briefly, bumping her shoulder against his. Then she fishes out her phone and starts typing furiously. Eventually, the phone begins to spit her words out in an electronic voice: "Download fix your ports please. Are you--" and here Firewall gestures at Seafti-- "Seafti Istuye. We are with the PDPO we just want to talk to you for a few minutes. No need to get so excited."
Download gives a thumbs up. "I'm going to go find a bathroom," he says. "I'm sure you can handle this without me." He puts a hand against the side of the building and trails it back to the entrance door of the office building. Seafti chuckles nervously, then bends down to pick up the projector and looks it over for signs of cracking and tucks the box back close to her chest.
"Sorry about that, miss," she says. "I have to  get this to my boss in the next-" she checks her watch. "Fifteen minutes, please, and I really can't miss the bus... I don't know maybe you can walk with me to the bus?"
"I can certainly try we actually just spoke to your boss I believe if your boss is Diorxu." Firewall falls into step with the girl, gives her a -- surprisingly genuine, for Firewall -- smile. "We're looking into the cult killings a few sweeps back."
Seafti blinks in surprise. "Oh!" she exclaims. "Did something happen? I thought- I thought the case was closed." She looks down at the projector again, checks her watch, and starts off at a bit of a trot for the stop. Firewall's legs are a lot longer than this girl's- she really shouldn't have a problem keeping up.
Yeah, the situation is certainly going to be  Firewall strolling and this girl scurrying. Firewall is trying to watch Seafti and her phone and the sidewalk all at once, though, so she's not as impatient with the pace as she would usually be. 
"The case is closed and has been however recently new evidence has come to light." Firewall pauses a moment, fingers hovering above her keyboard, before continuing. "We're following up with everyone connected to the case in hopes of reconciling that information."
"Oh," she says. "New information? Like... like there are more cultists around? Who haven't been caught?"
"For security reasons I obviously cannot discuss the information with you in public." Firewall ducks neatly around the pole of a street light. "For now I will ask you were quadranted to Crinix Dancio correct."
Seafti nods. "I was."
"I am sorry for your loss but was Crinix in any way affiliated with or contacted by the occult in the nights before their death." Firewall frowns, allowing a pause in the electronic speech. "Also did you begin working for Diorxu Ildoh before or after the attack did Crinix know them at all?"
Seafti shakes her head. "No, she never was," she says. "Crinix was really good to me, you know? She helped me a lot with bills and things and since she's higher on the hemospectrum she gave me some safety." 
Seafti sighs, and looks into the distance. "I was having a really rough time after I stumbled on her body and everything, so Diorxu gave me the job. I met them because they were reaching out to the other people who lost quads to the cultists."
"Were they now." Another pause, as Firewall opens a note program to enter this information for later, then switches back to text-to-voice. "How did they contact you and what sort of bad time were you having are you in contact with any other quadrants of the deceased?"
Seafti scratches her head, as though trying to remember. "Well, Diorxu was basically camped out in the police station at that time. They'd stay in the lobby if anything just to be there when news hit. They were there when I came in to be interviewed." She stops and looks at Firewall. 
"I was having a bad time because I stumbled across the- the desecrated body of my matesprit," she gestures at the ground, as if there was still a body lying there. "So yeah. I also met the others, but we didn't talk so often since they'd lean on their clade. Lugnio and Ascemi dropped by more often than the rest and Ascemi still calls sometimes."
Firewall jots this down. "Your contribution has been noted thank you we will be in touch if needed." She hesitates. "I am sorry to bring back painful memories but it must be done."
Seafti nods. "Right. Diorxu has my contact information if you need it. Please let me know if you need anything."
Firewall gives a casual salute and pivots away, pondering
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bestdjkit · 3 years
Pollen Presents Takes Over the Grand Oasis for Epic First-Ever Electric Zoo Cancún
Diplo, Alesso, Steve Aoki, Kaskade, NGHTMRE, and Cash Cash headlined the epic, all-inclusive destination festival.
Pollen Presents has had a landmark year defining and developing a new epoch of live music experiences.
Teaming up with some of the most renowned artists in contemporary music—such as Justin Bieber and J Balvin—for exclusive takeovers and one-of-a-kind destination fests, Pollen is positioning itself as the go-to travel experience brand.
