#cause it makes me feel so Gross
some people in this fandom are going to be really disappointed when winds of winter comes out.
you guys. you cannot treat the POV characters as stepping stones for other characters/other POV characters.
the POV characters must have a fitting end according to their character arcs, themes, foreshadowing, etc.
to clarify, the POV characters chapters are about THEM. their storylines are about THEIR journey. you cannot use their hundreds of pages of character development as a brick to build the castle your fav will live in.
this is especially true for the key 5 and for the other younger POV characters. their endings have everything to do with them, they do not revolve around your fav.
us readers out-of-universe reasons for wanting x or y characters deaths does not matter. what actually matters is if you can support your theories with textual evidence from the chapters of the POV character that you want dead.
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alluralater · 4 months
i was out with my little sister picking up snacks for a movie night and on the walk back we stopped into a local restaurant that i wanted to show her and bought her one of their best (not that i would know cause i’m allergic to shellfish but i’ve HEARD great things) sushi burritos. while we were waiting for it we just chatted for a bit about random things. when they gave us our order we made to stand up (the table we were at for to-go orders is right next to the door) and in walk all these kids from prom. i was like AWWW how adorable! most of them had colored hair and were gnc expressing (some had lgbt pins on as well) but listen okay. one of them stopped at the door upon walking in and at this point my sister and i were standing and this kid goes “your hair is gorgeous” and im sorry but i felt my face go from aww to EUGH. like it was so visceral because the tone of voice was so gross and sexual and then MORE of them were jumping in but the looks on their faces had my stomach turning— TURNING I TELL YOU. i was like ushering my sister out the door in front of me and literally had to shake off how gross it let to get hit on by children. i don’t give a fuck if some of them were lEgaL age okay, that shit was GROSS and those are BABIES. my sister was like “i think you were the gay awakening for some of them” and i told her definitely not, those kids know they’re not straight AND they must know that im a full ass adult. like okay i remember being their age and thinking pretty adult women were hot too but jesus christ. and THEN my little sister starts telling me i have a baby face and that she looks older than me and i legitimately stopped in the middle of the sidewalk and was like “NO I DO NOT IT’S JUST MY CHIPMUNK CHEEKS. I DONT LOOK ANYTHING LIKE THEM!! AND I’M TALL SO I LOOK OLDER ANYWAYS” and she’s laughing at me as if this isn’t the biggest knife to the back. AND my girl told me early on that i have a baby face and she ALWAYS makes jokes about it which i find endearing if not a bit wild (i scrunch my nose when she says that and she said it makes me look even younger so now i just furrow my brows at her) and what the fuck!! i never actually thought i had a babyface, just that i had really full cute cheeks and now im being confused for what?? a CHILD?? I AM A WHOLE ADULT WOMAN OF 25 AND I AM FIVE FOOT EIGHT!!! I WILL NOT ENTERTAIN THE GAY PANIC OF CHILDREN. GET OUT OF MY SIGHT YOU BABIES. god i cannot wait for my wrinkles to come in and i can be such a sexy woman in my thirties and no one will mistake me for any other age than the one i am!! my girl was like “i hope you get carded at every bar forever” one time and now im thinking that i DO get carded because i look like a baby and not because they’re doing their due diligence. the fuck kind of bullshit is this?! and i know i can’t be like mad at kids for this but it was SO gross you guys. the smile left my face so fast when i realized what was happening. they were like a swarm of little gay bees and i was trapped between this table and the rest of them flooding in through the door all because i wanted my sister to try an awesome food place. I’M SICK OF THE DISRESPECT!! I DO NOT HAVE A BABYFACE!!! next time i will not hold back my nausea and i will throw up
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shiraishi--kanade · 4 months
A controversial opinion perhaps, but I actually don't enjoy ethical AI art either.
Sure, if an artist wants to draw like 200 pictures and then train an AI to reproduce their style, they can do whatever they want. If they want to sell that and are upfront about it being ethically made AI art, whatever.
But the entire notion of automating art, something that makes humans uniquely us, something we've been at for millennia, for the sake of capitalism or production or time-cost saving or whatever, makes me sick.
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vel17 · 2 months
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naenaex0xx · 5 months
maybe I'm comfortable with tumblr because I get to say things I don't usually tell anyone
#like how my day is? or what dumb stuff im doing lol#my “safe space” where i got to meet people somehow (and theyre very cool :3c)#well. im happy if i get to do it now#cmon nae! sympathy points wont do you any good !!#okay so. tumblr gets to be my little planner too cause i get to write things in the momoment#so im writing things im proud of!#brushed my teeth for more than two mins today#n i actually washed a lil! its embarrassing writing this here because i dont want anyone thinking im dirty.... since its gross#but anyways.. im getting better at putting my phone down at night!#that means fixing my sleep right? i just have to sort out the mornings since i lose track of time#and struggle to leave bed (its too comfyyyy >.<)#and oh. i want to start going on walks..#itll be hard since the house is getting done n stuff but. anytine if the day. i feel like taking walks woukd be better for me#just to keave the house. my eyes always hurts when i steo outside#n thats not good :<#those are my goals for now. i do wanna get closer to my friends. and actually make friends!#ive had no friendships for nearly a year at college lol#its just been 'oh well' but i have actually felt lonely... oh well-#i guess i wanna get closer to people?#and.. talk to ny old friends too#i feel to guilty#im not good with this stuff. it drains me#but anyways. baby steps right? who knows#maybe ill make a friend on the trip! or next year too! that sounds good#ik nobody'll probably read this cause its word vomit lol#but basically yay yippee im feelin kinds alright#<333#posts.nae/rambles
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rosicheeks · 5 months
Sometimes what I'm jacking off to just doesn't cut it, so I imagine it's you in the video or audio instead and it always makes me cum harder. Like yes that is Rosie I'm fucking against the window where anyone can look up and see. Yes indeed I'm covering Rosie in cum so I can have an excuse to fuck her in the shower.
