#cause he smelt the blood his dad was vomiting
artdolliewishes · 9 months
Look I know that the point of Tanjiro’s perfect dream in season two was to show just how pure hearted and kind Tanjiro is, that the only thing he desired was to go back to the time before his family was killed without a hint of selfish wish fulfillment.
BUT, in my heart of hearts I feel like Tanjiro’s REAL “selfish” dream is where all of the above happens AND his dad isn’t dead or terminally ill he’s just chronically ill.
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You cannot TELL ME that Tanjiro doesn’t love his dad so so SO much and that, while he’s fully accepted his passing, deep down he doesn’t wish that things could’ve been different in spite of himself.
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bittybattybunny · 4 years
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Me writing an Au of my original character’s story cuz I had a “what if” moment
This drawing is also a partial ‘redraw’ of an old Kaya picture
I used one of her older outfit designs for this cuz I wanted to. it’s simple but yeah I hope ya like.
Um but here’s the ficlet (this is a short oneshot AU based on my original story “Nightmare’s Dream” this is an Alternate Universe where her human dad isn’t dead and it’s modern age not ancient like her actual storyline):
“Sir, Miss, this way.”
She turned confused as she heard her father being called. She trailed after, doing her best to keep hunched over as they stepped over the barricade into the crime scene. Her nose burned and she reached to cover it disgusted. 
The area was a disaster. Rust colored splothces covered the concrete and pavement. She frowned as she narrowed her eyes as she looked around. Something was bothering her but her dad kept chatting with the police officer. 
Gabriel laughed as he tapped his cigarette package and put one in his mouth, lighting the end with magic. His silver hair was slicked back in a thick braid with many smaller braids interwoven. His brown eyes moved to look at the young woman as she was busy looking around. He chuckled.
She kept her hand over her nose as she wrinkled her nose. It was astringent smelling. She could smell blood, urine, feces, metal, rust. It was giving her a headache. There was also now her father’s smoke. She hated the cigarettes he smoked. It made her head fuzzy. She knew he did ti for his safety but it made her eyes spin. She grabbed the man’s sleeve as she frowned.
“Dad… it smells bad… really bad… it’s sharp and stingy,” she stated quietly as she tugged on his sleeve. She chewed her lip with pointed fangs as her gold eyes darted about the rubble. She gripped his sleeve tighter, “There’s a lot of iron and… dad it smells---” she whined as he didn’t respond. He was busy taking notes down. She made a whine in her throat as she put her chin on his shoulder, “Dad--”
“Kaya dear, just put your mask on if it bothers you that much,” Gabriel stated finally. Reaching into the pocket on his long grey coat, he pulled out a black fabric mask. He held the black fabric up to her and she sighed as she hooked it behind her ears, the smell of lavender overpowering her nose. It made her head dizzy but it was better than the bodily fluids and sharp smoke she was smelling. She looked around, her golden eyes wide open as she surveyed the scene. Her eyes flickered to slits momentarily.
The building had exploded from the left side. The sidewalk was littered in broken bodies broken stonework. Even though it was nighttime there weren’t even gawkers or passerbys. She listened and heard no cars and she frowned as she looked at the sky and narrowed her eyes. As she continued to look around something was annoying her and she couldn’t figure it out at first. Something wasn’t sitting right. This whole scene seemed off to her and she was having issues figuring exactly what it was. Was it the smells, was it the lack of noise, was it her father trying to make small talk with the officer? No. Something felt like eyes. Watching. She knew it wasn’t the normal paranoia she dealt with. This was something else. But where? Where was it coming from? She chewed her lip beneath the mask.
Her eyes paused near one piece of carnage. A large block that’d fallen when the building erupted. That was it! She felt a smile on her lips as she jumped past her father to the shock of the police officer who’d been leading them and made use of her large stature to get over the rocks and cement. The belts and buckles on her outfit created a clink and a clank as she moved. Slowling to a stop before the stone she shook her head to center herself. She put her hand to the stone and scowled, furrowing her brow as she growled. This was what was making her annoyed. She knew it. She looked around at the rubble trying to figure what was different. She pulled her mask down and sniffed at it. She retched slightly.
“Dad.” she stood back up looking over at the older gentleman and pointed. She looked back at the stone as her eyes glinted.
“What did you find? Is it something nice?” Gabriel asked as he took the cigarette from his mouth. He tapped the ash from the end with a small smirk on his face. He watched as she raised a gloved hand and large circles lit up, creating a gust of wind, sending her black hair fluttering. The officer gasped at the sight of the young woman using magic.
“I open at the close, the one who seeks my name shall perish in the blinding lights of my unjust rage. That which began will cease and begin once the time clicks forward.” she recited as the wind and circles faded. She frowned under her mask and pulled it down under her chin. She stuck her tongue out while she started to cough. She turned back towards her father and the shocked officer. Bright red markings dripped on her cheeks like jagged slices. The whites of her eyes appeared a greyer color, darkening as she stood there.
“Was it creature, beast, caster, or spoiled?” her father asked as she frowned. He looked at his notes as she stared at him. The officer looked confused as the others surveying the scene turned towards the commotion she was causing.
“Yes.” was her only response before she looked back at it confused. She raised her hand once more and pulled the glove off. Dark claws and darkened skin blurred together as she placed it on the large block. She began to scrawl on it. Symbols. She worked quickly as she carved line after line into the stone. It started to erode. She sided stepped as a skeleton fell out onto the street. When it clattered to the ground, coins fell out with it as well as a book and some pages. She picked the book up and tucked the loose pages inside. She flipped through it before she tucked it away into her coat with a huff. She would deal with THAT back at the office.
“Oh. a vessel.” Gabriel watched the officer vomit and sighed before laughing at the other man, “Good work sweetie. Is that why it smelt stingy?” he asked as he scribbled in his book.
“Mmhm. Kinda. Partially. Not really. This is more…. It was making me really uneasy? Like how people describe being around me. How I always feel the eyes of the moon staring.” she pulled her mask back up over her nose and knelt down poking the skull with her claws. She sighed heavily before she stood up, the various chains on her outfit ringing. She stretched as the slits in the back of her shirt showed her pale flesh and the dark markings on it and she took a deep breath.
“R I S E.”
Her voice was strong and had an echo that caused a shudder to run through the air as the bones began to shift. Shimmering black threads wrapped the brittle yellowed remains together as it slowly stood up. Its skull clacked and teeth dropped. It clicked and chittered as it shifted with the threads holding it together. A light behind the eye sockets glimmering.
“That’s new.” Gabriel whistled, “who taught you that?” he raised a brow as he watched, “that wasn’t your normal work.”
“Miss Holmes in the necromancy department.” she stated as her father walked over, “she said voice of authority should work for a limited time if the corpse was magic respondent.” she explained as she looked at him. Turning back towards the skeleton, she narrowed her eyes, “Who buried you in the block?” she asked it with a stern tone. It had a similar echo to when she rose it from the ground.
It stared at her. It clattered. It tried to point but it’s arm was limp and it couldn’t fully raise it.
“Hrm. I don’t think this will work sweetheart.” her father patted her back but her eyes were staring firmly at the skeleton. “Sweetheart?” he chewed his cigarette.
“The one who buried me sleeps in the earth but the descendants crave destruction of the barriers,” she stated in a hollow tone. “They knew not that I would rise and that I rested here. The child brings sanctuary.” Her gold eyes were blank as she spoke. Her pupils returned as cat like slits as she snarled some.
“That’s no good.” Gabriel sighed, rubbing his neck tiredly. “I’ve worked hard on barriers after all.” he chuckled lowly, “I would prefer them to not be destoryed.” 
The man turned to the officers, “it seems this is very much a case for our office. I’m going to let my daughter loose to have a little look. It’ll cut on cleanup and casualties.” he laughed as he stomped on his cigarette and looked at Kaya once more, “Ready, sweetheart?”
She whined some as she bent down. He reached to undo the leather choker she wore. He gently unclipped the belts from her arms and legs. There was a sickening feeling in the air. It became heavy. The sensation of being watched. The air was thick and oppressive as he continued to remove the belts.
 She stood up straight for the first time that night. Her stature towering over those deployed. Despite her height she was thin and wispy. Her face was hardened into a steely glare as the man held a black mask up. It had two small horns. 4 white slits decorated the dark surface.