So when Electric Zoo announced they'd be collaborating with Pollen last summer, the music community was ablaze with the prospect of bringing the iconic New York-based EDM spectacular to the idyllic beaches of Cancún. 
Electric Zoo Cancún.
Jarett Lopez/EDM.com
Originally slated to run April 7th to 11th, 2021, the festival moved forward last weekend at the Grand Oasis Cancún.
As is standard with many Pollen events, the festival was an all-inclusive experience with food and beverages, accommodations (standard, premium or luxury), pool parties, beach activities, morning yoga classes and, of course, access to all music events.
Electric Zoo Cancún featured DJ sets from headliners Diplo, Alesso, Steve Aoki, Kaskade, NGHTMRE, and Cash Cash, who performed across an array of venues: the Oasis, Beach Stage, and Havana Nightclub as well as La Vaquita, Dady'O, Abolengo, and The City Cancun, Latin America's biggest superclub.
The City Nightclub Cancún.
Jarett Lopez/EDM.com
Attendees were also treated to the signature melodic dubstep sounds of Adventure Club, as well as the thunderous bass music of Jessica Audiffred, Dirt Monkey, SVDDEN Death and more. Additional performances included JVNA, Cloonee, Cat Dealers, Midnight Kids, and Ace Aura.
Over 5,000 electronic dance music lovers flocked to the Grand Oasis Cancún to experience the highly curated production, which flaunted Electric Zoo's trademarks but incorporated the magic touch of Pollen's creative teams. The production included Moko jumbies and dancers in fluorescent costumes, a meticulously-designed tropical lounge, and shaded areas with massive disco balls.
Electric Zoo Cancún.
Jarett Lopez/EDM.com
Electric Zoo Cancún.
Jarett Lopez/EDM.com
Electric Zoo Cancún.
Jarett Lopez/EDM.com
As a part of the all-inclusive experience, attendees had the choice between five restaurants, an outdoor food market, two coffeeshops, and six bars, one of which was open 24 hours and offered an all-night taco stand. Clutch.
Electric Zoo Cancún.
Jarett Lopez/EDM.com
Jarett Lopez/EDM.com
Entrance to the Beach Stage at Pollen Presents Electric Zoo Cancún.
Jarett Lopez/EDM.com
Pollen Presents' mission to "give people a bigger life" and create memories that will last a lifetime was in full effect through their commitment to its members, despite challenges presented by the weather. 
The weather caused beach stage closures on a couple of occasions, but Pollen's operations team was quick to transition to the massive Havana Nightclub inside the Grand Oasis Cancún, even providing up-to-the-minute updates via the official Electric Zoo Twitter account.
If you missed out on Electric Zoo Cancun, no need to worry—Pollen has a huge lineup of destination festivals this winter. You can find out more via the list below and view the rest of EDM.com's photo gallery beneath the links.
• Kygo's Palm Tree Festival Getaway - Cabo, MX - Dec 2-6 • J Balvin NEON - Punta Cana - Dec 8-12 • Framework Cabo - December 9-13 • DEPARTURE Playa del Carmen - Jan 6-11 • Golden Sand - Riviera Maya, MX - Jan 12-16 • J Balvin NEON - Cancun - Jan 20-24 • Diplo’s Higher Ground Cabo - Feb 17-21 • Ibiza Spirit Cancun - Feb 19-26 • Brownies & Lemonade Spring Break Puerto Vallarta - March 21-25 • Tiësto: The Trip - March 31-April 3
Diplo - Pollen Presents Electric Zoo Cancún.
Jarett Lopez/EDM.com
The City Nightclub Cancún.
Jarett Lopez/EDM.com
Cloonee at The City Nightclub Cancun for Pollen Presents Ezoo Cancún.
Jarett Lopez/EDM.com
Cat Dealers at Pollen Presents Electric Zoo Cancún.
Jarett Lopez/EDM.com
Cash Cash at the Oasis Stage at Pollen Presents Electric Zoo Cancún.
Jarett Lopez/EDM.com
Alesso at The City Nightclub Cancun for Pollen Presents Ezoo Cancún.