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kravchikfreak · 1 year
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i bet you know how these two pairs are the same one ship
and i FUCKING HATE them both for that
shit's gross, i'm actually anwell
i'll rant on my stupid tags but this is important
#i'm bi and i hate all of this shit#cazzie#madlyn#well okay to be fair i don't hate the first one#but ONLY cause i shipped them long before they turned out the way they did#but i HATE IT when they take “straight” girl in “straight” (and in both instances in actually decent) relationship#and make them “bi” just so they can legally push them into lesbian relationship#FFS#and once again it's kinda okay with cazzie cause they were like legit friends with legit development and all#and writers only made casey an asshole in order for wlw ship to happen instead o ongoing wlm one#but with ash and maddox they made two inocent boys to be fucking assholes just so “bi” girl could be legal lesbian?#i'm sick of this gross fucking trope it's so shit and everyone who use them is shit too#also making one bi character an actual cheater and another bi character almost a cheater???? out of the only two confirmed bisexuals#WOW just wow#and they both cheating and almost cheating with the sex opposite to their actual significan other's sex? REALLY?????#p.s. i don't hate madlyn per say it's okay as a ship and all go queen all that#but the way they were inserted in canon is outraging that's it#same goes for cazzie#i was shipping them from like their start and ypu know the feeling when you actually see your ship having canon feelings?#well for me it wasn't all that fun cause i knew THE PRICE#and i will never forgive writers for how shitty they made me feel about my beloved ship becoming an actual canon
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crimeronan · 1 year
every time i get an ao3 comment on a horror fic along the lines of “jesus fucking christ. this is so vile what the FUCK what the FUCKING FUCK THIS IS SO FUCKED UP” i hug my laptop to my chest and kick my feet and roll around in bed giggling like a schoolgirl who just got a love letter from her crush. omg you got physically nauseous.....? eeee
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wherewolf · 1 year
i fundamentally do not understand or relate to ppl who won’t go out of their way to show kindness to an animal. so u lose a bit of time and consume a bit of energy but in return actively improve the life of a living breathing creation and therefore the world around u??? i’ll make that trade any day
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the-kipsabian · 2 months
i hate my skin i wanna crawl out of it pls
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wool-string · 1 year
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It’s definitely summer
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polarfarina · 4 months
Went to the dentist last Tuesday and it was the most reassuring dental appointment that I have had in a while. I'm lucky enough to have good insurance (until November anyway) so I go every six months and the last couple have been like "obviously you need to floss more" (I floss at least once per day, often more times than that) and "you need to brush this area more" (when I have already put so so much focus there and apparently my efforts are useless) but this time I said preemptively "sorry there's so much buildup on this area of my teeth, I floss and floss and I can't get it perfect" and the hygienist was like "oh this is a problem area for literally every human being that goes through this office. Yours looks awesome compared to most people" and that alone took such a big burden off my dental worries. Also my gums have receded a bit and before they had just said to me "brush gentler" but this time she explained that it's actually really common for people who grind their teeth (I do that) and that wearing a night guard (I have one) does a lot to mitigate that gum recession and I was like "Oh so I'm already doing everything I can?" And she goes "yes :)" and it was like. Oh. Nice.
I had braces as a teen and my parents had to basically get a loan to pay for them so I've been heavily aware of the cost of my good teeth health. Last year I had to get a filling and it was like I failed to keep my teeth perfect 😱😰. But cavities are common. Most adults have fillings if they can afford to get them. It can happen to anyone and it's not me letting anyone down. It's me being human
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exmotranny · 1 year
even when i've been pimo for years it still hurts that i really can't feel safe at church. like it's not an option
today's seminary lesson was very much about gay and trans people and being the only visibly queer person in the room. i genuinely didn't feel safe. and this has happened so many times over the years but it still stings. and i'm tired.
i finally feel comfortable in my body and present masc but then i have to wear a dress every sunday and we're back to square one
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somelazyassartist · 1 year
Ough I need to avoid my TAZ shelf when I'm tired, because reminding myself that The Adventure Zine and the graphic novels are right next to each other and how painful some of the differences between them are legitimately gives me a migraine. That and my eyes are weird so looking at comics for too long just does that anyways but I digress
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ace-apple · 9 months
every time someone talks about qcellbits relapse as "giving into his urges" or some shit in that vain an angel loses its wings a fairy dies etc etc
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allofuswantgwinam · 9 months
random but like 2 months ago my mom saw this video of this mom and daughter that would cuddle and like one of those touchy families ig and me and her do not and never have done that. Well this woman came to me after she saw it and was like talking about how she felt like maybe she wasn’t affectionate enough and I was like “no please. do not cuddle with me, i like how we are” and this bitch said “good, me too. but it just made wonder if you felt that way” 🤣🤣🤣 she’s so funny. i told her either way it’s too late now, i don’t even like when my friends are touchy with me most the time either but if i love you enough i will tolerate it 🤣🤣
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