“Here you are.” Gabriel chuckled as he handed it to her.
“Thanks…” she lifted it to her face and set it on. At once four eyes opened on the inky surface before a jagged grin spread. She yawned and the mask moved with her motions.
“Find the one causing this mess and bring them back. If they prove difficult. Eat them.” he ordered her. She gave a nod and in a flash was gone leaving a crater in the pavement. The skeleton wobbled and collapsed into dust on the ground. Gabriel sighed.
“Well that’s not helpful.” he scribbled a note as he looked at the remains. He took his cigarette packet out.
“S-sir… what exactly….” the officer whipped his mouth in shock.
Gabriel smirked as he lit another cigarette, “that’s my wonderful baby girl! She’s a special one for sure!” he chuckled as he blew the smoke through his teeth, “a wonderful girl ever since I found her asleep in the lost woods. My sweet little Kaya.” he chuckled, “she’s our best agent you know.”
She jumped from building to building. Her head was throbbing from the release of her seals. She stood on the church steeple and looked around. She raised an arm as the shadows squirmed and formed crows and bats and tore off into the sky. The moon shifted as eyes opened and the night seemed darker. She looked around as she closed her eyes and focused on the shadows that flew around searching for magic traces. For the one who exploded the grim’s holding.
They ran through alleys. They spied in windows. They flew through buildings that whistled with openings. Her eyes snapped open.
“Found you.” she jumped from the building and vanished into the shadows.
“Should we help her?” the officer asked as Gabriel sat down to pull a not book out. He rolled the belts up as he looked up.
“No, we’ll only get in her way. This is training for her you see.” he chuckled, “do you know who we are?”
“I know you work for Prometheus…” he frowned.
“Correction, I own Prometheus.” Gabriel chuckled as he took a pen to write. He scrawled the message his daughter had recited and frowned, “Someone is messing with the barriers my ancestors laid down to keep the other side from interacting with humans. Kaya is a key to maintaining those barriers.”
She jumped from shadow to shadow, the tendrils clinging as she ran through the city. She stopped as she arrived back on the scene and the officer jumped.
“Welcome back sweetheart.” he hummed, “did you find it?”
“Mmhm.” she pulled her mask off revealing she had four eyes below it. All four trained on the officer. The whites of her eyes were the same inky tone of her hair and claws. Her gold eyes glowed in the night air. The officer backed up. He shook as she kept her stare on him. Like a mouse cornered by a cat he was starting to have issues with his heart. Something wasn’t right.
“Isn’t it fascinating?” Gabriel continued, “how the very people who protect the common folk happen to keep others on their side?” he kept scrawling without looking up. The officer swallowed their spit as the young woman kept her multi-eyed gaze on him. Gabriel chuckled some. “The real way to keep the peace is to play togehter sometimes.”
She moved to open her mouth revealing larger fangs. A dark mist left mouth as she gave a low growl deep in her throat. A second mouth opened along her jawline creating the illusion of her face being a mask. It clicked aggressively as she open and closed it.
“I said it smelt bad,” she spoke in a grumbly tone from both mouths. An echo of her own words. “So bad. The moment I got here. Bad magic. ROTTEN magic. Festered, old, wrong.” she hissed word by word.
“I open at the close.” Gabriel recited from his notes. He snapped his book shut and tucked it away into the inner pocket of his coat, “Sweetheart what does that mean typically?”
“It’s where it started,” Kaya answered him as she dropped her shoulders, her claws seemed larger and her limbs longer. She moved closer to the trembling officer. Four large black wings spread from her back as an unease filled the air. She stepped closer as Horns lifted her hair like inky tendrils and she hissed another cloud of smoke. The air grew heavier.
“Do you know what it means to make thine enemy your friend?” Gabriel asked as he stood up. He dusted his coat off with a chuckle as he looked at his daughter. “It helps you immensely in the long run to not make enemies of those who dwell in magic. Officer.”
Kaya cackled as eyes opened on the wings and the officer fell over foaming at the mouth. She straightened up and sighed as she relaxed now. Her horns vanished like mist as she seemed to return to how she had appeared earlier in the evening.
Gabriel clicked her belts back on and the air returned to the normal calm evening chill. She stood up and shook her head as she shut her lower eyes and mouth. She let her father put the belts back on as the wings faded back to the shadows and she grimaced. She took her choker and strapped it on, the silver cross on it jingling as she did.
He pulled a bottle of cola from his jacket and gave it to her which she eagerly sipped on. She took a large gulp before she groaned and stuck her tongue out.
“What’s the point of making me run around if he was the one?” she frowned, “My mouth tastes so gross now.” she shuddered, “Dad. you said this was a simple thing. I ran all around the city.” she whined as she sipped the soda, “In the end it’s just bad smelling and now my head hurts because you removed so many seals at once!” she leaned on him tiredly as she complained about the evening. She gave a large yawn. Her forked tongue flicked as she shut her eyes tiredly. “It’s rotten and icky and bluh.”
“I had a suspicion. I mean this is nothing but a dummy scene.” Gabriel chuckled as he lifted the round stone from around his neck and peeked through the hole. “You noticed I’m sure. It’s far too quite for a thursday even if it is midnight. He would have done better to stage this during the day, but I feel he wanted to wait for less real victims.”
“Of course I did.” she pouted as she moved to grab the officer’s shirt. The shadows swirled and she threw him through it with a shudder. “I see everything.” she opened her lower eyes as the fog began to lift, “That’s why you bring me, isn’t it?”
“No, I bring you because you’re my daughter and you need to learn to manage this.” He looked at her with a small glare on his wrinkled face. “What will you do when I can’t be your handler?” he asked seriously, “I’m not going to be around forever young lady. You’re already 37. I’m hitting 80 next month. You may look like a teenager but you need to learn this faster.” he chided her.
She sighed and looked away from her father ashamed. She continued to grumble, “you don’t even know that. You found me as a toddler...ish.” she sipped her drink as she pulled her fabric mask back out to cover her face.
“Yes, but you’ve been in my care at least 36 years, and you’re still my baby girl. Now. clean the area up, eat the remains.” he instructed as he checked his notes, “that vessel is the only concerning thing.” he scowled as he looked at what he’d written, “the idiot mage I expected but not an actual vessel to be here.”
“It’s a grim. Not a vessel.” she corrected him as bright circles and symbols lit up. The rubble began to rise into the air. She waved her arms as black threads danced and tied the building back together and stitched them whole once more. She looked at the bodies and whined, “can we please call a clean up instead?”
“Kaya.” her father sighed with a firm tone. He stared at her with faded brown eyes.
“Ugh.” she frowned as shadows shifted and covered the bodies. She shuddered violently and started to retch and cough. She held back the urge to vomit as she continued to remove them and crumpled to her knees gripping her stomach. She wiped the black sludge tears from her eyes.
“The magic tastes so BAD it’s so out of order! Messy! Old! Miscasted! Yuck!” she whined as she bit back tears, “I hate it! Hate it!”
“I know sweetheart but you need to consume the fear they produce.” he rubbed her back as she hiccuped and groaned. “I’ll get you burgers on the way home okay? We can even get some sunflower seeds for your bird.”
“I just hate it!” she stood up and wiped her eyes, “this is the worst.” she looked at him as she sniffled.
“I know sweetheart.” he sighed as he looked at the street. He frowned as he raised a hand, “Oh powers which guide the night into the light I call upon your strength of fate. Return that which has wronged and repel that which is sight.”
There was a haze that quickly faded and the sound of cars was heard as people chattered.
Kaya looked at the city and leaned on her dad with a sigh.
“Let’s go home,” she stated as she stood back up and started to walk.
“We should get your mother a cake.” he laughed as they headed down the street into the crowd. A three-eyed crow taking flight.
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feeling-uncomfy · 4 years
Heyo! Chp 14! What will happen? No one knows. Tho I lied this is kinda fluffy at the end :)
Warnings include:
Dissociation (or how it works for me, the affects of it are different for everyone)
Panic attacks
Hope you enjoy!
Dabi sighed, walking into the bar. Shigaraki had called him and told him he had a 'surprise' waiting for him at home.
Dabi wasn't sure whether the surprise was a good one or if Toga had brought in another dead guy. He came in to find the place empty, which he didnt expect. There was something wrong, though.