Jarett Lopez/EDM.com
Adventure Club at Pollen Presents Electric Zoo Cancun.
Jarett Lopez/EDM.com
Steve Aoki at The Beach Stage at Pollen Presents Electric Zoo Cancún.
Jarett Lopez/EDM.com
NGHTMRE at Pollen Presents Electric Zoo Cancún.
Jarett Lopez/EDM.com
Kaskade at Pollen Presents Electric Zoo Cancún.
Jarett Lopez/EDM.com
Steve Aoki closing the Beach Stage at Pollen Presents Electric Zoo Cancún.
Jarett Lopez/EDM.com
Website: pollen.co Facebook: facebook.com/pollencommunity Twitter: twitter.com/pollen Instagram: instagram.com/pollen
Website: electriczoo.com Facebook: facebook.com/ElectricZoo Twitter: twitter.com/ElectricZooNY Instagram: instagram.com/electriczoony
from Best DJ Kit https://edm.com/events/electric-zoo-cancun-music-festival-recap-photos-pollen-presents
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neomuni · 5 years
Haha sadly I don't have connections to venue employees lol but I listen to a lot of punk and hardcore music and those shows are between 15 and 35€ and I spend all my allowance/paycheck on concerts. Yeah, I am still not over losing them (and Wonho too). I only got into The Boyz a few weeks before Hwall left and he was becoming my bias. But he had struggled a lot with his injury and I feel like the pressure to become better and perform again was too much. I wish him all the best in life! (1/3)
(2/3)Yeah Woojin... that boy was my second ult after Eric and I'm just so frustrated because we know nothing about why he left and how he's doing. Seeing SKZ's vlive was heart breaking. Especially since you could see how distressed Felix still is and it's just... idk the words to express my feelings on this one. As for Wonho, I'm so happy to see Monbebe fighting and I'm so mad at starship for not doing shit and forcing the others to perform. They look stressed and unwell and need to rest! (3/3)Dawn always counts! He'll always be a part of Pentagon, even if it's just in our hearts! Hui was my first bias too! Then it was YeoOne, then Shinwon, back to YeoOne, and now it's Jinho and Hongseok as #1, YeoOne and Shinwon as #2, and Hui and Wooseok as #3 lol but I do love them all with all my heart! For Eric Nam I recommend his albums Honestly and Interview. My fav song of his would be Into You. It's a collab with female singer KOLAJ and it's so beautiful!
Ah that's really cool that you can go to comparatively cheap concerts! I really should get more into local indie bands, cause then it would be the same for me probably. Or go to more festivals... but... so much effort 😅
I hope Hwall is doing okay now. And yeah, I'm not over Woojin and definitely not over Wonho, but I'm also not even over Dawnie and I wasn't even a fan back when he left. But with Woojin being your 2nd ult... damn :( I'm sorry. Haven't watched skz content recently; do you feel like their emotions are 'visible'? Or do they mostly act like nothing happened? You mentioned Felix being distressed which makes me... really sad. Makes me wish I could help/comfort him somehow.
Monsta X claimed it was their own decision to continue performing. I'm not sure that's true but either way I think it was maybe the wrong decision. Though monbebe and mx are really trying to comfort each other at performances and fansigns.