It smelt like a corpse. Dabi's nose scrunched up, grossed out by the stench. 'The fuck...' Dabi stopped. Twice did get rid of that hero's corpse, right?
He practically sprinted to the room where he hid the body. Dabi froze at what he found.
Best Jenist was lying on the ground, still dead. What Dabi focused on was the kid that he was sure wasn't there last time he checked. He was kneeling, eyes glued to the body. There was a small puddle of vomit.
Wait, had this kid ever seen a dead body before? How was Dabi supposed to fix him? He approached gently.
"Kid...?" Dabi placed a hand on his shoulder. Nothing. He shakes him, trying to get a reaction. "Tokoyami, look at me." Tokoyami sat there, eyes glazed over. He wouldn't stop staring.
Dabi was slightly confused, and concerned. He tried again to get him to move willingly, to no avail. He sighed and picked him up, and quite literally dragged him out, Tokoyami didnt resist, eyes still stuck on the body.
Dabi sat him on the couch, concerned. He'd never had to deal with this. He didnt even know what this was. He waved a hand in front of his eyes. "Kid, kid you need to listen. Can you even hear me?" Tokoyami didn't blink.
Dabi noticed that the only movement the kid made was scrunching his hands up, holding his hoodie tight. When did he get that? Dabi sat back in defeat. He called Kurogiri, and what a conversation that turned out to be.
For one, they were on the run. Spinner was bleeding heavily, dying over the phone. Twice was splitting, screaming. Toga was happily holding Shigaraki back, as the leader was trying to get revenge. Mr. Compress was driving, swerving left and right.
Two, Kurogiri yelled at the top of his lungs when Dabi explained what he found. He was so loud that Dabi had to put him on speaker to avoid going deaf.
"Twice! You had one job! Now you've caused the child to fucking– Dabi, I'm on my way, I swear I'm never leaving the child alone again!" The line went dead.
Dabi groaned, staring at the ceiling. Though Dabi hadn't heard Kurogiri that angry before, it was kinda scary. He heard a sob, and turned quickly to find Tokoyami curled into a ball. He was trembling head to toe, mumbling to himself.
Dabi cussed and sat in front of him. Tokoyami flinched back. "Kid, it's me. Relax..." Tokoyami choked on a sob.
"I didnt mean to... please dont send me back. I'll be good... I'll be quiet I promise..." Dabi blinked. Was this about the hospital...?
It didnt matter. He gently put his hand on his shoulder. "Kid, I'm gonna pick you up, okay? I need you to breath." Dabi waited until Tokoyami nodded shakily to move.
After a little moving, and trying to go slowly, trying to get Tokoyami to trust him, he eased into the couch, Tokoyami's head rested uneasily on Dabi's shoulder.
Dabi didnt know exactly how to comfort the kid, so he settled for rubbing circles into his back. It seemed to scare Tokoyami at first, but he eased into it, the tremors slowing.
Dabi continued to do this, running a hand through his feathers, trying to quietly calm him down. He noticed Tokoyami slowly relax more and more untill his eyes were half closed.
No way was Dabi letting this kid go asleep without an explanation. "Kid." He started softly, stopping. Tokoyami tensed up again. He stared up at him, seemingly preparing himself for more yelling. Dabi opened his mouth to speak.
Tokoyami beat him to it. "I'm sorry." He mover to get up, still shaking. Dabi stopped him. "You're not in trouble, relax. I just needed to make sure you were okay." Tokoyami seemed to debate with himself. Dabi wrapped his arms closer around him, and the two settled down again.
He started rubbing the teens back and feathers again. In no time, Tokoyami was drifting off. Before he fell asleep, he apologised again, though it came out as a mumble and was slurred. Dabi said nothing, but held the kid tighter as he fell asleep, deciding that the questions could wait.
Dabi sighed. This kid didnt deserve to get yelled at. Hell, he didnt deserve anything that had happened to him. He felt anger build up. The second he was able to, he'd kill Hawks. Tokoyami shifted slightly as Dabi's phone vibrated.
Ah, speak of the devil, Hawks was calling.
He picks up.
Get ready for Hawks to get a VERBAL BEATDOWN and Kurogiri: the dad
Also I think Tokoyami needs some love :)
Especially after the next chapter, poor things gonna need a truckload of love and affection
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bugaboowritings · 5 years
Punk!Marinette - A Short Drabble-
Marinette Helps Adrien out of a Tree
 I have been going down holes as I avoid spoilers. Even found my unfinished writing about Punk! Marinette just had to polish it up. Inspired from art under the punk Marinette tag and @musicfeedsmysoul12 who wrote some things on this au. 
Also I’m slowly posting my work at ao3 to make it easier to find, my username is bugaboo0scrambles for anyone interested. 
Marinette clicked her tongue with satisfaction. Admiring her work with her mirror. With years and years of practice, applying winged eyeliner still seems like a game of Russian roulette. Going perfectly amazing or making her say “screw it” before giving herself a smoky eye to cover it up the ‘step-sisters’ she painted on her lids. Yet, it was a part of her routine, something she kept since that summer ago spent watching strangers talk about products and brushes.
The laces on her boots drew out the gap between leather and skin as if it was a long sign. Marinette tugged on her laces tighter before reaching a fixed level of security. Fitting in like a second skin. Her hand smoothed over her slick new shoes, relishing its aesthetic allure and not helping the snicker that came up her throat. The heels on this pair were a whopping 3 and a half inches. Nothing major compared to the other shoes on display in the market, but it was enough to give her the needed height to make her a pinch taller then Alya.
With that, she carefully went down the stairs. Watching her step as she got comfortable to the new height. Accepting her death only twice while she barely caught herself from tumbling down the stairs.
Stuffing the long laces into the inside of her boots before making it out of the backdoor of the house. Her hand on the doorknob, other on her hip. Calling out to her parent goodbye as the front of the bakery buzzed with customers.
Nibbled on her maroon-stained lips before checking the trash can. Emptying it to before her parents forgot about it.  
The fresh air outside was mixed with the sounds of cars and that horrible unidentifiable “alley smog” rushing to her head. Pushing the plastic bag out the doorway and into the alley. Stepping out before her dad escaped the customers to plot a kiss on her daughter’s head. His beard carried traces of flour while his apron was clean except the splash of fruit-filling by his knee. Wishing Marinette good luck at school before he rushed to get more ingredients as her mother yelled from the front to take care.
Marinette lightly swept her bangs to get rid of her father’s messy, flour kiss. All while her nose crinkled at the smell of day-old eggshells and butter wrappers. Holding her breath and feeling her wrist twist as she opened the dumpster to throw in the trash. Not helping the gag that came up as the garbage smelt of sun-baked vomit cookies. Letting go of the metal lid causing it to slam shut. If her caffeinated tea didn’t wake her up, then that harsh sound did. Even scaring off the black cat that slept peacefully before screeching off into the street.
“How lame.” Chloe scoffed. Rolling her head like a rag doll as she raised her sunnies from her clear-blue eyes. Her nails, done and polished, flicked the lone blonde strand over her ear.
“Nice shoes, Mari!” She yelled. Booming her voice through the quad. “Matches the whole clown suit too!”
Marinette flipped her off without even looking in her direction. Making her way to the other end of the school to meet up Alya. The one classmate that could manage a conversation with her without being intimidated.
Alya typed swiftly on her keyboard without bothering to look at the keys. A skill that Marinette envied and Alya swore to be like second nature after months of drafting sharp observations over comics, movies and Paris local heroes on her blogs. She sported the denim jacket Marinette decorated for her with patches and pins all with a khaki pleated skirt. Topping it off with her very own white-tee. Her new merch, a commission by Marinette, for her Ladyblog.  
Marinette threw her bag under her before lifting her ankles to cross her legs. Rocking back and forth, waiting for the typing to slow down. Once it did, it reached a sudden stop.
Alya sighed and saved her work before tugging her bag on her lap. Sliding her laptop out of harm’s way.
“I got a new scoop last night.” Alya grinned. Relaxing into her seat. Crossing her glossy legs.
“You will never believe what I saw, girl!” Jumping on Marinette as stars lit up in her eyes. A quick transition from her blank expression earlier. Marinette, knowing where this was going, played dumb.
“Let me guess,” Mari hummed, narrowing her eyes at nothing in the distance. Only to get spooked when Alya shook her.
“AHH! I can’t wait! Just let me tell you!!”
Smirking at the journalist. Alya, as if her tongue was on fire, spit on her amazing story.
There she, in the middle of the night, getting a drink of water. Like how she always did when she was staying up late for an article. Only to hear a loud noise outside. Assuming it’s an Akuma before considering the idea of an earthquake happening in the middle of Europe or a plane crash. Incentively fishing for her phone to see the most amazing sight ever. The greatest thing to hit theaters in its time. The most inspiring and jaw-dropping things to ever live in black and white. The scaly, creepy Godzilla! Stomping out the streets of Paris in the dead of night. Apartments lights flicked on as the beast strolled through the street. Holding in its roars as it tossed its tail. Missing a building by a hair. With a “zip” and a “wow”, the Parian hero duo leaped neighborhoods and buildings. Chat Noir tossed his baton in the air, saving Ladybug by the fraction of second from being dino-chum as she twirled up into the air. Ladybug’s yo-yo looped around the monster swiftly with her momentum, tripping the beast toward the bottom of the Eiffel tower. With Chat Noir’s cataclysm ready, Ladybug called on her lucky charm and-  
“- and Agreste at 10.” Alya murmured. Watching Adrien come through the front door with Nino by his side. Laughing at each other as they look back to Nino’s phone. Marinette turned around, groaning- knowing this morning routine too well. Trying to make herself seem smaller as she pushed back her shoulders. Hoping to go under notice. Already feeling his lime-green eyes on her back.
“I’ll be hiding in a tree or at the art studio, whatever I reach first.” Already grieving the loss of a perfectly good morning. “Text me if you need me.”
“See ya.” Alya waved. Slumping back to the bench as Marinette rushed away in the opposite direction of Adrien.
“Ah. . .Come here often?”
Marinette had to stop the snort that came up her throat. Being a second late as a small chuckle left her lips. Having to shut down her face to not give Adrien the fuel to keep going. Bring back that dull expression as she watched Adrien struggle a little bit more.
“I don’t usually come here, but if I do I’m not dangling out of trees.”
“Uh,” Agreste hummed. Unsure what to say as he felt the tingling of blood rushing to his head competed with the deep blush that appeared on his cheeks. Or maybe that was just the pain of his blood rushing to head. Yeah, maybe it was the blood rushing to his head. 
On the bright side, however, it made it harder to see if he’s blushing.
“I’m practicing my tree climbing. . . ?” He smugly answered. 
“Practicing,” Marinette repeated. Letting that lame reason melt on her tongue before she even thought of accepting it. Crossing her arms as she stuck her leg out. Her heel rocked back and forth on the dirt. Creating a little hole as she thought this over.
“I’m not one to try and get into someone’s business-”
“You’re not getting in my business. I MEan, I-I don’t mind you asking about it. .!”
Marinette kissed her teeth. “Right . . . “
Biting her lips as she left out a long sigh. Pitching the bridge of her nose, the click on her rings hitting her septum piercing. She’ll regret this, she knows it already. She just had to humor him, even if it was a little longer.
“So Agreste. I would hate to bother this,” Marinette motioned. Her hands raised up and down and around. “But you seem like you need help? Do you need help to get down?”
“. . .Actually, yeah.”
“Why is Marinette pulling Adrien out of a tree?” Alix questioned. Pointing out the window when Alya and Mylene came over. Her finger covering the odd scene outside.
The three girls press their faces up the glass as they watched the commotion outside unfold.
“It looks like Marinette is shoving him in a tree to me...” Alya mumbled. Squinting her eyes before she removed her glasses. Rubbing them quickly against her shirt before pushing them back up her face.
Mylene bit her thumb, “Do you think we should go and help them? Maybe they-”
A muffled thump hit the ground. A puff of dirt rising in the air, covering the teens outside. Coughing as they waved the dust away. Marinette smoothed the dirt off her jacket as Adrien groaned.
“I think they’re fine.” Alya hummed. Returning to her notebook.
“Okay, so what did you get for question seven?”
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Hurricane P41
Happy x Reader.
Warnings/Triggers: 18+ Only. If under 18, kindely un-follow me please. 
Tags: @moodygrip @mywhitehatisbigger @camobighairnboots @trippinjenni @jenny885
Notes: Oh man.. heartfelt chapter. I wanted to scare you all and say it was the last chapter... I didn’t have the balls to do it.  (I am not ending it sweeties! Maybe I should.. but I cant just yet. I still have ideas!!! >_<)
Pics and gifs are not mine
Waking up the next day, your head was stinging. You stretched your arms and seen Happy was gone. You expected this seeing as Montana didn’t just call the mother charter out for no reason. After showering and throwing on some makeup you slid on your business outfit for the day. Kozik wanted you hear to de-stress but Jerry had mentioned to you he would like your help for their mechanics shop after Jax went on a rant of how there place was too busy not that you marketed it. Wearing a dark red shirt with a black pencil skirt and black high heels you walked down stairs. Researching coffee places on your phone as you did.
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Seeing Trina and Sammy awake and chatting with smiles on their faces warmed your heart. “Morning ladies.” They seen you and stood up. You all hugged and said you normal hellos. “I am going to get some decent coffee. Care to come with?” “Naw, Jax and Chibs are taking us to breakfast after church.” “Oh la la! Well be safe.” You rummaged around in your laptop case taking out a handgun handing it to Sammy. “There is a reason Charming is here. Take it and be safe. If your nervous, give it to Jax or Chibs.” “We have shot a gun.” You smirked to your best friends remembering when Kozik and you took them to a gun range.
“Kozy baby lets go get some coffee.” The dog got off the couch, following close to you.  Walking out of the clubhouse you seen all the boys sitting outside talking. Instead of disturbing them you headed to your Jeep. “Y/N!” you looked back to see Happy walking up to you. “Whats up?” you turned around, facing him. He pressed you up against your jeep, pressing a kiss to your lips. “Assholes keep talking about last nights performance.. plus this business outfit.” He looked you up and down. You looked around Happy to see the boys stairing. “Lets give them something else to talk about..” you winked towards him. You turned him around shoving him against the Jeep. The smirk that spread across Happys face was one of sin. Your hand on his chest, your ass slightly poked out. You licked from his lips to neck, kissing it. He slapped your ass smiling at you. “I love when you get possessive.” He grinned. “Well hunny, now they see I want no one but you.”
“Where are you and Kozy going?” He seen the dog sitting next to you two in the shade from the jeep. “Going to get some good coffee. Can you join?” Happy nodded waiving to the boys. They nodded to him. You opened the door for Kozy. Walking around to the drivers side, Happy held the door open for you. You smelt something off in the jeep and recognized the smell. “Happy get Kozy out now!” Happy looked at your face of fear. Opening the back door he grabbed the dog as you slowly stepped away from the car. “What is it..?” “Gas…” you mumbled. Kneeling down you seen red blinking light. Undoing the tape you held it in your hand. “That’s a fucking trigger bomb.. if you would have started the car.” Happy couldn’t believe it. So that ment the wheel wasn’t an accident as well. “Jax!” Happy yelled out. Jax stood up and the boys following. You held on to the bomb, thinking on how close away from death you were. You heart beat fast, just thinking about it. Jax looked at the item in you hand.  “Y/N… what the..” he looked at it shocked as well. “Someone is trying to kill me..” you mumbled. “Go inside.. I need a moment..” you spoke out to Happy and the boys. “Juice, Opie.. take this apart and see what the hell and who the hell made this..” Opie and Juice nodded to Jax grabbing it from your hands. The boys started to walk away, Happy walking a bit ahead of you. You opened the door to your jeep smelling a hint of something sweet. Something you couldn’t put your finger on. Grabbing your purse and laptop bag and anything else valuable you shut the door. When you did you hurd a fast beeping sound “Run!” you screamed out. Without thinking, the boys did as told. You sprinted, your heels being left behind. Soon you felt heat shower your back and gravity throw you to the ground.