I love that you are so undecided about your Pentagon bias 😄 That's truly a typical universe move: just loving them all too much. Also you're truly something special by not mentioning Kino, cause he seems to be everyone's bias. Did you see the girls handing out photocards in Berlin? Kino's was already totally gone when they got to me 😂 (I wanted Hui anyway so I didn't care)
Thank you for the Eric Nam recommendations! Will check them all out! ❤️
0 notes
This weekend in Memphis, we have an international soccer match, a food festival, a movie night, lots of live music, and much more. Here are the five things you won’t want to miss. But first, today (Thursday) I’m co-hosting an NBA Draft Watch Party at The Bluff on Highland at 6 p.m. Come hang out with me, Jason and John from ESPN, and the guys from Grizzly Bear Blues blog to cheer on the Grizzlies as they take their number two draft pick. It’s free to attend. Get all the details here. And now on to your weekend guide… 1. New Ballet Ensemble Presents Summerdance, Halloran Centre, Friday, 7 p.m., pay-what-you-can, all ages/kid-friendly Join the New Ballet Ensemble and School for a unique, family friendly dance performance featuring international guest artists, local professionals, and Memphis students. It’s PWYC, and proceeds benefit the school. 2. Soulin’ on the River w/ Nick Black, Mud Island River Park, Friday, 6 p.m. – 9 p.m., free to enter (parking prices vary), all ages/kid-friendly Come enjoy the new Grove area at Mud Island River Park this Friday night (it’s the part over by the MS river model nearish that new MEMPHIS sign). Gates open at 6 p.m., music starts at 7 p.m., and you can bring your coolers, picnics, blankets, chairs, kids, and nice leashed dogs. They’ll also have food and drink for sale. I recommend parking downtown and doing a bike/scooter across, or if you have strollers or wheelchairs, pay for parking on Mud Island. Details. 3. 901FC v. Pachuca, AutoZone Park, Saturday, 7 p.m., $20+, all ages/mostly kid-friendly The biggest international soccer event Memphis has ever seen is happening this Saturday night. Our very own Memphis 901 FC will take on LIGA Bancomer MX powerhouse Club Pachuca Tuzos. To translate: we’re playing a good team from Mexico, and it’s going to be awesome. These games are a blast for the whole family, just steer clear of the supporters section if swears make you sweat. There are also $10 Bluff tickets available day-of game. 4. Time Warp Drive In, Summer Drive In, Saturday, 8 p.m.-’til, $10 per person, not for kids This month’s all-night movie night at the drive in features some of the weirdest animated movies of all time, including Heavy Metal, A Scanner Darkly, Paprika, and Odd Anthology. I saw Heavy Metal a few years ago and I. was. not. ready. It’s beyond bizarre, and absolutely not for children (probably not for most adults, either). Highly recommend if you’re into creative, weird, artsy. 5. Craft Food & Wine Festival, The Columns, Sunday, 6:30 – 9 p.m., $60-$110, 21+ As of the time of this posting, there are a few tickets left for the 6:30 p.m. and VIP Super Session tastings at this Sunday’s Craft Food & Wine Fest, so hurry up and grab yours. This charcuterie-inspired festival will showcase locally made breads, cheeses, fruit preserves, cured meats and more from 40 vendors. Read more here. Plus a few extras… Summer Nights Sock Hop, Elvis Presley’s Memphis, Friday, 7 p.m. – 10 p.m., $10, all ages Graceland is hosting a sock hop night as a part of their Fabulous 50s weekend (Chubby Checker performs on Saturday). They’ll have music, dance contests, games, best dressed prizes, cash bar with 50s cocktails, and more. It all takes place over at the entertainment complex across from Graceland. Downtown Olympics, Loflin Yard, Saturday, 10:30 a.m. – 7:30 p.m., 21+ Show off your athletic abilities while downing some brews and supporting a great cause. Beer pong, cornhole, tricycle race and more. Prizes for top finishers, best parade entry, best team name and more. Benefits Urban Bicycle Food Ministry. Cloud 9 Memphis Presents Four Places, Theatreworks Memphis, select dates and times June 7 – 23, $20 adults/$15 seniors and students When Peggy’s two adult children take her out for lunch, they quietly begin to take her life apart. The drinks come fast, the tempers peak, the food flies. Hairspray, Theatre Memphis, all weekend and through June 30, times and ticket prices vary, all ages In 1962 Baltimore, Tracy Turnblad dreams of being on a local TV dance show. When she wins a role on the show, she becomes an overnight celebrity and meets a colorful cast of characters, leading to social change as Tracy campaigns for the show’s integration. The Legend of Georgia McBride Opens, Playhouse on the Square, all weekend, 8 p.m. – 10 p.m., prices vary, adults Casey is young, he’s broke, his landlord’s knocking at the door, and he’s just found out his wife is pregnant. To make matters even more desperate, he’s fired from his gig as an Elvis impersonator in a small-town Florida bar, and the bar owner brings in a B-level drag show to replace his act. For more, check out the Summer Events Guide and the blog’s calendar. Are you a home owner in Memphis, with a broken garage door? Call ASAP garage door today at 901-461-0385 or checkout http://bit.ly/1B5z3Pc
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