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“Y/N!” Happy yelled, making Kozy stay. He looked to see your body sprawled out on the dirt road not moving. The clouds of black smoke and fire behind you caused his heart to stop. He ran towards you, trying to grab you. He managed to lift you up and seen the blood drip on the dirt. Your blood mixing with the sand below. He rushed you into the club house laying you on the reaper table. “Call an ambulance! Now!” Happy yelled at the top of his lungs. His hands gently on your face trying to wake you up. This was the same thing that had happened to Chibs long ago. Who the hell wanted you dead? Kozik ran into the room seeing his sister covered in dirt and ash from the Jeep. “Y/N!?” He yelled pushing Happy out of the way. “Sis.. please..oh no no..” he grabbed your hand, moving your hair out of your face. He noticed the stiches reopened on your forehead. “Ambulance will be here in three minutes..” Jerry ran in telling Happy.
Sammy and Trina walked in seeing your lifeless body on the table. “What…” they ran over to you, both of them starting to cry. They couldn’t remember a time when you so banged up. They held onto your arm, both of them shaking at the sight of you. The ambulance came in, everyone moved out of the way. “Name.” Was all an EMT said. “Y/F/N, Y/L/N” Happy spoke roughly to him. His eyes never leaving you. “Birthdate.” “Y/BDay.” Happy and Kozik followed behind the EMT. After all getting in the ambulance, they drove you to the hospital.
“Y/Age Female, Last name is Y/L/N. Head injury from previous car accident and car bomb that went of today.” A nurse spoke to the doctor that wheeled you into an emergency care room. He grabbed scissors and cut up your dress and seen some small bruises starting to form where you hit rocks on the dirt. He carefully looked at the back of your head and seen the huge cut. Making quick work he had it cleaned and bandaged in under and hour. Fixing the one on your forehead as well.
Ordering an MRI he seen that your brain functions where normal. You where breathing on your own and you legs still moved slightly. HE sighed a bit walking into the hall to go talk to your makeshift family.
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“Y/L/N.” Happy, Kozik, Trina and Sammy stood up. Kozy tagging along behind them. He brought everyone to a waiting room to sit down. “Good news, her body is still functioning, she is able to move her limbs and arms. She lost quite a bit of blood and from the previous concussion it looks like she might have aswell. Two blows to the head in two days is a tremendous amount of pressure to put on the head and brain. The bad news is.. she is in Acoma. We tried waking her up but no luck. We will keep monitoring everything an making sure she is stable. For now she will rest. You are all welcome to go and see her.” The doctor got up and left after shaking everyone’s hand. Happy slid his face into his hands. Why? Why when he finally got your back did things have to hit the ceiling. Why couldn’t he just be happy with you.. His chest rumbled as tears slid down his face. He couldn’t hold it n anymore. Trina and Sammy seen this and went on either side of him, hugging him tightly. No matter what wrong he did, in their eyes Happy was still family.  Kozik kneeled infront of him, tears in his own eyes. “She is going to kick this in the ass like she kicks everything else Happy.. you know this..” as he spoke he tried so hard to hold back the tears.
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“Happy, Yona, dinner!” you yelled from the kitchen. Kozy jogged in sitting on the kitchen floor since it was cold. Your daughter ran in and gave you a side hug. Her facial structure was strong like her fathers, her hair your color and his dark eyes. She was stunning. “Mom, can I go to the dance with Trevor..?” She asked randomly. “No. No you cannot. Remind me to remind your uncles to be on high alert for that fucking punk.” Happy growled as he sat on the chair. You went to grab the food from the stove and he seen it was heavy. He stood up again to carry it to the table. He slid his hand over your small baby bump as he set it down. “Mom.. he is being irrational..” your daughter pouted to you. “Honey… your in 8th grade.. I don’t know..” you eyed Happy to give some leeway into the situation. “Please mom, dad just think about it. I grew up with him.. he is a great friend!” Happy tsked at that. “Better him then some kid we don’t know Happy. After all Trevor is your “nephew”.. I am sure Kozik would be elated to have his son with her.” Happy sighed and simply nodded his head. “Thanks for cooking hunny, you should not be cooking and working all the time. You gotta be careful for.. the baby.” Happy said with a concerned look. You smiled at your over protective old man. “I will be sweety.” “I agree with dad, mom. I want my baby brother to be safe.” You beamed at your daughter for how sweet she was. “How have you been feeling mom..? Hurd you vomiting this morning..” you sighed a bit. “With you I had no morning sickness. None. With this little guy.. well..” you shrugged.
After dinner your daughter and Happy cleaned the dishes and put them in the dishwasher. They had a soap fight in the kitchen for about twenty minutes till Happy called quits. You daughter calling him a chicken. You got up to walk to your bedroom and changed out of your business clothes. Looking in the mirror you frowned a bit at your body. You knew you had a kid on the way, but you were worried about your kids being so far apart in age. Happy walked in seeing the look on your face as you looked in the mirror. He came behind you setting his chin on your shoulder. “Why the frown?” He rasped out. “Because… What… What… if… I don’t know.. the kids being so far apart in age is a bad thing.. should we have had another..” your worries where evident in your eyes. “Baby.. look at me. Yes we should have this baby. I was so thrilled when you told me the news. Just means Yona can go ahead and make sure her brother is safe aswell.” “We are getting old Hap..” “Oh hush.. we are not. Your as beautiful as the day I met you hurricane..” you smiled at that. “I didn’t say anything about my appearance.” “You had the look on your face my love.” He spoke kissing your nose. He slid his hands over the small bump. Running his hands over your tummy. He pressed a kiss to your neck as you leaned back into him. “Hap.. don’t start what you cant finish..” you moaned out. “Oh my love.. I can do more than finish it..” Smirking he picked you up laying your on the bed. “Don’t worry, I locked the door.” He winked.
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The next morning your head was in the toilet for a good hour. Your daughter rushing in, helping you hold your hair back. After you didn’t puke for a few minutes you assumed you where done. Your daughter helped you up as you sighed. “Sorry to put this all on you..” “Mom shush.” She smiled. “I am so excited to meet my brother!!” you where surprised by this. You always thought having a single kid was going to be spoiled and bratty to the other. However your daughter showed nothing but excitement. Rarely did she ask for anything, always asking how she could help around the house to earn extra cash.
Hearing a knock at the door, you brushed your teeth and slid a robe over your body. Yona followed behind you as you opened the door. “UNCLE LORENZO!” Yona yelled jumping into her uncles arms. “Hello sweet pea!” He kissed the top of her head. Setting her down he walked over to you, hugging you tightly. “Where is the old man?” “Clubhouse working.” You smiled seeing your best friend here. “What are you doing out here?” you asked confused. “Well, Happy texted me you where pregnant. So here I am and they are!” you looked at they confused. You seen a couple guys walk in with presents. “They are just helping me carry things in.” He smirked to you. “Happy texted you.. that is weird..” “Yeah, I think it was more of a FUCK YOU then anything, even after all those years. But, I love Yona like she was mine and I will love this one too!” He smiled to you. “Hell I even love Happy for making you so.. well Happy.” Lorenzo chuckled at his own joke.
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Getting dressed you all headed to the clubhouse. Your stomach still stirring from this morning. Gemma was the first to greet you all. She seen your face very pale. “You need to..” you nodded quickly. She grabbed a waste bucket from the TM garage as you vomited more. She rubbed your back seeing your body continually throw up. Lorenzo and Yona walking to the club house. “Dad!” Yona ran up to her father like she rarely seen him. “Hey princess. Where is your mom?” He nodded to Lorenzo. “Vomiting in the office with Grandma Gemma.” Happy kissed her head and headed towards the office. HE seen your head buried in the trashcan and Gemma rubbing your back. “Oh shit.. babe..” He walked over. You lifted your head slightly to see Happy. “Hey B..” you vomited again in the basket. “Happy, she needs something in her stomach. She is just vomiting bile at this point.” “Right!” He nodded frantic. “What do you want to eat baby?” “Mac and cheese…. Fettucine alfrado.. chicken fingers with chocolate icecream…” you kept rambling. He looked at Gemma confused. “I got it on speed dial..” Happy looked back to see Kozik walking in, overhearing the convo. “She asked me to pick up the same order a few days ago when  you worked late for me. Yona!” Kozik called out. Yona came up hugging her uncle tightly. “What do you want to eat?” “Ohh!!! Mac and Cheese and a burger!!” She said with a huge smile. “I got the payment.. so good to see you all. Kozik go ahead and put a huge order in.” Kozik looked behind him to see Lorenzo. He hugged him tightly” “Fucking good to see my brother!” Kozik smiled at him. “No kidding!” Lorenzo smiled back. “Can everyone but my old man, daughter and Gemma get THE FUCK OUT WHILE I PUKE!” you yelled at the top of your lungs. Kozik and Lorenzo chuckled walking out. “Damn her hormones..” “Please was she any different not pregnant?” Kozik retorted.
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The baby was three weeks early. However he was perfectly fine. You laid in the hospital bed, Happy laying next to you as you held your son in your arms. Yona was staying with her Auntie Sammy and Uncle Jax and cousin Abel. “Marry me..” Happy whispered to you. You looked at him as he waited for answer. So many times he had asked you in elaborate ways, you always said ‘No.’. Because you two had been so up and down till Yona came around. Then time flew. Even then he asked every year and you said not yet. You smiled gently to him “Yes.” Was all you said. His eyes widened expecting you to say no. He pressed a kiss to your lips. “Why now?” “Because, it was calm and I am ready. You never left me and Yonas side, you never hurt me in the years she has been alive. You’re an amazing father… Yes Happy. I always knew I wanted to be with you for the rest of my life.. I just never knew when I would say yes.” Happy grabbed the little black box in his pocket. He carried it with him at all times and had for years. He slid the ring on your finger kissing you once again.
“I still don’t fucking like him..” Happy looked at Trevor as him and your daughter where getting married. “IT is Koziks kid.. I know we all thought he would be family, but those two have been in love since they met. Kozik is thrilled and so is Lily and I . At least we know everything about him. He knows how to protect her and has. He pushed her to finish college and everything.” Happy grumbled. Small tears welling in his eyes. “But she is my baby girl..” “Oh killer..” you hugged your husband. He was defiantly one to get emotional when it came to your children. Your son smiled to you two as he stood at the alter on Trevors side. He was eighteen now and out of the house. Headed to study business like his mother. Yona often taking after her father with the hard exterior and biker mentality. It was funny to see them two grow up. “Wow… who knew this would happen..” Sammy smiled at you, sitting close. “No kidding..” you held your best friends hand, watching your daughter slide the ringer on Trevors hand. Trina crying next to Sammy. Chibs rubbing her back. “How time flies…” Happy looked at you. “Your still the most beautiful woman Hurricane..” He gently kissed your lips before Trevor and your daughter had their first kiss as husband and wife.
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“I miss you mom and dad…” Yona sniffled as she looked at your tombstones. Trevor on one side and her brother on the other. “Its amazing how you really can die from a broken heart..” you brother sighed looking at Yona. “Yeah, the doctor said with in hours..” Trevor said after. It had been the year anniversaries of your deaths. Yona and her brother kissing the top of the tombstones before walking away.
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ours-is-feral-love · 7 years
Find Me Far Away From Here
A/N: My next James x Alyssa story. I’ve been working hard on it. Hope it’s to your liking, and thanks so much for the love on the first one. This is a bit longer and it will be in two parts. Also, it’s unrelated to my previous story. 
Part Two will be uploaded on Sunday around this time.
Summary: James is released from prison after four years for good behaviour. He is told by his parole officer, Jack, that he cannot leave the country. But he has to find her.
Part One
* * *
I can’t see you, but I hear your call/ 
baby, hold on now
* * *
Prison changes you. I know, because it changed me. Not dramatically like in the films. I hadn’t transformed into a hardened criminal. I hadn’t taken a strong disliking to the justice system; only a small one, and that was only because midway through my sentence they changed the meal plan in the cafeteria. I hated fish fingers, but every Friday was Fish Finger Friday.
Prison did change me. It made me human.
See, I had always thought of myself as being somewhere on the fringe of humanity. I wasn’t quite there, but I had one foot in the door. The psychologist they gave me said this had something to do with my mum killing herself in front of me. I was so young when it happened that I switched a piece of myself off in order to cope with all of the trauma. Instead of feeling too much, I subconsciously decided to not feel enough.
I didn’t know if that was true. If that was what caused my apathy and general desire to murder things. But he kept telling me it was true, and I eventually got too tired to argue with him.
The trouble is, I don’t remember a time before my mum died. I remember the actual day as if was yesterday. As if it was a dream I had just woken up from and could still vividly remember. But anything prior to her plunging into the lake with the car windows rolled down—I couldn’t unlock those days. In turn, I couldn’t say whether or not the psychologist was right, or if he was full of shit.
There were snippets. Brief moments—memories. I remembered watching her get ready one evening for a rare date night with my dad. She spritzed a flowery perfume on her wrists, and since the funeral I had wanted to vomit every time I smelt roses. 
I’m not sure if the psychologist was right, but I did know that my shift, my step further into the realm of compassion and kindness and love began the day Alyssa came up to me during lunch. I hadn’t been aware of it at the time. It happened slowly, in small increments, and by the time I realised what she had done to me, I was lying on the ground bloodied and crying. 
I didn’t like it at first. Imagine going more than half your life thinking you were a callous pre-murderer only to find out that you were actually a regular boy. The change was sudden, and it meant, for a while, I didn’t know who I was. 
But, as I said, prison changed me. In my cell, I grew to understand the person I had become after Alyssa unlocked all of my secret doors. It went on even after she stopped coming to see me. Even after she stopped writing.  
The day I was released on parole for good behaviour, I was more than ready to leave. Four years behind bars had me missing the home I had grown up in. Shockingly, I missed my dad. My bed. The comfort of not fearing for my life. Not that I feared for my life very often. Most of the other prisoners admired my story. I learned quickly that rapists were not liked, but people who killed rapists were. 
I was ready to show off my newly acquired empathy. Dad would be proud. 
They came to get me at lunchtime. Two armed guards, one comically short and the other comically tall, approached me as I sat not touching my fish fingers and told me it was time. 
“Harry,” I said, turning in my chair to face my cellmate. He looked sad, so I held out my burned hand. “Goodbye.”
He took my proffered appendage and shook vigorously. His pale cheeks took on a slight pink colour. “Goodbye, James. An honour spending the last few years with you.”
I removed my hand from his harsh grip—my fingers pulsed, but I smiled at him and raised my eyebrows in farewell—and stood to join the guards. Harry was the one thing about prison I would find myself missing. He had been my cellmate for all four years of my sentence, and we had become what I would consider halfway friends. It was either that, or spend however many days hating each other. 
Harry was in for life. He came home from work one night seven years ago and killed his girlfriend with a carving knife while she slept. She had been pregnant with their baby. 
He was actually alright. Whenever there was someone new to the cell block who looked at me funny, Harry would teach them to be afraid. 
I always had someone watching over me, even in a place filled with the worst kinds of people. 
Harry said he didn’t remember the murder. That was a lie. I had heard him talking in his sleep. He dreamed a lot about that night. I looked past his tendency to tell false truths, though, because I liked being his friend. When I wasn’t worried about him murdering me as I slept on the bottom bunk, he was a lot of fun to be around. 
The two guards walked either side of me out of the eating area. One of them handed me a bag and told me I had to change into the clothes I was brought in wearing. They let me go off to the private toilets, but I wasn’t allowed to lock the door. I dressed in my civilian clothes and the guards escorted me through the penitentiary one final time. 
My trainers squeaked against the white floor. Someone got stabbed in this spot with the sharpened end of a toothbrush last night. Twelve hours ago these floors glistened red with Robert Roberts blood. The cleaners must have spent a long time polishing the area. 
It was the middle of July and there I was, waiting for the man by the prisoner’s exit to give me the rest of my things, in a large, black sweater and long, black trousers. I had managed to run for longer than anything thought I would—longer than I thought I would. It was the early November when I got picked up. 
“Bye, James. Don’t wanna see you back here, you hear?” one of the guard’s—Jerry; he was a prick—said as I exited the building. 
I nodded back to him and turned to face the outside world. A long fenced-in area blocked me from true freedom, but I heard a buzz and a click and the metal door a couple of metres down the dirt path slid slowly open. The bright sun hurt my eyes. I could already feel the heat crawling underneath my clothes. I wanted to drop the box that I held in my arms and rip off the sweater.
I heard another buzz. A car horn. 
He pulled up in his new Mercedes. The colour was nice. Nicer than the old one. It was grey and shiny. He didn’t get out. Jails had always worried him. Whenever he would come to visit me, his eyes would dart left and right as if he was scared someone was either going to pounce on him, or put him in shackles. As I walked up to meet him I could see my reflection in the passenger side door. 
Dad rolled the window down. He had dressed up to collect me. A thoughtful, if unnecessary, gesture. He smiled so wide I could count all 30 of his teeth. “She’s beautiful, isn’t she?”
He was referring to the car. 
“Yeah,” I said looking it over. 
I got inside. Dad immediately started talking. I had forgotten how much he loved to fill the quiet with meaningless noise.
“And she wasn’t expensive. And she’s an automatic. How handy is that? I kept putting my foot down for the clutch when I first got her . . .”
He went on about the car, never once mentioning anything about the fact that I had just been released from prison after being interned for murder, as he drove me to my parole officer’s building. 
He had no idea I was going to steal it from him later. He never learned. 
* * *
If you’re waiting all your life/ 
you won’t ever go
* * *
Jack Smith was a round, balding man. His entire office smelt of cigarettes.
In prison, cigarettes were used as currency. Because of their worth, I thought I should try them out. Build up an addiction. But one drag and I was sick. They reminded me too much of Alyssa. Of our time together. 
I sat in front of Jack Smith holding my breath as he talked about the rules and regulations of being a man out on parole. There weren’t a lot. Don’t break the law was the big one Jack kept repeating in his harsh Geordie accent. 
“You look like a good enough kid, James,” he said.
It irritated me. “I’m not a kid.”
Jack rolled his eyes and wrote something down on a sheet of paper I couldn’t see. “I said you look like one. You coerced a girl into running away with you and then killed someone. You’re obviously not that good.”
I didn’t like Jack. 
“Speaking of the girl,” Jack said, and my ears strained instantly. He looked down at me, scratching his scruffy beard. “You’re not to see her.”
I felt sick. My chest hurt. My hands started to shake, so I stuffed them underneath my thighs. “I don’t even know where she is,” I said. 
Jack didn’t look convinced. He nodded, but there was mistrust in his brown eyes. “Sure, Kid.” He liked calling me Kid. I think it was a purposeful decision. An attempt to undermine me. “Look, just . . . no causing trouble. No leaving the country. No late night parties. You’ll be coming to me every two weeks for the next five years, and if I smell even one drop of alcohol on your breath, you’re gonna be in big trouble.” 
“Yeah. Of course.” 
“It’s hard,” he said. He was like my dad. He loved talking just to save himself from the quiet. I had learned in prison to be okay with silence. “It’s hard to come out of there. Especially for someone as young as you, James. You’re gonna struggle to find yourself, but you’ll get there in the end. You have to. The only two other options are more jail time and death.”
Jack seemed like he was trapped between being my parole officer and being my therapist. I preferred the parole officer persona. Inspirational speeches tended to irk me slightly.
Besides, I didn’t find it hard to readjust to life as a free man. Going to jail had put my world on pause. Now that I was out, I could finally press play again. And Jack didn’t know what he was talking about. I had not lost myself. I knew exactly who I was. 
“Get out of here, Kid.” Jack waved me off, telling me to be on time for our next meeting and warning me he might drop in unannounced at times to check up on me. 
I hoped he wouldn’t come tonight. 
I left Jack’s smoke-filled office still itching to take my sweater off. Dad was waiting outside in the car for me, blasting the AC and listening to the radio. We drove home. Dad commentated the entire time, running lines with the radio host. Was this what he had done while I was jail? Talk to people who couldn’t hear him? 
When we arrived home, I was overcome by this strange feeling. It was as if I had been away on vacation for a really, really long time. The air outside of the car was warm and I looked at my house and I was . . . content. Almost happy. To be there. To be with my dad. To be away from the cold, pristine walls of the jailhouse. We went inside, me carrying the box, my dad carrying a smile and the keys to his car. He hadn’t stopped smiling since he collected me. 
I felt guilty that I would again be responsible for wiping that smile off of his face as I watched him place the car keys in a small, ceramic bowl on the kitchen table. 
Dad left me alone for a while so I could reacquaint myself with the place. Everything looked pretty much the same. It was all of the old things I had seen my whole life. All of the seventies-era wood panelling; the small, box telly; the ugly sofas upon which I sat plotting a wild assortment of different murders. 
I trudged through the long halls and found my way upstairs. My room was untouched. The sheets looked washed and the floor looked hoovered, but other than that there were no changes. 
Placing the cardboard box on the bed, I finally tore my sweater off and threw it into the empty bin by the door that lead the roof. Next went the trousers. The psychologist said at our last session that when I was released I should throw away as much as I could that reminded me of my crimes. Standing in just my pants, I lifted the lid of the box and stared inside. I knew exactly what was in there without needing to study each item. There were handfuls of letters. Over 400 with my name on them and a red lipstick print on the upper right hand corner.  
I reached inside. I sensed the energy radiating off of the envelopes as my fingertips neared them. 
I brushed against a stack and instantly retracted my hand as though I had been electrocuted. 
I couldn’t do it. I quickly grabbed the lid and pressed it firmly over the box, blocking its contents from view. Half-naked, I sat on my bed, ignoring my dad’s call from downstairs that dinner was ready. It was unfair, but I needed him to think I had gone to sleep. 
Hours went by before I heard the telly go quiet. Dad came up several minutes later. I listened carefully for the sound of his snores. They met my ears in less than half-an-hour. 
I dressed quietly in a pair of dark jeans and a plain black t-shirt. From inside my neat closet, I pulled an old zip-up hoodie just in case I got cold on my journey and the grey suit I wore for my trial. I made my way to the door, stopping before I opened it to look back at the box on the bed. 
I should have left them, but they called to me and I was their slave, so I snatched the box and opened the door one-handed. 
Downstairs, in the kitchen, the keys were exactly where Dad had left them. Setting the note I had written for him on the table, I plucked the keys from the bowl and soundlessly crept out of the house. The car started with ease, and the engine was quiet, like it knew we were not meant to be doing this. Like it was on my side. And I drove away. Headlights shining, an old tape playing through the speakers. 
I’ve gone to find her. 
That was what the note said. 
I’ve gone to find her. 
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bonniebird · 7 years
Jonathan Christopher Morgenstern (Part One - The Runaway)
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AN: So this will contain MAJOR spoilers for people who haven’t read the books. Also this is super au in the fact that Jonathan is way, way out of character. 
It started this a few years ago to sort of deal with what he did in the books and wrote a few parts but was going to delete it because no one really read it.
However some people are interested so I’ll give it one more shot.
Jonathan ducked through a back ally hoping to lose Luke's minions without bringing them unnecessary harm. He didn't want to enrage Sebastian and awaken his demon half but these dogs didn't understand why he was fleeing. It was for both there sake's.
"Stop this Jonathan, just destroy them." Jonathan shook Sebastian's cruel nature from his head and forced the demon's angry burning into the pit of his stomach, while launching himself at a set of silver chain link fences, that told him he was entering Raphael's territory. 
The angry yelps of a young wolf distracted Jonathan long enough for Sebastian to rise again and squirm his way to the forefront of the young Shadowhunter's mind.
"We'll kill the vampires and take their land." Sebastian's poisonous words were difficult for the boy to resist as they drawled from his own lips, but a distraction from the demon appeared in the form of a small Mundane, hurtling round the corner of the alleyway Jonathan had jumped into. 
The Mundane ploughed into the boy and knocking him sideways, he stumbled and fell to the floor. The Demon's laugh thundered through Jonathan's head like a nasty headache.
"I'm sorry." A small voice squeaked from above him. Jonathan looked up ready to shout at the beautifully voiced Mundane for being so useless.  Words failed both halves of the boy as they took in the vision before them.
The girl had a heart shaped face, large warm hazel eyes with flecks of shimmering gold scattered thorough them, her dark hair fell in gentle waves around her face as she looked down at the boy. 
Jonathan swallowed as his eyes wondered over the rest of her perfectly shaped body. She was clothed in tattered rags which had obviously once been a simple t-shirt and jeans. A dark hoodie clung tightly to her body and the sleeves were a good inch or two shorter than they should be. She smiled at him kindly and held out her hand to help him up, her actions reawakening Sebastian's malicious mind.
"Oh Jonathan don't you just have the urge to devour her, she's so.... Innocent." The fair haired boy shook his head and gratefully accepted the girl's hand. Once he was up right he realized he was a good foot taller than the Mundane. Jonathan stood staring at the girl, her eyes widened as he stepped into the street light that lit the alleyway. The girl flushed and squirmed under the intensity of the boys gaze and looked over her shoulder as a crash and voice split the couple's silent moment.
"What's your name?" Jonathan asked gently.
"Amyelia, what's yours?" She asked shakily as shadows fell upon the Ally way entrance.
"Se- Jonathan." He stuttered for a moment. She nodded and turned to run but found her way blocked by the six foot Silver fence. Jonathan grabbed her arm not wanting a Mundane's death to be caused just because she smelt of him; he didn't put much faith in the intelligence of werewolves.
"Who are you running from?" He asked with such urgency that the girl hesitated and stopped trying to escape from his iron grip.
"My Father's monsters." She said almost in tears as three large hooded men rounded the final corner of the ally way and pulled out glinting knifes.
"Me to." Jonathan muttered before dropping her arm and allowing Sebastian to take over his body.
Jonathan awoke in a pile of bloody bodies and what he knew was his own vomit, ever since his father died he'd become conscious of what he was doing and gradually he was able to gain control over Sebastian. 
He wanted to change and prove to his mother that he needed her help to change. To be the son she could love. But Luke had destroyed every chance he had at getting close to her.
"Jonathan?" A small voice stopped the silent flow of tears falling from Jonathan's cheeks. He waited for his skin to heal before looking up at the gentle face of Amyelia. She handed him a plastic cup of water and a paper towel. Jonathan looked at the drink with a quizzical expression.
"The bank gives out free drinks." She muttered awkwardly when the boy didn't take the cup from her. She hadn't run from him. He'd killed these men and she came back for him. 
Sebastian was weak from his sudden loss of control but Jonathan knew it wouldn't be long before he was back. He decided to act quickly before his actions could be tainted by the demon.
"Do you need somewhere to stay... would you like to stay with me, it'd be safer than being out here?" He stood and took the cup from the girl who seemed happy that he was able to stand on his own. She shook her head leaving an angry feeling of rejection stirring in the pit of his stomach.
"I can't you already saved me and where ever I go they find me again." She sighed and turned away from the bodies, Jonathan flinched realizing she probably wasn't used to death.
"Please you look like you need help and I have somewhere to live, it's hidden... I'm sort of running to." He looked hopefully at Amyelia's back and couldn't help admire the way her hair tumbled down the sides of her hoodie and fell gently around her elbows.
"I don't know Jonathan..." She stepped away from him, Sebastian forced Jonathan's body to angrily turn the girl to face him, she gasped as she took in his twisted grimace which slowly melted into Jonathan's kind, gentle smile.
"I'm sorry... that happens sometimes, your right I'll leave." Jonathan mumbled before handing her his half drunk water and hurried away from her. Sebastian roared in protest demanding the boy to take the girl or kill her so no one else could look on such a pretty face. It wasn't until her footsteps alerted him she was following him that the demon was for once silence.
"It's ok, my dad used to get pretty mad at my mum, at least you don't lose it... much." She muttered as she glanced back at the bodies and hurried to catch up with Jonathan who was now hurrying at a tremendous speed through the back alleys of Brooklyn.
"Well here it is." The boy said hopelessly, wondering if Amyelia would just turn around and leave but to his surprise and Sebastian's glee she smiled brightly.
"It's lovely; I mean it needs some light and a bit of a clean but..." She blushed and looked up at Jonathan who was watching her clean up his dinner plate from last night, he shrugged unsure of why she found the run down loft nice.
Jonathan had found a small one bed apartment in Brooklyn that wasn't on anyone's territory and the fact that Raphael's hoard of bloodsuckers lay between him and Luke's pack was a bonus. He had spent week's learning how to hide himself from Magnus and other beings so that once he was in the building he was basically non existent.
"There's only one bedroom, it's through there... you can have it." The boy led Amyelia through the dark, dusty living room to a large white room, that was lit by on small skylight. The room was empty, apart from a large double bed with an old looking metal bed frame and a picture of a slender Red headed woman with shocking green eyes taped to the wall. 
Jonathan looked at the picture lovingly before smiling to Amyelia and ducking out of the room in a polite manner.
"Wait I can't take this room, it's the only one with a bed I'll sleep on the sofa." A dark smile played over Jonathan's lips and for a second his black eyes seemed to swallow Amyelia but after a few moments he was back to normal and simply refused to put a lady to sleep on anything but a well-made bed. 
Amyelia had never been called a lady before and agreed with him hoping he'd leave before he saw her blushing.
"I'll leave you to sleep." Was all he said before shutting the door and leaving her alone.
"Oh Jonathan, aren't you tempted to sneak in while she's asleep, touch her skin... take her soul and feast on the innocence." Sebastian tried to pull Jonathan back towards the room where Amyelia was sleeping, but Jonathan refused and instead hurried into a study which was hidden by a numerous amount of wards.
Once Jonathan had settled he had started looking for ways to get rid of Sebastian, trying desperately to look for a way to rid himself of demon blood and return to his family, it had taken him two years to come to the decision but once it had wormed its way into his head it stayed, much to Sebastian's anger.
"Leave her alone." Jonathan hissed as he looked in the mirror he had hung in the centre of his study. The walls were covered in paper and manuscripts of how to rid demons but nothing helped him, not even the Seelie queen would offer him a deal.
"Why, she won't love you Jonathan... is that what you want, someone to love poor evil Jonathan." Sebastian grinned devilishly at Jonathan in the mirror. The Shadowhunter removed his black jacket reviling his toned arms that were covered in runes.
"Because I told you to, I'm just helping her." Jonathan glared at the mirror but Sebastian tilted his head to the left, as Jonathan tilted his head to the right knowing it would annoy the Shadowhunter and distract him from the papers he was looking over.
"No, you wish you could kiss those soft rosy lips of hers, her body's just the right size for you to cradle to your chest while she sleeps. I'm in your head Jonathan, you can't hide from me." Sebastian chuckled darkly when a wave of anger washed over the shadow hunter as the demon's taunts struck a nerve.
"SHUT UP!" Jonathan yelled at Sebastian before pulling his Stele from his boot and drawing a sleeping rune on his arm, heading into the dirty living room. He flopped down on the sofa as the rune knocked him out and happily slipped into the dark comfort of sleep.
Amyelia woke up for once feeling well rested, the sunlight streaming into the bedroom making Amyelia feel warm and lazy despite the many hours of sleep she'd had. Deciding to get up Amyelia stretched, her arm hit against something soft and knocked it to the floor with a quiet thud. 
She quickly hurried to retrieve what she now realized was a simple white cotton dress a black hair ribbon and a matching pair of black ballet flats with ribbons on. A note was tucked neatly in on of the shoes in a delicate scrawl.
Amyelia, I've gone out so don't go outside or answer the doors unless you're sure I'm there
Amyelia shrugged and got dressed happy to finally be out of her old clothes and decided to explore the loft.
Amyelia discovered that the door, she had originally thought was a closet, was a tiny bathroom with one small window which was covered in paper so that only a tiny sliver of coppery light shone into the room. She pulled on the paper and allowing the room to be flooded with light. Amyelia blinked in the sudden brightness and tutted at the state of the bathroom.
It was neat and tidy to a point, it needed a through clean but nothing a god hour or two couldn't fix. Amyelia's mother used to carry her around while cleaning and although to most would find house work a menial task Amyelia loved it, it was the one thing that reminded her of her mother. 
To her delight there were some old bottles of cleaning product the cabinet beneath the sink.
Amyelia set to work on the bathroom and was satisfied with her quick work. Once she was sure the bathroom was clean, she skipped into the lounge carrying a bucket of cleaning product. 
The dark room was dusty and covered in sheets. The first thing Amyelia did was pulling all of the large sheets down from the windows and rolled them all into balls. She cleaned for what must have been hours because when she was done she collapsed on the sofa and drifted to sleep.
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